Days 166-174 since Nov 8th election and days 96-105 since the Jan 20th inauguration of no 45
Mike Pence Attacked On Twitter After Ignorant Comments At Cinco De Mayo Event
May 5, 2017
Vice President Mike Pence embarrassed himself pretty badly on Thursday afternoon when he spoke at a Cinco de Mayo celebration and told the audience that President the rich asshole has “made the Latino community a priority.”
Things got even worse for Pence, though, when he shared a photo from the event on Twitter that was accompanied by a message about the “difference” that Mexican-Americans and Hispanic-Americans are making throughout the country.
‘Economically, culturally, in our churches, towns & cities across our country, Mexican-Americans & Hispanic-Americans are making a difference.’
Economically, culturally, in our churches, towns & cities across our country, Mexican-Americans & Hispanic-Americans are making a difference
Not surprisingly, Pence’s tweet and its caption — an excerpt from his speech — were not well received by his 3.43 million followers. As usual, the angry and exasperated responses to the message far outnumbered the positive ones.
Plenty of people were quick to point out the hypocrisy in Pence, whose boss has proposed several horrendously discriminatory immigration policies, attempting to sound sincere while praising Mexican and Hispanic-Americans.
Economically, culturally, in our churches, towns & cities across our country, Mexican-Americans & Hispanic-Americans are making a difference
@VP Jesus Mike you're deporting fathers, mothers and children how can you say this with integrity? I'm from Muncie, get real man.
@VP Jesus Mike you're deporting fathers, mothers and children how can you say this with integrity? I'm from Muncie, get real man.
@VP My @GOP brought the Berlin Wall down. Ur GOP is building them while abandoning human rights around the world. Enjoy the dustbin of history.
Economically, culturally, in our churches, towns & cities across our country, Mexican-Americans & Hispanic-Americans are making a difference
@VP Seriously, what is wrong with you? Are you trying to get your picture next to the word hypocrite in the dictionary? Get some help, dude.
Economically, culturally, in our churches, towns & cities across our country, Mexican-Americans & Hispanic-Americans are making a difference
Economically, culturally, in our churches, towns & cities across our country, Mexican-Americans & Hispanic-Americans are making a difference
@VP That's why POTUS called them killers & rapist who bring drugs? I'm so completely disgusted. Endless stream of bs & word vomit
Economically, culturally, in our churches, towns & cities across our country, Mexican-Americans & Hispanic-Americans are making a difference
Meanwhile, some commenters called him out over the President’s other troubling policies, including the executive order that he signed on Thursday morning, titled “Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty.”
Economically, culturally, in our churches, towns & cities across our country, Mexican-Americans & Hispanic-Americans are making a difference
@VP Mr. Pence, get religion out of politics. By your actions and words you don't practice what you preach anyway.
Economically, culturally, in our churches, towns & cities across our country, Mexican-Americans & Hispanic-Americans are making a difference
Several others also saw the tweet as an opportunity to share their disgust with the American Health Care Act, which passed in the House of Representatives on Thursday morning.
Economically, culturally, in our churches, towns & cities across our country, Mexican-Americans & Hispanic-Americans are making a difference
@VP "I'm sorry you can't afford your health care… you should have worked harder to be able to afford your $140k medical bills"
Economically, culturally, in our churches, towns & cities across our country, Mexican-Americans & Hispanic-Americans are making a difference
@VP / WWJD? Not what you are doing to the sick , poor and elderly. But you will get yours. Just hope I live long enough to see you fall
Economically, culturally, in our churches, towns & cities across our country, Mexican-Americans & Hispanic-Americans are making a difference
Pence actually found a way to praise the health care bill, which will leave millions of Americans without health insurance, during his address at the Cinco de Mayo event.
After talking about the respect that the rich asshole has for Hispanic Americans, Pence said:
‘Thanks to President some rich asshole, what you saw pass in the House of Representatives today is the beginning of the end of Obamacare. Just a few short hours ago, with strong support in the U.S. House of Representatives, we took an important step to repeal and replace Obamacare, and replace it finally with the kind of healthcare reform that every American deserves.’
He may think he got away with telling the American people that he, President the rich asshole, and the rest of the administration care about the Latino community. However, if he takes a look at the comments on yesterday’s tweet, Pence will find that quite the opposite is actually true.
Why the rich asshole Is Reportedly Planning an Unconstitutional Assault on LGBTQ Rights
On Tuesday, Politico reported that President some rich asshole will sign a long-rumored executive order legalizing discrimination against LGBTQ people under the guise of “religious freedom.” The signing is expected to occur on Thursday as part of the White House’s celebration of the National Day of Prayer. According to one Politico source, the new order is quite similar to the draft that leaked in February. If that’s true, it will constitute the most extreme anti-LGBTQ order ever issued by an executive—one that may well run afoul of the Constitution.
Presuming Thursday’s order is substantially similar to February’s leak, it will serve one primary purpose: Allowing federal employees and contractors to discriminate against LGBTQ people with impunity. The order echoes the First Amendment Defense Act andMississippi’s HB 1523 in selecting a handful of religious beliefs to privilege above all others. These beliefs align neatly with the political views of conservative evangelical Christians. They are:
[T]he belief that marriage is or should be recognized as the union of one man and one woman, sexual relations are properly reserved for such a marriage, male and female and their equivalents refer to an individual’s immutable biological sex as objectively determined by anatomy, physiology, or genetics at or before birth, and that human life begins at conception and merits protection at all stages of life.
Although the order’s main target is obviously LGBTQ people, it sweeps in several other groups, including anyone who has sex outside of marriage and women who’ve had an abortion. The order declares that no federal worker or contractor who holds these preferred beliefs may be punished for acting upon them. Thus, a homophobic government employee could refuse to process a same-sex couple’s tax returns or Social Security benefits; federally funded religious charities could refuse to serve transgender people or women who’ve had abortions; and government contractors could fire all LGBTQ employees, as well as any workers who’ve had sex outside of marriage. Meanwhile, a homeless shelter or drug treatment program that receives federal funding could reject LGBTQ people at the door, citing religious beliefs.
the rich asshole, then, seems poised to reverse President Barack Obama’sexecutive order barring government contractors from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity—a rule he has already undermined. His new order would also subvert longstanding prohibitions against sex discrimination in the federal government. But it goes farther than that: The leaked draft explicitly permits “federally-funded child-welfare services,” including foster care and adoption agencies, to turn away same-sex couples. Under the order, taxpayer-funded adoption agencies could refuse to place children with queer or trans parents. These agencies could even decline to refer these parents to an agency that will serve them. The order essentially picks winners and losers—and nobody loses more than LGBTQ families.
Is any of this constitutional? Probably not, and civil rights groups are already preparing to sue. Mississippi’s HB 1523 attempted a similar trick, legalizing anti-LGBTQ discrimination in all walks of life. (Unlike the executive order, HB 1523 allowed discrimination in public accommodations like bakeries and funeral homes; Congress could follow up this order with FADA, a similar piece of legislation that would apply nationally.) But U.S. District Judge Carlton Reevesblocked the law, holding that it infringes upon the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause and dishonors America’s “tradition of religious freedom.” (An appeals court is currently reviewing that ruling.)
As Joshua Matz explains in Take Care—echoing Reeves’ decision—that was the right call: HB 1523 violates cardinal rules of the Establishment Clause by endorsing certain religious beliefs, providing special rights to those who hold such beliefs, and burdening individuals who don’t share those beliefs. By promoting religion in a manner that limits others’ rights, HB 1523 likely runs afoul of the First Amendment.
If the rich asshole’s executive order looks anything like the February draft, it will pose the same constitutional problems as HB 1523. But it isn’t clear that the courts will agree with Reeves that these laws pose an unconstitutional threat to genuine religious liberty. In the past, the Supreme Court has struck down, on Establishment Clause grounds, laws that prefer one religion over another andburden third parties by granting extra rights to believers. Today, however, the court’s conservatives are no longer bothered by religious accommodations that harm non-believers or religious endorsement by the government.
If Justice Anthony Kennedy steps down soon—as “friends and associates” say he may, according to CNN—the court will contain five conservatives who oppose LGBTQ rights and favor religious supremacy. And even if Kennedy remains on the bench, his wobbly Establishment Clause jurisprudence provides no guarantee that he will vote against the rich asshole’s order. Kennedy might defend gay rights, but he also sometimes backs state promotion of religion.
Two final points about the rich asshole’s impending order. First, as Michelangelo Signorile notes in the Huffington Post, the timing is no coincidence: the rich asshole’s approval ratings continue to tank, and he failed to score any major legislative achievements in his first 100 days. To retain his grasp on power, the rich asshole must continue to galvanize his base, which includes a huge number of evangelical Christians. These voters demand a victory, and the rich asshole wants to give them one; this executive order is probably the lowest hanging fruit. By signing it, he can rally his core supporters while placating the conservative Christians in Congress and his own inner circle. (Vice President Mike Pence is allegedly the driving force behind the order, which builds upon the “religious freedom” bill that he notoriously signed as Indiana governor.)
Of course, not everyone in the rich asshole’s circle is an anti-gay culture warrior—which brings me to my second point: If the rich asshole follows through with this order, he will have undone Jared Kushner and Ivanka the rich asshole’s lone liberal achievement. Jared and Ivanka were lauded as moderating influence in February when rumors (perhaps emanating from the pair themselves) emerged that they had stopped the president from signing the anti-LGBTQ order.
Ever since, centrists and progressives have hoped that the duo would prevent the rich asshole from launching an all-out assault on LGBTQ rights and abortion access. That optimism seems to have been a pipe dream. the rich asshole badly needs a win right now. And if he signs this order, it indicates that he will not hesitate to throw LGBTQ people under the bus in his quest for admiration from the most bigoted pockets of his base.
No, Trumpsters, One Colbert Joke Is Not an O’Reilly Equivalent
The president’s loyalists—who didn’t mind racist and sexist remarks, or making fun of a disabled person—want Colbert fired. Give me a break.
05.03.17 12:30 PM ET
Stephen Colbert has done it now. He has triggered an army of some rich asshole supporters outraged by one of the late night comic’s jokes about their beloved leader. In fact, these the rich asshole snowflakes are in such a tizzy over Colbert’s politically incorrect joke they now want to silence Colbert by demanding he be fired.
This controversy exploded late Tuesday when, in between articles demonizing immigrants and Muslims, published an article to whine about Colbert’s joke that sent Trumpers looking for a safe space. So what was this horrific joke that mandates Colbert be silenced in the eyes of Trumpers?
Well it was part of a block of jokes where Colbert quipped: “Sir, you attract more skinheads than free Rogaine. You have more people marching against you than cancer. You talk like a sign-language gorilla that got hit in the head.” And then the line that cause Trumpers to freak out: “In fact, the only thing your mouth is good for is being Vladimir Putin’s cock holster.”
And cue the outrage. Come Tuesday night the number one topic trending on Twitter was #FireColbert. And the tweets there offered up the biggest display of hypocrisy since the last time the rich asshole opened up his mouth.
This Colbert joke was the bridge too far for Trumpers. Sure, they were on board when during the campaign the rich asshole mocked a disabled reporter. And when the rich asshole demonized Mexican immigrants as “rapists” and stoked hate versus Muslims by saying “Islam hates us.” Many of them defended the rich asshole’s bragging about grabbing women by the genitals as“locker room talk.” And Trumpers literally cheered at his campaign rally in October when he called the courageous women who came forward to report that the rich asshole had sexually assaulted them “horrible liars”.
But Colbert’s joke was the thing that upset their delicate sensibilities. So Trumpers took to twitter to call for Colbert to be silenced. There was@RedPillDropper who brags about not being “politically correct” in between tweets about #Whitegenocide and why can’t the person be openly anti-Semitic. This person’s tweet read: “We have to do to Colbert what the left did to O'Reilly watch + #FireColbert now heres a list of all CBS advertisers...”
And then there was “Hispanics for the rich asshole” with the tweet, “O'Reilly lost his job at Fox News over accusations and @CBS allows Stephen Colbert to continue after his remarks? Unbelievable! #FireColbert” (That tweet had nearly 750 likes as of the writing of this article.)
In fact, equating Colbert’s one joke with Bill O’Reilly’s years of sexually harassing women was a common point made by the rich asshole supporters. That truly says so much about the mindset of some on the right. (And just to be clear, Bill O’Reilly was fired for allegations of sexually harassing women, not for his political views.)
Then there were the rich asshole supporters who claimed Colbert’s joke was “homophobic” and they wanted us to believe they were outraged because they so care about the LGBT community. For example, this gem from @rottenronnie: “if @billoreilly was let go for accusations then @StephenAtHome should be fired for his homophobic statements!”
You see, the very same the rich asshole supporters who were ecstatic that come Thursday, the rich asshole was expected to sign an executive order on “religious liberty” that will allow them to discriminate against the LGBT community, now suddenly cares about that community. Hard to believe when the rich asshole opposes marriage equality and his VP Mike Pence has a long history of stoking hate versus the LGBT community, despicably even opposing laws that would prohibit discrimination against gays in the workplace.
Fox News’ Britt Hume even chimed in on the Colbert joke, which takes guts considering my review of his Twitter feed found zero tweets from him denouncing Bill O’Reilly for sexual harassment. Instead he had retweeted a defense of O’Reilly a few weeks ago: “Look at coordinated campaign. Outrage when useful, silence when not (e.g. Clinton). Bill O'Reilly out at Fox News.”
But Tuesday night Hume was up in arms over Colbert, tweeting, “Will there be consequences for Stephen Colbert's obscene attack on the president last night, or even any comment from CBS?” And a short time later the Fox News anchor tweeted that Rosie O’Donnell was a “sewermouth” for her defense of Colbert’s joke. Nothing like defending the rich asshole by calling women names because you don’t like what they say. the rich asshole will be so proud of Hume.
Of course, all of this comes in the shadow of the Ann Coulter controversy her speaking at UC Berkley. As a progressive, I publicly defended on CNN Coulter’s right to speak at that school. I have even defended the right of the Klan and anti-Muslim bigots to spew their hate. That is what freedom of speech is about.
And those who truly view Colbert’s joke as offensive they have every right to express their views. There were some progressives who did view the joke as homophobic—although other members of the LGBT community made it clear they disagreed. But none on the left I have seen have called for Colbert to be fired. The answer to speech you don’t like is more speech, not silencing views we disagree with. I have long criticized Bill Maher’s views on Muslims but I have never called for him to be fired.
But deep down we know that the rich asshole wants to silence critics, be they in the media, with his claims that they are “fake news,” or even comedy shows, as we saw in October when he called for Saturday Night Live to becancelled for mocking of him. And just this week we learned from the rich asshole’s chief of staff that they had discussed changing the libel laws to make it easier to sue media outlets that are critical of the rich asshole. Clearly the rich asshole’s goal, consistent with the dictator he truly aspires to be, is to silence his critics.
Now I fear that an increasing number of the rich asshole’s fans are infected with the rich asshole’s views that those who criticize the rich asshole should be silenced. And as opposed to Colbert’s monologue, this is not a joke.

JUST IN: President the rich asshole Cancels W.H. Cinco De Mayo Celebration Because Mexico
May 3, 2017
The rich asshole administration is reportedly cancelling the annual White House Cinco de Mayo celebration — because of course they are.
Seriously, what else would you expect from a guy who literally founded his presidential bid on a promise to rid the United States of the supposedly crime prone populations of Mexican immigrants who are “stealing American jobs”?
The news about the cancellation of the White House Cinco de Mayo observance hasn’t come from the White House; rather; it’s come from a Spanish language newspaper called La Opinion.
‘President the rich asshole is doing away with the White House Cinco de Mayo celebration, a 16-year-old tradition, Spanish-language newspaper La Opinion reported Wednesday. Instead of a White House celebration this year, one headlined by Vice President Pence will be held at a to-be-determined location and with a reduced guest list, the report said.’
Seeing as there is still, allegedly, an “official” Cinco de Mayo celebration to take place, the reasoning behind moving it out of the White House and not involving the rich asshole likely is that it’s a waste of time to the one-track presidential administration currently occupying the White House.
After all, the rich asshole administration has thought nothing of proposing cuts to such basic programs as the federal agency that provides support to the nation’s library system. Although the money saved from cancelling the Cinco de Mayo celebration is likely negligible, it is (obviously) not beyond the rich asshole administration to just cancel the official observance altogether.
The White House has neither responded to requests for comment on the report from La Opinion nor produced any public announcement about a planned Cinco de Mayo observance.
Ironically enough, the rich asshole already has a rather testy relationship with the holiday, having posted a ridiculously over the top tweet on May 5 last year.
The tweet features a photo of the rich asshole eating a taco bowl with the caption, “Happy#CincoDeMayo! The best taco bowls are made in the rich asshole Tower Grill. I love Hispanics!”
Check out the atrociousness below.
Happy #CincoDeMayo! The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill. I love Hispanics! …
President Obama’s last Cinco de Mayo in the White House was observed with a party of 500 guests and a performance from the Mexican rock band Maná.
Cinco de Mayo is a holiday that’s been taken on by Hispanics living in the United States as a time to celebrate their heritage. It is the anniversary of the Mexican Army’s 1862 triumph over invading French forces.
the rich asshole Keeps Proving He Is Unfit For The Oval Office

There will be no pivot. some rich asshole will never be ‘presidential.’
As the 70-year-old reality TV star in the Oval Office gets older, his mental capacity and ability to cope with the pressures of the job will only get worse. This and his obsession with ‘winning’ no matter how unpopular his moves are is a recipe for disaster for both the rich asshole and the Republican Party.
On Monday, the rich asshole showed the world how little he knows about the history of the country he leads. His comments on Andrew Jackson and the Civil War were stunning.
He (the rich asshole) made the puzzling claim that Jackson “was really angry that he saw what was happening in regard to the Civil War.” But Jackson died in 1845, and the Civil War didn’t begin until 16 years later, in 1861.
the rich asshole then said, “People don’t ask the question, but why was there the Civil War?”
Did this statement mean that the rich asshole saw no problem with white people owning black people? Or does he really not know that the Civil War was fought to end slavery?
the rich asshole’s attacks on the constitutional right of free speech and freedom of the press seem to mesh with his public admiration for foreign dictators. Does this mean he’s jealous because America doesn’t have state-controlled media that is only allowed to shower praise on their supreme leader?
The administration believes that free speech protections need to be changed and is actively working on the problem. White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer also said the administration is looking into ways to change libel laws.
Does this mean that the rich asshole is looking to amend the constitution andeliminate the First Amendment? Because his ego is so huge he’s willing to destroy the cornerstone of American democracy to avoid criticism?

As if all that wasn’t bad enough, the rich asshole appears to not know what is in the health care reform bill he’s eager to thrust on the electorate.
Watching this man campaign, and now attempt to govern is pathetic. Take away the trappings of the office and you’re left with an old man who is confused, undisciplined, reckless, insulting, unable to stay focused, and by just about all accounts, more interested in feeding his own ego and bank account than in serving the nation he was elected to serve.
Conservative Jennifer Rubin writes in the Washington Post, “Is the rich asshole nuts, ill-informed or a liar — or all three?”
Considering all the things that have come out of the rich asshole’s mouth, his tweets, and his authoritarian tendencies, ‘all three’ doesn’t seem like enough.
some rich asshole: Our country needs a good ‘shutdown’

President some rich asshole on Tuesday said Republicans should make it easier for the Senate to pass legislation, either by allowing bills to be approved by a simple majority vote or by winning a wider majority in the 2018 congressional election.
“The reason for the plan negotiated between the Republicans and Democrats is that we need 60 votes in the Senate which are not there! We either elect more Republican Senators in 2018 or change the rules now to 51%. Our country needs a good ‘shutdown’ in September to fix mess!” he wrote on Twitter.
(Reporting by Susan Heavey; Editing by Chizu Nomiyama)
New York girds itself for the rich asshole’s first visit as president

New York is bracing for President some rich asshole’s first trip back to his hometown since taking office in January in a Thursday visit that is expected to draw protests and snarl traffic in the United States’ most populous city.
The trip could mark a repeat of the chaotic 2-1/2 months between the real estate developer’s Nov. 8 election and Jan. 20 swearing-in, when crowds of protesters and admirers flocked outside his home in the gold-metal-clad Fifth Avenue the rich asshole Tower.
The early days of the rich asshole administration have brought aggressive rhetoric and moves to crack down on immigration as well as roll back environmental regulations, much of which has ruffled feathers in the liberal northeast city.
Anti-the rich asshole activists, some of whom have organized marches across the country since the rich asshole’s stunning election victory, are planning loud protests to mark the native son’s return.
“A very hot welcome is being planned for some rich asshole,” said Alexis Danzig, a member of Rise and Resist, an informal group of activists which formed as the rich asshole came to power. “We’ll be out in full force to voice our grievances.”
the rich asshole’s business dealings and romantic fallouts were constant city tabloid fodder in the 1980s and 1990s. His television show, “The Apprentice,” broadcast the rich asshole to the world as the ultimate Big Apple dealmaker during the 2000s.
While the rich asshole brand is internationally associated with New York, fewer than one in five city residents voted for him.
Mayor Bill de Blasio and Governor Andrew Cuomo, both Democrats, have said his stance on immigrants has put him at odds with a city where nearly a third of residents are foreign-born.
Protesters plan to gather Thursday near the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum, a decommissioned aircraft carrier where the rich asshole and Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull are to have their first in-person meeting. One of the pair’s last exchanges was an acrimonious phone call in January.
New York police declined to provide details of their preparations for the rich asshole’s tour and the protests planned around it.
One lingering issue from the transition period, that of the costs of protecting the president-elect’s building was resolved earlier this week in a proposed federal budget including $61 million to reimburse New York and other local governments for providing the rich asshole-related security.
“That’s good news for our city and the hardworking police officers faced with this unprecedented security challenge,” de Blasio said in a statement.
Wilbur Ross calls Syria missile strike ‘after-dinner entertainment’

Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross Monday characterized the U.S. airstrikes on Syria early in April as “after-dinner entertainment” for President Donald Trump, while speaking Monday at the Milken Institute Global Conference at The Beverly Hilton in Beverly Hills, California.
During the speech, Ross recalled the scene with the president at Mar-a-Lago on April 6, when the Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit was interrupted by the missile strike on Syria and Trump explained the incident to Jinping.
“Just as dessert was being served, the president explained to Mr. Xi he had something he wanted to tell him, which was the launching of 59 missiles into Syria,” Ross said. “It was in lieu of after-dinner entertainment.”
Ross continued joking about the strike and added: “The thing was, it didn’t cost the president anything to have that entertainment.”
After the airstrike in Syria last month, the president also spoke in his own expressive way about how he shared the news with the Chinese president during their meeting at Mar-a-Lago.
“I was sitting at the table. We had finished dinner. We’re now having dessert. And we had the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake that you’ve ever seen, and President Xi was enjoying it,” Trump told Fox News Business host Maria Bartiromo last month. “I said, ‘We’ve just launched 59 missiles heading to Iraq and I wanted you to know this.’ And he was eating his cake. And he was silent,” Trump added.
Bartiromo reminded the president that the country was Syria, not Iraq. Trump’s carelessness had gained a lot of social media attention then.
The United States fired 59 Tomahawk missiles on April 6 into the government-controlled Shayrat air base in Syria. The move was in retaliation to the deadly chemical gas attack against civilians, allegedly conducted by Syrian President Bashar Assad in Idlib province April 4, which left over 100 people dead and 300 wounded.
"Tonight I ordered a targeted military strike on the airfield in Syria from where the chemical attack was launched," the president announced April 6 from his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, where he was meeting with the Chinese president. "It is in this vital national security interest of the United States to prevent and deter the spread and use of deadly chemical weapons."
His commerce secretary, Ross, is a billionaire financier who was speaking Monday at an event hosted by the Milken Institute, a California think tank. While having lunch with David Rubenstein, co-CEO of the Carlyle Group, Ross spoke about how he felt about his first time doing public service, according to Variety.
“I’ve been heartened,” he said. “I thought the quality of people in the government was not as high as it has turned out to be. There are actually quite a lot of very good, very serious, very intelligent people wanting to do their best. It’s just they’ve been trapped in a fundamentally dysfunctional system.”
Trump’s tax cut proposal had gained spotlight in the business community at this year’s conference at the institute. Rubenstein asked Ross whether it was realistic to think that a tax plan would be passed this year.
“I certainly hope so,” he said. “God knows Congress has debated the issue enough times. It’s really a question of, ‘Is there the willpower to do it?’ If the Republican side can get itself unified, then it will work, even if the Democrats remain as determined as they seem to be to block any kind of progress.”
‘He just seemed to go crazy’: Senior GOP aides stunned by the rich asshole’s bizarre behavior in last 24 hours

Senior Republican aides confided this week that President some rich asshole’s puzzling statements over the last few days have left them confused.
According to Politico, GOP aides on Capitol Hill and at the White House have been unable to explain why the rich asshole unleashed a string of baffling claims over a 24-hour period in interviews with Bloomberg, CBS News and SiriusXM radio.
The president claimed that President Andrew Jackson was very angry about the Civil War and could have prevented it, even though Jackson died 16 years prior. the rich asshole said that he was considering breaking up the banks and establishing a gas tax. He said that he would be “honored” to meet with North Korea dictator Kim Jong-Un, and then said that “nobody’s safe” from North Korea’s nuclear weapons. And to top things off, the rich asshole praised the high approval ratings of Philippines strongman President Rodrigo Duterte.
Politico reported that White House officials insisted there was “no broader strategy” for scheduling the interviews.
“They were not helpful to us,” a senior administration official explained. “There was no point to do all of them.”
Republicans on Capitol Hill, however, were dumbfounded.
“I have no idea what they view as a successful media hit,” one GOP consultant told Politico.
“He just seemed to go crazy today,” a GOP aide lamented.
the rich asshole throws a fit after ‘fake news station’ CNN refuses to air ‘positive message’ in his 100-day campaign ad

President some rich asshole’s campaign apparatus on Tuesday lashed out at CNN for allegedly refusing to air a commercial touting accomplishments made in the president’s first 100 days.
The 30-second ad, which began airing on Monday, praises the rich asshole for the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch and for proposing the “biggest tax cut plan in history.” It also blasts the media, flashing the words “FAKE NEWS” over the faces of anchors, reporters and broadcasters.
A memo from the rich asshole-Pence campaign announced on Tuesday that CNN had refused to air the commercial.
“It’s absolutely shameful to see the media blocking the positive message that President the rich asshole is trying to share with the country,” an anonymous quote in the memo complained. “It’s clear that CNN is trying to silence our voice and censor our free speech because it doesn’t fit their narrative.”
There was no immediate confirmation from CNN to back up the rich asshole’s claim, but a CNN fact check of the ad noted that “the bulk of the rich asshole’s accomplishments have been made through executive action or memorandum, something Republicans decried former President Barack Obama for doing during his second term.”
“Americans also are far from convinced that the rich asshole’s first 100 days have been a success,” CNN said. “A CNN/ORC poll found that the President reached the milestone with the lowest approval rating of any newly-elected president at this stage amid sharp partisan divides and a failure to capitalize on post-election strengths.”
Update: According to Politico’s Hadas Gold, CNN is refusing to air the spot until the rich asshole campaign removes the words “fake news” from the faces of network anchors.
“CNN requested that the advertiser remove the false graphic that the mainstream media is ‘fake news’,” a statement from the network said. “The mainstream media is not fake news, and therefore the ad is false and per policy will be accepted only if that graphic is deleted.”
The rich asshole ‘directly involved’ in hunt for Twitter user exposing his tiny inauguration crowd: report

Newly released internal emails from the National Park Service show President some rich asshole got, “directly involved” in the NPS investigation into the source of a tweet with unflattering crowd sizes on Inauguration Day.
CBS News reports that, “after the retweet and ensuing news coverage of its deletion, the size of the crowd at the inauguration became one of the dominant news stories of some rich asshole’s first days in office.”
The controversy began with an Inauguration Day retweet — from the official NPS twitter account — of a crowd comparison with Barack Obama’s 2009 swearing-in. The initial tweet came from New York Times correspondent Binyamin Appelbaum:
Now, 995 pages of government documents released in response to a Freedom of Information Act request show the direct involvement of the rich asshole.
Previously, the Washington Post reported that NPS director Michael T. Reynolds waspressured the morning after the inauguration to produce photos substantiating the President’s claims of a million to a million and a half in attendance. “Experts, however, have estimated that the 2017 turnout was no more than a third the size of Obama’s eight years earlier.”
Four days after the NPS twitter account posted evidence documenting the rich asshole’s small turnout, the Badlands National Park twitter account became an internet sensation after tweeting on Climate Change.
The White House ignored CBS News’ request for comment on the rich asshole’s involvement.
Ann Coulter Tries To Defend the rich asshole’s Lies And No One Can Stop Laughing (Video)
Ann Coulter lives to stir up controversy. It is her calling card. So, it was no surprise that when she appeared on The View today, she would defend the indefensible. Of course, she had to contort her words in pretzel-like fashion to do so, and no one on stage or in the audience was buying it.
First, Host Joy Behar gave her theory on why the rich asshole makes a habit out of attacking the media. She speculated that when it is all said and done, it is possible he will be brought up on criminal charges. the rich asshole is trying to get ahead of that so his supporters won’t believe the media when it happens. Coulter tried to counter by just calling “the Russian thing” insane. Something the FBI and two Congressional committees investigating possible criminal wrongdoing would probably disagree with.
She then went on to attack the media herself, parroting the rich asshole lines about CNN and the New York Times being “fake news.”
Whoopi Goldberg jumped in and asked Coulter if she was talking about the “fake news” he (the rich asshole) has put out there himself? Coulter tried to claim that the rich asshole doesn’t lie. She then went on to deflect and bring up Hillary Clinton. Golberg shut that down reminding her that “Hillary isn’t thinking about ya’ll, let’s talk about the man who says he can (unintelligible) …”
Coulter then took the path of saying that he isn’t a liar, he just “bullshits” and “exaggerates.”
Perhaps no one ever told her that bullshitting IS lying. Exaggerating IS lying. Especially when one does it about 70 percent of the time, as reliable fact-checkers have found.
That caused everyone on the stage and in the audience to erupt in laughter. Coulter tried to sell the line further by using a “quote” that the rich asshole never said about golf courses. The audience continued to laugh at her nonsense but it wasn’t lost that she had to make up a quote to defend the rich asshole’s lies.
Behar jumped in and asked her if he (the rich asshole) was lying when he said that President Obama wasn’t born in America? Coulter had to get more creative and say that “I don’t count anything before he announced for President.”
More laughs and one audience member can be heard blurting out a “WHAT?”
Perhaps Coulter was trying to play off the old adage that “if you can get someone to laugh, you can get someone to listen.” The thing about that is, however, they need to be laughing with you, not at you.
Posted by John Prager on 01 May 2017
Remember some rich asshole’s claim that Obama put a “tapp” on his “wires” at the rich asshole Tower? In case you have, The rich asshole said that our last legitimate President illegally ordered surveillance on his campaign — an allegation that is disputed by our intelligence community — and even had the British government help out (once again, this is false). To most of us, this was just one of the embarrassments we suffer at the hands of some rich asshole on a daily basis. To The rich asshole, however, it is the next evolution of “alternative facts” – alternative reality.
In an interview with CBS anchor John Dickerson that aired Monday, the rich asshole attempted to resurrect his bullsh*t claim that is nevertheless true to the same people who think wrestling isn’t fake. According to The rich asshole, who has to date provided no evidence to back his claim, the allegations have been “proven very strongly.”
” You know, words are less important to me than deeds. And you– you saw what happened with surveillance. And everybody saw what happened with surveillance,” the rich asshole stammered when asked about President Obama. “And I thought that — well, you saw what happened with surveillance. And I think that was inappropriate, but that’s the way.”
“What does that mean, sir?” Dickerson asked the rich asshole, apparently as confused as the rest of us.
“You can figure that out yourself,” President Pussygrabber shot back.
“Well, I– the reason I ask is you said he was– you called him ‘sick and bad,'” Dickerson said.
“Look, you can figure it out yourself. He was very nice to me with words, but– and when I was with him — but after that, there has been no relationship,” the rich asshole replied. Asked if he still stands by his false claim about Obama, the rich asshole began to ‘lose it’:
I don’t stand by anything. I just– you can take it the way you want. I think our side’s been proven very strongly. And everybody’s talking about it. And frankly it should be discussed. I think that is a very big surveillance of our citizens. I think it’s a very big topic. And it’s a topic that should be number one. And we should find out what the hell is going on.
JOHN DICKERSON: I just wanted to find out, though. You’re– you’re the president of the United States. You said he was “sick and bad” because he had tapped you– I’m just–
PRESIDENT SOME RICH ASSHOLE: You can take– any way. You can take it any way you want.
JOHN DICKERSON: But I’m asking you. Because you don’t want it to be–
JOHN DICKERSON: –fake news. I want to hear it from–
JOHN DICKERSON: –President the rich asshole.
PRESIDENT SOME RICH ASSHOLE: –ask me. You don’t have to ask me.
PRESIDENT SOME RICH ASSHOLE: Because I have my own opinions. You can have your own opinions.
JOHN DICKERSON: But I want to know your opinions. You’re the president of the United States.
PRESIDENT SOME RICH ASSHOLE: Okay, it’s enough. Thank you. Thank you very much.
Keith Olbermann Is Having A Field Day With ‘Historian’ Some Rich Asshole’s Latest Bigly Fail
I woke up this morning with the birds chirping and the sweet sound of my son getting ready for school and thought,”This is going to be a good day!” Then I turned on the news and realized the President of the United States had once again made us a laughingstock by not knowing the history of the fecking country he runs.
During an interview with the Washington Examiner’s Salena Zito, the rich asshole said:
I mean had Andrew Jackson been a little bit later you wouldn’t have had the Civil War. He was a very tough person, but he had a big heart. He was really angry that he saw what was happening with regard to the Civil War, he said, ‘There’s no reason for this.’ People don’t realize, you know, the Civil War, if you think about it, why? People don’t ask that question, but why was there the Civil War? Why could that one not have been worked out?
Andrew Jackson died 16 years before the Civil War started. And the only person who doesn’t understand why the war started is the president. He is just. . . dumb.
Of course, Keith Olbermann, my favorite liberal asshole, woke up to the same nonsense and is having a lot of fun with this fail. He just downright giddy on Twitter:
Historian @realDonaldTrump to somebody called @SalenaZito. And Andrew Jackson said "Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?" #Help
Historian @realDonaldTrump adds Jackson rode to his inaugural in an automobile and he and the rest of the Jackson 5 sang at all the parties
Olbermann isn’t the only person having some fun at the rich asshole’s expense this morning:
Last week: "I thought it would be easier". This week, he's baffled that the Civil War couldn't be "worked out".
Had Andrew Jackson been a little later you wouldn't have had the Civil War. He would've looked @ Cap&Tony & said: There's no reason for this
"The Civil War was neither civil nor a war. Discuss."
Trump: Okay!
Trump: Okay!
Of all the tweets, I think James Poniewozik, a New York Times tv critic, was spot on with his assessment of the situation:
(The Nullification Crisis, btw, didn't involve "making a deal" w "a big heart" but threatening hell on SC if they seceded in 1832.)
Anyway, shoutout to all the White House staff spending the rest of their day Googling "ways Andrew Jackson make Civil War deal"
Stay tuned to Spicey telling us all about Andrew Jackson’s ghost trying valiantly to stop the Civil War by putting all of the slaves in nice bracelets while caressing their backs with leather strings of love.
The rich asshole Is Functionally Illiterate And Knows Almost Nothing About American History
It is hard to put into words what a colossal ignoramus the rich asshole is but fortunately for us, the inane nincompoopery of this dunderhead is always on display. Yesterday, the rich asshole removed any doubt that he is, in point of actual fact, the singularly dumbest president we have ever had. He does not read books. He does not read his own executive orders. He has the vocabulary of a 5th grader and he has no grasp whatever of historical facts.
Today the rich asshole gave an interview to the Washington Examiner’s Salena Zito in which he removed any and all doubt that he has ever read a history book. the rich asshole has a peculiar affinity for Old Hickory Andrew Jackson because he visited the Hermitage in Tennessee and by some manner of intellectual osmosis, became an “expert” on Jackson.
RICH ASSHOLE: [Jackson] was a swashbuckler. But when his wife died, did you know he visited her grave every day? I visited her grave actually, because I was in Tennessee.
Jackson was not a “swashbuckler.” By any count, Jackson was as near a tyrant as the United States ever had. He is solely responsible for the Trail of Tears which killed some 6000 native Americans and stole their land. He was a genocidal maniac in point of actual fact who incessantly flouted the law and ignored Supreme Court rulings in which he retorted, ‘let them try and enforce it.’ But here is the depth of the rich asshole’s understanding. Jackson’s wife died before he took office as any 5th-grade history book will tell you. The Hermitage is in Tennessee and the White House is in Washington. When Jackson was president, there was no Air Force One to fly him back and forth to Tennessee every day for him to visit his wife’s grave! So obviously, he did not visit it every day. the rich asshole does not understand this.
Then the rich asshole went where heretofore no president should ever go, into the realm of the fact-free unknown into the gates of Mt. Stupid where his profile will be chiseled into granite as the dumbest president ever:
RICH ASSHOLE: I mean, had Andrew Jackson been a little later, you wouldn’t have had the Civil War. He was a very tough person, but he had a big heart. And he was really angry that — he saw what was happening with regard to the Civil War. He said, “There’s no reason for this.” People don’t realize, you know, the Civil War — if you think about it, why? People don’t ask that question, but why was there the Civil War? Why could that one not have been worked out?
No, no, no, no you unctuous jackass! There wouldn’t have been a civil war if Jackson had been around because he owned over 300 slaves. He loved slavery and profited extensively from it. The flat imbecility of the rich asshole claiming that Jackson saw what was happening in the civil war is profoundly absurd since Andrew Jackson was dead and buried for nearly 16 years before the civil war began!
The question “why there was a civil war,” has been asked by millions of people and is the subject of hundreds if not thousands of books that the rich asshole has never even glanced at. the rich asshole has no grasp of the history of the United States. He has not read a single book about American History and it is clear that the rich asshole makes no time to read anything between his chronic television watching and playing golf. He does claim to have the best words and he’s really really smart, bigly so a feat of idiocy this grand must be calculated and deliberate. Despite his claims, the rich asshole has demonstrated over and again that he has the intellectual prowess of a gnat.
Some rich asshole Is A Goddamn Idiot: Civil War Edition
For the fourth time in a week, some rich asshole gave another interview where he terrifyingly knows very little about anything. This time? Basic American history.
MAY 1, 2017
In the run-up to some rich asshole's 100th day in office, America's tiny-handed tangerine tyrant somehow deduced that ratings would be super yuge because our country is being run like a reality show from hell. So against the advice of anyone that's had the misfortune of watching him try to speak, the rich asshole sat down for a series of interviews with the media he constantly complains about, and is currently threatening to eradicate, because he's a narcisstic fuckfrog with a tenuous grasp on reality.
Here's how that's gone so far.
The transcript of the rich asshole's AP interview might as well have been the words, "some rich asshole has dementia," over and over again.
Politico's 100 days visit to the White House - which the rich asshole was advised to keep off the record; he didn't - featured staffers literally saying the words, "This shit is hard," and confirmed that not only is Steve Bannon still active in the administration, but so is Matt Drudge now.
Reuters then got the rich asshole himself saying he thought being the president "would be easier" as he complained about missing his old life.
And while the fact that a sitting president actually thought running an entire country would be "easy" is breathtakingly alarming at every possible level, it turns out the rich asshole also knows jackshit about American history. Which explains a lot, but raises even more questions about what some rich assholedoes know. Because right now the answer seems to be not a goddamn fucking thing.
the rich asshole's comments came during an interview with Washington Examiner columnist and CNN contributor Salena Zito that's set to air on Sirius XM Politics radio on Monday.
the rich asshole was analogizing his insurgent 2016 presidential campaign to that of former President Andrew Jackson, whom he has praised repeatedly, when the conversation turned to the Civil War. the rich asshole suggested the former president might have averted the conflict and began questioning the reasons that war broke out.
"I mean, had Andrew Jackson been a little bit later, you wouldn't have had the Civil War. He was a very tough person, but he had a big heart. And he was really angry that he saw what was happening, with regard to the Civil War. He said, there's no reason for this."
the rich asshole continued, "People don't realize, the Civil War -- you think about it, why? People don't ask that question. But why was there a Civil War? Why could that one not have been worked out?"
Why was there a Civil War? Holy Christ.
First off, as most of the internet has pointed out by now, Andrew Jackson died 16 years before the Civil War even began and owned 150 slaves when he cashed out. So say he had been alive, I'm pretty sure that guy's feelings on the Civil War would have been, "Yes, let's do this. Are you kidding me?"
More importantly, why was there a Civil War? Ask any grade school child in America and they'll tell you the answer:
Slavery, motherfucker.
Specifically, southern states seceding from the Union because, fun fact, it's very easy to be stupid rich when you can own human beings like property and force them to perform manual labor without pay. So the South was going to keep doing that until somebody kicked their asses back into the Union. Which is what happened.
Now, while this seems like the perfect opportunity to mention the racisminvolved in some rich asshole's campaign and current administration - which are all serious issues - here's the thing: In this context, the rich asshole somehow isn't even smart enough to be racist about the Civil War. He's that goddamn stupid. Most revisionist jackasses will at least try to argue that the Civil Was wasn't really about slavery (it was) but about "states' rights" and "economic issues." Because apparently owning human beings as a source of free labor isn't an economic issue, but I digress.
the rich asshole, on the other hand, is just spectacularly ignorant about the whole thing. He'd actually need to know basic information about the Civil War before he can even start to be a racist dick about it. Instead, the President of the United States is on the same intellectual plane as the Insane Clown Posse. "Fucking Civil War? How does it work?"
From the moment the rich asshole won the election, he was already bragging about how he was going to run again in 2020, and win.
In a move that shows just how delusional the rich asshole truly is, the undeserving POTUS ignored the fact that his approval rating has reached a historic low by launching his first ad for his 2020 bid. And in true the rich asshole fashion, the ad was one big embarrassing fail, as the rich asshole was forced to pull the ad over an obvious violation – it violated the ban that prevents active duty military members in uniform from participating in political stunts.
The Washington Post wrote:
“The initial version of the ad released by the campaign included a shot of the rich asshole shaking hands at his Mar-a-Lago estate with H.R. McMaster, his national security adviser. An updated version dropped the shot of McMaster, who remains an active duty member of the Army, and replaced it with the rich asshole visiting a business.”
Campaign law expert Larry Noble also pointed this out:

It should be noted that the rich asshole pathetically celebrated Inauguration Day by filing for re-election, probably to soothe himself after seeing those tiny crowds. This ad is the perfect embodiment of the rich asshole’s sloppy administration – these people have no idea how to run the country, which trickles down to the most simple tasks.
From what we’ve seen from the rich asshole himself, his White House doesn’t really pay attention to detail or do their research first before going all in. the rich asshole’s team has had to repeatedly correct themselves, and not even a simple campaign ad can go off without a hitch.
Not even halfway through his first term, the rich asshole has already made his bid for re-election a joke and displayed just how incompetent his entire team is. It’s no wonder the majority of Americans can’t wait until this clown and the rest of his circus are out of the White House.
the rich asshole Becomes A Twitter Punching Bag After His Early Morning Tirade
Critics launch an all out Twitter war after the rich asshole posts a series of early morning tweets whimpering about the courts halting his unconstitutional executive orders.
In yet another early morning Twitter meltdown, the rich asshole took to complaining about the courts blocking his immigration orders and this week’s decision by a federal judge to partially block his executive order regarding sanctuary cities.
“First the Ninth Circuit rules against the ban & now it hits again on sanctuary cities-both ridiculous rulings. See you in the Supreme Court!” the rich asshole began.
First the Ninth Circuit rules against the ban & now it hits again on sanctuary cities-both ridiculous rulings. See you in the Supreme Court!
Continuing, he added:
“Out of our very big country, with many choices, does everyone notice that both the ‘ban’ case and now the ‘sanctuary’ case is brought in the Ninth Circuit, which has a terrible record of being overturned (close to 80%). They used to call this ‘judge shopping!’ Messy system.”

Twitter was swift to respond with his posts receiving over 22K comments, combined, in less than 5 hours and over 21K re-tweets.
Grammy nominated, award winning songwriter and performer Holly Figueroa O’Reilly posted this fun meme with Pres. Barack Obama and Sec. Hillary Clinton mocking the rich asshole’s not-so-veiled threat.
Jules Suzdaltsev, host and writer for Discovery and contributing columnist at VICE, hit back with a series of tweets, effectively turning the rich asshole into a Twitter Punching Bag.
“Wow, you REALLY are an abject failure, aren’t ya?!” he began before going into a lengthy list of all of the rich asshole’s many failures – so far:
First the Ninth Circuit rules against the ban & now it hits again on sanctuary cities-both ridiculous rulings. See you in the Supreme Court!
· First you lose the popular vote
· Then the Muslim Ban
· Then Muslim Ban no. 2, FAILED!
· Healthcare legislation, FAILED!
· Building the wall… eventually… somehow… in the future… FAILED!
· Hiring a National Security Advisor who isn’t an apparent threat to national security, FAILED!
· No $1 trillion infrastructure bill in first 100 days like you promised, FAILED!
· Stringing together a coherent sentence without repeating yourself 16x, FAILED!
· Making the United States look respectable as a world power, and being a commander-in-chief we can be proud of… F-A-I-L-E-D!!!!
Former theater agent Roland Scahill joined in with a few well-placed punches of his own:
“Your lack of respect for the judiciary is astounding! Your lack of compassion for refugees is incredible. You are horrific,” he began:
First the Ninth Circuit rules against the ban & now it hits again on sanctuary cities-both ridiculous rulings. See you in the Supreme Court!
@realDonaldTrump Your lack of respect for the judiciary is astounding! Your lack of compassion for refugees is incredible. You are horrific.
· The country is big. Huge. Bigly. Big League. So much space for golf courses.
· Do you plan to attend the hearing in the Supreme Court? Can you even name all 9 sitting judges right now?
· Getting into insane trade wars with every single country on the planet will fix that? Can we see your college transcript & Econ 101 grades?
Stand-up comedian, writer and activist Nick Jack Pappas joined in as well, tweeting:
@realDonaldTrump Next time you sign an Executive Order, you should try reading The Constitution first.
He followed up tweeting to the rich asshole: “You’ll lose in the Supreme Court, too. Gorsuch and his stolen seat aren’t enough to give you a majority.”
Mikel F. Jollett, the singer, guitarist, and frontman for the Los Angeles-based indie rock band the Airborne Toxic Event, weighed in as well, with a series of tweets:
· Sanctuary cities have LOWER crime. All law enforcement agencies know this. Cops want sanctuary city policies. You are trying to sell a lie.
· People are more likely to report crime if they don’t fear deportation. This makes communities safer.
· You are literally trying to create crime with this lie you tell about sanctuary cities.
@realDonaldTrump Sanctuary cities have LOWER crime. All law enforcement agencies know this. Cops want sanctuary city policies.
You are trying to sell a lie.
You are trying to sell a lie.
@realDonaldTrump People are more likely to report crime if they don't fear deportation. This makes communities safer.,amp.html …
Police chiefs across the country support sanctuary cities because they keep crime down
Actress and television personality Rosie O’Donnell, who has been feuding with the rich asshole for years, weighed in as well:
First the Ninth Circuit rules against the ban & now it hits again on sanctuary cities-both ridiculous rulings. See you in the Supreme Court!
The list goes on and on. Be sure to check out the rich asshole’s tweets and join the fun and be sure to let us know your favorite responses to his twitter melt down in the comments section, below.
Rep. Cummings rebukes White House: You “don’t determine what we investigate … We do.”
some rich asshole and his team continue to engage in duplicity and circumspection on the topic of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn's financial ties to Russia. But Rep. Elijah Cummings is not about to let them get away with it.
In another appalling example of the abnormality of this administration, the White House is refusing to turn over to congressional investigators crucial documents regarding payments that former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn received from Russian entities.
The administration’s excuse is that it is “unclear how such documents would be relevant” to the investigation into Flynn’s lack of full disclosure of his conflicts prior to being named to his former post.
But as Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD), the ranking Democratic member of the House Oversight Committee, made clear in an interview with Rachel Maddow, that determination is not the White House’s to make.
He and the other members of the committee expected, and still expect, to receive the documents they had requested — and the administration’s intransigence is not going to dissuade them.
MADDOW: So, I pronounce myself — maybe I’m naive, but I feel surprised that the White House produced zero documents in response to this broad request that you and Chairman Chaffetz made about Michael Flynn and his time in the rich asshole administration. Did you expect to receive something, or did you think that you’d get nothing?
CUMMINGS: I thought we would get some documents, but this White House has made a decision that they will produce absolutely nothing. And Rachel, I have not seen this before, and it sets a very dangerous precedent. President the rich asshole, when he was running, said no one is above the law. Well, he’s not above the law either, and there is a separation of powers. I listened to Mr. Spicer today talk about — claiming that they don’t have documents. I was very upset just listening to that, because they do have documents. As a matter of fact, they have told us they have documents, but they found every excuse under the sun not to produce the documents. And so what we’re doing is, we’re staying focused. This is not some witch hunt. This is about a fight for the soul of our democracy, and I want to be real clear on that. So, we’re not going to be distracted. We’re going to go after the documents.
Maddow noted that since Flynn left his position at the Pentagon in 2014, he would have had to reapply for a security clearance by the time that he was — presumably — being vetted for the national security adviser role under some rich asshole. Cummings confirmed that the documentation related to that process was precisely what the Oversight Committee was expecting to receive, adding that the position of national security adviser is one of the highest-ranking security officials in the nation, and thus, the vetting process for it must be “very strict and it has to be very complete.”
Maddow then asked about the possibility, since Flynn somehow made it through that process even with his murky financial ties to an adversarial foreign country, that the vetting process was not handled appropriately — or possibly, not even performed at all.
That is one of the questions the committee is trying to answer, Cummings said, but so long as the White House refuses to comply with the committee’s request, they will not be able to do so. And he was very clear about which body holds the decision-making power in this scenario.
MADDOW: Briefly, sir, is it your expectation that maybe the vetting wasn’t done? I mean, obviously, there’s a process on the security clearance, but in terms of being vetted to be national security adviser, that’s the responsibility, in this case of the president, the head of the transition was the vice president. Is it — is there some sort of accountability? Is there an oversight role for Congress as to whether or not they appropriately vetted this person who they cleared to be, as you say, the number one guy, the top person on national security in the new administration?
CUMMINGS: That’s part of the problem. We’re trying to get the documents so that we can see exactly what the process is. But when you have Spicer standing up today, saying they have no documents, when, I mean, if it were me or you, there would be volumes, probably, of documents, interviews that they may have done of other people, and looking at your background. And they’re claiming they have none, but on the other hand, they say, ‘Oh, we’re not going to give you the documents we have.’
You know, this hocus-pocus, fake news, false news — I don’t have time for that. What I’m trying to do is make sure that we pursue this investigation and go where the evidence leads. And so hopefully — I give Jason Chaffetz credit. We submitted a bipartisan request to the White House. They basically refused. And now we have — our next step is to hopefully sit down with the White House and explain to them that they don’t determine what we investigate as a congress. We do. And that when they get a request from the Congress, they have to give up what we have asked for. And if not, then I’m going to, of course try to work with Chairman Chaffetz to issue subpoenas so that we can get that information.
the rich asshole and his team may hope that they can continue to alternately mislead and play dumb regarding who knew what about Flynn and when, but if they think they can simply dig in their heels and outlast someone like Cummings, they have a surprise in store.
The American people deserve to know the truth. And as Cummings boldly stated, it is not up to the rich asshole administration to decide how much of it they will provide. It is Congress, representing the public, who has that power.
the rich asshole Screams About Puerto Rico And Obamacare In Bizarre Wednesday Twitter Rant
April 26, 2017
President the rich asshole took to Twitter this Wednesday afternoon — as he’s prone to do — with a message of disdain for Puerto Rico.
It’s not clear what prompted the rant, but lo and behold, our whiner in chief is apparently dissatisfied with Puerto Rico’s relationship to the United States. It’s like he has a list of who he hasn’t insulted on Twitter yet and he’s trying to get to the bottom of it before his first 100 days are up.
the rich asshole wrote, “Democrats are trying to bail out insurance companies from disastrous #ObamaCare, and Puerto Rico with your tax dollars. Sad!”
Democrats are trying to bail out insurance companies from disastrous #ObamaCare, and Puerto Rico with your tax dollars. Sad!
Again — it’s not clear why the rich asshole has just now decided to go after the United States’s policy towards Puerto Rico. The debate has raged in recent years over what kind of “bailout” funds the U.S. would give to the island community to save them from their debt crisis.
As for the rich asshole’s characterization of efforts to save Obamacare as Democrats trying to use tax dollars to “bailout” insurance companies, it’s not exactly like he has a better idea. The only time that a version of “Trumpcare” has come up for a vote in Congress, it failed. Thus, the rich asshole remains in pretty much no position to talk about the way forward for American healthcare policy when he doesn’t even have a real, substantive plan himself.
Twitter commenters were quick to point this out to him, as you can see below.
@realDonaldTrump what's "sad!" is how the GOP wants to repeal the ACA and make 24 mil more Americans uninsured.
@realDonaldTrump what's "sad!" is the Freedom Caucus/Trump wanting to take US back to discriminating against ppl w/ pre-existing conditions.
Democrats are trying to bail out insurance companies from disastrous #ObamaCare, and Puerto Rico with your tax dollars. Sad!
@realDonaldTrump Our tax dollars are also supporting your weekend golf outings to Mar-A-Lago. Let's stop that too.
Democrats are trying to bail out insurance companies from disastrous #ObamaCare, and Puerto Rico with your tax dollars. Sad!
@realDonaldTrump What's sad is that you don't have a clue about this subject and even said that "Nobody knew how complicated it is". You are a total moron!
Democrats are trying to bail out insurance companies from disastrous #ObamaCare, and Puerto Rico with your tax dollars. Sad!
@realDonaldTrump Get some new material, Don. The majority of Americans are tired of you and your bullshit.
the rich asshole decides border wall funding isn't worth shutting down the government
Congressional Democrats called President the rich asshole’s bluff, and on Monday night, he folded.
The rich asshole administration decided to delay demanding Congress to include border wall funding as part of a spending bill, averting a showdown that threatened to shut down the government as soon as Friday.
Instead, the rich asshole told a group of conservative journalists Monday that he’s planning to make his request in September, when his administration hopes to pass its first budget.
Over the past week, the rich asshole administration had pushed a much harder line, insisting that $1.5 billion must be dedicated to the border wall in this week’s spending bill. Chief of Staff Reince Priebus told the Washington Post Sunday that “this is what the president ran on” and described the White House commitment to border wall funding as “strong.”
“My base definitely wants the border wall,” the rich asshole told the Associated Press Friday. “You’ve been to many of the rallies? The thing they want more than anything is the wall.”
But at least eight Senate Democrats are needed to pass this week’s spending bill or the government will shut down Friday night, and Democrats have insisted they will not vote for a bill with border wall funding included. With Republicans in charge of both houses of Congress and the White House, many conservatives believe their party will bear the blame if the government shuts down.
The rich asshole administration scrambled to find a point of leverage over the past two weeks, even threatening to suspend $7 billion in insurance subsidies provided under Obamacare. But Democrats were confident that voters would hold Republicans responsible for taking away health care aid and Republicans seemed to agree, as they were unwilling to follow through on their threat.
the rich asshole also may have been feeling resistance from within his own party. Despite claiming the Republican nomination last year with a promise to build a wall, many congressional Republicans are either opposed to or squeamish about the idea.
“There will never be a 2,200-mile wall built, period,” Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina told the Washington Post. “I think it’s become symbolic of better border security. It’s a code word for better border security. If you make it about actually building a 2,200-mile wall, that’s a bridge too far — but I’m mixing my metaphors.”
No member of Congress along the border from either party publicly supports the wall either, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis Friday.
On to the next hand.
The rich asshole denies changing position on border wall: 'It will get built'
President the rich asshole on Tuesday insisted he's fully committed to building a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border one day after saying he was open to waiting until the fall to get funding for the wall.
"Don't let the fake media tell you that I have changed my position on the WALL," the rich asshole tweeted. "It will get built and help stop drugs, human trafficking etc."
the rich asshole on Monday signaled he is open to getting money for his proposed border wall in the fall, instead of in a spending bill this week.
The government will shut down Friday at midnight if Congress cannot agree on a spending bill.
Democrats and some Republicans have voiced opposition to using the spending bill as a vehicle to begin funding the border wall.
If the rich asshole punts his demand for border wall money now, it could lessen the chances of a government shutdown later this week.
Earlier Monday, the rich asshole reiterated that the wall was necessary to stop drugs from coming into the U.S.
"The wall is a very important tool in stopping drugs from pouring into our country and poisoning our youth (and many others)!" he tweeted. the rich asshole later added that without the wall, the "drug situation will NEVER be fixed the way it should be."
Right-wing bloggers rip White House media event: ‘They packed us in a room and made us fight for scraps’

Conservative media figures were frustrated by their treatment by the rich asshole administration after they were invited to the White House.
About 30 reporters, editors and radio hosts were invited to the White House on Monday night for a background briefing with President some rich asshole and some of his top aides, but they complained afterward that the event was poorly planned, reported The Hill.
The group was asked to turn over their cell phones before meeting with White House officials in the Roosevelt Room, which is used for viewing classified information.
The meeting was supposed to be off-the-record, which means they couldn’t attribute quotes gathered during the event, but were told after turning over their phones that they could quote the rich asshole and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross.
That led to a mad scramble to retrieve phones from the lockers where they were stored to report that the rich asshole would institute new tariffs on some lumber imported from Canada.
“This is what happens when Never the rich asshole, low-energy, Jeb Bush staffers infiltrate some rich asshole’s White House,” one source told The Hill. “The incompetence by the White House press staff does not serve the president’s interests well.”
Conservative media outlets have accused the rich asshole and his White House of a double standard.
They say the administration complains about the mainstream media in public, but the rich asshole routinely calls reporters from those outlets and meets with them for exclusive interviews.
“They packed us in a room and made us fight for scraps,” one source told The Hill. “It’s not exclusive if you give it to 40 journalists and then make us fight over it. Did [New York Times reporters] Maggie Haberman or Glenn Thrush have to surrender their cell phones for their interview? The White House would be better served if they called on us one by one like he does with them.”
Here’s what conservative historians are saying about the rich asshole’s first 100 days in office

“The rich asshole is not a conservative. Nothing that he represents, says, or has done deserves the support of principled conservatives.” – Andrew Bacevich
some rich asshole’s first 100 days have seen the appointment and termination of decorated general Michael Flynn from the Defense Intelligence Agency, the eclipse of former Breitbart News executive Steve Bannon, a steady decline in the relationship with Russia, the bombing of Syria, a failed attempt to repeal and replace Obamacare, and two failed attempts to impose a ban on certain groups of immigrants. This wasn’t exactly what the rich asshole promised. On the plus side he succeeded in appointing a religious conservative to the Supreme Court, fulfilling his commitment to evangelicals, while issuing executive orders that many conservatives approved.
We wondered what conservative historians make of the rich asshole’s debut. Here’s what they told us.
Larry Schweikart
Professor of history at the University of Dayton and the author of more than a dozen books including A Patriot’s History of the United States.
the rich asshole’s first 100 days have been nothing less than spectacular, even more so when considering Democrat obstructionism in failing to confirm many of his appointees. He has done more than Ronald Reagan in rolling back existing rules, regulations, and has issued path breaking orders to “massively” cut in every department. His appointment of Judge Gorsuch has shifted power (somewhat) back to conservatives. Although the health care bill was withdrawn from a vote, it didn’t technically fail and a new one will soon emerge.
the rich asshole continues to baffle all of the “experts” by ignoring the fake news media and pressing ahead with his agenda. Various statistics of illegal immigration declines – some saying as much as 70% – reflect his ongoing commitment to end the open border policy His rollback of environmental over-regulation and releasing American business to grow and prosper is already seen in the all time high of numbers employed. American confidence, in survey after survey, of both business and our overall future, has sharply spiked upward. The strike against Assad’s chemical weapons airbase is overwhelmingly approved of by even leftward tilting polls (who were overwhelmingly wrong in November).
Just imagine where we’d be if just all Republicans would get on board the rich asshole Train.
Daniel Pipes
Professor of public policy at Pepperdine University and the president of the Middle East Forum.
some rich asshole as president hardly differs from the rich asshole as candidate: a blowhard who insouciantly breaks with customs and laws, delighting his fans and infuriating the rest of the world, sometimes getting it right but more often proving ineffectually amateurish. The great question is whether he will learn from his many mistakes and turn into a more conventional, respectable, and intelligent president – or whether he will continue in the same mold through the whole four-year period. I am pessimistic. However, if he is egregious enough and Republican members of Congress sick enough of him, we could well have a President Pence.
In my field, the Middle East, the new administration has strikingly ignored the rich asshole’s campaign assertions about such matters as the Iran Deal, moving the embassy to Jerusalem, and staying out of Syria’s civil war. This makes prediction of its future steps particularly difficult.
Victor Davis Hanson
American military historian, columnist, former classics professor, and scholar of ancient agrarian and military history.
the rich asshole presents a paradox for conservatives and liberals alike. His wandering tweets and ad hoc commentary frustrate conservatives as needlessly diversionary, and yet his appointments to the courts and cabinet are not only thoroughly conservative, but are more so than would likely have occurred under a more traditional Republican president such as the prior two Bushes or a putative president John McCain or Mitt Romney—perhaps because as an outside candidate he is not beholden to the Republican architecture or invested in doctrinaire policies or protocols. In that context, certainly the rich asshole’s prompt action on Keystone or deregulation or the wall would not have been expected from the Republican congressional mainstream or prior Republican presidential candidates.
Moreover, the rich asshole’s Jacksonian foreign policy fits neither Bush-era neoconservative nation-builidng nor Obama’s ‘lead from behind’ recessionals from traditional U.S. global leadership. And so at times it is paradoxically criticized by his base as needless interventionism and a throwback to Afghanistan/Iraq—and yet praised by his enemies as morally guided help for the gassed in Syria (in a fashion lacking under Obama).
Similarly, in an ironic fashion the Obama-era legacy may be the empowerment of the rich asshole administration, whether defined as setting the precedent of pen-and-phone executive orders, or the facilitation of the Senate nuclear option on Supreme Court appointments, or a general sense that the press was unethically obsequious then and so now cannot be ethically credible in its hostility. Let us also hope that the rich asshole does not follow the Obama precedent of weaponizing the government itself against the press, rivals and enemies, in the fashion of Eric Holder and the AP journalists, or Lois Lerner and the IRS, or John Brennan and the Senate computers or the allegations pending concerning the NSA surveillance and unmasking in connection with Susan Rice.
In the first 100 days, the only constant is a clearly conservative president who believes that unpredictability, heterodoxy, and flexibility are important bargaining tools — even as his critics believe such reversals are hypocrisy and his supporters worry they are dilution of his agendas. Of course, three months are far too early to offer an assessment; yet theTrump base for now remains solid and sees progress on deregulation, the restoration of deterrence, a decrease in illegal immigration, and hope for tax and health care reform, and so are sticking with him.
Paul Gottfried
Former professor of humanities at Elizabethtown College.
I wrote this column for about seven weeks ago, and I still stand by the observations that I make there. The Left, by which I mean the multicultural, open-borders Left, may be too well organized in the permanent state, the media, educational institutions and the cultural industry for the rich asshole and his advocates to win over a majority of the public. Even now the rich asshole’s popularity hovers around 40%, although most economic indicators look good and it would appear that the Democrats in the Senate have made fools of themselves by carrying their obstructionist tactics too far.
Brad Birzer
Professor of history and the chair of American studies at Hillsdale College.
Two years ago, most of those “in the know” would never have believed a some rich asshole presidency possible. Having made his name in the 1980s as the corporate equivalent of the big-haired and overly-made up televangelists of that same decade, few knew what to think of this brash figure by 2014. Certainly, neither intellectual conservatives nor libertarians viewed him as viable or acceptable.
Yet, yet, yet!
Despite sometimes outrageous meanderings in terms of ideas but always armed with an unrelenting personal drive as well as an uncanny ability to pick the best of the best to aide him, the rich asshole ably captured the mood of an angry and nationalistic middle America. Sick and exhausted by the inanity of the cultural leftism of the “let me stare at you in the bathroom” crowd, a large minority of Americans and their allies readily chose the forthright the rich asshole rather than the seemingly corrupt Clinton. If nothing else, those Americans who have supported the rich asshole are thrilled to have a man’s man, a Gary Cooper or John Wayne figure who speaks his mind, openly and without hesitation.
“Out here, a man settles his own problems.”
Now firmly ensconced in the White House, President the rich asshole has already succeeded greatly and failed greatly.
His successes are obvious, especially in the choices he has made for a variety of offices. Whatever one thinks of their individual political beliefs, it would be impossible, for example, to question the professionalism and excellence of James Mattis as Secretary of Defense, Neil Gorsuch as a Supreme Court Justice, or Brittany Baldwin as a speech writer.
the rich asshole’s failures, however, are equally glaring. In particular, of the three things he promised – the end of the Affordable Healthcare Act; no major military intervention abroad; and building a Wall between the United States and Mexico – none of have worked out as hoped by those who elected him or, most likely, by the rich asshole himself.
Given his extraordinary charisma and personality, though, the rich asshole’s presidency will prove a major moment in American history. Whatever happens after the first 100 days, some rich asshole has already put a stamp on the White House, the country, and the world that will linger for years and, perhaps, decades to come.
If nothing else, the East and Left coasts have learned that they cannot control the American “fly-over” country in the ways they so oppressively desire. The same is true of those countries that have either taken our help for granted or have seen us as a mortal enemy.
Robert Merry
Editor of The American Conservative, former columnist for the Wall Street Journal, the author of four books, and a graduate of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.
We had LBJ campaigning in 1964 with promises that he wouldn’t send American boys to fight in Vietnam – and then did. We had GHW Bush saying “read my lips; no new taxes” – then raising taxes. We had Woodrow Wilson campaigning on the slogan, “He kept us out of war” – and then maneuvering America into the European war. But never have we had a president so totally abandon the promises and the spirit of his campaign to such an extent as some rich asshole. Whether Russia, Syria, China’s trade posture, the World Bank, NATO, or draining the swamp, the rich asshole has abandoned not just a promise or two, but the entire rationale of his campaign. This is the greatest open display of political cynicism in American history.
It doesn’t bode well for his administration. Perhaps he can craft some kind of governing coalition in the face of erosion of support from his core constituency from the campaign, but that doesn’t seem likely. But this is an agile politician, unencumbered by strict adherence to any body of principle. So maybe he can wend his way through the political thicket he has created. More likely he will prove a failure at governance, like James Buchanan, another president with serious character issues.
‘Congrats on not committing sex crimes’: Internet roasts the rich asshole’s ‘historic accomplishments’ in 100 days

President some rich asshole last week insisted that it was “ridiculous” to judge his presidency based on its first 100 days — but on Tuesday the White House put up a web page bragging about all of the rich asshole’s “historic accomplishments” in that time period.
Among other things, the rich asshole boasted of having signed the most executive orders of any president in modern history over his first 100 days, while also “rolling back more regulations than any president in history.”
In fact, the rich asshole has gone through his first 100 days without any major legislative accomplishments, and an Associated Press analysis has found that he’s accomplished fewer than half of the things that he pledged to do in his first 100 days.
Response on the internet was predictably brutal, as many Twitter users mocked the rich asshole not only for his lack of positive achievements, but also the numerous times that he had embarrassed the country.
Check out some of the top reactions below.
.@WhiteHouse site touts@POTUS successes of first 100 days …
@PressSec @WhiteHouse@POTUS "We're not yet at war" and "Congress has thwarted his ill-informed, amateur initiatives" hardly count as successes.
Congratulations to President Trump on 100 days of either not committing sex crimes or committing sex crimes & successfully covering them up!
@pixelatedboat Thank you President Trump for not somehow forcing the nation to see your withered penis in the first 100 days.
Trump did more in his first 100 days than most presidents got done in 10 hrs
Trump has had more days under FBI investigation during the first 100 days than any other president in history.#Trumprussia
Does Trump's list of accomplishments in the first 100 days count both failed attempts at a Muslim ban, or just one of them?
Can the bar go any lower?
Donald Trump brags he got 'higher ratings than 9/11' in interview about first 100 days. …
Donald Trump brags he got 'higher ratings than 9/11' in interview about first 100 days. …
Donald Trump brags that he got 'higher ratings than 9/11' in interview about first 100 days
All the people I know who have had the kind of first 100 days of employment trump has had are all now unemployed.
When you Google Trump's accomplishments as President in the first 100 days...
.@WhiteHouse site touts @POTUS successes of first 100 days …
Posted by John Prager on 25 Apr 2017

some rich asshole has been a constant embarrassment since a minority of the population managed to “elect” him with the help of an outdated system that was set up to protect slavery from Northern oppressors, regularly lashing out at our enemies and allies like he is an angsty teen boy who just found out his friends went to see Dashboard Confessional (they’re still around, right?) without him — with Jake (Jake’s an asshole. They really should know better).
the rich asshole’s at times incomprehensible Twitter ravings have revolutionized diplomacy in all the worst ways as we — the American people — are forced to watch our so-called president wage wars of misspelled words with whomever Fox News said is bad ten minutes ago. Since he has been president, The rich asshole — a man who was elected with the help of a hostile dictator — has gone out of his way to destroy our relationships with all of our strongest allies.
On Tuesday, the rich asshole chose his latest target for his faux-outrage: Canada’s assault on our dairy market. On Monday, the rich asshole administration announced new tariffs on softwood lumber entering the United States because NAFTA made Canada have too high of a tax on ultra-filtered milk.
“What they’ve done to our dairy farm workers is a disgrace. It’s a disgrace,” the rich asshole said. Yes, yes, this sounds stupid — and it is — but the rich asshole’s actions have real-world consequences. Our neighbor to the North vowed to “vigorously defend the interests of the Canadian softwood lumber industry, including through litigation.”
But the rich asshole wasn’t done. He hopped on Twitter the following morning to pretend to care about dairy farmers as he worked to orchestrate yet another distraction from the Russia scandal.
Canada has made business for our dairy farmers in Wisconsin and other border states very difficult. We will not stand for this. Watch!
What are you going to do, Donald? Declare war on Canada? Because that’d be a lot like…
Canada has made business for our dairy farmers in Wisconsin and other border states very difficult. We will not stand for this. Watch!
Canadian Bacon was an excellent 90’s movie in which the president attempts to fix his terrible approval ratings with the help of corrupt members of his administration by orchestrating a fake conflict with Canada. Except this is real. Gods help us.
Naturally, Americans spent their morning either mocking the rich asshole or expressing their disgust — and Canadians just don’t know what to think anymore:
@realDonaldTrump Hey, dickhead. Wisconsin boy here. Loves his cheese and Packers. Far more worried about Russia meddling in my state than Canada. Get on that
@realDonaldTrump Italy has made business for our Olive Gardens in Wisconsin and other states very difficult. We will not stand for this. Watch!
@kellylesick @ShallowGal @realDonaldTrump Maybe he's really just mad about Canada's number one export: Politeness.
I know he, for one, never uses it.
I know he, for one, never uses it.
@realDonaldTrump FFS, Donald, even the Fortress America BOARD GAME never envisioned us going to war with CANADA.
Just to be clear, the rich asshole doesn’t actually care about dairy farmers. This is nothing but him lashing out because he once again lost the battle over The Wall and he’s literally accomplished nothing of note in his first 100 days. Now, at least, he has Canada.
Featured image via Getty Images (Pool)/screengrab

John Prager is an unfortunate Liberal soul who lives uncomfortably in the middle of a Conservative hellscape. Prager spends much of his time poking the rich asshole's meth-addled, uneducated fans with a pointy stick and is currently writing a book of muskrat recipes (not really) as well as a scrapbook of his favorite death threats. His life's aspiration is to rule the world with an iron fist, or find that sock he's been looking for. Feel free to email him at if you have any questions or comments -- or drop him a line on Twitter or Facebook.
‘It’s not going to be a pleasant day’ for Trump: CNN panel relishes anticipated Sally Yates testimony

Former acting Attorney General Sally Yates is scheduled to testify about Russia before the Senate Intelligence Committee on May 8th — and a CNN panel on Tuesday morning predicted there would be fireworks.
CNN’s David Chalian predicted that Yates’ testimony next month would not “be a pleasant day” for the Trump White House, as he expected that she will deliver a scathing assessment of the administration’s reaction to Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.
“She was the one, as acting attorney general, that went running to the White House counsel to say, ‘Hey, Michael Flynn wasn’t truthful,'” he said, referring to the former national security adviser who was fired from the Trump White House for making misleading statements about his communications with Russian government officials. “Now she’s going to detail… what she learned. And I don’t think this administration is going to want to revisit Michael Flynn, whom they jettisoned.”
CNN’s Chris Cuomo said that the Trump administration had to “be careful” about throwing Flynn under the bus because “if he testifies, they may not like what he tells them.”
During her time as acting Attorney General, Yates reportedly talked with members of the Trump administration about her concerns about Michael Flynn, the disgraced former national security adviser who was fired after it was revealed that he lied to the public about his contacts with Russian government officials about sanctions.
After the Trump administration fired Yates for her refusal to defend the president’s travel ban, the White House issued a statement in which it accused her of “betraying” the Department of Justice.
CNN panel goes off the rails as the rich asshole booster blames State Department plug for Mar-a-Lago on Obama
A CNN discussion on the rich asshole’s first 100 days took a wild turn Monday night when the rich asshole-backing former Congressman Jack Kingston defended the rich asshole family for cashing in on the presidency.
After CNN regular Ana Navarro criticized first daughter Ivanka the rich asshole for selling “the rich asshole shoes and the rich asshole handbags,” the discussion pivotted to the State Department plugging Mar-a-Lago on a government website.
“The State Department website got a lot of attention for plugging the president’s Mar-a-Lago resort.,” CNN host Jake Tapper offered. “It was also on the website of the U.S. embassy in the U.K.”
“It’s outrageous. It’s completely outrageous,” CNN regular Van Jones stated. “Part of the thing that is shocking to me is, with a few exceptions, you don’t hear conservatives shouting about this. One of the things you want to be able to rely on the conservatives for is limited government, clean government, small government. It’s outright kleptocracy from what I can see.”
“This is — you literally have somebody who says, my house, my business is the winter White House,” he continued. “This is an ad. — you would pay a billion dollars for this ad. “
Asked to respond, Kingston attempted to blame government bureaucracy for the plug that benefited the president.
“I’m happy the White House reacted immediately and the thing came down.” Kingston began. “But I also want to point out, this is part of a $72 million click-bait campaign the State Department previously engaged in. It was not done under the rich asshole administration. “
As Navarro pushed back, pointing out that the rich asshole has been having highly-promoted meetings at the resort with world leaders, Kingston tried another angle – blaming it on the Obama administration.
“C’mon, c’mon, Jack,” panelist David Gergen exclaimed as the rest of the panel either moaned, laughed or tried to talk over Kingston
Gergen then delivered the smack down.
“Jack, it’s not true you can blame this on bureaucracy,” Gergen lectured. “Presidents create a culture within the White House, you know that. People take their cue from how the president acts. When the president and his family are so close to the line, I think they have created blurry lines, and there’s a deep sense that they are being enriched.”
the rich asshole Caved On His Stupid Wall That Was Never Going To Happen
Despite an early morning Twitter rant, the rich asshole has already signaled to Democrats that he won't shut down the government over funding his bullshit wall that Mexico isn't paying for.
APR 24, 2017
After the barely coherent, and goddamn terrifying, transcript of some rich asshole's AP interview blasted its way across the internet Sunday night into Monday morning, it became increasingly clear that the rich asshole isn't going to cause a government shutdown if his border wall wasn't funded by American tax dollars. Which means that not only was some rich asshole failing to make Mexico pay for the wall - like he promised every white idiot who pretended the 2016 election was about coal jobs and not blatant racism - but he isn't even willing to fight for the damn thing.
And apparently that news must've made it to Fox & Friends because the rich asshole took to Twitter in the wee hours to froth at the mouth that his wall was still happening.
The Wall is a very important tool in stopping drugs from pouring into our country and poisoning our youth (and many others)! If
....the wall is not built, which it will be, the drug situation will NEVER be fixed the way it should be!#BuildTheWall
Except like most things that come out of the rich asshole's mouth, it was tanned horseshit. Because hours later, he was already capitulating to Democrats and backing away from holding people's health care coverage hostage in exchange for not having a government shutdown on his watch. Art of the Deal!
From NBC News:
the rich asshole's insistence on funding for a border wall in this bill was largely unpopular on Capitol Hill among both Democrats and Republicans.
Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, a member of the Appropriations Committee, had earlier cautioned the president against forcing Congress' hand on an issue so politically toxic at a time where Republicans are eager to show competency in running the government.
"If you can make this about better border security, the president's in good shape," Graham said. "If he wants a 2,200 mile wall, I don't think he's going to get the votes to support that."
Democrats acknowledged that they'll support additional funds for border security, as long as it doesn't go specifically to building a wall.
As it stands, funding for the rich asshole's border wall (with U.S. tax dollars because Mexico isn't paying for it) will be revisited in the fall. But go ahead and file that next to Repealing Obamacare in "Things some rich asshole Couldn't Get Done With A GOP-Controlled House And Senate Because He's A Shit-Awful Negotiator Who Should've Never Been President."
the rich asshole BUSTED Plagiarizing Holocaust Speech From Holocaust Museum Website (DETAILS)
Just when you thought some rich asshole and his administration might be putting some actual heartfelt thought into what they are saying, as it turns out they are, once again, plagiarizing.
“The Holocaust was the state-sponsored, systematic persecution and attempted annihilation of European Jewry by the Nazi regime and its collaborators.”
It then goes on from there, and it is a good proclamation more or less, but it must be noted that this beginning remark looks remarkably similar to that of Holocaust Museum’s introductory page:
“The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of six million Jews by the Nazi regime and its collaborators.”
It’s pretty much word for word, in fact.
If you’re interested in reading the full proclamation, you can find it here:
However, if you’re really looking to learn more about the Holocaust, you can visit the Holocaust Museum’s encyclopedia HERE.
However, if you’re really looking to learn more about the Holocaust, you can visit the Holocaust Museum’s encyclopedia HERE.
Was this apparent plagiarism intentional? Maybe. Maybe not. But likely so. It could just be a case, like with Melania’s Republican National Convention speech, that someone was given that website as a jumping off point, but instead, they just decided to cut and paste.
It’s absolutely imperative that we remember the Holocaust, especially after White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer apparently doesn’t know much about it. We, as a society, and as a global community, must never allow such atrocities to ever happen again.
Trump lists failed travel ban as one of his biggest ‘achievements’ of first 100 days

President Donald Trump has been nervous about media coverage marking his first 100 days in office, which is why he’s tried to preempt negative press by touting some of his administration’s top achievements.
As noted by CNN’s Jim Acosta, the White House on Monday sent out a list of “highlights” from Trump’s 100 days, and they included the failed travel ban that barred people from several Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States.
“On March 6th 2017, the president signed an executive order that implemented new protections for the United States against foreign terrorist entry,” the press release boasted.
In fact, the executive order implementing the travel ban was shot down less than two weeks later by a federal judge in Hawaii, and the administration has so far had no success in overturning that ruling.
In addition to the failed travel ban, the administration also touted its airstrike on a Syrian airbase earlier this month as one of its successes.
“On April 6th 2017, the president ordered a targeted military strike on the airfield in Syria that was used to carry out chemical weapons attacks,” the White House said.
However, the strike against the airbase did little to hinder Syria’s ability to wage war, as it used the base to carry out more attacks just one day after the Trump-ordered airstrike.
‘We’re not even close to how bad it’s going to get’: Why the rich asshole will never, ever admit he’s failing

President some rich asshole’s first 100 days are — by any measurable standards — looking an awful lot like a failure to many observers, but the rich asshole himself insists that everything is running perfectly.
According to a feature in Politico magazine on Sunday, the rich asshole’s constant insistence that everything is great — even in the face of bankruptcies, closings and collapsed ventures — is a key to his success and always has been.
“How, wonder people who are even fleetingly familiar with presidential history, can the rich asshole look back at the past three months and seriously say they were the best ever?” asked Politico’s Michael Kruse. “To others, though, who have worked with him, have been watching him for decades and know him well, nothing could be more familiar.”
“I just shake my head,” one former the rich asshole casino executive told Kruse, “and I say, ‘Well, that’s some rich asshole.’”
Kruse compiled a record of the many, many times the president — when faced with business closings, the collapse of his airline, his steak brand, his bottled water brand, his sports team ownership and on and on — has simply said, “Things are great. Business is great” and somehow gotten away with it.
These statements, Kruse wrote, “are potent shots of unadulterated, time-tested the rich asshole —
short, confident declarations of success, in spite of objective evidence of failure, uttered with total disregard for the parsing and fact-checking that constitutes so much of the coverage of him and his administration. Biographers, ex-employees, veteran New York City gossip columnists, public relations professionals and political operatives from both major parties say recognizing this well-established pattern of behavior—stumble, proclaim victory, move on—is imperative to understanding the rich asshole.”
short, confident declarations of success, in spite of objective evidence of failure, uttered with total disregard for the parsing and fact-checking that constitutes so much of the coverage of him and his administration. Biographers, ex-employees, veteran New York City gossip columnists, public relations professionals and political operatives from both major parties say recognizing this well-established pattern of behavior—stumble, proclaim victory, move on—is imperative to understanding the rich asshole.”
the rich asshole never feels like he’s failing as long as his bottomless need for attention is being met. Furthermore, the president “has perfected a narrative style in which he doesn’t merely obscure reality — he tries to change it with pronouncements that act like blaring, garish roadside billboards… (H)e has defined himself as a success no matter what — by talking the loudest and the longest, and by insisting on having the first word and also the last.”
The approach has worked at every turn thus far in the rich asshole’s adult life, Politico said. Many people who are familiar with the rich asshole and have watched him in the long term say that he may well pull it off, powering through his actual failures and missteps with a relentless barrage of PR.
“He creates his own reality,” former the rich asshole Organization vice president Barbara Res said. “He created the reality that he was this big, successful businessman, and now he’s creating the reality that he’s a big, accomplished president.”
Republican strategist Rick Wilson, one of the rich asshole’s fiercest critics, said, “He’s gotten away with this game his whole life.”
“We’re not even close to how bad it’s going to get,” Wilson said. “It’s going to get substantially more difficult to keep selling this crap. He’s not dealing with some random vendors in New Jersey. He’s dealing with the American people. But I will say this: His cult has shown a great willingness to be a cult.”
Jack O’Donnell — the former casino executive — told Kruse that the rich asshole will use the approach for as long as it works.
“If you or I were sitting there,” he said, “we would have trouble staring into the camera and lying. He doesn’t.”

According to Bloomberg, store retailers are filing for bankruptcy at a record rate during some rich asshole’s first 100 days in the Oval Office. The former reality host has claimed again and again, during and after his presidential campaign, that he would be a job creator. But again and again his promises have proved to be bullshit.
In a little over three months, 14 chains have announced they will seek court protection, according to an analysis by S&P Global Market Intelligence, almost surpassing all of 2016. Few retail segments have proven immune as discount shoe-sellers, outdoor goods shops, and consumer electronics retailers have all found themselves headed for reorganization.
How these companies file bankruptcy (something the rich asshole is familiar with) will determine how much of the cost American taxpayers will pay.
Much of the retail decline is due to online stores outselling land stores. Like the housing bubble, there are too many land stores and not enough customers and this too has also created ”a bubble — that will burst,” according to Urban Outfitters Chief Executive Officer Richard Hayne.
“We are seeing the results: Doors shuttering and rents retreating. This trend will continue for the foreseeable future and may even accelerate.”
There doesn’t seem to be a quick solution for this.
Jim Elder, S&P Global Market Intelligence’s director of risk services, wrote that first quarter results suggest there’s no quick recovery in sight. Sears Holdings Corp., Bon-Ton Stores Inc., and Perfumania Holdings Inc. are among the most vulnerable in the coming year, according to an S&P analysis of public retail companies. Sears acknowledged in a March filing that there is “substantial doubt” about its future. Fitch named retail chains including Nine West Holdings, Claire’s Stores, and children’s clothing outlet Gymboree Corp. in a study late last year. (Representatives from Bon-Ton, Perfumania, Nine West, and Claire’s didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment.)
The Standard & Poor/S&P Global Ratings states the department stores, electronics retail, and apparel shops are at highest risk.
Add another “accomplishment” to the rich asshole’s #100DaysOfShame. Though the problem is mostly stemming from competitive online selling, many, many store employees will find themselves out of jobs — and jobs are something the rich asshole promised there would be more of.
There is no enjoyment that comes with this news, which is bad no matter how one looks at it. And there is no hoping for the failing of retail stores just so the rich asshole can look bad. No, that’s how many Republicans roll. This is to prove, once again, that some rich asshole is a fraud. He can’t make good on his promises, because he didn’t think them through, and he doesn’t know how to think them through because prior to his election, he had absolutely no experience in politics. He also can’t make good on his promises because he’s a scamming, ignorant, lying, ego-driven, deranged and dangerous human being. If mainstream media won’t use these honest adjectives to describe him in their stories — I will.
Republicans Just RUINED the rich asshole’s Plan To Bully The Government Into Funding Border Wall (DETAILS)
some rich asshole has just been screwed over by members of his own party, thanks to his insistence on a border wall that is absolutely pointless and won’t actually work.
At Congress has been at a standstill over including the rich asshole’s border wall in government spending, Republican lawmakers are now agreeing with Democrats by supporting a “clean” spending bill so the government won’t have to stop working on Friday. This push takes the rich asshole’s border wall out of the running for funding.
Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) said:
“Ideological litmus tests on a spending bill like this simply create partisan roadblocks. With so many pressing issues facing our country, we need to work together to keep the lights on and avoid another expensive shutdown that weakens not only our economy but our national security.”
Mick Mulvaney, who is the rich asshole’s budget director, tried to make a deal with Congress by promising that Obamacare would get more funding if the rich asshole’s wall was funded. Clearly okay with manipulating Americans into funding a wall that no one wants, Mulvaney said:
“We’d offer them $1 of CSR [Obamacare] payments for $1 of wall payments. Right now that’s the offer that we’ve given to our Democratic colleagues.”
No one in the Democratic party actually wants this border wall to be funded – and Chuck Schumer pointed out exactly why. These are points that even Republicans can’t argue with:

A spokesman for Schumer blasted the rich asshole administration for trying to use Obamacare to bribe lawmakers into funding the rich asshole’s wall:
“The White House gambit to hold hostage health care for millions of Americans, in order to force American taxpayers to foot the bill for a wall that the President said would be paid for by Mexico is a complete non-starter.
The US government is supposed to take care of its citizens and, according to the President, Mexico is supposed to pay for the wall. If the administration would drop their 11th hour demand for a wall that Democrats, and a good number of Republicans oppose, Congressional leaders could quickly reach a deal.”
the rich asshole needs to just admit that the border wall he promised his brainless supporters was a flawed idea, and it is only going to cost America in the end.
‘I feel used up’: Carrier workers aren’t happy about losing jobs after Trump’s ‘deal’

President Donald Trump made a “deal” to save the jobs at the Carrier plant in Indiana but workers lost their jobs to Mexico anyway.
Fifty-six-year-old Jim Shalle doesn’t want to complain but things aren’t going well, The New York Times reported.
“I’m a routine guy, and I’m not boohooing,” he said. “But I feel used up.”
Unfortunately, Jim isn’t alone. His colleague Pat is still working for Carrier but with production ending just after Christmas, she knows her days are numbered. She’s been with the company for 40 years after graduating from high school, as did her daughter, who is now 33 years old.
“I loved my job,” she said. “It’s all I’ve ever known.”
While then-Gov. Mike Pence bribed Carrier with a hefty tax break deal, instead of 1400 jobs heading to Mexico — that number is more like 800. Both Jim and Pat thought they’d be OK, but the plant in Huntington wasn’t part of the deal. The so-called “buy American” mandate and federal infrastructure projects Trump has promised also wouldn’t do anything to help.
Huntington remains strong in manufacturing, however, with 21 percent of the city working in the industry. To put that in context, 90 percent of the counties in the United States don’t even reach that.
Yet, most of the workers don’t blame Trump for being unable to save their jobs, despite taking credit for doing so.
“I support him 100 percent,” 27-year-old veteran Tami Barnett told The Times. She left Carrier at the end of March. “I was very pleased he saved the jobs in Indianapolis. Do I wish he could have saved mine? Absolutely. But he did his best.”
“I’m glad he stepped in, but it’s a letdown,” said 55-year-old Susan Cropper. She’s still glad she voted for Trump, however, and blames Carrier and the executives.
Brooks Fetters serves as the city’s mayor and despite reaching out to Pence’s office multiple times, he never heard back.
“Right or wrong, that’s where we are. We’re not in panic mode,” Fetters said. After all, “German stoicism runs deep in northern Indiana, and you take your lumps.”
The town isn’t becoming a failing manufacturing hotspot the way Trump described some Pennsylvania cities during the election. A $1.4 million expansion to the high school has given many a job by retraining residents to do metalworking.
Still, if you’re not a skilled worker, you’re out of luck. The mayor explained he doesn’t have a lot of opportunities for “those who can just use a rake and a shovel.”
Jim’s $17,700 severance package does little to cover expenses after taxes and medical expenses come out. But now he has to start over at another factory.
Tami saw it as a “slap in the face” after she and her colleagues “made the company billions in profits.”
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