Sarah Sanders snaps over reports Melania is shunning the rich asshole: ‘The first lady lives here at the White House’

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders (Screenshot)
White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Monday vehemently denied reports that First Lady Melania the rich asshole spends little time with her husband, President some rich asshole, in the wake of his alleged affair with adult film star Stormy Daniels.
The Washington Post reported on Monday that “Melania the rich asshole has settled into a quieter routine, often apart from the president, raising their son and carving out a place for herself in a most untraditional White House.”
One reporter noted that the first lady is said to spend nights at her mother’s home instead of the White House.
“Just when you think The Washington Post can’t get things any more wrong, they do,” Sanders quipped at Monday’s White House briefing. “That is an outrageous and ridiculous claim. The first lady lives here at the White House. We see her regularly.
Sanders added: “And I think that’s something that belongs in tabloid gossip, not on the front pages of The Washington Post. And I hope that they’ll do better next time.”
NBC’s Peter Alexander pointed out that Melania the rich asshole was minutes away from announcing the next phase of her campaign against cyberbullying and wondered if the president accepted “responsibility” for his role in adding to the problem.
“This is something that is extremely important to the first lady,” Sanders replies. “I’m not going to get ahead of her announcement.”
Watch the video below from The White House.
‘the rich asshole unleashed a noxious monster’: GOP consultant explains why his party keeps nominating bigots and crooks

From left: Roy Moore, President some rich asshole and Don Blankenship.
The number of Republican Party candidates who either have openly bigoted views — such as failed Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore — or criminal records — such as 2018 GOP hopefuls Don Blankenship of West Virginia or Michael Grimm of New York — seems to have grown since President some rich asshole’s election.
Tim Miller, a Republican consultant who previously worked for Jeb Bush’s failed 2016 presidential campaign, wrote on Twitter Monday that the rich asshole’s successful campaign seems to have convinced GOP primary voters that they should back the most overtly racist or otherwise depraved candidate, regardless of what party leaders tell them to do.
What got Miller going on Monday was the idea floated by some political reporters that Blankenship, the former mining tycoon who was sent to jail in 2016 for his culpability in the deaths of 29 miners who worked for him, would see his West Virginia Senate bid derailed by the rich asshole’s decision to urge his supporters to not back his candidacy.
“People ‘in politics’ think the rich asshole half-heartedly endorsing Strange/dinging Blankenship matter because they have deluded themselves about the rich asshole and the base,” Miller writes. “the rich asshole unleashed a noxious, hateful monster. And the voters who liked it can sniff who his real heir is endorsement or not.”
Miller’s argument is similar to the one made by former GOP operative Liam Donovan, who believes that the rich asshole voters know he doesn’t really object to Blankenship’s candidacy and is only speaking out against it because of what he’s been told by party leaders.
Miller concludes by saying that Blankenship might lose his bid on Tuesday, but he said that it won’t be because of one the rich asshole tweet that gave a listless, non-specific endorsement of Blankenship’s two primary rivals.
Comedian’s hilarious melody attributes the rich asshole’s antics to ‘the love and affection he never received from his own father’

Randy Rainbow sings "Rudy and the Beast" (Photo: Screen capture)
In his latest musical parody, Randy Rainbow remixed his own version of Sean Hannity’s interview with former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani. Singing along to the tune from “Beauty and the Beast,” Randy Rainbow did his own interview he called “Rudy and the Beast.”
In the faux interview, Giuliani explained that the interview comes down to just a few main points:
“What does the president think?” Giuliani said.
“Nothing,” Randy Rainbow replied.
“What does the president feel?” Giuliani listed his second point.
“Nothing,” Rainbow said again.
“What does the president really desire?” Giuliani listed as his third.
“Absolute power resulting in the annihilation of the democracy and the affection of a man he never received from his own father,” Rainbow said, a little on the nose.
“Michael Cohen defense, then on ‘Fox & Friends,’ Rudy spills the tea,” sang Rainbow. “Now the story’s changed. Now his cred’s decreased. Both a bit uncouth, neither tells the truth, Rudy and the beast.”
Watch the full video below:
Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter lists 4 burning questions raised by bombshell report on the rich asshole family’s cash

Washington Post reporter David Fahrenthold (Screen cap).
Washington Post reporter David Fahrenthold last year won the Pulitzer Prize for uncovering President some rich asshole’s virtually nonexistent record of charitable giving — despite the fact that the rich asshole had boasted of giving away millions of dollars to charitable causes.
Now Fahrenthold is taking a deep look at the rich asshole’s personal business dealings, starting with the rich asshole’s decision to buy $400 million worth of real estate via cash-only transactions.
The fact that the rich asshole last decade shifted from buying properties by taking on debt to buying properties with cash raises some red flags, as it’s highly unusual for most top real estate developers to use nothing but cash to acquire new assets.
Writing on Twitter, Fahrenthold on Monday listed four burning questions that we need to have answered about the rich asshole’s sudden switch to all-cash real estate deals — check them all out below.
The New York Times reported this past weekend that longtime the rich asshole attorney Michael Cohen over the past decade had also built himself a real estate empire using cash-only transactions — transactions that Richard K. Gordon, director of the Financial Integrity Institute at Case Western Reserve University’s law school, said should raise red flags over potential money laundering.
Mueller ‘wrapping up’ witness testimony and will conclude with Roger Stone: report

Roger Stone is leading the United States Cannabis Coalition (USCC) to legalize marijuana in America
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is reportedly “wrapping up” the witness testimony phase of his investigation.
Fox Business correspondent Charlie Gasparino reported on Monday that Mueller was expected to conclude witness testimony with the appearance of the rich asshole confidante Roger Stone.
“What we’re hearing from sources close to the probe is that Mueller is wrapping it up,” Gasparino told Fox host Neil Cavuto. “He’s wrapping it up with witness testimony. It looks like the last one or among the last testimony — take [President some rich asshole] out of it because that could get tied up in Supreme Court land and never happen or maybe will happen soon — is Roger Stone, his former political adviser.”
“I spoke with Roger over the weekend, he has told me he has retained counsel,” the Fox Business reporter continued. “He has not been called yet. But from what our sources close to the probe are saying is likely to be among the last of the Mohicans here, the last of the witnesses before Mueller at least wraps up the witness side [of the investigation].”
Gasparino called Stone a “friend” and a “decent guy” who has told him that he did not collude with Russians to help the the rich asshole campaign.
“Roger talks a good game, I can tell you that,” Gasparino said. “He’s a political dirt-digger, right? He’s a tough guy. I’ve never known him to do anything stupid.”
It was not clear from Gasparino’s reporting if Mueller would try to speak to members of the rich asshole’s family like Ivanka the rich asshole or Jared Kushner before concluding the testimony phase of the investigation.
The Wall Street Journal reported on Sunday that Mueller’s investigation was expected to “go dark” in coming months in order not to interfere with the 2018 midterm elections.
Watch the video below from Fox Business.
Fox’s Andrew Napolitano crushes judge who criticized Mueller: His opinion means ‘nothing’

Andrew Napolitano appears on Fox News (screen grab)
Fox News legal analyst Andrew Napolitano on Monday dismissed a federal judge’s criticism of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.
During a Monday Fox News segment, Napolitano reacted to the news that Reagan-appointed District Judge T.S. Ellis accused Mueller of prosecuting former the rich asshole campaign chairman Paul Manafort in an effort to oust President some rich asshole.
According to Napolitano, Ellis’ rant means “nothing” because “it’s just [a] personal opinion.”
“There’s no evidence in the courtroom in front of him to justify that kind of an opinion,” the legal analyst observed. “It drew enormous headlines over the weekend because it’s a political narrative with which the rich asshole and reporters agree.”
“It is probably correct but it is irrelevant to the ruling on the matter,” he added. “The matter was Manafort moves to dismiss the indictment against him on the theory that Mueller doesn’t have the jurisdiction to prosecute me for bank fraud. The judge says, where does the jurisdiction come from? It comes from a letter authorizing it from the appointing authority, [Deputy Attorney General] Rod Rosenstein.”
Napolitano pointed out that even if Ellis rules in favor of Manafort, the case will simply continue under another prosecutor.
“Legally, it’s of no significance,” Napolitano said of Ellis’ remarks. “And Judge Ellis… knows that.”
Watch the video below from Fox News
MSNBC’s Ruhle stunned by bombshell the rich asshole cash report: ‘Where on earth did the money come from?’

MSNBC anchor Stephanie Ruhle
When discussing a bombshell Washington Post report by journalist David Fahrenhold about some rich asshole’s $400 million buying spree, MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle was puzzled by the influx of cash to the self-described “king of debt.”
Eric the rich asshole told the Post that banks were lined up to lend to the the rich asshole Organization during its “buying spree” in which the company paid for 14 properties in full in the decade leading up to the 2016 election. But Ruhle, a finance industry veteran, noted that his claim doesn’t match up to reality.
“Deutsche Bank, where I worked previously, from the institutional side of the bank had lent the the rich asshole Organization money, and the rich asshole came back to them wanting to borrow more money. Again, placing a value of something like $1 billion on the Trump brand name, and they laughed at it,” the host recounted. “He was forced to go to the private bank side.”
“How could Eric the rich asshole possibly say this was a business decision, that everyone wanted to lend them money?” Ruhle mused. “There’s no evidence of that.”
“Where on earth did they get the cash from?” the host asked Fahrenhold, who responded that he and his reporting team only know what the the rich asshole son relayed to them — that they made enough on other business ventures to purchase the properties in cash in spite of reports about the company’s borrowing habits.
Ruhle went on to point out that in 2017, Eric the rich asshole reportedly told a golf reporter that the the rich asshole Organization has no need for American banks because the family-run business gets all the money they need “out of Russia.”
“We’re relying on Eric Trump’s explanation of all of this,” the host said. “This one’s a head scratcher.”
Watch below, via MSNBC:
Former GOP operative reveals depressing truth on why the rich asshole fans may ignore his pleas and elect ex-con coal CEO

A the rich asshole supporter demonstrates in New York City (Shutterstock).
President some rich asshole took an unusual step on Monday and directly told his supporters in West Virginia to not vote for Don Blankenship, the former mining tycoon who was sent to jail in 2016 for his culpability in the deaths of 29 miners who worked for him.
Blankenship, who is running as a Republican for a West Virginia Senate seat, defiantly shot back at the president on Monday morning while claiming to be “Trumpier than the rich asshole” while insisting that he would be able to win a general election despite the fact that his flouting of mine safety laws left him legally liable for the deaths of 29 men in a 2010 mine explosion.
Liam Donovan, a former Republican operative who now writes for the conservative National Review, says that the rich asshole supporters might ignore the president’s advice and vote for Blankenship, just as they voted for Roy Moore in the 2017 Republican primary for the Alabama Senate seat vacated by Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
“Affirmative endorsement would have been stronger, but AL demonstrates that’s no silver bullet either — perhaps worse if it’s unconvincing,” Donovan writes, referring to the rich asshole’s less-than-enthusiastic endorsement of Luther Strange for Alabama Senate in 2017. “the rich asshole supporters have a remarkable ability to discern which of his statements to take seriously. You might love the President, and/but if he does something you don’t agree with, it’s probably because the RINO globalist establishment has duped him. Perfect catch-all disclaimer.”
In other words, writes Donovan, the rich asshole supporters assume that the president only endorses less extreme candidates because he’s been told by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) that these candidates can’t win, not because he really believes they’re bad.
Read Donovan’s full tweet storm below.
‘Dying because of hypocrisy’: Ex-megachurch pastor says the rich asshole-loving evangelicals are digging their own graves

John Pavlovitz (Facebook)
John Pavlovitz, a former megachurch pastor who now serves as pastor of North Raleigh Community Church in North Carolina, took evangelical Christian conservatives to the woodshed over the weekend with a brutal post on his personal website that accused them of digging their own graves by unquestioningly backing President some rich asshole.
At the start of his post, Pavlovitz says that the Christian right in America was slowly killing itself, and he doesn’t shy away from saying why.
“You’re dying because of your hypocrisy,” he writes. “People see the ever-widening chasm between who you say you are and what they regularly experience in your presence. They see the great disparity between the expansive hospitality of Jesus and the narrow prejudice you are so often marked by. They see Christ’s deep affection for the poor, hurting, and marginalized—and both your quiet indifference and open hostility toward them.”
The biggest and most obvious hypocrisy, writes Pavlovitz, is the way that evangelical leaders such as Franklin Graham and Jerry Falwell Jr. have latched onto the rich asshole — a man whom Pavlovitz says embodies none of what Christians should strive for when searching for leaders.
“They’ve listened to you preach incessantly about the immorality of the world, the dangers of greed, the corrupt nature of power, the poison of untruth, the evils of sexual perversion — and watched you willingly align with a President embodying all of these,” he writes. “They see that you are so often the very kind of malevolent ugliness that you forever warned was coming to assail the world.”
Rudy Giuliani is either hopelessly incompetent — or purposefully trying to destroy the rich asshole

Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani of New York speaking at a forum titled “Countering Iran’s Nuclear Terrorist Threats” hosted by the Iranian American Community of Arizona in Phoenix, Arizona. (Gage Skidmore/Flickr)
Last Friday, as President the rich asshole was leaving the White House and then again while he was preparing to board Air Force One, he took a few questions from the gathered media horde. It sure sounded as though he was distancing himself from his new mouthpiece, Rudy Giuliani. after the latter’s wild TV appearances and other media interviews on Wednesday and Thursday. Presumably once the aghast White House staff, the rich asshole’s other attorneys and every TV pundit in the land pointed out what a mistake it all was, the rich asshole abandoned his BFF, claiming that “everybody loves Rudy” but he really didn’t have his facts straight yet because he’d only been on the job for one day. (In reality he had been hired two weeks earlier, but time operates strangely in the the rich asshole administration.)
This article was originally published at Salon
It seemed as though Giuliani might be sidelined the way Anthony Scaramucci was after his disastrous appearances last summer. After all, this is serious business: the rich asshole is in the middle of two separate investigations by two different federal prosecutors. Letting his pal go on TV and stick his foot in his mouth repeatedly is counterproductive. It’s also redundant. The president can do that job very well all by himself.
Apparently the rich asshole was satisfied with Giuliani’s garbled “clarification” and undeterred by the whirlwind, because the former mayor was all over the place this weekend. Even after being chastised for going on TV and announcing that three Americans held from North Korea would be released that day — something the president’s personal attorney has no business knowing, much less talking about in public — on Saturday he gave a speech to a Iranian-American group and told its members that the president is “committed to regime change” in Tehran. Why the president’s attorney is giving foreign policy speeches at all, and whether he has authorization to speak for the president, is unclear. Giuliani desperately wanted to be secretary of state after the rich asshole’s election, and it looks as if he’s decided to take on the role anyway.
Then the man once known as “America’s mayor” appeared on Fox News with Jeanine Pirro, and things got really weird:
Giuliani claimed that he isn’t yet an expert on the facts but is an expert on campaign finance law because he ran for president. He clearly is not. Just ask Kellyanne Conway’s husband, the Martha Mitchell of the the rich asshole administration:
Finally, Giuliani went on “This Week” with George Stephanopoulos and put on a show that will probably be remembered as one of the more bewildering Sunday-morning TV appearances ever. He said he didn’t want the rich asshole to sit down for an interview with special counsel Robert Mueller and that he couldn’t be confident the president would not invoke the Fifth Amendment. “I’ve got a client who wants to testify,” he said. “I hope we get a chance to tell him the risk that he’s taking.” I think he just did.
Stephanopoulos brought up Giuliani’s interview with BuzzFeed last week, in which Giuliani said that Michael Cohen had complained after the election that he hadn’t been paid back for the Stormy Daniels hush money. At some point he told the rich asshole about it, in Giuliani’s account, and they agreed on the $35,000-a-month retainer or reimbursement that was paid personally by the president last year. Stephanopoulos logically followed up on the rich asshole’s Air Force One assertion that he hadn’t known about the payment by asking Giuliani,“So the President did know about this after the campaign?”
Giuliani sputtered, “Can’t say that. At some point, yes, but it could have been recently, it could have been a while back. Those are the facts that we’re still working on and that, you know, may be in a little bit of dispute. This is more rumor than anything else.” (The man could ask his client. He would know.)
Stephanopoulos pointed out that Giuliani had given a pretty clear account of what happened. He replied, “Well, maybe I did. But right now, I’m at the point where I’m learning. And I can’t prove that. I can just say it’s rumored. I can prove it’s rumor. But I can’t prove it’s fact. Maybe we will.” When pressed further, Giuliani responded, “How do you separate fact and opinion? When I state an opinion, I’ll say this is my opinion. When I state a fact, I’ll say this is a fact.”
Later on he provided a completely different story, saying that Cohen and the rich asshole had a longstanding agreement for Cohen to take care of the rich asshole’s apparently endless need to pay out hush money. Giuliani even admitted that there may very well be more such arrangements out there.
Let’s just say, Rudy isn’t helping.
Then the Washington Post published a story on Sunday that raised a lot of eyebrows. It was about the rich asshole’s unexpected turn a few years back, when he went from being known as the “king of debt” in the real estate world to paying for risky properties in cash at a time when borrowed money was cheap. It was also around the same time the rich asshole hired Cohen, whose “shadowy business empire” was profiled this weekend in the New York Times. These people were clearly up to something and that something looks a lot like money laundering, something that’s been suspected for some time. Steve Bannon, as you may recall, apparently said this to Michael Wolff, as quoted in “Fire and Fury”:
You realize where this is going. This is all about money laundering. Mueller chose [senior prosecutor Andrew] Weissmann first and he is a money-laundering guy. Their path to f***ing the rich asshole goes right through Paul Manafort, Don Jr., and Jared Kushner. … It’s as plain as a hair on your face. It goes through Deutsche Bank and all the Kushner shit. The Kushner shit is greasy. They’re going to go right through that. They’re going to roll those . . . guys up and say play me or trade me.
It’s possible that the rich asshole sent out Giuliani to try to keep Cohen in the family, but it looks like the stakes may be much higher than hush money and campaign finance violations, and Rudy now appears completely clueless.
MSNBC’s Donny Deutsch reported that he spoke with Michael Cohen last week and Cohen told him that Giuliani “doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Look, there’s two people that know exactly what happened, myself and the president, and you’ll be hearing my side of the story.” I’m sure the rich asshole is thrilled to hear that.
Don Blankenship goes ballistic after the rich asshole endorses opponent: ‘The president doesn’t know me… I’m Trumpier’

Former Massey Energy CEO Don Blankenship (Ranforest Action Network/Flickr)
West Virginia GOP Senate candidate Don Blankenship on Monday reacted defiantly after President some rich asshole endorsed his primary opponent, West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey.
In a Monday morning tweet, the rich asshole explained that he was endorsing Morrisey because Blankenship is likely to lose the general election.
Blankenship fired back in a statement to NBC’s Ali Vitali.
“The President… doesn’t know me and he doesn’t know how flawed my two main opponents are in this primary,” the candidate opined. “Tomorrow, West Virginia will send the swamp a message—no one, and I mean no one, will tell us how to vote. As some have said, I am Trumpier than the rich asshole and this morning proves it.”
‘This is chilling’: Reporter explains how Israeli intel firm tried to spy on Obama officials to kill Iran deal

Reporter Ronan Farrow appears on CNN (Screen cap).
Reporter Ronan Farrow on Monday appeared on CNN to talk about his latest report in the New Yorker about the Israeli private intelligence firm that aides to President some rich asshole allegedly hired to dig up dirt on supporters of the Iran nuclear deal.
Farrow’s report, which piggybacks off a Guardian report from over the weekend that claimed Israeli intelligence firm Black Cube had been hired by the rich asshole aides to spy on former Obama administration officials who were instrumental in pushing the Iran nuclear deal, shows how agents of the firm assumed false identities to try to trick officials into meeting with them.
“Black Cube agents were instructed to try to find damaging information about them, including unsubstantiated claims that [former Obama administration officials Ben Rhodes and Colin Kahl] had worked closely with Iran lobbyists and were personally enriched through their policy work on Iran (they denied those claims)… and an allegation that one of the individuals targeted by the campaign had an affair,” Farrow reported.
Speaking with CNN’s Alisyn Camerota, Farrow said that the Black Cube agents used aliases in an effort to contact former Obama officials’ wives in an effort to find damaging information about their husbands that could be used to undermine support for the Iran deal.
Among other things, Farrow reported that one agent “told Kahl that her firm was launching an initiative on education and that she wanted to meet to discuss the school that Kahl’s daughter attended.”
“This is chilling stuff,” Camerota said. “When your wife starts getting a call about her kids’ school.”
However, Farrow said he could not confirm that the rich asshole aides had hired Black Cube, which has denied that it had been paid by anyone working at the White House to spy on former Obama officials.
Watch the full interview below.
Steve Schmidt destroys GOP lawmakers for serving the rich asshole over country: ‘There is no oath we take to the president’

Steve Schmidt (MSNBC)
Republican strategist Steve Schmidt hammered GOP senators for their servile behavior to President some rich asshole, who he described as a threat to constitutional democracy.
Schmidt appeared Monday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” where he condemned Republican lawmakers for violating their oaths of office to pledge their loyalty to the president as the special counsel probe moves closer to the White House.
“We’re talking about vanquishing enemies by the president of the United States,” Schmidt said. “The enemies are his fellow Americans which he swore an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
“Americans aren’t just connected to each other in this time,” he continued. “We’re connected to each other through the generations, and we have an obligation to the generations of Americans not yet born to build a stronger country.”
Schmidt said the Constitution was written to protect the U.S. from autocratic rulers — but he said the founders never imagined that congressional representatives would abandon their own responsibilities.
“The founders predicted that one day we would have a President the rich asshole,” he said. “What they could never have imagined is the weakness, the submissiveness of this class of quislings who hold the title United States senator, who are complicit in the degradation of our institutions, who are complicit in the sundering of the nation. We have never seen such weakness, such submissiveness. None of these people will ever have an oil portrait unless there’s extra wall space at the sewage treatment facility on the grounds of the White House.”
He called out individual GOP lawmakers, including House Speaker Paul Ryan, for abdicating their constitutional duties to serve the rich asshole.
“The defense of this country is the most solemn obligation for any person who raises their hand and swears allegiance and fidelity to the Constitution of the United States,” Schmidt said. “There is no oath that we take in this country to the president, there is no oath that we take to a political party.”
“We take an oath to the country,” he continued, “and every one of these Republican members, they are — whether it’s Gates, whether it’s Jordan, Meadows, whether it’s Ryan, whether it’s Nunes — all of these people are literally straight out of the script of this season’s ‘Homeland.’ They are the Sen. Paley character. They have no higher fidelity than obeying, obedience, servility to their leader some rich asshole, someone sundering the country, someone who is degrading our institutions, a former reality TV host that they swear allegiance to him above the constitution of the United States is a scandal for the ages.”
‘It’s called Fighting Back’: the rich asshole previews his defense of obstruction of justice charges

some rich asshole (Shutterstock)
President some rich asshole on Monday previewed a defense he will likely make if he is charged by special counsel Robert Mueller with obstruction of justice.
Writing on Twitter, the president said that he never did anything to obstruct justice, as he said all of his actions were about “fighting back.”
“The Russia Witch Hunt is rapidly losing credibility,” the rich asshole wrote. “House Intelligence Committee found No Collusion, Coordination or anything else with Russia. So now the Probe says OK, what else is there? How about Obstruction for a made up, phony crime.There is no O, it’s called Fighting Back.”
the rich asshole’s declaration that he has already been cleared of colluding with Russia during the 2016 presidential campaign is at best a highly misleading statement. The Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee claimed they found no evidence of collusion, although Democrats on the committee issued a scathing rebuttal showing that their Republican colleagues failed to follow up on multiple leads that could have led to more direct evidence of collusion.
Additionally, Republicans in the Senate have yet to come to the same conclusion as Republicans in the House and special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, which is still less than a year old, has yet to issue anything close to a final report.
Here’s why Senate Republicans are starting to freak out about the 2018 midterm election

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky speaking at CPAC 2011 (Gage Skidmore/Flickr)
Things aren’t looking good for Republicans after over a year with President some rich asshole in the White House and it’s starting to pop up in their television campaign ads.
In Tennessee, the possibility of a win is evaporating rapidly. So, the GOP is trying to woo voters by warning them that the GOP could lose their majority in the Senate and with that would come a battle over Supreme Court judges. While the same argument was made by Democrats in 2016, it wasn’t successful.
National Public Radio spoke with Senate Leadership Fund President and CEO Steven Law, who warned that when Republicans took back the House in 2010, Democrats still managed to hold onto the Senate. The conventional belief is that state-wide districts are more immune to drastic swings that come from national trends. That doesn’t seem to be the case this year, however.
Thus far, the GOP hasn’t been successful in special elections because of the GOP’s own candidates, many who weren’t half as bad as the moral quandaries Alabama’s Roy Moore faced. Now, West Virginia candidate Don Blankenship is running against officials like Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. While they might be tapping into an anti-establishment majority in the GOP, it doesn’t exactly spell success in a general election.
It seems the rich asshole even understands this himself. In a Monday tweet the president outright said Blankenship has no hope.
“To the great people of West Virginia we have, together, a really great chance to keep making a big difference. Problem is, Don Blankenship, currently running for Senate, can’t win the General Election in your State…No way! Remember Alabama. Vote Rep. Jenkins or A.G. Morrisey!” he tweeted.
the rich asshole’s problem is that he tried the same strategy with Roy Moore in Alabama. It failed.
“The political train in the Senate is a lot more favorable for Republicans than it is in all these House districts that were carried by Hillary Clinton…I think we’ve got a lot more terrain to play with that makes the task of defending the Senate majority, I wouldn’t say easy, but a task that we think we can undertake and win,” Law said in an interview with MSNBC’s Chuck Todd.
The wind should be at the backs of the GOP as the general election gifted a favorable electoral map where mostly Democrats will be forced to defend themselves. At the same time Republicans are raising money hand over fist. Still, the vast majority of it will go to defend candidates who can win in a general election. Those candidates aren’t the type to make it through a GOP primary, however.
While fundraising might be better for the GOP over Democrats, NPR argued that the the fundraising numbers aren’t as good as in recent years where Republicans crushed their opposition.
Republicans think that Sens. Joe Donnelly (D-IN) and Claire McCaskill (D-MO) are the two most likely options for the GOP to pick up Democratic seats. The GOP was also overjoyed by the announcement that Gov. Rick Scott would challenge Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL). The billionaire candidate can easily self-fund his campaign and the GOP wouldn’t have to throw their own money into the race, while the Democrat’s comparatively meager wealth is tied up in property, so he can’t use it for campaign funding.
Other seats that once looked like Republicans could take back, aren’t looking as easy. Sens. Joe Manchin (D-WV), Jon Tester (D-MT) and Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) all have their own strong national personalities. While the rich asshole has tried to wage a war against Tester over the Veterans Administration nominee, Republican senators agreed with Tester and making the race about an unqualified nominee to lead the VA at a time when veterans need help probably isn’t the best option for the GOP.
Heitkamp was facing an uphill battle, until the Republican slated to run against her pulled out of the race, sending their party back to the drawing boards. Manchin is the candidate the GOP sees as a possible take-back because the rich asshole won the state by more than 20, however, the Democrat is beloved in a state where he’s worked diligently to keep industry alive. It could serve as a serious contrast if the GOP nominates Blankenship, who went to jail after his company was found responsible for the deaths of coal miners from lax safety precautions.
To make matters worse for the GOP, traditionally competitive states like Ohio and Pennsylvania are no longer within reach as the party struggled to find viable candidates.
“Republicans are airing all this dirty laundry for us, and they’ve been doing it pretty rampantly,” NPR cited one Democratic operative working for several Senate races this cycle.
Morning Joe panel shreds Rudy Giuliani’s timeline for Stormy Daniels payoff: ‘It makes zero sense’

Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough (MSNBC)
Panelists on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” subjected Rudy Giuliani’s claims about President some rich asshole’s porn star payout to narrative scrutiny — and the explanation fell apart.
Co-host Joe Scarborough explained that his own campaigns had logged every single contribution to political activities when he served as a congressman, and he said Giuliani had made the situation worse for the president.
“Let me break this down,” he said. “We always freaked out in my political campaigns about whether we got the exact value of the barbecue that somebody contributed for a fundraiser, and if it was $3,422, we had to go up to them, we had to get the receipts, we had to write it down because that’s called an in-kind contribution. Somebody is doing us a favor, and those are subject to the same limits as cash payments.”
Scarborough said the president and his attorney Michael Cohen would have broken the law if the rich asshole repaid the hush payout to Stormy Daniels, as Giuliani has claimed, and MSNBC analyst John Heilemann agreed the explanation was legally problematic — and the timeline didn’t even make logical sense.
“The alleged affair took place in 2006,” Heilemann said. “Stormy Daniels said she had one sexual encounter with some rich asshole. Okay, so 10 years go by in which according — the story they’re telling is the reason that she was paid off was to save Melania the rich asshole from the pain of hearing about this affair. All right?”
“So for 10 years no money exchanges hands,” he continued. “Now we get to October of 2016, as you point out, it’s a few weeks, couple weeks before the presidential election, but on top of that it’s coming after the ‘Access Hollywood’ tape. What happened is the ‘Access Hollywood’ tape has come out, where we hear some rich asshole talking about grabbing women by the private parts.”
Heilemann said the extramarital relationship with the porn actress would have been just one among many scandals related to the rich asshole’s sexual misconduct that surfaced in the final weeks of the 2016 campaign.
“More than a dozen women have come forward and accused some rich asshole of sexuality assault or sexual harassment,” he said. “At the end of that, Melania the rich asshole heard all those things, after all that, their argument is that then they said, ‘You know what, Melania the rich asshole could hear all those accusations and the marriage was still intact. If she heard about the one time he had sex with a porn star 10 years ago, that would be devastating to her. It makes zero sense.”
Scarborough agreed, and he said the president’s new legal adviser had shredded his legal defense in the Daniels case.
“It makes zero — yeah, absolutely no sense whatsoever,” Scarborough said. “You look at it and look at the timing, there’s just — there is absolutely no explanation other than the fact that they were trying to keep it quiet. Rudy Giuliani, talk about maybe the greatest admission against interests when he was blabbing on TV shows this past week saying, could you imagine Hillary Clinton having that information before the second debate? Bingo.”
Co-host Mika Brzezinski said the former New York City mayor just seemed thrilled to be the center of attention, regardless of the harm he was doing to his client.
“He looks just a little too pleased to be there,” Brzezinski said. “I mean, he’s just like a runaway beer truck.”
‘Remember Alabama’: the rich asshole throws ex-con coal CEO under the bus on eve of GOP primary

President some rich asshole defending Republican nominee Roy Moore.
President some rich asshole threw disgraced coal executive Don Blankenship under the bus in a panicky tweet.
The president ignored his own role in backing Republican candidates like Roy Moore, who lost a U.S. Senate special election over his disgraceful public service record and sexually predatory conduct.
“To the great people of West Virginia we have, together, a really great chance to keep making a big difference,” the rich asshole tweeted. “Problem is, Don Blankenship, currently running for Senate, can’t win the General Election in your State…No way! Remember Alabama. Vote Rep. Jenkins or A.G. Morrisey!”
Blankenship, who spent a year in jail after 29 workers died in an explosion in a mine he operated, is polling ahead of Rep. Evan Jenkins and state Attorney General Patrick Morrisey in Tuesday’s Republican primary.
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