Reince Priebus forced out as the rich asshole names John Kelly new chief of staff
· the rich asshole picks Homeland Security secretary as Priebus’s replacement
· ‘General Kelly has been a star. He’s a great American. Reince is a good mam’
the rich asshole with Reince Priebus on election night. the rich asshole said on Friday: ‘Reince is a good man. John Kelly will do a fantastic job. He’s a great, great American.’ Photograph: Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images
David Smith and Ben Jacobs Washington
Friday 28 July 2017 17.03 EDT Last modified on Friday 28 July 2017 18.18 EDT
some rich asshole has fired Reince Priebus as White House chief of staff and replaced him with Homeland Security secretary John Kelly, the president announced on Twitter on Friday.
Scaramucci in furious, foul-mouthed attack on White House rivals
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the rich asshole tweeted: “I am pleased to inform you that I have just named General/Secretary John F Kelly as White House Chief of Staff. He is a great American … and a great leader. John has also done a spectacular job at Homeland Security. He has been a true star of my administration.”
The dismissal of Priebus came as little surprise after he was the subject of a furious, foul-mouthed attack by new communications director Anthony Scaramucci, who claimed he would be asked to resign imminently. Priebus told the Wall Street Journal in a text message that he resigned privately on Thursday.
the rich asshole – who in six months has now lost a chief of staff, deputy chief of staff, national security adviser, communications director and press secretary – added on Twitter: “I would like to thank Reince Priebus for his service and dedication to his country. We accomplished a lot together and I am proud of him!”
According to a pooled report, the rich asshole sent the tweets shortly after Air Force One landed back at Joint Base Andrews, Maryland following a trip to Long Island, New York. Priebus and Scaramucci were on the same flight back to Washington DC.
the rich asshole got off the plane and told reporters: “Reince is a good man. John Kelly will do a fantastic job. General Kelly has been a star, done an incredible job thus far, respected by everybody. He’s a great, great American. Reince is a good man.”
In a statement, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said: “General John Kelly is one of the true stars of the administration. He has helped seal the border and reduced illegal immigration by 70%. He is respected by everyone, especially the people at the Department of Homeland Security.
“The entire administration loves him and no one is comparable. He will begin on Monday morning and a cabinet meeting will follow his swearing in Monday morning.
“The president thanks Reince Priebus for his service. They accomplished a lot together. He was loyal in his dedication to the president. The president thanks him and his family for his great service to the country, and he will always be a member of the rich asshole Team.”
Priebus was one of the least powerful chiefs of staff in recent history, and his future had long been a matter of speculation. In a highly unorthodox move, the rich asshole decided that Priebus and chief strategist Steve Bannon would serve as “equal partners” in implementing his agenda.
The mild-mannered party official always seemed a strange fit with the president – and the GOP’s failure to pass health reform seemed to spell the end
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The gossip intensified rapidly a week ago, when Scaramucci was appointed as communications director despite Priebus’s objections. The former Wall Street banker claimed they were “like brothers” but tensions soon flared.
Scaramucci clearly suspected Priebus of leaking information to the media. This led him to call the New Yorker and give an interview in which he described Priebus as “a fucking paranoid schizophrenic”.
the rich asshole told the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday that no staff shakeup was on the cards. But according to media reports, he privately floated potential replacements including Kelly, deputy national security adviser Dina Powell, chief economic adviser Gary Cohn and former campaign adviser David Urban.
On Thursday, House speaker Paul Ryan, a close political ally who has had tense relationship with the rich asshole, told reporters: “Reince is doing a fantastic job at the White House and I believe he has the president’s confidence.”
But asked that afternoon if the rich asshole had confidence in his chief of staff, Huckabee Sanders did not answer directly, saying: “I think I’ve addressed this question when it comes to staffing and personnel many times, that if the president doesn’t, then he’ll make that decision. We all serve at the pleasure of the president and if he gets to a place where that isn’t the case, he’ll let you know.”
Ryan said on Friday: “Reince Priebus has left it all out on the field, for our party and our country. Here is a guy from Kenosha, Wisconsin who revitalized the Republican national committee and became White House chief of staff. He has served the president and the American people capably and passionately. He has achieved so much, and he has done it all with class. I could not be more proud to call Reince a dear friend.”
He added: “I congratulate Secretary Kelly on his appointment, and look forward to working with him to advance our agenda.”
Priebus is the latest casualty in the rich asshole’s west wing. Others include national security adviser Michael Flynn, former deputy chief of staff Katie Walsh, press secretary Sean Spicer and press aide Michael Short.
In an interview earlier this week, Michael Steele, predecessor of Priebus as chairman of the Republican national committee (RNC), said: “It’s very clear the president has very little confidence in him. Reince’s head is on the block, as was Sean Spicer’s. Sean just got up and removed himself before the axe came down.”
Priebus, the former chair of the Republican national committee, went out of his way to appease the rich asshole’s insurgent candidacy during the 2016 election campaign. After the rich asshole’s victory in the Indiana primary and Ted Cruz’s decision to drop out, Priebus declared the rich asshole the presumptive nominee, though Ohio governor John Kasich was still in the race, and then used the full muscle of the RNC to quash efforts to deny the rich asshole the Republican nomination at the party convention in Cleveland.
He also went in person to the rich asshole Tower in 2015 for the rich asshole to sign a loyalty oath to the Republican party, a deeply unusual step for an RNC chair to court such a recalcitrant candidate.
Kelly, meanwhile, has been arguably the rich asshole’s favorite cabinet secretary and is leading efforts to build a wall on the Mexican border. Kelly ran the United States Southern Command, which includes the military prison at Guantánamo Bay. In 2010, his son, Lt Robert Michael Kelly, was killed after stepping on a land mine in Afghanistan.
the rich asshole has also turned his ire on Jeff Sessions, the attorney general, accusing him of weakness for recusing himself from the investigation into the rich asshole campaign’s alleged collusion with Russia.
With the rich asshole’s ‘Green Light,’ Scaramucci Declares Total War on ‘Paranoid Schizophrenic’ Reince Priebus
In an interview, Anthony Scaramucci said he and Reince Priebus were like brothers ...who may or may not want to kill each other.
07.27.17 3:01 PM ET
President some rich asshole has not only blessed efforts by his new communications director Anthony Scaramucci to wage a battle against chief of staff Reince Priebus, he’s actively egging on the very public and painful feud.
The ante was upped Thursday evening after a profanity-laced tirade was published in the New Yorker in which Scaramucci raged against Priebus and White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, and promised to fire the communications staff if it helped to root out leaks.
White House officials and outside allies say the president is revelling in Scaramucci’s campaign against Priebus—undertaken through cable news appearances and a billow of tweets, some of which were subsequently deleted—and is thrilled to see a top staffer placing a publicly bombastic emphasis on White House leaks to the press, which consistently infuriate the president.
“The president specifically gave [Scaramucci] the green light to go after Reince”—on-air if necessary—one White House adviser told The Daily Beast, citing conversations with President the rich asshole. Scaramucci himself claimed that he had secured the rich asshole’s “blessing” for his words and actions in a phone call with the president prior to a Thursday morning CNN interview.
The “president is not concerned with Reince’s feelings,” the source added. However, the rich asshole has no interest in personally firing Priebus at this time, preferring to delegate abuse of his own chief of staff—who the rich asshole has been frustrated with for months—to his new comms czar nicknamed “The Mooch.”
Scaramucci’s offensive on Priebus began hours before his appearance on CNN, during a conversation with The New Yorker Wednesday night.
“Reince is a fucking paranoid schizophrenic, a paranoiac,” he told the New Yorker. The interview, published Thursday afternoon, made clear that, contrary to Scaramucci’s subsequent denials, he suspects Priebus of orchestrating White House leaks, and is engaged in a concerted effort oust him.
Belly Laugh of the Day: the rich asshole Thinks he can Bully Alaska Into Obedience
Has some rich asshole actually met any Alaskans?
In politics, there's horse-trading, influence peddling, arm twisting and other unsavory practices to get the sausage made. It's not pretty but it's the way things get done in a democracy.
We do not elect a president so he can use the power of the federal government to exact revenge on his enemies. But this is the the rich asshole Error and now the vast power of the executive branch is in the tiny hands of the pettiest, most vindictive person to ever squat in the Oval Office. This is precisely the kind of corruption of our institutes we were warned about when the rich asshole was illegitimately elected.
But this particular kind of abuse of power probably won't work quite the way the rich asshole is hoping, especially in a state as fiercely independent as Alaska.
If he follows through on his threats (and that's a big "if" since he's tried to bully Republicans before and they laughed at him), that would send a clear signal to the GOP that it's better to play ball with the toddler-in-chief lest their state also be punished. But there's a fundamental truth the rich asshole is ignoring: Americans really really don't like bullies and nothing would flip a red state like Alaska to the blue column quicker than this kind of heavy-handed big government. Remember, the right threw a fit when Obama tired to use the carrot of government funding to get them to accept the Medicaid expansion, how do you think they'll react when the rich asshole kills thousands of jobs because Murkowski wouldn't vote to take Medicaid away?
Yes, Republicans voters love it when the rich asshole bullies people they don't like but Alaska is not Those People, it's "real" America. Heck, Sarah Palin is from Alaska and she's as 'Murikan as it gets, don'tcha know?! It's not hard to imagine the very popular Murkowski running the following ad in a deep ominous voice:
Cue the uplifting patriotic music and some rich asshole loses Alaska in 2020.
the rich asshole's authoritarian instincts served him well in the world of real estate. There, he could bribe, steal, extort and cheat with impunity. His money allowed him to sue anyone that got in his way until they surrendered or he could just pay off a politician or two to make his problems disappear. That's not going to work on entire states and if Alaskans start putting up a stink (and they will because it's Alaska and they don't like being told what to do), it's going to go poorly for the rich asshole, not Murkowski.
White House threatens Alaska after GOP senator defies the rich asshole on health care repeal
JULY 27, 2017
some rich asshole and his staff are behaving like nothing more than vindictive strongmen, threatening Alaska's relationship with the federal government after Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski voted against her party's health care repeal bill.
Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski voted against the health care bill, and now the rich asshole wants to punish her whole state.
(AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)
some rich asshole is no longer behaving like the “reality TV” president. His latest actions seem to be straight out of a mob drama.
After Alaska Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski voted against the health care repeal bill championed by the rich asshole and many of her GOP colleagues, the rich asshole petulantly lashed out at her on Twitter.
But his retaliation apparently did not stop with childish tweets.
The Alaska Dispatch News reports that, hours later, both Murkowski and her fellow Alaska Sen. Dan Sullivan, received phone calls from Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, with what Sullivan referred to as a “troubling message.”
And that message was, as reporter Erica Martinson noted, that Murkowski’s vote “had put Alaska’s future with the administration in jeopardy.”
Sullivan told the paper that he feared for the future of the “strong economic growth, pro-energy, pro-mining, pro-jobs and personnel from Alaska who are part of those policies.” He also noted that Zinke was clear about the motive: This was about Murkowski’s vote.
And there is much on the line if the rich asshole and Zinke hold to this bullying tactic:
Efforts and issues on the line include nominations of Alaskans to Interior posts, an effort to build a road out of King Cove through the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge, and future opportunities to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and expand drilling in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, among other regulatory issues that are a priority for Murkowski and Sullivan.
Many of these issues have been front and center for Murkowski, the chair of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources — a role which includes overseeing the confirmation process for nominations to the Interior Department.
The Alaska Dispatch notes, “On Wednesday, a committee hearing on nominations to the Interior and Energy departments was postponed indefinitely. A reason was not posted.”
A “reason” may not need to be posted.
Zinke, following his boss’s example, minced no words in his phone call to Sullivan (Murkowski did not respond to requests for comment from the Alaska Dispatch, though Sullivan confirmed she had also been contacted by Zinke).
Threatening the livelihood of an entire state in order to get back at a senator for voting in a way that came as no surprise to anyone is beyond the pale. To call it inappropriate or unpresidential is to woefully understate the case.
And is all too predicable from the rich asshole, whose fixation on loyalty — a lifelong obsession — and disdain for anyone who doesn’t behave suitably sycophantic toward him has already become one of the macabre hallmarks of his presidency.
And his disturbing admiration for dictators lends an even more troubling sheen to this latest act.
Murkowski said she voted against the health care repeal bill because “I base my votes on what I believe is in Alaska’s best interest.” In other worse, because she has a conscience.
If only the White House could take a wise lesson from her, rather than attempting to teach her a despicable one.
WATCH: Panicked Scaramucci goes down in flames on CNN trying to clean up his train wreck Priebus tweet
the rich asshole surrogate Anthony Scaramucci talks on CNN (Screen cap).
Incoming White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci gave a lengthy interview to CNN’s Chris Cuomo on Thursday in which he angrily lashed out at whoever leaked his financial disclosure form, despite the fact that the form was never meant to be a secret.
During the interview, Scaramucci fumed about the ways that seemingly everything that occurs inside the White House — from his dinner with Sean Hannity Wednesday night to his financial disclosure form — leaks out almost instantly to the media.
“What I’m upset about is the process — and the junk pool, the dirty pool — in terms of the way this stuff is being done,” Scaramucci said. “I can’t have a couple of friends up from Fox & Friends, and Sean Hannity, who’s one of my closest friends, to dinner with the president and his first lady without it being leaked in seven minutes.”
Scaramucci then said that, when it comes to leaks, “the fish stinks from the head down.” Despite this, however, he said that President some rich asshole was not responsible for any of the leaks that occur from within the White House.
“I can tell you two fish that don’t stink,” he told Cuomo. “And that’s me and the president.”
Scaramucci then went on to discuss his relationship with White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, whom he had initially seemed to blame for the leaking of his financial disclosure form. Scaramucci insisted that he still saw Priebus as a “brother,” but noted that “some brothers are rough on each other.”
“Some brothers are like Cain and Abel,” Scaramucci said, referring to the story in the Bible about a man who murdered his own brother out of jealousy. “I don’t know if this is reparable or not, that’s up to the president.”
Scaramucci later in the interview called out members of the White House who purportedly felt that it was their job to “save America from this president.”
“That is not their job,” he said. “Their job is to inject this president into America.”
the rich asshole Threatens Entire State Of Alaska After Murkowski Votes Against Obamacare Repeal
The Alaska Dispatch News is reporting that Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke called Alaskan Senators Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan yesterday to express the the rich asshole administration’s displeasure with them for Murkowski voting against the Senate repeal bill and to warn them that her actions had ‘put Alaska’s future in jeopardy.’
Ms. Murkowski was one of just seven GOP senators who voted against the newest Republican health care debacle on Wednesday. The “bill”, which was actually just an irresponsible attempt on behalf of the GOP to punish Democrats for voting against Trumpcare, would have repealed key portions of the Affordable Care Act with no replacement.
some rich asshole had pressed GOP Senators to fall in line and vote with their party at a private White House lunch last week after the first Trumpcare bill failed. At that time, Senator Murkowski purportedly stated,
With all due respect, Mr. President..I didn’t come here to represent the Republican Party. I am representing my constituents and the state of Alaska.
The Alaska Dispatch News is reporting that Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke called Alaskan Senators Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan yesterday to express the the rich asshole administration’s displeasure with them for Murkowski voting against the Senate repeal bill and to warn them that her actions had ‘put Alaska’s future in jeopardy.’
Ms. Murkowski was one of just seven GOP senators who voted against the newest Republican health care debacle on Wednesday. The “bill”, which was actually just an irresponsible attempt on behalf of the GOP to punish Democrats for voting against Trumpcare, would have repealed key portions of the Affordable Care Act with no replacement.
some rich asshole had pressed GOP Senators to fall in line and vote with their party at a private White House lunch last week after the first Trumpcare bill failed. At that time, Senator Murkowski purportedly stated,
With all due respect, Mr. President..I didn’t come here to represent the Republican Party. I am representing my constituents and the state of Alaska.
Murkowski’s independence and seeming unwillingness to be bullied into voting the way the rich asshole wanted did not go over well.
the rich asshole has been attacking Ms. Murkowski on Twitter, and it would seem that he is now using his administration to punish the entire State of Alaska for what he sees as her disobedience.
some rich asshole won in Alaska last November, and there have been high hopes in the state that his policies would help to revive their struggling economy. After Interior Secretary Zinke’s call on Wednesday, Senator Sullivan expressed his concern for his state and the constituents he represents, stating:
I’m not going to go into the details, but I fear that the strong economic growth, pro-energy, pro-mining, pro-jobs and personnel from Alaska who are part of those policies are going to stop. I tried to push back on behalf of all Alaskans. … But the message was pretty clear
some rich asshole’s behavior should not be surprising to anyone at this point. This is not the first time he has attacked a member of his own party after they went against his wishes, and it will certainly not be the last. But threatening to punish an entire state—and one that has been largely supportive of him and his policies—is a new low, and a move that seems like it could seriously harm the rich asshole’s chances of re-election in 2020.
the rich asshole has been attacking Ms. Murkowski on Twitter, and it would seem that he is now using his administration to punish the entire State of Alaska for what he sees as her disobedience.
some rich asshole won in Alaska last November, and there have been high hopes in the state that his policies would help to revive their struggling economy. After Interior Secretary Zinke’s call on Wednesday, Senator Sullivan expressed his concern for his state and the constituents he represents, stating:
I’m not going to go into the details, but I fear that the strong economic growth, pro-energy, pro-mining, pro-jobs and personnel from Alaska who are part of those policies are going to stop. I tried to push back on behalf of all Alaskans. … But the message was pretty clear
some rich asshole’s behavior should not be surprising to anyone at this point. This is not the first time he has attacked a member of his own party after they went against his wishes, and it will certainly not be the last. But threatening to punish an entire state—and one that has been largely supportive of him and his policies—is a new low, and a move that seems like it could seriously harm the rich asshole’s chances of re-election in 2020.
Ivanka the rich asshole in the hot seat with LGBTQ community
uly 27, 2017
Janice Williams
Posted with permission from Newsweek
In June, Ivanka Trump, the president’s daughter and one of his most trusted advisers, tweeted her support for the LGBTQ community in recognition of LGBTQ Pride Month.
The 35-year-old, who traded in her corporate life to become an official White House employee in March, said that she was “proud to support” her LGBTQ friends and fellow Americans “who have made immense contributions to our society and economy.” She even wished everyone a “joyful #Pride 2017” on Twitter, proclaiming the month of June as a time to “celebrate and honor the #LGBTQ community.”
However, on Wednesday, the oldest Trump daughter undermined her previous claims of support for LGBTQ folk when she remained silent following President Donald Trump’s ban on transgender people in the military.
In a series of tweets, the president announced the “United States government will not accept or allow transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military.” He said the government could not be “burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail,” sparking immediate outrage from members of Congress, LGBTQ advocates and people across the nation.
Not long after the president announced the ban, the backlash trickled over onto Ivanka Trump, and many people questioned the first daughter’s apparent inability to influence any decisions made in the White House.
Along with pegging herself as a champion for LGBTQ rights and equality, Ivanka Trump strongly advocated for gender equality and climate change research when her father was campaigning. But since landing her White House role, she has been unable to convince her father to stick with the Paris Agreement—a climate change accord within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change that deals with ways to combat global warming—nor has she been able to influence decisions surrounding Planned Parenthood, which was cut from the Trump administration’s budget proposal.
Ivanka Trump has also pushed for equal pay and better family leave options for working parents. However, none of her proposals have panned out since she became a member of her father’s staff.
As for Donald Trump’s treatment of women, of whom he claimed to be a real “friend” along with LGBTQ people during his 2016 campaign, Ivanka Trump has stayed quiet on that too. She said nothing in response to her father’s personal attacks on women, including his recent comments towards MSNBC Morning-Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski.
Ivanka Trump did, however, describe her father's infamous “grab ‘em by the p***y” remarks “clearly inappropriate and offensive.”
Despite a lack of public comments concerning her father’s latest controversy, there is a chance that she could be keeping any frustrations she may have with his recent transgender military ban in private.
In an April interview with CBS This Morning co-host Gayle King, Ivanka Trump suggested Americans shouldn’t “conflate lack of public denouncement with silence.”
She said: “I think there are multiple ways to have your voice heard. In some cases it’s through protest and it’s through going on the nightly news and talking about or denouncing every issue in which you disagree with. Other times it is quietly, and directly, and candidly. So where I disagree with my father, he knows it, and I express myself with total candor. Where I agree, I fully lean in and support the agenda and hope that I can be an asset to him and make a positive impact. But I respect the fact that he always listens. It’s how he was in business. It’s how he is as president.”
Check out a few reactions to Ivanka Trump’s silence on the transgender military ban below:
The 35-year-old, who traded in her corporate life to become an official White House employee in March, said that she was “proud to support” her LGBTQ friends and fellow Americans “who have made immense contributions to our society and economy.” She even wished everyone a “joyful #Pride 2017” on Twitter, proclaiming the month of June as a time to “celebrate and honor the #LGBTQ community.”
However, on Wednesday, the oldest Trump daughter undermined her previous claims of support for LGBTQ folk when she remained silent following President Donald Trump’s ban on transgender people in the military.
In a series of tweets, the president announced the “United States government will not accept or allow transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military.” He said the government could not be “burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail,” sparking immediate outrage from members of Congress, LGBTQ advocates and people across the nation.
Not long after the president announced the ban, the backlash trickled over onto Ivanka Trump, and many people questioned the first daughter’s apparent inability to influence any decisions made in the White House.
Along with pegging herself as a champion for LGBTQ rights and equality, Ivanka Trump strongly advocated for gender equality and climate change research when her father was campaigning. But since landing her White House role, she has been unable to convince her father to stick with the Paris Agreement—a climate change accord within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change that deals with ways to combat global warming—nor has she been able to influence decisions surrounding Planned Parenthood, which was cut from the Trump administration’s budget proposal.
Ivanka Trump has also pushed for equal pay and better family leave options for working parents. However, none of her proposals have panned out since she became a member of her father’s staff.
As for Donald Trump’s treatment of women, of whom he claimed to be a real “friend” along with LGBTQ people during his 2016 campaign, Ivanka Trump has stayed quiet on that too. She said nothing in response to her father’s personal attacks on women, including his recent comments towards MSNBC Morning-Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski.
Ivanka Trump did, however, describe her father's infamous “grab ‘em by the p***y” remarks “clearly inappropriate and offensive.”
Despite a lack of public comments concerning her father’s latest controversy, there is a chance that she could be keeping any frustrations she may have with his recent transgender military ban in private.
In an April interview with CBS This Morning co-host Gayle King, Ivanka Trump suggested Americans shouldn’t “conflate lack of public denouncement with silence.”
She said: “I think there are multiple ways to have your voice heard. In some cases it’s through protest and it’s through going on the nightly news and talking about or denouncing every issue in which you disagree with. Other times it is quietly, and directly, and candidly. So where I disagree with my father, he knows it, and I express myself with total candor. Where I agree, I fully lean in and support the agenda and hope that I can be an asset to him and make a positive impact. But I respect the fact that he always listens. It’s how he was in business. It’s how he is as president.”
Check out a few reactions to Ivanka Trump’s silence on the transgender military ban below:
"Ally" @IvankaTrump is oddly silent on Trump's transgender ban. How long til people realize she cares as little about people as Trump does?
‘Those are public records, my dude’: Internet howls after Scaramucci accuses Priebus of leaking his disclosure forms
Anthony Scaramucci and and Reince Priebus (Composite / RawStory)
In baffling tweet on Wednesday night, White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci appeared to accuse Chief of Staff Reince Priebus of leaking his financial disclosure form.
In light of the leak of my financial disclosure info which is a felony. I will be contacting @FBI and the @TheJusticeDept #swamp @Reince45
— Anthony Scaramucci (@Scaramucci) July 27, 2017
The tweet came after a Politico report revealed Scaramucci will still benefit from his hedge fund, SkyBridge Capital, while at the White House. Along with his accusation, Scaramucci vowed to have the FBI and DOJ (two entities his principal, some rich asshole, has repeatedly berated) investigate what he described as a “felonious” leak. Scaramucci tagged @Reince45 in the post, which generated ample confusion until the New Yorker’s Ryan Lizza clarified that the communications director did indeed mean he wants the FBI and DOJ to investigate Priebus over the matter.
The Department of Justice even chimed in, insisting it will look in to Scaramucci’s request:
Financial disclosure forms are public documents, and are eventually made available online via the White House website. The absurdity did not go unnoticed by the Internet:
In baffling tweet on Wednesday night, White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci appeared to accuse Chief of Staff Reince Priebus of leaking his financial disclosure form.
In light of the leak of my financial disclosure info which is a felony. I will be contacting @FBI and the @TheJusticeDept #swamp @Reince45— Anthony Scaramucci (@Scaramucci) July 27, 2017
The tweet came after a Politico report revealed Scaramucci will still benefit from his hedge fund, SkyBridge Capital, while at the White House. Along with his accusation, Scaramucci vowed to have the FBI and DOJ (two entities his principal, some rich asshole, has repeatedly berated) investigate what he described as a “felonious” leak. Scaramucci tagged @Reince45 in the post, which generated ample confusion until the New Yorker’s Ryan Lizza clarified that the communications director did indeed mean he wants the FBI and DOJ to investigate Priebus over the matter.
The Department of Justice even chimed in, insisting it will look in to Scaramucci’s request:
Financial disclosure forms are public documents, and are eventually made available online via the White House website. The absurdity did not go unnoticed by the Internet:
Become a #CitizenSleuth and uncover Trump administration mysteries
And, of course, some people were just over it:
And, of course, some people were just over it:
Joint Chiefs of Staff tells military no change in trans policy one day after the rich asshole abruptly announces ban
some rich asshole during CNN debate (Photo: Screen capture via video)
President some rich asshole on Wednesday announced that he opposed allowing transgender people to serve in the United States military “in any capacity.”
One day after the president’s surprise announcement, however, the Joint Chiefs of Staff are telling the military that they should not implement any changes to the current transgender policy until they receive more explicit direction from the White House.
“US Joint Chiefs of Staff tells military there will be no modification to transgender policy until direction received from [president],” writes Reuters reporter Idrees Ali.
Ali also reports that Gen. Joseph Dunford, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, sent out a letter informing the military that it should “continue to treat all of our personnel with respect” until it receives guidance from the White House.
the rich asshole’s transgender policy announcement caught many in both the military and in Congress by surprise. A report from Politico claimed that the president made a snap decision to announce a ban on trans service members after social conservatives in Congress threatened to withhold funds from his proposed border wall unless he barred them from military service.
White House caught further exaggerating Scaramucci’s boast about the rich asshole’s PGA-like putting skills
An image of Pres. some rich asshole playing golf (
Last week, incoming White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci held a press briefing in which he boasted of President some rich asshole’s athletic prowess in an effort to demonstrate the president’s competitiveness.
“I’ve seen this guy throw a dead spiral through a tire,” Scaramucci said. “I’ve seen him at Madison Square Garden with a top coat on, he’s standing in the key and he’s hitting foul shots and swishing them. He sinks three-foot putts.”
However, Daily Show writer Matt Negrin has noticed that the the rich asshole White House has increased the president’s putting range in its official transcripts of Scaramucci’s remarks, which now declare that the president makes “30-foot putts.”
It’s entirely plausible that Scaramucci meant to say “30-foot putts” in his original remarks, as making a three-foot putt is not considered an impressive achievement in golfing. However, news reports of Scaramucci’s original press briefing all described the incoming administration official as saying “three-foot putts.”
the rich asshole has a history of wildly exaggerating his own achievements, whether it’s artificially inflating the number of floors in his buildings or hanging framed copies of a fake Time Magazine cover on the walls of his golf courses.
Watch Negrin’s video comparing Scaramucci’s original remarks with the official White House transcript below.
‘The president hires all the best people’: Sarah Sanders bizarrely defends the rich asshole’s attacks on his own staff
Jonathan Karl and Sarah Huckabee Sanders (Fox/screen grab)
White House acting Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee insisted on Thursday that President some rich asshole has confidence in all of his staff until he says otherwise.
In light of the rich asshole’s recent attacks on Attorney General Jeff Session, ABC Correspondent Jon Karl asked Sanders during Thursday’s briefing if the president had confidence in Chief of Staff Reince Priebus.
“If the president doesn’t then he’ll make that decision,” Sanders said. “We all serve at the pleasure of the president. And if it gets to a place where that isn’t the case, he’ll let you know.”
“So you can’t say right now that the president has full confidence in Chief of Staff Reince Priebus?” Karl pressed.
“This is a White House that has a lot of different perspectives because the president hires the very best people,” Sanders insisted. “There are going to be a lot of different ideas, unlike previous administrations, this isn’t groupthink.”
“The people that are here are here because they love the president,” she added. “They love this country and they want to see the best things happen.”
Watch the video below.
the rich asshole’s plan backfires: Even Republicans blast him for bigoted military ban
JULY 26, 2017
some rich asshole thought he could force division among the Democratic Party. Instead, he's dividing his own party from himself.
(AP Photo/Amel Emric)
some rich asshole’s callous, unnecessary move to reverse former President Barack Obama’s policy allowing transgender Americans to serve openly in the military was a loser on moral, ethical, and logical grounds from the moment it was announced.
And it is also proving to be a failure on the barely subsumed aim of introducing division among Democrats.
On the contrary, it is dividing the rich asshole from his own party.
Numerous Republican lawmakers spoke out immediately against the reversal — and not only the few “moderate” voices from which one might expect to hear such opposition.
When the Utah branch of Indivisible sent out a message to state lawmakers, asking if they stand with their transgender constituents, Sen. Orrin Hatch replied quickly and affirmatively.
Hatch, whose record on LGBTQ equality is spotty, later released a statement declaring that the country should not be “discriminating against anyone.”
“Transgender people are people,” he continued, and they “deserve the best we can do for them.”
The very conservative Iowa Sen. Joni Ernst, herself a veteran, stated that “Americans who are qualified and can meet the standards to serve” should be allowed to do so.
Florida Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen stated clearly that “No American … should be prohibited from the honor [and] privilege of serving our nation.”
And Arizona Sen. John McCain, the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee who served in the U.S. Navy for 23 years, put out a critical statement against the ban, calling out the rich asshole for making policy “via Twitter.”
Any and all Americans who wish to serve their country “should be treated as the patriots they are,” he declared.
the rich asshole’s prejudicial decision was also a transparent attempt to appeal to the religious right, and was pushed by Mike Pence, in keeping with his marked hostility to LGBTQ equality.
And in a disturbing coincidence, the move comes on the anniversary of President Harry Truman’s order desegregating the armed forces.
During the campaign, the rich asshole promised to “protect” LGBTQ Americans, though only from “a hateful foreign ideology,” giving himself room to harm them with his own hateful domestic ideology.
The targets of this bigotry include people like Kristen Beck, a Purple Heart and Bronze Star winning member of the Navy SEAL team which took out Osama bin Laden.
Beck issued a powerful challenge to the rich asshole: “Let’s meet face to face and you tell me I’m not worthy.”
But it is unlikely the rich asshole would meet that challenge. Instead, he’ll hide out on Twitter and away from the media and the public, lashing out at people who have risked more than he ever has in a cruel and pathetic attempt to prop up his failing presidency.
And even members of his own party see right through his strained excuses.
the rich asshole Screams In ALL CAPS During Out-Of-Control Wednesday Tweetstorm
Early Wednesday, to the surprise of many, President the rich asshole abruptly announced via Twitter that he would be banning transgender people from serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. However, the president wasn’t, unsurprisingly, done for the day with his tweeting, and on Wednesday afternoon he posted what can only be described as evidence that he’s truly out of control.
the rich asshole visited Youngstown, Ohio, on Tuesday, and his most recent social media post — which went up on both his Twitter and his Instagram — is a short clip of his remarks from that trip. In his remarks, he shows himself as a classic totalitarian, leaning on the prop of religion to try and gain that much more ground in his followers’ minds.
Check out the video below. It’s captioned “IN AMERICA WE DON’T WORSHIP GOVERNMENT – WE WORSHIP GOD!”
In the video, the rich asshole says, to a large crowd of his screaming supporters:
‘Family and faith, not government and bureaucracy, are the foundation of our society. You’ve heard me say it before on the campaign trail, and I’ll say it again. In America, we don’t worship government, we worship God.’
There are at least a few things wrong with this. One, the rich asshole and his allies use this line of reasoning to convince their followers that it is somehow proper for government services, even those that support people’s very lives, to be slashed left and right in the name of “saving money.”
Secondly, as mentioned, for the rich asshole to claim that what he is doing policy-wise in his time in office is the “will of God” is incredibly dangerous. It is a strategy used by a number of totalitarian leaders throughout history for them to escape responsibility for their actions in the minds of their most fervent followers.
Finally, the Constitution itself enshrines the principle of freedom of religion. Americans are not in any way obligated to accept the idea of “God” just because of where they live. This concept is key to making America what it is. People who live here are supposed to be free.
Check out Twitter’s thoughts on this below.

Featured Image via Kyle Mazza/NurPhoto via Getty Images
Sarah Huckabee Sanders Reads Letter From 9-Year-Old Who ‘Loves’ the rich asshole…Twitter Can’t Handle It
On Wednesday, newly minted press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, took the podium in front of the media cameras and something really weird happened. In an attempt to, I don’t even know, make some rich asshole look lovable she read a letter from a 9-year-old old boy named “Dylan”
whose parents who “loves” the president:
My name is Dylan [unintelligable], but everybody calls me ‘Pickle,’ I’m nine-years-old and you’re my favorite president. I like you so much that I had a birthday about you, my cake was the shape of your hat.
According to Sanders,
Donald “Dylan” went on to ask some questions, she gave cutesy answers. It was bizarre and Twitter noticed it too:
RELATED: SNL Says Goodbye To Melissa McCarthy’s Spicey
Seriously, there are no words.
Watch (letter starts at 1:08:50):
the rich asshole ‘didn’t hesitate’ to ban trans service members to secure border wall funds: Politico
some rich asshole removes his hat to show that his hair is real during a political rally at Ladd-Peebles Stadium on August 21, 2015 in Mobile, Alabama (AFP Photo/Mark Wallheiser)
President some rich asshole on Wednesday announced that he was opposed to transgender people serving in the military in any capacity — and now a new report from Politico claims that the rich asshole did so just to secure funding for his border wall.
Specifically, Politico writes that “an internal House Republican fight over transgender troops” threatened to blow up a deal in the House of Representatives that would have provided funds for the rich asshole’s proposed wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.
When anti-trans Republicans told the rich asshole that they would hold up funding for the wall unless he barred transgender people from serving in the military, Politicowrites that the rich asshole “didn’t hesitate” to announce his opposition to transgender service members.
By Claiming “We Worship God,” the rich asshole Proves He Doesn’t Know This Country At All
July 26, 2017 by 187 Comments
Just hours after some rich asshole tweeted out his ban on transgender people serving in our military, he’s issued another statement reminding everyone that “we worship God,” not government.
1) Who is this “we” he speaks of? The fastest growing religious group in America is People Without Religion. I know he only cares about his conservative Christian base, but that group is shrinking as a percentage of the country as a whole. With each passing year, the phrase “we worship God” moves further from the truth.
2) It’s not enough for the rich asshole that we worship God. the rich asshole wants everyone to worship his God. Or at least the God he panders to. Religion, for him, is only useful as a political tool. Which is to say he’s the one putting government over God.
3) Is the rich asshole even referring to himself here? He’s been frequently criticized for not knowing anything about Christianity. He sure as hell doesn’t act like Jesus. Hell, he may be the most religiously apathetic President we’ve ever had. Doing the Religious Right’s bidding does not automatically make you a man of faith.
4) Our country was founded on religious freedom — including the freedom not to be religious at all — not on universal worship of the same God. I know he’s busy golfing, but it would be nice if the President at least skimmed the First Amendment.
6) Does the rich asshole even believe any of this? We’ve seen how he treats people who “worship God” if they happen to belong to a different religion.
7) I’m thoroughly amused by how the URL for his Instagram video includes the letters “SIN.”
the rich asshole’s Transgender Trap For Rust Belt Democrats Is Diabolical And Disgusting
A savvy political reporter reveals the convoluted reasoning behind some rich asshole’s sudden ban on transgender people in the military.
In his infinite quest to alienate every voting group that aren’t angry white racists while destroying everything President Obama has ever done, the rich asshole just announced that the United States will no longer “accept or allow” transgender people in the United States Military. The man who received multiple deferments and never worked a day in his life somehow feels transgender people must not be worthy enough to die to enrich military contractors. But seriously, his rationale is as big a fat lie as you might think.
“Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail,” said the rich asshole
That is yet another lie since the NY Times found that the policy affects a very small portion of the military and the costs are totally negligible.
But this is just the tip of the viceberg, or at least according to one savvy reporter.
Jonathan Swan, a political reporter, spoke with a surprisingly candid the rich asshole official regarding the decision to ban transgender people from serving. What he found out was shocking but not surprising given how disgusting this sh*t show has been.
“Just spoke to a the rich asshole administration official about the transgender military decision. Here’s what they said,” Swan explains. He then added an image with the statement.
Quote from a the rich asshole administration official: “This forces Democrats in Rust Belt states like Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin, to take complete ownership of this issue. How will the blue collar voters in these states respond when these senators up for re-election in 2018 like Debbie Stabenow are forced to make their opposition to this a key plank of their campaigns?”
Here’s the tweet.
Apparently his voting suppression mafia is simply not enough to ensure Republican rule; he now has to make it even harder for Democrats to dance around this deliberate culture warrior issue while not pissing off rural voters. Moreover, the the rich asshole administration is doing this to force Democrats to defend transgender people who will presumably alienate people in the Rust Belt.
Let’s face it here: the rich asshole is in very deep sh*t and Pence, the more savvy Washingtonian and man who could really impose theocratic rule, knows that the rich asshole is in trouble. the rich asshole cares only about himself and how he can get richer, as well as get his stupid name on buildings. That said, he could give a crap about transgender people in the military so long as the wars fatten his wallet. This sudden departure in military policy has Pence’s thumbprint all over it, which allows for him to hide while the rich asshole looks like the a-hole. Like everyone, he knows that the rich asshole;s days are numbered and he would love to have any policy that seeks to harm the LGBT community for when he assumes office.
And if you don’t believe me that the rich asshole is a massive hypocrite when it comes to LGBT issues, just peep this tweet from 2016.
I rest my case.
ACLU Freaks Over the rich asshole’s Trans Military Ban – Twitter Overwhelmingly Responds
Early Wednesday morning, President some rich asshole tweeted out one of his most deplorable tweets yet. In the tweet, he announced transgender individuals would not be accepted or allowed to serve in the U.S. military. The tweets speak for themselves.
All the rich asshole will have to do is reinstate the policy that the Obama administration had reversed; thus, setting every step forward that’s been made 10 steps back.
However, the ACLU is preparing itself for a fight. They tweeted in response:
‘Thousands of trans service-members on the front lines deserve better from their commander-in-chief, @realDonaldTrump. Contact the ACLU.’
Twitter users reached out and let their voices be heard.
‘I #proudlyserve in the #USN as an openly #gay man. I stand with my fellow #LGBTQIA #Sailors #Marines #Soldiers and #Airmen’
‘We should be very grateful to all who choose to serve. If you oppose transgenders serving, then step up and take their place.’
‘Most of us are too scared or selfish to join the military. We must respect, admire and be extremely grateful to all who make this sacrifice.’
‘Translation: You are a burden, because you are different. As Americans, no one should be treated this way. Stand for civil liberties.’
‘Can I just say that I hate the rich asshole more every day and I’m a yogi. I’m not supposed to hate anyone. Can’t help myself’
‘First Muslims. The Mexicans. Then healthcare. Now transgender. Will you be next? Will you continue to be silent until they come for you?’
‘I just donated (again) to the ACLU. This discrimination against our Transgender neighbors must stop!’
‘all the transgender hate really has me down as a trans person, thank you for the support’
‘I agree, this hate makes me cry. No on deserves that. No one. Please keep your strength up and keep fighting. Know you have support.’
‘one of my trans guy friends is a proud veteran. he deserves the same respect and honor as his cis counterparts. he risked his life for us.’
‘true americans should be enraged over how their trans brothers and sisters are being treated under the current POTUS.’
‘we’re being forced into second class citizenship over something we did not choose 🙁 truly heartbreaking. we must keep resisting.’
‘Sessions has a VERY weak position on Clinton crimes’: the rich asshole issues new loyalty test to attorney general
some rich asshole speaking with supporters at a campaign rally at Fountain Park in Fountain Hills, Arizona (Gage Skidmore/Flickr)
President some rich asshole has made clear to Attorney General Jeff Sessions that he must launch an investigation of Hillary Clinton to keep his job.
The president has been attacking Sessions, the first Republican senator to endorse his campaign, for days since expressing anger in a New York Times interview about the attorney general’s decision to recuse himself from the Russia investigation.
the rich asshole asked Monday why the “beleaguered” Sessions and congressional investigators weren’t probing Clinton’s “crimes & Russia relations,” and he sharpened his attack Tuesday morning in a series of tweets.
the rich asshole was referring to reports that Ukrainian government officials helped reporters and Clinton allies look into the rich asshole and his team’s ties to Russia, which the president’s nominee for FBI director, Christopher Wray, has said he’s willingto investigate.
The president appeared to be asking Sessions to demonstrate his loyalty by opening a new investigation of Clinton’s actions during the campaign, which the rich asshole promised to do repeatedly on the campaign trail — which supporters usually punctuated with chants of “lock her up.”
the rich asshole considered nominating McCabe, who took over as interim director after the president fired James Comey for apparently flunking a loyalty test, as FBI director before moving on to Wray.
Pissed-off’ Jeff Sessions won’t give ‘insane’ the rich asshole the satisfaction of quitting: report
U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions joins White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer for the daily press briefing at the White House in Washington, U.S., March 27, 2017. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst
Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who now seemingly gets insulted by President some rich asshole on a near-daily basis, is reportedly “pissed off” about his situation — but he’s not going to quit anytime soon.
Sources tell the Daily Beast that Sessions is getting fed up with the rich asshole’s regular attacks on his work — including one on Tuesday morning in which the president said his attorney general had taken a “VERY weak position on Hillary Clinton crimes.”
“Sessions is totally pissed off about it,” one ally of the attorney general told the Daily Beast. “It’s beyond insane. It’s cruel and it’s insane and it’s stupid.”
Sessions’ allies also say, however, that the embattled attorney general has no plans to voluntarily resign — instead, he will call the rich asshole’s bluff and essentially dare the president to fire him.
“He’s not going anywhere,” another Sessions ally told the publication. “He is not going to resign. What he is accomplishing is way too important to the country.”
Another White House official told the Daily Beast that Sessions is going to try to “ride out the storm,” as top White House political strategist Steve Bannon once did when he got on the rich asshole’s bad side after getting into regular fights with the rich asshole son-in-law Jared Kushner.
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