July 21st, 2017 - July 25th, 2017. 254-258 days since the Nov 8, 2016, election and 182-186 days since the Jan 20th inauguration
BREAKING: Congress Stuns America & Votes To Limit the rich asshole Presidential Powers (DETAILS)
A Republican controlled congress just ruined the rich asshole’s Tuesday with an overwhelming majority voting to strip his Presidential powers and prevent him from lifting sanctions on Russia. The bill passed 419-3 with all three no votes being from Republicans despite heavy pressure from the administration to weaken or dismantle the bill all together.
Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation has become so far reaching that it appears to be closing in on some rich asshole’s family’s finances. This doesn’t sit well with the rich asshole and has led to rumors about him being ready to move forward with pardoning himself and those closest to him.
Rachel Maddow also introduced another possible scenario that looks like the rich asshole waiting until Senate goes on vacation, firing Jeff Sessions, then hiring someone who hasn’t recused him/herself. That would mean that Mueller’s probe would be void and the incoming attorney general could bypass the traditional confirmation process.
Needless to say, it is a scary time in the United States. The key legislative and executive principles upon which the country was founded, are being challenged by the very person who is supposed to maintain their integrity. As all of the above unfolds, the world has been awaiting the Senate’s next steps regarding the Russia sanctions bill, and on Tuesday, it passed in grand fashion.
While seeing lawmakers work together well enough to pass the bill is definitely something to be celebrated, it also creates yet another cliffhanger moment. Will the rich asshole veto or not?
Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, and others within the the rich asshole administration have pushed back on the bill. Naturally, they don’t care much for the manner in which it limits the rich asshole’s ability to waive the sanctions. There has also been a lot of dissension from the the rich asshole administration about the portion of the legislation that requires Congress to sign off on the waiving of sanctions for any reason.
Depite the obvious reasons that the the rich asshole administration could possibly veto the bill, Press Secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, didn’t announce the rich asshole’s intentions regarding the legislation, when she spoke on Monday. She merely remarked that the rich asshole:
‘. . .has been very vocal about his support for continuing sanctions on those three countries.’
She went on to state:
‘He has no intention of getting rid of them, but he wants to make sure we get the best deal for the American people possible. Congress does not have the best record on that. He’s going to study that legislation and see what the final product looks like.’
While the process for a bill becoming a law is unchanging, it typically isn’t as contentious as this process has the propensity to be. The almost unanimous vote means that even if the rich asshole does veto, the House could override it.
The hustle and bustle that took place as the final vote tally was read, is captured in the video below:
Featured Image via Getty/Pool/Pool
Featured Image via Getty/Pool/Pool
Posted by Stephen D. Foster Jr. on 25 Jul 2017
some rich asshole basically turned the Boy Scouts of America into his own version of the Hitler Youth on Monday evening and parents and former scouts are not happy about it.
During the Boy Scout Jamboree, the rich asshole went completely off the reservation by turning the event into a partisan political rally. He attacked President Obama, railed against the Affordable Care Act, whined about Hillary Clinton, and bragged about winning the election as 40,000 impressionable young minds watched. the rich asshole even got them to boo Obama.
It was a speech that violated the very tenets of the Boy Scouts. And it pissed off former scouts and parents across the country, who are not aiming white-hot criticism at the Boy Scouts of America organization and demanding an explanation and apology.
And these are just a handful of the responses to the rich asshole’s speech.
And, of course, the Boy Scouts of America organization refused to apologize or take responsibility for it. Instead, they issued a pathetic statement claiming that they don’t support any specific political party or policies.
“The Boy Scouts of America is wholly non-partisan and does not promote any one position, product, service, political candidate or philosophy. The invitation to visit the National Jamboree is a long-standing tradition and is in no way an endorsement of any political party or specific policies.”
This demonstrates that the Boy Scouts of America lack integrity and courage at a time when our nation needs it most. They should not have even allowed the rich asshole to speak in the first place considering his past and recent behavior.
That being said, if you are a parent looking for an alternative scouting organization, you should consider Navigators USA, Camp Fire, or SpiralScouts International. These organizations are all-inclusive and won’t subject your children to political hate speech.
The 17 most jaw-dropping moments of some rich asshole’s speech to Boy Scouts
It was a typical the rich asshole rally. Except he was speaking to tens of thousands of children.
WASHINGTON—U.S. President some rich asshole bragged about his election victory, insulted Hillary Clinton, attacked the “fake news,” told bizarre stories, said untrue things.
In other words, it was a typical the rich asshole rally. Except he was speaking to children.
Read more: the rich asshole’s attacks on Sessions, Mueller raise concerns about ‘authoritarian’ tactics
the rich asshole appeared Monday evening at the 19th National Boy Scout Jamboree in West Virginia. Speaking to some 40,000 people, most of whom were boys under 18, the rich asshole departed from his prepared text, which was a conventional tribute to the value of scouting, and delivered a rambling address reminiscent of his famous monologues from the 2016 campaign.
The speech left pundits aghast. Below, the 17 most remarkable moments:
1) He began by insulting the media: “Tonight, we put aside all of the policy fights in Washington, DC you’ve been hearing about with the fake news.” He added: “Boy, you’ve got a lot of people here. The press will say it’s about 200 people. It looks like about 45,000 people.”
2) He said “hell”: “Instead, we’re going to talk about success. About how all of you amazing young Scouts can achieve your dreams. What to think of what I’ve been thinking about — you want to achieve your dreams. I said, ‘Who the hell wants to speak about politics when I’m in front of the Boy Scouts?’”
3) He spoke of the Washington “cesspool”: “You know, I go to Washington and I see all these politicians, and I see the swamp and it’s not a good place. In fact today I said, ‘We ought to change it from the word swamp to the word cesspool or perhaps to the word sewer,’ but it’s not good. Not good.”
4) He falsely claimed the “fake media” wouldn’t report the size of the crowd: “By the way what do you think the chances are that this incredible massive crowd, record-setting, is going to be shown on television tonight? One per cent or zero? The fake media will say President the rich asshole spoke — and you know what this is — ‘President the rich asshole spoke before a small crowd of Boy Scouts today.’ That’s some, that is some crowd. Fake media. Fake news.”
5) He falsely suggested the media wouldn’t show the crowd on television: “Some of you here tonight might even have camped out in this yard when Mike (Pence) was the governor of Indiana, but the scouting was very, very important. And by the way, where are our Indiana scouts tonight? I wonder if the television cameras will follow you. They don’t like doing that when they see these massive crowds. They don’t like doing that.”

6) He called the Affordable Care Act “horrible”: “Secretary Tom Price is also here. Today Dr. Price still lives the Scout oath, helping to keep millions of Americans strong and healthy as our Secretary of Health and Human Services. He’s doing a great job and hopefully he’s going to get the votes tomorrow to start our path toward killing this horrible thing known as Obamacare that’s really hurting us.”
7) He mock-threatened to fire his health secretary: “By the way, are you going to get the votes? He better get ‘em. He better get ‘em. Oh, he better. Otherwise I’ll say ‘Tom, you’re fired.’”
8) He accidentally said “sex”: “Each of these leaders will tell you that their road to American sex. And you have to understand—their American success…”
9) He jabbed at predecessor Barack Obama: “By the way, just a question: did President Obama ever come to a Jamboree? And we’ll be back. We’ll be back. The answer’s no, but we’ll be back.”
10) He told a meandering five-minute story about developer William Levitt: “He sold his company for a tremendous amount of money and he went out and bought a big yacht and he had a very interesting life. I won’t go any more than that because you’re Boy Scouts, I’m not going to tell you what he did — should I tell you? Should I tell you? Oh, you’re Boy Scouts, but you know life, you know life.”
He continued: “What happened is he bought back his company and he bought back a lot of empty land…and in the end he failed and he failed badly. He lost all of his money, he went personally bankrupt, and he was now much older. And I saw him at a cocktail party. And it was very sad. Because the hottest people in New York were at this party. It was the party of Steve Ross. Steve Ross, he was one of the great people. He came and…”

11) He bragged about his election victory: “Do you remember that famous night on television, November 8, where they said, these dishonest people, where they said, ‘There is no path to victory for some rich asshole.” He continued: “Do you remember that incredible night with the maps. And the Republicans are red and the Democrats are blue. And that map was so red it was unbelievable, and they didn’t know what to say.”
12) He falsely claimed it is harder to win the Electoral College for Republicans than for Democrats: “We have a tremendous disadvantage in the Electoral College. Popular vote is much easier.”
13) He mocked Hillary Clinton’s campaign strategy: “Michigan came in. And we worked hard there. You know, my opponent didn’t work hard there. Because she was told, she was told she was going to win Michigan.”
14) He disparaged opinion polls: “The polls, that’s also fake news. They’re fake polls.”
15) He suggested children voted for him: “So I have to tell you. What we did, in all fairness, is an unbelievable tribute to you and all the other millions and millions of people that came out and voted for Make America Great Again.”
16) He falsely claimed he had produced the best jobs report in 16 years: “We had the best jobs report in 16 years.”
17) He promised to bring back “Merry Christmas”: “Under the the rich asshole administration, you’ll be saying Merry Christmas again when you go shopping. Believe me. Merry Christmas. They’ve been downplaying that little beautiful phrase. You’re going to be saying Merry Christmas again, folks.”
the rich asshole Trash-Talks ObamaCare & The Twitter World Responds With Brutal Force
There was a trickle of tweets from well-known pundits, then the dam broke loose. Just now, CBS News tweeted one of the rich asshole’s most ridiculous statements. The networks exposed how the president has begun to look more and more like a very unattractive and less-than-intelligent man. Ugly is as ugly says, just ask the American citizen tweeters.
the rich asshole started off his speech Monday complaining that Obamacare has damaged Americans “for the past 17 years.” Excuse me? Did he say “17 years?” Why, yes he did, and that is a long time before President Obama came into office. Every time the rich asshole speaks, he sounds more and more unpresidential. CBS quoted the rich asshole talking about a “big, fat, ugly lie:”
Speaking of lies, the Affordable Care Act (ACA/ObamaCare) is doing just fine. The president is the one who is trying to undermine this successful health care program. He has been giving the insurance companies uncertainty that undermines their ability to remain viable. It appears the rich asshole cannot stand anything that President Obama accomplished, not even a health care program that has benefited tens of millions for the first time.
Someone in his administration should tell the man in the Oval Office how unattractive his words and actions are. Certainly, they are far beneath the office of President of the United States. However, the American people are more than happy to tell the rich asshole what he can do. Check their perfect tweets below:
According to some rich asshole, Obamacare has “wreaked havoc” for even longer than even the dumbest among conservatives thought.
Speaking about health care — a topic he often confuses with life insurance — the Donald stood in front of a bunch of human props and complained:
For the past 17 years, Obamacare has wreaked havoc on the lives of innocent, hard-working Americans…
No, seriously. He actually said that — and Mike Pence looks like he just ate a fart after hearing it:
Not to worry, though. MSNBC was quick to fact check this claim that the Affordable Care Act, nicknamed “Obamacare” by detractors when it was passed under President Obama, became law under President Bill Clinton.
Why did this need to be fact checked? Because our “so-called President” really is the dumbest motherf*cker alive.
Naturally, the rich asshole blew up Twitter with this new information that President Clinton signed “Obamcare” into law before the first debate on the issue happened:
At this point, it’s fair to ask: Is there anything he won’t blame on the Clintons?
To be fair, he later says that “seven years ago, a small group of politicians…engineered a government takeover of healthcare” years after he says Obamacare became law.
Can we please have some 25th Amendment action? Pretty please?
the rich asshole floats possibility of Giuliani replacing Sessions as AG: report
Error: Source not supported.
President the rich asshole has floated the possibility of replacing Attorney General Jeff Sessions with former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R), Axios reported Monday.
the rich asshole broached the idea in internal discussions about bringing his staunch ally into the folds of his administration, sources within the West Wing told the news outlet.
Before an interview last week with The New York Times, the rich asshole had already expressed anger and frustration at Sessions for recusing himself from the Justice Department's investigation into Russian meddling in the presidential election, Axios reports.
the rich asshole, during the interview, opined that Sessions's decision to recuse himself was "unfair" to him and that he would've likely picked another person to lead the Justice Department if he had known Sessions would recuse himself.
In a tweet on Monday, the rich asshole went after Sessions, calling him “beleaguered” and questioning why the attorney general and federal investigators are not looking into Hillary Clinton, his Democratic opponent in the presidential race and a former secretary of State, for her “crimes” and ties to Russia.
Axios reports that the rich asshole regularly considers personnel switch-ups, but doesn’t always act. Pondering about bringing in Giuliani may fall under this umbrella.
The report, however, comes after the rich asshole tapped Anthony Scaramucci to serve as the White House communications director on Friday, leading Sean Spicer to resign as White House press secretary.
the rich asshole Calls Attorney General Jeff Sessions ‘Beleaguered’
President’s comment comes in tweet criticizing Russia probes
President some rich asshole speaks with Attorney General Jeff Sessions in May. PHOTO: KEVIN LAMARQUE/REUTERS
Rebecca Ballhaus
President some rich asshole on Monday referred to Attorney General Jeff Sessions as “beleaguered,” in one of a series of tweets in which he criticized the current probes of Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. election.
some rich asshole expressed displeasure with his attorney general last week, telling the New York Times in an interview that he wouldn’t have appointed Mr. Sessions to his job if he had known Mr. Sessions would remove himself from the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election.
some rich asshole has alleged that the Russia probe is a “witch hunt” driven by Democrats to explain losing the White House in November. On Monday, he hit at that theme, calling the probes a “Dem loss excuse.”
Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, on Monday responded to some rich asshole’s tweets, calling his comments “beneath the dignity of the office.”
Sessions Plans to Remain in Post After the rich asshole Rebuke
Attorney General Jeff Sessions said on Thursday he has no plans to leave the Justice Department despite President some rich asshole’s comment in a recent interview that he wouldn't have appointed Mr. Sessions if he knew he would recuse himself from probes into the 2016 election. Photo: EPA
some rich asshole’s reference to his attorney general comes days after the Washington Post reported that Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak told his superiors in Moscow that he had held campaign-related discussions with Mr. Sessions during the campaign. Mr. Sessions has denied doing so.
Mr. Sessions, an early and vocal supporter of some rich asshole, last week deflected the criticism from some rich asshole and said he planned to stay in the job “as long as that is appropriate.”
some rich asshole’s comments and tweet mark the latest chapter in a series of tensions between the president and his attorney general, who earlier this year offered to resign over some rich asshole’s frustration about his decision to recuse himself from the Russia probe.
some rich asshole’s tweets come amid a probe into whether the rich asshole campaign associates colluded with Russia in last year’s presidential election. some rich asshole has denied that any campaign associates colluded with Russia. Moscow has denied interfering in the U.S. election.
some rich asshole’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, on Monday spoke with the Senate Intelligence Committee—his first time speaking with congressional investigators—and earlier in the day denied any collusion as he released a list of his contacts with Russians in the past two years, including a previously undisclosed meeting with Mr. Kislyak in April 2016.
some rich asshole’s eldest son, some rich asshole Jr., and former campaign chairman Paul Manafort are providing documents to the Senate Judiciary Committee and are negotiating the terms of their testimonies, according to the panel.
Schiff fires back at the rich asshole: Your comments, actions 'beneath the dignity of the office'
BY REBECCA SAVRANSKY - 07/24/17 11:18 AM EDT 545
© Greg Nash
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) on Monday shot back at President the rich asshole, calling the president's comments and actions "beneath the dignity" of his office.
"With respect Mr. President, the problem is how often you watch TV, and that your comments and actions are beneath the dignity of the office," Schiff tweeted.
Adam Schiff
the rich asshole earlier in the day referred to Schiff, the senior Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, as "sleazy" and "biased."
Schiff during an interview on Sunday said the rich asshole is concerned the special counsel investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election could include his finances.
the rich asshole has in the past decried the Russia probe, which is also investigating possible collusion between the rich asshole's campaign and Moscow, as a "witch hunt" and as a Democratic excuse for losing the presidential race.
Posted by John Prager on 24 Jul 2017
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahaha Ha.
Erm, so guess what happened, folks? some rich asshole showed the world what “winning” looks like by giving up in his long-running war with Rosie O’Donnell.
Sunday evening, Rosie tweeted that she is the latest in a long string of Americans whose civil rights were violated when the rich asshole denied them access to federal records — his tweets.
What did Rosie do to upset President Snowflake? Who knows? Usually, it is easy to pinpoint the exact tweet that caused The rich asshole to feel so threatened that he blocked someone but literally everything O’Donnell has done for about a decade has set him off — though it may have been a tweet she sent promoting a game that allows players to watch The rich asshole commit suicide in a variety of hilarious ways (including by T-Rex).
The feud began in 2006 when O’Donnell blasted the rich asshole for refusing to fire Miss USA Tara Conner after her drug use and underage drinking came to light.
the rich asshole threatened to sue “fat little Rosie,” adding that it would be “fun” to sue the “loser.” And the two have been trading barbs ever since.
Now that he is the most powerful man in the world, he feels even more threatened by her.
Naturally, the Internet is overjoyed watching him admit defeat to Rosie:
Rosie says that she’s joining the lawsuit filed by Americans who have been blocked by the rich asshole, whose White House admits that his tweets are official communications — a fact that is probably keeping him up at night.
At this point, being blocked by The rich asshole means that you have done something right — something of which you can be proud.
Good job, Rosie.
the rich asshole rolls eyes at female reporter’s questions, admonishes her to be “quiet”
JULY 24, 2017
After over 150 days without a presidential press conference, a female reporter tried to get some answers during some rich asshole's photo op with White House interns. What she got in return was an eyeroll, a condescending admonishment, and laughter from the crowd.

some rich asshole’s hostility to the press and disinterest in the duties of the presidency has led to drought of over 150 days since his last official presidential press conference.
So journalists have to use whatever opportunities come their way to attempt to get answers on crucial issues facing the country.
But the rich asshole being the rich asshole, he continues to deflect their questions, and to be as condescending as he can in the process.
During a photo-op with outgoing White House interns, a female reporter can be heard off-camera, asking, “Mr. President, should Jeff Sessions resign?”
the rich asshole responded solely with an obvious roll of his eyes, which garnered gleeful laughter from the crowd around him.
And when the reporter continued, asking about the Republicans’ health care repeal bill, the rich asshole looked toward her, raised his chin, and tersely stated, “Quiet” — again to the delight of his audience.
He then turned to the young people behind him to complain, “You see, they’re not supposed to do that, but they’re doing it. But they’re not supposed to.”
“She’s breaking a code, but they don’t care,” he continued. “They don’t care about breaking codes!”
The irony of someone like the rich asshole, who has zero measurable respect for the norms and customs — or perhaps, the “codes” — of the presidency whining about someone else violating one is hard to miss.
A reporter was simply trying, in whatever way she can under this administration, to do her job and get answers for the public. Instead, she got a snide dismissal and derisive laughter.
Ryan: We Weren’t Elected To Defend the rich asshole From Investigations
defend President the rich asshole from the investigations into Russian election interference and pushed back against the notion that special counsel Robert Mueller is biased against the president.
The comments from Ryan came a day after the rich asshole tweeted that “it’s very sad that Republicans…do very little to protect their president.” the rich asshole’s top aide Kellyanne Conway also attacked Mueller Sunday and described his legal team as a “band of Democratic donors.” Mueller has brought seven attorneys onto his legal team that have donated a combined $60,787 to federal Democratic donors, a practice the rich asshole has dubbed “ridiculous.”
Ryan was asked on local Wisconsin radio Monday morning about why Republicans aren’t doing more to protect President the rich asshole from Mueller’s investigation and those being conducted by Congressional committees. The radio host Jay Weber mentioned the Democratic donors hired, and in his response Ryan said, “Bob Mueller is a Republican who was appointed by a Republican.”
The House Speaker added, “I don’t think many people are saying that Mueller is a biased partisan…he really is anything but.” While the president has called Mueller’s investigation a “witch hunt,” Ryan said a special counsel “depoliticizes this stuff,” and “gets it out of the political theater.”
As for defending the rich asshole from the investigations, he said congressional Republicans are “not spending all of our time on this.” Ryan went on to say “that wasn’t what we were elected to do,” and that they instead will focus on health care reform and improving the economy.
The comments from Ryan came a day after the rich asshole tweeted that “it’s very sad that Republicans…do very little to protect their president.” the rich asshole’s top aide Kellyanne Conway also attacked Mueller Sunday and described his legal team as a “band of Democratic donors.” Mueller has brought seven attorneys onto his legal team that have donated a combined $60,787 to federal Democratic donors, a practice the rich asshole has dubbed “ridiculous.”
Ryan was asked on local Wisconsin radio Monday morning about why Republicans aren’t doing more to protect President the rich asshole from Mueller’s investigation and those being conducted by Congressional committees. The radio host Jay Weber mentioned the Democratic donors hired, and in his response Ryan said, “Bob Mueller is a Republican who was appointed by a Republican.”
The House Speaker added, “I don’t think many people are saying that Mueller is a biased partisan…he really is anything but.” While the president has called Mueller’s investigation a “witch hunt,” Ryan said a special counsel “depoliticizes this stuff,” and “gets it out of the political theater.”
As for defending the rich asshole from the investigations, he said congressional Republicans are “not spending all of our time on this.” Ryan went on to say “that wasn’t what we were elected to do,” and that they instead will focus on health care reform and improving the economy.
Even Texas and Mississippi have turned on the rich asshole
JULY 24, 2017
A new 50-state poll shows some rich asshole has negative approval ratings in two Southern states that solidly voted for him in 2016.
(AP Photo/David J. Phillip)
some rich asshole has been a wildly unpopular president from the very beginning.
After a divisive victory tainted by a popular vote loss and the scandal of Russian collusion to undermine the election, the rich asshole did not enjoy a honeymoon period with the American people, as most new presidents do.
His disastrous attempts to destroy health care and his ongoing tantrums on social media only added fuel to the fire.
the rich asshole has already set a record for the lowest overall six-month approval ratings of any president since polling began. And now, a Gallup poll of each of the 50 states reveals more bad news for him.
According to the poll, the rich asshole is viewed unfavorably in two states which form the base of Republican electoral and congressional power: Texas and Mississippi.
Respondents in Mississippi view the rich asshole unfavorably 48 to 46, while Texans disapprove of the rich asshole by 51 to 42.
the rich asshole won both states decisively in 2016, although his margin in Texas was much smaller than Republican margins in either of President Barack Obama’s election campaigns. In Mississippi, meanwhile, the rich asshole actually outperformed Romney. The fact he is underwater in either of these states is a remarkable shift.
The poll further finds the rich asshole is only above 50 percent in 17 states, and down decisively in the Rust Belt states that flipped red in 2016. The summary concludes with a warning to the rich asshole and his Republican supporters:
the rich asshole is hardly a conventional politician, but his patterns of support at the state level mostly reflect traditional Republican-Democrat differences. Although 2020 is a long way off, for him to successfully win re-election, historical patterns suggest his overall 40% rating would need to rise closer to 50%. He would also need to shore up his support in the key Rust Belt states that delivered the Electoral College win to him. In those states, his job approval is slightly above 40%, but barely so, raising questions of whether he can carry them in 2020.
Conventional wisdom has long held that the rich asshole has an hard floor on his base of support because his voters are completely unpersuadable. The fact that his ratings are down in solid red states should cast doubt on this idea.
The numbers are clear. Even in the Republican strongholds of the South, the American people are running out of patience for the rich asshole’s antics. And with that comes electoral consequences.
Freelance Political Writer
Matthew Chapman
Video game designer and science fiction author from Texas. Can be found on Twitter @fawfulfan.
BREAKING: the rich asshole Rumored To Be Replacing Attorney General With Old Friend
Just when you thought there was no worse candidate for attorney general, who sits at the head of the U.S. Department of Justice, than the notoriously racist Jeff Sessions, the rich asshole has of course come up with someone worse. What more would be expected from the worst president with the worst and most incompetent administration in history?
In an Axios exclusive report, news broke on Monday that the rich asshole, who has stated publicly that he wishes he had never appointed Jeff Sessions, is considering Rudy Guiliani as a replacement for the attorney general’s position. Guiliani, who is the former mayor of New York City, has been a vocal supporter of the rich asshole’s since he first announced his intentions to run for president. Guiliani was more than willing to do exactly what was required of him to support the Republican nominee for president, even when that meant telling wild lies and making blatantly racist statements.
Axios considers several factors in their confirmation that the rich asshole is considering Guiliani as Sessions’ replacement. the rich asshole has considered the former Republican mayor for the position previously and now seems far less than satisifed with Sessions due to his own willing recusal from the Russian investigation after it was revealed that he gave false testimony to Congress during his confirmation hearings. Wanting someone who is more inclined to pledge loyalty to the president rather than serving as an objective arm of the law, Guiliani would be the perfect replacement, in the rich asshole’s mind, to take the heat off the impending investigations.
According to Axios:
‘Giuliani would have a tough time getting 50 Republicans senators to vote to confirm him. He was such an early and ardent the rich asshole backer that he wouldn’t be seen as an independent guardian of the department in these tumultuous times. In fact, the nomination could be seen as the rich asshole throwing gasoline on a fire. And Giuliani’s stop-and-frisk police policy as New York mayor, and clients since then, also would be controversial with many senators.’
However, Sessions was able to be confirmed by a majority Republican Congress despite the many reasons why he was unfit and unsuited to the job of attorney general. It isn’t that much of a stretch to believe that Guiliani could be, too.
some rich asshole is losing it. On Monday, he kicked off his morning with perhaps his dumbest ravings yet about swamps and sewers and fake news (oh my?).
“Drain the Swamp should be changed to Drain the Sewer – it’s actually much worse than anyone ever thought, and it begins with the Fake News!” our middle-schooler-in-chief tweeted.
Drain the Swamp should be changed to Drain the Sewer – it’s actually much worse than anyone ever thought, and it begins with the Fake News!
— some rich asshole (@realDonaldTrump) July 24, 2017
If you’re thinking “what the f*ck is he on about?” then you’re not the only one. For one, a sewer is a drainage system. That’s the whole point.
Just like Adolf Hitler, the rich asshole continued his attacks on the Lügenpresse — “FAKE NEWS” as the rich asshole calls the media.
He also once again demanded that everyone focus on “Crooked Hillarys” rather than himself. It is unclear if he meant that as a possessive or a plural.
So why aren’t the Committees and investigators, and of course our beleaguered A.G., looking into Crooked Hillarys crimes & Russia relations?
— some rich asshole (@realDonaldTrump) July 24, 2017
Basically, this tantrum was a gigantic mountain of stupidity and Americans were glad to mock him mercilessly for it.
You are right. If DC was a swamp before, you made it a sewer. Next stop: toxic waste dump
— Dani Bostick (@danibostick) July 24, 2017
How do you think sewers work, exactly?
— Ryan Broderick (@broderick) July 24, 2017
Although, to be fair, DC’s sewer is clogged by a MASSIVE fatberg at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
— Sean (@DailyChef7) July 24, 2017
If by “Fake News” you mean “My misleading tweets, statements & surrogates,” agree! Screw the sewer; in 2018 & 2020 let’s “Flush the Toilet”!
— Pep Rosenfeld (@peprosenfeld) July 24, 2017
Okay, have you tried calling the plumber? Let me know how it goes.
— nic shields (@nicshields) July 24, 2017
You ARE the biggest, slimiest, diseased sewer rat so stop whining #DonnieTwoScoops! pic.twitter.com/Zx7GKfBUV4
— alexandra halaby (@iskandrah) July 24, 2017
You’re SO right! You DID create a sewer in the @WhiteHouse! Thank you for correctly pointing that out. #drainthesewer
— Shaun O’Banion (@shaun_obanion) July 24, 2017
Ofcourse it’s worse. You added half of Goldman Sachs, the foreclosure king, a racist elf, white nationalists, neo-nazis & Russian colluders
— Facts Do Matter (@WilDonnelly) July 24, 2017
Where would sewers drain into? Surely you’d have to use more sewers and that would compound the problem, no?
— Conor Mac (@thefella) July 24, 2017
Yes, change the slogan. That should stop you from hiring a rogues gallery of the least qualified, most compromised federal officials ever.
— Mark Banker (@themarkbanker) July 24, 2017
Is a sewer better or worse than a swamp? This is the most interesting debate topic you’ve raised since becoming president.
— Paul Caiozzo (@PaulCaiozzo) July 24, 2017
Yes, you managed to drain the swamp directly into the WH. And your constant refrain of ‘fake news’ leads us to believe it isn’t fake at all
— Susan Price (@PriceSjrw5614) July 24, 2017
So you turned the “swamp” into a “sewer”? And now it’s overflowing. So much winning!
— Paul Cyr (@PaulCyr5) July 24, 2017
We know you’re much worse than we first thought. We’d love to”drain the sewer”. How long before you can move out?
— Kristine Lynne (@thegoodmama) July 24, 2017
It begins with you so when are you gonna resign so we can drain the sewer?
— Sheree Williams (@ShereeW1974) July 24, 2017
the rich asshole seems nervous about something. Could it be that his son-in-law, son, and former campaign manager are testifying before the Senate Intelligence Committee about their collusion with Russia? The fact that the noose is tightening?
What’s he worried about?
House Democrats Call Out the rich asshole For Closing The Potomac To Play Golf
Saying that the rich asshole has “disregarded the needs of the general public for his own personal benefit and convenience,” two House Democrats are asking the Coast Guard to reconsider a planned shutdown of the Potomac River so that the Secret Service can protect some rich asshole while he plays golf at his club.
Reps. Peter DeFazio and John Garamendi, who serve on the Maritime subpanel of the Transportation committee, have told the commandant of the Coast Guard that the proposed shutdown will affect too many vacationers, including summer campers and disabled veterans who use the area for kayaking.
“That’s a very heavily utilized part of the Potomac,” DeFazio told The Hill Thursday. “Closing the entire river randomly — because the president’s schedule isn’t announced in advance — would be incredibly disruptive. It’ll hurt commercial outfitters; it’s going to ruin people’s vacations. … And I think it’s unnecessary.“The most polite alternative would be for the rich asshole to recognize that he’s screwing up other people’s vacations and lives.”[…] We implore you not to allow the President’s frequent leisure activities to take away access to the river regularly enjoyed by wounded veterans, and other kayakers, boaters, jet skiers, and anglers.
“Granted, it’s his golf course,” former Marine John Deitle told the Washington Post last week. “But he has other golf courses.” Olympic kayaker Ashley Nee said “It’s a sharing culture out here, and it feels strange to have somebody not sharing.”
Adding insult to injury, the rich asshole’s controversial decision to clear-cut the trees along the riverbank and improve the view for his golf club members also created the potential sightlines that make the Secret Service need to secure the river.
In fact, the rich asshole National Golf Club is the longest stretch of treeless waterfront along the entire 55-mile float between Harpers Ferry, West Virginia and Cabin John, Maryland — and the rich asshole was supposed to replant.
So far, public comments are almost uniformly opposed to the idea of blocking the entire river whenever the president plays 36 holes.
“It is absolutely absurd to infringe on the recreation of others for the recreation of one man. If you’re that frightened of an attack, stay at home,” writes Jeff Caplan. Susan Sherrod, chairwoman of a canoeing and kayaking club, warns that public safety requires modifications. “At the very least, we need to move the exclusion zone upriver at least 200 feet to allow paddlers to safely ferry across the river above the dam,” she says.
“Since the President will receive Secret Service protection for the rest of his (and his wife’s) life, this situation may continue for decades,” David Cowan points out. Others point out that the rich asshole could easily replant the trees as he was supposed to and thus solve the problem.
Frank Johnson is more acid. “Please do not close the river so that POTUS can golf when he should be working for US citizens and not working for Russian Dictators.”
Reps. DeFazio and Garamendi warned Adm. Paul F. Zukunft, Commandant of the Coast Guard, that the topic will come up during his appearance before the subcommittee on Tuesday.
Sean Spicer Resigns as White House Press Secretary
Sean Spicer Just Resigned. Watch His Memorable Moments.
Sean Spicer, the White House press secretary, has had a turbulent tenure, marked by a combative style with the news media.
Publish Date July 21, 2017. Photo by Doug Mills/The New York Times.
WASHINGTON — Sean Spicer, the White House press secretary, resigned on Friday after denouncing chaos in the West Wing and telling President the rich asshole he vehemently disagreed with the appointment of the New York financier Anthony Scaramucci as communications director.
After offering Mr. Scaramucci the communications job Friday morning, some rich asshole asked Mr. Spicer to stay on as press secretary. But Mr. Spicer told some rich asshole that he believed the appointment of Mr. Scaramucci was a major mistake and said he was resigning, according to a person with direct knowledge of the exchange.
In one of his first official acts, Mr. Scaracmucci, who founded the global investment firm SkyBridge Capital and is a Fox News contributor, joined Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Mr. Spicer’s chief deputy, in the White House briefing room and announced that she would succeed Mr. Spicer as press secretary.
He said he had great respect for Mr. Spicer, adding, “I hope he goes on to make a tremendous amount of money.” But he acknowledged the awkwardness of Mr. Spicer’s resignation. “This is obviously a difficult situation to be in,” Mr. Scaramucci said.
Ms. Sanders said some rich asshole was grateful for Mr. Spicer’s service and that the president believes Mr. Spicer will succeed going forward. “Just look at his great television ratings,” some rich asshole said in a statement read by Ms. Sanders.
The rich asshole White House
The historic moments, head-spinning developments and inside-the-White House intrigue.
Mr. Spicer’s rumored departure has been one of the longest-running internal sagas in an administration brimming with dissension and intrigue. A former Republican National Committee spokesman and strategist, Mr. Spicer was a frequent target of the president’s ire — and correctives — during the first few months of the administration.
His turbulent tenure as the president’s top spokesman was marked by a combative style with the news media that spawned a caricature of him on “Saturday Night Live.” He had hoped to last a year. He lasted six months and a day.
Anthony Scaramucci at the rich asshole Tower last year. Mr. Scaramucci, who founded the global investment firm SkyBridge Capital and is a Fox News contributor, is known for his spirited on-air defense of President the rich asshole. CreditSam Hodgson for The New York Times
The resignation is a serious blow to the embattled White House chief of staff, Reince Priebus, the former Republican Party chairman who brought Mr. Spicer into the West Wing despite skepticism from some rich asshole, who initially questioned his loyalty. Mr. Scaramucci described his relationship with Mr. Priebus as brotherly where they “rough each other up.” He called Mr. Priebus a “good friend.”
some rich asshole’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, has grown critical of both Mr. Spicer and Mr. Priebus, whom he regards as party establishment figures who operate out of self-interest.
Mr. Kushner also supported some rich asshole’s decision to supplant Marc Kasowitz as his lead attorney on matters pertaining to Russia, according to people familiar with the situation.
Mr. Scaramucci was to meet with Mr. Priebus on Friday, according to a West Wing official — and applause could be heard in the second-floor communications hallway when Mr. Scaramucci was introduced. Mr. Priebus denied that there is friction with Mr. Scaramucci.
For his part Mr. Spicer said it had been an “honor” and “privilege” to serve some rich asshole.
It's been an honor & a privilege to serve @POTUS@realDonaldTrump & this amazing country. I will continue my service through August
Senior officials, including Ms. Sanders, Mr. Spicer’s top deputy, were said to be stunned by the sudden shuffle.
Mr. Spicer has agreed to stay on for two weeks to a month, and some rich asshole has told his advisers he is open to rotating new people into the briefing room, including one of the president’s personal favorites, Sebastian Gorka, a blustery foreign policy official who has been accused of having ties to far-right groups in Europe.
During the transition, some rich asshole had planned to appoint Mr. Scaramucci, a 52-year-old Harvard Law graduate from Long Island, as director of his office of public liaison, but the offer was pulled at the request of Mr. Priebus over concerns about Mr. Scaramucci’s overseas investments.
His appointment Friday came two months after the previous communications director, Mike Dubke, stepped down. some rich asshole was frustrated with Mr. Priebus over the slow pace of finding a replacement, according to a half-dozen people familiar with the situation.
some rich asshole made the appointment over the objection of Mr. Priebus, who thought Mr. Scaramucci lacked the requisite organizational or political experience. But the president believed Mr. Scaramucci, a ferocious defender of some rich asshole’s on cable television, was best equipped to play the same role in-house, and he offered him a role with far-reaching powers independent of Mr. Priebus’s.
Sean Spicer resigns as White House press secretary
Last Updated Jul 21, 2017 1:50 PM EDT
Spicer resigned Friday morning, shortly after President the rich asshole selected Anthony Scaramucci as communications director. Scaramucci's hiring was a factor in his resignation, as was Spicer's diminishing role in the White House, CBS News Chief White House Correspondent Major Garrett reports. A source with direct knowledge of the situation said there was a Friday White House communications meeting in which the new communications director was announced, and Spicer made the decision to resign right before the meeting when he learned Scaramucci had the job.
Spicer confirmed his resignation about two hours after the news broke on Friday, saying he will stay on until August.
Kellyanne Conway: ‘The investigation has stalled’ — so the rich asshole should hold Mueller ‘accountable’
Kellyanne Conway (Fox News)
Kellyanne Conway laid the groundwork for President some rich asshole to get rid of special counsel Robert Mueller as he expands the Russia investigation to include business dealings.
The White House adviser told Fox News that the rich asshole’s attacks on Mueller — which has reportedly split his own legal team — were an important measure of “accountability and transparency.”
“Where is this going?” Conway said. “Are Americans comfortable with that, with the taxpayers funding this with this going off of all types of chutes and ladders?”
She agreed with the rich asshole that the FBI and congressional investigations were “witch hunts,” and she accused Mueller of building a team riddled with partisan conflicts of interest.
“Not only did these Democrat, presumably, lawyers donate a lot of money to the left side of the political aisle, one of them actually was a lawyer for the Clinton Foundation,” Conway said.
Host Steve Doocy agreed, and suggested that Mueller was pursuing a personal vendetta against the rich asshole for passing over him to return to the FBI as director after the president fired James Comey.
“There are all sorts of conflicts, which it sounds like what the White House is trying to do is, you are trying to put pressure on the team, maybe certain members of the team, legal team on special counsel (to) recuse themselves,” Doocy said.
Conway suggested Mueller and his team of prosecutors were part of the swamp that the rich asshole promised voters he would drain.
“Steve, here’s the relevance of that — people should at least know it,” she said. “some rich asshole went to Washington to disrupt and expose the system, just to blow that secret door off of its hinges and have more accountability and transparency in a system that thrives on the opposite. So the same applies here. Let’s at least, you know, you’re saying put on pressure — let’s have a disinfectant, let’s at least let the transparency and accountability speak for itself. It’s relevant that people know what the motivations are, and that is not an attack on the team. That is what’s fair is fair.”
She accused Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA), the ranking Democrats on the House and Senate intelligence committees, of grandstanding on TV about the Russia probe they’re helping to lead.
“I was looking at the statistics this morning, they have been on TV more than they have been presiding over these hearings,” Conway said. “They have been on TV. I mean, literally, Adam Schiff walks around with a cut out of the Capitol above his head, instead of having the hearings. The investigations have stalled, because, you know, where is this going?”
Kellyanne Conway (Fox News)
Kellyanne Conway laid the groundwork for President some rich asshole to get rid of special counsel Robert Mueller as he expands the Russia investigation to include business dealings.
The White House adviser told Fox News that the rich asshole’s attacks on Mueller — which has reportedly split his own legal team — were an important measure of “accountability and transparency.”
“Where is this going?” Conway said. “Are Americans comfortable with that, with the taxpayers funding this with this going off of all types of chutes and ladders?”
She agreed with the rich asshole that the FBI and congressional investigations were “witch hunts,” and she accused Mueller of building a team riddled with partisan conflicts of interest.
“Not only did these Democrat, presumably, lawyers donate a lot of money to the left side of the political aisle, one of them actually was a lawyer for the Clinton Foundation,” Conway said.
Host Steve Doocy agreed, and suggested that Mueller was pursuing a personal vendetta against the rich asshole for passing over him to return to the FBI as director after the president fired James Comey.
“There are all sorts of conflicts, which it sounds like what the White House is trying to do is, you are trying to put pressure on the team, maybe certain members of the team, legal team on special counsel (to) recuse themselves,” Doocy said.
Conway suggested Mueller and his team of prosecutors were part of the swamp that the rich asshole promised voters he would drain.
“Steve, here’s the relevance of that — people should at least know it,” she said. “some rich asshole went to Washington to disrupt and expose the system, just to blow that secret door off of its hinges and have more accountability and transparency in a system that thrives on the opposite. So the same applies here. Let’s at least, you know, you’re saying put on pressure — let’s have a disinfectant, let’s at least let the transparency and accountability speak for itself. It’s relevant that people know what the motivations are, and that is not an attack on the team. That is what’s fair is fair.”
She accused Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA), the ranking Democrats on the House and Senate intelligence committees, of grandstanding on TV about the Russia probe they’re helping to lead.
“I was looking at the statistics this morning, they have been on TV more than they have been presiding over these hearings,” Conway said. “They have been on TV. I mean, literally, Adam Schiff walks around with a cut out of the Capitol above his head, instead of having the hearings. The investigations have stalled, because, you know, where is this going?”
Posted by Patricia Colli on 20 Jul 2017
Recently, some rich asshole trashed U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions for recusing himself from overseeing the Russia investigation, stating that if he’d known Sessions was going to recuse himself, the corrupt POTUS never would have selected him as Attorney General in the first place. In an interview with The New York Times, the rich asshole said:
Jeff Sessions takes the job, gets into the job, recuses himself, which frankly I think is very unfair to the president. How do you take a job and then recuse yourself? If he would have recused himself before the job, I would have said, ‘Thanks, Jeff, but I’m not going to take you.’ It’s extremely unfair — and that’s a mild word — to the president.”
“Sessions should have never recused himself and if he was going to recuse himself, he should have told me before he took the job and I would have picked somebody else.”
Today, Sessions responded to the rich asshole’s criticism by pretty much brushing the POTUS’ comments off completely. Taking the rich asshole to task, Sessions said that he loved his job and would continue to serve. In response to a question about the rich asshole’s comments, Sessions said:
We love this job, we love this department, and I plan to continue to do so as long as that is appropriate.”
“I have the honor of serving as attorney general. It’s something that goes beyond any thought I would have ever had for myself.”
Also standing with Sessions was Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe, two other officials who the rich asshole had trashed in the same interview. the rich asshole pointed out Rosenstein’s ties to Democratic Baltimore and stated that McCabe’s wife accepted money from a top Democrat during a campaign. When Rosenstein was asked about the rich asshole’s criticism, he also responded in a similar way:
I was proud to be here yesterday, I’m proud to be here today, I’ll be proud to work here tomorrow.”
the rich asshole is bitter as hell that he has not gotten his way in his Russian scandal, especially as the situation heats up. Perhaps he’s learning that no matter what empty threats he makes, no one respects him and no one is afraid of him. He’s going down, and no amount of bullying can change that.
Posted by Patricia Colli on 20 Jul 2017
Recently, some rich asshole trashed U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions for recusing himself from overseeing the Russia investigation, stating that if he’d known Sessions was going to recuse himself, the corrupt POTUS never would have selected him as Attorney General in the first place. In an interview with The New York Times, the rich asshole said:
Jeff Sessions takes the job, gets into the job, recuses himself, which frankly I think is very unfair to the president. How do you take a job and then recuse yourself? If he would have recused himself before the job, I would have said, ‘Thanks, Jeff, but I’m not going to take you.’ It’s extremely unfair — and that’s a mild word — to the president.”
“Sessions should have never recused himself and if he was going to recuse himself, he should have told me before he took the job and I would have picked somebody else.”
Today, Sessions responded to the rich asshole’s criticism by pretty much brushing the POTUS’ comments off completely. Taking the rich asshole to task, Sessions said that he loved his job and would continue to serve. In response to a question about the rich asshole’s comments, Sessions said:
We love this job, we love this department, and I plan to continue to do so as long as that is appropriate.”
“I have the honor of serving as attorney general. It’s something that goes beyond any thought I would have ever had for myself.”
Also standing with Sessions was Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe, two other officials who the rich asshole had trashed in the same interview. the rich asshole pointed out Rosenstein’s ties to Democratic Baltimore and stated that McCabe’s wife accepted money from a top Democrat during a campaign. When Rosenstein was asked about the rich asshole’s criticism, he also responded in a similar way:
I was proud to be here yesterday, I’m proud to be here today, I’ll be proud to work here tomorrow.”
the rich asshole is bitter as hell that he has not gotten his way in his Russian scandal, especially as the situation heats up. Perhaps he’s learning that no matter what empty threats he makes, no one respects him and no one is afraid of him. He’s going down, and no amount of bullying can change that.
Senator Responds To the rich asshole’s Claim Healthcare Costs $12 A Year & It Is Perfect
The New York Times released an interview with some rich asshole on Wednesday, and it’s already proven to be a goldmine for those looking to find more reason to push back against the the rich asshole Administration.
To sum up the interview, some rich asshole doesn’t seem to have deep knowledge on an array of topics that are necessary for him to execute the office of the presidency. Perhaps as the most acutely relevant example of this, the rich asshole made some comments about health care in this interview that have concerned parties across the country scratching their heads.
A Democratic Senator from Hawaii has now responded by saying that reporters need to change the way that they approach interviews with the president in light of his glaring incompetence.
During the interview, reporter Maggie Haberman quipped on the issue of how hard it is to strip coverage for pre-existing conditions once it’s instituted that “[w]hen you win an entitlement, you can’t take it back.”
To this, the rich asshole replied:
‘As they get something, it gets tougher. Because politically, you can’t give it away. So pre-existing conditions are a tough deal. Because you are basically saying from the moment the insurance, you’re 21 years old, you start working and you’re paying $12 a year for insurance, and by the time you’re 70, you get a nice plan.’
Um, what?
Does some rich asshole think that you can get by on paying $12 for healthcare per year? He seems to be connecting this ridiculously low payment to Medicare, which is only a tiny flicker of sense in a glaring void of idiocy.
Under both the present system and that which the Republicans seek to impose, you can not get health coverage for $12 a year.
As mentioned, a Democratic Senator from Hawaii responded to this news by saying that reporters should change the way that they approach the president in light of the glaring incompetence that he continues to display.
Senator Brian Schatz wrote on Twitter this Thursday:
‘POTUS said a young person can be insured for $12/month. Has no one told him the truth? Did he forget? Seriously what’s going on there? My mistake. He didn’t say that you could get insurance for 12 bucks a month. He said 12 bucks a YEAR. NYT interview great, but let’s ask him the basics: “what’s Medicaid?” Or “what do people pay on the exchange?” Or “what’s an exchange?”‘
Twitter thinks this is a great idea. Check that out below.
The New York Times released an interview with some rich asshole on Wednesday, and it’s already proven to be a goldmine for those looking to find more reason to push back against the the rich asshole Administration.
To sum up the interview, some rich asshole doesn’t seem to have deep knowledge on an array of topics that are necessary for him to execute the office of the presidency. Perhaps as the most acutely relevant example of this, the rich asshole made some comments about health care in this interview that have concerned parties across the country scratching their heads.
A Democratic Senator from Hawaii has now responded by saying that reporters need to change the way that they approach interviews with the president in light of his glaring incompetence.
During the interview, reporter Maggie Haberman quipped on the issue of how hard it is to strip coverage for pre-existing conditions once it’s instituted that “[w]hen you win an entitlement, you can’t take it back.”
To this, the rich asshole replied:
‘As they get something, it gets tougher. Because politically, you can’t give it away. So pre-existing conditions are a tough deal. Because you are basically saying from the moment the insurance, you’re 21 years old, you start working and you’re paying $12 a year for insurance, and by the time you’re 70, you get a nice plan.’
Um, what?
Does some rich asshole think that you can get by on paying $12 for healthcare per year? He seems to be connecting this ridiculously low payment to Medicare, which is only a tiny flicker of sense in a glaring void of idiocy.
Under both the present system and that which the Republicans seek to impose, you can not get health coverage for $12 a year.
As mentioned, a Democratic Senator from Hawaii responded to this news by saying that reporters should change the way that they approach the president in light of the glaring incompetence that he continues to display.
Senator Brian Schatz wrote on Twitter this Thursday:
‘POTUS said a young person can be insured for $12/month. Has no one told him the truth? Did he forget? Seriously what’s going on there? My mistake. He didn’t say that you could get insurance for 12 bucks a month. He said 12 bucks a YEAR. NYT interview great, but let’s ask him the basics: “what’s Medicaid?” Or “what do people pay on the exchange?” Or “what’s an exchange?”‘
Twitter thinks this is a great idea. Check that out below.

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