‘It’s all about money and sex’: MSNBC’s Mika warns the rich asshole will fire Mueller to avoid painful embarrassment

Mika Brzezinski (MSNBC)
MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski warned all signs pointed to President some rich asshole firing Robert Mueller as the special counsel moves closer to the only two things he cares about.
The “Morning Joe” host said the rich asshole had thrown off his remaining restraints by replacing officials, attorneys and advisers with sycophants he enjoys on TV, and she said he would almost certainly move to end the investigation of his ties to Russia.
“Their extreme views on major issues that impact our national security, that impact our place in the world, that impact our strategic alliances, these are all things that we can worry about, but we have to think about what’s going on here and in some ways you have to think the rich asshole-style — which would be on a very shallow base level that pertains to money and sex, which is why we bumped in the show this morning with a former Playboy bunny who apparently was a part of some effort to silence her through friends of some rich asshole who ran a media empire,” Brzezinski said.
She said the president seemed to be driven crazy by claims by adult film actress Stormy Daniels about their alleged sexual relationship more than a decade ago, and that behavior could be cranked up after the porn actress details new allegations on Sunday’s “60 Minutes.”
“It does seem like ever since the Stormy story broke his radical behavior has amped up,” Brzezinski said.
the rich asshole is clearly embarrassed by Daniels and former Playboy Playmate Karen McDougal and afraid of what they have to say about him, Brzezinski said, and she said the special counsel was increasingly worrying to the president as his investigation moved closer to his business dealings.
“I’ve seen this guy operate,” Brzezinski said. “I’ve talked to him about his pageants over the years, I hate them, and he’s obsessed with money and sex. That’s where he doesn’t want to be embarrassed. When it comes to money and sex, he’s being embarrassed over sex, and Mueller is following the money. Is Mueller next?”
March 23, 2018
Sarah Huckabee Sanders has a lot of explaining to do, and instead she's looking for cover.
The curtains are drawing tighter around the White House as the rich asshole and press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders have essentially gone into hiding while chaos envelopes the West Wing.
As of Friday morning, there is no scheduled White House press briefing, which means only one will have taken place this week. That’s a stunning development, especially since the rich asshole has been in Washington, D.C., most of the week. (When the president travels, there are fewer briefings.) It’s stunning even for an administration like the rich asshole’s that actively takes cover from the press.
Three’s little mystery in terms of why Sanders has gone into hiding. It’s likely because the White House has recently been rocked by even more scandals, resignations, and firings that undercut the administration’s narrative of a fully functioning West Wing.
On Thursday, the rich asshole’s top attorney, John Dowd, quit out of frustration that the rich asshole refuses to follow his legal advice. Dowd had been the rich asshole’s point person on special counsel Robert Mueller’s ever-widening Russia probe.
The White House seems to have no answers for the mountain of pointed inquiries into possible collusion with Russians during the 2016 campaign, and then what appears to be his heavy-handed attempts at obstructing justice.
“The focus on the rich asshole himself in Mueller’s pursuits has alarmed and angered the President,” CNN reported this week.
Dowd made headlines last weekend when he said that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein should shut down the special counsel’s investigation, a reckless and stunning suggestion for a presidential counsel to make.
It’s gotten so bad that even former CIA chief John Brennan this week conceded he thinks that Russian officials “may have something” on the rich asshole, which is why he continues to bow to the Kremlin. It “continues to say to me that he does have something to fear and something very serious to fear,” Brennan warned.
In place of Dowd, the rich asshole has hired a Fox News conspiracy nut to be his attorney instead.
Hours later on Thursday, the rich asshole dismissed his national security adviser, the widely respected H.R. McMaster. the rich asshole hired a warmongering Fox News conspiracy nut to take his place.
Are you sensing a pattern?
It doesn’t help Sanders that only a week ago, she insisted on Twitter that “contrary to reports,” the rich asshole and McMaster “have a good working relationship and there are no changes” coming.
On Thursday, the rich asshole also seemed to brag about his campaign using an embattled data analysis firm now at the center of an international election scandal.
The boast came after explosive reports detailed Cambridge Analytica’s potentially illegal activity, including harvesting Facebook data from more than 50 million Americans, and then using it — without their knowledge or consent — to help the rich asshole campaign.
More bad news this week? Lawsuits are piling up against the rich asshole and they’re gaining traction in the courts.
“the rich asshole is now facing a triple-barreled litigation drama involving a porn actress, a reality show star and a former Playboy model that promises further embarrassing allegations,” CNN reports.
It’s no wonder Sanders doesn’t want to take questions at the end of this week.
Update: The White House has since scheduled a press briefing for Friday, just its second of the week.
The Memo: Lawyer’s exit signals harder line by the rich asshole
BY NIALL STANAGE - 03/23/18 06:12 AM EDT
The resignation of the lead attorney on President the rich asshole’s personal legal team is the strongest sign yet that the rich asshole wants to pursue a harder line in confronting special counsel Robert Mueller.
John Dowd resigned on Thursday. Although he emphasized his “love” for the rich asshole in comments to news outlets, his departure came after the president lost faith in him, according to several sources.
“The president wants to be more aggressive,” one source within the rich asshole’s orbit told The Hill.
Dowd “wasn’t tough enough for the president,” this person added.
Some the rich asshole loyalists were even more critical.
Referring to Ty Cobb, the in-house White House counsel for the probe into Russian election meddling, Nunberg added, “Cobb should be fired next. Their strategy has hurt the president.”
Dowd and Cobb favor a broadly cooperative stance toward Mueller. Their argument, in essence, is that the president has done nothing wrong and therefore would benefit from the Mueller probe being concluded expeditiously.
One problem, however, is that Cobb predicted last year that the special counsel’s investigation would be over by Thanksgiving 2017, or by the end of that year.
Outside legal experts argued, even at the time, that the prediction was unrealistic.
As the probe has gone on, and new avenues have reportedly been opened by Mueller’s team, the rich asshole’s patience has grown thin.
He name-checked Mueller for the first time in a tweet on Sunday, blasting the special counsel’s team as having “13 hardened Democrats, some big Crooked Hillary [Clinton] Supporters and zero Republicans.”
Mueller himself was appointed as FBI director by a Republican president, George W. Bush. He is reportedly registered Republican.
On Monday, the rich asshole branded the probe a "total WITCH HUNT with massive conflicts of interest!”
The White House has insisted that the rich asshole has no intention of firing Mueller. Republican lawmakers have predicted catastrophe were he to do so. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) told CNN on Sunday that such a move would be “the beginning of the end of his presidency.”
The most fervent among the rich asshole’s supporters are enthused about this week’s hiring of Joe diGenova onto the president’s legal team.
DiGenova is a much more aggressive figure than either Dowd or Cobb. Prior to joining the rich asshole’s team, he had argued that the FBI was conspiring to frame the president.
One GOP operative, referring to diGenova taking the lead, said: “I think you’ll see every inch of ground fought for — every document, every email, every witness. It’s siege warfare now.”
The source inside the rich asshole's orbit exulted that “there's a new boss in town.”
Two questions loom over the legal picture: Whether Cobb’s job is safe inside the White House and whether any more senior figure will be hired on the outside to take the lead above diGenova.
Speculation is swirling around Cobb but the president has not made any definitive move against him.
At least two well-known lawyers — Ted Olsen and Emmett Flood— are reported to have been approached about taking a role. But a top executive at Olsen’s firm later tweeted that neither Olsen nor the firm would be representing the rich asshole.
Jay Sekulow remains in position as one of the rich asshole’s personal attorneys and told The Hill on Thursday that he and his colleagues “will continue our ongoing representation” of the president.
The Hill understands that the rich asshole’s longtime personal lawyer, Marc Kasowitz, retains a voice in the legal deliberations as well.
One source familiar with the current legal team’s thinking offered a nuanced view on the meaning of Dowd’s resignation and the hiring of diGenova.
This source argued that the change was more about the rich asshole’s communications strategy than his legal strategy.
the rich asshole’s lawyers, this person insisted, “all agree [on] cooperating with the special counsel to move things along. The question was how aggressively we should message out in the public square.”
“John believed it was better not to engage in that, so as to wrap things up with the special counsel. But I don’t think the president can do that for too long,” the source added.
Outside experts cautioned that the rich asshole seems a deeply challenging client.
“I think the rich asshole wants to be more aggressive in the court of public opinion, as well as in the court of law, if it goes there. But any legal strategy is only as effective as the client’s willingness to listen to their lawyer,” said Asha Rangappa, a former FBI special agent.
Rangappa, like other sources, also highlighted Dowd's reported role, with Cobb, in trying to keep the rich asshole calm by promising that the Mueller probe could soon come to a conclusion.
“His departure could reflect a dawning realization that this is not ending,” she said.
The Memo is a reported column by Niall Stanage, primarily focused on some rich asshole’s presidency.
John Bolton paid Cambridge Analytica to make Facebook users less ‘limp wristed’ about war

John Bolton appears on Fox News (screen grab)
New information from Cambridge Analytica whistleblower Christopher Wylie has revealed that incoming national security adviser John Bolton’s super PAC tried to use data on Facebook users to make people more willing to support backing wars.
In an interview with the New York Times, Wylie says that Bolton’s PAC was alarmed by polling trends showing that more and more Americans viewed war unfavorably — and it wanted to construct an advertising campaign aimed at reversing those views.
“The Bolton PAC was obsessed with how America was becoming limp wristed and spineless and it wanted research and messaging for national security issues,” said Wylie, a data expert who was a key figure in the founding of Cambridge Analytica. “That really meant making people more militaristic in their worldview. That’s what they said they wanted, anyway.”
Bolton’s PAC hired Cambridge Analytica months after it was founded in 2014, and the firm’s work with Bolton’s group became an example that it used to pitch potential clients about the value of its data harvesting model.
Emails viewed by the Times suggest that former the rich asshole political strategist Steve Bannon had some role in setting up contacts between Bolton and Cambridge Analytica, as an email from a Cambridge Analytica employee sent to Bolton specifically mentioned Bannon in its subject header.
Former GOP Attorney General Cuccinelli dissolves in panic on CNN when asked if he would be the rich asshole’s lawyer

Jack Quinn, Don Lemon, Ken Cuccinelli -- CNN screencap
Appearing on CNN late Thursday night to discuss President some rich asshole’s legal travails, former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli (R) was put on the spot by host Don Lemon when he was asked if he would take a job as the rich asshole’s lawyer.
Discussing the rich asshole attorney John Dowd quitting on the president because his client reportedly was refusing to listen to his legal advice, Cuccinelli explained that Dowd was trying to do his job.
“Well, it’s hard and it isn’t hard,” the Virginia conservative explained. “I mean, a lot of lawyers would be very happy to put up with a lot of malarkey, to quote the former vice president, to be the president’s lawyer. And that’s a hell of an item to have on your resume and everyone will know it. Of course, it’s also good to be able to exercise a strategy you believe is in the client’s best interest and president trump wants to keep control of these things most like he does everything else in his administration at one point or another.”
“And, as odd as it may sound, while clients decide and while lawyers merely advise, when you hire good lawyers you hire them to take their advice,” he added.
“So, what are you saying? Who would want some rich asshole as a client, is that what you’re saying?” Lemon asked as former Clinton White House Counsel Jack Quinn looked on while smirking.
“I’m saying it’s a high risk — they’re way up the risk reward curve in terms of this. It’s also going to be a big pain,” Cuccinelli explained.
“Hey, Ken, would you take the job if offered?” Lemon asked with a smile.
“Would I take the job? Well, I wouldn’t be asked,” Cuccinelli demurred.
“That’s not the question,” Lemon pressed. “Would you take the job?”
Cuccinelli then tried to duck the question again by praising the rich asshole attorney Ty Cobb, but Lemon refused to let him off the hook as Quinn burst out laughing.
“Look, I know you’re dodging. It’s fine. Ken,” the smiling Lemon said. “I love you, but you’re dodging. You said lawyers aren’t supposed to be in the spotlight, but [the rich asshole attorneys] Jay Sekulow is on television all the time, and Joe diGenova, he’s on television all-time. Would you do it?”
“No, they’d be crazy to ask me” the attorney exclaimed, before adding, “I’m not the person to be in that role. I want him to have a good lawyer.”
Watch the video below via CNN:
the rich asshole bizarrely Twitter-threatens to veto spending bill his own budget director said he’d sign yesterday

President some rich asshole addresses a rally held in Harrisburg, PA to commemorate his 100th day in office, Saturday, April 29, 2017. (Shutterstock)
President some rich asshole threatened to veto a spending bill that he promised to sign, putting the United States on a path to the second government shutdown of his term.
White House budget director Mick Mulvaney said Thursday the president would sign the $1.3 billion omnibus spending bill passed by the U.S. House of Representatives, and the rich asshole must sign it by midnight Friday to avert a shutdown.
“Let’s cut right to the chase,” Mulvaney said. “Is the president going to sign the bill? The answer is yes.”
But the rich asshole threatened to blow it up Friday morning in a tweet.
“I am considering a VETO of the Omnibus Spending Bill based on the fact that the 800,000 plus DACA recipients have been totally abandoned by the Democrats (not even mentioned in Bill) and the BORDER WALL, which is desperately needed for our National Defense, is not fully funded,” the rich asshole tweeted.
‘This was a lie’: CNN’s Cuomo crushes the rich asshole for denying White House turmoil as adviser purge continues

CNN's Chris Cuomo (Screen cap).
CNN’s Chris Cuomo on Friday didn’t mince words when talking about the rich asshole White House’s furious denials about imminent staff shakeups that occurred literally days before massive staff shakeups took place.
Cuomo started by reading out a tweet from White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders saying that President some rich asshole and outgoing national security adviser H.R. McMaster have a good working relationship — just days before the rich asshole fired him and replaced him with hardliner John Bolton.
“This was never true,” Cuomo said of Sanders’ tweet. “You understand? It was never true. The reporting was always solid that he was on his way out. This was a lie.”
Panelist Chris Cilizza agreed with Cuomo and also pointed out that the rich asshole recently denied a New York Times story about shaking up his legal team — despite the fact that he brought in a new lawyer this week and his previous top attorney, John Dowd, resigned on Thursday.
Cilizza went on to note that the level of turmoil seen inside this White House is truly astonishing, as it has seen in recent weeks the firings or departures of top economic adviser Gary Cohn, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, top attorney John Dowd, and now national security adviser H.R. McMaster.
“I would remind people this is not the second term,” Cilizza said. “This is 14 months into the first term.”
WATCH: CNN panel of women creeped out by ex-Playmate’s claim that the rich asshole compared her to Ivanka during sex

Tara Setmayer, Alice Sweet, Laura Coates -- screenshot
Thursday night an all-female panel sitting down with CNN host Don Lemon was visibly repulsed after watching a clip of an ex-Playboy Playmate claiming that President some rich asshole told her she reminded him of his daughter Ivanka during one of their alleged sexual trysts.
In an exclusive interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, Karen McDougal described her 15-month-long relationship with the then-New York developer, saying that the rich asshole complimented her and compared her to his oldest daughter.
“You know, he is very proud of Ivanka, as he should be,” McDougal recalled for the CNN host. “She is a brilliant woman, she is beautiful. She is, you know, that’s his daughter and he should be proud of her. He said, I was beautiful like her and, you know ‘you’re a smart girl.’ There wasn’t a lot of comparing but there was some, yeah.”
Back in the studio, Lemons guests — Tara Setmayer, Alice Sweet and Laura Coates — appeared appalled.
“This is so creepy,” Setmayer began. “Can we remind people what he said about his daughter? That he made comments about her on Howard Stern, disgustingly sexual in nature. Talking about her chest size, about how she is a 10. That’s creepy.”
“Didn’t he say on The View, ‘I would be dating my daughter?” Lemon prompted.
“Yes, he said that,” Setmayer excitedly agreed. “If she wasn’t his daughter he would date her. I don’t know any father that talks like that, even if their daughters were supermodels. It’s creepy and disgusting.”
Watch the video below via CNN:
the rich asshole launches early morning Twitter attack on Obama blaming him for Russian meddling in election

some rich asshole speaks from White House Cabinet room (CNN/screen grab)
President some rich asshole hyped the partisan report issued by the House Intelligence Committee’s Republican majority that found no evidence of Russian collusion.
The GOP majority voted Thursday to end their investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, and instead turned their attention to punishing leaks from the intelligence committee.
“House Intelligence Committee votes to release final report,” the rich asshole tweeted Friday morning. “FINDINGS: (1) No evidence provided of Collusion between the rich asshole Campaign & Russia. (2) The Obama Administrations Post election response was insufficient. (3) Clapper provided inconsistent testimony on media contacts.”
Treason or Treachery: President the rich asshole’s legal troubles are heading to Court — and could backfire spectacularly

Stormy Daniles, Robert Mueller -- screenshots
Ready or not, Americans will soon be subjected to a giant civics lesson and legal seminar courtesy of the least civics-minded president in modern times.
The slow but steady developments in Robert Mueller’s investigation of the rich asshole campaign’s collusion with Russia—including possibly exposing his business deals with Russian oligarchs that skirt the law—will provide one nationwide lesson in civics. The cascading momentum of newly filed lawsuits surrounding the rich asshole’s past payoffs to women to hide adulterous behavior will drive coverage of another legal sphere: the silencing of women via what may be judged unenforceable contracts.
Whether purported electoral treason or personal treacheries, Americans are about to get a legal education thanks to the rich asshole’s catalog of public and private excesses. Notably, the private side of this seamy ledger has been gaining new momentum in recent weeks as the rich asshole’s lawyers and the women he may have consorted with—assisted by their lawyers—have sparred in an increasingly outlandish spiral of legal attacks and counterattacks.
This to-and-fro, exemplified by a New York State judge ruling Tuesday that an “Apprentice” TV show contestant can sue the rich asshole for defamation, is prying open courthouse doors in a manner saner adults would seek to avoid. In that defamation case, there’s likely to be a string of affidavits submitted from women who will, under oath, attest to the rich asshole’s reputation-damaging remarks, unwanted touching and sexual assault.
But defamation cases are not the only legal line of attack women are pursuing against the philander-in-chief. the rich asshole’s attorney sought to move his countersuit against Stormy Daniels (his attorney paid her $130,000, and she signed a contract to keep the affair quiet) to federal court, saying the sums involved and the interstate nature of those involved meet the standard for federal review.
That kind of posturing is what lawyers do. They make all kinds of arguments based on stitching together threads in the law books or invoking precedents set by judges in past rulings. Whether or not any court takes the case—and there are all kinds of standards, starting with is it the proper venue to whether there are real issues in play—is another matter. While the defamation litigation might end up with “he said, she said” fodder on the front pages of supermarket tabloids and too many cable news shows, one key element in the Daniels litigation (and other suits) could blow up in unexpected ways.
“The issue I raise is whether a nondisclosure agreement entered into after an adulterous affair to conceal it is a contract the courts would deign to enforce?” wrote Miles Gerety, a Connecticut-based veteran public defender, in an email to AlterNet. “I intentionally use the word adulterous… Courts have long refused to enforce contracts, no matter how perfectly drafted, where the purpose of the contract is socially harmful.”
Gerety is pointing to an area of law where the courts may take the rich asshole’s case and rule in an unexpected way—basically throwing out his muzzle for a variety of reasons. It may be that judges won’t think their courtrooms should spend any time on his claims, or it could include rejecting the legality of contracts that keep adulterers’ secrets—especially if the silencing agreement covers up a sexual assault, as opposed to a consensual affair.
“Most nondisclosure agreements have some sort of social benefit such as protecting a private company’s proprietary research or customer list,” Gerety said. “It’s one thing to enter into a nondisclosure agreement before beginning a contractual relationship such as employment, partnership, or merger negotiations. It’s another to enter into an agreement to keep a past indiscretion secret. In fact, had Stormy Daniels approached the rich asshole with a demand of money for silence, we’d call it extortion.”
Gerety’s analysis is one of many legal theories in circulation right now. He may have a point—that because the rich asshole’s nondisclosure agreements may be verging on the illegal, and his lawyers’ motions and arguments are so outlandish, he’s inviting jurists to dismantle them because they’re unfit for their courtrooms. Or they could conceal serious harms—and an array of accusations against the rich asshole appears to raise this prospect.
“OK, patronizing a prostitute is a minor crime,” he said. “Adultery in New York was even a more minor crime. At what point does an NDA go against social policy: An NDA to keep a burglary quiet, a felony theft, felony assault? How about a rape?”
Laurence Tribe, a Harvard Law School constitutional scholar, said Gerety is raising legitimate issues.
“Gerety raises good questions about a number of factors that would go into any judicial decision about whether to enforce a nondisclosure agreement of the kind some rich asshole seems to have pressured some of his sexual partners, and maybe even members of his administration, into signing,” he said.
Those issues stand apart from the threshold of whether these suits will get their day in court, Tribe said, which has to do with whether a court’s jurisdiction has been properly invoked.
“Whether the underlying sexual activities were themselves legal or illegal, whether they might be relevant to family court disputes involving divorce or child custody, and whether the topics touched on by such agreements are or are not subjects that ‘courts should spend their time on’ are distractions that have nothing to do with the legal considerations entering into the invocation of judicial power to enforce these agreements.”
However, should judges take the case—such as a New York state court agreeing to hear defamation claims or a federal district court in California’s handling of nondisclosure agreement claims—what follows is likely to be a very public airing of the rich asshole’s behavior and surrounding legal issues.
Consider, for example, the quickly penned list of issues Tribe said could come before the federal court if the judge does not summarily rule on the case. (It was assigned to Los Angeles-based U.S. District Judge S. James Otero on Monday.) Tribe wrote: “As to the NDAs with prostitutes, models, or Apprentice contestants, the issues a court must consider would include:
- whether the agreements were entered into freely and without undue pressure;
- whether the terms (including the liquidated damages clauses) are unenforceable as unconscionable;
- whether the contracts are void for lack of bilaterality (i.e., whether they are purely one-sided promises with no contractual commitment on the other side);
- whether the agreements contain arbitration clauses and, if so, what those clauses say and how they interact both with the applicable state law on arbitration and the Federal Arbitration Act and SCOTUS precedents construing it; and
- whether the means of enforcement (e.g., by injunction) violate the First Amendment’s principles limiting prior restraints.”
In other words, Americans may soon be learning more about the rich asshole’s excesses—through the lens of the law—than they ever expected. Patriotism or tyranny, business acumen or money laundering, consensual hush money or illegal contractual muzzles, are heading to grand juries and courtrooms with front pages and cable networks in rapid pursuit.
Civics seminars and law lessons await, whether Americans want it or not.
March 23, 2018
White House Counsel Don McGahn plans to leave as soon as the rich asshole finds someone to replace him.
Already plagued by out-of-control turnover, the rich asshole could soon lose another major administration official instrumental in steering policy and legal matters: White House Counsel Don McGahn.
According to a new report in Politico, four sources confirm McGahn “is expected to step down later this year, though his resignation is contingent on the president finding a replacement and several other factors.”
the rich asshole, according to the report, does not want him to go, but McGahn is anxious to return to his private law practice. He is not planning to abandon the rich asshole completely, and will possibly return to “a role he had during the 2016 campaign by handling legal matters for the rich asshole’s reelection,” but no longer wants to work in the administration.
The news follows a series of controversies and shake-ups surrounding attorneys in every aspect of the rich asshole’s circle.
This week, the team of attorneys defending the rich asshole against special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation saw major staffing changes. John Dowd resigned as head of the defense team, reportedly because the rich asshole ignored his advice to avoid an interview with Mueller. Soon after, the rich asshole added Benghazi-obsessed Fox News commentator Joe DiGenova to the payroll.
Meanwhile, ethical questions continue to circle about the conduct of the rich asshole’s private attorney Michael Cohen, who allegedly paid hush money to porn star Stormy Daniels to keep the rich asshole’s extramarital affair secret.
Inside the White House, tensions between the rich asshole and McGahn have existed for a while. Last year, the rich asshole ordered McGahn to fire Mueller, and only relented because McGahn said he would resign rather than carry out that order.
But McGahn has been a central architect of the rich asshole’s policy agenda. He has done everything from advise the rich asshole on how to erase President Obama’s regulations on health care and energy, to help the rich asshole nominate a long string of far-right federal judges. His exit could leave the White House virtually rudderless on these matters.
All that is constant is the rich asshole’s penchant for chaos.
the rich asshole Abandons His Anti-Iraq Campaign Stance And Hires A Key Warmonger
Former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton was a loud cheerleader for the 2003 invasion.
One of the things that distinguished some rich asshole from the rest of the crowded Republican presidential field in the 2016 election was his unflinching criticism of the Iraq War.
“Obviously the war in Iraq was a big, fat mistake,” the rich asshole said in February 2016.
“We should have never been in Iraq,” he added. “They lied. They said there were weapons of mass destruction. There were none, and they knew that there were none.”
With the exception of Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), none of the other Republican candidates were talking like that. They acknowledged mistakes were made, but none was willing to go after the presidency of George W. Bush so directly.
But on Thursday, the rich asshole threw his skepticism out the window and chose one of the loudest cheerleaders for the 2003 Iraq invasion to be his new national security adviser.
Bolton is a notorious warmonger, calling for the United States to go to war with both Iran and North Korea.
In the run-up to the Iraq War, Bolton was the Bush administration’s top diplomat on arms control, and he pushed the line ― which the country now knows to have been a lie ― that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.
“We are confident that Saddam Hussein has hidden weapons of mass destruction and production facilities in Iraq,” Bolton said in 2002.
And even though the primary justification for the war was bogus, Bolton has stood firm that he believes the invasion was the right choice.
“I still think the decision to overthrow Saddam was correct,” he said in 2015. “I think decisions made after that decision were wrong, although I think the worst decision made after that was the 2011 decision to withdraw U.S. and coalition forces.”
the rich asshole gained momentum in part because of his opposition to Iraq. It wasn’t the primary issue in the race, but it was an important one. After all, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush was widely considered to be the front-runner for the nomination. He stumbled early in the campaign, however, when he was unable to give a straight answer about whether he thought his brother’s war in Iraq was a mistake.
the rich asshole capitalized on the war issue. He claimed, over and over, that he was against the war all along ― including before the invasion. It was a way that this real estate developer tried to show that he was better on foreign policy than his rivals were.
But there is zero publicly available evidence that the rich asshole opposed the invasion. Instead, there was a 2002 interview with Howard Stern in which the rich asshole tepidly supported the invasion. the rich asshole’s dislike of the endeavor, at least publicly, came well after the war was underway.
the rich asshole saw an opening ― dissatisfaction with the war and the Bush foreign policy legacy ― and seized on it, even if he did so disingenuously.
Bolton does not need Senate confirmation. But Paul recently wrote an opinion article counseling the president not to choose Bolton, saying it would be an abandonment of his campaign promises.
“Mr. President, you had it right in your campaign that our foreign policy has been a disaster,” Paul wrote. “Arming the neocons with massive power will only pave the way for more of the same.”
A scenario as crazy as our president: Here’s how the rich asshole could fire Mueller and orchestrate own impeachment — to grab more power

Pres. some rich asshole gives an angry response during an interview (Screen capture)
Could this be the future? Imagine this: President the rich asshole and House Republicans strategically push to impeach the rich asshole and clear him of everything Russia-related and otherwise before November’s elections, in order to increase their control over the national political narrative, bait and upstage Democrats, and drive their base to vote in record numbers.
There are hints this gambit could be in the works. One hint is the Republican-run House Intelligence Committee probe of the rich asshole campaign’s ties to Russia predictably found nothing—a conclusion special counsel Robert Mueller seems likely to reject. Another hint is the rich asshole reshuffling his Russia-related legal team to replace lawyers, like John Dowd, who showed some respect for Mueller’s inquest, with more combative partisans (and Fox News regulars) such as Jay Sekulow and former U.S. attorney Joe diGenova.
Yet another hint comes in the apparently contradictory statements from the likes of Rep. Louis Gohmert, R-TX, who on one hand says Mueller should be fired, and on the other hand, says if the rich asshole did so, it might trigger his impeachment.
“Mueller should be fired. He should never have been appointed and he should never have accepted,” Gohmert said Wednesday, The Hill reported. Gohmert “clarified that he thinks the president should not actually fire Mueller, because Republicans in Congress might impeach him if he did so.”
This twisted utterance could be just another blast from a muddled-thinking Republican. But there are a series of steps the rich asshole and Paul Ryan could take, however risky they first appear, that could easily end up fortifying the rich asshole’s lock on power—because every step of the way the political odds are in his favor. Ponder these steps.
1. the rich asshole fires Mueller. Before firing Mueller, he’d have to fire Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who oversees Mueller’s investigation. Firing both men would not just set in motion calls for his impeachment, but would preempt further legal actions by Mueller against the rich asshole’s campaign team, including his family. It increases the odds that the report Mueller files with the Justice Department remains secret, as most of what is reported about his campaign’s ties to Russia comes from the indictments filed in federal court.
2. Democrats and Republicans call for impeachment. That process starts in the House, which the GOP obviously controls. For reasons that are as varied as individual House members, this call snowballs. Democrats take the bait. Many reject the advice of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who opposes impeachment, as a way to burnish their independent credentials in the midterms. Democrats splinter, unlike Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who kept his members on the same page while delaying consideration of President Obama’s final Supreme Court nomination until after the 2016 election. Republicans, some who might want to see the rich asshole impeached, and others who want to clear his name and fortify their rule—fall in line.
3. the rich asshole, game plan in hand, goes along. the rich asshole, who relishes every fight, goes along. Despite feigning umbrage and making noisy declarations of his innocence, he remains the politician at the top of the news for months—just like in the 2016 election. However, under this scenario, with Paul Ryan as his political partner, the rich asshole knows that his allies—not Mueller or what’s assumed to be a Democratic majority after November—will determine how this unfolds. The process will be scripted for the rich asshole’s exoneration, based on the porous red-run House Intelligence Committee investigation. Democrats, or even individual Republicans, may raise other issues—like the rich asshole’s sexual behaviors or business ties to mobsters—but Ryan’s team brushes them aside.
4. the rich asshole, no surprise, is cleared of all charges. What other outcome could there possibly be? Will the Koch brothers pull strings and try to get their man, Vice President Mike Pence, a promotion? Perhaps, but the rich asshole’s team will drive the process. They will make much ado about vacuous accusations while being careful to avoid anything substantive. Fox News, Breitbart and the rest of the right-wing echo chamber will go crazy defending the rich asshole, attacking Democrats and declaring Hillary Clinton should be in the criminally accused chair, etc. And then, surprise, surprise: the president is cleared of all charges—before 2018’s midterms.
5. the rich asshole declares his innocence, over and over. The House doesn’t vote to send the rich asshole to the Senate for an impeachment trial. Instead, he’ll shout he has been cleared of all charges—Russia and otherwise, as floor-managed by House leadership. the rich asshole will yell that a jury of his peers, the most representative electoral body in the nation—so on and so forth—has decided he is as innocent as a fresh snowfall. All the ugly innuendo, accusations and suspicions have been dealt with and dismissed, in the fairest and most democratic way—or so he’ll say.
6. the rich asshole then turns to November seeking vengeance. Turnout for midterm elections has historically been roughly half of what it is in presidential years. As polls have shown, the rich asshole’s voter base reliably has been in the upper 30s to 40 percent range. But after a Republican-driven impeachment process has cleared him of everything, the rich asshole and the GOP head into November’s midterm elections with the most riled-up base they can imagine, and one seeking vengeance against a blue wave of Democrats.
Possible facts like the notion the GOP turned the House into a kangaroo court won’t matter. There won’t be political promises coming from Republican congressional candidates on the 2018 campaign trail. There will be calls for revenge, for giving the rich asshole his due, for the GOP to consolidate its power. All of this could come after the Republicans staged this entire theatrical display, ensuring the odds favored them every step of the way.
Sure, this is intriguing, but get serious!
Let me admit that I did not make up this speculative narrative. A longtime political insider with decades-old ties to the Democrats told me he had discussed it with a sitting U.S. senator, who did not dismiss it out of hand, but even said that if House Speaker Paul Ryan unleashed all of this, then Democrats could not be counted on to discipline themselves to postpone any impeachment process until after November’s vote.
Most critically, one has to ask—is the rich asshole crazy enough to go down this road? The answer is obvious. His political personality, combative impulses and lust for authoritarian power all suggest he would be attracted to this kind of political roll of the dice. Ryan and the House GOP are not that different. They know that as long as 2018 is a more or less midterm-as-usual election, they are going to get clobbered and likely lose their majority rule. At worst, they go down fighting. At best, the Republicans double down on their power and the rich asshole, a man not content to be a mere president, is now a Republican king.
And what about the Democrats? They’re now involved in an intra-party battle between Berniecrats and middle-of-the-road centrists in their spring primaries. More than a few senators and an ex-vice president are spellbound by their prospects for the 2020 presidential election. House Leader Pelosi doesn’t have the respect she once commanded. In other words, the Democrats are, to some degree, ripe for exploitation should the rich asshole fire Rosenstein and Mueller and House GOP leaders throw the first impeachment punches.
Does this sound wild? Does it sound crazy? Yes. But we are in a wild and crazy political world where the abnormal is now normal. Right now, the rich asshole and Ryan hold the most powerful cards. the rich asshole will do something soon with Mueller. Ryan has to do something soon if he wants to remain Speaker. Orchestrating impeachment may be their ticket.
N. Korea Experts Tear Into Bolton: ‘He’s Never Met A Country He Hasn’t Wanted To Destroy’
The shake-up also comes just two weeks after the rich asshole accepted an invitation to meet with Kim Jong Un.
President some rich asshole’s appointment of John Bolton as national security adviser has left North Korea policy experts deeply troubled and confused just weeks after many expressed optimism about an upcoming summit with dictator Kim Jong Un.
the rich asshole announced Thursday that Bolton would replace his outgoing adviser, H.R. McMaster, early next month. Bolton is seen as one of the most controversial and dangerous figures in U.S. diplomacy and is a fierce war hawk who has long advocated for a preemptive military strike against North Korea and the dismantling of the Iran nuclear deal.
“This news is hard to process,” Van Jackson, a senior lecturer at Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand, said in an email. “What I can say at the moment is that Bolton isn’t just a run-of-the-mill hawk; he’s a kind of warmonger. He’s never seen a foreign policy problem that couldn’t be solved by bombing.”
The news of Bolton’s appointment comes just days after the rich asshole replaced Secretary of State Rex Tillerson with CIA Director Mike Pompeo. Together, Bolton and Pompeo will make up one of the most hawkish U.S. foreign policy teams in recent memory, according to The New York Times.
Between Pompeo and Bolton, you’re looking at a neocon foreign policy jacked up on steroids.Alexandra Bell, senior policy director at The Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation
The shake-up also comes just two weeks after South Korean officials said the rich asshole had accepted an invitation to meet with Kim sometime over the next few months in what would be the first meeting ever between the Kim regime and a sitting U.S. president.
It’s unclear how Bolton’s appointment will affect the planned meeting, the details of which have yet to be announced, and he refrained from commenting on the prospects of the summit in an interview with Fox News on Thursday.
Jeffrey Lewis, the director of the East Asia nonproliferation program at the Middlebury Institute, described Bolton’s approach to national security as “border fetishism” that would jeopardize any future deal by the U.S.
Bolton is “someone who has an absurdly narrow conception of American national security, based on an extremist definition of sovereignty,” he told HuffPost. “This is a man who looks at any international agreement not as countries working together but as a loss of American sovereignty and power.”
With regard to the future of the Iran nuclear deal, Lewis said simply: “This is bad.”
“Bolton undertook a dedicated campaign to destroy the U.S. nuclear deal with North Korea, which he’s been very clear about ― he doesn’t even hide it. So my guess is that Bolton will undertake precisely the same campaign [with the Iran deal], and, in this case, he will reinforce all of the president’s worst tendencies,” he said. “It’s a good deal, and Bolton’s probably going to do a lot of damage to it.”

The U.S. signed an “Agreed Framework” with North Korea in 1994 to freeze Pyongyang’s nuclear power plant program. After Washington received intelligence that North Korea’s nuclear program was advancing more rapidly than expected, Bolton wrote: “This was the hammer I had been looking for to shatter the Agreed Framework” in his memoir, Surrender Is Not an Option.
Alexandra Bell, the senior policy director at The Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, said the timing of the Bolton announcement may give credence to skeptics who felt the acceptance of a meeting with Kim was merely a stunt meant to beef up support for military intervention.
“A week and a half ago, people were concerned that this was simply a box-checking exercise that would enable the the rich asshole administration to say: ‘We tried and it didn’t work,’” Bell said. “I am concerned that those people may have had a point.”
“Between Pompeo and Bolton, you’re looking at a neocon foreign policy jacked up on steroids.”
The news of Bolton’s appointment will likely do little to persuade the North Koreans to abandon their nuclear weapon program, analysts warn.
He’s never met a country he hasn’t wanted to destroy.Vipin Narang, a professor of international relations at MIT.
Just last month, Bolton wrote a highly controversial editorial in The Wall Street Journal in which he laid out the case for a preemptive strike against the North, a position he has long touted.
“His op-ed last month advocating for, and justifying, a preemptive strike against North Korea says it all,” Vipin Narang, a professor of international relations at MIT, told HuffPost. “How do you convince Kim Jong Un to even freeze testing ― let alone countenance any disarmament ― when this is America’s national security adviser?”
“He’s never met a country he hasn’t wanted to destroy,” Narang continued.

Stephen Schwartz, an independent nuclear policy consultant, expressed particular concern over Bolton’s “track record” of consistent support for military action over diplomacy.
“We’ve got an apparent summit in the works, but we don’t really have anybody to plan it because all the experts have basically fled or been forced out of the State Department, and now you’ve got somebody coming in who has no interest in diplomacy,” Schwartz said. “If you pair that attitude with a president who’s willfully ignorant and lacks impulse control, it becomes a very dangerous situation with regard to Iran and North Korea.”
One thing is clear, experts say: When Bolton takes up his post on April 9, the White House will be home to one of the most polarizing diplomatic picks in history, even by the rich asshole administration standards.
“The problem with this president is that he won’t accept ‘No’ for an answer,” Schwartz continued. “Now, with John Bolton as the national security advisor, if the summit fails and [the rich asshole] comes back and says, ‘We tried that, now what do we do?’ Bolton will say, ‘I know! We should attack North Korea!’”
Outgoing lawyer says the rich asshole approved statement calling for end to Mueller probe
BY BRETT SAMUELS - 03/22/18 10:26 PM EDT
An outgoing lawyer for President the rich asshole's personal legal team said that the rich asshole approved of a statement he gave calling for special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian election meddling to be shut down, The Wall Street Journal reports.
John Dowd, who resigned Thursday, issued a statement last weekend calling on Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to “bring an end to alleged Russia Collusion investigation.”
“[the rich asshole] thought it was a good statement. And I still do,” Dowd told the Journal on Thursday.
Dowd had initially told The Daily Beast, which first reported his statement, that he was making the comments in his capacity as the rich asshole’s counsel. In a later statement provided to The Hill and other outlets, Dowd clarified that he was speaking in a personal capacity.
Hours after Dowd’s statement, the rich asshole took to Twitter to echo his lawyer's sentiment blasting the special counsel investigation into possible ties between the rich asshole's campaign and Russia.
“The Mueller probe should never have been started in that there was no collusion and there was no crime,” the rich asshole tweeted Saturday.
Dowd's resignation on Thursday comes as the president seeks to shake up his legal team amid frustrations within the White House over Mueller’s probe.
This week, the rich asshole added Joseph diGenova, a former U.S. attorney who has been highly critical of the FBI and Department of Justice, to his outside legal team.
With Dowd gone, the rich asshole’s outside legal team handling the Russia matter will be led, at least in the interim, by diGenova and Jay Sekulow.
the rich asshole indicated Thursday he would be willing to testify in the Mueller probe, something that Dowd reportedly advised the president against.
Elizabeth Warren Tells Ben Carson To His Face: You Should Be Fired
During a Senate hearing, Warren ripped the secretary for his short and ineffective HUD tenure.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) tore into Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson on Thursday, ripping the former neurosurgeon for failing to do his job.
Carson testified before the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee, discussing his tenure as HUD secretary and his priorities for the department.
Warren made mention of the scandal currently plaguing his office ― that it spent $31,000 of taxpayer money on a dining set for his office ― but she was quick to call out the secretary for failing to advance HUD’s mission of ending housing discrimination. Earlier this month, HuffPost reported that Carson removed anti-discrimination language from HUD’s mission statement, then he backpedaled on the decision once news of the language change went viral.
“Mr. Secretary, a lot of people are criticizing you for spending tens of thousands of dollars of taxpayer money on fancy furniture, and, don’t get me wrong, I think scamming the taxpayers is a scandal,” Warren said after a fiery line of questioning. “But the biggest scandal of your tenure is your unwillingness to do your job and enforce the laws that reduce housing discrimination and segregation across this country.”
She described how housing discrimination has exacerbated the wage gap between white families and black families in America.
“We are going backwards,” she said. “It is HUD’s job to help end housing discrimination. That’s what the law said. You said you would enforce these laws. You haven’t, and I think that’s the scandal that should get you fired.”
Carson protested Warren’s account of his tenure, saying she mischaracterized his work but she was welcome to say whatever she wanted.
“I really resent that remark,” she shot back, before laying into Carson once again.
Last year, Warren angered the progressive community by voting to advance Carson’s nomination to be HUD secretary out of committee. She said he’s not the nominee she wanted, but he “made good, detailed promises.” After continued backlash, however, she voted against his final confirmation when it was before the full Senate.
Take a look at Thursday’s clash in the video above.
Bolton: ‘Completely unacceptable’ for ‘munchkin’ in White House to leak info
BY BRETT SAMUELS - 03/22/18 09:20 PM EDT
Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton, President the rich asshole’s pick to be his new national security adviser, on Thursday night condemned leaks from the White House as “completely unacceptable.”
During an appearance on Fox News, Bolton referencing a Washington Post report that the rich asshole’s national security team informed him not to congratulate Russian President Vladimir Putin during a phone call earlier in the week.
The Post report, which said that advisers in briefing materials warned the president in all-capital letters "DO NOT CONGRATULATE," came after the rich asshole told reporters he congratulated Putin on his reelection. The leak reportedly infuriated the rich asshole and his chief of staff John Kelly.
"When I read about the leak of the note and the subject, I was outraged by it,” Bolton said Thursday evening on Fox News.
“You cannot conduct diplomacy, you cannot expect other foreign leaders to be candid and open in their conversations with the president if some munchkin in the executive branch decides they’re going to leak the talking points or the transcript or any other aspect of it,” Bolton continued.
“And I think this is really a terrible reflection on the individual or individuals who did this. They should be ashamed of themselves,” he continued. “And I think whether you’re a Republican or a Democrat, a liberal or a conservative, there ought to be unity on this point that leaking o that sort is simply unacceptable.”
the rich asshole tweeted earlier in the evening that Bolton, the hawkish former Bush administration official, will take over for national security adviser H.R. McMaster on April 9. Bolton, who was seen visiting the White House on Thursday, will be the rich asshole's third national security adviser.
Tillerson urges 'kindness' in a 'mean-spirited town' during farewell remarks
BY MAX GREENWOOD - 03/22/18 01:38 PM EDT
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Thursday praised the department's employees and urged "kindness" in what he called "a very mean-spirited town" during his final remarks as the nation's chief diplomat.
Tillerson emphasized values of respect and dignity and called for employees to perform "one act of kindness" each day.
"This can be a very mean-spirited town," Tillerson said to a round of laughs and applause. "But you don’t have to choose to participate in that."
The remarks came more than a week after President the rich assholeunceremoniously fired Tillerson in a tweet, and simultaneously announced that he had tapped CIA Director Mike Pompeo for the post.
“Never lose sight of your most valuable asset, the most valuable asset you possess: your personal integrity,” Tillerson said Thursday, adding, “Only you can relinquish it or allow it to be compromised. Once you’ve done so, it is very, very hard to regain it.”
“I hope you will continue to treat each other with respect,” he continued. “Regardless of the job title, the station in life or your role, everyone is important to the State Department. We’re all just human beings trying to do our part.”
Notably absent from Tillerson's remarks was any mention of the rich asshole by name — the second time since his firing that he declined to acknowledge the president in public comments.
His personal relationship with the rich asshole never recovered after Tillerson refused on multiple occasions to deny reports he called the rich asshole a "moron" following a national security meeting.
the rich asshole on Twitter offered to "compare IQ tests" with Tillerson after reports of the comment surfaced in October.
While he is technically set to terminate his commission as secretary of State on March 31, Tillerson is expected to leave Washington and return to his home state of Texas before then.
The secretary has been in Foggy Bottom intermittently since his firing last week to complete paperwork and assist with the transition process.
In his address, Tillerson urged resilience in the face of mounting national security and foreign policy challenges.
“The country faces many challenges. In some instances perplexing foreign affairs relationships, and in other instances, serious national security threats,” he said. “In these times, your continued diligence and devotion to the State Department’s mission has never been more necessary.”
Tillerson, a former ExxonMobil CEO, often had a difficult tenure at the State Department, sparring with the rich asshole on key foreign policy issues, like the Iran nuclear deal and the Paris climate accord, and facing criticism for his management of the agency, which included massive reductions in staff and key positions left unfilled.
But after he concluded his remarks on Thursday, Tillerson left the State Department to several minutes of applause, as he shook the hands of employees on his way out the door.
POLITICS National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster To Leave White House
John Bolton, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, will replace the general.
National security adviser H.R. McMaster is leaving President some rich asshole’s administration, the president announced Thursday. McMaster will be replaced by former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton.
McMaster and the rich asshole “mutually agreed” that it was time for the adviser to leave his post after discussing the idea “for some time,” according to the White House.
“The timeline was expedited as they both felt it was important to have the new team in place, instead of constant speculation,” a White House official said in a statement. “This was not related to any one moment or incident, rather it was the result of ongoing conversations between the two.”
McMaster will also retire from the U.S. Army, in which he has served for 34 years, he said in a statement.
McMaster is the latest of several senior officials to leave the White House, following the departure of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. the rich asshole announced earlier this month that he intends for CIA Director Mike Pompeo to be Tillerson’s replacement, starting in April.
At least a dozen aides to the president have now left their posts in a little over a year.
NBC News was first to report that the White House was preparing for McMaster’s exit, a move reportedly orchestrated by chief of staff John Kelly and Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis. In response, the rich asshole administration dismissed NBC’s March 1 report as “fake news” and stressed that McMaster was doing “a great job.”
NBC reported in early March that Stephen Biegun, a Ford executive who once worked under former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, was rumored to take over as national security adviser.
However, in recent weeks, another possible replacement came to light: Bolton, who served as a highly controversial ambassador to the United Nations under the George W. Bush administration. Tillerson was rumored to have expressed concerns over working with Bolton, whose tactics New York magazine once labeled “very undiplomatic.”
McMaster’s tenure in the rich asshole administration was marked by conflict as he repeatedly found himself at odds with the president. After special counsel Robert Mueller indicted 13 Russians in February, McMaster said there was “incontrovertible” evidence that Russia had moved to influence the 2016 presidential election. the rich asshole himself has long pushed back against allegations of Russian interference in the election, but recently attempted to blame former President Barack Obama for not doing enough to counter Russian meddling.
Despite the Mueller indictments, the departing head of the National Security Agency, Adm. Michael Rogers, said at the end of February that he had not received any orders from the White House to counter future subterfuge. Rogers is reportedly set to retire this spring.
McMaster joined the White House last year to replace Michael Flynn, who resigned amid reports that he had misled Vice President Mike Pence about his meetings with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.
‘They’re gonna gut these guys’: Watch Rick Wilson brutally describe what Mueller’s team will do to the rich asshole’s remaining lawyers

Rick Wilson on CNN -- screengrab
GOP consultant Rick Wilson took a great amount of joy on Thursday night describing what is left of President some rich asshole’s legal team as a bunch of rank amateurs who are going to be “gutted” by special counsel Robert Mueller’s crack team of prosecutors.
Sitting in on a panel with CNN host Don Lemon, the acerbic Wilson — who has become one of the rich asshole’s most vociferous and hilarious critics — unleashed an expert undressing of the rich asshole’s remaining lawyers comparing them to nothing more than Fox News shouters.
With host Lemon asking, “It appears he [the rich asshole] has assembled a team of TV lawyers and TV spinners who are going to spin the story about how Mueller is, you know, corrupt and everyone is corrupt. Isn’t it more than that than what they’re actually going to do in the courtroom or behind the scenes as attorneys?” Wilson unloaded on the rich asshole’s team.
“Well, the problem for the whole theory of a reality TV set of lawyers is that Robert Mueller has a team of pipe-swinging, knee-breaking actual prosecutors and they’re going to chew these guys up and spit them out,” Wilson shot back. “They’re going to take a Joe diGenova, who haven’t practiced law for quite some time I understand, and they’re going to gut them — they’re going to roll them over and spank them.”
“This isn’t going to be a fair fight,” he elaborated. “Because Robert Mueller has people who actually know things and have built a case. And they’re going to win this war and win it despite Sean Hannity bellowing louder than anyone else on TV. That may move the rich asshole base, but I think it’s not going to have a lot of impact at all on this case.”
“Mueller has rolled up mobsters with great attorneys before, so I really don’t think this is going to be something that some rich asshole picking a guy because he can fight well on Fox TV and scream conspiracy about the FBI or the DOJ and the government, the deep state, is going to work” he added. “You know, this is the rich asshole idea that the world is reality television when there’s actually reality outside of reality television.”
Watch the video below via CNN:
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