Thursday, August 24, 2017

August 21, 2017 - August 24th 2017. It's been 282-285 days since the Nov 8th 2016 election and 213-216 days since the January 20th inauguration of some rich asshole

the rich asshole Calls Democrats Jealous Because They Don’t Have A Crazy Leader Like Him

By Jason Easley on 
In a typo filled rant, some rich asshole claimed that his mental instability is him changing tones and that Democrats are jealous because they don't have a crazy leader like him.

Trump Calls Democrats Jealous Because They Don’t Have A Crazy Leader Like Him
In a typo filled rant, some rich asshole claimed that his mental instability is him changing tones and that Democrats are jealous because they don’t have a crazy leader like him.
the rich asshole tweeted:

The Fake News is now complaining about my different types of back to back speeches. Well, there was Afghanistan (somber), the big Rally.....

Someone at the White House saw the rich asshole’s typo, deleted the original tweet, and replaced it with:

The Fake News is now complaining about my different types of back to back speeches. Well, there was Afghanistan (somber), the big Rally.....
..(enthusiastic, dynamic and fun) and the American Legion - V.A. (respectful and strong). Too bad the Dems have no one who can change tones!

the rich asshole literally believes that changing tones means changing the tone of your voice, because, at the Afghanistan and American Legion speeches, the rich asshole used his serious softer inside teleprompter voice. At his rally, he was the unhinged screamed that the nation has come to know and not love.
some rich asshole has two gears. He can read from a script, or he can rant like a lunatic.
Democrats are happy that they don’t have a crazy person destroying their party with infighting, petty squabbles, incoherency, and paranoia. If the rich asshole had tried to run as a Democrat, he wouldn’t have made it through the door. Only a weak party full of desperate individuals who are caught in the midst of ideological civil war could be hijacked by the rich asshole.
Republicans aren’t lucky to have the rich asshole. He is a bomb throwing anchor that is dragging them down.

Kellyanne Conway says journalists should be “forced” to report favorably on the rich asshole

the rich asshole's White House counselor thinks the problem with the media is that "they are not compelled" to report things that make the rich asshole look good.

It is no secret that some rich asshole resents the media’s constant pushback on his lies, corruption, and bigotry. His allies and surrogates constantly make the rounds on TV to complain about it.
Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway, who famously proclaimed that the rich asshole is simply using “alternative facts,” is particularly bothered.
On Thursday, during an appearance on Fox & Friends, host Steve Doocy asked Conway about former CIA director James Clapper questioning the rich asshole’s fitness for office in the wake of his openly pro-Confederate speech in Phoenix. Conway pivoted to an attack on the media, and finished with a stupefying claim about press freedom:
DOOCY: A couple nights ago on television, he said he wondered whether or not the president was fit to be president, fit to serve. If James Clapper is watching right now, what’s your message to him?
CONWAY: It’s such an absurd analysis, playing armchair psychiatrist. It’s not just him. It’s a lot of people on TV. I remember — I’m old enough to remember when news stations reported the news. And didn’t just have a parade of pundits going out there and opinionating and rendering their opinions and pontificating and conjecturing. And I think it leads to analysis like this, because people end up with very little to say. They are not compelled. They are not forced. Nobody demands that they actually report facts and figures. […]
You know, the media and other opinion figures — they were way too afraid of President Obama and his administration. They’re not afraid enough here.
Conway is saying the media should be “forced” to report the news in a way that is favorable to the rich asshole. She is lamenting that America does not have full-blown government control of media content and that reporters are not sufficiently “afraid” of the rich asshole and his White House.
the rich asshole has repeatedly bullied reporters covering him and even shown his support for violence against the media.
Authoritarian, anti-press impulses are nothing new from this administration. Conway has previously threatened to revoke Chuck Todd’s interview access if he kept criticizing former White House press secretary Sean Spicer, and said pundits who “talk smack” about the rich asshole should be fired.
Terrifyingly, though, some corners of the media appear to be moving in the direction Conway wants.
Ousted white supremacist adviser Steve Bannon is back at Breitbart and prepared to wage “war” against any politician who questions the rich asshole, even members of his own White House — a plan that has the rich asshole’s tacit blessing.
Meanwhile, the rich asshole’s FCC is rewriting broadcasting laws to advance the merger of Sinclair Broadcast Group and Tribune Media, creating a kind of “the rich asshole TV” that will reach 72 percent of U.S. households. Sinclair, which owns hundreds of local news stations around the country, is infamous for forcing journalists to air “must-run” segments against their wishes, most of which praise the rich asshole, attack Democrats, and promote the right-wing agenda. Even some right-wing media companies worry about what this could do to news markets.
On the face of it, Conway’s demand for journalists to be “forced” to praise the rich asshole may sound so ridiculous and un-American that it could never become reality. But it is deceptively easy to erode a nation’s fundamental rights over time. Americans should take Conway at her word that the rich asshole’s allies dream of dismantling the Fourth Estate, and hold the line to protect our democracy.

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Trump Reeling As The American People Say They’d Be Better Off Under Hillary Clinton

A new Quinnipiac University Poll found that by a 49%-40% margin the American people believe that the country would be better off with Hillary Clinton as president.

Trump Reeling As The American People Say They’d Be Better Off Under Hillary Clinton

A new Quinnipiac University Poll found that by a 49%-40% margin the American people believe that the country would be better off with Hillary Clinton as president.
At first pass, the numbers look like the 2016 election with only white people, non-college educated whites, and Republicans thinking that they would be worse off under Trump, but a look at the age breakdown shows that all age groups think that the country would be better off under Hillary Clinton. By a small margin, Independents also believe that the country would be better off under Hillary Clinton.
Hillary Clinton did win the popular vote by 3 million votes, so the finding that more people in the country think that the US would be better off if she had won is unexpected, but the trouble for Trump is that the idea that his election was a mistake is setting in with voters. Trump squeaked by on election day because the Russians and his campaign were able to manipulate the media coverage to take attention away from Trump and thrust it onto imaginary Clinton scandals.
Since Trump has taken office, the American people have realized that Trump and Clinton were not equally bad choices as Republicans and the Russians wanted voters to believe. The country is waking up and realizing that Trump’s election was a terrible mistake that they will seek to correct first by taking out the GOP Congressional majority, and then getting rid of Trump in 2020.

some rich asshole's 57 most outrageous quotes from his Arizona speech

Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large
Updated 1416 GMT (2216 HKT) August 23, 2017

the rich asshole predicts NAFTA termination

(CNN)President some rich asshole went to Arizona on Tuesday night and delivered what has now become a trademark speech: Full of invective, victimhood and fact-free retellings of recent historical events.
I went through the transcript of the rich asshole's speech -- all 77 minutes -- and picked out his 57 most outrageous lines, in chronological order. They're below.
1. "And just so you know from the Secret Service, there aren't too many people outside protesting, OK. That I can tell you."
This is, literally, the first line of his speech. the rich asshole is obsessed with the idea that the opposition to him is overstated while the support for him is understated. (They won't turn the cameras around and show the size of my crowds!) CNN's Saba Hamedy, who was on the scene of the protests, said that thousands of people were on the streets of Phoenix.
Cops throw gas canisters, protesters throw them back 01:19
2. "A lot of people in here, a lot of people pouring right now. They can get them in. Whatever you can do, fire marshals, we'll appreciate it."
So many people love me -- it's hard to fit them all in the building! But, try!
3. "You know I'd love it if the cameras could show this crowd, because it is rather incredible. It is incredible."
For the record: The cameras always show the crowd. Have for months and years.
4. "We went to center stage almost from day one in the debates. We love those debates."
The election ended 287 days ago, as of last night.
5. "Our movement is a movement built on love."
For a second, you might have been tricked into thinking that the rich asshole was going to return to the message of unity and justice he laid out at the start of his Afghanistan speech on Monday night. Spoiler alert: He wasn't.
6. "We all share the same home, the same dreams and the same hopes for a better future. A wound inflicted upon one member of our community is a wound inflicted upon us all."
The second sentence of this is verbatim from his speech on Monday. But as the rest of the rich asshole's speech shows, these are just words to him. He reads them but doesn't understand them. Or believe them.
7. "I see all those red hats and white hats. It's all happening very fast. It's called: 'Make America Great Again.'"
the rich asshole conflates a call to unity and an end to divisiveness with supporting him. The country is coming together because lots of people at a campaign rally have "MAGA" hats on!
8. "Just like (the media doesn't) want to report that I spoke out forcefully against hatred, bigotry and violence and strongly condemned the neo-Nazis, the White Supremacists, and the KKK."
[narrator voice]: He didn't.
 9. "So here is my first statement when I heard about Charlottesville -- and I have a home in Charlottesville, a lot of people don't know."
Follow this logic: The media says I didn't condemn the white supremacists and neo-Nazis in Charlottesville. I did -- because I have a house there, which many people don't know.
10. "So here's what I said, really fast, here's what I said on Saturday: 'We're closely following the terrible events unfolding in Charlottesville, Virginia' -- this is me speaking. 'We condemn in the strongest, possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence.' That's me speaking on Saturday."
This is what he actually said (italics/bolding mine): "We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence, on many sides. On many sides. It's been going on for a long time in our country. Not some rich asshole, not Barack Obama. This has been going on for a long, long time."
Which is not the same thing. At all.
11. "I think I can't do much better, right?"
No, you could have done much, much better. Just ask your own party -- the vast majority of which condemned your Charlottesville comments. Also, the rich asshole is always doing great!
12. "I hope they're showing how many people are in this room, but they won't"
[narrator voice]: They were.

the rich asshole: Media trying to take away our heritage 01:13
13. "I call them anarchists. Because, believe me, we have plenty of anarchists. They don't want to talk about the anarchists."
Believe me, I know anarchists. The best anarchists. Bigly.
14. "If you're reading a story about somebody, you don't know. You assume it's honest, because it's like the failing New York Times, which is like so bad. It's so bad."
I have no idea what the rich asshole's point is here. But MAN, the New York Times is failing, right?!?!?
15. "Or the Washington Post, which I call a lobbying tool for Amazon, OK, that's a lobbying tool for Amazon."
Amazon doesn't own the Washington Post. Jeff Bezos does.
16. "Or CNN, which is so bad and so pathetic, and their ratings are going down."
17. "I mean, CNN is really bad, but ABC this morning -- I don't watch it much, but I'm watching in the morning, and they have little George Stephanopoulos talking to Nikki Haley, right? Little George."
A few things: 1. the rich asshole watches TV constantly. 2. "Little George": the rich asshole as bully-in-chief.
18. "I didn't say I love you because you're black, or I love you because you're white, or I love you because you're from Japan, or you're from China, or you're from Kenya, or you're from Scotland or Sweden. I love all the people of our country."
19. "How about -- how about all week they're talking about the massive crowds that are going to be outside. Where are they? Well, it's hot out. It is hot. I think it's too warm."
It was warm! (105 or so.) But, again, multiple media reports -- including CNN's -- show that there were thousands of protesters.
20. "You know, they show up in the helmets and the black masks, and they've got clubs and they've got everything -- Antifa!"
My favorite line of the speech -- especially "Antifa!" which the rich asshole shouts. (Also, you must watch this until the end. Trust me.)
21. "Then I said, racism is evil. Do they report that I said that racism is evil?"
[narrator voice]: They did.
22. "Now they only choose, you know, like a half a sentence here or there and then they just go on this long rampage, or they put on these real lightweights all around a table that nobody ever heard of, and they all say what a bad guy I am."
"Racism is evil -- and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans," the rich asshole said in response to the attacks in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend.
23. "But, I mean do you ever see anything -- and then you wonder why CNN is doing relatively poorly in the ratings"
See #16.
24. "But with me, they wanted me to say it, and I said it. And I said it very clearly, but they refused to put it on."
The issue was that the rich asshole said -- on Saturday, August 12, and then again on Tuesday, August 15 -- that the violence and hate on display in Charlottesville was "on many sides" and then that "both sides" were responsible for it. And, the news media didn't condemn the rich asshole for that; it was his own party who did that.
25. "I hit him with neo-Nazi. I hit them with everything. I got the white supremacists, the neo-Nazi. I got them all in there, let's say. KKK, we have KKK. I got them all."
This is revealing in a way the rich asshole doesn't mean it to be. He views the naming of the KKK and the neo-Nazis who were responsible for this violence as a box-checking exercise. I said their names -- so what's the problem?! (Of course,the rich asshole didn't call out these groups in his initial statement on Saturday, which was the problem.)
26. "So then the last one, on Tuesday -- Tuesday I did another one: 'We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence. It has no place in America.'
the rich asshole was actually quoting from his Saturday remarks in these Tuesday comments. And, in that same August 15 press conference, he said this: "I think there's blame on both sides. You look at -- you look at both sides. I think there's blame on both sides. And I have no doubt about it, and you don't have any doubt about it either."
27. "So that was my words."
Over 2,000 of them in fact. All dedicated to rewriting what he actually said about Charlottesville.
28. "Now, you know, I was a good student. I always hear about the elite. You know, the elite. They're elite? I went to better schools than they did. I was a better student than they were. I live in a bigger, more beautiful apartment, and I live in the White House, too, which is really great."
Always remember this fundamental truth about the rich asshole: He has always felt like the guy on the outside looking in, the guy people wouldn't accept in their social circles and wouldn't let into their club. Stuffing it in all of their faces is the primal motivation for everything in his life. Hence all the bragging about what he has and what he's done. Related: Trump and Ric Flair have a lot in common -- including the hair.
29. "The words were perfect. They only take out anything they can think of, and for the most part, all they do is complain. But they don't put on those words. And they don't put on me saying those words."
the rich asshole is not sorry. Not ever. He has convinced himself that what he said initially about Charlottesville was "perfect." And, I realize this may be getting repetitive, but the media reported every word the rich asshole said about Charlottesville. Period. The end.
30. "And yes, by the way -- and yes, by the way, they are trying to take away our history and our heritage. You see that."
This is demagogic language from the rich asshole about the media. "They" are trying to rob us of "our history and our heritage." You don't have to look very hard to see racial and ethnic coding in that language.
31. "I really think they don't like our country. I really believe that."
the rich asshole's claim that the media doesn't "like" America is hugely offensive. Offensive and dangerous. Imagine ANY other president saying anything close to this -- and what the reaction would be.
32. "Look back there, the live red lights. They're turning those suckers off fast out there. They're turning those lights off fast."
[narrator voice]: They weren't.
33. "CNN does not want its falling viewership to watch what I'm saying tonight, I can tell you."
See #16.
34. "If I don't have social media, I probably would not be standing."
35. "They'll say, 'some rich asshole is in a Twitter-storm.' These are sick people."
Your guess is as good as mine.
36. "You would think -- you would think they'd want to make our country great again, and I honestly believe they don't. I honestly believe it."
The media, in the rich asshole's telling, is rooting against the country. Let me say again: Rhetoric like this is offensive, dishonest and dangerous.
37. "The New York Times essentially apologized after I won the election, because their coverage was so bad, and it was so wrong, and they were losing so many subscribers that they practically apologized."
[narrator voice] They didn't.
38. "I must tell you, Fox has treated me fairly. Fox treated me fairly."
"I am watching two clown announcers on @FoxNews as they try to build up failed presidential candidate #LittleMarco. Fox News is in the bag!" -- some rich asshole, March 2016
39. "How good is Hannity? How good is Hannity? And he's a great guy, and he's an honest guy. And 'Fox and Friends in the Morning' is the best show, and it's the absolute, most honest show, and it's the show I watch."
Simple truth: the rich asshole likes Hannity and "Fox and Friends" because they say nice things about him. He likes people who like him.
40. "Oh, those cameras are going off. Wow. That's the one thing, they're very nervous to have me on live television."
41. "I'm a person that wants to tell the truth. I'm an honest person, and what I'm saying, you know is exactly right."
42. "You've got people outside, but not very many."
He is obsessed with crowd size. Obsessed.
43. "So, was Sheriff Joe convicted for doing his job?"
44. "He should have had a jury, but you know what? I'll make a prediction. I think he's going to be just fine, OK?"
The "pardon" tease! Make sure to stay tuned for next week's episode!
45. "It was like 115 degrees. I'm out signing autographs for an hour. I was there. That was a hot day."
It was hot. But I am still very popular. Extremely popular. Believe me.
(And for what it's worth, CNN White House reporter Kevin Liptak emails: "It was 106 degrees and he spent no more than 25 minutes shaking hands.")
46. "But believe me, if we have to close down our government, we're building that wall."
"Let me say it again, no more government shutdowns." -- Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, August 2015
47. "'Extreme vetting' -- I came up with that term."
...he says proudly.
48. "And we have to speak to Mitch and we have to speak to everybody."
49. "But, you know, they all said, Mr. President, your speech was so good last night, please, please, Mr. President don't mention any names. So I won't. I won't. No I won't vote -- one vote away, I will not mention any names. Very presidential, isn't' it? Very presidential."
This is the rich asshole taking a shot at John McCain, who is currently battling brain cancer, for voting against the repeal and replace health care legislation. It's also the rich asshole showing how closely he reads press coverage and how he likes to openly flout suggestions of being more "presidential."
50. "And nobody wants me to talk about your other senator, who's weak on borders, weak on crime, so I won't talk about him. Nobody wants me to talk about him. Nobody knows who the hell he is."
Jeff Flake is a sitting Republican senator. the rich asshole is running him down in his home state at a campaign rally less than a week removed from touting one of his primary challengers on Twitter.
51. "Did you see Gruber got fired yesterday? He got fired because he defrauded somebody or something. Something very bad happened. Check it out. Something happened."
52. "One vote -- speak to your senator, please. Speak to your senator."
McCain cast one of the deciding votes on health care. But he's not going to name names!
53. "I think we've gotten more than anybody, including Harry Truman, who was number one, but they will tell you we've got none."
This claim is -- wait for it -- not entirely true.
the rich asshole believes Kim Jong Un respects US 00:43
54. "But Kim Jong Un, I respect the fact that I believe he is starting to respect us. I respect that fact very much. Respect that fact."
Respect. That. Fact.
55. "I don't believe that any president has accomplished as much as this president in the first six or seven months. I really don't believe it."
the rich asshole believes that by saying things, he wills them into existence and truth.
He doesn't.
56. "They're trying to take away our culture. They are trying to take away our history."
[dog whistle]
57. "So I think we'll end up probably terminating NAFTA at some point, OK? Probably."
Way to throw a major policy pronouncement into the end of a speech while negotiations are ongoing!

the rich asshole Flies Into Wednesday Morning Tantrum About Filibusters Like A Damn Fool

some rich asshole seems to believe that he is the CEO of the entire government. Earlier this month, he and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell got into a screaming cursing match on the telephone, because 45 thought the senator did not have his back on Congressional committee hearings. the rich asshole wanted Congress’ investigations into the rich asshole-Russia connection halted. Now, he is telling McConnell how to do his job once again.
The president believed he had a simple solution to getting his way. He wanted the Senate leader to “get rid of the Filibuster Rule,” which means it would just take 50 votes plus the VP swing vote to pass a bill instead of the check-and-balance 60 votes:
‘If Republican Senate doesn’t get rid of the Filibuster Rule & go to a simple majority, which the Dems would do, they are just wasting time!’
 There were several problems with the rich asshole’s words. First, this was no suggestion. The president has been treating McConnell and the rest of Congress as if they were simply his directors, not an equal branch of the government. Of course, the senator did not take kindly to 45’s condescending attitude.
Second, if Democrats had the majority they would not erase the filibuster because they know that it would only be a matter of time until they lost the majority. Killing off the filibuster would mean giving up a huge amount of power to the opposing party.
Third, the president does not really appear to care about the contents of a bill. He simply wants a win, any win.
Fortunately, the country’s citizens are smarter than the leader of the free world. Their tweets were hilarious. Check them out below:

the rich asshole & McConnell Explode Into All-Out Shouting Match During Heated Encounter

Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell and President the rich asshole have finally butted serious heads according to an article released Tuesday night from the New York Times. This butting of heads eventually led to an all-out screaming match on August 9th. The two men have not spoken since.
The report reveals that the rich asshole reamed McConnell for unsuccessful attempts to repeal Obamacare, and for failing to “protect him from investigations of Russian interference in the 2016 election.”
According to The Times:
“What was once an uneasy governing alliance has curdled into a feud of mutual resentment and sometimes outright hostility, complicated by the position of Mr. McConnell’s wife, Elaine L. Chao, in some rich asshole’s cabinet, according to more than a dozen people briefed on their imperiled partnership. Angry phone calls and private badmouthing have devolved into open conflict, with the president threatening to oppose Republican senators who cross him, and Mr. McConnell mobilizing to their defense.”
The president is now threatening his own party during a very important time, as they are expected to meet a deadline next month to approve a raise to the statutory limit on the amount of borrowing the country can do. If the rich asshole refuses to lend assistance by way of sabotaging the Republican Party out of spite, it could be “disastrous” for the entire party.

the rich asshole and McConnell have been doing a bit of bickering at each other on the social media platform Twitter, and now, the real reasons have been revealed. The two men are literally refusing to take calls from one another.
NYT says that the rich asshole “berated him [McConnell] in a phone call that quickly devolved into a profane shouting match.”
Within that call from his golf course in New Jersey, the rich asshole apparently “accused Mr. McConnell of bungling the health care issue. He was even more animated about what he intimated was the Senate leader’s refusal to protect him from investigations of Russian interference in the 2016 election, according to Republicans briefed on the conversation.”
McConnell has spoken out strongly against the president, something the rich asshole is not used to. According to NY Times, McConnell:
“..fumed over some rich asshole’s regular threats against fellow Republicans and criticism of Senate rules, and questioned some rich asshole’s understanding of the presidency in a public speech. Mr. McConnell has made sharper comments in private, describing some rich asshole as entirely unwilling to learn the basics of governing.”
Lindsey Graham insists that the rich asshole lacks the understanding of how government works, saying: “When it comes to the Senate, there’s an Article 5 understanding: An attack against one is an attack against all.”
the rich asshole is a loner, however. He’s not a team player, and he has no true friends. He has associates and employees who take his orders without argument because he’s some rich asshole. Having to stand up to questioning in his role as POTUS has left the rich asshole engulfed in rage as he mean-tweets almost daily.
the rich asshole has alienated himself from his own party, leaving him exactly where he wants to be. On his own.

the rich asshole Just Got An Unexpected Surprise At His Rally In Phoenix