This is a daily or weekly record of the Trump presidency so hopefully future generations will learn what happens when you elect an narcissistic, thin skinned, racist, xenophobic, misogynistic unqualified buffoon in a position of power where he has access to nuclear codes.
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Twitter feed
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
June 21, 2017 - June 26, 2017. 223-228 days since the Nov 8, 2016, election and 153-158 days since the Jan 20th inauguration of No45
Eight Russia tweets in three days: the rich asshole’s propaganda machine goes into overdrive
The White House is using the @realDonaldTrump Twitter account as a primary means of propaganda dissemination, while simultaneously restricting access for the mainstream media and White House press corps.
(AP Photo/Isaac Brekken)
some rich asshole has taken to Twitter to try to create yet another false narrative for his supporters. In just three days, he has made eight public statements about Russian meddling in the 2016 United States presidential election.
Rather than taking the rich asshole’s comments at face value as truths he believes, or minimizing them as meaningless rants, it is important to examine them in the context of authoritarian tactics and propaganda.
the rich asshole ran in large part on what is known as a “big lie,” as he and the Republican Party continually demonized both former President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to an absurd degree.
Now the rich asshole has again taken up this narrative of Obama and Clinton being untrustworthy villains, this time with regard to Russian interference in election. He alleged that Obama “colluded or obstructed” — although, using the propaganda tactic of intentional vagueness, he did not specify with whom Obama supposedly “colluded” or what he supposedly “obstructed.”
In other words, the rich asshole accused Obama of the very crimes for which he himself is under FBI investigation, which is also a common technique in propaganda:
Importantly, the rich asshole also acknowledges in these tweets that “Russian meddling” did take place, a complete reversal of his previous months-long campaign of denials.
This apparent change of heart may be in reaction to the recent Washington Post article confirming the existence of intelligence showing Russian President Vladimir Putin was personally involved in efforts to try to hurt Clinton and to elect the rich asshole. The report also documented in detail the Republicans’ obstruction of Obama’s efforts to educate the American public about Russian interference.
The day that article was published, the rich asshole moved from outright denial to misdirection, trying to cast blame on Obama and his administration, insisting that people should “Focus on them, not T!”
the rich asshole also cherry-picked the facts to imply that the Obama administration actually chose the actions it took because they “didn’t want to hurt Hillary” — rather than going out of its way to ensure its actions would not affect the election while the rich asshole was actively accusing Democrats of “rigging” it.
the rich asshole later mirrored a propaganda tactic the U.S. intelligence community confirmed the Russian government utilized in its active measures: He tried to split the left by turning parts of it against one another. Accusing Clinton of working with the Democratic Party to “collude” to “beat Crazy Bernie Sanders,” the rich asshole even attempted to make this accusation more convincing by saying it was “Unfair to Bernie!”
At this point, it is unclear if it is the rich asshole himself writing these tweets, or others more skilled in propaganda, such as Steve Bannon or Stephen Miller — both of whom are well-versed in propaganda techniques used by right-wing extremists and authoritarian regimes.
What is clear is the rich asshole is subjecting the American people to a misinformation campaign.
The White House is using the rich asshole’s Twitter account as a way to disseminate pure propaganda, while simultaneously restricting access for the mainstream media and White House press corps.
This is not normal, and it cannot be deemed acceptable.
Cringeworthy Fox News Interview With the rich asshole Was an Embarrassment to Journalism
Fox News is the only network getting access to the President, and we're all worse off because of it.
For American journalists, interviewing the President of the United States is a big deal. Or at least it should be if you believe your job is to hold officials accountable. It’s a rare opportunity to sit down one on one with the leader of the most powerful country in the world. Everything of course depends on who is in office, and what’s happening in Washington and around the world at the time. The topics need to be relevant, and the time with the President will be limited. So how on earth does one prepare?
From now on, we can use the questions from President the rich asshole’s interview with Fox News contributor Pete Hegsethas a clear example of what not to do. As Hegseth explained on Fox and Friends, he had 15 minutes to sit down with the rich asshole on the sidelines of a signing ceremony for a VA accountability bill. Inpart 1 of the conversation, they covered veterans issues andpart 2was described by the network as talking about the healthcare push and hostility between the parties. What transpired is an embarrassment the profession of journalism.
The Washington Post’sDave Weigelcalled the questions, “so soft I want to put them in a pillowcase”. I wouldn’t even be able to sleep on that pillow because it would provide zero neck support. It’s more like the questions were small puffs of smoke, or clouds that eventually dissipate.
Weigel also did us the favor of posting just the questions, rather than the video or the full transcript. Only when text is isolated and read out loud can you fully feel the fluff of this encounter. Find it below:
And how hard is it to have to wake up in the White House every morning instead of looking out at the ocean, Mr. President?
I jest, of course, but come on! I don’t think anyone is under the illusion that Fox News is an unbiased source, and clearly their coverage favors Republicans and the White House. CNN's Brian Stelter had a particularly good take down of the Fox and Friends morning show on Reliable Sources this week. And as I’ve written before, people tune in to have their world views reaffirmed. But do they also want to have their intelligence insulted?
The only way to assume that these questions weren't written by the President and his communications team themselves is that there seems to be an uneven distribution of queries focusing on the rich asshole as a victim rather than as the huge, most successful hero occupying the executive branch there ever was. It's enough to make you cringe, laugh, cry and want to vomit all at once.
Now that I've got that off my chest, let's not downplay the damaging nature of journalism that obscures reality. Focusing on Elizabeth Warren and her loud microphone, instead of the prospect of people dying because of the Republican healthcare bills introduced in both the House and the Senate, works. As Greg Sargent writes at the Washington Post, a large majority of Americans don't have a clear sense of what the plan does. He points to a poll from the Kaiser Foundation that shows only 38% of respondents are aware of "major reductions" in Medicaid spending in the Senate GOP plan.
There is plenty of blame to put on the shoulders of most news organizationsfor not providing enough coverage of the critical issue of healthcare. The unprecedented secrecy with which Republicans have approached the entire process of pushing forward this legislation has also been terrifying to watch. But if it's possible, I think Fox News may have just hit a new low in the irresponsible journalism department - not because of their daily spin, which is a whole other story, but because they are the only network getting access to the President.
The the rich asshole administration is increasingly operating in secrecy, slowly doing away with the White House press briefings and keeping the President himself away from any microphones. Prior to the end of last week, it had been over 40 days since the rich asshole sat down for an interview - that had been with Fox News' Judge Jeanine Pirro. Then came not one, but two Fox exclusives last week, including the dumpster fire with Hegseth and another with Fox and Friends host Ainsley Earhardt. Obviously being friendly gets them continued access, but at what cost?
the rich asshole Freaks Out During Wild Late Night Twitter Escapades – Gets Mocked Hard
President the rich asshole took to Twitter this Friday evening to address the ongoing controversy over Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, and in so doing, he coughed up an only barely altered version of the same basic malarkey storyline that he loves to stick to.
In short, he attempted, yet again, to deflect blame for his own inaction on the issue of Russian election meddling onto the Obama Administration.
He wrote, “Just out: The Obama Administration knew far in advance of November 8th about election meddling by Russia. Did nothing about it. WHY?”
First of all, it is flatly incorrect that the Obama Administration did nothing about the Russian interference in our elections. Firstly, they obviously sought to approach the issue carefully and not make any rash decisions. Secondly, they notified the public of their suspicions about Russia being behind the DNC hack and eventually imposed sanctions against Russia, even though those came, technically, after the election.
Just because the rich asshole hasn’t done nearly enough to address the threat of a foreign power interfering in our elections — he’s literally done close to nothing — that doesn’t mean he gets to pretend like nobody else has worked to address the problem.
As mentioned, he’s attempted this same argument before. On Thursday, he wrote on Twitter, “By the way, if Russia was working so hard on the 2016 Election, it all took place during the Obama Admin. Why didn’t they stop them?”
@realDonaldTrump Millions of people will lose access to healthcare and have their lives put at risk in a way you'd never understand from a gold-plated tower
The Department of Homeland Security announced today that it is restarting a $10 million grant program for “Countering Violent Extremism” but will no longer fund Life After Hate, a group dedicated to countering neo-Nazis and white extremism.
In January, before President Barack Obama left office, DHS announced it would be giving grants to Life After Hate and 30 other anti-extremist groups and law enforcement agencies, but the the rich asshole administration suspended them before the money had been awarded. Thenew list of grantees announced todayby the rich asshole’s DHS includes groups that combat Al Qaeda and ISIS and leaves out organizations primarily focused on countering white supremacists and other far-right hate groups. Perhaps this should come as no surprise because, as Reuters reported in February, the rich asshole transition officials as far back as December were debating changing the focus and name of the program from “Countering Violent Extremism” to “Countering Islamic Extremism” or “Countering Radical Islamic Extremism.” President the rich asshole has also made it a habit to largely ignore attacks committed by anyone who doesn’t qualify as a “radical Islamic terrorist.”
“Obviously we are disappointed in that decision,” Life After Hate co-founder and board member Tony McAlver told Mother Jones. Comprised of 50 former members of right-wing hate groups, Life After Hate has received 10 times more requests for helpin the past year than in the previous five years combined, McAlver says. The organization was hoping to secure a $400,000 grant from DHS, which would have allowed Life After Hate to expand its efforts with an in-house tech team to identify and counter neo-Nazi recruitment online. “It was not to pay salaries and stuff,” McAlver says. “It was for a specific online campaign.”
McAlver was not told by DHS why it was pulling the grant, though he speculates that “they are only going to fund things targeting ISIS and Al Qaeda.” DHS did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Excluding the Pulse nightclub shooting last year, far-right militants have killed more people in the United States than jihadis have. Between 2002 and 2016, according to New America, Islamists launched nine attacks that killed 45 people,while right-wing extremists struck 18 times, leaving 48 dead. Just this month, a white supremacist stabbed two people to death on a Portland commuter train after they tried to prevent him from attacking a group of women whom he believed to be Muslim.
“It is not something to ignore,” McAlver says. “We think the need for our services is greater than ever.”
Update: Responding to questions from Mother Jones, DHS denied that Life After Hate was excluded because of its focus on far-right extremism. “DHS used its discretion to include other factors and information when reviewing each applicant” such as whether the applicants “were viable to continue after the award period,” said DHS spokeswoman Lucy Martinez. “The program has not been altered to focus on any one type of violent extremism,” she added, maintaining that 16 projects funded by DHS “are equipped to handle all types of violent extremism, including white supremacist violent extremism.”
Iowa’s Response to the rich asshole’s Campaign Rally Says It All
the rich asshole is holding yet another campaign rally after winning the 2016 election. His latest rally took place in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. He and Mike Pence joined forces to give all of the the rich asshole diehards what they want.
However, not all Iowa citizens welcomed some rich asshole with open arms. Cedar Rapids’ most popular newspaper simply said: “Don’t come.”
The Cedar Rapids Gazette reminded the rich asshole on its front page that “now is not the time for a rally.” The editorial board urged him to cancel his rally and instead speak about how he plans to help Iowa citizens. Of course, their request fell on deaf ears.
Read the letter below:
“Mr. President, the campaign is over. You won. Now is not the time to rally. Now is the time to sell your policies, listen to Americans with a stake in those efforts and govern. Iowans have questions and concerns about your plans. They can’t be heard over the cheers of a rally.”
The letter included a list of important topics Iowans are concerned about such as crop insurance cuts in the rich asshole’s budget, climate change, flood protection, healthcare, and public school funding.
“That’s a lot of ground to cover while you’re on the ground in Iowa. But we think it’s critical you understand the real world implications of these and many other policies your administration is proposing. We concede it’s not as much fun as hearing the cheers and chants of folks convinced you’re making America great again. But it’s what presidents do.”
Ever since Election Day, the rich asshole has insisted that he won the popular vote despite the fact that Hillary Clinton actually won it by nearly 3 million votes.
According to the rich asshole, Hillary only won it because of “voter fraud,” accusing nearly three million people of voting illegally.
As you may also recall, the rich asshole has repeatedly refused to create a panel to investigate the Russian interference in the election that helped him win.
Well, that’s about to change.
According to the Boston Globe, two members of the panel are calling for looking at Russian hacking of voting systems in more than two dozen states, a departure from what the rich asshole intended the panel to investigate.
New Hampshire Secretary of State Bill Gardner and Maine Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap have requested that the panel look at Russian interference, which the rich asshole has repeatedly claimed never happened despite evidence to the contrary.
“There’s stuff coming out now that states were hacked in this election,” Gardner said.
“If you are looking at the integrity of the election, you have to look at things that might compromise that integrity,” Dunlap added. “That includes things that might happen electronically.”
And Kansas Secretary of State and the rich asshole ally Kris Kobach agrees with them.
“In the initial descriptions of the commission, election security and the integrity of equipment and voter databases was not specifically described,” Kobach said. “But if it’s something the commission wants to discuss, we can.”
In short, the rich asshole’s own “voter fraud” panel is going to take a look at Russian interference in the 2016 Election, which is probably the last thing the rich asshole wanted them to investigate. But the problem with investigating the “voter fraud” that the rich asshole claims cost him the popular vote is that instances of voter fraud are negligible. Even Republican state officials have criticized the rich asshole for making such an outrageous claim. So it’s likely the panel simply didn’t have much to do because voter fraud is so rare in our country. Now they are going to investigate real voter fraud and the rich asshole must be terrified because he slipped up on Thursday morning by admitting that Russia did interfere, only he also attempted to blame it on President Obama.
So not only is Congress and special prosecutor Robert Mueller investigating, the rich asshole’s own panel is investigating now. The only walls the rich asshole is seeing right now are the ones closing in on him and his treachery.
the rich asshole’s lie about Comey tapes is evidence of ‘witness intimidation’: Ex-White House ethics counsel
Responding to reports that President Donaldthe rich asshole claims to not have any recordingsof his conversations with fired FBI Director James Comey as he claimed last month on Twitter, a former White House ethics lawyer said being caught in this lie opens the president up to obstruction of justice.
“This lie increases the rich asshole’s legal exposure for obstruction and witness intimidation–more evidence of corrupt intent,”Norm Eisen, who served as special counsel to President Barack Obama and later as an ambassador to the Czech Republic, tweeted.
The lie Eisen referred to was tweeted by the president on May 12, when he threatened that “James Comey better hope that there are no ‘tapes’ of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!”
On Thursday, the rich asshole took to Twitter again to admit that he “did not make, and do[es] not have, any such recordings.”
President some rich asshole earlier this year created a panel to investigate the “voter fraud” that he believes cost him the popular vote in the 2016 election — but now it appears that decision might backfire on him.
“There’s stuff coming out now that states were hacked in this election,” said New Hampshire Secretary of State Bill Gardner, a Democrat who is a member of the rich asshole’s commission.
Maine Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap echoed Gardner’s concerns, and said that any commission on voter fraud would have to investigate Russian hacking to have legitimacy.
“If you are looking at the integrity of the election, you have to look at things that might compromise that integrity,” he said. “That includes things that might happen electronically.”
Republican Kris Kobach, the Kansas Secretary of State who is co-chairing the commission, signaled a willingness to investigate ways that Russian hackers may have breached states’ voting systems.
“In the initial descriptions of the commission, election security and the integrity of equipment and voter databases was not specifically described,” Kobach said. “But if it’s something the commission wants to discuss, we can.”
Even though American intelligence agencies found thatRussian hackers breached voting systemsin more than two dozen states, they said that they had seen no evidence that these hackers managed to change electronic votes to alter the outcome of the election.
JUST IN: the rich asshole Goes Full Stupid In Thursday AM Tirade & Twitter Decimates Him
some rich asshole held a rally Wednesday afternoon in Iowa, and the trip was a disaster before he even got there. The Cedar Rapids Gazette wrote a glaring message to the rich asshole on the front page of their newspaper, and once he got there, the rich asshole himself was a complete mess, as usual.
So when the rich asshole took to Twitter Thursday morning, everyone pretty much figured he wanted to do his typical bragging about the size of his crowds, but what he did was quite the opposite. Instead, he called the rally attendees “special.”
Maybe the aging dictator doesn’t know that calling someone special is the same as calling them dumb? Could he not know that “special” is used to define a person who isn’t all there upstairs more than to say they are unique and valued?
The online reaction to the tweet was better than the actual tweet itself. We have the best reactions below:
the rich asshole drives a golf cart over the green
Golf is a game of unwritten rules. When a player takes a divot out of the fairway, that divot should be replaced. When one is about to take a shot, other players should be silent. And when players needs to get from one side of the green to the other, they certainly shouldn't drive their freaking golf carts across the freaking putting surface.
You won't find this last guideline in many books of golf etiquette, though, because careening across the green in a cart would have been unthinkable to most if the president of the United States hadn't done it during a weekend round of golf.
As Twitter user @MikeNFrank notes with the video, Trump does own the golf course on which this abhorrent breach of etiquette takes place—Trump National in Bedminster, New Jersey—but this is hardly an excuse. Greens are the most delicate parts of a golf course, and their surfaces must be treated with care so that the roll of putts is true. This is why when an approach shot strikes the green, the player must repair the indentation made by the ball. This is why a player should never step in another player's putting line, as the weight could create an impression that disturbs the roll of the putt. To carelessly careen a heavy golf cart containing a heavy person across the green is laughably disrespectful, to the course and to everyone who will play the hole afterward.
Despite repeatedly criticizing President Barack Obama for the time he spent on the golf course while in office, Trump has spent an unprecedented amount of time at his golf courses since taking office. According toa tracker put together by NBC News, of the 153 days Trump has been in office, 29 have been spent at his golf properties. During his first 100 days in office, Obama made one trip to a golf course, compared to 19 for Trump. This despite Trump saying during a campaign rally in October: “I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to play golf.” Trump's disrespect for the game goes beyond driving his cart across the green. According toan investigation byThe Washington Post, the president has been known to cheat, as well. Though it was denied by Trump, thePostrecounted a story by then-Sports Illustratedmanaging editor Mark Mulvoy about playing golf with Trump in the '90s. When Mulvoy disputed a claim by Trump that a ball that mysteriously appeared on the green was his, Trump said that "the guys I play with cheat all the time" and that "I have to cheat just to keep up with them." ThePostalso points outa 2012 interviewwith musician Alice Cooper in which he says that Trump is the worst celebrity golf cheat. Golf-loving sportswriter Rick Reilly, meanwhile, once said Trump was "an 11 on a scale of one to 10" when it comes to cheating, and that he once took a gimme on a chip shot. Trump again disputed the accusation, calling Reilly a "terrible writer." Despite his reputation as a cheater, thePostreports that most of the people who played with Trump enjoyed doing so, and noted that he always tipped caddies well. This may be because the caddies at his courses were known to make sure to improve Trump's lies after he hit unfavorable tee shots.
Boeing laying off 200 employees the rich asshole used for ‘Buy American’ campaign stop
After promoting the number of jobs he was saving as president, some rich asshole’s visit to a South Carolina Boeing plant didn’t make a difference in the jobs of 200 workers.
the rich asshole made the trip in February as part of his “Buy America pledge.” He announced the debut of Boeings 787-10 and touted his influence over keeping jobs in the United States. However,The Post and Courierreportedthe cuts are coming as part of a nationwide attempt to cut costs.
“We are all aware of the need to be more competitive in a relentlessly challenging industry,” Joan Robinson-Berry, vice president and general manager of Boeing South Carolina, said in a memo to employees Thursday. “While we understand the business need, it doesn’t make this action any easier.”
“As your president, I’m going to do everything I can to unleash the power of the American spirit and to put our great people back to work,” the rich asshole said during his visit. “It has to be much easier for manufacturers in our country, and much harder [for them] to leave.”
Earlier in his presidency, it was announced that the Currier plant the rich asshole visited in Indianapolis, Indiana would be laying off 600 employees, despite tax cuts and subsidies from then-Gov. Mike Pence and the rich asshole’s influence in encouraging jobs to stay in the U.S.
the rich asshole Finally Admits He Lied About Having Comey Tapes & America Is Furious
some rich asshole walks back his statement about “tapes” he alluded to existing of his conversations with former FBI Director James Comey.
Thursday President the rich asshole decided to come clean with the American public in the form of Tweets. It’s no secret that the rich asshole loves using his twitter account to issue burns toward Democrats and those he refers to as “haters and losers,” but he also likes to speculate about secret recordings as well. When he did so almost two months ago, implying that he may possess secret recordings in the form of “tapes,” the public and even the former FBI Director encouraged him to produce them.
Of course, the rich asshole was just blowing hot air, as per usual. The president hasfinally come forward to tweet the truth. The truth is, there are no tapes and some rich asshole lied because he thought it could be true despite the fact that there was no evidence to suggest it.
Naturally, given how mysterious the rich asshole was when it came to these “tapes” existing, the reaction from the reasonably concerned public was swift.
@realDonaldTrump So basically, you just love to throw bullshit into the air & let it sit for 41 days. You're the president. Not a good look. Untrustworthy
Someone has probably already explained to the rich asshole that this whole ordeal, meaning the president of the United States mentioning “tapes” in a public forum, needed to be explained. Explaining it in tweets, several weeks after making the public statement, is just not good enough.
Newt Gingrich Says The Lie About The Comey Tapes Was Just the rich asshole ‘Bluffing’
It takes a liar to know one, and when it comes to lying few are more experienced than former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. Which is why Gingrich’s recent statements to the Associated Press should not be taken lightly. In his interview, Gingrich admitted that the rich asshole lied to Comey and the American people when he insinuated that he had secretly taped their meetings:
I think he was in his way instinctively trying to rattle Comey. He’s not a professional politician. He doesn’t come back and think about Nixon and Watergate. His instinct is: ‘I’ll outbluff you.’
Gingrich is referring to the secret White House recordings which eventually ended the presidency of Richard Nixon, and resulted in the Presidential Records Act, which states that any recordings made by a sitting president are public property and cannot be destroyed.
the rich asshole’s false claims of tapes came after he fired James Comey and were clearly an attempt to bully Comey into not testifying against the president. the rich asshole threatened Comey on Twitter, saying:
To which James Comeyrespondedin during his congressional hearing,
Lordy, I hope there are tapes.
This is not the first time thatthe rich asshole has madewild claims with no proof to back them up. From “birther” allegations surrounding Barack Obama to claiming that he was wiretapped by the federal government, the rich asshole is the king of unsubstantiated allegations.According to Sam Nunberg, a former the rich asshole campaign aide,
He follows the paradigm that no news is bad news. He knows how to play to America’s insatiable appetite not just for news but for drama and interest. He brought that to Washington: you have a mogul sitting in the White House and he’s going to keep doing it his way.
Our concern is this: the POTUS should be able to be trusted not to make wildly inaccurate allegations with little to no evidence to back them up. He should have enough respect for the office of the presidency to not turn it into something that more similarly resembles an episode of Jerry Springer.
Scratch that. Springer usually provides at least some sort of evidence.
JUNE 22 2017 12:31 PM
White House Warns Reporters Not to Report on Instructions About Not Reporting on Thursday’s Press Conference
The rich asshole administration, acting on the fairly sound logic that its supporters don't care in any way whatsoever about the civic principle that the government should be scrutinized by a free press, has started to cut down on the number of press conferences it gives that occur on camera. Wednesday, the administrationannouncedthat Thursday's* press briefing by Sarah Huckabee Sanders would be one such no-video affair, then introduced a Kafka-esque twist by declaring that the announcement itself was "NOT REPORTABLE."
Amateur president some rich asshole held another ego-rally on Wednesday even though he’s been in office for 153 days. The former reality show star talked down to his supporters as they cheered him on. He explained why he hired billionaire private-equity investor Wilbur Ross to be his Commerce secretary, saying, “I just don’t want a poor person” in a top economics role. The alleged president moved on to suggest creating a law which has existed in this country since 1996.
the rich asshole said that immigrants who enter the U.S. should not be eligible for welfare benefits for five years, but that law has been in place for 20 years now.
“The time has come for new immigration rules which say that those seeking admission into our country must be able to support themselves financially and should not use welfare for a period of at least five years,” the rich asshole told his crowd of supporters in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
the rich asshole told the gullible crowd that his administration would be “putting in legislation to that effect very shortly.”
But the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act was passed during former President Bill Clinton’s time in office.
Stuff to know:
In 1789, George Washington, the first President of the U.S., tapped his former aide to be first Secretary of the Treasury. That man, Alexander Hamilton, grew up poor and he was an immigrant from the Caribbean island of Nevis. Hamilton’s image is on our $10 bill. But, according to the rich asshole, Hamilton, who was an author of the Federalist Papers, would be too poor to be chosen for his administration. Because, according to what the rich asshole suggested, only rich people are smart. People like the rich asshole, who has still failed to reveal his tax returns. The rest of us are dumb mother f*ckers. Still, his own supporters cheered him on while he fed his ego. the rich asshole also raged about the media’s coverage of his ‘presidency’ during his rally.
the rich asshole made it clear to America that he lied about the tapes when he was daring Comey to buck his authority by threatening to expose him. the rich asshole’s plan completely backfired after Comey said under oath in a recent testimony before the Senate, “Lordy, I hope there are tapes.”
Since then, the White House has been compelled to release any and all tapes they might have in their possession in order to expose either the rich asshole or Comey as the liar.
After being unable to produce the tapes, the rich asshole took to Twitter in humiliation today to announce that he is, indeed, a dirty liar.
“With all of the recently reported electronic surveillance, intercepts, unmasking and illegal leaking of information, I have no idea whether there are ‘tapes’ or recordings of my conversations with James Comey, but I did not make, and do not have, any such recordings.”
You might feel the same way we do, that these tweets contain the words of someone else, not those the rich asshole wrote himself. Just look at the use of ellipses, proper grammar, the lack of unnecessary capitol letters, and the absence of any kind of deflection agains the nearest Democrat.
If nothing else, this proves that between the rich asshole and Comey, the rich asshole is clearly the one who has lied, is lying, and is willing to continue to lie in order to protect his own interests.
President some rich asshole just kicked off a campaign-style rally in Iowa on Wednesday night – and he started by congratulating the Republican winners of Tuesday’s special elections in South Carolina and Georgia.
Typical of the rich asshole campaign events, the rich asshole went off on a tangent about former President Barack Obama and his “disastrous” health care policy. He even found a way to mention Hillary’s name again.
But – then the rich asshole said something that got everyone’s attention. the rich asshole said only rich people were good enough to be in charge or serve in his cabinet.
“I just don’t want a poor person” in charge because rich people know how.
Basically – the rich asshole just offended 45 million Americans who currently live below the poverty line.
Now, we understand what the rich asshole’s trying to do here: rich people are successful because they know what they’re doing. That’s the logical link he’s trying to establish. But, what he doesn’t mention is that the the rich asshole administration’s policies are only serving the richest Americans at the expense of the poor.
the rich asshole stated at the rally that he wants to “get people off of welfare and back to work” but Trumpcare, the current bill working its way through Congress, is estimated to cut health insurance for some 25 million Americans while giving $800 billion worth of tax cuts to mostly high earners.
To answer the rich asshole: that’s one reason the American people might not want to see a rich person in charge, just so they can serve their own interests at the expense of most voters. It’s called cronyism.
“Trumpcare is not about creating health. It’s about concentrating wealth in the hands of a small number of Americans” – Senator Markey
NY Governor Ignores the rich asshole’s Racist Immigration Orders To Save 9/11 Volunteer
While the entire country waits anxiously for the disaster that is the the rich asshole presidency to end, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo did his best on Wednesday to mitigate the mess the rich asshole has imposed on a Cuban immigrant from Queens named Carlos Humberto Cardona.
Cardona has been detained as an undocumented immigrant, caught up in a sweep during the rich asshole’s first 100 days, due to a 27-year-old non-violent drug offense for which he pled guilty. Despite the fact that Cardona is a productive member of his society who spends his spare time volunteering, that decades old drug charge is being used as justification to send him back to Columbia, the home from which he fled after his two brothers were murdered.
Andrew Cuomo (D-NY), who has repeatedly spoken out against the rich asshole’s discriminatory and harmful policies against undocumented immigrants, granted Cardona clemency on Wednesday from that drug charge in a move sure to make the rich asshole’s and his supporters’ blood boil.
Shortly after the rich asshole’s inauguration as the new president worked to impose the inhumane sweeps of immigrants as promised to his racist supporters, this 9/11 volunteer worker was caught up in one of those sweeps along with 41,300 other human beings living and working in the United States. Cardona has been held in detention waiting to be deported ever since.
Cardona doesn’t just work in the U.S. as a construction worker, he also volunteered during the clean-up effort after tragedy struck on 9/11. As a result, the man suffers serious health problems due to the work he did in New York City at that time.
‘He inhaled fumes (at the World Trade Center site). His health ended up being affected. He has lung problems. He has gastrointestinal problems. He has psychological issues. He has a lot of anxiety.’
Far from being the rapist or drug dealer that the rich asshole made Cardona and others like him out to be on the campaign trail in the speech announcing his candidacy, Cardona is a husband and father who has not been in trouble with the law for nearly 30 years. As for his selfless volunteer work in New York City, Democratic lawmakers have agreed that:
‘Mr. Cardona is deserving of our thanks — not the cold shoulder.’
Thanks to the defiant efforts of Governor Cuomo, that may now be possible.
the rich asshole defends his cabinet of billionaires: ‘I just don’t want a poor person’ running the economy
Some rich asshole on Wednesday defended his decision to appoint cabinet members with significant personal wealth, arguing he doesn’t “want a poor person” in charge of the economy.
the rich asshole was speaking about Gary Cohn, a former Goldman Sachs banker the president appointed as his chief economic advisor—despite promising to “drain the swamp” during his presidency.
“I love all people,” the rich asshole said during a campaign-style rally in Cedar Rapids, IA. “Rich or poor. But in those particular positions I just don’t want a poor person. Does that make sense?”
the rich asshole has received significant criticism for his appointment of Cohn, as well as Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross. Although he ran on a populist platform, the rich asshole’s cabinet has a combined net worth of $6 billion.
the rich asshole says he doesn't want a 'poor person' handling economy
President tells crowd during Iowa tour that economic adviser and commerce secretary had to give up a lot to work for him
some rich asshole has said he doesn’t want “a poor person” to hold economic roles in his administration as he used an Iowa rally to defend his decision toappoint the wealthy to his cabinet.
The US president told a crowd on Wednesday night: “Somebody said why did you appoint a rich person to be in charge of the economy? No it’s true. And Wilbur’s [commerce secretary Wilbur Ross] a very rich person in charge of commerce. I said: ‘Because that’s the kind of thinking we want.’”
The president explained that Ross and his economic adviser Gary Cohn “had to give up a lot to take these jobs” and that Cohn in particular, a former president of Goldman Sachs, “went from massive pay days to peanuts”.
the rich asshole added: “And I love all people, rich or poor, but in those particular positions I just don’t want a poor person. Does that make sense?”
He made the comments as he toured the state with agriculture secretary Sonny Perdue and Ross partly to celebrate aRepublican congressional victory in Georgia being seen as an early referendum on his presidency.
the rich asshole touched down Wednesday evening in Cedar Rapids,Iowa, and headed to a local community college and then to a campaign rally where he reveled in Karen Handel’s victory.
“We’re 5-0 in special elections,” said the rich asshole in front of a boisterous crowd that packed a downtown arena. “The truth is, people love us ... they haven’t figured it out yet.”
He also applauded Republican Ralph Norman, who notched a slimmer-than-expected win in a special election to fill the South Carolina congressional seat vacated by Mick Mulvaney, and mocked Handel’s challenger, Jon Ossoff, saying the Democrats “spent $30m on this kid who forgot to live in the district”.
the rich asshole, no stranger to victory laps, turned his visit to a battleground state he captured in November into a celebration of his resilience despite the cloud of investigations that has enveloped his administration and sent his poll numbers tumbling.
With the appearance in Cedar Rapids, he will have held five rallies in the first five months in office.
The event underscores the rich asshole’s comfort in a campaign setting. He laughed off the occasional heckler, repeated riffs from last year and appeared far more at ease when going after Democrats in front of adoring crowds than trying to push through his own legislative agenda from the confines of the White House.
Iowa, with its large share of independent voters, could be a proving ground for whether the rich asshole can count on the support of voters beyond his base. Unaffiliated voters, or “no party” voters as they are known in Iowa, make up 36% of the electorate, compared with 33% who registered as Republican and 31% registered as Democrat.
Self-identified independents in Iowa voted for the rich asshole over Hillary Clinton by a margin of 13 percentage points last year, according to exit polls conducted for the Associated Press and television networks. That margin helped the rich asshole take the state by nearly nine points after Barack Obama won it the previous two elections.
the rich asshole held a Des Moines rally in December as part of his transition-era “thank you” tour of states he had won, but has not been back to Iowa since.
At the rally, he touted his administration’s efforts to roll back regulations, mused about putting solar panels on a Mexican border wall, derided wind power for killing birds in a state that uses a lot of it and revealed that he urged the Senate to create a health care plan “with heart. Add some money to it!”
He avoided any discussion of the scandals surrounding his presidency, other than one brief reference to the “witch hunt,” his term for the inquiries into his campaign’s ties to Russia.
Posted by Stephen D. Foster Jr. on 21 Jun 2017
some rich asshole is trying to bully a town into cutting his taxes.
the rich asshole National Golf Club, Westchester is situated near the town of Briarcliff Manor, New York.
That’s right, the rich asshole is taking Briarcliff Manor to court, forcing residents to pay for their defense to force the rich asshole to pay his fair share of taxes the town needs to support local services and the education system.
The the rich asshole organization is claiming that the golf course is only worth $7.5 million, which would cut their tax bill in half to around $250,000. In other words, the rich asshole is trying to dodge taxes by devaluing his own property.
The sleazy effort to dodge the tax bill was slammed by receiver of taxes Gloria Fried.
“It is very difficult when you see someone who has all these assets at his disposal who would rather pay lawyers to avoid his civic duty of paying taxes,” she said.
Indeed, the rich asshole is a very wealthy man. He’s a billionaire with hundreds of millions of dollars in assets.
$500,000 to him is mere pocket change. It’s more important to the residents of Briarcliff Manor than it is to the rich asshole and his rich family.
Nevertheless, this isn’t the first time the rich asshole has protested his tax bill. He has been whining about it for years, childishly paying his taxes for the last two years with checks marked “Paid Under Protest” while continuing to litigate the 2015 and 2016 tax bills in court. And that’s after the town had already given the rich asshole a major break by valuing the golf course and housing development to $15.1 million from $38 million back in 2008.
Interestingly, some rich asshole bragged about the property on his 2016 financial disclosure form by listing it as being worth $50 million. So if anything, the town should RAISE taxes on the rich asshole, not cut them in half.
the rich asshole literally assessed the value of his own property as being $50 million. the rich asshole can’t seriously claim it is worth that much and argue that it’s worth far less at the same time. That shouldn’t fly in any court in this country.
some rich asshole should not be allowed to bully his way into a lower tax bracket just because he sits on his ass inside the White House. He should have to pay his fair share of taxes just like the rest of us.
some rich asshole apparently expects Democrats to support his evil agenda just because a Republican won a race in a red state.
The special election in Georgia’s 6th district on Tuesday was tight but eventually went to Karen Handel by a mere five points.
Democrats had an opportunity to take the House seat but Jon Ossoff fell short as Republicans employed dirty tricks in the final days of the race, including an ad blaming liberals and Ossoff for the Congressional baseball shooting in Virginia last week.
the rich asshole wasted no time gloating about the win.
In reality, the rich asshole and the Republicans dodged a bullet on Tuesday night, but Democrats ran a tough race and nearly pulled it off. The race was tighter this year than it was last time around when Tom Price won with over 60 percent of the vote.
Nevertheless, the rich asshole used the win to call for Democrats to support him and his agenda.
Does anyone remember Republicans supporting President Obama and working with him after Democrats took complete control of Congress and won the White House in 2008? Because as I recall, Mitch McConnell and a group of other Republicans vowed to make President Obama fail before he had even been inaugurated and they proceeded to obstruct for the next eight years. I also do not remember the rich asshole ever calling for Republicans to stop obstructing.
All of a sudden, he claims obstruction does not work.
And judging by the reaction on Twitter, the rich asshole’s message is not being well received.
@realDonaldTrump They're stopping you from giving tax cuts to the 1%, taking healthcare away from veterans, ruining our relationships, and hurting security!
@realDonaldTrump Translation: Democrats should help us screw over Americans on Healthcare they'll lose, Tax Cuts for the rich & Security that discriminates.
Again, Handel won in a Republican district. That’s what it comes down to. It wasn’t a unique victory or even an unexpected one. But Democrats made it closer than it should have been and had a real chance to win. Democrats are chipping away at the lead Republicans have in their own districts and that is what should really scare them ahead of the 2018 midterm election. Because there’s more than enough time between now and then for conservative voters to realize the rich asshole is screwing them.
Pro-KKK protesters chant ‘the rich asshole! the rich asshole!’ at Florida rally to change Confederate-named streets
A group of white supremacist protesters tried to disrupt a rally in Hollywood, FL on Wednesday by chanting “the rich asshole! the rich asshole!” at people demonstrating at City Hall to protest the fact that three streets in the city are still named after racist U.S. Confederates.
TheMiami New Timesreportedthat a wide coalition of rights groups came together to demonstrate on Wednesday in favor of renaming streets named after Confederate General Robert E. Lee, pro-slavery crusader John Bell Hood and the first Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, Nathan Bedford Forrest.
A smaller counter-protest formed on Wednesday of pro-Confederate white supremacists who waved U.S. flags and pro-the rich asshole banners, then after chanting “Losers!” at the anti-Confederate demonstrators, they launched into chanting the president’s name.
The chant mirrors what has been happening in schools across the country in which white studentsbully their black and Latino classmatesby chanting the rich asshole’s name.
Jasmen Rogers of Broward County’s Black Lives Matter coalition told theNew Timesthat the protesters also chanted “White lives matter” at the anti-Confederate demonstrators.
Among the counter-protesters was at least one man with known neo-Nazi associations, theNew Timessaid. The group flew flags associated with the League of the South, a pro-Confederate organization that the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) hasdeemed a racist hate group.
On January 20 this year, more than 230 people were arrested without warning in relation to the anti-the rich asshole protests that took place in Washington DC. Now some of those involved face up to 70 years behind bars, including the reporters and photographers who were just trying to bring us the news.
Heavily-armed riot police closed off an entire city block in Washington on the day of some rich asshole’s inauguration, encircling the bulk of the protestors, however, the order to disperse never came, police just started arresting protestors.
“It didn’t even cross my mind that was what was happening,” said independent photographer and videographer Alexei Wood. “I was waiting for an order of dispersal and the mass of people showed no sign of resistance when the police completely surrounded them.”
Almost all of the protests that took place that day went by without violence or arrests on a mass scale, with the exception of Black Bloc anarchists and anti-fascists clashing with police. Wood was unfortunate enough to be scooped up when police retaliated by firing rubber bullets and tear gas at the protestors, as well as launching concussion grenades into the crowd.
When the smoke had cleared, more than $100,000 worth of damage had been inflicted on property, cars, and buildings, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia. The following day, more than 230 people, including Wood and several other journalists, were arrested for felony rioting, a charge that carries a statutory maximum sentence of 10 years in prison and a fine of $25,000, however, some were lucky enough to have the charges dropped.
Things went from bad to worse for Wood and company when, on April 27, the Superior Court of the District of Columbia returned a superseding indictment giving additional charges to 212 defendants, three of whom hadn’t even been previously charged. These new charges include urging to riot, conspiracy to riot and destruction of property and could see the defendants spending between 70 and 80 years in prison. Wood alone faces five felony property destruction charges and three felony rioting charges.
Alexei Wood, based in San Antonio, Texas, focuses on social justice struggles and resistance movements in his work, but now he finds himself in the exact same position as those for whom he tries to do justice, stating that the implications of the defendants’ cases “are humungous for striking fear into protesters. The state is not just going after window-breakers, which in itself may not be justified.”
“Instead, the state seeks to criminalize dissent by indiscriminately arresting more than 200 people and imposing a slew of felony charges that carry the potential of decades in prison,” Wood continued. “But it also means if we’re [journalists] too close to a newsworthy story, we could be facing more than 70 years.”
Wood posted live footage of the anti-fascist march on his Facebook page, the 42-minute video showing him complying with police orders, while at no stage suggesting that he took place in any violent acts.
“The livestream speaks for itself. It’s right there for everybody to see. I love that it’s there for everybody to see because I want individual people to see my work and make their own decision,” he said. “I think it’s a very clear case.”
Take a look at the livestream and decide for yourself if the man filming it deserves to spend what could possibly equate to the rest of his life in prison.
It’s been said that those who support President some rich asshole are among the most loyal and devoted followers of any political candidate in the world. And while it’s true that the rich asshole acolytes are indeed fond of their leader, it now appears that the Russia investigation is causing significant numbers of them to lose faith in their man.
A new CBS News poll shows that the rich asshole has once again slipped overall in his approval rating, down from a previous low of 39 percent in February to a new low of only 36 percent. And as CBS notes:
“The drop in the President’s approval rating is partially due to ebbing support among Republicans. Seventy-two percent approve of the job some rich asshole is doing, a decline of eleven points since April.”
Eleven points in two months? At that rate, by the time November arrives, the president could be looking at less than 25 percent of Republicans saying he’s doing a good job as head of the country.
And the Russia investigation is what’s driving down the rich asshole’s polling numbers. Specifically, a mere 28 percent approve of how he’s handling the investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election, whereas 63 percent disapprove.
The CBS poll is indicative of a trend being seen in multiple polls released recently, though the CBS survey does show the largest loss of support among Republicans.
At this point in an administration, a president should be riding high and have an approval rating above 50 percent. But as Philip Bump of the Washington Post observed, the rich asshole’s approval among independents is far lower than President Obama’s was less than 200 days into his first term. Bump added:
“the rich asshole should still be in his honeymoon period among Republicans. The CBS poll suggests that may be coming to a quick end.”
With more bad headlines potentially on the way from the special counsel and FBI investigations, along with hearings by the House and Senate, this could wind up being a very long, dismal summer for the White House.
Almost No P.R. Experts Will Work In the rich asshole White House, Says New Survey
Well, when about 90 percent of an industry refuses to do it for you...
The White House communications team has a serious P.R. problem. And not just with the American public. According to a new survey of 900 public relations professionals across the country, 8 in 10 believe White House spokespeople “constantly change their views” and “distort the truth.” Worse still, up to 90% of them would refuse to work for the White House’s communications team if the rich asshole approached them for the job.
What 900 public relations professionals have to say about the White House spokespeople
For the group tasked with being the official mouthpiece of the Executive Branch, the assessment is bleak:
USC Center for Public Relations
To summarize, about 8 in 10 P.R. experts believe the White House spokespeople constantly change their views, distort the truth, and repeatedly lie. Just 15% agree with the White House’s claim that the mainstream media treats them unfairly. And nearly 9 out of every 10 experts agree that the rich asshole’s communication team are unstrategic and don’t act like P.R. professionals.
Ouch. But wait, it gets worse.
Almost no public relations experts would take a job in today’s White House.
It’s clear that public relations experts not only have very little faith in the current staff but also that “the PR industry would prefer to distance itself from the current White House communications team, whose practices are not reflective of the values of the broader industry,” said Fred Cook, director of USC Annenberg’s Center for Public Relations.
The survey also asked each respondent if they would take a variety of jobs in the rich asshole’s White House if he asked them. Here’s how many would say “no”:
USC Center for Public Relations
In short, over 8 out of every 10 P.R. professionals surveyed would turn down every job in the White House’s Communications Department. Only 1 out of every 10 would take up Sean Spicer‘s job of Press Secretary. Same for Sarah Huckabee Sanders‘ job of Deputy Press Secretary. And only two out of 10 would accept Kellyanne Conway‘s role of counselor to the rich asshole.
By the way, these aren’t just liberals who would say no. 75% of conservative P.R. experts also said they would refuse the job for Press Secretary, for example.
This confirms out loud what the rich asshole has been hiding for weeks
According to the New York Times, Spicer has been secretly approaching people for weeks to replace him, “sometimes approaching them repeatedly even when they’ve said no.”
Spicer says that few have been a good fit. But with 90% of P.R. experts saying Spicer and crew have seriously damaged the public relations profession, it seems far more likely that potential candidates are fleeing the call, for fear of the rich asshole ruining their careers as well.
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