This is a daily or weekly record of the Trump presidency so hopefully future generations will learn what happens when you elect an narcissistic, thin skinned, racist, xenophobic, misogynistic unqualified buffoon in a position of power where he has access to nuclear codes.
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Thursday, August 3, 2017
July 29th, 2017 - July 31st, 2017. 259-261 days since the Nov 8, 2016, election and 190-192 days since the Jan 20th inauguration The Mooch is out. After just 10 days, the Mooch has been kicked to the curb because he's a jackass and apparently, took some of the spotlight from no45. Can't have that now.
JUST IN: Anthony Scaramucci Blackballed By Major Media Outlets (DETAILS)
One of the biggest problems with privilege is that when someone doesn’t get the outcomes that his/her privilege usually entitles him/her to, it’s disabling. The same is true when someone of privilege is subjected to the same real world consequences everyday people have to deal with.
Therefore, when Anthony Scaramucci got his new position and wasted no time showing how much of an entitled, pompous, privileged, prick he is, no one really expected him have negative consequences. After all, attitude reflects leadership and Scaramucci really is following the deplorable example some rich asshole has set.
However, Scaramucci has been called to the carpet for his actions and with that, he now finds himself without the very job that enabled him to behave like an ignoramus before a global audience. For someone with Scaramucci’s background, being terminated from his White House position would likely mean he’d be a highly desired candidate for a news network to pick-up. Such isn’t the case for “The Mooch.”
Buzzfeedpolitical reporter, Steven Perlberg, spilled the beans about Scaramucci’s job prospects via Twitter. Apparently, it doesn’t look good. According to Perlberg:
It’s good to know that, at least for now, no one is knocking down doors to hire Scaramucci, but until some rich asshole is held accountable for the unprofessional, distasteful, disrespectful, and divisive era he has ushered in, terminations like that of Scaramucci mean very little to many people.
After just 10 days and a few firings under his belt, some rich asshole’s brand new communications director got the ax, and as the details are emerging, he was treated almost as badly as he deserved. According to new reports, Anthony Scaramucci had to be escorted from the premises, as if he was caught with his hand in the cash register.
Anthony Scaramucci‘s ouster from the rich asshole Administration might have been a messy affair for the White House, based on a report from CNN’s Jeff Zelany about the now-former Communications Director’s was led away from the president’s mansion.
Zeleny was on with Brooke Baldwin to discuss the reports saying Chief of Staff John Kelly removed Scaramucci from his post over his lack of “discipline.” During his report, Zeleny said Scaramucci was “essentially escorted off the White House property earlier this afternoon.”
While it may not be that unusual for an ex-employee to be escorted out of the White House, it’s safe to say that during Scaramucci’s turbulent and tiny tenure, he didn’t make any friends. He was reportedly fired because the new Chief of Staff John Kelly didn’t approve of “the Mooch’s” insane profanity laced phone call with a New Yorker reporter. Even some rich asshole, who has mocked disabled people and Gold Star families, who goes on Twitter tirades against anyone who stands in his way and who is completely fascinated with women bleeding, thought Scaramucci’s language was “inappropriate.”
Here are some snippets of the call that might explain why:
“Reince (Priebus) is a fucking paranoid schizophrenic, a paranoiac,” Scaramucci said. He channelled Priebus as he spoke: “ ‘Oh, Bill Shine is coming in. Let me leak the fucking thing and see if I can cock-block these people the way I cock-blocked Scaramucci for six months.’ ”
And about Steve Bannon.
“I’m not Steve Bannon, I’m not trying to suck my own cock,” he said, speaking of the rich asshole’s chief strategist. “I’m not trying to build my own brand off the fucking strength of the President. I’m here to serve the country.”
It takes a whole new level of disgusting to make people feel sorry for Reince Priebus and Steve Bannon, but that’s what we have. As for Scaramucci’s unceremonious firing, well, he deserved it.
New Details Surrounding Scaramucci Firing Emerge – He Wasn’t Just Asked To Leave
Talk about adding insult to injury. Anthony Scaramucci’s political ambitions really got the better of him this Monday when, with a resounding crash of the house of cards he’d built for himself and placed himself in, he was fired after just eleven or so days as White House Communications Director.
Scaramucci’s wife, Deidre Bell, filed for divorce within recent days, with sources claiming that she did so because she just couldn’t move forward with her husband’s political ambition to get close to the rich asshole, a man who she, apparently, hates. Scaramucci even missed the recent birth of his son because he was at a the rich asshole speech.
Now, making all of this even worse for the guy who leaped headfirst into this mess to begin with, sources tell CNN that Scaramucci was “essentially escorted” off the White House premises after being fired this Monday.
To a shocked look on host Brooke Baldwin’s face, CNN’s Jeff Zeleny announced on-air this Monday:
‘We are being told that Anthony Scaramucci was essentially escorted off the White House property this afternoon. It was after the Chief of Staff, John Kelly, said he does not think that he is right for this White House.’
Indeed, as Zeleny mentions, it’s the newly minted White House Chief of Staff John Kelly who told the president he didn’t feel that Scaramucci’s temperament was right for the White House. Kelly came to this conclusion — as did so many others — following a profane string of comments that Scaramucci fired off while speaking to reporter Ryan Lizza on the phone. These comments were directed at the now former White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and top the rich asshole adviser Steve Bannon.
the rich asshole, for his part, is said to have been turned off by the mountains of negative press coverage that Scaramucci’s rant brought down on his administration.
Zeleny eventually added on-air this Monday that Ivanka the rich asshole and Jared Kushner also supported having Scaramucci removed from Donald’s presidential administration following his public belligerence.
Zeleny also added on the subject of Scaramucci being escorted off the property that it’s not necessarily “unusual,” because “if someone is no longer working here, they have no reason to be here.”
By the end of last week, the well-documented chaos in President the rich asshole’s White House had reached such a crescendo that the New York Post’s Friday, July 28, covercharacterized the administration’s key players as contestants in a game of Survivor.
Surely the cover, and whom it featured, made sense at the time: Sean Spicer had resigned on July 21 because Anthony Scaramucci had been hired as White House communications director. Less than a week later, Scaramucci went on an unhinged rant to the New Yorker’s Ryan Lizza, published Thursday, July 27, in which he insulted both Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and senior adviser Steve Bannon, and threatened to fire his entire communications staff if Lizza didn’t reveal a source.
But as of Monday, July 31, the cover is already outdated. the rich asshole publicly announced Priebus's replacement — DHS Secretary Gen. John Kelly — on Friday via Twitter before Priebus had publicly resigned, though Priebus claims he resigned privately Thursday.
And Scaramucci was removed from his post, which he had not yet even officially assumed, on Monday, reportedly at Kelly’s discretion.
the rich asshole, famously the star of The Apprentice, has been accused of running his administration like a competitive reality TV show before. But given that his show’s tagline was, “You’re fired!” the parallels are starting to become uncanny.
After just 10 days on the job, White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci on Monday was forced out of his position as retired Marine Corps Gen. John Kelly took over as chief of staff.
Here are some highlights from Scaramucci’s brief but memorable tenure.
He pledged his loyalty and proclaimed his love for the rich asshole.
On his first day, he addressed reporters at a White House press briefing, repeatedly channeling his new boss and declaring: “I love the president.”
He deleted old tweets that criticized the rich asshole and expressed divergent views in the name of “full transparency.”
Scaramucci’s Twitter feed featured many tweets from the presidential campaign that were critical of some rich asshole. Scaramucci also expressed support for policies and views that were at odds with those of the rich asshole, such as stricter gun laws and combating climate change, which the rich asshole has called “a hoax.”
He claimed “a source” told him there was questionable evidence for Russian meddling in last year’s election.
Days after he began his new job, Scaramucci went on the Sunday political talk shows to discuss the position and defend his boss.
On CNN’s “State of the Union,” he claimed an anonymous source told him that if “the Russians actually hacked this situation and spilled out those emails, you would have never seen it.”
When pressed by host Jake Tapper, Scaramucci admitted the source was the rich asshole.
“He called me from Air Force One. He basically said, you know, this is, maybe they did it. Maybe they didn’t do it,” Scaramucci said.
He recommended press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders focus on her hair and makeup.
Scaramucci complimented press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on her hair and makeup after she took over for Sean Spicer, who resigned over Scaramucci’s hiring.
“I want to do everything I can to make her better at that podium,” Scaramucci told Tapper in the same interview. “I think she’s phenomenal there now, but like every athlete training for the Olympics, every day we’ve got to make ourselves incrementally better.
“The only thing I ask Sarah, Sarah if you’re watching, I loved the hair and makeup person that we had on Friday. So I’d like to continue to use the hair and makeup person.”
Later, he claimed he was talking about makeup for himself.
He defended the rich asshole as “not elite” because the president eats cheeseburgers and pizza.
In an interview with the BBC, Scaramucci criticized “the elites” for focusing too much on “the Russia story,” referring to the ongoing investigations into whether the rich asshole’s campaign colluded with Russia during last year’s election.
“What part of the rich asshole is not elite?” BBC host Emily Maitlis asked, noting that before the rich asshole became president, he was a real estate mogul and reality TV star, who inherited his family’s business. “The business side, or the politics side, or the inheritance side?”
“There are so many things about the president. How about the cheeseburgers? How about the pizza that we’re eating?” Scaramucci replied.
“Everyone eats cheeseburgers and pizzas,” Maitlis said. “What are you talking about?”
Scaramucci accused her of being “a little bit elitist,” and said the rich asshole “has unbelievable empathy.”
He equated repeal of the Affordable Care Act to abolishing slavery.
Also in that BBC interview, Scaramucci discussed Senate Republicans’ efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, comparing it to Abraham Lincoln’s quest to abolish slavery.
“If you’ve read Team of Rivals,” he said, referring to historian Doris Kearns Goodwin’s biography of Lincoln, “it took Lincoln three or four times to get what he wanted from the Senate and House of Representatives, which was the full abolition of slavery. That was a much tougher thing to do than what we are doing now.”
He suggested then-Chief of Staff Reince Priebus was leaking confidential information.
“When I put out a tweet and I put Reince’s name in the tweet, they’re all making the assumption that it’s him, because journalists know who the leakers are,” he said. “If Reince wants to explain that he’s not a leaker, let him do that.”
He compared the dynamic between him and Priebus to that of Cain and Abel.
“When I said we were brothers from the podium [during his first White House appearance], that’s because we’re rough on each other. Some brothers are like Cain and Abel. Other brothers can fight with each other and get along,” Scaramucci said. “I don’t know if this is repairable or not. That will be up to the president.”
In the biblical story, Cain ended up killing Abel.
He held up disgraced Penn State football coach Joe Paterno as a role model for “honor.”
Also in his CNN call-in segment, Scaramucci implored White House staffers to “honor the job,” citing Joe Paterno, the late Penn State football coach who was implicated in the coverup of the Jerry Sandusky sex-abuse scandal.
“Why don’t you honor the job? You remember Joe Paterno? What would he say? Act like you’ve been there before,” Scaramucci said of White House staffers. “Act with honor and dignity and respect, and hold the confidence of the presidency in his office. Why don’t we do that?”
He called Priebus “a fucking paranoid schizophrenic, a paranoiac,” and again suggested Priebus would “leak something.” He claimed he would fire White House communications staffers.
“They’ll all be fired by me,” Scaramucci said. “I fired one guy the other day. I have three to four people I’ll fire tomorrow. I’ll get to the person who leaked that to you. Reince Priebus — if you want to leak something — he’ll be asked to resign very shortly.”
He had an even more vulgar description of White House chief strategist Steve Bannon.
“I’m not Steve Bannon, I’m not trying to suck my own cock,” Scaramucci told Lizza. “I’m not trying to build my own brand off the fucking strength of the president. I’m here to serve the country.”
The interview was so shocking it may have been the final straw for Scaramucci.
Fired White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci gave up a lot for his 10-day job: his wife, who is divorcing him over his creepy obsession with some rich asshole, his future relationship with his newborn son who now knows forever that he is less important than sucking up to a fascist, his life (according to Harvard Law School’s alumni registry anyway), his self-respect (if he ever had any), and finally his job itself because he was stupid enough to think he wouldn’t get pushed out of the clown car.
But at least he can look back over all those old embarrassing tweets he deleted for “transparency” and…oops, looks like he missed one!
In 2012, Scaramucci tweeted something that appears to have been directed at Barack Obama, but seems to be more relevant to his own situation.
“A recovery starts with a presidential pink slip,” The Mooch tweeted unironically at the time.
Naturally, the Internet had quite a few collective “har hars” over this:
On Monday, taking pretty much the whole political world by surprise, some rich asshole fired his recently installed Communications Director, Anthony Scaramucci. Scaramucci was in the job for less than two weeks, and his departure from the administration marks the third time that a high ranking official has made their getaway from the the rich asshole White House in just the past couple weeks. Some of the most recent political casualties include, in addition to Scaramucci, the now former Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and the now former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer.
It became pretty clear soon after the first news of Scaramucci’s departure from D.C. came out that it was a firing and not a resignation. the rich asshole himself confirmed this perception in a roundabout way with a Monday afternoon tweet.
In classic the rich asshole-ian style, the president didn’t name names with his tweet, opting to instead beat around the bush like a mafia boss using code names for what he wants his minions to do. No matter whether the president named names or not, however, everyone knows who and what he is talking about.
Reports came out soon after Scaramucci’s ouster became known that the president was highly displeased with Scaramucci’s high profile profane tirade delivered via a phone call with reporter Ryan Lizza. During that tirade, Scaramucci lobbed profane insults directed at everyone from Reince Priebus to Steve Bannon, in a move that landed him in serious hot water.
the rich asshole is said to have originally been approving of Scaramucci’s bluntness in his rant, but then, once the negative news reports started piling up, the notoriously public image obsessed president is said to have changed his opinion.
In addition to this, the opinion of newly installed White House Chief of Staff John Kelly is said to have weighed on the rich asshole’s decision to fire Scaramucci.
The New York entrepreneur is reported to have been escorted off the White House grounds after being fired.
Even still, in the rich asshole world, everything is fine and dandy.
In yet another Twitter tantrum on Monday morning, the rich asshole began by whining about the Affordable Care Act.
If ObamaCare is hurting people, & it is, why shouldn’t it hurt the insurance companies & why should Congress not be paying what public pays?
— some rich asshole (@realDonaldTrump) July 31, 2017
As usual, the rich asshole is lying his ass off.
The truth is that members of Congress must buy health insurance through the exchanges like the rest of us and they don’t get a special subsidy either. They pay what the rest of us do.
According to, “lawmakers and their staffs face additional requirements that other Americans don’t,” and the “subsidy” which the rich asshole appears to be referring to is just a contribution from the federal government. Lawmakers are merely getting a contribution from their employer like ordinary Americans who get insurance through their employer. Except lawmakers are not getting insurance through their employer like they used to. Members of Congress used to get their healthcare paid for by the taxpayer. That ended under Obamacare as lawmakers were forced to buy a private plan through the exchanges like everyone else. In other words, Congress pays what we pay.
And then the rich asshole once again took credit for President Obama’s economy.
Highest Stock Market EVER, best economic numbers in years, unemployment lowest in 17 years, wages raising, border secure, S.C.: No WH chaos!
— some rich asshole (@realDonaldTrump) July 31, 2017
By the end of President Obama’s tenure, and long before the rich asshole was elected, the stock market had already reached record highs. Unemployment fell to under 5 percent thanks to Obama’s record 75 consecutive months of job growth. Wages also rose by 2.9 percent. Wages under the rich asshole have actually remained flat no matter how much he wants to take credit for imaginary wage hikes. The border was also secure under Obama as illegal immigration dropped significantly under his watch. And if the rich asshole really thinks his White House isn’t chaotic he is truly delusional.
The bottom line is that the rich asshole is trying to take credit for things President Obama did while trying to erase his legacy. the rich asshole won’t have a legacy, so he is trying to steal Obama’s for himself. It’s just more desperation from a pathetic man who is unfit to be president, but a perfect fit for federal prison.
Secrets Behind Scaramucci’s Firing Revealed & It Is Shady As Hell (DETAILS)
Holy moly, the Mooch is out. After only 10 days, news broke that President some rich asshole ousted the brand-spanking, one-week-old Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci. However, the question remains… why?
Bringing in Scaramucci caused enough drama as it was. With his arrival, Press Secretary Sean Spicer departed the White House immediately. After only a few days, Scaramucci went off in a psychotic rant to a New Yorker reporter in which he called Chief of Staff Reince Priebus a “paranoid schizophrenic,” said Steve Bannon self-fellated his own member, and said he wanted to kill all the leakers on the communications team. Priebus resigned the next day. Bannon remained mum, and the rich asshole brought in new Chief of Staff John Kelly.
After allowing all that to happen and losing members of the team that had been with the rich asshole administration before it was ever an administration, what happened?
Really, it could not have been the profanity-laced tirade he went on simply because it was reported the rich asshole LOVED it. Axios reported they were told the president absolutely loved it because he loves individuals with a backbone, something Scaramucci was definitely showing a lot of.
The person not loving it, however, was the new chief of staff. POLITICOreported:
‘The change came at the request of new chief of staff John Kelly, who started Monday, two White House officials said. It was not clear whether Scaramucci would take on a new role after leaving the communications job, nor was it immediately clear who would take over the position.’
Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders confirmed this in a statement:
‘Anthony Scaramucci will be leaving his role as a White House Communications Director. Mr. Scaramucci felt it was best to give Chief of Staff John Kelly a clean slate and the ability to build his own team. We wish him all the best.’
The news was unexpected, considering Scaramucci was intending to announce his new White House communications team.
The irony of all this is the fact that Kelly is the one who convinced the president to fire Scaramucci. Scaramucci came in blazing. He went off and caused the old chief of staff to resign. A new chief of staff was brought in almost immediately. New chief of staff fired Scaramucci.
We can only imagine Priebus right now is drinking a beer and grinning like a jackass.
Kelly’s move came after news pundits postulated that Kelly will bring more discipline to the administration. The New York Timesreported:
‘He (Kelly) told aides gathered in early-morning staff meetings that he intended to impose a new sense of order and operational discipline that had been absent under his predecessor.’
One problem still exists though. Can Kelly really control President some rich asshole? Can he actually rein the man in and curb his tendency to run to Twitter to tweet policy, threats, criticisms of other world powers, and talk smack? Kelly may have his work cut out for him in that department, considering no one puts Donnie in a corner. He’s the star of the White House circus show, and he likes it that way. Kelly may be able to get everyone else under control, but if their messaging differs from the president’s messaging, it will still look like a white fun house.
The Spectacular Self-Destruction of Anthony Scaramucci
The White House communications director has been fired, just 10 days after he was named to the job.
Anthony Scaramucci’s reign as White House communications director—a reign of terror and vulgarity, marked by two outlandish interviews and the departures of two top West Wing officials—has ended, just 10 days after it began. The New York Times broke the news Monday afternoon, just hours after the rich asshole tweeted that there was “No W[hite] H[ouse] chaos!” It was not clear whether Scaramucci would take another post in the administration or exit altogether. His firing reportedly came at the behest of John Kelly, who was installed as chief of staff on Monday, three days after Scaramucci forced out Kelly’s predecessor.
Even in an administration that has set records for quick departures—National-Security Adviser Michael Flynn, Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, and Press Secretary Sean Spicer are all among the shortest-serving figures in their respective jobs—Scaramucci’s flameout was fast and phenomenal. The financier was in the mix for White House jobs since the start of the rich asshole’s administration, but he kept missing out. His first job, as business liaison, failed to materialize when the sale of his hedge fund was delayed. A series of other jobs likewise fell through. Scaramucci was patient and persistent, hanging around in Washington and taking a temporary job at the Export-Import Bank, waiting for his opening. It finally came two weeks ago, when Scaramucci was named communications director. That appointment came over the objection of several top the rich asshole advisers, including Priebus, chief strategist Steve Bannon, and Spicer.
Spicer was the first to go, resigning the same day Scaramucci’s was named. The fight with Priebus took longer to crest. On Wednesday, Politico obtained Scaramucci’s personal financial disclosure through a routine request, but Scaramucci blamed Priebus for “leaking it,” lodging the accusation first in a tweet and then in a CNN interview Thursday morning. Later that day, The New Yorkerpublished an interview in which Scaramucci railed against Priebus, calling him a felon and a “fucking paranoid schizophrenic.” (He also accused Bannon of engaging in autofellatio, presumably figuratively.) By Friday afternoon, Priebus was out. It was an impressively fast act of revenge on Priebus for trying to block him, but Scaramucci soared too fast, too high. The interview was an embarrassment, even by the lowered standards of this administration. And for Kelly, who faces the task of whipping a fractious West Wing into place, Scaramucci—who had bragged about reporting directly to the president, bypassing the chief of staff—represented too loose a cannon. And so as fast as he arrived, Scaramucci was out, having self-destructed. It’s been a rough season for Scaramucci, who sold his beloved hedge fund to work for the rich asshole, got a top job, and then saw his marriage and job both crumble. For those who have watched this administration closely, it’s no surprise that the impetus for firing Scaramucci came not from the rich asshole but from Kelly. the rich asshole is, despite his catchphrase, extremely reluctant to fire anyone. Despite rocky relationships with many staffers—the rich asshole has spent the last two weeks publicly ridiculing his own attorney general—most people who have left either the administration or his presidential campaign did so by resigning or after others insisted they leave, not because the rich asshole himself told them they had to go. It is a tentative first sign that Kelly might be able to grasp the authority he needs to help get the White House functioning better. The move leaves the rich asshole once again without a communications director. The office has proven to have something of a curse. The first person named to the job, Jason Miller, withdrew before taking over. Spicer served on an interim basis until Mike Dubke was named to the post in February, but Dubke resigned in May after an ineffectual term. Spicer then once again stepped in until Scaramucci’s appointment. It’s unclear who will serve in the role now. Deputy Press Secretary Sarah H. Sanders was promoted to press secretary the same day Scaramucci took over. Speaking to CNN on Thursday morning, Scaramucci acknowledged that while he had said he was like a brother to Priebus, some brothers had relationships like the one between the biblical brothers Cain and Abel, the former of whom slew the latter. Scaramucci did not say whether it was he or Priebus who represented Cain in that situation, but by Friday evening it appeared clear that Priebus was Abel. With the benefit of a few more days, it’s now clear that the better analogy comes not from the Bible but from Sophocles’ Antigone, and the cases of Eteocles and Polyneices—mutual fratricides, killed on the battlefield of a civil war.
some rich asshole during CNN debate (Photo: Screen capture via video)
Economist and former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich revealed a shocking conversation he had with a Republican member of Congress in a Facebook post Monday.
The post, which was published before Anthony Scaramucci was removed as White House communication’s director, paints a picture of a government in chaos.
When Reich suggested that the White House was imploding and the GOP was heading down with the ship, the Republican member laughed, saying “we’re officially in a banana republic.”
“They’re convinced the rich asshole is out of his gourd,” the Republican revealed. “Remember what I told you at the start of this circus? They planned to use the rich asshole’s antics for cover, to get done what they most wanted – big tax cuts, rollbacks of regulations, especially financial. They’d work with Pence behind the scenes and forget the crazy uncle in the attic.”
He then corrected himself saying that he’s hearing that Attorney General Jeff Sessions “is pissing them off.” He said that Republicans in the caucus anticipate the rich asshole will hurt them in 2018 and 2020.
“They want him out [of] there,” he continued, saying that they’re hoping special counsel Robert Mueller comes up with a “smoking gun.” When asked what they would do if the rich asshole fired Mueller, he claimed it would never happen.
If the rich asshole isn’t gone by the 2020 elections they intend to put someone up against him.
“Lots of maneuvering already. Pence, obviously. Cruz thinks he has a shot,” the member said. Until then, they think the rich asshole is “fritzing out,” which he explained was “going totally bananas” with “paranoia.”
“You want to know why he fired [Reince] Priebus, wants Sessions out, and is now gunning for Tillerson?” the Republican asked Reich, who thought it was to shake things up. “No. The way I hear it, he thinks they’ve been plotting against him.”
Reich confessed he found the idea that Sessions and Priebus were plotting against the rich asshole to be absurd.
“It’s ludicrous. Sessions is a loyal lapdog,” the Republican said. “[Rex] Tillerson doesn’t know where the bathroom is. That’s my point. the rich asshole is fritzing out. Having manic delusions. He’s actually going nuts… it’s downright dangerous.”
He went on to say that it won’t be long before all of Washington knows that the rich asshole is “flipping out.”
“I don’t mean just weird. I mean really off his rocker,” the member of Congress said. “They don’t have to plot against him. It will be obvious to everyone that he’s got to go. That’s where the twenty-fifth amendment really does comes in … But he’s losing it fast. My betting is he’s out of office before the midterms. And Pence is president.”
While the rich asshole and ‘Mooch’ were creating diversions — lawmakers heard explosive testimony in Russia probe
some rich asshole and Anthony Scaramucci (Twitter)
One of the most important congressional hearings yet in the the rich asshole-Russia probe took place Wednesday, in the midst of one of President some rich asshole’s most chaotic weeks yet.
Bill Browder — once the biggest portfolio investor in Russia but now a leading critic of Vladimir Putin — told the Senate Judiciary Committee how the Russian president needs to lift U.S. sanctions to deliver what he promised to corrupt oligarchs who support his rule, reported Huffington Post.
“There are approximately 10,000 officials in Russia working for Putin who are given instructions to kill, torture, kidnap, extort money from people and seize their property,” Browder testified.
Browder and his attorney, Sergei Magnitsky, blew the whistle on a scam by corrupt Russian officials to steal one of his companies and then illegally claimed back $230 million taxes he’d paid.
U.S. imposed sanctions in 2012 against some Putin cronies involved in the attorney’s death, which a Russian attorney asked some rich asshole to lift in exchange for campaign assistance offered to his son and other top campaign officials.
“Before the Magnitsky Act, Putin could guarantee them impunity and this system of illegal wealth accumulation worked smoothly,” Browder testified. “However, after the passage of the Magnitsky Act, Putin’s guarantee disappeared.”
Putin himself has suffered great consequences under the Magnitsky Act, the hedge fund manager told lawmakers, because the Panama Papers show Putin received some of the money stolen from the scheme exposed by Magnitsky.
“Based on the language of the Magnitsky Act, this would make Putin personally subject to Magnitsky sanctions,” Browder testified.
“This is particularly worrying for Putin, because he is one of the richest men in the world,” he continued. “I estimate that he has accumulated $200 billion of ill-gotten gains from these types of operations over his 17 years in power.”
Browder then dropped the hammer, just hours after the rich asshole surprisingly announced a ban on transgender service members.
“(Putin) keeps his money in the West and all of his money in the West is potentially exposed to asset freezes and confiscation,” Browder testified. “Therefore, he has a significant and very personal interest in finding a way to get rid of the Magnitsky sanctions.”
The testimony received less coverage than other hearings, in part because Browder is more obscure than previous witnesses — but also because it came after the rich asshole’s raunchy speech to Boy Scouts and a day ahead of a profane rant by new communications chief Anthony Scaramucci.
Anthony Scaramucci abruptly removed as White House communications chief after chaotic first week
White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci (Screenshot)
President some rich asshole has decided to remove Anthony Scaramucci from his position as White House communications director, according to theNew York Times.
Scaramucci was removed from the position just 10 days after it was announced he would be the news communications chief.
Scaramucci is a Wall Street financier and former the rich asshole transition team official who frequently appeared on TV programs to defend the embattled president. An inside source told Politico that the rich asshole hired Scaramucci because “he is really good at making the case for him… [the rich asshole] loves him on TV.”
But things quickly went awry. The new appointment led to the resignation of Sean Spicer, who was serving as press secretary. Scaramucci had a hard time dealing with questions from CNN’s Jake Tapper and accused the rich asshole’s former chief of staff Reince Priebus of leaking his financial disclosure form.
Then, the new communications chief gave a profoundly obscene interview to the New Yorker in which he attacked top White House staff, including Priebus and chief strategist Steve Bannon. He threatened to fire the entire White House communications staff to stop leaks.
Priebus left the White House on Friday, shortly after the interview was published.
Sources told the New York Times that the rich asshole’s new chief of staff John Kelly had pushed for the ouster of Scaramucci, who had boasted about reporting directly to the president.
“Scaramucci felt it was best to give Chief of Staff John Kelly a clean slate and the ability to build his own team,” the White House said in a statement. “We wish him all the best.”
There was “no way” Scaramucci could work with Kelly, a senior aide told Politico.
“Whoa… that’s gotta be record-setting,” another user said. “Maybe less hair grease next time?”
the rich asshole Removes Anthony Scaramucci From Communications Director Role
Anthony Scaramucci, center, surrounded by reporters in the Oval Office on Monday.CreditDoug Mills/The New York Times
WASHINGTON — President the rich asshole has decided to remove Anthony Scaramucci from his position as communications director, three people close to the decision said Monday, relieving him just days after Mr. Scaramucci unloaded a crude verbal tirade against other senior members of the president’s senior staff.
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Mr. Scaramucci’s abrupt removal came just 10 days after the wealthy New York financier was brought on to the West Wing staff, a move that convulsed an already chaotic White House and led to the departures of Sean Spicer, the former press secretary, and Reince Priebus, the president’s first chief of staff.
The decision to remove Mr. Scaramucci, who had boasted about reporting directly to the president, not the chief of staff, John F. Kelly, came at Mr. Kelly’s request, the people said. Mr. Kelly made clear to members of the White House staff at a meeting Monday morning that he is in charge.
It was not clear whether Mr. Scaramucci will remain employed at the White House in another position or will leave altogether.
New Lawsuits Block the rich asshole’s Ability To Skip Obamacare Payments & He Is Going Nuts
Saturday morning saw the rich asshole release a barrage of tweets from his phone, decrying last week’s health care votes and railing against Republicans and Democrats alike.
Meanwhile, the rich asshole advisor Kellyanne Conway told Fox News that the president is gearing up for a master stroke against the ACA.
‘He’s going to make that decision this week, and that’s a decision that only he can make.’
So what’s the proverbial ace up the president’s sleeve? According to Andy Slavitt, who was in charge of Medicare, Medicaid, and the ACA under Obama, it’s likely the rich asshole means to withhold payments against the embattled program.
A report by POLITICO, however, reveals why the president’s plan may not hold water. Lawsuits against the federal government for non-payment of Obamacare subsidies might mean that the president has no choice but to pay up.
‘Insurers are owed more than $8 billion in payments, and the tab is likely to grow. Insurers say spending restrictions Republicans forced on the “risk corridors” program during the Obama administration, aside from being illegal, are partly to blame for severe turbulence in some Obamacare marketplaces.’
So it seems that the rich asshole’s only option to stomp out the primary legacy of the Obama administration involves an avenue that’s already being aggressively questioned legally. the rich asshole and his cohorts may need to end their quixotic quest in the interest of not losing more support.
the rich asshole’s pathetic Twitter rant blames Senate rules for health care repeal failure
After his promised Obamacare repeal flamed out yet again, some rich asshole lashed out at Senate Republicans, Democrats, and the filibuster — basically, at everyone and everything except himself.
(AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
Likely no one expected some rich asshole to accept any responsibility for the failure of the GOP’s plan to repeal Obamacare.
And thus, certainly no one was surprised when he took to Twitter Saturday morning to cast blame around as widely as he could.
He lashed out at Senate Republicans, particularly Majority Leader Mitch McConnell; at Democrats, for not wanting to destroy a major Democratic accomplishment; and at the filibuster, because “rule” is a four-letter word for the rich asshole.
Just as he did in the immediate aftermath of the GOP’s humiliating defeat, the rich asshole put his pathetic inability to lead and his stubborn refusal to take on any accountability on full display.
He later issued a bizarre threat to “BAILOUTS for Insurance Companies and BAILOUTS for Members of Congress” if a health care bill was not “approved quickly.”
Obviously, wresting health care away from millions of people isn’t quite the walk in the park the rich asshole himself insisted it would be.
Yet he cannot bring himself to engage in a moment of self-examination, or to consider that the “CHANGE!” which must be made might be to his own job performance and attention to the matter of governing.
As CNBC’s John Harwood told Joy Reid, with health care repeal and the rest of the disarray and scandal surrounding this administration, if the rich asshole wants someone to blame, he ought to take a look in the mirror.
“The core problem in the White House” is not the staff, and thus a new firing every day won’t fix it.
“It goes to the character of the president of the United States,” Harwood declared — which becomes a problem when that president “doesn’t have political beliefs — he has a set of impulses and instincts that mostly revolve around him and his well being.”
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HARWOOD: When you get right down to it, the core problem in the White House, it’s not leaking, it’s not who his chief of staff is — it goes to the character of the president of the United States. His honesty, his behavior, that’s where all of the problem flows from. And so you could replace Reince Priebus, you can put in General Kelly, you can bring in Anthony Scaramucci — it all goes back to President the rich asshole.
Look at what he’s done in the last couple of days: He went up to New York yesterday and appealed to fear of immigrants, he was encouraging police officers to rough up criminal suspects. This is somebody who doesn’t have political beliefs — he has a set of impulses and instincts that mostly revolve around him and his well being. That’s why he is not really connected to republican philosophy, republican policies.
I talked yesterday to an ally of Reince Priebus and Paul Ryan who said the next phase of the the rich asshole White House is going to be to disconnect itself from the Republican Party and go to war with the Republican Congress. And what did we wake up to this morning? A president who is tweeting that Republican senators look like fools, Democrats are laughing at them, and ordering Mitch McConnell to blow up the filibuster. some rich asshole is the issue, it’s not his staff.
During the campaign, the rich asshole pompously told the nation, “I alone can fix” any problems in Washington and across the country.
But if he wanted to paint himself as a one-man rescue squad in anticipation of legislative victories, then it is stunningly disingenuous to refuse any accountability whatsoever in the face of multiple, massive defeats.
some rich asshole is a terrible president, and one of his own worst critics—at least, according to his own analysis of former President Barack Obama.
If Obama-era some rich asshole could offer his criticisms on the current White House administration, beleaguered by internal disorder and a stalled agenda, via some sort of Twitter time machine—they probably wouldn’t sound too pretty.
That historic version of the commander-in-chief would decry his own excuses for being unable to pass any major legislation in six months, saying it’s "BS since he had full control" in both Houses; just as he said about Obama.
If somehow possible, 2012-the rich asshole would slam 2017-the rich asshole for his series of controversies following the G7 summit in Sicily, when he pulled out of the Paris Climate Accord—and the G20 in Germany, when he met with Russian President Vladimir Putin and discussed creating a cyber security group after his nation meddled in the 2016 presidential election.
the rich asshole "is a disaster at foreign policy," he’d likely say, as he did in September 2012. "Never had the experience or knowledge. He is not capable of doing the job."
When looking through the president’s tweets from days past, his views on the Obama White House and all of Washington’s flaws seem to foreshadow the exact problems he’d soon face after assuming the Oval Office. It’s as if a distant, previous some rich asshole is echoing through the Twittersphere, begging the new president to heed his own advice through the constant rebukes and rejection of then-President Obama.
Call it the theory of "Trumpodynamics,” as some users have coined it: for every action he takes as president, there is an equal and opposite the rich asshole tweet disagreeing with it.
the rich asshole, the first president in over 40 years who hasn’t released his tax returns, used to rail on Obama as "the least transparent president—ever."
Imagine what that the rich asshole must think of the man now seated at the Resolute Desk.
He’d attack today’s the rich asshole for "constantly issuing executive orders that are major power grabs of authority," as he did to Obama in July 2012 when the president signed an order on federal communications during national security and emergency preparedness.
In his first 100 days as the leader of the free world, the rich asshole set a record for the most executive orders ever signed into law since World War Two.
His contradictions in shooting down Obama to his own time in office run the gamut. He apparently no longer believes the president needs to hold China accountable for currency manipulation (the rich asshole has stated as president that China does not manipulate its currency after tweeting that it does for years), to whether a leader should focus on governing, instead of campaign rallies and huge speeches in states he won a majority of the vote.
And when it comes to vacation time, pre-election the rich asshole sold Americans the biggest dream of all in his tunnel-vision focus on Obama's travels.
It's virtually impossible to keep up with the rich asshole’s opinions on any number of issues, as the president is fluid in his stances on matters ranging from national topics like LGBT workplace protections to global policy concerns, including NATO. But the vast majority of his pre-White House tweets all seem to agree with one thing: by the rich asshole's standards, his own presidency is failing.
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