May 4th-May 11th 2017
Days 175-182 since the Nov 8, 2016, election and 105-112 since the Jan 20th inauguration of N045.
‘They tricked us!’: White House ‘furious’ Russia posted the rich asshole photos on official government accounts

On Wednesday, the Russian government posted photos of President some rich asshole meeting with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak on its official Twitter accounts.
This drew immediate criticism because the White House seemed to have allowed Russian state media to take photos of the meeting while excluding any American media outlets from doing the same.
Now a White House official tells CNN’s Jim Acosta that the the rich asshole administration is “furious” at the Russians for posting the photos, as they claimed they were not told beforehand that any pictures would be posted on state-run social media accounts.
“They tricked us,” one official told Acosta about the Russians. “They lie.”
WH furious over Russian government photos of Trump meeting with Lavrov/Kislyak. "They tricked us," an official said of Russians "They lie."
The official also said that the White House “did not anticipate” that the photos would ever be used by the Russians for propaganda purposes. That said, the official also slammed critics who called the meeting with Kislyak inappropriate because it came just one day after the rich asshole fired the person overseeing the FBI’s investigation into Russia’s interference with the 2016 election.
“It is ridiculous to say that an ambassador can’t meet with the president,” the official said.
Kislyak has been a central figure in the the rich asshole administration’s ongoing scandal related to Russian involvement in the 2016 presidential election.
Among other things, Attorney General Jeff Sessions had to recuse himself from taking part in investigations into Russia after it was revealed that he failed to disclose during his Senate confirmation hearing that he twice met with Kislyak during the 2016 presidential campaign, despite having denied meeting with any Russian
the rich asshole: ‘I Never Thought About’ How It Would Look To Abruptly Fire FBI Director
President some rich asshole on Thursday said that he did not consider the optics or potential backlash of suddenly firing former FBI Director James Comey, who led the bureau’s investigation into possible collusion between members of the rich asshole’s campaign and Russian officials.
“I never thought about it. It was set up a while ago, and frankly I could have waited. But what difference does it make?” the rich asshole said.
The White House on Thursday went into its third day of clean-up duty regarding conflicting official statements on the rich asshole’s rationale for Comey’s abrupt termination.
In an interview with NBC News’ Lester Holt, the rich asshole appeared unconcerned with the optics of the decision, and insisted he was not trying to send a message to Comey’s successor regarding the bureau’s probe into Russian election interference.
“Did you ask him to drop the investigation?” Holt asked.
“I want to find out if there was a problem in the election having to do with Russia,” the rich asshole insisted. “I just want somebody that’s competent.”
“But when you put out tweets, ‘it’s a total hoax, it’s a taxpayer charade,’ and you’re looking for a new FBI director, are you not sending that person a message to lay off?” Holt asked.
“No, I’m not doing that,” the rich asshole said.
He called allegations of election interference “an excuse” for Democrats’ election loss, but said he “might even lengthen out the investigation” nevertheless.
“I want that to be so strong and so good,” the rich asshole said. “And I want it to happen.”
He insisted there was no “collusion between me and my campaign and the Russians.”
Pressed by Holt on other conflicts with Comey, the rich asshole said he was “surprised” by Comey’s lack of support for the rich asshole’s claims that he was “wire tapped” at the rich asshole Tower.
“But I wasn’t angry,” he said.
the rich asshole went on to blame White House counsel Don McGahn and former acting Attorney General Sally Yates for the disparity between the amount of time it took the rich asshole to dismiss Comey — a shock announcement which came Tuesday afternoon — and the 18 days it took him to oust former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.
“My White House counsel Don McGahn didn’t make it sound like it was an emergency. She actually didn’t make it sound that way either,” the rich asshole said of Flynn’s contacts with a Russian ambassador. “He’s, in my opinion, a very good person.”
Fired US attorney: No one believes the rich asshole's explanation for firing Comey
BY JOHN BOWDEN - 05/11/17 07:40 AM EDT
Fired U.S. attorney Preet Bharara blasted President the rich asshole's firing of FBI Director James Comey on Thursday and questioned whether anyone believed the rich asshole's stated reasoning for the firing.
"Whatever one's opinion of Comey, does anyone still believe that the STATED reason for Comey's firing was the ACTUAL reason?" Bharara asked on Twitter. "Anyone?"
the rich asshole fired Comey Tuesday night, releasing a statement saying it was "essential" to find new leadership for the FBI that would mend "public trust and confidence in its vital law enforcement mission."
Bharara, formerly a U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, was fired in March by President the rich asshole after he refused to resign. Bharara was appointed by former President Obama and was the only U.S. attorney appointed by Obama who refused to offer his resignation under the the rich asshole administration.
the rich asshole Official: We ‘Let the Biggest Perpetrator of Fake News into the Oval Office’
Team the rich asshole is “either in bed with the Russians or too stupid to understand the severity of this mistake,” an official fumed after Kremlin press got exclusive Oval Office access.
05.11.17 4:19 PM ET
Senior members of the the rich asshole administration are livid that the White House allowed the Russian government to steer the narrative of the president’s Wednesday meeting with top Russian diplomats by giving Kremlin-backed media exclusive access to the event.
The White House did not allow American press into the meeting between President some rich asshole, Russian foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, and Russia’s ambassador to Washington, Sergey Kislyak. But it did admit a photographer from TASS, a state-owned Russian news service. Its photos were subsequently posted on TASS’s website, giving that outlet a monopoly on publishable visuals of the meeting.
Russian government Twitter accounts shared photos of the event shortly after its conclusion. They revealed Kislyak’s presence—a fact that was not even mentioned in the official White House readout of the meeting. Some U.S. officials suspect Kislyak, whose conversations with the rich asshole’s former National Security Adviser have fed an FBI investigation of his campaign, is a Kremlin spy—or at least spy-adjacent.
Two senior administration officials, one an Obama holdover and the other a the rich asshole appointee, told The Daily Beast that the resulting reliance of U.S. media on a propaganda arm of a foreign government let Russia set the public tone of the meeting and embarrassed the administration amid already contentious discussions with Russian diplomats.
Both officials spoke on condition of anonymity in order to candidly express their views. The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
“This isn’t an ‘America First’ policy,” one of the officials fumed of the White House’s decision “to let the biggest perpetrator of fake news into the Oval Office.” the rich asshole, the official added, is “either in bed with the Russians or too stupid to understand the severity of this mistake. Either way, the implications are truly terrifying.”
The hurt feelings inside the White House weren’t much sunnier.
“Yes, I admit the optics are bad—that was not intentional or anything,” one senior White House official told The Daily Beast. “I literally face-palmed with this one.”
The official noted that White House senior staff and press office were “sour” about the way this played out because top White House staff "somehow" did not foresee that the photos of the rich asshole's chummy, American-press-free meeting with Kislyak and Lavrov would be almost immediately published by TASS.
Administration officials also claimed on Thursday that they had been misled into believing that TASS was documenting the event internally, just as an official White House photographer on hand for the meeting was. “We were not informed by the Russians that their official photographer was dual-hatted and would be releasing the photographs on the state news agency,” an administration official told The Washington Post.
Furthermore, National Security Agency director Mike Rogers said Thursday that the NSA was not consulted ahead of time regarding the Russian-government visit to the Oval Office that produced what amounted to glam shots for Russian state-news and official social-media channels.
Following Wednesday’s meeting, members of the White House press corp were finally allowed into the Oval Office. But by that time, the ambassador and foreign minister had safely ducked out, and U.S. press found President the rich asshole and Henry Kissinger, the highly controversial Nixon-era National Security Adviser, sitting side-by-side for a photo op.
What happened during Kissinger and the rich asshole’s private discussion on Wednesday? The conversation quickly steered towards Russia as a regional power, a the rich asshole administration official, who was briefed on the exchanges, confirmed to The Daily Beast. Kissinger advised President the rich asshole on possible “avenues of cooperation” that could be negotiated between the two geopolitical adversaries, especially with regards to the fight against ISIS, and Islamist terror groups in Syria.
On Thursday morning, U.S. newspapers such as The New York Times were forced to credit the Russian Foreign Ministry for photos appearing in their publications. “It’s beyond insulting, it really is,” another senior administration official said of U.S. media’s reliance on the news service of an adversarial foreign government.
“It’s boneheaded on so many levels but it’s certainly insulting to the U.S. press to be forced to use TASS photos and to identify [Russian state media] as its source for a meeting between Lavrov and the rich asshole,” the official said.
Asked about the White House’s explanation for TASS’s presence at the event, the official suggested that it knew or should have known the nature of the news service’s work—and that its photos would eventually be published. “Of course they knew what TASS was, everybody does,” the official said. “If they didn’t then it’s a pretty shameful admission, honestly.”
The embarrassment that officials described at TASS’s access to the event compounded frustration at Lavrov’s opportunistic trolling at the meeting. Peppered with press questions on his way to the event, Lavrov sarcastically feigned shock that the rich asshole had the day before fired FBI director James Comey amid his investigation into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.
On Thursday, a spokesman for Lavrov was indignant at suggestions that TASS’s presence at the meeting might have left the Oval Office vulnerable to espionage activities such as wiretapping.
the rich asshole himself just confirmed his White House’s story about Comey’s firing was a lie
It took less than 48 hours.
On Tuesday, President the rich asshole said he fired FBI Director James Comey “based on the clear recommendations of both Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Attorney General Jeff Sessions.”On Thursday, the rich asshole told NBC’s Lester Holt that “regardless of recommendation, I was going to fire Comey.”
It’s a stunning reversal. It’s tantamount to an official admission that the original explanation the the rich asshole administration gave for Comey’s firing — which presented a three-page memo from Deputy AG Rosenstein, about Comey’s handling of the 2016 investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server as secretary of state, as the justification for the move — was a lie.
The original explanation was never a sustainable one. Ever since Comey was fired, the White House has had to contend with the truth coming out in dribs and drabs from anonymous press reports, all pointing to the president as the real reason Comey was fired — and to investigations into ties between the the rich asshole campaign and the Russian government as a key reason for the rich asshole’s anger.
The White House has spent the past two days trying to adjust their spin to accommodate reality. By Thursday, President the rich asshole simply broke the spin.
Here’s the timeline:
May 9, 5:48 pm: A statement attributed to press secretary Sean Spicer is sent to the White House press list. The statement announces that Comey has been fired and says that “President the rich asshole acted based on the clear recommendations of both Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Attorney General Jeff Sessions.”
The memo from Rosenstein details Comey’s alleged misconduct regarding the 2016 investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email server as secretary of state; no other specific misconduct is mentioned either in Rosenstein’s memo or Sessions’s letter.
May 9, later that evening: During an impromptu press huddle, Spicer gives reporters the following account (paraphrased by the Washington Post’s Robert Costa):
Rosenstein was confirmed about two weeks ago and independently took on this issue so the president was not aware of the probe until he received a memo from Rosenstein on Tuesday, along with a letter from Attorney General Jeff Sessions recommending that Comey be fired. The president then swiftly decided to follow the recommendation.
“No one from the White House,” Spicer tells a reporter attempting to clarify. “That was a DOJ decision.”May 9, late: Deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, speaking to CBS News, cites a “long list of reasons that Director Comey isn’t there,” including that he had “lost the confidence” of the FBI “rank and file.”
May 10, about 11 am: During a photo op with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, the rich asshole is asked why he fired Comey. He replies: “He wasn't doing a good job. Very simply. He was not doing a good job."
May 10, midday: Vice President Mike Pence tells reporters that Rosenstein “came to work, sat down and made the recommendation” — strongly implying that the rich asshole hadn’t played a role in initiating the conversation:
The new deputy attorney general, who was just sworn in two weeks ago and confirmed by the FBI, came to work — he is a man of extraordinary independence and integrity and a reputation in both political parties of great character — came to work, sat down and made the recommendation for the FBI to be able to do its job that it would need new leadership.
He brought that recommendation to the President, the attorney general concurred with that recommendation, and I personally am grateful that we have a President who is willing to provide the kind of decisive and strong leadership to take the recommendation of the deputy attorney general and the attorney general.
May 10, 1:49 pm: During the daily press briefing, Huckabee Sanders says that President the rich asshole had long been considering firing Comey, and that he asked Rosenstein and Sessions on Monday, May 8, to write the memo expressing their concerns:
He’d lost confidence in Director Comey, and, frankly, he’d been considering letting Director Comey go since the day he was elected. But he did have a conversation with the Deputy Attorney General on Monday, where they had come to him to express their concerns. The President asked they put those concerns and their recommendation in writing, which is the letter that you guys have received.
Huckabee Sanders also cites Comey’s testimony to the Senate on May 3 (which he reportedly did not clear with Sessions or Rosenstein beforehand) as “one of the big catalysts” that led the president to fire Comey.May 10, 6:46 pm: The White House provides an official “timeline” of the decision to fire Comey, sent to press via a pool report. The timeline reinforces Huckabee Sanders’s comments that President the rich asshole had, “over the last several months, lost confidence,” and says that the rich asshole was “strongly inclined to remove” Comey after seeing his May 3 testimony. It says that the rich asshole, Rosenstein, and Sessions “discussed reasons for removing” Comey on May 8, followed by written recommendations on May 9.
May 11, 1 pm: In an interview, Lester Holt asks the rich asshole whether he asked Rosenstein and Sessions for a recommendation during the May 8 meeting. the rich asshole responded that “I was going to fire Comey” regardless of what the recommendation said.
HOLT: You had made the decision before they came in the room?
RICH ASSHOLE: I was going to fire Comey. There’s no good time to do it, by the way. They, they were —
HOLT: Because in your letter, it said, “I accepted their recommendation” —
RICH ASSHOLE: Yeah, well, they were also —
HOLT: So you had already made the decision.
RICH ASSHOLE: Oh, I was going to fire regardless of recommendation. [...] (Rosenstein) made a recommendation, but regardless of recommendation, I was going to fire Comey.
The White House hasn’t contradicted its own explanation just because it can’t keep a story straight; the problem is that constant leaks from within the White House, the FBI, and Congress have made it clear that the White House’s initial explanation was a lie.As early as Tuesday evening, anonymous White House sources were telling reporters that the decision to fire Comey hadn’t come from Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein or Attorney General Sessions, but from the rich asshole himself. And they were saying the real reason for the firing was because the rich asshole blamed Comey for continued public attention to the FBI’s investigation into the the rich asshole campaign’s ties with the Russian government. (Comey’s most recent public comments on the Russia investigation came on May 3, during the congressional testimony Huckabee Sanders later called “one of the big catalysts.”)
Meanwhile, Rosenstein was reportedly upset that his memo was being offered as the primary reason for Comey’s firing. According to the Washington Post, he threatened to resign. (Rosenstein denies this.) It’s possible that the White House’s attempts over the past 24 hours to “clarify” that the decision came from the rich asshole to begin with were the result of Rosenstein’s insistence that he not be made out as the originator of the plan.
Instead, however, the president has admitted that his own press secretary was lying — both in the original written statement and in his comments to press Tuesday night. He’s made his own vice president’s comments on Wednesday look either totally clueless or willfully mendacious. And he’s made it clear that his attorney general and deputy AG were used, wittingly or unwittingly, as patsies to invent a post facto reason to fire someone the rich asshole wanted gone.
It’s not exactly a better situation for him, and it certainly doesn’t do anything to inspire belief in anything else he and his administration say.
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the rich asshole contradicts spokeswoman on effect of Comey firing, says it may 'lengthen out the investigation'
Updated 2354 GMT (0754 HKT) May 11, 2017
(CNN)President some rich asshole said Thursday that he feared his firing of FBI Director James Comey could confuse Americans, but went ahead with the plan anyway.
"When I did this now I said, I probably, maybe will confuse people," the rich asshole told NBC News.
But he said he did it anyway "to do the right thing for the American people."
the rich asshole said he wanted the FBI's investigation into Russia's election meddling to be "absolutely done properly."
He said Comey's firing might "lengthen out the investigation."
Earlier Thursday, White House deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said the Comey firing may hasten the agency's investigation into Russian meddling.
"We want this to come to its conclusion, we want it to come to its conclusion with integrity," she said, referring to the FBI's probe into Moscow's interference in last year's election. "And we think that we've actually, by removing Director Comey, taken steps to make that happen."
The statement had come as a surprising admission from the White House that Comey's sudden dismissal on Tuesday may have an effect on the Russia probe. Officials have insisted the removal came because of Comey's handling of an investigation into Hillary Clinton's email server, and was unrelated to his oversight of the look into Russia's election hacking and possible ties between the rich asshole advisers and Russian operatives.
Earlier in her briefing Thursday, Sanders claimed that Comey's firing had not altered the Russia investigation at all.
"Any investigation that was taking place Monday was taking place today," Sanders said, suggesting that was an indication that Comey's firing would not impact the ongoing probe.
Sanders said Thursday that the rich asshole would "love nothing more for this investigation to continue to its completion."
the rich asshole himself has cast doubt on the investigation, suggesting any question of ties between his campaign and Russia are a "hoax."
the rich asshole said Thursday he wants to get to the bottom of Russia's meddling in the US presidential election.
He insisted that his firing of Comey would not put a damper on the FBI's probe into the matter.
"I think that we have to get back to work but I want to find out -- I want to get to the bottom. If Russia hacked, if Russia did anything having to do with our election I want to know about it," the rich asshole said.
"If Russia or anybody else is trying to interfere with our elections I think it's a horrible thing and I want to get to the bottom of it and I want to make sure it will never ever happen," the rich asshole said.
The rich asshole Casually Throws His Entire Administration Under Bus, Admits Comey Firing Cover Story Was BS
MAY 11 2017 2:04 PM
The White House has been insisting ardently since some rich asshole fired FBI director James Comey on Tuesday afternoon that the initiative to ax Comey came from newly confirmed Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. Here's spokesman Sean Spicer on Tuesday night:
It was all [Rosenstein] ... No one from the White House.
Here's vice president Mike Pence on Wednesday morning:
The president took strong and decisive leadership here to put the safety and security of the American people first by accepting the recommendation of the deputy attorney general to remove Director Comey as the head of the FBI ... The president's leadership here I think represents the kind of strong leadership that the American people were expect. They expect the president to act on the recommendations of those within the administration who are charged with oversight.
And here's spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Wednesday afternoon:
SANDERS: [Rosenstein and Attorney General Jeff Sessions] had come to him to express their concerns. The president asked they put those concerns and their recommendation in writing, which is the letter that you guys have received.
REPORTER: So it's the White House’s assertion that Rod Rosenstein decided on his own, after being confirmed, to review Comey’s performance?
SANDERS: Absolutely.
Above, you can see the rich asshole tell NBC anchor Lester Holt that he had already decided to fire Comey before he ever met with Rosenstein and that he would have fired him regardless of what Rosenstein said. Said the president: "I was going to fire Comey, my decision. ... I was going to fire Comey. I was going to fire regardless of recommendation. ... He made a recommendation, but regardless of recommendation, I was going to fire Comey."
some rich asshole fired James Comey because 'he refused to end Russia investigation', say multiple FBI insiders
"The Comey operation was breathing down the neck of the the rich asshole campaign ... and this was an effort to slow down the investigation"
Multiple FBI insiders have claimed the real reason the bureau’s former director James Comey was fired by some rich asshole was because of his refusal to end the investigation into links between Russia and the US leader's presidential campaign team.
The president claimed Mr Comey “wasn’t doing a good job” and documents provided by the White House suggested he was fired for his poor handling of the bureau’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server.
But speculation has mounted that the director was deposed because of his refusal to end his investigation into allegations that individuals involved with Mr the rich asshole's presidential campaign had undisclosed links to the Kremlin and whether Russian hacking influenced the outcome of last year’s presidential election.
It subsequently emerged that he asked for more resources to fund the investigation, in the days leading up to his firing, although this was denied by the US Department of Justice.
Some commentators and newspapers, including The New York Times, have suggested the President disposed of Mr Comey in a frantic bid to prevent his own impeachment.
Former US attorney for the southern district of New York, Preet Bharara took to Twitter to make a similar claim.
“As a matter of math, infinitely more evidence Comey fired for Russian investigation (some) than there is evidence the rich asshole was wiretapped (zero)”, he wrote.
Mr Bharara, who was removed from his high profile position by Mr the rich asshole in March, added: “Everyone who cares about independence and the rule of law in America should be ‘troubled by the timing and reasoning’ of Comey firing. Period.”
Whatever one's opinion of Comey, does anyone still believe that the STATED reason for Comey's firing was the ACTUAL reason? Anyone?
The investigation into the alleged Russian links had been stepped up in recent weeks, with Mr Comey receiving daily instead of weekly updates on the investigation, according to bureau insiders speaking anonymously to the US media.
The Senate’s Intelligence Committee issued a subpoena this week for the President’s former national security adviser Mike Flynn to produce documents relevant to the investigation, which is looking into the nature of his contacts with the Russians before he joined the White House team.
The retired General was forced to resign in February for failing to disclose the content of his talks with Sergei Kislyak, Russia's ambassador to the United States, and then misleading Vice President Mike Pence about the conversations.
Mr the rich asshole insisted the Russia probe wasn’t a factor in his decision to sack Mr Comey.
White House press secretary Sean Spicer also insisted that the President acted “on the clear recommendations” of Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
Mr Comey, a New York born lawyer, reportedly refused to give Mr the rich asshole’s aides a preview of his testimony on the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server before a Senate panel, which the President is said to have considered “an act of insubordination”.
Mr the rich asshole, the Attorney General and his deputy had reportedly expected to be given a heads-up about what Mr Comey would say at the hearing which took place on 3 May.
The President said he had had concerns over Mr Comey for some time but it was the FBI’s “clarification” that its former chief had mishandled the investigation into Ms Clinton that prompted the dismissal.
But Democrats and Republicans alike have said the dismissal is concerning and calls into question the independence of the FBI, with several congressman calling for the immediate appointment of an independent counsel to take over the Russian investigation.
Mr the rich asshole has expressed repeated frustration into the enquiry into the alleged Russian ties, insisting it is based on “fake news”. Moscow has denied any official meddling in the US election and the the rich asshole administration denied all allegations of collusion with Russia.
A former the rich asshole adviser said that Mr Comey’s testimony into the Clinton emails had reinforced in the President’s mind that the FBI director was “against him”.
Deputy White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckerbee Sanders told reporters that Mr the rich asshole had been considering firing Mr Comey “since the day he was elected”.
Mr the rich asshole took to Twitter in his customary style to accuse the Democrats of hypocrisy.
“(They) have said some of the worst things about James Comey, including the fact that he should be fired, but now they play so sad.”
He added: “Comey lost the confidence of everyone in Washington, Republican and Democrats alike. When things calm down they will be thanking me!”
Mr Comey has not given any interviews since his dismissal, but said in a farewell letter to his colleagues at the FBI: “I have long believed that a president can fire an FBI director for any reason, or for no reason at all. I’m not going to spend any time on the decision or the way it was executed. I hope you won’t either. It is done.”
Dems have been complaining for months & months about Dir. Comey. Now that he has been fired they PRETEND to be aggrieved. Phony hypocrites!
The President has the authority to fire the FBI director but it has only happened once before when Bill Clinton dismissed William sessions after an internal watchdog uncovered financial irregularities.
Amid the gathering storm of protest over the decision, Mr the rich asshole yesterday welcomed Sergey Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, to the White House.
Mr Lavrov later shrugged off questions about the alleged links between the the rich asshole team and his own government’s officials, comparing the President favourably to his predecessor Barack Obama.
“We discussed our bilateral relations which are not very encouraging. The reason is well known. Unfortunately the previous administration bent over backwards to undermine the solid foundation of those relations.
“President the rich asshole clearly states his interest to build businesslike pragmatic relations with Russia and to settle outstanding issues.”
MAY 10, 2017
How the Dutch Media is on the paper trail of the rich asshole money laundering in the Netherlands
Cool, calm and collected – everything some rich asshole is not, Dutch media are calmly but steadily on the trail of what could best be described as toilet paper hanging from his pants. You can try and deny it but the facts are there, Donny. We look for you at night.
Back in 2009 Barack Obama called the Netherlands a tax haven, together with places like the Cayman Islands, and struck the Dutch right in our tiny, little sensitive hearts. But was he wrong? Well, there’s some nuance to it, but the country is earning some sweet pocket money for this side gig. But it appears that the Netherlands’ banking system may actually have one little gem in store for former president Obama and a total nightmare for “President 45”.
the rich asshole money laundering in the Netherlands: Socialist TV and Steak Ketchup – You’re about to get served!
In comes ZEMBLA, by Dutch network VARA (a historically socialist media network no less!) and widely known – even internationally – for digging so deep it once reached the molten core of the Earth and confirmed the current US Administration had set up camp there for the 2016 elections.
But, in all seriousness, this is a trustworthy news source and they’ve got something so good it trumps steak with ketchup: a paper trail leading directly to the rich asshole money laundering in the Netherlands and his connections to the Russians.
But, in all seriousness, this is a trustworthy news source and they’ve got something so good it trumps steak with ketchup: a paper trail leading directly to the rich asshole money laundering in the Netherlands and his connections to the Russians.
You see, the rich asshole used to be a “successful” businessman – given you ignore all the bankruptcies and lawsuits – and did many investments through a company called Bayrock. Guess where this Pokรฉmon-sounding investment company is headquartered? Tax Haven Holland!
Oh, and ZEMBLA has all the little receipts – it’s pure money laundering, by setting up in the Netherlands in 2007, it laundered $1,5 million dollars. And the company is in hot water already, the State of New York is doing investigations into their tax fraud, large scale tax fraud – and Donald is a key figure. According to attorney F. Oberlander – prosecuting on behalf of New York State – the maximum jail term could be as long as 30 years! But it doesn’t end there! There’s more! This was just the appetizer!
Oh, and ZEMBLA has all the little receipts – it’s pure money laundering, by setting up in the Netherlands in 2007, it laundered $1,5 million dollars. And the company is in hot water already, the State of New York is doing investigations into their tax fraud, large scale tax fraud – and Donald is a key figure. According to attorney F. Oberlander – prosecuting on behalf of New York State – the maximum jail term could be as long as 30 years! But it doesn’t end there! There’s more! This was just the appetizer!
Now we’re heading for the steak – the rich asshole, and Bayrock, have been working closely with some third parties, namely the Georgian-born Tamir Sapir and Kazakhstani Tevfik Ari and formed a new joint company Bayrock/Sapir Organization, LLC. Guess what? That company has been accused of grand scale fraud. Oh, and guess what else? That company was the developer behind the rich asshole SoHo, the hotel condiminium the rich asshole bought into for nearly 20% back in 2005. Soviet/Russian-ties confirmed. Nice.
But it keeps getting better, this is the proverbial ketchup on the steak. Remember Rudy Giulliani? Sure you do, top lawyer, former mayor of New York and current advisor to the the rich asshole Administration. Well guess what the legal company backing the rich asshole’s Bayrock is called? Bracewell & Giulliani…
And guess what else? ZEMBLA has access to the communications between Bracewell & Giulliani and several dark figures in the former USSR. And I really do mean dark – people that embezzled hundreds of millions, people that were fugitives and had fraudulent government roles supporting controversial regimes. These people have worked with, and are directly tied to, some rich asshole.
And guess what else? ZEMBLA has access to the communications between Bracewell & Giulliani and several dark figures in the former USSR. And I really do mean dark – people that embezzled hundreds of millions, people that were fugitives and had fraudulent government roles supporting controversial regimes. These people have worked with, and are directly tied to, some rich asshole.
Trumpocalypse Now – Watch it Melt.

And all this after the rich asshole so graciously responded to our “Holland Second”-request. Sorry, Don.

Twitter explodes in the wake of the rich asshole’s clear attempt to obstruct the ongoing FBI investigations into the Russia scandal.
All hell broke loose Tuesday night in the wake of the rich asshole’s firing of FBI Director James Comey.
As CNN reports, “the rich asshole on Tuesday fired FBI Director James Comey, sweeping away the man who is responsible for the bureau’s investigation into whether members of his campaign team colluded with Russia in its interference in last year’s election.”
“The bombshell announcement that sent shock and surprise ricocheting through Washington ends the career of the man who was once seen as the unimpeachable and nonpartisan ideal of how a law enforcement officer should behave.”
He had grown enraged by the Russia investigation, two advisers said, frustrated by his inability to control the mushrooming narrative around Russia. He repeatedly asked aides why the Russia investigation wouldn’t disappear and demanded they speak out for him. He would sometimes scream at television clips about the probe, one adviser said.
According to NBC News, “the rich asshole’s decision to terminate Comey sent shockwaves through Washington on Tuesday, with many senior Democrats accusing the White House of undermining the agency’s investigation into whether the the rich asshole campaign colluded with Russia to prevent Hillary Clinton’s election.”
NBC News reported in a separate article that “Some Democrats charged that the sudden ouster by the president of the FBI chief had echoes of Watergate.”
“This is Nixonian,” Sen. Bob Casey of Pennsylvania said. Vermont Sen. Patrick Leahy called the action “shocking” and labeling as “nothing less than Nixonian.”
New Mexico Senator Martin Heinrich stated that: “President the rich asshole’s dismissal of FBI Director Comey smacks of President Nixon’s Saturday Night Massacre.”
“For Republicans, the situation is trickier,” reports The Washington Post. “The balance between ensuring an objective analysis of the role Russia may have played in the 2016 race and protecting a Republican president has proved to be politically complicated for many on the right, who usually default to the latter position. This is to some extent a function of the rich asshole’s having had many exceptional moments in his candidacy and presidency so far, from insults to emoluments.”
Just last week the rich asshole tweeted: “FBI Director Comey was the best thing that ever happened to Hillary Clinton in that he gave her a free pass for many bad deeds! The phony…” and political commentator, actor and comedian John Fugelsang weighed in, tweeting in part that the rich asshole is “making dementia look bad.”
Forget America, now he's making dementia look bad. From last week... …
He quickly followed up by taking a swipe at controversial Attorney General Jeff Sessions who had to recuse himself from all matters concerning the 2016 presidential campaign and the alleged Russian interference in the presidential election in the wake of an explosive expose by The Washington Post revealed that he had spoken with Sergey Kislyak, the Russian ambassador to the United States, on two separate occasions during the campaign in direct contradiction to his sworn testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee during his confirmation hearing.
Nixon took 5 yrs to fire the guy investigating him! SAD! Would Nixon's AG commit perjury for him? Mine already has!#TrumpRussiaInvestigation
Beloved Star Trek actor and activist George Takei weighed in with a particularly somber tweet:
Trump and Putin both think they can make problems go away by getting rid of people. One says "You're Fired," the other just has you killed.
Progressive firebrand Sen. Elizabeth Warren weighed in…
But does anyone seriously believe @realDonaldTrump fired the top person investigating his ties to Russia because he was unfair to Hillary?
As did Sen. Bernie Sanders…
Donald Trump’s decision to fire FBI Director James Comey raises serious questions about what his administration is hiding.
And Rep. Ted Lieu:
If you actually believe @realDonaldTrump fired FBI Director because he was unfair to Hillary, then I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.
Debra Messing weighed in…
#COMEY This is absolutely OUTRAGEOUS!!! The Head of an IMPARTIAL agcy was FIRED bc he was uncovering corruption in the WH! #

… as did Sarah Silverman:
And Chelsea Handler reminded us of Comey’s role in disrupting the election while take a swipe at the rich asshole:
Reporter Dan Heyman was arrested for attempting to ask the rich asshole’s Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price a very simple question about pre-existing conditions in the recently passed House health care bill.
Heyman was trying to figure out if domestic violence would be considered a pre-existing condition in the new bill. Tom Price just didn’t want to answer, so he was arrested. Sounds about right.
When Heyman alerted police that he was a member of the press and he was allowed to ask questions, they still arrested him. What’s interesting about the arrest is that Heyman was in a public space and had received no warnings prior to asking his question.
“First time I’ve ever been arrested for asking a question. First time I’ve ever heard of someone getting arrested for asking a question,” he said.
“It’s dreadful. This is my job, this is what I’m supposed to do. I’m supposed to find out if someone is going to be affected by this healthcare law…I think it is a question that deserves to be answered,” he added.

A video of the arrest, shot by Valerie Woody with the West Virginia Citizens Action Group. 3/3

Here’s Reporter Dan Heyman addressing the press after he was released on bail:
Russian State Media Gets Access To White House Meeting While U.S. Press Kept Out
“It’s unprecedented,” says NBC’s Andrea Mitchell. May 10.2017
On the morning after President some rich asshole fired FBI Director James Comey, he met with Russia’s foreign minister in the White House.
The Wednesday meeting was especially newsworthy given the timing and circumstances, with Comey having reportedly just asked for more resources to investigate the rich asshole associates’ ties to Russia and the earlier conclusion of the U.S. intelligence community that Vladimir Putin’s government interfered in the presidential election to boost the rich asshole.
The White House declared the meeting with Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to be closed press, meaning that reporters couldn’t attend and cover independently.
But one outlet did get in: TASS, a Russian state media organization.
In addition, Russia’s foreign ministry quickly distributed photos of the the rich asshole meeting with Lavrov and Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. And the Russian embassy even tweeted a shot of the president and Kislyak.
Ambassador Kislyak and President Trump / ะะพัะพะป ะก.ะะธัะปัะบ ะธ ะัะตะทะธะดะตะฝั ะ.ะขัะฐะผะฟ
On MSNBC, Andrea Mitchell expressed disbelief over the White House giving Russian state-run media access to a meeting that was closed to U.S. press.
“The Russians had it all out globally while the White House press corps was kept out,” Mitchell said. “It’s unprecedented.”
Several journalists also highlighted the unusual situation whereby the U.S. press became reliant on Russian government handouts for details about the U.S. president’s meeting.
These photos of Trump-Russia meetings are courtesy solely of Russian MFA because no US press allowed in.
State-run Russian "media" allowed to cover Trump meeting with Russian Foreign Minister. US media not so. Reality. #2017.
An unnamed White House official tried explaining TASS’s access in a statement to The Hill’s Jordan Fabian, who served as pool reporter on Wednesday afternoon.
“Our official photographer and their official photographer were present, that’s it,” the official said.
The rich asshole Has 4:10 AM James Comey Twitter Freak Out Like An Unhinged Maniac
May 10, 2017
The firing of FBI Director James Comey rocked the political news world on Tuesday, and only one many really knows all the answers to the questions the American public is asking. Those answers will only be given, apparently, in 140-character bits on Twitter, because the president is some rich asshole.
The Democrats have said some of the worst things about James Comey, including the fact that he should be fired, but now they play so sad!
James Comey will be replaced by someone who will do a far better job, bringing back the spirit and prestige of the FBI.
Comey lost the confidence of almost everyone in Washington, Republican and Democrat alike. When things calm down, they will be thanking me!
Already, questions as to why the president chose to fire the same man he praised and blew kisses to during his campaign and inauguration celebrations have begun to swirl.
It was revealed earlier in the day on Tuesday that Comey “grossly overstated to Congress the number of emails Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin forwarded to husband Anthony Weiner while working at the State Department.” Somehow the “hundreds of thousands of emails” Comey told Congress were forwarded from longtime Clinton aide Huma Abedin to her husband were actually only two email chains. Gross overstatement, indeed.
Firing the man who so blatantly lied to Congress and the American people seems only right. While Comey was certainly not fully responsible for Clinton’s loss in the presidential race in 2016, it’s hard to argue that the unprecedented letter Comey sent to members of Congress announcing a new investigation into Clinton’s email server just a handful of weeks before Election Day had no effect on her already-damaged credibility.
That isn’t why the rich asshole says he fired Comey, however. In fact, the rich asshole has given very little in the way of explanations other than to have his paid mouthpieces say repeatedly the same phrase he tweeted on Wednesday morning, that Comey had “lost the confidence of almost everyone in Washington.” That explanation would make perfect sense in light of his wild overstatements involving the facts of an FBI investigation.
That isn’t, however, the reason Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein gave to reporters for Comey’s firing. According to him, Comey lost everyone’s confidence when he recommendedthat Clinton not be charged for a crime.
That happened nearly a year ago on July 5, 2016. Since then, the rich asshole himself said that he had confidence in Comey. He said it just one month ago in April and his White House press secretary Sean Spicer repeated it just one week ago on May 3.
Clearly, there is another explanation. No matter how many times the rich asshole insists that the investigations into his campaign and transition teams’ possible collusion with Russian operatives is nothing but a “hoax,” firing the FBI director in charge of the investigation for something he did nearly a year ago raises some serious alarm bells.
Comey will certainly be replaced and by someone appointed by some rich asshole. That’s all rather convenient in light of the investigations the rich asshole faces. No matter how many times the rich asshole says that he isn’t under investigation, he most certainly is, and that investigation could be his undoing.
Democrats aren’t “sad,” they’re baffled by the bold cover-up the rich asshole just displayed by firing the man responsible for those investigations.
How President the rich asshole's Decision to Fire James Comey Could Backfire
May 09, 2017
President some rich asshole’s decision to fire FBI Director James Comey rocked Washington on Tuesday, raising questions about the future of the investigation into his campaign’s ties to Russia and potentially setting off a chain of events that could envelop his administration.
Comey, whose investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server helped lift the rich asshole into the White House, was leading the federal counterintelligence investigation into whether advisers to the President had sought to collude with Russian officials in their efforts to swing the 2016 election. The ouster of the nation’s top cop prompted comparisons to Watergate, as Democrats pilloried the rich asshole for sidelining the official overseeing a probe that could threaten his presidency.
But the shock move is fraught with political peril as well. Calling the firing a cover-up, a slew of Democrats called for the appointment of a special prosecutor, who would have broad authority to investigate the the rich asshole campaign and administration. At minimum, such a probe would indefinitely extend questions about the rich asshole’s ties to Russia, and it could result in criminal charges.
“This is Nixonian,” said Senator Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, one of several Democrats who likened the move to the so-called Saturday Night Massacre, in which President Richard Nixon fired the special prosecutor appointed to the Watergate investigation, prompting top Justice Department officials to resign in protest. Said Senator Richard Blumenthal on CNN: “We face a looming constitutional crisis.”
the rich asshole’s decision ostensibly came at the recommendation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions and deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein, who laid out the case for sacking Comey in a memo that detailed his mishandling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server. But those complaints about Comey’s conduct, echoed by Republicans and Democrats alike, concern events that took place before the 2016 election. And they did not dissuade the rich asshole from retaining Comey, whom he has praised on multiple occasions, when he took office in January. the rich asshole’s decision ostensibly came at the recommendation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions and deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein, who laid out the case for sacking Comey in a memo that detailed his mishandling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server. But those complaints about Comey’s conduct, echoed by Republicans and Democrats alike, concern events that took place before the 2016 election. And they did not dissuade the rich asshole from retaining Comey, whom he has praised on multiple occasions, when he took office in January.
the rich asshole’s own statement Tuesday appeared to support his opponents’ suggestions that the decision was driven by the Russia investigation. "You are hereby terminated and removed from office, effective immediately," the rich asshole wrote to Comey in a letter released by the White House. "While I greatly appreciate you informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation, I nevertheless concur with the judgment of the Department of Justice that you are not able to effectively lead the bureau.”
Further clouding matters, the rich asshole’s former longtime security guard and current Director of Oval Office Operations Keith Schiller hand-delivered that termination letter to the Bureau Tuesday, according to an administration official. At the time, Comey was in Los Angeles, where he was visiting the local FBI field office and speak at a recruitment event late Tuesday. White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said the letter was also emailed to the FBI. Officials said Comey learned the news from television. Senior members of Congress were only informed of the news minutes before the White House announced it, Spicer confirmed.
Sessions had previously recused himself from the election probe over his failure to disclose to Congress meetings with Russian officials in 2016. As a result, the Russia investigation will now be led by Rosenstein, a widely respected career prosecutor who served under Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama. In a memo accompanying the rich asshole’s letter, Rosenstein laid out the case for Comey's firing.
"I cannot defend the Director's handling of the conclusion of the investigation of Secretary Clinton's emails, and I do not understand his refusal to accept the nearly universal judgment that he was mistaken," Rosenstein said. "Almost everybody agrees that the Director made serious mistakes; it is one of the few issues that unites people of diverse perspectives." The FBI, Rosenstein added, "is unlikely to regain public and congressional trust until it has a Director who understands the gravity of the mistakes and pledges never to repeat them."
Rosenstein’s indictment stemmed primarily from Comey’s decision to circumvent then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch and the Department of Justice to announce his recommendation that no charges be brought against Clinton, as well as to criticize her handling of classified information. “It is not the function of the Director to make such an announcement,” Rosenstein wrote. He criticized Comey’s October 28 letter, which announced the reopening of the Clinton investigation. According to Spicer, Rosenstein's memo was presented to the rich asshole today.
"No one from the White House" directed Rosenstein to lay out the case for Comey’s firing, Spicer told reporters late Tuesday. He directed questions about Sessions’ role to the Department of Justice, which did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Spicer also did not address why the rich asshole decided to can Comey now, when the underlying facts have remained unchanged for months. “It is his recommendation in concurrence with the Attorney General that the president based his decision on,” Spicer said.
The White House is opposed to Democratic calls to appoint a special prosecutors. “There is clearly at this point no evidence of a reason to do that,” Spicer said. “Right now, on multiple occasions, they said the president isn’t under investigation."
Rosenstein, who was confirmed by the Senate only two weeks ago in a 94-6 vote, now has a pivotal decision before him. With the Russia probes in both the House and the Senate sputtering, the deputy attorney general faces pressure to appoint an independent special prosecutor. During his Senate confirmation hearings, Rosenstein signaled that he was willing to do so if he deemed it appropriate.
An independent counsel with free rein to poke around the nooks and crannies of a presidency can have devastating consequences. It was the appointment of a special prosecutor to look into the Whitewater land deal that ultimately led to Bill Clinton’s impeachment for an unrelated extramarital affair.
Even senior Republicans expressed dismay at the firing, though they stopped short of calling for a special counsel. “I am troubled by the timing and reasoning of Director Comey’s termination,” said Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr, whose committee is probing Russia’s actions in 2016. “I have found Director Comey to be a public servant of the highest order, and his dismissal further confuses an already difficult investigation by the Committee.”
Senator John McCain added that he was “disappointed by the rich asshole’s decision. “I have long called for a special congressional committee to investigate Russia's interference in the 2016 election,” McCain said. “The president's decision to remove the FBI Director only confirms the need and the urgency of such a committee.”
The White House appeared to be caught flat footed by the outcry. “Comey had lost the confidence across the board,” said White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders. “When you have that happen, you can’t serve in that capacity.”
The irony of Comey’s firing is that the figure who helped propel the rich asshole to victory — infuriating Democrats in the process — could now set in motion a chain of events that Democrats hope could lead to the unraveling of his presidency. Administration officials distributed Democrats’ prior cries for Comey’s dismissal as evidence the fallout was a mere political frenzy. the rich asshole’s decision “should be welcomed by Democrats,” Spicer said.
As recently as May 3, Spicer assured reporters that the rich asshole remained confident in Comey’s leadership. Now a President who believes the Russia probe is designed to undermine his legitimacy — on Monday he tweeted that it was a “total hoax”— has made the gamble to transfer control of the investigation to an official who has been on the job for just two weeks.
“We think he is beyond reproach and that his credentials are impeccable,” White House senior adviser Kellyanne Conway said of Rosenstein. “This is a decision he made to put the memo together that was presented to the attorney general, the attorney general presented it to the President, and the President took the decisive action that leaders do when they are faced with new facts and information.”
The White House may have hoped the move would put the Russia story to bed. “There is no there there,” said Sanders on Tuesday night. “It's time to move on."
Instead, they may have ensured that won’t happen.
Dear the rich asshole: You Hired Flynn After Obama Fired Him, Own It
the rich asshole and his staff are trying to justify the horrendous decisions of his administration by blaming or second-guessing the previous POTUS. the rich asshole is attempting to blame president Obama for his decision to hire Flynn, indicating that Obama gave Flynn the highest security clearance. But he never mentioned that Obama both fired Flynn and warned the rich asshole against hiring him.
Press secretary, Sean Spicer, indicated that President Obama could have done more. He could have suspended Flynn’s security clearance, that begs the question: if the administration felt that suspending Flynn’s security clearance is what should have been done — why didn’t they do it? Why is Spicer second-guessing the personnel decisions of the previous POTUS in an effort to excuse the poor decisions made by the present one?
the rich asshole and his staff are trying to justify the horrendous decisions of his administration by blaming or second-guessing the previous POTUS. the rich asshole is attempting to blame president Obama for his decision to hire Flynn, indicating that Obama gave Flynn the highest security clearance. But he never mentioned that Obama both fired Flynn and warned the rich asshole against hiring him.
Press secretary, Sean Spicer, indicated that President Obama could have done more. He could have suspended Flynn’s security clearance, that begs the question: if the administration felt that suspending Flynn’s security clearance is what should have been done — why didn’t they do it? Why is Spicer second-guessing the personnel decisions of the previous POTUS in an effort to excuse the poor decisions made by the present one?
When a decision is made by a current boss to hire someone against the advice of the previous boss, it behooves the current employer to be even more vigilant about the vetting process. Otherwise, it will appear that the bad blood between the prospective employee and the previous employer was more important than the candidate’s skills and experience.
The motives of the current POTUS were already suspect, but that suspicion was deepened by the timing of the early morning Twitter attacks against Sally Yates. The Twitter accusations corresponded with the questioning of the congressional hearing and testimony of former acting Attorney General Sally Yates. Who, as anticipated, testified that she, too, warned the administration that nominee may have been compromised by the Russian government. Her testimony merely added additional fuel to the fire regarding the extensive ties between the current POTUS and members of his administration’s ties to Russia.
Despite Yates’ clear testimony that the the rich asshole administration was informed of deeply concerning evidence that Flynn was compromised and lying to the VP, the Republicans in the room tried to muddy the waters. Ted Cruz tried to make the hearing about Hillary’s emails and the rich asshole’s unlawful order, Yates leveled his argument with facts. But we all walked away knowing that the rich asshole’s story that this administration is blaming Obama for its own horrible decisions: Like leaving Flynn in a classified position for 18 days after they were warned by Yates he was compromised.
Twitter Mocks the rich asshole’s Face Off After Poorly-Spelled Insane Rant About Sally Yates (TWEETS)
some rich asshole kicked off his week with a ridiculous attack on former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates.
Yates, of course, was fired after she refused to back the rich asshole’s first Muslim ban in court. It was, of course, later deemed unconstitutional and the administration suffered a fair amount of embarrassment from the rich asshole’s decision to fire Yates. Yates also warned the rich asshole about Michael Flynn, who was later fired by the administration for allegedly lying to Vice President Mike Pence about his specious contacts with Russia.
“Ask Sally Yates, under oath, if she knows how classified information got into the newspapers soon after she explained it to W.H. Council,” the rich asshole tweeted Monday morning.
Ask Sally Yates, under oath, if she knows how classified information got into the newspapers soon after she explained it to W.H. Council.
This, of course, surprised absolutely no one — right down to his terrible spelling. the rich asshole, of course, should have said “counsel,” but our current POTUS isn’t exactly the brightest bulb in the bunch of mixed metaphors. In any case, Twitter is on to you, the rich asshole:
@realDonaldTrump You are so scared of Sally Yates it's funny. The world knows you tweet when you are scared and nervous. Get your popcorn ready!!
@realDonaldTrump you spelled counsel wrong though. Someone needs to take away your damn phone. Delete your account
@akaCorbinDallas @realDonaldTrump We should all update our resumes with "smarter than the US president."
@realDonaldTrump Can you feel the darkness closing in on you, Donnie? They're coming for you. Any minute now.
@realDonaldTrump You misspelled "counsel" idiot.
Yates warned the White House on Jan 26. Trump kept Flynn in for 3 weeks more.
Covering up #TrumpRussia
Yates warned the White House on Jan 26. Trump kept Flynn in for 3 weeks more.
Covering up #TrumpRussia
@realDonaldTrump Dude, it's COUNSEL. You're the freaking President and can't even SPELL. 5th graders are your surperior…
@realDonaldTrump *counsel. Your team should form a council to proofread and vet your tweets. This is embarrassing.
This is just the beginning of what will almost assuredly be a weeks-long meltdown. We look forward to his eventual resignation.
the rich asshole hurls baseless accusations against Sally Yates hours ahead of her Senate testimony on Russia

President some rich asshole spent the morning tweeting out a defense of retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn as well as an attack on former acting Justice Department head Sally Yates.
“Ask Sally Yates, under oath, if she knows how classified information got into the newspapers soon after she explained it to W.H. Council,” the rich asshole tweeted.
Ask Sally Yates, under oath, if she knows how classified information got into the newspapers soon after she explained it to W.H. Council.
the rich asshole has frequently blamed former President Barack Obama’s former appointees and staffers for leaks about the inner workings of his own White House. He’s even had press secretary Sean Spicerinvestigate the staff’s phones to ensure they weren’t using special apps to hide communications.
‘She is going to fry you’: Internet torches the rich asshole for attacking Sally Yates hours before testimony

President some rich asshole on Monday lashed out at former acting Attorney General Sally Yates, who is scheduled to testify that she warned the rich asshole administration about the possibility that former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn might be compromised by a foreign government.
Specifically, the rich asshole implied that Yates had committed a felony when he tweeted that someone should “ask Sally Yates, under oath, if she knows how classified information got into the newspapers soon after she explained it to W.H. Council (sic).”
Ask Sally Yates, under oath, if she knows how classified information got into the newspapers soon after she explained it to W.H. Council.
the rich asshole offered no evidence to back up his assertion — and the internet was quick to slam him for attacking the former acting attorney general, who was fired earlier this year after she refused to enforce the administration’s proposed travel ban.
Some of the top reactions to the rich asshole’s tweet follow below.
@realDonaldTrump Okay, Mr. "I love Wikileaks!"
Sally Yates is going to fry you up there
and we are going to LOVE IT.#TrumpRussia#MarchForTruth
Sally Yates is going to fry you up there
and we are going to LOVE IT.#TrumpRussia#MarchForTruth
@realDonaldTrump Ask yourself why you begged Russia to hack your political opponent and interfere in our democracy. It was on National TV.
@realDonaldTrump I'm looking forward to watching Michael Flynn walk into jail, with you not too far behind.
@realDonaldTrump It’s quite something watching your nuts shrivel to dust. *sets up deckchair, eats popcorn* Go Yates, go.
The president* just accused an acting AG of a serious crime with no evidence because the president* is bananas. …
@realDonaldTrump We would like to ask you why wou waited 3.5 wks AFTER Yates warned you about Flynn to fire him?
Is a popcorn overdose a pre-existing condition under the new healthcare bill? …
‘The president is threatening a witness’: CNN analyst slams the rich asshole’s ‘disturbing’ Sally Yates tweets

President some rich asshole has drawn a lot of criticism for his decision to lash out at former acting Attorney General Sally Yates on Monday, just hours before she was scheduled to testify about former the rich asshole National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.
Appearing on CNN to talk about the president’s tweet — in which he said that someone should “ask Sally Yates, under oath, if she knows how classified information got into the newspapers soon after she explained it to W.H. Council (sic)” — legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin said that the rich asshole’s behavior crosses the line of what we consider to be normal behavior for a politician in the United States.
“It just shows how much the norms of behavior have changed,” Toobin said. “The idea of the President of the United States essentially threatening a witness, he’s basically accusing her of leaking, we have never had that before. We’ve never had presidents who did this kind of thing. The idea that the president — the guy who’s in charge of the Justice Department — is threatening a witness is really kind of disturbing.”
Yates was fired from her role as acting attorney general earlier this year after she refused to enforce the administration’s proposed travel ban. She will reportedly testify on Monday afternoon that she gave the rich asshole administration warnings about Flynn possibly being compromised by the Russian government.
The rich asshole screamed at his national security adviser for contradicting him on Korea defense payments: report

President some rich asshole last month stirred up controversy when he said that South Korea should be the country that foots the bill for the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD), a missile defense system that’s a key deterrent against North Korea.
However, the rich asshole was quickly contradicted publicly by National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster, who rushed to assure the Korean government that the United States would pay to install THAAD.
According to a new report from Bloomberg’s Eli Lake, the rich asshole was absolutely furious about this and chewed out his own national security adviser during a heated phone conversation.
“the rich asshole was livid, according to three White House officials, after reading in the Wall Street Journal that McMaster had called his South Korean counterpart to assure him that the president’s threat to make that country pay for a new missile defense system was not official policy,” Lake writes. “These officials say the rich asshole screamed at McMaster on a phone call, accusing him of undercutting efforts to get South Korea to pay its fair share.”
Lake claims that this wasn’t a one-time spat, as the rich asshole in private describes McMaster as “the general undermining my policy,” and he has reportedly expressed regret that he didn’t appoint former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton to be his national security adviser.
Sean Spicer blames Obama for having a grudge against Flynn: ‘Obama made it known that he wasn’t exactly a fan’

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer on Monday downplayed the news that President Barack Obama warned then-President-elect some rich asshole not to hire Michael Flynn as his national security adviser.
NBC News first reported on Monday that Obama contacted the rich asshole “less than 48 hours after the November election” and advised him against hiring Flynn.
At Monday’s White House press conference, Spicer dismissed Obama’s warning, arguing that the former president is “not a fan” of Flynn’s.
“It’s true that President Obama made it known that he wasn’t exactly a fan of Gen. Flynn’s,” Spicer explained. “Which shouldn’t come as a surprise given that Gen. Flynn had worked for President Obama, was an outspoken critic of President Obama’s shortcomings, specifically related to his lack of strategy confronting ISIS.”
“The question you have to ask yourself is if President Obama was truly concerned, why didn’t he suspend Gen. Flynn’s security clearance which they had just re-approved months earlier. Additionally, why did the Obama administration let Flynn to go to Russia for a paid speaking engagement and receive a fee? There are steps they could have taken if that was truly a person that [didn’t just] have bad blood.”
JUST IN: the rich asshole Administration Asks FDA To Change All TV’s To Fox News (DETAILS)
May 5, 2017
Is America on its way to becoming a nation that resembles an awful 80s dystopian movie? Perhaps so.
In a tweet sent out by Julia Reinstein, the Buzzfeed reporter claims an individual at theCenter for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) sent her evidence that they were asked to switch all their TVs from CNN to Fox News as per the rich asshole administration. CBER is part of the FDA and regulates biological products for human use.
In the tweet, she posted an image of the alleged email. The email read:
‘Good Morning, CBER Researchers,
Please excuse me for sending this out to your entire group via your listserv, but I was alerted by a member in your group and I wanted to let everyone know that the reason for the change from CNN to Fox.
The reason for the change is that a decision from the current administration administrative officials has requested that all monitors, under our control, on the White Oak Campus, display FOX news.
Sorry for the inconvenience, but I am unable to change any of the monitors to any other news source at this time…’
The TVs at an FDA office were switched from CNN to Fox News by order of the Trump administration. I got the email. …
Reinstein provided an image of one of the TVs within the office alleging it was proof. She tweeted:
‘Here’s Fox News on the TVs at CBER, same day an email went out to staff saying it had been switched from CNN to Fox by order of the rich asshole admin’
Here's Fox News on the TVs at CBER, same day an email went out to staff saying it had been switched from CNN to Fox by order of Trump admin
Reinstein also tweeted that a receptionist she spoke with had denied any knowledge of the claim.
‘Previous tweet said Comm Director Lorrie McNeil denied knowledge, but turns out was a receptionist. Misunderstood when asked if she was McNeil’
Previous tweet said Comm Director Lorrie McNeil denied knowledge, but turns out was receptionist. Misunderstood when asked if she was McNeil
Though unconfirmed, the claim is a testament to the current environment in the rich asshole administration. President the rich asshole is well known for his distaste for the media, repeatedly calling several established media outlets “fake news.” Furthermore, the rich asshole is well known for his love of Fox News. He’s tweeted several times commending Fox News for their coverage of his presidency.
‘Such amazing reporting on unmasking and the crooked scheme against us by @foxandfriends. “Spied on before nomination.” The real story.’
Such amazing reporting on unmasking and the crooked scheme against us by @foxandfriends. "Spied on before nomination." The real story.
Additionally, his family enjoys Fox News. Eric the rich asshole recently tweeted:
‘Love watching my amazing wife @LaraLeaTrump on @SeanHannity! @FoxNews #MakeAmericaGreatAgain’
In a recent interview, New York Times white house correspondent Maggie Haberman revealed that the rich asshole speaks to Robert Murdoch, the CEO of Fox News, almost every day.
‘The president speaks to Murdoch now almost every day. And Murdoch speaks with Jared Kushner as well. Murdoch is one of the people who urges the president to stay focused on the economy narrowly and foreign policy more broadly.’
According to Business Insider, the FDA has yet to comment on the claims. However, it would not be surprising if this turned out to be true.
The Rich Asshole Just Tweeted His Plans For The Weekend And Gave Every Troll On The Internet Material For Days
some rich asshole…is an idiot. He knows what pisses the American people off and he knows how to exploit it. With word coming down about dozens of names being tied to Russia, a health care bill that only the dumbest of the dumb and the richest of the rich can get behind and his ever-sinking approval ratings, distractions are a must. This morning’s tweet about his plans for the weekend was just what the quack doctor ordered:
Rather than causing a big disruption in N.Y.C., I will be working out of my home in Bedminster, N.J. this weekend. Also saves country money!
What a terrific guy. He’s going to save us all a bundle of money by not going to Florida on the 747 and not going to New York where it will cause a “disruption,” but by going to yet another the rich asshole estate in new Jersey. He couldn’t possibly do what every other president has done and, oh, stayed in the White House for a weekend.
You know, Donald…that big mansion on the National Mall? It has an oddly shaped office and everything the chief executive needs to do his job, along with a full staff to tend to your every need whether you’re there or not. Did they change the rules and close the White House on weekends? Are the lights on a timer that you still can’t find?
The news of the rich asshole’s big plans isn’t anything that anyone cares about unless you’re an internet troll. In that case, you’ve just been handed enough ammunition to get you all the way through to Sunday. The memes and tweets shall be glorious to behold. If nothing else, The Butternut Bigot’s term will always be remembered for the people who made him look like an ass.
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