November 2nd, 2017 - November 2nd, 2017. 353-353 days since the Nov 8, 2016, election of some rich asshole, no.45, and 285-285 days since the Jan 20th inauguration.
US backs out of global oil anti-corruption effort
BY JOHN BOWDEN - 11/02/17 08:42 PM EDT
The rich asshole administration said Thursday it would exit an international effort to fight corruption that targeted revenue from oil and natural gas extraction.
The U.S. will no longer participate in the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), a global initiative that requires member nations to disclose their revenues from oil, gas and mining assets, according to Reuters.
Under the agreement, the U.S. was required to reveal all the revenue it received from oil, gas and mining companies, and required those companies to publicly disclose the payments they make to the U.S. and other governments.
Gregory Gould, director of the U.S. Office of Natural Resources Revenue, sent a letter to the EITI's board on Thursday announcing that the U.S. would exit the agreement “effective immediately."
“It is clear that domestic implementation of EITI does not fully account for the U.S. legal framework," Gould wrote in his letter.
Democrats and nonprofits ripped the move as a sign that the rich asshole administration was choosing big business over transparency.
“It’s very disappointing. It sends such a terrible signal overseas for what we stand for," an adviser at the Natural Resource Governance Institute told Reuters.
The U.S. joined the agreement in 2011 after a joint effort from Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.) and former Sen. Richard Lugar (R-Ind.).
The two issued a joint statement on Thursday calling the move to exit the agreement an example of “Big Oil and Gas’ money and influence” and “a painful abdication of American leadership on transparency and good governance.”
“This is a disappointing, backwards step," EITI's board chair, Fredrik Reinfeldt, said in a statement.
“The EITI is making important gains in global efforts to address corruption and illicit financial flows. It’s important that resource-rich countries like the United States lead by example.”
The rich asshole administration is hiding the truth about how the president is using his hotel in D.C. for personal profit. Democrats are suing to get answers.
(AP Photo/Susan Walsh)
The rich asshole administration is trying to cover up how some rich asshole is using the presidency to personally profit from his D.C. hotel, so Democrats are suing to get to the bottom of it.
House Democrats, led by Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings, are seeking a range of documents related to the rich asshole’s continued involvement with the rich asshole Hotel, including possibly receiving payments from foreign governments and foreign officials.
Unfortunately, they are being stymied at every turn. “The rich asshole Administration has refused all of our requests for documents about the rich asshole Hotel for the better part of this year,” Cummings said at a press conference.
In the lawsuit, Cummings is relying on a 1928 law that states that a federal agency “shall” produce documents requested by any seven members of the House Oversight Committee. Under the previous administration, said Cummings, the authority to seek these documents on this very issue was recognized by the same agency.
“But all that stopped on January 20,” Cummings added. “There is one thing, and one thing only that has changed in this case – President the rich asshole is now sitting in the Oval Office.”
Unfortunately, Republicans are actively hindering efforts to even obtain information from this administration.
“Republicans are essentially walling off President the rich asshole from credible congressional oversight,” said Cummings.
At the press conference announcing the lawsuit, Cummings outlined just some of the obstruction from congressional Republicans and explained exactly why Congress must have answers about the rich asshole’s potentially illegal profits from his hotel:
In this specific case, the lease for the hotel explicitly prohibits any “elected official of the Government of the United States” from taking or sharing in any benefit that “may arise” from the lease.
Yet, President the rich asshole refused to divest his financial interests in the hotel before he was sworn in, as both Republican and Democratic experts recommended… We have no transparency – no ability to check for ongoing conflicts of interest or unconstitutional foreign payments.
At the moment, it is unknown if the rich asshole Hotel, “has become a conduit for foreign governments, lobbyists and other special interests seeking favor with the president to channel money to the rich asshole family.” But Cummings is determined to find out.
“We regret that we have to go to court to obtain these basic documents, which are clearly within our Committee’s jurisdiction,” Cummings said. “We would not be here today if Chairman [Trey] Gowdy and his Republican colleagues would do their jobs.”
South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy is infamous for wasting millions of taxpayer dollars chasing fringe conspiracy theories around the tragic deaths of four Americans in Benghazi. But he has thus far resisted any serious investigation into the rich asshole using his office to personally profit. Instead, Cummings said, Gowdy is more interested in “aiding and abetting” the rich asshole’s corruption.
Unlike Republicans, who have consistently cowered before the rich asshole, Democrats are the only members of Congress willing to stand up to the corruption, greed, and willful disregard for the law of this administration.
Cummings and his fellow Democrats, meanwhile, are continuing to fight to hold this administration accountable, with our without the help of Republicans.
Posted by Patricia Colli on 03 Nov 2017
The fact that some rich asshole has yet to fulfill many of his presidential duties is no secret. He’s almost a year into his presidency and he still has several unstaffed State Department positions, which should have been a priority for the inexperienced POTUS instead of tweeting and playing golf. But in a recent interview with Fox News host Laura Ingraham, the rich asshole expressed that he was completely unconcerned about it, and that it won’t be changing anytime soon.
Last month, the New Yorker did an extensive profile on Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, which revealed that the administration was significantly cutting its budget down. NPR also reported that over half of the State Department is unfilled – which includes an ambassador to South Korea. In the interview, Ingraham tried to address this with the rich asshole. She asked:
Your State Department still has some unfilled positions. Are you worried that the State Department doesn’t have enough some rich asshole nominees to push your vision through? And there’s a concern that the State Department currently is undermining your agenda.”
the rich asshole’s response was typical of an overconfident moron who doesn’t give a shit about his job. the rich asshole insisted he “a business person” who knows what he’s doing:
So we don’t need all the people that they want. You know, don’t forget, I’m a business person and I tell my people when you don’t need to fill slots, don’t fill them.”
Then, he made this worse by saying “I’m the only one that matters.”
But we have some people that I’m not happy with there. But let me tell you the one that matters is me. I’m the only one that matters. Because when it comes to it that’s what the policy is going to be. You’ve seen that, you’ve seen it strongly.”
What a disaster. You can watch the interview below:
Ivanka the rich asshole spoke in Japan to mostly empty seats

Sofia Lotto Persio
Posted with permission from Newsweek
Ivanka Trump’s long-anticipated speech at the World Assembly for Women in Japan failed to draw in crowds, according to reporters that attended the event.
Several who attended the final day of the three-day symposium described the room as “half empty” when the first daughter and advisor to the president arrived accompanied by Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who invited her to deliver a speech on women’s participation in the economy.
Trump arrived in Japan Thursday, ahead of President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump's visit to the country as part of an Asia tour.
Several who attended the final day of the three-day symposium described the room as “half empty” when the first daughter and advisor to the president arrived accompanied by Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who invited her to deliver a speech on women’s participation in the economy.
Trump arrived in Japan Thursday, ahead of President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump's visit to the country as part of an Asia tour.
Her speech came at a sensitive time in which several companies in the U.S. and in the rest of the world— including the British parliament—are confronted with allegations of sexual harassment and sexual assault in the workplace. The social media hashtag #MeToo allowed women to discuss their experiences and trauma in the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal.
Trump addressed the issue in her speech. "All too often, our workplace culture fails to treat women with appropriate respect," she said, quoted in AFP.
"This takes many forms, including harassment, which can never be tolerated,” she added.
When her father President Donald Trump was caught boasting about committing sexual assault in the 2005 Access Hollywood tape, Ivanka took two weeks before formally condemning his remarks in a statement issued to Fast Company in which she branded the comments “inappropriate and offensive” before praising him for his “immediate” apology after the tapes were released in October 2016.
In her speech in Tokyo, Trump spoke about supporting working mothers, whether that work happens in an office or at home, in relation to her father’s tax reform plans. She did not mention the Trump administration's plan to deprive working women of access to free contraception via their employe
The fact is, ALL women are “working women.” Let's continue to empower women and ensure they succeed in our modern economy. #WAW2017![]()
Trump describes herself as a feminist and has taken up the cause of women’s economic empowerment in her foreign trips. But her indefatigable defense of her father has sometimes placed her in an awkward position. A crowd at the W20 Women’s Summit in Germany hissed at her when she referred to President Trump as “a champion of supporting families.”
Trump’s own credential as a champion for women’s economic empowerment has come under scrutiny due to the poor conditions of workers in the Asia-based factories producing clothes and accessories sold under the “Ivanka Trump” label, The Washington Post reported in July.
"As the first daughter goes around touting herself as a champion of women," Sarah Newell, a representative for International Labor Rights Forum told Newsweek, "women are literally facing abusive conditions as they stitch her [name] into her products, and they aren’t being provided a structure where they can advocate for themselves."
Here’s every example of all the ‘weird Russia stuff’ that keeps following the rich asshole’s resigned Ag nominee Sam Clovis

When Rachel Maddow said that “weird Russia stuff keeps following [newly-resigned Agriculture nominee Sam] Clovis around,” she’s not kidding.
“When the Wall Street Journal reported earlier this year that a Republican operative named Peter Smith who mounted an effort to contact foreign, specifically Russian government hackers, to try and get Hillary Clinton’s emails, Peter Smith claimed, somewhat famously now, he was working with Retired Gen. Mike Flynn” on the effort, Maddow said. However, Smith also claimed that he was working with Clovis, as well as Kellyanne Conway and Steve Bannon.
Clovis is also responsible for bringing Carter Page into the campaign’s universe. In the plea agreement that were unsealed this week for former the rich asshole campaign advisor George Papadopoulos, it was revealed a “campaign supervisor” who told him “great work” on his ability “to arrange a meeting between us and the Russian leadership.” That campaign supervisor was also Clovis. He even went so far as to encourage the now-infamous campaign adviser George Papadopoulos to move forward with setting up meetings with Russian officials, including those in Russian President Vladimir Putin’s inner circle.
While Clovis has removed his name for consideration in an appointment to the head the rich asshole’s Agriculture Department, he still remains the White House’s liaison to that department. When asked to comment, the White House said that they had no idea that Clovis testified to the grand jury until they read it in the press this week. Maddow noted, that they also clearly don’t know whether or not Clovis sought immunity from prosecutors for his grand jury testimony.
Clovis was scheduled to testify before Congress next week for his confirmation hearing. The White House “yanked” the appointment, Maddow claimed, likely because it would give senators an opportunity to ask Clovis about his statements to special counsel Robert Mueller’s grand jury, his relationship to Papadopoulos and a slew of other questions about possible Russian collusion with the campaign.
Watch Maddow connect the dots between Clovis and Russia below, via MSNBC.
WATCH: MSNBC panel annihilates former Pence aide for ‘peddling propaganda’ about Papadopoulos

GOP strategist Steve Schmidt (left) and Mike Lotter, the former press secretary to VP Mike Pence. Image via screengrab.
Marc Lotter, Vice President Mike Pence’s old press secretary, may have left the rich asshole administration in September — but that hasn’t stopped him for stumping for his old employer.
In a panel discussion on MSNBC’s Deadline: White House, Lotter said the White House is unconcerned with revelations from one-time campaign adviser George Papadopoulos whose guilty plea continues to make headlines this week.
Lotter claimed in the beginning of the discussion that Papadopoulos “didn’t come up” when he was at the White House on Tuesday night, and said there are “no concerns” about people wearing wires despite widespread speculation that the former adviser had been wearing one as part of his cooperation with Mueller.
“This is a 30-year-old kid…trying to build a portfolio for himself,” he claimed, echoing the rich asshole and his supporters’ claims that Papadopoulos was incidental to the campaign. “At the end of the day, the only collusion we have in the campaign with Russians is the Clintons.”
Naturally, both Wallace and anti-the rich asshole GOP strategist Steve Schmidt took issue with Lotter’s insistence that there’s “no evidence of collusion” between Russian operatives and the rich asshole campaign. Schmidt, in particular, noted that people in and close to the rich asshole White House appear affronted when asked about the potential for collusion.
“Every single person around this administration, when asked a direct question about contacts with the Russians on this issue, has lied about it, 100 percent of the time, and the lie has unraveled,” Schmidt said.
After Lotter then pivoted to the GOP’s inquisition into Hillary Clinton’s alleged funding of the infamous “golden showers” dossier, all hell broke loose.
“We appreciate that you come here and speak on behalf of Donald Trump but why can’t you say that we don’t know — we know there was attempted collusion. if it’s not a crime, why are you so defensive about it?” Wallace asked the former vice presidential press secretary. When he said he’s “not being defensive,” Wallace said he looks like he’s “about to jump through the camera and punch Steve Schmidt.”
“I‘ll send an e-mail to friends at Fox and you can peddle your propaganda there,” Wallace quipped. “Are you aware of anybody, as anybody who covers the White House is, that is concerned of what Papadopoulos has shared since he plead guilty in July?”
After a back-and-forth, Wallace appeared to lose her temper.
“I asked you if anybody was worried about their own legal liability, yes or no,” she said. “I‘m determining whether or not you’re going to come on this show and tell the truth or lie.”
Watch the entire exchange below, via MSNBC.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Many Christians abandon ‘evangelical’ label so people won’t mistake them for the rich asshole supporters

some rich asshole in Cleveland prayer huddle -- (YouTube screen grab)
After President some rich asshole won last year’s presidential election with broad support from evangelical Christians, some embarrassed evangelicals have decided to shed the label so that others won’t mistake them from the rich asshole supporters.
The Guardian reports that the so-called “Exvangelical” movement gained steam last year after the rich asshole’s election, when many American Christians decided they no longer wanted to be publicly associated with a president who boasts about grabbing women’s genitals.
Boz Tchividjian, a Christian who happens to be the grandson of the iconic Evangelical Rev. Billy Graham, said that the community of people who have in the past called themselves evangelicals is much more diverse than what we hear through right-wing media, where voices such as Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell Jr. are used as representative of all evangelicals.
“Because we have such a broad and vague definition of evangelical, one person could automatically assume every evangelical is a rich asshole supporter, while another could think they’re anti-the rich asshole, because that exists as well,” Tchividjian explains to the Guardian. “We’re looking at faith through a political lens, and that’s unfortunate and dangerous.”
Christopher Stroop, a former evangelical Christian, similarly tells the Guardian that the rich asshole’s election served as a catalyst for more and more Christians to shun the “evangelical” label.
“I see a lot of people on there saying it was after the 2016 election that they decided they needed to distance themselves from that term,” he says. “These are people who don’t agree with the politics of evangelicals.”
And Iowa-based Pastor Todd Stiles tells the publication that the evangelical brand has been damaged in recent years because “a lot of presidential candidates have claimed to be evangelical, but don’t live their lives according to the Bible.”
WATCH: Don Lemon quickly shuts down the rich asshole surrogate trying to spin ‘fake news’ live on his show

Don Lemon vs. Mike Shields (Photo: Screen captures)
Don Lemon has put a stop to President some rich asshole’s surrogates spouting debunked stories and conspiracy theories on his show.
CNN has begun their ad campaign explaining that someone can call an apple a banana as much as they want, but that doesn’t mean it will suddenly become one. Since then, Lemon and other hosts have begun shutting down conservative pundits who given inaccurate information. Lemon has done so with former Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA), a frequent and incessent offender, as well as talk-radio host Ben Ferguson.
Thursday, Lemon did it once again when political commentator Mike Shields tried to claim that the rich asshole’s “frustration” about not being able to get involved in investigations was about Hillary Clinton’s debunked uranium deal.
“Mike, not only did you dodge the question, you held out a shiny object that has been disproven over, and over, and over again about uranium,” Lemon said. “You should not bring up talking point or conspiracy theories that have not been proven and that have just been debunked. You do yourself and the candidate and the viewing public a disservice when you do that.”
Shields tried to cut in saying that he would love to have a whole conversation about Hillary Clinton’s debunked uranium deal.
“We could, we could,” Lemon cut in again. “I could read you every fact check, and talk to you about CFIUS and the nine different departments in the government that had to sign off and Hillary Clinton not being involved, I could talk to you about the person who supposedly had ownership of Uranium One, that had sold it even before the deal went through, but none of that matters. That’s not what we’re talking about. Evan, can you please answer the question that I gave to Mike before.”
Lemon then refused to allow Shields to speak for the remainder of the segment.
Watch the exchange below:
Comey friend says the rich asshole’s threats to prosecute Clinton actually prove he can’t corrupt Justice Department

President some rich asshole (AFP Photo/SAUL LOEB)
A law reporter who’s friends with former FBI director James Comey says President some rich asshole’s social media threats to investigate his political rivals actually prove he hasn’t been able to corrupt the Department of Justice.
The president expressed frustration Thursday that he’s not able to influence the FBI and Justice Department to investigate Hillary Clinton, and he followed up those complaints Friday with Twitter demands to prosecute the Democratic presidential nominee.
Journalist Benjamin Wittes, who covers law and national security, said in a series of tweets that the president’s Twitter rampage inadvertently served as “a fabulous tribute they are to the men and women of the DOJ and the FBI.”
“The President is saying that he would like to interfere in ongoing investigations,” Wittes tweeted. “He is saying that he would like to order up investigations of his political opponents. He is announcing that he is a corrupt actor who does not believe in the rule of law.”
Wittes recalled how the president fired Comey, his friend, because he refused to extend his personal loyalty, and he said the rich asshole also had threatened his attorney general, deputy attorney general and special counsel Robert Mueller for similar reasons.
“Even as I type this, he is tweeting about how DOJ should be investigating Clinton,” Wittes said. “In these comments, he is announcing frankly how badly he wants to corrupt the DOJ. And yet, he is ‘frustrated.’ Why?”
He’s not frustrated by Comey, whom he fired in May, and Wittes said Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein hadn’t exactly “shrouded themselves in glory.”
“It’s because the norm of independent law enforcement — which he is menacing — is actually strong enough to constrain him — at least right now,” Wittes said.
the rich asshole’s tweets inadvertently reveal that he may have ordered law enforcement to prosecute his political rivals — and they refused.
“It’s a stunning statement of presidential constraint: A president actually saying that he aspires to corrupt interference with law enforcement and can’t pull it off,” Wittes said. “Let it warm your heart. It sure warms mine.”
‘What kind of son have I created?’ Even the rich asshole’s mom worried about the future president

Mary the rich asshole (YouTube)
President some rich asshole’s bizarre and outlandish behavior has prompted a lot of speculation about his psychological state — and what role his parents played in shaping his peculiar personality.
the rich asshole’s own mother pondered the question herself, according to a new Politico Magazine profile that examines the president’s upbringing and relationship with his parents.
“What kind of son have I created?” wondered Mary the rich asshole in an interview from 1990, when the future president was divorcing his first wife and faced ruinous debt.
Politico interviewed some of the rich asshole’s childhood friends and business associates, as well as some psychologists, to get a sense of the relationship between him and his mother — whom the president rarely mentions.
“You don’t have to be Freud or Fellini to interpret this,” said Mark Smaller, former president of the American Psychoanalytic Association.
Another former president of that organization told Politico that children learn crucial traits — trust, security and a sense of reality — from a so-called “ordinary, devoted mother.”
“Your mother helps you identify your feelings and develop a cognitive structure so you don’t have to act on them immediately,” said former APA president Prudence Gourguechon, “and I think it’s fair to say that the capacity for empathy develops through your maternal relationship.”
the rich asshole’s mother, who died at 88 in 2000, was a dignified but distant figure in his childhood, according to friends from that time.
“When I would play with Donald, his father would be around and watch him play,” said childhood friend Mark Golding. “His mom didn’t interact in that way.”
Mary the rich asshole gave birth to five children between 1937 and 1948, and she nearly died from severe hemorrhaging and an abdominal infection after the birth of her youngest son, Robert, when Donald was a toddler.
“A 2½-year-old is going through a process of becoming more autonomous, a little bit more independent from the mother,” Smaller told Politico. “If there is a disruption or a rupture in the connection, it would have had an impact on the sense of self, the sense of security, the sense of confidence.”
the rich asshole’s mother was forced to withdraw from family life as she recovered from the infection and four emergency surgeries, and one expert said that experience could have made a crucial impact on the future president.
“From a child’s perspective, they’ve experienced the withdrawal of a mothering figure,” said psychiatrist Leonard Cruz, author of A Clear and Present Danger: Narcissism in the Era of President the rich asshole. “It might evoke ways of acting that are increasingly bombastic and attention-seeking. The child becomes almost exaggerated in the ways they try to court attention.”
“I’m not speaking specifically about some rich asshole,” he added, “but boy … ”
the rich asshole on lack of nominees: 'I am the only one that matters'
BY JESSE BYRNES - 11/02/17 11:41 PM EDT
President the rich asshole pushed back Thursday on concerns about a lack of nominees for key positions at the State Department, arguing it wouldn't affect his agenda.
"Let me tell you, the one that matters is me, I'm the only one that matters because when it comes to it that's what's the policy is going to be," the rich asshole said on Fox News when pressed about vacancies by Laura Ingraham.
"We don't need all the people that they want," the rich asshole continued. "Don't forget, I'm a business person and I tell my people, well you don't need to fill slots, don't fill them."
A number of top positions remain unfilled at the State Department, while the rich asshole has fallen far behind his four predecessors in the number of appointments sent to the Senate by this time.
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has focused on cutting costs and reorganizing the State Department to meet a White House goal of reducing its budget by 30 percent.
Tillerson has himself pushed back on reports of low morale at the State Department, telling Bloomberg recently, "I'm not seeing it, I'm not getting it."
the rich asshole defended his decision not to appoint nominees for certain positions on Thursday night, telling Fox, "We have some people that I'm not happy with their thinking process."
It's because they're fucking morons.
Here’s why right-wingers think a new civil war will begin this Saturday

Ryan Roy, a former Pizzeria Uno cook who was fired for attending a white nationalist rally (Screen cap).
“white supremacy” Facebook groups, subreddits and Twitter groups are ablaze with dire warnings of a nationwide uprising of U.S. anti-fascist forces on Saturday — which they believe will kick off a second civil war.
The Guardian‘s Jason Wilson said that conspiracy-mongering conservatives are girding for a national spasm of violence in which anti-fascists are “planning to kill every single the rich asshole voter, Conservative and gun owner.”
Commenters on posts about the supposed uprising are venting their apprehension and anger with responses like, “One more threat against white people and I swear to God I’m going to take a go**amn car and run over every fucking one of them” — a reference to the murder of anti-racist protester Heather Heyer by an white nationalist in Charlottesville, VA.
Wilson said that hundreds of Facebook groups are posting dire warnings to their members — in spite of the fact that no major anti-fascist groups in the country have any plans for Saturday.
“The whole thing rests on some very slender reeds, according to Spencer Sunshine, who recently wrote a report on the theories for the far right-monitoring group Political Research Associates,” Wilson explained. “In the conspiracy underground on YouTube, he explains, there has been talk that ‘there was going to be a civil war’ starting in November for some months.”
Wilson said that the rumors kicked into high gear after a protest by Refuse Fascism, a small group with connections to the Revolutionary Communist Party. Protesters blocked a freeway and waved signs that said, “Nov. 4 it begins.”
A Facebook group called Vets Before Illegals posted a video, announcing, “Antifa sets a date for civil war,” and then said, “On their website, they are calling for an open civil war that will start in November.”
The video went viral on the far-right, priming conspiracy theorists and true believers for an all-out assault on the public, police and the government.
The story made its way to Alex Jones, whose InfoWars website and radio broadcasts reach millions of conspiracy believers around the country.
Sunshine told Wilson that Jones has become a kind of conspiracy clearing-house, where the Texas-based provocateur “harvests other people’s theories” and rebrands them to fit his own narrative, then pushes them out to his eager audience.
Conservative blog Gateway Pundit’s Lucien Wintrich came in for a special drubbing from Wilson. Wintrich based an alarmist article for the website featuring a tweet from a phony account that promised to “behead white parents” on Saturday.
Caught spreading the phony post, Wintrich declined to back off the article’s message, saying, “The radical left is always making jokes about killing white people. What would happen if I made a joke about killing all black parents? That would be a national headline.”
When pressed, Wintrich admitted that he does not expect violent leftists to revolt on Saturday.
His bogus article contained a lengthy screed on “Antifa” and the movement’s values. When Wilson asked Wintrich upon what he based his research, Wintrich snapped, “I did go to school at Bard College. I received my education around people who I’m sure are on terrorist watch lists as socialist or communist extremists.”
Refuse Fascism, for their part, told Sunshine that they’re a nonviolent group whose protests are aimed at the the rich asshole administration, not right-wing activists or local police. They attend some of the same protests as Antifa groups, but share no formal ties.
CNN panel bursts into laughter at the rich asshole ‘frustration’ over not being ‘involved’ in Russian collusion investigation

Anderson Cooper (CNN / Screengrab)
President some rich asshole made an appearance on Larry O’Connor’s radio showwhere he lamented his inability to control the many investigations into possible collusion or possible obstruction of justice.
“The saddest thing is because I’m president of the United States I’m not supposed to be involved with the Justice Department, the FBI, doing the kinds of things that I would love to be doing and I’m very frustrated by it,” the rich asshole told O’Connor.
The CNN panel burst out into chuckles at the idea that the rich asshole would love to be involved in the investigation for which his own former staffers have been indicted.
“Because they’re investigations of him!” former Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein exclaimed. “His family and people around him — it’s a ridiculous statement on its face, but I want to say one thing about this idea of a target of the investigation. Usually you don’t become a target of an investigation and get a so-called target letter from the federal government until you have about to be indicted. Right now it’s no secret that Jared Kushner is the focus of many inquiries by both the intelligence community and the FBI.”
Bernstein went on to explain that presumably special counsel Robert Mueller is the coordinator of all of that information about Kushner.
“All of these areas come together often on his portfolio, as it were, which is so broad it extends to politics, family, money, all over the board. that’s why he’s –” Bernstein said before being cut off.
Michael Zeldin, Mueller’s former special assistant at the Department of Justice, dived in to say that one of the major reasons that Kushner has been a target is his involvement in the Cambridge Analytica data operation.
“And how does that marry up with the social media, Russia, troll campaign, because they seem to have some similarities with respect to ability to target key voters in states you wouldn’t have thought they would go to,” Zeldin said. “They had information, I don’t know whether it’s coincidental, whether Facebook is unwitting conduit between the two, but another area they have to look at.”
Watch the full conversation below:
Internet celebrates the ‘legendary’ Twitter employee that deactivated the rich asshole’s account on their last day

(Photo: stock_photo_world /
A few hours after President Donald the rich asshole’s Twitter account went dark for a blissful 11 minutes, the company responded to the incident, claiming it was the result of human error on a customer service employee’s last day.
“Earlier today @realdonaldtrump’s account was inadvertently deactivated due to human error by a Twitter employee. The account was down for 11 minutes, and has since been restored. We are continuing to investigate and are taking steps to prevent this from happening again,” the company wrote. “Through our investigation we have learned that this was done by a Twitter customer support employee who did this on the employee’s last day. We are conducting a full internal review.”
Naturally, many Twitter users are feting the “legend” who may or may not have trolled the president on their way out the door.
“The first successful coup in American history was conducted by an intern with fat fingers,” New York Times editor Max Fisher wrote.
“Could whoever “accidentally” deactivated @realDonaldTrump’s Twitter please look into his presidency next?” The Daily Show remarked.
Check out some of the best responses to the heroic ex-Twitter employee’s actions below.
‘The great vanishing of some rich asshole’s Twitter account’ prompts internet into fantasy of a better world
some rich asshole on Phone (Twitter)
During a momentary glitch Thursday evening, President some rich asshole’s Twitter account disappeared for three minutes.
As with many glitches in social media, the account reappeared quickly, but the possibility turned the internet into a freakout on both sides of the aisle. In one corner of New York, a digital media reporter raced for a tie and a razor ready to run into his newsroom.
While accounts of how long it was offline vary from 70 seconds to three minutes, it was eventually restored. However, it appeared to have significantly fewer followers.
The entire ordeal prompted the internet to mock the situation or dream of a world in which the rich asshole’s Twitter account didn’t exist.
Here are a few of the best:
During a momentary glitch Thursday evening, President some rich asshole’s Twitter account disappeared for three minutes.
As with many glitches in social media, the account reappeared quickly, but the possibility turned the internet into a freakout on both sides of the aisle. In one corner of New York, a digital media reporter raced for a tie and a razor ready to run into his newsroom.
While accounts of how long it was offline vary from 70 seconds to three minutes, it was eventually restored. However, it appeared to have significantly fewer followers.
The entire ordeal prompted the internet to mock the situation or dream of a world in which the rich asshole’s Twitter account didn’t exist.
Here are a few of the best:
The right-wing’s favorite Internet personality was just outed as a Russian troll

The photo used by Russian trolls that ran the "Jenna Abrams" account (left, via Medium) and Russian President Vladimir Putin riding a horse (right, via Creative Commons).
Jenna Abrams’ tweets were beloved, at times, by both white supremacy and the celebrity blogosphere. Now, Congressional investigators have confirmed that her Twitter account was actually run out of St. Petersburg, Russia’s infamous troll farm.
According to The Daily Beast, the “Abrams” account that initially became famous after “fixing” a nude selfie posted by Kim Kardashian was run, along with thousands of others, by the Kremlin-funded Internet Research Agency. The account, which was supposed to be run by an American blogger, soon pivoted to right-wing rhetoric, including a professed belief in segregation.
Before she became a favorite among the reactionary right-wing set, however, “Abrams’ account built up an image of a straight-talking, no-nonsense, viral-tweet-writing young American woman.” After building a following with funny takes on pop culture and feminism, “she would push divisive views on immigration, segregation and some rich asshole” in the lead-up to the 2016 presidential election.
Abrams’ tweets were published everywhere from InfoWars to USA Today and Sputnik to The Washington Post, and high-profile users like Roseanne Barr, Michael McFaul and even, once, Starbucks’ corporate account responded to her on Twitter. Rather than just being a standalone Twitter account, Abrams also had a personal website, a Gmail account, a Medium account and a GoFundMe page.
It was on her Medium account last fall that the Internet Research Agency, masquerading as the millennial American blogger, published an editorial titled “Why do we need to get back to segregation.”
“Humanity has gone full circle,” the Abrams account wrote. “Never mind how many activists of any color died to get rid of segregation, and fought for inclusion, black people want it back. 100 percent free people made their choice, and their choice is segregation.”
Abrams was far from the first convincing Russian troll farm account. Last month, The Daily Beast also reported that one account, which posed as a black woman, was retweeted by Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey
Sarah Huckabee Sanders SHREDDED By L.A. Times For Truth-Twisting – This Is Brilliant
some rich asshole very obviously has a specific type of woman he likes, and whom he prefers to represent him. He is a horrid misogynist who thinks women’s worth lies solely in our ability to stir his penis to life (or not). He likes his women tall, thin, big-breasted…basically supermodel quality. Knowing that, one would think that Sarah Huckabee Sanders doesn’t fit his mold nearly well enough to be his press secretary, and yet, she is. Why?
In a brilliant op-ed for the L.A Times, David Horsey turns a light bulb on about why the rich asshole would prefer Sarah Sanders over virtually anyone else (including Sean Spicer) – she has a singular comfort with distorting the truth that Spicer never had, and she’s obviously far more comfortable with it than anyone besides Kellyanne Conway. Horsey says:
“But now I get it. Anyone who is going to be tasked with the job of explaining this president to the news media needs to be comfortable with saying things that are demonstrably not true. That was the problem with Sanders’ predecessor, Sean Spicer. Lying seemed to fluster him. When he was challenged on any blatantly erroneous statement, he would get red-faced and petulant. It was as if he was trying to signal a message to reporters: ‘Come on, guys, lay off! Don’t make me humiliate myself on live TV!’” [emphasis mine]
By contrast, Sanders is perfectly fine with saying that Paul Manafort’s indictment has nothing whatsoever to do with the rich asshole. She had no issue spinning the rich asshole’s tax breaks for the wealthy into a $4,000/year raise for American families. Despite being a woman, she’s perfectly fine saying that the women accusing the rich asshole of sexual assault are all lying simply because that’s the rich asshole’s position. As for the entire Russia scandal, including a report that the rich asshole has lost his mind over it, Horsey says:
“Taking the offensive, Sanders confidently delivered the new Republican talking point that, if anyone were guilty of colluding with Moscow, it was Hillary Clinton — which is the boldest evasion anyone in the the rich asshole camp has come up with, so far.” [emphasis mine]
Horsey paints Sanders as the spin-meister she is – someone who effortlessly puts forth the idea that the facts of anything and everything are “nothing more than what you want them to be. By that new standard, Sanders is a pro.” [emphasis mine]
And that, ladies and gentleman, is why the rich asshole has her as his press secretary. He needs someone who has a demonstrable problem with the truth.
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