August 8th, 2017 - August 10th, 2017. 269-271 days since the Nov 8, 2016, election and 200- 202 days since the Jan 20th inauguration
In his current position of having a historically low approval rating and a running track record of multiple colossal failures, one would think that some rich asshole is in NO position to be criticizing others and judging his more successful predecessors on how they handled business before him. However, this didn’t stop him from trying to throw former president Barack Obama under the bus last night as he tried to distract America from focusing on his Russia scandal and the shortcomings of his administration.
On Wednesday night, the rich asshole retweeted two tweets that blamed Obama for the current North Korean crisis, which the rich asshole has recently f*cked up beyond belief by threatening the regime with nuclear attacks. Those tweets were from John Bolton and Fox News’ ‘The Five’, which of course were anti-Obama and patting the rich asshole on the back for being an “unpredictable” basket case on the North Korea situation. Here are the tweets:
the rich asshole seriously cannot stand how loved Obama is by Americans, and tries to tear him down every chance he gets. Obama has a track record and popularity that the rich asshole will never achieve, and he can’t stand it. He only knows how to cope by blaming Obama for his own failures.
The reason we’re currently in crisis is because of the rich asshole and his erratic threats to North Korea. Obama was a measured, thoughtful leader who never would have acted so recklessly. the rich asshole, on the other hand, nixed the idea of negotiations and went straight to threatening nuclear war. Where Obama was an adult who understood complexities, the rich asshole is a child who acts with his emotions and insecurities.
If you’re disgusted by the rich asshole trashing Obama, you’re not alone. Once the rich asshole retweeted those posts, America responded with outrage and made the rich asshole regret it:
It’s Come Down To This: the rich asshole Touts Twitter Poll To Prove He’s A Better President Than Obama
the rich asshole inner circle ‘rattled’ by pre-dawn raid on Manafort’s home: report
Paul Manafort (CNN/screen grab)
President some rich asshole’s inner circle was reportedly “rattled” after learning on Wednesday about a pre-dawn raid on the home of former campaign manager Paul Manafort.
Multiple media outlets on Wednesday confirmed that the FBI had executed a search warrant on Manafort’s home last month.
Later on Wednesday, sources told CNN that the news had shaken those closest to the president.
“The raid appears to be unusual since Manafort has repeatedly claimed he is cooperating,” CNN host Anderson Cooper noted during his Wednesday night program.
“We’re learning about this development at the same time as the the rich asshole team, two sources telling CNN, the news took them by surprise,” the CNN host continued. “It was a clear signal that the investigation is going forward, and not necessarily with a light touch.”
Cooper added: “Once source says it — quote — rattled a few cages of the inner circle.”
Watch the video below.
‘Ready to be nuked now’: The internet pounds the rich asshole for retweeting fake poll showing he’s more popular than Obama
President some rich asshole tweeted a six-day-old, unscientific poll that shows he’s more popular than former President Barack Obama.
The president tweeted out a complaint Thursday morning against Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) for his inability to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and he then retweeted an Aug. 4 post by Progress Polls before retweeting a “Fox & Friends” post about escalating tensions with North Korea.
Twitter users were aghast.
Here are the 5 biggest takeaways from the FBI raid on Paul Manafort’s home
the rich asshole Campaign Chairman Paul Manafort (Screen cap).
The newly revealed raid of Paul Manafort’s home sheds some light on the scope of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into the rich asshole campaign ties to Russia.
The July 26 raid at Manafort’s home in Alexandria, Virginia, came one day after he met with investigators for the Senate Intelligence Committee about his June 9, 2016, meeting with Russians promising damaging information about Hillary Clinton.
Here are some of the most significant clues about the Russia probe revealed in reporting on the Manafort raid:
The former the rich asshole campaign chairman had been voluntarily producing documents to congressional investigators — but the search warrant indicates investigators told a federal judge they had reason to believed Manafort could not be trusted to turn over all records sought by a federal subpoena — or might even destroy some of the evidence.
That suspicion alone isn’t enough to justify a search warrant. Prosecutors must persuade a judge there is probable cause to believe evidence of a crime will be found during a search. In other words, “FBI agents had to swear to their belief that fruits of a crime would be found in Manafort’s home,” former federal prosecutor Kenneth Julian told Business Insider — and the judge had to agree.
It’s not clear what crime FBI agents expected to uncover at Manafort’s home, but a New York Times report on the raid offers a clue. The search warrant seeks tax and foreign banking records — which suggests that investigators may look to charge Manafort under the federal Bank Secrecy Act requiring Americans to report their foreign bank accounts.
The wide-ranging search warrant included documents Manafort had already provided to Congress, and he also turned over 400 pages to meet an Aug. 2 deadline. But the raid prompted fears that Mueller was trying to build a case against Manafort unrelated to the campaign to pressure him into turning on other the rich asshole associates. “(I) would add that a raid coming months into a probe when subject’s attorneys have been talking to the Department of Justice also suggests something serious,” said Matthew Miller, former communications director for the Justice Department and spokesman for former attorney general Eric Holder.
The raid has seemingly spooked the president and his allies. the rich asshole smeared the acting FBI director as a Clinton partisan about three hours after the search warrant was executed, and both he and his short-lived communications director spent the next 24 hours making outrageous statements. The National Enquirer, which is run by the rich asshole friend and attacks the president’s enemies in print, published a hit piece on Manafort about an hour after the search warrant was first reported.
Why did the rich asshole’s favorite tabloid launch a hit against Manafort the same day FBI raid news leaked?
Paul Manafort (Photo: Screen capture)
On Wednesday morning, news leaked that the FBI last month had conducted a pre-dawn raid of former the rich asshole campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s home in Alexandria, Virginia.
Roughly one hour later, the National Enquirer published an article allegedly exposing Manafort being involved in a “sick sex scandal” that involved affairs with women who were significantly younger than his wife.
During the Republican presidential primary last year, for instance, the Enquirer ran a piece alleging that the rich asshole rival Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) had had multiple extra-marital affairs. Similarly, the tabloid this year ran a salacious story about Morning Joe hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski that ran at around the same time the couple announced their engagement.
According to Scarborough, the White House had called the couple and told them that the president himself would intervene personally to get the Enquirer to spike its story on them if they publicly apologized on air for their negative coverage of his administration.
Additionally, a Wall Street Journal report from 2016 revealed that the Enquirer paid a former Playboy model $150,000 for her account of an affair that she’d had with the rich asshole — only to completely sit on the story and never publish it.
As if that weren’t enough, actress Selma Hayek last October claimed that the rich asshole had used the Enquirer to plant a phony story about her after she turned him down for a date.
Given the publication’s history of both promoting negative stories against the rich asshole’s enemies and burying stories that make him look bad, its decision to run an anti-Manafort story on the same day the Washington Post revealed an FBI raid on his home is very curious.
Coincidence? the rich asshole and Scaramucci kicked off a bonkers news cycle in the hours after Manafort raid
About an hour after FBI agents conducted a predawn raid at Paul Manafort’s home, President some rich asshole started tweeting.
He started his morning at 7:15 a.m. on July 26 by tweeting a complaint at Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), who had voted the day before against advancing the Republican health care bill that ultimately failed, and then at 8:55 a.m. the president announced a ban on transgender military service members.
But a pair of tweets, from 9:48 and 9:52 a.m., suggests the rich asshole may have been tipped off to the FBI raid of his campaign chairman’s home in Virginia — which went unreported for exactly two weeks.
According to that same report, Manafort’s allies believe special counsel Robert Mueller has broadened his investigation in hopes of pressuring the former campaign chairman to cooperate in the FBI investigation of the rich asshole’s ties to Russia.
The same day Manafort’s home was raided, news also broke that the Department of Justice had linked a former Manafort associate to “upper-echelon” Russian mobsters.
FBI agents executed the search warrant at Manafort’s home in Alexandria a day after he voluntarily met with staffers from the Senate Intelligence Committee, and the wide-ranging warrant shows investigators told a federal judge they did not trust the political consultant to turn over all records under a grand jury subpoena.
Investigators seized material Manafort had already turned over to Congress, according to sources familiar with the search, and he provided about 400 pages of documents to Senate investigators on Aug. 2.
The rich asshole campaign turned over about 20,000 pages that same day to the Senate Intelligence Committee, and some rich asshole Jr. handed over about 250 pages two days later.
The Manafort raid took place hours before some of the most important testimony yet in the congressional probe of the rich asshole’s campaign ties to Russia.
Bill Browder — once the biggest portfolio investor in Russia but now a leading critic of Vladimir Putin — told the Senate Judiciary Committee that the Russian president was perhaps the richest man in the world but was unable to disperse his ill-gotten fortune due to U.S. sanctions.
the rich asshole and then-communications director soaked up most of the day’s news coverage with their outrageous tweets and bizarre CNN interviews — and Anthony Scaramucci later that night threatened an FBI investigation against then-chief of staff Reince Priebus.
Scaramucci called in to CNN the following morning for an even more bizarre interview and capped off the following day with a profane rant to The New Yorker.
Posted by Andrew Simpson on 09 Aug 2017

The Federal Bureau of Investigation arrived without warning at the home of Paul Manafort, the rich asshole’s former campaign chairman, in the early hours of July 26, Opposition Report has learned. The raid, which was accompanied by a federally-issued search warrant, came the day after Manafort voluntarily met with Senate Intelligence Committee staff.
It’s also the day that Manafort was supposed to appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee:
That subpoena came on the heels of Manafort agreeing to meet with Congress, but refusing to comply with the conditions they laid out for his testimony. Mysteriously, the subpoena was dropped that same day — presumably, we now know, because the FBI secured the information that Congress was seeking from among Manafort’s possessions and documentation.
Manafort registered as a foreign agent in June, but only after over a decade of work for numerous foreign governments. He had previously worked to assist Russia in their invasion of Crimea, as well as for a number of dictators around the world: Mobutu Sese Seko in the Congo, Ferdinand Marcos in the Philippines, and Jonas Savimbi in Angola.
From the Washington Post:
Manafort’s allies fear that Mueller hopes to build a case against Manafort unrelated to the 2016 campaign, in hopes that the former campaign operative would provide information against others in the rich asshole’s inner circle in exchange for lessening his own legal exposure.”
In other words, the raid could be an effort to get Manafort to “flip” on the rich asshole in the larger investigation.
Reportedly among the items seized are notes or memos taken during the infamous meeting Manafort attended between some rich asshole Jr, Jared Kushner, and Kremlin lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya last year, in the search for damaging information on Hillary Clinton.
This is a developing story, and we will continue to update as we learn more.

Ignore Our Crazy President, U.S. Government Tells North Korea
1:17 pm
President the rich asshole brought the United States and North Korea to the precipice of war by warning that any further threats would be met with a nuclear attack. (“North Korea best not make any more threats to the United States. They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen.”) North Korea proceeded to test this warning by immediately issuing a new threat, to attack Guam. This forced the United States into the unenviable position of either instigating a massive war with horrific casualties or surrendering its credibility. The administration has wisely chosen Option B.
“Don’t read too much into it,” sources tell Politico’s Josh Dawsey. The New York Times has much more detail. the rich asshole improvised his threat without advance consultation with his advisers, none of whom support it. The paper he was holding when he made the statement was about the opioid crisis. the rich asshole “was in a bellicose mood” when he made the statement, due to a Washington Post report that morning about North Korea having miniaturized a nuclear warhead.
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Defense Secretary James Mattis have issued more normal-sounding statements intended to supersede the president’s improvised one. (Mattis’s statement redraws the red line, threatening reprisal in return for North Korean actions, rather than threats.) The message of this cleanup is that the rich asshole’s statements do not necessarily represent the position of the U.S. government – a reality most American political elites in both parties already recognize, but which needs to be made clear to other countries that are unaccustomed to treating their head of state like a random Twitter troll.
It is humiliating for the world’s greatest superpower to disregard its president as a weird old man who wanders in front of microphones spouting off unpredictably and without consequence. But at this point, respect for the rich asshole’s capabilities is a horse that’s already fled the barn. New chief of staff John Kelly has supposedly instilled military-style order and message discipline into the administration, but the rich asshole is unteachable. Minimizing the havoc means getting everybody to pretend the rich asshole isn’t really president.
some rich asshole continued escalating his rhetoric on nuclear weapons Wednesday morning in a boast that should concern every American.
The reality of a potential nuclear holocaust hasn’t been this worrisome since the Cuban Missile Crisis. Except the threat isn’t coming from the Russians this time, but our own president.
On Tuesday, the rich asshole threatens to rain “fire and fury” upon North Korea, which resulted in Kim Jong-Un threatening to bomb Guam.
the rich asshole’s irresponsible threats made the country gasp in horror. After all, the rich asshole has been obsessed with nuclear weapons since the 2016 campaign and is mentally unstable enough that he may actually use them to retaliate against even the smallest personal slight against him.
Hillary Clinton was right when she warned that, “A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons.”
On Wednesday morning, the rich asshole bragged about America’s nuclear arsenal on his Twitter feed and promised that America would remain the most powerful nation on Earth because of it. He even had the audacity to claim that he is responsible for the renovation of the arsenal.
For the record, it was President Obama who ordered a sweeping renovation of America’s nuclear arsenal in 2014. So once again, the rich asshole gets caught taking credit for something President Obama did.
In addition, some rich asshole must not be aware that Russia has more nuclear weapons than the United States.
And, finally, America’s nuclear arsenal does not make us the most powerful nation in the world. It now makes us the number one threat against it because of the rich asshole.
Forcing the rich asshole out of office has never been more important than it is right now. Because failure to do so could result in trying to survive a nuclear apocalypse caused by a petulant child.
An Exhausted some rich asshole To Take A 3-Day Vacation From His Golfing Vacation
August 9, 2017
some rich asshole said that while he’s on his 17-day vacation he will be ‘working hard’ but instead, he has lashed out at the media, his critics and threatened to start a nuclear war with North Korea. All of that tweeting and golfing has exhausted the 71-year-old former reality show star already. It’s not the end of his vacation yet, but he’s already planning a three-night stay in New York upon leaving his luxury golf club in Bedminster, N.J. on Sunday, then he’ll return to his vacation after he takes a vacation from his vacation – or something like that.
According to Politico, the rich asshole on Sunday is scheduled to make his first visit back to the rich asshole Tower since his inauguration, according to a draft schedule shared with local New York City law enforcement.
On Sunday afternoon the amateur president will travel directly to the rich asshole Tower, where he will hole up at his old, beloved, three-story penthouse on the 66th floor for three nights after issuing nuclear threats to North Korea.
Then on Wednesday, the rich asshole will go back to his New Jersey golf club, probably because golfing in a penthouse isn’t doable.
A spokesman for the New York City Police Department told Politico that it is “prepared for any visit by the president and the first family,” adding that the department “continues to work closely with the U.S. Secret Service.”
the rich asshole repeatedly criticized former President Barack Obama for golfing and taking vacations but he’s set to outpace his predecessor by a bigly amount of vacation days.
We’re sure that the rich asshole will be met with a massive amount of protesters. The Twitter-addicted ‘president’ is not very well liked in his own city.
the rich asshole gets a folder full of positive news about himself twice a day
It’s known as the “propaganda document”
By Alex Thompson Aug 9, 2017
Twice a day since the beginning of the the rich asshole administration, a special folder is prepared for the president. The first document is prepared around 9:30 a.m. and the follow-up, around 4:30 p.m. Former Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and former Press Secretary Sean Spicer both wanted the privilege of delivering the 20-to-25-page packet to President the rich asshole personally, White House sources say.
These sensitive papers, described to VICE News by three current and former White House officials, don’t contain top-secret intelligence or updates on legislative initiatives. Instead, the folders are filled with screenshots of positive cable news chyrons (those lower-third headlines and crawls), admiring tweets, transcripts of fawning TV interviews, praise-filled news stories, and sometimes just pictures of the rich asshole on TV looking powerful.
One White House official said the only feedback the White House communications shop, which prepares the folder, has ever gotten in all these months is: “It needs to be more fucking positive.” That’s why some in the White House ruefully refer to the packet as “the propaganda document.”
The process of assembling the folder begins at the Republican National Committee’s “war room,” which has expanded from 4 to 10 people since the GOP won the White House. A war room — both parties have one regardless of who’s in the White House — is often tasked with monitoring local and national news, cable television, social media, digital media, and print media to see how the party, its candidates or their opponents are being perceived.
Beginning at 6 a.m. every weekday — the early start is a longtime war room tradition — three staffers arrive at the RNC to begin monitoring the morning shows on CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News as they scour the internet and newspapers. Every 30 minutes or so, the staffers send the White House Communications Office an email with chyron screenshots, tweets, news stories, and interview transcripts.
White House staffers then cull the information, send out clips to other officials, and push favorable headlines to a list of journalists. But they also pick out the most positive bits to give to the president. On days when there aren’t enough positive chyrons, communications staffers will ask the RNC staffers for flattering photos of the president.
“Maybe it’s good for the country that the president is in a good mood in the morning,” one former RNC official said.
Contacted by VICE News, Spicer disputed the nature of the folder. “While I won’t comment on materials we share with the president, this is not accurate on several levels,” he said in an email. Asked what about the story was inaccurate, Spicer did not respond.
Of course, every White House monitors media coverage to see how they’re being covered, and the RNC may have decided more staff was needed after the party won the White House. As the political media environment has become faster-moving and more frenzied, the efforts to follow it have also become more robust. The Obama White House usually had at least one very caffeinated point person and two others dedicated to watching Twitter, online publications, print media, and cable news, and then compile relevant clips and send them around to White House aides.
But the production of a folder with just positive news — and the use of the RNC to help produce it — seemed abnormal to former White House officials. “If we had prepared such a digest for Obama, he would have roared with laughter,” said David Axelrod, the senior adviser to Barack Obama during his first two years in the White House. “His was a reality-based presidency.”
“The RNC is always going to work to defend the White House, the administration, and its members of Congress, and our war room’s efforts help capture and drive how our team can echo that defense,” said RNC spokeswoman Lindsay Jancek.
Another current White House official said that the idea for the twice-daily ego boost came from Priebus and Spicer, who competed to deliver the folder and be the bearer of the good news. “Priebus and Spicer weren’t in a good position, and they wanted to show they could provide positive coverage,” the official said. “It was self-preservation.”
In the two-plus weeks following the departure of both Spicer and Priebus, White House officials say, the document has been produced less frequently and more typically after public events, such as the rich asshole’s recent speech at the National Boy Scouts Jamboree in West Virginia. It’s unclear what will change, if anything, once a new White House communications director is appointed to replace the briefly tenured Anthony Scaramucci.
“It needs to be more fucking positive.”
It’s not the first recorded instance of the rich asshole welcoming excessive flattery.
He frequently cites or thanks cable television hosts like Sean Hannity, Lou Dobbs, and the hosts of “Fox & Friends” who cover his presidency more favorably.
And at a broadcasted Cabinet meeting in June, the rich asshole listened contentedly as the vice president, his chief of staff, and nearly all of the 15 Cabinet secretaries heaped praise on him. Priebus took that opportunity to tell the rich asshole: “On behalf of the entire senior staff around you, Mr. President, we thank you for the opportunity and the blessing that you’ve given us to serve your agenda and the American people.”
No, Hillary Clinton Would Not Have Threatened North Korea With "Fire, Fury and Power"
Anyone who believes otherwise is subscribing to the same conspiracy theories that helped get some rich asshole elected in the first place.
While questionable decisions on Clinton's behalf, George W. Bush made the ultimate decision to go to war with Iraq, and the Obama administration worked in tandem with NATO European and Arab allies to depose Gaddafi in a hugely collaborative effort. Clinton did play a key role in the decision to aid NATO and Arab allies, but it was not a decision taken lightly by any means, and wasn't crafted specifically for regime change, but rather the protection of Libyan civilians caught in a gruesome conflict that was getting out of control. C
For anyone familiar with reality, Clinton's foreign policy history cannot be considered perfect, but it is by no means an ideological one. Clinton has always believed in a muscular American foreign policy, but one that uses war as a last resort. On the Senate floor after her vote to authorize Bush to verify the destruction of Saddam Hussein's weapons arsenal, Clinton said this:
This is a difficult vote. This is probably the hardest decision I have ever had to make. Any vote that may lead to war should be hard, but I cast it with conviction...My vote is not, however, a vote for any new doctrine of preemption or for unilateralism or for the arrogance of American power or not a vote to rush to war; it is a vote that puts awesome responsibility in the hands of our president. And we say to him: Use these powers wisely and as a last resort.”
Again, Hillary Clinton did not send troops into Iraq. George W. Bush, a man who ran on an isolationist platform in 2000, did.
Being skeptical of Hillary Clinton's foreign policy record is perfectly rational (I supported Obama in 2008 primarily because I believed he was more of an isolationist than Clinton), but it is not rational to believe she would have kicked off World War III had she become president in 2016. There is simply no evidence or reason to support this other than unbridled hatred for a woman who has been relentlessly smeared by the Republican establishment for the past 25 years.
Those on the far left who abstained from voting for Clinton in 2016 because she was "just as bad" as some rich asshole must now concede that they were wrong. Leaving aside the domestic carnage that includes attempting to destroy affordable health care, gutting the federal government, getting rid of climate scientists in the EPA and attempting to destroy public education, the rich asshole has already bombed Syria and is now threatening North Korea with "fire, fury and frankly, power, the likes of which this world has never seen before.”
While North Korea does present a genuine threat to global stability, it isn't a military threat to the United States and should not be treated as such. Hillary Clinton's record in office reflects this sentiment, and the rogue nation was treated very carefully and action was coordinated with North Korea's neighboring countries. Clinton viewed North Korea as a genuine problem, but felt that diplomacy, collaboration and sanctions were the best way to achieve America's aims.
It is unthinkable that Clinton would have attempted to escalate a nuclear conflict in such an idiotic, thoughtless way, and anyone who believes otherwise is subscribing to the same conspiracy theories that helped get the rich asshole elected in the first place.
some rich asshole’s Transgender Military Ban Just Got Slapped With A Lawsuit
The two groups are representing five trans military members who are challenging the president’s discriminatory policy.
Lawyers from two prominent LGBTQ advocacy organizations have filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on behalf of five transgender service members with almost 60 years of combined military service.
The National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) and GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders(GLAD) filed the suit, Doe v. the rich asshole, in response to President Donald the rich asshole’s recent tweets calling for a full ban on transgender people serving in the United States military. The ACLU filed a separate lawsuit on Wednesday.
“the rich asshole’s directive to exclude transgender people from military service has created a tidal wave of harms that have already been felt throughout our armed services,” Shannon Minter, a transgender legal expert and NCLR Legal Director, said in a statement sent to HuffPost. “Transgender service members have been blindsided by this shift and are scrambling to deal with what it means for their futures and their families. The President’s mistreatment of these dedicated troops will serve only to weaken and demoralize our armed forces.”
According to a press release, the five plaintiffs have served in the Air Force, the Coast Guard, and the Army.
The biggest questions to be raised from the rich asshole’s discriminatory directive stem from the thousands of openly transgender people already serving in the United States military ― many of them overseas. A recent study suggests that there are currently between 1,320 and 6,630 transgender individuals actively serving in the U.S. military.
The suit refers prominently to Defense Department’s decision in 2016 to allow transgender people to serve openly.
“Execution of the President’s directive will result in an end to service by openly transgender service members and has already resulted in immediate, concrete injury to Plaintiffs by unsettling and destabilizing plaintiffs’ reasonable expectation of continued service,” the suit states.
If implemented, the suit claims the rich asshole’s ban would violate a number of constitutional protections.
If implemented, the suit claims the rich asshole’s ban would violate a number of constitutional protections.
“The directive to reinstate a ban on open service by transgender people violates both the Equal Protection component of the Fifth Amendment and the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution,” the suit states.
The president’s ban, which has not gone into effect due to a lack of clear guidelines, has been almost universally criticized.
Fifty-six retired U.S. generals and admirals slammed the directive in a letter released last week, which argued the ban “would cause significant disruptions, deprive the military of mission-critical talent, and compromise the integrity of transgender troops.
A new report released on Wednesday by The Palm Center found that “fully implementing President the rich asshole’s ban would cost $960 million in pursuit of saving $8.4 million per year.”
The American Civil Liberties Union on Wednesday also stated its intention to file a lawsuit against the directive at some time in the near future. “The ACLU did send a letter to the White House [on Tuesday] formally informing them that we intend to sue and telling them to preserve all documents related to the their planned ban on trans military members in preparation for our forthcoming lawsuit,” Ryan Karerat, communications strategist for the ACLU, wrote in an email sent to HuffPost.
Read the Doe v. the rich asshole lawsuit in its entirety below.
‘He’s narrating a video game’: Internet panics over the rich asshole’s ‘fire and fury’ promise to N. Korea
some rich asshole and Jeb Bush following the CNN debate (Photo: Screen capture via video)
Immediately after President Donald the rich asshole promised “fire and fury” to North Korea if they threaten the United States, Twitter lost it.
“Can a Twitter war with a juvenile dictator-madman lead to a nuclear holocaust?” Huffington Post editor Howard Fineman tweeted.
“The world has seen plenty of fire and fury,” Politico’s Tim Alberta said, “between 60 and 80 million people died because of WWII. 100k+ from nuke bombs. Scary high bar.”
Check out some of the scariest (and most hilarious) responses below.
So the Orange Monster is going to get us blown to hell. I guess I won't need to worry about my credit card bill then?— Lorna Simes (@LornaSimes) August 8, 2017
the rich asshole’s evangelical advisor says God has given him permission to take out North Korea
Posted on August 8, 2017
to Texas mega-church pastor Robert Jeffress, God has endowed the rich asshole with the full power to use whatever means necessary to take out the hermit regime.
One of President the rich asshole’s “evangelical advisors” has announced that any preemptive military action against North Korea has God’s stamp of approval. According to Texas mega-church pastor Robert Jeffress, God has “endowed” the rich asshole with the “full power to use whatever means necessary” to take out the hermit regime.
“When it comes to how we should deal with evil doers, the Bible, in the book of Romans, is very clear: God has endowed rulers full power to use whatever means necessary — including war — to stop evil,” Jeffress said according to The Washington Post. “In the case of North Korea, God has given the rich asshole authority to take out Kim Jong Un.”
In a phone interview, Jeffress said the rich asshole’s statement that North Korea would suffer fire and fury like the world has never seen” prompted him to speak out.
According to Jeffress, Romans 13 gives governments supreme authority to take out “evildoers.”
“That gives the government to the authority to do whatever, whether it’s assassination, capital punishment or evil punishment to quell the actions of evildoers like Kim Jong Un,” Jeffress reportedly said.
“A Christian writer asked me, ‘Don’t you want the president to embody the Sermon on the Mount?'” he said. “I said absolutely not.”
Jeffress made a name for himself by saying former President Barack Obama was the precursor to the Antichrist. He also drew criticism during the 2012 election by referring to Mormonism as a “cult.” Mitt Romney, the 2012 GOP nominee for president, is a devout Mormon. He also collectively creeped the nation out with his choir’s performance of a song called “Make America Great Again” during an event at the John F. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts, which the rich asshole attended.
Two man-children with access to nuclear weapons are having a pissing match and the world is hoping and praying that like much of what some rich asshole says, it’s all talk. A resurfaced video from 1999, though, shows that the rich asshole has wanted to send nukes to North Korea since at least then, even though that’s not what he thinks he wanted.
This is what the world saw today from some rich asshole, after reports indicated that North Korea had miniaturized a nuclear warhead that could, in theory, reach the United States:
“North Korea best not make any more threats to the United States,” the rich asshole said, arms crossed, from his golf resort in Bedminster, New Jersey, on Tuesday. “They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen.”
Source: CNN
We don’t actually know for sure that North Korea has miniaturized the warhead, or that it’s been tested, but nonetheless, the rich asshole seems ready to push that button.
We could try to console ourselves by saying that like with his supposed wall, the rich asshole is just talking tough, but this kind of tough talk has been going on for at least 18 years from the rich asshole.
A recently resurfaced video of a Meet the Press episode from 1999 shows a far more articulate the rich asshole talking to Tim Russert about North Korea (why the hell was Tim Russert talking to some rich asshole about North Korea is still a mystery). the rich asshole was full of tough talk even then.
He began the segment by saying he would “negotiate like crazy” with North Korea.
Then the rich asshole just had to throw in a barely veiled racist jab at Washington, D.C.
“Look Tim, if a man walks up to you in a street in Washington…because this doesn’t happen of course in New York…and puts a gun to your head and says ‘give me your money,’ wouldn’t you rather know where he was coming from before he had the gun in his hand?”
the rich asshole went on to predict that in three to four years, North Korea would have nuclear weapons pointed at the United States. They didn’t. They still don’t. He then said, “we can talk about the economy, we can talk about social security, but the biggest problem the world has is nuclear proliferation.” Of course, that was before DT took over the Oval Office.
the rich asshole quickly pivoted from negotiation to a preemptive strike, to which Russert noted that a former Secretary of Defense, Les Aspin, said that the nuclear fallout from a preemptive strike would be “devastating to the Asian Peninsula.”
the rich asshole then clutched his chest, saying, “I’m not talking about us using nuclear weapons. I’m saying that they have areas where they’re developing missiles.”
Russert interrupted the rich asshole to say that by taking out their nuclear missiles, it would create the fallout, no matter who sent the weapons.
the rich asshole then began to get belligerent, saying we need to do something or in five years, they would have nuclear weapons “all over the place.” Again, they didn’t and they don’t. But the rich asshole now has access to the largest military in the world and one of the largest nuclear arsenals in the world. Every Asian country, including our largest trading partner, China, is now either publicly or privately terrified and now that we know that the rich asshole has been sitting on this fantasy for at least 18 years, we should all be.
Here’s the video:
Kremlin Trolls U.S. With Putin Vacation Pics That Make The Rich Asshole Look Like The Fat Old Loser He Is
So, as the rich asshole headed off for his 17-day vacation, Putin had his government photographer tag along with him as he took his own vacation. Photos show the anti-LGBT tyrant chumming it up with the bros as he fished, kayaked, snorkeled in his camo wetsuit. The photographer showcased the Russian leader as a “macho outdoorsman” flashing his abs and dimples as he holds up a caught fish.

Meanwhile his American counterpart appears as a doddering old fool, clumsily meandering his way around on a golf course lying about his score. Hail to the chief.
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