August 18th, 2017 - August 22th, 2017. 279-283 days since the Nov 8, 2016, election and 210- 214 days since the Jan 20th inauguration.
Top Ten Reasons the rich asshole Stared Into The Eclipse (Without Protection)
Why you never stare at the sun, even during an eclipse.
They say a picture speaks a thousand words. So here:
Use a magnifying glass to focus the sun and you can burn just about anything (paper, wood, ants) in no time. That’s temperatures above 450F.
Well, your eye is a high-tech optical system that concentrates light into tiny spots on your retina (the thingy inside your eye that lets you see). So when you look at the sun, you are essentially burning holes in your retina. Oh and by the way, unlike your skin during a sunburn, your retina won’t heal at all. Any questions so far?
“Yes!” you say. “Why can’t I look at the sun during an eclipse?” After all, the sun can be more than half covered, surely that must make it safe? Not really. You see, during an eclipse, it will take 0.3 seconds to sunburn your retina instead of 0.1 sec.
The only time it is safe to look at the sun with your naked eye is during the brief moments of “totality,” when the whole disk of the sun is covered.
Today’s eclipse was only a partial one in Washington D.C. That means no right-thinking person should have been looking at it. “Who oh why,” you might then be asking, “would the rich asshole do it?” Here are our top ten reasons.
The Top Ten Reasons the rich asshole Stared At the Eclipse.
10. Fox and Friends didn’t tell him not to.
9. Fox and Friends did tell him not to, but he was too busy live-tweeting against Morning Joe during that segment.
8. Every other mainstream media outlet told him not to, but he refuses to believe their “fake news.”
7. He believes our yellow sun gives him super powers.
6. Using eclipse glasses is something only weak people do. Like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. And everyone else on the planet (who isn’t featured on America’s Funniest Home Videos).
9. Fox and Friends did tell him not to, but he was too busy live-tweeting against Morning Joe during that segment.
8. Every other mainstream media outlet told him not to, but he refuses to believe their “fake news.”
7. He believes our yellow sun gives him super powers.
6. Using eclipse glasses is something only weak people do. Like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. And everyone else on the planet (who isn’t featured on America’s Funniest Home Videos).
5. The White House has gone bankrupt paying for the rich asshole’s golf trips, and couldn’t afford $1.99 eclipse glasses.
4. the rich asshole won’t release his tax returns because he’s gone bankrupt, and couldn’t afford $1.99 eclipse glasses.
4. the rich asshole won’t release his tax returns because he’s gone bankrupt, and couldn’t afford $1.99 eclipse glasses.
3. No harm can befall the “the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency.”
2. Since he caused the eclipse to happen, it couldn’t possibly hurt him.
Malia Obama, President Obama’s oldest daughter, who is currently attending her undergrad studies at Harvard University, spoke out on Twitter on Monday urging for some rich asshole to be removed from the presidency.
“The time has come. some rich asshole has proven himself unable to govern. Join in calling for the rich asshole to resign.”
Turns out, the rich asshole did exactly that. On live TV the rich asshole took off his glasses and looked directly up at the sun even though people were shouting at him from the crowd not to do it.
Malia Obama appears to be following in her father’s footsteps, and now that she has just begun her university education, she doesn’t plan on staying silent any longer. After all, she’s a young woman, and the entire world is full of new opportunities for her.
She made her latest tweet while she was moving into her new dorm room on Monday, according to a fellow student of hers. Someone else posted a video of her walking around on campus.
On a side note, the rich asshole isn’t the only thing Malia is keeping herself busy with these days. She also posted this picture of herself holding this cute baby.

Congress Must Act: A the rich asshole Pardon of Disgraced Sheriff Joe Arpaio will Create a Constitutional Crisis Like No Other
If some rich asshole carries out his threat to pardon Arizona’s ex-Sheriff Joseph Arpaio, he will be granting the fantasy of every wannabe law enforcement officer, rogue police officer, Nazi sympathizer, Klansman, white supremacy and white-supremacist ideologue in the nation: an American police state comprising self-declared Aryan peoples. The “Delusionals” as I refer to them, would believe that they had been given permission by the rich asshole to perpetuate overt acts of violence and discrimination upon African Americans, Asians, Jews, Latinos, members of the LGBTQ community, Native Americans, Muslims, and non-Aryan immigrants from around the world.
With the stroke of the warlock’s pen and his implied approval of the tactics employed by the police state, every act of domestic terrorism visited upon those I refer to as the “Others” would become the de facto law of the land. And in allowing the state-sanctioned persecution of the Others, America would no longer be the “light of the world.” America would have become hell on earth, and the fault would lie at the feet of every member of the Republican-led Congress who has indulged the president’s white supremacist predilections.
Arpaio is a former law enforcement officer convicted of criminal contempt of court in July. Arpaio intentionally defied a court order requiring his office to halt the racial profiling of Latinos in Maricopa County, Arizona. Citing Arpaio’s own words, the court found that Arpaio “broadcast to the world and to his subordinates that he would and they should continue ‘what he had always been doing.’” His tactics included traffic stops of individuals believed to be Latino and present in the country unlawfully as well as patrol sweeps in Latino neighborhoods. Sheriff Arpaio’s opposition to the rule of law and fiscal responsibility has reportedly cost taxpayers almost $70 million. Yet, to the “Delusionals,” Arpaio is a man who is paying the price for engaging in a moral act of civil disobedience. It is hard to believe that Arpaio’s misconduct is what Martin Luther King, Jr., had in mind when he instructed that “one has a moral obligation to disobey unjust laws.”
the rich asshole’s America is dangerous. Miscreant law enforcement officers break the law, leaving the stench of their misdeeds upon the many officers nationwide, who morally, honorably, and responsibly enforce our nation’s laws, prevent crime, respond to emergencies, and provide support services.
Latino fatalities at the hands of police receive little media attention, let alone attention from the the rich asshole administration’s Justice Department. Since the 2014 shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, the killing of African Americans by police has become so routine that the nation seems to have become numb to black pain. New York honor student Pedro Hernandez spent more than one year at Rikers Island on attempted murder charges despite the fact that eight witnesses, including the victim, have said he is innocent and at least one witness and the victim have said that an NYPD officer coerced them into naming Hernandez as the offender , state troopers are being used in various states to “look for criminals” in predominantly African-American neighborhoods, and one person was killed and 19 injured during a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia where the Delusionals ranted, “Jews will not replace us.” Meanwhile, the rich asshole has targeted Arizona’s Republican Senator Floyd Flake as being weak on borders and crime, proposed a “Muslim ban,” moved to ban transgender people from military service, told law enforcement officers not to “be too nice” to suspected criminals, and found a moral equivalence between white supremacists and those protesting against them.
If the rich asshole pardons Arpaio, he may be intentionally unleashing a wave of domestic terrorism unseen in the United States since lynching was used as a tactic to promote white supremacy. This time around, all the Others will be victims of the police state.
To the members of Congress who remain silent, you must stand up and act now. The private sector has paved the way for you with resignations from the rich asshole’s Manufacturing Council, Strategic Policy Forum, and Committee on the Arts and Humanities and the cancellation of at least nine charity events at the rich asshole’s Mar-a-Lago Club. Speak out.
Censure the rich asshole over his response to the violence that occurred during the Unite the Right, white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia last week.
Tell the rich asshole that he should not go to Arizona. He should go to Charlottesville and apologize to the nation.
Tell the rich asshole he should not bestow a pardon upon Arpaio.
Tell the rich asshole that there are no decent white supremacists, Nazi sympathizers, Klansmen, or white supremacy ideologues. They are all terrorists.
And tell the rich asshole that should he pardon Arpaio, his negligent disregard for the foreseeable consequences of his actions and words and the resultant constitutional crisis will lead to charges of high crimes and misdemeanors.
Stop the rich asshole before there is any more bloodshed.
WATCH: Al Franken stunned the rich asshole with his statement “The Real Problem With This Administration Is You” (VIDEO)
Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) appeared on Real Time with Bill Maher to discuss some rich asshole’s “unbelievably horrible” week and whether those few Republicans who are finally speaking out against the rich asshole will end up improving him.
After the rich asshole’s disastrous press conferences in response to Charlottesville, GOP lawmakers like Tennessee senator Bob Corker publicly criticized the rich asshole. Franken joked, “I’ve known for weeks that the rich asshole is a terrible president.”
He characterized the problem this way:
There are a number of Republican senators who have been saying from the beginning that they have a lot of doubts about him but won’t go public with that because he still has 80-some percent of his base behind him, and that’s their base. So politically, they’re unwilling to go public.
There are a number of Republican senators who have been saying from the beginning that they have a lot of doubts about him but won’t go public with that because he still has 80-some percent of his base behind him, and that’s their base. So politically, they’re unwilling to go public.
And there were some people who said, “There’s nothing good about neo-Nazis,” etc., but wouldn’t blame the rich asshole.
He added, “This week was unbelievably horrible. It was a tragic week….But I don’t think [the rich asshole] changes.”
He added, “This week was unbelievably horrible. It was a tragic week….But I don’t think [the rich asshole] changes.”
Franken’s appearance came just hours after the the rich asshole administration parted ways with advisor Steve Bannon, the architect of the president’s most stridently nationalist views. He said:
Is [Bannon’s departure] going to make a difference? The problem with this administration is the rich asshole, and it’s going to continue. We’ve heard this. “When [Chief of Staff John] Kelly comes in, everything will be fine.” And boom—he threatens nuclear war.
Charities are hitting the rich asshole where it hurts -- the wallet
At least 11 organizations have canceled fundraisers at Mar-a-Lago, President the rich asshole's Florida resort.
Who's next?
Two more organizations said Monday that they are backing out of events at the rich asshole club. The Kravis Center for the Performing Arts will move its February wine auction, and Hearing the Ovarian Cancer Whisper will take its January luncheon to a nearby museum.
The Palm Beach Preservation Foundation and the Palm Beach Zoo and Conservation Society made similar moves over the weekend.
The exodus began after the rich asshole said counter-protesters shared the blame for the violence at a white nationalist gathering in Charlottesville, Virginia. He also said that "very fine people" were mixed in with neo-Nazis and white supremacists.
The Cleveland Clinic, the American Red Cross, the Salvation Army and the Susan G. Komen Foundation are among the other organizations that backed out of plans to hold events at Mar-a-Lago, in Palm Beach.
Jennifer McGrath, executive director of Hearing the Ovarian Cancer Whisper, said the decision to move the luncheon was not political. "We just want to do what's best for the organization and focus on our mission," she said.
It was a bad week for the rich asshole's businessman image. Both his business advisory councils disbanded as CEOs, one after another, distanced themselves from the president.
But the cancellations at Mar-a-Lago are more than just bad PR for the rich asshole. Because he maintains an ownership interest in his real estate properties, including Mar-a-Lago, the defections also hit him in the wallet.
It's unclear how much business the rich asshole stands to lose, though charity galas there are usually high-end affairs.
"I think it's a mistake to think that the money isn't significant enough to matter to the rich asshole family," said Michael D'Antonio, who has written books about the rich asshole as a businessman. "Once you're talking about what appears to be millions of dollars in lost business, that matters to anyone. And it matters to them."
Fundraisers aren't all the resort handles. The club also charges a $200,000 initiation fee and can accommodate up to 500 members, who pay pricey annual dues.
All told, the rich asshole reported $37.2 million in income from Mar-a-Lago from January 2016 through April 15, 2017, according to financial disclosure forms filed this year.
A 12th organization, Leaders in Furthering Education, has already selected a new venue for its annual Lady in Red Gala, which was to be held at Mar-a-Lago in December. The board will vote this week to make it official.
Many of the former Mar-a-Lago customers said in their announcements that the resort had become a distraction. The American Red Cross said it had become "a source of controversy and pain for many of our volunteers."
Those responses raise questions about whether the rich asshole -- a man who built a business empire on his own name -- has become too toxic a brand.
"There's inevitable publicity associated with these decisions. That damages the brand," said D'Antonio, a CNN contributor. "Even for locals in Palm Beach, this could affect whether they decide to maintain membership there. ... It's just one more indication that this is all a politically oriented brand name now."
One research group suggests the rich asshole name is already diminished in the eyes of the public.
In a survey Sunday through Thursday of last week, Brand Keys, a research and consulting firm, found that consumer enthusiasm for the rich asshole-branded products had dropped compared with a survey in May.
Brand Keys, which has studied the rich asshole brand for decades, surveyed 2,100 people across the country and asked how much more they would be willing to pay for an item branded "the rich asshole."
For instance, when buyers were given the choice between two comparable suits, they reported last week that they were willing to shell out 15% more for the rich asshole. That was down from 21% in May.
The dip was less severe for real estate properties, like golf clubs and hotels, said Robert Passikoff, Brand Keys' founder and president.
Still, the president maintains a base of supporters who may go out of their way to support his properties and products, said Clayton Critcher, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, who studies the intersection of psychology and business.
"Much as 'Duck Dynasty' built a television and branding empire outside of the urban elite who typically dominate the cultural and media landscape, the rich asshole's political branding is doing the same," Critcher said. "And this means that the rich asshole's business branding may be able to do the same as well."
the rich asshole panics as Pence prepares to take him on in election more than 1,100 days away
AUGUST 21, 2017
The 2020 election is more than 1,100 days away, but some rich asshole is desperately raising money and strategizing for the race while Republicans, including his own vice president, steadily prepare to undermine him.
After less than eight months in office and with events spiraling out of control on a daily basis, some rich asshole is now ramping up his re-election campaign. He is doing so in the shadow of his own vice president, Mike Pence, who has already assembled many of the essential components to run a strong and credible presidential campaign of his own.
Politico reports that the rich asshole is “rankled by reports that other Republicans are preparing to run in 2020 if the president falters.” The most prominent Republican is certainly Pence, who has a PAC to boost congressional candidates who could then endorse him, has held meetings with potential donors at his official residence, and has crisscrossed the country to swing states over the last few months.
the rich asshole, whose approval rating has plummeted even from its very low starting place, is preparing a fall fundraising tour for an election that is over 1,100 days away. His team is also reportedly tracking potential rivals on the Democratic side, while the RNC has singled out leading Democratic senators who could run against him, attacking them in press releases.
States like North Carolina are already being targeted by the rich asshole’s political operation. There aren’t any significant races in that state in the 2018 cycle, but the rich asshole beat Clinton there by less than 4 percent and the RNC is already making preparations for a fight.
the rich asshole’s pollster has also reportedly told the rich asshole that he needs to keep up his smear campaign against the mainstream media to keep his shrinking conservative base with him, and the rich asshole has continued to do so, lamenting “fake news,” and blaming them for his own failure to unify the country.
the rich asshole won the White House only by squeaking out an electoral college win, and lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes against Hillary Clinton. That result came when people were concerned about the potential downside of his presidency. Should he make it to 2020, he will be carrying the baggage of failing at nearly every aspect of the job.
America’s international allies no longer trust the country after the rich asshole has careened from one international mistake to the next, and on the domestic front, things are even worse. the rich asshole has no major legislative achievements, and cannot even get on the same page as his own Republican Party.
And he continues to court and praise and make excuses for white supremacists, Nazis, and other racist groups.
At the same time, he, his family, and his campaign inner circle are the focus of multiple probes into Russian meddling in the election that put him in power in the first place. All the fundraisers in the world can’t make the findings of an FBI or special counsel investigation go away.
the rich asshole has significantly accelerated his re-election schedule, scheduling multiple campaign rallies in states he carried and hosting fundraisers at his hotel, which has the added benefit for the rich asshole of putting money right into his pocket.
With members of his own party questioning whether he is fit for office, and his own vice president not so quietly making his own plans for 2020, the rich asshole appears increasingly afraid that he won’t be able to hold on to his job.
Phoenix braces for violence and mayhem at the rich asshole rally
AUGUST 21, 2017
the rich asshole can't even travel to red states without frantic local officials fretting about violence and mayhem.
It’s come to this.
Officials for a major American city, situated in a red state no less, are fretting that the president of the United States is scheduled to make a visit to their area. They’re fearful for the mayhem it could cause.
Where visits like this were once embraced and seen as signs of civic pride, this one is roiling the community. Officials in Phoenix are bracing for some rich asshole’s campaign rally on Tuesday, nervous that the street violence that marred recent events in Charlottesville, Virginia, could follow him West.
The local Arizona sheriff, Paul Penzone, has stressed that deputies will be looking for the types of weapons that white supremacists and neo-Nazis carried in Charlottesville.
“There is no legitimate or reasonable purpose for civilians who go to protest peacefully to bring weaponry, whether it is shields or bats, or in Arizona, where we’re an open-carry state,” he said.
Two additional elements are adding to the fear of a potential powder keg atmosphere. First, a the rich asshole campaign rally in Arizona last year turned particularly vicious when a protester was sucker punched and thrown to the ground by a the rich asshole supporter who was charged with assault.
Second, the rich asshole recently suggested to Fox News that he might pardon former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who was convicted in federal court for criminal contempt. Arpaio’s office was found to have racially profiled Latinos for years. The former sheriff constantly spews racist rhetoric and is seen by many as a hated figure who terrorized the community. He was also a strong advocate for the rich asshole’s racist birther movement against President Barack Obama.
If the rich asshole were to pardon Arpaio, especially from the state of his Arizona rally, one state legislator fears that there would be mayhem in the streets.
Phoenix Mayor Mayor Greg Stanton has made it clear that he wants the rich asshole to cancel his rally.
“I am disappointed that President the rich asshole has chosen to hold a campaign rally as our nation is still healing from the tragic events in Charlottesville,” said Stanton. “It is my hope that more sound judgment prevails and that he delays his visit.”
It’s extremely rare for city officials to publicly urge sitting presidents to stay away from a region, but the rich asshole’s rallies are notoriously divisive, partisan, and occasionally violent.
Democratic Rep. Ruben Gallego, whose district includes Phoenix, agrees.
“I absolutely think it’s inappropriate to be holding a political rally a few days after an innocent woman was mowed down by a neo-Nazi. It’s throwing tinder onto an ongoing fire,” he said.
the rich asshole won the dependably Republican state by just 3.5 points last year.
JUST IN: Top the rich asshole Staffer Abruptly Resigns & All Hell Is Breaking Loose (DETAILS)
The rich asshole Administration truly has a revolving door at the front of it. News has broke that the rich asshole’s longtime Chief Strategist Steve Bannon was out of the job — but the Friday firings news doesn’t end there.
POLITICO is now reporting that the rich asshole Administration’s Public Liaison director George Sifakis is out.
They report:
‘George Sifakis, director of the Office of Public Liaison, is leaving the White House, according to multiple administration sources… Sources familiar with situation said White House started looking for candidates to replace him in early August.’
The White House declined to comment when pressed on the issue by POLITICO. The publication notes that Sifakis is an ally of former RNC Chair Reince Priebus, who went on from his position in the GOP to serve as some rich asshole’s Chief of Staff until his abrupt firing on July 31. The rich asshole fired Priebus after a long period of him being at odds with some of the rich asshole’s closest allies.
As we all know, the president is intent upon turning his administration into little more than a single-minded vehicle to accomplish his wishes, so for any Priebus ally, it’s only a matter of time before they find themselves unemployed. On that note, it’s worth mentioning that POLITICO does not specify whether Sifakis resigned or was forced out.
Earlier in the year, when Sifakis was first appointed to the position, Bloomberg described his role as being to “coordinate for the administration with various interest groups, including outreach to corporations, advocacy organizations, and state and local elected officials.”
He served alongside former New York mayor and longtime the rich asshole supporter Rudy Giuliani’s son, Andrew and had former Republican National Committee deputy political director Jennifer Korn and former Texas Republican Party Chairman Steve Munisteri as deputies.
It’s worth noting, when it comes to the question of who will replace Sifakis, that longtime the rich asshole ally Anthony Scaramucci was at one point considered for the position. His appointment was put on hold because of issues with his ethics clearance.
Besides Bannon and Sifakis (and Priebus), an array of other the rich asshole Administration officials have lost their jobs over the course of the six months or so that some rich asshole has occupied the White House
For instance, way back at the beginning of the year, presidential National Security Adviser General Michael Flynn was forced out of the job after lying about meeting with then-Russian Ambassador to the United States Sergei Kislyak.
Much more recently, White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci was forced out of the job before he even officially started, after doing an expletive laden interview with reporter Ryan Lizza in which he lashed out at various other members of the rich asshole Administration.
There is no indication that the flow of people out of the rich asshole Administration is going to stop anytime soon. It’s not like the president has any idea what he’s doing when it comes to being able to actually fulfill his promise of surrounding himself with only the “best people.”
Republican committees spent nearly $1.3M at the rich asshole entities in 2017: report
Republican political committees have spent nearly $1.3 million at the rich asshole entities this year, The Washington Post reported.
The Republican National Committee (RNC) paid the rich asshole International Hotel in Washington $122,000 after a fundraiser in June, according to the Post.
Another $473,000 has been spent this year at the rich asshole hotels and golf resorts by at least 25 congressional campaigns, state parties and the Republican Governor's Association, the Post reported.
The Republican Governor's Association also held an event earlier this year at the rich asshole Doral Golf Course and paid more than $408,000, according to the Post, which reported that the RNC and the rich asshole's campaign committee also paid the rich asshole's companies another $793,000 for services including rent and legal consulting.
The report comes as nonprofit groups abandon their plans to host fundraising events at President the rich asshole's Mar-a-Lago club in South Florida following his comments on the violent clashes at a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va., earlier this month.
This past weekend, the Palm Beach Zoo and Conservation Society joined other groups in abandoning its plans to host fundraising events at Mar-a-Lago.
The zoo is at least the eighth group to back out of plans at Mar-a-Lago in the wake of the rich asshole's comments on Charlottesville.
Earlier this month, the Post reported the rich asshole's D.C. hotel turned a nearly $2 million profit so far in 2017. It was projected to lose $2.1 million in the first four months of 2017 but instead brought in $1.97 million.
Updated 1445 GMT (2245 HKT) August 21, 2017
· More than 1,000 agents have reportedly hit the federally mandated caps for salary and overtime allowances
· CNN has reached out to the White House for comment
Washington (CNN)The Secret Service cannot pay hundreds of agents to protect President some rich asshole and his large family, according to a report published Monday morning.
Secret Service Director Randolph "Tex'' Alles told USA Today more than 1,000 agents have already hit the federally mandated caps for salary and overtime allowances -- which were meant to last the entire year.
"The president has a large family, and our responsibility is required in law,'' Alles told USA Today. "I can't change that. I have no flexibility.''
the rich asshole has taken trips almost every weekend of his presidency so far, to his properties in New Jersey, Virginia and Florida, as well as internationally -- and his adult children also require protection during their business trips and vacations.
In the rich asshole's administration, 42 people have protection, which includes 18 members of his family -- an increase from the 31 people who had Secret Service protection in Obama's administration.
In June, CNN reported that the Secret Service was relaxing its drug policy for potential hires, as Alles laid out a plan to swell the agency's ranks by more than 3,000 employees in the coming years.
"I think between that and the fact that he has a larger family, that's just more stress on the organization. We recognize that," Alles said at the time, and added that he had been allocating resources in accordance.
Alles has met with congressional lawmakers to discuss planned legislation to increase the combined salary and overtime cap for agents -- from $160,000 per year to $187,000. He told USA Today this would be at least for the rich asshole's first term.
But he added that even if this were approved, about 130 agents still wouldn't be able to be paid for hundreds of hours already worked.
The Secret Service and the White House have not responded to CNN's requests for comment.
In April, CNN reported that the rich asshole's travel to his private club in Florida has cost more than an estimated $20 million in his first 80 days in office, putting the President on pace to surpass former President Barack Obama's eight years of spending on travel -- in only his first year in office.
Before and during the campaign season, the rich asshole regularly criticized Obama for costing the American taxpayer money every time he took a trip, and the rich asshole the candidate repeatedly called for belt-tightening across government agencies.
In 2014, the rich asshole tweeted: "We pay for Obama's travel so he can fundraise millions so Democrats can run on lies. Then we pay for his golf."
Golf, by the way, is also one of the rich asshole's regular presidential pastimes.
the rich asshole Family Managed To Totally Bankrupt The Secret Service In Just Seven Months
When Barack Obama was President, some rich asshole, was highly critical of the President for alleged “travel expenses.” That criticism continued throughout his Presidential campaign complaining that Obama was obviously abusing the country by subjecting it to pay for his vacations and occasional golf outings. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, the rich asshole’s spending on family protections and golf have dwarfed anything that happened during Obama’s tenure.
The Secret Service has announced that just providing the rich asshole’s family with Secret Service protection has totally broken the agency’s budget in just seven months. Secret Service Director Randolph “Tex” Alles told USA Today more than 1,000 Secret Service agents have already hit the federally mandated caps for salary and overtime allowances — which were intended to last the entire year:
“The president has a large family, and our responsibility is required in law,” Alles told USA Today. “I can’t change that. I have no flexibility.”
Alles is now forced to go to Congress and ask that the agent’s caps be lifted so they can actually get paid. But he added that even if approved, about 130 agents still wouldn’t be able to be paid for hundreds of hours already worked.
Before the rich asshole became President, hundreds of contractors alleged that he had not paid them or ripped them off in some way for work and/or services provided. Even his latest project, the controversial Hotel in Washington D.C. that he renovated, there are contractors who claim the rich asshole stiffed them. Now Secret Service agents are getting stiffed.
the rich asshole has taken trips almost every weekend of his presidency, to his properties in New Jersey, Virginia and Florida, as well as internationally — and his adult children also require protection during their business trips and vacations.
In the rich asshole’s administration, 42 people have protection, which includes 18 members of his family — an increase from the 31 people who had Secret Service protection in Obama’s administration.
In April, bean counters estimated that the rich asshole was on pace to exceed President Obama’s travel expense tab for eight years in just his first year as POTUS.
Some might not think this is a big deal, and adjustments will be made. But according to a report in April, the the rich asshole family’s “freewheeling” approach to using the government and its assets like these agents are costing other programs much-needed resources:
As some had feared, the financial stress is forcing the Secret Service to scale back on other operations, like investigations into cyber-hacking, counterfeit currency, financial crimes, and missing or exploited minors, a former agency official told the Times. Some staffers are reportedly being diverted away from these efforts and onto security details.
The war on Jared Kushner is about to go nuclear.
The chaotic, war-torn West Wing of the past six months will be prologue, but the coming struggles will be as personal as they are ideological, waged not with leaks but with slashing Breitbart banners. On Sunday, Breitbart took renewed aim at McMaster, with a headline claiming he advocated “Quran Kissing.” But most of all, there’s a deep animosity between Bannon and Kushner, amplified by a lack of respect. Bannon finds Kushner’s political instincts highly questionable. “He said Jared is a dope,” one Bannon ally recalled. The two clashed fiercely on personnel decisions and policy debates, both domestic and international, many of which Bannon lost. But Bannon, who was the only West Wing advisor to publicly support the president’s response to the violence in Charlottesville, is especially galled at being scapegoated as an anti-Semite in its wake. “It’s one of the attacks he takes most personally because it’s not true,” a Breitbart staffer told me. Bannon’s allies lay out a more complicated backstory. Bannon, they say, lobbied the rich asshole aggressively to move America’s embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, but was blocked by Kushner. And, according to three Bannon allies, Bannon pushed a tougher line against the Palestinians than Kushner did. In May, when Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas visited the White House, Bannon stayed home. “I’m not going to breathe the same air as that terrorist,” Bannon texted a friend.
In the final weeks, Bannon was relentlessly tarred as a prime West Wing leaker, but Bannon’s allies make a similar case about Kushner. Specifically, they believe that Kushner cultivated a relationship with Matt Drudge, who frequently pushed anti-Bannon headlines—“The Total Eclipse of Steve Bannon”; “Bannon ‘Is the Real President”—in the weeks leading up to the rich asshole’s decision to defenestrate him. Bannon also told friends that he believed Kushner encouraged Fox News chairman Rupert Murdoch to lobby the rich asshole to fire him. Last week, The New York Times reported that Murdoch told the rich asshole over a private dinner with Kushner that the rich asshole needed to jettison his chief strategist. The Bannon camp believes that Murdoch was especially receptive to Kushner’s lobbying because Murdoch is worried about the rise of Sinclair Broadcasting as a competitor to Fox, and blames Bannon for the rich asshole’s decision so far not to block the Sinclair’s $3.9 billion takeover of Tribune Media in May.
Bannon has media ambitions to compete with Fox News from the right. Last week in New York, he huddled with his billionaire benefactor, Robert Mercer, and discussed ways to expand Breitbart into TV, sources said. “Television is definitely on the table,” a Bannon adviser told me. A partnership with Sinclair remains a possibility. In recent days, Sinclair’s chief political analyst Boris Epshteyn has spoken with Breitbart editors about ways to form an alliance, one Breitbart staffer said. “All the Sinclair guys are super tight with Breitbart. Imagine if we got together Hannity and O’Reilly and started something?”
Meanwhile, the next phase has already begun. On Sunday, the website’s lead story was based on a Daily Mail report that said Ivanka was behind Bannon’s removal. “the rich asshole’s daughter Ivanka pushed out Bannon because of his ‘far-right views’ clashing with her Jewish faith,” the article noted. Another piece was headlined: “6 TIMES JAVANKA’S DISPLEASURE WITH POTUS LEAKED TO PRESS.” In his feud with Kushner, Bannon may have a powerful ally: Reince Priebus, also recently departed from the White House with a quiver of grudges. Recently, according to several sources, Bannon has told friends he wants Priebus to give his account of the James Comey firing to special prosecutor Robert Mueller.According to a source close to Priebus, the former chief of staff believes that the decision was made during an early May weekend in Bedminster, where Kushner, Ivanka the rich asshole, and Stephen Miller were with the president. the rich asshole returned to the Oval Office on Monday, May 8 and told other aides he intended to fire Comey.
At Breitbart, Bannon has a brigade of similarly happy warriors. “We’re in a loud bar celebrating the return of our captain!” Breitbart’s Washington editor Matt Boyle told me on Friday night. Breitbart’s defense of the rich asshole has so far helped keep the Russia scandal from gaining traction on the right. But that could swiftly change if the rich asshole, under the influence of Kushner and Cohn, deviates too far from the positions he ran on. If that happens, said one high-level Breitbart staffer, “We’re prepared to help Paul Ryan rally votes for impeachment.”
The war begins: attacks McMaster as ‘Koran-kissing’ terrorist sympathizer
“white supremacy” hub stepped up its ongoing war with White House National Security Adviser H. R. McMaster on Sunday, accusing him of being soft on Islamic terrorists because the lieutenant general endorsed a book about Islamic cultural respect.
The Hill said on Sunday that the broadside against McMaster stems from his support of a training manual for military personnel regarding Muslim customs around the treatment of the faith’s holy book, the Koran.
The book serves as a guide to how “not to inflame religious tensions with Muslim populations in countries where American troops are deployed,” the Hill said. — which ousted White House chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon called his “killing machine” on Friday — reframed this as “H.R. McMaster Endorsed Book That Advocates Quran-Kissing Apology Ceremonies.”
The article alleges that McMaster is insufficiently anti-Islam and points to his supposed alignment with billionaire financier — and perennial right-wing bogeyman — George Soros as evidence that McMaster is undermining the white nationalist agenda from inside the White House.
The Hill said the smear attempt is an extension of the internecine feud that raged behind the scenes at the White House between Bannon and McMaster.
Bannon made it clear in a series of tough-talking interviews that he plans to weaponize and its readers against the Republican establishment and Bannon’s enemies in the White House. One Breitbart editor on Friday tweeted the hashtag “#War” as news spread of Bannon’s firing.
The task may be something of a heavy lift, however, given that white supremacy website’s readership has dropped off steeply since the 2016 election and an ongoing boycott campaign has cost 90 percent of its advertisers.

‘You have no idea how much crazy stuff we kill’: the rich asshole aides admit why they’re afraid to quit
some rich asshole (MSNBC)
In interviews with Axios, some aides to President some rich asshole have admitted that they are afraid to quit their White House posts over fears of what he might do without their guidance.
While there have been rumblings that conservatives are reeling more than usual after the rich asshole’s disastrous response to the Charlottesville violence, some White House aides feel a responsibility to stick it out over fears of what the rich asshole might do.
According to Axios, “You have no idea how much crazy stuff we kill,” was the most common refrain, with author Mike Allen noting the responses center “on the urgent importance of having smart, sane people around the rich asshole to fight his worst impulses. If they weren’t there, they say, we would have a trade war with China, massive deportations, and a government shutdown to force construction of a Southern wall.”
More frighteningly others admit in a roundabout way, “We like the power.”
“Well, no one comes out and say it this blatantly,” Allen writes. “But working in the White House, even this one, is intoxicating and ego-stroking. They have enormous say over regulations and rules, invites and implementation, government jobs and access to the Oval. They also know they are one step away from an even bigger job in government, so it’s hard to just walk away.”
You can read the whole piece here.
‘Nobody will’: Fox host says ‘no member of the the rich asshole administration’ will come on air as presidency implodes
Fox News host Leland Vittert revealed on Sunday that President some rich asshole had refused to let anyone from his administration appear on the network.
During a segment about the rich asshole’s outgoing chief strategist Steve Bannon, Vittert noted that only the rich asshole surrogates from outside the administration would discuss the staff shakeup.
“Noteworthy,” Vittert observed. “We, along with a number of other networks, have all tried to get somebody from the administration to come on today and to talk about this big staff shakeup. Nobody will.”
“No member of the the rich asshole administration is out talking about it,” the Fox News host added.
Radio host Garland Nixon agreed that the rich asshole administration was “on radio silence right now.”
“And that is a fear of the isolation of the rich asshole administration,” Garland said. “Bannon being on the outside and going after members of the rich asshole administration is going to create further isolation because what he’s going to do is anger element within the party even further more.”

the rich asshole Supporting Domestic Terrorist Arrested In Boston (IMAGES)
It’s become more than clear that some rich asshole condones the actions of white supremacists across the country and their ability to terrorize minority groups. Just like you can’t shout “fire” in a crowded theater because it can incite a riot and people can get hurt, the words these neo-Nazis use are threatening and make American citizens feel unsafe in their nation.
The definition of terrorism is:
“The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.”
Which is exactly what a the rich asshole supporter, wearing his ‘Make American Great Again’ red trucker hat, did at the most recent Boston protests over the weekend. He decided to bring a gun to the protest, and thankfully, he was promptly arrested.
Here they are close up:

There is absolutely no reason to bring a gun to a peaceful protest. It is likely that he brought it to specifically intimidate others, because if it was kept to himself, there would be no reason for police to be concerned. He allegedly used the “unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.” Exactly the definition of terrorism. This man is a domestic terrorist and the rich asshole needs to call him out. If he doesn’t, it shows he condones this behavior and that reprehensible behavior proves now, more than ever, that the rich asshole needs to resign.
The Ad For the rich asshole’s Phoenix Rally The Right Doesn’t Want You To See
A Craigslist ad seeking very specific kinds of actors for Trumps latest campaign event, a Phoenix rally is raising quite a few eyebrows. In fact, it is very likely that the right wing really wishes no one would see this ad, ever.
The rumors say that the rich asshole’s Pheonix rally will be a stage from which he can pardon a right-wing criminal and former Sheriff, Joe Arpaio. Arpaio’s conviction for contempt of court arose from his refusal to stop treating minorities differently than whites. Despite that, someone wants minorities to come “act” like the rich asshole supporters for the cameras at this Pheonix rally.
That someone, whoever it is, put up this ad in the South Phoenix “gigs” section:
The ad seems to have been updated to have less controversial language, and then eventually deleted:
Most of us recall, the fact that someone had put up similar ads regarding other political figures. Namely, Hillary Clinton, and the rumors of bused-in fans at rallies and paid actors. No one, not in all that time, though, was able to find anyone paid through such an ad. Time will tell if these the rich asshole ads are the same smoke and mirrors tricks or actually desperately stupid attempts to gets some non-white faces “holding the rich asshole signs and cheering on command.”
It is easier to believe that this is real, of course. the rich asshole has had an FEC complaint filed against him for failing to disclose to them that he paid actors for his campaign events in violation of US law. He got away with it. After acknowledging that he paid them, the FEC found that the “modest” amount, $12,000 for paid supporters, could be dismissed. Knowing that he has done so in the past makes it harder to rule out now, especially with the rich asshole’s track record on loopholes.
The twitter reactions are great:
the rich asshole supporters, y’all:
The funny thing, Arizona went for Romney, the GOP candidate, in 2012 and the rich asshole in 2016, but they are looking for paid supporters now? Well, actually, the Phoenix Mayor made it pretty clear this rally is not welcome there, even in the conservative stronghold of Arizona:
We don’t know if this ad is real. We do know that this is one of the tricks that the rich asshole has used in the past. We do know that the rich asshole’s support is waning. And, we do know that it is hard to dismiss as real, even if it is fake because of the rich asshole’s previous record.
However, real or fake, it is worth noting that when this same tactic was falsely, on multiple occasions — with zero previous behavior to back it up — used against Hillary Clinton, the rich asshole supporters believed it as a concrete fact.
Merriam-Webster Steps In After the rich asshole Tells America To ‘Heel’
“Heal” can be a difficult word when you’ve been defending white supremacists all week.
“Heal” is clearly a very difficult word to spell if you’re president of the United States in 2017, but Merriam-Webster is here to help.
Following a so-called “free speech” rally in Boston on Saturday, some rich asshole tried to call for unity on Twitter but instead told America twice that it needs to “heel.”
the rich asshole ― a man with the greatest vocabulary, everyone loves his vocabulary ― eventually made his point after deleting his first two attempts. After all of Twitter witnessed the president’s struggle with the four-letter word, the dictionary’s social media account sent him a gentle reminder.
the rich asshole is a champion of spelling things incorrectly ― from “covfefe” to “counsel” and even “lose” ― but many thought of the rich asshole’s original “heel” tweets as a Freudian slip. “Heel,” for example, is a command some dog trainers use to get a dog to obey and stop pulling ahead of their owner.
And as one user pointed out, heel is also a term used in pro-wrestling circles to describe a bad guy or antagonist, such as WWE’s famed villain “The Undertaker.”
Others just couldn’t believe that the president of the United States has, yet again, misspelled a word publicly.
We can’t be too hard on the president. After all, it must be really hard to ask the country to “heal” when you’ve been defending white supremacists all week.

Ivanka Tweets Saturday Night Message To Protesters & Swift Internet Justice Ensued
It often seems like Ivanka the rich asshole’s main role in the White House is to put a humanizing face on her father. Even many people who don’t like some rich asshole seem to like, or at least tolerate, his daughter. However, as the responses to one of her recent tweets shows, many people are getting frustrated with Ivanka as well. On the surface, there is nothing wrong with Ivanka’s recent tweets. They appear to be a strong showing of support for those in Boston who came out to oppose neo-Nazism. However, the replies make it clear that many feel that Ivanka is not doing enough to persuade her father to take a stronger stance on white supremacy.

Featured image via Getty Images.
BY NIALL STANAGE - 08/19/17 03:26 PM EDT 6,049
As a week dominated by President the rich asshole’s response to the violence in Charlottesville, Va., draws to a close, many Republicans are worried that serious damage has been done to their party.
Specifically, they argue that the rich asshole may have set back by years efforts to make the GOP more appealing to an increasingly diverse American electorate.
There is no mistaking the seriousness with which they view the situation.
One veteran Republican strategist, who asked for anonymity to speak candidly, told The Hill that the rich asshole’s response was “a f- - -ing disaster.” The source added, “I have no idea where we go from here.”
Few were assuaged by the news Friday of White House chief strategist Steve Bannon’s dismissal. Bannon, who came to the rich asshole from the “white supremacy” world of Breitbart News, was a voice for economic nationalism within the White House.
“I don't think it does,” said former Republican National Committee communications director Doug Heye, when asked if Bannon's departure made a difference. “Nobody makes their decision about who to support based on the staff in the White House.”
Many Republicans have rushed to distance themselves from the rich asshole, after he proclaimed that there were “very fine people” on both sides in Charlottesville. A 32-year-old woman, Heather Heyer, was killed last Saturday after she was hit by a car allegedly driven by a man who harbored far-right views.
Marchers from neo-Nazi organizations were among those who had come to the Virginia city for an event billed as “Unite the Right.” They held a torch-lit parade at the University of Virginia last Friday night, and chanted racist and anti-Semitic slogans.
the rich asshole twice gave public remarks that were widely condemned as being too equivocal. In particular, a chaotic news conference at the rich asshole Tower on Tuesday left even seasoned political observers shell-shocked.
The two living Republican ex-presidents, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, released a joint statement implicitly condemning the rich asshole. So, too, did the party’s leaders in both chambers of Congress, Speaker Paul Ryan (Wis.) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.).
On Friday, the GOP’s 2012 presidential nominee, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, joined the chorus of condemnation. In a Facebook post, Romney lamented that what the rich asshole had said about Charlottesville “caused racists to rejoice, minorities to weep and the vast heart of America to mourn.”
But the high-profile criticisms may not be enough to mitigate the damage wreaked by the rich asshole. He has the bully pulpit of the presidency and the firestorm around his comments reached parts of popular culture — late night talk shows, for example — where statements from McConnell or a Facebook post by Romney hold little sway.
“It’s terribly frustrating,” said Heye, who added that it would be incorrect to view the damage as confined to black or Latino voters. There are plenty of white people who find such a stance unpalatable, he suggested.
Republicans fear the rich asshole’s comments are “turning off a broad swath of voters” he said. “It’s obviously off-putting to minority voters — but not just minority voters.”
the rich asshole’s defenders would make a very different case, noting among other things that the self-declared experts of the Washington GOP were enthused by previous presidential nominees, such as Romney in 2012 and Sen. John McCain (Ariz.) in 2008, both of whom signally failed to win the kind of victory the rich asshole enjoyed last November.
As the president himself likes to point out, he won the White House by scoring victories in states that Republicans had not won at the presidential level for a generation, notably the so-called ‘Blue Wall’ states of Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.
“We didn’t break it, we shattered that sucker,” then-President-elect the rich asshole told a rally late last year.
Some people in the rich asshole’s orbit say there is no reason why he cannot repeat the achievement again.
In an interview with The American Prospect before his abrupt departure from the White House on Friday, Bannon insisted that the GOP could “crush the Democrats” if liberals were to stay "focused on race and identity, and we go with economic nationalism.”
One problem with that theory, of course, is that it is the rich asshole himself who has seemed so focused on race and identity for the past week. And his comments have been welcomed by former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke and others on the extreme right.
More broadly, those who argue that the GOP desperately needs to improve its image with minorities and young people say their point still stands, regardless of the rich asshole’s election victory.
“Nothing has repealed the long-term demographic trends in this country, and nothing has changed the imperative for Republicans to appeal to a more diverse electorate if they hope to win national elections,” said strategist and pollster Whit Ayres, a long-time advocate of the need for the party to modernize its appeal.
“the rich asshole managed to stitch together an electoral college majority while coming millions of votes shy of a majority of the popular vote,” Ayres added.
the rich asshole lost the popular vote to Democrat Hillary Clinton by about 2.9 million votes, or around 2 percentage points, even as he won a relatively comfortable 306-232 victory in the Electoral College.
The strategist who described the rich asshole’s comments as a “disaster” said that the best way forward for candidates in next year’s midterms could be to run on local issues to avoid “nationalizing” their races. But even that might not be enough, the strategist added.
To win competitive races as a Republican in the current polarized environment, the source said, “you have got to have virtually all the rich asshole people and a good chunk of people who can’t stand the man. How do you walk that fine line?”
Moderate Republican voices such as Heye, meanwhile, are still grappling with their shock at what has transpired.
“In Charlottesville, we are talking about neo-Nazis chanting truly vile things. To see the president come out the way he did — it’s impossible for me to try to convince an African-American, or Hispanic, or Jewish voter why they should vote Republican,” Heye said.
“What they’re hearing is: We don’t like you.”
Bannon's security clearance a challenge outside the White House
Legal experts say Stephen Bannon may face a challenge in his security clearance as President the rich asshole's now-former chief strategist returns to his pre-White House career as executive chairman at the media company Breitbart.
“People with Top Secret clearances are bound by a non-disclosure agreement for life,” said Bradley Moss, a partner at the Law Office of Mark Zaid specializing in national security and security clearance law.
“Any time Breitbart now prints classified information they might now be required to clear it with the government," according to Moss.
“People with Top Secret clearances are bound by a non-disclosure agreement for life,” said Bradley Moss, a partner at the Law Office of Mark Zaid specializing in national security and security clearance law.
“Any time Breitbart now prints classified information they might now be required to clear it with the government," according to Moss.
The rich asshole administration announced Bannon’s ouster midday Friday, and Bannon says he resigned. The move appears to be at least in part due to a long-standing, contentious internal rift between Bannon and other populists on the rich asshole’s staff and more mainstream voices like the rich asshole son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner.
Bannon almost immediately resumed his role at Breitbart, a publication Bannon once described as a platform for the alt-right.
News outlets frequently report on classified information they believe to be in the public interest. Historically important stories, including Pulitzer Prize winning work on the Vietnam war and NSA bulk surveillance, have been entirely dependent on classified files.
On Twitter, Susan Hennessey, a former attorney in the Office of General Counsel of the National Security Agency and current managing editor at the commentary website Lawfare, noted Bannon’s obligations go beyond simply not revealing classified data he would have been privy to.
“Bannon not only has prepublication obligations, he also has a legal duty to report if he ever learns of a classified leak. I'm able to work @lawfareblog because, unlike media outlets, we do not & will not publish classified info. Will Breitbart have same policy?” she wrote on Twitter.
There are other media personalities who have had security clearances, noted Moss, including the television host George Stephanopoulos. Enforcement of the non-disclosure agreement is often a function of what law enforcement decides to let someone get away with, she suggested.
But, she said, Bannon’s significance at the White House and near immediate transition from the White House to a role in breaking news from an administration that has so recently declared war on leakers might combine to present unique problems.
“If Breitbart suddenly gets a few scoops, it will be interesting to see how the Department of Justice will reply,” said Moss.
Moss suggested that Breitbart might create an organization structure sequestering Bannon from stories that could potentially expose him to trouble.
Breitbart did not respond to The Hill’s request for information on how it planned to maneuver around issues related to Bannon’s security clearance.
Turnover in the rich asshole White House: A timeline
BY MAX GREENWOOD - 08/19/17 04:32 PM EDT 89
© Greg Nash
Former White House chief strategist Stephen Bannon on Friday became the latest White House official to depart the rich asshole administration, ending a tumultuous and often rocky tenure for the populist firebrand.
Bannon's dismissal signaled growing influence for the rich asshole's recently appointed chief of staff John Kelly, who has sought in recent weeks to bring order to a White House consumed by controversy, leaks and infighting.
In leaving his White House role, Bannon joined a bevy of former officials that have either been forced out of or resigned from President the rich asshole's embattled administration over the past seven months.
Here's a look at some of the major personnel shakeups in the rich asshole's first seven months in office:
February 13: Michael Flynn resigns
the rich asshole's first national security adviser stepped down from his top White House role just 24 days after taking office.
His ouster came after it was revealed that Flynn had misled Vice President Pence about the nature of his conversations with then-Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak in the month before the rich asshole took office.
the rich asshole defended the former national security adviser days after his resignation, telling reporters in a news conference that Flynn is "a wonderful man" who had "been treated very, very unfairly by the media."
Flynn has emerged as a central figure in the ongoing investigations into possible collusion between the rich asshole's campaign and Russian officials.
He was replaced in April by current national security adviser H.R. McMaster.
May 30: Michael Dubke steps down
the rich asshole's first communications director had tendered his resignation on May 18, but stayed on at the White House until the end of the month while the president was away on his first trip abroad since taking office.
Dubke, a GOP communications veteran, had been hired in February to helm the White House's struggling press operation as it faced mounting controversies.
But Dubke remained a relative outsider in the rich asshole's White House, having no prior ties to the president or his inner circle. Then-White House press secretary Sean Spicer stepped in after Dubke's resignation to fill the communications director role.
July 21: Anthony Scaramucci appointed communications director, Spicer resigns
In naming Scaramucci his communications director, the rich asshole elevated to the White House one of his most ardent media defenders.
But Scaramucci's appointment immediately prompted Spicer, who had been filling in as the rich asshole's communications director since May, to resign.
That same day, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who had been serving as the rich asshole's deputy press secretary, was tapped to replace Spicer.
July 25: Michael Short resigns
Short, a White House press aide, resigned after Scaramucci indicated in an interview with Politico that he planned to fire him over alleged leaks.
In the wake of Short's resignation, Scaramucci expressed frustration over the news that he had planned to fire the press aide – even though he revealed that plan himself.
"The fact that you guys know about it before he does really upsets me as a human being and as a Roman Catholic," Scaramucci told reporters.
July 28: Reince Priebus is replaced by John Kelly
Priebus's future as the rich asshole's chief of staff had long been in question.
News of his ouster became public last month after the rich asshole announced via Twitter that he had chosen former Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly as his new chief of staff.
In the days leading up to Priebus' departure, Scaramucci railed against the former Republican National Committee chairman, making clear that he wanted him out.
Priebus quietly resigned on July 27, before the rich asshole announced his replacement the following day.
July 31: Scaramucci is fired
Scaramucci's tenure in the White House was short-lived. In a turbulent 10 days in office, the Wall Street financier vowed to weed out leakers, disparaged other aides and engaged in a profanity-laced interview with the New Yorker, in which he called former White House chief of staff Reince Priebus a "f---ing paranoid schizophrenic."
He was dismissed late last month, shortly after former Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly became the rich asshole's new chief of staff.
Hope Hicks, a longtime aide to the rich asshole, was named interim communications director this week.
August 18: Bannon departs
Just over a year after he left his job at the helm of Breitbart News, Bannon left his role as the rich asshole's chief strategist on Friday.
Bannon had emerged as a controversial figure within the White House and feuded often with the president's other aides, including McMaster and the rich asshole's son-in-law Jared Kushner.
The exact nature of Bannon's departure remains unclear. He said Friday in an interview with the conservative Weekly Standard that he had chosen to resign. But the former chief strategist was also said to have been on thin ice with the rich asshole recently.
Within hours of his departure, Bannon had rejoined Breitbart as the news outlet's executive chair.
the rich asshole rips ‘Crooked Hillary’ in awkward Twitter farewell to Bannon
some rich asshole during CNN debate (Photo: Screen capture via video)
President some rich asshole continued his trend of Saturday morning tweetstorms by paying tribute to ousted chief strategist Steve Bannon — and bashing Hillary Clinton.
“I want to thank Steve Bannon for his service,” the rich asshole tweeted. “He came to the campaign during my run against Crooked Hillary Clinton – it was great! Thanks.”
The author of “Devil’s Bargain” — the bestselling book on Bannon and the rich asshole — reported the rich asshole has been trying to contact Bannon since White House chief of staff John Kelly informed the former campaign executive his service was no longer needed.
“the rich asshole was criticized on TV tonight for his silence on Bannon’s departure. Three sources tell me the rich asshole tried calling Bannon,” reporter Joshua Green tweeted. “They haven’t spoken.”
the rich asshole’s “Crooked Hillary” nickname was a mainstay of last year’s presidential campaign. Yet the rich asshole retired many of the nicknames he used upon taking office and is no longer constantly referring to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tx) as “Lying Ted” or using “Little Marco” to insult Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL).
‘It’s a total mess’: GOP sheriffs reportedly under pressure from the rich asshole to break the law
some rich asshole on Instagram (Screenshot)
The White House is allegedly asking some sheriffs keep undocumented immigrants in local jails longer than is legally allowable under federal court rulings.
“If we violate the law by doing what they ask us to do, we’re subjecting ourselves, no question, to civil liability and civil rights violations,” Republican Sheriff Bob Gualtieri told Betsy Woodruff of The Daily Beast.
Sheriff Gualtieri was appointed by Governor Rick Scott (R-FL) in 2011 and has been elected twice as a Republican in Pinellas County, FL.
The former attorney says that the White House has no understanding of the legal issues involved when Immigration and Customs Enforcement files “detainers” to hold undocumented immigrants until ICE can assume custody.
“My takeaway from that conversation with Stephen Miller is that he was uninformed about this problem,” Gualtieri said. “I think that there are certain admin officials who think that these warrants [detainers] solve the problem, and are saying, ‘What are you sheriffs doing? Why aren’t you cooperating?’”
Sheriff Gualtieri isn’t the only GOP sheriff worried about the illegal demands from the Republican White House.
“The current ICE detainer notion that sheriffs can and should hold alleged illegal aliens beyond the time that their local charges are adjudicated is in violation of their constitutional rights while in the United States of America, and ICE knows this,” Republican Sheriff Richard Stanek, of Hennepin County, MN in a statement provided to The Beast. “The U.S. courts have ruled against this notion time and time again – the way forward for ICE and local Sheriffs in partnership to protect public safety is a solution that both provides for public safety while at the same time protecting an individual’s constitutional rights.”
“We can’t keep doing it this way,” Sheriff Gualtieri explained. “The sheriffs are in the absolute definition of a dilemma because we want to cooperate – we don’t want criminal illegals on the street, we don’t want a Kate Steinle situation, we want people safe – but at the same time, we’re obligated to follow the law.”
Republican Sheriff Greg Champagne has sought a legal agreement from ice to protect the St. Charles Parish Sheriff’s Department from legal jeopardy.
“It just needs to be expedited,” Sheriff Champagne said. “They need the people to do it, they need the effort to do it. We’re a little frustrated.”
“A variety of options are under review,” ICE said in a statement, “but no final decisions or formal plans have been submitted for action at this time.”
In March, the Los Angeles Times voiced concerns by Sheriff Adam Christianson of Stanislaus County, CA. The nonpartisan sheriff was endorsed by the Republican Party of his county.
“Sheriffs aren’t going to come close to a 4th Amendment violation that is going to expose them to liability,” Christianson said.
Sheriff Christianson has since chosen to retire.
the rich asshole accuses peaceful protesters at Boston rally of being ‘anti-police agitators’ while commending cops
President some rich asshole (White House)
Despite massive media coverage showing the right-wing Boston “Free Speech” rally being a mostly passive march by counter-protesters, President some rich asshole called out the participants as “anti-police agitators” on Twitter.
Writing on Twitter, President the rich asshole commented, “Looks like many anti-police agitators in Boston. Police are looking tough and smart! Thank you.”
Trumps comments are at direct odds about a march and counter-protest that broke up early after only a handful of white nationalists showed up — and those who did were confronted by an estimated 20,000 anti-rightwing counter-protesters.
You can see the rich asshole’s tweets below:
Republicans alarmed and ‘taken aback’ at White House’s flaccid response to Bannon threats: report
In a Washington Post story about the departure of White House chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon and his return to the “white supremacy” web platform on Saturday, political reporters Robert Costa and John Wagner noted that some Republicans are alarmed at the White House’s passivity in the face of a series of threats laid out by Bannon.
“On Friday,” the Post recounted, “a flurry of bravado-filled interviews with Bannon appeared on various websites, including one in which he said he felt as if ‘I’ve got my hands back on my weapons’ and was prepared to ‘crush the opposition.’”
While some pundits people joked that Bannon’s statements were “literally what cocaine would say” and that the ousted strategist is actually “275 lbs of pure Bolivian flake stuffed into a liver-spotted sausage casing,” others found genuine cause for alarm in the idea of Bannon and Breitbart launching regular broadsides against Republicans in Congress and the White House.
Prior to his joining the the rich asshole campaign in 2016, Bannon spent the bulk of his time firing up the base against any “establishment Republicans” deemed to be insufficiently ideologically pure.
“Advisers to senior congressional Republicans were taken aback that none of the combative language was countered by the White House,” said the Post.
“They just sat out there,” said one Republican staffer. “That told me everything about whether the White House actually cares about making clear it’s on our side.”
Instead of firing back, on Saturday the rich asshole meekly thanked Bannon “for his service” in an awkward Twitter farewell message.
The departures of former RNC officials Sean Spicer and Reince Priebus have meant that Congressional Republicans and party stalwarts no longer have a direct line of communication with the White House. This has left legislators and staff stymied as to exactly who in the administration is left who shares their values and “understands the language of Republicans.”
A complaisant White House means one less barrier between vulnerable Republicans and a base weaponized by’s heated anti-establishment rhetoric and relentless smear campaigns.
However, Breitbart may not be the unstoppable juggernaut that it was even 4 months ago. After a slew of controversies and an effective boycott campaign, the website has lost 90 percent of its advertisers. Readership has fallen off sharply since the election and now the website is inextricably associated with the deadly violence that the “white supremacy” unleashed on Charlottesville, VA last weekend.
So there is a chance that Bannon’s tough talk on Friday night was the same sort of empty bluster as his “accidentally” on-the-record interview with the American Prospect in which he trashed colleagues and crowed triumphantly about the fellow White House officials he was going to fire.
“I’m changing out people at East Asian Defense; I’m getting hawks in. I’m getting Susan Thornton [acting head of East Asian and Pacific Affairs] out at State,” Bannon boasted.
Now, Bannon is fired from the White House and so far as Raw Story knows, all of the personnel he threatened will be at their desks on Monday.
GOP in despair after the rich asshole’s ‘f*cking disaster’ week: ‘I have no idea where we go from here’
President some rich asshole during a press conference in the rich asshole Tower (Screenshot)
Republicans in Washington are exhausted and in despair after President some rich asshole’s gross mishandling of the administration’s response to white supremacist violence in Charlottesville, calling it a “f*cking disaster” and worrying that the rich asshole has done permanent damage to the party.
The Hill reported Saturday that Republicans of all stripes are concerned that the rich asshole’s combative press conference and unwillingness to denounce neo-Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan has undone years of outreach by the GOP to nonwhite voters.
A “veteran Republican strategist” told the Hill on condition of anonymity, “I don’t know where we go from here” after the rich asshole alienated millions of Americans by saying there were “many fine people on both sides” of the violence that killed 32-year-old Heather Heyer and left at least 19 others injured.
While some on the right are holding out hope that the ouster of White House chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon will help the president shore up some of the self-inflicted damage he’s done to his presidency, many Republicans don’t think it will make any difference.
“I don’t think it does,” said former RNC communications director Doug Heye. “Nobody makes their decision about who to support based on the staff in the White House.”
A parade of politicians and CEOs have publicly scorned Pres. the rich asshole in recent days, and longtime Republican operatives are watching their careful work cultivating black and Hispanic voters go up in smoke.
“It’s terribly frustrating,” said Heye. “In Charlottesville, we are talking about neo-Nazis chanting truly vile things. To see the president come out the way he did — it’s impossible for me to try to convince an African-American, or Hispanic, or Jewish voter why they should vote Republican.”
He concluded, “What they’re hearing is: We don’t like you.”
Steve Bannon returns to Breitbart hours after White House ouster
According to Breitbart’s White House correspondent, ex-White House strategist Steve Bannon is already back at Breitbart.
“Steve Bannon returned to Breitbart News as Executive Chairman of Breitbart News and chaired our evening editorial meeting,” correspondent Charlie Spiering wrote on Twitter.
His reinstatement at Breitbart came mere hours after the White House announced his ouster.
In a post announcing his return, Breitbart noted that Bannon tendered his resignation at the White House on August 7, and that he had been employed by some rich asshole for nearly a year to the day by the date of his exit on August 18.
Bannon’s revenge: Breitbart reportedly ramping up for ‘thermonuclear war against’ against the rich asshole
Now that former White House political strategist Steve Bannon is out of a job, many reports are claiming that he is planning a return to Breitbart News, the nationalist website he used in 2016 to promote some rich asshole’s campaign for president.
However, it looks like Bannon won’t be giving the rich asshole the same cushy treatment that he received during last year’s campaign against Hillary Clinton.
One of Bannon’s friends tells reporter Gabriel Sherman that Breitbart is “ramping up for war against the rich asshole” in the wake of Bannon’s ouster.
“It’s now a Democrat White House,” the friend tells Sherman, likely a reference to Bannon’s belief that First Daughter Ivanka the rich asshole, along with key advisers such as Jared Kushner and Gary Cohn, are New York liberals who are disconnected from the nationalist message that the rich asshole used to win the 2016 election.
Similarly, a source close to Breitbart News tells Axios’ Jonathan Swan that the news website plans to “go ‘thermonuclear’ against ‘globalists’ that Bannon and his friends believe are ruining the the rich asshole administration, and by extension, America.”
As if to confirm the reports, Breitbart editor Joel Pollak simply tweeted “#WAR” in response to news of Bannon’s ouster.
If Breitbart were to really launch a war against the rich asshole, it would leave the White House with few reliable media allies apart from top Fox News personalities.
Later Friday, Bannon went on the record, saying that the claim for “war” meant that he’s going to war against those in Congress, the media and the corporate sector who have opposed the rich asshole.
‘Sorry this is long’: Watch CNN’s Baldwin stop for water as she tries to read an unending list of the rich asshole failures
CNN's Brooke Baldwin (Screengrab)
CNN’s Brooke Baldwin on Friday had a priceless reaction to the news that some rich asshole has fired chief White House strategist Steve Bannon, reading headlines from the president’s “chaotic four weeks” that were so long she had to stop and drink a cup of water.
“Steve Bannon has been fired,” Baldwin said. “It has been a chaotic four weeks, even by these White House standards, so let’s just all take a moment just to remind you what has happened, incredibly significant events, one after the other.”
“So, in no particular order,” she began. “President the rich asshole … fires his chief strategist, fires his chief of staff, hires a new one, hires a new communications director, fires him, hires a new one, his fourth in seven months, publicly shames his attorney general multiple times, loses a health care bill, publicly shames the three republicans who voted against it multiple times, bans transgender individuals from the military without telling the military, ticks off the Boy Scouts, makes up a phone call with said Scouts, makes up another phone call with the president of Mexico, thanks Vladimir Putin for expelling Americans, hundreds of them, takes days to sign a bipartisan sanctions bill and then blasts Congress for making him sign it, condemns leaks but then says he likes the leaks because it shows people love him.”
“Hold on a second, sorry,” she said, smirking as she reached for a cup of water. “This is long.”
She then continued:
“Encourages police to be rough with suspects during arrests, publicly shames the Republican leader he needs to get anything done—multiple times—embraces an unpassable immigration plan that sparks a debate about the Statue of Liberty and the definition of ‘cosmopolitan.’ He threatens North Korea with nuclear war, tells Guam it will help tourism, then his own chief strategist calls his bluff and says, no, there’s no military option in North Korea, threatens Venezuela with a military option, after a Nazi rally in which someone was murdered, the president blames both sides. After backlash, cleans it up, denounces those white supremacists, but then hours later erases all of it and makes everything worse by again blaming both sides, saying there were fine people there. No, they weren’t. They were Nazis.”
“Suggests there’s no difference between George Washington and Robert E. Lee,” she added. “Publicly shames CEOs who abandon him, then loses two of his entire jobs councils after execs jump ship, considers a pardon for, of all people, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, all the way facing accusations of racism, by the way. Plugs his winery in Virginia when asked if he will, as president, visit Charlottesville, tells the world to study a lie during a terror attack, and gets condemnations from Democrats, Republicans, former presidents, world leaders, allies, his own staff, and the Pope.”
Watch the video below, via CNN:
Steve Bannon Out As Chief White House Strategist
Updated at 3:52 pm ET
Steve Bannon has lost his job as chief White House strategist.
The White House described the departure as a mutual agreement between Bannon and chief of staff John Kelly.
"We are grateful for his service and wish him the best," said press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
Bannon has been a larger-than-life character in Trumpworld: a right-wing provocateur whose rumpled wardrobe and radical politics belied his background at Goldman Sachs and Harvard Business School. (Bannon made a small fortune running his own investment banking firm. His compensation for one deal included a stake in residuals from the TV series Seinfeld.)
Bannon took over as the rich asshole's campaign chairman a year and a day ago, and he was credited with bringing much-needed focus and discipline to what had been a seat-of-the-pants operation. Bloomberg Businessweek writer Joshua Green argues that without Bannon's skill at mobilizing disaffected white male voters, "I don't think some rich asshole would have been elected president."
The president, who doesn't like sharing the spotlight, often bristled at news stories that painted Bannon as the mastermind of his unlikely 2016 victory.
"Mr. Bannon came on very late, you know that," the rich asshole told reporters at his New Jersey golf resort on Tuesday. "I went through 17 senators, governors, and I won all the primaries. Mr. Bannon came on very much later than that."
the rich asshole offered only a half-hearted defense of his chief strategist, who has had a target on his back ever since joining the administration.
"I like him. He's a good man. He is not a racist, I can tell you that," the rich asshole said. "But we'll see what happens with Mr. Bannon."
Long before he had a formal role in the campaign or the administration, Bannon had been a cheerleader for the rich asshole as head of Breitbart News. Bannon took control of the website in 2012 and turned it into a platform for the "alt-right." His nationalistic, anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim views proved a good match for the rich asshole's.
"I'm an economic nationalist," Bannon told the Hollywood Reporter shortly after the November election. "The globalists gutted the American working class and created a middle class in Asia. The issue now is about Americans looking to not get f***** over."
The take-no-prisoners style that was so successful during the campaign proved a liability, however, once the rich asshole and Bannon reached the White House. The original, shock-and-awe travel ban spearheaded by Bannon was quickly rejected by federal courts. His efforts to strong-arm lawmakers into passing a repeal of the Affordable Care Act backfired. And Bannon feuded openly with other White House staffers, including Jared Kushner, the president's son-in-law; national security adviser H.R. McMaster; and National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn.
"Bannon really believes this stuff to a degree that's almost scary," Green told Fresh Air's Terry Gross. "I think that the rich asshole is driven mainly by opportunism, by a desire to pursue whatever is going to get some rich asshole positive coverage on cable news now. And during the campaign, when nationalism — when Bannon's nationalism seemed to work for him, that was what he would espouse. But when that stopped working for him in February, after he became president, he was happy to bring in people [like McMaster and Cohn] who nationalists abhor."
Bannon raised eyebrows earlier this week when he granted an unsolicited interview to The American Prospect, a liberal magazine.
Although he was one of the few White House staffers who embraced the president's remarks on the deadly violence connected to a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va., Bannon dismissed the white nationalists at the center of the violent protests as a "fringe element," "losers" and a "collection of clowns," in the interview, published Wednesday.
It was a surprising comment from a man who successfully harnessed white nationalism, first at Breitbart and later in the the rich asshole campaign.
The Anti-Defamation League applauded Bannon's departure on Friday. In a statement, CEO Jonathan Greenblatt said, "Hate has no place in our nation: not in our town squares and not in our White House."
Democratic Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California called the development "welcome news," but added, "The the rich asshole Administration must not only purge itself of the remaining white supremacists on staff, but abandon the bigoted ideology that clearly governs its decisions."
Bannon argued in the American Prospect interview that it's self-defeating for Democrats to overplay "identity politics."
"If the left is focused on race and identity, and we go with economic nationalism, we can crush the Democrats," Bannon said.
Green suspects Bannon "will keep fighting for this idea of an anti-immigrant nationalism, come hell or high water."
But now he'll be pursuing that agenda from outside the White House. And possibly taking aim at his former rivals on the inside.
The Scaramucci Predictions Have Come True, Just In Time For the rich asshole To Profit
One year ago, almost exactly, Stephen Bannon and Kellyanne Conway took over the rich asshole’s team.
Today: Stephen Bannon has reportedly resigned, hopefully minimizing his short-lived influence on our government. (Video at end of article)
Interestingly enough, Anthony Scaramucci — one of the rich asshole’s shortest lived and most controversial spokesmen — had attacked both Stephen Bannon and the already gone Reince Priebus. His attack on Bannon was profane in the extreme, saying that Bannon was deeply involved in achieving his own agenda on the rich asshole’s back (only he used the words “suck his own c—“). This sparks questions as to whether or not Bannon just managed to hold on longer than Priebus, or if he actually “resigned.”
When it comes to Bannon’s supposed resignation, this can not be dismissed, either: In the wake of a domestic terror attack in Charlottesville that cost one life and caused 19 others to be taken to the hospital, the the rich asshole administration is receiving harsh criticism from both sides of the aisle for the rich asshole’s response that many of the Nazis attending the white supremacy rally were “really fine people.”
Because Stephen Bannon has what many see as clear-cut ties to white supremacists, had once described his Breitbart as a platform for the “Alt-right” (Read: American Nazis), and has said things that were clearly anti-Semitic, he may have become just too “hot” for the White House to handle. But Bannon is the darling of the far-right, who make up quite a bit of the rich asshole’s voters.
This has lead to many conservatives, especially far-right groups like the tea party, to react to Bannon’s resignation in fury. They are blaming liberals and the so-called “deep state” for Bannon’s removal. However, with Scaramucci’s earlier comments, it raises further questions.
Scaramucci attacked Bannon, and Priebus, while the de facto spokesman of the White House, and so far his sharp tongue is two for two. Either he knew something about this beforehand or Scaramucci is looking like something of a modern day Nostradamus. Meaning, we may never know if this was the rich asshole responding to the will of an angry nation by removing Bannon, or simply just good timing for the rich asshole politically to execute an already foregone conclusion.
Because facts don’t seem to get in their way when it comes to blaming liberals for stuff. If it is what it looks like, his base gets to be angry at liberals for the rich asshole doing what the rich asshole planned to do all along.
Something that Scaramucci foreshadowed, just as he did with Priebus.
Conservatives react with fury to Bannon's departure
Conservatives react with fury to Bannon's departure
A number of conservatives expressed fury and dismay on Friday after news broke that President the rich asshole has parted ways with his chief strategist,
Stephen Bannon.
Bannon is a hero on the right and credited with harnessing the rich asshole’s message of economic populism during the campaign.
The chief strategist had been involved in a nasty tug-of-war with what his allies view as the “globalist” wing of the White House, represented by the rich asshole’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn and national security adviser H.R. McMaster.
On Friday, conservatives lashed out at what they viewed as the rich asshole selling out his base and surrendering to those "liberal" forces.
“I’m very upset,” said Tea Part activist Debbie Dooley. “The deep state globalists won. They forced out Steve Bannon. I had a ‘CNN is fake news protest’ scheduled for tomorrow at their headquarters in Atlanta that I’m canceling because I’m so disheartened. It’s a betrayal of his base. I’ll continue to support the rich asshole and his policies but I’ll no longer be on the front lines defending him.”
There are rumors that Bannon could be headed back to Breitbart News, where as chairman he is credited with turning the outlet into a right-wing juggernaut.
Breitbart has been explicitly pro-the rich asshole since the GOP presidential primaries and has vigorously defended the president through his tumultuous first months in office.
Regional editors at the internet publication made clear that their loyalties lie with Bannon over the rich asshole.
There are some fears among the rich asshole allies that Bannon could wreak havoc on the administration from outside of the White House.
For months, Breitbart has been running attacks against Kushner, Cohn and McMaster in an effort to boost Bannon's standing in the West Wing. The sense of urgency to protect Bannon grew after McMaster ousted several of Bannon’s allies from the national security council.
Now, with Bannon gone, his allies are cutting loose.
“Steve’s allies in the populist nationalist movement are ready to ride to the gates of hell with him against the West Wing Democrats and globalists like [national security aide] Dina Powell, Jared Kushner, Ivanka the rich asshole, Gary Cohn and H.R. McMaster,” said one Bannon ally.
“They should all be very worried that their efforts to undermine the president will be exposed. If they think what’s happened with Steve is rough, wait until they see what he does outside the White House," the ally said.
Last week, Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), chairman of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, spoke to the rich asshole, urging him not to fire Bannon, GOP sources said.
A senior White House official told The Hill that the president had been inundated in recent days from “high-level Republican donors and activists” pleading with the president to keep Bannon on.
With both Bannon and former chief of staff Reince Priebus out, "a lot of GOP lawmakers are confused and nervous about who they are supposed to talk to in the administration," said one GOP source. "They both did the bulk of Hill outreach."

BREAKING: the rich asshole to Remove Steve Bannon, Godfather of the Alt-Right
Widely regarded as the brains behind some rich asshole's meteoric rise to the presidency, Alt-Right guru Steve Bannon was once untouchable in the president's inner circle. No more, as senior aides to the president have revealed the former Breitbart editor and filmmaker is getting his marching orders from the president.
Widely regarded as the brains behind some rich asshole's meteoric rise to the presidency, Alt-Right guru Steve Bannon was once untouchable in the president's inner circle. No more, as senior aides to the president have revealed the former Breitbart editor and filmmaker is getting his marching orders from the president. Reported the New York Times:
President the rich asshole has told senior aides that he has decided to remove Stephen K. Bannon, the embattled White House chief strategist who helped some rich asshole win the 2016 election, according to two administration officials briefed on the discussion.
The president and senior White House officials were debating when and how to dismiss Mr. Bannon. The two administration officials cautioned that some rich asshole is known to be averse to confrontation within his inner circle, and could decide to keep on Mr. Bannon for some time.
As of Friday morning, the two men were still discussing Mr. Bannon’s future, the officials said. A person close to Mr. Bannon insisted the parting of ways was his idea, and that he had submitted his resignation to the president on Aug. 7, to be announced at the start of this week, but it was delayed in the wake of the racial unrest in Charlottesville, Va.
This is huge, huge news and a major victory for those resisting the rich asshole's presidency. Bannon has expertly marshaled the political energy of the Alt-Right movement behind the rich asshole and is, as Matt Taibbi recently noted, one of "the few people in that White House with even a primitive grasp of long-term strategy". Without his strategic thinking and media savvy, the rich asshole will be isolated from the far right political movement he had counted on to give him cover. Wrote Taibbi of Bannon's (albeit limited) genius during the 2016 campaign:
Bannon understood that the bulk of the Republican Party liked to think of itself as tolerant, and preferred that its bigotry be kept under the surface.
Hence the preposterous speeches about racial sensitivity to a succession of all-white audiences. I was one of many reporters who watched this act on the road last year and wondered if the rich asshole, and by extension Bannon, had lost their minds.
They hadn't. Bannon's Machiavellian gambit, which was designed to give mainstream Republican voters psychological permission to vote for a racist candidate, saved the rich asshole's campaign.
Bannon is a much hated figure in traditional conservative circles. He is a racist, ethno-nationalist with little regard for America's political institutions and has sought to "bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.” Obsessed with achieving his political goals, Bannon has remained in the shadows of the rich asshole's administration, playing a murky but extremely important role in the president's legislative decision making. With the rich asshole's recent hiring of traditionalists like John Kelly and H.R McMasters, Bannon and the Alt Right figures in the administration have come under attack. After several high profile purges, Bannon's position in the administration had become more and more precarious. Ultimately, the Alt-Right ethno-nationalists have lost, and Bannon's departure signals the end of its influence in government.
Without Bannon though, the rich asshole is in very, very dangerous territory. The conservative establishment despises the rich asshole, and now he is surrounded by them like never before.
the rich asshole bunkers down as Breitbart declares war over Steve Bannon
some rich asshole will have to fight a war on another front, as Steve Bannon rejoins Breitbart and sets his aim on the man who forced him out.
some rich asshole must now prepare to do battle with his outgoing strategist, Steve Bannon, and the newly weaponized Breitbart, which Bannon is expected to rejoin.
the rich asshole reportedly hid behind his chief of staff and had him fire Bannon, despite the rich asshole’s long-time association with the catchphrase “you’re fired.”
According to multiple reports, Bannon plans to use the information he learned serving alongside the rich asshole in the White House and direct fire at what’s left of the rich asshole team.
Writer Gabriel Sherman reports that a friend of Bannon says Breitbart is “ramping up for war against the rich asshole.”
If there is anyone who has the ability to destroy the rich asshole, and to expose his dirtiest secrets, it could well be Bannon. That puts the rich asshole in the incredibly awkward position of now having to keep Bannon happy, even after ousting him. That might not be possible.
After the news broke of Bannon’s removal from the White House, Breitbart editor Joel B. Pollak tweeted “#WAR,” which was used by Breitbart writers years ago to indicate the publication’s all-in effort to attack the left and the Republican establishment they disagree with.
Pollak also wrote that the decision to fire Bannon “may turn out to be the beginning of the end for the the rich asshole administration.”
Other the rich asshole supporters in the extremist media responded to the ouster with anger. Rape apologist Mike Cernovich said in an online video, “It’s a full on coup now.” That sentiment was echoed by serial hoaxster Jack Posobiec, who said it was also a “coup” and blamed “globalists.” Globalists is a term often used by the extreme right to refer to people of Jewish descent and is a modern spin on old anti-Semitic tropes.
Former Breitbart editor and smear merchant Ben Shapiro, who was forced out of the site in 2016, wrote, “Bannon is deeply vengeful, and supremely ambitious. He has already held the most powerful job he will ever have – unless, of course, his new job is to destroy the rich asshole from the outside.”
Bannon had described Breitbart as a “platform for the alt-right,” the anti-immigration, anti-woman, anti-minority political movement that has become a dominant force within the Republican Party.
The site infamously used a “black crime” vertical to highlight stories about black people committing crime, as part of its racist mission and goals.
Despite these areas of agreement with the rich asshole, he will now have a free hand to use whatever information he has obtained serving at the rich asshole’s right hand to use while attacking him online.
It remains to be seen what other major conservative outlets that have been complete shills for the rich asshole — Fox News, The Daily Caller, and others — will do as a new conservative civil war opens up.
The walls continue to close in on the rich asshole as he hides out in is physical and ideological bunker, trapped by the hatred he helped to create and elevate.
Bannon out. Top Nazi sympathizer in the White House remains.
Donald Trump has reportedly forced out his chief strategist, Steve Bannon, for getting in the way of his ego. But as long as Trump remains in the presidency, hate has a home at the White House.
One white supremacist gone. But it's only the beginning.
(AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)
Capping the worst week of his terrible and unpopular presidency, Donald Trump is forcing out top strategist Steve Bannon. According to reports, Trump is not removing Bannon due to his extensive history promoting racism or xenophobia but because his ego clashed with Trump and often overshadowed him.
Reporting from earlier in the year indicated that Trump was very upset at the number people who said Bannon was in control, and referred to “President Bannon.” A Time magazine cover also reflected the popular notion. Trump tweeted in response: “I call my own shots.”
News of Bannon’s removal came in the same week Trump embarrassed the nation by embracing white supremacists after a terrorist attack in Charlottesville, Virginia, killed a woman.
Bannon was brought on as chairman of Trump’s presidential campaign after Paul Manafort was removed after newspaper reports of under the table business practices, among other things.
Before working for Trump, Bannon ran the white supremacist website, Breitbart, where he described it as a “platform for the alt-right,” the anti-immigrant, sexist, racist political movement that has become the mainstream within the Republican Party.
At Breitbart, Bannon steered editorial coverage to emphasize and sensationalize racist material, including a vertical of the site labeled “black crime.”
Instead of turning off Trump, this work reflected areas of shared interest between the then-candidate and the smear artist posing as a journalist. Like Bannon, Trump has used slurs like “rapist” to refer to immigrants, and has again and again expressed public sympathy for the ideology of Nazis and white supremacists. He even equated George Washington with the pro-slavery, treasonous Confederacy.
Bannon’s departure does not change the fundamentally racist posture of the administration. As long as Donald Trump remains, racism and hate continue to reside in the Oval Office. Getting rid of Bannon simply rearranges the furniture, nothing more.
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