Days 118-122 since the election and days 48-52 since No 45 has been in office.
Sean Spicer denies wiretapping means wiretapping: ‘The president said very clearly wiretapping in quotes’
Major Garrett speaks to Sean Spicer (Fox News/screen grab)
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer suggested that President some rich asshole did not actually mean wiretapping when he accused President Barack Obama of “wiretapping” him in a recent tweet.
At Monday’s White House briefing, Spicer was asked if the rich asshole would provide proof to Congress to back up his claim that accused Obama of “‘wire tapping’ a race for president prior to an election.”
“I think if you look at the president’s tweet, he said very clearly — quote — wiretapping in quotes,” Spicer said, incorrectly adding that there had been “substantial information in several reports” to back up the president claim.
“The president was very clear in his tweet that it was wiretapping,” Spicer said, making an air quotes gesture. “That spans a whole host of options.”
In fact, President the rich asshole specifically accused Obama of tapping “my phones” during the 2016 election.
‘If he’s not joking’: Sean Spicer loses it when NBC reporter asks ‘when can we trust the president?’
NBC's Peter Alexander asks Sean Spicer a question (Fox News/screen grab)
NBC News correspondent Peter Alexander got an earful from White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer on Monday after he asked when it was appropriate for media to take President some rich asshole at his word.
Alexander noted at Monday’s White House press briefing that then-candidate the rich asshole had called unemployment reports “phony,” but he touted the same numbers after taking office.
“You said, ‘They may have been phony in the past but it’s very real now,'” Alexander said, quoting Spicer’s words back to him. “When should Americans trust the president? Should they trust the president, is it phony or real when he says President Obama was wiretapped?”
“He doesn’t really think that President Obama went up and tapped his phone personally,” Spicer explained. “But there’s no question that the Obama administration, that there were actions about surveillance and other activities that occurred in the 2016 election. That is a widely reported activity that occurred back then.”
“The president used the word wiretapping,” the press secretary continued, gesturing air quotes, “to mean, broadly, surveillance and other activities during that.”
Alexander turned to Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates on the impacts of health care reform, which have been attacked by the White House.
“I guess the question is when can we trust the president, when he says something is phony or when he says it’s real?” the reporter wondered.
“You asked a question about CBO and now you’re conflating [it] with a question of the president,” Spicer complained.
“The question in simple terms is, when he says something, can we trust that it’s real?” Alexander said again. “Or should we assume that it’s phony?”
“Trust that it’s real!” Spicer insisted.
“How can we believe that it’s real when you just told us that’s it’s phony?” Alexander shot back.
“I did not tell you that,” Spicer said.
“You told us on Friday that the president said that the [unemployment] numbers were phony then but they’re very real now,” Alexander observed.
“I think the difference is the president was talking then and now about job creation,” Spicer snapped. “The number of jobs. The issue that he brought up in the quote that you’re talking about was the percentage of people unemployed. And there is no question that no matter how you look at this, whether you talk about 4.7 or 4.8 [percent] or whatever the number is, that number fluctuates by how people calculate who’s in the workforce.”
“The bottom line is the percentage of people who are unemployed varies widely by who you’re asking and the way you do the analysis of who’s actually in the workforce,” the press secretary continued. “The number of people in the workforce who are working and are receiving a paycheck is a number that we can look at. Secondly, when you’re asking about the validity of the CBO report, again, I’ll refer you to the CBO itself. The number that they issue that would be insured in 2016 was 26 million people… The actual number is 10.4.”
“It’s not a question of our credibility. It’s a question of theirs.”
Alexander replied: “The bottom line is the question is still not answered. Can you say affirmatively that whenever the president says something, we can trust it to be real?”
“If he’s not joking!” Spicer exclaimed.
Eric the rich asshole Just Lashed Out At Washington Post With A Passive Aggressive Tweet; Like Father Like Son
In an early morning tweet, Eric the rich asshole went off on The Washington Post for labeling vandalism at a the rich asshole golf course a “daring act of defiance.” Apparently, Eric is getting tweeting tips from daddy dearest. He says:
“The @WashingtonPost should be ashamed of themselves,” tagging Washington Post owner and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos.“This is a criminal act. Disgusting what some media has become. @JeffBezos.”
The @WashingtonPost should be ashamed of themselves. This is a criminal act. Disgusting what some media has become. @JeffBezos …
Since the tweet, The Post have updated their article. The article originally referred to the act of vandalism as a “daring act of defiance.” The editors note reads:
“Beginning of this story was changed to more accurately reflect the nature of the actions taken by a protest group against the the rich asshole golf course in Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif.”
The beginning of the article now says:
“A group of environmental activists pulled off an elaborate act of vandalism at one of President the rich asshole’s premier golf courses early Sunday morning.”
In a statement obtained by the Post, the group that committed the act said they carried out the vandalism because of the the rich asshole administration’s “blatant disregard” for the environment.
“In response to the president’s recent decision to gut our existing protection policies, direct action was conceived and executed on the green of his California golf course in the form of a simple message: NO MORE TIGERS. NO MORE WOODS.”
Now, the rich asshole and his clan of naive supporters will argue and say that this is a criminal act, yet they will disregard all the times some rich asshole has been involved in illegal activities.
Let’s recall the time he violated federal law by claiming proceeds from various the rich asshole products would go to charity, although there is no evidence that the rich asshole ever donated the money to charity.
Or the time he violated Wisconsin election laws by talking with voters as they stood in line to vote.
Let’s also recap all of the proposals he has vowed to pursue as President violate the First, Fourth, Fifth, and Eighth Amendments of the Constitution.
People need to think before they point blame at the media. No, media outlets are not perfect. They make mistakes as well, but there is a distinct difference between making a mistake and owning up to it, and making a mistake then trying to cover it up with lies–which is what some rich asshole has repeatedly done since the very beginning of his campaign.
US Attorney fired by the rich asshole was banned from entering Russia by Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin and Preet Bharara
Preet Bharara, the former U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York who was fired by President some rich asshole over the weekend, was so despised by Vladimir Putin’s Russia that he was banned from entering the country in 2013.
According to The New York Times, Russia banned Bharara and 17 other Americans in retaliation for U.S. sanctions over human rights violations.
The Russian government reportedly targeted Bharara because of his prosecution of Viktor Bout, a convicted arms dealer.
Bharara, who is known for investigating officials regardless of political party, also prosecuted three Russian nationals for acting as spies in 2015.
“The arrest of Evgeny Buryakov and the charges against him and his co-defendants make clear that – more than two decades after the presumptive end of the Cold War – Russian spies continue to seek to operate in our midst under cover of secrecy,” Bharara said at the time.
Bharara was fired by the the rich asshole administration on Saturday after he refused to comply with a request to resign. It was not immediately clear if Bharara was involved in any current investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election.
Bharara hints in tweet that he was fired because he was investigating the rich asshole
Former U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York Preet Bharara (
U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara is not going quietly along with the the rich asshole administration’s plan to remove him from office.
On Sunday, reported, the Obama-appointed director of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York sent out a tweet comparing himself to a group of anti-corruption reformers who were fired because they got too close to exposing their governor’s corruption.
The Moreland Commission was established in July of 2013 by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) and charged with rooting out corruption in the state government. However, the group was disbanded by the governor within a year because, Reuters said, it was coming too close to exposing Cuomo’s own shady dealings.
“Wow,” tweeted David Corn of Mother Jones. “Moreland Commission was created by Cuomo to probe NYS corruption & then disbanded by him. Is Bharara implying he was probing the rich asshole?”
ProPublica said, “Context: The Moreland Commission was on the trail of NY corruption…until Gov Cuomo killed it.”
Bharara, who was known to be pursuing multiple lines of investigation against Fox News and his efforts at fighting Russian organized crime in the U.S. earned him a lifetime ban from entering Russia by Pres. Vladimir Putin.
Bharara was fired by Pres. some rich asshole on Saturday after he refused to comply with an order by Attorney Gen. Jeff Sessions to resign.
Monday deadline looms for the rich asshole to provide proof of accusations Obama tapped his phone
House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) speaks to the media about President some rich asshole's allegation that his campaign was the target of wiretaps on Capitol Hill in Washington March 7, 2017. REUTERS/Aaron P. Bernstein
The U.S. House Intelligence Committee is calling on President some rich asshole to produce evidence by Monday that the phones at the rich asshole Tower were wiretapped during the presidential campaign.
The president went on a Twitter rant a week ago saying former president Barack Obama had the the rich asshole Tower phones tapped, but the rich asshole did not offer any evidence. The president tweeted, “Terrible. Just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in the rich asshole Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism.”
Committee chairman Devin Nunes, a Republican from California, and Adam Schiff, also from California who is the committee’s ranking Democrat, sent a letter to the rich asshole requesting the evidence to support his wiretap claim.
An Obama spokesman has said the rich asshole’s charges are “simply false.”
the rich asshole has not commented on the wiretaps since the tweets.
Under U.S. law, a president cannot order someone’s phone to be wiretapped. He would need approval by a federal judge and would also have to show reasonable grounds to suspect why a citizen’s telephone calls should be monitored.
The wiretap charges will likely come up in the Senate investigation into alleged Russian election interference and the rich asshole campaign contacts with Russian officials.
U.S. intelligence has concluded Russia hacked into the computer of Clinton campaign chief John Podesta, with the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks then releasing thousands of his emails in the weeks before the election. It was apparently part of a Russian effort to help the rich asshole beat Democrat Hillary Clinton in the presidential election.
‘Republicans are counting on Democrats to step in and help repair’ GOP health care disaster: NY Times
U.S. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) takes questions at a news conference in Washington, U.S. May 12, 2016. REUTERS/Jim Bourg/Files
Republicans are openly hoping that Democrats will clean up the mess after they pass a health care law that results in million of Americans losing coverage.
The New York Times reported over the weekend that Republicans are moving forward with plans to replaces the Affordable Care Act even though voters in red states are expected to be hit hard by the changes.
“If you ask someone to give up something, there will be resentment,” Rep. Michael C. Burgess (R-TX), chairman of the Energy and Commerce subcommittee on health, told the Times. “If that claims my congressional career, so be it. It will be worth it to me to have effected this change.”
Regardless of warnings from experts that millions could lose coverage, Republicans are pressing forward with the belief that Democrats will one day help fix the mess they created, the paper said.
“Ultimately, Republicans are counting on Democrats to step in and help repair what even Republicans anticipate as upheaval if a repeal measure is passed without a broad remake of American health care,” the Times noted. “Republican leaders have made no effort to hide the strategy.”
House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) explained the plan last week that would begin with allowing Republicans to vote to repeal the majority of the Affordable Care Act. It would be Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price’s job to use his new powers to stabilize the insurance markets. Ryan suggested that House leadership wold then pressure Democrats to vote for additional fixes to the law.
“A growing chorus of Republican policy experts and senators are pleading to slow the process down or risk a political blood bath,” the Times observes. “For health policy experts, liberal and conservative, the rush to enact a measure that even its authors concede is incomplete is dangerous.”
Read the entire report here.
Justice Department fires US Attorney Preet Bharara of New York after refusal to resign
The Justice Department, under US Attorney General Jeff Sessions, has fired the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Preet Bharara, after he refused to resign.
In a statement posted to Twitter, Bharara said he refused to quit and was forced out.
“I did not resign. Moments ago I was fired. Being the US Attorney in SDNY will forever be the greatest honor of my professional life,” he tweeted.
According to CNN’s Jake Tapper, “Acting deputy Attorney General Dana Boente just called US Attorney Preet Bharara and told him President the rich asshole was firing him.”
Tweets below:
the rich asshole White House delegitimizes anything that gets in the way of its propaganda
President some rich asshole signs an executive order (White House)
Matt Gertz
Posted with permission from The National MemoThe press. Government employees. Non-partisan government agencies helmed by Republicans. All of them are now being portrayed by the administration as unworthy of the public trust, because they put out information damaging to the president.After years of posturing about repealing Obamacare — with scores of votes but no consensus plan to replace it — House Republicans finally released their bill to reshape the health insurance market on Monday.President some rich asshole is one of the rare supporters of the proposal: Health care experts and reporters of allideological stripes, health care industry stakeholders, and Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill promptly panned the legislation, with many noting that it fails to achieve any real policy aim other than providing tax cuts for wealthy Americans.Notably, Republicans released the bill without a score from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), which would project the number of Americans who would have health insurance if the law is passed and how it will impact the budget. House Republicans voted to pass the bill through committee yesterday even though they don’t have a sense of what will happen if it becomes law.But according to the White House, there’s no reason to wait for the CBO’s report because the office can’t be trusted to properly analyze the bill anyway.“If you’re looking at the CBO for accuracy, you’re looking in the wrong place,” White House press secretary Sean Spicer said yesterday when asked about the issue. “Last time, if you look at the number of people that they projected would be on Obamacare, they are off by millions. So the idea that we’re waiting for a score — it will be scored. But the idea that that’s any kind of authority based on the track record that occurred last time is a little far-fetched.”That’s a shocking repudiation of the expertise provided by an agency of nonpartisan experts helmed by a director hand-picked by the administration’s own secretary of health and human services, then-Rep. Tom Price (R-GA). It’s also a notable shift for Spicer, who repeatedly cited the CBO’s reports on the impact of Obamacare and its score of Republican replacement legislation while serving as the communications director of the Republican National Committee.The CBO’s initial 2010 score of the Affordable Care Act wasn’t perfect — the law has cost less and insured fewer people than the agency originally predicted. But at least a score provides a frame of reference for what a bill that will impact the health care of millions of Americans will actually do.Right now that doesn’t exist. Asked during a March 7 press briefing whether he could “guarantee that this plan will not have a markedly negative impact on deficit or result in millions of Americans losing health insurance,” Price could say only that “the goal and the desire I know of the individuals on the Hill is to make certain that this does not increase the cost to the federal government.”And so Spicer was reduced to trying to damage the reputation of an impartial source of information, presumably because the CBO’s forthcoming score will add another log to the fire currently scorching a key administration priority.This is the latest effort by the White House and its allies to discredit information sources other than those approved by the president.Battered by criticism for its incompetence, extremism, and corruption, the administration is trying to build an environment in which its supporters have a ready stream of scapegoats and alternative facts with which to explain away White House scandals, while the rest of the public exists in a constant state of confusion, not sure who they can believe or trust.the rich asshole and his White House want to be able to engage in a widespread disinformation campaign, as is evidenced by his constant stream of false claims. But he can’t do that if other sources who dispute his lies are considered credible sources of information.The administration’s effort begins with its constant denigration of the news media.Building on decades of conservative attacks on the press, the rich asshole’s campaign treated reporters as a punching bag. the rich asshole responded to critical coverage by blaming the outlets producing it, denying everything, threatening lawsuits, and denying their reporters credentials. He lashed out at reporters on Twitter and encouraged his supporters to jeer at the journalists covering his rallies.That vitriol followed the rich asshole to the White House. As president, the rich asshole has said that he is in a “war with the media,” calling reporters “among the most dishonest human beings on earth” and claiming that they will “pay a big price” for purportedly lying about him. He has described major newspapers and networks as “fake news” sources that are the “enemy of the American people.”The White House staff has followed the rich asshole’s lead, championing his attacks on the press and adding their own.Spicer used his first appearance as press secretary to claim reporters had engaged in “deliberately false reporting” and has criticized the media because their “default narrative is always negative.” Chief of staff Reince Priebus has claimed “there’s an obsession by the media to delegitimize this president, and we are not going to sit around and let it happen.” Stephen Bannon, the rich asshole’s chief strategist, has called the press the “opposition party” and said that “It’s going to get worse every day for the media.”These efforts create an alternative narrative in which critical reporting about the White House is recast as an effort to bring down the president using what the rich asshole has characterized as fake sources and deliberate lies.When the rich asshole isn’t claiming that journalists are making up their sources, he and his administration allies are trying to cast critical leaks from inside the government as part of a shadowy conspiracy against his presidency. Those government workers are a third independent source of information that the administration wants to discredit and delegitimize in order to preserve their control of the information ecosystem.As The Washington Post detailed, the rich asshole believes “that his presidency is being tormented in ways known and unknown by a group of Obama-aligned critics, federal bureaucrats and intelligence figures,” which are referred to within the White House as the “deep state.” According to the Post, Bannon has been stoking these fears:Stephen K. Bannon, the White House chief strategist who once ran Breitbart, has spoken with the rich asshole at length about his view that the “deep state” is a direct threat to his presidency.Advisers pointed to Bannon’s frequent closed-door guidance on the topic and the rich asshole’s agreement as a fundamental way of understanding the president’s behavior and his willingness to confront the intelligence community — and said that when Bannon spoke recently about the “deconstruction of the administrative state,” he was also alluding to his aim of rupturing the intelligence community and its influence on the U.S. national security and foreign policy consensus.Over the past few months, the “deep state” has become a frequent topic of discussion for the writers of, some of whom reportedly remain in contact with Bannon following his move to the White House.The “deep state” was first described at Breitbart in a December 12 piece on the site headlined “The Deep State Vs. some rich asshole,” authored by the pseudonymous “Virgil.” The term is used as a catch-all designation for the rich asshole’s purported domestic enemies, including but not limited to Democrats, anti-the rich asshole Republicans, the press, all 22 million local, state, and federal government employees, every person who works for a government contractor, “all the wheeler-dealers, plus the hired-gun experts, lawyers, think-tankers, foundation executives,” anyone who benefits from government regulation, and companies that receive federal loans and loan guarantees.According to the piece, the “deep state” is acting solely to protect its “luxe life” from the rich asshole’s “drain-the-swamp pledge.” The author portrays the rich asshole’s “purported ‘Russia Connection’” as solely an invention of those sources aimed at damaging the president.Virgil, who has written for Breitbart since 2012 and has provided much of the site’s “deep state” coverage, describes himself as a “grizzled Beltway veteran.” His other writing for the site also revolves around Bannon priorities, including attacks on the press, glowing descriptions of ethno-nationalism and criticisms of globalism, and defenses of the White House chief strategist.The Breitbart writer describes the press and the bureaucracy as allies in a war against the rich asshole, and recommends the administration respond with a “permanent reworking and rewriting of operating budgets and statutory laws” — in other words, the firing and imprisonment of leakers.Breitbart’s criticism of the “deep state” picked up significantly after retired Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn was forced to resign as the rich asshole’s national security adviser following media reports that he had communicated with the Russian ambassador. Over the next few days, the website published four different pieces blaming those stories — and Flynn’s resignation — on the “deep state.”“The Deep State can now claim a the rich asshole administration scalp. And it’s hungry for more — a lot more,” wroteVirgil. Without changes, he warned, “the situation will only get worse; the new future inside the federal government will be the bureaucratic version of kill-by-leak or be- killed-by-leak.”Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow devoted much of his radio show on February 15 to the “scalp” the “deep state” had obtained, even asking a guest if it was part of a “coup happening from the Deep State.”Last weekend, the rich asshole’s escalating fury at his floundering administration finally manifested in an entirely baseless claim that Obama had ordered him to be wiretapped during the 2016 election. Obama denied the claim, baffled Republicans ran for cover, and reports circulated that FBI Director James Comey had asked the Justice Department to deny the rich asshole’s statement because it “is false.”But at Breitbart — apparently the initial source of the rich asshole’s allegation — this was portrayed as a brilliant attack on his foes. “The White House statement on ‘DeepStateGate’ — President some rich asshole’s allegations that former President Barack Obama ordered surveillance on him during his 2016 presidential campaign — has the feel of cards and chips thumping down on the table,” wrote John Hayward. “After months of unfounded allegations and badly sourced speculation intended to cripple his administration, maybe the rich asshole wanted to prove that only one side of the partisan divide is permitted to make ‘wild allegations.’ Obama’s plants in the Deep State can leak whatever they please, law and truth be damned.”The press. Government employees. Non-partisan government agencies helmed by Republicans. All of them are now being portrayed by the administration as unworthy of the public trust, because they put out information damaging to the president. Only the rich asshole can be trusted. “I am your voice,” as the rich asshole declared during his RNC speech. “I alone can fix it.”When nothing the president says can be believed, and the president says that no one that rebuts his statements is trustworthy, the information ecosystem is taking on a truly authoritarian shape.
CNN legal analyst: the rich asshole likely fired US Attorney Bharara to sabotage ‘troublesome’ investigations
CNN's Ana Cabrera conducts phone interview with Jeffrey Toobin (Screen capture)
Saturday evening, CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin appeared by phone to discuss the firing of U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara with anchor Ana Cabrera. said that Toobin believes Bharara was axed because he was pursuing lines of investigation that would prove “troublesome” to the the rich asshole administration.
“The question arises,” Toobin said, “Is there something either that the the rich asshole administration doesn’t want Preet Bharara to pursue, or are there things he knows that he might disclose later that could be troublesome for the the rich asshole administration?”
Bharara was fired by Attorney Gen. Jeff Sessions after he refused to comply with a Justice Department order for 46 U.S. Attorneys appointed by the Obama administration to vacate their posts immediately.
The call for the resignations came less than 24 hours after Fox News host and indefatigable the rich asshole booster Sean Hannity called for a “purge” of federal officials appointed by the Obama administration.
Bharara has a reputation as a Wall Street enforcer and was looking into criminal allegations against Fox News. In 2012, Bharara’s office successfully extradited and prosecuted Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout, who was known as “the merchant of death.”
He is believed to have been investigating connections between some rich asshole’s 2016 campaign and the Russian government. In his statement after the firing, Bharara said, “I did not resign. Moments ago I was fired. Being the US Attorney in SDNY will forever be the greatest honor of my professional life.”
the rich asshole’s ‘security nightmare’ trips to Mar-a-Lago provide a bounty of opportunities for hostile spies
some rich asshole speaks at the Mar-A-Lago on New Year's Eve (Screenshot, Palm Beach Daily News)
Former intelligence and Secret Service officials say that Pres. some rich asshole is making the U.S. uniquely vulnerable to foreign spying with his weekly jaunts to his private resort in Florida, Mar-a-Lago, and that each repeat visit escalates the danger.
Politico reported Friday evening that while the White House provides a chief executive with layers of security — everyone who enters must provide the Secret Service with their full name, birth date, Social Security number, city of residence and country of birth — anyone can breeze through Mar-a-Lago’s security checkpoints so long as they show a single photo ID and are invited by a club member.
Anyone wishing to spy upon conversations among the president’s aides, plant listening devices or surveil the rich asshole’s daily habits and routines has multiple windows of opportunity to do so, say experts like former CIA Director Michael Hayden.
“One could send a source to attend and report on atmospherics, the buzz, attendees, rumors, etc.,” Hayden told Politico’s Darren Samuelsohn in an email.
Foreign powers looking to recruit intelligence assets can view rosters of the club’s members online, all of whom are now vulnerable to “surveillance, blackmail or bribes that can help them get closer to the president,” Samuelsohn said.
Greater risk, he said, lies in the fact that a cursory amount of internet searching yields the names, work email addresses and phone numbers of more than a dozen key Mar-a-Lago staff members, “including the managing director, who has special Secret Service clearance to get up close to the rich asshole, the chief of security, the housekeeping director and the official in charge of food and beverage services. All would be obvious targets for operatives trying to get information on the president or others in his entourage.”
“Hostile intelligence services would love to plant bugs in a place like this,” said John McLaughlin — former acting CIA director — to Politico.
Other presidents have had their getaway spots during their terms in office, but none were currently functioning as high-end hotels.
“No one ever ran a residence that served as a hotel,” presidential historian Douglas Brinkley said to Samuelsohn. “It’s a security nightmare by having such a turnstile of folks coming and going.”
The Intercept said earlier this year that foreign spies must be “bored” with how laughably easy the the rich asshole administration is making their jobs.
After Pres. the rich asshole and Japanese Prime Minister had a security briefing about North Korea in plain view of guests and staff in the resort’s dining room, Tommy Vietor, a former National Security Council spokesperson for President Obama, said on Twitter, “Collecting intelligence on the US president is now as simple as paying off a Mar-a-Lago waiter.”
Robert Mackey wrote on Feb. 13, “For a clue as to just how easy that might be, consider that the Palm Beach Post reported in December that Mar-a-Lago hires dozens of temporary foreign workers each year, using the federal government’s H-2B visa program.”
He continued, “It was not immediately clear where the foreign workers at Mar-a-Lago come from, but another club in the area told members that workers hired under the same visa program come from Romania, Ireland, and South Africa.”
Samuelsohn said security experts said that hostile agents don’t even need to get close to the president or his advisers to do their work. Even “seemingly mundane pieces of data” can prove to be actionable intelligence, including “the routine that aides have every morning for going to the gym or eating breakfast, the names of the waiters and other club staffers whom the rich asshole favors and the housekeepers who work on the president’s private suite and the rooms where his aides work.”
“What you’re doing is you’re making it easier for foreign intelligence by telegraphing what you’re going to do every single weekend,” said a former Secret Service agent who did not wish to be identified by Politico. “If I know there’s a 50-50 chance, I’m going to try to get in there.”
the rich asshole’s visits to Mar-a-Lago are wildly expensive for taxpayers, but are strangling local businesses as customers stay away to avoid the spectacle and inconvenience.
the rich asshole has traveled to the resort for every weekend of his presidency except the weekend immediately following his inauguration and one weekend in late February.
Spicer Giggles Like An Idiot After Admitting Trump Only Believes News When It Favors Him (VIDEO)
In a deeply disturbing moment during Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s latest bonkers press briefing, he read verbatim a quote given to him by Trump that admitted the sitting President of the United States only believes facts when they make him look good. Everything else is “fake news.”
Spicer was asked during the briefing about the latest jobs report which showed America gaining a very healthy number of jobs. (There is no evidence to suggest this is due to Donald Trump, and in fact, it merely fits with the pattern of unrelenting job growth that came to define Obama’s presidency. Trump has thus far done little to help the economy and nothing to help middle class workers, again suggesting this economic growth isn’t the result of his presidency but merely his good fortune for having inherited a booming economy from his Democratic predecessor.)
Despite the fact that there is little evidence of Trump’s influence, his administration has been taking victory laps over the economic news. A reporter correctly noted that it’s a bit odd that Trump would be so willing to trust the jobs report this time when he has previously gone on record to suggest that jobs reports under Obama were fabricated and false – a claim which, in 2015, earned him a “pants on fire” Politifact rating. Why the sudden change?
The answer is so obvious that even Trump had no problem admitting it: He only believes the news when it benefits him.
“They may have been phony in the past, but it’s very real now.”
Rather than find that mindset pathological and terrifying, Spicer thought it was hilarious. Even more troubling, the reporters in the room burst into laughter too. Everyone laughing should be ashamed. It wasn’t a joke. Trump is signaling the fact that his administration will be run on the premise that he defines what is “real” and what is “fake.” If it’s pro-Trump, it’s legitimate. If it’s inconvenient, it’s “fake news” created by the “Deep State” and the “liberal media” out to get him.
That’s the kind of paranoid delusions that quickly spiral into fascism. And Spicer is giggling about it.
Is no45 being investigated?

WASHINGTON — President the rich asshole’s weekend Twitter message asserting that former President Barack Obama had tapped his phones forced the White House into ever more verbal contortions on Thursday as aides struggled to defend the president’s charge.
In the latest iteration, the Justice Department declined to comment on whether some rich asshole is — or is not — the subject of an investigation. “No comment,” a department official said.
In normal circumstances, a “no comment” from the Justice Department on the status of any investigation would be standard practice. And certainly there has never been any indication that some rich asshole himself was the target of inquiries by the department and congressional intelligence committees into possible contacts between his associates and members of the Russian government.
But by venting his ire against Mr. Obama in a series of Twitter messages at dawn on Saturday, some rich asshole awkwardly raised that possibility himself, since any wiretapping could have been the direct result of an investigation targeting him. One presidential tweet in particular — “how low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process” — clearly portrayed some rich asshole as the victim of surveillance.
Thursday’s verbal gymnastics actually started on Wednesday when Sean Spicer, the White House press secretary, insisted to reporters that the president is not the target of a counterintelligence investigation involving contacts with Russia. He said, flatly, that “there is no reason to believe there is any type of investigation with respect to the Department of Justice.”
That prompted Thursday’s comments from a Justice Department official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the case. The official said that Mr. Spicer had not relied on any information from the department in denying the existence of an investigation targeting the president.
Which led a few hours later to an about-face by Mr. Spicer, who was asked how he knew, definitively, that the president was not a target. Mr. Spicer conceded that the White House does not know whether the Justice Department has targeted the president in a Russia-related investigation.
“I said I’m not aware and we’re not aware and that’s why we want the House and Senate to do what the president has asked of them, to look into this,” Mr. Spicer said. “But no, we’re not aware.”
When reporters asked him to reconcile the difference between his statements, Mr. Spicer insisted that there was none.
“Right, I mean I don’t know that they’re not interchangeable,” Mr. Spicer told reporters. “I’m not aware, I don’t believe. Look up in a thesaurus and find some other ways, but I don’t know that there’s a distinction there that’s noteworthy. But we’re not aware, I don’t believe that that exists.”
In his tweets, some rich asshole appeared to be lashing out at what he views as a politically motivated effort to uncover the facts about Russia’s activities in the presidential election, including contacts between people linked to his campaign and Russian officials.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation is conducting a wide-ranging counterintelligence investigation into Russian campaign interference, and into the question of whether anyone in the the rich asshole administration may have had knowledge of it.
While investigators have found multiple contacts between Russia and people involved in the the rich asshole campaign, no clear evidence of collusion has emerged publicly. But the White House’s frequent denials of any contact — followed by its public reversals — have only fueled questions in Congress and elsewhere.
Committees in both the Senate and the House are examining Russia’s election-meddling and possible ties to the the rich asshole campaign, but House Democrats pushed Thursday to go further. They introduced a bill — almost certain to die in the face of Republican opposition — requiring the the rich asshole administration to turn over all documents on Russian campaign contacts.
After some rich asshole’s Twitter messages on Saturday morning alleging wiretapping, a spokesman for Mr. Obama vigorously denied the charge, saying in a statement that any suggestion that the former president ordered wiretaps on an American are “simply false.”
James B. Comey, the F.B.I. director, urged counterparts at the Justice Department to publicly refute some rich asshole’s charge. Department officials have declined to do so, and Mr. Comey has remained silent on the issue publicly.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions has recused himself from investigations involving some rich asshole’s campaign after it was disclosed he met twice with the Russian ambassador. The man who would oversee any such investigations, Rod J. Rosenstein, is still awaiting Senate confirmation as deputy attorney general.
Feud breaks out during health care hearing as Republican whines that men have to pay for prenatal care

John Shimkus at House hearing (Photo: Screen capture)
Rep. John Shimkus (R-IL) got into a battle with Rep. Mike Doyle (D-PA) Thursday during a House Committee on Energy and Commerce hearing for the healthcare bill.
While discussing the GOP’s new bill, Doyal asked what Shimkus could possibly have a problem with that is mandated in Obamacare. He rattled off some of the things Americans have said they like, kids being able to stay on their parents’ insurance until 26, not being kicked off for pre-existing conditions or stopping caps on benefits.
Shimkus replied that men shouldn’t have to pay for prenatal care.
“I’m just — I — is that not correct?” Shimkus stuttered. “Should they?”
(READ MORE: CNN calls out Sean Spicer’s spin: Yes, Republicans are ramming Trumpcare through Congress)
Doyal seemed so dumbfounded he couldn’t find his words either. He reclaimed his time. “There’s no such thing as ala cart insurance, John,” he explained.
Shimkus said that was the thing he had a problem with. “That’s the point! That’s the point!” he exclaimed. “We want the consumer to be able to go to the insurance market and be able to negotiate on a plan that –”
“You tell me what insurance company will do that,” Doyle interrupted. “There isn’t a single insurance company in the world that does that, John.”
Buyer's remorse. Fucking idiots
‘I might as well have not voted’: Details of GOP health plan leave the rich asshole voter appalled

Audience member Robin Roy (C) reacts as U.S. Republican rich asshole greets her at a campaign rally in Lowell, Massachusetts January 4, 2016. (BRIAN SNYDER / Reuters)
President some rich asshole this week signaled his support for the House Republicans’ new health care bill — but it looks like that legislation is going over like a lead balloon with his base.
Not only are the the rich asshole diehards at Breitbart News bashing the plan as “Obamacare 2.0,” but even some casual voters are worried about the president’s plan.
ABC News this week talked with North Carolina resident Martha Brawley, a 55-year-old woman who cast a ballot for the first time in her life for some rich asshole. Brawley says that she voted for the president on the hopes that he could bring down the cost of health care — but she’s been appalled so far by what she’s seen from the Republican Congress.
“I voted for the rich asshole hoping that he would change the insurance so I could get good health care,” she told ABC News. “I might as well have not voted.”
Brawley was particularly upset when she learned that, under Trumpcare, she would receive a paltry $3,500 tax credit to buy insurance. At the moment, she gets a federal subsidy of around $8,688 to buy insurance from Obamacare.
“All these people who talk in politics have insurance,” she told ABC News. “People like me don’t.”
Ted Cruz is a waste of human flesh and needs to be expelled from his itchy, human meat skin.
Ted Cruz hints Vice-President Pence will make up his own Senate rules to ram through Trumpcare

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) appears on ABC (Photo: screen grab)
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) seems to think Vice President Mike Pence can make up his own rules while serving as President of the Senate.
In an interview with reporters, The Hill revealed Cruz talked about the ways in which Pence can ensure pieces of the health care bill the White House wants gets included in the bill. The plan seems to involve overruling the parliamentarian of the Senate. The parliamentarian is the one who advises the president to ensure rules are followed. However, the role has no real control or authority.
“Under the Budget Act of 1974, which is what governs reconciliation, it is the presiding officer, the vice president of the United States, who rules on what’s permissible on reconciliation and what is not,” Cruz said. “That’s a conversation I’ve been having with a number of my colleagues.”
Senate Leader Mitch McConnell plans to ensure the GOP’s healthcare bill is passed by overruling the Democrats’ filibuster using a process called budget reconciliation. Cruz explained that because the health care bill has an impact on the budget that anything pertaining to the bill could fall under budget reconciliation.
“You don’t have to override the parliamentarian or get a new parliamentarian,” Cruz said. “Under the statute, it is the vice president who rules. It is the presiding officer who makes the decision. The parliamentarian advises on that question.”
In 2001, parliamentarian Bob Dove got fired after infuriating Republicans with rulings. But Cruz told reporters that there is no reason to fire current parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough if she rules the way the GOP wants her to.
The only recourse Democrats would have to overrule Pence is with a 60-vote supermajority.
Internet erupts in mockery after the rich asshole says Trumpcare will be ‘a beautiful picture’

some rich asshole (Michael Vadon/Flickr)
President some rich asshole once again took to Twitter on Thursday to defend a Republican health care plan that even has some of his own voters regretting their decision to back him.
the rich asshole tried to reassure his followers to not believe media reports about the health care plan getting slammed on all sides, and to instead have faith that Trumpcare would wind up looking like “a beautiful picture.”
The internet responded with instant ridicule by posting pictures of things that were not exactly as beautiful as the rich asshole asked, such as Edvard Munch’s classic painting, “The Scream.”
Despite what you hear in the press, healthcare is coming along great. We are talking to many groups and it will end in a beautiful picture!
Some more choice responses follow below.
Despite what you hear in the press, healthcare is coming along great. We are talking to many groups and it will end in a beautiful picture!
Despite what you hear in the press, healthcare is coming along great. We are talking to many groups and it will end in a beautiful picture!
Despite what you hear in the press, healthcare is coming along great. We are talking to many groups and it will end in a beautiful picture!
@realDonaldTrump Here's an exclusive early look at Trump's "beautiful picture"
Despite what you hear in the press, healthcare is coming along great. We are talking to many groups and it will end in a beautiful picture!
@realDonaldTrump It will end with a picture of you smiling at 10 million Americans losing coverage and others getting sicker.
Despite what you hear in the press, healthcare is coming along great. We are talking to many groups and it will end in a beautiful picture!
Despite what you hear in the press, healthcare is coming along great. We are talking to many groups and it will end in a beautiful picture!
@realDonaldTrump I know you think you're the most important boy in the world but no one's going to hang your crayon drawing on the fridge, Donald.
White House IMPLODING, the rich asshole BANS Sean Spicer From Air Force One After Insane MELTDOWN (DETAILS)
Despite how badly some rich asshole wants to make everyone believe that everything in the White House is running smoothly and going well, there have been several reports that suggest exactly the opposite is true. We’ve heard about staffers leaking insider info, scandals with the rich asshole’s own advisors, and horror stories about the undeserving POTUS’ meltdowns on an almost daily basis – and the latest report proves that things are NOT going well at all.
According to journalist Michael M. Grynbaum’s assertion in a piece for the New York Times called “Sean Spicer Meets the Press. No Cameras Allowed, Again,” Spicer was apparently briefly banished from the Air Force One after the rich asshole threw one of his colossal man-baby temper tantrums. The article, for the most part, covered Spicer’s hatred for televised briefings, but there was also this piece of information, which reveals just how bad things are in the White House:
“On Friday, Mr. Spicer was among the group of some rich asshole’s senior aides temporarily banished from Air Force One after some rich asshole erupted at his staff in frustration during an Oval Office meeting.”
The meeting that the article was referring to was an incident last week in which the rich asshole railed against his senior staff. According to CNN Washington Correspondent Ryan Nobles, the rich asshole was furious over the way his staff handled things with his Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Nobles said:
“There were a lot of expletives. We’re told the president accused his staff of fumbling the situation with Sessions.”
Right after this blowup, the rich asshole also decided to attack former President Barack Obama and accuse his predecessor of wiretapping his phones in the the rich asshole Tower.
the rich asshole must have been extremely pissed off to ban Spicer from the Air Force One, and it only serves as more proof that the rich asshole’s temper is uncontrollable and he should likely be evaluated by a mental health professional. There have been several reports that suggest that Spicer’s relationship with the rich asshole is on the rocks, and this certainly confirms it.
Featured image via Scott Olson and Win McNamee / Getty Images
Welcome to No45's America.
‘Get out of America!’ Screaming racist arrested in Oregon after bashing Arab man over the head with a pipe
Jason Le Miere
Posted with permission from International Business Times
Posted with permission from International Business Times
A man was arrested Tuesday after attacking a restaurant employee in Salem, Oregon, with a pipe and yelling, “go back to your country, terrorist” and “Arab, you need to leave asshole.” The attack is being investigated as a possible hate crime.
Jason Kendall, 52, allegedly began yelling and screaming at the employee, Portland’s KOIN 6 reported Thursday. After he was asked to leave, he returned a few minutes later and struck the victim over the head with a pipe while unleashing a stream of racist abuse, also including “get out of America.”
Read: Hate Crimes And Donald Trump: Why It's So Hard To Prosecute Racist, Hateful Acts
The altercation, in which court documents allege Kendall also threw something plastic at the victim, left the employee with a small bump on his head. Kendall told police that he saw an “evil totem” with Arabic writing on it and threw it at the victim.
Kendall also explained to the arresting officer that he saw a “Saddam Hussein looking guy” and believed a woman in the restaurant was a slave. He said he went in to tell her that she was “free to leave.”
Kendall has been charged with felony assault, unlawful use of a weapon and misdemeanor intimidation.
In a wave of incidents of hate following last year’s presidential election, Oregon led the nation in the number of incidents per capita. Oregon reported 65 hate crimes to the FBI for 2015, however, the state’s largest city – Oregon – failed to report data. In all, 12 percent of Oregon’s agencies did not file a single hate crime report for 2015. In the past six years, more than 100 Oregon agencies did not file a report for at least one year.
Across the country, there was a six percent rise in hate crimes for 2015. By far the biggest spike was seen in incidents targeting Muslims, which went up 67 percent from the previous year.
Jason Kendall, 52, allegedly began yelling and screaming at the employee, Portland’s KOIN 6 reported Thursday. After he was asked to leave, he returned a few minutes later and struck the victim over the head with a pipe while unleashing a stream of racist abuse, also including “get out of America.”
Read: Hate Crimes And Donald Trump: Why It's So Hard To Prosecute Racist, Hateful Acts
The altercation, in which court documents allege Kendall also threw something plastic at the victim, left the employee with a small bump on his head. Kendall told police that he saw an “evil totem” with Arabic writing on it and threw it at the victim.
Kendall also explained to the arresting officer that he saw a “Saddam Hussein looking guy” and believed a woman in the restaurant was a slave. He said he went in to tell her that she was “free to leave.”
Kendall has been charged with felony assault, unlawful use of a weapon and misdemeanor intimidation.
In a wave of incidents of hate following last year’s presidential election, Oregon led the nation in the number of incidents per capita. Oregon reported 65 hate crimes to the FBI for 2015, however, the state’s largest city – Oregon – failed to report data. In all, 12 percent of Oregon’s agencies did not file a single hate crime report for 2015. In the past six years, more than 100 Oregon agencies did not file a report for at least one year.
Across the country, there was a six percent rise in hate crimes for 2015. By far the biggest spike was seen in incidents targeting Muslims, which went up 67 percent from the previous year.
Trump tweeted Obama wiretap claims after aide slipped a Breitbart article into his reading pile: report

Donald Trump (Shutterstock)
President Donald Trump reportedly accused his predecessor of illegally wiretapping him based on a Breitbart News report slipped to him by an aide.
The Associated Press reported that an aide slipped the Breitbart News article, which alleged that Obama had ordered a wiretap of Trump Tower during the 2016 presidential campaign, to Trump last week. The report was based on unsubstantiated claims made by right-wing talk show host Mark Levin.
The aide, who wasn’t named by the AP, placed a printout of the report into the president’s daily reading pile, and Trump then tweeted out the accusation Saturday without offering any proof.
The White House has not given a clear answer on the evidence Trump used to justify the accusation, and the president has asked Congress to find the proof for him.
The AP reported on Trump’s daily routine, which begins before 6 a.m. with cable TV news and a stack of newspapers, including the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, the Washington Post and his favorite, the New York Post.
His aides also print out articles from other sources, such as Breitbart News, which was until recently headed by Steve Bannon, now the White House chief strategist.
These clips are assembled by junior aides, the AP reported, although senior staffers sometimes add articles they want the president to see.
Trump often sits with his staff and marks up these reports with a Sharpie marker to direct aides how to respond to them.
The televisions stay on all day in the West Wing, the AP reported, and Trump watches news programs in the morning, at lunch and most of the evening.
He frequently tweets out information gathered from TV news programs as he watches them.
Sean Spicer admitted Trump lied about ‘phony’ job numbers and reporters laughed it off. Now people are furious

Woman upset at something she read online (
The White House press corps erupted in laughter when White House press secretary Sean Spicer admitted that President Donald Trump doesn’t really believe that job reports from the Labor Department are fake.
The Labor Department on Friday released a strong jobs report showing the US economy added 235,000 jobs in February. During his White House press briefing later in the day, Spicer was asked about Trump’s previous claims that positive job reports under the Obama administration were “phony or totally fiction.”
“I talked to the president prior to this, and he said to quote them very clearly. They may have been phony in the past, but it’s very real now,” Spicer replied, prompting laughter from reporters in the room.
“I know it was delivered as a laugh line from Sean and got laughter in the room from reporters — I’m not so sure all of America will laugh at that,” CNN political director David Chalian said afterward.
“It is an admission of blatant hypocrisy,” he continued. “I mean, it’s like the most traditional politician thing you could do — which is not Donald Trump’s brand necessarily — to say that when it is not in my favor I’m going to say this, and when it is in my favor, I’m going to say that. That is the thing about politicians most people in the country don’t like. So I don’t know it is necessarily a joke. It is a total admission of blatant hypocrisy.”
Jake Tapper scorches the rich asshole wiretap claim: He’s the only person on ‘Obama-tapped-my-phone Island’

Jake Tapper (CNN)
CNN’s Jake Tapper on Wednesday kicked off his eponymous show “The Lead” with a pointed dig at some rich asshole’s dubious claim that Barack Obama wiretapped the rich asshole Tower during the 2016 presidential campaign.
the rich asshole levied the startling allegation on Saturday, in a series of tweets charging Obama with “Nixon/Watergate”-style surveillance on his campaign headquarters. the rich asshole has yet to provide any evidence to back up his claim, instead asking Congress to investigate his unfounded accusation.
Despite the president’s charge, Republican leaders refuse to back the rich asshole up. On Tuesday, House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) declined to say whether he believes Obama tapped the rich asshole Tower, instead complaining that “a lot of the things [the rich asshole] says, [the press takes] literally,” when it apparently should not. Senate Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr (R-NC), who is leading the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, similarly hedged when asked about the rich asshole’s theory.
“We’re going to go anywhere there is intelligence or facts that send us, so I’m not going to limit it one way or the other,” Burr told CNN. “But we don’t have anything today that would send us in that direction, but that’s not to say that we might not find something.”
The lack of evidence and support for the bogus wiretap claim prompted Tapper on Wednesday to nail the president for his one-man conspiracy show.
“Welcome to Obama-tapped-my-phone Island,” Tapper said. “Population: President the rich asshole.”
“The White House saying the president has no regrets about his fact-free claim that then-President Obama tapped his phone last year, even though just about everyone else in the city in the know, or with the power to investigate the claim says it’s not true or that they’ve seen nothing that can support the accusation,” Tapper continued.
The CNN host then shredded the rich asshole’s attempts to cobble together “nonexistent evidence” that would prove the claim the president has already asserted as “fact” instead of an outright lie, as it currently appears to be.
Report: Obama ‘rolled his eyes’ at wiretap claim — and ripped the rich asshole’s failing presidency instead

U.S. President Barack Obama participates in a National Rx Drug Abuse and Heroin Summit in Atlanta, Georgia March 29, 2016. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque
President Barack Obama reportedly “rolled his eyes” when he was asked about President some rich asshole’s wiretapping allegations.
According to NBC’s Peter Alexander, the former president was more concerned about the rich asshole’s failing presidency than he was about the baseless accusations that the rich asshole was illegally wiretapped during the 2016 presidential campaign.
“[A] source close to the former president tells NBC News Mr. Obama ‘rolled his eyes”” in reaction to the rich asshole’s evidence-free claims, Alexander revealed on Wednesday.
The source noted that Obama believes the rich asshole “undermines the integrity of the office of the president” by making false accusations. But Obama was not worried about his own legacy because “he didn’t do it,” the source said.
The source also told NBC News that Obama “is much more concerned by President the rich asshole kicking people off their health insurance, not staffing the government, not being prepared for a crisis, rolling back regulations so that corporations can pollute the air and water and letting mentally unstable people buy guns with no problems whatsoever.”
“He cares about those things much more than what President the rich asshole tweets at the TV each morning,” the source added.
White House invites GOP lawmakers for pizza and bowling to discuss Obamacare replacement

House Republican Speaker Paul Ryan (Photo: Gage Skidmore/Flickr)
Republicans have finally proposed a health care bill to replace the Affordable Care Act; however, the GOP has not taken a unified stand to back the proposed replacement, including members of the House Freedom Caucus.
Rep. Mark Sanford (R-SC) of the caucus asked, “Do we need to lower the bar in what we believe as conservatives simply because a Republican is in the White House?” The White House has responded to some of the backlash among GOP lawmakers by extending an invitation for a night of bowling and pizza next week in order to discuss the new health care policy, according to a caucus source.
Multiple conservative groups have taken a stand against the replacement plan because they believe it is not a full repeal of Obamacare. Conservative advocacy group FreedomWorks has announced plans “to launch a six-figure campaign against the legislation,” Politico reports. The Heritage Foundation called it “bad policy.”
White House press secretary Sean Spicer told reporters on Wednesday, “We are out in full sell mode all around the country, talking about how we think this is the best way to solve the problem that the American people face and why we believe that the solutions that we put forward in this bill are the right ones and that will benefit them.”
“This proposal needs to go to the ash heap of history, as does Obamacare,” said Americans for Prosperity CEO, Luke Hilgemann. Perhaps bowling and pizza at the White House will help unite conservatives.
MSNBC reporter torches Sean Spicer: Why did the rich asshole ask Congress to uncover wiretap info he already has?

Hallie Jackson grills Sean Spicer (Fox News/screen grab)
MSNBC White House correspondent Hallie Jackson backed White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer into a corner by asking him why President some rich asshole would call on Congress to investigate wiretapping information he already claims to have.
During Tuesday’s White House briefing, Jackson asked Spicer, if the rich asshole already has proof that President Barack Obama illegally wiretapped him then why would he call for a congressional investigation instead of simply presenting his evidence?
“You said the president stands by his tweets Saturday morning that President Obama ordered this wiretap,” she noted. “You’ve also said that the president wants Congress to investigate. Some members of Congress, by the way, have asked the White House and asked the president to come forward with the information.”
“So bottom line, why would the president want Congress to investigate for information he already has?” Jackson wondered.
Spicer asserted that the president was concerned about the “separation of power aspect.”
“It’s a question of appropriateness,” Spicer said.
Jackson pushed back: “But if the president has the info… if he’s sitting on this information, if he’s found out — he’s now directing or asking or recommending that the intelligence committees look into this. And you talked about they have resources and staff, which they do. But why expend those resources and staff if the president found out this information and has it?”
According to Spicer, the rich asshole wants Congress to “add credibility” to the investigation.
“I think we’ve made it very clear how he wants this done,” the press secretary concluded.
Kellyanne Conway pushes back on ‘Trumpcare’ label: He never said he wants his name on health care bill

Kellyanne Conway defends 'Trumpcare' on Fox News (Screen cap).
President some rich asshole has fully embraced congressional Republicans’ proposed health care legislation, but one of his top advisers doesn’t seem to want his name attached to it.
Appearing on Fox News Wednesday morning, top the rich asshole adviser Kellyanne Conway was asked by host Bill Hemmer if it was okay to refer to the Republicans’ proposed legislation as “Trumpcare,” just as Republicans for years referred to former President Barack Obama’s signature health care act as “Obamacare.”
Conway, however, pushed back and said that the rich asshole’s name didn’t belong on the bill.
“It’s the American Health Care Act, and I think it’s aptly named that for this reason,” she explained. “It wants to cover, it wants everyone to have access to coverage, and that is something that didn’t happen under Obamacare… I’ll call it Trumpcare if you want to, but I didn’t hear President the rich asshole say to any of us, ‘I want my name on that.’ It’s not about branding according to someone’s name. This is serious business.”
Conway went on to bash Democrats for saying that Obamacare allowed more people to have more health care access because in many cases the health plans they obtained had high deductibles and co-payments.
Several independent analysts and industry groups have concluded that Trumpcare would both throw millions of people off their current insurance plans, and also raise costs for older patients who would be less able to afford coverage due to inadequate tax credits to buy insurance.
Watch the whole segment below.
‘Be careful what you wish for’: Top dem taunts the rich asshole over wiretap investigation demand

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) speaks to ABC News (Screen capture)
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) on Wednesday taunted some rich asshole over the president’s call for Congress to investigate his allegation that former President Barack Obama tapped the rich asshole Tower during the 2016 presidential campaign, warning the president to “be careful what you wish for.”
the rich asshole demanded an investigation into his unsubstantiated wiretap claims, despite his ability, as president, to declassify material that would prove his assertion. Schiff, a top Democrat in the House of Representatives, cautioned the president that he may not like where that investigation leads.
“I don’t think [the rich asshole’s claim] has much credibility,” Schiff said. “But they’ve asked us to look into that and be careful what you wish for.”
“I’d like to have those who were present at the time be asked the question, ‘Was the president of the United States being honest, was he being accurate, when he accused his predecessor of wiretapping he and his associates?” Schiff continued.
The Democratic leader pointed out that “in this case” he believes the end result will be “high-ranking current and former officials telling the American people whether the president was truthful with them.”
“The president is going to get what he wanted,” Schiff said with regards to a Congressional investigation. But he said the truth may not be exact what he’s hoping for.
“[An investigation] will be done while the country is watching,” Schiff added.
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