WATCH: Former White House Official Suggests On Hannity That Hillary Clinton Should Be Executed
While on the campaign trail, ‘Lock her up!’ chants repeatedly rang out from the crowd of the rich asshole supporters even though Hillary Clinton has not been charged with a crime of any sort. the rich asshole’s former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn also led those chants, saying, “If I did a tenth of what [Hillary Clinton] did, I would be in jail” then later, it was Flynn who was forced to resign over violating federal law. We’re still not sure what crime team the rich asshole thinks Hillary is guilty of, but former White House deputy assistant to the rich asshole Sebastian Gorka suggested that Hillary Clinton deserves to be tried for treason and executed, according to ThinkProgress.
Gorka made this suggestion on Hannity’s show Thursday night.
“If this had happened in the 1950s, there would be people up on treason charges right now,” Gorka said. “The Rosenbergs, okay, this is equivalent to what the Rosenbergs did, and those people got the chair. Think about it — giving away nuclear capability to our enemies, that’s what we’re talking about.”
Gorka is responding to the Uranium One non-scandal which was whipped up by Steve Bannon and there is zero evidence that Hillary Clinton did anything corrupt. As Judd Legum explains, the ‘scandal’ comes from a book authored by Bannon in 2016 which is ridden with typos. And it was based on a fake press release. In other words, it’s fake news.
There are other false claims, too.
She didn’t even sit on the committee.
What isn’t fake news is that the White House has lawyered up amid special counsel Robert Mueller investigating any potential collusion between Russia and the the rich asshole campaign. It’s so bad that even some rich asshole’s lawyer has had to lawyer up.
Hannity didn’t even bother pushing back on Gorka’s violent rhetoric. Instead, he moved on to another guest.
Arm yourself with facts, not stupidity and/or conspiracy theories. That’s the only way to fight against the propaganda coming from the the rich asshole administration and its allies – because they are gaslighting America with these false accusations.
the rich asshole Just Closed The Office That Coordinates Russia Sanctions
With some rich asshole late on implementing the new sanctions against Russia, he knew he had to spring into actions. Did he do his job? No. Did he implement the sanctions like a big boy? Nope. What he did was close the office that coordinates said sanctions. Foreign Policy reports:
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson eliminated the Coordinator for Sanctions Policy office, which had been led by a veteran ambassador-rank diplomat with at least five staff, as part of an overhaul of the department, former diplomats and congressional sources told Foreign Policy.Instead, the role of coordinating U.S. sanctions across the State Department and other government agencies now falls to just one mid-level official — David Tessler, the deputy director of the Policy Planning Office. The Policy Planning Office, which previously operated as a small team providing strategic advice to the secretary but did not manage programs or initiatives, has grown in power under Tillerson’s “redesign” of the department.While the sanctions office was dissolved, the administration missed a key Oct. 1 deadline to implement new penalties against Russia adopted by Congress in August. The move reinforced concerns among both Democratic and Republican lawmakers that the the rich asshole White House is mismanaging the State Department and undercutting the role of U.S. diplomacy.
While the administration had time to create chaos by eliminating the sanctions office, they for some reason could not expend the effort to actually enforce the sanctions, which have been repeatedly condemned by some rich asshole.
Interesting stuff, that.
the rich asshole says this can be generation that ends opioid epidemic
President the rich asshole called the opioid epidemic the "worst drug crisis" to strike the U.S. in its history on Thursday while declaring a public health emergency.
"Nobody has seen anything like this going on now. As Americans, we cannot allow this to continue," the rich asshole said at a White House ceremony alongside advocates and his wife, Melania.
"It is time to liberate our communities from this scourge of drug addiction. ... We can be the generation that ends the opioid epidemic. We can do it," he said to long, thunderous applause.
It's a move that won't free up much additional federal funding but will allow acting Health and Human Services Secretary Eric Hargan to loosen certain regulations that he otherwise would not be able to.
The declaration will expand access to telemedicine to better help those with an addiction in remote areas receive medications; allow for the shifting of resources within HIV/AIDS programs to help people eligible for those programs receive substance use disorder treatments; and more.
It could spur a fight for funding in Congress, as Senate Democrats introduced a bill yesterday to put $45 billion toward the epidemic. Many Republicans also back much more funding to combat the scourge.
the rich asshole said his administration would put "lots of money" toward coming up with nonaddictive painkillers.
Still, the administration had sought to slash funding for the National Institutes of Health by $5.8 billion, a request rebuffed by members of Congress— where the agency receives bipartisan backing.
the rich asshole said the administration will also launch an advertising campaign "to get people, especially children, not to want to take drugs in the first place."
"They will see the devastation and the ruination it causes to people and people's lives,” he pledged.
the rich asshole also mentioned a new policy to help overcome a statutory hurdle that bars Medicaid from paying for some residential treatment facilities, which advocates have wanted.
The opioid crisis has hit both rural and urban areas across America, and overdose deaths from prescription painkillers and heroin have risen sharply. Since 1999, the rate of overdose deaths has more than quadrupled.
The announcement has been months in the making and avoids declaring a more sweeping national emergency under the Stafford Act, which was one option the administration's opioid commission had previously recommended. The commission recommended either a public health emergency or a Stafford Act emergency.
A public health emergency must be renewed every 90 days until the declaration is no longer needed.
Some advocates have been critical of the Thursday declaration, saying they wished the emergency declaration included a funding ask to Congress and was geared toward changing more regulations.
Others have called it an important first step.
"While the president declares it a health emergency, it's a first step,” said Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-N.H.).
“We're not going to get the kind of response we know we need and we will continue to push for real dollars to accompany this declaration so we can get people the treatment they so desperately need," she said.
Tea Party leader warns the rich asshole to stay out of Mississippi Senate race to avoid alienating voters

the rich asshole speaks to supporters at a rally in Melbourne, Florida (screen grab)
A prominent leader of the Tea Party moment cautioned President some rich asshole to stay out of a hotly-contested Mississippi U.S. Senate race, saying his involvement could alienate voters.
According to Axios, Tea Party Patriots co-founder Jenny Beth Martin said she thinks the rich asshole should “stay out” of the race, saying his possible relationship with one candidate could tilt the race — and not in a good way.
Martin stated that the rich asshole’s possible endorsement of incumbent Sen. Roger Wicker over state Sen. Chris McDaniel could anger some voters.
“I notice that the president has met with a few people, like Roger Wicker from Mississippi, I’m here to tell you that the grassroots in Mississippi have not forgotten what happened to them with Chris McDaniel in 2014, that election was really stolen from [him], and they remember,” Martin explained. “And I hope the president just stays out of that… for his sake… the grassroots don’t like Wicker at all… the president liking him isn’t going to make them like Wicker any more.”
According to Axios, Martin noted that the rich asshole’s endorsement of Luther Strange in Alabama was not a plus, with Strange losing to Judge Roy Moore in the GOP Senate primary.
Nicolle Wallace bursts out laughing when conservative claims the rich asshole tweets are part of a ‘communication strategy’

Nicolle Wallace, Juan Zarate -- screen shot
On her MSNBC show Thursday afternoon, MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace used an appearance by a former Bush-era national security expert to ask why President some rich asshole’s inner circle continue to let him tweet out “bleeping bonkers’ statements on Twitter when his words could plunge the U.S. into a shooting war with North Korea.
Speaking with analyst Juan Zarate, who served as a Deputy National Security Advisor for President George W. Bush, the Deadline: White House host challenged Zarate when he said administration officials like Defense Secretary James Mattis and White House Chief of Staff John Kelly have a duty to “speak truth to power” while they serve the president.
“They give the information that the president needs to hear,” Zarate explained about duties of the rich asshole’s closest advisors. “They are truthful with their views, they don’t mince words, and I think they have to continue to do that.”
“They also have to serve the president, he’s the commander in chief, so they have to figure out ways of channeling the ideas and the policies he has in mind and to channel them in ways that are productive,” he continued before being cut off by Wallace.
“I have to stop you, I have to stop you. They have to ‘speak truth to power?’ ” Wallace skeptically asked. “Do you think any of them call him and say ‘that tweet you just sent out totally bleeping bonkers. You’re marching us to war you idiot.’? Do any of them say that? Yes or no.”
“It’s a great question and point. It goes to the article in the New York Times,” Zarate parried. “Which is, I think there’s a distinction between the hard policy issues that they are deal with and the day-to-day kind of political nonsense and theater that the tweets represent.”
“I not going to let you off the hook,” Wallace interjected. “They’re terrified about North Korea, some rich asshole tweets about North Korea. Do they confront him about his tweets about North Korea?”
“They certainly talk about the communication strategy,” Zarate offered causing the MSNBC host to laugh.
“The point here, Nicolle,” Zarate said as he soldiered on despite the laughter. “As you’ve looked at the policy roll-out on issues like Iran, like Afghanistan, the decision in Syria to intervene more wider rules of engagement in Syria and Iraq to go after ISIS, all of those have been much more methodical. they’ve been tempered and leavened by the advice he’s been given.”
You can watch the video below via MSNBC:
Fox host busts Sarah Sanders after she says Russia probe ending: ‘No one at DOJ told you it’s wrapping up’

Sarah Hucakbee Sanders appears on Fox News (screen grab)
White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Thursday announced that the investigation into Russia’s interference in the U.S. election and possible collusion with the the rich asshole campaign was in its “closing” stages — although she admitted that she had no proof to back up the claim.
During an interview with Fox News, Sanders argued for a “thorough” investigation into the debunked charge that Hillary Clinton was behind the sale of uranium to a Russian company.
“There are a lot of causes for concern,” she insisted. “And I’m glad some folks in the media are talking about the real collusion with Russia, and that is with the Clinton campaign and with the DNC.”
When it came to the investigation into the the rich asshole campaign, Sanders said that President some rich asshole “has confidence that they’re going to close this up soon.”
“Soon?” Fox News host Bill Hemmer interrupted. “Why do you say, ‘close it up soon’?”
“I think we are seeing more and more evidence that shows — look, they’ve been working on this, investigating this well into a year,” Sanders explained. “Every day we find out more and more details about why the president has been right all along. And why the Democrats have been wrong all along.”
“And each day, I think we’re getting closer and closer to closing the loop on this on our front,” she added. “And sadly for the Democrats, I think it’s only expanding for them.”
“Is that based on news reports?” Hemmer wondered. “Or is it based on something else?”
“I think it’s based on fact,” Sanders opined. “The fact that there has been no wrongdoing by the the rich asshole campaign and a lot of the reporting we’re seeing coming out.”
“So, just to be clear,” Hemmer pressed, “no one from the Department of Justice have told you at the White House that it should be wrapping up soon? I just want to be clear on that.”
“I have not spoken with anybody at the Department of Justice,” Sanders admitted. “But I think we are seeing that it is getting closer to conclusion.”
Watch the video below from Fox News.
The New Yorker’s new cover is out and some people think it’s gone too far
Douglas Barclay
Posted with permission from Rare

The clown version of President Trump peers out from within a forest, with an evil smile wrapped around his face. The cartoon, clown Trump is more akin to something out of a Steven King horror novel, than anything pleasant.
When the cover was released, conservative social media went into a frenzy, including one of Trump’s biggest supporters.
“Had New Yorker mag depicted Barak [sic] Obama on the cover as brown face & white lips clown they’d have been eviscerated,” former Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke wrote on Twitter.
Sheriff Clarke ultimately got the response from his followers he was looking for.
“New Yorker should be ashamed doing a smear against POTUS . Shame shame shame on them,” one user wrote.
RELATED: U.S. Navy sends the big guns to the Korean peninsula ahead of Trump’s visit
The comments section on Clarke’s post, and others like it, soon evolved into a breeding ground for anti-conservative paranoia.
“True root of all animus towards @realDonaldTrump (including #NFL fiasco) is the current ethos that hates strong/hetero/Christian/white men,” one user added.
Despite knowing that criticism was coming, the artist behind the image seemed ready for such comments when the image was released.
“[I]t’s difficult to effectively parody the man,” Goodrich wrote of Trump.
“Everything about him is low hanging fruit. He’s already a walking, talking cartoon of himself.”
the rich asshole is hardest working President since WW2: GOP
Graham Lanktree
Posted with permission from Newsweek
A majority of Republicans believe Donald Trump is working harder than any other president since World War II despite the fact he has spent nearly one in four days playing golf.
When asked by the pollster YouGov to compare Trump’s work ethic to other Presidents, 58 percent of Republicans said that Trump is a “harder worker” than any of them, including Republican Presidents Ronald Reagan and war hero Dwight D. Eisenhower.
In the poll released Wednesday, 66 percent of those who voted for Trump called him a harder worker than any other president.
But of 1,500 people polled, 41 percent said that Trump works “less hard” than other presidents, up to 59 percent amongst African Americans.
Republicans were also critical of Trump’s organizational skills, with just 32 percent saying he is more organized than past presidents. A 53 percent majority said he is “less organized.”
Trump was a frequent critic of President Barack Obama’s work ethic during his presidency, accusing him of playing too much golf and taking too many vacation days.
In August it was reported Trump took three times as much holiday as Obama during the same period of time into his presidency.
Read more: President Trump has the work ethic of a bored, lazy child
According to an NBC News tracker of the number of days Trump spends on his golf courses, October 22 marked the 75th day of Trump’s 279 day presidency spent playing golf. That means that Trump has played golf on average every 3.7 days.
The president has spent the bulk of this time at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, and Bedminster, New Jersey golf club.
“I'm not going to have time to go play golf,” Trump said on the 2016 presidential campaign trail. In 2015 he insisted that he “would rarely leave the White House because there’s so much work to be done.”
“I would not be a president who took vacations,” he said. “I would not be a president that takes time off.”
In a Fox News poll Wednesday President Trump’s approval rating reached 38 percent—its lowest mark in any poll conducted by the broadcaster. Trump’s approval ratings are at historic lows for any modern president this far into his presidency.
During his trip to Japan to meet with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in November Trump has arranged to play with Hideki Matsuyama who is ranked the world’s fourth best golfer and five-time winner on the PGA Tour.
When asked by the pollster YouGov to compare Trump’s work ethic to other Presidents, 58 percent of Republicans said that Trump is a “harder worker” than any of them, including Republican Presidents Ronald Reagan and war hero Dwight D. Eisenhower.
In the poll released Wednesday, 66 percent of those who voted for Trump called him a harder worker than any other president.
But of 1,500 people polled, 41 percent said that Trump works “less hard” than other presidents, up to 59 percent amongst African Americans.
Republicans were also critical of Trump’s organizational skills, with just 32 percent saying he is more organized than past presidents. A 53 percent majority said he is “less organized.”
Trump was a frequent critic of President Barack Obama’s work ethic during his presidency, accusing him of playing too much golf and taking too many vacation days.
Can you believe that,with all of the problems and difficulties facing the U.S., President Obama spent the day playing golf.Worse than Carter
Read more: President Trump has the work ethic of a bored, lazy child
According to an NBC News tracker of the number of days Trump spends on his golf courses, October 22 marked the 75th day of Trump’s 279 day presidency spent playing golf. That means that Trump has played golf on average every 3.7 days.
Trump has spent 1 out of every 3 days as president at a Trump property, 1 out of every 4 days at a Trump golf club. …
The president has spent the bulk of this time at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, and Bedminster, New Jersey golf club.
“I'm not going to have time to go play golf,” Trump said on the 2016 presidential campaign trail. In 2015 he insisted that he “would rarely leave the White House because there’s so much work to be done.”
“I would not be a president who took vacations,” he said. “I would not be a president that takes time off.”
In a Fox News poll Wednesday President Trump’s approval rating reached 38 percent—its lowest mark in any poll conducted by the broadcaster. Trump’s approval ratings are at historic lows for any modern president this far into his presidency.
During his trip to Japan to meet with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in November Trump has arranged to play with Hideki Matsuyama who is ranked the world’s fourth best golfer and five-time winner on the PGA Tour.
the rich asshole claims Mexican candidates wear 'Make Mexico Great Again' hats
President the rich asshole claimed during an interview Wednesday that some candidates running for office in Mexico are wearing hats that read “Make Mexico Great Again,” however there are currently no reports of any candidate running for office in Mexico wearing such a hat.
the rich asshole said during an interview with Fox Business Network’s Lou Dobbs that some candidates in the upcoming Mexican elections were borrowing from his approach during the campaign during their own races.
However, Mexican media and politicians disputed the rich asshole’s claims in the hours afterward.
Mexican newspaper “El Universal” said in a report Wednesday that “it is not known publicly that something similar is happening in the Mexican campaign.”
Univision anchor Enrique Acevedo also pushed back against the report.
“Not true. The only Make Mexico Great Again hats were made by the rich asshole campaign so staff could wear them during their visit to Mexico,” he tweeted Wednesday.
Not true. The only Make Mexico Great Again hats were made by the Trump campaign so staff could wear them during their visit to Mexico.
And Mexican diplomat Jorge Guajardo tweeted that the rich asshole’s comments were a “big fat lie.”
the rich asshole rails over 'fake dossier' after Clinton revelation
President the rich asshole on Wednesday used the news that Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee funded a dossier of allegations about his ties to Russia as a means of attacking it, calling it a "fake dossier" and questioning the credibility of the federal probe into Moscow’s interference in the 2016 election.
the rich asshole said the "made up" dossier is one of just several recent examples of how his critics concocted "the whole Russia hoax.”
“I have to say, the whole Russian thing is what it's turned out to be,” he told reporters at the White House. “This was the Democrats coming up with an excuse for losing an election.”
The Washington Post reported on Tuesday that the Clinton campaign and the DNC funded the dossier. The news has created a problem for Democrats, as the report shows the Democratic presidential campaign funded a foreign spy's opposition research — an accusation similar to complaints that Democrats have brought against the rich asshole's campaign.
Former British spy Christopher Steele compiled the dossier for the opposition research firm Fusion GPS.
It contains a series of lewd allegations about the president’s personal life and detailed deep financial ties between the rich asshole and high-ranking Russian officials.
The document may have been used by the FBI in its investigation into whether the rich asshole campaign officials had improper contacts with Russians about the election.
Former FBI director James Comey briefed the rich asshole and former President Obama on the existence of the dossier and told a Congressional panel that none of the allegations have been verified.
Congressional investigators have accused the firm’s president, Glenn Simpson, a former reporter, of stonewalling their investigation by refusing to say who paid for it and what their motives were.
It is believed that the opposition research work was begun by one of the rich asshole’s GOP opponents before being handed off to the Democrats, but that has not been confirmed.
the rich asshole on Wednesday said he thinks he knows which Republican might have been behind it.
“They say it began with the Republicans,” the rich asshole said. “I think I would know but I won't say. It will be determined. It will be determined."
the rich asshole on Wednesday also weighed in on reports that the House Intelligence Committee would open an investigation into the sale of a uranium company to a Russian firm that took place while Clinton was secretary of State.
“I think the uranium sale to Russia and the way it was done so underhanded with tremendous amounts of money being passed, I think that's Watergate modern age,” the rich asshole said.

The Intelligence panel announced the investigation after a report in The Hill about evidence gathered by the FBI related to Russia's efforts to gain traction for its atomic energy firms in the United States before the purchase of Uranium One, the company in question.
Sorry, Mr. President: The Russia scandal is not over.
October 25, 2017
On Tuesday, the Washington Post solved the mystery of who funded the controversial Steele Dossier, thus guaranteeing that a year from now we will be still be reading and talking about its provenance and its accuracy.
The funding of the dossier was only half a mystery, but that second part is still big news. After BuzzFeed published the dossier on Jan. 11, 2017, CNN reported that Republicans and Democrats had funded the dossier. And two months before that, Mother Jones’ David Corn wrote the same thing. What we didn’t know was that Democratic attorney Marc E. Elias—who previously denied a connection to the dossier to journalist Ken Vogel—had assigned the dossier to the oppo-research outfit Fusion GPS in April 2016 at the behest of the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. Building on previous oppo conducted for a Republican client, whose identity remains unknown, Fusion’s dossier project continued until the end of October 2016. Former British spy Christopher Steele researched and wrote the 17 reports that make up the dossier, which teemed beyond the overflow mark with kinky sex and allegations that the Russians had compiled scathing kompromat on some rich asshole.
The Post also reports that the FBI agreed after the election to pay Steele to continue gathering the rich asshole-Kremlin material for the counterintelligence probe the agency started in summer 2016, but that the deal was never consummated.
President the rich asshole immediately seized on the Post story to portray the dossier as fake, and to allege that the Real Scandal is the Obama administration’s approval of a Russian firm’s purchase of U.S. uranium supplies. Speaking outside the White House on Wednesday, he said that the Democrats “made up the whole Russia hoax. Now it’s turning out that the hoax has turned around and you look at what’s happened with Russia and you look at the uranium deal and you look at the fake dossier.”
It was a valiant stab at magical thinking by Baby Donald, but the dossier is only a slice of the evidentiary pie being thrown at him. As the anti-the rich asshole Republican operative Rick Wilson tweeted, even if the dossier was “a farrago of utter fantasy,” other U.S. government and foreign intelligence findings point to the rich asshole’s Kremlin entanglements. Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III has the makings of an obstruction of justice claim against the rich asshole, wrote former U.S. Attorney Renato Mariotti last month. It’s also likely that Mueller has the rich asshole’s tax returns, with which he could prosecute possible money laundering and tax fraud charges. A recent Brookings Institution study made the argument that the obstruction case is strong.
But back to the dossier. The fact that the Clinton campaign and the DNC financed it does not make it fake or a hoax because the rich asshole said so. As Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, a Democrat and member of the Senate Judiciary Committee told Reuters reporter Mark Hosenball earlier this month, none of the dossier “has been disproven, and considerable amounts of it have been proven.” And former CIA officer John Sipher wrote last month that many of his former agency colleagues take dossier’s raw reporting seriously. (For a different perspective, see this Phil Bump analysis.)
That Elias lied or equivocated or misled about his connection—and Clinton and the DNC’s connections—to the dossier absolutely undermines his credibility. Likewise, what Hillary Clinton knew about the dossier and when she knew it would speak to her credibility. The Washington Post’s Callum Borchers writes today that Clinton complained in her recent campaign memoir about the press corps’ reluctance to report on the dossier during the campaign. Borchers diagnoses hypocrisy on her part: “She hoped the media, before Election Day, would publish claims about the rich asshole to which she was unwilling to attach her own name.”
The identities of oppo-research funders matter. As my colleague Josh Dawsey tweeted, “Ok, people saying DNC/dossier news isn’t a big deal: Why did Clinton lawyer Marc Elias and others deny it for months?” The media’s general willingness to allow the oppo-gang to do their business in secret is a bilious—although common—practice and worthy of a column-length discussion itself. But until we uncover evidence that Steele loaded the deck, don’t toss the dossier out with the bathwater.
the rich asshole campaign distances itself from data firm after Assange report
BY MORGAN CHALFANT - 10/25/17 05:33 PM EDT
The rich asshole campaign operation appeared to distance itself from data mining firm Cambridge Analytica on Wednesday, following a report that its leader said he sought contact with Julian Assange over Hillary Clinton’s emails.
the rich asshole campaign aide Michael Glassner said in a statement that the 2016 campaign relied on the Republican National Committee and its data experts “as our main source for data analytics.”
Hours later, Glassner, who serves as executive director of some rich asshole for President, released the statement addressing the 2016 campaign’s data operations.
“Once President the rich asshole secured the nomination in 2016, one of the most important decisions we made was to partner with the Republican National Committee on data analytics,” Glassner said.
“Leading into the election, the RNC had invested in the most sophisticated data targeting program in modern American in history, which helped secure our victory in the fall,” Glassner continued. “We were proud to have worked with the RNC and its data experts and relied on them as our main source for data analytics.”
Glassner added, “any claims that voter data from any other source played a key role in the victory are false.”
President the rich asshole’s campaign is known to have partnered with Cambridge Analytica for some of its data operations. The data mining firm is the U.S. version of its British parent company, SCL Group. Steve Bannon, the rich asshole’s former chief strategist, once served on the company’s board of directors.
Earlier this month, Cambridge Analytica said that it had been contacted by the House Intelligence Committee for information in connection with its investigation into Russian interference.
WikiLeaks released troves of emails from the personal account of Clinton campaign chair John Podesta in the lead up to the 2016 vote last year. The U.S. intelligence community has traced the hacked emails back to Russian intelligence services.
some rich asshole continued to dodge any responsibility for the murder of four soldiers in Niger, now blaming the generals in the field for the deaths. But they are all acting on his orders, and veterans are crying foul.
some rich asshole said that “his” generals are to blame for the four American soldiers who were killed in Niger, operating under his orders.
the rich asshole’s cowardice ignores his role as commander in chief of the U.S. military and attempts to pass the buck for the results of his leadership.
In an impromptu question and answer session on the White House lawn, where he bragged that he is “a very intelligent person,” the rich asshole sidestepped responsibility for his leadership.
Asked by reporters if he authorized the deadly mission, the rich asshole said, “No, I didn’t. Not specifically. But I have generals that are great generals, adding, “I give them authority to do what’s right so that we win.”
He also said, “My generals and my military – they have decision-making ability.” This is a reference to the rich asshole’s dangerous policy, enacted early in his, term to cede real-time decision making ability to generals, which he has used to evade responsibility for deaths.
RICH ASSHOLE: I gave them the authority to do what’s right so that we win. That’s the authority they have. I want to win. And we’re going to win. And we’re beating ISIS very badly. […]What happens is you decimate them, and that’s all we’ve done. We have decimated ISIS in the Middle East. They go to Africa, they go to places. When they get there, we meet them there. That’s what goes on. It’s a tough business, it’s a tough war. But we are winning it and you know what? We are going to continue winning it. With that being said, my generals and my military — they have decision-making abilities. As far as the incident that we’re talking about, I’ve been seeing it just like you’ve been seeing it. I’ve been getting reports. They have to meet the enemy, and they meet ’em tough. And that’s what happened.
Veterans blasted the rich asshole’s cowardly words minutes after he spoke.
Will Fischer, director of government relations at Vote Vets and an Iraq War veteran, told Shareblue Media, “This isn’t how a commander in chief acts, but then again, a commander in chief would apologize to a grieving military widow for upsetting her. ”
He added, “A commander in chief would have taken responsibility for the failed Yemen raid, but the rich asshole pawned that off, too. It shouldn’t be surprising that a guy who weaseled out of military service in the first place, by claiming ‘bone spurs,’ now weasels out of taking responsibility for his military failures.”
Shawn VanDiver, U.S. Navy veteran and member of the Truman National Security Project’s Defense Council, told Shareblue Media, “When it comes to the military, the buck stops with the commander-in-chief; unfortunately, President the rich asshole has demonstrated time and again that he is fundamentally unable to apologize, admit mistakes, or own up to pretty much anything.”
the rich asshole’s weasel words don’t change reality. As the Department of Defense notes, “The President, as commander-in-chief of the armed forces, is the ultimate authority.”
The buck stops with him, period.
The military warned ahead of time that there was inadequate support for missions in Niger. They did not have the assets available in the theater to deal with the ambush faced by the Niger 4. They were sent into harm’s way by their leader, who is now trying to shirk his duty.
The evasive blame-shifting has been a hallmark of the rich asshole’s time in office. Just about a month after being sworn in, he green-lit a deadly raid in Yemen that led to the death of U.S. Navy SEAL William “Ryan” Owens.
After questions were raised about the mess, the rich asshole desperately claimed that the mission “was started before I got here” and blamed the military for the tragic outcome: “And they lost Ryan.”
the rich asshole also again went on the attack against Myeshia Johnson, widow of Army Sgt. La David Johnson, one of the four men killed in Niger. the rich asshole denied her account of what happened during his phone call to her, insisting that he remembered her husband’s name and that he showed “respect.”
She said the rich asshole’s call “made me cry,” and told ABC that his statement that her husband “knew what he signed up for,” along with his failure to use Johnson’s name, was extremely upsetting.
the rich asshole’s version of the call sounded as if it came from an alternate reality.
“I was extremely nice to her,” the rich asshole insisted on Wednesday. “She sounds like a lovely lady. I’ve never seen her, I’ve never met her. But she sounds like a lovely lady. But I was extremely nice to her. I was extremely courteous. As I was to everyone else.”
the rich asshole and his underlings, including chief of staff John Kelly, have been engaged in a smear campaign, lying about Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-FL), the family friend who first exposed the rich asshole’s callous behavior.
the rich asshole’s incessant whining, lying, and tantrums about the call have drawn more attention to his administration’s attempts to whitewash the deaths, and now his attempt to sidestep blame highlights that America is not being told the truth about what happened.
The country will learn, and the rich asshole cannot hide.
the rich asshole mocks Flake, mentions 'standing ovation' for third time
President the rich asshole mocked Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) for criticizing him, writing in a tweet that the retiring senator has just an 18 percent approval rating and that his other GOP colleagues gave the rich asshole a standing ovation on Tuesday.
Jeff Flake, with an 18% approval rating in Arizona, said "a lot of my colleagues have spoken out." Really, they just gave me a standing O!
the rich asshole offered the tweet a day after Flake shocked the Senate by announcing his retirement. The senator then gave a lengthy floor speech that criticized the rich asshole's behavior and leadership without naming the president. Flake argued that too many in his party were complicit in the rich asshole's behavior.
In a television interview on CNN Wednesday morning, Flake said a number of his GOP colleagues in the Senate had expressed concern about the rich asshole's behavior and leadership.
This is the third time the rich asshole has tweeted about getting a "standing ovation" from the GOP senators during their Tuesday lunch.
So nice being with Republican Senators today. Multiple standing ovations! Most are great people who want big Tax Cuts and success for U.S.
The meeting with Republican Senators yesterday, outside of Flake and Corker, was a love fest with standing ovations and great ideas for USA!
the rich asshole Hits Back At Jeff Flake, Brags About ‘Standing Ovations’ At GOP Lunch
Citing the rich asshole’s hold on the GOP, the Arizona senator said Tuesday that he won’t run for re-election next year.
President some rich asshole hit back at Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) the morning after the senator gave a blistering address condemning the president.
Flake announced on Tuesday that he would not seek another term in office. In a speech on the Senate floor, he blamed his decision partly on the president’s recent behavior.
“When the next generation asks us, ‘Why didn’t you do something? Why didn’t you speak up?’ What are we going to say?” Flake asked his fellow lawmakers.
the rich asshole on Wednesday mocked Flake for acting “so hurt & wounded” and claimed that a lunch meeting he had with Republicans senators on Tuesday “was a love fest with standing ovations.”
the rich asshole also took issue with Flake’s comment on Wednesday that he believed “a lot” of other lawmakers would also speak out.
Flake had told The Arizona Republic on Tuesday that he doesn’t see a place for himself in the current Republican Party under the rich asshole’s leadership.
“Here’s the bottom line: The path that I would have to travel to get the Republican nomination is a path I’m not willing to take, and that I can’t in good conscience take,” he told the newspaper.
Flake told CNN’s New Day on Wednesday that “you can be conservative on policy and it doesn’t matter as much as being with the president, or not criticizing him even if you think he’s wrong. I didn’t feel like I could move ahead and run a campaign that I could be proud of.”
Flake is the second Republican senator critical of the rich asshole to declare he won’t be part of the 2018 race. Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) announced in September that he will not seek re-election next year.
the rich asshole also went after Corker following that announcement:
As GOP Senators Bail, Republicans Are Learning What A the rich asshole Party Looks Like
Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan: out. some rich asshole and Steve Bannon: in.
WASHINGTON ― What does a Party of some rich asshole look like?
As a second mainstream Republican chooses to leave the Senate rather than run for re-election in a party led by President the rich asshole, an organization molded by Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan appears to be in an identity crisis that typically afflicts a party out of power, not one that controls both chambers of Congress and the White House.
“What party?” laughed Rick Tyler, a longtime GOP consultant who worked for the presidential campaign of Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas last year. “It’s hard to say that it’s anyone’s party right now. It is both intellectually and ideologically unmoored.”
Tyler said the rich asshole’s inability to focus on legislation, or even understand it, makes it virtually impossible for him to lead his own party, let alone the nation. “He doesn’t have a core set of beliefs. He never has. He’s going to believe in what’s good for him at the moment,” Tyler said. “The president is supposed to be the North Star in all of these things. And he’s just a constellation. And we’ve got no way of knowing where he’s going to be in six months.”
That possibility was raised as a warning by a number of Republicans as the rich asshole rose in the polls in the summer and autumn of 2015, even as many party leaders argued the opposite: that the rich asshole, as a nominee and a president, would come to adopt the values and objectives of their party.
Instead, though, the rich asshole has shown little interest in Republican values or even much loyalty to longstanding members of the party whose structure got him elected to the White House.
“the rich asshole is pretty cavalier about all the work and sacrifice involved over the years to win Congress and now the White House,” said Texas political consultant Matt Mackowiak.
the rich asshole is pretty cavalier about all the work and sacrifice involved over the years to win Congress and now the White House.Matt Mackowiak, Texas political consultant
As president, the rich asshole has routinely attacked members of his own party, in speeches, media interviews and, most ubiquitously, on Twitter. He frequently blames Republicans for failing to pass legislation, as if they are some group he has no affiliation with.
Now, just nine months into his term, both Tennessee’s Bob Corker and Arizona’s Jeff Flake have decided not to seek re-election to the Senate next year ― and are openly calling the rich asshole a menace to the nation.
“We must stop pretending that the degradation of our politics and the conduct of some in our executive branch are normal. They are not normal,” Flake said from the floor of the Senate on Tuesday. “And when such behavior emanates from the top of our government, it is something else. It is dangerous to a democracy.”
Corker earlier this month criticized the rich asshole for running the White House as if it were a “reality show” and possibly leading the country into “World War III” with his careless language.
On Tuesday, he told CNN that the rich asshole’s primary achievement would be debasing the office. “He’s obviously not going to rise to the occasion as president,” Corker said.
the rich asshole’s staff and supporters argue that the rich asshole is doing what voters wanted him to do. “I think he feels like America is winning,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Tuesday as she dismissed Corker and Flake as senators who were likely to lose re-election anyway.
And former top White House aide Steve Bannon, whose nationalist agenda and language were adopted by the rich asshole during the course of the general election campaign, has been cheerfully promising to find challengers to most incumbent Republican senators in his battle against “the establishment.” He has also taken credit for the victory of former Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore over Luther Strange in a Senate primary runoff. He backed Moore while Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the rich asshole backed Strange, who was appointed to Jeff Sessions’ former Senate seat when Sessions became the rich asshole’s attorney general.
“McConnell and the GOP Establishment have sown the wind — now be prepared to reap the whirlwind,” Bannon told the website Axios.
That sort of talk, though, makes John Weaver laugh out loud. “Roy Moore was going to win that race regardless,” said the longtime consultant who ran Ohio Gov. John Kasich’s Republican presidential run in 2016. “Bannon had not a goddamned thing to do with it.”
Weaver has a much simpler explanation as to how his party has gotten to where it is: “We got a guy who hijacked our party, and the country’s in trouble because of it.”
Weaver points to the rich asshole’s entry into the race in June 2015, when party leaders ― fearful that the rich asshole’s near universal name recognition, thanks to a hit TV reality show and his bank account, would let him mount a third-party run ― treated him with kid gloves. Most of his rivals for the nomination, meanwhile, assumed his unorthodox views and schoolyard behavior would bring him down, and therefore there was no need to attack him.
We have a special obligation, because the nut job is from our party. It’s our responsibility to go round up the crazy uncle.John Weaver, Republican political consultant
Those two factors instead combined to give the rich asshole an imprimatur of party legitimacy, which helped him consolidate support as the field narrowed.
Now, Weaver said, he and other Republicans need to clean up the mess. “We have a special obligation, because the nut job is from our party. It’s our responsibility to go round up the crazy uncle.”
But some top party leaders, speaking on the condition of anonymity in order to speak candidly about the de facto head of their party, argue that the country is too big and the federal bureaucracy and judiciary too slow-moving for any one president, even one as reckless as the rich asshole, to make major changes, even if he were to serve two terms.
They point out that, despite all his bluster and angry tweets, the rich asshole has served nine months without a single major legislative accomplishment, has been unable to pull troops from Afghanistan or withdraw from NATO, and has seen some of his executive actions tied up in court. This is proof, in their view, that the system of checks and balances is working.
One senior Republican National Committee member, also speaking on the condition of anonymity to speak frankly, said the rich asshole in the end managed something that the previous two nominees could not. He won. “Our job is to win,” he said.
Tyler, Cruz’s former aide, hears that sentiment a lot and cannot disagree more. “The Republican Party is not its former self. It sacrificed itself for winning. I love winning. But what did we win? What did he win? He gets the use of Air Force One?”
Mackowiak said it is too soon to guess what happens to the party after the rich asshole. “A lot of that depends on how the rich asshole era ends.”
Whether that is a consequence of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian meddling, a decision not to seek a second term or a successful re-election, Mackowiak said, it will determine if Republicanism will survive Trumpism.
“And nobody knows that yet,” he said.
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Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ Attack On The Washington Post Will Make Your Head Spin
White House press secretary gets called out for “hypocrisy.”
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders did a complete reversal Tuesday, first dismissing The Washington Post as a source and then relying on it in her defense of President some rich asshole.
And it all unfolded over the space of about four hours.
“And as I’ve said many times before, I wouldn’t use The Washington Post as my source,” she said at roughly 4 p.m. EDT, after a questioner cited the newspaper. “You should know better than that.”
Yet, later on Twitter, she did exactly what she knew better than to do.
She used The Washington Post as a source in a tweet about the latest revelations on the Christopher Steele dossier:
The change of heart on The Washington Post was not lost on many of her Twitter followers.
Here is some of the response:
In a transparent attempt to divert attention from their embattled president, Republicans are going back to the "investigate Clinton" well.
South Carolina Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy
(AP Photo/Susan Walsh)
Adopting a surreal political strategy of effectively treating private citizen Hillary Clinton as if she were president of the United States, Republicans announced Tuesday not one but two congressional investigations targeting her — one of which stretches back nearly a decade.
One of the inquiries will revisit, yet again, the issue of Clinton’s private emails during her time as secretary of state, and specifically how the Department of Justice handled that inquiry. Essentially, it’s an investigation about an investigation.
The other will address the 2010 sale of American uranium production capability to a Russian state-run energy conglomerate, and the Obama administration’s approval of that sale — a supposed scandal that was debunked in 2015.
Both investigations smack of a deliberate and desperate attempt to move the focus away from some rich asshole and his White House, which has been squirming under scrutiny throughout his less than one year in office, particularly surrounding the mountain of evidence pointing towards Russia’s interference in the election on his behalf.
“Acting on the urging of the President who has repeatedly denied the intelligence agencies’ conclusions regarding Russian involvement in our election, they are designed to distract attention and pursue the President’s preferred goal – attacking Clinton and Obama,” said California Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff, top Democratic lawmaker on the House Intelligence Committee.
Democratic Reps. Elijah E. Cummings of Maryland and John Conyers of Michigan concurred in a joint statement: “This new investigation is a massive diversion to distract from the lack of Republican oversight of the the rich asshole Administration and the national security threat that Russia poses.”
The announcements also come as the administration faces mounting questions about a deadly ISIS-led raid in Niger in early October, which killed four American troops. Not only is the Pentagon struggling to explain the deadly ambush, but the rich asshole has triggered a weeks-long running controversy by refusing to honor the fallen soldiers, then belatedly disrespecting the family of one with a dismissive phone call to his widow.
the rich asshole went so far as to directly challenge the honesty of Gold Star wife Myeshia Johnson, two days after she buried her husband, Army Sgt. La David Johnson.
To date, the Republican-controlled Congress has not authorized any investigations into the deadly Niger raid.
Now, trying to change the subject, Republicans have decided to spend months and possibly years, as well as millions in taxpayer dollars, to re-litigate the same old Fox News Clinton “conspiracies” that have been thoroughly debunked.
It’s unprecedented in modern American history for one political party to launch investigations into the other party’s losing presidential candidate, and do it nearly one year after the election is over.
But committed to maintaining Clinton as a public villain, and to relentlessly attacking her as if she were president, Republicans are prepared to pile up congressional inquiries for partisan consumption — and to try to protect their embattled president.
Internet torches Huckabee Sanders for criticizing ‘grandstanding on TV’ — while working for the rich asshole

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders (Screen capture)
Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Tuesday made a stunning claim that Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) and Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) are somehow responsible for the derailment of some rich asshole’s legislative agenda.
During a freewheeling press conference, Sanders told reports to imagine what could be accomplished if people like Sen. Corker “started doing their job, instead of doing so much grandstanding on TV.”
The idea that someone working for the rich asshole—a literal reality TV star—could make a claim that senators are “grandstanding on TV” shocked the Internet on Tuesday, with users taking to Twitter to express disbelief over Huckabee Sanders’ remark.
Watch Jeff Flake erupt in laughter after Jake Tapper asks if the rich asshole ‘broke’ him: ‘I’m still standing’

CNN's Jake Tapper and Sen. Jeff Flake (Screengrab)
Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) on Tuesday spoke with CNN’s Jake Tapper after delivering a monumental speech on the Senate floor, during which he denounced some rich asshole and announced he would not seek reelection in 2018.
“It’s not enough to be conservative anymore,” Flake told Tapper shortly after delivering that speech. “It seems that you have to be angry about it.”
Asked if he agrees with Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN), who on Tuesday said he thinks the rich asshole is “debasing” the nation, Flake agreed we shouldn’t “normalize this kind of behavior”
“We keep waiting for a pivot that isn’t happening,” Flake said.
Later, Tapper asked for Flake’s reaction to Sarah Palin and the far-right website Breitbart “saying the rich asshole broke you.”
Flake immediately burst out laughing.
“I’m still standing,” Flake replied.
Watch below:
Part One —
Part Two —
WATCH: Sarah Huckabee Sanders squirms under harsh questioning about GOP attacks on the rich asshole

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders (Screen capture)
White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders faced an intense grilling by the White House press corps on Tuesday after President some rich asshole came under heavy criticism from Senators Bob Corker (R-TN) and Jeff Flake (R-AZ).
Politico’s White House reporter Matthew Nussbaum asked for the White House to respond to Corker’s statement that the president regularly tells untruths and Flake’s call on Republicans to end their “complicity and accommodation” of an out-of-control the rich asshole.
Sanders replied that both Corker and Flake are facing steep uphill battles according to polling in their home states and that for them to retire is “probably a good idea.”
Fox News’ John Roberts asked why the president is wasting time on a “petty feud with Bob Corker” when he should be trying to push through the Republicans’ tax plan.
“Look, the president is focused on doing this,” Sanders replied, shifting from foot to foot. “That’s what he’s been spending a good bit of this week doing and that’s what he will continue to do until we get the job done?”
Roberts persisted, “But why does he engage like this?”
“He’s a fighter,” Sanders said of the rich asshole. “And when he gets hit, he’s going to hit back.”
Maybe Corker is “trying to get a headline or two on his way out the door,” she sniped.
She was asked if the rich asshole feels any responsibility for the “breakdown in civility” in the U.S.?
She replied that Corker and Flake are unpopular at home “and I think that shows that the support is more behind this president than it is behind those two individuals.”
Watch the video, embedded below:
‘Nobody called anyone an ignorant slut’: Republican Senator proclaims meeting with the rich asshole a success

(Photo: stock_photo_world /
President some rich asshole’s early-morning Twitter feud with Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) did not sabotage GOP senators’ scheduled lunch meeting with the rich asshole on Tuesday, according to one lawmaker who attended.
Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) told reporters after the meeting that senators and the president had frank discussions about tax reform and did not engage in insulting one another — despite the fact that the rich asshole and Sen. Corker are still in the midst of a heated Twitter feud.
“It was a very positive meeting,” Kennedy said, per BuzzFeed reporter Paul McLeod and Yahoo News reporter Liz Goodwin. “Nobody called anyone an ignorant slut.”
Corker on Tuesday said that the rich asshole regularly fails to tell the truth about a wide range of topics, and also accused the president of being unwilling to act in a competent fashion.
WATCH: Man screams ‘the rich asshole is treason’ at president — and tosses Russian flags at him

Man shouts at some rich asshole in the U.S. Capitol Building (Fox News/screen grab)
A man screamed at President some rich asshole on Capitol Hill as he was walking into a lunch meeting with Senate Republicans on Tuesday.
Ryan Clayton from Americans Take Action threw Russian flags at the rich asshole and shouted “the rich asshole is treason” before being surrounded by law enforcement officers, who escorted him away.
“This president conspired with agents of the Russian government,” he shouted. “We should be talking about treason in Congress.”
Watch video, via Fox News, below:
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