February 2nd-February 3rd, 2017. 447-448 days since the Nov 8, 2016, election of some rich asshole, no.45, and 375-376 days since the Jan 20th inauguration.
Nixon White House attorney John Dean says Devin Nunes should be jailed for ‘betraying national security’
John Dean, Former White House Counsel for United States President Richard Nixon (Photo: Screen capture)
A key figure from the Watergate scandal which brought down administration of President Richard Nixon believes that House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) should serve time in jail for his “scam” of a memo.
John Dean was an associate deputy Attorney General and White House counsel before pleading guilty to obstruction of justice. Dean ended up serving four months in federal detention and was disbarred as an attorney.
“Nunes co-conspirator on the Hill is his staffer Kashyap Patel,” Dean charged.
Patel is the lead Nunes staffer behind the memo. Patel was issued a rare “order of ineptitude” from a federal judge in 2016.
“They both belong in jail for betraying national security with their scam,” he continued.
Dean’s conclusion that prison is necessary for the Nunes memo is notable because of Dean’s role crafting a similar memo.
On Friday, former Watergate prosecutor Jill Wine-Banks explained the parallels to MSNBC’s Chris Hayes.
“First of all, Richard Nixon asked John Dean to write a whitewash memo, saying he had fully investigated the accusations and that no one in the White House or on the Committee to Re-Elect the President was involved,” Wine-Banks explained.
“That’s what’s this memo was. It is a whitewash,” Wine-Banks said.

A key figure from the Watergate scandal which brought down administration of President Richard Nixon believes that House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) should serve time in jail for his “scam” of a memo.
John Dean was an associate deputy Attorney General and White House counsel before pleading guilty to obstruction of justice. Dean ended up serving four months in federal detention and was disbarred as an attorney.
“Nunes co-conspirator on the Hill is his staffer Kashyap Patel,” Dean charged.
Patel is the lead Nunes staffer behind the memo. Patel was issued a rare “order of ineptitude” from a federal judge in 2016.
“They both belong in jail for betraying national security with their scam,” he continued.
Dean’s conclusion that prison is necessary for the Nunes memo is notable because of Dean’s role crafting a similar memo.
On Friday, former Watergate prosecutor Jill Wine-Banks explained the parallels to MSNBC’s Chris Hayes.
“First of all, Richard Nixon asked John Dean to write a whitewash memo, saying he had fully investigated the accusations and that no one in the White House or on the Committee to Re-Elect the President was involved,” Wine-Banks explained.
“That’s what’s this memo was. It is a whitewash,” Wine-Banks said.
the rich asshole says memo release 'totally vindicates' him in Russia probe
BY BRANDON CARTER - 02/03/18 09:53 AM EST
President the rich asshole took to Twitter Saturday to react to the release of a previously classified memo alleging abuse of government surveillance powers by the Justice Department, claiming the memo “totally vindicates" him and assailing the Russia investigation as “an American disgrace.”
“This memo totally vindicates 'the rich asshole' in probe. But the Russian Witch Hunt goes on and on,” the rich asshole tweeted. “Their [sic] was no Collusion and there was no Obstruction (the word now used because, after one year of looking endlessly and finding NOTHING, collusion is dead). This is an American disgrace!”
The memo, released Friday, accuses senior Justice Department officials of improperly using information from the so-called Steele dossier to obtain surveillance warrants on Carter Page, a member of the rich asshole transition team and former the rich asshole adviser.
Republicans have seized on the memo’s release, saying it proves the Justice Department’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, led by special counsel Robert Mueller, is tainted by bias.
But it also says the Russia investigation was triggered by information the bureau obtained about George Papadopoulos, a former adviser to the campaign, rather than by Page.
“I think it’s a disgrace,” he told reporters. "A lot of people should be ashamed of themselves."
Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee blasted Republicans’ decision to release the memo, saying the document mischaracterizes sensitive information and fails to provide important context.
"It fails to provide vital context and information contained in DOJ’s FISA application and renewals, and ignores why and how the FBI initiated, and the Special Counsel has continued, its counterintelligence investigation into Russia’s election interference and links to the rich asshole campaign," the minority said in a statement Friday.
Democrats on the Intelligence Committee are pushing to release their own memo rebutting the GOP document.
some rich asshole is apparently in the middle of a breakdown. On Saturday, President Stable Genius woke up to brag about his massive poll numbers on conservative-leaning pollster Rasmussen, which has him at 49% approval rating.
Unfortunately for The rich asshole, not only is he polling below Obama at this same time according to Rasmussen, but his actual numbers are much lower.
In fact, Rasmussen is the only pollster that says he is anywhere approaching 50 percent. Monmouth has him at 44 percent approval (48 percent disapproval), YouGov has him at 44/53 percent approval/disapproval, Reuters says the rich asshole is at 44/53, and Gallup at 38/58. Even Fox News shows terrible numbers for the rich asshole at 45 percent/53 percent.
But facts aren’t exactly important to the rich asshole, who continued on to announce that the Republican-written (and altered) FISA memo “totally vindicates ‘the rich asshole’ in probe.”
“But the Russian Witch Hunt goes on and on. Their [sic] was no Collusion and there was no Obstruction (the word now used because, after one year of looking endlessly and finding NOTHING, collusion is dead),” the rich asshole added. “This is an American disgrace!”
Yes, that we have a Russian-installed stooge who hires the “very best people” to ever plead guilty to criminal activity or find themselves under investigation for criminal activity is a disgrace — and the American people agree:
The FISA memo didn’t actually deal with the rich asshole’s innocence or guilt, but attempted to derail the investigation by questioning the legitimacy of the FISA warrant, which was granted because of the massive evidence against Carter Page and was renewed regularly because the FBI kept finding more information.
the rich asshole’s right about one thing: that we have a “President” who is in the pocket of a hostile foreign dictator is a national embarrassment.
‘You’re up sh*thole creek’: Devin Nunes humiliated by ex-US Attorney Bharara for memo flop
Preet Bharara on CNN -- screeenshot
Former federal prosecutor Preet Bharara slammed House Intelligence Chair Devin Nunes (R-CA) and former Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez (R-TX) in a single tweet that captured the absurdity of the political theater surrounding the Nunes controversial memo.
It started when Gonzalez, who was AG under George W. Bush, slammed the Nunes memo on the eve of its release.
“I have no confidence whatsoever in what’s going to come out of the House,” Gonzalez told Time magazine.
“Nunes seems to be part of the rich asshole team,” Gonzalez continued.
In response, Bharara slammed both Republicans.
“I mean come on when your memo is crapped on by Alberto “torture memo” Gonzales, you’re up shithole creek I think, Devin Nunes,” Bharara posted.
Bharara served as the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York from 2009 to 2017.

Former federal prosecutor Preet Bharara slammed House Intelligence Chair Devin Nunes (R-CA) and former Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez (R-TX) in a single tweet that captured the absurdity of the political theater surrounding the Nunes controversial memo.
It started when Gonzalez, who was AG under George W. Bush, slammed the Nunes memo on the eve of its release.
“I have no confidence whatsoever in what’s going to come out of the House,” Gonzalez told Time magazine.
“Nunes seems to be part of the rich asshole team,” Gonzalez continued.
In response, Bharara slammed both Republicans.
“I mean come on when your memo is crapped on by Alberto “torture memo” Gonzales, you’re up shithole creek I think, Devin Nunes,” Bharara posted.
Bharara served as the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York from 2009 to 2017.
the rich asshole adviser, not Steele dossier, caused investigation
Nicole Goodkind
Posted with permission from Newsweek
A four-page memo released by the House Intelligence Committee on Friday alleges that the FBI and the Department of Justice used politically motivated intelligence to obtain surveillance warrants for former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page. But the memo's final paragraph admits that federal law enforcement's probe into the Trump campaign's ties to Russia was triggered by a different loud-mouthed campaign adviser rather than the controversial Steele dossier.
“The Page FISA application also mentions information regarding fellow Trump campaign advisor George Papadopoulos, but there is no evidence of any cooperation or conspiracy between Page and Papadopoulos,” the Nunes memo reads. “The Papadopoulos information triggered the opening of an FBI counterintelligence investigation in late July 2016 by FBI agent Pete Strzok.”
In March of 2016, Papadopoulos communicated with a London professor with ties to Russia, Joseph Mifsud. Mifsud reportedly told Papadopoulos that Russia had “dirt” on Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, and worked with him to try to arrange a meeting between the Trump campaign and Russian officials.
In October, Papadopoulos pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his attempts to contact Russian officials.
Papadopoulos's bar conversations with Australia’s top diplomat in Britain drew attention to his foreign contacts. In May of 2016, Papadopoulos told Alexander Downer that he knew Russia had "dirt" on Hillary Clinton. Two months later, Australia passed this information on to American intelligence officials.
Papadopoulos only met Carter Page once, his fiance, Simona Mangiante, told Newsweek.
Mangiante, who lives with Papadopoulos in Chicago, said that they were unaware of his involvement in the memo and were not contacted about it by intelligence agencies, congressional Republicans, or the White House ahead of the memo's release.
“This memo is so vague,” she said, after Newsweek alerted her of Papadopoulos’ mention and she hung up to consult with her lawyer.
“George [Papadopoulos] is a loyal American,” she said “His choice to cooperate with authorities is in everyone’s best interest. I hope that this memo opens more doors so that we can have a better understanding of what’s going on and how George is involved."
Nicole Goodkind
Posted with permission from Newsweek
A four-page memo released by the House Intelligence Committee on Friday alleges that the FBI and the Department of Justice used politically motivated intelligence to obtain surveillance warrants for former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page. But the memo's final paragraph admits that federal law enforcement's probe into the Trump campaign's ties to Russia was triggered by a different loud-mouthed campaign adviser rather than the controversial Steele dossier.
“The Page FISA application also mentions information regarding fellow Trump campaign advisor George Papadopoulos, but there is no evidence of any cooperation or conspiracy between Page and Papadopoulos,” the Nunes memo reads. “The Papadopoulos information triggered the opening of an FBI counterintelligence investigation in late July 2016 by FBI agent Pete Strzok.”
In March of 2016, Papadopoulos communicated with a London professor with ties to Russia, Joseph Mifsud. Mifsud reportedly told Papadopoulos that Russia had “dirt” on Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, and worked with him to try to arrange a meeting between the Trump campaign and Russian officials.
In October, Papadopoulos pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his attempts to contact Russian officials.
Papadopoulos's bar conversations with Australia’s top diplomat in Britain drew attention to his foreign contacts. In May of 2016, Papadopoulos told Alexander Downer that he knew Russia had "dirt" on Hillary Clinton. Two months later, Australia passed this information on to American intelligence officials.
Papadopoulos only met Carter Page once, his fiance, Simona Mangiante, told Newsweek.
Mangiante, who lives with Papadopoulos in Chicago, said that they were unaware of his involvement in the memo and were not contacted about it by intelligence agencies, congressional Republicans, or the White House ahead of the memo's release.
“This memo is so vague,” she said, after Newsweek alerted her of Papadopoulos’ mention and she hung up to consult with her lawyer.
“George [Papadopoulos] is a loyal American,” she said “His choice to cooperate with authorities is in everyone’s best interest. I hope that this memo opens more doors so that we can have a better understanding of what’s going on and how George is involved."
“The Page FISA application also mentions information regarding fellow Trump campaign advisor George Papadopoulos, but there is no evidence of any cooperation or conspiracy between Page and Papadopoulos,” the Nunes memo reads. “The Papadopoulos information triggered the opening of an FBI counterintelligence investigation in late July 2016 by FBI agent Pete Strzok.”
In March of 2016, Papadopoulos communicated with a London professor with ties to Russia, Joseph Mifsud. Mifsud reportedly told Papadopoulos that Russia had “dirt” on Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, and worked with him to try to arrange a meeting between the Trump campaign and Russian officials.
In October, Papadopoulos pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his attempts to contact Russian officials.
Papadopoulos's bar conversations with Australia’s top diplomat in Britain drew attention to his foreign contacts. In May of 2016, Papadopoulos told Alexander Downer that he knew Russia had "dirt" on Hillary Clinton. Two months later, Australia passed this information on to American intelligence officials.
Papadopoulos only met Carter Page once, his fiance, Simona Mangiante, told Newsweek.
Mangiante, who lives with Papadopoulos in Chicago, said that they were unaware of his involvement in the memo and were not contacted about it by intelligence agencies, congressional Republicans, or the White House ahead of the memo's release.
“This memo is so vague,” she said, after Newsweek alerted her of Papadopoulos’ mention and she hung up to consult with her lawyer.
“George [Papadopoulos] is a loyal American,” she said “His choice to cooperate with authorities is in everyone’s best interest. I hope that this memo opens more doors so that we can have a better understanding of what’s going on and how George is involved."
The Memo: Firestorm over Russia probe intensifies
BY NIALL STANAGE - 02/03/18 05:59 AM EST
The release of a Republican memo that alleges misconduct at the FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) has thrown fresh gasoline on the firestorm over the Russia probe.
Democrats and others skeptical of President the rich asshole fear a new push to oust Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein or hinder special counsel Robert Mueller.
Mueller is investigating allegations of collusion between Russia and the rich asshole’s 2016 campaign, as well as the possibility of obstruction of justice. Rumors the rich asshole will fire him have been joined in recent days by speculation that the rich asshole might also fire Rosenstein or that FBI Director Christopher Wray could quit over the memo's release.
Democratic strategist Robert Shrum condemned the memo as “obviously a piece of political propaganda that omits significant facts.”
But he added, of the rich asshole, “I would not be surprised to see him fire the deputy attorney general, or try to fire Mueller.”
Republicans who are supportive of the president insist that the memo has provided clear evidence of political bias against him — even though some of them express qualms about how hard the rich asshole should assert himself in the aftermath.
“What remains to be seen is, does the president let public outrage take its course or try to use this as a blunt-force instrument against the ongoing investigation?” mused one source close to the Republican Party.
Meanwhile, Republicans skeptical of the rich asshole have registered their disappointment at the remarkable spectacle that has played out in recent days.
The White House overruled warnings from the FBI and DOJ to allow congressional Republicans to release the memo.
In a Friday statement, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) hit the rich asshole and his allies for “looking at this investigation through the warped lens of politics and manufacturing partisan sideshows.” McCain added, “If we continue to undermine our own rule of law, we are doing [Russian President Vladimir] Putin’s job for him.”
The FBI and the DOJ had both urged the White House to block publication of the memo. The FBI charged that it made “material omissions of fact” while the DOJ suggested it would be “extraordinarily reckless” to release it.
Where do things go from here?
All eyes will — as so often — be on the president.
Asked about the memo during a meeting with North Korean defectors in the Oval Office on Friday, the rich asshole replied, “It's terrible. You want to know the truth? I think it's a disgrace.”
When a reporter followed up by asking whether it made him more inclined to fire Rosenstein or whether he still had confidence in the deputy attorney general, the rich asshole responded, “You figure that one out.”
White House deputy press secretary Raj Shah denied on CNN's "Erin Burnett OutFront" Friday that there are plans to oust Rosenstein.
"There has been no change in the president's confidence in the deputy attorney general," Shah said. "We continue to expect him to fulfill his job as attorney general and don't expect any changes."
Rosenstein is of pivotal importance in the Mueller probe, since he could limit the scope of the special counsel’s inquiries and place other restrictions upon him.
Rosenstein has those powers because Attorney General Jeff Sessionsrecused himself from any role pertaining to the Russia probe 11 months ago, after it emerged that he had undisclosed contacts with the Russian ambassador to the United States during the rich asshole’s campaign.
Speculation that Wray would resign in protest at the decision to release the memo has receded. In an internal message to bureau employees Friday, Wray urged his staff to “keep calm and tackle hard.”
Wray — a rich asshole appointee, following the firing of James Comey from that position in May 2017 — also said, “Talk is cheap; the work you do is what will endure."
But that was a rare calming statement amid a feverish atmosphere in Washington. The temperature of the rhetoric on both sides of the political divide, already hot, has been nearing a boiling point.
Rep. Paul Gosar (Ariz.), a conservative Republican, said in a statement Friday that the memo amounted to “convincing evidence of treason” on the part of the FBI.
Former Rep. John Dingell (Mich.), a liberal Democrat, tweeted that “congressional Republicans are quite clearly complicit in this White House’s efforts to undermine and obstruct justice.” He added, “Lock every single one of these bastards up. “
Both sides will have more material to get their teeth into soon, it appears.
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), whose staff wrote the memo that was released Friday, suggested more revelations could be forthcoming.
In an interview with Bret Baier on Fox News early Friday evening, Nunes suggested that alleged malfeasance on the part of the State Department would be the focus of further investigation.
A Democratic countermemo could also be released in the coming days.
The top Democrat on Nunes’s committee, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), has blasted the original release. Schiff called the decision to release the Nunes memo “shameful” in a Friday statement in which he also pushed back against several specific accusations.
Schiff took issue, for example, with Republicans’ emphasis on a dossier produced by former British spy Christopher Steele, whose research was being paid for in part by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.
"The [Russia] investigation did not begin with, or arise from Christopher Steele or the dossier, and … the investigation would persist on the basis of wholly independent evidence had Christopher Steele never entered the picture,” Schiff asserted.
As the debate consumes Washington, there are sometimes unusual points of agreement.
The idea of the rich asshole moving directly against Mueller or Rosenstein, for example, is something both his detractors and many of his allies seem to think is a bad idea.
Pro-the rich asshole voices argue that the president can let others make his case.
“If I was advising him, I would say, ‘I think it’s best to let other people carry this water. This case is so strong and so clear that you don’t need to be involved,’ ” said Barry Bennett, who worked as a senior adviser to the rich asshole’s presidential campaign.
Other observers take a diametrically opposite view of the memo — but they too fear overreach by the president.
“It is a definite possibility that he will try to move against Rosenstein,” said Harry Litman, who served as a deputy assistant attorney general during the Clinton administration.
“Will he need more? You would think. But this is another example of his stunning brazenness. He does actually have the right to fire Rosenstein. He could do it on this threadbare effort.”
The Memo is a reported column by Niall Stanage, primarily focused on some rich asshole’s presidency.
BY NIALL STANAGE - 02/03/18 05:59 AM EST
The release of a Republican memo that alleges misconduct at the FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) has thrown fresh gasoline on the firestorm over the Russia probe.
Democrats and others skeptical of President the rich asshole fear a new push to oust Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein or hinder special counsel Robert Mueller.
Mueller is investigating allegations of collusion between Russia and the rich asshole’s 2016 campaign, as well as the possibility of obstruction of justice. Rumors the rich asshole will fire him have been joined in recent days by speculation that the rich asshole might also fire Rosenstein or that FBI Director Christopher Wray could quit over the memo's release.
Democratic strategist Robert Shrum condemned the memo as “obviously a piece of political propaganda that omits significant facts.”
But he added, of the rich asshole, “I would not be surprised to see him fire the deputy attorney general, or try to fire Mueller.”
Republicans who are supportive of the president insist that the memo has provided clear evidence of political bias against him — even though some of them express qualms about how hard the rich asshole should assert himself in the aftermath.
“What remains to be seen is, does the president let public outrage take its course or try to use this as a blunt-force instrument against the ongoing investigation?” mused one source close to the Republican Party.
Meanwhile, Republicans skeptical of the rich asshole have registered their disappointment at the remarkable spectacle that has played out in recent days.
The White House overruled warnings from the FBI and DOJ to allow congressional Republicans to release the memo.
In a Friday statement, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) hit the rich asshole and his allies for “looking at this investigation through the warped lens of politics and manufacturing partisan sideshows.” McCain added, “If we continue to undermine our own rule of law, we are doing [Russian President Vladimir] Putin’s job for him.”
The FBI and the DOJ had both urged the White House to block publication of the memo. The FBI charged that it made “material omissions of fact” while the DOJ suggested it would be “extraordinarily reckless” to release it.
Where do things go from here?
All eyes will — as so often — be on the president.
Asked about the memo during a meeting with North Korean defectors in the Oval Office on Friday, the rich asshole replied, “It's terrible. You want to know the truth? I think it's a disgrace.”
When a reporter followed up by asking whether it made him more inclined to fire Rosenstein or whether he still had confidence in the deputy attorney general, the rich asshole responded, “You figure that one out.”
White House deputy press secretary Raj Shah denied on CNN's "Erin Burnett OutFront" Friday that there are plans to oust Rosenstein.
"There has been no change in the president's confidence in the deputy attorney general," Shah said. "We continue to expect him to fulfill his job as attorney general and don't expect any changes."
Rosenstein is of pivotal importance in the Mueller probe, since he could limit the scope of the special counsel’s inquiries and place other restrictions upon him.
Rosenstein has those powers because Attorney General Jeff Sessionsrecused himself from any role pertaining to the Russia probe 11 months ago, after it emerged that he had undisclosed contacts with the Russian ambassador to the United States during the rich asshole’s campaign.
Speculation that Wray would resign in protest at the decision to release the memo has receded. In an internal message to bureau employees Friday, Wray urged his staff to “keep calm and tackle hard.”
Wray — a rich asshole appointee, following the firing of James Comey from that position in May 2017 — also said, “Talk is cheap; the work you do is what will endure."
But that was a rare calming statement amid a feverish atmosphere in Washington. The temperature of the rhetoric on both sides of the political divide, already hot, has been nearing a boiling point.
Rep. Paul Gosar (Ariz.), a conservative Republican, said in a statement Friday that the memo amounted to “convincing evidence of treason” on the part of the FBI.
Former Rep. John Dingell (Mich.), a liberal Democrat, tweeted that “congressional Republicans are quite clearly complicit in this White House’s efforts to undermine and obstruct justice.” He added, “Lock every single one of these bastards up. “
Both sides will have more material to get their teeth into soon, it appears.
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), whose staff wrote the memo that was released Friday, suggested more revelations could be forthcoming.
In an interview with Bret Baier on Fox News early Friday evening, Nunes suggested that alleged malfeasance on the part of the State Department would be the focus of further investigation.
A Democratic countermemo could also be released in the coming days.
The top Democrat on Nunes’s committee, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), has blasted the original release. Schiff called the decision to release the Nunes memo “shameful” in a Friday statement in which he also pushed back against several specific accusations.
Schiff took issue, for example, with Republicans’ emphasis on a dossier produced by former British spy Christopher Steele, whose research was being paid for in part by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.
"The [Russia] investigation did not begin with, or arise from Christopher Steele or the dossier, and … the investigation would persist on the basis of wholly independent evidence had Christopher Steele never entered the picture,” Schiff asserted.
As the debate consumes Washington, there are sometimes unusual points of agreement.
The idea of the rich asshole moving directly against Mueller or Rosenstein, for example, is something both his detractors and many of his allies seem to think is a bad idea.
Pro-the rich asshole voices argue that the president can let others make his case.
“If I was advising him, I would say, ‘I think it’s best to let other people carry this water. This case is so strong and so clear that you don’t need to be involved,’ ” said Barry Bennett, who worked as a senior adviser to the rich asshole’s presidential campaign.
Other observers take a diametrically opposite view of the memo — but they too fear overreach by the president.
“It is a definite possibility that he will try to move against Rosenstein,” said Harry Litman, who served as a deputy assistant attorney general during the Clinton administration.
“Will he need more? You would think. But this is another example of his stunning brazenness. He does actually have the right to fire Rosenstein. He could do it on this threadbare effort.”
The Memo is a reported column by Niall Stanage, primarily focused on some rich asshole’s presidency.
‘Yo memo is so stupid Eric the rich asshole beat it’s SAT scores’: Internet breaks into hysterics over #YoMemoJokes
Intel Chair Devin Nunes stares longingly at his own high school yearbook photo Devin Nunes (Photo: Jessi Lintl/Flickr and @DesiJed/Twitter)
In wake of Rep. Devin Nunes’ (R-CA) memo being released to the general public and declassified by President some rich asshole, afternoon and evening was spent with pundits and security analyists combing over each word.
Then the internet got involved. Several hours after the release, #YoMemoJokes began to surface thanks to comedian George Wallace. With it came all of the sarcasm and tomfoolery Twitter could muster on a Friday night.
MSNBC host Joy Reid noted that the hashtag was likely causing an amazing fireworks display in the head of Fox News host Sean Hannity.
For your enjoyment, here are the best:

In wake of Rep. Devin Nunes’ (R-CA) memo being released to the general public and declassified by President some rich asshole, afternoon and evening was spent with pundits and security analyists combing over each word.
Then the internet got involved. Several hours after the release, #YoMemoJokes began to surface thanks to comedian George Wallace. With it came all of the sarcasm and tomfoolery Twitter could muster on a Friday night.
MSNBC host Joy Reid noted that the hashtag was likely causing an amazing fireworks display in the head of Fox News host Sean Hannity.
For your enjoyment, here are the best:
Watch Devin Nunes admit he never even read the intel his own memo is based on
FEBRUARY 2, 2018
Nunes said he saw FISA abuses — right before admitting he never even saw any FISA applications.
House Intelligence Chair Devin Nunes (R-CA) admitted on Friday that he hadn’t even read the material he wrote about in the overhyped intelligence memo that was released earlier in the day.
The memo, which was written by Nunes and released by the White House, alleges that the FBI had an anti-the rich asshole bias when it went to a FISA (“Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act”) court in 2016 and asked a judge to grant a renewal on the surveillance warrant already in place on the rich asshole campaign aide Carter Page.
the rich asshole and his Republican allies spent weeks hyping the memo, saying it would be bigger than Watergate— but when it was released on Friday, it turned out to be a complete dud. Much of the information was already public, and other parts actually undermined the GOP’s own anti-FBI narrative.
But Nunes — a steadfast the rich asshole apologist — seemed determined to prove that his stunt was not the failure that it appeared to be.
In an appearance on a Fox News special report just hours after releasing the memo, Nunes told host Brett Baier that he was “sad we had to get to this point,” but that he felt compelled to write the memo because he had “an obligation to [tell] the American people when we see FISA abuse.”
“It’s not a place we wanted to go,” Nunes said. “But it’s where we have to go.”
Baier then asked Nunes if he had read the FISA applications that formed the basis of the memo.
“No, I did not,” Nunes admitted.
Despite having just admitted that he never read the intelligence that formed the basis of his memo, Nunes shrugged off reports that he had not seen the underlying documents as “bogus” news.
Nunes’ admission bolsters the case made by Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, who earlier this week blasted Nunes for “cherry-picking” the content of the memo and not reading the materials that were summarized in the document.
Schiff isn’t the only one who has called into question the veracity of the memo. Earlier this week, the DOJ and FBI both released statements objecting to the release of the memo, saying it contains inaccurate information and presents a false narrative to the public.
Instead of raising questions about the FBI or DOJ, Nunes is now raising questions about himself. Among the most pressing questions: If he never saw any FISA applications, how did he see the supposed FISA abuses that he wrote about in the memo?
FEBRUARY 2, 2018
Nunes said he saw FISA abuses — right before admitting he never even saw any FISA applications.
‘So many parallels’: Ex-Watergate prosecutor says Nunes memo just like Nixon’s ‘whitewash memo’

Former federal prosecutor Jill Wine-Banks on MSNBC.
A former Watergate prosecutor noted the parallels between House Intelligence Chair Devin Nunes’ (R-CA) controversial FBI memo and a similar memo written by John Dean, the former White House counsel for Richard Nixon who pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice.
Jill Wine-Banks is a former federal prosecutor and general counsel of the United States Army, who was also an assistant prosecutor in the Watergate investigation. On Friday, she joined Chris Hayes on MSNBC.
“Jill, watching this today, I was thinking about you and your experience with Watergate, having just recently been immersing myself in the blow-by-blow details of that,” Hayes noted. “I wonder what parallels you see today.”
“There are so many parallels to this,” Wine-Banks replied.
“First of all, Richard Nixon asked John Dean to write a whitewash memo, saying he had fully investigated the accusations and that no one in the White House or on the Committee to Re-Elect the President was involved.”
“That’s what’s this memo was. It is a whitewash,” Wine-Banks concluded.
She noted the night special prosecutor Archibald Cox was fired, she said he told his assembled team, “it’s not clear you’ve been fired and if you haven’t, you must stay on the job. You know the case, you must stay as long as you possibly can.”
“Let me ask you, this Jill. You’ve got Nunes saying this is just the beginning, he’s going to do more of this. I guess the question is how effective is this? This feels like throwing stuff against the wall, they’ve been doing this for months, Mueller is going to find what he’s going to find. Do you worry that this is going to materially interfere or is it ultimately a side show?” Hayes asked.
“I think it’s a sideshow,” Wine-Banks replied. “I don’t think it will affect Mueller at all.”
Sad! Dow loses nearly 700 points days after the rich asshole takes credit for its success
the rich asshole has repeatedly boasted of how well the stock market is doing under his presidency.
What a difference three days make.
During Tuesday’s State of the Union address, President some rich asshole gleefully boasted that, thanks to the confidence he has instilled in businesses, the stock market was reaching heights never before seen. “[It’s] smashed one record after another, gaining $8 trillion in value,” the rich asshole said. “That is great news for Americans’ 401(k), retirement, pension and college saving accounts.”
Friday, however, the Dow was making headlines for completely different reasons. The stock market plunged by nearly 700 points, or roughly 2.5 percent, capping off its worst week in two years. In total, the Dow lost 4.1 percent of its value this week, including 362 points on the day the rich asshole was giving his State of the Union address. There are several factors behind the drop, one of which being the latest U.S. jobs report showing an increase in jobs and workers’ wages — good news for Main Street that succeeded in freaking Wall Street out.
the rich asshole, naturally, loves to talk about the stock market — namely, to claim credit when it’s doing well. Search on Twitter for “the rich asshole” and “stock market” and you’ll find dozens of results, mostly congratulating himself for record stock market numbers.
Furthermore, despite the rich asshole’s claims that stock market growth was helping ordinary Americans with their retirement and college savings, research shows that just over half (52 percent) of Americans own stocks. This sounds reasonable until you realize its the lowest number since Gallup began tracking the numbers 19 years ago. Among Americans making $30,000 to $75,000 a year, the number invested in the stock market fell by 22 percent from 2007 to 2016.
Analysts are also understandably weary of the idea that the rich asshole is at all responsible for the record stock market growth in the last year, and was instead a continuation of long-term trends set in motion by the federal reserve. “This is still the same rally that we’ve been in for the better part of the past eight or nine years,” economist David Rossenberg told CNBC earlier this month. “It still has the Fed’s thumbprints written all over it.”
There’s also the fact that, as MSNBC’s Chris Hayes helpfully pointed out, there is a difference between the stock market’s health and the economy’s health. While the Dow may have surged in wake of the GOP’s corporate-friendly tax cuts, many ordinary Americans are still struggling to get by. Inequality is greater than ever, while the black unemployment rate — which the rich asshole also touted in the State of the Union address — has now increased from 6.8 percent to 7.8 percent.
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