Jeez, what a shitstorm the last couple of weeks. First the G20 fiasco, then the emails and collusion of DJTJR during the election and now the ACA fiasco rears its' head again.
It's so glorious to see this human (used loosely) orange shitgibbon, clownish fuckstick fail in such capacity.
‘My inflatable doll is a lesbian’: White House calls go off the deep end after the rich asshole gets healthcare blindside
some rich asshole giving a speech in 2016 (via Wikimedia Commons).
Late Monday it was announced that two more Republican Senators were opposed to the repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare. The White House and President some rich asshole himself were so blindsided by the revelation awkward and embarrassing conversations were overheard by reporters on press calls.
“My inflatable doll is a lesbian,” said one unmuted voice during a White House call during a briefing on Iran, according to CBS News reporter Jackie Alemany.
Politico reported early Tuesday that the rich asshole was having a group of influential senators to dinner for steak and succotash. During the dinner Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Jerry Moran (R-KS) announced at the same time that they were voting against the GOP healthcare bill, effectively killing it from passage. The Moran-Lee tweets call into question the president’s ability to master the art of Washington deal-making.
the rich asshole had no idea it was coming, said several White House and congressional officials. The White House took to the phones asking Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell what happened. They were frustrated after all of the work, delays and negotiation with their own party.
It wasn’t long before the rich asshole took to Twitter to blast Lee and Moran for their “no” pledge.
“Republicans should just REPEAL failing ObamaCare now & work on a new Healthcare Plan that will start from a clean slate. Dems will join in!” he wrote.
Aides explained that the rich asshole was fine leaving the policy details to the senators – as “long as something gets done.” It didn’t, but now it’s unclear if the rich asshole will get more involved.
Politico explained that the rich asshole’s goal has always been about winning on the repeal and replacement. Those close to him revealed that he doesn’t care about the policy, he simply wants to make the deal.
“Nobody knew health care could be so complicated,” the rich asshole said in February.
“He told us months ago, we could just let it blow up and blame the Democrats,” an activist who met with the rich asshole said.
the rich asshole had a large Rose Garden celebration after the passage of the House bill and long before the Senate got its hands on the bill. Veteran politicians who warned the celebration was premature proved to be correct.
Among his friends, the rich asshole has wondered why legislators refuse to listen to him.
“None of the people at the dinner were the ones they should have been worried about,” said an individual involved in the discussions.
the rich asshole’s super PAC ran ads against endangered Sen. Dean Heller (R-NV) after he left the negotiation table. Heller is one of few Republicans up for reelection in 2018. Spokesperson Katrina Pierson said that the ads attacking Heller were to bring him back to the table to talk. Both Lee and Moran were reelected in 2016 and are from solidly red states.
the rich asshole and McConnell were prepared to make similar official statements at the same time on Monday after the news but the rich asshole tweeted his message before the majority leader could release his statement. The tweet reportedly took staff by surprise.
“There it is,” said an aide said just moments after swearing a response would come in “an hour.”
“Regretfully, it is now apparent that the effort to repeal and immediately replace the failure of Obamacare will not be successful,” McConnell’s statement said from spokesman Don Stewart.
‘Republican-on-Republican violence’ breaks out in wake of humiliating Trumpcare collapse
Paul Ryan, some rich asshole and Mitch McConnell
The Senate’s Trumpcare bill finally went down in flames on Monday evening, and the recriminations have begun.
The Atlantic’s Molly Ball reports that the House and the Senate are both pointing fingers at one another over the latest major setback in the party’s effort to repeal and replace Obamacare, and one GOP staffer tells the reporter that the feud amounts to “Republican-on-Republican violence.”
One Republican congressman told Ball that there was increasing frustration that the party couldn’t get any major piece of legislation passed, despite the fact that it controls all the major levers of power in Washington.
“We’re in charge, right?” the Republican asked rhetorically. “We have the House, the Senate, and the White House. Everyone’s still committed to making progress on big issues, but the more time goes by, the more difficult that becomes. And then the blame game starts.”
While the Senate is taking heat for the failure of the Obamacare repeal bill, the House is shouldering blame for a delay in bringing up a sanctions bill against Russia and Iran that passed the Senate with overwhelming bipartisan support.
And then there’s the White House, where some Republicans say President some rich asshole has done absolutely nothing to help sell their health care bill to the American public.
“We’re a big-tent party, so of course there are divisions,” the Republican congressman told Ball. “But the only thing that could unite the clans is consistent and engaged leadership from the president. And it’s fair to say we’ve gotten mixed signals.”
Nonetheless, few Republicans are willing to come out publicly to attack the president’s leadership — as one GOP staffer told Ball, “it’s just easier to attack people without 13 million Twitter followers.”
WATCH: Mitch McConnell whines about people celebrating the defeat of his unpopular Trumpcare bill
Sen Mitch McConnell (R-KY) (Photo: Screen capture)
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) attempted to blame Democrats for the failure of the law known as Trumpcare that would repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.
During a speech on the Senate floor Tuesday, McConnell said that it was sad that Democrats were celebrating the failure of the Republican Party’s bill. Neither McConnell nor President some rich asshole ever reached out to Democrats on the bill and Democrats refused to deal on a bill that would “repeal and replace Obamacare.” Instead, they have said that they prefer to “fix Obamacare.”
“These are not just numbers on a page these are real people,” McConnell said.
Many of those “real people” protested the GOP’s bill. Sen. Jerry Moran (R-KS) experienced packed town hall meetings in sparsely populated west Kansas, in which rural hospitals and residents begged him to vote against the bill. Moran announced his opposition to the bill along with Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) Monday evening.
Recent polling reveals the majority of Americans want to keep Obamacare.
“I regret that the effort to immediately repeal and replace Obamacare will not be successful,” he continued. “That doesn’t mean we should give up. We will now try a different way to bring the American people relief from Obamacare.”
While McConnell said that he would try a new approach, that approach did not appear to be a bipartisan one. Democrats have urged a more bipartisan approach and supported McConnell coming together with them.
“The Senate will pick up and vote on repeal Obamacare combined with a stable two-year transition period as toward patient centered health care,” he said as the “new approach.” The move is part of the 2015 bill the Senate developed which would double premiums and kick 32 million off of healthcare, according to the CBO score.
“A majority of the senate voted to pass the same repeal legislation back in 2015. President Obama vetoed it then. President the rich asshole will sign it now,” he said.
House Speaker Paul Ryan then came out to speak to the press saying that he has done his job and passed his version of the repeal and replacement.
the rich asshole was reportedly “blindsided” by the inability to pass the GOP bill despite a Republican majority in the House and Senate.
The internet trolled McConnell with tweets about his failure like the ones below:
Watch the video of McConnell below:
To celebrate Made in America week, White House explains why the rich asshole products are not
A running guide to some rich asshole’s highly abnormal presidency
Updated 07.17
some rich asshole’s highly abnormal presidency: a running guide for the week of July 17
By Vice News on Jul 17, 2017
Sign up for a weekly newsletter about President some rich asshole to be delivered to your inbox every Friday.
Donald the rich asshole made it clear at the beginning of his campaign that he wasn’t going to follow the normal rules or tone of politics. We’re keeping track of all the ways his presidency veers from the norm in terms of policy and rhetoric.
See updates from early in July here.
DAY 178 July 17
To celebrate Made in America week, White House explains why the rich asshole products are not
President the rich asshole wants everyone to make American, buy American, and sell American. But neither he nor his daughter Ivanka have heeded that advice in their own businesses, leaving Sean Spicer in yet another awkward position when the White House kicked off its “Made in America” week Monday.
The point of the themed week, as the White House explains, is to honor “the incredible workers and companies who make ‘Made in America’ the world standard for quality and craftsmanship.”
Unfortunately neither the the rich asshole Organization nor Ivanka the rich asshole’s eponymous clothing line qualify — both outsource work to foreign countries, and a Washington Post investigation found Ivanka’s clothing line is exclusively manufactured by foreign labor.
When asked in the daily press briefing about whether the rich asshole products made abroad will ever be made in the U.S., Spicer demurred, saying “It’s not appropriate for me to stand up here and comment on a business.”
Finally, when urged for an answer on the topic, Spicer said it “depends on the product.”
But the rich asshole hasn’t been shy about flaunting his own businesses and using his own real estate to facilitate his presidential duties. In fact, the rich asshole has spent 21 out of the 26 weekends since he’s been in office at a the rich asshole property, according to CNN Money. And it wouldn’t be the first time the government has gone on the record about the rich asshole’s business — in April, the State Department released an article promoting Mar-a-Lago as a “Florida retreat” and “Winter White House,” for foreign leaders. The post was eventually removed over “ethical concerns.”
Surprise — there was an eighth person at that the rich asshole Tower Russia meeting
New reports indicate there was an eighth person at the now-infamous meeting at the rich asshole Tower in New York City where some rich asshole Jr was promised possibly damaging details on Hillary Clinton.
some rich asshole Jr.’s lawyer, Alan Futerfas, told CNN Monday that the new unidentified person was a U.S. citizen acting as a representative of the Algalarovs — the family who allegedly set up the meeting between some rich asshole Jr and the Russian lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, according to a CNN report last week.
That brings the total head count in the room to at least eight after a Russian-American lobbyist, Rinat Akhetshin, revealed himself to the Associated Press in a story they published Friday.
President the rich asshole has continued to defend his son through a series of tweets and statements.
“My son is a wonderful young man,” the rich asshole said in joint news conference with French President Emmanuel Macron. “He took a meeting with a Russian lawyer, not a government lawyer, but a Russian lawyer.”
The president also added: “I think from a practical standpoint most people would have taken that meeting.”
‘Somebody’s got a case of the Mondays’: Internet loses it over the rich asshole’s obtuse late-night healthcare tweet
some rich asshole (Youtube)
some rich asshole on Monday flexed his grasp of both the legislative process and healthcare system in the United States, suggesting his party simply “REPEAL failing ObamaCare now” and work on a new healthcare plan with Democrats.
The president’s dream is unworkable for many reasons. For starters, Democrats refuse to work on any plan involving a full “repeal” of ObamaCare, which is why Republican leaders have been pushing TrumpCare through the budget reconciliation process. The reconciliation process does not allow for a full repeal of ObamaCare.
Further, GOP senators have already signaled a full repeal without a replacement will not pass the chamber.
the rich asshole’s lack of knowledge set Twitter ablaze on Monday, with Internet users poking fun at the president’s healthcare pipe dream.
Further, GOP senators have already signaled a full repeal without a replacement will not pass the chamber.
the rich asshole’s lack of knowledge set Twitter ablaze on Monday, with Internet users poking fun at the president’s healthcare pipe dream.
BREAKING: Some Rich Asshole Tweets Call For Clean Repeal
President some rich asshole took to Twitter this evening to call for a clean repeal of Obamacare, following the collapse of the Senate’s health care bill.
The call for an immediate and full repeal comes after the president helped advocate for both the House and Senate health care reform bills.
the rich asshole’s tweet went up soon after Mike Lee and Jerry Moran, two Republican Senators, came out against the Senate’s Better Care Act, effectively killing it. The bill could afford no more opposition after Rand Paul, who has also been calling for full repeal, and Susan Collins declared last week they would not vote for it.
The GOP leadership in Congress has not commented on the future of health care reform efforts since Lee’s and Moran’s announcement.
Democrats, however, are expected to oppose repeal efforts, despite the rich asshole’s claim that they will join in any discussions to start from a clean slate.
For someone that ran on the ‘Drain the Swamp’ platform, the current occupant of the White House has a funny way of showing it. some rich asshole Jr. has found himself in the middle of an email scandal (the irony is palpable, isn’t it?) in which he included the rich asshole’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and former campaign manager Paul Manafort in the messages. Junior wanted to gather damaging information in 2016 against his Dad’s opponent, Hillary Clinton. The problem is that he sought to collude with a hostile foreign government to get that info in order to get his father elected. It’s unethical and possibly illegal. But, to some rich asshole “that’s politics!” Which brings us full circle back to that ‘drain the swamp’ campaign vow the former reality show star made.
“Most politicians would have gone to a meeting like the one Don jr attended in order to get info on an opponent. That’s politics!” It tweeted.
Most politicians would have gone to a meeting like the one Don jr attended in order to get info on an opponent. That’s politics!
— some rich asshole (@realDonaldTrump) July 17, 2017
No, Amateur, most people would not have met with Russians to obtain information. Most of them would call the FBI after a Russian made contact in order to arrange a meeting.
One Twitter user wrote, “Many people supported you because you weren’t the “stereotypical politician”. And now, look! You’ve become that stereotype.”
Many people supported you because you weren’t the “stereotypical politician”. And now, look! You’ve become that stereotype
— Luke Waltham (@lukewaltham) July 17, 2017
We’ve been lied to repeatedly about that meeting.
If the meeting Don Jr. went to was normal, why did he lie about it over and over? Why did Kushner lie about it on his security application?
— Adam Best (@adamcbest) July 17, 2017
Most politicians would NOT have gone to a meeting like the one Don jr attended in order to get info on an opponent. That’s TREASON!
— Eugene Gu, MD (@eugenegu) July 17, 2017
The FBI should have been called in. That’s a no-brainer.
No! Most people would have reported the proposition to the FBI.
Only the Trumps would be fool enough to take the meeting. #NiceTryTrump
Only the Trumps would be fool enough to take the meeting. #NiceTryTrump
— val broeksmit (@BikiniRobotArmy) July 17, 2017
lol no they wouldn’t, this must be your team right about now.
— Brandon Keating (@BrandonTalks) July 17, 2017
Meeting with Russian spies is not opposition research.
— Robert Caruso (@robertcaruso) July 17, 2017
No, not really. True, most politicians are scumbags, but your kind is on a whole other level. You’re swine, pal.
— Michael Roffman (@michaelroffman) July 17, 2017
You really are off your rocker. The whole lot of you is guilty as hell and I hope you burn for it. You and your dumb son.
— cx (@cxcope) July 17, 2017
So, is it still a witch hunt?
— Vic Berger IV (@VicBergerIV) July 17, 2017
7 in 10 americans think the fbi should arrest his cel phone first because he’s just making this worse…the entire world is laughing at don
— anton newcombe (@antonnewcombe) July 17, 2017
So much for draining the swamp
— Charles Capel (@CharlieCapel) July 17, 2017
Team the rich asshole can’t even come up with a defense over Junior’s scandal. When the rich asshole was on the campaign trail, he called on Russia to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails. Donald is so defensive and the signs are there that he possibly knew about the meeting before it even took place in his own building. Junior was well aware, according to the emails he released on Twitter, that the information was coming from the Russian government that the Kremlin-connected lawyer was offering him. Again, this is a no-brainer but we’re dealing with the the rich asshole administration here, and they do not understand that attempting to collude with Russia is as bad as colluding with Russia. Welcome to Amateur Hour at the White House.
Posted by John Prager on 17 Jul 2017
At this point, some rich asshole isn’t even pretending anymore. On Monday, not only did he openly admit that his son colluded with Russia — which would be hard to deny anyway as Don Jr. tweeted evidence — but he made the monumental mistake of claiming “most politicians” (a group that apparently includes himself) would collude with Russia as well.
“Most politicians would have gone to a meeting like the one Don jr attended in order to get info on an opponent,” the rich asshole said. “That’s politics!”
What happened was anything but “politics.” the rich asshole Jr. along with former campaign manager Paul Manafort and Ivanka the rich asshole’s husband Jared Kushner met with a “Russian government lawyer” to get damaging information about Hillary Clinton that they understood to be coming directly from the Russian government. A former KGB counterintelligence officer was present. Traditionally this sort of meeting, which took place inside the rich asshole Tower one floor below The rich asshole’s office, is called “treason” — not that American politics has exactly many (if any) examples of this in the past.
Though Republicans continue to excuse the fact that we literally have a traitor in the White House, Americans aren’t willing to take this sh*t. Many of them stopped by to let The rich asshole know what they think of him, his son, and the whole “treason” thing:
It seems pretty clear that most Americans don’t think this is normal. the rich asshole has the lowest six-month approval rating of any president* in 70 years — 36%.
Since assuming office, he has done nothing but repeatedly embarrass our nation and decrease our standing in the world.
This should be over. This should have been over long ago — but Republicans have repeatedly chosen party over country, and until they step up and do what’s right we’re completely and totally f*cked.
Defective Donald Rage-Tweets About the rich asshole Jr. Scandal In Wild Monday A.M. Rant
The scandal over some rich asshole Jr. setting up a 2016 meeting with Kremlin-connected lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya is continuing to unfold, with new details coming out slowly but surely, and the president has now again taken to Twitter to defend his son.
In an early Monday morning outburst, the rich asshole wrote:
‘Most politicians would have gone to a meeting like the one Don jr attended in order to get info on an opponent. That’s politics!’
the rich asshole and other allies of Donald Jr. have used this same defense other times in the time since news of the rich asshole Jr.’s meeting with Veselnitskaya broke, but it hasn’t gotten any more valid the more times that they have employed the argument.
For one, there are plenty of examples, as many have pointed out in recent days, of the precise opposite of what the rich asshole is saying here being the case. For instance, former Democratic Vice President and presidential candidate Al Gore waged a bitter campaign against George W. Bush in the 2000 election, but when he was sent questionable opposition research on his opponent, what did he do? He called the FBI; that’s what.
As journalist Stuart Stevens wrote on Twitter:
‘When Gore campaign was sent Bush debate brief book, they called FBI. If foreign interests offer you info on former SOS, you call the FBI.’
What was some rich asshole Jr.’s response when he was offered opposition research on political opponents by foreign government interests? Well, the fool literally posted his response on Twitter, in which he tells the man offering him the info, Rob Goldstone, that “if it’s what you say I love it.”
The the rich asshole camp has used another similar defense since the news of the rich asshole Jr.’s meeting broke, namely, that the Clinton campaign also took information from a foreign government, their source simply being the anti-Putin and anti-the rich asshole government of the Ukraine.
That is not correct.
So, in short, no the rich asshole, “most politicians” wouldn’t have taken the meeting that Donald Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort took with that Kremlin-connected lawyer.
Twitter obviously was quick to point this fact out to the rich asshole, and you can check that out below.

Featured Image via Olivier Douliery/Pool via Bloomberg
the rich asshole Goes Into Full Denial Mode During Temper Tantrum Over Historically Low Approval Rating
some rich asshole just refuses to admit that most Americans disapprove of him and his pathetic presidency.
On Sunday, a new poll was released showing that the rich asshole’s approval rating had dropped to another historic low in the 70 year history of the poll.
According to the ABC/Washington Post poll, only 36 percent of Americans approve of the rich asshole, while a whopping 58 percent disapprove.
That’s the highest disapproval rating and lowest approval rating ever recorded by the poll.
But the rich asshole tried to sugarcoat his numbers by rounding off his approval rating to 40 percent and actually had the gall to claim that the number “is not bad at this time.” the rich asshole also attacked ABC and the Washington Post.
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