This is a daily or weekly record of the Trump presidency so hopefully future generations will learn what happens when you elect an narcissistic, thin skinned, racist, xenophobic, misogynistic unqualified buffoon in a position of power where he has access to nuclear codes.
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Friday, February 16, 2018
February 8th, 2017. It's been 453-453 days since the Nov 8, 2016, election of some rich asshole, no.45, and 380-381 days since the Jan 20th inauguration.
The rich asshole administration's latest attack on immigration puts American children squarely in the crosshairs.
While the White House publicly claims that its crackdown on immigration primarily targets criminals and gang members, a new report reveals a very different scenario going on behind the scenes.
According to Reuters, the the rich asshole administration has drafted a new set of rules that would let them punish immigrant parents if they use public benefits such as CHIP (the Children’s Health Insurance Program), SNAP (the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), WIC (nutrition assistance for women, infants, and children), and the early education program known as Head Start.
Receiving, or even being likely to receive, any such government assistance could be used to deny a potential immigrant’s application to come to the U.S. or stay in the country — even if the benefits were used by an immigrant’s U.S. citizen children.
While immigrants, including those who are here lawfully, are restricted in terms of what benefits they can receive, some are eligible for specific programs like food assistance and health care for children.
The new rules, which are a major change from the current policy that has been in place for nearly two decades, would apply to “a wide range of people living or working in the United States, including close family members of U.S. citizens and workers employed by U.S. companies,” Reuters reports. They could also apply to immigrants living abroad who gain citizenship through the State Department.
Based on 2016 figures, Reuters estimates that, on an annual basis, anywhere from 383,000 to more than 1,000,000 people could be subjected to the new rules when applying for permanent residence in the U.S.
If the new rules are implemented as drafted, low-income or less well-educated immigrants could be denied entry through family reunification channels based on their potential to use government programs. And people living in the U.S. — including those married to U.S. citizens, as well as parents of U.S. citizen children — could be denied residence and deported if they have used government programs or are deemed likely to use them in the future, even if the benefits went to their kids.
The result is that the U.S. immigration system could be moved toward a selection system that favors highly educated, higher-income immigrants and closes the door on those with existing family relationships in America.
According to Reuters, the rich asshole administration is concerned that the availability of public benefits could incentivize immigration to the U.S. — an ironic concern, given the rich asshole’s recent comments about wanting to accept more immigrants from countries like Norway, which has one of the world’s most robust welfare systems.
Tyler Houlton, a spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security, told Reuters that any new immigration policies would be designed “to protect the American taxpayer.” But under the draft rules, DHS would be tasked with sorting through a wide range of personal and government data to evaluate a person’s history of and potential to use government services — a painstaking and costly process that would create an entirely new taxpayer burden.
As is the case with many of the immigration policies proposed by the rich asshole administration, it’s clear that the new draft rules are designed to focus public attention on the costs, but not the benefits, of immigrants to U.S. society. Despite what the rich asshole claims, however, eligible immigrants are actually less likely to use public benefits than eligible U.S. citizens.
According to a 2013 report by the Libertarian think tank Cato Institute, “low-income non-citizen adults and children generally have lower rates of public benefit use than native-born adults or citizen children whose parents are also citizens.” Far from being a “drain on the system,” immigrants actually pay more into the system than they take out of it.
By using children — many of whom are U.S. citizens — as a means of punishing immigrant parents, the rich asshole administration is imperiling the well-being of kids and families. If the new rules are implemented as written, many parents would likely stop using the programs that are targeted — many of which are explicitly designed to address the health and social needs of young children.
“It’s going to scare a lot of people into yanking their children off of needed healthcare, school programs, child nutrition programs, basic sorts of subsistence-level programs that have kept the population healthy and employable,” Charles Wheeler, director of training and legal support at Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc., told Reuters.
While they claim to be going after violent criminals, the rich asshole administration is actually putting the most vulnerable members of our society squarely in the crosshairs.
Republicans usually march in lockstep with some rich asshole on every issue under the sun. But even they think his idea for a military parade is stupid, and they are speaking out about it.
some rich asshole’s idea for wasting resources by holding a military parade has been derided by millions of Americans, including some at Fox News. In a departure from their typical obedience, even his fellow Republicans are panning the wacky scheme.
Tank treads would rip up Pennsylvania Avenue, and imagery of military hardware rolling past a leader is historically more in line with rogue dictators than American presidents, but the rich asshole is a dyed-in-the-wool authoritarian.
Asking the U.S. military (the largest and most effective fighting force ever assembled) to submit to his will is perfectly in character for the rich asshole.
But Republican elected officials who are generally fine with rubber-stamping the rich asshole’s oddball notions are openly skeptical of his parade aspirations.
Sen. Lindsey Graham (SC) told CNN, “I’m not looking for a Soviet-style hardware display. That’s not who we are. It’s kind of cheesy. I think it shows weakness, quite frankly.”
Sen. John Kennedy (LA) noted that “confidence is silent and insecurity is loud,” adding, “America is the most powerful country in all of human history, everybody knows it, and we don’t need to show it off.”
Rep. Mike Coffman (CO) tweeted, “No shutdowns, no parades.”
Sen. David Perdue (GA), said, “Personally, I would prefer not to do it.”
Sen. Roger Wicker (MS) said the parade was not a priority and noted, “If it would save money not to do it, we probably ought to look at that.”
Democrats were far more direct in their criticism than Republicans were.
Rep. Jackie Speier (CA) told Anderson Cooper she was “stunned” by the idea, adding “We have a Napoleon in the making here.”
Sen. Brian Schatz (HI) wrote, “We have the mightiest military on the planet and we don’t need a parade to prove that.”
Illinois’ Dick Durbin, the Senate Democratic whip, said, “I believe that spending millions, maybe more, on the President’s amusement is a colossal waste of funds that should be spent to make sure our troops are ready for battle and come home safely, their families receive all the support they deserve and that the waiting lines at VA facilities be reduced.”
the rich asshole’s push for this sort of display is huge a departure from the confidence of his immediate predecessor.
In 2016, President Barack Obama acknowledged American military strength in his final State of the Union, and he didn’t need a wasteful and embarrassing parade to make his point:
The United States of America is the most powerful nation on Earth. Period. It’s not even close. We spend more on our military than the next eight nations combined. Our troops are the finest fighting force in the history of the world. No nation dares to attack us or our allies because they know that’s the path to ruin.
The Obama administration could point to tangible results instead of resorting to showy displays. Like former Vice President Joe Biden said, “Osama bin Laden is dead, and General Motors is alive.”
When Republicans break their lockstep with the rich asshole, even for a nanosecond, to criticize one of his proposals, it’s clear how out of touch with normalcy the rich asshole administration is.
Republicans are taking the idea of operating inside a fact-free bubble to new heights.
Like some rich asshole, House Republicans serving on Rep. Devin Nunes’ Intelligence Committee want to build a wall. But instead of building a barrier along the border between the U.S. and Mexico, these Republicans want to construct one inside the committee’s congressional office in order to make sure Republicans no longer have to interact with Democrats.
The unprecedented, paranoid push comes as Nunes has taken a torch of any semblance of bipartisanship that the committee traditionally enjoyed.
For decades, members from both parties — as best they could — put aside their partisan difference since the committee’s topic of intelligence is such an important and sensitive one with regards to national security.
Instead, Nunes’ committee today has become a hotbed for radical conspiracies as Republicans there appear to spend most of their time constructing ways to protect the rich asshole from mounting political and legal woes.
And that’s when Republicans on the committee aren’t smearing the FBI and blatantly trying to undercut the work of special counsel Robert Mueller by accusing law enforcement of bias and trying to derail the GOP president.
And now Republicans want to seal off committee Democrats.
“In a sign of increasing partisan hostilities, Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee plan to construct a wall – a physical partition – separating Republican and Democratic staff members in the committee’s secure spaces, according to multiple committee sources,” CBS News reports. “It’s expected to happen this spring.”
Rep. Tom Rooney (R-FL) conceded to the CBS that the committee’s two parties are barely speaking at this point. “It’s absolute poison down there,” he said.
In fact, Rooney said the “entire Republican staff,” including “the woman up front that answers the phone” is being investigated for alleged leaks, a move that would likely be ordered by committee’s Republican chairman.
Democrats openly oppose any plans for an office wall.
“We have heard reports that the chairman may seek to erect a ‘wall’ to divide the staff of the intelligence committee on a partisan basis — this would be a terrible mistake,” the committee’s ranking member, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA).
The Intelligence Committee has been thrust into the headlines this year with the GOP’s decision to produce, market, and then release a supposed blockbuster intelligence memo that some Republicans promised would be “bigger than Watergate” in terms of the scandalous revelations it would include.
Instead, the memo’s released was widely derided as a failure. The memo flop even inspired the hashtag #YoMamaJokes, as social media teed off on the GOP flop.
More recently, an unhinged Nunes was fanaticizing on right-wing radio about whether he can make John Roberts, chief justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, “testify” to Congress about the concocted fantasies Nunes has been pushing for months about a vast anti-the rich asshole conspiracy within the FBI.
Nunes’s House Intelligence Committee has been gutted. And now he wants to build a wall around it.
WASHINGTON -- Rep. Chris Smith, who hasn't received less than 60 percent of the vote in his last 17 elections, has just been added to the House Democrats' list of 2018 targets.
Thursday's announcement by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee means that the party is now focusing on every Republican-held seat in New Jersey.
It's also a sign of how Democrats hope that President Donald Trump's historic unpopularity -- along with an angry electorate and the fact that the party controlling the White House traditionally loses congressional seats in off-year elections -- will carry even safe Republicans such as Smith, R-4th Dist., into retirement.
"Democrats are firmly on offense for a variety of reasons, including incredible candidate recruitment, record-breaking fundraising, a historically unpopular Republican agenda, and extensive district level polling showing Democrats already beating or in close competition with their opponents," said the DCCC's chairman, Rep. Ben Ray Lujan, D-N.M. N.J. races key to 2018
While Trump's favorable ratings have ticked up, he still remains in negative territory. In a Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday, 55 percent of U.S. voters disapproved of his perfromance in office, with just 40 percent approving.
In all, the DCCC added seven Republican-held districts to its target list, which already includes Reps. Tom MacArthur, R-3rd Dist., and Leonard Lance, R-7th Dist.; as well as the seats being vacated by retiring Reps. Frank LoBiondo, R-2nd Dist., and Rodney Frelinghuysen, R-11th Dist.
"Democrats have a proven record of overpromising and underdelivering," said Chris Martin, a spokesman for the National Republican Congressional Committee. "It's not surprising that they've been reduced to adding names to a wish list."
Smith, the longest-serving member of the New Jersey delegation, is considered a safe bet for re-election by two Washington-based publications that track congressional races, the Cook Political Report and Inside Elections.
"Voters trust Chris and consistently show their support for his record of legislative leadership and service to constituents," Smith spokeswoman Mary McDermott Noonan said. "He generally carries his district with 64 percent-plus, garnering a 100,000-vote margin in the last election."
He also had a large cash advantage over the two Democrats seeking to oust him, raising $307,634 through Dec. 31 and entering January with $392,450 in the bank.
Former Asbury Park Councilman Jim Keady, who memorably was told to "sit down and shut up" by then-Gov. Chris Christie, raised $145,488 with $61,019 to spend. Josh Welle brought in $172,813, contributed $8,430 of his own money, and had $133,119 cash on hand.
"We welcome the DCCC's support to flip the 4th District," Keady said. "It's long overdue that we send Congressman Smith into retirement."
Welle immediately sent out a fundraising email touting the DCCC's action.
"The 4th District made it onto the DCCC's radar because we need a congressman who will fight for a tax plan that doesn't devastate New Jersey and drive home values down, a congressman who will protect our beaches and environment from offshore oil drilling, a congressman who will work for affordable and accessible health care," Welle said.
Smith bucked his party on two high-profile votes last year.
He opposed the House Republican health care bill and voted against the GOP tax plan that gutted the federal deduction for state and local taxes. He also has joined the rest of the congressional delegation in opposing Trump's proposal to open the Jersey Shore to offshore oil drilling.
Only four House Republicans have supported Trump less than Smith has, according to Nate Silver's
Still, Smith is a Republican in a state that gave Trump a 61 percent disapproval rating, with just 34 percent approving, in a recent Gallup poll. Residents of only eight other states thought less of Trump than those living in New Jersey, according to the poll.
The Cook Political Report, meanwhile, changed its rating on the LoBiondo district Thursday and now makes state Sen. Jeff Van Drew, D-Cape May, a slight favorite to win in November.
"Van Drew looks almost as imposing as an incumbent," said David Wasserman, Cook's House race editor.
Mike Pence overnight posted a very Trumpian tweet in his latest attempt to not take responsibility for having supported funding for anti-gay conversion therapy.
Headed to the Olympics to cheer on #TeamUSA. One reporter trying to distort 18 yr old nonstory to sow seeds of division. We won’t let that happen! #FAKENEWS. Our athletes are the best in the world and we are for ALL of them! #TEAMUSA
And while the Vice President can call it “fake news,” it’s not.
Olympic skater Adam Rippon last month slammed Vice President Pence for his support of the fraudulent practice of anti-gay conversion therapy, in a USA Today interview. Pence reportedly was so angered by Rippon’s remarks within an hour of the article being published his office tried to arrange a conversation with the Olympic skater, who at the time was the first openly-gay athlete to participate in the Winter Olympic Games.
Rippon refused, as USA Today’s Christine Brennan reported. She spoke with CNN Thursday morning to explain the entire story.
The Vice President “was so concerned about the criticism he received from U.S. Olympic figure skater Adam Rippon that his staff went to the extraordinary length of asking the U.S. Olympic Committee to set up a conversation between the two – an offer Rippon turned down,” Brennan reported.
Pence’s office is now refuting that they tried to arrange a conversation, but Brennan stands by her reporting, as she told CNN Thursday morning.
Conversion therapy, also known as reparative therapy, is a dangerous practice that supposedly turns gay people straight. It does not. In fact, every major medical organization has warned of the possible harms it can bring, which noting it is ineffective. It has also been linked to suicide. Judges have ruled it is “fraud.”
Yet when running for re-election as a U.S. Congressman Mike Pence’s campaign website noted he supported funding the practice, which Pence now denies.
“The widespread belief that Pence supports gay conversion therapy,” USA Today noted, “comes from a statement he made in 2000 on his congressional campaign website: ‘Resources should be directed toward those institutions which provide assistance to those seeking to change their sexual behavior.’ While he didn’t explicitly mention gay conversion therapy, leaders in the LGBT community have said they believe that’s what Pence meant in light of his long-standing opposition to gay rights.”
Pence also tweeted directly to Rippon, basically telling the Olympic athlete what he told USA Today is fake news too:
.@Adaripp I want you to know we are FOR YOU. Don’t let fake news distract you. I am proud of you and ALL OF OUR GREAT athletes and my only hope for you and all of #TeamUSA is to bring home the gold. Go get ‘em!
Conservative CNN contributor Amanda Carpenter on Thursday railed against the White House and President some rich asshole.
Carpenter, a former Ted Cruz staffer, was reacting to the White House’s response to ex-staff secretary Rob Porter, who allegedly had abused two of his previous wives.
“The bottom line of this is that they protected an abuser, and guess what, it’s a job qualification to work in the White House, to protect someone who talked favorably about sexual assault on the Access Hollywood tapes,” she said. “That’s the job qualification in the White House.”
“This is the same president who laughs along with Howard Stern when he says disgusting things about his daughter,” Carpenter continued. “I don’t know how people in the White House let this man date [communications director] Hope Hicks… They protect abusers. There’s no way of getting around it.”
“If you tolerate people who do this to people they say they love, what will they do to the people they don’t know? This matters to a normal person. These people don’t have restraint. It’s disgusting to watch.”
The White House domestic abuse scandal just gets worse.
some rich asshole’s White House has been bungling the Rob Porter domestic abuse scandal, and is still making it clear they would have kept defending Porter if he had not resigned.
On Thursday afternoon, principal deputy press secretary Raj Shah took to the podium for his debut as Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ fill-in, hours late and in over his head. He was promptly peppered with questions about the White House’s mishandling of now-ousted senior staffer Rob Porter.
Among the revelations that Shah made at the briefing was the fact that the White House will not deny chief of staff John Kelly knew about the abuse allegations months ago. Shah would only say that Kelly became “fully aware” of the allegations based on news reports and was “shocked” when he saw the published photographs.
Shah was also forced to admit “we all could have done better” in dealing with the scandal, referring to the entire White House staff, but refused to elaborate.
NBC News’s Kelly O’Donnell followed up Shah’s admission by asking if White House staffers’ personal feelings had influenced their botching of the scandal.
“I’d point you to a number of statements that indicate the White House was prepared to defend Rob Porter based on initial accusations that we heard about, and his denial,” Shah said. “And that was based on our experiences with Rob Porter, and so to answer your question, I think that the initial response was based upon that.”
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On its face, Shah’s assertion that they were prepared to defend Porter until the “shocking” photos came out is despicable, but the truth is far worse.
The fact is that the White House was still defending Porter after the photos came out, as evidenced by the fact that Sarah Huckabee Sanders read a statement from the podium on Wednesday in which Porter claimed to have taken the photos himself. Sanders then told reporters that the White House had not pressured Porter to resign, and would allow him to stay on while his position was filled.
It was only after the public began reacting to the photos that Kelly and the White House changed their tune, accelerating Porter’s departure and adding lip service to the “shocking” allegations.
Even so, it is a stunning admission that these allegations alone were not enough for the White House to jettison Porter, and that they freely admit Kelly may have known about them for months.
This White House’s hostility toward women isn’t new, but this scandal will continue to bathe it in a bright, ugly light.
During the White House press briefing on Thursday, deputy press secretary Raj Shah was asked why Rob Porter was allowed to work in a sensitive White House role for a year after two of his ex-wives told the FBI he had physically and emotionally abused them.
“You talked about the fact that there weren’t any concerns, you said, that could that could compromise national security or interfere with operations here at the White House, but we’ve spoken to one of Porter’s ex-wives who told us that she warned the FBI that he could be susceptible to blackmail because of the allegations,” NBC’s Peter Alexander said.
“I’m not going to get into the specifics of the allegation itself,” he said. “I think that’s a question for the FBI and others.”
Shah’s response didn’t foreclose the possibility that the FBI didn’t inform the White House about the accusations. But the White House has acknowledged that senior officials were generally aware of the abuse allegations against Porter, a secretary tasked with handling sensitive documents for President the rich asshole.
What finally prompted the White House to act? At other points during the briefing, Shah said the photograph the Daily Mail published earlier this week showing one of Porter’s ex-wives with a black eye made officials “fully aware” of the allegations.
Shah said that prior to then, the White House’s thinking was that the accusations “involve incidents long before [Porter] joined the White House,” and that Porter’s denials also needed to be considered.
“This is a process that involves a thorough investigation, and as I went through the process, it involves looking at not just accusations, but denials,” Shah said.
Shah, making his first appearance behind the White House press briefing podium, also struggled to explain why on Wednesday, Chief of Staff John Kelly offered an unqualified endorsement of Porter and reportedly tried to convince him not to resign — even thought he knew of the abuse allegations against him.
If the FBI indeed told the White House about the blackmail concerns surrounding Porter, it wouldn’t be the first time the rich asshole administration failed to act following a tip of that sort.
Days after the rich asshole’s inauguration, the FBI informed the White House about blackmail concerns surrounding then-National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, who had made false statements to investigators about his contacts with Russia. Flynn, however, kept working at the White House for 18 days.
Last July, the Washington Post reported that U.S. intelligence intercepts indicate that Attorney General Jeff Sessions lied when he claimed he never discussed campaign-related matters with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak during their meetings last year. If true, that means Sessions would also have opened himself up to possible blackmail.
Neil Cavuto watches the stock market sink (Photo: Screen capture)
As deputy press secretary Raj Shah was detailing the specifics about Rob Porter’s resignation from President some rich asshole’s White House the Dow Jones began another profound decline.
After a day of falling numbers, prior to the stock market closing, it plummeted over 1,032 points to close at 23,860.
Fox News quickly cut from the White House press briefing about the allegations from Porter’s two ex-wives and questions from an ex-girlfriend who accused him of abusive behavior.
“OK, we’re having another one of those, ‘what the hell happened’ moments,” exclaimed host Neil Cavuto.
Professional psychologists have often questioned whether President some rich asshole suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), a psychological condition that Psychology Today writes is defined by “a lack of ability to empathize with others and an inflated sense of self-importance.”
This week, Psychology Today also published an article outlining the 15 traits that psychologists often look for when diagnosing NPD, and most of them line up very well with things that the rich asshole himself has written on Twitter.
In fact, the only trait of NPD where no corresponding tweet could be found was that of being made “easily to feel bad about a real or imagined wrongdoing.”
Check out the other 14 traits — and their corresponding the rich asshole tweets — below.
1. “Reactive anger: Becoming enraged when they perceive a personal slight.”
After having his mental fitness for the presidency questioned by MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski last year, the rich asshole reacted angrily by talking about her supposedly getting a bloody facelift.
2. “Indifference: Not caring about how other people feel.”
the rich asshole regularly throws out insults about other people, including this tweet that mocked the appearance of Heidi Cruz, the wife of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).
3. “Need for admiration: Being in need of positive affirmation.”
the rich asshole frequently demands to be given credit — even when he doesn’t deserve it — as this tweet falsely crediting himself with NATO focusing more on terrorism demonstrates.
4. “Exhibitionism: Showing off the qualities they perceive as being positive.”
the rich asshole uses Twitter to tout his own greatness on a near-daily basis, including this tweet in which he proclaims himself to be a “very stable genius.”
6. Thrill-seeking: Deriving pleasure from taking risks.
the rich asshole has often taken risky bets with his businesses, which have led him to file for bankruptcy multiple times. As president, he’s taken this risky behavior into the realm of international diplomacy, as seen in this tweet taunting North Korea about his “nuclear button.”
North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the “Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times.” Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!
10. “Exploitativeness: Using people for their own purposes.”
When NBA star Dwyane Wade’s cousin was fatally shot in 2016, the rich asshole immediately used her death as a reason why black people should vote for him.
12. “Arrogance: Not believing they should be held accountable for their actions.”
the rich asshole has infamously called special counsel Robert Mueller’s prove a “witch hunt” — but that’s far from the only time he’s declared efforts to hold him accountable illegitimate. In 2013, for example, he approvingly quoted a fan who called the fraud lawsuit filed against the rich asshole University a “witch hunt” as well. Despite this, he eventually agreed to pay $25 million to settle the suit.
13. “Lack of empathy: Not caring, or being able to care, about other people’s feelings.”
After Hillary Clinton pointed out that the rich asshole had publicly humiliated former Miss Universe winner Alicia Machado by forcing her to publicly work out in front of news cameras to lose weight, the rich asshole responded by trying to humiliate her again by telling his followers to watch a “sex tape” she made.
An advertisement for a DC-based heating company featuring a the rich asshole impersonator. Image via screengrab.
As with every year, the 2018 Super Bowl was chock-full of shocking ads. But viewers in the Washington, DC media market were the only ones treated to a local heating company’s ad featuring some rich asshole impersonator.
For the second year in a row, Cyprus Air Fireplace Systems ran a the rich asshole-themed Super Bowl ad featuring the DC team’s quarterback Kirk Cousins.
“Mr. President!” the quarterback yells, accidentally hitting the faux-the rich asshole in the face with a football while he’s tweeting about installing coal fireplaces in the White House.
“Why are you throwing balls in my face, Kurt Cousins?” the “president” asks, mispronouncing the quarterback’s name.
After “the rich asshole” complains about the White House’s “ash-hole” coal-burning fireplaces, Cousins takes him to Cyprus Air’s natural gas fireplace showroom. He tells the fake president that the company is having an 80 percent off special, and pseudo-the rich asshole seems impressed.
“Wait a minute, 80 percent?” he exclaims. “That’s almost as high as my approval rating.”
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