This is a daily or weekly record of the Trump presidency so hopefully future generations will learn what happens when you elect an narcissistic, thin skinned, racist, xenophobic, misogynistic unqualified buffoon in a position of power where he has access to nuclear codes.
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Wednesday, March 8, 2017
March 7, day 117 since election and day 47 since taking office. So much fail from this asshole
the rich asshole Wants To CUT Our National Security To Pay For His Stupid Wall; We’re F*cking DOOMED
It can now be confirmed that some rich asshole was lying all throughout his presidential campaign when he said he was going to make Mexico pay for the border wall. The the rich asshole administration is now looking at making drastic cuts to our national security and what keeps us safe — the Coast Guard and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).
“The proposal, drawn up by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), also would slash the budget of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which provides disaster relief after hurricanes, tornadoes and other natural disasters. The Coast Guard’s $9.1 billion budget in 2017 would be cut 14 percent to about $7.8 billion, while the TSA and FEMA budgets would be reduced about 11 percent each to $4.5 billion and $3.6 billion, respectively.”
“The cuts are proposed even as the planned budget for the Department of Homeland Security, which oversees all of them, grows 6.4 percent to $43.8 billion, according to the plan, which was obtained by The Washington Post. Some $2.9 billion of that would go to building the wall on the U.S.-Mexico border, with $1.9 billion funding “immigration detention beds” and other Immigration and Customs Enforcement expenses and $285 million set aside to hire 500 more Border Patrol agents and 1,000 more ICE agents and support staffers.”
the rich asshole’s obsession with Mexico, residents with out papers and the stupid border wall are going to be harshly detrimental to the safety and security of Americans who rely on the TSA, the Coast Guard, as well as FEMA in times of national calamity.
“The Coast Guard cuts include deactivating Maritime Security Response Teams, which carry out counterterrorism patrols in ports and sensitive waterways…”
The TSA cuts include programs which “have been considered a vital piece of airport security and for preventing a repetition of the Sept. 11, 2001, hijackings after planes are aloft.”
Scarier yet:
“An additional $57 million would be saved by cutting a program that sends armed teams of highly trained, uniformed agents to sweep airports, train stations and bus terminals. Commonly known as the VIPR teams (for Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response)…$45 million in grants that local law enforcement uses to patrol in and around airports also would be eliminated.”
In addition:
“The fourth program slated for elimination uses specially trained TSA agents to watch passenger behavior in airports, and particularly as fliers approach checkpoints, to single out those who appear to behave oddly.”
To be honest, what the f*ck are they thinking?!
the rich asshole made promise after promise of how he will keep the United States safe, but he seems to be on a single-focused mission to eradicate undocumented immigrants.
By getting rid of these not only valuable but absolutely critical roles that keep our country safe, the the rich asshole administration is showing that they clearly have no f*cking idea what they are doing.
Trump scrambles to control damage on GOP’s dead-on-arrival health bill — and vows fixes in ‘phase 2’
e Republican Party’s new health care bill is getting panned from all sides, and President Donald Trump has already taken to Twitter to try to clean up the mess.
The president began the day by expressing enthusiasm for “our wonderful new health care bill,” which he said was nonetheless open for “review and negotiation.”
However, the GOP’s plan took heavy criticism on Fox & Friends on Tuesday morning from both Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and conservative talk radio host Laura Ingraham.
Paul slammed the plan as “Obamacare lite” and vowed to oppose it on the grounds that it created a new “entitlement” program. Ingraham, meanwhile, said that two of the biggest promises that Trump made during his presidential campaign — to rein in the cost of prescription drugs and to let Americans buy insurance plans across state lines — were nowhere to be found in the GOP’s plan.
Trump tweeted out that he’s still going to pursue the ideas that he campaigned on, but added that they would have to come in “Phase 2 & 3” of repealing Obamacare.
And for good measure, he also put out a tweet denying that there is any in-fighting going on in his administration, despite multiple reports of him chewing out his own staff last week after Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from any investigations into Russia’s efforts to manipulate the 2016 presidential election.
The most thankless job in the country is the person tasked with going on national television to defend the insane things Donald Trump says on a day-to-day basis. Most of the time, Trump’s rants are fact-free and indefensible. It’s why after months at the job, Kellyanne Conway’s brain appears to be completely broken. It’s why Trump’s former closest surrogate has been reduced toscreaming sexist slurs at female journalists on Twitter. And it’s why Sarah Huckabee Sanders, daughter of Mike Huckabee, imploded before our eyes this morning.
Her task was exceedingly difficult: Justify Trump’s delusional rant about Obama ordering the wiretapping of his phone at Trump Tower. It was an inflammatory, serious charge that has no basis in fact. The White House has offered zeroproof. Trump himself appears to have gotten the information from white nationalist website Breitbart, which, in turn, lifted it from disgraced right-wing radio host Mark Levin. Trump’s own staff have admitted they have no idea what Trump is talking about.
How does one defend that as anything other than a sign that our president is suffering from a deep mental illness? Sanders doesn’t even try. Instead she starts spewing lies out faster than ABC’s Martha Raddatz can debunk them. A masterclass in bullshitting.
When Raddatz asks where Trump is getting his information, Sanders claims it was reported in the New York Times and the BBC. That’s lie Number One. Then she calls for a congressional investigation into these claims – again, claims that have no evidence beyond Trump’s tweets.
Sanders again claims it’s the New York Times that reported on the Obama wiretap. Andagain Raddatz points out that that is a lie.
Ignoring the fact that her lies had just been debunked, Sanders slanders former President Obama by comparing him to Nixon during Watergate. She still had yet to provide even a shred of evidence to support those lies.
At the end of the clip, Raddatz scorches Sanders for Trump’s use of anonymous sources for these claims. Trump, as recently as last week, was saying anonymous sources should be made illegal and slammed any news source which used them as “fake news.” Now that the anonymous sources help him justify smearing President Obama, he lovesthem. Sanders is like a deer in headlights. It’s painful to watch as she flails.
In 24 Hours, Trump Does Everything Possible To Bring Back McCarthyism
For much of Trump’s campaign and Presidency, his words and methods have felt all-too familiar. In just the last 24 hours, he has remorselessly pulled out two of Joseph McCarthy’s best-known and most shameful tactics. Yesterday, it was firing off baseless accusations to ruin people. Today, it’s twisting their words to do the same. Every American should be asking themselves if Trump is trying to be the new McCarthy, because one time was more than enough, thank you very much.
Joseph McCarthy was the junior Senator from Wisconsin, who in the early 1950’s famously waved around stacks of papers, claiming that they contained the proof that an ever-changing number of members of the government were Communists. His groundless accusations and endless twisting of works ruined the lives of tens of thousands individuals who he publicly accused of being Communist sympathizers, Soviet spies, homosexuals, etc.
The mere mention of “McCarthyism” immediately conjures powerful memories of political witch hunts and ruined lives. It wasn’t just a metaphorical dark time. Americans sat glued to their black and white TV sets as Joseph McCarthyand his merry band of “un-American activities” activists ruined tens of thousands of lives through rumor, innuendo, slander, and lies. Huge swaths of Hollywood screenwriters and actors were blacklisted, unable to find any work, as a result.
The Liar-In-Chief
There are two of McCarthy’s method that stand out in the harsh light of Trump’s behavior: shamelessly slandering someone with baseless accusations, and willfully disregarding the of context of someone’s words to rally the public against them.
Yesterday, we covered how Trump makescompletely baseless accusationsagainst anyone he deems a threat. In what can best be described as aFreudian slip, he accused former President Obama of McCarthyism while doing it himself. Today, Trump played the second card out of McCarthy’s deck, slandering someone by perverting their words out of context.
How often have we witnessed this from Trump? His early-morning tweet this morning against former President Obama is just one in an innumerable litany.
Yes, Mr. Obama didsay these words, although not to Vladimir Putin. It was to outgoing Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. Here’s the full exchange:
Obama: “On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space.”
Medvedev: “Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…”
Obama: “This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.”
Medvedev: “I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir, and I stand with you.”
And the context was that the two were talking about negotiations between Russia and the United States over a NATO missile-defense shield in Russia.The Telegraphreported that these comments came at a time when
Russia has been strongly critical of plans for U.S.-led Nato missile defense in Europe. Russian officials believe the planned missile shield would target Russia’s nuclear deterrent and undermine global stability, while the U.S. insists the planned missile shield is intended to counter threats from Iran.
Mr Putin said earlier this month that Washington’s refusal to offer Moscow written guarantees that its missile defence system would not be aimed against Russia deepened its concerns.
In short, Mr. Obama was trying to buy some time with an adversarial foreign power to negotiate a way to protect our allies. That can hardly be called cozying up to Putin.
Context is critical, to everyone but Trump.
Over and over again, Trump has demanded that the world disregard the indescribably noxious things that come out of his mouth, arguing that we are all taking them out of context.
“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” he said directly into the camera during anews conference in 2016.
After public outcry, hetold us“of course I’m being sarcastic.”
“And when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything … Grab them by the p*ssy. You can do anything,” he infamously said on camera forAccess Hollywood.
What was the tap dance after that? It was“locker room talk… It was a joke. I didn’t mean those things literally!” And then “There’s nobody that has more respect for women than I do,” he insisted.
Be afraid. Be very very afraid.
It has always been unclear whether McCarthy brought about his black plague upon American society out of a sense of hyper-vigilant duty to protect America, unchecked paranoia, or a sick addition to the attention his activities brought him. Either way, he was remorseless in claiming the moral high ground while destroying someone’s life for any perceived slight against the country, or against himself.
Is this sounding eerily familiar? In the case of Trump, his hyper-vigilant need to defend himself against any perceived slight, no matter how small, is coupled with a complete lack of empathy or awareness that he does unto others as no one may do to him. He can donowrong, even in the face of video evidence of the exact contrary. Anyone else who crosses him is not only his enemy, but “enemy of the American people.” And he will gleefully whip his millions of fans into a frenzy with any lie that suits his fancy as long as it polarizes them against his newest target.
Same methods, different means, and almost no one to stop them. This man has the launch codes.
Report of man pardoned by Obama being arrested for murder is fake
ByJoshua Gillinon Monday, March 6th, 2017 at 6:04 p.m.
A fake news story about a man pardoned by President Barack Obama being arrested for murder was made up by an Internet writer who said he was curious to see what people would believe.
The author of a contrived news story about a man being arrested for killing his girlfriend after being pardoned by President Barack Obama says he made it up to show how easily people believe fake news.
"Man pardoned by Obama 3 months ago arrested for murder," read the headline ona Feb. 28, 2017, storyon Facebook flagged the story as being potentially false as part of its efforts to fight fake news in users’ feeds. The story has been shared on Facebook more than 23,000 times since being posted less than a week ago. Thetale haswound up onother websitessince then.
The post claims a Gainesville, Fla., man named James G. Winters was arrested for killing girlfriend Joanna Walker and leaving her body in a car trunk in Orlando. Winters, it says, was pardoned by Obama just 94 days ago, freeing him from a life sentence for drug trafficking and weapons charges.
These details are fake, although as in many fake news stories, there are some real roots to the premise.
Obama granted1,715 commutations and 212 pardons, themost of any presidentsince Harry Truman. Many of these criminals were nonviolent drug offenders serving exceptionally long sentences under strict federal guidelines from decades ago.
Obama had made easing these punishments a campaign promise, and had sought to aid hundreds of people who slipped through the cracks under sentencing revisions created through the Fair Sentencing Act of 2010. Part of Obama’s actions included granting pardons and sentence commutations. (We wrote an entire story about it,which you can read here.)
But Winters hadn’t been freed by Obama, either by pardon or commutation. There is no James Winters on thelist of 1,927 prisonersaffected by executive action. The photo on the story is of Avery Draughty, a California manconvicted of killing his neighborin 2016.
A closer look at the story shows that the site purposely writes outlandish stories to trick readers. The site contains a disclaimer that says all articles "are fiction, and presumably fake news."
There also is a link at the end of the story thatredirects readers to an explanationthat the website’s owner had created it to see if he could fool readers, specifically supporters of President Donald Trump. The article said the writer circulated his fake stories on "Trump fan groups" to see if they would take the bait.
"To my surprise, the Trump masses embraced my stories as fact, almost universally," the author wrote. "It seemed that there wasn’t anything I could write that was too wild or outrageous to be believed by this particular audience."
When we contacted him via email, the writer identified himself as James McDaniel, a 27-year-old U.S. citizen living in Costa Rica. (The site isprivately registeredin Scottsdale, Ariz.)
"I admit I kind of stumbled into this on accident just playing around and didn't really expect to get any attention at first," McDaniel wrote. "People proved to be far more gullible than I previously thought."
Donald Trump’s number two man, Mike Pence, has largely been seen as the antithesis to Trump’s erratic, bombastic, authoritarian style of governing. However, Pence is crazy in his own way. He’s a theocrat who wants to usher in mandatory Evangelical Christianityand force it upon all Americans. What’s really scary is that he is so quiet about it that most people don’t know what kind of monster Pence really is until they do a bit of research and discover his horrifying beliefs. Well, all that may be changing, and we might have the Associated Press to thank for it.
By now, everyone knows that it turns out that while he was Governor of Indiana, Penceused a private AOL email address to conduct sensitive government business– and the email was actually hacked. This is amazingly hypocritical, considering the fact that Republicans everywhere – including Trump and Pence, of course – hammered Hillary Clinton relentlessly, and even had their crowds screaming “LOCK HER UP!” – all for doing the exact same thing that Pence has just been caught doing. The hypocrisy here defies description.
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The plot of the whole thing thickens, because it appears that the AP repeatedly asked for transcripts of Pence’s secret emails that were not released to the public. As a result, in the story of Pence’s email scandal, Pence’s wife, Karen Pence, had her private email address published. This, of course, has Pence beside himself with rage. He is now trying tobully the AP into an apology, Trump-style.
Mark Paoletta, Pence’s White House counsel, sent the following directive to the AP:
“The publication of Mrs. Pence’s active private email address to millions of your readers has subjected her to vitriolic and malicious emails and raised serious security concerns. There was absolutely no reason to publish this private email address and you should be ashamed of your reprehensible contact.”
“Your organization should apologize to Mrs. Pence for violating her privacy, and the Associated Press should observe the basic tenets of fairness, decency and journalistic integrity and covering the Vice President, Mrs. Pence and their family in the future.”
Here is Pence’s belligerent tweet, with the entire letter included:
This is REALLY rich, considering that Trumptweeted out Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC)’s personal cell phone numberduring the campaign, all because Graham dared to criticize Trump. Pence really has no moral high ground regarding anything resembling decency, considering that he is in bed with The Donald, especially on these sorts of matters.
As for the AP, they are being good, tough checks on these bullies, and have refused to remove Karen Pence’s email address from the original. As a consolation, though, they did omit the address from further writings on the subject of the Pence email situation, according to spokeswoman Laura Easton, who says, “AP removed the email address from subsequent stories after learning Mrs. Pence still used the account.”
This is all Pence’s fault, anyway, because according to the AP, the story only ran because Pence:
“…repeatedly stonewalled media requests to view public records when he was Indiana’s governor, including emails about state business distributed from a private AOL account that was hacked last year.”
This is really getting ridiculous, these threats to the press every time a story this incompetent, chaotic administration doesn’t like drops. They are corrupt, vindictive, malicious, and likely engaged in criminal activity.
Keep the pressure on, journalists. They’re cracking.
Tuesday morning, Donald Trump started off his day by tweeting yet another outrageous lie about President Obama, apparently unsatisfied with his weekend tweetstorm accusing his favorite Muslim Kenyan socialist nemesis who totally isn’t an American citizen of tapping his “wires” at Trump Tower.
“122 vicious prisoners, released by the Obama Administration from Gitmo, have returned to the battlefield. Just another terrible decision!” Trump claimed after apparently seeing a Fox News report that 122 have returned to the battlefield…except not even Fox News was stupid enough to attempt to pass that off on President Obama.
This is something anyone — even The Donald — can easily fact check, but for some reason we will never understand he is so committed to the lie that he ignores verifiable data that proves him wrong. Naturally, the American people stopped by to tell him where he can stick his fabrications:
Trump is getting desperate in his attempts to distract Americans from his administration’s numerous ties to Russian oligarchs. He has even demanded — and Republicans have acquiesced — that any probe into his Russia contacts be bogged down by an investigation into his stupid claims about President Obama tapping his “wires.”
You’re not campaigning anymore, Trump. Facts matter now, because most of us dostill care about the truth.
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