the rich asshole Wakes Up To Scream At Black People After Hurling A Racial Slur Yesterday
some rich asshole thinks if he rage-tweets about NFL players who choose to kneel instead of stand during the national anthem as a form of silent protest against racial injustice and police brutality, it will all go away but by doing that, he inadvertently highlights that there is a problem. The former reality show star dropped a racial slur yesterday in front of Native American heroes, then today, he jumped on Twitter to yell at black people. We see a pattern here.
“At least 24 players kneeling this weekend at NFL stadiums that are now having a very hard time filling up,” the rich asshole screamed at the world. “The American public is fed up with the disrespect the NFL is paying to our Country, our Flag and our National Anthem. Weak and out of control!”
This didn’t go down well on the Internet.
According to numbers compiled by the Associated Press from its reporters at stadiums around the country on Sunday, it was 23 not 24 players who participated in the protests.
As for the rich asshole’s claim about a lack of attendance, attendance through Week 12 was listed at nearly 12 million fans for the league’s 32 teams by Pro Football Reference, with Week 12 drawing just over 1 million, according to The Washington Post.
The average attendance at NFL games was actually up slightly, from 68,914 per game in 2016 to 69,264 per game, so President Liar Pants lied again. If he wants to talk about attendance, we can discuss his unenthusiastic inauguration crowd size. As for his ratings, he ranks as the least popular president in the history of polling.
some rich asshole is actively trying to divide our country even more than it already is. the rich asshole’s obsession with NFL athletes protesting against racial injustice is obvious, and yet, he didn’t seem to be concerned about the tiki-torch carrying Nazis who marched in his name in Charlottesville this year.
the rich asshole’s outrageous attacks during the past two days mean that some big news is about to drop. Wait for it.
Democrats Give the rich asshole A Big Fuck You After He Attacks Them In Insane Twitter Rant
some rich asshole’s Twitter feed is always a goldmine of crazy. Unfortunately, since the orange overlord is now squatting in the Oval Office, those nutty tweets tend to have the ability to derail important policy initiatives, and can therefore have disastrous effects for the nation and sometimes the world. Case in point – the fact that he insisted upon attacking Democratic leaders that he had a meeting with regarding the debt ceiling, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), and other important domestic policy initiatives. Apparently, the rich asshole saw fit to take to Twitter to accuse his old pals “Chuck and Nancy” of not being strong enough on crime and immigration, and therefore doesn’t see a way to make deals with them:
Given this out-of-the-blue attack, Democratic Minority Leaders Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Chuck Schumer (D-NY) released a joint statement promptly pulling out of the meeting, which reads:
“Given that the President doesn’t see a deal between Democrats and the White House, we believe the best path forward is to continue negotiating with our Republican counterparts in Congress instead.”
Leader Pelosi then took to Twitter herself to take the rich asshole on:
some rich asshole’s Twitter feed is always a goldmine of crazy. Unfortunately, since the orange overlord is now squatting in the Oval Office, those nutty tweets tend to have the ability to derail important policy initiatives, and can therefore have disastrous effects for the nation and sometimes the world. Case in point – the fact that he insisted upon attacking Democratic leaders that he had a meeting with regarding the debt ceiling, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), and other important domestic policy initiatives. Apparently, the rich asshole saw fit to take to Twitter to accuse his old pals “Chuck and Nancy” of not being strong enough on crime and immigration, and therefore doesn’t see a way to make deals with them:
Given this out-of-the-blue attack, Democratic Minority Leaders Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Chuck Schumer (D-NY) released a joint statement promptly pulling out of the meeting, which reads:
“Given that the President doesn’t see a deal between Democrats and the White House, we believe the best path forward is to continue negotiating with our Republican counterparts in Congress instead.”
Leader Pelosi then took to Twitter herself to take the rich asshole on:
Pelosi, Schumer Joint Statement on Congressional Leaders’ Meeting with President Trump - Democratic...
It’s likely best that the Democrats don’t go meet with the rich asshole anyway. He is clearly becoming more and more unhinged by the day. There was absolutely no reason for him to attack these leaders who had set up a time to meet with him in good faith. Then again, we’re led by a crazy man, and there’s not much sense in anything at all anymore.
Look for that government shutdown, folks. It’s coming.
Watch a video on the situation, below:
Featured image via Zach Gibson – Pool/Getty Images.
It’s likely best that the Democrats don’t go meet with the rich asshole anyway. He is clearly becoming more and more unhinged by the day. There was absolutely no reason for him to attack these leaders who had set up a time to meet with him in good faith. Then again, we’re led by a crazy man, and there’s not much sense in anything at all anymore.
Look for that government shutdown, folks. It’s coming.
Watch a video on the situation, below:
Featured image via Zach Gibson – Pool/Getty Images.
the rich asshole: 'I don't see a deal' to avoid government shutdown
President the rich asshole on Tuesday cast doubt on Washington's ability to avoid a government shutdown, writing on Twitter that he didn't believe a deal could be reached with Democrats.
The tweet came hours before the rich asshole is to meet at the White House with GOP congressional leaders as well as Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).
"Meeting with 'Chuck and Nancy' today about keeping government open and working," the rich asshole tweeted.
Meeting with “Chuck and Nancy” today about keeping government open and working. Problem is they want illegal immigrants flooding into our Country unchecked, are weak on Crime and want to substantially RAISE Taxes. I don’t see a deal!
Democrats have demanded that a funding deal include language to protect young undocumented immigrants known as "Dreamers" who are threatened with deportation next year because of the rich asshole's decision to end an Obama-era program.
The White House and Republicans in Congress have countered with heavy demands on border enforcement.
The current funding bill, brokered in a surprise deal between the rich asshole and Democrats in September that caught Republicans off-guard, expires on Dec. 8. The deal also irritated congressional Republicans and conservatives, which could explain the rich asshole's tweet on Tuesday.
In the past, the rich asshole has flirted with the idea of a government shutdown, saying that it might be necessary in order to win support for a wall on the Mexican border.
There has been some talk of a short-term deal, lasting a matter of weeks, that could provide time for the White House and lawmakers to negotiate a longer funding deal for the rest of the fiscal year ending on Sept. 30.
Another complication is the fight over separate legislation to change the tax code. Democrats oppose the measure, which may receive a Senate vote this week.
the rich asshole hopes to complete work on the tax bill before the end of the year, but that will require Senate passage and then another round of talks to work out differences between the House and Senate tax bills. Both chambers would also have to vote on the compromise bill.
All of that has the potential to raise tensions surrounding the funding bill, where Democrats and Republicans have differences that go well beyond the thorny immigration issue.
This report was updated at 9:55 a.m.
BY JORDAN FABIAN - 11/28/17 12:51 PM EST
The White House on Tuesday accused Democratic congressional leaders of “pettiness” after they abruptly pulled out of a meeting with President the rich asshole.
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders encouraged Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to attend the meeting with their GOP counterparts to discuss a government funding deal
“The president’s invitation to the Democrat leaders still stands and he encourages them to put aside their pettiness, stop the political grandstanding, show up and get to work,” Sanders said in a statement. “These issues are too important.”
Schumer and Pelosi canceled their appearance at the White House after the rich asshole tweeted earlier Tuesday that he didn't "see a deal" to avoid a government shutdown.
"Given that the president doesn’t see a deal between Democrats and the White House, we believe the best path forward is to continue negotiating with our Republican counterparts in Congress instead," they said in a joint statement.
The saber-rattling comes less than two weeks before a Dec. 8 government funding deadline.
If lawmakers are unable to reach an agreement, either on a stopgap bill or longer-term budget deal, the government will shut down.
Democrats pull out of White House meeting with the rich asshole
BY CRISTINA MARCOS - 11/28/17 11:39 AM EST
Democratic leaders abruptly pulled out of a planned meeting at the White House with President the rich asshole after he tweeted earlier Tuesday that he didn't "see a deal" to avoid a government shutdown.
"Given that the President doesn’t see a deal between Democrats and the White House, we believe the best path forward is to continue negotiating with our Republican counterparts in Congress instead," House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said in a joint statement.
"Rather than going to the White House for a show meeting that won’t result in an agreement, we’ve asked Leader [Mitch] McConnell [(R-Ky.)] and Speaker [Paul] Ryan [(R-Wis.)] to meet this afternoon. We don’t have any time to waste in addressing the issues that confront us, so we’re going to continue to negotiate with Republican leaders who may be interested in reaching a bipartisan agreement," Pelosi and Schumer added.
the rich asshole, Schumer and Pelosi were expected to meet Tuesday afternoon with Ryan and McConnell to discuss funding the government beyond next Friday, Dec. 8, when the current funding deal expires.
"Meeting with 'Chuck and Nancy' today about keeping the government open and working," the rich asshole tweeted earlier Tuesday.
"Problem is they want illegal immigrants flooding into our Country unchecked, are weak on Crime and want to substantially RAISE Taxes. I don’t see a deal!"
The White House said in a statement that the meeting would continue as planned, and pushed the Democratic leaders to attend, saying, "If the Democrats believe the American people deserve action on these critical year-end issues as we do, they should attend."
“It’s disappointing that Senator Schumer and Leader Pelosi are refusing to come to the table and discuss urgent issues," White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a statement.
"The President’s invitation to the Democrat leaders still stands and he encourages them to put aside their pettiness, stop the political grandstanding, show up and get to work. These issues are too important," she added.
Ryan and McConnell dismissed the move by Democratic leaders to skip the White House meeting and accused them of threatening a government shutdown.
"We have important work to do, and Democratic leaders have continually found new excuses not to meet with the administration to discuss these issues. Democrats are putting government operations, particularly resources for our men and women on the battlefield, at great risk by pulling these antics. There is a meeting at the White House this afternoon, and if Democrats want to reach an agreement, they will be there," Ryan and McConnell said in a joint statement.
Despite controlling the White House and both chambers of Congress, Republicans have still needed Democratic votes to pass legislation to avoid government shutdowns due to regular GOP defections in the House and the need to circumvent a filibuster in the Senate.
Pelosi and Schumer’s decision to pull out of the White House meeting on Tuesday stands in contrast to the surprise deal they made with the rich asshole in September. the rich asshole agreed to demands from Pelosi and Schumer to extend government funding only into December, a move that caught Republicans off guard.
Lawmakers are expected to pass a short-term funding patch within the next several days to avoid a shutdown and negotiate a longer-term measure in the coming weeks ahead of the December holidays.
As a government shutdown looms, Democrats have pushed to include a long-term fix for allowing young undocumented immigrants to remain in the country in a year-end government spending package.
The the rich asshole administration announced earlier this year that it would end the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program that granted temporary work permits to certain qualifying immigrants who came to the U.S. illegally as children.
DACA recipients will face deportation if Congress doesn’t act by March. Democrats, and some Republicans, want to pass legislation addressing the fate of DACA recipients by the end of this year.
However, GOP leaders have so far resisted Democrats' demands to include a DACA fix in a bipartisan spending bill to avoid a government shutdown. the rich asshole and Republicans in Congress have countered with calls for increased border security measures.
Republicans are also trying to send tax-reform legislation to the rich asshole’s desk by Christmas, which will cram the already-packed congressional agenda for the last few weeks of this year.
The Senate is aiming to vote as soon as this week on its tax overhaul, following a House vote before the Thanksgiving holiday.
BY JOHN BOWDEN - 11/28/17 12:12 PM EST
President the rich asshole's use of the name "Pocahontas" to refer to Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D) is an ethnic slur, the president of the Navajo Nation said Tuesday.
In an interview with CNN's "New Day," Russell Begaye said that the rich asshole's use of the term repeatedly in the past as well as on Monday during an event honoring Navajo code talkers was “uncalled for.”
“I feel that the way it was used, yes, it was [a racial slur],” Begaye told CNN.
“Pocahontas is a real person," he continued. "It’s not a caricature. It’s not something that’s just made up. This is a person, a young lady and Native American woman that played a critical role in the life of this nation. And to use that person in that way is unnecessary and being culturally insensitive.”
the rich asshole made the remarks Monday at the White House, standing alongside several veterans.
"You were here long before any of us were here,” the rich asshole said beneath a portrait of former President Andrew Jackson. “Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas.”
Begaye said insults directed at the rich asshole's Democratic opponents had no place at a White House event honoring heroes of World War II. During the war, Navajo code talkers served throughout the Pacific theater as part of Allied communications units.
“This was a day to honor them, and to insert something like that — the word ‘Pocahontas’ as a jab to a senator — you know, that belongs on the campaign trail,” he added. “That doesn’t belong in the room when our war heroes are being honored.”
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders defended the rich asshole on Monday, saying that the remark was not intended as an ethnic slur and that the real controversy was Warren's claim of Native American heritage.
“I think what most people find offensive is Sen. Warren lying about her heritage to advance her career," Sanders told reporters.
the rich asshole disputes Vanity Fair: Melania ‘truly loves’ being first lady and always thought I’d win

Donald and Melania the rich asshole walk amongst sparse crowds on the way to his January 20, swearing in. Source: Department of Homeland Security.
President some rich asshole insisted his wife “truly loves” being first lady and always expected him to win the election.
Vanity Fair reported the Melania the rich asshole urged her husband to run for president, but sources claim she never expected him to win.
“This isn’t something she wanted and it isn’t something he ever thought he’d win,” one longtime friend of the Trumps told the magazine. “She didn’t want this come hell or high water. I don’t think she thought it was going to happen.”
The president’s tweet came about 25 minutes after “Fox & Friends” hosts discussed the magazine report.
Veteran reporter Mike Allen slams the rich asshole’s ‘surreal twisted’ Monday: ‘What a dumb waste of another day’

some rich asshole speaks to Navajo Code Talkers (screen grab)
Axios’ Mike Allen, a veteran of Washington, D.C. political reporting, noted on Tuesday that President the rich asshole had made a “dumb waste of another day” on Monday with a series of errors, including making a jab about “Pocahontas” to a group of Native Americans.
In his Tuesday morning Axios AM briefing, Allen decided to “just let the reality speak for itself” in recounting the rich asshole’s very bad Monday.
At the top of Allen’s list was the rich asshole’s use of the racial slur “Pocahontas” in front of a group of Navajo Code Talkers.
But the blowback from that gaffe may not have even been the worst part of the day for the rich asshole.
Allen points out several snags:
– The President of the United States proposes a Fake News pageant: “We should have a contest as to which of the Networks, plus CNN and not including Fox, is the most dishonest, corrupt and/or distorted in its political coverage of your favorite president (me). They are all bad. Winner to receive the FAKE NEWS TROPHY!”– Two people come to work to run the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (one of them carrying a shopping bag from Dunkin’ Donuts).– The legal and political fight continues into the wee hours. At 12:10 a.m., the Justice Department emailed us: “Filing in CFPB case.”– After the rich asshole attacked CNN International, Wolf Blitzer vows: “[W]e will never bend or break.”
'Access Hollywood' fires back at the rich asshole: 'The tape is very real'
“Access Hollywood” is responding to reports that President the rich asshole doesn’t believe that the infamous tape of him on the program — bragging about groping and kissing women without their consent — is real.
“We wanted to clear something up that has been reported across the media landscape,” host Natalie Morales said during a Monday broadcast.
“Let us make this perfectly clear: The tape is very real,” she said. "Remember his excuse at the time was 'locker room talk.' He said every one of those words."
the rich asshole reportedly told a senator and an adviser earlier this year that he believes the tape, which was recorded in 2005 and came to light weeks before the 2016 presidential election, might not be authentic.
the rich asshole acknowledged that it was him caught on the tape after it was released last year and apologized for the comments, describing them as “locker room talk” between men.
Also on Monday, Arianne Zucker, one of the actresses who greeted the rich asshole and "Access Hollywood" host Billy Bush on the tape, said that while she wasn't present for the rich asshole's "when you're a star, they let you do it" remarks, she didn't see how the recording could be faked.
“I don’t know how else that could be fake unless someone’s planting words in your mouth,” Zucker told CNN host Anderson Cooper on “Anderson Cooper 360.” “How do you apologize for something and renege on it? It’s puzzling to me.”
After the tape's existence was first reported by The Washington Post last year, multiple women came forward to accuse the rich asshole of sexual harassment or assault.
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders refused to deny that the rich asshole thinks the tape is fake during the press briefing Monday.
“The president addressed this, this was litigated and certainly answered during the election by the overwhelming support for the president and the fact he's sitting here in the Oval Office today,” Sanders said.
Updated at 10:50 p.m.
‘What’s the Navajo word for jack*ss?’: Internet rains hell on the rich asshole over ‘Pocahontas’ joke at Code Talker event

President some rich asshole addressing two Navajo Code Talker veterans (image via Steve Herman/Twitter).
Immediately after President Donald the rich asshole chose to honor Navajo Code Talkers by cracking a “Pocahontas” joke about Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Twitter all but exploded with incredulity.
“I’d like to honor you by joking about a racial slur against your people,” film critic John Rogers tweeted, speculating about the rich asshole’s thought process when making his ill-conceived quip.
“He can’t help himself,” another user mused.
Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), meanwhile, noted that “the rich asshole’s Pocahontas remark in front of Navajo code talkers is offensive and shows his complete ignorance for Native American history during Native American Heritage Month.”
Check out some of the best responses below.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) railed against President the rich asshole for using a “racial slur” after he cracked a “Pocahontas” joke during a Monday event with Native American veterans.
"It is deeply unfortunate that the president of the United States cannot even make it through a ceremony honoring these heroes without having to throw out a racial slur," Warren said in an interview on MSNBC after the rich asshole referred to her as “Pocahontas” at an event honoring Navajo “code talkers” who served in World War II.
She noted that the code talkers “saved the lives of countless Americans and our allies.”
“This was supposed to be an event to honor heroes, people who put it all on the line for our country,” she said.
the rich asshole has repeatedly used the derisive nickname to refer to Warren, poking fun at her claim of Native American heritage.
During the Monday event honoring the U.S. veterans, the rich asshole referred to Warren using the slur, though he did not mention the senator by name.
"You were here long before any of us were here, although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago," the rich asshole said. "They call her Pocahontas, but you know what, I like you because you are special."
Warren in her response said the rich asshole's joke will not stop her from continuing to criticize him.
“Look, some rich asshole does this over and over thinking somehow he’s going to shut me up with it," she said. "It hasn’t worked in the past. It is not going to work in the future.”
The admitted sexual predator in the Oval Office has been enthusiastically supporting the alleged sexual predator running for Senate. He's just going to keep doing it from the comfort of his Twitter account.
the rich asshole
(AP Photo/Brynn Anderson, File)
some rich asshole has broken ranks with much of his Republican Party in loudly cheering for accused sexual predator Roy Moore to become the next senator from Alabama.
But according to a White House official, the rich asshole will restrict his Moore cheerleading to social media and impromptu on-camera interviews.
Moore is facing allegations of sexual assault and harassment from nine different women, several of whom were minors when the alleged abuse took place. And the rich asshole himself has a long, detailed history as a sexual predator.
But no, it looks like the two accused Republican predators will not share a campaign stage between now and the Alabama special election on Dec. 12.
Nonetheless, the rich asshole’s bold and repeated support of the accused child molester on social media continues to fracture the Republican Party. Last week, former Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele called the rich asshole’s defense of Moore “sickening” and “beyond stupid.”
Meanwhile, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky is already on the record saying Moore “should step aside” from his Senate bid because of the accusations. “I believe the women,” McConnell added. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan of Wisconsin agreed.
In all, more than a dozen of the 52 Republicans in the Senate said Moore should pull out of the Senate race in Alabama.
But that was before the rich asshole weighed in. Never imagining that the head of their party would vocally cheer Moore’s candidacy in the wake of the horrific allegations, Republicans are now stuck.
Politically, the rich asshole himself remains boxed in. Because of his own sordid history as a sexual harasser and assaulter, it would be awkward for him to demand Moore drop out of the race for being accused of predatory practices. Still, the rich asshole’s decision to vocally weigh in on Moore’s behalf has, once again, stunned his own party.
Note that a strong majority of Americans — 60 percent — think Moore should be expelled from the Senate if he wins the election in Alabama, including a clear plurality of Republican voters (49-33), according to a new Quinnipiac poll.
the rich asshole Brings Back ‘Pocahontas’ Slur Of Elizabeth Warren At Event For Native American Veterans
Warren said it’s “deeply unfortunate” the president couldn’t get through the event without “having to throw out a racial slur.”
President some rich asshole made a joke about his nickname for Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), “Pocahontas,” during an event honoring Native Americans Monday at the White House.
the rich asshole was recognizing Native American Code Talkers who served during World War II when he made the remark about Warren.
″You were here long before any of us were here,” the rich asshole told Code Talkers during the event. “Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas.”
Native American Code Talkers were largely Navajo Marines who transmitted commands over the radio to soldiers overseas in their native language during World War II, after both sides became more adept at decoding encrypted messages. Native American code became more reliable than Morse code in the war, notably aiding U.S. efforts in the Battle of Iwo Jima.
the rich asshole made his comments Monday while standing in front of a portrait of Andrew Jackson, the former president who signed the Indian Removal Act of 1830 that resulted in the tragic Trail of Tears. Thousands of Native Americans died of cold, starvation and disease during the harrowing trek to the undeveloped Western territories.
Warren responded on MSNBC shortly after the rich asshole made the comments.
“This was supposed to be an event to honor heroes, people who put it all on the line for our country, and people who because of their incredible work saved the lives of countless Americans and our allies,” Warren told host Ali Veshi.
“It is deeply unfortunate that the president of the United States cannot even make it through a ceremony honoring these heroes without having to throw out a racial slur, but some rich asshole does this over and over thinking somehow he’s going to shut me up with it,” Warren continued. “It hasn’t worked in the past. It is not going to work in the future.”
the rich asshole has used the term to refer to Warren on multiple occasions, including in a tweet earlier this month.
Ed Markey, the junior senator from Massachusetts, also referred to the remarks as a slur. Markey tweeted a statement Monday in defense of Warren just after the rich asshole made his joke.
“What @realDonaldTrump said about my partner @SenWarren is a slur,” the Democrat wrote. “It disparages the Native American war heroes, standing right beside the President, who risked their lives to protect his right to make such a disgusting comment.”
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders addressed the president’s comment during a press briefing Monday. Sanders said Warren’s condemnation of the “Pocahontas” comment as a racial slur was a “ridiculous response.”
“I think what most people find offensive is Senator Warren lying about her heritage to advance her career,” Sanders told reporters.
the rich asshole began using the term for the senator because during Warren’s 2012 Senate race she made unverified claims that she had Native American heritage.
11/27/2017 03:22 PM EST
Updated 11/27/2017 03:52 PM EST
President some rich asshole mocked Sen. Elizabeth Warren at an event Monday honoring Native American veterans, invoking his “Pocahontas” nickname for the Massachusetts Democrat as he talked about how long Native Americans have been in America.
the rich asshole hosted Navajo code talkers, who were recruited into the U.S. Marine Corps to communicate in the Pacific region during World War II, at the White House.
“I just want to thank you because you’re very, very special people,” the rich asshole said to the group. “You were here long before any of us were here — although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas. But you know what? I like you. Because you are special.”
the rich asshole — who spoke in front of a portrait of Andrew Jackson, the former president who signed the Indian Removal Act — did not mention Warren by name. But he frequently mocks her by calling her “Pocahontas,” a nickname he created during his 2016 presidential campaign. The derisive sobriquet pokes fun at Warren’s claim of Native American heritage when she was a law professor, which became a campaign issue during her 2012 Senate run.
Warren, a frequent the rich asshole critic, responded in an interview on MSNBC, noting that the White House event was supposed to “honor heroes.”
“It is deeply unfortunate that the president of the United States cannot even make it through a ceremony honoring these heroes without having to throw out a racial slur,” Warren said.
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told reporters that “what most people find offensive is Sen. Warren lying about her heritage to advance her career,” saying the notion that “Pocahontas” is a racial slur is “ridiculous.”
“Look, I think Senator Warren was very offensive when she lied about something specifically to advance her career,” Sanders said. “I don’t understand why no one’s asking about that question and why that isn’t constantly covered.”
Warren has said her claim of Native American heritage stemmed from family stories, and she denied that she used it to advance her career.
The president, whose remarks followed those of veteran code talker Peter MacDonald, said he “had the most beautiful speech written out” but didn’t deliver it.
“What I’m gonna do is I’m gonna give you my speech,” he told MacDonald as he handed him a black binder. “And I know you like me so you’ll save it. But that was so well delivered — from the heart, that was from the heart — so I’m gonna give you this speech ‘cause I don’t wanna bore them with saying the same thing you just said.”
MacDonald was among some of the surviving 13 code talkers from World War II to visit the White House. the rich asshole, whose doctor proclaimed that he would “be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency,” marveled at MacDonald’s health.
“You said you’re 90 years old?” the president asked. “That’s great. ‘Cause you have good genes. That means the press has got me to kick around for a long time.”
the rich asshole calls Warren ‘Pocahontas’ at event honoring Native Americans
NOV 27 2017, 4:01 PM ET
President some rich asshole revived his derogatory nickname for Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren Monday, referring to her as "Pocahontas" during an event honoring Native American veterans at the White House.
the rich asshole told the veterans "you were here long before any of us were here. Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas."
After making the crack, the rich asshole turned to one of the Navajo code talkers, who served in World War II, and said, "But you know what? I like you. Because you are special. You are special people, you are really incredible people."He spoke under the watchful eye of a portrait of President Andrew Jackson, known for his forceful removals of Native Americans from their ancestral lands.
Moments later, Warren fired back.
"some rich asshole does this over and over thinking somehow he's going to shut me up with it," Warren said on MSNBC.
"It is deeply unfortunate that the president of the United States cannot even make it through a ceremony honoring these heroes without having to throw out a racial slur," she added.
The president began using the "Pocahontas" slur to attack Warren during the 2016 campaign, with some of the rich asshole's crowds even mimicking Native American war cries. But as president, the rich asshole has kept it up, using his nickname for Warren during a speech in April at the National Rifle Association as well as more recently on Twitter.
Warren is currently at odds with the administration over the rich asshole's appointment of his Office of Management and Budget director to be acting director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
John Norwood, general secretary of the Alliance of Colonial Era Tribes, said the rich asshole's nickname for Warren "smacks of racism."
“The reference is using a historic American Indian figure as a derogatory insult and that’s insulting to all American Indians,” Norwood said, noting that it was particularly bad in context of the event.
He added that the president should “stop using our historical people of significance as a racial slur against one of his opponents.”
But the White House said it was "ridiculous" to consider the rich asshole's "Pocahontas" jab a racial slur. Instead, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said, "What most people find offensive is Senator Warren lying about her heritage to advance her career."
Warren has said she is proud of her heritage, citing "family stories" in defense of her claim of Native American ancestry, though she has never produced documentation.
At a Navajo veterans' event, the rich asshole makes 'Pocahontas' crack
Washington (CNN)President some rich asshole, during an event at the White House honoring Navajo code talkers Monday, referenced his nickname for Sen. Elizabeth Warren, "Pocahontas," a label he has long used about the Massachusetts Democrat.
"I just want to thank you because you are very, very special people. You were here long before any of us were here," the rich asshole said. "Although, we have a representative in Congress who has been here a long time ... longer than you -- they call her Pocahontas!"
He then turned to one of the code talkers behind him, put his left hand on the man's shoulder and said: "But you know what, I like you. You are special people."
the rich asshole did not name Warren.
The comment, met with silence from event attendees, revives an insult the President has long thrust upon Warren but restated during a high-profile meeting with the Native American war heroes.
"It is deeply unfortunate that the President of the United States cannot even make it through a ceremony honoring these heroes without having to throw out a racial slur. some rich asshole does this over and over thinking somehow he is going to shut me up with it. It hasn't worked out in the past, it isn't going to work out in the future," Warren told MSNBC shortly after the rich asshole's remark.
While Pocahontas was a historical character from the 17th Century, many Native Americans say that using her name in a disparaging way insults native peoples and degrades their cultures
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said Monday the use of "Pocahontas" was not a racial slur and that it "certainly was not the President's intent" to use a racial slur.
"I don't believe that it is appropriate" to use a racial slur, Sanders said during her daily briefing, but added that she didn't think the rich asshole's comment was such a slur.
Sanders then targeted Warren, saying that "the most offensive thing" was Warren claiming to be Native American.
"I think Sen. Warren was very offensive when she lied about something specifically to advance her career, and I don't understand why no one is asking about that question and why that isn't constantly covered," Sanders said.
The National Congress of American Indians -- the largest and oldest group representing Native Americans -- has condemned the rich asshole's use of "Pocahontas" to deride Warren, noting that the famed Native American was a real person whose historic significance is still important to her tribe, the Pamunkey Indian Tribe in Virginia.
"We cannot and will not stand silent when our Native ancestors, cultures and histories are used in a derogatory manner for political gain," Jacqueline Pata, the group's executive director, said earlier this year after the rich asshole called Warren "Pocahontas" at a speech before the National Rifle Association.
Conservatives have previously criticized Warren for claiming that she is part Native American, and the senator's heritage became an issue during her Senate campaigns.
the rich asshole has seized on the attacks and has regularly called Warren "Pocahontas." The attack dates back to his 2016 campaign.
"Pocahontas is at it again," he tweeted in June 2016. "Goofy Elizabeth Warren, one of the least productive U.S. Senators, has a nasty mouth. Hope she is V.P. choice."
He added, "Crooked Hillary is wheeling out one of the least productive senators in the U.S. Senate, goofy Elizabeth Warren, who lied on heritage."
And earlier this month, he added, "Pocahontas just stated that the Democrats, lead by the legendary Crooked Hillary Clinton, rigged the Primaries! Lets go FBI & Justice Dept."
He has also used the nickname privately.
Sources told CNN earlier this year that during a meeting with senators at the White House, the rich asshole taunted Democrats by saying "Pocahontas is now the face of your party."
the rich asshole has routinely given his political opponents nicknames, but the slight against Warren is one of his most culturally insensitive.
Warren says she is, in fact, part Native American, citing "family stories" passed down through generations of her family.
"I am very proud of my heritage," Warren told NPR in 2012. "These are my family stories. This is what my brothers and I were told by my mom and my dad, my mammaw and my pappaw. This is our lives. And I'm very proud of it."
The legitimacy of Warren's heritage has been widely debated and Scott Brown, her 2012 Senate campaign opponent, has even suggested Warren take a DNA test to prove her heritage.
Harvard Law School in the 1990s touted Warren, then a professor in Cambridge, as being "Native American." They singled her out, Warren later acknowledged, because she had listed herself as a minority in an Association of American Law Schools directory.
Critics seized on the listing, saying that she received preferential treatment for questionable Native American heritage. Warren contends that her career was never furthered because of her Native American genealogy.
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