Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Jan 29-31 2017
Days 80, 81 and 82 of no 45's insurgency.

 No 45 has been busy with all the EO's he has written and there are protests happening everywhere because of it.

He's whining that the protests aren't going his way and that people are mad at him. 
He attacked Obama because he's an asshole. And Obama responded to the ban as classy as he ever was.
Triumph the insult comic dog trolls no 45's supporters and it's hilarious. 
Let's all thank no 45 for all the things he's done.

Idiot Steve King claims he has the proof about fake voting because he added it all up. 

No 45 trying to mandate science, like he knows what that is... 

Possible replacement for Spicer happening soon...
Plans to build a detention center

And poor no 45's so tired, he's going on a vacation after 2 weeks

The Attorney general, Sally Yates, was fired because she knew how illegal no 45's executive orders and defied him

For whatever reason, the White house omitted certain people during Holocaust remembrance day because they're idiots

And a military operation kills 2 Americans, one a child

Apparently, no 45 still thinks all laws he makes MUST be followed and the executive branch has no say in them.

During his first official interview, no 45 concluded it by showing a photo claiming to be his inauguration but it was actually the woman's march. 

No 45 attacked comedian Amy Schumer's relative in an idiotic post and she hammered him right back.

Steve Bannon, the alt-right douchebag, is the reason for no 45's recent EO's and the reason for all the protests. He's been promoted to the National Security Council table while REAL military personnel are being excluded. This is how they take over people.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Jan 24-28 2017
Days 74-79 of the No 45 administration. From now on, he will be referred as Number 45 as he is not a true president.

No 45 is freaking out still about the crowd sizes. 

He's also put a bunch of executive orders that basically fuck Americans and Muslim.

Also signed an EO for building the wall.

No 45's family humiliates him

Mexican POTUS cancels US trip

His first official interview ended in the shitty way you expected.

Secret Service agent refused to defend no 45 

Press Sec Spicer still gives fake facts 

Obama leaves one last present for Trump 

Alec Baldwin set to host SNL with multiple no 45 sketches 

No 45 brags Obama "likes him" and we know he's nuts 

No 45 is still too stupid to realize how the internet works 

Nazi Steve Bannon has a warning for the media  

And this is someone's response to it

What a dumbass          Hilarious photo of no 45

Number 45's poll numbers as of 1-28-17 

And a couple of people troll no 45 about the wall plans. 

No 45 blasts Malala and compares boring meetings to being shot in the head. (Possible satire)


Monday, January 23, 2017

Jan 21, 22, 23 2017

1st 3 official days of the Trump shit show and boy did he not disappoint.  Days 72,73, and 74 of it.

On Saturday the 21st, millions of women showed up to protest Trump and his administration and the women also had support around the world, which had more people than Trump's inauguration, and Sean Spicer, Trump's press mouthpiece, whined about how the crowds were bigger than being reported and wailed into the press for reporting the truth, so he called real facts "alternative facts" and the internet roasted him and Trump's other mouthpiece, Kellyanne Conway, for it.
I can't actually believe someone from FOX actually reamed Reince Preibus about the whole inauguration numbers thing.
Spicer also whined about people making fun of Trump.

 Of course, conservatives were having none of that and Trump whined that these women should have voted. Here's the thing, they did but unfortunately, too many shitbags voted for Trump.

#Pizzagate debunked.

Apparently, Douchebag Don doesn't want any to call in and complain to the White House about him. 

Trump has also declared his inauguration day a national holiday, just like any other dictator would do. One also brings a cheering section to a briefing.


Friday, January 20, 2017

Jan 20th 2017
Day 71 and the 1st official day of the Trump presidency.

His inauguration is becoming the shitstorm you think it is, with so much bullshit. He even used a quote from Batman villain Bane, from the Dark Knight Rises movie.

A former Bush aide sent a tweet condemning Trump and it's glorious. 

And of course, Trump had to tweet about this day like a fucking idiot.

People actually think changing the way he tweets will change things.

And it looks like nobody came. How sad.

And then the Trump supporters tried to justify why nobody came. Hilarious. Here as well.

As well as Trump himself tried to justify it.

Trump's first day marked some horrible things he did.
First, he made it harder for certain people to catch a tax-break.
Then, he gets rid of the LGBT and Climate change info on the White House website and replaced with a link to sell Melania's bullshit jewelry.
He's also trying to tell people what to do in regards to American products, products he himself doesn't use.

Here he is, signing an executive order fucking over 20 million people on their healthcare.
Jan 19th 2017
Day 70 of the Trumpo shitshow
Trumpo wanted the military to march down Penn Ave. You know who likes that kind of stuff? Dictators and tyrants.

Trumpo is finally realizing that our enemies are out there. 

Trump's Thursday music inauguration was as pathetic as you would have imagined.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

January 12-18th 2017
Days 63-69 of the Trump shitshow and soon to be inauguration of Douchebag Don.

Remember to follow my Douchebag Don Twitter account to troll Trumpo
Basically, this is a bunch of links of Trumpo being Trumpo and lying his ass off. Last couple of days have been hectic.

Of course, Trump went off on SNL like the little bitch he is and got his ass handed to him.

Trump is the worst troll ever

 Sarah Palin get her ass handed to her for being her

Trump's press conference lies 

Asshole GOPer wants CNN reporter fired

World reaction to Trump's press conference. Hint: we're officially a joke now

Trump not called legitimate by rep John Lewis 

Grab her by the.... 

someone REALLY hates the press 
and then demanded an apology and they told him to go fuck himself.

Scottish news trolls Trump 

Trump has been on a tirade ever since Rep John Lewis called him an "illegitimate President" and it's backfiring as always.
Trump idiot

Apparently, he's his own hero. And going to face assault charges.

Michael Moore has his own theory about that.

And a twitter hashtag has popped up about the regrets the Trump voters have. Here as well.

Trump still can't get anyone to perform at his inauguration and went on to Facebook to beg people.

And apparently telling other countries to trust Putin.

Trump is apparently moving to dictator status even BEFORE he's sworn in.

Apparently, according to the Head of  Education nominee, bears are the reason guns need to be in schools.

Trump thinks he can fool people into thinking he can write. No such luck.

Trump bans press from his hotel.

Whining about "fake news" again.

Fell for a fake biker story.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Jan 11, 2017

Day 62 of the Trump circus.


Douchebeig Don held his first press conference of the year and it went completely off the rails

First, there's the report that was released about Trump's dalliances in regards to hiring prostitutes to give golden showers.
 Stay Golden, Ponyboy
And of course, the right wing thinks it's fake.
 Because it also stated that Trump colluded with the Russians. 
Here as well. Of course Trump went batshit insane and called CNN fake news and sided with the Russians in disavowing it, just because.
And this was CNN's response as well as this, which was more dignified.

Back to his conference, multiple things happened.
He threatened the media.
He refused to answer questions from a CNN reporter and reporter wouldn't let him get away with tit. Afterwards, the reporter stated he was told by a douchebag of Trump's that he would be kicked out for asking Trumpo questions.
Another meltdown here.
The Trumpo staff ACTUALLY clapped after Trump yelled at the CNN reporter.
And it's own cheering section.

A big mashup of the press conference biggest fails.

George Takei had some fun with the whole golden showers fiasco as well as others did.

And Trump is STILL attacking US agencies in regards to the spy leak.

Sloppy wet kiss to Russia

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

 Jan 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th 2017
Days 58,59,60,61 of the shit show Trump.

Douchebag Donald has been busy these last couple of days.

A tweet that has a familiar vibe to it pops up

Trump and Putin besties?

Trump whined that human garbage mouthpiece Kellyanne Conway's time on a news channel was cut to only 1 minute.
Trump whining about airtime being cut

After actress Meryl Streep shamed him without ACTUALLY saying his name, he went on an insane twitter rant. And he said he liked her in 2015. 

 Trump attacks Meryl Streep 

Of course conservatives are all up in arms about the "liberal hollywood elite", whining that an actor shouldn't make any kind of speech like that. Meanwhile, these fucksticks elected a celebrity themselves but somehow are distancing themselves from that.

Another celebrity refuses to do Trump's inauguration

And another one refuses 

On a hilarious note, Senator Chuck Schumer trolls Mitch McConnell with the very same letter McConnell sent to Obama when his people were going thru the confirmation process.

Schumer the troll 

Trump also gutted the agency that maintains our nuclear arsenal.
Trump and nukes 
WW3 coming soon, perhaps? 

Supposedly There's info that Russia has stuff on Trump and that's the reason he's their puppet. A CNN report is the one stating it.


Saturday, January 7, 2017

Jan 6th 2017

Day 57 of the Trump shitshow

 Trump went on a tirade about his old show "Celebrity Apprentice" which has a new host by the name of Arnold "mutha-fucking" Schwarzenegger, complaining that the show got lower ratings than usual. Seriously? This is what you obsess about? Are you just mad that NBC shitcanned you and have to whine like a little bitch about it? Grow the fuck up already, as Joe Biden would say.

  Petulant man child

And then gets owned by Arnold. 

Trump is also willing to believe Assange and Wikileaks over our own intelligence communities. Sounds like they have something over him.

There was a shooting today at the Ft Lauderdale airport with 5 dead and 8 wounded and Trump surprisingly put this tweet up.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Jan 04/05 2017

Day 55/56 of the soon to be hell that is the Trump Presidency

Trump has been busy tweeting all sorts of crazy shit the past couple of days.

First, he gushes over Julian Assange, the exiled supposed rapist and also Vladmir Putin and bashes all the intelligence communities.

Then he tries to take credit again for the Ford plant staying in the US and cons are salivating over it.
 And he basically admitted that the elections were hacked but blamed the DNC for their own problems while skipping over the part that the hacking also had RNC information but his buddy Putin decided not to release it. He simply forgets the double standard that was applied to him and the pass he basically got for all the heinous shit he said.

Then he's trying to say that the ACA is a failure but fails to mention GOP obstructionism which would have helped millions more and is trying to pass the blame onto the Dems.

He's claiming that one of the inauguration singers record sales went up. He shouldn't be proud that it probably only went up 0.0001, that's not a good thing.

He's still gushing over Assange like a lost puppy who needs someone to tell him where to go.

He's basically threatening Toyota about them having a factory in Mexico. I guess he doesn't understand that the world doesn't revolve around him but Toyota will probably stay after Trump gives them a huge tax break.

And here is Toyota's response

Today Jan 5th, there was a story about how the Trumpettes believe that Trump won't cut their because they believe he's a "smart businessman". Isn't that precious?

People think Trump is a "smart businessman"

Breaking story!! Apparently, 50 electors on Trump's side voted illegally based on the fact that they were not in accordance with constitutional rules.
50 Electoral votes may be thrown out
And some Dems may get a lawsuit started for it.
 Dems may get lawsuit to dispute election

Today is also the big day that Trump will not be tweeting for almost 7 hours since he will be deposed for a court case. Can you imagine the quietness during that time? Worse, you just know he's gonna go all full agro after the deposition.
 Trump deposed for lawsuit

 Donald Trump freaks out that Russia is taking credit for his win.
Well, if it talks like a duck.... 


Jan 3rd 2017
Day 54 of the soon to be Trump shit show.

Today the GOP-led Congress got caught trying to an ethics committee and were severely embarrassed but only because they got caught. Some of the Trumpettes are trying to claim that a tweet from Douchebag Don helped it but it in no way did.

Let's be clear here, they still plan on trying to gut the agency, they only stopped because they got caught, nothing else.

Trump played the media regarding the Ethics committee issue

Apparently, there's also an item about some jobs or plant from Ford that Trump says he's taking credit for because they're keeping them in the US. Another instance of severe bullshit.

And now Trump is ramping up his rhetoric to take away the health insurance of over 20 million people, most of those who voted for him. The karma is delicious. 
Trump's BS about taking healthcare away.

Trump supporters are still suckers. They have no clue.

There's also the random tweet about North Korea's missile status, reported by the New York Times, you know the one Trump keeps saying is failing, reported it a day before


January 1st 2017

Day 52 of the Trump shit show.
We're going into the New Year still fucked, Trump is still going to be POTUS.

Apparently Trump knows more about hacking than other people. What an idiot.


DEC 31st 2016

Day 51 of the Trump shit show..

 On Dec 31st 2016, Trump sent the following tweet

 What the actual fuck? "Enemies"? This is the action of a traitor. The American people who voted against him are NOT his enemies, they exercised their rights.
And of course, Twitter users reamed his ass for it. 
Douchebag Don's bizarre NYE tweet. 

One of the white nationalists emboldened by Douchebag Don's win "lays" out a plan for white supremacy. Fucking dick.
White supremacy wet dream 

And the year ends with a terrorist attack in Istanbul with the terrorist dressed as Santa.
Terrorist attack in Istanbul



Dec 27-30th 2016

Days 47-50 of the PE Trump shitshow.

I know it's been a couple of days but it's the holidays.

Obama put sanctions against Russia and Putin said he wasn't going to retaliate and then Trump praised Putin for it!! Holy shit!! What a traitor!! On top of that, the sycophants at FOX news kissed Trump's ass about it.

Any person who praises a foreign dictator over America would normally be charged with treason but for the GOP, it's daily business.

There's a mural going up in DC with a bunch of presidents and Trump isn't included. Boy is he pissed!!! Fuck him!!
DC Mural w/o Trump 
 Trump also can't find any qualified Latin person to fill a certain position. It's like they know he's full of shit or something.
Trump can't find qualified person 

Apparently Trump doesn't want people to find out about his ties to Russia because now he's telling people to "move on" regarding the subject. Wouldn't want to find out how much control Putin has over you, Douchebag Don?
On 12-28-16, Trump also claimed another job "win", the Sprint one. Hey douchebag Don, that deal was going on in October fucknut. The Trumpettes are such gullible fucks.


Dec 26th 2016 

Day 46 of the Douchebag Don's PE presidency.

Today Douchbag Don freaked out when in an interview, Obama basically said he defeat the Trumpster and Trump went batshit crazy and twitter mocked him for it.


Dec 24th and 25th 2016

Days 44 and 45 of the soon to be shitshow of the Trump admin.

Trump and crew are now whining that no A-list celebrities want to play his inauguration. Aw, poor little snowflake.

Trump's sons tried to sell access to him by auction but it was basically selling him off. They stopped but watch for them to try again.

On Xmas day, the RNC and "Ratface" Reince Preibus basically tried to claim that Trump was comparable to Christ and the internet roasted them.
King Trump

Basically, they are comparing to him to a king, the same thing they said Obama would be. Douchebags.

From now on, I will refer to Trump as Douchebag Donald.


Dec 23rd 2016

Day 43 of the shitshow PE Trump

Trump and the rest of the cons are still whining about losing the popular vote.

Then the whole nuclear tweet is still coming and everyone is freaking out. 


Dec 22nd 2016
Day 42 of the orange shitshow that is Trump's soon to be presidency

Today, Ivanka Trump and family were supposedly attacked on a JetBlue flight. The reason I say "supposedly" is because the photo that is purported to be her doesn't look like her and you actually think she isn't going to fly first class without her security detail around her? TMZ reported it so you know it's bullshit.
I never want anyone attacked but you brought this upon yourself because your father condoned it and encouraged it. It's going keep happening, on both sides, for at least the next 4 years.

HOLY SHIT!!! Incoming news that Trump wants to get MORE nuclear weapons than the over 6K that we already have. 
And Russia basically same the exact same thing right before this.
Nuclear winter folks.

Dec 20th, 21st 2016

Days 40 and 41 of the Trump shitshow

A funny thing has been happening among the right wing in the last couple of days in an attempt to explain why Trump didn't win the popular vote. They claim that if the votes in California and NY were taken out, Trump would have won the PV.
Hey, let's take the voted from Texas and Florida out so that way Hillary would have won, you bunch of fucksticks.
They simply cannot handle the fact that the majority of America did not want this buffoon to be POTUS so they make up some wild theories and other bullshit.

There was a "supposed" terror attack and I use that word because at the time of the dates above, it hasn't been confirmed. But orange shitgibbon vonFuckstein is already tweeting out ignorant bullshit about it. Kinda like when Hillary said Benghazi was about a video and the GOP railed her for it because it supposedly wasn't and for making a statement before the facts came in completely. But it's OK for the shitgibbon to do it because "feels".

Newt Gingrich also said that Trumpo was getting rid of the phrase "draining the swamp" because he said just to fool the people to vote for him. Suckers, and we pay the price. Newt also said that ethic laws should be changed to accommodate Trump because Trump is rich and it shouldn't apply to him. Oh, for fucks sake already!!

Apparently the GOPers don't want to challenge Trump or his cabinet for fear of the online trolls that would rail them. Pussies.

GOP people are saying we should get over it and the only to get over it is to deal with it the same way they did when they fucked over Obama.


Dec 19th 2016

Day 39 of the supposed shitshow Trump presidency.

The electoral college vote is today and this is our last chance to stop Trump. I'm not putting any faith in it, though.

After the ignorant tweet about the captured drone, people are mocking Trump because apparently spelling is his forte. 

This is the shit that you get people, when you voted for him.

Trumpettes are whining that because they voted for him, they are NOW mad that their healthcare costs are gonna rise. You know what? They deserve it. They knowingly voted for him because they thought it was cute the things he said about Hillary and others.
It's bad when China tells you that you're acting like an ass, and they're a communist society, not known for niceties.

We all know Trumpo is Putin's bitch and Putin apparently was slighted by Hillary in the past and that's why he wanted Trump to win. Such a tough guy, right?

More attacks on people in the name of Trump
Attacked in NYC

Then, some reporters are mocked for hanging out at Trump's Florida place, basically selling their souls to gain access to Trump.
How did Trump's orange ass taste?

Newt Gingrich just suggested that if the trump kids get in trouble with the law, illegal influence, nepotism, etc, he can just pardon them. So they got that going for them. Newt also wants the Congress to change ethics rules to accomadate Trump.

More assholery from Trump followers
Nazi Assholes

More of them

Well, it's official. America has lost its' everloving mind. The electoral vote has come in and Trump is officially the 45th POTUS and WW3 will soon start thereafter. We are so fucked and I can't believe Americans fell for his act. They ACTUALLY think a billionaire speaks for them. These next 4 years are going to be a shit storm.

Dec 16th, 17th and 18th 2016

Days 36, 37, 38 of the Trump horror/shit show to be forthcoming.

SNL did a great opening skit about Trump's ties to Russia. Funny, he usually tweets right after or the morning thereof but so far, silence. Of course the Trumpettes are slamming the show. You know, people who watched SNL before and then all of a sudden started hating it because it made fun of the orange shitgibbon.

More or Trump's picks are worse than before. 

Monday is the EC vote.

Dec 15th 2016

Day 36 of the Trump idiocracy.

China apparently took an unmanned drone from the South seas and Trump tweeted like the little bitch he is. He told them to keep it and then when China said they would return it, he tried to claim responsibility.

The electoral college is on Monday and it really won't make a difference because there isn't enough of them to deny Trump anything. The electors have also been getting death threats as well.

Dec 14 2016

Day 35 of the horror of PE Trump.

More threats arise but they are more against people who don't like Trump. You know, the same people who thinks Dems are whiners because they're protesting and are supposedly violent, are issuing death threats against others.

Death Threat by Trumpettes


Dec 12th 2016

Day 33 of the horror of Trump

More shenanigans from the Trump camp as he goes on a full tirade condemning the CIA for doing their job. What a douche.

More electors are coming out saying they won't vote for Trump.


Dec 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th 2016

Days 29 thru 32 of the soon to be horror of a Trump presidency.

Well, it looks to be that the CIA and various amounts of the intelligence agencies have stated that Russia hacked the election. 
Of course, Trump is saying it's a conspiracy and because the election is over but basically, he's siding with the Russians against his OWN intelligence community.
The trumpettes themselves are saying they don't believe it but who's gonna believe them? These are the same shitbags who believed all the DNC wikileaks hacks as well as the #pizzagate nonsense. Of course they can't be considered sane enough to be taken seriously.

The swamp that Trump claimed he was gonna is getting worse and worse. He hired an owner of the WWE to a cabinet position. Are you fucking kidding me?
All these people that Trump hired for his cabinet positions are the same people who will destroy them.

Sometimes you just wish an asteroid will hit the planet, don't you?


Dec 5th and 6th 2016

Day 27 and 28 of the horror of Trump

More idiocy from Trump, this time in regards to a Boeing deal for new Air Force 1 planes. He's claiming that one plane costs $4 billion dollars because he's too stupid to bother looking up all the facts.
Trump's pick for cabinet picks are getting worse and worse.
China is trolling Trump by telling him to man up and act like the goddamn President, as he's supposed to.

Dec 7th 2016 75th Anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attacks.

It was announced that Trump is getting Obama's advice on picks, clearly advice he's going to listen about. This is a man who dog whistled and denigrated Obama during his presidency and now he's asking for advice? What an asshole.

Another thing coming out is all the people who voted for Trump now have voter's remorse. You idiots deserve it but the rest of America doesn't.
The GOP wants to repeal the ACA without a replacement, no big surprise there. And they also want to replace Medicare with a voucher system, which will make less affordable for out seniors. So basically, Trump's voters are going to be screwed completely because they voted him in. Karma is a bitch and irony is a motherfucker.


Dec 3 and 4th 2016

Day 25 and 26 of the Trump elect shenanigans.

Well, more racist and ignorant sentiment towards minorities and women. Just another day in Trumpland, I guess.

Trump spent some time speaking with the Taiwan leader and it has created a shitstorm against China because we are supposed to follow the law that was set up back in the 70's. He apparently doesn't care that China is pissed about it and he needs to be. And everyone was saying Hillary would be the one to start WW3? Seems more like Trump all the way.

Trump wants Ben Carson as Secretary of Housing and Urban development, a man who used welfare but now claims people shouldn't be on it or use the housing.

Trump also whined about SNL for making fun of him. A lady tweeted that he needed to get his shit together and not worry about SNL and start acting like the fucking POTUS. 

The shitstorm and the prospect of this douche bag becoming our 45th POTUS is scary as all fuck. We can't replace with Pence because he's worse because he uses religion to be an asshole.

Dec 2nd 2016 

Day 24 of the horror of Trump

Trump has kicked off a "victory tour" to celebrate his win, like a narcissistic, egotistical asshole that he is. He mocks people that didn't like him winning Like here and generally makes fun of everyone else.

THIS is not how a POTUS acts and it fucking sucks.


Dec 1st 2016

Day 23 of the POTUS elect Trump

There's a story going around about Trump saving the Carrier company from leaving and taking jobs. What he actually did was save 1000 but basically killed over 1100. So much for saving it. Turns out it was a bigger crapfest than expected.

The picks for Trump's cabinet are going to be architects of American's destruction. 

Another racist prick wants to assault minorities

This is our country


Nov 30th 2016

Day 22 of the horrors of the Trump elect presidency.

For all the claims that Trump is going to "drain the swamp", his cabinet group looks like people who live in on a daily basis. The Trumpettes ACTUALLY think that a billionaire knows what they're going thru.

Here's one of his picks

Holy Shit are we in trouble....

More violence directed at minorities since the election, this time in Florida (no surprise) where a white man attacked a Hispanic man at his job. 

I guess I need to do a running and daily tally of all the Trump related violence from now.

Attack in Florida 11-11-2016

And the KKK is looking to surge again

Shades of 2002-2008 disaster for the economy again

On top of that, Trump wants to punish people who burn the flag
Trump knows nothing about the 1st amendment

Trump is also appointing people who would make life more difficult for our LGBTQ brothers and sisters by appointing this asshole Anti-gay asshole

Here are some racist incidents since Trump was elected
Guy bitching on a plane about Hillary supporters

Another racist incident

Another one. Such lovely deplorables, aren't they?

15 fears about a Trump Presidency


Nov 28th and Nov 29th 2016

Day 20 and 21 of the horror of Trump elect presidency.

Trump is still whining about the recount and blaming everyone. He whined about the news outlets not covering alleged fraud when there isn't any.

And another Trump fanatic thinking she deserves privilege

Will it ever end?  

More details about Trump's cabinet appointments. Apparently he thinks Fabio and Don King are qualified enough to tell him to appoint.

Trump tweeting about stupid shit is basically a distraction from the other problems he's having. 


Nov 24, 25, 26, 27 2016
Thanksgiving holiday and days thereafter.

Holy crap, what a wild Thanksgiving weekend.

Apparently, there may be some voter miscounts in 3 states, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania and Jill Stein, the 3rd party candidate has called for a recount. She has risen the money needed and Trump has completely flipped the fuck out.

He's whining that the election results should stand because Hillary already conceded and doesn't want it tainted. Trump is freaking out because if he 

This coming from the asshole who whined about a rigged election and said he wouldn't accept the results UNLESS he won. He also claimed the that he would have won the popular vote but there were "millions of illegal votes" counted, which is code for "Hillary's votes". What an asshole.

Trump's mouthpiece, Kellyanne Conway, vaguely threatened the Clinton camp with prosecution if they went thru with the recount. Good luck with that.

Trump spent Thanksgiving with Fabio and Don King to determine cabinet positions. Let that sink in for a moment.

More white "entitlement" issues arise as white people are whining they can't get special privilege or preferential treatment. This being one of them.
Woman thinks she deserves special treatment

This shit is getting crazier each day, like this asshole:
What a douche


Nov 23 2016

Day before Thanksgiving

Day 15 of the horror of the POTUS elect Trump presidency.

Thinkprogress.org has decided to not use the term "alt-right" anymore as they feel it doesn't describe the white supremacists as accurate anymore.


Nov 22 2016

Day 14 of the horror of the POTUS elect Trump

I cannot believe how many people support Trump's supposed demolishing of the news organizations. People are being distracted by the idiocy of a Trump presidency.

There's also news coming out that 3 swing states may have had election fraud. It doesn't really make sense, considering it's very hard to rig an election. The machine, possibly.

There's also reports of the people that vote the Electoral College may not vote for Trump or are being encouraged not to, as he might be considered unfit for the position. The worms on the GOP side would never switch their votes, even though there's nothing in the Constitution that says they have to vote for the supposed winner in the state.

Also, a sad day in history. This was the day John F Kennedy was assassinated, riding in his car in Dallas.


Nov 21 2016

Day 13 of the horror of the POTUS elect Trump and 0 days of being a national embarrassment to America.

They say 13 is an unlucky number and for Trump, it was bad for him but glorious for others.

Trump met with the heads of the major news organization in a room and basically berated them for calling him out on his lies.
He whined that they didn't use "flattering photos" of him.
He called them liars.

This is what the POTUS is going to be doing all the time? Berating people who he doesn't agree with? That's the way a dictator behaves.
Can you imagine if Obama had done the EXACT same thing after the 2nd election? The right wing would have lost their collective shit.

Also, it's being reported that Melania is going to live in NY instead of the WH, which will cost taxpayers $1M dollars a day for security, at the cost $365M a year and after 4 years, over a billion dollars.

The right wingers are getting fleeced and they're too stupid to know that.

There's also that a Maggiano's restaurant hosted an event and they found out that it was a white supremacist meeting with Tila Tequila, an Asian porn star, gave the Nazi salute. Can you not see the irony.
Another meeting was with a bunch of white nationalists who after it was over, they all saluted "Heil Trump" and other disgusting things.

This is the America that is sadly going to be the norm and it should scare anyone not white. It's hilarious to see why minority friends voted for Trump not realizing what he emboldened.


Nov 18, 19, 20th 2016

Days 10, 11 and 12 of POTUS elect Trumplestilkskin.

Trump has been on a tirade all weekend.

First it starts with VP Pence being booed at a performance of Hamilton. Whatsamatter cupcake, need a safe space?
The cons look their collective shit and think boycotting will work even though the play is booked thru 2017. Idiots
Then Trump demands an apology from the people who booed. Listen up dipshit, POTUS do not demand apologies from the people of something they disagree with, that's a dictator.

Then the idiot cons think that they are going to hurt Starbucks by buying coffee from there and then writing Trump's name on it. They decide to do that when another asshole starts screaming inside a Starbucks, claiming he's being discriminated against because he's white. Idiots

Then SNL does a skit about Trump and he whines about that some more. Holy fuck does he have thin skin. I saw a tweet that basically read "Why is he tweeting? He's the POTUS and needs to worry about other things", which is true.

Every day this orange shitgibbon embarrasses the US in new ways but the idiots who voted for him don't see it that way.

 Nov 17 2016

Day 9 of the horror/shit show of president elect Trump

This video came out with a Trump supporter blaming minorities because his coffee was taking a while to make.

Trump supporter whines about his coffee

This is Trump's America now..

Nov 16 2016

Day 8 of the horror show of PE-Trump

News reports coming out that Trump is hiding in his hotel and doesn't want anything to do with picking people for his team.

Ben Carson, the man who thought he was qualified to run for POTUS, turned down a job in the Trump administration because he said "he wasn't qualified enough". Talk about hilarious

The riots are still going on and of course conservatives still claim they didn't when Obama won, but evidence contradicts them and reality and facts have never been their strong suit.


Nov 15th 2016 Tuesday

Day 7 of the horror of POTUS elect Trump

Trump apparently wants top secret access given to his kids for whatever reason. Whereas other kids never had it, apparently it's a different story for him.

It's also funny that Trump's people don't want Corey Lewandoski on their team but are OK with a white nationalist like Bannon.

There are still riots going on and now some college football staying are getting in trouble for saying  "Fuck Trump" and such. The right wing LOVES free speech but only when it applies to them.

Nov 14 2016

Day 6 into the horror of the president elect Trump.

Every day it comes out that Trump isn't qualified and the alt-right nutjobs are in full force, attacking minorities and saying ignorant and racist things and they clearly have no filter.

It looks like Trump is backing off of more campaign promises and kissing Obama's ass, the man he denigrated for years.

There is some fun though, the Obama/Biden memes going around where Biden keeps trashing Trump and Pence.

Nov 12/13 2016

Day 4 and 5 into the Trump elect idiocracy. It's the weekend and I hadn't really heard anything until late Saturday night. Trump whining again.

But 1 bright hope, David Chappelle finally hosts SNL and KILLS IT!
Here's his monologue

David Chappelle SNL Monologue

The protests are still going on and it's funny because I saw this meme:

It's ironic, isn't it?

 Nov 11 2016

Day 3 into pres-elect Trump's tenure and Trump claims he's a friend to the LBGT community, which he didn't really make a big deal about but is surrounded by multiple people who really, really want to push their Christian agenda true.

He's still complaining about the protesters but again, he's a hypocrite.


Well, more to come.

Obama met the orange ShitGibbon today to discuss whatever. Trump said Obama was a good man and said he would hope to have him as an advisor.
Typical bitch ass bully. Talks all that shit about someone but when he meets them in person, he's demure. It happened in Mexico as well.

Also, alleged tied to Russia are supposedly being confirmed.

Riots still going on against Trump.

Now Trump's VP has promised to end all support for LGBTQ.


This is America under Trump/Pence.

              Thursday November 11th, 2016

Today we find out that half a term governor Sarah Palin may have a position in Trump's cabinet.
Dear god, it's happening.

People have been protesting Trump's win and saying "not my President", which is a sentiment I can get behind.

Also, the right wingers are NOW saying we should unite behind Trump. So basically they're saying "forget about all the bad things we did and said to Obama but unite behind our guy". And to that I say, FUCK YOU!!!

I will give Trump the same respect the right gave Obama.
I will give Trump the same cooperation the right gave Obama.

The right wing didn't say or do anything to stop Trump but when the protesters said something THEY  didn't like, which parrotted Trump's words, they get all mad about it.

                                     Tuesday November 9th, 2016

(Excerpts are being set up to current dates)

Today, we vote on the 45th POTUS and I go to bed seeing that Hillary is behind. For the entire night, I cannot sleep as I cannot believe that people would want a racist, sexist xenophobic man as POTUS.

                                        Wednesday Nov 10 2016

I wake up to learn Trump is POTUS and I feel nauseous and tired.  I go to class and afterwards, I feel so disgusted that I cannot go to work, so I call out.

At the same time, I've learned of Trump's plan 100 days in.
He will repeal the ACA, taking away insurance from 20 million people
He will most likely repeal the recent Marriage Act
He will undo every EO that Obama had, taking away protections of my LGBT brothers and sisters
He will make HATE great again