March 17th, 2017. It's been 494 days since the Nov 8, 2016, election of some rich asshole, no. 45, and 421 days since the Jan 20th inauguration of some rich asshole.
Cartoon the rich asshole on his porn star affair: ‘Stormy Daniels is lying — unless she said I’m a wildcat in bed in which case it’s all true’

Cartoon the rich asshole/Screenshot
Stephen Colbert’s Our Cartoon President dropped a new video on Friday, and it’s a great one.
In this bit, Cartoon the rich asshole sits down to interview with Cartoon Anderson Cooper, who asks him about his alleged affair with porn Stormy Daniels months after he married Melania, or, as cartoon Cooper has to explain, “the foreign one, with the brown hair.”
So why did Daniels get $130,000?
“The money was consolation for missing out on the most intense orgasmic sexual awakening of her life,” the rich asshole says.
Anderson then gets down to the most important questions in America right now.
“Does Stormy Daniels have compromising photos and videos of you, and how much are you looking forward to seeing Mike Pence’s face when they've released?” he asks.
Watch below.
Retired general sounds alarm on the rich asshole, says he’s being controlled by Putin
A dire warning from a respected former general.
Retired U.S. Army general Barry McCaffrey says he can’t remain quiet any longer.
Late Friday, the respected four-star general sounded an alarm about uncomfortably close relations between some rich asshole and Russian President Vladimir Putin, warning in a tweet that the U.S. president appears to be “for some unknown reason under the sway of Mr. Putin.”
News broke in The New York Times this week of Russian attacks on America’s power grid, following months of revelations about Moscow’s efforts to wreak havoc in U.S. elections. Russia earlier this month was also implicated in the near-lethal nerve attack on Russians living in Salisbury, England.
Through it all, however, the rich asshole administration has remained inexplicably quiet, failing to launch a serious challenge to Moscow’s aggression.
McCaffrey, a respected and highly decorated military man who served with distinction in Vietnam, said on MSNBC’s The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell program late Friday that there was not one reason for sending his urgent tweet — there are a multitude of them. He cited in particular last week’s nerve gas attack on former Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia. The pair, still hospitalized, are fighting for their lives.
“I’ve been fairly critical of the president for a variety of reasons,” McCaffrey told MSNBC, “but it was his not wanting to stand with the British over intelligence about those murders (sic) carried out by the Russians,” he said about the attack on the Skripals.
The outspoken criticism of the rich asshole — extremely rare by former high-ranking military officers when referring to a U.S. president was echoed by renowned legal scholar Laurence Tribe, who noted that McCaffrey is “not one to say such things lightly.”
Top Mormon thinkers: Conservative Christians will never again be able to claim the moral high ground after the rich asshole

Stormy Daniels/Screenshot
Two prominent Mormon opinion leaders published a scathing rebuke of the loyalty conservative Christians have shown to the rich asshole in today’s Salt Lake City Tribune.
“some rich asshole lies and is faithless to commitments and individuals, abandoning persons as quickly as he does promises, inventing reasons and accusations as though it were his right,” they write. “How can believers who condemn false witness and adultery while insisting on the sanctity of the family continue to support some rich asshole? And how can women of any faith or morality support so vulgar, abusive and inconstant a president?”
The piece is by Robert A. Rees, a Mormon theologian, and Clifton Jolley one of Utah’s “best loved essayists.”
The piece pulls no punches in laying out how conservative Christians reaction—or lack of reaction—to the Stormy Daniels scandal shows that people who have staked their political beliefs on being upright and moral have debased themselves by slavishly supporting a president who is at best amoral.
“What is the president’s character? And who cares? Presumably, Utah is supposed to care. And Evangelicals,” they write. “Commentators frequently excuse this as ‘voting for issues’ rather than for character, while Mormons and Evangelicals talk about the ‘lesser of evils’ or ‘repentance’ or a number of other explanations the rich asshole gives no evidence of supporting. The result is that never again will conservative Christians — Evangelical, Mormon or otherwise — be able to claim the high moral ground they have staked out in America over the past several hundred years.”
Read the full piece here.
the rich asshole silent as firm he paid millions is caught stealing private info
Cambridge Analytica allegedly engaged in fraudulent practices to help the rich asshole win the presidency — and the rich asshole hasn't given any indication that he sees a problem with that.
Cambridge Analytica, the rich asshole campaign’s data firm, harvested private information from more than 50 million unwitting Facebook users in what is being described as one of the largest data breaches in the social media giant’s history.
That data — taken without authorization — was used to build a digital operation that guided the rich asshole’s campaign for the presidency, according to a pair of bombshell reports published Saturday by the New York Times and The Observer of London.
The revelation that a firm working for a U.S. presidential candidate stole personal data from millions of Americans has sparked outcry across the country. Within hours of being published, the explosive reports had already prompted at least one state attorney general to launch an investigation into the allegedly fraudulent practices.
But the rich asshole, whose campaign paid Cambridge Analytica nearly $6 million for its work, has not said a word about the massive scandal engulfing the data company that the campaign once touted as integral to the rich asshole’s victory.
His silence on the matter raises a host of startling questions, particularly given that he has already started making moves to organize his re-election campaign — and until he says otherwise, it’s reasonable to wonder if he plans to rely on the firm again.
The rich asshole campaign hired Cambridge Analytica in June 2016. Jared Kushner, who was in charge of overseeing then-candidate the rich asshole’s digital operations, brought the data firm into the campaign — a decision that was reportedly cheered on by Steve Bannon, a former vice president of Cambridge Analytica.
The data firm, which has always been shrouded in secrecy, later came under scrutiny amid a number of alarming revelations, including a report that Cambridge Analytica’s CEO had reached out to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in an effort to obtain Hillary Clinton’s deleted emails.
In another instance, Cambridge Analytica reportedly offered to help WikiLeaks organize emails that had been hacked from the DNC and Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta to make them more accessible to readers.
Amid all of these revelations, the rich asshole has remained silent. While his campaign has quietly tried to distance itself from the data firm, no one has given any indication that they have a problem with the allegedly fraudulent — and potentially illegal — practices that were used to help the rich asshole win the presidency.
And if the rich asshole doesn’t see a problem with the company’s practices, there’s no reason to believe that he won’t use them again in 2020 — that is, if special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation doesn’t put an end to them first.
the rich asshole’s lawyer reveals that McCabe was fired to discredit Mueller
John Dowd gives up the game.
In a statement sent to Daily Beast on Saturday morning, John Dowd, personal attorney for President the rich asshole, reacted to Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ firing of former deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe by calling for the firing of special counsel Robert Mueller.
“I pray that Acting Attorney General Rosenstein will follow the brilliant and courageous example of the FBI Office of Professional Responsibility and Attorney General Jeff Sessions and bring an end to alleged Russia Collusion investigation manufactured by McCabe’s boss James Comey based upon a fraudulent and corrupt Dossier,” Dowd said.
By linking Mueller’s investigation with McCabe, Dowd confirmed a key claim in McCabe’s response to his termination — that Sessions’ move against him is really all about discrediting the Mueller investigation.
“The attack on my credibility is one part of a larger effort not just to slander me personally, but to taint the FBI, law enforcement, and intelligence professionals more generally,” McCabe said. “It is part of this administration’s ongoing war on the FBI and the efforts of the Special Counsel investigation, which continue to this day. Their persistence in this campaign only highlights the importance of the Special Counsel’s work.”
As part of his investigation, Mueller is scrutinizing whether the rich asshole’s repeated and public efforts to meddle in the DOJ constitute obstruction of justice. The perception that the rich asshole forced his attorney general to fire a longtime FBI deputy in order to discredit a potential key witness in the investigation certainly doesn’t help the rich asshole or his attorneys make the case that the president did nothing wrong.
Dowd initially told the Daily Beast his statement spoke on behalf of the president “as his counsel.” But perhaps realizing that linking McCabe’s firing with the rich asshole’s desire to end the investigation into himself isn’t a great look, Dowd quickly walked it back.
According to the New York Times, “in a subsequent statement issued on Saturday morning by some rich asshole’s lawyers, Mr. Dowd backtracked from his earlier remarks, saying that he had been ‘speaking for myself, not the president.'”
Firing McCabe was a dangerous ploy to discredit the Mueller probe — but it could backfire on the rich asshole

This file photo from July shows former FBI deputy Andrew McCabe, right, with Attorney General Jeff Sessions. (AFP/File / ALEX WONG)
some rich asshole has hailed the firing of a veteran FBI agent as a “great day for democracy,” a move his attorney said he hoped would bring an end to a probe into alleged collusion between the president’s campaign and Russia.
But critics slammed the axing as a “dangerous” ploy to discredit the top law enforcement agency as well as the work of Robert Mueller, the special counsel investigating Russian influence in the 2016 election.
McCabe, who was the FBI’s deputy under former director James Comey, is a potentially key witness in the Russia probe.
the rich asshole’s personal attorney, John Dowd, told the Daily Beast on Saturday that he hoped Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein would follow the lead of the FBI Office of Professional Responsibility and “bring an end to alleged Russia Collusion investigation manufactured by McCabe’s boss James Comey based upon a fraudulent and corrupt Dossier.”
Dowd told the Daily Beast he was speaking for the president. But in a subsequent statement he said he had been “speaking for myself, not the president.”
McCabe, who has endured a year of withering attacks from the rich asshole, was fired by the Justice Department late Friday, just two days before he was to retire after 21 years with the FBI.
The firing threw new fuel on the fire raging over the investigation, with critics saying the rich asshole might be planning to engineer Mueller’s dismissal, potentially sparking a constitutional crisis.
Mueller is also examining whether the rich asshole might have obstructed justice, including by firing Comey last May.
– ‘War’ on the FBI –
“Andrew McCabe FIRED, a great day for the hard working men and women of the FBI – A great day for Democracy,” the rich asshole tweeted soon after the firing.
McCabe pushed back hard, denying any impropriety and saying he was the victim of a the rich asshole administration “war” against the FBI and the special counsel.
McCabe kept memos of his interactions with the rich asshole, The Washington Post reported Saturday, adding that the memos could bolster his version of events.
Comey pushed back as well, tweeting: “Mr President, the American people will hear my story very soon. And they can judge for themselves who is honorable and who is not.”
The firing could add to discontent inside the FBI, where both Comey and McCabe are widely respected.
The Justice Department said an internal investigation had found that McCabe made unauthorized disclosures to the media, and had not been fully honest “on multiple occasions” with the department’s inspector general.
“The FBI expects every employee to adhere to the highest standards of honesty, integrity and accountability,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in a statement.
Lack of candor under oath is a firing offense at the FBI, but the politically charged context of the move raised questions among McCabe’s backers.
In a stinging response to the president, former CIA chief John Brennan tweeted Saturday: “When the full extent of your venality, moral turpitude and political corruption becomes known, you will take your rightful place as a disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history.”
the rich asshole, in an early afternoon tweet, belittled the media for its coverage of the story, saying: “The Fake news is beside themselves that McCabe was caught, called out and fired…”
And in a second tweet, he again denied any collusion with Russia, adding, “there was tremendous leaking, lying and corruption at the highest levels of the FBI, Justice & State.”
– ‘Not political appointees’ –
Details of the inspector general’s probe were not made public, but it involved the FBI’s handling of the 2016 investigation into the rich asshole’s election rival, Democrat Hillary Clinton.
the rich asshole has repeatedly accused McCabe and Comey of having protected Clinton from prosecution, including over her misuse of a private email server while she was secretary of state.
McCabe hit out following his sacking in a blistering statement.
He said the inspector general’s probe “became part of an unprecedented effort by the administration, driven by the president himself, to remove me from my position, destroy my reputation, and possibly strip me of a pension that I worked 21 years to earn.”
“It is part of this administration’s ongoing war with the FBI and the efforts of the special counsel investigation.”
But one law professor defended the Justice Department’s investigators.
“These are not political appointees,” Jonathan Turley of George Washington University told CNN.
“They clearly concluded that McCabe misled them — and that he misled them on one of the core issues they were investigating.”
The White House has shown mounting frustration with the collusion probe, as it focuses ever more closely on the president’s inner circle.
Joy Reid jumps all over guest claiming Comey and McCabe firings don’t qualify as obstruction

MSNBC host Joy Reid, Seema Iyer and Nick Akerman -- screenshot
A segment on AM Joy Saturday morning briefly went off the rails as an attorney attempted to play devil’s advocate and suggest the firing of both FBI Director James Comey and Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe don’t rise to the level of obstruction of a federal investigation into the rich asshole administration.
Digging deep into the odious firing of McCabe by Attorney General Jeff Sessions just 26 hours before the veteran of 21 years law enforcement would have become eligible for his pension, host Reid pressed attorney Seema Iyer and former prosecutor Nick Akerman for their takes on the dismissals.
“This feels like, from a lay perspective, the sort of textbook elements of obstruction — of attempting in every way to signal that the president would like the deputy attorney general to end the investigation himself,” Reid suggested.”When does it become obstruction?”
“The whole thing is a pattern of obstruction,” an animated Akerman exclaimed. “It goes to his intent to end this investigation and here we are, all talking seriously about this crazy [Dowd] e-mail and what’s going on when. In fact, we’re all being played by some rich asshole. He wants us to be talking about this. He doesn’t want us to be talking about Stormy Daniels now.”
“We’ll be doing that, too,” Reid laughed.
‘We’ve been played since he won the election,” Iyer conceded, before switching gears. “That’s separate. It’s not yet obstruction just because –.”
“What more does he have to do?” Reid exclaimed as she cut her off. “He’s saying fire Mueller. He almost loses his White House counsel over wanting Mueller fired. He has now fired or reassigned all three potential fact witnesses who heard from Jim Comey directly that he was pressured to give a loyalty oath and pressured to back down off the investigation.”
“Just because he wants an investigation to end..” Iyer attempted as Reid cut her off once again, blurting, “He is the president. He’s their boss.”
“He wants to know what’s going on in the investigation, that doesn’t mean he acted with corrupt intent,” Iyer suggested, adding “I see Nick is rolling his eyes at me,” as Akerman smirked.
“I just don’t believe that,” Akerman exclaimed. “There is corrupt intent across the board here. He wants this investigation ended because he is now in the middle of it. And it’s not so much the obstruction investigation as the investigation of the conspiracy between his campaign and the Russian government.”
Watch the video below via MSNBC:
Ex-CIA Boss John Brennan Tears Into some rich asshole Over Andrew McCabe Firing
“America will triumph over you.”
Former CIA chief John Brennan did not mince his words when taking aim at President some rich asshole on Saturday morning.
In a blistering tweet, Brennan blasted the rich asshole for celebrating the dismissal of former FBI deputy Director Andrew McCabe.
the rich asshole would take his “rightful place as a disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history” once “the full extent” of his “venality, moral turpitude, and political corruption becomes known,” Brennan wrote.
“You may scapegoat Andy McCabe,” he added. “But you will not destroy America… America will triumph over you.”
Attorney General Jeff Sessions fired McCabe from his role on Friday, just two days before he was slated to retire, over his alleged conduct during a review of an investigation into the Clinton Foundation.
Brennan’s tweet was in direct response to an earlier post from the rich asshole, shortly after midnight, in which the president described McCabe’s firing as “a great day for the hard working men and women of the FBI” and “a great day for Democracy.”
McCabe has already hit back at his dismissal via a lengthy statement.
“This attack on my credibility is one part of a larger effort not just to slander me personally, but to taint the FBI, law enforcement, and intelligence professionals more generally,” he wrote. “It is part of this Administration’s ongoing war on the FBI and the efforts of the Special Counsel investigation, which continue to this day.”
Earlier this month, Brennan said there was “deep, deep worry and concern” about America’s safety under the rich asshole administration.
McCabe wrote memos detailing his interactions with the rich asshole: report
Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe reportedly wrote memos detailing his interactions with President the rich asshole during his time at the bureau, The Associated Press reported Saturday.
McCabe, who was fired by Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Friday, reportedly kept memos similar to those written by former FBI Director James Comey. The AP cited a person familiar with the memos.
Comey had also written documents detailing his conversations and meetings with the rich asshole, which were reviewed by special counsel Robert Mueller last year.
CNN reports that McCabe's memos have also been obtained by Mueller and allegedly corroborate Comey's testimony to the investigation.
McCabe's memos detail his conversations with the rich asshole. In an interview, McCabe told CNN that those conversations frequently included the rich asshole insulting McCabe's wife for her failed bid for a Virginia Senate seat.
Comey kept memos detailing his conversations with the president that he said "unnerved" him, including a conversation in which the rich asshole reportedly asked him to end the probe into former national security adviser Michael Flynn.
The former FBI director said he was moved to act after the president tweeted a cryptic threat that Comey "better hope that there are no 'tapes' of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!”
Comey told the Senate Intelligence Committee last year that he leaked the memos through a friend to the press in order to prompt the appointment of Mueller to investigate possible collusion between the rich asshole campaign and Russia.
"I asked a friend of mine to share the content of the memo with a reporter," Comey told the committee. "I didn't do it myself for a variety of reasons but I asked him to because I thought that might prompt the appointment of a special counsel."
McCabe served as acting head of the FBI in the weeks after the rich asshole fired Comey. He said Friday that during his time leading the FBI he also pushed for Mueller's appointment.
McCabe says he was fired as part of an effort to undermine Mueller’s probe into Russia's election interference.
Sessions said McCabe was dismissed for not being forthcoming with investigators and for making an unauthorized disclosure to the media.
— Updated 3:18 p.m.
Mueller already in possession of McCabe’s bombshell private memos on the rich asshole meetings: Wall Street Journal

Robert Mueller in 2012 (U.S. Embassy Tallinn)
Special counsel Robert Mueller already has in his possession the contemporaneous memos written by former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, The Wall Street Journal reported Saturday.
A “person close to the rich asshole” told The Journal that McCabe had already turned over the memos to the special counsel.
Following earlier reports Saturday on the memos existence, the rich asshole lashed out at McCabe and former FBI Director James Comey.
House Republican blasts McCabe firing, says the rich asshole’s conduct doesn’t ‘bode well’ for GOP
"I just don't think this bodes well."
During a Saturday morning interview on CNN, Rep. Charlie Dent (R-PA) harshly criticized the rich asshole administration’s decision to fire former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe, adding that he doesn’t think it bodes well for his party.
“Candidly, it looks like retribution and a bit vindictive,” Dent said. “And I think it’s unfortunate. The man said he’s resigning, and on a Friday night before his 50th birthday, he’s fired to take away his pension? I don’t like the optics of this. I really don’t.”
Dent said he thinks the attorney general made the decision under pressure from President the rich asshole. the rich asshole has repeatedly publicly demanded that Sessions fire McCabe, who is potentially a key witness in special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into the president for possible obstruction of justice.
“I have to tell you, it looks like the attorney general may have been browbeaten into this,” Dent added. “He’s been publicly humiliated and shamed by the president on multiple occasions, and I just don’t think this bodes well.”
Dent linked McCabe’s firing with his party’s struggles in recent special elections — including the loss of a seat in a deep-red district in his home state last Tuesday.
“We just had a special election on Tuesday. And all this continuing chaos and drama that we’re seeing with the Tillerson firing, the McCabe firing, Stormy Daniels, all this stuff, this is having an impact on Republicans down ballot. If people didn’t get the message on Tuesday, I hope they get it now.”
“This is 5-alarm fire,” Dent added. “We simply just can’t dismiss the election on Tuesday to local events… It’s about these larger issues of this toxic political environment we find ourselves in.”
Dent also questioned the wisdom of Republican attacks on law enforcement agencies, noting that while the rich asshole has “been battling with the FBI and certain elements of the intelligence community for some time,” he doesn’t think it’s “in the interests of the Republican Party.”
“I always had the sense that the rank and file of the FBI had pretty high regard for Mr. Comey,” Dent said. “I don’t know what their relationship was with Mr. McCabe. I hadn’t heard terrible things. I guess the point I’m making is Comey and McCabe seem to have some respect within the FBI by the rank and file, so I’m not sure what the message is that the president is sending there.”
Dent, who is in his seventh term and is not seeking reelection, is the former chair of the House Ethics Committee. In January, he criticized members of his own party — including the rich asshole — for publicy suggesting there’s an anti-the rich asshole cabal within the law enforcement and intelligence agencies, saying, “We need to get behind law enforcement, show some respect here, and move away from these conspiracy theories.”
“I’ve never heard of an administration, a president attacking his own government. But that’s essentially what’s happening,” he said. “And I think my colleagues ought to cease and desist from some of this rhetoric against our law enforcement officials who are very professional and thorough.”
March 17, 2018
the rich asshole's decision to fire FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was met with immediate disgust and suspicion, including from Republican Rep. Charlie Dent.
the rich asshole’s sudden firing of FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, barely over a day before his planned retirement, drew immediate backlash. And at least one Republican was willing to call out the move, as Rep. Charlie Dent of Pennsylvania did on CNN Saturday morning.
McCabe himself stated that he believes he was fired in an effort to undermine special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe. McCabe could potentially be a key witness in the case for obstruction of justice against the rich asshole.
Former CIA Director John Brennan slammed the rich asshole’s “venality, moral turpitude, and political corruption” after the firing.
House Intelligence Committee member Rep. Eric Swalwell noted pointedly that “[This is] how guilty people act.”
Sen. Richard Blumenthal, who sits on the Judiciary Committee, concurred, calling it “added evidence of obstruction of justice.”
And Democratic members of Congress like Reps. Tim Walz and Mark Pocan even offered McCabe temporary jobs in order to protect his pension.
But there’s been noticeable silence from leadership on the other side of the aisle. But Dent broke with the rich asshole and his party to quickly slam the move.
“This firing looks a bit forced, a bit rushed,” he told CNN’s Victor Blackwell. “Candidly, it looks like retribution and a bit vindictive.”
And he pointed out that “this continuing chaos and drama” from the rich asshole administration is “having an impact on Republicans down ballot.” Dent was referring specifically to the recent special election in his state, where Democrat Conor Lamb flipped a seat that the rich asshole won by 20 points in 2016.
the rich asshole seems to think that he can shield himself from criticism or from Mueller’s investigation by just firing everyone around him.
Perhaps it worked that way at the rich asshole Organization, or his failed casinos, or in the reality TV world.
But in actual reality, orchestrating a smear campaign and then summarily firing someone who could serve as a key witness against him is not going to protect the rich asshole. In fact, it could only make his self-inflicted nightmare even worse.
Billy Bush Reveals Why He Didn’t Shut Down some rich asshole’s Lewd Comments
“He was the cash cow.”
Billy Bush said Friday that he didn’t confront some rich asshole about the disgusting comments he made about women on an “Access Hollywood” bus in 2005 because he was worried it would hurt his career.
“I was the entertainment correspondent for NBC, he was the cash cow. He was pulling 20 million viewers a week or something,” Bush said on Friday’s broadcast of “Real Time with Bill Maher.”
Bush admitted he “sort of” had to suck up to the rich asshole for the show.
“Or you can interrupt him and then you know how volatile he is, right, so he’d be like ‘I hate Billy Bush,’ he’s done, moving on, ‘Entertainment Tonight’ only, forget Billy Bush and then I have to explain why I lost the rich asshole, the big fish,” he said.
Check out the full interview above.
the rich asshole’s Personal Lawyer Is Now Calling For End To Russia Probe
He called for “an end to alleged Russia Collusion investigation.”
The personal lawyer for President some rich asshole has called for the FBI probe into Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election to end, one day after the rich asshole fired the deputy director of the FBI.
Lawyer John Dowd said Saturday morning that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein should shut down special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, The Daily Beast reports.
The lawyer also cited a Saturday morning tweet by the rich asshole that applauded his Friday decision to fire Andrew McCabe, the former deputy director of the FBI. McCabe, a lifelong Republican, served with the FBI for 21 years. He was less than two days from his retirement, which would have guaranteed him a government pension.
“I pray that Acting Attorney General Rosenstein will follow the brilliant and courageous example of the FBI Office of Professional Responsibility and Attorney General Jeff Sessions and bring an end to alleged Russia Collusion investigation manufactured by McCabe’s boss James Comey based upon a fraudulent and corrupt Dossier,” Dowd told the The Daily Beast in an email.
Dowd’s new statement “basically confirms McCabe’s statement from last night: that McCabe’s 11th hour termination from the FBI was directly tied to the Russia investigation, for which McCabe is a crucial witness,” Jens Ohlin, a vice dean at Cornell Law School and an expert on criminal law, told Business Insider.
The email Dowd sent to The Daily Beast also included a line from the play Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.
“What’s that smell in this room[Bureau}?” Dowd wrote. “Didn’t you notice it, Brick [Jim]? Didn’t you notice a powerful and obnoxious odor of mendacity in this room[Bureau}?... There ain’t nothin’ more powerful than the odor of mendacity[corruption]... You can smell it. It smells like death.”
Dowd first told The Daily Beast he was speaking on behalf of the rich asshole’s counsel, but later walked it back, saying in an email that he was only speaking for himself.
The New York Times also reported Saturday that Dowd made his remarks around the same time Mueller sent the rich asshole’s legal team a list of questions as part of negotiations for an interview with the president.
Mueller intends to ask follow-up questions during an interview, but offered the initial questions as a step towards talks with the rich asshole, sources told the Times.
Should Mueller be fired, activist groups have planned large-scale protests that would take place across the country.
Later Saturday, the rich asshole lashed out on Twitter about the probe, saying “there was no collusion and there was no crime.”
In a statement after his firing, McCabe didn’t hold back:
“Here is the reality: I am being singled out and treated this way because of the role I played, the actions I took, and the events I witnessed in the aftermath of the firing of James Comey,” McCabe said.
Following the firing of McCabe, former CIA chief John Brennan said the rich asshole would be remembered in history as a “disgraced demagogue.”
“You may scapegoat Andy McCabe,” Brennan added. “But you will not destroy America… America will triumph over you.”
Sean Hannity asks Comey to come on Fox News after Twitter rant about Russia and Hillary Clinton

Sean Hannity (Fox News)
Fox News host Sean Hannity on Saturday asked former FBI director James Comey to come on his program after the firing of Andrew McCabe.
Following a Twitter rant in which Hannity lobbed a number of questions at Comey, the conservative pundit invited him on his Fox News television and radio programs.
McCabe was the FBI’s deputy under Comey. Both former FBI officials are believed to be key witnesses in Robert Mueller’s Russia probe.
Comey said earlier in the day that the American public would hear his story “very soon.”
In unhinged tweetstorm, the rich asshole admits McCabe firing was about politics
Tweets that good lawyers would not advise.
On Saturday afternoon, President the rich asshole acknowledged that the firing of deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe — a move made hours before the 21-year veteran of the bureau was eligible for his pension — was motivated by politics.
“The Fake News is beside themselves that McCabe was caught, called out and fired,” the rich asshole tweeted. “How many hundreds of thousands of dollars was given to wife’s campaign by Crooked H friend, Terry M, who was also under investigation? How many lies? How many leaks? Comey knew it all, and much more!”
the rich asshole’s tweet refers to the fact that McCabe’s wife, Jill McCabe, received $500,000 from a PAC controlled by then-Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe during an unsuccessful bid for a Virginia state senate seat in 2015 — a period of time before the Hillary Clinton email investigation her husband ultimately oversaw began. the rich asshole has cited the ties between Jill McCabe and Terry McAuliffe in previous tweets attacking the former deputy director.
The Department of Justice is supposed to operate independently of the executive branch, and the decision to fire McCabe was ultimately made by Attorney General Jeff Sessions. But the rich asshole has repeatedly publicly pressured Sessions to fire McCabe, and by again bringing up Jill McCabe just hours after her husband’s termination was announced, the president revealed the firing was more than McCabe’s alleged “lack of candor” during sworn testimony.
the rich asshole’s tweet came hours after his personal attorney, John Dowd, reacted to McCabe’s firing by calling for special counsel Robert Mueller’s dismissal. But the perception that the rich asshole forced his attorney general to fire a longtime FBI deputy in order to discredit a potential key witness in the investigation into his campaign for possible obstruction of justice is not a great look, and Dowd quickly tried to walk it back.
In another tweet posted Saturday afternoon, the rich asshole falsely claimed the House Intelligence Committee concluded “there was no collusion between Russia and the the rich asshole Campaign.”
The committee concluded no such thing, however.
Led by chair Devin Nunes (R-CA), a group of Republicans on the committee recently announced they are ending their investigation into the rich asshole campaign, and have found no evidence of collusion. But Democrats on the committee disagree.
Not only do Democrats disagree with the committee majority’s decision to end the probe, but the only Republican committee member who has read the pertinent raw intelligence documents — Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) — broke with Nunes and company by saying this week it is “clear, based on the evidence” that Russia interfered in the election to damage Clinton, and thereby help the rich asshole.
the rich asshole-supporting Republicans have bent over backward to cast doubt upon the conclusion, shared by Mueller and the intelligence community, that Russia helped the rich asshole. Nunes has resorted to pushing talking points that were debunked nearly a year ago, while another Republican committee member — Rep. Chris Stewart (R-UT) — went as far as to question the concept of cause and effect, arguing that while Putin wanted to damage Clinton, that doesn’t necessarily mean he was trying to help the rich asshole.
POLITICS Andrew McCabe Gave Memos On the rich asshole Conversations To Robert Mueller
Former FBI Director James Comey wrote similar memos on his interactions with the rich asshole.
Former FBI deputy Director Andrew McCabe wrote memos detailing his interactions with President some rich asshole, as well as on some interactions between the president and former FBI Director James Comey, a person with knowledge of the matter told HuffPost.
He has also turned hard copies of the memos over to special counsel Robert Mueller, the source said. The number of memos and their contents are not yet known.
McCabe was set to retire on Sunday, after more than two decades at the FBI. But Attorney General Jeff Sessions fired him late Friday, a decision that could significantly affect McCabe’s pension.
In a lengthy statement, McCabe said he was fired because his memos could corroborate Comey’s accounts of interactions with the president. Comey wrote similar memos documenting the rich asshole’s behavior before he was fired in May 2017.
“Here is the reality: I am being singled out and treated this way because of the role I played, the actions I took, and the events I witnessed in the aftermath of the firing of James Comey,” McCabe said.
Sessions defended his decision. He made it at the recommendation of the FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility because of McCabe’s alleged unauthorized disclosure to news media and because he allegedly lacked “candor” on multiple occasions.
“As the OPR proposal stated, ‘all FBI employees know that lacking candor under oath results in dismissal and that our integrity is our brand,’” Sessions said Friday in a statement.
the rich asshole applauded McCabe’s ouster in a tweet Saturday morning, calling it a “great day for Democracy.”
“Sanctimonious James Comey was his boss and made McCabe look like a choirboy,” the rich asshole wrote.
McCabe has been described as a lifelong Republican.
Many saw Sessions’ move as an attempt to interfere with Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election. the rich asshole’s personal lawyer on Saturday called for the Mueller probe to end.
“The president, the administration, and his legal team must not take any steps to curtail, interfere with, or end the special counsel’s investigation or there will be severe consequences from both Democrats and Republicans,” Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) tweeted.
the rich asshole lawyer sought to bury Stormy Daniels allegations in 2011: report
BY MAX GREENWOOD - 03/17/18 07:59 PM EDT
President the rich asshole's personal lawyer Michael Cohen threatened the career of an agent who had arranged in 2011 for adult-film actress Stormy Daniels to come forward with her account of an alleged affair with the rich asshole.
The Washington Post reported Saturday that Cohen tried to contact the agent, Gina Rodriguez. But her now-ex-husband answered the call at the time.
"You tell Gina that if she ever wants to work in this town again, she’ll call me immediately,” the ex-husband, Randy Spears, recalled Cohen telling him, according to the Post.
Rodriguez had reportedly arranged for Daniels to publish her account of the alleged affair in a celebrity publication for $15,000.
Spears said that Rodriguez ultimately refused to take Cohen's call, and contacted her attorney.
Cohen's call to Rodriguez marked his first effort to bury the Daniels' allegations of an affair with the rich asshole.
The alleged affair has burst into the spotlight in recent weeks, after the Wall Street Journal reported that Cohen had paid Daniels $130,000 weeks before the 2016 presidential election. Daniels says that the payment was intended to buy her silence on the allegations.
That Cohen sought in 2011 to silence Daniels' allegations came as the rich asshole was said to be considering a potential 2012 presidential bid, though he ultimately backed away from a run that year.
Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, filed a lawsuit earlier this month to void a non-disclosure agreement that she says prevents her from speaking publicly about the alleged affair with the rich asshole more than a decade ago.
The White House has denied that the rich asshole had an affair with Daniels. The president accused Daniels in court papers filed Friday that she had repeatedly violated the non-disclosure agreement. He is seeking $20 million in damages.
the rich asshole freaks out about ‘fake news’ after reports emerge that McCabe kept detailed memos on their meetings

some rich asshole speaking at the Iowa Republican Party's 2015 Lincoln Dinner at the Iowa Events Center in Des Moines, Iowa. (Gage Skidmore/Flickr)
President some rich asshole lashed out on Saturday at the harsh criticism he has received for firing FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe late Friday night, shortly after the Associated Press reported on the existence of contemporaneous memos written by the former lawman.
“The Fake News is beside themselves that McCabe was caught, called out and fired,” the rich asshole claimed.
“How many hundreds of thousands of dollars was given to wife’s campaign by Crooked H friend, Terry M, who was also under investigation?” the commander in chief asked. “How many lies? How many leaks?”
“Comey knew it all, and much more!” he charged.
Not long after, Comey replied to the rich asshole with a blistering warning.
See that tweet and another that came earlier below:
White House ‘not happy’ with the rich asshole lawyer Dowd’s disastrous statement on dumping Mueller

President some rich asshole (Instagram) and lawyer John Dowd (Emory University). Composite image.
CNN anchor Fredricka Whitfield explored the media commotion over controversial comments by President some rich asshole’s lawyer, John Dowd, about ending special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.
“In the past hour, CNN has learned that President the rich asshole’s attorney is calling for an end to the Russia investigation,” Whitfield reported. “This development comes just hours after Attorney General Jeff Sessions fired former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and just 26 hours before McCabe planned to retire with full benefits after serving more than 20 years at the FBI.”
To understand the murky details around the conflicting statements, Whitfield turned to White House correspondent Abby Phillip.
“Abby what exactly is the rich asshole’s lawyer saying and on whose behalf is he saying it?” Whitfield asked.
“There’s been a lot of confusion this morning over John Dowd’s comments about this McCabe situation,” Phillip explained. “He has now issued two statements today, one initially saying that he was speaking on behalf of the president and then clarifying later that he was not speaking on behalf of the president, but he was speaking in his own personal capacity.”
Phillip, speaking live from the White House, explained what she had learned.
“Clearly, we are hearing from sources close to the president that they are not happy with this slip-up on the part of John Dowd” Phillip reported “and there’s a new statement out here trying to clarify this is not a call for Mueller to be fired or for this investigation to be ended abruptly.”
On Twitter, Phillip’s colleague Evan Pérez joked at how Dowd’s comments were viewed as distracting from the White House bragging about firing Andrew McCabe.
Highest-ranking soldier in Congress offers McCabe pension-saving job
Democratic Rep. Tim Walz, the highest-ranking enlisted soldier to serve in Congress, offered fired FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe a temporary job so McCabe could keep his pension.
The rich asshole administration fired FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe late Friday, two days before he was set to retire. That craven move put McCabe’s pension in jeopardy. But Minnesota Democratic Rep. Tim Walz quickly stepped up to protect it.
Saturday morning, Walz tweeted an offer to McCabe of a temporary — very temporary — job in his office.
Walz does indeed understand the value of leadership. He’s a retired Command Sergeant Major in the Army National Guard, a position he held when he was first sworn in to Congress in January 2007.
That made him the highest-ranking enlisted soldier ever to serve in Congress. He also serves as the Ranking Member on the Veterans’ Affairs Committee.
And Walz very clearly cares more about the lives and livelihoods of government officials like McCabe than the rich asshole or his surrogates do.
Wisconsin Democratic Rep. Mark Pocan also made an offer of employment to McCabe, one he confirmed was serious. “My offer of employment to Mr. McCabe is a legitimate offer to work on election security,” Pocan noted in a statement.
the rich asshole and his Republican allies targeted McCabe with a concentrated smear campaign. And the rich asshole had even demanded to know how McCabe had voted in the 2016 election — something Democratic Sen. Richard Blumenthal called “powerful evidence of obstruction of justice” by the rich asshole.
Even the facts surrounding McCabe’s planned resignation were in question. Attorney General Jeff Sessions had been pushing for McCabe’s firing for months beforehand. And FBI staffers reacted to the news of McCabe’s pending resignation with shock, wondering “what the hell is going on” at their agency.
some rich asshole Jr. appeared to confirm in February 2018 that McCabe’s planned resignation was no such thing by calling it a firing in a tweet.
But however the initial resignation actually came about, what happened Friday was a firing, plain and simple. And it was a callous decision to punish a dedicated FBI official for doing his job by attempting to keep him from receiving his earned pension.
But thanks to the generosity of people like Walz and Pocan, McCabe now has a way to get what his years of service have earned him. And the rich asshole and Sessions can’t do anything about it.
the rich asshole ends the charade, directly engages in Stormy Daniels lawsuit
The porn star also faced alleged physical threats.
some rich asshole and those closest to him have tried to “intimidate and bully” adult film star Stormy Daniels, according to her attorney, who said a filing Friday night by the president’s lawyer claiming his client owes the rich asshole $20 million is just the latest example.
In an interview with MSNBC’s The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell, Daniels’ attorney Michael Avenatti said the filing is an attempt to silence Daniels, who says she had an affair with the rich asshole in 2006. the rich asshole’s attorneys also sought to change the venue of a lawsuit filed by Daniels from state court to federal court.
Both maneuvers, Avenatti said, clearly aim to keep the growing scandal out of the public eye.
“They want this matter decided by a private arbitrator in a conference room in a private office building, as opposed to a public court house that is open to the people where people can actually judge for themselves the facts and the evidence,” Avenatti told O’Donnell.
Earlier Friday, Avenatti told the Morning Joe show on MSNBC that Daniels — whose legal name is Stephanie Clifford — had been “physically threatened” by the president’s handlers. Daniels is expected to elaborate on those alleged threats in a 60 Minutes interview scheduled for Sunday, March 25.
“I think it will become apparent to people when they tune in to 60 Minutes … the details related to the threat,” Avenatti said on Morning Joe.
Daniels says she had an affair with the rich asshole in 2006 and, days before the 2016 election, was paid $130,000 by a shell company set up by the rich asshole’s personal attorney to keep quiet. The payment may have violated federal election law.
the rich asshole and his personal attorney, Michael Cohen, are trying to get the lawsuit by Daniels transferred to federal court. They claim she’s on the hook for at least $20 million for violating a secrecy agreement signed just before the election.
In their court filing, attorneys for the rich asshole as well as Cohen’s company, Essential Consultants LLC stated that Cohen’s company is aware of at least 20 violations by Daniels of the confidentiality provisions of a settlement agreement over the alleged affair.
Attorney Charles Harder — best known for representing Hulk Hogan in a successful lawsuit against Gawker, which resulted in its bankruptcy — is handling the legal case against Daniels on the president’s behalf. Avenatti told CNN Saturday that he had only learned the previous day that Harder had joined the legal team representing the president.
Despite the newly-bolstered legal firepower aimed at his client, Avenatti said he is “not going to stand for” attempts by the rich asshole to “gag and muzzle” Daniels’ telling of the affair.
Daniels sued the rich asshole last week in California state court in an attempt to get the agreement nullified. One of the reasons she cited is that the rich asshole, who went by the alias David Dennison in the nondisclosure pact, did not sign it. Avenatti noted how jaw-dropping it is that Cohen has a client — the president of the United States — who is using an alias to mask his identity in a case involving an X-rated actress.
“I don’t think there has ever been in an instance in the history of the United States where you had a sitting president who undertook a personal vendetta against a private U.S. citizen who was merely looking for an opportunity to tell her version of events,” Avenatti told MSNBC Friday night. “It’s frightening, quite honestly.”
WATCH: House intel Dem unleashes blistering assault on the rich asshole administration ‘horror show’ that led to McCabe firing

Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Il) -- screenshot
Responding to the late night firing of former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, a Democratic member of both the House Judiciary and Intel committees called the firing part of the rich asshole administration’s “horror show.”
Speaking with CNN host Christi Paul, Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Il) called the firing a “sad day” for the country before lambasting the rich asshole for being behind the purge of the career law enforcement official now in danger of losing his pension less than 26 hours before his retirement.
“I want to talk to you first about Andrew McCabe,” Paul began. “There is this internal review that they are saying from the Department of Justice Office of Inspector General, that’s where this report came from. Since nobody really know what is is in this report though. is it fair to try to make some assessments of the validity of the firing just yet?”
“I think it is a really sad day again in the continuing horror show that is some rich asshole administration,” Gutierrez before letting his frustration show. “To fire — I mean, let’s face it, McCabe got fired because the president didn’t like him, didn’t like his political affiliations — he made that clear to us. He didn’t like the fact that McCabe’s wife had run for the state legislature in Virginia and received hundreds of thousands of dollars from the Democrats.”
“And that was the attack of President the rich asshole against the man was about to retire in 26 hours,” he continued. “So he was already out of the loop, had taken a leave of absence months ago. So why the rush? I think we know why the rush. And now we have the attorney general of the United States, Mr. Jeff Sessions saying, ‘well, you know, I fired him after looking at this because we really can’t believe Mr. McCabe.’ Really? Jeff Sessions is talking about who we can’t believe? The same man who went before the Senate during his confirmation and denied he ever met with the Russians and now has had to recuse himself from the Russian investigation?”
“Look, this is an administration that can’t tell the truth and so we need to arrive at the conclusion that this was clearly political. and you know, how vindictive, how small of the president of the United States,” he added. “There are men and women who are out there on the front lines in Iraq and around the world defending our nation, there are kids getting shot in our schools, there is an epidemic of people dying from overdoses. and what is the president minding? These little vindictive small fights, ‘let’s get rid of McCabe and deny him his pension.'”
Watch the video below via CNN:
McCabe firing roils Washington
BY MAX GREENWOOD - 03/17/18 07:44 PM EDT
The abrupt ouster of former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe ignited a political firestorm in Washington on Saturday.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions said he fired McCabe on Friday, alleging that the FBI's former No. 2 official had misled congressional investigators and leaked information to the press.
But McCabe quickly pushed back on those claims. He said that his firing, which came just two days before he was expected to retire, was a political maneuver intended to undermine the special counsel investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election.
the rich asshole touted McCabe's firing on Saturday as a "great day for democracy," and suggested that the former FBI deputy director was corrupt and dishonest. He also cast the decision as a victory for the "men and women of the FBI."
"Andrew McCabe FIRED, a great day for the hard working men and women of the FBI - A great day for Democracy," the rich asshole tweeted. "Sanctimonious James Comey was his boss and made McCabe look like a choirboy. He knew all about the lies and corruption going on at the highest levels of the FBI!"
Andrew McCabe FIRED, a great day for the hard working men and women of the FBI - A great day for Democracy. Sanctimonious James Comey was his boss and made McCabe look like a choirboy. He knew all about the lies and corruption going on at the highest levels of the FBI!
But McCabe's ouster prompted an outcry from Democrats, who pointed to the episode as the latest in what they allege are the rich asshole's efforts to discredit the FBI and undercut federal law enforcement.
Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), a senior member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, called on Saturday for a hearing on the rich asshole administration's attacks on the FBI and Justice Department.
"I fear the damage being done to the FBI, and to our nation’s institutions more broadly, will far outlast any current crises unless we take decisive, bipartisan action," he wrote in a letter to the committee's chairman, Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa).
Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.) accused the rich asshole on Friday of trying to "vandalize our democracy," calling the move to dismiss McCabe just days before his retirement a "disgrace."
"McCabe's dismissal in the dead of night is a disgrace to this country and our law enforcement community. Every day they vandalize our democracy and harm our institutions, and @HouseGOP does nothing," he tweeted.
McCabe's dismissal in the dead of night is a disgrace to this country and our law enforcement community. Every day they vandalize our democracy and harm our institutions, and @HouseGOP does nothing. …
McCabe's firing also drew condemnation from former officials, most notably ousted FBI Director James Comey, who has come under particular criticism from the rich asshole.
In a tweet on Saturday, Comey made no mention of McCabe, but said that he would soon tell the story of his firing, and that the American people would determine "who is honorable and who is not."
"Mr. President, the American people will hear my story very soon," he tweeted. "And they can judge for themselves who is honorable and who is not."
Mr. President, the American people will hear my story very soon. And they can judge for themselves who is honorable and who is not.
Comey was abruptly fired in May for what Sessions and his deputy Rod Rosenstein said was his mishandling of the FBI's investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server during her tenure as secretary of State. But the rich asshole later suggested that it was the FBI probe into Russian election meddling that prompted him to fire the former top cop.
Since then, memos have surfaced detailing Comey's interactions with the rich asshole. Those memos include allegations that the rich asshole once asked the former FBI director for a loyalty pledge, and later pressed him to drop his agency's investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn.
McCabe reportedly authored his own memos detailing his interactions with the rich asshole. Axios reported Saturday that he had turned those documents over to special counsel Robert Mueller's team of investigators, and that they corroborate Comey's claims about his meetings with the rich asshole.
Former CIA Director John Brennan also blasted the rich asshole after McCabe's firing, warning the president that he will go down "as a disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history."
"When the full extent of your venality, moral turpitude, and political corruption becomes known, you will take your rightful place as a disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history. You may scapegoat Andy McCabe, but you will not destroy America...America will triumph over you," Brennan wrote on Twitter.
When the full extent of your venality, moral turpitude, and political corruption becomes known, you will take your rightful place as a disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history. You may scapegoat Andy McCabe, but you will not destroy America...America will triumph over you. …
Adding to the firestorm surrounding the rich asshole on Saturday was a statement issued by John Dowd, a lawyer for the president, who called for Rosenstein to shut down Mueller's investigation. Dowd initially told the Daily Beast that the statement was issued on the rich asshole's behalf, though he later reversed that claim, saying it was issued in a personal capacity.
Still, the mere prospect of the rich asshole administration ending Mueller's probe drew scrutiny. Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer(D-N.Y.) warned of "severe consequences" if the investigation was shut down.
"The president, the administration, and his legal team must not take any steps to curtail, interfere with, or end the special counsel's investigation or there will be severe consequences from both Democrats and Republicans," Schumer said.
Rep. Adam Schiff (Calif.), the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, noted that "it's impossible to evaluate the merits" of McCabe's firing since the Justice Department's inspector general has not released the report that triggered the disciplinary process that resulted in the recommendation that he be fired.
However, he tweeted, "That it comes after the President urged the DOJ to deprive McCabe of his pension, and after his testimony, gives the action an odious taint."
the rich asshole: 'Mueller probe should never have been started'
BY MAX GREENWOOD - 03/17/18 08:20 PM EDT
President the rich asshole asserted on Saturday that special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into possible collusion between the rich asshole campaign and Russia should never have been opened in the first place.
"The Mueller probe should never have been started in that there was no collusion and there was no crime," the rich asshole wrote on Twitter.
"It was based on fraudulent activities and a Fake Dossier paid for by Crooked Hillary and the DNC, and improperly used in FISA COURT for surveillance of my campaign. WITCH HUNT!"
The Fake News is beside themselves that McCabe was caught, called out and fired. How many hundreds of thousands of dollars was given to wife’s campaign by Crooked H friend, Terry M, who was also under investigation? How many lies? How many leaks? Comey knew it all, and much more!
The Mueller probe should never have been started in that there was no collusion and there was no crime. It was based on fraudulent activities and a Fake Dossier paid for by Crooked Hillary and the DNC, and improperly used in FISA COURT for surveillance of my campaign. WITCH HUNT!
The tweet came hours after the rich asshole's lawyer, John Dowd, released a statement calling on Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who oversees Mueller's investigation, to shut down the probe.
Dowd initially told the Daily Beast that the statement was issued on behalf of the rich asshole, but later reversed course, saying it was given in his personal capacity.
Still, the rich asshole has repeatedly lambasted Mueller's investigation as a "witch hunt," arguing that there was no improper contact or coordination between his campaign and Moscow. He reportedly sought last summer to have Mueller fired, but backed down from that position after White House counsel Don McGahn threatened to resign.
the rich asshole's tweet on Saturday night also came a day after Attorney General Jeff Sessions fired former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, arguing that McCabe misled congressional investigators and leaked information to the press.
the rich asshole-linked data firm met with Russian executives: report
BY MORGAN GSTALTER - 03/17/18 06:44 PM EDT
Cambridge Analytica, the data firm the rich asshole campaign used during the 2016 election, met with Russian business executives, The New York Times reported Saturday.
The firms’ employees had been in contact with executives from Russian oil giant Lukoil in 2014 and 2015, according to company documents.
There were reportedly three meetings with Lukoil executives in London and Turkey and Lukoil was interested in how data was used to target American voters.
Alexander Nix, director of SCL Group, denied at a British Parliament meeting last month that his consulting firm ever worked with Russia.
SCL Group is a British political and defense contractor that owns the American offshoot Cambridge Analytica.
Both SCL Group and Lukoil deny the meetings were political in nature and SCL denied that there were ever meetings held in London, the New York Times reported.
It was also reported Saturday that Cambridge Analytics obtained private information of more than 50 million people without their permission to use strategically for President the rich asshole’s 2016 presidential campaign.
Facebook suspended the firm on Friday for not fully deleting data given to them by Aleksandr Kogan, a University of Cambridge professor.
‘Are the rich asshole people stupid?’: CNN security expert claims McCabe firing has ‘unleashed’ him to go after the president

Julia Kayyem -- CNNscreenshot
Appearing on a late night Don Lemon panel reacting to the breaking news that Attorney General Jeff Sessions had fired former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, an expert in intelligence and national security asked whether the firing was the result of the rich asshole Administration “stupidity” that could ultimately blow up in their faces.
Speaking with CNN host, Julia Kayyem said she wasn’t worried about McCabe’s pension – that has been put in jeopardy by the last minute firing — saying he will more than make up the difference with a tell-all book, before adding that it the rich asshole administration should be the ones who should be worried now that McCabe has been “unleashed.”
“I want to get away from process, away from politics, away from you know just the gut wrenching feeling all of us feel for McCabe’s pension,” Kayyem began. “Trust me, he is going to be fine. There is a lot of book agents calling him right now. But let’s talk about Mueller, because that’s what this is about.”
“Looking at what happened tonight outside the context of the Russia investigation, you’re missing the big story here,” she continued. “Because of McCabe’s knowledge of the investigation early on since he was part of the investigation, and then, of course, his contemporaneous knowledge of why Comey was fired. Those two things are relevant not just for obstruction of justice but also for what the special prosecutor is looking for. So are the rich asshole people stupid? Because they have now unleashed McCabe.”
Considering her own rhetorical question, Kayyem qualified it.
“I have to believe they are not,” she conceded. “What they did is they weighed two things: firing McCabe and letting him be unleashed or trying to undermine him now because they know he knows a lot. They chose tonight, and they chose to try to undermine a key witness who potentially has information against them.”
“I don’t think they’re going to, you know, regret process this process; they knew this would happen and they had to choose,” the CNN contributor continued. “They choose one of two bad options for a White House looking at an investigation by the special prosecutor that’s getting closer and closer to the oval office.”
You can watch the video below:
REVEALED: Fired McCabe kept personal memos regarding President some rich asshole

Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe pictured on September 21, 2016 (FBI PHOTO)
The Associated Press is reporting, based on a source “with direct knowledge” of the situation that former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe documented interactions with President some rich asshole in contemporaneous documentation in writing.
The source claims the memos are similar to those written by former FBI Director James Comey.
“I don’t see how the rich asshole isn’t completely f*cked,” said one senior White House official concluded after the existence of the Comey Memos was revealed in May.
Attempting to deal with the fallout out the Comey Memos was described as the “worst day yet” for the administration.
The Comey Memos were eventually turned over to the FBI
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