Days 183-187 since Nov 8 2016 election and 113-117 since Jan 20th inauguration of No45
It’s been a rough couple of weeks for No45. 100-day day “achievement” mark came and went with a whimper.
The probe into Russian interference is still going on even AFTER he fired the FBI director at the time, James Comey. You know, the guy who handed him the election with the bogus re-investigation into Hillary’s emails. The FBI office pretty much told him that he “persona non grata” and shouldn’t even bother to visit.
Sally Yates, the temporary AG that was fired for not going along with No45’s unconstitutional Muslim ban, testified before Congress about fired/disgraced Michael Flynn along with James Clapper. No45 attacked them on twitter and gave thinly veiled threats as well. On a side note “Ted “Zodiac Killer” Cruz tried to fumble Yates with a question that had nothing to with the case at hand, attacking her in regards to the Muslim ban, and got his ass handed to him. It burned him so bad, that he left the room right after.

the rich asshole will be having a meeting at NATO on May 25, and officials there are making accommodations for the U.S. president that are a bit unusual and highly embarrassing.
Via Foreign Policy:
“NATO is scrambling to tailor its upcoming meeting to avoid taxing President some rich asshole’s notoriously short attention span. The alliance is telling heads of state to limit talks to two to four minutes at a time during the discussion, several sources inside NATO and former senior U.S. officials said.”
All 28 member countries will be there, including the U.S. They normally organize within the first couple months of a new president’s term but this year’s meeting has been pushed back, putting the alliance on edge.
Previously the rich asshole said that the 68-year-old defensive alliance was “obsolete” but he went back on that rhetoric in April by saying “it’s not longer obsolete.”
“It’s kind of ridiculous how they are preparing to deal with the rich asshole,” said one source briefed extensively on the meeting’s preparations. “It’s like they’re preparing to deal with a child — someone with a short attention span and mood who has no knowledge of NATO, no interest in in-depth policy issues, nothing,” said the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity. “They’re freaking out.”
Even with the shortened summit, Jorge Benitez, a NATO expert, says that the rich asshole still will probably have trouble with it.
“Even a brief NATO summit is way too stiff, too formal, and too policy heavy for the rich asshole. the rich asshole is not going to like that.”
There’s another highly contentious point that is undermining the rich asshole with NATO – he hasn’t even appointed any top posts for Europe, including key Pentagon positions, undersecretaries of state, an assistant secretary of state for Europe, or a new ambassador to NATO. the rich asshole will be going to the meeting unprepared to work with the alliance in this regard. No one is there to manage the day-to-day affairs, and it’s leaving NATO completely in the dark.
“That’s where there’s a ton of panic in NATO,” a source told FP. “The United States put that issue forward, but it has nobody on tap who’s doing any sort of fresh thinking on that front.”
This isn’t the first time the world has heard of the rich asshole’s short attention span.
A classified memo was leaked to Mother Jones several months ago revealing that the rich asshole’s Presidential Daily Brief is being made far shorter than the daily briefing President Obama received – about only a quarter of the length. Apparently, the rich asshole doesn’t want a whole lot of information and prefers to just see bullet points on a topic, even on matters of national security.
Typically the briefing book contains reports on three topics and can range in length – depending on the president’s preferences and how intelligence analyst best think they can get information across to the president. President Obama’s report ranged anywhere from 12 to 14 pages – the rich asshole prefers his to be around three.
The New York Times reported: “while Mr. Obama liked policy options papers that were three to six single-spaced pages, council staff members are now being told to keep papers to a single page, with lots of graphics and maps.”
Even if he didn’t say it directly to the intelligence community, they got his message. Just before becoming president he again reiterated with Axios that he didn’t want things to be more than a page in length.
“I like bullets or I like as little as possible. I don’t need, you know, 200-page reports on something that can be handled on a page. That I can tell you.”
Viral video that suggests the rich asshole has Alzheimer’s has conservative Roger Stone worried

The whispers are growing louder that President some rich asshole may be suffering some sort of mental decline and cognitive impairment — and his longtime pal Roger Stone thinks it’s a conspiracy.
MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough, who has known the president for years, has been suggesting on air that the rich asshole is suffering from mental decline and possibly even dementia.
The “Morning Joe” host and others — including the bloggers Duncan “Atrios” Black and David Pakman — have compared the rich asshole’s recent statements with his past comments, which they’ve cited as evidence the president may be in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease.
Lawmakers have already explored options for removing a president who’s unfit for office, and dozens of top psychiatrists recently warned the rich asshole suffered from a “dangerous mental illness.”
The firing of FBI director James Comey — and his public statements about the dismissal — has some congressional Republicans reportedly worried about the rich asshole’s “frame of mind.”
the rich asshole has a family history of Alzheimer’s disease, and at 70 years old is the oldest president to take office — and a recent analysis found he showed some symptoms of age-related cognitive impairment.
Stone, who has known the president for decades and claims to remain in close contact, told InfoWars founder Alex Jones the concerns about the rich asshole’s mental state were part of a plot to remove him from the White House, reported Mediaite.
“They are going to claim that some rich asshole has Alzheimer’s … and that is the source of his insanity,” Stone told Jones.
The Republican “dirty trickster” told Jones he’d spoken to the president “fairly recently” and found “no evidence” of mental decline.
“This is completely bogus,” he said.
He theorized the rumors were circulated to give Congress the pretext to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove the rich asshole from office.
“They could not beat him at the ballot box,” Stone said. “So now they seek to remove him by claiming that he is insane.”
GOP lawmaker demands classified briefings ‘so that Congress can at least know as much as Russians’

Rep. Barbara Comstock (R-VA) on Tuesday demanded that the rich asshole administration provide Congress with classified briefings about the “highly classified” information the president reportedly gave to Russian officials.
Comstock released a statement on Tuesday following The Washington Post report claiming the rich asshole revealed “code word” intelligence about ISIS to Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak.
“Once again we are faced with inexplicable stories coming from the White House that are highly troubling,” Comstock said in the statement. “We need to have immediate classified briefings on what occurred at this meeting so that Congress can at least know as much as Russian leaders and know the impact on our national security, our allies, and our men and women protecting our country.”
Israel feared the rich asshole would spill their secrets to Russia — and that’s exactly what just happened

Revelations that President some rich asshole gave Russian government officials highly classified information continued to rock Washington on Tuesday, and a New York Times report reveals that the source for the classified information came from Israel.
According to the Times’ sources, “the revelation that some rich asshole boasted about some of Israel’s most sensitive information to the Russians could damage the relationship between the two countries” because it “raises the possibility that the information could be passed to Iran, Russia’s close ally and Israel’s main threat in the Middle East.”
President the rich asshole is considering a “huge reboot” in the White House, and currently contemplating firing everyone from his Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and chief strategist Steven Bannon, to counsel Don McGahn and press secretary Sean Spicer.
the rich asshole is also furious with several of his cabinet members, the inside sources reveal. Some of their jobs aren’t safe, either.
“He’s frustrated, and angry at everyone,” said one person with knowledge of the sitation.
the rich asshole’s not happy with the media coverage he’s been getting since his firing of F.B.I. Director James Comey – and is losing confidence in their ability to do their jobs. He’s becoming distrustful of them, instead preferring to listen to family members and aides he’s known since before his White House days.
the rich asshole is taking the advice of several of these longtime friends and outside advisors, whom he speaks to regularly in late night conversations. They are urging him to take action and think that many of his top aides don’t know how to handle situations, pointing to his dropping approval ratings.
“The advice he’s getting is to go big — that he has nothing to lose,” the confidant said. “The question now is how big and how bold. I’m not sure he knows the answer to that yet.”
He’s isolating several top advisors within his administration.
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson even went on the record and said that he has to earn the rich asshole’s trust “every day.”
If anyone does lose their jobs first, it’s Spicer. the rich asshole was asked in a televised interview if he would keep Spicer and refused to comment, only saying disguisedly that “he’s been here since day one.”
Chris Cuomo says no Republicans were willing to appear on CNN to defend the rich asshole’s firing of Comey

According to CNN’s Chris Cuomo, no one in the Republican leadership would appear Monday morning to defend President some rich asshole’s firing of former FBI director James Comey.
Cuomo cited Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), who asked whether any patriotic Republicans were willing to put country ahead of party.
“It is a pickle the president has put his party in here,” Cuomo noted. “That’s what leadership is about, right? If you choose to ignore, you are in effect, empowering whatever you ignore.”
Commentator David Gregory agreed, but said that he believes it is “demeaning to reduce the conversation and controversy to partisan politics and allowing a conversation to unfold that the Democrats are being hypocrites because they wanted Comey out all along. Come on. Focus on what was done. They made up a reason to get rid of Comey.”
Gregory went on to say that the idea the GOP actually cared about the treatment of Hillary Clinton is not anything anyone actually believes.
“They did it in the middle of the Russia investigation,” Gregory continued. “They tried to get him to pledge loyalty. You know, the rich asshole was thinking, ‘Oh, this guy, Comey, he will feel bad about how he handled Clinton and now he’s going to go after the Russia thing harder.’ And he was mad about the leaks and the rest because the rich asshole walks around the White House thinking Clapper and the intelligence community of the United States is conspiring against his presidency. He is holding the electoral map with all of the red on it showing that he really should be president and that is what is driving President the rich asshole and that part is really sad.”
He went on to say that he believes the GOP leadership is missing something if they don’t tell the rich asshole that he’s endangering everything he claimed he cared about.
“Healthcare legislation? I mean, I’ve talked to people who were in meetings with the president who said he has no understanding of or real care of the health care legislation,” Gregory continued. “Or there could actually be some real compromise. Big sweeping tax reform? Very hard to see if they can’t get a budget passed. And you’ve got Democrats who are very happy to stay on the sidelines.”
Cuomo noted that Republicans could also be afraid. the rich asshole could very easily come after fellow Republicans who don’t support him.
“If you’ve already made your deal with the devil, so to speak, you’re thinking to yourself, ‘If I let this devolve into a food fight, I get nothing,'” commentator David Drucker noted.
REVEALED: the rich asshole divulged classified info to Russian officials during Oval Office visit

Some rich asshole revealed classified information to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador in a closed-door meeting in the Oval Office last week, officials told the Washington Post.
the rich asshole’s meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Ambassador Sergey Kislyak—which drew scrutiny after members of the U.S. press were barred from taking pictures—occurred just one day after the president fired former FBI director James Comey, who was leading the investigation into possible collusion between the rich asshole campaign and Russian operatives.
As the Post reports, the president revealed information obtained from a U.S. ally that exposed an intelligence stream related to the Islamic State. Among the aspects the rich asshole discussed pertained to a specific ISIS plot, as well as the city under ISIS control where the key intelligence ally obtained the information.
“It is all kind of shocking,” a former senior U.S. official told the Post. “the rich asshole seems to be very reckless and doesn’t grasp the gravity of the things he’s dealing with, especially when it comes to intelligence and national security. And it’s all clouded because of this problem he has with Russia.”
“This is code-word information,” another official told the Post, adding the president “revealed more information to the Russian ambassador than we have shared with our own allies.”
the rich asshole’s national security adviser H.R. McMaster denied the rich asshole revealed “sources or methods,” but made no mention of allegation she disclosed classified information.
“At no time were any intelligence sources or methods discussed, and no military operations were disclosed that were not already known publicly,” McMaster said.
the rich asshole whines it’s ‘not possible’ for busy White House to give information ‘with perfect accuracy’

President some rich asshole on Friday issued a tweet that explained the reason his press office keeps throwing up completely contradictory reasons for the firing of former FBI Director James Comey is that they are simply too busy to get accurate information.
“As a very active President with lots of things happening, it is not possible for my surrogates to stand at podium with perfect accuracy!” the president exclaimed on Twitter.
As a very active President with lots of things happening, it is not possible for my surrogates to stand at podium with perfect accuracy!....
the rich asshole then followed up by saying in the future he might cancel all press briefings and simply send out written explanations for his decisions “for the sake of accuracy.”
...Maybe the best thing to do would be to cancel all future "press briefings" and hand out written responses for the sake of accuracy???
On Thursday, the president completely contradicted his own White House’s story for why he fired Comey when he said that he would have axed the former FBI director regardless of any recommendation by the Department of Justice. Previously, the White House insisted that the rich asshole only fired Comey after accepting the recommendation of the DOJ.
White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Thursday admitted that she had been kept in the dark about the rich asshole’s decision to fire Comey regardless of the DOJ recommendation, while at the same time insisting that neither she nor anyone else in the White House press office had been kept in the dark.
‘It’s complete bananas’: FBI agents rushing to complete Russia probe before ‘orange blob’ can kill it

FBI agents are worried the White House will squash the biggest case most of them will ever work on — the investigation of possible ties between the rich asshole campaign and Russia.
The investigation has gained steam in recent weeks as the probe expanded to include disgraced national security adviser Mike Flynn’s work for the Turkish government, and a Virginia grand jury issued subpoenas for related business and financial records, reported The Daily Beast.
Agents gained a new sense of urgency Tuesday when President some rich asshole fired FBI director James Comey, which has sparked fear among investigators that the administration will hamper their efforts.
“It’s complete bananas,” one FBI source told The Daily Beast. “Management in counterintelligence are insanely concerned, worried about the overreaching obstruction and political influence from the White House.”
rich asshole blurted out in an interview Thursday that he fired Comey over the Russia investigation, which he dismissed as “a made-up story” to excuse Hillary Clinton’s election loss.
The bureau’s interim director, Andrew McCabe, told the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday that the investigation would continue — but there are a lot of ways the White House could hobble the investigation.
Administration sources told The Daily Beast that the FBI’s associate deputy director, David Bowdich, could be pushed out after playing an important role in the ongoing investigation that forced Flynn’s resignation.
Bowdich oversees the FBI’s personnel and budgeting, which could slash resources for the Russia probe.
Sources also told the website that the White House could replace administrative employees with oversight of counterintelligence operations, which could also stall the investigation.
“They could slow down the investigations to a crawl, prevent charges from moving forward to DOJ for prosecution, or any other number of ways the White House could subvert these investigations,” said one former FBI official who worked on the Russia probe.
Another former high-ranking FBI official said the threat of getting fired could be enough to keep agents from digging into the rich asshole’s ties to Russia.
“You have to remember, these agents have families they need to support,” the former official said. “The threat of being fired for doing their job is real here.”
Carrie Cordero, a former attorney in the Justice Department’s National Security Division, told the website that Comey’s support mattered
“He gave the agents, the investigators, cover politically,” Cordero said. “He said, ‘You go where the facts take you and I will handle the politics of it, I’ll go brief the Hill, I’ll hold off the White House.’ He’s the lineman in football, keeping everybody away from the guys that are trying to run or make the pass. He provided a cover for them to do what they needed to get done.”
The investigation is being run out of the FBI headquarters, but some aspects are being handled in field offices — which officials said made the probe hard to stop, but it could still be subverted.
“The orange blob in the WH doesn’t care about anyone or anything he can’t control,” said one former high-ranking official. “He’s made that abundantly clear.”
‘The president is not correct’: FBI sources dispute the rich asshole claims about dinner meeting with Comey

Among the many jaw-dropping revelations made by President some rich asshole during an interview with NBC News was his claim that FBI director James Comey asked for a dinner meeting in hopes of keeping his job.
But a current and former FBI official told the network the president’s account was inaccurate.
The sources told NBC News that the White House requested the one-on-one meeting, which took place shortly after the rich asshole’s inauguration in January.
The former senior FBI official said Comey never would have told the rich asshole he was not under investigation, as the president claimed.
“He tried to stay away from it [the Russian investigation],” said the former official, who worked closely with Comey and stays in touch with him. “He would say, ‘Look sir, I really can’t get into it, and you don’t want me to.'”
The current FBI official confirmed that Comey did not request the dinner meeting, and that he reluctantly accepted the invitation.
“The president is not correct,” the former official said. “The White House called him out of the blue. Comey didn’t want to do it. He didn’t even want the rank and file at the FBI to know about it.”
But Comey felt he had little choice in the matter.
“He’s still the commander in chief — he’s your boss,” the former official said. “How do you say no?”
The FBI sources could not confirm a New York Times report that the rich asshole had asked Comey to declare his loyalty, but the former official said he would expect the FBI director to refuse, as the newspaper reported.
They said Comey was a popular and well-regarded director, which contradicts claims by the White House, and they cast doubt on claims by Sarah Huckabee Sanders that multiple FBI employees had told her they were grateful the rich asshole fired him.
“I doubt five people at the FBI even have the [phone] number of the deputy White House press secretary,” the former senior official said.
‘What the actual f*ck is this?’: Internet aghast after the rich asshole publicly threatens his former FBI director

President some rich asshole tweeted up a storm on Friday morning, but the tweet that caused the most controversy was the president’s threat to former FBI Director James Comey, whom the rich asshole had fired merely three days earlier.
“James Comey better hope that there are no ‘tapes’ of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!” the president wrote.
James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!
Twitter reacted with shock and horror to the rich asshole’s threat, and even many conservatives conceded that it’s wrong to threaten your former FBI director who had been investigating your presidential campaign for possible collusion with the Russian government.
A sample of top reactions follows below.
What the actual fuck is this …
Is he implying he broke all kinds of consent & wiretapping laws and that would somehow be bad for Comey? know what it's just insane
He's gonna impeach himself. It's happening.
James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!
@realDonaldTrump Did you just compare yourself to Nixon? Finally! Something we can agree on.
Your reminder that Paul Ryan defends this guy on a regular basis …
@philipaklein Let's not forget that Obama was the real tyrant because his wife wanted my kid to eat a vegetable.
James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!
@realDonaldTrump I'm thinking that pissing off both the press and the FBI is really not a well thought out strategy,
@realDonaldTrump I wonder if he has the pee tapes
James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!
@realDonaldTrump Check with the Russians, they might have recorded it.
James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!
@realDonaldTrump Are you trying to get impeached? This is how you get impeached.
this tweet another possible trump crime: 18 USC 1512, witness intimidation. comey witness 2trump's possible obstruction by demanding loyalty …
Is there a secret WH taping system recording the president's private conversations? Like LBJ & Nixon had? Recall what happened with Nixon's… …
@BraddJaffy Yeah Comey if you leak those tapes Trump might fire you....oh wait
James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!
@realDonaldTrump This will quiet the Nixon comparisons.
No wonder President Loco likes to cozy up to foreign dictators. He seems to think like them, he is above the law. Wrong. This is America. …

Internet brutally mocks the rich asshole lawyers’ claim that he has no Russian income ‘with few exceptions’
The attorneys hired by President some rich asshole this week said that they have reviewed the past 10 years’ worth of his tax returns and have found that he had no income during that time from any Russians “with a few exceptions.”
As the Associated Press reports, the attorneys are claiming that “there is no equity investment by Russians in entities controlled by some rich asshole or debt owed by some rich asshole to Russian lenders,” although they do acknowledge that the rich asshole received “income from the 2013 Miss Universe pageant held in Moscow and a property sold to a Russian billionaire in 2008 for $95 million.”
The hashtag #WithFewExceptions quickly took hold on Twitter, as users mocked the rich asshole’s lawyers for claiming the rich asshole had no “income of any type from Russian sources,” despite the fact that they did acknowledge he did receive money from Russian sources.
Some of the top reactions follow below.
Secretly taping conversations in the White House has always worked in the favor of presidents, with few exceptions. …
Donald Trump’s businesses have never gone bankrupt, with a few exceptions.
Trump won the popular vote #withfewexceptions
My mother had no children. #WithFewExceptions
Fox News is reporting this news correctly, with few exceptions. …
Steven Seagal
Available streaming August 2017
Available streaming August 2017
"I did not have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky, with few exceptions" - Bill Clinton, 1998
Donald Trump won the popular vote of every presidential election he's ever run in, with few exceptions.
"I am not a crook, with few exceptions." -- the updated Richard Nixon.
OJ Simpson did not kill people, with few exceptions.
Trump: my surrogates can't be accurate all the time
Trump's lawyer: no evidence of income from Russia, with few exceptions

Trump's lawyer: no evidence of income from Russia, with few exceptions

Nobody has more respect for women than Trump does,#withfewexceptions
“I am not a crook…with few exceptions.”
@nycjim Titanic provided outstanding transatlantic service, with few exceptions.
FBI tells the rich asshole to cancel visit because he’s ‘unlikely to be greeted warmly’ after Comey debacle

On Thursday after President some rich asshole gave an interview with NBC’s Lester Holt in which he trashed former FBI Director James Comey — calling Comey a “grandstander” and a “showboat” — the White House announced that the rich asshole’s planned visit to FBI Headquarters has been canceled.
MSNBC’s Peter Alexander was doing a live appearance from the White House when news came in on his phone that the president has canceled his visit, which he intended as a goodwill mission in the wake of dismissing Comey.
“The FBI told the White House the optics would not be good,” Alexander said. “FBI officials apparently said the president was unlikely to be greeted warmly after having just unceremoniously fired a very popular director.”
the rich asshole demanded loyalty from FBI director James Comey — ‘Comey demurred’ and then he was fired: NYT

The New York Times reported Thursday night that former FBI director James Comey attended a “very nice dinner” with President some rich asshole. During that dinner, the rich asshole demanded that Comey be loyal to him and Comey objected for ethical reasons. It wasn’t long before Comey was being given his pink slip by the rich asshole.
While the two had dinner the rich asshole “made small talk about the election” and the size of his crowd at his rallies. He then turned to has “the” question that would end with the firing of the FBI director.
Comey reportedly “declined to make that pledge.” Comey told the story to others that he pledged that he would always be honest with the rich asshole but that he was not “‘reliable’ in the conventional political sense.”
The White House has said that this isn’t a correct representation of the conversation and the rich asshole revealed a different conversation in his interview with NBC’s Lester Holt Thursday. Associates contradict the rich asshole, however, saying that Comey’s answer didn’t satisfy the rich asshole. the rich asshole later said that he needed Comey’s loyalty, but Comey again said he couldn’t give it but would pledge “honesty.” the rich asshole pressed Comey asking for “honest loyalty.”
“You will have that,” The New York Times said Comey promised the rich asshole, according to Comey’s associates.
“We don’t believe this to be an accurate account,” deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said. “The integrity of our law enforcement agencies and their leadership is of the utmost importance to President the rich asshole. He would never even suggest the expectation of personal loyalty, only loyalty to our country and its great people.”
REVEALED: the rich asshole demanded Comey’s loyalty one day after Yates informed the White House of Flynn’s FBI interview

It was revealed Thursday evening that President some rich asshole had dinner with former FBI director James Comey in which he demanded “loyalty” but Comey refused.
On the day before that dinner, former acting attorney general Sally Yates met with White House Counsel Don McGahn about retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn. She warned him that the FBI had interviewed Flynn and she believed that he was compromised and could be easily be blackmailed for lying about his interactions with the Russian ambassador.
The next day, the rich asshole reportedly had dinner with Comey and demanded the FBI director’s loyalty.
Just two days later, Jan. 28, Flynn took part in the call between the rich asshole and Russian President Vladimir Putin, despite the warning from Yates that he’d been compromised and the interview by the FBI.
the rich asshole then signed his executive order banning people from coming into the United States from predominantly Muslim countries and Yates refused to uphold the ban. In less than 24 hours, on Jan. 30, Yates was fired by the rich asshole. It was a mere four days after she warned the White House about Flynn and three days after Comey refused his loyalty to the rich asshole.
the rich asshole told NBC’s Lester Holt Thursday that he was going to fire Comey well before deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein wrote a memo against him.
“And in fact, when I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said, ‘you know, this Russia thing with the rich asshole and Russia is a made up story. It’s an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election they could have won,'” the rich asshole told Holt. He is essentially admitted the firing of Comey had to do with Russia after all.
Many have speculated that the claim Comey’s firing was about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her emails was a false excuse. His letter to Comey never mentioned the emails but it did reference the conversations the rich asshole had with Comey over the Russia investigation.
‘God save us all’: The internet is bewildered by the rich asshole’s claim that he coined the phrase ‘priming the pump’
President some rich asshole claimed Thursday that he coined the expression “prime the pump,” a commonly used expression in economics with origins in the 19th century.
“Have you heard that expression used before? Because I haven’t heard it,” the rich asshole told The Economist. “I mean, I just — I came up with it a couple of days ago and I thought it was good. It’s what you have to do.”
The Twitter account for the Merriam-Webster dictionary quickly corrected the president.
'Pump priming' has been used to refer to government investment expenditures since at least 1933.
And many other social media users heaped scorn on the president’s bizarre claim.
If you ever took an Econ class in high school or college, “prime the pump” may be the one thing you remember.
Nichols, Egbert Ray, ed. "Pump Priming Theory of Government Spending." Published in 1939. …
@jaketapper Pretty sure it goes back to the folks who invented the pump. What with the need to prime them and all.
@JoeNBC SERIOUSLY??????? As someone who grew up on the farm I learned how to Prime the pump 55 years ago
@axios @mikeallen Trump invented the phrase "Prime the pump." Well now, doesn't that just "take the cake"?
Once made a Wikipedia page saying I popularized sweater-vests, so I get Trump's claim that he came up with the phrase "prime the pump."
Trump tells Economist that last week he invented phrase “prime the pump”
I just invented phrase “God save us all"
I just invented phrase “God save us all"
Prime the pump? What's next, claiming he invented the question mark, or accusing chestnuts of being lazy?
Trump thinks he invented the term "prime the pump".
Putin may have invented term "prime the chump" tho.
Putin may have invented term "prime the chump" tho.
hey, he came up with it when he was hanging out with andrew jackson and frederick douglass last week, don't hate. …
Not only did Trump not just come up with the age-old term “prime the pump” a couple days ago as he claims—he's used it before in interviews. …
Best part of Trump claiming to have invented "prime the pump" is the "It's..." reaction
9:15 AM - 11 May 2017
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