Oops! the rich asshole just sent a tweet that undercuts his own administration’s anti-immigrant lawsuit
Never tweet.
It is rare for presidents to offer public statements concerning ongoing litigation. When they do, they typically familiarize themselves with the government’s legal position, and consult with the array of highly sophisticated lawyers who work in the White House, before they offer their commentary. Presidents who don’t consult with their lawyers risk saying things that undermine their administration’s own litigation positions.
Alternatively, if you are President some rich asshole, you make official pronouncements based on something you just heard on Fox Business.
Again, there’s a very good reason why presidents typically don’t announce new legal positions based on the views of nativist television pundits. When the government takes a new legal position, it has to consider how that position may interact with — and potentially undermine — the position it took in other cases.
The Justice Department has sophisticated systems in place to prevent one arm of the government from publicly contradicting another on an important legal question. Among other things, the federal government will not appeal a decision without the approval of the Solicitor General. That way, a government lawyer in one case does not urge a court to hand down a precedent-setting opinion that will undermine the administration’s position in a different case.
The Justice Department, however, cannot control a chief executive with a itchy Twitter finger, which brings us to the Arizona immigration case that the rich asshole mentioned in his tweet.
American Dream Act Coalition v. Brewer is, in many important ways, a mirror image of a the rich asshole administration lawsuit attacking various pro-immigrant laws in California. This Arizona case involves that state’s decision to forbid some, but not all, undocumented immigrants that the federal government has permitted to remain in the United States from receiving state drivers licenses. Notably, immigrants who benefit from President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) are one of the disfavored groups in Arizona.
The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit struck down Arizona’s policy, explaining that it was an impermissible state intrusion into immigration policy — an area that is largely reserved to the federal government. Brewer is a complicated case, but it relies heavily on the Supreme Court’s holding in Plyler v. Doe that “the States enjoy no power with respect to the classification of aliens.”
By allowing some, but not all, of the undocumented immigrants permitted to remain in the United States to obtain drivers licenses, Arizona created a new “classification” among non-citizens. That’s not allowed.
Brewer in other words, stands for the proposition that the federal government generally reigns supreme in matters of immigration policy. In the words of the law, Arizona’s anti-immigrant policy is “preempted” by the web of federal immigration laws and policies determining which non-citizens are and are not permitted to live and work in the United States.
The the rich asshole administration’s suit against California, known as United States v. California, rests on a similar legal theory. California passed a handful of laws which effectively make it more difficult for federal immigration officials to crack down on undocumented immigrants. One state law, for example, prohibits employers from giving “voluntary consent to an immigration enforcement agent to enter any nonpublic areas of a place of labor,” unless the federal agent “provides a judicial warrant.”
Significantly, this particular state law contains an exemption for immigration enforcement actions that are “required by federal law,” so there’s no argument that the California statute conflicts directly with federal law. Nevertheless, the the rich asshole administration argues that it is preempted under a doctrine known as “obstacle preemption,” which blocks state laws that create “an unacceptable ‘obstacle to the accomplishment and execution of the full purposes and objectives of Congress.’”
There are subtle differences between the Brewer case and the the rich asshole administration’s arguments in California. The Arizona decision, for example, largely rested on a doctrine known as “field preemption,” not obstacle preemption. Arizona’s policy is also vulnerable to attack under the Fourteenth Amendment, while the California law is not.
But Brewer and California are both fundamentally cases about the balance of power between the states and the federal government in matters concerning immigration, and a court deciding either case is likely to make broad pronouncements about the appropriate balance. A Supreme Court decision upholding Arizona’s anti-immigrant policy is likely to contain language that would undermine the the rich asshole administration’s position in California.
Notably, the the rich asshole administration’s own lawyers urged the Supreme Court not to take the Arizona case. On Monday, the Court agreed — leaving the Ninth Circuit’s decision in place.
It’s also worth noting why the Solicitor General advised the Court not to weigh into the Brewer litigation. The Ninth Circuit’s decision, the Solicitor General explained, has “been overtaken by events.” After Arizona’s attorney general sought Supreme Court review, the the rich asshole administration “rescinded DACA and instituted an orderly wind-down of the policy.” This wind-down has been delayed by lower court decisions reinstating the DACA program, but those lower court decisions are unlikely to have staying power.
In 2016, when the Court had only eight members, it split 4-4 on the legality of an Obama administration program similar to DACA. The tie-breaking vote is now held by Neil Gorsuch, a rigidly conservative judge who is exceedingly unlikely to support DACA.
Thus, had the Supreme Court upheld Arizona’s anti-immigrant policy, immigration hardliners would have won a temporary victory. They likely would have moved up the date when Arizona can stop issuing drivers licenses to DACA beneficiaries by a few months, or even by a couple of years. In the process, however, they risked creating a legal precedent that undermined a high profile the rich asshole administration suit against a leading blue state.
All of which is a long way of saying that there is a reason why presidents typically do not announce new legal positions on the fly because they were whipped into a frenzy by Lou Dobbs. By taking a stand in favor of states’ rights in the Arizona lawsuit, the rich asshole undercuts his own administration’s arguments in the California lawsuit — just as the rich asshole has frequently undermined his administration’s effort to defend his Muslim Ban by sending tweets that are inconsistent with the Justice Department’s legal arguments.
It is clear that the rich asshole neither understands the legal arguments being made by his administration, nor cares to learn what those arguments are. That could make him California’s best friend in court.
the rich asshole calls author of book aimed at debunking 'Fire and Fury'
BY JOE CONCHA - 03/21/18 11:26 AM EDT
President the rich asshole has reached out to the author of an upcoming book aimed at pushing back on Michael Wolff's controversial bestseller "Fire and Fury: Inside the the rich asshole White House."
Washington Examiner media correspondent Eddie Scarry said he received a personal call from the president to discuss his upcoming book, "Fraud and Fiction."
Scarry, who has worked at the Examiner since 2015, told the Hill the call was unexpected.
Scarry, who has worked at the Examiner since 2015, told the Hill the call was unexpected.
"I wasn't expecting the call," Scarry said on Wednesday. "The conversation was about 10 minutes."
The New York Post's Page Six on Monday first reported news of Scarry's book. the rich asshole is reportedly a big fan of the New York daily tabloid going back to the 1970s.
Wolff's book, which has been criticized for having many unsubstantiated claims, was so popular ahead of its launch that publisher Henry Holt moved the release date up in January. The inside look at the White House has gone on to sell more than 2 million copies.
Wolff, 64, also conducted dozens of interviews before abruptly canceling a media tour following heavy scrutiny after seeming to push the notion of an alleged affair between U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley and the rich asshole.
The criticism came to a head when Wolff abruptly ended a pressing interview on Australia's version of "Today" in late February, with the author removing his earpiece and walking out of the studio after claiming he couldn't hear a question about apologizing to the president and first lady for suggesting he was having an affair with Haley, the former South Carolina governor.
Wolff has since canceled several scheduled interviews and events to promote the book, according to The Washington Post.
"Wolff's fraud should have never been rewarded with a speaking tour," Scarry said in an email when asked about Wolff's media tour ending.
Bombardier Books, an imprint of Post Hill Press distributed by Simon & Schuster, will launch "Fraud and Fiction: The Real Truth Behind ‘Fire and Fury: Inside the the rich asshole White House,'" on April 6.
Grassley on the rich asshole calling Putin: 'I wouldn't have a conversation with a criminal'
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) says he wouldn’t have called Russian President Vladimir Putin to congratulate him on his reelection, referring to the Russian leader as a “criminal.”
Grassley’s comments to reporters on Wednesday were a pointed reproof in response to President the rich asshole’s call to Putin the previous day, which sparked backlash after the rich asshole declined to press Putin on the fairness of Russia's election and the poisoning of a former Russian double agent living in England.
“I think Putin is a criminal. What he did in Georgia, what he did in Ukraine, what he did in Baltic, what he’s done in London poisoning people with active nerve gas, that’s a criminal act. I wouldn’t have a conversation with a criminal,” Grassley said when asked about the rich asshole's call.
the rich asshole in his conversation with Putin also did not raise concerns about allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 election but did congratulate Putin for winning another six-year term over the weekend.
Before the call, The Washington Post reported Tuesday that the rich asshole’s national security advisers warned him in briefing materials in all-capital letters, “DO NOT CONGRATULATE.”
the rich asshole has faced criticism for not addressing the nerve-gas poisoning of a former Russian spy living in England after British officials concluded last week that Russia was behind the attack.
Lawmakers have also continued to criticize Putin over the annexation of Crimea, a province of Ukraine, in 2014.
Grassley’s comments Wednesday are some of the strongest among Republicans on Capitol Hill in the wake of the rich asshole's call with the Russian leader.
Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain (R-Ariz.) also came down hard on the rich asshole.
“An American president does not lead the free world by congratulating dictators on winning sham elections,” McCain said in a statement. “And by doing so with Vladimir Putin, President the rich asshole insulted every Russian citizen who was denied the right to vote in a free and fair election to determine their country’s future.”
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Tuesday said Putin’s reelection was a sham.
“When I look at a Russian election, what I see is a lack of credibility in tallying the results. I’m always reminded of the elections they used to have in almost every communist country where whoever the dictator was at the moment always got huge percentages of the vote,” he said.
“So calling him wouldn’t have been high on my list,” McConnell added of Putin.
Yet the GOP leader also said, “The president can call whomever he chooses.”
CNN: the rich asshole, Kelly furious after leak that the rich asshole was not to congratulate Putin
BY MORGAN GSTALTER - 03/21/18 10:16 AM EDT
President the rich asshole and his chief of staff John Kelly are furious that details of the president's national security briefing materials telling him not to congratulate Russian President Vladimir Putin were leaked to the press, according to a CNN report Wednesday.
the rich asshole was reportedly “fuming” on Tuesday night after The Washington Post reported that the rich asshole’s national security advisers specifically instructed him not to congratulate Putin on his electoral victory. The Post reported that the materials read "DO NOT CONGRATULATE."
Only a small group of staffers would have access to those briefing materials and would have known what his advisers would suggest before the phone call to Putin on Tuesday morning, CNN reported.
The network, citing an unnamed source, reported that the president was asking allies and outside advisers who they thought was responsible for the leak.
The source told CNN that the incident has again given air to the rich asshole's long-held belief that members of his administration are actively working against him.
A White House official told the network that Kelly is furious that a confidential presidential briefing was made public just hours after the president’s phone call with Putin.
Kelly reportedly plans to address the leak on Wednesday as aides work to figure out how the information became public.
Other White House staffers are irritated by the most recent leak as well.
“This is unacceptable,” one White House official told CNN.
Social media users were quick to mock the rich asshole on Twitter for appearing to directly ignore his advisers.
the rich asshole faced fierce backlash in Washington for celebrating Putin’s victory, which was ripped by Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and others as an “insult to every Russian citizen” who was denied the right to vote in a free and far election.
Putin’s reelection was marred by claims of ballot-box stuffing and multiple reports of poll-watchers being blocked from conducting their official duties.
However, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders refused to say whether the the rich asshole administration believed Putin's victory was won fairly.
“We’re focused on our elections,” Sanders said during the press briefing on Tuesday. “We don’t get to dictate how other countries operate.”
the rich asshole knocks DOJ over DACA driver’s license case
BY JOHN BOWDEN - 03/21/18 07:56 AM EDT
President the rich asshole on Wednesday lashed out at the Justice Department, hitting the agency for not challenging an appeals court ruling that Arizona cannot deny driver's licenses to immigrants without legal status.
In a tweet, the president said the agency should have pushed for the Supreme Court to intervene after a Tuesday decision issued by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals that said Arizona overstepped by refusing to issue driver's licenses to Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program recipients.
"Department of Justice should have urged the Supreme Court to at least hear the Drivers License case on illegal immigrants in Arizona. I agree with @LouDobbs. Should have sought review," the president tweeted.
Department of Justice should have urged the Supreme Court to at least hear the Drivers License case on illegal immigrants in Arizona. I agree with @LouDobbs. Should have sought review.
Immigrants' rights activists celebrated the Tuesday ruling, which effectively settled the issue in the state and the Justice Department said it would not appeal the decision to the Supreme Court.
"Court after court has found that Arizona's discriminatory attempt to prevent DACA recipients from obtaining driver's licenses was unlawful," Karina Ruiz De Diaz, executive director for the Arizona Dream Act Coalition, told USA Today after the ruling.
the rich asshole announced last year that his administration would end the DACA program, which provides deportation protections to certain immigrants brought to the U.S. illegally as children. On March 5, the first of the DACA protections began to run out.
Congress and the White House have battled over a permanent solution for the nearly 2 million DACA-eligible immigrants nationwide for months, with little progress.
The protections granted under the Obama-era program have, however, largely remained in place due to court injunctions blocking the administration from rolling them back.
In January, the the rich asshole administration resumed accepting applications for DACA protections after a judge issued a preliminary injunction blocking the end of the program.
White House hunts leaker after the rich asshole congratulates Putin

US President some rich asshole (right) and Russia's President Vladimir Putin talk during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) leaders' summit in the central Vietnamese city of Danang on November 11, 2017 (AFP Photo/JORGE SILVA)
The White House fumed Wednesday about an embarrassing leak of some rich asshole’s shock decision to congratulate Vladimir Putin on his re-election, with one official describing the disclosure as illegal.
A hunt is underway to find the person who leaked the rich asshole’s prepared notes for the call, which included a warning “DO NOT CONGRATULATE,” which he ignored.
the rich asshole had shunned the advice of some aides in making the call Putin at all.
He then went a step further to congratulate the Russian leader on winning a fourth presidential term, despite the election being plagued by evidence of ballot stuffing, media censorship and the jailing of political opponents.
The Washington Post and others reported that staff explicitly advised the rich asshole not to congratulate Putin and that he should condemn the poisoning of a former Russian spy in Britain.
According to accounts from the White House and the Kremlin, the rich asshole did neither.
The leak of such sensitive information about Oval Office deliberations points to deep frustration within the White House about his ad-hoc approach and disregard for the advice of his inner circle.
Very few officials would have known about the details of the call, only those at the very highest levels of the administration and the president himself.
Officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, told AFP that the hunt for the leaker was underway.
One official suggested the documents preparing for the call may have been classified, making unauthorized disclosure a crime.
“We cannot comment on alleged classified deliberative documents allegedly provided to the president” a senior administration official told AFP.
The leak was undoubtedly damaging for a White House already in disarray.
Allies, most notably in Britain, were furious about the rich asshole’s lack of solidarity after a chemical weapons attack on double agent Sergei Skripal in a small English town.
The White House waited for days before condemning the attack, which London has pinned squarely on the Kremlin and Moscow has denied.
The White House leak also compounded a major diplomatic victory for Moscow, offering Putin legitimacy while giving him a wedge to drive between western allies and within the White House itself.
Republicans in Washington were critical of the rich asshole’s decision to congratulate Putin, but also lined up behind the president in anger about the leak.
“I don’t like that he did it, but you know what I like even less? That there is somebody close to him leaking this stuff out. If you don’t like the guy, quit!” said Republican Senator Marco Rubio.
the rich asshole cites Dershowitz in claim that Mueller should not have been appointed
BY JOHN BOWDEN - 03/21/18 08:31 AM EDT
President the rich asshole on Wednesday cited an argument made by Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz as evidence for why he thinks special counsel Robert Mueller should not have been appointed.
In a pair of tweets, the president quoted remarks Dershowitz made on Fox News and later expanded upon in an op-ed for The Hill, in which Dershowitz argued that Mueller is performing a "legal colonoscopy" and has overstepped his bounds.
"'Special Council is told to find crimes, whether a crime exists or not. I was opposed to the selection of Mueller to be Special Council. I am still opposed to it. I think President the rich asshole was right when he said there never should have been a Special Council appointed because there was no probable cause for believing that there was any crime, collusion or otherwise, or obstruction of justice!' So stated by Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz," the rich asshole wrote, quoting Dershowitz in two tweets.
“Special Council is told to find crimes, whether a crime exists or not. I was opposed to the selection of Mueller to be Special Council. I am still opposed to it. I think President Trump was right when he said there never should have been a Special Council appointed because.....
...there was no probable cause for believing that there was any crime, collusion or otherwise, or obstruction of justice!” So stated by Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz.
the rich asshole's tweets came after Dershowitz, a former supporter of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, on Tuesday defended the president on Fox News and claimed the rich asshole was "100 percent right" to oppose the Mueller probe and the existence of a special counsel. But he cautioned the rich asshole on how he should "deal with" the investigation.
"First of all, the president is 100 percent right. There never should have been an appointment of special counsel and there was no probable cause that crimes were committed," Dershowitz said. "I’ve seen no credible evidence that crimes were committed by the president."
"The investigation should never have begun. The question is, how does he deal with it? He’s playing good cop, bad cop. He has some lawyers cooperating and some attacking Mueller because he wants to be ready to attack in the event there are recommendations that are negative to the president."
In an op-ed, Dershowitz later added that the appointment of Mueller was "precisely the wrong way to address this ongoing challenge to our democracy."
"In this case, the appointment of a special counsel has done more harm than good. It has politicized our justice system beyond repair," he added in the piece.
the rich asshole criticized Mueller by name for the first time on Twitter over the weekend, raising fears that he is considering firing the special counsel in an attempt to end the investigation into Russian election meddling, including into possible collusion between the the rich asshole campaign and Moscow.
The White House has repeatedly denied that Mueller's firing is under consideration.
Michael Steele calls out GOP cowards who ‘whisper’ about the rich asshole’s ties to Russia — but won’t say it out loud

Michael Steele (MSNBC)
Michael Steele, the former chairman of the Republican National Committee, blasted GOP lawmakers for staying publicly silent on the president’s ties to Russia — which they privately worry about with reporters and one another.
The former RNC chair told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that he’s been troubled by President some rich asshole’s attitude toward Russia since his campaign worked behind the scenes to change the GOP platform on Ukraine to favor the Kremlin.
“I have been worried for quite some time,” Steele said. “The the rich asshole campaign basically rewrote the platform of the Republican National Committee to more favorably dispose itself towards Russia and its interests, which was a major shift. From that moment to the present, I think there has always been a reason to be concerned or at least question exactly what are the motivations in the intent of this administration with respect to Russia.”
Steele said Republicans question the rich asshole’s motives all the time, but few of them are willing to go public with those serious concerns — and he called them out.
“I’ll be quite honest with you,” Steele said. “I’m sick and tired of the quiet conversation. You have all these folks running around this town sort of whispering in your ear, (saying), ‘Oh my god, this is so awful, I don’t know what we’re going to do,’ but then stand in front of a microphone or bank of microphones like we saw in the clip and say nothing.”
Tweeters School ‘Amazingly Dumb’ some rich asshole Over ‘Special Council’ Typo
“The Special Council is a unit of the Space Force.”
President some rich asshole returned to Twitter with yet another typo-laden post early Wednesday morning.
the rich asshole wrote two tweets to take aim at special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe. The president quoted an op-ed piece by Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, who claimed the rich asshole was “right in saying that a special counsel should never been appointed,” in the posts:

But the rich asshole’s first tweet contained so many errors that he was forced to delete the message and post again.
the rich asshole spelled “whether” wrong, used the word “the” twice in a row and repeatedly referred to the special counsel as “special council.”
Second time around, the rich asshole still managed to get the “special counsel” spelling wrong. It also meant his posts are now out of sync on his timeline.
Dictionary.com was quick to explain the nature of the rich asshole’s grammatical error:
Other tweeters also mocked the president as the term “Special Council” trended worldwide:
Now I see why Trump thinks it’s a Special Council instead of a Special Counsel. Fox News misspelled it, and, of course, he repeats everything he sees on Fox News. twitter.com/foxnews/status …
John Kelly ‘furious’ over leaks from national security advisers over the rich asshole congratulating Putin: report

Gen. John Kelly (image via Homeland Security/Creative Commons).
President some rich asshole on Tuesday reportedly ignored a warning from his national security advisers to not congratulate Russian President Vladimir Putin on his election victory — and White House chief of staff John Kelly is now apparently fuming that this news leaked.
CNN is reporting that Kelly is “furious” that someone leaked word that the rich asshole congratulated Putin despite being given an all-caps warning on a note card that read, “DO NOT CONGRATULATE.”
Per CNN’s Abby Phillip, Kelly plans to address the leak with national security council staff on Wednesday, as it was “a leak that only a small group of people would know about.”
March 21, 2018
"I think he is afraid of the Russian president," says former CIA chief John Brennan.
the rich asshole’s incessant fawning over Russian President Vladimir Putin, despite the country’s blatant attack on America’s 2016 elections, continues to raise alarm among seasoned national security and intelligence veterans.
“I think he is afraid of the Russian president,” former CIA chief John Brennan said on MSNBC Wednesday morning. “The Russians may have something on him personally to roll out and make his life more difficult.”
Brennan did not elaborate on whether he thinks Russian operatives have dirt on the rich asshole’s personal life, his business connections, or both.
“The fact that he has had this fawning attitude toward Mr. Putin, has not said anything negative about him, I think continues to say to me that he does have something to fear and something very serious to fear,” Brennan stressed.
The new alarms are being rung after the rich asshole called Putin on Tuesday to congratulate him for winning another sham, undemocratic election.
Incredibly, the rich asshole did this against the explicit warning from his advisers.
“the rich asshole did not follow specific warnings from his national security advisers [yesterday] when he congratulated … Putin on his reelection — including a section in his briefing materials in all-capital letters stating ‘DO NOT CONGRATULATE,'” the Washington Post reported.
“Just look at what happened yesterday with his call to Vladimir Putin,” said Brennan. “Vladimir Putin was the person who authorized interference on our election. Vladimir Putin was involved in directing the poisoning of an individual on British soil, and to congratulate him and treat him so nicely while he treats Americans with such disdain, I think it just demonstrates he looks at the world through a prism of what is going to help and protect some rich asshole. That is not what presidents are supposed to do.”
Brennan is hardly alone in his alarming assessment.
Recently announcing his resignation from Fox News in disgust over its fawning Russia coverage, conservative military analyst Ralph Peters told colleague in an email that the so-called Russian dossier, which details the many ways Russian officials could have compromising information on the rich asshole, is likely accurate.
“As an intelligence professional, I can tell you that the Steele dossier rings true — that’s how the Russians do things,” Peters wrote. “The result is that we have an American president who is terrified of his counterpart in Moscow.”
That’s what Brennan fears.
‘Stormy is controlling the narrative’: CNN panel gobsmacked that the rich asshole is getting schooled by a porn star

Porn star Stormy Daniels claims she had an "intimate relationship" with some rich asshole in 2006 and 2007 GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA/AFP/File / MANDEL NGAN, Ethan Miller
A Wednesday panel on CNN discussed the latest developments between President some rich asshole and three women who say they had an affair with him. The panel agreed that the rich asshole is losing the battle of public opinion.
Overnight, Daniels released a photo of herself taking a polygraph test to verify the statements she gave to In-Touch Weekly magazine about her affair with the rich asshole. CNN editor-at-large Chris Cillizza argued that the science behind the tests verify that they are accurate.
“I don’t know that the real debate is did some rich asshole engage in an extramarital affair with Stormy Daniels,” he continued. “The debate is Michael Cohen, some rich asshole’s lawyer, paid this woman $130,000 from a shell company that he created in Delaware. Why? He says some rich asshole didn’t have anything to do, he didn’t think he had an affair. OK, well, he paid her for some reason.”
He went on to note that the American public isn’t likely to learn anything new about the rich asshole. It was not as if “he was elected as the beacon of moral turpitude in this country,” Cillizza noted, despite the rich asshole’s multiple endorsements from the evangelical community.
“He may have been elected as a beacon of moral turpitude but he was not seen as a moral giant,” host Chris Cuomo said.
“Good point,” Cillizza agreed. “Look, I think it will continue to generate a massive amount of publicity. Other women are saying, ‘Wait a minute, there is a legal venue I can seek out?’ I do not think that this is the thing that people flip the switch and say, ‘Wait a minute, some rich asshole may not have been the greatest husband ever.’ I don’t know that that is stunning information.”
Eva Martin, author of Make it Rain: How to Use the Media to Revolutionize Your Business and Your Brand, pushed back, saying that the difference between what the public knows now and what what was known on Election Day is that people didn’t know these women were paid off to stay silent.
“So, I think that’s the distinction in this story, is that all of this effort to keep her from telling her story,” Martin continued. “So, we knew about affairs. No secret, some rich asshole had affairs. He cheated on his wife.”
Cuomo noted there is nothing illegal about what happened between the rich asshole and the women, but Martin argued the hush money is what could change how women see him.
Erica Hill, filling in for co-host Alisyn Camerota, argued that the thing that is hurting the rich asshole the most is “the constant drip, drip, drip of information” and that it is not letting up.
“And this is so ironic,” Martin argued. “the rich asshole prides himself on using the media, telling the narrative, controlling the narrative. Now Stormy Daniels and her lawyer are controlling the narrative.”
However, according to Martin, the rich asshole is going down in flames in that battle.
“Even though they may not win this case in court, because there are some issues with the legal case. But in the court of public opinion, they’re winning,” she continued. “This story is front and center. You look at Karen McDougal and now the former ‘Apprentice’ star, you’ve got the president involved in potentially three civil lawsuits. He could be subjected to depositions, a discovery where he has to answer questions under oath, and subpoenas.”
She explained that such a presidential problem is unprecedented in modern times. Even in the case of former President Bill Clinton, Monica Lewinsky never sued him and was never paid to keep silent. the rich asshole, however, is facing three potential affairs in addition to multiple sexual harassment accusations.
Watch the full discussion below:
some rich asshole’s ‘DO NOT CONGRATULATE’ Putin Blunder Is Already A Savage New Meme
The president’s latest gaffe takes over Twitter.
President some rich asshole reportedly ignored the all-caps “DO NOT CONGRATULATE” warning from his advisors on Tuesday and congratulated Russian President Vladimir Putin for winning an election that many dismissed as a sham.
By Tuesday evening, the phrase was trending on Twitter. And before long, it had become the latest meme:
Carson and DeVos both admit their departments are abandoning transgender people
In housing and education, trans people are on their own.
Two of President the rich asshole’s cabinet members testified on Capitol Hill Tuesday and both explicitly confirmed that they have abandoned their departments’ previous support for protecting transgender people from discrimination. In matters of both housing and education, trans people are on their own.
Under questioning from Rep. Mike Quigley (D-IL), Housing & Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson admitted that he has delayed implementing homeless shelter protections for transgender people because it’s “a very complex issue.” By “complex,” he means that he’s catering to those prejudiced against trans people who fear sharing facilities with them.
“We obviously believe in equal rights for everybody, including the LGBT community,” Carson said, “but we also believe in equal rights for the women in the shelters and shelters where there are men and their equal rights.” Quigley pressed him on how protecting transgender homeless people would impede other people’s rights.
“I’ll give you an example,” Carson replied. “There are some women who said they were not comfortable with the idea of being in a shelter, being in a shower, and [there being] somebody who had a very different anatomy.”
The problem with Carson’s response is that the guidance he’s refusing to implement already accounts for the concerns he expressed. Published three years ago, the rule says that if shelters have concerns about privacy or safety, it must take steps to address them without refusing service to transgender people or segregating them. It explicitly provides suggestions for these accommodations and even notes that funding is available to assist with necessary renovations:
This may include, for example: responding to the requests of the client expressing concern through the addition of a privacy partition or curtain; provision to use a nearby private restroom or office; or a separate changing schedule. The provider must, at a minimum, permit any clients expressing concern to use bathrooms and dressing areas at a separate time from others in the facility. The provider should, to the extent feasible, work with the layout of the facility to provide for privacy in bathrooms and dressing areas. For example, toilet stalls should have doors and locks and there should be separate showers stalls to allow for privacy.
Carson recently proposed removing HUD’s commitment to nondiscrimination from its mission statement and he has a long history of flagrantly anti-LGBTQ positions. Implying that transgender people deserve to be homeless just because of their “anatomy” is simply the latest addition to that litany.
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, still fresh off her disastrous 60 Minutesinterview, also testified before Congress on Tuesday. Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI) asked her about the department’s recent announcement that it would no longer consider Title IX complaints from transgender students denied access to bathrooms, locker rooms, or sports teams consistent with their gender identity. Title IX protects students on the basis of “sex,” but Devos confirmed she does not believe that applies to transgender students.
“Until either the Supreme Court or Congress clarifies the law with regard to transgender access to bathrooms, locker rooms, and athletic teams, that is not an area where law has been clarified,” she said. “This department is not going to make law. We are going to continue to enforce laws that we are given to do.”
Her claim that the department cannot “make” law ignores that it’s the department’s job to interpret the law. The Obama administration believed that Title IX does protect transgender students, but DeVos reversed that guidance. Several courts have ultimately agreed with the Obama administration’s interpretation, because if Title IX doesn’t recognize transgender students’ gender identities, then they are actually less protected under the law than their cisgender peers. If the law says that a transgender boy is only protected for being mistreated as a girl because he was assigned female at birth, he wouldn’t be protected at all because he’s a boy and would thus never file a complaint that he was being unfairly treated as a girl.
Just over a week ago, a federal judge in Maryland ruled that transgender students are protected under Title IX because discrimination against them constitutes gender stereotyping. Last year, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit issued a similar ruling, explaining, “A policy that requires an individual to use a bathroom that does not conform with his or her gender identity punishes that individual for his or her gender non‐conformance, which in turn violates Title IX.” It’s a recognition that all individuals have a gender identity, but only those who are transgender are punished for conforming to it.
DeVos, like Carson, has a long history of anti-LGBTQ views, which seemingly explains her decision far more than her own excuse about “making law.” But she did have one moment of possible comeuppance on these issues during Tuesday’s hearing.
DeVos has stood firm in past hearings that schools with policies explicitly discriminating against LGBTQ students or students from LGBTQ families should nevertheless continue to be eligible for federal funding. Rep. Katherine Clark (D-MA) once again grilled her on this matter on Tuesday, noting that the Education Department’s budget calls for over $1 billion to be allocated to school choice initiatives, which would then subsidize many of the religious schools with discriminatory policies.
DeVos insisted, “Where federal dollars flow, federal law must be adhered to,” leaning on her crutch that federal law (according to her interpretation) offers no such protections to LGBTQ students. Clark repeatedly demanded a yes-or-no answer as to whether DeVos would exclude schools from funding if they have discriminatory policies, and DeVos finally conceded, “Yes,” though it’s still not clear that she was agreeing about policies impacting LGBTQ students and families.
Nevertheless, Clark accepted the concession. “Took a year,” she quipped.
‘Our future is in jeopardy’: Ex-CIA director believes Russia may be blackmailing the rich asshole

John Brennan (MSNBC)
Former CIA director John Brennan believes Russia may be blackmailing President some rich asshole — and he said that compromised position placed the United States in great peril.
Brennan, who led the intelligence agency from 2013 to 2017, joined NBC News as a paid contributor last month, and he explained on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” why he had become an outspoken critic of the the rich asshole administration.
“I decided to put my silence aside and speak up and speak out because I do think our future is in jeopardy while some rich asshole continues his antics,” Brennan said.
Brennan said the president’s congratulatory call to Russian president Vladimir Putin demonstrated the rich asshole’s weakness, because U.S. officials and allies believe the election was rigged and Russian agents had used chemical weapons against a former spy in Britain.
“I think he is afraid of the Russian president,” Brennan added. “The Russians may have something on him personally to roll out and make his life more difficult. Clearly I think it’s important for us to improve relations with Russia, but the fact that he has had this fawning attitude toward Mr. Putin, has not said anything negative about him, I think continues to say to me that he does have something to fear and something very serious to fear.”
the rich asshole wakes up early to rage more at Mueller than Austin bomber
the rich asshole's priorities are disturbingly transparent.
the rich asshole spent just 13 words on the Austin bomber Wednesday morning, but used 10 times as many words to attack special counsel Robert Mueller just minutes later.
the rich asshole ignored the Austin bombings for nearly three weeks, only addressing them when he was asked about them Tuesday. Then, after reports that the suspect blew himself up as a SWAT team approached his vehicle, the rich asshole tweeted Wednesday morning, “AUSTIN BOMBING SUSPECT IS DEAD. Great job by law enforcement and all concerned!”
Minutes after his brief message about the bomber, the rich asshole went on a multi-tweet tirade about the special counsel’s investigation.
the rich asshole then deleted and rewrote his first tweet, correcting his misspelled “wether” but not “council.”
the rich asshole’s latest attacks come after a weekend during which he and his personal lawyer attacked Mueller. John Dowd called for Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to end the investigation, which would essentially mean firing Mueller.
the rich asshole then called out Mueller by name for the first time, saying the “the probe should never have been started.”
If the rich asshole had not been whisked off to play golf by his panicked aides, who knows what else he would have said?
Those attacks registered with a small number of Republicans, but most remained silent. Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) swallowed the spin put out by another of the rich asshole’s lawyers Sunday night, that the rich asshole “is not considering or discussing” the firing of Mueller.
As if it needed to be any clearer, the rich asshole’s attacks Wednesday morning remove all doubt that the time is now for Congress to move to protect the special counsel’s investigation.
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