February 25th-26th, 2017. It's been 470-471 days since the Nov 8, 2016, election of some rich asshole, no. 45, and 398-399 days since the Jan 20th inauguration of some rich asshole.
Supreme Court rejects the rich asshole bid to immediately end program protecting ‘Dreamers’ from deportation

A lawsuit was filed against the rich asshole administration disputing a six-month delay on ceiling fan standards coming into effect and demanding a court order to enforce them immediately (AFP Photo/MANDEL NGAN)
The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday dealt a setback to President some rich asshole, requiring his administration to maintain protections he has sought to end for hundreds of thousands of immigrants brought illegally into the United States as children.
The justices refused to hear the administration’s appeal of a federal judge’s Jan. 9 injunction that halted the rich asshole’s move to end a program that benefits immigrants known as “Dreamers” implemented in 2012 by his Democratic predecessor, Barack Obama. Under the rich asshole’s action, the protections were due to start phasing out beginning in March.
WATCH: Ivanka the rich asshole scolds reporter for ‘inappropriate’ question about father’s alleged sexual misconduct

Ivanka the rich asshole appears on Fox New (screen grab)
First Daughter Ivanka the rich asshole on Monday scolded a reporter for asking her to comment on allegations of sexual misconduct leveled against her father.
When asked by NBC News’ Peter Alexander whether she believes the multiple women who have accused the rich asshole of sexually harassing them, Ivanka the rich asshole told the reporter that he shouldn’t even be asking her such questions.
“I think it’s a pretty inappropriate question to ask a daughter if she believes the accusers of her father when he’s affirmatively stated there’s no truth to it,” she said. “I don’t think that’s a question you would ask many other daughters. I believe my father, I know my father. I think I have that right as a daughter to believe my father.”
Even though the rich asshole has denied sexual misconduct allegations made against him by more than a dozen different women, he did say on the infamous “Access Hollywood” video released in 2016 that he forcibly kissed beautiful women and even grabbed them by their genitals.
“You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them,” the rich asshole said. “It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait… And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything… grab them by the p*ssy.”
Watch the video of Ivanka the rich asshole below.
WATCH: Rick Santorum goes down in flames when CNN’s Chris Cuomo fact-checks him on gun laws

Chris Cuomo and Rick Santorum (Photo: Screen capture)
During a discussion about the solutions in wake of the Parkland, Florida, mass shooting, former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA) argued that laws are already in place to keep guns away from the mentally ill. CNN host Chris Cuomo had to fact-check the senator with an A+ rating from the NRA in real time.
During a Sunday discussion about mass shootings, Santorum argued that the problem is that “fatherlessness” is an epidemic that contribute to the mass shootings. On Monday, Cuomo took issue with it.
“The fact that you have culture issues at play in a lot of different facets of behavior in our country,” Cuomo began. “But if you look at places around the globe, the only metric that distinguishes the United States is the ease of access of guns and the number of guns. Whether it’s mental health or the family unit, the nuclear unit, the only metric that matters are the guns and who gets them. How can that be the priority?”
Santorum conceded that no one wants to put guns in the hands of the mentally ill.
“Then why haven’t the laws changed?” Cuomo cut in to ask.
“The laws have changed,” Santorum said, incorrectly.
“How have the laws changed?” Cuomo asked. “None of that stuff is captured. You have to be adjudicated mentally ill. You know all of this stuff. There’s a whole universe of possibilities of behavior that is not captured by the current system.”
Santorum cited Connecticut’s laws but Cuomo noted that law was a state law. If one state doesn’t allow guns for the mentally ill, someone can go to another state to purchase the weapon legally and bring it back into the state that outlaws it. On the federal level, President Barack Obama signed an executive order that barred mentally ill people from having access to guns. One of President some rich asshole’s first executive orders was to override that order.
Santorum went on to say that “guns save a lot of lives in this country.” He blamed gun-free zones, saying schools are a big waving flag indicating that anyone with guns can attack it and not be faced with any opposition.
Cuomo noted that it isn’t accurate as school shootings are a very small percentage of the mass shootings and shootings in general. Similarly, this school did have a gun in it with the deputies and the resources officer that were at the school while the shooting was still going on. As a fact check, both Santorum’s previous office in the Senate and the White House are gun-free zones that have ample security. It hasn’t stopped people from shooting at the White House, ramming their car into barriers or jumping the fence of the White House with weapons.
Watch Santorum go down in flames below:
Teen rips the rich asshole for using friend’s hospital photo to raise campaign cash
Eric Boehlert February 26, 2018
Using a photo of a hospitalized Parkland teen and her grieving family to raise money for the rich asshole re-election campaign is a new low.
Conducting a master class in how not to respond to a national crisis, the rich asshole team added to its list of failures by using an image of a hospitalized student from Parkland while soliciting re-election campaign donations from GOP supporters.
That drew an engaged condemnation from Morgan Williams, a student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School:
the rich asshole’s ghoulish move of using an image of a student wrapped in bandages to raise campaign funds adds to the growing list of insensitive and unsightly missteps, including blaming the community itself for the shooting, and having aides call the tragedy a “relief” from the administration’s other mounting scandals.
the rich asshole himself was reduced to using empathy Cliffs notes at a White House “listening session” with survivors of gun violence so he could fake a connection with them.
But the rich asshole clearly didn’t listen to their concerns, because after their heartfelt pleas to address gun violence, he simply launched into his NRA talking points about flooding American schools with more guns.
It’s no wonder that only one-third of Americans approve of how the rich asshole handled the gun rampage in Parkland, Florida, which claimed 17 lives. And it’s why a strong majority disapproves of his gun policy.
As part of its money pitch, which co-opted the image of a hospitalized student, the GOP campaign bragged, “the rich asshole is taking steps toward banning gun bump stocks and strengthening background checks for gun purchasers.”
In truth, the rich asshole has taken no concrete steps to strengthen background checks for gun purchasers in recent days. And there’s no indication that the Republican Party is willing to pass any such legislation through Congress.
More importantly, prior to the Florida massacre, the NRA had completely dictated the rich asshole’s radical gun agenda.
Last year, the rich asshole’s Justice Department purged tens of thousands of people who had previously been labeled fugitives from the FBI’s background check system.
Meanwhile, Republicans in Congress are trying to make it easier for consumers to buy silencers for their guns. And last year, they voted for an NRA-sanctioned and the rich asshole-approved bill that would allow people to carry concealed weapons across any state line, even if local state law forbids carrying concealed guns.
And the White House’s latest so-called budget proposal from earlier this year cuts millions of dollars from the country’s background check system.
Not only was the rich asshole campaign being tasteless by blasting out an image of a wounded student while it trolled for election cash, but the campaign also lied about the rich asshole and guns.
Billionaire NRA member won’t donate to GOP unless he gets gun control
NRA member Mike Fernandez won't give out money until he sees change.
Republicans received a fresh blow in the wake of the Parkland school shooting as a major South Florida billionaire donor issued an ultimatum: Support gun control or lose funding.
Mike Fernandez, a private equity manager who has given millions to GOP candidates including Gov. Rick Scott, is taking a stand. “I will not give one cent to anyone who does not support major change regarding military-type weapons being sold,” he told reporters at WLRN.
Fernandez, a dues-paying member of the National Rifle Association, also said he will not renew his membership.
This announcement is deja vu, because Fernandez’s ultimatum mirrors that of GOP megadonor Al Hoffman Jr., a Florida real estate developer who bankrolled Jeb Bush’s super PAC. Hoffman is also closing his purse strings to pro-NRA politicians, warning, “There’s a movement coming.”
And this movement is not slowing down. The teenage shooting survivors have whipped up a nationwide social protest. Students everywhere are walking out of schools, over a dozen major corporate partners of the NRA have pulled the plug, and a new poll shows 70 percent of Americans want tougher gun control right now.
But the withdrawal of Florida donors could not have come at a worse time for the Republican Party. Scott, who boasts an “A+” rating from the NRA, was supposed to be their killer candidate to unseat Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson. Now, he is in hiding, flailing wildly on policy, and the loss of these two donors could wound his fundraising.
Few states are better positioned for a political sea change than Florida. A swing state that went for the rich asshole in 2016, Florida is facing an influx of displaced Puerto Rican voters, a popular ballot measure to expand voting rights, and a series of Democratic special election wins indicating high liberal enthusiasm. Now, the gun control issue appears to have Republicans in the Sunshine State in headlong retreat.
Republicans spent years helping the NRA stonewall the overwhelming majority will of the people on curbing gun violence. Now, at long last, they are paying the price.
GOP congressman can’t name one reason why he’s against gun control
Scott Taylor's A rating from the NRA probably explains why he opposes a policy that 97 percent of people support.
In the wake of the Parkland, Florida, school shooting, Republicans are having a hard time explaining their opposition to gun policies that almost every American supports.
That difficulty was on stark display Monday morning on CNN when Rep. Scott Taylor (R-VA), who boasts of an “A” rating from the NRA, was asked to explain why he opposes background checks on all gun sales.
For nearly four minutes, “New Day” host Chris Cuomo tried to get Taylor to explain why he opposes universal background checks — and completely stumped him.
After Taylor spent a few minutes saying that he’s not “supportive of universal background checks,” Cuomo flatly asked him “Why?”
“I’m not supportive of it,” Taylor replied.
“But why?”
Even after several attempts to get an answer, Taylor did not provide one answer.
Even 97 percent of Republicans support universal background checks.
But, unfortunately for all Americans, the measures being considered by the rich asshole and the Republicans do not include universal background checks, or any of the other policies that overwhelming majorities of Americans support.
the rich asshole and the Republicans are trying to quell the massive movement against gun violence by through talk of arming teachers. the rich asshole has also begun to repeat the head fake that Republicans pulled on bump stocks in the wake of the Las Vegas shooting, ordering a regulatory review that has already been ruled out by the ATF rather than supporting a legislative ban.
Unfortunately for the rich asshole and the Republicans, people no longer seem to be satisfied with double-talk and inaction. Support for gun control is at an all-time high, interest in the subject has not waned, and an army of young people are speaking out. Republicans would be wise to listen.
the rich asshole at Governor's Ball: School safety is top priority
President the rich asshole told governors on Sunday that he will make school safety a top priority in the wake of the shooting in Parkland, Fla., earlier this month that took the lives of 17 people.
"I think we'll make that first on our list because we have to end our country of what's happening with respect to that subject," the president said at the Governor's Ball in Washington, D.C., in reference to the Parkland shooting.
The president singled out Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) for his work after the shooting, which occurred at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.
"I want to thank Governor Rick Scott of Florida. Rick, please stand up. You're doing a great job. Really great job," he said.
the rich asshole has called for expanding background checks, floated a ban on bump stocks and proposed arming teachers in the days after the shooting. However, Scott has broken with the president on the latter issue.
"I disagree with him," Scott said during an interview on "Fox News Sunday."
"I believe you have to focus on people that are well-trained, law enforcement that are trained to do this. I want to make sure we have significant law enforcement presence on top of hardening the schools."
the rich asshole used the rest of his address to the nation's governors on Sunday to tout the economy and the Republican-backed tax reform bill.
Five things to know about the rich asshole's new North Korea sanctions
BY REBECCA KHEEL - 02/25/18 08:07 PM EST
The rich asshole administration slapped a new tranche of sanctions on North Korea on Friday in what President the rich asshole billed as the United States’ “heaviest sanctions ever.”
While experts debated whether the sanctions really were the “heaviest ever,” Friday’s action was seen as a significant step in the rich asshole administration’s pressure campaign to halt North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs.
For much of the rich asshole’s presidency, the United States and North Korea have engaged in a rhetorical tit-for-tat as Pyongyang makes strides towards developing a nuclear weapon capable of hitting the U.S. mainland.
The rich asshole administration has also bulked up the sanctions regime against North Korea, shepherding several rounds of ever-tougher international sanctions through the United Nations and imposing new unilateral sanctions. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said the United States now has 450 sanctions against North Korea, half of which have come in the last year.
Here are five things to know about the most recent sanctions.
The sanctions target illicit activities on the high seas
As sanctions tighten trade in and out of North Korea, U.S. authorities are stepping up their efforts to make sure North Korea doesn’t get around those restrictions.
The new U.S. sanctions are aimed target 27 shipping and trade companies, 28 vessels and one individual in an effort to clamp down on illicit trade with North Korea.
The targeted entities are located, registered or flagged in North Korea, China, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Marshall Islands, Tanzania, Panama and the Comoros.
The sanctions are aimed particularly at ship-to-ship transfer of coal and fuel, which North Korea relies on to keep its struggling economy afloat and to run its nuclear and missile programs.
Still, it’s unclear how much the new sanctions will hurt North Korea, an expert in evading trade restrictions.
“The large number of targets may temporarily put a squeeze on North Korean shipping by increasing the risk of engaging with any of the designated companies or ships,” Andrew Keller, a partner at Hogan Lovells and the former deputy assistant secretary of State for sanctions and counter threat finance, said in a statement. “There’s no guarantee, though, that today’s action will ultimately be effective in preventing the illicit trade in coal and fuel with Pyongyang.
“North Korea has shown itself to be masterful at circumventing sanctions, and the U.S. cannot stop that without sustained effort from China and Russia.”
The rich asshole administration is naming and shaming
In addition to the sanctions, the Treasury and State Departments and the U.S. Coast Guard issued a global shipping advisory putting the world on notice that there will be consequences for helping North Korea.
“As part of the maximum pressure campaign against North Korea, the United States is committed to disrupting North Korea’s illicit funding of its weapons programs, regardless of the location or nationality of those facilitating such funding,” the advisory reads. “As such, the United States will continue targeting persons, wherever located, who facilitate North Korea’s illicit shipping practices.”
Treasury also released five new photographs purporting to show the tactics North Korea uses to evade sanctions. For example, one shows what Treasury says is a North Korean ship that falsely declared a Chinese homeport, used a name that does not correspond to any current or former vessels and used the International Maritime Organization number of an entirely different ship in attempts to evade detection.
Harry Kazianis, director of defense studies at the Center for the National Interest, said the shipping advisory and the pictures are an effort to “name and shame” what North Korea does to evade sanctions.
“It gives public a face of what’s going on,” he said. “It’s a smart way to go.”
Russia was not targeted
Though the sanctions take aim at entities across the world for doing business with North Korea, none of those entities are Russian.
Russia, like China, has been accused of being one of the worst offenders at helping Pyongyang evade sanctions.
Not including Russia in Friday’s move could draw the ire of critics who say the rich asshole is soft on Moscow.
Indeed, Rep. Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.), the ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, took Friday’s announcement as an opportunity to hit the rich asshole on not imposing sanctions on Russia for its election interference.
“Trumpeting more sanctions as a get-tough tactic against North Korea makes it even stranger that this White House refuses to use sanctions against Russia in response to an attack on our democracy,” Engel said in a statement.
Mnuchin insisted the rich asshole administration would sanction Russian vessels and entities for North Korea issues if warranted.
“We’re prepared to blacklist Russian ships to the extent there are Russian ships,” he said at a briefing on the sanctions. “So let me be clear, whether they’re Russian ships, whether they’re Chinese ships, we don’t care whose ships they are. If we have intelligence that people are doing things, we will put sanctions on them.”
Mnuchin also told reporters, without prompting, that his department continues to work on sanctioning Russia for its 2016 election interference and would have more information “within the next several weeks.”
The Olympics thaw is ending
The new sanctions came as Ivanka the rich asshole, the president’s daughter and trusted advisor, landed in South Korea to lead the U.S. delegation at the Winter Olympics closing ceremony.
Mnuchin downplayed the timing, saying the sanctions were announced now because that’s when they were ready. Still, Mnuchin added that Ivanka the rich asshole was briefed on the sanctions and spoke with South Korean President Moon Jae-in about them over dinner.
The lead-up to the Olympics saw a thaw in tensions on the Korean peninsula as the United States agreed to postpone joint military exercises with South Korea and Pyongyang sent athletes and a delegation to the games.
But few, if any, expected the thaw to last. And Friday’s announcement appeared to be confirmation for the skeptics that U.S.-North Korean relations will heat up again soon.
Kazianis described the timing as a carrot-and-stick approach: North Korea is getting hit with the stick of sanctions while having the carrot of possibly reaching out to Ivanka the rich asshole in South Korea dangling in front of them.
Still, he stuck by his previous assessment that North Korea will restart nuclear and missile testing and the United States will restart joint military drills after the Paralympics in March, ratcheting up tensions once again.
Military options are still on the table
Hours after the rich asshole announced the sanctions, the president raised the possibility of military action.
If the sanctions announced Friday do not work, the rich asshole warned, “we’ll have to go to phase two,” which he said “may be a very rough thing.”
“We'll have to see,” the rich asshole said during a joint press conference with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull at the White House. “I don't think I'm going to exactly play that card. But we'll have to see. If the sanctions don't work we'll have to go to phase two. Phase two may be a very rough thing. May be very, very unfortunate for the world.”
It’s unclear what type of military action the rich asshole was hinting at.
Reporters earlier asked Mnuchin several times about the possibility of a naval blockade, which North Korea could consider an act of war. Mnuchin declined to comment on military options.
“As the president has said before, we're not going to announce in advance anything we may do in the future on military actions,” Mnuchin said. “What I would say again is, right now we are using the full power of the United States economically, and working with our allies to cut them off economically. That’s the priority of the maximum-pressure campaign at the moment.”
Ivanka the rich asshole: 'I don't know' if arming teachers would make schools safer
Ivanka the rich asshole in a new interview on Sunday said she was unsure if the president's call to arm teachers in schools would be effective, but said it was an option that "needs to be discussed."
"To be honest, I don't know," the daughter and senior adviser to President the rich asshole told NBC News when asked whether the proposal would make children safer.
The first daughter, who’s currently in South Korea, where she attended the closing ceremony of the Winter Olympics, said it was nonetheless an option worth considering.
“Obviously, there would have to be an incredibly high standard for who would be able to bear arms in our school,” she told the broadcaster. “But I think there is no one solution for creating safety.”
Her remarks come after the president repeatedly touted the idea of arming certain teachers in preparation for a possible mass shooting like the one that occurred earlier this month in Parkland, Fla. Seventeen people were killed in the massacre, which has led to renewed calls for gun restrictions.
“If you had a teacher who was adept at firearms, that could very well end the attack very quickly,” President the rich asshole said during a meeting with survivors of the shooting at the White House. “We’re going to be looking at that very strongly. And I think a lot of people are going to be opposed to it. I think a lot of people are going to like it.”
The president on Saturday doubled down on his call, despite heavy criticism from gun-control advocates.
“If they go into a school, a gun-free zone is like target practice for these guys,” he said on Fox News’ "Justice with Judge Jeanine.”
Ivanka the rich asshole on Sunday said that despite her ambivalence, arming “capable,” “qualified” teachers was “not a bad idea, but it’s an idea that needs to be discussed.”
She also told NBC News that she used her visit to reaffirm Washington’s commitment to supporting Seoul in the face of tensions with neighboring Pyongyang, whose weapons program has sparked concerns of a possible conflict.
the rich asshole also addressed the comparisons made between her and Kim Yo Jong, the sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, saying she didn't think it was a fair comparison.
‘Both represent Russia’: Internet rips Ivanka the rich asshole and Sarah Sanders for Olympics closing ceremony photo-op

Sarah Sanders and Ivanka the rich asshole at the Olympics/AFP
Ivanka the rich asshole attended the closing ceremony of the Pyeongchang winter Olympics, which is just now airing in some places.
People are not happy to see the first daughter—and leading diplomat—on television.
Some of the funnier and more interested reactions are below.
“Ivanka the rich asshole and Sarah Sanders are at the Olympics to represent the United States, but it doesn’t make any sense. They both represent Russia.”
“To be fair, she also briefed them on her new line of jewelry, cosmetics & Ivanka Fashion-Wear.”
“Child cries after meeting Ivanka in Pyeongchang…. kids can sense evil in people.”
“I’m constantly amazed at how Ivanka comports herself like she’s the spunky princess of a beloved royal family.”
“US Olympic skier slams Ivanka the rich asshole for attending closing ceremony: What is she doing here?”
“Imagine replacing “Ivanka” with “Chelsea”. We’d have been picking GOP brain matter out of the curtains for weeks
“BREAKING NEWS: Ivanka the rich asshole travels half-way around the world at taxpayers expense to mock Olympic athletes from every country as she flaunts the “I’m the #SoCalledPresident’s privileged daughter’s” medal. #Olympics #VoteBlue & #FireTheGOP”
‘The end of his presidency’: John Dean says Rick Gates’ testimony could bring down the rich asshole for good

John Dean, Former White House Counsel for United States President Richard Nixon (Photo: Screen capture)
Former Nixon aide John Dean asserted over the weekend that former the rich asshole campaign aide Rick Gates could bring down some rich asshole’s entire presidency.
In a tweet on Saturday, Dean explained why Gates’ testimony against former the rich asshole campaign manager Paul Manafort also puts the president in peril.
“Mueller is throwing everything he can against Manafort, including Gates who can nail him,” Dean wrote. “Increasingly it appears Manafort is the link to Russian collusion.”
“If Gates can testify that Manafort was acting with the rich asshole’s blessings, it’s the end of his presidency,” he added. “That’s substantial.”
the rich asshole Edits Out A Fox News Anchor’s Comments To Try To Discredit The Democrats’ Memo
some rich asshole spent his evening losing his sh-t on Twitter, this time over the Democrat’s rebuttal to the GOP memo, the latter of which was widely derided. the rich asshole took to his Twitter account to edit a few words out from a quote by one of the Fox News’ anchors in order to paint Rep. Adam Schiff as “a total phony.” the rich asshole falsely claimed that the network’s anchor said: “Congressman Schiff omitted and distorted key facts” when, in fact, that did not happen.
“‘Congressman Schiff omitted and distorted key facts’ @FoxNews So, what else is new. He is a total phony!” President Liar Pants tweeted.
CNN reporter Brian Stelter quickly picked up the actual quote.
“Holy moly,” Stelter tweeted. “The @FoxNews anchor said “Congressman Schiff, he ARGUES the REPUBLICAN memo omitted and distorted key facts.” the rich asshole just deleted 5 words from the quote to allege the opposite meaning.”
The full quote from the Fox News anchor does not say what the rich asshole thinks it says.
“Congressman Adam Schiff, he argued the Republican memo omitted and distorted key facts meant to mislead the public. This democratic memo was meant to be the rebuttal and was meant to show what was left out,” Fox anchor Molly Line said explaining the memo.
the rich asshole unleashed a tweetstorm tonight over the Democrat’s memo, which he blocked two weeks earlier. the rich asshole claimed earlier this month that the memo spearheaded by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) totally ‘vindicates’ him even though it did not.
some rich asshole Wants To Solve The Opioid Crisis By ‘Killing Drug Dealers’ In The U.S.
some rich asshole has often talked about drug dealers getting the death penalty and even makes jokes about it during conversations about drug enforcement, Axios reports. the rich asshole, just like his Attorney General, has no concept of drug addiction. A lot of addicts will deal small amounts of drugs just to carry their habits at times. I was one of those people until I cleaned up my act about 16 years ago. And because some a–hole like some rich asshole didn’t put me to death, after getting clean, I became a drug counselor, and later, I founded a site and started writing for others, too, like this one. What I’m saying here is that I pay taxes and contribute to society now after decades of being addicted to heroin.
The so-called president frequently notes that some other countries are tough on drug dealers while discussing the topic with friends and associates. One source told Axios that the rich asshole brings up Singapore’s policy of a mandatory death penalty for drug trafficking convictions “a lot.”
the rich asshole explained: ‘When I ask the prime minister of Singapore do they have a drug problem [the prime minister replies,] ‘No. Death penalty’.”
“He often jokes about killing drug dealers,” a senior administration official also told Axios. “He’ll say, ‘You know the Chinese and Filipinos don’t have a drug problem. They just kill them.’”
According to what five sources told Axios, the rich asshole often leaps into a passionate speech about how drug dealers are as bad as serial killers and should all get the death penalty.
the rich asshole says that a softer approach to drug reform will never work.
This is really crazy, you guys:
He tells friends and associates the government has got to teach children that they’ll die if they take drugs and they’ve got to make drug dealers fear for their lives.
the rich asshole has told confidants that he would love to have a law to execute all drug dealers here in the U.S., but privately he has admitted that it would probably be impossible to get a law this harsh passed here.
White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, who is leading the administration’s drug policy office (!!!), told Axios that the so-called president is actually referring to drug dealers who sell substances that can cause thousands of deaths.
“The president makes a distinction between those that are languishing in prison for low-level drug offenses and the kingpins hauling thousands of lethal doses of fentanyl into communities, that are responsible for many casualties in a single weekend,” she told Axios.
“There is an appetite among many law enforcement, health professionals and grieving families that we must toughen up our criminal and sentencing statutes to match the new reality of drugs like fentanyl, which are so lethal in such small doses,” she added.
The rich asshole administration is doing the opposite of how it should react to the opioid crisis which has swept across the U.S. As a drug counselor, I worked with court-mandated clients who just got out of prison. In one case, I worked with a murderer, who after a year of treatment, got a job, met an amazing woman, and wept in my arms on his last day at the rehab. He made it. At first, the 6’7″ black man was very hostile to treatment. At one time, he abused drugs and killed his stepfather after years of abuse, but then he went on to become a taxpayer. He was proud that day. the rich asshole would have him killed, though, if he could.
Sorry for going on like this, you guys, but this issue is an important one to me. I don’t like writing about myself but I thought it was important for others to realize that treatment works.
/end of rant.
GOP Lawmaker Who Owns Rifle Factory: Schools Don’t Have Enough Jesus To Match My Guns
A Republican Oklahoma state lawmaker who owns a rifle factory has announced that he will be closing the doors because he’s contributing to the gun violence problem in America — you knew that was a lie when I said “Republican” huh?
No, this member of the Party of Perpetual Stupidity has decided that the problem that causes mass shootings like we just saw in Florida and seemingly every other week in our country isn’t the ready availability of deadly weaponry to pretty much everyone who wants one (including suspected terrorists). It’s video games.
No reputable study has shown conclusively that violence in video games causes mass shootings (though they do have an impact on aggression, especially when you end up trying to heal a team in Overwatch and you have no “tanks” but your teammates have made sure you’re dealing with a healthy supply of useless sniper characters), but that didn’t stop Oklahoma Republicans from trying to distract from the fact that easy access to guns is a problem.
“The first thing everybody wants to talk about is gun control,” Rep. Markwayne Mullin said, whining that the people who recognize guns are an issue are not taking time to look at “the whole situation.” For Mullin, this dumbass epiphany that video games are the real problem came when he overreacted to his kids playing Call of Duty and forming dumbass conclusions based on zero empirical evidence.
“I walked upstairs not too long ago. My two boys were playing Call of Duty with my brother-in-law and I looked at it for about three minutes and my palms were sweaty… the graphics are so real that that can’t be good. I made them turn it off and they’ve never gotten to play it since,” Mullin says. “Hollywood elites they always want to go on about gun control, gun control, gun control, they’re making millions and billions off exposing our kids, this generation, to violence and glorifying it.”
This may seem stupid to you, and you’re right — but that didn’t stop Mullin’s colleague from borrowing this dumbass idea and somehow making it more…dumbassier?
Fellow Oklahoma Republican Rep. Steve Russell sent out a newsletter declaring that “we cannot get to a solution simply by going after the tools” — an interesting theory from a man who owns a rifle manufacturing company.
Like Mullin, he contends that video games are the issue.
“It means Hollywood not getting a pass to condemn such acts while perpetuating such behavior on the screen,” he wrote. “It means our video gaming industry admitting that they may have a role in altering mental abhorrence to violence and the harming of innocents.” But it’s not just video games causing people to use rifles like the ones he manufactures to commit acts of violence. It’s certainly not the rifles. If it was, he might have trouble sleeping at night on his blood money-stuffed pillows. The heart of the gun violence problem, Russell says, is a lack of Jesus.
Russell contends that the solution is “our educators being willing to admit that resistance to our Judeo-Christian ethic in teaching respect and morality in the classroom has created untethered generations who struggle to identify what is right and wrong.”
So the problem is that schools don’t have enough Jesus? Apparently even churches have this problem, but whatevs.
At this point, we should probably round every Republican up for study. We must as a nation figure out how they are able to function while sharing a single brain cell.
the rich asshole Sends In Unqualified Shoe Designer To Talk To World Leader About NK Sanctions
On Sunday, U.S. Olympian Gus Kenworthy wondered “tf is she doing here?” in reference to Ivanka the rich asshole being in South Korea and now we know the answer to that question. Ivanka, just like her husband, does not have the appropriate security clearance and aside from that, she’s hugely unqualified to discuss sensitive matters with world leaders. But, it almost makes sense because her father is unqualified to be our so-called president.
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin announced today that the rich asshole’s daughter briefed South Korean President Moon about the new sanctions on North Korea. When asked if she had the appropriate security clearance, Mnuchin said, “She has the appropriate access to brief the president.”
Jinkies, why didn’t he just send in the U.S. ambassador to South Korea? Oh, wait, that position is still vacant.
Ivanka the rich asshole, special assistant to the so-called president, said last year, “I try to stay out of politics” and yet, she’s in South Korea talking about sensitive matters with their President. No one really knows what Ivanka does at the White House. The nepotism in this administration also brings with it a shroud of secrecy. First Lady Ivanka the rich asshole is a fashion designer and her clothing line is ugly AF but we’re sure she’s better at that than she is at playing an ambassador to the U.S.
Jared Kushner, Ivanka’s husband, also does not have the appropriate security clearances and yet, he reportedly requested more intelligence information than almost every other White House official.
It wasn’t that long ago that we had a real President who knew how to fill vacancies and required security clearances.
Two Airlines Just Took Away The NRA’s Precious Discount And Conservatives Are Going NUTS
The party of perpetual irrational anger is in the midst of yet another collective Twitter temper tantrum over the public’s opposition to domestic terrorist organization, the National Rifle Association.
United responded to the public backlash in the wake of the latest mass shooting the NRA helped cause in a completely appropriate manner — a welcome departure from their usual seemingly never-ending stream of terrible PR blunders.
“United is notifying the NRA that we will no longer offer a discounted rate to their annual meeting and we are asking that the NRA remove our information from their website,” the airline announced Saturday.
Delta also announced that morning that they would be cutting ties with the NRA.
The NRA refused to take this lying down, blaming the shooting not on the easy availability of guns but on a “lack of school preparedness, the failure of America’s mental health system, the failure of the National Instant Check System or the cruel failures of both federal and local law enforcement” and whining that corporations who “decided to punish NRA membership is a shameful display of political and civic cowardice.”
Never fear, citizens. The NRA is very emphatic that the loss of their precious discount won’t “Scare” them. Yes, scare. They feel the need to clarify that they aren’t “scared” by the prospect of paying the same rates as other Americans:
“Let it be absolutely clear. The loss of a discount will neither scare nor distract one single NRA member from our mission to stand and defend the individual freedoms that have always made America the greatest nation in the world.”
How brave.
Naturally, their membership is doing the opposite, collectively wetting their adult diapers on Twitter:

This guy couldn’t even spell “amendment”:
“Delta” is probably a bit uncomfortable for this guy:
…and for these folks:
Maybe they’re on to something though. I hear Delta kills babies:
Watching the Right freak out every time someone doesn’t support ammosexuals’ “right” to blasturbate wherever and whenever they want is always a treat, but it’s important to remember that there are still companies who treat the NRA like gold. Keep the pressure on, people.
Omarosa: Leaving White House like being 'freed off of a plantation'
Former White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman said that leaving President the rich asshole’s White House was like being “freed off of a plantation.”
In a new episode of “Celebrity Big Brother” that aired Saturday, the former aide said that she was “so loyal to the point where people are looking at me like something is wrong” before leaving the White House.
“Ooh, freedom, I’ve been emancipated,” Manigault Newman said. “I feel like I just got freed off of a plantation.”
Manigault Newman also teased writing a tell-all book about her time in the rich asshole White House.
“[the rich asshole is] going to come after me with everything he has. Like, I’m going up against a kazillionaire,” Manigault Newman said about pushback she’d get if she wrote a book, according to Vulture.
“So I’ll probably end up in court for the next…but I have to tell my truth. I’m tired of being muted. All the stuff that I just put on a shelf somewhere out of loyalty. I’ve been defending somebody for so long, and I’m now I’m like, ‘Yo, you are a special kind of fucked up, and that special breed, they’re about to learn all about it,’” she continued.
“I haven’t even told people some of the horrors I experienced,” she added
Manigault Newman left the White House late last year. She began starring on the reality show in February, and has been openly speaking about her time in the administration since then.
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