29, 2017 - June 01, 2017 Days 200-202 since Nov 8 2016 election and days 130-132 since
Jan 20th inauguration of No45
the rich asshole
Fans, Foiled by Google Translate, Believe ‘Covfefe’ Was a Secret Arabic Message
Pro-the rich
asshole media invented a heroic myth that the rich asshole’s typo was an
elaborate code to take on the Kabul carbombers. Turns out they were using
Google Translate wrong.
06.01.17 3:55 PM ET
Diehard fans of some rich asshole on Reddit believe they
cracked the code to some rich asshole’s secret trolling genius: The true
definition of covfefe.
the rich asshole tweeted the typo instead of the word
“coverage” late on Tuesday night, prompting an onslaught of memes and ridicule
since. But a user on Reddit’s r/the_donald, the largest the rich asshole
community on the web, believed he found out its true meaning by running a
variation of the word through Google Translate.
“We all thought it was funny. I thought it was maybe because
President the rich asshole got interrupted mid-tweet by the Kabul bombing,”
wrote user WeAreGonnaMAGA late on Wednesday. “But Sean Spicer
said, cryptically, “The president and a small group of people know exactly
what he meant. u/Shake33 figured
out that it translates into Arabic as ‘I will stand up.’”
Turns out the translation is wrong.
“This is insane,” Yale University Islam scholar and Arabic
speaker Andrew March told The Daily Beast. “Why would they think this?”
After a few hours, even the same r/the_donald post was
amended to answer that question.
“Yeah if you follow the link to google translate, it first
transliterated the English word into an approximate Arabic phrase "sof
fuqof", sof simple being the future tense "I will", and "fa
qaaf fa" meaning stand up,” wrote user MantananForTrump.
“Since cuvfefe has no glottal "qaaf" sound in it,
this is merely a mistake of Google Translate’s original transliteration and it
doesn't mean what the English phrase says at the bottom.”
Still, the rich asshole’s temporary secret genius made it
all the way to Twitter accounts of white supremacy and pro-the rich asshole
Twitter figureheads like Cassandra Fairbanks, forums like 4chan, and numerous
YouTube videos.
“Cov fe'fe is ‘I will stand up’ in Arabic. It was right
after the bombing in Kabul,” wrote Fairbanks. “To quote a failed politician:
‘Delete your account.’”
The website Truthfeed took credit for the scoop, too, saying
"after doing some research and using Google Translate, we found 'Cov
fe’fe' in Arabic means 'I will stand up'" and that the tweet "now
makes perfect sense."
the rich asshole’s late night gaffe actually being a
brilliant, covert troll job simply had too much appeal for some users to
discard. Some invented elaborate conspiracy theories that, since the tweet
occurred ten minutes after a car bombing in Kabul, that “this was for them” and
that “meme magic is real.” WeAreGonnaMAGA referred to the tweet as
26-dimensional chess.
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MantananForTrump’s debunking, along with the initial post,
was deleted. All of the comments in support of the conspiracy remain on Reddit.
Fairbanks even wrote a post called “Sit Down Hillary
Clinton, Here’s What ‘Covfefe’ Really Means” for the website BigLeaguePolitics.
“the rich asshole also recently returned from a foreign trip
to Saudi Arabia and elsewhere, where he addressed leaders and citizens of the
Arab world,” she wrote. “You’re welcome.”
That post is still up on Big League
Politics’ website, uncorrected.
The Weather Channel Just Cleverly
Criticized President the rich asshole's Massive Climate Decision
President some rich asshole sparked widespread concern after
announcing that America will withdraw from the 2015 Paris
The move could have huge ramifications, mostly at the expense of the environment,
by softening the U.S.' commitment to reduce carbon emissions.
One of
the most clever critics of the move is The Weather Channel, who have changed
their homepage to roast the rich asshole.
Beneath a banner announcing the withdrawal from the Paris
Agreement, those visiting will
notice a series of links with a very unsubtle message.
Earth Could Suffer If We Pull Out Of Deal,” reads one thumbnail, alongside
others like “Still Don’t Care? Proof You Should," "...and More
Proof," and "...and Even More Proof…” spread across multiple images.
The images to link to stories about how climate change causing Minnesota’s vegetation will suffer, is killing entire forest patches in New Jersey,
and could devastate Maine’s lobster
isn’t the first time The Weather Channel has taken a stand against climate
deniers like President the rich asshole.
In December 2016, a video featuring meteorologist Kait Parker
ranting bout how right-wing publication Breitbart manipulates facts to promote
climate denial went viral. The video
received over eight million views on Facebook and was nominated for a Webby.
In March 2017, a segment from “Weather Center Live” received a lot of attention after
they directly refuted EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt’s assertion that there is
“tremendous disagreement” regarding carbon dioxide’s effect on the planet.
Weather Channel wasn't alone is criticizing the rich asshole's decision.
Electric CEO Jeff Immelt said he was "disappointed" in the decision
because "climate change is real."
Barack Obama released a statement in which he said the U.S. had
"reject[ed] the future" by pulling out of the deal.

Telsa CEO Elon Musk said he was parting councils with the president over his
rich asshole's decision may not have immediate consequences, though. The terms
of the deal, which Obama signed in 2015, require a four year withdrawal
process. That means the real future of the climate deal doesn't rest with the
rich asshole, but the American voters.
the rich asshole fans have convinced themselves
‘covfefe’ was a secret Arabic message against terrorism

young some rich asshole fans wait to get inside the the rich asshole rally in
Manchester, N.H., Nov. 7, 2016 (Andrew Cline/Shutterstock)
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer was widely mocked when
he asserted there was a secret meaning to President some rich asshole’s
infamous “covfefe” tweet — but some of the rich asshole’s most hardcore fans
believe he was onto something.
As video producer Matt Binder points out,
the rich asshole fans at Reddit’s /r/The_Donald produced multiple posts
asserting that the rich asshole’s tweet was actually a covert message meant to
express solidarity with the Afghani government in the wake of the terrorist
attack in Kabul earlier this week.
Over the past day, the following posts have received copious
votes from r/The_Donald users:
Commenters on the posts were ecstatic at the purported
revelation that their “God-Emperor” had seny them a coded message.
“26D chess!” exclaimed one. “He got everyone to cover the
‘covfefe scandal’ and once it is realized by the normies that he did actually
mean something, they’ll be forced to cover that too! F*cking genius the rich
“So he wanted the media and the leftist retards to think he
screwed up,” wrote another. “He let them go on and on and on, while we just had
a blast with it. That Magnificent Mad Man.”
Another the rich asshole supporter, meanwhile, said that tweet
proved that the rich asshole was working on converting Arabs to his cause.
“He’s redpilling them in their own language!” the fan gushed.
Infamous the rich asshole troll Cassandra Fairbanks also got
into the game by using the supposed translation to troll Hillary Clinton.
Cov fe'fe is "I will stand up" in
Arabic. It was right after the bombing in Kabul.
To quote a failed politician:
"Delete your account."
To quote a failed politician:
"Delete your account."
Cassandra Fairbanks (@CassandraRules) June 1, 2017
However, it turns out that “covfefe” doesn’t actually mean “I will
stand up” in Arabic, and multiple users flooded the forums to point out that
this is a faulty translation that was cribbed from Google Translate.
‘the rich asshole seems to have mistaken ethics
waivers for pardons’: Bush lawyer blasts possible violation of ethics rules

Bannon and some rich asshole (Composite / RawStory)
When the White House gave waivers to
lobbyists to allow them to enter the revolving door of the
political swamp, they may have violated ethics rules themselves.
According to a New York Times report, the
waivers may have skirted federal ethics rules for Steve Bannon. The exemption
allowed White House aides to communicate with Breitbart News. In fact, the
White House issued an exemption that allows all aides to communicate with all
news organizations even if they were “a former employer.”
The move comes in the wake of anonymous leaks coming from the
president’s own staffers.
The concern was not with the waiver it was that the waiver was
“There is no such thing as a retroactive waiver,” said Walter M.
Shaub Jr., the head of the Government Ethics Office. “If you need a retroactive
waiver, you have violated a rule.”
The ethics office also pressed the administration to make the
waivers public. Doing so revealed possibly conflicts with new the rich asshole
aides and their government duties. One of the rich asshole’s first executive
orders was to put strict ethics rules in place for political appointees like
Bannon and others. That policy restricted Bannon from contacting Breitbart
workers for two years about issues he was overseeing, however, Bannon continued
his contact in violation. Breitbart has experienced a striking drop in traffic
since the rich asshole officially took office.
It prompted an official complaint by Citizens for Responsibility
and Ethics in Washington to be filed with the ethics office. Breitbart has
enjoyed special treatment in the White House with official press access as a
media organization.
In another case, Kellyanne Conway acted “inadvertently” when she
promoted the Ivanka the rich asshole brand on Fox News while standing inside
the White House and speaking as a spokesperson for the White House.
Don Fox, the general counsel of the ethics office explained in
2010 “waivers and authorizations must be issued prospectively in order to be
valid.” Evaluating the waivers is one of the more serious and significant
duties of the office, he explained.
“Both the individual employee’s interests and those of the
government are best served when this process is carried out in a careful and
consistent manner,” he said.
Shaub noted that he’s not even sure if they can evaluate a
waiver because it was issued after the conduct othrewise prohibited.
“The only retroactive waiver I have ever heard of is called a
pardon,” said George W. Bush’s White House Counsel Richard W. Painter.
Ex-intel officer: ‘the rich asshole is keeping his
promise to Moscow’ by returning ‘spy centers’ Obama shut down

Nance (MSNBC)
An intelligence expert questioned handing back two diplomatic
facilities to Russia after they were shut down as punishment for interfering in
the presidential election.
The the rich asshole administration is reportedly moving
toward returning the diplomatic compounds, in New York and Maryland, to Russia
in return for lifting a construction freeze near the U.S. consulate in St.
“These weren’t just diplomatic facilities and recreation areas.
They were also sensitive compartmented information facilities and intelligence
collection facilities,” said Malcolm Nance, an MSNBC terrorism analyst and
retired Navy officer. “They were doing signals intelligence and computers
intelligence in support of Russian operations. That’s why they kicked out 35
diplomats who may have been spies.”
Nance absolutely disagreed with the the rich asshole
administration’s apparent decision to return the facilities, and he questioned
the timing as suspicious in light of the investigation into campaign collusion
with Russia.
“We should keep that pressure on to Russia, and it is absolutely
baffling why the president of the United States in the middle of all these
controversies, still seems to genuflect to Moscow,” Nance said. “When Michael
Flynn was caught out calling Moscow five times on the same day that Barack
Obama had closed these facilities, there were suspicions that he was reassuring
them that these things would be turned around, and it appears that this may, in
fact, be a component of that — some rich asshole keeping his promise to Moscow
to keep these spy centers open.”
‘Major disappointment’ foreign leaders condemn the
rich asshole’s ‘brutal act’ against Paris Accord

Leeaders from around the globe are condemning the decision by
President some rich asshole to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accords.
The 2015 Paris Agreement was negotiated by 195 countries and 148
countries have already ratified it.
Here’s some of what world leaders are saying about the the rich
asshole administration and global climate change:
Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau
We are deeply disappointed that the United
States federal government has decided to withdraw from the Paris Agreement.
Canada is unwavering in our commitment to
fight climate change and support clean economic growth.
Prime Minister of Belgium Charles Michel
I condemn this brutal act against #ParisAccord@realDonaldTrump Leadership
means fighting climate change together. Not forsaking commitment.
#ParisAccord protects
our planet! United Europe with @JunckerEU and @eucopresident will react to
safeguard our economy and children's future
German Chancellor Angela Merkel
BERLIN (AP) -- German Chancellor Angela
Merkel says she regrets US climate move, will keep working to `save our Earth'
Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni
#Clima Non facciamo
passi indietro da Accordo Parigi. Italia Impegnata per riduzione emissioni,
energie rinnovabili, sviluppo sostenibile
President of the European Council Donald Tusk
.@realDonaldTrump please
don't change the (political) climate for the worse.
Angela Merkel w/ Chinese Premier Li
Keqiang: “I think it is a joyous fact that China sticks to the Paris Climate
US decision to leave Paris deal is 'major
disappointment': UN spokesman
Expect to see more talk of trade
retaliation if Trump withdraws. Here's Merkel's challenger for German
‘Whoever wants to have access to our market … needs to
respect the European standards,’ Schulz says.
India to remain in Paris climate accord
even if Trump pulls the U.S. out, PM Modi tells Germany’s Merkel
Fact: The only world leaders that think the
Paris Accords are too tough are Trump and Assad. We are to the right of Kim
Jung Un and Putin
BREAKING: EU official: EU and China to
reaffirm their commitment to Paris climate deal regardless of US decision.
US pulling out of the #ParisAgreement is
deeply saddening. #Norway will
continue to fight climate change - what is a shared moral obligation
- China
- France
- Germany
- Russia
- United Kingdom
- 190 other members
- Nicaragua
- Syria
- United States
- China
- France
- Germany
- Russia
- United Kingdom
- 190 other members
- Nicaragua
- Syria
- United States
Rosie O’Donnell Uses
Barron the rich asshole’s Reaction To Severed-Head Photo To Attack The
Comedian Rosie O’Donnell resumed her attacks on
President some rich asshole on Wednesday, this time by dismissing his son
Barron’s reaction to Kathy Griffin’s severed-head photograph and blaming his
father for the country’s current cultural environment.
O’Donnell responded to a tweet by One America
News host Liz Wheeler, who expressed feeling heartbroken that the 11-year-old
had to see the disturbing image of his father on television.
The comedian replied by first questioning if
Barron was watching TMZ and then charging that the “hatred” fostered by
President the rich asshole had led to the stabbing deaths of two men in
Portland, Ore., on Saturday.
TMZ reports: Barron Trump was watching TV
& saw @kathygriffin holding
the severed head. He thought it was his dad. My heart is broken.
@Liz_Wheeler @DonaldJTrumpJr @kathygriffin -was he watching TMZ?
do u think he saw anything about these 2 heroic men who died defending young
girls? hatred promoted by his father?
TMZ reported that the
rich asshole family sources said that Barron was in front of the television
when the news came on and he saw the bloody severed-head image.
He then screamed, “Mommy, Mommy!”
Twitchy pointed out that
a major flaw in O’Donnell’s theory about President the rich asshole’s shared
responsibility for the stabbings was that the alleged killer of the two good
Samaritan men seeking to defend Muslim women, 35-year-old Jeremy Christian, was
a Bernie Sanders supporter.
Christian had reportedly incited the incident
by yelling anti-Muslim and ethnic
insults at two young women near him on a train. Three
bystanders intervened, simply trying to calm the man down.
The assailant stabbed all three, killing
53-year-old Ricky Best and 23-year-old Taliesin Meche.
While the president and first lady Melania the
rich asshole have not responded to O’Donnell, they did address the Griffin
photograph on Wednesday.
The president tweeted that the image
particularly affected Barron.
Kathy Griffin should be ashamed of herself.
My children, especially my 11 year old son, Barron, are having a hard time with
this. Sick!
First lady Melania the rich asshole issued a
statement calling the photograph “very disturbing.”
“As a mother, a wife, and a human being, that
photo is very disturbing,” she said, adding, “When you consider some of the
atrocities happening in the world today, a photo opportunity like this is
simply wrong and makes you wonder about the mental health of the person who did
First Lady Melania Trump slams Kathy
Griffin: "It is simply wrong and makes you wonder about the mental health
of the person who did it."
O’Donnell has consistently attacked some
rich asshole during the presidential election and since he took office.
In March, she encouraged Melania to divorce her
husband, take Barron and “flee.”
In January, O’Donnell tweeted that the rich
asshole was “mentally unstable” and must be stopped before taking office.
Last November, she promoted a video on Twitter
claiming that Barron was autistic, for which she later apologized to Melania
after the creator of the video removed it and did the same.
The “feud” between them began in 2006, when
O’Donnell described the the rich asshole as a “snake-oil salesman” and “not a
self-made man” on The View.
The barbs continued back and forth for the next
several years and eventually became the subject, in part, of a question Fox
News moderator Megyn Kelly asked at the first Republican presidential debate in
August 2015.
Her query began: “You’ve called women you don’t
like ‘fat pigs,’ ‘dogs,’ ‘slobs’ and ‘disgusting animals.’”
“Only Rosie O’Donnell,” the rich asshole
interjected, which ranked as one of the top laugh-lines of the evening with the
Reporters burst into laughter as Sean Spicer insists
the rich asshole didn’t misspell ‘covfefe’ tweet

Spicer (MSNBC/screen grab)
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer drew widespread laughter
from reporters when he insisted that President some rich asshole’s
infamous “covfefe” tweet was not a misspelling.
After one reporter asked Spicer if “people should be concerned
that the president posted somewhat of an incoherent tweet last night,” Spicer
simply replied, “No.”
The reporter then asked Spicer why the misspelled tweet stayed
up for so long.
“The president and a small group of people know exactly what he
meant,” Spicer replied, which elicited laughter throughout the room.
Reporters then tried to ask Spicer what “covfefe” actually
means, but he quickly moved on to another question.
the rich asshole’s original tweet, which was sent out shortly
after midnight on Wednesday morning, simply read, “Despite the constant
negative press covfefe.” It was left up for around six hours after that before
finally being removed.
the rich asshole retweets report based
on anonymous source after blasting anonymous sources
10:33 AM EDT

© Getty
the rich asshole on Tuesday retweeted a Fox News report citing an anonymous
source that pushes back on another report that White House aide Jared Kushner
tried to establish backchannel communications with Moscow.
rich asshole's retweet comes just days after the president blasted the use of
anonymous sources in news reports.
The Fox News report the rich asshole shared is titled
"Jared Kushner didn't suggest Russian communications channel in meeting,
source says." It pushes back on a Washington Post story last week that
said Kushner, who is also the rich asshole's son-in-law, in December sought to
establish a backchannel line of communication between the the rich asshole
transition team and Moscow during a meeting with Russian ambassador Sergey
The Fox
News item says Kushner spoke with Kislyak about Syria during the December
meeting. It added that during that meeting, the Russians "broached the
idea of using a secure line between the the rich asshole administration and
Russia, not Kushner."
cites a source familiar with the matter and says the idea of a permanent back
channel was not talked about.
rich asshole on Sunday, though, went after leaking of information and warned
people not to trust stories that include the words "sources say."
you see the words 'sources say' in the fake news media, and they don't mention is very possible that those sources don't exist but are made up by
fake news writers. #FakeNews is
the enemy!" the rich asshole tweeted.
the rich asshole and his
aides often rail on the media and the use of anonymous sources, calling news
outlets and negative stories "fake news."
The White House Just Put Out A Pro-the
rich asshole Press Release Reminiscent Of North Korea
ON MAY 30, 2017
By all
accounts, working for President some rich asshole is an absolute nightmare. On
top of the obvious embarrassment one must feel being directly associated with
the disastrous administration, the rich asshole is reportedly
vindictive and vicious towards his subordinates. The Washington Post recently
detailed the manner in which the rich asshole regularly insults
and demeans those who work for him.
response to the Post’s article, Hope Hicks – the White House Director of
Strategic Communications – released a
ridiculous statement that quickly became the subject of
widespread ridicule:
the rich asshole has a magnetic personality and exudes positive energy, which
is infectious to those around him. He has an unparalleled ability to
communicate with people, whether he is speaking to a room of three or an arena
of 30,000. He has built great relationships throughout his life and treats
everyone with respect. He is brilliant with a great sense of humor … and an
amazing ability to make people feel special and aspire to be more than even
they thought possible.”
the flagrant mendacity of the statement, it’s impossible not to find the
wording strange, if not patently absurd. It reads like a speech from an
autocratic regime’s cult of personality praising their Supreme Leader or a work
of satire.
terms of content, the rich asshole actively exudes a negative energy, not a
positive one. His campaign rhetoric was focused on how bad and weak America has
become, and how he was the only one could fix it. He regularly uses his social
media to attack his opponents and the free press. He’s also habitually
disrespectful towards women, so it’s more than a stretch for Hicks to say that
he “treats everyone with respect.”
A senior
writer for Shareblue made a hilarious comparison on Twitter:
i changed one thing about this statement
from trump white house spokesperson hope hicks, see if you can find it
Twitter user compared the statement to a quote from The
Manchurian Candidate, a film about an American politician who has
been brainwashed by a foreign country:
This would have been rejected from the
script of the Manchurian Candidate for being too over the top …
Manchurian Candidate: "Raymond Shaw is
the kindest, warmest, bravest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my
Hope Hicks:
Hope Hicks:
rich asshole has a disturbing history of cozying up to dictators and foreign
strongmen, so it’s unsurprising that his team’s rhetoric would mimic the
grossly exaggerated praise that such leaders heap upon themselves. Subtlety –
like governance – clearly isn’t the rich asshole’s strong suit.
rich asshole: Our relationship with Germany is ‘very bad for US’
Tuesday morning, the rich asshole once again went after Germany in
a post to Twitter that appeared online before 7 a.m.
5/30/17, 1:27 PM CET
Updated 5/30/17,
3:48 PM CET
Fresh off his first international trip as president, one in which
he spent time at two meetings with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, President
some rich asshole wrote on Twitter Tuesday that the U.S. relationship with
Germany is “very bad for U.S.” and “will change.”
Both the rich asshole and Merkel took part in meetings of NATO and
G7 leaders held last week in Brussels and Sicily, respectively. While in
Brussels, the rich asshole reportedly told European Union leaders that “the
Germans are bad, very bad,” a comment that forced Gary Cohn, the director of
the national economic council to explain that the president was unhappy only
with the U.S-Germany trade relationship, not the longtime American ally itself.
Tuesday morning, the rich asshole once again went after Germany in
a post to Twitter that appeared online before 7 a.m.
“We have a MASSIVE trade deficit with Germany, plus they pay FAR
LESS than they should on NATO & military. Very bad for U.S. This will
change,” he wrote, echoing a point he made in an address at NATO’s headquarters
where he called on members of the trans-Atlantic treaty to spend more on
Merkel, for her part, has emerged as perhaps the most prominent
leader opposing the rich asshole on the world stage. Known to be close with
Barack Obama, Merkel met with the former U.S. president last week for a
long-planned public event in Berlin on the same day that she met with the rich
asshole. And at a campaign rally over the weekend, the German chancellor said
that “we Europeans truly have to take our fate into our own hands.”
“The era in which we could fully rely on others is over to some
extent,” Merkel said. “That’s what I experienced over the past several days.”
rich asshole Camp Shuns Kellyanne Conway, Locks Her Out Of the rich asshole’s
Memorial Day Motorcade
around the time when her “alternative fact” backlash reached an all-time high,
Kellyanne Conway was pretty much banned from all respectable cable news
channels and disappeared from the limelight for quite a while. No one wanted to
waste their time interviewing her, because it was clear that Conway was just
like the rich asshole – a pathological liar. That time away from the spotlight
was extremely damaging to Conway, and what happened on Memorial Day showed just
how far removed she is from the the rich asshole administration now.
the rich asshole, Conway’s popularity is dwindling at record speeds. Earlier
today, Conway received a harsh reality check when she found herself locked out
of the rich asshole’s Memorial Day motorcade! PoliticusUSA reported that
according to the White House Press pool:
“Kellyanne Conway was
also seen entering the motorcade from a distance. (She was initially locked
out. A secret service agent had to pull on the door handle three times, then
knocked on the door before someone unlocked it.)”
This is
extremely humiliating to Conway, because let’s not forget how many times she’s
bragged about how much of a preferred advisor she was to the rich asshole,
and how close she was with the POTUS. She previously bragged:
“When I want to talk to
him, I go talk to him,” she said, emphasizing that she has “walk-in
privileges,” meaning she can waltz into the Oval Office unannounced.
“Eighty-five percent of what I discuss with him will never be revealed. It’s
like any other boss–C-suite-employee relationship. I don’t need to talk to him
through the TV. I just go in and talk to him.”
has painted herself as the rich asshole’s closest advisor, but it’s obvious
that this has changed drastically. Conway was not only locked out of the
motorcade, but no one even seemed to notice her absence! This was a the rich
asshole staffer who once wanted to replace Reince Priebus as White House Chief of
Staff, and now she can’t even get into the rich asshole’s motorcade!
is a harsh reminder to Conway that she no longer has the standing
with the rich asshole that she once did. She’s pretty much disappeared
from the public eye, and nobody even notices.
If You Still Support the rich asshole, I
Instantly Know 7 Things About You

Posted on May 28, 2017
While I don’t always like to make sweeping assumptions about
people based on a small collection of evidence, if you still support some rich
asshole, there are certain things I already know about you. Here are 7 of those
things (HUGE shout out to Daily Kos for putting together this
amazing list!):
1. YOU
The single trait that predicts the
the rich asshole supporter isn’t related to race, income, or education. A
University of Massachusetts researches found that the top predictor of whether
a voter supports the rich asshole is a tendency to lean toward
Authoritarians obey. They rally to and follow strong leaders. And
they respond aggressively to outsiders, especially when they feel threatened.
From pledging to “make America great again” by building a wall on the border to
promising to close mosques and ban Muslims from visiting the United States, the
rich asshole is playing directly to authoritarian inclinations.
some rich asshole and
his supporters will try to tell you that he didn’t mock a disabled person, even
though we all saw him do it.

While I don’t always like to make sweeping assumptions about
people based on a small collection of evidence, if you still support some rich
asshole, there are certain things I already know about you. Here are 7 of those
things (HUGE shout out to Daily Kos for putting together this
amazing list!):
1. YOU
The single trait that predicts the
the rich asshole supporter isn’t related to race, income, or education. A
University of Massachusetts researches found that the top predictor of whether
a voter supports the rich asshole is a tendency to lean toward
Authoritarians obey. They rally to and follow strong leaders. And
they respond aggressively to outsiders, especially when they feel threatened.
From pledging to “make America great again” by building a wall on the border to
promising to close mosques and ban Muslims from visiting the United States, the
rich asshole is playing directly to authoritarian inclinations.
some rich asshole and
his supporters will try to tell you that he didn’t mock a disabled person, even
though we all saw him do it.

Also, remember the
time he mocked Senator McCain for being a POW, saying “I like people who
weren’t captured”?
Remember the time he
made a mockery of our military by insulting/disrespecting the parents of a
fallen soldier?
Remember when some
rich asshole body-shamed a beauty pageant winner?
Remember when some
rich asshole was accused (not charged, yet) of statutory rape, not mention the
creepy and disgusting things he said about his own daughter?
There are literally
thousands of statements and actions that we could mention here. Keep defending
them, please, and prove my point about your lack of class.
With the rich
asshole’s long history of shady business deals, his refusal to release his tax
returns, his constant stream of blatant lies and his habit of not paying people
who did work for him, I am assuming by your giving him a pass on this, that you
also would behave this way in your business dealings.
the rich asshole’s
campaign has been built almost entirely on racist rhetoric and hypothetical
policy. the rich asshole led the charge on the ridiculous birther
movement, he wants to keep Mexicans out by forcing them to pay for a massive
border wall, he believes all Muslims are either terrorists or have ties to
terrorists, he ridicules “black lives matter,” he encourages voter intimidation
and already-proven-ineffective laws like “stop and frisk” that unfairly and
overwhelmingly target African Americans and Latinos. There is literally
NO WAY you can support some rich asshole and at least not be ok with someone else’
racism, though, it’s far more likely you have some of these racist tendencies
on your own.
the rich asshole
regularly says vulgar and sexist things about women. He strangely
believes that Bill Clinton’s affairs somehow disqualify Hillary Clinton from
the presidency, and yet, has been three times and had numerous (and proudly
admitted) affairs himself. As we already mentioned, the rich asshole
recently body-shamed a pageant winner. He has routinely called women, including
his campaign opponent, dogs and pigs. He once claimed Hillary Clinton and
Carly Fiorina were both “too ugly” to be president. D0nald the rich asshole has
consistently said strange and creepy things about his daughter’s appearance,
giving off the vibe that he is attracted to her.
some rich asshole has
major issues with women. Again, either you do too, or you have no problem
giving the rich asshole a free pass on being a disgusting, sexist creep.
Christian author Philip Yancey recently said:
I am staggered that so many conservative or evangelical Christians would see a man who is a bully, who made his money by casinos, who has had several wives and several affairs, that they would somehow paint him as a hero, as someone that we could stand behind.
I am staggered that so many conservative or evangelical Christians would see a man who is a bully, who made his money by casinos, who has had several wives and several affairs, that they would somehow paint him as a hero, as someone that we could stand behind.
From the rich asshole
making a mockery of forgiveness and the Christian practice of Holy Communion
(“I receive forgiveness when I get my little cracker and the juice”), to his
ridiculous claim of his favorite bible verse being from “Two Corinthians,” some
rich asshole’s anti-Christian personal behavior, proposed political policies
and unethical business practices prove his claims of having a deep personal
Christian faith is nothing more than a pandering for votes.
For someone who
consistently claims Barack Obama has assaulted our constitutional rights, some
rich asshole seems to be set to launch an assault on the constitution the likes
of which we have never seen. He has already indicated any journalists
that oppose him will be silenced and oppressed. He has urged congress to
consider shutting down mosques. He wants to end birthright citizenship. The
list goes on.
If you don’t want to
be considered a racist, sexist, whatever, then maybe you should consider no
longer supporting a man who absolutely, without question, is all of these
things. You’re better than this, America.

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