Days 158-165 since the Nov 8th election and 88-95 since the Jan 20th inauguration of the rich asshole.
He's still crazy as fuck and still a moron.
It’s Now Illegal To Protest the rich asshole, It Violates His 1st Amendment Right…Says His Lawyers

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some rich asshole has never been a champion of civil rights, and in fact, several people in his administration (we’re looking at you, Mr. Attorney General) have actively worked to oppress civil rights. Now, one of the President’s attorneys argued in court last week that it is actually illegal for people to protest against the President.
The filing argues that citizens “have no right” to “express dissenting views” at the rich asshole rallies, because it violates the President’s first amendment rights. The lawyers argue that the protesters “obviously interfered with the the rich asshole campaign’s First Amendment right vigorously expressing their disdain for some rich asshole,” which included chanting, holding up pictures of the rich asshole’s face on the body of a pig and other messages.
This filing is in response to a judge ruling that the rich asshole was responsible for inciting violence at a 2016 Louisville, KY rally in which three protesters were violently ejected from the venue after the rich asshole riled the crowd up against them.
the rich asshole’s lawyers are stalling, trying to get the court to reverse this decision. They argued:
Even if some rich asshole implicitly instructed the audience to remove the protesters by using force if necessary, his speech was still entirely lawful and protected under the First Amendment unless he advocated a greater degree of force than was necessary under the circumstances. Absent that type of unlawful advocacy, some rich asshole cannot be held liable for incitement. It makes no difference whether the crowd reacted with unlawful violence beyond what some rich asshole advocated.
OK. Sure.
You’d think a lawyer that works as high up as with the President of the United States would know better. The first amendment protects both the President’s right’s to free speech (but that doesn’t mean there are no consequences to our words) as well as those of the protestors to assemble and protest.
the rich asshole and his team are quickly trying to dissolve all semblance of Democracy in this country. The judiciary branch may be our last hope in protecting our great nation from becoming a fascist state, because the Executive branch is already there and the legislative branch is currently worthless.
Nazis Get Ejected From Restaurant, Republicans Rush To Defend Them
It was Hitler’s birthday the other day so a bunch of American nazis decided to make posts on both social media and their nazi site Stormfront about their celebrations. The thing was that there are a lot of antifascist who monitor such things so they can go and confront them. This week in Louisville Kentucky, several nazis wearing Waffen SS shirts and swastikas decided they’d go to the Irish Rover restaurant to have the best fish ‘n chips Louisville has to offer. (Seriously, I’m from Louisville and the Irish Rover is top shelf.)
But those meddling anti-fascists weren’t going to just let nazis have their Hitler celebration in peace because the last time nazis were allowed to run amok, it didn’t turn out so well for the entire world.
Nazis of course deserve as much scorn and ridicule that can be mustered against them. They cannot be welcomed into polite society as an alternative political group because millions of people died to rid the world of fascism. These unalienable truths will survive as long as there are graves of American soldiers resting in Normandy. To allow these reprobates a voice in our society is not the exercise of free speech, it is an assault on our very democracy and it dishonors the memories of the valiant soldiers who gave their lives, so that these mongrels can breathe free. A right none of these incorrigibles would afford anyone else.
But none of that concerns the rich asshole Republicans. ‘Antifas’ is a common slur used by right-wing loons to call anti-fascists. Republicans have become so debased that they think anti-fascists are terrorists for denying nazis the right to celebrate Hitler’s birthday. Republicans naturally don’t think very well and of course, they have never heard of a false equivalency.
the rich asshole Reveals Hillary Still Haunts Him, Is Desperate For Reassurance And Love (TWITTER FIT)
There’s nothing sadder than a person who can’t get over something. There comes a point when you just need to accept that something happened. And for some rich asshole, he needs to accept that he won the election without the popular vote.
To be blunt, people don’t like him. And he’s currently sitting as the least approved of president in the first 100 days since WWII.
In even sadder news, more than half polled say he hasn’t done anything yet:
ABC/WaPo poll finds no buyer’s remorse among Trump supporters: 96% who voted for him say it was right thing to do
New @ABC News/WaPo poll: 56% say Trump has accomplished either not much or nothing in his first 100 days in office
Albeit, the rich asshole loyalists still think he’s the cat’s meow.
Well, needless to say, the rich asshole isn’t taking the news of any of these polls very well, so he decided to rehash the 2016 election, yet again, because, yes, he’s that f**king insecure. Hillary Clinton still clearly haunts his dreams every night.
the rich asshole, in yet another fit of hysteria, tweets out:
“New polls out today are very good considering that much of the media is FAKE and almost always negative. Would still beat Hillary in …..
…popular vote. ABC News/Washington Post Poll (wrong big on election) said almost all stand by their vote on me & 53% said strong leader.”
New polls out today are very good considering that much of the media is FAKE and almost always negative. Would still beat Hillary in .....
...popular vote. ABC News/Washington Post Poll (wrong big on election) said almost all stand by their vote on me & 53% said strong leader.
If you’re counting, that’s EIGHT periods to designate space, and likely fury, between his two tweets trying to confirm how beloved he is. Or at least how beloved he would like to think he is.
If you’ll notice, he doesn’t tweet the link to the poll he is speaking of, because it seems it’s kind of a foggy sort of logic leading him to believe that, but this article from seems to agree. So, sure.
Here’s the thing. IT DOESN’T F**KING MATTER. The election is over. Well, besides it being investigated for Russian meddling that may prove the whole thing a sham, but I digress…
the rich asshole seems to need to feel loved and reassured at every turn. That’s a true sign of weakness. It’s so bad, in fact, that he’s going to a rally for himself instead of the Correspondents’ Dinner where he would undoubtedly be ridiculed, and rightly so.
Maybe he just needs a hug. Someone get on that.
Reince Priebus: Congress Will Fund the rich asshole’s Wall Because He ‘Won Overwhelmingly’ (VIDEO)
White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that amateur president some rich asshole “won overwhelmingly” at the polls last November so that means that Congress will vote to fund the former reality show’s ego-wall along our southern border. But, according to what Republicans are offering, we would also have to agree to unacceptable terms. Like, for example, being held hostage with millions of Americans’ health care held in the balance.
Meanwhile, the rich asshole is still insisting that Mexico will pay for the wall.
Eventually, but at a later date so we can get started early, Mexico will be paying, in some form, for the badly needed border wall.
Priebus insisted that the rich asshole won “overwhelmingly.”
“I’m pretty confident we’re going to get something that is satisfactory to the president with regard to border security within current negotiations,” Priebus told Chuck Todd. “We expect a massive increase in military spending and we expect money for border security in this bill. And it ought to be. Because the president won overwhelmingly. Everyone understands the border wall was part of it.”
Good luck with that. The Wall Street Journal reports that not one single member of Congress who represents the territory on the southwest border said they support funding for the rich asshole’s wall.
Priebus also said that the rich asshole is fulfilling promises at “breakneck speed” despite “historical unbelievable obstruction” from Democratic Senators.
Decapitated the rich asshole Painting Sends Right Wing Into Hysterical Convulsions
A faculty art show at the University of Alaska at Anchorage has more people than just the student body talking. All art is meant to make a statement, to challenge society, and Thomas Chung’s painting has done that and then some. In fact, this painting is making us all take a deep look at ourselves.
Assistant professor Thomas Chung was very distraught after the election – as were many of us. Although the professor does not consider himself a political person, he said that he “wept for days” after the results. His emotional response led him to paint his feelings – and that resulted in Chris Evans as Captain America saving a young Hillary Clinton and slaying the the rich asshole Monster. *side-eye* He wanted it to be reminiscent of 80’s rock posters. *more side-eye*
I was really torn about putting this piece up at a faculty show, because I would never talk about my own political beliefs to my students. I would never push that upon them and make them feel uncomfortable, and so I wondered to myself if putting up this painting was in a way doing that. But I realized that I feel very strongly about this, and I think even students that might be pro-the rich asshole supporters could benefit from having a conversation with me about why I feel this way — why I painted this.
Obviously, Mr. Chung’s art work is protected by his first amendment rights and the university has stated that they protect students’ and faculty’s rights to express themselves no matter political leaning. But, as you can guess, some people from the Right are downright pissed. They make the argument that if this were Obama’s severed head, the Left would have a tizzy. That is true and while we would recognize that it was Mr. Chungs’s right to paint whatever the hell he he wants – we would be completely fired up.
RELATED: Man Turns His the rich asshole-Hate Into Awesome Comics
I recall a Jon McNaughton who did a series of anti-Obama paintings. One showed 44 holding a burning Constitution – the Right loved that shit, even though they strongly disprove of people symbolically burning things. There was one Jeff Gullickson posted in a tweet of Obama with a noose around his neck. He had thousands of followers who loved that tweet (and it caught the attention of the Secret Service). The Left hated it – how dare anyone suggest the lynching of our president? The racism alone made us lose our minds, never mind the implied violence. Curious that we’re supposed to follow a different set of rules when the president is a white Republican.
Art is going to offend someone if it’s done correctly – that includes people from both sides of the political coin. Katie Pavlich of Fox News said during an on-air discussion,
It is free speech … but we have heard for years from the left that we need to be tolerant and loving and accepting of everybody…. I think the Secret Service is also pretty interested in what this professor had in mind, as well.
*Tsk, tsk*, Katie. I thought you right-wingers HATE that the left is so PC. This painting throws all correctness out the window, don’t you think? Why the sudden embrace of the much-dreaded tolerance of the left? Oh, right, it’s your guy being symbolically killed and that just rubs you the wrong way. Fancy that.
Patriots exercising their first amendment rights:
You just said you did’: AP busts the rich asshole for lying about watching CNN two minutes after he admitted it

In a interview with the Associated Press that was published over the weekend, President some rich asshole refused to condemn WikiLeaks and repeatedly contradicted himself.
Speaking to the rich asshole from the Oval Office, AP asked the president to reflect on his first 100 days in office.
On foreign policy, the rich asshole recalled that he had “one of the best chemistries” with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and he took credit for NATO’s fight against terrorism.
the rich asshole, however, argued that people should not hold him to the promises he made in his 100-day plan, and then falsely claimed that he had gone above and beyond the plan by selecting Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch.
AP: So in terms of the 100-day plan that you did put out during the campaign, do you feel, though, that people should hold you accountable to this in terms of judging success?
RICH ASSHOLE: No, because much of the foundation’s been laid. Things came up. I’ll give you an example. I didn’t put Supreme Court judge on the 100 (day) plan, and I got a Supreme Court judge.
AP: I think it’s on there.
RICH ASSHOLE: I don’t know. …
AP: “Begin the process of selecting.” You actually exceeded on this one. This says, “Begin the process of selecting a replacement.”
RICH ASSHOLE: That’s the biggest thing I’ve done.
the rich asshole was hesitant to criticize WikiLeaks or its founder, Jullian Assange, for publishing stolen emails from the Democratic National Committee. Instead, he asserted the DNC was at fault for allowing the information to be hacked.
“When Wikileaks came out, all I was just saying is, ‘Well, look at all this information here, this is pretty good stuff,'” the rich asshole explained, adding that he did not “support or unsupport” Assange.
the rich asshole asserted that the DNC data would not have been stolen and published by WikiLeaks “if [the DNC] had the proper defensive devices on their internet, you know, equipment.”
The president also said that he had stopped paying attention to the mainstream media — and then contradicted himself.
RICH ASSHOLE: OK. The one thing I’ve learned to do that I never thought I had the ability to do. I don’t watch CNN anymore.
AP: You just said you did.
RICH ASSHOLE: No. No, I, if I’m passing it, what did I just say (inaudible)?
AP: You just said —
RICH ASSHOLE: Where? Where?
AP: Two minutes ago.
“When I see it’s such false reporting and such bad reporting and false reporting that I’ve developed an ability that I never thought I had,” the rich asshole insisted. “I don’t watch things that are unpleasant. I just don’t watch them.”
“I don’t watch CNN anymore. I don’t watch MSNBC anymore. I don’t watch [negative] things, and I never thought I had that ability. I always thought I’d watch.”
Senior US officials: the rich asshole is ready to shut down his own government if he doesn’t get border wall funding

Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly suggested on Sunday that President some rich asshole would force his own government to shut down if Congress refuses to give him the funds needed to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.
During an interview on CNN, host Dana Bash noted that the government would begin shutting down on Friday if a stop-gap spending measure was not passed by Congress and signed into law by the president.
“Will the president go to the mat and insist on funding his border wall as part of the stop-gap funding measure?” Bash wondered.
“The president has been pretty straightforward about his desire and the need for a border wall,” Kelly replied. “He’ll do the right thing for sure but I will suspect he will be insistent on the funding.”
As the Independent pointed out on Sunday, Kelly was not the only the rich asshole administration official who hinted that the president was ready to allow the government to run out of money.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions told ABC News that the wall would be paid for “one way or another.”
the rich asshole ‘hate-watches’ news that is critical of him as aides struggle to manage his TV addiction

President some rich asshole’s obsession with television is well-documented. He became a household name in the early 2000s with his reality TV game show “The Apprentice” and reportedly consumes a constant daily stream of cable TV news.
The Washington Post said Sunday that in addition to fretting over what the president will do if left alone too long, the rich asshole’s aides and advisers struggle to keep the president from consuming too much TV or watching things that will upset him and cause him to erupt on Twitter.
“Those the rich asshole tweet-storms, which contain some of his most controversial utterances, are usually prompted by something he has seen on television just moments before,” wrote the Post’s Ashley Carter and Robert Costa. “The president, advisers said, also uses details gleaned from cable news as a starting point for policy discussions or a request for more information, and appears on TV himself when he wants to appeal directly to the public.”
the rich asshole turns on cable news immediately upon arising each morning and spends the day checking in via a television in the White House dining room. However, once the president goes upstairs at the end of the day, aides lose their ability to monitor and moderate the president’s intake.
“Once he goes upstairs, there’s no managing him,” one adviser told the Post.
“Sometimes, at night, he hate-watches cable shows critical of him, while chatting on the phone with friends, said someone familiar with the president’s routine — a quirk a senior official jokingly called ‘multi-teching.’” the Post said.
Foreign leaders are urging their diplomats to go on U.S. television when they visit the country so as to catch the rich asshole’s attention. the rich asshole has insisted that he wouldn’t dream of firing Press Secretary Sean Spicer — even after his gaffe comparing Hitler favorably to Syrian president Bashar al-Assad.
“I’m not firing Sean Spicer,” said the rich asshole. “That guy gets great ratings. Everyone tunes in.”
Some fellow Republicans are alarmed by the president’s excessive reliance on TV for news and information. He has already sent his aides off on wild goose chases trying to “reverse-engineer information to support his dubious assertions,” the Post said — because of erroneous stories he saw on TV.
“There are many conversations where it ends: ‘But of course, God knows, he could watch Fox News tomorrow and change his whole position,’” said GOP strategist Rick Wilson of Republicans on Capitol Hill. “They don’t get him, because he’s a creature of television and they’re creatures of politics. They care about the details, he cares about what’s on TV.”

Government Shutdown Looms With the rich asshole’s Demand To Fund Border Wall
April 21, 2017 by Gracie Lou
The realities of the legislative process are about to slap the the rich asshole administration in the face.
Despite the campaign trail claims of the real estate agent in the White House, Mexico is not going to pay for a border wall. But, instead of moving on and admitting that it was a promise that could not be kept, the rich asshole is changing the terms of the deal. He want’s to keep the part he thinks his tiny base wants, and hand the bill to the entire country.
The cost of the border wall could be as high as $70 billion, according to the New York Times.
With massive proposed budget cuts already looming so Republicans can fund yet another tax cut for the rich, the government might shutdown next Friday.
From Politico,
There is a combative element to the divided the rich asshole White House…
“There are people in the West Wing who want the shutdown fight because they think that’s how you get things done. And there is another faction in the White House that knows that’s a bad idea,” said a senior House Republican aide.
… Many Democrats are open to giving the rich asshole some concessions to receive funding on their domestic priorities as part of a deal… but not a border wall.
The priorities of Office of Management and Budget (OMB) director Mick Mulvaney puts anti-immigration policies and defense spending at the top of the the rich asshole administration’s list. But Democrats are not likely to go along, and no budget is likely to pass without Democratic votes.
Real Clear Politics put it this way:
Indeed, the White House faces a steep learning curve on government spending, as with its other congressional misadventures thus far. Congressional leaders, the Republican operative said, are “explaining to them that in order to keep government open, they’ve got to do a bipartisan spending vehicle here.”
Bipartisan governing is not something Republicans have demonstrated much interest in. However, the realities of the legislative process are about to slap them in the face if they don’t stop acting like single-party rule is the same thing as a dictatorship.
The rich asshole Goes NUTS Over Having To Live Up To A ‘Ridiculous Standard’ As President (TWEET)
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When some rich asshole won the presidential election, many Americans knew right away that this former reality television star and corrupt businessman had no desire to actually be the next President of the United States; he just wanted to feed his insatiable ego.
That is apparently still true as the rich asshole nears the end of his first 100 days in the White House. Earlier this morning, the rich asshole got on Twitter to begin his day with a few erratic tweets, and showing America just how delusional and resentful he is about his new job.
In between tweets about the terrorist attack in Paris and the tensions between China and North Korea, the rich asshole had the nerve to complain about his first 100 days. Whining that he was being held to an unfair, “ridiculous standard”, he bashed the media for its tendency to “kill” him no matter how much he accomplishes (we’re still waiting to see all that “winning”, by the way).

You’re probably wondering just what the rich asshole has accomplished right now – and it’s almost nothing. In his tweet, the rich asshole refers to “S.C.” as one of his accomplishments, which probably means the nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. Besides Gorsuch’s nomination and an extremely short list of legislation, the rich asshole has failed more than succeeded thanks to his disastrous health care bill (Trumpcare) and racist travel ban. And let’s not forget that the rich asshole is ruining our relationships with other countries on a daily basis now.
April 29th will mark the rich asshole’s 100th day in office, and he has practically nothing to show for it – yet he will whine and moan about being held accountable by the American people and the media. This is perhaps the first time in the rich asshole’s life that he is being held to any kind of standard, and he obviously hates it.
the rich asshole Is Trying To Force Dems’ Hand On Border Wall Funding – Here’s Why He’ll Fail BIGLY
some rich asshole seems to think he can squeeze Congressional Democrats for border wall funding by offering them something in exchange, and he also seems to believe he’s hit the jackpot on just what to exchange. He’ll hold subsidy payments to insurers on the Obamacare exchanges hostage until Democrats agree to fund his wall. If they continue to stonewall, then, when the ACA’s insurance marketplace implodes or the government shuts down (or both), he’ll blame Democrats and the whole country will, too.
He’s not seeing both sides, though. The Democrats actually hold all the good cards here.
Why? Surely we can see how both sides have a decent hand, can’t we? the rich asshole’s budget director, Mick Mulvaney, even said:
“We’d offer them $1 of CSR payments for $1 of wall payments. Right now that’s the offer that we’ve given to our Democratic colleagues.”
A one-for-one trade sounds nice and equitable, doesn’t it? the rich asshole gets his wall and we get continued stability in the health insurance market, and the government keeps operating. Here’s what he’s not seeing: Democrats aren’t the only ones who don’t want to waste money on a big wall along the southern border. Many Republicans don’t, either, and that gives Democrats major leverage over the rich asshole.
Chuck Schumer’s spokesman issued a statement that said:
“The White House gambit to hold hostage health care for millions of Americans, in order to force American taxpayers to foot the bill for a wall that the President said would be paid for by Mexico is a complete non-starter.
[I]f the administration would drop their 11th-hour demand for a wall that Democrats – and a good number of Republicans – oppose, Congressional leaders could quickly reach a deal.”
Some in the GOP have privately said that it would help if the the rich asshole White House would move on from the border wall because there are too many in Congress who don’t want to fund it. Furthermore, Republicans and Democrats in Congress are busy working toward creating a more bipartisan spending bill. But they know that, with control of the entire federal government, they will own a healthcare disaster and they will own a shutdown no matter what the rich asshole decides to say about it.
Republicans want to avoid a shutdown — they’ve long since figured out that the country blamed them for the 2013 shutdown. That means working with Democrats, including scrapping funding for the wall if doing so means Democrats will agree to other things.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi recognizes that Democrats have all the leverage here, and that they need to use that leverage to their advantage. Republicans control both Congress and the White House – people are not going to blame Democrats for a shutdown or for destabilizing the insurance marketplace under these circumstances.
Mulvaney actually thinks that Congress should get out of the way of the rich asshole’s agenda:
“This president should be allowed to have his highest priorities funded even though the Democrats rightly have a seat at the table because of the Senate rules.”
The border wall is a non-starter and possibly dead, at least for now. There are more important things to think about than a wall that won’t do anything that the rich asshole claims it will.
Poor Lil’ Donnie Doesn’t Think Life Is Fair
We’ve all been privy to the whiny 140-character rants of Lord Cheeto on Twitter. They’re a daily occurrence. We’re used to the Butternut Bigot complaining about “fake news” whenever the media reports on the things he says. We’ve grown accustomed to his ego taking credit for anything positive that happens in our country not because of but in spite of his tyrannical ideals.
That’s why one of this morning’s tweets was so satisfying. It shows that Mango Mussolini’s world is crumbling and that he’s feeling the pressure of a country that despises him:
No matter how much I accomplish during the ridiculous standard of the first 100 days, & it has been a lot (including S.C.), media will kill!
Waaaaaah!!!! No matter how many times I take credit for jobs that were negotiated years ago or the continued economic recovery orchestrated by my predecessor, nobody likes me!!!
The “ridiculous standard” of the first 100 days is something all modern presidents have to endure. It’s the litmus test the nation uses to see if thir newly-elected president can stand up to their campaign promises and still govern effectively. Unfortunately for the giant orange traffic cone, he has failed miserably on both counts.
His campaign promises are a bust. There will be no wall. The Iran nuclear deal stands. Obamacare is the law of the land. The swamp has been filled with ferocious new monsters. NAFTA is intact. Sure, he tried to implement a Muslim ban, but that goes to governing, yet another the rich asshole failure. On every front, he’s a giant belly flop into the shallow pool of disappointment.
He can’t do anything right. In spite of all of his criticism of Obama’s golfing, he jets off on Air Force One every weekend to have the taxpayer pay his resort to feed and house him and his entourage. What is truly ridiculous isn’t the expectations of the first 100 days, it’s the guy living it.
The bottom line is, the Pumkinheaded Prick is cut out to have a bunch of money to lose and a bunch of people to screw over. While he may have figured the American people and the federal budget would be perfect victims of the the rich asshole philosophy of failure, he was wrong. There are 300 million people who are now waiting with baited breath to see what he can possibly screw up next, hoping the economy can make it until he’s defeated in 2020 or impeached for stupidity.
And yet, with the lowest approval ratings of a first quarter president since the recording of approval ratings, with all of the criticism and all of the broken promises and all of the shattered dreams of his own followers, still he manages to blame others. My mother always told me that if you seem to have an issue with everyone you come in contact with, the issue is you. Such simple logic.
The issue is you, Donnie…deal with it.
the rich asshole voters don't believe he has played more golf than Obama in first 3 months
· Apr. 20, 2017, 4:50 PM
· 64,414
· President some rich asshole has played more golf in his first three months in office than President Barack Obama did, but a new a poll shows that many the rich asshole voters don't believe as much.
· A Thursday poll from the Democratic firm Public Policy Polling shows that 53% of respondents who said they voted for the rich asshole in November said Obama had outpaced the rich asshole on trips to the golf course during each president's first three months in office. Just 20% of the rich asshole voters said the rich asshole played more golf, while 27% said they were unsure.
· Those who said they voted for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton overwhelmingly said the rich asshole played more golf than Obama did during that time — 72% said the rich asshole played more golf during his first 90 days. Just 9% said Obama did, while 19% said they were unsure.
· Among all respondents, 48% said the rich asshole played more golf, while 28% said Obama did. Nearly one in four respondents said they were unsure.
Public Policy Polling

· During his first three months in office, the rich asshole spent 19 days at a golf course and played golf on at least 13 occasions, according to The New York Times.
· The Times found that Obama spent no days at a golf course during his first three months. Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton also spent either no time or very little time golfing during their first 90 days — Bush made no trips to a golf course, while Clinton spent three days at courses.
· PPP surveyed 648 people on April 17 and 18. The margin of error is plus or minus 3.9 percentage points.
some rich asshole is freaking out on Twitter over whether the Patriots like Obama more than him.
Filed by | Apr 20, 2017 @ 10:01am
Standing on the brink of military confrontation with North Korea and a potential campaign in Syria, President some rich asshole is focused on what matters: the New England Patriots' visit to the White House.
The New England Tom Bradys visited the White House on April 19th to celebrate their Super Bowl win, with some notable absences. Namely: Tom Brady, who cited "family matters."
Those "family matters" are likely his wife Gisele Bünchen's conscience. On the very day that Tom Brady was supposed to visit the White House, the supermodel tweeted out an exciting message about the upcoming anti-the rich asshole Climate March.

The "failing" New York Times tweeted out side-by-side photos of the Patriots' party with Obama versus their's with the rich asshole, and it couldn't help but remind people of the inauguration.
Patriots' turnout for President Obama in 2015 vs. Patriots' turnout for President Trump today:
"This is the largest amount of football players at the White House in history, PERIOD," Sean Spicer screams into the mirror.
Now, the New England Patriots' Twitter account jumped in with some context, and there was a 99% chance they did so at the request of some rich asshole.
These photos lack context. Facts: In 2015, over 40 football staff were on the stairs. In 2017, they were seated on the South Lawn. …
The New York Times then jumped in with more context for their context.
Patriots' turnout for President Obama in 2015 vs. Patriots' turnout for President Trump today:
UPDATE: Patriots say # of players was smaller this year than 2015 (34 vs. 50) but total delegation was roughly the same.
The New England Patriots had to jump to the Bush era to make the photo seem normal.
Comparable photos: The last time the #Patriots won two Super Bowls in three years, 36 players visited the White House. Today, we had 34.
some rich asshole dedicated his morning toilet tweetstorm to bashing the New York Times for their tweets.
Failing @nytimes, which has been calling me wrong for two years, just got caught in a big lie concerning New England Patriots visit to W.H.
But, as the Patriots would say, this tweet "lacks context."
Comparable photos: The last time the #Patriots won two Super Bowls in three years, 36 players visited the White House. Today, we had 34.
While it's awesome that some rich asshole got to meet a similar amount of Patriots staff, players literally made PSAs about why they didn't want to meet him. Watch former player Chris Long speak up about what he wants his son to see:
.@patriots & @PressSec can try to spin it however they want to appease trump, but dozens of players can't stand him
And the ones who did go to the White House didn't even give some rich asshole their autographs, it seems in the tweet below. They probably knew that the rich asshole would try to sell it on eBay for millions.
Looks like the Patriots can be real patriots.
the rich asshole lawyer: ‘No right’ to protest at rallies
The president’s lawyers file a motion to derail a lawsuit brought by protesters
04/20/17 08:32 PM EDT
Updated 04/20/17 10:18 PM EDT
President some rich asshole’s lawyers argued in a Thursday court filing that protesters “have no right” to “express dissenting views” at his campaign rallies because such protests infringed on his First Amendment rights.
The filing comes in a case brought by three protesters who allege they were roughed up and ejected from a March 2016 the rich asshole campaign rally in Louisville, Kentucky, by the rich asshole supporters who were incited by the then-candidate’s calls from the stage to “get 'em out of here!”
Lawyers for the rich asshole’s campaign have argued that his calls to remove the protesters were protected by the First Amendment. But the federal district court judge hearing the case issued a ruling late last month questioning that argument, as well as the claim that the rich asshole didn’t intend for his supporters to use force.
The ruling cleared the case to proceed into discovery and towards a trial.
Thursday’s filing by the rich asshole’s campaign lawyers asks the judge to pause the proceedings and allow the rich asshole’s legal team to appeal the ruling to a higher court “before subjecting the President to ‘unique’ and extraordinary burdens of litigation.”
Specifically, the rich asshole’s lawyers want the appeals court to reconsider whether the rich asshole’s calls to remove the protesters were protected speech under the First Amendment and whether it’s reasonable to construe the calls as an incitement to violence.
the rich asshole’s lawyers point out that he explicitly urged his supporters against roughing up protesters, following his calls to “get ‘em out of here,” with the plea “Don’t hurt ‘em.”
the rich asshole’s lawyers also argue that he had every right to call for the removal the protesters since they “obviously interfered with the the rich asshole campaign’s First Amendment right” by “vigorously expressing their disdain for some rich asshole,” including by chanting and holding up signs depicting the rich asshole’s face on the body of a pig, among other anti-the rich asshole messages.
“Of course, protesters have their own First Amendment right to express dissenting views, but they have no right to do so as part of the campaign rally of the political candidates they oppose,” the rich asshole’s lawyers wrote.
As such, the rich asshole’s lawyers concluded “even if some rich asshole implicitly instructed the audience to remove the protesters by using force if necessary, his speech was still entirely lawful and protected under the First Amendment unless he advocated a greater degree of force than was necessary under the circumstances. Absent that type of unlawful advocacy, some rich asshole cannot be held liable for incitement. It makes no difference whether the crowd reacted with unlawful violence beyond what some rich asshole advocated.”
Dan Canon, a lawyer for the protesters, said, "We anticipated that the President would do everything in his power to prevent this case from proceeding to the discovery phase, so this motion was not a surprise."
the rich asshole: ‘South Korea was once part of China.’ South Korea: ‘WTF are you talking about?’

Posted on April 20, 2017
In an interview with the Wall Street Journal last week, President the rich asshole had some alternative facts to offer, saying that “Korea actually used to be part of China.”
“It’s a clear fact acknowledged by the international community that, for thousands of years in history, Korea has never been part of China,” South Korean foreign ministry spokesman Cho June-hyuck said this Thursday.
Candidates in the running for South Korea’s presidential election weighed in on the rich asshole’s comments. “This is clearly a distortion of history and an invasion of the Republic of Korea’s sovereignty,” conservative Liberty Korea Party candidate Hong Joon-pyo said.
The alternative history lesson may not have been just another example of the rich asshole’s ad-libbing. Some think it may have been fed to him during his meeting with Chinese president Xi Jinping.
A representative for Democratic Party of Korea candidate Moon Jae-in demanded to find out the full context of Xi’s comment. Ahn Cheol-soo’s People’s Party said that, if true, it would be regrettable for China to distort history in an international diplomacy setting.
As Bloomberg points out, Chinese dynasties invaded the Korean Peninsula for decades, but South Koreans reject the idea that they were ever ruled by China.

MONDAY, APR 17, 2017 5:50 PM EDT
Liberals were right: Racism played a larger role in the rich asshole’s win than income and authoritarianism
The newly released American National Election Study analyzes voters and their motivations in the 2016 election
What motivated voters most during the 2016 election is still a highly debated topic. The 2016 American National Election Study, released last week, provides insight into the factors that propelled some rich asshole to victory.
the rich asshole supporters have often been depicted as racist, poor white Americans. But are they actually racist? Are they economically anxious?
This year the American National Election Study included 1,200 participants. The publicly funded study has been conducted for each election since 1948 and offers historical perspective. The new study examined key factors involved in the 2016 election.
The Washington Post analyzed three motivations for voters based on the study: income, authoritarianism and racial attitudes. Here is a recap:
How did voters’ income affect their decisions?
Traditionally, wealthier voters tend to vote for the Republican candidate while low-income voters lean toward the Democratic candidate.
That was not the case for the most recent election, however.
Was authoritarianism much at play?
The Washington Post reported:
“Many commentators and social scientists wrote about how much about authoritarianism influenced voters. Authoritarianism, as used by political scientists, isn’t the same as fascism; it’s a psychological disposition in which voters have an aversion to social change and threats to social order. Since respondents might not want to say they fear chaos or are drawn to strong leadership, this disposition is measured by asking voters about the right way to rear children.
The idea is that voters anxious about change and disorder will say it’s best to encourage children to follow rules. For instance, respondents are asked whether it’s better when children are considerate (likely more liberal) or well-behaved (likely more authoritarian), or whether they should be self-reliant (likely more liberal) or obedient (likely more authoritarian).”
According to the data, authoritarianism did not play a major role for GOP voters in this past election cycle. In fact, Republicans were slightly less attracted by the idea of authoritarianism than they had been in previous elections.
What effect did race have?
The major narrative surrounding November’s historic election focused on voters’ racial attitudes, and for good reason. the rich asshole supporters were relentlessly depicted as racists, and the study confirmed that suspicion.
“Since 1988, we’ve never seen such a clear correspondence between vote choice and racial perceptions,” Thomas Wood wrote in his Washington Post analysis. “The biggest movement was among those who voted for the Democrat, who were far less likely to agree with attitudes coded as more racially biased.”
The Post concluded, “Racial attitudes made a bigger difference in electing the rich asshole than authoritarianism.”
The current American National Election Study ultimately served as proof of what many left-wingers have been saying all along.
the rich asshole’s Biggest Business Foe TAUNTS Him Over Taxes; Knows He’s Full Of Sh*t (TWEET)
Ever since some rich asshole’s campaign towards the White House he’s been lying about not being able to release his tax returns. He keeps saying that he’s under audit by the IRS, but the IRS has said that is no reason not to show them.
the rich asshole has been using this audit line as an excuse and is continuing to do so even today as White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer regurgitated the lie once again.
One person who definitely knows the rich asshole is full of sh*t is none other than one of his biggest business foes, Mark Cuban.
Cuban has gone after the rich asshole time and time again for being a liar, and this time is no different.
After hearing Spicer spew the audit line yet again, Cuban tweeted out:
“[some rich asshole] has to file taxes by tomorrow like all of us. No way he is under audit for this year. Where are his new tax returns ?”
.@realDonaldTrump has to file taxes by tomorrow like all of us. No way he is under audit for this year. Where are his new tax returns ?
This is a brilliant point. There is no way the rich asshole is still under audit for this long. It’s clearly just an excuse. And if he, for any reason, were being audited for last year, then this year would still be available to show to the American people.
When it comes down to it, the rich asshole doesn’t want us to see his taxes.
Remember, the rich asshole is the guy who demanded transparency from former President Obama. He insisted Obama release his birth certificate and college transcripts. However, now, when it comes to something as simple as his tax returns, something presidents have been releasing every year for decades, he can’t do it himself.
Why? What is in his taxes that could be so remarkably damning that he can’t release them? And if there isn’t — release them already. the rich asshole owes this to the American people.
some rich asshole Taunts Child At Easter Egg Roll And Conway Wants Us To Thank Him For It (VIDEOS)
APRIL 17TH, 2017

Did Not-My-President some rich asshole just get caught on video taunting a child during the White House’s Easter Egg Roll event on Sunday? Of course he did.
Despite not even announcing the event until March, all seemed to go well…Until a reporter from POLITICO caught him on video in a highly egregious moment. A small child asked the GOP’s president to sign his baseball cap, and he agreed. Then some rich asshole cruelly threw the hat into the crowd as the child wailed “Noooooooooo!” He then laughed, called out, “Here you go kids, here,” and continued signing hats.
Here’s the video.
We realize that Barack and Michelle Obama are a tough act to follow, since they’re both great with kids. And we should all know better than to expect more from the Lord of Mar-a-Lago. Still, that video shows him sinking to a new low. Hopefully, this child now knows what kind of a man some rich asshole really is.
The way some rich asshole treats kids goes a long way towards explaining his adult children’s stunning lack of empathy. It takes a triad of stone cold hearts for Eric and Donald Jr. to hunt down and kill exotic animals, while Ivanka the rich asshole hired abused Chinese sweat shop workers to make her clothes and shoes.
Meanwhile, Kellyanne Conway clearly expects us to thank the the rich asshole family for the tax payer-funded Easter Egg Roll. Have they never heard of public service?
In an interview with Fox & Friends just before the event. She praised Donald and Melania the rich asshole for “working really hard to make this happen today,” as Melania slaved over picking the egg colors and a golden egg. She later added the Trumps “will be participating today,” and that “we should thank them, America should thank them.”
Here’s the video with Kellyanne Conway’s pre-Easter Egg Roll interview.
Meanwhile, some rich asshole’s opening speech for this normally cheerful, spring event sounds rather scary. First, he grimly intoned that before joining the crowd on the lawn, he and Melania would be going downstairs “to sign some cards for our troops, our great troops, the cards for troops.”
The GOP’s president then went on to deliver a strange message for a holiday that the right-wing evangelicals who helped put him into power — along with actual Christians — see as symbolizing rebirth and redemption:
“We will be stronger and bigger and better as a nation than ever before. We’re right on track.”
As for the Easter Egg Roll itself, some rich asshole jokingly managed to make it sound like a preview for The Apprentice or The Hunger Games.
“I don’t know if we’ll be successful, but I know a lot of people down there will be successful. I’ve seen these kids, and they’re highly, highly competitive.”
Wow. Just. Wow.