The Top 10 Reasons Donald Trump Is Refusing to Throw
Out the First Pitch of Baseball Season
Donald Trump at a New
York Mets home game on April 5, 2012.
Laham/Getty Images
Here's a news item
regarding Donald Trump and the ceremonial first pitch of the Washington
Nationals baseball team's season:
Nats say the White House has
declined invitation for President Trump to throw out ceremonial first pitch
Opening Day.
And here's a comedic
premise based on that news item:
These are the top 10
reasons Donald Trump is refusing to throw out the first pitch of the Nationals'
baseball season.
10. Gesture would
implicitly condone actions of Cuban players who helped Ted Cruz's dad shoot
President Kennedy in the head
9. Hands too small,
can't grab ball
8. Unclear where
ball should be grabbed anyway given that it doesn't have a [redacted]
7. Players are too old
and too male to make for good locker-room sleazeball creeping
6. Upset that Obama beat
out Mike Trout for ISIS MVP award despite worse advanced
5. Disappointed
when someone told him there are no Trump University alums playing in the game
because Trump University didn't have a baseball team and was, in fact, a
high-pressure sales scam rather than a real institution of higher learning
4. Presence of actual,
complete, non-imaginary wall in outfield makes him jealous
3. Can't sleep because
he keeps seeing this on the inside of his eyelids
every time he tries to get even a moment's peace. By God, her visage haunts his
very dreams.
2. Would probably be
booed mercilessly given that he has an extremely low approval rating and would
be appearing in a city in which he only got 4 percent of the
vote anyway
1. Still upset
about 1947 integration of the major leagues
Thanks for reading! No.
2 is probably the real reason. Also No. 1.
Democratic Dream Come True: Trump Declares War On The GOP's Far Right
This is either going to be great for the
Democrats or -really- great for the Democrats.

Thursday morning, Donald Trump woke up, shuffled
around the White House for a bit and then decided to kick off a civil war
within the Republican Party:
The Freedom Caucus will hurt the entire Republican agenda
if they don't get on the team, & fast. We must fight them, & Dems, in
Having previously threatened the House Freedom
Caucus if they didn't bend the knee before his throne, Trump appears to be
getting ready to make good on his word to crush them.
I am being completely and utterly sincere when I say,
"Good luck with that, Mr. President."
Trump is clearly still pissed off that the GOP's
most extreme members cost him a big win after they torpedoed Ryan and
Trump's abomination of a health care bill. And,
frankly, he should be. They hated it not because it stripped 24 million people
of their healthcare, they hated it because it didn't strip enoughpeople of
their healthcare. If Trump wants to truly get rid of "bad hombres,"
he can start with what Bob Cesca has previously dubbed "The Flying Monkey
If I were a Democrat, I would be quickly toasting
Trump and then getting right to work finding qualified candidates to
run in the HFC's 30 districts. Best case scenario, Trump and the people Steve
Bannon selects to run against the Flying Monkeys will split the vote
enough for a Democrat to slip in and take the seat. They'd almost certainly
lose it in the 2020 election since those districts are so heavily gerrymandered
in favor of Republicans, Ronald Reagan's skeleton could win over the most
conservative Democrat you can imagine. But until then, it would be a giant neon
sign that the GOP is vulnerable.
Another fun scenario to consider is that Trump
succeeds to outing most or all of the Caucus. The only people capable of doing
this would be Trumpsters to the right of the incumbent and the only
thing to the right on them are full blown white nationalists. I've
been saying for years that the Republican Party is doomed to become the party
of open white nationalism and the election of Trump to the presidency is only
going to accelerate that trend.
As openly racist as the Tea Party was and the House
Freedom Caucus is, they stop short of openly advocating for removing Those
People from America (Steve King being an exception). Trump
candidates will not be using coded language. Steve Bannon will hand pick
candidates that will make your rank and file neo-Nazi weep with joy. We've
already seen that there is a powerful appetite for white nationalism on the
right and that might just be enough to bump even the most rabid Tea Party
candidate out of office.
What's great about that is while the GOP's core may
love the idea of goosestepping, moderates will be nauseated while independents
and liberals will be enraged. The quickest way to electoral suicide is to be
the party with the Nazi Caucus.
Another aspect to consider is that being anti-establishment
is only useful when the other side controls the establishment. Conservatives
tend to like the idea of a monarch running the country and if the Flying
Monkeys are interfering with the king's rule, they may suddenly find they're
not so welcome anymore. This might allow the Republican establishment to get
their own people in, essentially primarying from the left. Anything that makes
the GOP less extreme has to be good for the country in the
long run, even if it makes it easier to pass the Republican agenda in the
short run.
Finally, there's the distinct possibility that the
House Freedom Caucus will decide that if it's war he wants, it's war Trump
shall get. Say goodbye toanything on the Republican agenda
that Trump wants. That wall on the border? Good luck finding the money to build
it because it won't be in the budget. Tax cuts? Yeah, they'd like to do it but
only if Trump agrees to privatize Medicare at the same time. Infrastructure? We
don't need roads where we're going. Did someone say something about the debt
ceiling? Oh, that won't be getting raised unless you get the Democrats to play
along. Best of luck with that one.
This is not a fight Trump should be picking and if he
(assuming he's still president by the midterms) fails to oust the Flying
Monkeys (the most likely outcome), he will be seen, rightly, as the single
weakest president of the modern era, forced to his knees by 30 completely
unaccountable extremists.
There is almost no downside for the Democrats here and
a whole lot of potential gain. At the absolute least, the campaign commercials
write themselves and Trump is forced to waste valuable time and what
little political capital he has left to fight his own party. We just have to
hope that Trump doesn't suddenly decide that he can't win this fight and
pretend it never happened. But even the status quo is benefiting Democrats so
it's pretty much a win-win-win-win situation for the left.
Maybe the Dems should take an extra moment to
give two toasts to Trump for being so phenomenally bad at his
There are 585 days left to the 2018 elections.
- This article kills fascists
Republicans Are P!Ssed Off About Trump’s
Attacks On The Freedom Caucus
by Rosie
Throughout the primary election, Trump frequently
attacked members of his own party and even long-held Republican ideals much to
the bemusement of the left. Now that he’s assumed office, little has changed
and since the House Freedom Caucus, the arm of the Tea Party, stood in the way
of his terrible healthcare bill, he can’t shut up about them and fired off
these tweets over the past week:
The Freedom Caucus
will hurt the entire Republican agenda if they don't get on the team, &
fast. We must fight them, & Dems, in 2018!
The Republican
House Freedom Caucus was able to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. After
so many bad years they were ready for a win!
Democrats are
smiling in D.C. that the Freedom Caucus, with the help of Club For Growth and
Heritage, have saved Planned Parenthood & Ocare!
Republicans don’t like it. Many of the people who voted
for Trump also voted for the members of the Freedom Caucus because they are
hard-line, far-right conservatives. And given Trump’s latest dismal poll
numbers, he can’t afford to bleed any more support than he already has (he’s at
a pitiful36 percent approval just two months into
his presidency).
Perhaps this time Don went a little too far? The
Twitter comment section on a Fox News tweet suggests, perhaps, this time
conservatives don’t like Trump attacking the far right members of their party.
Earlier today,
President @realDonaldTrump tweeted out this message
about the Freedom Caucus - do you agree?
@FoxNews absolutely
not. It's a shame to be honest. They helped him get elected.
@Neilgrimsley @FoxNews @realDonaldTrump but
they are true republicans. Moderate republicans support democrats. Freedom C.
Does not
@FoxNews @realDonaldTrump it's
really discouraging the attacks coming from DT at HFC. They r for us. He should
talk w Rand Paul.
@FoxNews @realDonaldTrump Do
not diminish the Freedom Caucus. Many of us came to the Republican party
because of the tea party movement.
@FoxNews @realDonaldTrump No
I do not agree, it was conservatives like them and myself that put him in
Whatever way this turns out, it bodes well for the
left. If Trump bleeds more supporters, groovy, he can kiss 2020 goodbye. If it
kills off the House Freedom Caucus, even better, they support an agenda that
was popular when people wore tricorn hats. If this Republican party in-fighting
continues, 2018 will be looking good for the Democrats who are united (for the
most part) in thwarting Donald Trump and creating policy that helps,
not hurts Americans.
Grab your popcorn, it’s going to get interesting.
March 28,
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In
a fiercely defiant statement on Tuesday, the White House press secretary, Sean
Spicer, denied that any member of the White House staff has ever worked “in any
way, shape, or form” for the benefit of the United States.
Angrily addressing the press corps, Spicer said that
any allegations that members of the Trump Administration have ever acted in
concert or collusion with the United States are “unequivocally false.”
“At no time during the transition or afterward did any
member of the Trump team have meetings, conversations, or any other contacts
that furthered the interests of the United States of America,” Spicer said. “In
the thousands of communications that took place, the United States never came
up even once.”
Drawing a stark contrast with the Administration of
former President Barack Obama, Spicer said that many members of Obama’s staff
were “clearly and flagrantly working for the United States government at all
“President Trump has put an end to that,” he said.
In closing, Spicer said that the recent effort to pass
the Republican health-care bill should silence “once and for all” those trying
to link the Trump Administration to the United States government. “If you look
at the interaction between the White House and congressional Republicans, there
is absolutely no evidence of coördination,” he said.
By Wendy Gittleson on March 29, 2017 9:10
pm ·
For some reason, some rich asshole decided to
speak to a group of women at a women’s empowerment event on Wednesday, on one
of the final days of Women’s History Month. It didn’t go well.
First he bragged about the number of
women in his cabinet. There are six women. Out of 24. That’s 25 percent. Less
than half of what would be representative of the nation as a whole. It’s also
the whitest and most male cabinet since
Ronald Reagan.
It got worse. the rich asshole went on to name
women, famous women, although there’s no indication that the rich asshole knew
why many of them were famous. The first part wasn’t soooooo bad:
“Since the very beginning, women have driven,
and I mean, each generation of Americans, towards a more free and more
prosperous future,” the rich asshole said. “These patriots are women like the
legendary Abigail Adams, right? Who, during the founding, urged her husband to
remember the rights of women. She was very much a pioneer in that way. We’ve
been blessed with courageous heroes like Harriet Tubman who escaped slavery.
And went on to deliver hundreds of others to freedom, first in the underground
railroad and then as a spy for the union army. She was very, very courageous,
believe me.”
Source: Raw Story
It very quickly became clear he was out of his
intellectual element when he completed that thought with:
Around we’ve had leaders like Susan B.
Anthony. Have you heard of Susan B. Anthony? I’m shocked that you’ve heard of
her — who dreamed of a much more fair and equal future and an America where
women themselves as she said helped to make laws and elect the lawmakers, and
that’s what’s happening more and more.”
Of course, it’s not shocking at all that a
group of women have in fact heard of the suffragette and all around
social justice warrior. There was even a coin with her face on it, but to be
fair, it’s doubtful the rich asshole carries cash. Other people pay all of his
the rich asshole, though, had clearly never
heard of Anthony, at least before someone briefed him right before the event.
Here’s the video:
Perhaps the rich asshole’s handlers (whoever
they are) need to remind the orange dictator that he should never, ever speak
to people who aren’t white and male.
“Have You Heard of Susan B. Anthony?” the
rich asshole Quipped. Twitter Wasn’t Amused
US Politics Leave a comment 21 Views
Women’s rights leader, Susan B. Anthony.
On Wednesday, the rich asshole spoke to a
women’s empowerment panel and praised the “incredible female leaders” of his
Cabinet. He also spoke about the contributions of figures such as Harriet
Tubman, Susan B. Anthony, and Abigail Adams, as Women’s History Month is coming
to an end.
“Did you heard about Susan B. Anthony?”
President the rich asshole asked in what seemed to be a sarcastic tone.
Audience members chuckled in response.
“I’m shocked that you heard about it,” he
The president went on to say Anthony “dreamed
of a much more equitable and fair future, an America where women themselves, as
she said, ‘helped to make laws and elect the legislators.'”
If you watch the speech, it seems clear the
rich asshole question about Susan B. Anthony was an attempt at humor.
Not everyone on Twitter gets jokes, however.
Yeah, we've heard of Susan B. Anthony.
Today Trump asked a group of women "Have you heard
of Susan B. Anthony?" This is her grave after the 2016 election. Yeah,
we've heard of her
Re: Trump's Susan B Anthony comment. Chill. He was being
Do you think Trump knows Susan B. Anthony & Frederick
Douglass were friends? Worked together on universal suffrage? (Knows who they
were?) …
#Trump mansplained #SusanBAnthony
To a group of women today...
Friday Mar 17, 2017 · 2:25 PM EDT
· DailyKos
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This Tennessee man will hopefully inspire more former
the rich asshole supporters to get honest, come forward and admit
they made a mistake — sending a loud and clear message to some rich
asshole and the world: “We don’t want your brand of ‘great.’”
David Smith (@SmithInAmerica)
the rich asshole
voter James Walker, 31, from Nashville, says: “This is the first step: showing
up and being honest.”
Trump voter James Walker, 31, from Nashville, says: "This is the first
step: showing up and being honest."
Can’t help but notice he used “HUGE” mistake.
Cheers to James Walker for taking such a plunge
knowing full well there would be backlash from both sides.
As hard as it might be, it’s important not to attack
those who admit they were wrong. There were many variables involved in the
election of some rich asshole. The extent of some of those variables, such as
the amount of Russian interference, is still unmeasured. Each
person that deserts the rich asshole and comes forward is a small victory for
all of us and expedites the way towards ending his horrendously
corrupt era.
And speaking of corrupt eras, may the GOP Wealthcare
leaders Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Jason Chaffetz and their ilk, and
the rich asshole’s cabinet which includes racists and billionaires, go
down hard with the the rich asshole ship sinks. And
it will sink. It will sink.
the rich asshole Has 4:16 AM Mental Collapse –
Implicates Bill Clinton In Russian Fraud Scandal
By Caleb R. Newton -
March 28, 2017
Our couch potato in chief
of a president took to Twitter yet again this Tuesday morning to promote his
favorite TV show, Fox and Friends.
He used the opportunity
to promote the show’s content exploring the connections of Hillary Clinton’s
campaign chairman, John Podesta, to Russia, writing, simply, “Watch @foxandfriends
now on Podesta and Russia!”
Watch @foxandfriends now on Podesta and Russia!
The issue with Podesta is
that he may have violated federal law by failing to disclose his stake in a
Russian-owned company when he came on board the Obama administration as an
adviser to the President.
the rich asshole spoke to
this same issue on Twitter late Monday night, writing, “Why isn’t the House
Intelligence Committee looking into… Podesta Russian Company. the rich
asshole Russia story is a hoax. #MAGA!”
Why isn't the House Intelligence
Committee looking into the Bill & Hillary deal that allowed big Uranium to
go to Russia, Russian speech.... to Bill, the Hillary
Russian "reset," praise of Russia by Hillary, or Podesta Russian
Company. Trump Russia story is a hoax. #MAGA!
the rich asshole has
repeatedly used references to supposed corrupt ties to Russia on the part of
Clinton and her team to try and distract from the ongoing investigations into
his own potentially criminal connections to Russia, but there’s one thing that
he’s simply never going to be able to get around.
He’s the president, while
Hillary Clinton isn’t.
Hillary Clinton didn’t
have members of her team lie their way through confirmation hearings for
Cabinet posts. Hillary Clinton didn’t have to fire one of those liars after
they were caught in their lie. Hillary Clinton didn’t claim to not know Putin
and have nothing to do with Russia when records clearly indicated the opposite.
Hillary Clinton isn’t pursuing a real estate deal with a
Russia connected developer while occupying the White House.
All of those things do apply
to some rich asshole, however. If he can’t grasp why the United States would be
more concerned with possible corruption on the part of a sitting U.S. president
over that of a periphery official from a past administration, than he
needs to rethink the way that he’s approaching the seriousness of his new job.
Of course, it’s already
been clear that he needs to do that for some time, on account of how flippantly
he continues to treat issues of major national and global security.
Author Christoph Rehage,
who often comments on the rich asshole’s tweets, captured the absurdity of the
situation quite well.
@realDonaldTrump YES!
Watch Fox and Friends! And DON'T watch what the FBI is doing with their STUPID
INVESTIGATION of our campaign!
@realDonaldTrump Presidenting
is SO EASY! Previous POTUS were so concerned with the nuclear football, but we
care about IMPORTANT things!
@realDonaldTrump We care
about Fox And Friends. We care about Judge Judy or Judge Dredd or WHATEVER her
name was - the SCREAMING LADY!
@realDonaldTrump We care
about other POTUS when they go GOLFING, and then we go and show them how a
HOLE-IN-ONE is achieved!
@realDonaldTrump We care
about Ivanka's SHOES! And about her SECURITY CLEARANCE! Wanna make sure she is
@realDonaldTrump We care
about things. Like Uranium, we know what THAT is! It's many things, some of
which are BAD THINGS! Like HILLARY!
Featured Image
via Chip Somodevilla/
Getty Images.the rich asshole Gets SKEWERED For Trying To Take Credit
For Investment Ford Planned In 2015
By Stephen D Foster Jr on March 28, 2017 1:02
pm ·
some rich asshole continues to embarrass
himself in a desperate effort to prove that he’s a job creator.
In yet another self-serving and self-promoting
post on Twitter, the rich asshole crowed about an announcement made
by Ford Motor Company that it is investing $1.2 billion in three automotive
plants in Michigan that will keep and create jobs.
Big announcement by Ford today.
Major investment to be made in three Michigan plants. Car companies coming back
However, Ford previously planned this
investment back in 2015 while President Obama was still in office.
According to The Detroit News,
The company said Tuesday it will invest $850
million to retool its Michigan Assembly Plant in Wayne for truck and SUV
production; $150 million in its Romeo Engine Plant to expand capacity for
several vehicles; and $200 million to build a data center at the company’s Flat
Rock Assembly Plant.
The investments at the Michigan Assembly Plant
and Romeo Engine Plant were negotiated as part of the 2015 Ford-United Auto
Workers contract. The investments at Flat Rock — those announced today and
those announced in January — are new.
In short, most of the investments the rich
asshole is praising were already going to happen as part of deal between
Ford executives and the labor union, which means a labor should get the credit
for helping American workers and preventing jobs from being outsourced to other
countries. the rich asshole had nothing to do with it.
This isn’t the first time the rich asshole has
taken credit for investments and job growth companies planned prior to him
taking office.
the rich asshole also took credit for a
Charter Communications announcement to create 20,000 jobs even though that plan
was also made in 2015.
Of course, while the rich asshole supporters
are gullible enough to believe he is responsible for these job gains, everyone
else is not buying it. Twitter users made that clear in their comments.
Hey @realDonaldTrump, these are
all part of the 2015 Ford-United Auto Workers contract. Had nothing to do with
you …
@realDonaldTrump Every
time you make these announcements, we later find out that the deal had been in
place months.
Sign of desperation.
@MatthewDicks @realDonaldTrump Of course it's been in place
for months. This guy is too busy working on his golf swing.
@realDonaldTrump You
love taking credit for everything Obama did. We know the truth.
.@realDonaldTrump Thank
you! This is a great reminder of that time Obama saved the entire American
automobile industry.
.@realDonaldTrump Cut the
BS, #trump You can't just
take credit for things that you've had zero to do with. WTF is wrong with you!?
@realDonaldTrump Yes.
Trumpers, read the Detroit papers. This was promised in a union contract from
2015. Don't let Trump con you, again
The only question now is what other job
announcements made under the Obama Administration will the rich asshole take
credit for next?
March 18, 2017
To Our German Friends and
We apologize for the fact
that our head of state is an infantile buffoon who’s afraid to shake hands with
a brilliant, accomplished woman like your amazing chancellor, Ms. Merkel.
We also want to remind
you that the majority of us didn’t vote for this assclown. Three million more
of us voted for another intelligent, dedicated lady who would have done us
proud, and we don’t even consider the impostor currently residing in the White
House to be a legitimate president.
Most of all, however, we
ask you to forgive us for the way some rich asshole acted like a complete and
utter asshole when Ms. Merkel came to pay a visit. Rest assured we’re currently
working on getting the self-centered twatnozzle removed by all legal
means available to us.
And now we offer you some
laughter with these amazingly original (and slightly altered) photos of the
Oval Office debacle that took place.

Your American Friends and
By John Prager on March 28, 2017 5:18
pm ·
On Tuesday, our resident Manchurian couch
potato met with the head of Chicago’s Fraternal Order of Police to talk
about the “carnage” (as Trump calls it) in the city that prompted Trump to “send in the
feds” in January.
“Sadly, our police are often prevented from
doing their jobs,” Trump told union officials at the meeting. “In too many of
our communities, violent crime is on the rise. These are painful realities that
many in Washington don’t want to talk about. We have seen it all over.”
Trump thanked the union president Dean Angelo
for the support he and the union gave during the campaign and, as is custom,
took a moment to tell them how much cops love him, describing the numbers in
his favor among law enforcement as “extremely lopsided.”
Then, he said something that would be taken as
a joke when uttered by most people — but not by someone who installs people in various government
offices to serve as loyalty police:
“I’m just trying to figure out the few people
who voted the other way. Who are they? Who are they? Find out who they are,
please, and let us know.”
The room filled with uncertain, muffled,
uneasy laughter.
Was Trump joking? Who knows? After all, ever
since he came to power he has treated the act of firing and threatening anyone
who disagrees with him as a regular, everyday activity.
the rich asshole Goes On Wild Twitter
Rant About Debunked Hillary/Russia Conspiracy Theory
By Eliza Mayhew -
March 27, 2017
If you believe in a
supreme power, now is the time to get praying. Just when Americans likely
thought that President some rich asshole maybe had some
functioning brain cells left, he proved us all wrong.
As a result of the
ongoing House Intelligence Committee investigation into President the rich
asshole and his campaign team’s communication with Russia, due to concerns over
potentially colluding to secure the presidency, the rich asshole
is losing his marbles.
Maybe because he has
something to hide.
In yet another
distraction technique, President the rich asshole sent out this asinine tweet
late Monday evening:
isn’t the House Intelligence Committee looking into the Bill & Hillary deal
that allowed big Uranium to go to Russia, Russian speech money to Bill, the
Hillary Russian “reset,” praise of Russia by Hillary, or Podesta Russian
Company. the rich asshole Russia story is a hoax. #MAGA!’
Why isn't the House Intelligence
Committee looking into the Bill & Hillary deal that allowed big Uranium to
go to Russia, Russian speech.... to Bill, the Hillary
Russian "reset," praise of Russia by Hillary, or Podesta Russian
Company. Trump Russia story is a hoax. #MAGA!
Hm, let’s see Donald,
maybe because much like your claim that President Barack Obama ‘wiretapped’ the
rich asshole Tower — this allegation against Bill and Hillary Clinton was proven to be untrue.
He is referring however,
to the baseless conspiracy theory that speculated a “quid pro quo” deal
whereby the Clinton’s traded one-fifth of America’s uranium deposits for a $145
million donation to the Clinton Foundation. Except neither Clinton had the
authority, nor made any attempts to obtain the authority, to make that deal.
They had absolutely nothing to do with it. Moreover, it was determined that
only one person even remotely related to the deal made any donation to the
Clinton Foundation, and the following explanation was provided
by The New York Times:
donations through the Fernwood Foundation included $1 million reported in 2009,
the year his company appealed to the American Embassy to help it keep its mines
in Kazakhstan; $250,000 in 2010, the year the Russians sought majority control;
as well as $600,000 in 2011 and $500,000 in 2012. Mr. Telfer said that his donations
had nothing to do with his business dealings, and that he had never discussed
Uranium One with Mr. or Mrs. Clinton. He said he had given the money because he
wanted to support Mr. Giustra’s charitable endeavors with Mr. Clinton. “Frank
and I have been friends and business partners for almost 20 years.”‘
This is an allegation
which some rich asshole threw around back in September as well, resulting in a
variety of memes circulating crucifying Hillary which was essentially a giant
propaganda scheme to discredit her and hurt her chances at the presidency.
Furthermore, Vladimir
Putin identified that he did not want Hillary
Clinton to become president because he felt she was at fault for dissidence
within Russia. He acknowledged that she had a greater aversion
to his government and his country than some rich asshole. That, in essence, was
the entire motivation for the
Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election. They wanted some rich
asshole to win because he was seen as the friendlier option for
There is so much wrong
with this rant, one could go on forever. At the base of it though, is
another blatantly obvious distraction attempt from the the rich asshole/Russia
investigation and the propagation of “alternative facts” and legitimate “fake
Russia Issues New Threat to US If More the
rich asshole/Russia Connections Get Released

Posted on March 27, 2017

In a
move that just brings further clarity to the notion that some rich asshole and
his team are deeply, deeply connected to Russia, the Kremlin is
threatening to leak US intelligence if more and more connections between them
and the the rich asshole crew are brought to light.
spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry made threats against the United States
regarding the Russia Scandal. The threats were made in an English post to the
Foreign Ministry’s website, and reported on at the Palmer Report:
points out the briefing posted on a Russian government website called, which was conducted by Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova.
She was speaking on behalf of Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey
Lavrov, which, of course, means she in in effect speaking on behalf
of Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Kremlin page is titled “The
assassination of former Duma deputy Denis Voronenkov,” which is in reference to
the former Russian politician who fled to Ukraine, only to be gunned down in
the street earlier this week.
As Palmer Report has pointed out, Voronenkov
would have been a star witness in the trial that the government of Ukraine is
currently trying to assemble against former some rich asshole campaign chairman
Paul Manafort. Voronenkov was murdered just one day after proof finally surfaced
of the longstanding assertion that Manafort had taken tens of millions of
dollars from the Kremlin. It’s widely believed that Vladimir Putin had former
Kremlin insider Voronenkov murdered in order to prevent him from exposing
Kremlin secrets during any Manafort trial.
But the Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson seems to be blaming
the entire sequence of events on leaks from the United States government. In
her briefing (source: she goes on to
make the following claim, along with a rather dire threat:
“I would like to say that if
the practice of leaking information that concerns not just the United States
but also Russia, which has become a tradition in Washington in the past few
years, continues, there will come a day when the media will publish leaks about
the things that Washington asked us to keep secret, for example, things that
happened during President Obama’s terms in office. Believe me, this could be
very interesting information.”
this pretty much confirm that the rich asshole is connected to Russia and this
scandal is totally legitimate? What do you think?
rich asshole Wants to Transform Government Into a Business, Just After Learning
it Doesn't Work Like That
Running the government
like a business will accelerate the trend of putting money before people and
corporate speech before individual speech. It'll place more
government control in the hands of oligarchs and the power elite.
After Trumpcare Failure, Democrats Have a Small Window to
Change Perception of Healthcare in America
Republican Party can't let this one go. They can't stop fantasizing about how
government can and should be run like a business, despite the vast differences
between corporate leadership and political leadership -- between the nature of
government versus the nature of business. Or perhaps they don't want to believe
it because it interferes with their ongoing ideological push to privatize
everything, thus drowning government in the bathtub.
Monday, the White House announced that President
the rich asshole's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, would be heading up a task force
to change the nature of the federal government so that it runs more like a
government should be run like a great American company. Our hope is that we can
achieve successes and efficiencies for our customers, who are the
citizens," Kushner told the Post in an interview.
The basic
premise is entirely wrong. Businesses are solely tasked with turning a profit;
the government is expressly forbidden from running a profit; the government can
print money; a corporation's responsibility is to its shareholders, not
"We the People" at large; and a government functions on democratic
consensus, while a business runs on the plans of its CEO. The list of differences go on
and on. John T. Harvey, writing for Forbes, put it this way:
Bear in
mind, first, that “efficiency” in the private sector means profit. Hence, to
ask that the government be run like a business is tantamount to asking that the
government turn a profit. The problem in a nutshell, is that not
everything that is profitable is of social value and not everything of social
value is profitable. Reality TV, pornography, fashion, sports, and gambling
are all of questionable social value, but each is quite profitable and exists
in the private sector. Meanwhile, few would argue that the Army, Navy, Air
Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, police department, fire department,
libraries, parks, and public schools are of no social value, and yet they could
not exist if they were required to be profitable.
And yet this myth survives today. Worse yet, it appears as if the the rich asshole
White House is getting ready to make some huge changes to that end.
the other problem. the rich asshole knows it doesn't work. In fact, he just
learned and admitted to a valuable lesson following the collapse of Trumpcare last
week. In a conversation with The Washington Post's Robert Costa,
the rich asshole revealed that putting together a political deal is vastly
different that putting together a real estate deal.
the rich asshole, it was never supposed to be this hard. As a real estate mogul
on the rise, he wrote “The Art of the Deal,” and as a political candidate, he
boasted that nobody could make deals as beautifully as he could.
Replacing Obamacare, a Republican
bogeyman since the day it was enacted seven years ago, was the rich asshole’s
first chance to prove that he had the magic touch that he claimed eluded
Washington. [...]
legislating, it turned out, was different from cutting deals to splash his name
across skyscrapers. And less than 100 days into his administration, the
president found himself a red-faced Don Quixote, railing against the
intractable forces on Capitol Hill, where Republicans are wearied by years of
Of course you
and I could've told him this years ago because anyone with a working knowledge
of politics, the Constitution and the American system of government would know
that businesses have a completely different mandate, with significantly fewer
people to convince of policy changes or proposals. The point here,
specifically, is that the rich asshole learned this lesson just three days ago
and yet he's pushing forward with this suspicious plot to make government more
consequences will be catastrophic. Our constitutional system is designed to put
the people in charge -- as the rich asshole promised in his inaugural address,
by the way -- but businesses only respond to the people when their products
aren't selling. The government ideally has to respond to the people at
all times, no matter what. Running the government like a business,
therefore, will accelerate the trend of putting money before people
and corporate speech before individual speech. It'll place more
government control in the hands of oligarchs and the power elite.
If you're
thinking this sounds like Russia's autocratic kleptocracy, with its strongman
CEO president, you're definitely tracking with me here. It's the next totally
transparent step toward transforming the United States into a more Putinist
system -- a move that'll surely benefit the rich asshole, Putin and
their billionaire pals before it benefits you.
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