Days 123-129 since the election and 53-59 since #45 has been in office.
There is so much crazy stuff going on, it's hard to keep track of it all.
From #45 not shaking the hand of Germany's leader Angela Merkel to McDonald's throwing serious shade at him to the the right wingers freaking out about the Snoop Dogg video, it's been hilarious watching #45 lose his mind.
The healthcare roll-out was a complete disaster still and now the budget screws over veterans, older people and low income families. But hey, the rich are gonna get richer, so there's that.

This is making the rounds and it should be for every #45 supporter.

Congress May Have Just Thrown A Wrench Into Trump’s Twitter Tantrum Habit
When Trump entered the White House, he held on to his “television — and his old, unsecured Android phone, to the protests of some of his aides — to keep him company.” On March 8th, that Android phone went silent on twitter and hasn’t made a single “tweet” since. Something big must have happened to wrestle that Samsung Galaxy S3 out of his hands, especially considering how many times he has rebuffed that call already. The cause may be a letter from the Republican-led House Committee on Government Oversight and Reform, warning the White House that Trump might have been breaking the law with his twitter habits.
The last we heard from Trump’s Galaxy S3
It has been well known for months that there were two authors on Trump’s personal twitter account: those that came from an Android phone were his, while those posted using an iPhone were written by the unknown hands of staffers. Tracking these has been made quite painless by the DidTrumpTweetIt archive, which reports the device used to post each @realDonaldTrump and @POTUS tweet.
As soon as Trump won the election, security experts and lawmakers raised continual concerns that his use of the Android phone as Commander-in-Chief posedconsiderable security risks. However, Trump steadfastly refused to give up his Galaxy S3 phone, posting an average of 4 tweets per day from it since his inauguration, according to our research.
Ever since he appeared to spent a few days in twitter jail after some particularly obnoxious posts, we’ve been closely following the activity of his two accounts. It turns out that Trump hasn’t tweeted from his Android phone since the morning of March 8.
That makes 10 days and counting at this time of writing this article.
Nonetheless, his @realDonaldTrump twitter feed has been alive and well, averaging over 5 posts per day. And a lot of them sound just like Trump: bombastic language, self-reverence, even his special style of ending each one with a two-word declaration. For example,
So we decided to dig a little deeper.
Was it a letter from House Committee on Government Oversight and Reform?
On March 9, one day after the last Android tweet, the House Committee on Government Oversight and Reform sent a bipartisan letter to White House Counsel Don McGahn. Co-signed by Republican chairman Jason Chaffetz and ranking Democrat Elijah Cummings, the letter notes in part that
President Trump uses at least two Twitter accounts: an official White House account (@POTUS) and an account that predates his inauguration (@realDonaldTrump). Many of the messages sent from these accounts are likely to be presidential records and therefore must be preserved. It has been reported, however, that President Trump has deleted tweets, and if those tweets are not archived it could pose a violation of the Presidential Records Act.
Here is just one example of deletes and reposts, saved by an industrious user (it was to correct a mis-spelling of “hear by” to hearby).
The Committee gave the Trump administration until March 22 to respond to a variety of information “to assist the Committee in better understanding [their] policies governing the implementation of the Presidential Records Act.”
It’s not about a Galaxy S3. It’s about breaking the law.
The Committee asked for a variety of policies and procedures that the White House has in place to ensure records are properly kept for “non-official messaging accounts, including email, text messaging, messaging applications, and social media platforms.” This covers not only Trump’s tweets but also the names and addresses/handles of White House officials reported to have “used an alias email account to conduct official business since January 20, 2017.”
Wait! Officials in Trump’s White House are using private e-mails?! Oh, the irony! Oh, the hypocrisy! Surely you haven’t forgotten how Trump was going to lock up Hillary Clinton because she used a private email server?
Lest we forget, Trump himself has been using a private messaging service daily. In his mind, twitter has been his own private media outlet. Indeed, he told Tucker Carlsonjust two days ago that he uses twitter because “I can reach, whether it’s 90 million, 100 million, or 80 million–when I can reach that many people, Twitter is a wonderful thing for me because I get the word out.” That doesn’t change the fact that he was using an unsecured device and was deleting his records.
That’s why this matters morally. He isn’t living up to his own “gold standard” of ethics that he expects of everyone else. That’s a tremendous fail, bigly.
But more importantly, Trump himself, and senior officials in his administration, may be in violation of the law. The law is the law, and our lawmakers, the White House chief among them, must be held to the highest level of scrutiny when it comes to possibly breaking our laws.
While there has been plenty of speculation and a few actual cases of his advisors and cabinet members having acted in a variety of unsavory (and illegal) ways, there have not been any smoking guns indicating that Trump himself acted illegally, until now. So maybe, just maybe, the specter of being caught red handed caused him to put down the Galaxy S3 and have someone else do the tweeting for him? If that is correct, this is more than just a blow to his inviolable ego and epic stubbornness. It shows his true Achilles’ heel.
Will he start tweeting with his Android phone again? He has often professed hisdisdain for Apple products and probably doesn’t like having to call in a lackey at 6 AM or midnight to punch out his tirades. So if he does pull out the old Galaxy S3, rest assured, you will hear it first here.
Trump Dodges ‘Major Meeting’ On Veterans Affairs, Plays Golf Instead (VIDEO)
A “major meeting” on veterans affairs didn’t happen yesterday evening despite Trump’s announcement earlier in the day.
The White House hasn’t given any reason for the change in plans, but it must not have been Trump’s bad feet, which prevented him from serving his country in Vietnam, because he did manage to get some golf in.
The most likely reason is that Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin wasn’t planning to attend, as he indicated with a shake of his head in the above video – something Trump didn’t seem to be aware of or care about. This didn’t stop other veteran advocates like Marvel Entertainment CEO Ike Perlmutter from going. Why was Shulkin such a schtick in the mud? Maybe it’s because the meeting was due to be held at Mar-a-Lago, Trump’s West Palm Beach golf castle, and Shulkin didn’t have his shots.
Speaking of Mar-a-Lago, this is Trump’s fifth weekend there since his inauguration five weekends ago. Check this out:
The diagram shows how much time Trump spends playing hooky from the “northern White House.” Good work if you can get it.
By the way, who’s paying for the $3M a pop to the “southern White House?” Not veterans programs, at least, not yet. The Department of Veterans Affairs is penciled in for a 6% bump in Trump’s budget proposal, which is currently facing a rocky road in the ongoing Federal budget process. As far as fiscal 2017 goes, most departments have been operating on a continuing budget resolution good through the end of April. If things aren’t ironed out by then, the resulting partial government shutdown shouldn’t affect most veterans services significantly, since VA funding has already been approved.
Trump to spend 7th consecutive weekend at Trump-branded property, at enormous cost to taxpayers
Austerity for us, regular Florida vacations for the president.
President Trump doesn’t want to spend federal dollars on after-school programs, meals for poor people, or heating assistance that helps keep folks alive.
But he has no problem wasting more than $3 million a pop to spend weekends at his private Mar-a-Lago club in Florida. Trump has already made four trips there since becoming president on January 20, and on Friday he confirmed he’s headed there this weekend for the fifth time.
Despite vowing during his campaign that he “would rarely leave the White House because there’s so much work to be done” and “would not be a president who took vacations” because “you don’t have time to take time off,” Trump has visited Trump-branded properties each of the past six weekends. That streak will hit seven when Trump lands at Mar-a-Lago later Friday.
In fact, Trump has spent time at Trump-branded property every weekend of his presidency other than the very first, when he created chaos throughout the country by signing a Muslim ban executive order that was later stayed by a federal court.
Let’s run through them.
February 4–5: Trump heads to Mar-a-Lago for the first time as president. There, he and Melania attend a “Vienna to Versailles” black tie Red Cross Ball that was closed to the media (Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross was in attendance, however).
President Trump’s inaugural appearance at Mar-a-Lago comes just days after the Trump Organization announces the club’s initiation fees are doubling to $200,000 (taxes and $14,000 annual dues not included).
February 11–12: Trump travels to Mar-a-Lago for the second consecutive weekend. His guest is Japanese Prime Minster Shinzo Abe. On Saturday night, Trump and Abe deal with a North Korea missile crisis in full view of diners on one of the club’s terraces, with national security documents illuminated by aides’ cell phones.
February 18–19: The president heads to Mar-a-Lago yet again. While there, Trump, who repeatedly criticized Obama for playing golf while president, enjoys his sixth golf outing during his first month in office. In a sign that he might feel a bit guilty, the White House is later forced to admit that officials initially misled reporters about the amount of golf Trump played during his 18-hole excursion with pro golfer Rory McIlroy.
The roughly $10 million Trump has already spent on unnecessary travel approaches the $12 million President Obama spent each year.
February 25–26: Trump doesn’t travel to Florida, but he does stop by his swanky hotel in downtown DC for dinner on Saturday night. The president’s outing to the Trump International is documented by Benny Johnson of IJR, a conservative media outlet founded by Republican operatives.
Johnson, who writes a fawning first-person account about dining next to Trump’s table, says that he “received a tip from a well informed source that Trump would be dining at the BLT Steakhouse inside his Trump hotel at approximately 6 PM that evening.” Lo and behold, the tipster was correct.
Also hanging out at the Trump International that night were Brexit leader Nigel Farage, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, and Trump’s daughter Ivanka.
March 4–5: Trump heads to Mar-a-Lago. The Palm Beach Post publishes pictures of Attorney General Jeff Sessions mingling with members.
Politico reports that in response to the negative publicity resulting from photos of Trump and Abe dealing with the missile crisis in the dining area, Trump’s “private club issued new rules prohibiting pictures or videos of the president when he’s on the premises so that the world can’t follow along on Twitter if it ever happens again.” Meanwhile, a helipad is under construction on site to make it easier for Marine One to land right outside the club.
March 11–12: On Saturday, Trump visits the Trump National Golf Club in Virginia in suburban DC.
Trump’s repeated trips to Trump-branded properties aren’t just problematic because they embody how he’s profiting off the presidency and breaking campaign promises. They also represent Trump’s selective austerity when it comes to spending taxpayer dollars.
As Quartz reported on Friday, after this weekend, Trump will have already spent about $16.5 million on trips to Mar-a-Lago. For that amount, Meals on Wheels could feed 5,967 seniors for a year and after school programs could feed 114,583 children for a year.
On Thursday, Office of Management and Budget director Mick Mulvaney defended the draconian cuts included in the Trump administration’s proposed budget by arguing that the federal government can’t ask “a coal miner in West Virginia or a single mom in Detroit to pay for” programs like the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. But one wonders whether those struggling Americans would rather have public radio or dole out their share of the $3.3 million a self-proclaimed billionaire is spending each weekend to mingle with his ludicrously wealthy club members down in Florida.
Palm Beach Has A Plan To Force Trump To Pay For His Extravagant Weekend Vacations
While amateur president Donald Trump is cutting vital programs which benefit the poor, he’s once again on vacay at his extravagant Mara-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, costing taxpayers an astronomical amount of money. Each time Trump visits Mar-a-Lago, taxpayers pay more than $3 million. And then there is the expense of protecting Trump’s wife, Melania, while she resides in New York City. That’s three properties that taxpayers have to foot the bill for instead of just the White House.
This is costing the taxpayers a fuckton of money. Also, too, the area he’s taking a break in.
Protecting Trump while he is at Mar-a-Lago, his private club in Palm Beach, primarily falls on the Secret Service. But when the President visits Florida, the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office is asked to assist in a variety of public and private ways. With Trump making his fifth trip as president to what he calls the “Winter White House,” the costs are rising.
Fiscal conservatives have been strangely quiet about this.
Palm Beach county officials, who are overwhelmed with the idea that they might foot the bill, say if the county has to pay for it, it will mean either tax hikes or cuts to services in the coming years.
“It means the local taxpayers will have to bear the added burden of being part of the security for the president of the United States,” Paulette Burdick, the Democratic mayor of Palm Beach County, told CNN on Friday. “It will either be cuts or increase in taxes.”
Palm Beach County officials are facing the prospect of paying millions of dollars in overtime costs associated with protecting Trump during his frequent visits to the area. During Trump’s campaign that he vowed that he “would rarely leave the White House because there’s so much work to be done,” and added that he “would not be a president who took vacations” because “you don’t have time to take time off.”
That’s all changed now, though. Trump is spending his 7th consecutive weekend at Mar-a-Lago and the cost is draining the county.
ThinkProgress reports:
As Quartz reported on Friday, after this weekend, Trump will have already spent about $16.5 million on trips to Mar-a-Lago. For that amount, Meals on Wheels could feed 5,967 seniors for a year and after school programs could feed 114,583 children for a year.
And there are these costs, too:
Air Force One accounts for a big chunk of the presidential travel budget, costing more than $180,000 per hour to operate, reports CBS News correspondent Manuel Bojorquez. That means the roughly four-hour roundtrip flight to his seaside estate costs more than $700,000.
“If he’s going down there every weekend, the costs are going to add up pretty quickly,” said Tom Fitton, president of the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch. Fitton is pressing the administration to release Trump’s travel costs.
Facing soaring costs, Palm Beach officials have now asked Trump to pay for the costs.
Dave Kerner, a Palm Beach County commissioner, says the proposed county budget for 2018 currently has a $40 million deficit, meaning the prospect of paying a few million dollars more to protect Trump could force political leaders into making hard choices on programs to offer.
“I know that my taxpayers shouldn’t have to bear the burden,” Kerner said on Friday.
There is one option being explored to pay for Trump’s extravagant visits to the county: force the alleged billionaire to pay for his frequent and unnecessary visits through its yearly tax bill.
Kerner proposed the plan, which would assess a certain amount each year against the club, requiring it to pay for the protection.
While Kerner is skeptical that the plan would work (as are other commissioners) or that Mar-a-Lago would pay the assessment, he said the idea was worth exploring.
“Frankly, as long as it is not on my constituents, I don’t care who pays it,” said Kerner said, adding that while he is “honored” to have Trump visit, he needs to look out for his constituents first.
The former reality show star loves to brag about the billions of dollars he’s made, yet he won’t pay for his own expenses.
Angela Merkel is now the leader of the free world, not Donald Trump
The US President isn’t motivated by protecting liberal democracy or freedom, his sole ideology is Trumpism: corporate autocracy with a populist facade. And he surrounds himself with white nationalists even more hostile to liberal democracy than he is
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The Independent Online
The Independent Online

Trump’s Border Wall Sh*t Just Got Real – Texans Receive Notices To Sell Or Have Their Land Taken
Texas landowners along the U.S.-Mexico border have begun receiving notices from the federal government saying that they’re coming to either buy, or take, parcels of land for Trump’s pointless border wall. According to the Texas Observer, landowners are receiving “Declarations of Taking” notices that offer a price for the piece that the government wants. If the landowners refuse that, then they may see those parts of their property taken via eminent domain.
One landowner, Yvette Salinas, got her notice back in January. She’d been dreading it for a while because of George W. Bush’s focus on a border fence. Under Obama, she’d been able to relax a bit because he focused on patrolling and monitoring the border in ways that didn’t include taking land and building a wall.
Now, with Trump in office, this shit has just gotten real. Whether any of these preparations happened while Obama was still in office or not, it’s Trump who is pushing the wall forward as quickly as he can. It’s one of his focal points, and it will be his government that buys up or takes the land.
The introduction in Salinas’ letter reads like this:
“The United States of America is acquiring property along its border with Mexico in order to construct a fence and related improvements designed to secure the border, as required by the Secure Fence Act of 2006.”
They offered Salinas and her family $2,900 for 1.2 acres of land – the same amount for the same land that the government offered her under George W. Bush years earlier. The tiny community in which she lives—Los Ebanos—lies entirely within the floodplain of the Rio Grande. That land is protected by a treaty with Mexico that forbids the building of structures that could force floodwaters into other communities, and has been an obstacle towards border wall construction.
Under Trump, though, Los Ebanos seems to have become a focal point. The government has already completed surveys and planning for a wall there. Despite increasing problems with costs, the fact that crossings are down, and the fact that Republicans are voicing their discomfort with the idea, Trump keeps hammering the wall as the way to secure the border.
It’s impossibly stupid. People who live along the border prefer the technological surveillance and the presence of the U.S. Border Patrol to a wall because they believe that’s more effective and costs a hell of a lot less. And they don’t have to give up pieces of land that have been in their families for generations for that.
They also know people will still cross whether there’s a wall or not.
Salinas doesn’t want to sell that bit of land but she doesn’t know what to do. The community doesn’t want to allow the wall to be built through there, either, but neither can they afford to have the U.S. government sue them, and they risk having their land taken without compensation if they try to fight.
Trump Claims That Optimism In America Is ‘Great’ Because He’s Making Wealthy CEOs Happy
Donald Trump keeps pretending that everyone is so happy and optimistic since he took office. Twitter users were quick to blow apart his delusional alternate reality.
In yet another post on his favorite social media platform, Trump declared that there is “great optimism in America” in response to a Bloomberg report that CEOs are more optimistic now than they have been in years.
Great optimism in America – and the results will be even better!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 14, 2017
Of course, that’s all because Trump is gutting regulations that protect workers and the environment and has promised to slash corporate taxes to new lows.
But while America’s wealthy CEOs are smiling about how much wealthier they are about to become, such moves have not made Americans very optimistic at all.
Because while Trump’s decisions are making CEOs happy, they’re not the ones who will suffer because of them.
In response to Trump’s declaration, Twitter users were quick to point out that the American people are not at all optimistic about what is happening in Trump’s America.
@robbystarbuck @realDonaldTrump @markets And bad for the healthcare of the most vulnerable Americans, but “yay job growth.” 🤔— Amy Hunt (@threejuniormnts) March 14, 2017
.@realDonaldTrump The CEOs may be optimistic about sales. But the people do not seem as optimistic about your presidency.— Simon Hedlin (@simonhedlin) March 14, 2017
.@realDonaldTrump The American people were actually much more optimistic about both Obama and Bush.— Simon Hedlin (@simonhedlin) March 14, 2017
.@realDonaldTrump You’re saying that there is “great optimism in America.” I’m not so sure about that.— Simon Hedlin (@simonhedlin) March 14, 2017
.@realDonaldTrump The rich get richer. Great plan Cheeto.— Tommy Campbell (@MrTommyCampbell) March 14, 2017
@realdonaldtrump Especially among the 24m losing health insurance, huh Donald? Nothing cheers me up more than thoughts of an early death.— Dan Howdle (@DanHowdle) March 14, 2017
@realDonaldTrump yeah, that’s what happens when you give tax breaks to CEOs…— Troy Osinoff (@yo) March 14, 2017
The bottom line is that the American people are not confident in Trump and they are sure as hell not optimistic, especially since Trump is busy doing everything he can to make the future of this country less certain.
CEOs may be getting richer but the rest of us definitely aren’t and we’re the ones who have to live the environment these CEOs pollute and we are the ones who have to work in the unsafe and unfair working conditions that will result from Trump’s assault on regulations. We’re also the ones who will have to suffer because of Trumpcare. The CEOs, meanwhile, can pay for all the fresh air, water, and healthcare money can buy and they’ll continue to help Trump make the world worse for the rest us while laughing all the way to the bank.
WATCH: Trump blames Fox News for rejected claims that Obama ordered British spies to wiretap him

During a joint press conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, President Donald Trump was asked about his allegations that former President Barack Obama wiretapped Trump Tower ahead of the 2016 election.
When asked about the latest rejected claims that the British intelligence community was either responsible for or involved in the wiretaps, Trump said the reporter should be “talking to Fox.”
The reporter asked, “Are there other suspects or do you think it was a mistake to blame British intelligence?”
“As far as wiretapping by this past administration, at least we have something in common, perhaps,” Trump replied. He then claimed that his administration did not accuse the British intelligence community of wiretaps. “All we did was quote a certain, very talented legal mind.”
“That was a statement made by a very talented lawyer on Fox. So you shouldn’t be talking to me, you should be talking to Fox,” he said.
Fox News judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano made the claim on Fox & Friends Tuesday, suggesting that the Trump team is struggling to find proof of Obama’s wiretaps because he used British spies.
He alleged, “[Obama] didn’t use the NSA, he didn’t use the CIA, he didn’t use the FBI, and he didn’t use the Department of Justice,” claiming instead that he relied on GCHQ.
WATCH: Angela Merkel looks on in horror as Trump accuses German reporter of spreading ‘fake news’

German Chancellor Angela Merkel looks on as President Donald Trump accuses a German reporter of engaging in 'fake news.' (Screen cap)
President Donald Trump on Friday hit back at a German reporter who asked him about his obsession with labeling any piece of information he didn’t like as “fake news.”
During a joint press conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, a German reporter asked the president both why he supported isolationist trade policies, and why he was “so scared of diversity in the news,” referring to Trump’s repeated attacks on unfriendly media outlets.
Trump started off his response by sarcastically calling her a “nice, friendly reporter” before pivoting to her first question about his support for protectionism.
“I am a trader, I am a fair trader,” Trump insisted. “I am a trader that wants to see good for everybody worldwide, but I am not an isolationist by any stretch of the imagination.”
Trump then moved on to attacking the media for giving off the impression that he’s an isolationist.
“I don’t know what newspaper you’re reading, but I guess that would be another example of, as you say, fake news,” he said.
As Trump accused the reporter of spouting “fake news,” Chancellor Merkel looked up from her lectern and gave the president a pointed stare.
Watch the whole video below.
Merkel, next to Trump: "I've always said it's much, much better to talk to one another and not about one another"
Trump tells German reporter she's reading “fake news” ... "I am not an isolationist. I'm a free trader, but I'm also a fair trader."
Elizabeth Warren Brilliantly Trolls Trump After His Muslim Ban Fails AGAIN (Tweets)
Trump’s Ears Must Be Burning After Elizabeth Warren Lets Him Have It On Twitter
One of Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s most remarkable talents is her ability to completely kneecap Donald Trump on Twitter. She does this with a great deal of speed and agility.
decision to block Trump’s recently revised Muslim travel ban, noting the “Muslim ban is now 0 for 2 vs. the Constitution.”
lizabeth Warren, the Democratic Senator from Massachusetts, applauded a federal judge’s
She and most of us couldn’t be happier. Warren tweeted:
“Turns out, an illegal Muslim ban by another name is still an illegal Muslim ban. So the courts just blocked [Donald Trump’s] second one.”
The decision was handed down by U.S. District Judge Derrick Watson, who ruled after a hearing Wednesday that the state of Hawaii and a Muslim leader stood a good chance of succeeding with a lawsuit that was filed against the ban. The plaintiffs argued that the ban violates the Establishment Clause and demonstrates that there may be “irreparable harm” done if temporary relief isn’t granted, The Hill notes.
Watson’s ruling is the second time Trump’s travel ban was blocked by a federal judge.
Hawaii’s Attorney General Doug Chin testified that the ban could hurt Hawaii’s Muslim community, as well as the state’s universities, businesses and tourism industry. Chin also said the ban contradicts Hawaii’s customs and history.
Related: Elizabeth Warren Unleashes Tweetstorm To Put Jeff Sessions And Donald Trump On Notice
And once the ban was blocked, Warren couldn’t resist nailing Trump, who will probably whine about it in his almost daily Twitter meltdowns.
Turns out, an illegal Muslim ban by another name is still an illegal Muslim ban. So the courts just blocked@realDonaldTrump's second one.
Turns out, an illegal Muslim ban by another name is still an illegal Muslim ban. So the courts just blocked @realDonaldTrump's second one.
.@realDonaldTrump's illegal Muslim ban is still a recruiting tool for ISIS. Still a betrayal of our values. Still doesn't keep us safe.
.@realDonaldTrump's illegal Muslim ban is still a recruiting tool for ISIS. Still a betrayal of our values. Still doesn't keep us safe.
.@realDonaldTrump, your Muslim ban is now 0 for 2 vs the Constitution. Stop fighting the rule of law and start fighting for all Americans.
Trump called this recent travel ban “watered down,” but it would have shut down the U.S. Refugee Program for 120 days and prevented people from six primarily Muslim countries from entering the U.S. And at a speech in Nashville, Tennessee, he said he intends to continue fighting for the ban.
That ought to give Elizabeth Warren even more salvos to fire. And that should be pretty funny!
You go girl!
Trump Just Got Owned HARD By McDonald’s Twitter Account And The Internet Is ‘Lovin’ It’ (SCREENSHOTS)
It appears that a rogue employee at McDonald’s corporate had a little bit of fun with Donald Trump Thursday morning.

“You are actually a disgusting excuse of a President and we would love to have Barack Obama back, also you have tiny hands,” the account tweeted — and whichever nameless hero did it even pinned the tweet.
It’s possible that the employee thought they were posting on their own account, or someone wanted to make a completely accurate statement about the President — but The Donald’s fans will surely be ‘boycotting’ the fast food giant by buying cheeseburgers and writing TRUMP on the wrapper or something stupid like when they tried to “boycott” Starbucks by buying coffee.
Naturally, the internet is “lovin’ it”:
McDonald's coffee must be strong today because they are
Can't wait for @realDonaldTrump to tell us McDonald's is overrated and that he doesn't even eat
McDonald's tweets to Trump: 'You are actually a disgusting excuse of a President'
Preserving this now, before a certain fast-food chain is outlawed by executive order
I shall eat at @McDonalds this weekend in support of this brave social media manager's kick-ass tweet. Everyone join me!#dumptrump
While we can almost assuredly expect McDonald’s to betray us all and apologize to President Asterisk for the insult, let us take a moment to remember their likely now-former employee’s bravery in telling the world exactly what sort of person Donald Trump is.
the rich asshole Screams ‘FAKE NEWS’ Over His Tax Returns And Gets CREAMED By Twitter (TWEETS)
The White House may have verified the legitimacy of some rich asshole’s tax returns after they were released by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist David Cay Johnston, but that didn’t stop some rich asshole from turning around on Wednesday and claiming that they are “FAKE NEWS.”
“Does anybody really believe that a reporter, who nobody ever heard of, “went to his mailbox” and found my tax returns?” the rich asshole screeched on Twitter. “FAKE NEWS!”
Does anybody really believe that a reporter, who nobody ever heard of, "went to his mailbox" and found my tax returns? @NBCNews FAKE NEWS!— some rich asshole (@realDonaldTrump) March 15, 2017
First off, people have heard of Johnston. He’s been around for quite a while and has even written a book about some rich asshole — a fact that would attract someone who would want to leak some of the rich asshole’s tax returns, especially since it was his tax reporting that earned him his Pulitzer.
The puzzling nature of some rich asshole’s outburst was not lost on the American people, who showed up to mock him for calling something that is 100% fact “FAKE NEWS,” especially when there is every reason to think that the rich asshole leaked the document himself:
— Tony Posnanski (@tonyposnanski) March 15, 2017
@realDonaldTrump @NBCNews the document that was in the mailbox was a photocopy of YOUR version of the document. The leak was on YOUR end.— Kevin (@TheKevinDent) March 15, 2017
@realDonaldTrump @NBCNews You planted those tax returns. Why else would it say "client copy"?— #TheResistance (@AynRandPaulRyan) March 15, 2017
— Jeffrey Grubb (@JeffGrubb) March 15, 2017
@realDonaldTrump @oppstn And if they're fake news why did the White House release a statement with the same data as the returns he had?— Jordan Uhl (@JordanUhl) March 15, 2017
.@realDonaldTrump Fake news, or fake outrage?— Simon Hedlin (@simonhedlin) March 15, 2017
@realDonaldTrump @NBCNews FAKE NEWS? You confirmed the validity of the tax return. How could this possible be fake?— MatthewDicks (@MatthewDicks) March 15, 2017
— DJ1028 (@Dj1028Peck) March 15, 2017
— Ned Newhouse (@Ned_Newhouse) March 15, 2017
some rich asshole has a long history of leaking information about himself that, like this partial tax return, would be viewed as positive for him. That fact, combined with the words “CLIENT COPY” stamped across the top of the returns, is a strong indicator that The rich asshole did an impression of two Russian prostitutes standing on President Obama’s bed in a Moscow hotel – he leaked himself.
the rich asshole Makes Up Another Crazy Lie About Obama Admin During 3rd Tweet Storm Of Day
Since President some rich asshole has been elected, he continues to take credit for everything the Obama administration did for the economy he has, unfortunately, taken over.
Wednesday morning, the orange man went to Twitter and did what he does best. He regularly insists that consumer enthusiasm and confidence has gone up since his presidency, and instead of using the average voter as an example, he used CEO’s since, you know, they’re the one percent who will actually benefit from his tax plan and it looks better on him:
‘CEO’s most optimistic since 2009. It will only get better as we continue to slash unnecessary regulations and when we begin our big tax cut!’
CEO's most optimistic since 2009. It will only get better as we continue to slash unnecessary regulations and when we begin our big tax cut!— some rich asshole (@realDonaldTrump) March 15, 2017
Check out some of the hilarious responses from Twitter users:
@realDonaldTrump YES! So much optimism! So much tweeting! Some say there's a CORRELATION between the OPTIMISM in the world and our TWEETING!— Christoph Rehage (@crehage) March 15, 2017
@realDonaldTrump Once we get rid of financial regulations, America will be great again!#alternativefacts— Rob Szczerba (@RJSzczerba) March 15, 2017
@realDonaldTrump Once we get rid of environmental regulations, America will be great again!#alternativefacts— Rob Szczerba (@RJSzczerba) March 15, 2017
— Diva (@sammypolsen12) March 15, 2017
This man is just so delusional.
Trumpcare earns brutal headlines in red states
Local publications are blaring the CBO’s damning report as more and more Republicans jump ship.
On Monday, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released its analysis of Trumpcare. The standout number for most observers, including the local newspapers in states some rich asshole carried in November, is that the bill would cost 24 million people their insurance. And 14 million of them would lose it by next year. The CBO said premiums would rise up to 20 percent in 2018 and 2019 before declining, and older enrollees would be allowed to pay five times as much as younger enrollees, compared to only three times as much under Obamacare.
Additionally, a ThinkProgress analysis found that Trumpcare would result in the deaths of 17,000 people in 2018, the direct result of a loss of insurance.
The “forgotten men and women” the rich asshole lauded in his inaugural address for pushing him to victory would be among the biggest losers under the Republicans’ health care law. The Center of Budget and Policy Priorities released data showing that under the current legislation, deep red states would be hit hardest by shrinking premium tax credits.
A small but quickly growing number of Republicans on Capitol Hill are coming out in opposition to the bill following the CBO’s analysis, and more are signaling they are very much not on board yet. The Tea Party is deriding the legislation as “Obamacare Lite,” though many in that faction may still vote for it. Democrats are calling it a “tax break for the rich.”
Even moderate Republicans are getting nervous about the bill’s impacts and prospects. On Tuesday afternoon, Rep. Leonard Lance (R-NJ) told CNN reporter MJ Lee that he didn’t “want to vote on a bill that has no chance of passing over in the Senate.”
Trumpcare is already in serious danger, a bizarre outcome given the amount of time Republicans have had to come up with a reasonable consensus alternative, and how stridently they called for repeal. It’s also bizarre given the lock the party has on the federal government.
The White House may be looking to attract more Tea Party support for the bill by cutting coverage for low-income families. But that may not play well in the rich asshole Country.
Local newspapers in these red states, each of which the rich asshole carried, are giving residents some brutal news about Trumpcare:
Fox News’ Hypocritical Outrage Over Snoop Dogg’s “Mock Assassination” Of the rich asshole
On Tuesday, Fox News Mornings with Maria took time to cry out in pure hypocritical outrage over a video produced by rap star Snoop Dogg (full video at the end of the article). The hosts, speaking with Alan West, seem to think that the First Amendment was suspended as of January 20th, 2017.
Political dissent is part of the American political landscape. As many Americans found out during former President Barack Obama’s tenure, so is “killing” the president in effigy. Usually, dummies hung by a noose and set aflame, we saw many, many examples of mock assassinations of our President through the last 8 years. A math teacher was suspended for his mock assassination of Obama during a lesson.
Free Speech! They cried.
Now, in a political commentary, Snoop Dogg has stepped out to be the “Dixie Chicks meets SNL gone wild” of 2017. His video for the song Lavender sparked commentary and political discourse while using tried and true satirical staging. the rich asshole, dressed as a clown in full orange-face, with whited-out eyes, is “shot” in the head with an oversized prop-gun that displays the word “BANG” on the trigger pull with a bright flash of light, a la Saturday morning cartoons.
Did this go too far? Maybe but he is well within his rights. He also did not threaten the rich asshole.
Fox News is literally stumbling over themselves to be completely and utterly offended, their guest Allen West even suggesting that it broke the law and this free speech should be responded to with an investigation and possible consequences.

In a bombshell report, Rachel Maddow releases the rich asshole’s 2005 tax returns on her show Tuesday evening.
With only 2 hours to go until show time, Maddow tweeted that she had the returns setting off an explosion social media.
In her first tweet she wrote: “BREAKING: We’ve got the rich asshole tax returns. Tonight, 9pm ET. MSNBC. (Seriously)” and followed that up by another tweet about an hour later clarifying that “What we’ve got is from 2005… the President’s 1040 form.”
Conservative website Forbes reports that “the White House responded before the show even aired, noting to MSNBC that the network is ‘desperate for ratings’ and that the network was ‘violating a law to push a story.'”
CNBC reports that “Pulitzer-prize winning investigative reporter David Cay Johnston obtained a copy of President some rich asshole’s 2005 federal tax returns, and exclusively shared those findings Tuesday evening with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow.”
Below is the full statement from the White House:
“Before being elected President, some rich asshole was one of the most successful businessmen in the world with a responsibility to his company, his family and his employees to pay no more tax than legally required. That being said, some rich asshole paid $38 million dollars even after taking into account large scale depreciation for construction, on an income of more than $150 million dollars, as well as paying tens of millions of dollars in other taxes such as sales and excise taxes and employment taxes and this illegally published return proves just that. Despite this substantial income figure and tax paid, it is totally illegal to steal and publish tax returns. The dishonest media can continue to make this part of their agenda, while the President will focus on his, which includes tax reform that will benefit all Americans.”
Obama Receives Standing Ovation In New York Restaurant While the rich asshole’s Popularity Nose Dives (VIDEO)
Many of Obama’s harshest critics are suddenly very quiet. The former president who the right relentlessly smeared during his time in office is seeing a surge in popularity in his post-White House life as Americans begin to realize just how good they had it. the rich asshole has a way of clarifying things like that.
In another reminder of just how popular Obama is (and by contrast, just how unpopular the rich asshole is), a New York restaurant ground to a halt and gave the former president a standing ovation as he made his way through the seating area. According to witnesses, everyone was cheering and some were crying. This is what a beloved statesman looks like:
And here’s another angle:
Meanwhile the rich asshole is hounded by protesters wherever he goes. During a recent vacation to Florida (the rich asshole’s 5th since taking office two months ago) he had to stoop as low as to pretend the protesters were really “supporters” in an humiliating moment that quickly went viral.
Here are the people lining the street as you left. You lied again,— Lesley Abravanel (@lesleyabravanel) February 12, 2017
Adding to that, Obama’s policies are becoming more popular as people face the GOP’s assaults on Obama’s legacy. Now that the Republicans actually have the ability to repeal Obamacare, support for the law has become stronger than ever.
Support for 2010 health care law has reached a new high— Pew Research Center (@pewresearch) March 11, 2017
For years, Republicans assured America that Obama and his policies were not in line with voters. Now it appears that it’s their ideology that Americans abhor.
In the rich asshole’s mind, it’s more personal. Videos of Obama being applauded are sure to infuriate the rich asshole. Staffers close to him tell reporters that the is consumed by a bitterness towards Obama and a seething jealousy that Obama has accomplished more than he has. It’s no secret that the rich asshole craves approval and attention – both are things that Obama has earned by his actions. the rich asshole is learning that you can’t buy people’s respect and it’s killing him.

Oxford Fellow GLORIOUSLY Buries Trump For Trying To Discredit CBO Report On Trumpcare
Donald Trump just got owned.
On Monday, the Congressional Budget Office graded the GOP healthcare bill that they dubiously named the “American Healthcare Act.”
And the results were not good at all.
Despite Trump calling the bill “wonderful” and claiming that everybody in America will have health insurance coverage, the CBO pointed out that the bill would cause 24 million Americans to lose their healthcare and would make the price of healthcare skyrocket.
Of course, Trump administration officials immediately attacked the CBO report.
“We disagree strenuously with the report that was put out,” Health and Human Services SecretaryTom Price said. “It’s just not believable, is what we would suggest,” Price continued, insisting that the GOP healthcare plan will cover more people and make healthcare more affordable.
Trump’s Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney also dismissed the report and attacked the CBO.
“This is exactly what we thought the CBO would come forth with,” he said. “They’re terrible at counting coverage. The CBO report is full of errors — not errors, they’re just bad assumptions like that. It’s the only way you can get to these bizarre numbers.”
The reaction from Trump’s administration was predictable, and Oxford Fellow Brian Klaas brilliantly prepared for it by pointing out at least 13 instances where Trump used CBO reports to attack President Obama.
You know, because Trump is a hypocrite.
And Trump can’t say that the CBO is wrong just because it gave him a report he doesn’t like.
As it turns out, Trump’s Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price and his Republican colleagues in Congress picked the official who currently runs the Congressional Budget Office.
The Congressional Budget Office is a nonpartisan agency that is tasked with providing Congress with objective analysis of bills relating to economic and budgetary decisions.
What Trump and Republicans got from the CBO report is the facts. But they don’t like the facts so they are attacking the CBO despite the fact that they picked the guy who runs it. Apparently, they expected him to be biased and run it dishonestly.
Conservatives Are Now Threatening The Family Of The Journalist Who Released Trump’s Taxes (TWEETS)
It was obvious this was going to happen, but if you were holding out hope that David Cay Johnston could release Donald Trump’s tax returns without facing harassment from his supporters, you will be sad to know that Trump fans are just as horrible as ever. Ever since he broke the story, Johnston says that cowardly Trump supporters have been threatening his wife and one of his children.
“Trump fans call & harass my wife & 1 of my children after I break story White House confirmed. Sad!” Johnston wrote on Twitter. “Let’s have open debate, not threats.”
Johnston added that he is not intimidated by Trump fiends’ attempts to intimidate him, but that the “calls to family are out of bounds, a disturbing sign of how Trump damages civil debate.”
On top of that, he says, Trump and his less-stupid-than-Eric-but-still-stupid son have been lying to the American people about the exact taxes The Donald has paid.
The release of Trump’s taxes did not, ultimately, reveal much (in fact, the very fact that The Donald paid any taxes at all was a positive for him), but one thing is very telling: Trump’s attempt to do away with the Alternative Minimum Tax is definitely centered around saving himself money:
It’s unclear why Trump’s followers would go after Johnston and his family over this, but once again — it is the norm for the sort of person who would still support Trump.
Posted by John Prager on 15 Mar 2017

you haven’t heard from your crazy right-wing uncle yet, Snoop
D-o-double-g recently released a video in which he (how did Infowars put
it?) “pulled a revolver on a clown dressed as Donald Trump as part of a
mock assassination.” The video does indeed
feature Snoop pulling a “gun” on Trump — one that “shoots” a flag that
reads “BANG” — but the “Trump” character (depicted as the clown he is)
lives well past the “shooting” incident and the worst thing that happens
to him is that he isn’t allowed to hit the blunt that’s being passed
around. None of this matters to the Right, however, because the faux
outrage machine needs to be fed somehow.
“Can you imagine what the outcry would be if @SnoopDogg,
failing career and all, had aimed and fired the gun at President
Obama?” Trump tweeted shortly after hearing about it on one of ‘the
shows.’ “Jail time!”
Can you imagine what the outcry would be if @SnoopDogg, failing career and all, had aimed and fired the gun at President Obama? Jail time!
Trump is a guy who claimed he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th
Avenue and not lose a single supporter and whose fans regularly made
violent threats against President Obama without repercussions, but once
again Trump doesn’t care about facts. Fortunately, Americans stopped by
on Twitter to let him know exactly how stupid he is:
Can you imagine what the outcry would be if @SnoopDogg, failing career and all, had aimed and fired the gun at President Obama? Jail time!
@realDonaldTrump Yo @SnoopDogg, pass the draw next time, Trump is upset cc @Jessewelle
@realDonaldTrump @SnoopDogg Why are you tweeting this? You're going off a propaganda video off of Info Wars. YOU. ARE. A. COMPLETE. JOKE.
@realDonaldTrump @SnoopDogg That moron who runs Info Wars made a video in his nanna's basement about this. You clearly saw it. Hilarious!
Can you imagine what the outcry would be if @SnoopDogg, failing career and all, had aimed and fired the gun at President Obama? Jail time!
.@realDonaldTrump Can you imagine if President Obama was caught on tape talking about grabbing the genitals of women without permission?
Can you imagine what the outcry would be if @SnoopDogg, failing career and all, had aimed and fired the gun at President Obama? Jail time!
@realDonaldTrump @SnoopDogg TIL POTUS can't tell the difference between himself and an actor dressed as a clown version of himself.
@realDonaldTrump @SnoopDogg Trump: "I don't remember this... but that is clearly me. Hey! That Black just shot a gun at me! The actual me!"
Can you imagine what the outcry would be if @SnoopDogg, failing career and all, had aimed and fired the gun at President Obama? Jail time!
@realDonaldTrump you gonna issue an executive order to take back that fist bump, dude?
@realDonaldTrump you gonna issue an executive order to take back that fist bump, dude?
@realDonaldTrump also, thanks for coming out harder against Snoop Dogg than you ever have on anti-Semitic hate crimes.
Can you imagine what the outcry would be if @SnoopDogg, failing career and all, had aimed and fired the gun at President Obama? Jail time!
Remember that time when Ted Nugent said Obama should suck on his gun @realDonaldTrump? No jail time either.@SnoopDogg
Can you imagine what the outcry would be if @SnoopDogg, failing career and all, had aimed and fired the gun at President Obama? Jail time!
This is a bizarre tweet by @realDonaldTrump because it insinuates that @SnoopDogg aimed and fired a gun at him. He did no such thing.
Can you imagine what the outcry would be if @SnoopDogg, failing career and all, had aimed and fired the gun at President Obama? Jail time!
@realDonaldTrump @SnoopDogg Oh no, an active beef with the President of the United States will really hurt Snoop's career.
Can you imagine what the outcry would be if @SnoopDogg, failing career and all, had aimed and fired the gun at President Obama? Jail time!
@realDonaldTrump @SnoopDogg Cmon @realDonaldTrumpit's just a jokedon't be so sensitive
Trump was quick to condemn Snoop for using a joke gun in a clown-themed
music video, he has not said a word about the rash of anti-Semitic hate
crimes that has accompanied his presidency, he has not condemned Steve
King’s white supremacist remarks, nor has he spoken out about his racist
supporters or any of the bazillion times they have actually threatened
President Obama’s life.
Watch the video yourself below:
Featured image via screengrab
Trump Admits ‘2017 Will Be The Worst Year Yet,’ Then Blames Obama
While Donald Trump was campaigning, he slammed what he called political correctness in America’s culture. As usual, the amateur president took to his Twitter account this morning to unleash more nonsensical messages, likely just a distraction from his mounting scandals.
“It is amazing how rude much of the media is to my very hard working representatives. Be nice, you will do much better!,” he tweeted.
In the following tweet, Trump wrote, “ObamaCare is imploding. It is a disaster and 2017 will be the worst year yet, by far! Republicans will come together and save the day.”
First off, Obamacare is not ‘imploding’ and Trumpcare will largely affect Trump supporters. Trump’s tweets went down as well as can be expected on the social media site.
ObamaCare is imploding. It is a disaster and 2017 will be the worst year yet, by far! Republicans will come together and save the day.
@realDonaldTrump you're making it implode, and then blaming Obama.
ObamaCare is imploding. It is a disaster and 2017 will be the worst year yet, by far! Republicans will come together and save the day.
ObamaCare is imploding. It is a disaster and 2017 will be the worst year yet, by far! Republicans will come together and save the day.
@realDonaldTrump will TrumpCare be as stupid as your dumbass description of it:
ObamaCare is imploding. It is a disaster and 2017 will be the worst year yet, by far! Republicans will come together and save the day.
@realDonaldTrump Your presidency is imploding - if you think you can take health care away from millions and not pay a price you're nuts
ObamaCare is imploding. It is a disaster and 2017 will be the worst year yet, by far! Republicans will come together and save the day.
@realDonaldTrump "save the day" lol
ObamaCare is imploding. It is a disaster and 2017 will be the worst year yet, by far! Republicans will come together and save the day.
ObamaCare is imploding. It is a disaster and 2017 will be the worst year yet, by far! Republicans will come together and save the day.
ObamaCare is imploding. It is a disaster and 2017 will be the worst year yet, by far! Republicans will come together and save the day.
ObamaCare is imploding. It is a disaster and 2017 will be the worst year yet, by far! Republicans will come together and save the day.
@realDonaldTrump You're a liar. It is not imploding. It could be made better if you gave a shit about the USA. Stop trying to tarnish Obama!
Trump launched a war on the media and now wants them to be ‘nice’ and not ‘rude.’ That’s rich coming from a guy whose vile attacks are well documented. Trump calls outlets critical of his alleged presidency ‘fake news’ while he reads Infowars and Breitbart. Republicans have had 7 years to come up with a viable replacement for Obamacare and they presented the public with a godawful plan which will leave millions of Americans without coverage.
Trump repeatedly vowed to repeal Obamacare and replace it with a Republican alternative that would provide “insurance for everybody” at a lower price but that’s not what’s happening. It does give a healthy tax break to the wealthy, though. It’s a great plan if you’re rich, but if you’re of low-income status and/or older, you’re fucked.
Each crazy-time tweet of Trump’s is well calculated. It’s a distraction from his many scandals. Let’s see now: Russia, conflicts of interest, lack of transparency and profiting greatly from the presidency.
Meanwhile, the Intelligence panel wants Trump to provide evidence of his claims that former President Barack Obama had his phones wiretapped before the election. They want that today. Tick tock, Mr. Trump. And by the way, Infowars is not ‘evidence.’
Twitter Hilariously Burns Kellyanne Conway For Microwave Comment
Because it’s **BEEPING** insane.
Trump tells conservatives he’ll blame Democrats if Trumpcare goes down in flames: report

Donald Trump (Shutterstock)
President Donald Trump has a bold backup plan if his health care bill goes down in flames: Blame Democrats.
Even though the Republican Party controls the House, the Senate, and the White House, there’s a very good chance that the House Republicans’ proposed health care act won’t have the votes to pass both chambers of Congress.
CNN reports that Trump this week told conservative skeptics of the health care plan that if they don’t pass it, he will simply let the current system collapse and then blame Democrats for it.
Additionally, Trump apparently chastised conservatives for calling his plan “Obamacare Lite,” on the grounds that they are “helping the other side.”
The president insisted during the meeting that Trumpcare would be a big political winner, and he would sell it to the country by holding “stadium-sized” rallies for it.
“This is going to be great,” Trump said, per CNN’s sources. “You’re going to make it even greater. I’m going to work hard to get it done.”
The president took aim at Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), who has criticized the House bill.
“I love him, he’s a friend,” Trump said, according to a source. “He’s going to end up voting for it.”
Trump may or may not visit Kentucky over the weekend.
Louisville airport officials were warned that the president would arrive Saturday, although they haven’t received any details and a White House official said Trump’s schedule does not show a visit to Kentucky.
Rep. John Yarmuth (D-KY), a Louisville Democrat, took a shot at Conway for inventing a terrorist attack in another Kentucky city.
“The @WhiteHouse won’t tell us where @POTUS is headed to in Louisville. Must be a private meeting with victims of the Bowling Green Massacre,” Yarmuth tweeted.
The @WhiteHouse won't tell us where @POTUS is headed to in Louisville. Must be a private meeting with victims of the Bowling Green Massacre.
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