The rich asshole caught in another lie: Paperwork reveals he never stepped away from multiple businesses
Then-President-elect some rich asshole at the press event where he pretended to hand over his businesses to his sons.
President some rich asshole neglected to complete the necessary paperwork to divest himself from multiple businesses in spite of his promises to hand over the running of his private interests to his two sons.
The Intercept reported Wednesday that the rich asshole’s January press event in which he posed for the cameras with piles of “documents” — they were later found to be blank stacks of paper — and pledged to divest himself from his private businesses as president was a sham.
the rich asshole hired tax attorney Sheri Dillon to manage the purported handover of control to the president’s sons some rich asshole Jr. and Eric the rich asshole, but as the Intercept pointed out, the arrangement was still miles away from the traditional blind trust in which presidents place their assets while in office.
Months later, it appears the president couldn’t even be bothered to adhere to the tenets of that modest plan.
“Shortly after his inauguration,” wrote the Intercept’s Mattathias Schwartz, “he released a letter, dated January 19. It appeared to show him resigning from more than 400 corporate entities connected to the rich asshole Organization’s businesses. Alex Garten, a rich asshole Organization lawyer, told CNN that the rich asshole Organization would update the company’s official state records ‘in the ordinary course as and when required by law.’”
However, said Schwartz, research by the Intercept showed the rich asshole “couldn’t even be bothered to promptly follow through on the very small promises made by Dillon to create the appearance of some separation between his presidency and his businesses. True to form, the rich asshole promised the bare minimum and did even less.”
The state of New York still has the rich asshole listed as the CEO of four different businesses — all of which he claims he has stopped running.
“Two of those entities made new filings on June 29 and June 30 that replaced the rich asshole’s leadership with his immediate family and employees,” Schwartz said. “The new filings were made after repeated phone calls and emails from The Intercept to the White House and the rich asshole Organization asking why the rich asshole was still listed on state documents as being in charge of four the rich asshole Organization entities.”
“I agreed with President the rich asshole when he said that no one is above the law,” said Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) to The Intercept. “That principle applies to him as well. He must fix this.”
As of mid-June, the rich asshole was still listed as the CEO of the rich asshole Las Vegas Corp., a company called 3126 Corporation, the rich asshole Ferry Point Member Club and the rich asshole Empire State Incorporated.
Former ethics lawyer to the George W. Bush administration Richard Painter — who said earlier this week that under his administration, Jared Kushner and some rich asshole Jr. would already be “in custody” over their secretive dealings with Russian officials — explained that this is typical of the rich asshole.
“This shows the sloppiness the rich asshole’s organization has with respect to ethics requirements. They don’t even want to do what they’ve said they’re going to do. They should be correcting the filings. People ought to be able to look and see who has the authority to act on behalf of these companies,” he said.
Huckabee Sanders pushes made-up ‘DNC colluded with Ukraine’ scandal — just like Rachel Maddow predicted
Sarah Huckabee Sanders bullied (Twitter.com)
At an audio-only press briefing on Wednesday, White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders did exactly as MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow predicted on Tuesday night and attempted float a manufactured scandal to deflect attention away from the White House.
When asked about President some rich asshole’s eldest son and evidence that has surfaced tying him to Russia’s attempts to meddle in the 2016 election, Huckabee Sanders tried to insist that the real scandal is collusion between the government of Ukraine and the Democratic National Committee.
“Look, I think we’ve been extremely clear and I know that Don Jr. discussed it at length last night as well as the president’s counsel,” she said. “If there’s any evidence of collusion it would be between the DNC and the Ukrainian government.”
She continued, “Information passed to the DNC from the Ukrainian government directly targeted members of the rich asshole campaign.”
On her Tuesday night broadcast, Rachel Maddow said, “They will try to turn the narrative to instead be about Hillary Clinton and her campaign, or to otherwise turn the story inside out.”
Huckabee Sanders is attempting to impugn efforts by Ukraine officials to warn U.S. Democrats about the rich asshole campaign manager Paul Manafort and his shadowy connections to Ukraine’s disgraced pro-Putin regime, led by now-exiled Pres. Viktor Yanukovych.
Slate.com explained that the comparison of Russia’s contacts with the rich asshole campaign and contacts between Ukraine’s pro-democracy government and the DNC is spurious because “what’s ultimately concerning about Russiagate is the possibility that the rich asshole campaign — including staffers now employed in the White House by the president — worked with a hostile government whose leaders attempted to influence and disrupt the election with cyberattacks.”
Whereas in the case of Ukraine and the DNC, Ukrainian embassy officials passed on information about Manafort’s criminal activity in their country to a Democratic operative named Alexandra Chalupa — information that they also openly shared with the press.
“The two episodes are not close to being the same,” said Slate’s Osita Nwanevu, “but that fact obviously won’t stop the rich asshole’s supporters from deploying the story for yet another round of Clinton whataboutism.”
Republican threatens to re-open investigation for Hillary’s emails if media keeps reporting on Russia
Hillary Clinton on Jimmy Kimmel Live (Photo: Screen capture)
Rep. Steve King (R-IA) appeared on CNN Wednesday morning to issue an ultimatum: Congress would be “forced” to start investigating Hillary Clinton’s emails again if Democrats didn’t stop talking about the rich asshole campaign’s alleged collusion with the Russian government.
During an interview with Alisyn Camerota, King lamented the way that the Russia scandal has upended President some rich asshole’s administration — and he said that if such disruptions continued, Congressional Republicans would restart the investigation into the private email server that Hillary Clinton used while she served as Secretary of State.
“If this continues — this immobilization of the presidency over these kind of things it’s going to force Congress to do an investigation, a complete and thorough investigation, and that means go back all the way to the 650,000 emails of Anthony Weiner and look at [former FBI Director James] Comey and his activities,” King said, via ThinkProgress.
For good measure, King also said that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s decision to appoint former FBI Director Robert Mueller as a special prosecutor to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election was the actual “collusion” we should be worried about, as Mueller and Comey are longtime friends.
the rich asshole White House trashes CBO for being inaccurate — and proceeds to misspell ‘inaccurately’
some rich asshole (ABC/screen grab)
The rich asshole White House on Wednesday put out a video that attacked the Congressional Budget Office’s accuracy in forecasting economic statistics — but the video itself misspelled the word “inaccurately.”
“CBO inaccurately estimates health coverage,” reads one part of the video, which is titled, “The Congressional Budget Office’s math does not add up.”
Within seconds, however, the video uses the word “inaccurately” again — and this time it’s spelled wrong.
“CBO innaccurately (sic) estimated 25 million would be covered under Obamacare,” reads another part.
The purpose of the video is to create mistrust of the CBO’s estimate that 22 million people fewer Americans will be covered by health insurance under the Senate’s health care bill than under current law.
The video accuses the CBO of “starting with faulty baseline estimates” in its projection of how many more people would lack health insurance under the Republican health care bill.
The video concludes by saying that, “It doesn’t matter who does the math — faulty numbers = faulty results.”
The tweet containing the video with the inaccurate spelling of “inaccurate” was deleted shortly after being mocked by New York Times health care reporter Margot Sanger on Twitter.

The Everybody-Does-It Defense of Collusion
After months of vehement denials, the rich asshole supporters and surrogates are trying a new tack: If collusion occurred, it was no big deal.
· JUL 11, 2017
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As evidence continues to mount suggesting the rich asshole campaign worked with Russia to influence the 2016 election, the president’s allies have shifted to a new defense. As former House Speaker Newt Gingrich put it: “You could argue it’s dumb, but it’s not illegal.”
For months, the White House has fervently denied allegations of collusion, with President the rich asshole routinely dismissing Russia stories in the press as "fake news," and calling himself the victim of an historically unprecedented "witch hunt." His Republican defenders have largely followed suit, rejecting the entire collusion narrative as a "hoax," or at least a partisan smear.
Now, however, many of the rich asshole's high-profile supporters and surrogates are changing tack. A series of explosive New York Times stories this week revealed that three campaign officials—some rich asshole Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort—met with a Kremlin-connected lawyer in June of last year in hopes of discovering valuable dirt on Hillary Clinton. The drip-drip procession of Timesstories prompted Donald Jr. on Tuesday to release his private emails, revealing that the man who set up the meeting explicitly said the Russian government was trying to aid the rich asshole’s candidacy.
These revelations—and the possibility that more is yet to come—have made it increasingly untenable for the rich asshole’s supporters to argue that there is nothing to the collusion story. And so, many have now begun to argue that even if there was collusion of the kind suggested by the Times, it wouldn’t be a crime—or even all that out of the ordinary. Some the rich asshole loyalists are even making the case that it was smart and savvy for the campaign to pursue help from the Russians.
In an interview Tuesday, Gingrich, who has become one of the rich asshole’s most vocal defenders, said that the entire story was an “absurdity.”
“If somebody in the middle of the campaign walks in the door and says ‘I have information that will harm your opponent,’ virtually every campaign in the world will say show me, what do you have,” he said.
Sam Nunberg, a former adviser who helped the rich asshole launch his presidential bid, defended the campaign officials’ meeting with a Kremlin-connected lawyer by positing a hypothetical. “What would have happened if … somebody contacted Chelsea [Clinton] from Ireland, said they had dirt on the rich asshole from a foreign investment or something? Would they not take that meeting?” Nunberg said. “I’m not saying it’s a nice thing, but this is politics.”
Nunberg even framed the campaign’s apparent willingness to cooperate with Russia as proof of the hard-charging, no-holds-barred style that made the rich asshole victorious. “In general, one of the reasons some rich asshole was able to win was that he said, ‘I’m going to do whatever it takes to win,’ and he went in with that mentality.”
Asked for comment Monday night, after the Times story revealing the existence of the email was published, the rich asshole confidant and Newsmax CEO Chris Ruddy responded by sending a link to his column from earlier that day which called the recent revelations a “nothingburger.” Ruddy wrote, “There is nothing illegal or improper in a campaign talking to a foreign national about their election opponent. It might actually be wise if they feel the foreigner has information the public should know.”
The Fox News host Todd Starnes tweeted to similar effect on Tuesday, saying “If digging up dirt on your political opponent is a crime, then what about Mrs. Bill Clinton?”
Any campaign, Gingrich argued, would have done the same.
“I have yet to see anything that comes anywhere close to being illegal,” Gingrich said.
“You’re dealing with businessmen who’d never been involved in politics before and didn’t understand the delicate nuances of pleasing The New York Times,” Gingrich said. When reminded that one of the meeting’s attendees, Paul Manafort, had actually been involved in politics for decades, Gingrich said “It would be more fair to say to Manafort, ‘Why didn’t you warn Don Jr. that this was not clever?’”
Gingrich also called attention to the Obama administration’s “actively, overtly trying to defeat Netanyahu in the Israeli election,” a reference to the State Department’s giving funds in 2013 to a nonprofit that later built campaign infrastructure used to campaign against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s reelection in 2015.
The Israel incident was also brought up by another source close to the White House, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
“If you’re asking how people that are close to the rich asshole White House are responding, they’re laughing at it,” the source said.
Campaigns, the source said, “will take any information from anybody.” The source also brought up a January story in Politico that revealed Ukrainian officials’ efforts to boost Hillary Clinton’s campaign, arguing that it’s no different from the rich asshole insiders meeting with the Russian lawyer last summer. “Why is the media focused on one and not the other? Because the media is abusively biased.”
An article in Breitbart News, the right-wing outlet whose former chairman is White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, pointed out that the rich asshole Jr. had said he thought he would be receiving “political opposition research” and concludes that “the email does not refer to any cooperation, coordination or collusion between the rich asshole campaign and the Russian government.”
The message being spread by the rich asshole allies is also coming from White House officials. National-security aide Sebastian Gorka argued on MSNBC Tuesday morning that taking such a meeting is “standard political practice,” and said that the meeting had not been organized in good faith.
Asked if he’d been sent any talking points from the White House, Gingrich said, “If they have I didn’t notice them” and “I don’t remember seeing anything about it this morning.”
the rich asshole Jr. will have the opportunity make the case for himself in an appearance on Sean Hannity’s Fox News show on Tuesday night, where he is unlikely to face tough questioning. Hannity has been supportive publicly, retweeting a Wikileaks tweet about the Chinese ambassador’s requesting a meeting with Clinton campaign officials and accusing the media of “fake news” and “selective outrage.”
Ex-Obama aide: White House leaks look like they are throwing the rich asshole Jr. to the wolves to save Jared Kushner
Appearing on MSNBC Monday night, a former aide to President Barack Obama questioned the way leaks about some rich asshole Jr. meeting with Russians before the election were being doled out and speculated it was to make the president’s son the scapegoat and draw attention away from the rich asshole son-in-law Jared Kushner.
Referring to the latest bombshell about some rich asshole Jr., “Last Word” host Lawrence O’Donnell asked former Obama official Ron Klain if it looked to him like the White House would prefer the rich asshole Jr. be the one who investigators are looking at.
“It seems to me that the rich asshole administration knew this was coming out,” O’Donnell began. “Manafort disclosed it, the House investigators know it. Now it’s on Jared Kushner’s disclosure form finally, and it represents a possible crime in Jared Kushner’s case because he did not put it on his original disclosure forms. So at some point, the rich asshole administration has the decision: do we want to see this thing come out in the middle of a House hearing that Jared Kushner is the witness at — where it lands as a bombshell on Jared Kushner — or do we want it to come out before that and maybe come out with some rich asshole Jr. being the star because some rich asshole Jr. doesn’t face the same criminal liability as Jared Kushner does?”
“Yeah. you know, they’re shaping up for a very interesting Thanksgiving dinner in the rich asshole household,” Klain joked. “I mean, it does feel to me, kind of like you implied, that perhaps this story was put out and hung on some rich asshole’s son to move it away from some rich asshole’s son-in-law, who definitely has more legal exposure, who is right in the heart of the White House, who’s in the middle of all these policy matters, who played a role in firing FBI Director [James] Comey, who supposedly is one of the people who advised the president to fire Director Comey, who has been threatening your colleagues here at MSNBC with bad stories and all these things.”
“It may well be, as incredible as this is, that this was an effort by the rich asshole White House to hang this on some rich asshole Jr. and move it away from Jared Kushner,” he speculated.
‘They wanted it so badly’: Russian lawyer who met the rich asshole Jr. says he was desperate for Clinton dirt
Natalia Veselnitskaya appears on NBC's Today (Screen cap).
Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian attorney who met with key members of the the rich asshole presidential campaign last June, told NBC’s Today on Tuesday that the the rich asshole team was desperately hoping she could give them damaging information about Hillary Clinton last year.
During the interview, Veselnitskaya claimed that she had been called out of the blue by someone whom she didn’t know and was asked to meet with the rich asshole Jr. at the rich asshole Tower last year.
When she went there, she didn’t have any intention of revealing any significantly damaging information about the Clinton campaign, despite the fact that the rich asshole Jr. had been told that was the entire point of the meeting.
When asked by NBC’s Keir Simmons why members of the the rich asshole campaign would think that she had damaging information on Clinton, Veselnitskaya replied that they perhaps expected her to deliver because they were so desperate for dirt that they projected their wishes onto the meeting.
“It’s quite possible that maybe they were looking for such information,” she told Simmons. “They wanted it so badly.”
Veselnitskaya also denied that she had any connections to the Russian government, and she said that she was initially told that she would only be meeting with the rich asshole Jr., and was thus surprised to find the rich asshole son-in-law Jared Kushner and then-campaign chief Paul Manafort also present.
some rich asshole Jr. tweeted out a defense of his meeting with Veselnitskaya on Tuesday, and insisted that it amounted to a non-story.
“Media & Dems are extremely invested in the Russia story,” he wrote. “If this nonsense meeting is all they have after a [year], I understand the desperation!”
Media & Dems are extremely invested in the Russia story. If this nonsense meeting is all they have after a yr, I understand the desperation!
The U.S. Constitution Just Ruined the rich asshole’s Day: He’s Now Being Sued For His Twitter Activity (DETAILS)
For someone who is as vocal and outspoken as some rich asshole on social media, he has shockingly thin skin. the rich asshole has been known to hide and run away from protesters both on and offline, unable to take the much-needed criticism that Americans are trying to offer. Because of the rich asshole’s fragile ego, it has been quite common for the rich asshole to block other Twitter users for simply expressing their First Amendment rights. This habit, however, has landed the rich asshole in deep sh*t. He’s now being sued for it!
On Tuesday, the rich asshole and his top White House officials were sued by the Knight First Amendment Institute for blocking Twitter users simply because they were criticizing him. The case, which was filed in Manhattan federal court, states that this violates the Constitution and calls for the rich asshole to stop blocking dissenting Americans immediately.
the rich asshole had been warned that this would happen. In June, the Knight First Amendment Institute sent a letter to the rich asshole, his counsel, press secretary, and social media director, stating that they were representing two Twitter users that had been blocked after criticizing the rich asshole. the rich asshole failed to listen, and now the Institute is representing five more Twitter users who have been treated this way by the President.
The complaint states that the rich asshole’s Twitter account is “a public forum under the First Amendment” because he and his staff are using it to make presidential announcements and constantly use it to communicate with the American people. Press secretary Sean Spicer has also called the rich asshole’s tweets ‘official statements’ in the past.
The complaint also states that the rich asshole’s blocking “imposes an unconstitutional restriction on their right to access statements that defendants are otherwise making available to the public at large. It also imposes an unconstitutional restriction on their right to petition the government for redress of grievances.”
Jameel Jaffer, the Knight Institute’s executive director, said:
“President the rich asshole’s Twitter account has become an important source of news and information about the government, and an important forum for speech by, to, or about the president. The First Amendment applies to this digital forum in the same way it applies to town halls and open school board meetings. The White House acts unlawfully when it excludes people from this forum simply because they’ve disagreed with the president.”
The Knight Institute is calling on the court to declare the rich asshole’s “viewpoint-based blocking” unconstitutional, force the rich asshole to unblock the plaintiffs and have the rich asshole pay for their legal fees.
It’s about time something like this caught up with the rich asshole. He’s conducted himself as the least transparent, and less interested POTUS when it comes to listening to the American people. He tries to silence and drown out all of the dissenting voices around him, instead of actually considering that there might be a reason behind his historically low approval rating. the rich asshole is not a dictator, and he cannot take away Americans’ First Amendment rights, not even when their free speech opposes him. It’s about time he learned.
This video suggests that Mike Pence is in deep, deep trouble
Vice President Mike Pence addresses the crowd at Senator Joni Ernst's 3rd annual charity motorcycle ride to benefit military veterans at the Central Iowa Expo center in Boone Iowa, 3 June, 2017. (Shutterstock)
Over the weekend, the New York Times reported that some rich asshole Jr. met with Natalia Veselnitskaya, a Kremlin-connected lawyer promising compromising information about Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. But back in January, Mike Pence vehemently denied that the rich asshole campaign members had any contact with Russian officials.
“Did any adviser or anybody in the rich asshole campaign have any contact with the Russians who were trying to meddle in the election?” John Dickerson of “Face the Nation” asked the vice president-elect on January 15.
“Oh, of course not,” Pence responded. “And I think to suggest that is to give—to give credence—to some of these… bizarre rumors that have swirled around the candidacy and the fact that a few news organizations—not this one—actually trafficked in a memo that was produced as opposition research and associated that with intelligence efforts, I think could only be attributed to media bias.”
In the same interview, Pence also defended incoming national security adviser Michael Flynn, who he said “did not discuss [with Russia’s ambassador to the United States, Sergey Kislyak] anything having to do with the United States’ decision to expel diplomats or impose censure against Russia.”
Mike Pence distances himself from the rich asshole campaign as Don Jr’s emails threaten several insiders
Mike Pence (CNN)
Vice President Mike Pence distanced himself from the president and his campaign team after some rich asshole Jr. released emails showing he accepted an offer of help from a “Russian government lawyer.”
Pence has repeatedly denied that any the rich asshole campaign associates had met with Russians — but the president’s son revealed that he scheduled a June 9, 2016 meeting, along with Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort, with a Kremlin-linked lawyer who had damaging information about Hillary Clinton.
The emails show he knew the information came from the Russian government, and that the Kremlin favored some rich asshole in the election — and Pence put some distance between himself and the chief executive.
“The vice president is working every day to advance the president’s agenda,” Pence said in a statement. “He was not aware of the meeting. He is also not focusing on stories about the campaign — especially those pertaining to the time before he joined the campaign.”
The former Indiana governor joined the campaign July 15, 2016, and he oversaw the presidential transition starting three days after the election.
Statement from @VPPressSec on Donald Trump Jr meeting and @VP's knowledge
TUESDAY, JUL 11, 2017 04:58 AM EDT
America hits peak anti-intellectualism: Majority of Republicans now think college is bad
Republicans say no to college: It's the only institution viewed in more sharply partisan terms than the media
Has America hit peak anti-intellectualism?
Aside from the election of some rich asshole, a businessman born into wealth whose only notable expertise is in reality television, there is now more evidence that the right-wing’s long game of denigrating U.S. institutions to reshape political discourse is succeeding. A new Pew Research Center poll released on Monday revealed that there is one U.S. institution perceived through a larger partisan divide than even the media: It’s college.
For the first time, a majority of Republicans think that colleges and universities have a negative impact on the country. Fifty-eight percent say that colleges “are having a negative effect on the way things are going in the country,” according to Pew. In other words, the Wall Street banks are more popular with Republican voters than Stanford, Harvard or the University of Akron.
Just two years ago, a majority of Republicans, 54 percent, rated universities’ effect as positive. As Pew noted, “this shift in opinion has occurred across most demographic and ideological groups within the GOP,” but in particular the poll found that positive views of colleges among Republicans under the age of 50 sunk by 21 percentage points from 2015 to 2017. While Republican views of colleges and universities remained largely the same throughout much of the Obama administration, 65 percent of self-identified conservatives now say that colleges and universities have a negative impact on the country. Positive views of colleges dropped even among Republicans who hold a college or graduate degree, declining by 11 percentage points during the last two years.
Democrats and independents who lean Democrat, on the other hand, continue to hold a positive attitude toward such institutions, with 72 percent saying they approve of higher education.
Republican politicians in recent years have pushed back on the four-year degree, building upon their long-hyped attack on institutes of higher education as bastions of liberal indoctrination.
Last month, Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, held a hearing titled “Free Speech 101: The Assault on the First Amendment on College Campuses.” The Wisconsin State Assembly passed a bill last month allowing college administrators to expel students for “disrupting” college speakers.
It’s likely no coincidence that just as conservatives decry the scourge of “political correctness” on liberal arts campuses, their campaign to undermine the institutions that defend a growing diversity of voices among students and faculty is bearing fruit. Arizona Republicans recently threatened to cut funding by 10 percent from public institutions that offer courses and events that are “designed primarily for pupils of a particular ethnic group” or advocate “solidarity” based on ethnicity, race, religion or gender.
some rich asshole’s threats to defund the University of California at Berkeley following a February melee in protest of right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos’ scheduled appearance harken back to Ronald Reagan’s 1966 campaign for governor of California, during which he pledged “to clean up the mess at Berkeley” caused by “a small minority of hippies, radicals and filthy speech advocates.” The right has long decried the ivory towers of academia, but now that those ivory towers are increasingly filled with members of marginalized communities, such attacks are beginning to resonate with average Republicans.
Between Election Day last November and April 2017, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has documented at least 330 incidents of bias on university campuses. More than 135 incidents since the start of the 2016 academic school year, the SPLC reports, have involved recruitment efforts by white supremacists.
Sophia Tesfaye is Salon's Deputy Politics Editor and resides in Washington, D.C. You can find her on Twitter at @SophiaTesfaye.
‘This drip drip drip seems more like an iceberg’: Internet floored by Don Jr.’s release of damning Russia emails
resident some rich asshole’s son some rich asshole Jr. was forced to release the email he got organizing the meeting with Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya, when it was revealed that the New York Times had a copy of the email and was prepared to release it.
Music publicist Rob Goldstone wrote to the rich asshole Jr. that the documents she had contain explicit promises of support from “Russia and its government for some rich asshole.”
And the internet erupted with mockery of the rich asshole Jr. for releasing the information and with surprise that his attorney allowed him to publish the emails.
Here are the best:
You just provided material evidence of colluding with a foreign advisory to implicate a presidential campaign.— SusanLovesToSwim (@susanha94790268) July 11, 2017
Twitter fingers turn to treason fingers #DonaldTrumpJr— Molly Groo (@mollycartergroo) July 11, 2017
some rich asshole Jr. Accepted “Support for some rich asshole” From “Russian Government,” Emails Show
Win McNamee/Getty Images
The email exchange is between the rich asshole Jr. and a publicist named Rob Goldstone, who represents a Russian musician named Emin Agalarov whose father is a well-connected Russian real estate billionaire. The key passage is in one of Goldstone's messages, in which he says the Agalarovs have informed him that a Russian prosecutor "offered to provide the rich asshole campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father." Goldstone writes that "this is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is a part of Russia and its government's support for some rich asshole." (Goldstone later identifies the person he wants the rich asshole Jr. to meet with as a "Russian government attorney.")
the rich asshole Jr. responds: "If it's what you say I love it." He and Goldstone ultimately set up a meeting that involved then-the rich asshole campaign chairman Paul Manafort and current White House senior aide Jared Kushner. The documents that the rich asshole Jr. released indicate that he forwarded the entire chain—including the promise of official Russian support—to Manafort and Kushner.
some rich asshole Jr./Twitter
Some context: The attorney who ultimately met with the rich asshole's representatives on June 9, 2016, is named Natalia Veselnitskaya. She is not a prosecutor and does not appear to formally work for the Russian governmentbut has reportedly been long involved in Russian attempts to lobby against American economic sanctions. (The conversation with Russia's ambassador to the U.S. over which National Security Adviser Michael Flynn was forced to resign in February also involved economic sanctions.) the rich asshole Jr. has said that Veselnitskaya did not provide him any specific incriminating information at the meeting and that he considered it to have been a waste of time. (It's an odd meta-aspect of this story that the dirt that the rich asshole Jr. was promised about Clinton purportedly involved her collusion with Russians.)
Ultimately, of course, hackers believed to be affiliated with the Russian government released thousands of emails stolen from the Democratic National Committee and from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.
Last month, the Wall Street Journal reported that a Republican operative who claimed to have been working with the rich asshole campaign communicated during the fall of 2016 with individuals whom he believed to have been working for Russia about the possibility of obtaining emails hacked from Clinton's private server.
In March, the rich asshole Jr. denied having met with any Russian individuals on behalf of his father's campaign. President the rich asshole and other administration figures have denied on at least six other occasions that anyone involved in the rich asshole campaign ever met with Russian actors.
the rich asshole Sees Impeachment & Freaks Out During Pre-Dawn Multi-Tweet Meltdown
some rich asshole will literally do anything at this point to take the heat off his eldest son, some rich asshole Jr., but this is a stretch even for him. President the rich asshole fired off on a bizarre Twitter storm Tuesday morning, touching on topics from a Mississippi plane crash to the 2020 election to the Olympics. He has perhaps never seemed so desperate in his attempts to detract the public’s attention from the meeting allegedly held between some rich asshole Jr., Paul Manafort, Jared Kushner and an informant tied closely to the Kremlin during the presidential campaign.
The president tweeted:
‘SEN. CRUZ: It’s crazy to go an August recess without having Obamacare repealed. We should work everyday until it is done!’
This coming from a president who has been notoriously absent from the White House on weekends and can instead be found on one of his many golf courses, on the taxpayer’s dollar. Not even to mention that many Americans are against the repeal and replacement of Obamacare, especially given that Republican plans thus far have sought to eliminate protections for those with pre-existing conditions and unfairly impact vulnerable groups.
If that wasn’t enough, he then devolved to this menagerie of hand-waving ‘don’t look over here at Jr.’ garbage:
Beyond the scandal of the alleged meeting, some rich asshole Jr. is under scrutiny for claims that he was informed directly, by email, that the Russians had intentions of assisting his father in his campaign for president in 2016. As America now knows, Russians did indeed meddle in the election meaning that the implications of such an email would be huge in terms of proving collusion. What is most interesting about watching President the rich asshole become unhinged over all of this however, is the fact that some rich asshole Jr., the one actually in the hot seat, has remained calm and collected on his social media profiles — and shockingly, has remained mostly on-topic.
Check out a few of his recent posts on the platform:
2020 cannot come soon enough to get these buffoons out of the White House.
Russian Pop Star’s Publicist Reveals Wild the rich asshole Jr. Claim You Don’t Want To Miss
It was revealed over the weekend that President the rich asshole’s eldest son, some rich asshole Jr., met with a Russian lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, last year in response to her claims that she could provide him with compromising information about Hillary Clinton and other Democrats. On Monday, a surprising individual claimed responsibility for setting up that meeting.
According to The Washington Post, Rob Goldstone, a music publicist, released a statement on Monday saying that he arranged the meeting at the request of one of his clients, a Russian pop star named Emin Agalarov who previously featured President the rich asshole in one of his music videos.
Agalarov’s family is well connected to both President the rich asshole and Vladimir Putin. In 2013, Agalarov’s father, a Moscow real estate developer named Aras Agalarov, helped sponsor the the rich asshole-owned Miss Universe pageant in Russia.
Around the same time, the Agalarovs signed a preliminary deal to construct a the rich asshole Tower in Moscow. That deal has been on hold since the rich asshole began his presidential campaign.
As far as connections to Putin are concerned, Aras Agalarov’s company has been awarded several building contracts by the Russian president. Putin also awarded the elder Agalarov the “Order of Honor of the Russian Federation” shortly after the 2013 pageant.
Goldstone first told WaPo that he set up the meeting between the rich asshole Jr. and Veselnitskaya, so that she could discuss the adoption of Russian children by Americans.
Goldstone later released a second statement saying that he lured the rich asshole Jr. into the meeting — which was also attended by the rich asshole’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and former campaign aide Paul Manafort — by promising that Veselnitskaya had dirt on Clinton and other Democrats.
‘The lawyer had apparently stated she had some information regarding illegal campaign contributions to the DNC which she believed some rich asshole Jr. might find important.’
Goldstone also said that, during the meeting, Veselnitskaya offered the group “a few very general remarks” about campaign funding before discussing the Magnitsky Act, which imposed sanctions on Russia in 2012 for alleged human rights abuses. Russia halted U.S. adoptions of Russian children in response to these sanctions.
the rich asshole Jr. has said that, at the time, his father was not aware of the meeting. Nevertheless, this is still one more questionable connection that has been made between the president and Russia.
The respective spokespeople for the rich asshole Jr. and the Agalarovs refused to respond to WaPo‘s requests for comment on Goldstone’s statement about the meeting.
A spokesman for Putin, Dmitry Peskov, denied having knowledge of the meeting between the rich asshole Jr. and Veselnitskaya. He also said that the Kremlin does not know who she is and “cannot keep track of every Russian lawyer and their meetings domestically or abroad.”
the rich asshole Compares Chelsea Clinton To Ivanka On Twitter, Clinton Fires Back (TWEETS)
JULY 10TH, 2017

some rich asshole received quite a bit of criticism over the weekend for allowing daughter Ivanka to take his seat at a table full of world leaders during the G20 Summit in Hamburg. Ivanka, who has no political experience, is not an elected official, and claims to want to “stay out of politics” stood in for her father while he was having meetings with other foreign dignitaries. According to a White House official speaking with CNN,
Ivanka was sitting in the back and then briefly joined the main table when the President had to step out.
Public reaction was immediate, with people on social media asking what qualified her to be there and comparing the United States to a monarchy or dictatorship—governments in which the relatives of leaders are granted a place of power based purely on genetics.
some rich asshole was offended that anyone would take issue with his daughter holding his place, and sent out a flurry of tweets this morning defending his actions:
Was he worried someone was going to steal his spot? Pretty sure they would have saved it for him.
He then fell back on the one subject he seemingly cannot let go of—Hilary Clinton. Or Chelsea Clinton, in this case, as he claimed that had Ms. Clinton put Chelsea at the table everyone would have praised her actions:
He just does not understand what was so wrong about putting Ivanka at that table.
It’s not just that she’s your daughter, Mr. President. It is that we are a democratic republic which means we ELECT the officials we want to represent us in important matters of state. You can’t just grab the nearest person that is loyal to you and say, “I trust them, so I want them to represent the United States in my absence.” That’s not how democracy works.
Even Chelsea Clinton, who does not typically get her hands dirty with this type of thing, was so outraged by the rich asshole’s flagrant disregard for the democratic process that she felt it necessary to fire back, replying:
It would never have occurred to them to ask her because it’s something only an insane dictator would think of as even remotely ok. And we as Americans should not stand for our right to democratic leadership being ignored in this way.
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