‘You’re a racist!’ Pro-gun teen freaks out on CNN after being reminded most school shooters are white

A panel of teenagers discusses guns and race on CNN (Screen cap).
A pro-Second Amendment teenager got into a heated argument with his fellow teens on CNN Wednesday — and he took particular exception to the observation that most high school shooters are young white men.
During a panel discussion on guns and race, Florida teenager Jacob Scott argued that the best way to prevent more school shootings was to arm more “good guys” with guns who could take out the “bad guys.” He also blamed left-wing “open borders” policies for allegedly letting foreign criminals enter the country to commit acts of violence.
Fellow panelist Zyahna Bryant, however, pointed out that it wasn’t foreigners who were committing mass shootings at schools.
“Who is carrying out these mass shootings?” she asked rhetorically. “Young, white men.”
“You’re a racist!” Scott shouted back at her, as his fellow panelists shouted back at him that “it’s a fact” that most school shooters are white men.
Scott pointed to the example of Omar Mateen as the example of a non-white shooter, although Mateen attacked a night club in Florida — not a school.
“There are exceptions to the rule, but school shooters generally are young, white men,” said host Alisyn Camerota.
“OK, but they’re also pumped up on meds too!” Scott shot back.
Watch the video below.
Supporter explains why the rich asshole is ‘a great role model’ — and why Bill Clinton’s affair was ‘a heinous crime’

Pres. some rich asshole mocking NYT reporter Serge Kovaleski on the campaign trail in 2016 (Screen capture)
The Washington Post this week interviewed six different conservatives across the United States to ask them if they believe President some rich asshole is a role model.
While most conservatives said that they voted for the rich asshole despite his multiple scandals and affairs, they did find one the rich asshole fan who both thought the president was a role model for children and that former President Bill Clinton was a “heinous” person for having an extramarital affair.
California the rich asshole fan Delores Chavez Harmes tells the Post that the rich asshole is a “great role model,” although she insists that she won’t defend every single one of his tweets.
“I think the words and the language are far less important than some of the acts that other presidents have taken,” Chavez said. “So when you look at this as a whole, I don’t think he’s worse than anyone else.”
When asked about former President Bill Clinton’s personal behavior, she said that he had committed a “heinous crime” by having sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office, whereas as the rich asshole’s affairs — to her knowledge — all occurred before he became president.
In a court filing Tuesday night special counsel Robert Mueller alleges Rick Gates, a close associate of former the rich asshole campaign chairman Paul Manafort, knew the two were working with a former Russian intelligence officer during the 2016 election.
The FBI has determined the former officer continued to have ties to Russian intelligence in 2016 and worked with Gates and Manafort in September and October that year. It is not clear whether the two men knew this.
Mueller’s team made the revelation in a sentencing document against lawyer Alex van der Zwaan, who pleaded guilty in February to lying to investigators in the Russia probe. The investigation is examining whether the rich asshole campaign assisted the Kremlin’s interference in the 2016 election.
Gates continued to work on the rich asshole campaign after Manafort stepped down amid allegations of fraud over his political work in Ukraine in August 2016. Manafort and the rich asshole continued to stay in touch, according to reports.
During an interview with Mueller’s investigators last November, van der Zwaan “deliberately and repeatedly lied” about his communications with Gates the filing said, even when he “was expressly warned by the government that it is a crime to lie to the Special Counsel’s Office.”
One of those lies, the filing alleges, was about the former Russian military intelligence directorate (GRU) agent, identified in the document as “Person A.” This unnamed person worked in Ukraine for Manafort’s company Davis Manafort International on its lobbying work for the government and lived in Kiev and Moscow until mid-August 2016.
During his first interview with Mueller’s team, van der Zwaan said “Gates told him Person A was a former Russian Intelligence Officer with the GRU,” the filing states.
It accuses van der Zwaan of lying about “his communications with Gates, his communications with a Ukrainian business associate of Manafort and Gates (Person A), and his failure to produce an email between himself and the Ukrainian business associate—all important matters in the investigation.” It also accuses him of deliberately destroying documents.
In February, Gates pleaded guilty to fraud and lying to investigators and agreed to work with the special counsel’s investigation. Mueller then dropped nearly two dozen fraud charges against him. Both Gates and Manafort were first indicted last October on charges they laundered $30 million.
Gates “saw everything” inside the rich asshole campaign, a Republican consultant who worked with him on the campaign told Politico Monday, calling Gates among the “top five” insiders who could benefit Mueller’s investigation.
Working for the international law firm Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, van der Zwaan assisted Gates on a report about the trial of Ukraine’s former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko for a Ukrainian political group.
A 30-page sentencing memorandum van der Zwaan’s lawyer filed Tuesday asks the judge for leniency and no jail time when he is sentenced on April 3. It states that if he is jailed he may miss the birth of his first child in London and asks that he pay an “appropriate fine.” He could face as many as six months in jail.
The filing by Mueller’s team makes no recommendation on how van der Zwaan should be sentenced, but argues that he is a trained, experienced lawyer who repeatedly sought to deceive investigators.
some rich asshole Jr sobbed after his wife busted his plan to impregnate ‘Celebrity Apprentice’ mistress: report

some rich asshole Jr. and Aubrey O'Day/Screenshots
some rich asshole Jr. planned to leave his wife Vanessa, the mother of his five children, to start a second family with mistress Aubrey O’Day, Us Weekly reports.
the rich asshole Jr. met the reality star and C-list reality TV contestant in 2011 when she appeared on Celebrity Apprentice with once-popular entertainers like Arsenio Hal and Debbie Gibson.
And like his father, the eldest the rich asshole son apparently did not use condoms during his extra-marital dalliances.
“Don told Aubrey he wanted to have a baby with her,” the insider says. “They were trying for one.”
The relationship ended in March 2012 when Vanessa found email exchanges between her husband and O’Day and called the woman to confront her with her kids on the phone.
“He’d call Aubrey and leave long voicemails telling her he still loved her over and over,” a source tells Us Weekly. “He’d cry and say he was nervous his wife would take the kids away.”
As with other low-level celebrities involved in affairs with the Trumps, O’Day is now apparently ready to speak out. Watch the video below to see a clip from a new music video in which she not-so-subtlety calls out her former lover and his soon-to-be-ex.
Betsy DeVos is using school shootings to justify draconian new discipline guidelines
A White House commission plans to consider a rollback of Obama administration guidelines on student discipline.
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and Republican lawmakers are considering moves that may undo years of progress in dismantling the school-to-prison pipeline.
A White House commission on school safety plans to hold its first meeting on Wednesday. According to Politico, the first meeting will be closed press, but subsequent meetings will have open press. There are already a lot of critics of the commission since teachers and students will be missing from the conversation, and the commission seems to be more interested in media coverage of school shootings and the influence of video games than on reforming gun policy.
But one of the biggest concerns is that the commission is considering rolling back Obama administration guidance on school discipline that discouraged officers from disciplining students and pushed for more positive and less punitive responses to student behavior. In other words, the federal government will undo the Obama administration’s work to keep students in school and out of the criminal justice system.
That 2014 Obama-era guidance addressed racial disparities in school discipline. Black preschool children were 3.6 times more likely than white children to receive one or more out-of-school suspensions, according to 2016 U.S. Department of Education data. Black students were 1.9 times more likely than white students to be expelled from school without educational services in K-12 and were 2.3 times more likely to be disciplined through involvement of officers. Officers have slammed students on the ground in New York, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Texas.
And there is evidence to suggest more officers in schools will lead to outsized responses to student disruptions. A 2009 study from the University of Tennessee in Knoxville found that officers are more likely to see a classroom disruption as criminal conduct even though no one’s safety is at risk.
As a result, students, particularly Black students who are often receiving this harsh discipline, lose their education and are pushed into the criminal justice system. In 2016, a report released by the University of California, Los Angeles’ Civil Rights Project found that high school students who were suspended at least once in a single year of school were at a higher risk of dropping out. When students drop out, they’re more likely to be involved in the criminal justice system. Research on the effectiveness of harsh discipline found that suspension as a deterrent for misbehavior does not appear to be effective, but that high-quality interventions, such as school services and behavior plans, may reduce disruptive behavior in school.
It’s not just the White House shifting attention away from gun control toward zero tolerance student discipline. Other Republican lawmakers are also pushing against Obama-era discipline reforms. Last week, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) introduced a bill that would prevent school districts from using federal funding to implement policies that would discourage schools from reporting any disciplinary action to law enforcement or discourage law enforcement from arresting students.
Rubio blames the Broward County school discipline policies and the PROMISE program (Preventing Recidivism Through Opportunities, Mentoring, Interventions, Supports & Education) for the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School that left 17 people dead last month. The PROMISE program provides alternatives to law enforcement and expulsion and according to Miami New-Times, it was clearly necessary, since students, and disproportionately students of color, were being handcuffed for minor classroom disruptions.
But the Parkland school shooter, Nikolas Cruz, wasn’t in the school’s PROMISE program. And even so, the district’s discipline policies don’t prevent arrests of students who have made felony-level threats.
Both the White House and Rubio are incorrectly linking the school shooting to efforts to reduce harsh student discipline practices that experts say are both ineffective and disproportionately hurt Black students and students with disabilities.
“There isn’t much data out there to show that zero tolerance policies are effective,” said Russell Skiba, a professor of school psychology at Indiana University who works with schools to address changes to student discipline practices. “In fact, the data shows that places that implement more suspensions and expulsion have higher rates of dropout, lower achievement, and are more likely to result in referral to juvenile justice.”
Linda Raffaele-Mendez, associate professor at the school psychology program at University of South Florida said the “overall body of literature” indicates that zero tolerance policies aren’t effective in reducing disruptions in schools.
“The direction that I’m wanting to see people move in is seeing where kids are coming from and meeting their needs and forming relationships,” Raffaele-Mendez said. “I want to see people create conditions in schools that make kids want to be there, as opposed to punishing them when they act out when the climate overall isn’t conducive to kids wanting to be there and learn.”
The 2014 Obama administration guidelines said schools should focus on restorative justice practices, social-emotional learning, and peer mediation instead of punitive responses to students’ minor classroom disruptions and provide mental health support to students. The guidelines also included regular evaluation of classroom policies to ensure that students of color and students with disabilities weren’t being disproportionately disciplined, providing professional development training for school staff, and making sure partnerships with law enforcement clearly spell out officers’ roles in schools.
Raffaele-Mendez said school arrests can be traumatic for students who are already dealing with the effects of trauma. She said trauma-informed classroom practices help school staff understand why students are upset in class and how best to address their needs.
“If you have a kid who gets angry at a teacher and curses for example, there are a lot of teachers who say that kid is immediately out of class and they’re going to go to the office,” she said. “The principal will initiate some kind of disciplinary procedure. But you never really get at the root of what is happening with that child and that is what trauma-informed care is about, even if we don’t know their trauma history, recognizing that kids can get set off by things and sometimes if we can just take a minute to try to figure out what is going on and talk to that kid, we can build a relationship. There is an opportunity for the student to engage in some kind of restorative practices instead of punishing the student for inappropriate behavior.”
States have been moving toward less punitive discipline practices for years, a couple years before the release of Obama administration guidance on discipline, Skiba said. Eighty-four percent of superintendents surveyed by the School Superintendents Association in 2014 reported that they updated their discipline policies within the past three years. Twenty-two states and the District of Columbia revised laws to discourage schools from using exclusionary discipline practices and instead focus on things like restorative practices and positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS), combined with more counseling services. But Skiba is still worried that rescinding the Obama-era policy could damage ongoing efforts to reduce exclusionary discipline.
“We don’t know what impact reversing that guidance would have. That said, the guidance was based on research that has shown that zero-tolerance policies place students at risk for a number of long-term outcomes,” Skiba said. “And that’s especially true of students of color, so reversing the guidance would clearly be something that wouldn’t be in the best interest of students and schools across the nation.”
CBS legal analyst: the rich asshole ‘will get deposed’ because of Stormy’s ‘stellar’ legal work and Cohen’s ‘bad lawyering’

Michael Cohen (CBS/screen grab)
CBS legal analyst Rikki Klieman on Wednesday praised court filings which call on President some rich asshole to be deposed over an alleged affair with Stephanie Clifford, an adult film star who goes by the name Stormy Daniels.
After Clifford’s attorney, Michael Avenatti, filed the motions in Los Angeles overnight, Klieman described the court documents as “stellar” legal work.
“I think the president may well get deposed,” Klieman explained on CBS This Morning. “The amended complaint filed on Monday afternoon, followed by this filing in the early morning hours, these are stellar filings. They are based in fact. They are based in law. They are based in precedent.”
Klieman argued that the entire scandal could have been avoided if the rich asshole’s attorney, Michael Cohen, was a better lawyer.
“Clearly, this could have been avoided,” she insisted. “I lay all of this at the feet of Michael Cohen. From the very beginning.”
According to Klieman, Cohen is guilty of “bad lawyering and bad fixing.”
“Michael Cohen is no Michael Clayton,” she quipped, referring to a George Clooney movie character. “It was a bad fix when you first start. When you go in terms of the lawyering, once he starts making public statements and he does allegedly defame her by not know if her statement is true of false, he then gives Michael Avenatti an avenue to get a jury trial, which wasn’t there before. And damages.”
“So now, Michael Avenatti has an endgame,” Klieman concluded. “He has damages he’s looking for Stormy Daniels.”
Watch the video below from CBS.
It’s not just Facebook — here’s how pro-the rich asshole data firm Cambridge Analytica weaponized Amazon

Republican presidential nominee some rich asshole speaks at a campaign rally in Reno, Nevada, U.S., October 5, 2016. REUTERS/Mike Segar
Amazon helped Cambridge Analytica collect personal data from Facebook users that was then used to serve social media ads intended to help President some rich asshole win the election.
The data firm owned by the rich asshole megadonor Robert Mercer scraped Facebook data from more than 50 million users, but Cambridge Analytica also harvested data from thousands of quasi-volunteers who work for an Amazon affiliate, reported Fast Company.
Those Mechanical Turk freelancers, known as “turkers,” started chattering on message boards in 2014 about an offer to pay them $1 or $2 to complete a survey through Facebook that was posted by Global Science Research and limited only to Americans.
Aleksandr Kogan, a Soviet-born Cambridge University researcher, co-founded Global Science Research for the purpose of collecting data from Americans to be used by Cambridge Analytica, which is the U.S. arm of the London-based SCL Group.
Amazon Web Servies controls Mechanical Turk, which pays freelancers small amounts to perform rote tasks computers cannot, such as completing online surveys for marketers, researchers or even artists.
This survey asked turkers to download a Facebook app that sucked up information about where they went, what celebrities they liked and other data from their own profiles and anyone on their friends list.
Multiple respondents reported the quiz at the time on the Turkopticon message board for violating of Amazon’s terms of service, and the company eventually kicked Kogan off its platform in 2015 after The Guardian reported he had shared the data with Cambridge Analytica.
However, Kogan’s new company Philometrics continues to post questionnaires to Mechanical Turk, according to the freelancer message board, and his Cambridge Analytica collaborator Joe Chancellor also reportedly still uses the platform.
Kogan, who remains a research associate at Cambridge University, and Chancellor, who now works at Facebook Research, did not respond to Fast Company’s requests for comment, and Amazon Web Services recycled the same statement about Global Science Research that it gave a year ago to The Intercept.
“Our terms of service clearly prohibit misuse,” the company said. “We suspended the Mechanical Turk requester in 2015 for violating our terms of service.”
Kogan and Chancellor scooped up individual data from more than 240,000 people over six months by paying them about $800,000 total for quiz answers through the Amazon affiliate and the survey platform Qualtrics.
Qualtrics has not said whether it took any steps to review Kogan’s work, and a spokesperson for the company insisted “all data are safeguarded using industry best security practices that prevent unlawful disclosure.”
Kogan most likely recruited users through MTurk and Qualtrics and then asked them to link to an external Facebook app, which then connected him with Facebook’s Open API.
That would then have allowed Kogan to harvest data from those users’ friends — which gave the researchers access to personal data for more than 50 million Facebook users.
Facebook eventually closed access to friends data in May 2015, but that was after Kogan had downloaded all that data and built 34 million profiles that were usable for his psychometric research.
Steve King Tried To Troll Teens Who Support Gun Control. It Didn’t Go Well.
Conservative lawmaker gets called out on Twitter.
An arch-conservative congressman with a reputation for inflammatory comments on Tuesday called out teens who support raising the age for gun purchases by asking whether that also meant they shouldn’t be able to vote.
Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) asked on Twitter:
The answers to King’s query came in fast, with more than 14,000 replies over a little more than a day:
If you are a Congressional representative and seriously posit such a ridiculous analogy, why should you be allowed to represent constituents?
CNN’s Chris Cuomo quotes the Bible to shame Rick Santorum’s ‘hypocrisy’ on the rich asshole’s immorality

Chris Cuomo and Rick Santorum (Photo: Screen capture)
In an early morning smackdown, former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA) got owned by CNN’s Chris Cuomo, who quoted the Bible to argue that President some rich asshole’s morality doesn’t match Christian teachings.
Earlier in the morning, co-host Alisyn Camerota interviewed a pastor who wrote a book justifying the Christian community’s continuing support for the rich asshole despite his questionable morals.
Santorum argued that everyone makes mistakes and part of Christianity is learning from those mistakes and working to become a better person. Cuomo noted, however, that the rich asshole hasn’t done that. Over the last 50 years, the rich asshole has had multiple affairs, been married three times, been accused of rape, sexual assault and sexual harassment, as well as having affairs with adult film stars and nude models just after his wife gave birth to his son.
Santorum essentially confessed that the rich asshole’s morality doesn’t matter in the face of what he does for right-wing Christians through legislation.
“A s a Catholic, you know, we have confession,” Santorum explained. the rich asshole is not Catholic and does not go to confession. “The question is but how do they behave on the issues we have elected them to deal with. They are, in fact, choosing.”
Cuomo called Santorum out on his distinction and hypocrisy from the Christian right when it came to former President Bill Clinton’s affairs.
“You were in there during the Clinton years,” Cuomo said. “This was not what was being said by this voting bloc. You remember you called for Clinton to resign to be impeached and [Monica] Lewinsky was too big a cloud. When it suits the politics, the piety is great. And when it doesn’t, the piety is easily excused. That’s hypocrisy.”
Santorum tried to say it was the case for both sides.
“Let’s talk about this side,” Cuomo returned. “They have made this their currency, ‘This is why they are better than I am.’ Their faith comes first. Where is it now?”
Santorum disagreed and attacked the #MeToo movement for not attacking Bill Clinton. Clinton, however, is no longer the president or any elected official. The #MeToo movement didn’t begin until over 20 years after he was in office.
“Let’s just be honest about all of this,” Santorum continued, promising he’s not an apologist for the rich asshole. “You’re right. The politics seem to the rich asshole everything these days. Unfortunately, that is the case.”
Cuomo demanded to know why Santorum refused to attack the rich asshole the way he attacked Clinton in the 1990s.
“Well, I didn’t talk about Bill Clinton’s affairs than I did Bill Clinton,” Santorum tried to claim. “His impeachment was not about his affairs, it was him lying about it…I was there. The reality is when the president breaks a law, that’s a big deal.”
“But still, character either counts or it doesn’t,” Cuomo continued hammering the evangelical community’s hypocrisy. He went on to say that people who put their faith first are now being outright hypocrites on the rich asshole.
“With people who say they put faith first, character has to count,” Cuomo said. “It always has. We have heard it time and time again. Now everything is forgivable. They liken some rich asshole to King David. Is that a good analysis?”
Santorum agreed, saying that King David was a flawed man. That’s when Cuomo brought the Bible into play in comparing the rich asshole to King David.
“What else did King David do that made him acceptable to Christians and is a fundamental aspect in the Bible?” Cuomo asked rhetorically. “Psalm 51: It was fundamental to the forgiveness. It was fundamental to the acceptance of what he was as flawed because he knew it, and he begged forgiveness and promised to live his life differently going forward. It is in the Bible story because it is fundamental to the reckoning to it.”
Santorum argued that contrition wasn’t to man it was to God and that’s what evangelicals believe. He said he doesn’t know if the rich asshole has asked for forgiveness from God, confessed his sins or promised to lead a better life and be a better man.
“Isn’t that convenient?” Cuomo asked. “They judge things that are between man and God all the time when it suits them.”
“If you put D next to his name, there will be a lot of loud and proud talking about it,” Cuomo said.
One Christian writer noted last month, “the devil is delighted” to see evangelicals defending the rich asshole and the GOP at all costs.
Watch the full interview below:
Mike Pence Accused Of Hypocrisy Over Tribute To Civil Rights Icon Linda Brown
“You walked out of a football game because of football players peacefully protesting inequality.”
Vice President Mike Pence has sparked anger with his tribute to civil rights icon Linda Brown.
Brown, who as a young child was at the center of the Brown v. Board of Education case which played a key role in ending segregation in U.S. public schools, died Monday at the age of 76.
On Tuesday, Pence tweeted she would “be remembered as a towering figure in the fight for equality & equal treatment under the law.”
“Her role in challenging school segregation helped make our Nation a better place & her legacy will live on for decades,” Pence added.
However, many tweeters accused Pence of hypocrisy — and reminded him of how he walked out of an October 2017 NFL game between the Indianapolis Colts and the San Francisco 49ers after several 49ers players took a knee during the national anthem in protest against police brutality and racial injustice.
Here’s a sampling of the responses so far:
Remember when you told NFL players not to protest inequality in America and now your posting this to look righteous? Good times.
Rick Santorum admits he was wrong about CPR — but quickly melts down under pressure from CNN’s Chris Cuomo

Rick Santorum appears on CNN (screen grab)
In an interview with CNN’s Chris Cuomo, former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA) admitted that he was wrong when he told students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, to take CPR classes instead of fighting for gun control.
Santorum, who has accepted money from the National Rifle Association while in office, got into trouble when he made the claim and medical experts were quick to denounce the comments as unhelpful. Parkland students David and Lauren Hogg were angry with Santorum and explained when someone is shot in the head with an AR-15 no amount of CPR will help.
“I blame myself. I said that wrong comment Sunday and I got everybody off on a rabbit trail,” Santorum admitted.
“You’ve got people putting up Nazi effigies of these kids who survived this murderous shooting,” Cuomo shouted back. “You have them lying about a young woman ripping up the Constitution when it was a target. They’re lying! They’re creating bogeymen and nobody is calling them out.”
He demanded to know what Santorum says to those people telling the Parkland students to “shut up and nobody should listen to them because they’re not going to come up with solutions.”
“Look, I condemn both sides,” Santorum said.
“You sound like the rich asshole after Charlottesville,” Cuomo shot back.
Santorum then went on to blame the left for attacking NRA members. He seemed to get angry with Cuomo’s accusation of “Charlottesville” and “both sides,” and the interview quickly devolved into chaos.
Cuomo ultimately stopped it to bring it back to what the far-right is doing to demonize the Parkland students.
“That’s the state of play right now,” Cuomo said. “And don’t create some false equation with this and something else because it’s disingenuous to the truth of this situation.”
Santorum attempted to say he doesn’t believe in that and Cuomo demanded he stand up to those on his side who are demonizing the children.
Earlier in the argument, Cuomo shouted down Santorum’s attempts at “false narratives,” such as taking people’s gun and repealing the Second Amendment.
“That’s also BS,” he said. Any rational thinker that looks at the data on this issue. And by the way, Americans should remember that guys like you didn’t even want the government studying this problem. Said tax dollars shouldn’t go to it. That just changed now. We don’t even look at the damn problem with our best eyes and resources,” Cuomo shouted at Santorum. “What does that tell you, Rick? Why would you say that the government shouldn’t look at — it smacked of such obvious political convenience. Access matters. There should be a big fat debate on the floor of Congress. It should be weighed and measured and people should go out and vote on this. Your leadership won’t even put it on the floor, why?”
Watch the video below:
GOP Rep. Charlie Dent Calls Out Evangelicals For Being ‘Pretty Damn Silent’ On the rich asshole
Retiring lawmaker has some harsh words for the “character counts” crowd.
Republican Rep. Charlie Dent on Stormy Daniels scandal: The less President Trump says about it the better cnn.it/2pMu0Dh
A Republican lawmaker called out evangelical supporters of President some rich asshole who are turning a blind eye to the growing number of scandals coming out of the White House.
“I don’t know how many in the evangelical community can reconcile some of their positions at this moment,” Rep. Charlie Dent (R-Penn.) said Tuesday on CNN.
CNN’s Anderson Cooper asked Dent what he thought would happen if “the shoe were on the other foot” and President Barack Obama was embroiled in a scandal similar to the rich asshole’s alleged affair with porn star Stormy Daniels.
“They’d be waving a bloody shirt,” Dent said. “It’d be a human rights violation had it been the shoe on the other foot.”
He also said that if a Democratic president had been conciliatory toward Russia “as Republicans, we’d be screaming from morning to night.”
Dent then brought up his party’s response to Bill Clinton’s sex scandal in the 1990s.
“A lot of folks were pretty darn alarmed and outraged and had a strong voice about it, saying ‘character counts,’” he said. “Now that the shoe’s on the other foot, a lot of those same folks are pretty damn silent.”
Dent, one of a growing number of Republicans not seeking re-election in November, said the coming midterm vote will be a referendum on the rich asshole and his conduct as president.
“These issues will have an impact,” he warned.
See the clip above, and watch the full exchange here.
Stormy’s lawyer shreds the rich asshole’s attorney for claiming ‘not to know’ if president is party to hush agreement

Michael Avenatti speaks to CBS News (screen grab)
Michael Avenatti, lawyer for Stormy Daniels, on Wednesday revealed that lawyers for President some rich asshole claimed not to know if he was party to a hush agreement with the adult film star.
In a motion filed in Los Angeles overnight, Avenatti asked for the rich asshole to be deposed over an alleged affair he had with the adult film star, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford.
While speaking to CBS News on Wednesday, Avenatti explained that the motion was “relying on Supreme Court precedent” which ruled that President Bill Clinton was required to sit for a similar deposition.
“What we want is, we want the truth,” he said. “We want to know the truth about what the president knew, when he knew it and what he did about it as it relates to this agreement. We’re going to test the veracity or the truthfulness of Mr. Cohen’s, his attorney’s, statements. And we’re confident that when we get to the bottom of this, we’re going to prove to the American people that they have been told a bucket of lies.”
Avenatti said that he recently met with the rich asshole’s attorney, who claimed he did not know if the president was party to the non-disclosure agreement with Clifford.
“They don’t know,” he said. “He said they don’t know yet whether some rich asshole was a party to this agreement. How do you now know whether you’re a party to an agreement unless you’re just trying to to make it up as you go along.”
Avenatti also responded to criticism from David Schwartz, the lawyer for Michael Cohen, an attorney who represents the rich asshole.
“Schwartz is a hack straight out of central casting,” Clifford’s lawyer charged. “Next question.”
Watch the video below.
WATCH: MSNBC’s Joe and Mika hint that Melania may be close to leaving the White House over Stormy Daniels

Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski (MSNBC)
MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski hinted they’re hearing from inside sources that President some rich asshole is worried the first lady might be planning to leave the White House.
Brzezinski suggested in an earlier segment that Melania the rich asshole may have signed a non-disclosure agreement with her husband, like adult film star Stormy Daniels — the “Morning Joe” co-hosts later said the president may be uncharacteristically silent on the matter out of fear for his wife.
“Melania the rich asshole wields so much power at this point in time,” Brezinski said. “She could make a decision that would stop the rich asshole in his tracks on many levels, especially if she decides to leave the White House.”
The co-hosts famously gossip during commercial breaks about topics they’re unable to address during the broadcast, and Scarborough hinted they may be hearing some particularly juicy gossip from their White House sources.
“Everybody that we’ve spoken with over the past three or four days, trying to figure out what’s going on in the White House all go back — it all goes back to Melania the rich asshole,” Scarborough said.
“Everybody says that so much of what you were seeing,” he continued, “so much of the inaction you were seeing and so much of the fear you were seeing coming from some rich asshole has to do with Melania the rich asshole and the consequences on both their personal life and also their political life — mainly for some rich asshole their political life.”
Scarborough pointed out they had largely stayed away from the Daniels story, but it had become too hard to ignore after the president’s lawyer counter-sued the porn actress — and MSNBC’s John Heilemann said the situation could end the president’s marriage.
“If she wins this case, does that open the floodgates?” Heilemann said. “Then there’s one other matter which people talk about a lot when they speculate about this question.”
“Is there a prenuptial agreement between Melania and some rich asshole, and what does that say and why is he concerned about the timing of these allegations and whether or not the allegations he faces from Stormy Daniels or other women?” Heilemann added. “Where do they fall in the arc of his relationship with Melania the rich asshole and what legal implications might that have for whatever prenup he certainly has with his current wife?”
‘You’re a racist!’ Pro-gun teen freaks out on CNN after being reminded most school shooters are white

A panel of teenagers discusses guns and race on CNN (Screen cap).
A pro-Second Amendment teenager got into a heated argument with his fellow teens on CNN Wednesday — and he took particular exception to the observation that most high school shooters are young white men.
During a panel discussion on guns and race, Florida teenager Jacob Scott argued that the best way to prevent more school shootings was to arm more “good guys” with guns who could take out the “bad guys.” He also blamed left-wing “open borders” policies for allegedly letting foreign criminals enter the country to commit acts of violence.
Fellow panelist Zyahna Bryant, however, pointed out that it wasn’t foreigners who were committing mass shootings at schools.
“Who is carrying out these mass shootings?” she asked rhetorically. “Young, white men.”
“You’re a racist!” Scott shouted back at her, as his fellow panelists shouted back at him that “it’s a fact” that most school shooters are white men.
Scott pointed to the example of Omar Mateen as the example of a non-white shooter, although Mateen attacked a night club in Florida — not a school.
“There are exceptions to the rule, but school shooters generally are young, white men,” said host Alisyn Camerota.
“OK, but they’re also pumped up on meds too!” Scott shot back.
Watch the video below.
CNN’s Camerota gets evangelical to admit he cares more about tax cuts than the rich asshole’s alleged sex assault victims

CNN's Alisyn Camerota interviews Christian author Stephen Strang (Screen cap).
CNN’s Alisyn Camerota on Wednesday got into a contentious argument with evangelical author Stephen Strang about evangelicals’ continued support for President some rich asshole despite his numerous affairs and scandals.
At the start of the interview, Strang tried to claim that the rich asshole has changed a great deal ever since he allegedly had sex with an adult film star while his wife was taking care of their newborn son over a decade ago.
“I think he changed,” Strang said. “I really do. And I talk about this in my book, God and some rich asshole. I interviewed him in 2016 and expected the brash personality that you see in the media. I found him to be respectful, to actually be a little bit humble. I was amazed.”
Camerota then pointed out that a major part of Christian doctrine is that you aren’t simply granted forgiveness for your past transgressions — rather, you have to confess and repent for your sins. She then asked Strang if he believed the rich asshole had done that.
“That’s between him and God,” Strang said. “The issue for me and millions of evangelicals is his policies. He supports the kind of policies we think are important. He has become a champion of religious rights of helping persecuted Christians. I could go down the line.”
Camerota then asked him what he thought about the 15 women who had accused the rich asshole of sexually harassing them — and he simply brushed it off as no big deal.
“I have not talked to have the 15 women,” he said. “I know that I’m some rich asshole’s friend as much as I can be. Even in my book, God and some rich asshole, he is not a perfect person.”
All the same, Strang said that the rich asshole is nonetheless “making huge, huge changes, and I believe in a positive way. Everything from trade deficits to tax cuts. We can go on and on.”
Watch the video below.
Chris Cuomo mocks the rich asshole’s ‘flip-flop’ on border wall: ‘It was always about playing to the crowd’

CNN hosts Alisyn Camerota and Chris Cuomo (Photo: Screen capture)
When President some rich asshole told his supporters that Mexico would pay for his expensive border wall, it wasn’t entirely accurate. In fact, according to CNN’s Chris Cuomo, it has become “a BS situation.”
After playing a series of clips with the rich asshole leading his supporters in chants about building a wall that he promised would be paid for by Mexico, the panel discussion revealed the truth.
“When he says Mexico will pay for the wall — what he really means is the Pentagon,” Cuomo said. “Now, the president, distancing himself from the campaign rallying cry. The president has a new idea. Let the Pentagon pay for his wall. The president even discussed it in a private meeting with with with House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI).”
Daily Beast editor John Avlon noted that to the rich asshole and others the wall is about “security,” but he said it will ultimately be taken out of the budget that would normally help military service members.
“We all remember the call from the campaign who will pay for the wall? The troops,” Avlon answered. “Look, it’s just a flip-flop. It is about bit of hypocrisy. That line about Mexico paying for it was always about playing to the crowd.”
He said the president was actually frustrated that the new budget bill doesn’t fully fund his border wall. Instead it only has $1.6 billion for shoring up fencing. There will be no actual wall.
“In this kind of BS situation that we’re in about the wall,” Cuomo began. “You’ve got to remember where it came from. This was never a signature promise until they gave it to him.”
Cuomo was referencing the campaign pledge that allies Roger Stone, Rick Gates and Steve Bannon crafted for him. It proved to be successful, but political experts agreed it was never going to happen. Mexican leaders also attacked the rich asshole multiple times for the claim they’d pay for it, assuring it would never happen.
“The idea of a concrete new wall that the vice president is out there reinforcing, cementing the idea, if you will, that’s what they want,” Cuomo continued. “The end run is $1.6 billion or whatever it is, but not for this new wall. So, I guess, they will reinforce the old wall and then build the new one.”
Experts and those familiar with the border noted it never made sense to build a wall across the Mexico border.
Watch the full discussion below:
Stormy Daniels lawyer asks to take deposition from President the rich asshole – court document

Michael Avenatti, Stephanie Clifford (Stormy Daniels) and Anderson Cooper (Twitter)
A lawyer for adult film star Stormy Daniels has requested in federal court to take a deposition from President some rich asshole in a legal battle over an agreement to keep her quiet about her allegation that they had a sexual relationship.
Her lawyer, Michael Avenatti, also asked to depose the rich asshole’s lawyer Michael Cohen, whom Daniels is suing for defamation, a motion filed in United States District Court in the Central District of California showed on Wednesday.
Avenatti said in the motion that he would need no more than two hours to question each of the men.
Daniels originally sued the rich asshole on March 6, saying he had never put his signature on a $130,000 agreement for her to stay silent in 2016, just before the presidential election, about what she called their “intimate” relationship.
the rich asshole has denied having an affair with Daniels.
On Monday, after Daniels discussed appeared in a widely-watched TV interview on “60 Minutes” on CBS, Avenatti filed an amended lawsuit claiming that Cohen had defamed his client by suggesting she was a liar.
Reporting by Brendan O’Brien and Karen Freifeld; Editing by Kevin Liffey and Peter Graff
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