Days 191-193 since Nov 8 2016 election and days 121-123 since Jan 20th inauguration of No45
Sinkhole Opens Right In Front Of ‘Southern White House’ – Twitter Responds

Just when we thought today could not be more surreal, we stand corrected. A sinkhole opened up in front of Mar-a-Logo, the rich asshole’s self-described “Southern White House.”
Video shows Melania slapping the rich asshole’s hand away as he tries to touch her on tarmac in Israel


Donald and Melania the rich asshole arrive in Israel (screen grab)
Melania the rich asshole appeared to slap her husband’s hand when he reached out to her over the weekend.
Video of the couple arriving at an airport in Israel shows President some rich asshole reaching out to hold his wife’s hand. But Melania, who was apparently not interested in touching her husband at that moment, appears to slap the president’s hand.
Watch the video below.
Regretful the rich asshole voter can’t believe how bad it’s been: ‘He’s embarrassing our country every day’


A woman comes face-to-face with some rich asshole at a rally (Reuters)
While polls show that the vast majority of people who voted for President some rich asshole are happy with their decision so far, the Washington Post managed to track down one the rich asshole voter who has major regrets about her choice.
As part of a series of interviews with voters in North Carolina, the Post talked with a woman named Nancy Stevens who said she and her husband, Raymond Lee Stevens Jr., both supported the rich asshole this past fall.
Although her husband was willing to give the rich asshole more time to make good on his promises to bring jobs back to rural America, Nancy Stevens told the Post that she had already seen enough to render judgement.
“I regret my vote,” she said bluntly. “I don’t know why you don’t see what’s going on. He’s embarrassing our country every day, and making us look weak to the world. He’s spilling secrets. I can’t believe it’s going so badly.”
Despite this, her husband pleaded for patience.
“He needs time,” he said. “It’s only been 100-something days.”
the rich asshole finished his first 100 days with the lowest approval ratings in recent history. According to polling averages at both Pollster and Real Clear Politics, his current approval rating is hovering at around 39%, while his disapproval rating stands at 55%.
Here is what European leaders are saying about the rich asshole’s upcoming visit — and it’s devastating


President some rich asshole speaks during the 136th Coast Guard Academy commencement exercise in New London, Conn., May 17, 2017. (Coast Guard photo by Petty Officer 2nd Class Patrick Kelley)
European governments, preparing for a round of major summits with some rich asshole, are wary.
I spent much of the past week speaking with officials and cabinet ministers in Europe. All they wanted to talk about was the rich asshole.
Here, in summary, are the most frequent remarks I heard from them, and from others in my travels, in rough order of frequency:
1. the rich asshole is unstable, and we’re not going to count on anything he says or commits to.
2. the rich asshole doesn’t support NATO or European integration.
3. the rich asshole is actively encouraging racist nationalists in our country.
4. the rich asshole is allied with Putin to bring Europe down.
5. There’s no doubt the rich asshole worked with Putin to win the U.S. presidential election.
6. If the rich asshole’s polls drop too low, he’ll start a war in order to get Americans to rally around him. (Opinions varied on whether the rich asshole’s war would be with North Korea, Iran, terrorists in Nigeria, or an escalation in Syria, Iraq, or Afghanistan.)
7. How did you Americans come to elect this ego-maniac? (Others called him an infant, moron, ignoramus, fool.)
8. He’s another Berlusconi (or Franco, Mussolini, Salazar, Hitler).
9. We remember fascism. We never thought it would happen in America.
10. The world depends on American leadership. We’re very worried.
My overall impression: Anti-the rich asshole sentiment is even stronger in Europe than it is in the U.S. If the rich asshole expects his European trip to give him a reprieve from his troubles at home, he’s mistaken.
Here are 50 terrible ideas that could become law if the rich asshole is impeached and Pence becomes president


Republican president Mike Pence speaks to supporters at a rally in Chesterfield, Missouri (Shutterstock)
As many Americans ponder the prospect of some rich asshole being removed from office, they should take a deep breath and look at what a President Mike Pence and Republican Congress are likely to do if the disrupter-in-chief is sent packing.
Vice-President Pence, along with House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell are cut from the same far-right cloth of every other Republican presidential candidate in 2016. the rich asshole stood out because he was less of an establishment political animal, but let’s look at what the Republican establishment could actually impose upon America.
It’s worth revisiting the Republican Party platform—its wish list—for what this dismal trio would do. The GOP 2016 platform would make Christianity the official American religion, English the official American language, replace sex education with abstinence-only advice for teenagers, privatize almost all areas of federal services, cut taxes and regulations for the rich and titans of industry and impose a belligerent foreign policy and military build-up.
Here are 50 excerpts from the 2016 GOP platform.
1. Tax cuts for the rich: “Wherever tax rates penalize thrift or discourage investment, they must be lowered. Wherever current provisions of the code are disincentives for economic growth, they must be changed… We propose to level the international playing field by lowering the corporate tax rate to be on a par with, or below, the rates of other industrial nations.”
2. Deregulate the banks: “The Republican vision for American banking calls for establishing transparent, efficient markets where consumers can obtain loans they need at reasonable rates based on market conditions. Unfortunately, in response to the financial institutions crisis of 2008-2009, the Democratic-controlled Congress enacted the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, otherwise known as Dodd-Frank.”
3. Stop consumer protection: “The worst of Dodd-Frank is the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, deliberately designed to be a rogue agency. It answers to neither Congress nor the executive, has its own guaranteed funding outside the appropriations process… If the Bureau is not abolished, it should be subjected to congressional appropriation.”
4. Repeal environmental laws: “We call for a comprehensive review of federal regulations, especially those dealing with the environment, that make it harder and more costly for Americans to rent, buy, or sell homes.”
5. Shrink unions and union labor: “We renew our call for repeal of the Davis-Bacon law, which limits employment and drives up construction and maintenance costs for the benefit of unions… Although unionization has never been permitted in any government agency concerned with national security, the current Administration has reversed that policy for the Transportation Security Administration. We will correct that mistake… We support the right of states to enact Right-to-Work laws and call for a national law to protect the economic liberty of the modern workforce.”
6. Privatize federal railway service: “Amtrak is an extremely expensive railroad for the American taxpayers, who must subsidize every ticket. The federal government should allow private ventures to provide passenger service in the northeast corridor. The same holds true with regard to high-speed and intercity rail across the country. We reaffirm our intention to end federal support for boondoggles like California’s high-speed train to nowhere.”
7. No change in federal minimum wage: “Minimum wage is an issue that should be handled at the state and local level.”
8. Cut government salaries and benefits: “The taxpayers spend an average of $35,000 a year per employee on non-cash benefits, triple the average non-cash compensation of the average worker in the private sector. Federal employees receive extraordinary pension benefits and vacation time wildly out of line with those of the private sector.”
9. Appoint anti-choice Supreme Court justices: “Only a Republican president will appoint judges who respect the rule of law expressed within the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, including the inalienable right to life and the laws of nature and nature’s God, as did the late Justice Antonin Scalia.”
10. Appoint anti-LGBT and anti-Obamacare justices: “Only such appointments will enable courts to begin to reverse the long line of activist decisions — including Roe, Obergefell, and the Obamacare cases—that have usurped Congress’s and states’ lawmaking authority.”
11. Legalize anti-LGBT discrimination: “We endorse the First Amendment Defense Act, Republican legislation in the House and Senate which will bar government discrimination against individuals and businesses for acting on the belief that marriage is the union of one man and one woman.”
12. Make Christianity a national religion: “We support the public display of the Ten Commandments as a reflection of our history and our country’s Judeo-Christian heritage and further affirm the rights of religious students to engage in voluntary prayer at public school events and to have equal access to school facilities.”
13. Loosen campaign finance loopholes and dark money: “Freedom of speech includes the right to devote resources to whatever cause or candidate one supports. We oppose any restrictions or conditions that would discourage citizens from participating in the public square or limit their ability to promote their ideas, such as requiring private organizations to publicly disclose their donors to the government.”
14. Loosen gun controls nationwide: “We support firearm reciprocity legislation to recognize the right of law-abiding Americans to carry firearms to protect themselves and their families in all 50 states. We support constitutional carry statutes and salute the states that have passed them. We oppose ill-conceived laws that would restrict magazine capacity or ban the sale of the most popular and common modern rifle.”
15. Pass an anti-choice constitutional amendment: “We assert the sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental right to life which cannot be infringed. We support a human life amendment to the Constitution and legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protections apply to children before birth.”
16. End federal funding for Planned Parenthood: “We oppose the use of public funds to perform or promote abortion or to fund organizations, like Planned Parenthood, so long as they provide or refer for elective abortions or sell fetal body parts rather than provide healthcare.”
17. Allow states to shut down abortion clinics: “We condemn the Supreme Court’s activist decision in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt striking down commonsense Texas laws providing for basic health and safety standards in abortion clinics.”
18. Oppose stem cell scientific research: “We oppose embryonic stem cell research. We oppose federal funding of embryonic stem cell research. We support adult stem cell research and urge the restoration of the national placental stem cell bank created by President George H.W. Bush but abolished by his Democratic successor, President Bill Clinton. We oppose federal funding for harvesting embryos and call for a ban on human cloning.”
19. Oppose executive branch policy making: “We condemn the current Administration’s unconstitutional expansion into areas beyond those specifically enumerated, including bullying of state and local governments in matters ranging from voter identification (ID) laws to immigration, from healthcare programs to land use decisions, and from forced education curricula to school restroom policies.”
20. Oppose efforts to end the electoral college: “We oppose the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact and any other scheme to abolish or distort the procedures of the Electoral College.”
21. Require citizenship documents to register to vote: “We support legislation to require proof of citizenship when registering to vote and secure photo ID when voting. We strongly oppose litigation against states exercising their sovereign authority to enact such laws.”
22. Ignore undocumented immigrants when drawing congressional districts: “In order to preserve the principle of one person, one vote, we urge our elected representatives to ensure that citizenship, rather than mere residency, be made the basis for the apportionment of representatives among the states.”
23. No labeling of GMO ingredients in food products: “The intrusive and expensive federal mandates on food options and menu labeling should be ended as soon as possible by a Republican Congress. We oppose the mandatory labeling of genetically modified food, which has proven to be safe, healthy, and a literal life-saver for millions in the developing world.”
24. Add work requirements to welfare and cut food stamps: “Nearly all the work requirements for able-bodied adults, instituted by our landmark welfare reform of 1996, have been removed. We will restore those provisions and, to correct a mistake made when the Food Stamp program was first created in 1964, separate the administration of SNAP [Supplemental Nutrition Assistance program] from the Department of Agriculture.”
25. Open America’s shores to more oil and gas drilling: “We support the opening of public lands and the outer continental shelf to exploration and responsible production, even if these resources will not be immediately developed.”
26. Build the Keystone XL Pipeline: “The Keystone Pipeline has become a symbol of everything wrong with the current Administration’s ideological approach. After years of delay, the President killed it to satisfy environmental extremists. We intend to finish that pipeline and others as part of our commitment to North American energy security.”
27. Expand fracking and burying nuclear waste: “A federal judge has struck down the BLM’s rule on hydraulic fracturing and we support upholding this decision. We respect the states’ proven ability to regulate the use of hydraulic fracturing, methane emissions, and horizontal drilling, and we will end the Administration’s disregard of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act with respect to the long-term storage of nuclear waste.”
28. No tax on carbon products: “We oppose any carbon tax… We urge the private sector to focus its resources on the development of carbon capture and sequestration technology still in its early stages here and overseas. ”
29. Ignore global climate change agreements: “The United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is a political mechanism, not an unbiased scientific institution. Its unreliability is reflected in its intolerance toward scientists and others who dissent from its orthodoxy. We will evaluate its recommendations accordingly. We reject the agendas of both the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement, which represent only the personal commitments of their signatories; no such agreement can be binding upon the United States until it is submitted to and ratified by the Senate.”
30. Privatize Medicare, the health plan for seniors: “Impose no changes for persons 55 or older. Give others the option of traditional Medicare or transition to a premium-support model designed to strengthen patient choice, promote cost-saving competition among providers.”
31. Turn Medicaid, the poor’s health plan, over to states: “Moving to a block grant approach would allow for state and local governments to create solutions for individuals and families in desperate need of help in addressing mental illness. We respect the states’ authority and flexibility to exclude abortion providers from federal programs such as Medicaid and other healthcare and family planning programs so long as they continue to perform or refer for elective abortions.”
32. No increasing Social Security benefits by taxing the rich: “As Republicans, we oppose tax increases and believe in the power of markets to create wealth and to help secure the future of our Social Security system.”
33. Repeal Obamacare: “Any honest agenda for improving healthcare must start with repeal of the dishonestly named Affordable Care Act of 2010: Obamacare.”
34. Give internet service providers monopoly control: “The President ordered the chair of the supposedly independent Federal Communications Commission to impose upon the internet rules devised in the 1930s for the telephone monopoly… The internet’s free market needs to be free and open to all ideas and competition without the government or service providers picking winners and losers.”
35. Make English the official U.S. language: “We both encourage the preservation of heritage tongues and support English as the nation’s official language, a unifying force essential for the advancement of immigrant communities and our nation as a whole.”
36. No amnesty for undocumented immigrants: “Illegal immigration endangers everyone, exploits the taxpayers, and insults all who aspire to enter America legally. We oppose any form of amnesty for those who, by breaking the law, have disadvantaged those who have obeyed it.”
37. Build a border wall to keep immigrants out: “Our highest priority, therefore, must be to secure our borders and all ports of entry and to enforce our immigration laws. That is why we support building a wall along our southern border and protecting all ports of entry. The border wall must cover the entirety of the southern border and must be sufficient to stop both vehicular and pedestrian traffic.”
38. Require government verification of citizenship of all workers: “Use of the E-verify program — an internet-based system that verifies the employment authorization and identity of employees—must be made mandatory nationwide. We reaffirm our endorsement of the SAVE program —Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements—to ensure that public funds are not given to persons not legally present in this country.”
39. Penalize cities that give sanctuary to migrants: “Because ‘sanctuary cities’ violate federal law and endanger their own citizens, they should not be eligible for federal funding. Using state licenses to reward people in the country illegally is an affront to the rule of law and must be halted.”
40. Puerto Rico should be a state but not Washington DC: “We support the right of the United States citizens of Puerto Rico to be admitted to the Union as a fully sovereign state… A [D.C.} statehood amendment was soundly rejected by the states when it was last proposed in 1976 and should not be revived.”
41. Support traditional marriage but no other families: “Children raised in a two-parent household tend to be physically and emotionally healthier, more likely to do well in school, less likely to use drugs and alcohol, engage in crime or become pregnant outside of marriage. We oppose policies and laws that create a financial incentive for or encourage cohabitation.”
42. Privatize government services in the name of fighting poverty: “We call for removal of structural impediments which progressives throw in the path of poor people: Over-regulation of start-up enterprises, excessive licensing requirements, needless restrictions on formation of schools and day-care centers serving neighborhood families, and restrictions on providing public services in fields like transport and sanitation.”
43. Require bible study in public schools: “A good understanding of the Bible being indispensable for the development of an educated citizenry, we encourage state legislatures to offer the Bible in a literature curriculum as an elective in America’s high schools.”
44. Replace traditional public schools with privatized options: “We support options for learning, including home-schooling, career and technical education, private or parochial schools, magnet schools, charter schools, online learning, and early-college high schools.”
45. Replace sex education with abstinence-only approaches: “We renew our call for replacing ‘family planning’ programs for teens with sexual risk avoidance education that sets abstinence until marriage as the responsible and respected standard of behavior. That approach— the only one always effective against premarital pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease—empowers teens to achieve optimal health outcomes. We oppose school-based clinics that provide referral or counseling for abortion and contraception and believe that federal funds should not be used in mandatory or universal mental health, psychiatric, or socio-emotional screening programs.”
46. Privatize student loans instead of lowering interest rates: “The federal government should not be in the business of originating student loans. In order to bring down college costs and give students access to a multitude of financing options, private sector participation in student financing should be restored.”
47. Restore the death penalty: “The constitutionality of the death penalty is firmly settled by its explicit mention in the Fifth Amendment. With the murder rate soaring in our great cities, we condemn the Supreme Court’s erosion of the right of the people to enact capital punishment in their states.”
48. Dramatically increase Pentagon budget: “Quite simply, the Republican Party is committed to rebuilding the U.S. military into the strongest on earth, with vast superiority over any other nation or group of nations in the world.”
49. Cancel Iran nuclear treaty and expand nuclear arsenal: “We should abandon arms control treaties that benefit our adversaries without improving our national security. We must fund, develop, and deploy a multi-layered missile defense system. We must modernize nuclear weapons and their delivery platforms.”
50. Reaffirm support for Israel and slam sanctions movement: “We reaffirm America’s commitment to Israel’s security and will ensure that Israel maintains a qualitative military edge over any and all adversaries…We reject the false notion that Israel is an occupier and specifically recognize that the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement (BDS) is anti-Semitic in nature and seeks to destroy Israel. Therefore, we call for effective legislation to thwart actions that are intended to limit commercial relations with Israel, or persons or entities doing business in Israel or in Israeli-controlled territories, in a discriminatory manner.”
Right-wing Christians have some insane theories about why the rich asshole presidency is imploding


The resistance has sparked endless right-wing speculation since the rich asshole took office about who might be behind the movement. But with support for impeachment steadily increasing, many of the president’s die-hard supporters are struggling to explain the chaos that has engulfed Washington. And few are quite as unhinged as the evangelicals in his base.
Here are three of their more insane theories about why the rich asshole White House is imploding.
1. Jim Bakker, televangelist
In an interview with Steve Strang of Charisma News on Thursday, Bakker warned of an assassination attempt against the rich asshole, given that “the apocalypse has already begun.”
“There’s going to be an attempt on our president’s life very soon,” he stated. “The world is marching in the streets against our president, and it is a war.”
“This is the first horse of the apocalypse,” Bakker promised. “The apocalypse has already begun.”
According to Bakker, the rich asshole’s opposition is “the spirit of the Antichrist,” fighting back against God’s miracle: the election of the rich asshole. The strongest indicator of end times for Bakker was the cancellation of ABC’s “Last Man Standing” last week. The show starred Tim Allen, an anomalous the rich asshole supporter in Hollywood. Conservatives have blamed Allen’s political leanings for the show’s cancellation, despite offering no evidence to support their claims.
Although Bakker never watched the show, he insisted it was cancelled because of hatred for the rich asshole.
“This is not a normal spirit. This is not a normal hate. This is that spirit of the first horse of the Apocalypse,” Bakker continued. “It’s the spirit of hatred that’s taking over America.”
2. Rick Joyner, founder MorningStar Ministries
After the Comey memo news broke earlier this week, the Jackson, Mississippi-based pastor took to Facebook to weigh in.
“I think the rich asshole is going to fight,” he predicted. “He’s fighting his own party as much as the other party, he’s fighting in every direction, he’s a fighter, he was made for that… wait and see if he doesn’t prevail.”
Joyner has long attributed the rich asshole’s win to a higher power.
“I believe we have someone even bigger who is setting things up in our country, that it is God himself responding to the prayers of his people, and the rich asshole is being used in an incredible way,” he added.
As for the rich asshole’s detractors in the Republican Party, Joyner remarked, “You can’t really take out your enemies until you see them, and I think it’s being proven with everybody in our Congress, what their true state is.”
3. Lance Wallnau, motivational speaker
Wallnau, author of God’s Chaos Candidate: some rich asshole and the American Unraveling, believes that women marchers are witches and late-night talk show hosts their “evangelists.”
“It doesn’t matter how good the rich asshole is doing in his first 100 days,” he lamented last week, having dubbed the ongoing Russia investigation “the stupidest, most hilarious thing.”
Wallnau’s solution to the resistance? A mass mobilization of the rich asshole voters.
“There’s no grassroots mobilizing five million or 10 million voices or 20 million or 30 million voices, and I promise you, we’re out there,” he bemoaned. “But there’s like a fog that’s got to be pierced over the minds of leaders.”
the rich asshole Blames Overseas Mistakes On ‘Exhaustion’ – Clinton Voters Have A Brutal Reminder For Him
The good news: the rich asshole slowly read through his prepared remarks in front of a room full of world leaders and didn’t throw up on himself or start a war. The bad news: He accidentally slipped in something he deliberately tried not to. Now his aides are saying the president is just really tired.
CNN’s Jim Acosta noticed that the rich asshole deviated from his prepared remarks to say the phrase “Islamic terror.” His advisors had urged him to stick with “Islamist extremism” because it denotes that the groups committing acts of terror are using the religion of Islam but do not represent it. This is a crucial point and one that Middle Eastern leaders, understandably, take very seriously.
Trump's use of term "Islamic terror" during speech deviated from prepared remarks which read "Islamist."
Despite his teams best efforts, the rich asshole botched it, an “oversight” they confessed to reporters.
Asked for clarification, the rich asshole’s staff told Acosta that the rich asshole made the mistake because he’s exhausted. He’s apparently bone-tired – despite this being only his second full day overseas.
In keeping with the rich asshole’s staff’s tradition of treating him like a 4-year-old, the anonymous aide said of the rich asshole: “He’s just an exhausted guy.”
He’s tuckered out.
News that the rich asshole couldn’t handle even two days overseas tickled Hillary Clinton supporters, who had long said that her record-setting amount of travel while working as Secretary of State under Obama made her uniquely qualified to become president.
In 2012, her own staff spoke in awe when describing an insane 27,000 mile 19-day journey they were on as part of a diplomatic trip. Clinton, for her part, joked near the end of it that she could have handled more.
One well-traveled Clinton staffer described the France-Afghanistan-Japan-Mongolia-Vietnam-Laos-Cambodia-Egypt-Israel itinerary as “especially absurd, even for us.”
Despite the mind- and body-numbing time zone hopping, Clinton joked that she was ready for more.
“I appreciate being here, I am only sorry that I have to leave,” she told reporters on her last stop Monday, in Israel.
By comparison, the rich asshole demanded his own trip be cut in half and promptly became “exhausted” on the second day. And you don’t need to take his staff’s word for it. Video taken at the rich asshole’s speech shows a slouching, frowning the rich asshole. At times he seems barely awake.
I mean seriously…

The sick irony is that the rich asshole made much of his ugly presidential campaign about falsely smearing Hillary Clinton as “sickly” and “low energy.” Neither smear was accurate. But like many of the rich asshole’s attacks, one gets the sense that he was projecting his own insecurities onto his opponents.
How would Hillary Clinton have handled her first overseas trip? We’ll never know, but given her history, it’s safe to say she wouldn’t complain of needing a nap at the very start.
‘All hail the New World Orb-er’: Internet loses its collective sh*t over pic of the rich asshole with Saudi orb

some rich asshole and male members of the Saudi royal family place their hands on a glowing orb (
On Sunday, a photo emerged of President some rich asshole with members of the Saudi royal family laying their hands on a glowing white orb. The sinister-looking scene was an update from the rich asshole’s first presidential trip abroad, which some administration boosters hope will serve as a “reset” from the string ofscandals, gaffes and disasters that have plagued the White House since Inauguration Day.
Twitter users marveled over the photo, joking that Alex Jones must be having the meltdown of his life seeing his favorite politician laying hands on a glowing object “in a totally non-Illuminati way.”
Others joked that we’ll now be worshipping the orb as part of the “New World Orb-er.” We at the Raw Story Oh Hell Why Not desk welcome our new round, glowing overlord. The other round, glowing overlord might well be on his way to jail.
just some billionaires gathering in the dark and holding a glowing orb. probably fine
Trump During the Campaign: "I will NEVER touch The Orb, even though its mysterious glow seduces and beguiles."
Trump Today:
Trump Today:
oh you know, a bunch of plutocrats in a darkened room putting their hands on a glowing orb in a totally non-illuminati kind of way
Red hat guy 2016: trump is going to own the globalist cucks!
2017: Trump in shadows holding a glowing power orb with saudi royal family
2017: Trump in shadows holding a glowing power orb with saudi royal family
RIYADH — President Trump announced today that the Orb is his God now, praise to Its Luminescence, O how he longs for the warmth of Ørb
Look, do I agree with the Orb's entire agenda? Of course not. But I do trust that the Orb has humanity's best interests at heart.
Touched another man's orb once. Hey, I was in college.
Nothing beats hands on the glowing orb.
Sure,you're goth, but are you destroy-the
w/ your-psycho-friends-while-you-summon-the power-of-the-last-Dragon-Orb-to-bring-Armageddon goth? …

orb? ... i havent heard that name in years
All hail the orb
we're definitely living in a video game - at some point one of us will have a mission to retrieve this orb …
I switch consciousnesses with the best people. Top guys. Head-dress guy, here. He's great. I'm gonna use the #orb to switch with him. Magic!
Je suis magic orb.
the rich asshole’s Saudi Arabia visit was ‘bizarre, unseemly, unethical and un-American’: WaPo columnist

President some rich asshole in Saudi Arabia (Scree capture)
Washington Post columnist Anne Applebaum blasted President some rich asshole and his administration on Sunday for choosing Saudi Arabia as the destination for the rich asshole’s first international trip as president.
Citing the oil-rich nation’s extensive record of human rights abuses, its all-powerful royal family’s grip on the nation’s finances and its abuse of women — who are forced to cover their faces, not allowed to drive and who must ask a male relative for permission to travel — Applebaum took the rich asshole and his advisers to task on a number of points.
“(H)ere is a list, for the record,” she said, “of just a few of the ways in which President the rich asshole’s trip to Saudi Arabia was bizarre, unseemly, unethical and un-American.”
Saudi Arabia was a rotten first choice, she said, of all the nations in the world the new president could visit.
“The past four American presidents, two Republicans and two Democrats, made their first trips to either Mexico and Canada, countries that are close trading partners, close allies, compatible democracies and of course neighbors,” she said. “the rich asshole chose, instead, to make his first presidential visit to an oligarchic kleptocracy which forces women to hide their faces and forbids them to travel without a male guardian’s permission.”
However desperate the administration might be to distance itself from the ever-expanding Russia investigation and last Friday’s bombshell revelations about the rich asshole’s conduct with a Russian delegation in the Oval Office, making a speech about radical Islam from the heart of Saudi Arabia, Applebaum said, was a blunder.
“Although Saudi Arabia is afraid of some forms of Islamist extremism, it supports others. Saudi Arabia sponsors extremist Wahabi mosques and imams all over the world; Osama bin Laden was a Saudi citizen, as were 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers,” she noted.
She also dinged the administration for its participation in the “sinister” sword dance ritual — given the Saudi government’s practice of beheading criminals — and hammered Ivanka the rich asshole for using the visit as an elaborate “public relations gambit” and an opportunity to line her charitable foundation’s coffers with a $100 million donation from the House of Saud and the government of the United Arab Emirates.
‘Dude, America has been exhausted for months’: White House slammed over the rich asshole ‘exhaustion’ excuse

Pres. some rich asshole (Screen capture)
On Sunday, President some rich asshole slipped up during his reading of a speech on Islam, saying “Islamic” rather than “Islamist,” a minor mistake, seemingly, but one which tars an entire religion with one brush rather than that religion’s extremist fringe.
CNN’s Jim Acosta said on Twitter that the White House admits that the rich asshole misspoke, but blamed the error on a lack of rest, saying that the president is “exhausted” after only two days of travel.
At a briefing with reporters a WH official said POTUS is "exhausted." …
After one day, Donald Trump is exhausted already, smh, what happened to having all the stamina in the world, remember him mocking Hillary?
Trump Is Exhausted After 2 Days Overseas, Which Means He Is Can’t Do The Job Of President
What's he so exhausted from? His first weekend of working while in office? …
Three days into his trip, Trump is "exhausted."
Secretary of State Hillary traveled 956,733 miles - 38.42 times around the globe.
Secretary of State Hillary traveled 956,733 miles - 38.42 times around the globe.
I prefer Presidents who aren't so exhausted after reading off a teleprompter for 30 minutes that they're forced to take a nap
The orb sucked part of trump's life away, that's why he's exhausted
Hillary visited 112 countries as SOS. Never complained.
Trump is "exhausted" in his FIRST country.
Low stamina Donnie? #TrumpinSaudi
Trump is "exhausted" in his FIRST country.
Low stamina Donnie? #TrumpinSaudi
Ivanka just appeared on behalf of Trump because he's "exhausted." We're all working on the assumption he had to decamp to AF1 to poop yeah?
@Acosta Remember when Trump said Clinton didn't have the stamina to be POTUS? Day 2 of his trip? Exhausted.
Alternate World:
Chelsea stands in for Hillary after aides claim Madam President is exhausted. …
Chelsea stands in for Hillary after aides claim Madam President is exhausted.

(maybe he's exhausted enough to die)
‘He’s been neutered’: the rich asshole supporters melt down after president calls Islam ‘one of world’s great faiths’

U.S. President some rich asshole looks on prior to signing financial services executive orders at the Treasury Department in Washington, U.S., April 21, 2017. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque
As President some rich asshole is getting hammered on the left for not using the expression “radical Islamic terrorism” during his speech in Saudi Arabia, he is also taking heat from his avid supporters who were drawn to him due to his anti-Mulsim rhetoric when he is in the U.S.
His crime?
Calling Islam “one of the world’s great faiths.”
That double hit — ducking “Islamic terrorism” while praising the religion — was not received very well on Twitter.
the rich asshole’s latest troubles come following a night when the rich asshole confidante Roger Stone tweeted “This makes me want to puke,” under a picture of the rich asshole bowing before the Saudi king.
See reactions below:
Today is the day Donald Trump became President Cuck.
Too scared to say #RadicalIslamicTerror. Pathetic! #maga@realDonaldTrump
Too scared to say #RadicalIslamicTerror. Pathetic! #maga@realDonaldTrump
"If these three faiths can join together in cooperation, then peace in this world is possible." @POTUS
@SHSanders45 @POTUS Islam is NOT a faith & every non-muslim is in Dar al-Harb "House of War" according to the fascist POLITICAL ideology-Don't get your hopes up
Snip of Trump's speech in KSA.
1) Islam does wage war against every other faith.
2) We can see faith of victims - a lot are "kafir."
1) Islam does wage war against every other faith.
2) We can see faith of victims - a lot are "kafir."
On Saudi trip, Trump using 'violent extremism', not 'Islamic terrorism', bowing to the Saudi king, Rex condemning *Iran*.
What a cuck!
What a cuck!
Trump is delivering this speech like he's been lobotomized is his way of boring the MAGA crowd into ignoring his praise for Islam.
So making a deal with devils, calling Islam "great" & Saudi Arabia "sacred land" is what Trump fans voted for? Guess so, as they heap praise
@trawetsla Trump is the true meaning of an egomaniacal narcissistic power hungry cuck who wants total control
Trump speech in Saudi Arabia today very strong. You'll probably only hear that here. I'll have more starting Monday @ 5:30 on TALK1300-AM
@PaulVandenburgh Why didnt he say Radica Islamic Terrorism? Not once. Says Islam is a great faith - he has been neutered.
Donald Trump in 2016: Muslims is the biggest threat to this country
Donald Trump in 2017: Islam is a great faith
Donald Trump in 2017: Islam is a great faith
@mitchellvii Trump sounds just like a typical Washington cuck. The problem isn't terrorism in general, the problem is Islam in particular.
‘But he got a nice gold medal’: the rich asshole shredded for refusing to say ‘radical Islamic terrorism’ in Saudi speech

some rich asshole speaks to CBS News (screen grab)
Following President some rich asshole’s speech on Islam Sunday morning, the normally bombastic president was hammered for refusing to use the expression “radical Islamic terrorism” — a phrase he previously criticized President Barack Obama for avoiding.
“This is a battle between barbaric criminals who seek to obliterate human life, and decent people of all religions who seek to protect it,” the rich asshole said during the televised speech
Commenters were quick to point out Trumps cowardice in front of his hosts, with one sarcastically noting that at least the rich asshole will come home the “nice gold medal” that he was awarded during a ceremony on Saturday.
In Saudi speech, Trump will condemn "the crisis of Islamist extremism,” which appears to be his new phrase for “radical Islamic terrorism."
That awkward moment when your conman says Islamist Extremism instead of the promised RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM bc you're just that gullible.
If Trump doesn't say the Magic Words "Radical Islamic Terrorism" at least 5 times, he's part of #CreepingSharia.
! Trump says terrorists are "falsely invoking" the name of God (as in Allahu Akbar), says they don't worship God.
Trump is not only not saying "radical Islamic terrorism," he's rejecting the *premise* of the phrase he mocked Obama/Clinton for not using.
@Tombx7M He refused to say radical Islamic terrorism, said Islam is one of the great religions of the world, sounds contradictory and apologetic MAGA
As usual Trump is all tough in America then goes to Saudi Arabia & does not say Radical Islamic terrorism. Will his supporters notice?
Trump bows to Saudis, approved sale of all weapons systems they want and stopped saying "Radical Islamic Terrorism." Got a nice gold medal.
A princess who curtsies in front of the Saudis would never say "Radical Islamic Terrorism", either.
Trump has change his use of "radical Islamic terrorism" to "people who haven't given my daughter money yet"
@realDonaldTrump proves he's a pussy and a liar
Didn't once use the term
he's everything he called Obama & Hillary
Didn't once use the term
he's everything he called Obama & Hillary
Who’s a pretty princess now, b*tches’: Internet ridicules the rich asshole for ‘curtsy’ before Saudi king

President some rich asshole, pre-curtsy -- screenshot
President some rich asshole first trip overseas has — so far –gone seamlessly if one disregards the chaos he left at home with multiple bombshells dropped by the Washington Post and the New York Times regarding White House doings.
However, as the world awaits the rich asshole’s speech on Islam, he was the recipient of a great deal of mockery on Twitter for a half-curtsy he bestowed upon the king of Saudi Arabia.
Quipsters with long memories recalled conservative outrage that was showered upon former President Barack Obama when he bowed to foreign leaders — including the Saudi king — during what conservatives still call his “apology tours.”
The Amateur! First @BarackObama was caught bowing to the Saudi King but now the President of Mexico!
As one Twitter user noted, “Unlike Obama, the rich asshole refuses to debase himself by bowing before a king. Diplomat that he is, he deftly opts instead for a half-curtsy.”
And then it was on:
@JuddLegum @Ez4u2say_Janis Bannon: show him some courtesy
Trump: curtsy?
Bannon: oh, crap whatever #TrumpCurtsy @realDonaldTrump#EpicFail
Trump: curtsy?
Bannon: oh, crap whatever #TrumpCurtsy @realDonaldTrump#EpicFail
Make Macho Asshole Racist Pussy Grabbing Conmen Curtsey Again
You're right.
He didn't bow, HE FUCKING CURTSIED. #TrumpCurtsy …
He didn't bow, HE FUCKING CURTSIED. #TrumpCurtsy …
#TrumpCurtsy Men bow. Women curtsy. Just saying!
Who's a pretty princess now bitches!! …

Who's a pretty princess now bitches!! …
@IanRidge999 @IiiBrackx @aravosis @americablog@realDonaldTrump I saw what I saw , Trump is doing it his way, breaking society's norms again - he curtsied! #TrumpCurtsy
@aravosis @americablog I love how the King partly turns away, then sees weirdo Trump doing the curtsy from the corner of his eye... and gets this "wtf" look. 

had Obama given the Saudi king a dainty little curtsy Michelle Malkin would have written an entire book around it
Watching Trump curtsy, gold medal placed around his neck, his ego stroked. You wonder just how fragile Trump’s ego & psyche are.
If we get mad enough about the curtsy we get to see the proud boys adopt it as their formal greeting.
That moment when conservatives flood internet w/TRUMP BOWS TO NO ONE MEMES & Trump not only bows, but adds a curtsy
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