February 4th - February 5th, 2017. It's been 449-450 days since the Nov 8, 2016, election of some rich asshole, no.45, and 377-378 days since the Jan 20th inauguration.
Juan Williams: Help the rich asshole climb down from the wall
Is there any way to help President the rich asshole climb down from his pledge to build a “great, beautiful” wall on the Mexican border?
Last week, the rich asshole remained high on his pledge during his State of the Union speech.
The fabled promise to build the wall is now blocking the president from making an immigration deal with Democrats — a deal that is needed in order to prevent a government shutdown on Friday.
There are two big questions at play:
Firstly, how much money do the Democrats have to give the president in the name of border security to get him to climb down?
Secondly, will right-wing talk radio allow him to make an immigration deal with the Democrats if he shifts to talking about a "virtual" wall?
The first to offer the president a helping hand off the ledge was White House Chief of Staff John Kelly.
Kelly reportedly told members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus in January not to worry about the wall because “a 50-foot wall from sea to shining sea isn’t what we’re going to build.”
The next day, Kelly explained to my Fox News colleague Bret Baier that he was simply pointing out to the Hispanic Caucus that all politicians “say things during the course of campaigns that may or may not be fully informed.”
the rich asshole didn’t take kindly to that. So he tweeted: “The Wall is the Wall, it has never changed or evolved from the day I conceived of it.”
The president did come down a little bit, however. He conceded in his tweets that part of the wall may be “see through,” adding that he does not intend to build a wall across “mountains, wastelands or tough rivers.”
Then another offer to help the president off the wall came from the Department of Homeland Security. They reported last month that 2017 saw the lowest level of border-crossing arrests since 1971.
That fits with other statistics from federal officials that could give the rich asshole a helping hand. They offered him numbers showing that during President Obama’s second term, net migration from Mexico fell below zero. That means more people were exiting the U.S. to go south than entering from the south.
The government also reported a sharp increase in fencing on the border. Between 2005 and 2017, the U.S. increased 135 miles of fencing and barriers to 653 miles of fencing. Even better, during the Bush and Obama administrations, spending on border patrols went from $1.1 billion to $3.8 billion.
In addition, federal records show more immigrants are in the U.S. illegally because they overstayed their visas than because they illegally crossed the southwestern border.
the rich asshole can fudge the timeline and brag to his supporters that all this happened due to his hard rhetoric — and without a real wall.
If he takes that path down, the rich asshole will find a very broad political safety net open to soften his fall.
An ABC News/Washington Post poll taken last month found that 63 percent of Americans oppose building a wall along the U.S. border with Mexico. Just 34 percent support the wall. Those numbers track with another poll from CBS News also taken last month that found 61 percent oppose the wall and 35 percent support it.
The president’s fellow Republicans in the Senate are also sticking out helping hands.
With the growing influence of Hispanic voters in southwestern states like Arizona, where Sen. Jeff Flake is retiring and Sen. John McCain is in poor health, Republicans are hesitant to embrace the label of the “party of the wall.”
In Nevada, Sen. Dean Heller — arguably the most vulnerable Republican senator up for re-election this year — is no fan of the wall.
Heller can see that Democrats are targeting his state and congressional districts where the Latino population has increased in recent years. A wall will not help Republicans hold those seats.
Former Ariz. Gov. Janet Napolitano (D), who also served as Obama’s Homeland Security secretary, gave the Democrats a good line for political advertising in the southwest when she famously said, regarding a border wall: “Show me a 50-foot wall and I'll show you a 51-foot ladder.”
Another problem for Republicans is that much of the land along the U.S.-Mexico border is privately owned, meaning the rich asshole administration would have to assert sweeping new eminent domain powers to seize the land and build the wall on it.
This kind of unprecedented government land grab would tie the government up in years of costly litigation as landowners fight back in the courts.
And then there is the fact that the rich asshole is not getting help to pay for the wall from Mexico.
Whenever the rich asshole says that Mexico will eventually pay for the wall, former Mexican President Vincente Fox tweets back: “We are not paying for that stupid f-in wall.”
At this point, the wall is at best a majestic symbol in the culture wars and a wedge issue for the rich asshole’s GOP.
It is not a viable policy and thus it does not belong in a serious policy debate over immigration and funding the federal government.
The only “big beautiful wall” being constructed these days is the barrier between reality and the mindset of the rich asshole supporters.
Who among them will help the rich asshole avoid a crashing fall?
Juan Williams is an author, and a political analyst for Fox News Channel.
If the rich asshole’s immigration proposals truly favor merit and skill, these 2 dads wouldn’t be in detention
One dad is a veteran. The other is a chemistry professor. They both could be deported.
President some rich asshole’s State of the Union speech last week highlighted ordinary Americans doing extraordinary things. In the same speech, the president also called for an immigration system that protects the nuclear family. Yet it’s become clear this week that his administration will deport even the most extraordinary almost-Americans with nuclear families.
Three days after the rich asshole’s speech, various news reports brought attention to the detention of Miguel Perez Jr., a veteran who served two tours in Afghanistan between 2002 and 2003. Perez enlisted in the army months after the September 11 attacks, but he had trouble re-entering back from a war that left him with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), CNN reported.
Although Perez believed he had citizenship, the father of two U.S.-born children actually only had a green card. He was convicted of selling cocaine to an undercover police officer in February 2010 and was sentenced to serve 15 years in the Illinois prison system. Because of the criminal conviction, he forfeited his green card status.
The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency began deportation proceedings on Perez halfway through his sentence and a judge ordered his removal in March 2017, according to the publication. Perez “was surprised to be sent to an ICE detention facility because he thought he already had citizenship.” Perez is currently on a hunger strike to bring attention to his case while his lawyer has appealed “to the full panel of the 7th US Circuit Court of Appeals, and will ask for a stay of deportation while the appeals process plays out,” CNN reported.
The ICE agency is now holding Perez at an ICE detention facility in Kenosha, Wisconsin. If deported back to Mexico — a place he hasn’t seen in 31 years — Perez would leave behind two U.S.-born children: a 21-year-old daughter and an 11-year-old son.
While the rich asshole’s speech idealizes the all-American family, his federal immigration agency has failed to take phrases from his speech like “protecting the nuclear family” to heart. Instead, agents have relentlessly pursued people for deportation proceedings regardless of criminal record. Since January 2017 when the rich asshole took office, detentions surged of people with no criminal records and people who have served out old criminal convictions. More immigrants who have become parents in the years following their criminal records are finding themselves in detention or deportation proceedings. It was also in the same State of the Union speech and throughout an error-ridden fact sheet released one day later this, that the rich asshole made clear he preferred an immigration system focused on “merit” and “skill.”
Yet ICE recently detained a chemistry professor originally from Bangladesh who came to the country more than 30 years ago. ICE agents in Lawrence, Kansas detained Syed Ahmed Jamal in his front yard with two of his children watching. According to the agency, the arrest came as a result of a “voluntary departure” notice he received in 2011 from an immigration judge so his visa status had become “invalid,” the Kansas City Star reported. Jamal has been able to stay in the United States “on a supervised basis,” the publication reported, meaning he had to check in annually to retain his work permit.
The federal government is reportedly detaining Jamal — an adjunct professor who took post-graduate courses in molecular, cellular and developmental biology at the University of Kansas — at a Missouri jail, about 160 miles from his family.
Jamal came to the United States in 1987 on a student visa to attend the university, the Kansas City Star reported. After returning to Bangladesh, he got an H-1B visa to work at Children’s Mercy Hospital. He later pursued a doctorate degree and changed to a student visa.
Jamal is worried that his potential deportation could mean persecution or a death sentence if returned to Bangladesh. When he lived there, his family “was among the Biharis ethnic minority who supported Pakistan in warfare that led to the independence of Bangladesh,” the Kansas City Star reported. Jamal is also concerned that his outspoken nature could land him in “grave danger” if returned to a country he hasn’t seen in three decades.
If deported, Jamal leaves behind U.S.-born children in the first grade, seventh grade, and ninth grade. His wife is a “live organ donor,” according to a Change.org petition.
Perez and Jamal are two examples of immigrant fathers who have contributed to the United States, but are now at risk of deportation. To be clear, there are also ordinary immigrants whose merits and skills aren’t quantifiable through basic job descriptions. But this administration also shouldn’t be able to cast itself as an advocate for American families when it’s threatening to tear apart nuclear families.
WATCH: Meghan McCain gets schooled with her father’s own words after pushing bogus claims about the Nunes memo

"The View" hosts Meghan McCain Sunny Hostin (Photo: Screen captures)
In a discussion about the release of Rep. Devin Nunes’s (R-CA) memo berating the FBI and Justice Department, co-hosts of “The View” clashed over who was responsible for politicizing the government agencies.
Meghan McCain went full conspiracy theory, citing GOP talking points that the Christopher Steele dossier was the sole source used for the FISA judge to issue a warrant four times over. The dossier was not the only source and all four judges knew each and every fact about the source of the dossier and who paid for it. Many details on the FISA warrant are still classified and very few Republicans, including Nunes, have access to the classified documents.
McCain then railed against the partisanship of former FBI Director James Comey for his attacks on Twitter and the text conversations from Peter Strzok complaining about politicians on both sides of the political spectrum. Like many Americans, he seemed disenchanted with Washington, though the right is criticizing him for speaking poorly about them and denying the other texts.
“What’s distressing to me is that I’ve worked with FBI agents day in and day out as a federal prosecutor,” Sunny Hostin explained. “And they are some of the best most dedicated, incredible people that I have met in my life. They are dedicated to the world. I didn’t know if I was working with a Republican, I didn’t know if I was working with a Democrat. I knew that we were fighting crime together. We were chasing justice and we were doing the job.”
She went on to explain that in her experience it is not true that the FBI is politicized.
“What you have is politicians who are trying to politicize the FBI to undermine the Russian intelligence investigation,” she continued.
She then quoted Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), who said over the weekend that elected officials must stop looking at the Mueller investigation with a political angle.
“Our nation’s elected officials, including the President, must stop looking at this investigation through the warped lens of politics and manufacturing partisan sideshows,” McCain said. “If we continue to undermine our own rule of law, we are doing Putin’s job for him.”
His daughter went on to say that no man, neither her husband nor her father, speaks for her, and that she maintained Comey was being political. The panel of women commented that Comey is no longer employees by the U.S. government, much less the FBI. However, McCain seemed to think that his Twitter commentary was somehow politicizing the FBI.
Guest co-host Ana Navarro called the memo and the GOP commentary politicized and blamed her own party for it.
“This has been incredibly politicized, frankly by Devin Nunes,” Navarro said. “I think he’s actually hurting some rich asshole. It’s another way that he is fabricating a sideshow, as John McCain says. A partisan sideshow. We saw him with the ‘secret society.’ We saw him do the meeting with the White House — that midnight meeting last year. He does it over and over again and it’s trying to distract from the Mueller investigation.”
After a commercial break, McCain qualified that she continues to be shocked by the lack of sanctions against the Russians and why the rich asshole refuses to uphold them.
Joy Behar noted it’s because the rich asshole either reveres or fears Russian President Vladimir Putin.
“It seems to be that’s the reason the Russians have been protecting him and they invaded our elections,” she said. “Because they have something to get from them. Which is reducing the sanctions.”
“It’s all smoke and mirrors,” Whoopi Goldberg said. “Mueller isn’t going anywhere.”
Navarro cut in to say that people shouldn’t assume Muller isn’t going anywhere and that the rich asshole and the GOP could very easily decide to fire him. She encouraged Americans to call their representatives and encourage leaders to put protections in place to ensure he can do his job without attacks from the White House.
Part 1:
Part 2:
CNN panel erupts in laughter when flailing the rich asshole fan again brings up FBI ‘secret society’

Conservative radio host Ben Ferguson (Photo: Screen capture)
A CNN panel erupted in laughter on Monday morning when the rich asshole supporter Ben Ferguson once again alleged that there was a “secret society” within the FBI dedicated to taking down President some rich asshole.
While arguing that President some rich asshole was right to highlight supposed abuses at the FBI when surveilling former the rich asshole campaign adviser Carter Page, Ferguson said the president was right to question the agency’s credibility by noting that texts sent between two FBI employees showed a bias against the president.
“You have people in the FBI, on the record, in their own words who talked about… not liking the president, possibly needing an insurance policy… and possibly having a secret society,” he said.
At this point, panelist Bill Kristol and host Alisyn Camerota both laughed at Ferguson for once again promoting the completely debunked “secret society” talking point.
“Are we seriously still talking about the secret society, Ben?” Kristol asked him.
“It’s their words, not mine!” Ferguson shot back defensively.
In fact, text messages referencing a “secret society” sent between FBI agent Peter Strzok and attorney Lisa Page were an inside joke related to Strzok’s plan to hand out calendars to his fellow agents that featured photos of a shirtless Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Watch the whole panel below.
If the rich asshole’s immigration proposals truly favor merit and skill, these 2 dads wouldn’t be in detention
One dad is a veteran. The other is a chemistry professor. They both could be deported.
President some rich asshole’s State of the Union speech last week highlighted ordinary Americans doing extraordinary things. In the same speech, the president also called for an immigration system that protects the nuclear family. Yet it’s become clear this week that his administration will deport even the most extraordinary almost-Americans with nuclear families.
Three days after the rich asshole’s speech, various news reports brought attention to the detention of Miguel Perez Jr., a veteran who served two tours in Afghanistan between 2002 and 2003. Perez enlisted in the army months after the September 11 attacks, but he had trouble re-entering back from a war that left him with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), CNN reported.
Although Perez believed he had citizenship, the father of two U.S.-born children actually only had a green card. He was convicted of selling cocaine to an undercover police officer in February 2010 and was sentenced to serve 15 years in the Illinois prison system. Because of the criminal conviction, he forfeited his green card status.
The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency began deportation proceedings on Perez halfway through his sentence and a judge ordered his removal in March 2017, according to the publication. Perez “was surprised to be sent to an ICE detention facility because he thought he already had citizenship.” Perez is currently on a hunger strike to bring attention to his case while his lawyer has appealed “to the full panel of the 7th US Circuit Court of Appeals, and will ask for a stay of deportation while the appeals process plays out,” CNN reported.
The ICE agency is now holding Perez at an ICE detention facility in Kenosha, Wisconsin. If deported back to Mexico — a place he hasn’t seen in 31 years — Perez would leave behind two U.S.-born children: a 21-year-old daughter and an 11-year-old son.
While the rich asshole’s speech idealizes the all-American family, his federal immigration agency has failed to take phrases from his speech like “protecting the nuclear family” to heart. Instead, agents have relentlessly pursued people for deportation proceedings regardless of criminal record. Since January 2017 when the rich asshole took office, detentions surged of people with no criminal records and people who have served out old criminal convictions. More immigrants who have become parents in the years following their criminal records are finding themselves in detention or deportation proceedings. It was also in the same State of the Union speech and throughout an error-ridden fact sheet released one day later this, that the rich asshole made clear he preferred an immigration system focused on “merit” and “skill.”
Yet ICE recently detained a chemistry professor originally from Bangladesh who came to the country more than 30 years ago. ICE agents in Lawrence, Kansas detained Syed Ahmed Jamal in his front yard with two of his children watching. According to the agency, the arrest came as a result of a “voluntary departure” notice he received in 2011 from an immigration judge so his visa status had become “invalid,” the Kansas City Star reported. Jamal has been able to stay in the United States “on a supervised basis,” the publication reported, meaning he had to check in annually to retain his work permit.
The federal government is reportedly detaining Jamal — an adjunct professor who took post-graduate courses in molecular, cellular and developmental biology at the University of Kansas — at a Missouri jail, about 160 miles from his family.
Jamal came to the United States in 1987 on a student visa to attend the university, the Kansas City Star reported. After returning to Bangladesh, he got an H-1B visa to work at Children’s Mercy Hospital. He later pursued a doctorate degree and changed to a student visa.
Jamal is worried that his potential deportation could mean persecution or a death sentence if returned to Bangladesh. When he lived there, his family “was among the Biharis ethnic minority who supported Pakistan in warfare that led to the independence of Bangladesh,” the Kansas City Star reported. Jamal is also concerned that his outspoken nature could land him in “grave danger” if returned to a country he hasn’t seen in three decades.
If deported, Jamal leaves behind U.S.-born children in the first grade, seventh grade, and ninth grade. His wife is a “live organ donor,” according to a Change.org petition.
Perez and Jamal are two examples of immigrant fathers who have contributed to the United States, but are now at risk of deportation. To be clear, there are also ordinary immigrants whose merits and skills aren’t quantifiable through basic job descriptions. But this administration also shouldn’t be able to cast itself as an advocate for American families when it’s threatening to tear apart nuclear families.‘We’ve reached such a degraded state’: CNN panel floored by Trey Gowdy’s truth bomb on Nunes memo

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) on Face the Nation -- (Screencapture)
Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), who is known for his attacks on Hillary Clinton, threw cold water over the weekend on the memo published by Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA).
Gowdy explained that the memo did not “vindicate” President some rich asshole in the Russia investigation — far from it.
“It doesn’t — and I was pretty integrally involved in the drafting of it,” Gowdy admitted. “There is a Russia investigation without a dossier. So to the extent the memo deals with the dossier and the FISA process, the dossier has nothing to do with the meeting at the rich asshole Tower. The dossier has nothing to do with an email sent by Cambridge Analytica. The dossier really has nothing to do with George Papadopoulos’ meeting in Great Britain. It also doesn’t have anything to do with obstruction of justice. So there’s going to be a Russia probe, even without a dossier.”
“Have we reached such a degraded state that when a Republican tells the truth it’s a story?” CNN’s legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin half-joked.
Host Alisyn Camerota didn’t want to say that it was necessarily a partisan concern, but Toobin cut in to say that it was absolutely a Republican problem, because they’ve been standing by the rich asshole regardless of what has been found.
“Finally, yesterday, it was so excessive, what the rich asshole said was so ridiculous that ‘this memo invalidates the Russia investigation and discredits the FBI’ that we saw some push-back from House members,” Toobin said. “I mean, all they’re doing is telling the truth.”
Daily Beast editor John Avlon argued that it was a huge story because Gowdy threw the GOP talking points out the window and admitted it wasn’t an accurate conclusion of the warrants obtained and the investigation.
Playing clips of the rich asshole and campaign surrogates denying he knew Carter Page, Toobin noted it’s almost as if the release of the Nunes memo and the attack on the FBI and Justice Department was “just a pretext and bogus and not based on any reality that it’s purported to be.”
He went on to say “the president has succeeded here,” in that he created an “atmosphere of controversy,” which has prompted many Americans not paying attention to dismiss Robert Mueller and the investigation.
“When you have the megaphone of the White House, when you have the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, you can create a controversy where none exists and that’s what has been done here,” Toobin said.
Avlon agreed saying they’ve clearly muddied the waters intentionally.
Watch the full discussion below:
Super Bowl champions say they won’t visit the White House
A handful of Eagles players are boycotting the traditional presidential meet-and-greet over the rich asshole's response to the NFL protests.
Several Philadelphia Eagles players have said they will skip the traditional team visit to the White House in the wake of their victory against the New England Patriots on Sunday night. Some have cited President the rich asshole’s negative rhetoric regarding the NFL protests as a motivating factor, while others say they are concerned about ongoing injustices affecting minority communities and the seeming lack of government response to the problem.
“I personally do not anticipate attending that,” Eagles safety Malcolm Jenkins said during an interview with CNN’s New Day on Monday. “[I’m not sending] a message [to] the president, my message has been clear all year. I’m about creating positive change in the communities that I come from, whether it be Philadelphia, New Jersey, Ohio, Louisiana, or this entire country. I want to see changes in our criminal justice system. I want to see us push for economic and educational advancement in communities of color and low-income communities. And I want to see our relationships between our communities and our law enforcement be advanced.”
He added, “That’s what myself and my peers have been pushing for the last two years, and that’s what I’ll continue to do.”
“We read the news just like everyone else,” wide receiver Torrey Smith told reporters last Wednesday, explaining his decision not to attend the White House meeting. “You see some rich asshole tweet something … We have those conversations in the locker room, just like everyone else does in the workplace.”
Eagles defensive end Chris Long, who boycotted last year’s White House visit as a member of the Patriots and donated his entire 2017 season salary to support education equality for underprivileged students, has also said he will be skipping this year’s trip.
“No, I’m not going to the White House. Are you kidding me?” he said, in an interview with the Pardon My Take podcast last Sunday.
Jenkins has been a prominent voice in the NFL take-a-knee protests, which were started by former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick and safety Eric Reid in early 2016, in response to instances of police brutality and injustice against black and minority communities. In November, Jenkins and the NFL Players Coalition struck a deal with NFL commissioner Roger Goodell, requiring the league agreed to donate $89 million to “address social issues considered important to African-American communities.”
the rich asshole has previously stated that any NFL player protesting during the national anthem is a “son of a bitch” and should be fired. He has also routinely misconstrued the meaning behind the protests, suggesting that those who have taken a knee or raised a fist during the national anthem were protesting the anthem itself and acting unpatriotic.
“If a player wants the privilege of making millions of dollars in the NFL, or other leagues, he or she should not be allowed to disrespect our Great American Flag (or Country) and should stand for the National Anthem,” he tweeted in September. “If not, YOU’RE FIRED. Find something else to do!”
During a rally that same month in Huntsville, Alabama, the rich asshole told a crowd of supporters:
Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, “Get that son of a bitch off the field right now, out, he’s fired”? …Some owner is going to do that. He’s gonna say, “That guy disrespects our flag, he’s fired.” And that owner, they don’t know it. They don’t know it. They’re friends of mine, many of them. They don’t know it. They’ll be the most popular person, for a week. They’ll be the most popular person in the country.
In a statement released on Sunday ahead of the Super Bowl, the rich asshole doubled down, suggesting that any protests against injustice would be offensive to families of military service members.
“Though many of our nation’s service members are unable to be home with family and friends to enjoy this evening’s American tradition, they are always in our thoughts and prayers,” the statement read. “We owe these heroes the greatest respect for defending our liberty and our American way of life. Their sacrifice is stitched into each star and every stripe of our Star-Spangled Banner. We hold them in our hearts and thank them for our freedom as we proudly stand for the national anthem.”
Speaking with reporters last week, Eagles wide receiver Smith pushed back on the president’s claims.
“They call it the anthem protest. We’re not protesting the anthem. It’s a protest during the anthem,” he said.
He added, “…I’m not saying we’re right about everything, but we’re willing to figure out what is right. We’re willing to work with people to find the best way to move forward, because there are problems and we’re not shy about speaking up about them.”
During Sunday evening’s game, Jenkins decided not to raise his fist or take a knee during the national anthem. Smith chose to raise his fist in a show of solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement.
Top Intel Democrat Torches the rich asshole After His Morning Twitter Meltdown Over Memo-Gate
Former reality show star some rich asshole took his angry little fingers to his Twitter account to lash out at the House Intelligence Committee’s top Democrat Monday as Democrats push to release a memo expected to rebut the flawed Nunes/GOP Memo. the rich asshole gave Adam Schiff (D-Calif) a nickname to mock his personal appearance – just like every president before him has never done.
But first, the rich asshole praised Fox & Friends for “exposing the truth.”
“Little Adam Schiff, who is desperate to run for higher office, is one of the biggest liars and leakers in Washington, right up there with Comey, Warner, Brennan and Clapper! Adam leaves closed committee hearings to illegally leak confidential information. Must be stopped!” President Exclamation Mark tweeted.
Then, the rich asshole yelled at the world over his dumb wall.
“Any deal on DACA that does not include STRONG border security and the desperately needed WALL is a total waste of time,” the Dotard tweeted. “March 5th is rapidly approaching and the Dems seem not to care about DACA. Make a deal!”
Naturally, the rich asshole praised House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) even though his memo was widely derided.
“Representative Devin Nunes, a man of tremendous courage and grit, may someday be recognized as a Great American Hero for what he has exposed and what he has had to endure!” President Crazy Pants tweeted.
Schiff responded to the rich asshole’s childish tweet, telling him to turn off the TV.
It’s almost as if the rich asshole helped to write the Nunes memo. Just after it was released, the rich asshole claimed that it vindicated him, but Republicans and Democrats disagreed with the so-called president. The fact is that Republicans scribbled things on a piece of paper to protect their president and now the rich asshole is essentially saying, ‘See, I’m totally innocent because my party wrote a note that clears me.’
Adam Schiff is a former U.S. prosecutor and calling him “Little” doesn’t bother him. Buckle up, some rich asshole, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.
Now the rich asshole's casually accusing Democrats and longtime intelligence officials of breaking the law.
After the world pointed and laughed at some rich asshole’s claim that the Republican smear memo “totally vindicates” him in the Russia probe, the White House rolled out a coordinated strategy to attack top-ranking Democrats and former intelligence chiefs.
Over the weekend, several Republicans directly contradicted the rich asshole’s claim of vindication. Soon, the White House had all but abandoned that laughable message. In its place, however, was a new strategy to target Democratic leaders on the House Intelligence Committee, as well as non-partisan intelligence veterans like former CIA Director John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.
White House deputy press secretary Raj Shah appeared on “Fox & Friends” Monday and walked back the rich asshole’s claim of vindication, stating only that the memo showed a “pattern” of “allowing politics to influence decision-making.”
But Shah also made the extraordinary claim that Brennan and House Intelligence Committee members Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Eric Swalwell (D-CA) had leaked classified information, which is a felony.
“I’m sure those three individuals, or their staffs, have been involved with leaking classified information themselves,” Shah said.
Brennan has served Republican and Democratic presidents, and is a political independent.
Minutes later, the rich asshole himself echoed that accusation in a tweet that took particular aim at Schiff, but also took swipes at Brennan, Clapper, and former FBI Director James Comey.
“Little Adam Schiff, who is desperate to run for higher office, is one of the biggest liars and leakers in Washington, right up there with Comey, Warner, Brennan and Clapper!” the rich asshole wrote. “Adam leaves closed committee hearings to illegally leak confidential information. Must be stopped!”
Setting aside the irony that the rich asshole himself just ramrodded the release of a classified memo against the objections of the Justice Department and the “grave concerns” of the FBI, the rich asshole’s attacks on Clapper and Brennan are shameful and potentially slanderous smears for the obvious purpose of trying to save face after the supposedly explosive memo flopped — all inspired by a segment on Fox News.
Clapper and Brennan have both been critical of attacks by the rich asshole and the GOP on the intelligence community, and just last week, Brennan said he’d “never witnessed” such “reckless partisan behavior.”
Meanwhile, the rich asshole’s attack on Schiff, the ranking member of a committee charged with investigating the rich asshole and the Russians — and his insistence that Schiff “Must be stopped!” — appears to be yet another attempt by the rich asshole to obstruct the investigation.
This coordinated strategy raises the possibility that the memo embarrassment has forced the rich asshole to back off of his plot to fire Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. Republicans and Democrats should not wait to see what he’ll do when he’s backed further into a corner. It’s time to impeach the rich asshole.
‘Must be stopped!’ the rich asshole attacks ‘Little Adam Schiff’ as Democrats push back against Nunes memo

President some rich asshole honks the horn in a truck (Screen cap).
President some rich asshole on Monday erupted at Rep. Adam Schiff on Twitter and accused him of “illegally” leaking intelligence.
“Little Adam Schiff, who is desperate to run for higher office, is one of the biggest liars and leakers in Washington, right up there with Comey, Warner, Brennan and Clapper!” the president fumed. “Adam leaves closed committee hearings to illegally leak confidential information. Must be stopped!”
It is unclear what prompted the rich asshole’s attacks on Schiff Monday, although the president has been live-tweeting his favorite morning show “Fox & Friends” for much of the morning.
the rich asshole attacked Democrats’ push for universal health care after watching a segment on the United Kingdom’s National Health Service on “Fox & Friends” Monday, and he then specifically thanked the program for giving him positive coverage that he deemed to be “the truth.”
This the rich asshole tweet disproves Nunes’ claim that Papadopoulos never met the president
The chair of the House Intelligence Committee is a little bit behind.
On March 31, 2016, some rich asshole tweeted out a photo of his meeting with his national security team — including foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos, who can be seen sitting four spots to the rich asshole’s right.
According to Papadopoulos’ guilty plea for lying to the FBI, during that meeting, he told the group — including the rich asshole — that he had ongoing communications with Russians that would allow him to facilitate a meeting between the rich asshole and Vladimir Putin. The meeting is even described in Papadopoulos’ indictment:
On or about March 31, 2016, defendant PAPADOPOULOS attended a “national security meeting” in Washington, D.C., with then-candidate the rich asshole and other foreign policy advisors for the Campaign. When defendant PAPADOPOULOS introduced himself to the group, he stated, in sum and substance, that he had connections that could help arrange a meeting between then-candidate the rich asshole and President Putin.
The New York Times reported that “some rich asshole listened with interest and asked questions of Mr. Papadopoulos” as he laid out his proposal. In the end the rich asshole “didn’t say yes, and he didn’t say no,” and Papadopoulos continued to try to broker a meeting.
Devin Nunes (R-CA), the chair of the House Intelligence Committee, is supposed to be up on these matters. He is not.
During an interview on Monday’s edition of Fox & Friends, Nunes responded to a question about Papadopolous by saying, “As far as we can tell Papadopolous never even knew who the rich asshole wa– or never even had met with the president.” There is photographic evidence proving otherwise.
Also, the rich asshole himself admitted to meeting Papadopolous, telling reporters in November that he doesn’t “remember much” about the meeting.
During the Fox & Friends interview, Nunes also grossly mischaracterized comments Papadopolous made in May 2016 in London that led to the FBI starting its investigation into the rich asshole campaign. According to the New York Times, during a night of drinking, Papadopolous bragged to an Australian diplomat about Russia having political dirt on Hillary Clinton — comments that were later relayed to the FBI. Nunes description of Papadopolous’ comments have no connection to reality.
“Look, getting drunk in London and talking to diplomats, saying that you don’t like Hillary Clinton is really — I think it’s kinda scary our intelligence services would take that and use it against an American citizen,” he said.
Nunes spearheaded the effort to publicly release a memo intended to suggest that the FBI’s investigation was rooted in anti-the rich asshole bias. According to the memo, the surveillance of Carter Page, another former the rich asshole campaign adviser, was rooted in corruption and political bias.
Ironically, however, the last footnote of the memo indicates that the FBI’s investigation began with Papadopoulos, not Page.
“The Papadopoulos information triggered the opening of an FBI counterintelligence investigation in late July 2016 by FBI agent Pete Strzok,” it says.
Shortly after Nunes’ interview on the rich asshole’s favorite show wrapped up, the president posted a tweet praising him.
‘He’s losing his touch’: Internet mocks the rich asshole’s lame attack on ‘Little Adam Schiff’ as Dems ready their own memo

(Photo: stock_photo_world / Shutterstock.com)
President some rich asshole began his post-State of the Union Twitterstorm less than a week following his speech calling for bipartisan action on impending issues facing the country. His attack on the Ranking Member of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence goes back to Rep. Devin Nunes’ (R-CA) memo on the warrant to investigate former the rich asshole foreign policy advisor Carter Page.
His attack was to call the Democrat “Little Adam Schiff,” which prompted many to question if the president is losing his touch on belittling nicknames.
The committee votes today on whether to release the Democratic memo, which they are likely to do. It then goes to the White House for approval.
Others called the president out on his decision to throw bipartisanship out the window, an anticipated action post-State of the Union.
Read the rest below:
‘Oh, he knew’: National security expert says Carter Page can’t play dumb on contacts with Russian spies

Former the rich asshole campaign foreign policy aide Carter Page (image via screengrab).
Asha Rangappa, a national security law expert and professor at Yale University, spent time working for the FBI and explained to CNN Monday that she knows the rigorous requirements for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) warrants.
“You have to show that this person was knowingly acting on behalf of a foreign power,” Rangappa explained. As someone who has requested a FISA warrant, she explained that there is a high bar. “We know that the FBI approached Carter Page as far back as 2013, to let him know that he was being recruited by Russian agents. So, if he continued to be in contact with them, he was doing so knowingly. And if by the time they got the FISA order they were able to renew it three more times, it meant that he kept seeing them even after the campaign. He was basically developed as a spy.”
She went on to say that what the memo from Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) shows is that he was developed as spy while he was in the campaign.
“We just don’t know that he knew it,” CNN host Alisyn Camerota commented.
“Oh, he knew it,” Rangappa followed up. She explained it was because the FBI approached him that he had to know. Thus, she said, he was willingly and knowingly engaging in speaking to the Russians after he was warned.
Legal analyst Carrie Cordero explained that President some rich asshole’s new FBI Director, Christopher Wray, warned of the inaccuracies in the memo. She explained that the things he was likely concerned about were the demands of the warrant based solely on the dossier created by Christopher Steele.
“I suspect what he was most concerned about is that the FBI and Department of Justice had been truthful about the reliability assessment of Steele and how they knew his investigation was funded,” Cordero said. “Se don’t know the level of detail but the strong response from Wray was more forthcoming with the court than Nunes and the White House.”
Rangappa explained that FISA warrants aren’t just issued over night. There are years of information that has to be presented and judges need a series of documents that present a full
“These were four different judges and these are selected by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, which is John Roberts,” she said.
“So, Chief Justice John Roberts, not a Democrat,” Camerota noted.
Watch the full commentary below:
‘He just lost the midterms’: Internet celebrates defeat of the rich asshole’s BFF Tom Brady

Patriots quarterback Tom Brady (left) and some rich asshole (right). Image via Twitter.
The Philadelphia Eagles’ 41-33 defeat over the New England Patriots isn’t just a win for their fans — it’s also, as many on Twitter have expressed, a slap in the face of the losing team’s quarterback and his pal some rich asshole.
the rich asshole and Brady have known each other for more than 15 years, ever since the quarterback judged a beauty pageant for the former reality TV host. As such, Brady supported his friend’s candidacy, making the Eagles’ victory over the 40-year-old player’s team all the sweeter.
“I wonder what the rich asshole thinks about his friend Tom Brady losing,” MSNBC producer Kyle Griffin mused.
“the rich asshole can go ahead and skip that congratulatory tweet he was going to send,” FanSided CEO Adam Best tweeted.
Others still noted that accolades the rich asshole sent “his friend” Brady for winning a game in September 2015 have aged poorly.
Check out more responses below:
Here are the right-wing media figures using the Nunes memo to attack Rosenstein and Mueller
Blog ››› ››› CYDNEY HARGIS

Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee voted on January 31 to release a memo, written by Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), which they claim shows partisan abuse of power on the part of the FBI to obtain a FISA warrant. The full four page text of the memo was released on February 2 and, led primarily by Fox News host Sean Hannity, right-wing media figures have used its contents to slam, discredit, and call for the firing of both special counsel Robert Mueller and U.S. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
Fox host Sean Hannity claimed that Mueller “never should have been appointed based on what we know tonight” and that “he needs to go, yesterday.” He also called the investigation “a witch-hunt from the very beginning” and called for charges against former the rich asshole campaign chairman Paul Manafort and former national security adviser Michael Flynn “to be dropped.” Hannity also declared the investigation an attempted “coup” and “an attempt to unseat an elected president” based on the memo.
Right-wing author Ann Coulter tweeted, “Rosenstein should be fired for opposing the release of the memo.”
Conservative radio host and frequent Fox guest Dan Bongino tweeted that Rosenstein “STILL” has a government job despite being one of the “central figures in the most significant political spying scandal in US history.”
Tea Party Patriots tweeted, "It's time for DAG Rod Rosenstein to do his job or resign!"
Former the rich asshole aide and Fox News national security strategist Sebastian Gorka tweeted, "Rosenstein should be suspended from his position immediately."
Tom Fitton, frequent Fox guest and president of Judicial Watch, said Rosenstein “has some explaining to do” and that “it’s fair to ask whether he’d be fired.” Fitton also told Fox host Harris Faulkner that the probe is subject to “being called off now by the Justice Department.”
Fox legal analyst Gregg Jarrett tweeted that a “source” told him Rosenstein in a meeting with Nunes “threatened to subpoena the texts and emails of Congress,” and called for Rosenstein to “resign or be fired” if true.
Fox News host Todd Pirro asked former the rich asshole aide Corey Lewandowski if "it's time for Rod Rosenstein to go." Lewandowski responded that Rosenstein's involvement with the FISA application "should give people in the Justice Department grave concern ... and Rod needs to answer for those questions."
Conservative radio host, Townhall columnist, and birther Jeff Crouere wrote, the memo showed Mueller is “investigating the wrong administration” and claimed Mueller was “compromised from the very beginning of his probe.” Crouere went on to call for an end to this “witch hunt” after the release of the “bombshell memo.”
Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh alleged that the memo means Mueller is investigating the wrong people “on purpose,” and called the FBI's activities a “Democrat-run operation.”
Conservative radio host Mark Simone tweeted that Rosenstein is on the same "team" as former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.
Far-right blog The Gateway Pundit claimed Rosenstein "threatened" Nunes and House Intelligence Committee members.
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