Thursday, July 27, 2017

July 25th, 2017 - July 26th, 2017. 258-259 days since the Nov 8, 2016, election and 186-187 days since the Jan 20th inauguration

 Eric the rich asshole Demands Investigation Of ‘Uranium One’ During Incoherent TV Interview

On Wednesday morning, the hosts of Fox & Friendwanted to talk with President the rich asshole’s son, Eric, about the leaks coming out of the White House. However, the rich asshole, who had just finished promoting his dad at a rally in Ohio, had a different agenda.
After welcoming Eric the rich asshole to the show and recapping Tuesday night’s event, co-anchor Steve Doocy commented on the president’s recent tweets regarding Jeff Sessions and the fact that he hadn’t gone after the people who have been leaking information.
‘The President, your dad, has made it very clear in the last 36 hours, he is very disappointed with Jeff Sessions, that he recused himself…Also very disappointed that he has not been going after the leakers.’
Doocy then announced that he had received an alert about Sessions launching investigationsinto the leaked intelligence.
Rather than commenting on either the leaks coming out of the White House or Sessions plans to investigate them, the rich asshole decided it would be better to complain about the investigation into his father’s ties to Russia.
‘It’s disheartening for me to watch the pile on to him with nonsense Russia investigations. There’s nothing there… it is the greatest witch hunt of all time and then you see the crimes that other people get away with.’
In addition to using one of the president’s favorite phrases — “greatest witch hunt of all time” — the rich asshole also went on to take another page from his dad’s book and complain about “scandals” that Democrats like Hillary Clinton and Loretta Lynch have been involved in.
‘You look at Loretta Lynch. She hasn’t even been subpoenaed. How has Loretta Lynch not been subpoenaed? Where is she? Where are all these enraged Senators?’
The “crime” that the rich asshole was complaining about Lynch getting away with was a chance meeting that took place at an airport between her and Bill Clinton during the 2016 campaign. Lynch was cleared of any wrongdoing by former FBI director James Comey.
the rich asshole also had to bring up Hillary Clinton, the already debunked Uranium One scandal, and the “crimes” committed by her family’s foundation.
‘Why has nobody investigated Uranium One? What about the crimes perpetrated by the Clinton Foundation and the millions given to Saudi Arabia and everything else? When are people going to start going after that?’
He then went on to complain once again about people bullying his father, saying that there is more proof against Lynch and Clinton than there is against President the rich asshole.
‘Aside from the leakers and everything else. It seems like this is a one-way pile on. And I think that’s my father’s frustration. Where is the other side when there are legitimate crimes over there that everybody has proof about?
‘You don’t have any proof on Russia. There is nothing there. But you do have proof that Loretta Lynch was on an airplane with Bill Clinton while they were investigating his wife…It can’t be a one-way street.’
Watch the rich asshole try to distract from the scandals plaguing his father’s administration in the video below, available via YouTube. The comments about the investigation begin around 4:00.

the rich asshole announces ban on transgender troops in surprise tweets punctuated by ‘thank you’

26 JUL 2017 AT 09:20 ET                   

President some rich asshole announced on Twitter that the U.S. military will not allow transgender service members.
The Defense Department ordered a six-month delay of an Obama policy to allow transgender recruits, and current rules had allowed trans people to serve but not enlist.
the rich asshole tweeted a change to that policy Wednesday morning, apparently catching even the Pentagon press office by surprise.
“After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military. Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail. Thank you.”

After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow......

Bitter angry man with hate in his heart’: Internet blasts the rich asshole for anti-Trans military policy

26 JUL 2017 AT 10:16 ET                   

(Photo: Shutterstock)
   President some rich asshole pledged that as president he would “do everything to protect our LGBTQ citizens against violence and oppression.” Yet, Wednesday, the rich asshole decided that transgender people were no longer welcome in the U.S. armed forces.
the rich asshole famously told supporter Caitlyn Jenner that she could use any bathroom she wanted in the rich asshole Tower. Now, it seems, she can use the bathroom in the rich asshole Tower, but she’s not welcome in the rich asshole’s military.
According to CNN Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr, the rich asshole’s tweet took the Pentagon press office by surprise
Under the Obama administration, Secretary of Defense Ash Carter decided to begin to look at this issue and the medical treatment trans service members would be going through and how to do it. He announced in June 2016 “that transgender individuals will now be able to openly serve in the U.S. armed forces.”

The internet and LGBTQ activists were furious with the rich asshole’s decision. Taking to Twitter, many blasted the president for lying to Americans during the 2016 campaign in which he pledged equal protection under the law for all LGBTQ citizens. Ironically, the day marks the anniversary of Executive Order 9981, in which President Harry Truman integrated the U.S. armed forces.
You can see the tweets below:
....victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail. Thank you
I'm a transgender veteran and gave my entire youth (19-26) to the service of my country. It's all I know. This is outrageous and so wrong.
CORRECT HEADLINE: Trump arbitrarily kicks thousands of Americans out of the military
With his approval rating tanking and half the county wanting to impeach, Trump turns to what he knows: rallying (1/2)
his base by attacking marginalized communities: LGBTQ, Muslims, Jews, immigrants, POC etc-we are stronger because we  vs hate!
And this bitter angry man wakes up with hate in his heart each and every day. His soul is in turmoil. The way he releases it is to tweet.
Okay, I am not sad that trans people will no longer serve in a military that does this idiot's bidding. But still ... uggggh. 
15,000+ transgender Americans are already bravely serving our country. By attacking them, @realdonaldtrump is undermining our military.
I know transgender service members and vets who have done more to serve their country than @realdonaldtrump has in his entire life.
I served on active duty in the U.S. Military. Exclusion of Transgender Americans by @POTUS is not based on facts, it is based on bigotry. 
1. Banning any qualified person from serving their country, because of who they are is both discriminatory and bad national security policy.
2. @realDonaldTrump will never understand complex military needs. He doesn't have the experience or intellectual capacity to learn.
3. It is also ironic that @realDonaldTrump who did everything to avoid Vietnam is stopping Trans people who want to serve.
4. Lets look what is going on here. @realDonaldTrump is an impotent leader. He is using fear of Trans community to score political points.
5. Make sense now why @realDonaldTrump admires Putin. Both use fear of LGBTQ community to keep control of their base.
A president without interest or regard for public service dismissing those who would lay down their lives for us? Unconscionable. 
This is how you honor American heroes? By denigrating their sacrifice, cutting off their livelihoods, and harming their families?
Trump admin ADMITS they r discriminating against people & weakening our military solely for political gain

Should be ashamed of themselves 

View image on TwitterView image on Twitter

On Trump and LGBTQ equality: the false narrative vs. reality in two NYT headlines - April of 2016 v. July 2017
The nerve of a five-time draft dodger blocking Americans who actually do want to serve their country in the military.
Mr. President, transgender soldiers have been fighting and dying for our country IN OUR MILITARY. You should thank them for their service.
.@realDonaldTrump: A commander & chief shouldn't discriminate against any American who wants to serve in our military. This is disgraceful.
Deeply disappointing decision by the President - banning qualified servicemembers based on gender identity harms our national security.
No American, no matter their sexual orientation or gender identity, should be prohibited from honor + privilege of serving our nation 
Trump's ban of Trans service members is outrageous insult. Trans people serve w/honor, risk their lives. We'll defend them as they have us.
We urge everyone to call their federal elected officials and protest this dishonorable and offensive action.
This is discrimination, plain and simple. I stand with the brave transgender Americans who selflessly serve our military. 
Using the lives, the careers, and the service of troops as a political wedge is disgusting. 
.@realdonaldtrump won't look  service members in the eye and justify this ugly ban.
ZERO evidence a sniper who is LGBT is less qualified than someone who is LGB or straight. Making America Discriminate Again makes us weak. 
In Congress, I had the honor of nominating students to our nation's military academies. Their desire to serve was inspiring.
I couldn't imagine anyone turning away such selfless yng ppl because of their gender identity. If you want to serve, you should be welcomed
Trump admin confidence that “the rust belt” will love the trans ban really glides past how Wisconsin elected the first gay senator.
Who would you rather have in battle with you: Trump, or literally any trans soldier?
Please note, all that a ban on trans soldiers will do is weaken the military. You should ask yourself why that's Cheeto's plan.
Trump's U.S. Military service ban of the Trans-LGBTQ community is another win for ignorance, hate & bigotry. We truly are back in the 1950s.
the only reason i'm "upset" today is it means trans people have less job+medical options. class and poverty is #1 trans issue

Maybe we should be real about the actual cost here. This is just about hurting trans people - and all of us.
It costs $33,538 per hour to operate the F-22A fighter jet but on the other hand we might have to give the trans pilot free aspirin I guess
If I were blue collar, I'd be irritated at the assumption that I'm trans- and/or homophobic.

But that's just me. 
The ACLU and Lambda Legal are already searching for the lawsuit.

Thousands of trans service-members on the front lines deserve better from their commander-in-chief, @realDonaldTrump. Contact the ACLU.
If you are (or know) a  member of the Armed Forced, Natl Guard, ROTC, or a veteran, contact me and @LambdaLegal. We are your lawyers. 

‘They’re fighting over who loves me the most’: the rich asshole downplays White House turmoil in latest interview

25 JUL 2017 AT 20:43 ET                   

some rich asshole on Tuesday characterized the White House turmoil that’s come to define his young presidency as “White House stuff, where they’re fighting over who loves me the most.”
the rich asshole made the comment in an interview with the Wall Street Journal, where he continued to stoke concerns over the status of special counsel Robert Mueller.
“I have no comment yet, because it’s too early,” the rich asshole said of Mueller’s staying power as special counsel. “But we’ll see. We’re going to see.”
the rich asshole also declined to say whether he has confidence in Jeff Sessions, the attorney general he’s been publicly lambasting all week. In a Tuesday morning tweetstorm, the rich asshole questioned why Sessions has yet to investigate the rich asshole’s former rival Hillary Clinton—statements widely criticized by members of the president’s own party.



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