CNN panel mocks Giuliani for saying Mueller can’t go after Ivanka: ‘I don’t think the law works that way’

Ivanka the rich asshole (Youtube)
Of all the many oddball statements that Rudy Giuliani made in his freewheeling Fox News interview with Sean Hannity, his statement about Ivanka the rich asshole may be the oddest.
While seemingly admitting to illegal campaign contributions and possible bank fraud and money-laundering grabbed the headlines, his suggestion that the president’s daughter was somehow untouchable by prosecutors was perhaps even more shocking.
“If they do do Ivanka, which I doubt they will, the whole country will turn on them,” he said. “They’re going after his daughter?…Men are disposable, but a fine woman like Ivanka? C’mon.”
CNN analyst Nia Malika-Henderson was dumbfounded by this, and said so in a segment on Thursday morning.
“I don’t think the law really works that way, and Rudy Guiliani should know that,” she said. “This idea that Ivanka the rich asshole is untouchable just because she’s a fine woman—I don’t even know what he even necessarily means by that—is absurd.”
Watch below.
Giuliani goes on Fox & Friends after disastrous Hannity interview and reveals Stormy payoff was to help campaign

Rudy Giuliani appears on Fox News (screen grab)
President some rich asshole’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani, appeared on Fox & Friendson Thursday that adult film star Stormy Daniels was paid $130,000 to cover up an alleged affair in an effort to protect the rich asshole campaign.
The morning after Giuliani admitted to Fox News host Sean Hannity that the rich asshole reimbursed Cohen for the payment to Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, the rich asshole attorney returned to the conservative network to speak to the hosts of Fox & Friends.
“She was alleging — although there’s the contrary letter she signed that it never happened — that there was a one-time affair,” the president’s lawyer explained. “And I think when Cohen heard $130,000, he said, ‘My God, this is cheap. They come cheap. Let me get the thing signed up and signed off.'”
“Imagine if that came out on Oct. 15, 2016 in the middle of the last debate with Hillary Clinton,” Giuliani added. “Cohen didn’t even ask. Cohen made it go away. He did his job.”
Watch the video below from Fox News.
Rudy Giuliani Just Came Clean About Why the rich asshole Fired Comey
Yes, it was the Russia investigation.
Rudy Giuliani, the former New York City mayor who is now part of President some rich asshole’s legal team, confirmed one of the reasons James Comey was fired as director of the FBI last year.
“He fired Comey because Comey would not, among other things, say that he wasn’t a target of the investigation,” Giuliani told Sean Hannity on Fox News on Wednesday night.
“He’s entitled to that. Hillary Clinton got that and he couldn’t get that,” he said. “So he fired him and he said, ‘I’m free of this guy.’”
the rich asshole has wavered in his explanations for Comey’s firing. He told NBC’s Lester Holt last year that it was at least in part due to the Russia investigation.
“I was going to fire Comey, knowing there was no good time to do it,” he said in May 2017. “And, in fact, when I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said, ‘You know, this Russia thing with the rich asshole and Russia is a made-up story, it’s an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election.’”
However, the rich asshole last month claimed Comey “was not fired because of the phony Russia investigation.”
CNN’s Camerota busts the rich asshole for blaming Obama over North Korean hostages taken in 2017

CNN's Alisyn Camerota -- screenshot
Responding to tweet from President some rich asshole stating that he was working diligently to gain the release of three hostages being kept captive in North Korea that he claims the Obama administration ignored, CNN host Alisyn Camerota called out the president for lying.
Late Wednesday, the rich asshole tweeted: “As everybody is aware, the past Administration has long been asking for three hostages to be released from a North Korean Labor camp, but to no avail. Stay tuned!”
Speaking with former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, the CNN host immediately ripped into the president, noting two of the hostages were taken during his time in office
Saying “Some of it needs to fact-checked,” host Camerota read the rich asshole’s tweet to Clapper, before adding, “That makes no sense because two of these hostages were taken while President the rich asshole was in office — only one was when President Obama was.”
With Clapper stating he believes the rich asshole being successful in securing the release would be a very “positive development,” Camerota agreed — but once again challenged the president on his claim.
“Listen, any way you slice it, this is great,” the CNN host conceded. “Getting Americans home — this is a positive development — there’s no other way to see it. Whoever’s watch it happens on on, it is wonderful and a feather in their cap. However, facts matter. It leads us to what we can trust and this is a far cry from the Stormy Daniels situation. But why is he making this mistake and trying to pin this on President Obama?”
“Well, I think anything and all that he can, it appears to me, he will pin on President Obama and find fault with even if it stretches the truth which is the case here,” Clapper replied. “This is a consistent thing he does and it’s regrettable. It detracts from his credibility as president even when it’s a good thing happening.”
“It is is kind of Orwellian, where the Minister of Information says ‘up is down, black is white, war is peace, et cetera,'” he added. “It is very disconcerting.”
According to USA Today, one hostage, Kim Dong-Chul was grabbed by the North Koreans in 2015, while Tony Kim and Kim Hak-Song were picked up in April and May, 2017, respectively — well after the rich asshole was elected president.
Watch the video below via CNN:
Giuliani Says the rich asshole Repaid Lawyer For $130,000 Payment To Stormy Daniels
“It’s not campaign money; no campaign finance violation,” the former New York City mayor said.
In a sweeping interview on Fox News Wednesday night, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani said President some rich asshole had repaid his lawyer Michael Cohen for a $130,000 payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels prior to the 2016 presidential election.
“It’s going to turn out to be perfectly legal; that money was not campaign money,” Giuliani, the rich asshole’s new lead attorney regarding issues related to special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation, told Fox News’ Sean Hannity.
“Sorry, I’m giving you a fact now that you don’t know,” Giuliani continued, before saying that the payment was “funneled through a law firm, and then the president repaid it.”
The news directly contradicts the rich asshole’s statements last month that he had no knowledge that Cohen had paid Daniels. Reporters aboard Air Force One had asked whether the rich asshole knew about the payment, to which the president replied: “No.”
“You’ll have to ask Michael Cohen,” the rich asshole said when pressed on the issue. “Michael is my attorney. You’ll have to ask Michael.”
The White House declined to comment to HuffPost.
Hogan Gidley, the deputy White House press secretary, told Fox later on Wednesday that he had “no idea of the topics of the show” before Giuliani’s interview, but then directed all questions to the rich asshole’s outside lawyers.
Cohen is currently under criminal investigation by the Justice Department and FBI agents raided his office, home and hotel room last month, seizing business records and documents, including those related to the payout to Daniels. the rich asshole has moved to distance himself from the attorney, saying last week Cohen only handled a “tiny, tiny little fraction” of his legal work.
During Wednesday’s interview, Giuliani said the rich asshole paid Cohen a retainer of $35,000 “when he was doing no work for the president” and claimed the fund was used for reimbursements. Giuliani later clarified to The New York Times that the payments to the retainer were made monthly from the rich asshole’s personal family account and that Cohen was paid between $460,000 and $470,000 in total, including money for “incidental expenses.”
When Hannity asked if the rich asshole knew about the details of the payments, Giuliani backtracked slightly, saying that the president “didn’t know about the specifics of it, as far as I know.”
“But he did know about the general arrangement that Michael would take care of things like this. I take care of things like this for my clients,” Giuliani said. “I don’t burden them with every single thing that comes along. These are busy people.”
Late Wednesday, Fox News’ John Roberts said Giuliani backtracked even further and claimed that the president didn’t know what the money was for, but was simply told by Cohen to pay for hundreds of thousands of dollars in unnamed “expenses.”
Giuliani’s revelation appeared to take Hannity aback, and just moments after the host went off the air, Fox’s Laura Ingraham questioned the bombshell.
“I love Rudy, but they better have an explanation for that,” she said. “That’s a problem.”

In March, Cohen confirmed that he’d made a payment to Daniels, who alleges she had an affair with the rich asshole, out of his own pocket.
“Neither the rich asshole Organization nor the rich asshole campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford, and neither reimbursed me for the payment, either directly or indirectly,” Cohen told The New York Times in a statement at the time. “The payment to Ms. Clifford was lawful, and was not a campaign contribution or a campaign expenditure by anyone.”
Giuliani’s statements Wednesday also appear to contradict that claim.
Still, shortly after the interview, Giuliani told The Wall Street Journal that the rich asshole’s earlier comments were “not [an] issue.”
“Cohen was his lawyer and had discretion to settle, as I have had for clients ultimately paying for it,” he told the outlet, before noting that the rich asshole was “probably not aware” of the payment.
“I know the public may think the settlement may mean an admission of guilt, but it’s not,” Giuliani told the Washington Post. “People settle things all the time just to get rid of harassment. The amount of money tells me this was a harassment settlement.”

But Daniels’ lawyer, Michael Avenatti, said “every American, regardless of their politics, should be outraged” by the news.
“some rich asshole stood on AF1 and blatantly lied,” he wrote on Twitter. “This followed the lies told by others close to him, including Mr. Cohen. This should never be acceptable in our America.”
Giuliani joined the rich asshole’s legal team last month. John Dowd, the rich asshole’s former top lawyer, resigned in March after repeatedly butting heads with the president over how cooperative he should be with Mueller.
Dowd had urged the rich asshole to reject any sit-down interview but grew increasingly worried that his client would ignore his advice
‘Oh my god’: MSNBC’s Mika cringes in horror after Rudy Giuliani goes back on Fox News and makes another mess

Mika Brzezinski (MSNBC.)
MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski looked away in horror at Rudy Giuliani’s attempt to walk back his stunning admission that President some rich asshole had been lying all along about a hush money payout to porn actress Stormy Daniels.
The former New York City mayor-turned-the rich asshole legal spokesman told Fox News host Sean Hannity that the president had repaid lawyer Michael Cohen for the hush payout, and he went back on “Fox & Friends” the next day to clean up his mess.
“It wasn’t for the campaign,” Giuliani insisted. “It was to save their marriage — not so much their marriage as much as their reputation.”
Brzezinski covered her eyes and cringed at the Fox News video clip.
“Oh, my god,” she said. “I can’t even — I can’t.”
“They’ve got to get him off TV,” co-host Willie Geist said.
the rich asshole and Giuliani both insisted Daniels and her attorney Michael Avenatti were engaged in “extortionist” behavior by making false claims about an affair, and MSNBC analyst Eddie Glaude Jr. said that exposes the president in a defamation suit — and opens up another risk.
“It seems to me that the DVD might just very well be forthcoming and that the defamation suit, the second one, is forthcoming because now he’s on record,” Glaude said.
Geist tried to make sense of Giuliani suddenly blowing up the president’s legal defense.
“Guys, I think what’s going on here,” Geist said. “I think it’s pretty clear after the second Giuliani interview is that the rich asshole and Giuliani got together and they want to send a signal to Michael Cohen that, ‘We’re going to protect you and take care of you,’ so that he doesn’t flip. There is no other rationale for them being on TV going this far admitting to a lie other than say, ‘Michael Cohen knows where all the bodies are buried and if he flips, we’re in big trouble.'”
Jonathan Lemire, the Associated Press White House correspondent, questioned the timing of the rich asshole’s abrupt change in his legal defense.
“Why now?” Lemire said. “Is it because they realize that there is evidence of these payments perhaps seized in these raids that would — what else would trigger suddenly this about face and these revelations that they have decided that making the president a liar — like to say, ‘Yes, he lied about this on Air Force One’ — is a better alternative than what else must be coming down the road.”
Republican strategist Rick Tyler asked if Giuliani, who joined the rich asshole’s legal team last month, had “passed the audition.”
“The president does, that’s the crazy (thing), he put him back on TV after the Hannity performance, and said, ‘Yeah, go back and do it again,'” Geist said.
Sarah Sanders is now refusing to answer questions about why she lied about Stormy Daniels payout

Sarah Huckabee Sanders (Photo: Screen capture)
White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders over the past several months has made multiple false statements about President some rich asshole’s knowledge of whether attorney Michael Cohen paid off adult film star Stormy Daniels.
In the wake of Rudy Giuliani’s bombshell admission that the rich asshole personally reimbursed Cohen for the $131,000 payout to Daniels, reporters on Thursday asked Sanders why she hadn’t told the truth about the deal.
Sanders, however, flatly refused to answer any questions.
“In a gaggle of reporters at the WH just now, Sarah Sanders refused to answer multiple questions about why she and the president made statements about the Daniels case that we now know to be untrue,” reports CNN’s Abby Phillip. “Sanders insisted she couldn’t comment because of ongoing litigation.”
Phillip then quoted Sanders during a press briefing in March in which she said that the rich asshole had absolutely no knowledge of Cohen’s payments to Daniels.
“I’ve had conversations with the president about this,” Sanders said at the time. “There was no knowledge of any payments from the president and he’s denied all of these allegations.”
‘Somebody isn’t telling the truth’: CNN’s Chris Cuomo corners the rich asshole flack over Stormy Daniels lies

CNN's Chris Cuomo interviews the rich asshole flack Michael Caputo (Screen cap).
CNN’s Chris Cuomo nailed the rich asshole campaign flack Michael Caputo on Thursday after he offered a flailing defense of the rich asshole attorney Michael Cohen paying $135,000 to adult film star Stormy Daniels.
Cuomo began his interview with Caputo by noting that the rich asshole White House has changed its story multiple times about the Stormy Daniels payment.
“Somebody isn’t telling the truth to the American people about this Stormy Daniels deal and how it went down — fair statement?” he asked Caputo.
“I don’t know that,” Caputo replied. “I guess this is becoming a pretty sticky wicket. I haven’t talked about pornography so much since my buddy’s bachelor party.”
“But Michael,” Cuomo shot back. “Somebody ain’t telling the truth, my brother. These stories cannot simultaneously be true… you can’t say that it rings true.”
“Well, I didn’t say that it rings true,” Caputo replied
“You said you didn’t know if anybody wasn’t telling the truth!” Cuomo shot back. “Come on!”
Caputo acknowledged that the rich asshole White House had a problem with “mixed messages” and said that “some of those chickens are coming home to roost” now.
Later in the interview, Caputo all but begged President some rich asshole to not do an interview with special counsel Robert Mueller’s team by saying it was “fraught with peril.”
“It’s fraught with peril because there’s an expectation that the president of the United States won’t tell the truth!” Cuomo shot back.
Watch the interview below.
Michael Avenatti smacks whoever wrote the rich asshole’s post-Rudy tweets: ‘That lawyer is also a moron’

Michael Avenatti (MSNBC)
Attorney Michael Avenatti reacted to Rudy Giuliani’s stunning admission that President some rich asshole reimbursed his lawyer Michael Cohen for a hush money payout to a porn actress.
The attorney appeared Thursday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” where he said Giuliani’s comments proved the rich asshole had been lying all along — and he said the president’s follow-up tweets potentially opened new legal troubles for himself.
“Mr. President, you and your advisers and your lawyers need to bring it,” Avenatti said. “Bring it, because you can continue to lie to the American people and we are not going to tolerate it, not today, not tonight and any other day. This is an absolute disgrace what is going on here over the last few months.”
Avenatti said the tweets responding to Giuliani’s interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity were almost certainly written by someone else, and the attorney said those posts might be defamatory.
“If anything thinks some rich asshole wrote those tweets, then they haven’t been paying attention over the last couple years,” Avenatti said. “I don’t know the lawyer that wrote this, but you can tell a lawyer wrote it because all you have to do is count the number of commas in the first tweet.”
“Whoever the lawyer is that wrote this,” he added, “that lawyer is also a moron, because now he or she has subjected the president to yet another potential lawsuit for defamation for what they’ve done. They’ve also undercut a number of other claims that have gone on over the last few months.”
Avenatti said he’s astonished by the unprofessional conduct by the rich asshole’s legal team.
“I have never seen a group of people that cannot shoot straight,” he said. “These folks make the Watergate burglars look competent.”
The attorney said Giuliani’s comments made it much more likely that the rich asshole would be required to sit for a deposition in the Daniels lawsuit.
“I think our case just got exponentially better in the last 24 hours,” Avenatti said. “We knew we were going to be able to prove this, but we didn’t know we would have Rudy Giuliani appear on Sean Hannity and do it for us on a Wednesday night this early on in the case. The importance of this cannot be overstated.”
Giuliani basically confirms the rich asshole made more payoffs to hide scandals
According to Rudy Giuliani, there are 'probably a few other situations that might have been considered campaign expenses' in addition to the Stormy Daniels payment.
America may be on the verge of learning about a slew of the rich asshole payoffs made behind closed doors, based on another slip of the tongue from his lawyer Rudy Giuliani.
While in the midst of admitting that the rich asshole was aware of the six-figure payoff to porn star Stormy Daniels, Giuliani told the Washington Post that the rich asshole reimbursed his personal fixer Michael Cohen for the payout “over a period of time, probably in 2017, probably all paid back by the end of 2017.”
But he then noted that funneling funds to Daniels via Cohen wasn’t the only purpose of their interactions. Giuliani indicated there were “probably a few other situations that might have been considered campaign expenses.”
That statement suggests more shoes are ready to drop, further embarrassing the rich asshole and continuing to raise legal questions about how his campaign funds were used.
A previous interview with David Schwartz, currently serving as Cohen’s personal attorney, hinted at more payoffs to be discovered.
Schwartz told CNN’s Erin Burnett that while working for the rich asshole, the Daniels payoff was not an isolated incident. He explained, “There were a ton of matters that Michael fixed.”
the rich asshole has openly lied about the payoffs to Daniels, and his overarching reputation is to repeatedly lie and mislead about nearly everything under the sun.
What we now known about the pre-election payoffs was not, in fact, volunteered by the rich asshole. Instead we found out via reporting and accidental admissions from his underlings.
The likelihood of other the rich asshole payoff targets is high, and it is already known that his allies who own the National Enquirer tabloid paid off other sources to kill unflattering the rich asshole stories.
The question of who the rich asshole paid off, and why he went to that extreme, is of vital importance. It raises the question of blackmail and outside influence on the presidency and what other skeletons are hiding in his fixer’s closet.
the rich asshole desperately wants Cohen to shut up as he deals with the legal fallout from Cohen’s role in the rich asshole inner circle. Are these the inside stories the rich asshole is angling to hide?
the rich asshole won’t come out and admit to any of it, but everyone is watching as the walls cave in.
George Conway Appears To Shut Down Rudy Giuliani’s Claim About Stormy Daniels Payment
the rich asshole’s attorney says the $130,000 payment didn’t violate campaign finance laws. Kellyanne Conway’s husband seems to suggest otherwise.
George Conway, a high-profile attorney and the husband of White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, on Thursday appeared to once again question claims made by President some rich asshole’s legal team.
Rudy Giuliani, the former New York City mayor who recently joined the rich asshole’s ever-evolving roster of attorneys, revealed Wednesday that the rich asshole had reimbursed his personal lawyer Michael Cohen for the $130,000 payment to Stephanie Clifford, the adult film star who goes by her stage name Stormy Daniels.
Legal experts have argued that Cohen’s hefty payment to Daniels to silence her about her alleged affair with the rich asshole may have violated campaign finance laws since it was meant to quash negative media coverage about the rich asshole in the days leading up to the 2016 election.
Giuliani said Wednesday such a violation never occurred because the rich asshole used his own money to reimburse Cohen. But Conway seemed to suggest otherwise.
Conway’s tweet links to a page on the Federal Election Commission’s website that explains how and when personal gifts and loans to candidates violate campaign finance laws.
According to the passage highlighted in Conway’s tweet:
If any person, including a relative or friend of the candidate, gives or loans the candidate money “for the purpose of influencing any election for federal office,” the funds are not considered personal funds of the candidate even if they are given to the candidate directly. Instead, the gift or loan is considered a contribution from the donor to the campaign, subject to the per-election limit and reportable by the campaign. This is true even if the candidate uses the funds for personal living expenses while campaigning.
Since Cohen loaned the rich asshole the money when he paid Daniels ― even if the rich asshole reimbursed him over time ― campaign finance laws may still have been violated.
Conway also retweeted several posts mocking Giuliani’s admission about the alleged reimbursement, including tweets from Politico’s Emily Stephenson and The Washington Post’s Philip Rucker.
Conway has repeatedly shared tweets critical of the rich asshole to the bewilderment of many political and media pundits. Kellyanne Conway tore into CNN’s Dana Bash last month after the TV host asked about her husband’s the rich asshole-trolling tweets.
“It’s fascinating to me that CNN would go there,” the White House counselor said. “But it’s very good for the whole world to just witness that it’s now fair game how people’s spouses and significant others may differ with them.”
“You just brought him into this,” she continued. “We’re now going to talk about other people’s spouses and significant others just because they either work at the White House or CNN? ... CNN just went there.”
‘This is the kind of stuff Putin does in Russia’: CNN analyst breaks down the latest the rich asshole lies

Alisyn Camerota, Chris Cuomo and David Gregory (CNN/screen grab)
Discussing a recent compilation of President some rich asshole’s documented lies — currently at 3,000 and counting — CNN analyst David Gregory said the stream of untruths coming out of the White House mirrors the way that Russian President Vladimir Putin rules his country.
Speaking with hosts Chris Cuomo and Alisyn Camerota, Gregory and journalist A.B. Stoddard took the rich asshole to task for building his reputation as president on a foundation of falsehoods.
“We watched Sean Spicer at the podium,” Stoddard began. “We know Sarah Sanders has to toe the company line. It may usually turn out to be either slightly untrue or entirely untrue, but that’s her job and she does it well.”
“President the rich asshole has no problem, according to the latest assessment by the Washington Post fact checker — he is up over six untruths a day. Michael Cohen did slip up when he said he facilitated a payment to Stormy Daniels, but this revelation by Mr. Giuliani comes after a poll released yesterday following a similar polling result last month showed that a majority of the public knows, believes that the president paid off Stormy Daniels and that they don’t care. Candidate the rich asshole never paid a price for lying, and he continues to retain a solid base between 35 percent and 40 percent of the country and he just believes he can create his own reality.”
Asked whether the rich asshole is attempting to obstruct special counsel Robert Mueller’s work, Gregory said that the president is running a misinformation campaign that should seem familiar to Kremlin watchers.
“The president says, ‘well, if there was never any crime, how can there be obstruction,'” Gregory explained. “This is the rich asshole’s way. There have been so many provable lies and it should undermine his credibility and he should be held accountable for that."
“I think people who support the president, and those who don’t support the president, you have to have accountability for this,” Gregory added. “This is not what should happen in a democracy. You know, this is the kind of stuff that Putin does in Russia. Whether it’s taking on reporting that’s accurate by calling it ‘fake,’ and basically what’s true is false and what’s false is true and we cannot accept that.”
“So many lies go back to lying about President Obama — him being born in America,” he elaborated. “All of these things build on each other. And now the president is in a different position. He’s in a position where he has to deal with a special prosecutor breathing down his administration’s neck.”
Watch the video below via CNN:
the rich asshole Backs Rudy Giuliani’s Claim That No Campaign Money Went To Stormy Daniels
He said lawyer Michael Cohen was paid a monthly retainer “from which he entered into, through reimbursement, a private contract” with the porn star.
President some rich asshole on Thursday tried to explain Rudy Giuliani’s startling claim that the rich asshole reimbursed personal lawyer Michael Cohen for a $130,000 settlement to silence adult film star Stormy Daniels, who alleges she had an affair with the president.
the rich asshole said in a tweet that Cohen was paid a monthly retainer “not from the campaign and having nothing to do with the campaign, from which he entered into, through reimbursement, a private contract ... known as a non-disclosure agreement.”
He added that the agreement was to “stop the false and extortionist accusations made by her about an affair.”
The president’s tweets appeared to ratify a central claim of Giuliani’s startling statements Wednesday night on Fox News.
“It’s going to turn out to be perfectly legal; that money was not campaign money,” Giuliani, who joined the rich asshole’s legal team last month to handle issues related to special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation, told Fox News’ Sean Hannity Wednesday night in an attempt to argue that the payment wasn’t a campaign finance violation. The payment was “funneled through a law firm, and then the president repaid it.”
“Sorry, I’m giving you a fact now that you don’t know,” Giuliani told Hannity.
He said the president was unaware of the “specifics” of the payments, “but he did know about the general arrangement that Michael would take care of things like this.”
Giuliani told The New York Times after his appearance on Hannity’s show that a monthly $35,000 reimbursement scheme was set up, coming out of a personal the rich asshole family account. the rich asshole ended up paying Cohen $460,000 to $470,000 in total, including funds for “incidental expenses,” he said.
Thursday morning, on “Fox & Friends,” Giuliani seemed to backpedal on his statement that the rich asshole knew about the payments to Cohen.
“He didn’t know the details of this until we knew the details of it, which is a couple weeks ago ― maybe not even a couple weeks, maybe 10 days ago,” Giuliani said of the rich asshole. “Remember when this came up ― October 2016 ... I don’t want to demean anyone, but $135,000 seems like a lot of money. It’s not when you’re putting $100 million into your campaign. It isn’t pocket change, but it’s pretty close to it.”
Giuliani also came to the defense of Cohen, who the rich asshole has held at arm’s length since FBI raids last month seized records from the lawyer.
“I think he was trying to help the family,” Giuliani said of Cohen. “And for that, the man is being treated like some kind of villain. And I think he was just being a good lawyer and a good man.”
Giuliani told the Times that he had discussed what he planned to say on Fox News Wednesday night with the rich asshole before and after the interview.
His interview contradicted the statements of the rich asshole and Cohen. Cohen said in March that he’d paid Daniels out of his own pocket. the rich asshole said he had no knowledge that Cohen had paid Daniels, when asked last month aboard Air Force One.
“You’ll have to ask Michael Cohen,” he said when reporters pressed him. “Michael is my attorney. You’ll have to ask Michael.”
Michael Avenatti, Daniels’ attorney, called Giuliani’s admission a “bombshell” that will undoubtedly bring the president down. the rich asshole, he said in an interview with CNN, could face “potential criminal liability” related to money laundering, campaign finance and fraud violations.
“I said it weeks ago, I’m going to say it again: some rich asshole will not serve out his term,” Avenatti said.
This article has been updated to include Giuliani’s comments Thursday on “Fox & Friends.”
White House in crisis lock down after the rich asshole admits porn star payoff
Before Rudy Giuliani's confessions, Sarah Huckabee Sanders was open about the rich asshole's hush-money payment. Now the White House is refusing to speak to reporters.
The rich asshole White House, and Sarah Huckabee Sanders, is in crisis mode after the rich asshole lawyer Rudy Giuliani admitted on national television that the rich asshole paid off porn star Stormy Daniels to help his presidential campaign.
As reporters gathered around her to get an explanation for the extraordinary pre-election expenditure, press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders went completely mum.
One reporter asked Sanders, “Why did the president say he didn’t know about the payment if he did?” The question was in reference to the rich asshole’s denial on April 5, when he flat-out denied knowing about the payoff while on board Air Force One.
In response, Sanders said, “Mayor Giuliani, as well as the president, have spoken at length about this this morning, and last night. Because of ongoing litigation, I’m not going to comment any further. I don’t have anything else to say.”
ABC’s Jon Karl followed up, asking, “Did you know that the president did not tell the truth when he said that he didn’t know about the payment?”
Sanders returned to her talking points, asserting, “There’s ongoing litigation. I’m not going to be able to comment.”
But she had no such issues earlier in the year. In March, when asked about the payoff, Sanders clearly stated to reporters, “There was no knowledge of any payments.”
The floodgates were opened after Giuliani freely admitted to the rich asshole confidante and Fox News host Sean Hannity that the rich asshole was aware and involved in the payoff process.
the rich asshole “knew the general arrangement” for the deal, which involved his fixer Michael Cohen handing off $130,000 to Stormy Daniels so she would keep quiet about her affair with the rich asshole.
Appearing on “Fox and Friends,” Giuliani appeared to suggest that the timing of the payoff was meant to coincide with the presidential election. He told the sympathetic hosts, “Imagine if that came out October 15th, 2016, in the middle of the last debate with Hillary Clinton.”
Perhaps Giuliani has now admitted to the payoffs and their timing next to the election because he knows Fox News is a safe space for Republicans.
But the admission has blown a hole in the White House’s earlier denials and put Sarah Sanders on the defensive after her blatant lie has now been disproven.
The rich asshole White House is now in bunker mode, hoping this moment passes and that they can get through the episode unscathed. That is unlikely.
Obama Photographer Baits some rich asshole With Jerry Seinfeld Throwback Snap
“Back in the day when a comedian was a welcome intrusion in Washington.”
Pete Souza, the White House photographer under former President Barack Obama, has waded into the controversy over comedian Michelle Wolf’s jokes at the White House Correspondents’ Association dinner with a gag of his own.
The shutterbug baited President some rich asshole over his criticism of Wolf’s jokes with this old snap of Jerry Seinfeld knocking at the Oval Office window:
“Back in the day when a comedian was a welcome intrusion in Washington,” Souza captioned the image.
Souza took the picture in December 2015, when Seinfeld visited the White House to shoot “Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee” with then-President Obama.
Check out the trailer here:
Last week, Souza mocked the rich asshole after the president said he was too busy “to be running out looking for presents” for first lady Melania the rich asshole’s 48th birthday.
‘The Gaul of that man’: France’s Macron laughs off ‘delicious’ faux pas

Emmanuel Macron (Twitter)
French President Emmanuel Macron on Thursday laughed off the global sniggers he prompted after describing the wife of Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull as “delicious”.
The faux pas — “delicieux” in French can also mean “delightful” — caused widespread mirth, with one Sydney tabloid mocking up a nearly full-page photo of Macron with the cartoon head of Pepe le Pew, the lovelorn French skunk
“A newspaper had some fun and it made me laugh a lot, especially since in the original cartoon the character has a French accent,” Macron told reporters shortly before leaving Sydney at the end of a two-day visit.
Macron, who demonstrated his excellent grasp of English during numerous speeches and remarks in Sydney, added that “there is not a European leader who gives all his speeches in English”.
The incident occurred at the end of a joint press conference on Wednesday when Macron turned to Turnbull and said: “Thank you and your delicious wife for the warm welcome”.
At a private dinner later that night with Turnbull and wife Lucy, the hubbub over his remark “had them laughing a lot”, he said
Turnbull also commented on the gaffe, saying his wife “was very flattered” by the youthful French president’s comment.
“She’s asked me to say that she found the president’s compliment as charming as it was memorable,” he said.
“President Macron charmed Australia. He certainly charmed all of us, all the Turnbulls. I think he is a great friend of Australia.”
Some in the Australian media and on Twitter were not so gracious, playing on the French reputation for romantic flair.
“Ooh La La, it’s a French miss,” headlined the main story in the Sydney Daily Telegraph.
The newspaper’s photo-shopped front page bore the headline “President Pepe le Pew”, a reference to the Warner Brothers cartoon character who spends most of his time in luckless pursuit of a female cat.
“You can take the man out of France but…” tweeted Buzzfeed Australia journalist Alice Workman, while another user took a light-hearted jab at “the Gaul of that man”.
Twitter Loses It Over Rudy Giuliani’s Bonkers Fox News Interview About the rich asshole
“Rudy Giuliani never got his hush money.”
Rudy Giuliani, now part of President some rich asshole’s legal team, gave a wild interview to Sean Hannity on Fox News Wednesday night that set Twitter on fire.
The former mayor of New York City admitted that the president repaid attorney Michael Cohen the $130,000 sent to porn star Stormy Daniels as part of a nondisclosure agreement. In addition, Giuliani claimed former FBI director James Comey was fired for refusing to say the rich asshole wasn’t under investigation. Giuliani also said former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton should be in jail and that Comey should be prosecuted.
Twitter had some thoughts:
Rudy Giuliani never got his hush money.
the rich asshole parades religious leaders on day he admits paying off porn star
the rich asshole and many of his evangelical enablers will huddle on Thursday for the National Day of Prayer, in the thick of more scandal surrounding his porn star hush-money payment.
Not only did the rich asshole pay off a porn actress to cover up an affair on the eve of the 2016 election, but he and the White House have lied about it, ferociously, for months.
That’s just one of the revelations following Rudy Giuliani’s train-wreck interview with Fox News Wednesday night, and his repeat performance Thursday morning. Acting as the rich asshole’s attorney, Giuliani conceded the rich asshole and his advisers have been lying without pause about the $130,000 Stormy Daniels hush-money payment for months.
Now, guess who’s coming to the White House for a the rich asshole visit on Thursday? Marking the National Day of Prayer, many of the rich asshole’s religious supporters will be on hand as he signs an executive order “to ensure that the faith-based and community organizations that form the bedrock of our society have strong advocates in the White House and throughout the Federal Government,” according to the White House.
The signing will take place during a Rose Garden ceremony.
Will the encounter be awkward for the players involved? That’s hard to tell. Under normal circumstances, the stench of hypocrisy would be impossible to cover up.
But the fact remains that the rich asshole has shown little concern for his lies and infidelities being exposed.
At the same time, so-called religious leaders from the white evangelical community continue to give the rich asshole a complete pass, suggesting the fact that he paid hush money to cover up an extramarital affair with a porn actress while his wife was pregnant or giving birth to their son is completely irrelevant in terms of judging the rich asshole’s moral compass.
“Evangelicals know they’re not compromising their beliefs in order to support this great president,” Pastor Robert Jeffress told Fox News after the Stormy Daniels story broke earlier this year. “And let’s be clear, evangelicals still believe in the commandment ‘Thou shalt not have sex with a porn star.’ However, whether this president violated that commandment or not is totally irrelevant to our support of him.”
By embracing the rich asshole’s obvious sinful behavior, these evangelical leaders have exposed themselves as partisan political players, and nothing more.
Indeed, leaders from the evangelical community plan to sit down with the rich asshole in June to discuss the Stormy Daniels story. But they’re not interested in the moral and ethical implications. They want to talk politics.
The leaders “will address mounting worries within the evangelical community that the rich asshole’s sex scandals could suppress voter turnout among conservative Christians in the 2018 midterm elections” NPR reported. “Evangelical leaders have decided to put politics over prayer, and now they’re hoping to convince the rest of their movement to join them.”
the rich asshole and his religious enablers will be showing exactly who they are at the White House on Thursday.
Michael Avenatti Stunned By Rudy Interview: ‘No Way, No How’ the rich asshole Finishes His Term Now
Stormy Daniels’ attorney says Giuliani’s admissions will doom the presidency.
Michael Avenatti, attorney for porn star Stormy Daniels, said Rudy Giuliani’s stunning Wednesday night interview on Fox News will doom the presidency of some rich asshole.
Giuliani told Sean Hannity that the rich asshole repaid his personal attorney, Michael Cohen, for the $130,000 sent to Daniels as part of a nondisclosure agreement, something the president has previously denied. Daniels claims the agreement kept her from discussing her alleged affair with the rich asshole.
In response, Avenatti told “CNN Tonight” that the rich asshole could face “potential criminal liability” related to money laundering, campaign finance and fraud violations.
“I said it weeks ago, I’m going to say it again: some rich asshole will not serve out his term,” Avenatti said. “No way. No how. He will be forced to ultimately resign. This is a bombshell.”
Earlier on Wednesday, Avenatti taped an appearance on Stephen Colbert’s “Late Show” where he implied there were more women with similar NDAs involving the rich asshole. Avenatti also produced the receipt for Cohen’s payment to Daniels’ attorneys at the time:
The receipt showed involvement with a bank in California, which Avenatti said would be of interest to Xavier Becerra, the state’s attorney general.
“This document may, in fact, give him jurisdiction over certain criminal acts associated with this payment,” Avenatti said. “And, in fact, if the attorney general of the state of California were to bring charges, President the rich asshole could not pardon Michael Cohen for those charges.”
He did not specify what the “certain criminal acts” could be.
See more of his interview with Don Lemon below.
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