July 18th, 2017 - July 21st, 2017. 251-254 days since the Nov 8, 2016, election and 179-182 days since the Jan 20th inauguration
Jeez, the stupid is strong with this administration.
‘Good luck with that’: Ex-federal prosecutor explains hoops the rich asshole would have to jump through to fire Mueller
Former federal prosecutor Micheal Zeldin -- CNN screengrab
Appearing on CNN Friday morning, a former federal prosecutor took the long view on what it would take for President some rich asshole to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller and sarcastically wished the president, “good luck with that.”
Speaking with Michael Zeldin, who previously served with Mueller, CNN host John Harwood pressed the attorney on reports that the rich asshole aides were attempting to dig up dirt on Mueller.
“This notion of trying to discredit the special counsel investigation, we hear. This is something that happens in prosecutions, you do go after the other person’s team,” Harwood asked. “How far could the White House and his lawyers take this here? Is it difficult if the president wants to get rid of Robert Mueller?”
“Well, there are a couple of questions that are embedded in that question,” Zeldin explained. “First is: is it normative to look at your prosecutor to see whether your prosecutor has a bias that could lead to his recusal, if you will? And, yes, that’s normative, and I think they’re going to do what they can do.”
“My legal response to that is good luck with that,” he sardonically added. “Because I don’t think that there’s going to be anything found there that’s going to create a legal conflict of interest that would allow for the removal of Mueller himself and perhaps any of his team members. Secondly, with respect to the removal of Mueller, the only person that can remove Mueller under the regulations that govern this is [Deputy Attorney General Rod] Rosenstein. And Rosenstein’s basis under the regulations for removal of Mueller is good cause and that there is not going to be good cause found in this fishing expedition into his background.”
“I mean, he’s a Republican and he doesn’t have any political orientation in the way he investigates crime, so I don’t think it’s going to amount to anything,” Zeldin continued. “Rosenstein has said in his public testimony that he will resign before he fires Mueller without there being a good cause showing. So I think this is a lot of bluster and maybe it has some political resonance. I don’t do politics, just law. The others can talk about that, but I don’t think in the end of the day it’s going to amount to anything.”
Mueller tells White House to preserve all documents related to the rich asshole Jr.-Russia meeting
Robert Mueller (FBI)
Special prosecutor Robert Mueller has formally asked the White House to preserve any documents it has about the now-infamous 2016 meeting between members of the rich asshole campaign and Russian nationals who claimed to have damaging information on Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.
CNN reports that Mueller “sent a notice, called a document preservation request, asking White House staff to save ‘any subjects discussed in the course of the June 2016 meeting’ and also ‘any decisions made regarding the recent disclosures about the June 2016 meeting.'”
The request doesn’t simply ask for official White House documents either, as it wants the administration to preserve all “text messages, emails, notes, voicemails and other communications and documentation” about the June 9 meeting.
The meeting, which took place in the rich asshole Tower, involved several key the rich asshole campaign officials, including the rich asshole son some rich asshole Jr., as well as the rich asshole son-in-law Jared Kushner and former campaign chairman Paul Manafort. The three men met with Kremlin-linked attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya, and it was billed to them as part of the Russian government’s efforts to help the rich asshole get elected.
The meeting is a key event in determining whether the rich asshole campaign colluded with the Russian government to interfere in the 2016 presidential election.
the rich asshole’s blame game backfires: No one wants to work for his administration
By Kaili Joy Gray |JULY 20, 2017
Good help is hard to find, if you are some rich asshole.
(AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
some rich asshole is having a hard time finding people willing to work in his scandal-plagued administration.
the rich asshole has failed to even name appointees for hundreds of critical positions in the government, but those who have been named are dropping out in frustration. The reason? Too many financial conflicts of interest and ethical guidelines to follow.
“This administration has nominated many more people with much more complex financial holdings that have problems than past administrations,” according to Max Stier, president of the nonpartisan Partnership for Public Service. And that makes the process of vetting nominees especially challenging.
This is what happens when a president tries to fill the government with his fellow billionaires and cronies, and it has led to “at least a dozen” potential nominees withdrawing their names from consideration.
This isn’t the only reason the rich asshole is having a hard time finding people who are willing to work with him. In May, Politico reported that prospective hires were scared off by the ever-growing number of investigations into the rich asshole’s inner circle, his campaign, and his administration.
And that was before investigations expanded to include his financial dealings with Russia, his obstruction of justice, his campaign’s clandestine meeting with Russian operatives — and a whole host of other scandals that have emerged in recent months.
On top of all the reasons why people might not want to work for an administration engulfed in scandal and criminal investigations, there’s also the matter of the boss’s temperament.
the rich asshole has repeatedly demonstrated his willingness to throw his own staff and closest advisers under the bus when it suits him. He frequently contradicts his own spokespeople, and he attacks and humiliates those who disagree with him.
In his devastating interview with the New York Times, the rich asshole even went after one of his most loyal supporters, Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
RICH ASSHOLE: Well, Sessions should have never recused himself, and if he was going to recuse himself, he should have told me before he took the job, and I would have picked somebody else. […] I then have — which, frankly, I think is very unfair to the president. How do you take a job and then recuse yourself? If he would have recused himself before the job, I would have said, “Thanks, Jeff, but I can’t, you know, I’m not going to take you.” It’s extremely unfair, and that’s a mild word, to the president.
That Sessions was ethically obligated to recuse himself because he is also implicated in the investigations into the rich asshole campaign’s involvement with Russia is apparently lost on the rich asshole. That Sessions has violated his own recusal apparently does not earn him points.
Sessions is supposed to be loyal to the rule of law, rather than the president, and is certainly not supposed to aid and abet the coverup and obstruction of an investigation. But to the rich asshole, a man who understands absolutely nothing about the government he now heads, that is simply “unfair.”
No wonder people are reluctant to work for such a president — especially one whose administration grows more unpopular, and more mired in potentially criminal conspiracies, every day.
Senior Editor
Kaili Joy Gray
Longtime progressive editor and writer and fierce feminist. Formerly Planned Parenthood, Wonkette, and Daily Kos. Follow her on Twitter @KailiJoy.
‘It’s chilling’: the rich asshole’s loyalists ‘deeply alarmed’ following latest attack on Jeff Sessions
President some rich asshole’s decision to publicly attack his own attorney general this week is reportedly sending shock waves through the White House, even among the president’s most loyal supporters.
Sources tell CNN that the rich asshole’s rebuke of Attorney General Jeff Sessions for recusing himself from the Russia probe “is causing deep alarm inside the West Wing, leading some to worry that their loyalty to the rich asshole might not be reciprocated from the man in the Oval Office.”
“It’s chilling,” one White House official told CNN.
Another White House official said that the rich asshole’s attack was particularly jarring because Sessions has been one of the president’s most loyal cabinet members.
“No one was more loyal than Sessions,” the official emphasized. “No one.”
Sessions, who was the first Republican senator to officially endorse the rich asshole’s candidacy, got chastised by the rich asshole during an interview with the New York Times on Wednesday.
“Sessions should have never recused himself and if he was going to recuse himself he should have told me before he took the job and I would have picked somebody else,” the rich asshole told the paper. “How do you take a job and then recuse yourself? If he would have recused himself before the job, I would have said, ‘Thanks, Jeff, but I’m not going to take you.’ It’s extremely unfair — and that’s a mild word — to the President.”
the rich asshole: Investigating my business ties is off limits. Mueller: Hold my beer
By Sky Palma
Posted on July 20, 2017
Just days after President the rich asshole warned special counsel Robert Mueller not to include his business dealings in the ongoing investigation into the rich asshole campaign, Bloomberg reports that Mueller is doing exactly that.
In an interview with The New York Times this Wednesday, the rich asshole said that Mueller would be crossing a line if he includes his business ties in the probe into the rich asshole campaign’s possible collusion with Russia. “I think that’s a violation. Look, this is about Russia,” the rich asshole told the Times.
According to Bloomberg, Mueller is expanding his probe to look into Russian purchases of the rich asshole properties, the 2013 Miss Universe pageant in Moscow, a SoHo building project involving Russians, and the sale of a Florida mansion to a Russian oligarch. the rich asshole’s lawyer John Dowd claims that the new inquiries are “well beyond the mandate of the special counsel,” adding that they’re “unrelated to the election of 2016 or any alleged collusion between the rich asshole campaign and Russia and most importantly … well beyond any Statute of Limitation imposed by the United States Code.”
In a separate report this Tuesday, the Times revealed that Mueller is also investigating the rich asshole’s ties to Deutsche Bank, which has lent him money in the past.
From Bloomberg:
The roots of Mueller’s follow-the-money investigation lie in a wide-ranging money laundering probe launched by then-Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara last year …
FBI agents had already been gathering information about the rich asshole’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, according to two people with knowledge of that probe. Prosecutors hadn’t yet begun presenting evidence to a grand jury. the rich asshole fired Bharara in March. …
As part of their investigation, Mueller’s team has issued subpoenas to banks and filed requests for bank records to foreign lenders under mutual legal-assistance treaties, according to two of the people familiar with the matter.
As Bloomberg reports, the Justice Department’s instructions to Mueller mandates the investigation to focus on “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign” as well as “any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation,” suggesting a broader scope than just possible collusion with Russia during the 2016 campaign.
some rich asshole Jr. and former the rich asshole campaign manager Paul Manafort are scheduled to testify this Wednesday before the Senate Judiciary Committee. The following week, Jared Kushner will testify before the same committee.
Mueller to examine the rich asshole business as part of Russia probe: report
BY JULIA MANCHESTER - 07/20/17 10:44 AM EDT 4,276
Did Japan’s first lady pretend she couldn’t speak English to avoid talking to the rich asshole?
President some rich asshole and Japanese First Lady Akie Abe (composite image)
The wife of Japan’s prime minister may have pretended not to understand English in order to avoid speaking with President some rich asshole at a G20 Summit dinner where the rich asshole left his seat to speak privately with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
British newspaper The Mirror reported Thursday that Akie Abe, wife of PM Shinzo Abe, was seated next to the rich asshole at the dinner on July 8.
the rich asshole said to the New York Times in an interview published Wednesday, “So, I was seated next to the wife of Prime Minister Abe, who I think is a terrific guy, and she’s a terrific woman, but doesn’t speak English.”
The meal was “hard,” the president said, because it went on for nearly two hours.
“So I’m sitting there. There was one interpreter for Japanese, ’cause otherwise it would have been even tougher. But I enjoyed the evening with her, and she’s really a lovely woman, and I enjoyed — the whole thing was good,” the rich asshole told the Times.
However, as journalist Sam Thielman pointed out, Akie Abe speaks excellent English.
Twitter users celebrated Mrs. Abe’s clever dodge.
Wait, is the rich asshole losing Fox News?
Fox News host Sean Hannity
Fox News remains President the rich asshole's favorite news channel, and Sean Hannity his single greatest champion. But mounting criticism from the latter's Fox co-anchors this week suggests the network's support for the president may be eroding.
"Just today John Roberts, Fox News correspondent of the White House walked out of a White House press briefing," explained "Young Turks" host Cenk Uygur. "Sarah Huckabee Sanders… said 'I guess he has somewhere better to go,' and he said 'yeah, we're not on camera. You are not doing this on TV, so I have to do a live show.'"
Roberts isn't the only Fox News correspondent who appears fed up. Nightly panelist Charles Krauthammer torched some rich asshole Jr.'s meeting with a Kremlin-connected attorney on “The Story” with Martha MacCallum, three days after the New York Times bombshell report. Krauthammer continued his attack on Thursday's “Special Report With Bret Baier."
"I'm willing to concede it is not a criminal act, but it is certainly an unethical act," he said of the meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya last June at the rich asshole Tower.
"Damn," exlaimed Uygur. "Fox News calling the rich asshole administration unethical and saying they were deceiving you all along."
Even Judge Andrew Napolitano had some choice words to describe the rich asshole Tower summit. According to Napolitano, Don. Jr. was lucky not to receive any information about Hillary Clinton from Veselnitskaya.
"That would have been a felony," he concluded. "That would have been the completion of a crime."
"This is a guy the rich asshole liked so much that he thought about putting him on the Supreme Court," Uygur reminded viewers. "[And] even Napolitano is saying this looks really bad."
Earlier in the week, a furious Sheppard Smith told viewers, "There are still people out there who believe we're making it up, and one day they are going to realize we are not."
"This is a weird topsy-turvy world where I am agreeing with Fox hosts," Uygur noted. That makes two of us.
Watch: FOX News vs no45
Mueller defies the rich asshole warning and expands Russia probe to include family’s business dealings: report
Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller and President some rich asshole (Photos: Screen capture and AFP)
President some rich asshole on Wednesday said that it would be a “red line” if special prosecutor Robert Mueller began investigating his family’s business dealings — and now a new report from Bloomberg claims Mueller is about to do just that.
One source tells Bloomberg that Mueller’s team is “examining a broad range of transactions involving the rich asshole’s businesses as well as those of his associates.”
Among other things, the source claimed that “FBI investigators and others are looking at Russian purchases of apartments in the rich asshole buildings, the rich asshole’s involvement in a controversial SoHo development with Russian associates, the 2013 Miss Universe pageant in Moscow and the rich asshole’s sale of a Florida mansion to a Russian oligarch in 2008.”
Interestingly, the source claims that Mueller’s investigation into the rich asshole’s business dealings is picking up from an investigation into a massive money-laundering scheme that was run by former Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara until he was fired by the rich asshole earlier this year.
The rich asshole SoHo development has been the object of intrigue for several years now, and one lawsuit brought against the property claimed that Bayrock Group — the firm that underpinned the financing of the project — was supported by figures in Russian organized crime.
The 2013 Miss Universe pageant, meanwhile, is the event that connects the rich asshole with the Agalarovs, the Russian family that offered to help some rich asshole Jr. to obtain damaging information on Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton in 2016.
GOP senator reveals truth about the rich asshole: ‘He scares no one in the Senate — not even the pages’
With his approval ratings stuck in the 40% range, President some rich asshole is having trouble bending congressional lawmakers to his will — even if they’re members of his own party.
In an interview with the New York Times, one anonymous Republican senator claims that the rich asshole has no clout in Congress and that no lawmaker is afraid of defying him on key pieces of legislation.
“A Republican senator, speaking on the condition of anonymity because he wanted to preserve his relationship with some rich asshole, put it… bluntly,” the Timeswrites. “The president, he said, scares no one in the Senate, not even the pages.”
Rob Jesmer, the former executive director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee and a former aide to Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX), went on the record to make a similar point that the rich asshole is simply not feared by congressional Republicans.
“Right now, nobody’s afraid of the rich asshole, and that’s a real problem,” he explained. “Where is he on local talk radio? Where is the trip to Kansas to say, ‘Hey, [GOP Sen. Jerry Moran], we’re really close on this and could use your help’? It’s what he does well, getting out there and making the case. I don’t get why he hasn’t been more engaged.”
Among other things, the report notes that the rich asshole team has floated potential primary challengers to rebellious senators such as Jeff Flake (R-AZ) and Dean Heller (R-NV), but, so far, none of them have changed their behavior.
Republican Agenda Is Failing Because Americans Are Figuring Out Conservatism Is A Scam
The Republican attempt to strip health insurance from millions got a huge slap-down by the public, but the battle is not over yet.
It takes a load of arrogance to try to pass a bill that only 13 percent of Americans support, but that’s exactly what Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan have been trying to do with their Obamacare repeal antics.
The clown in the Oval Office doesn’t seem to have a clue how America’s healthcare system works, but admits his pen is ready to sign anything that anyone puts in front of him. That might inspire confidence in some. But the rest of us would rather give the Baby-in-Chief a box of crayons and just let him watch TV.
Yes, the Republican attempt to strip health insurance from millions got a huge slap-down by the public, but the fascist-conservative agenda currently metastasizing out of Washington, is not dead; it’s merely morphing into the equally reprehensible 2018 Republican budget.
From the New York Times,
The plan released on Tuesday as part of the House Budget Committee’s 2018 budget resolution blueprint calls for consolidating tax brackets and cutting rates, repealing the alternative minimum tax and switching the United States from a worldwide tax system to a territorial tax system, which would tax only the domestic income of corporations.
It also calls for a $621.5 billion national defense budget for 2018 and $511 billon for non-defense spending. The most contentious part is at least $203 billion in cuts over a decade in “mandatory” spending on programs such as Medicare and Social Security. And it recommends repealing parts of the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act that ushered in financial regulations after the last recession.
Is there anything in there that sounds like it would help working-class families barely getting by on stagnant wages? The alternative minimum tax is not exactly a dinner table topic in fly-over country. And it’s not likely those people would benefit from fewer tax brackets that would lump them in with higher earners. On the other hand, cuts to Medicare and Social Security would hit them directly in the wallet.
Spending more at the Pentagon may sound great on the campaign trail, but it won’t do much to help the average college student, or single mom in their daily lives.
Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell, (R-Ky.) and House speaker Paul Ryan, (R-Wis.) are either missing why some people voted for the rich asshole, or don’t care, because the Liar-in-Chief didn’t campaign on a reverse Robin Hood economic agenda, although he is governing that way.
Try as they will to force fascist-conservatism down the throats of the electorate, Republicans are finding that it’s not as easy as they thought. Even Republican voters like Medicare and Social Security. And they sure as hell don’t want grandma shoved out of the nursing home so Paul Ryan can fulfill his ‘dream’ of screwing the poor.
As Vanity Fair pointed out,
Unlike the average college student, who spends their university years studying to pass the next midterm… Paul Ryan stayed focused on loftier goals: denying health-care coverage for millions of low-income and elderly Americans. Or so he implied while defending his current effort to roll back Medicaid, via his unpopular plan to repeal and replace Obamacare…
Rhetoric and spin aside, the American non-billionaire class wants no part of the rich asshole-Ryan-McConnell agenda. And when push comes to shove, they will storm the halls of lawmakers with protest signs in hand. They may have been fooled into voting Republican, but they aren’t going to swallow so-called conservatism when it hits home – at least not without a fight.
‘They feel left out’: the rich asshole’s sons reportedly growing jealous of Kushner’s role in the White House
Eric the rich asshole, Jared Kushner and some rich asshole Jr (Composite / RawStory)
First son-in-law Jared Kushner’s appointment as some rich asshole’s “Secretary of Everything” reportedly doesn’t sit well with the president two oldest sons, Eric the rich asshole and some rich asshole Jr., People reports.
Following the rich asshole’s win last year, it became apparent that Kushner, one of the president’s most trusted advisers on the campaign trail, would be coming with him to the White House. And according to People, the focus on their brother-in-law frustrates the rich asshole brothers.
“All the attention to Jared is a bit of a sore point and they feel left out of the fun in D.C.,” a friend of the family’s told People. “They miss being at the center of the action.”
“Don worked on the campaign and Jared gets the big Forbes cover and they make him out to be a big genius,” the friend continued. “and Don is like, ‘No, I worked on the campaign too!’”
“During the campaign, the brothers thrived on being the spokespeople and speaking at rallies and being very visible,” the friend added. “Jared was able to build much more influence and power by doing exactly the opposite.
The news comes one day after People reported Eric and Don Jr. are “miserable” and can’t wait for their father’s stint in the White House to end.
“[President the rich asshole] doesn’t like failure and mistakes, and he doesn’t accept them,” a source told People. “You have to justify your existence to be in his realm.”
And with increased scrutiny surrounding the rich asshole Jr.’s clandestine meeting with a Russian lawyer—which Kushner likewise attended—the president is reportedly growing “frustrated” with his eldest son, Newsweek reports.
“They’re shaping up for a very interesting Thanksgiving dinner in the rich asshole household,” Ron Klain—Joe Biden’s former chief—of staff told MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell last Monday.
“Perhaps this story was put out and hung on some rich asshole’s son to move it away from some rich asshole’s son-in-law, who definitely has more legal exposure, who is right in the heart of the White House, who’s in the middle of all these policy matters, who played a role in firing FBI Director [James] Comey, who supposedly is one of the people who advised the president to fire Director Comey, who has been threatening your colleagues here at MSNBC with bad stories and all these things,” Klain said.
In a bombshell interview, President some rich asshole said Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller looking into his and his family’s finances would cross a “red line.”
In the same New York Times article where the rich asshole claimed he never would have hired Attorney General Jeff Sessions if he knew he planned on recusing himself from the Russia probe, the president also vented about Mueller’s investigation — and even expressed his belief that he personally isn’t under investigation.
“Asked if Mr. Mueller’s investigation would cross a red line if it expanded to look at his family’s finances beyond any relationship to Russia,” the report reads, “some rich asshole said, ‘I would say yes.’ He would not say what he would do about it. ‘I think that’s a violation. Look, this is about Russia.'”
“I don’t think we’re under investigation,” the rich asshole told the Times. “I’m not under investigation. For what? I didn’t do anything wrong.”
During the interview, the rich asshole also touched on his informal second meeting with Vladimir Putin at the G-20 summit earlier this month, which he claims lasted 15 minutes and mostly consisted of “pleasantries.” He did note, however, that they discussed “adoption,” and reiterated the White House-drafted story that some rich asshole, Jr.’s meeting with Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya was about the same topic.
‘Putin is the only ally he’s never betrayed’: Internet loses it after the rich asshole throws Sessions under the bus
n a rare interview with the New York Times, President some rich asshole repeatedly said he would not have nominated Jeff Sessions as Attorney General if he would have known Sessions would recuse himself from the Russia investigation.
The internet was shocked that a sitting President would kneecap his own Attorney General in the pages of the Times.
“Sessions should have never recused himself, and if he was going to recuse himself, he should have told me before he took the job and I would have picked somebody else,” the rich asshole said.
“Jeff Sessions takes the job, gets into the job, recuses himself, which frankly I think is very unfair to the president,” the rich asshole said, according to the Times. “How do you take a job and then recuse yourself?”
“If he would have recused himself before the job, I would have said, ‘Thanks Jeff, but I’m not going to take you.’ It’s extremely unfair—and that’s a mild word—to the president,” he added.

Posted by Patricia Colli on 19 Jul 2017
Just judging from some rich asshole’s Twitter feed alone, it’s clear that the Republican Party is in big trouble – but White House Correspondent April Ryan revealed how truly devastating the latest failure in the GOP’s health care plan is for conservatives.
In an interview with CNN, Ryan stated that Republicans are in full “meltdown” mode because their latest attempt at Trumpcare has crashed and burned. Ryan said:
I just talked to a Republican source before I came on with you. The source is saying that the GOP is in meltdown about this — about healthcare. Because the president is forcing Mitch McConnell to hold a vote when there is not support for it.”
And apparently, the situation is far worse than we thought:
Many of the president’s supporters are not feeling the new healthcare plan that would affect them and the ways that it would. They are not happy with this. The president is trying to force a vote. He can have all the lunches and meetings that he can call, but when it affects the Senators constituents and affects people, and people are going to these town hall meetings screaming, these senators feel it. That’s why you are hearing from the Rand Pauls and you’re seeing the women pulling away from saying yes to a vote on this new healthcare plan. It’s going to continue to be a downward spiral and he will have to call on the higher powers if he wants to see this passed.”
You can watch Ryan’s full explanation of what’s happening in the GOP below:
This health care fail has been such a disappointment and humiliation to the Republican Party, even the rich asshole’s aides are worried that the rich asshole’s agenda may now be impossible, as a major part of it cannot find support or be fulfilled.
Honestly, the rich asshole only has himself to thank for this. He’s created enemies in the GOP by repeatedly calling them out, being two-faced with his support, and giving them mixed signals. Let’s not forget that the rich asshole had originally celebrated the health care bill, only to call the bill “mean” the next day. He repeatedly betrayed Republicans, and now they refuse to go out of their way for him. He’s created a toxic environment in the GOP, and it’s going to be the death of the Republican Party.
some rich asshole has been exposed once again, and he’s having a full blown meltdown because of it.
Apparently, meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin for several hours during the G-20 summit wasn’t enough, because it’s just been discovered that the rich asshole and Putin had another secret meeting, which the rich asshole administration did not disclose to the public.
Once the media reported the secret meeting (which was later confirmed by the White House), the rich asshole went into one of his Twitter tantrums and cried “fake news”. the rich asshole claimed that other world leaders had been invited and that the media had been well aware of the meeting.

the rich asshole apparently still doesn’t understand that now that he’s President of the United States, nothing in his life is private anymore. The president and his administration are expected to be transparent with the American people, and they’ve truly incriminated themselves by failing to disclose this meeting. We can all assume that if this news hadn’t come out, the rich asshole administration never would have disclosed it.
the rich asshole obviously doesn’t think that having (and then hiding) a private meeting with the foreign leader who meddled in his country’s election looks shady. It’s hilarious that the rich asshole referred to these reports as “fake news”, only to have his own administration confirm that the meeting took place. Even the rich asshole himself confirmed it in his tweets by talking about the other people that joined him and Putin!
As the rich asshole’s meltdown over his Russia meeting continues, his focus and attention on negotiating a health care bill with Senate Republicans will be greatly compromised. This is a great example of why the rich asshole hasn’t been able to get anything done after several months of being in the White House. It also proves that the more the rich asshole denies something, the more it’s likely to be true!
the rich asshole Unleashes Threat to America Since His Healthcare Bill Failed

Posted on July 19, 2017
some rich asshole is a failure. While those words have pretty much always been true, they’re especially true after 6 months of a presidency that has seen exactly zero major legislative victories. Those are the facts, but I’m sure he will call us all liars for that. Now, the rich asshole, desperate for anything resembling legislative victory, has threatened to let Obamacare fail (which it will not do without “help”) in order to prove he is right.
This President, and a lot of the Congresspeople you elected to represent you, will let your healthcare system completely crash and burn to prove a point. They would rather people die than lose a partisan battle. Remember when the Republicans called Obamacare a “death panel?” Well, it’s our turn – Congressional Republican and the President are turning into their own spiteful, greedy, angry death panel.
“He was playing with a firetruck and trying on a cowboy hat as the bill was collapsing and he had no clue,” a top Republican told CNN’s Jeff Zeleny on Tuesday, mocking the “Made In America” week at the White House.the rich asshole was prepared to shoulder no blame for the failure of the bill on Tuesday, and warned he would now simply let Obamacare fail.
“We’re not going to own it. I’m not going to own it. I can tell you the Republicans are not going to own it. We’ll let Obamacare fail and then the Democrats are going to come to us,” the rich asshole told reporters at the White House.
So far however, there is no sign that the Democrats would take part in any effort that would effectively repeal Obamacare. And it seems just as likely that a crisis in the health care industry, involving Americans losing health insurance, would come back to hurt the party in power, in Congress and the White House — Republicans.
Combined with the rich asshole’s historically low approval rating for a President at this stage of his first term, and the constant, corrosive presence of the Russia drama, it adds up to a presidency testing the limits of political viability.
“When a President has the lowest approval ratings of any President after six months it’s not surprising he took one of the biggest body blows in politics after six months,” said David Gergen, a senior CNN political analyst.
“We have never seen a President put forward a major legislative piece in his early days that was greeted with such derision and such fear,” Gergen told CNN’s Don Lemon on Monday night.
The question now is whether the White House and Republicans in Congress can find a way to marshall the GOP monopoly on power towards another significant agenda item — tax reform for instance.
I’d actually be OK if the rich asshole just decided to play with fire trucks all the time. It’d make America safer and healthier if he could somehow pay less attention and be more ignorant.
JULY 18 2017 12:08 PM
Kobach Email Confirms the rich asshole Administration’s Goal to Gut Vital Voting Rights Law
some rich asshole and Kris Kobach, who is holding a document that reveals his desire to amend the National Voter Registration Act.
Getty Images
The rich asshole administration’s voter fraud commission is poised to attack a federal voting rights law that prevents states from capriciously disenfranchising citizens.
Mark Joseph Stern is a writer for Slate. He covers the law and LGBTQ issues.
That law, the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, also known as “motor voter,” has long been a bête noire of conservatives. The NVRA creates national voter registration requirements and procedures that states may not abrogate or abridge, barring them from arbitrarily purging voters from the rolls. Federal courts have also interpreted the statute to prevent states from imposing a proof of citizenship on new voters. When Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach attempted to implement such a requirement in 2015, the American Civil Liberties Union successfully sued to block him, citing the NVRA. At Kobach’s meeting with some rich asshole in November, he was photographed holding a memo indicating his desire to amend the law.
The ACLU swiftly demanded access to this memo, alleging it was relevant to the ongoing litigation regarding Kansas’ proof of citizenship law. Kobach refused, but a court compelled him to cough up the document. A federal judge also fined him $1,000 for making “patently misleading representations” about the memo and engaging in “deceptive conduct.” Before turning over the document, Kobach marked it “confidential,” barring the ACLU from furnishing it to the public. However, as part of discovery, Kobach did release an email sent to the the rich asshole transition team on Nov. 9—the day after Election Day—setting the NVRA in his crosshairs. Kobach wrote:
[W]e will … be putting together information on legislation drafts for submission to Congress early in the administration. I have some already started regarding amendments to the NVRA to make clear that proof of citizenship requirements are permitted (based on my ongoing litigation with the ACLU over this).
Several months later, the rich asshole appointed Kobach to lead what the president has characterized as his “VOTER FRAUD PANEL.”
Kobach’s email seems to confirm speculation about the true intent of the voter fraud commission, and the reason why he has requested an immense amount of voter data from all 50 states. Kobach will collect a vast amount of incomplete voter data from the states and use shoddy analysis to claim he has discovered thousands of fraudulent votes. He will then insist that Congress must address the problem by gutting the NVRA to let states demand proof of citizenship from voters, and to authorize mass purges of state voter rolls. (The Justice Department is already laying the groundwork for these voter purges.)
Indeed, Kobach has already executed a test run of this plan. As Kansas secretary of state, he promoted the Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck Program, known as Crosscheck, which can purportedly detect double-voting by comparing voter databases from multiple states. Crosscheck creates thousands of false positives—about 200 for every one true instance of double-voting, according to one study. Yet Kobach has championed Crosscheck as a vital tool to thwart voter fraud—which he has claimed, falsely, to be a rampant problem in the United States.
the rich asshole’s voter fraud commission is shaping up to be, as the ACLU’s Dale Ho described it, “Crosscheck on steroids.” The only question that remains is whether congressional Republicans will pretend to believe Kobach’s “patently misleading representations,” to borrow a court’s term. If they do, the NVRA—one of the most critical voting rights laws ever passed in the United States—may be in grave peril.
the rich asshole lashes out at Democrats over Trumpcare collapse — and vows to ‘let Obamacare fail’
President some rich asshole honks the horn in a truck (Screen cap).
President some rich asshole Tuesday lashed out at Senate Democrats and “a few Republicans” for the collapse of the Senate health care bill — and he vowed to “let Obamacare fail” now that it’s clear Congress won’t be able to come up with a replacement for it.
“We were let down by all of the Democrats and a few Republicans,” the rich asshole wrote. “Most Republicans were loyal, terrific & worked really hard. We will return!”
In a followup tweet, he outlined the party’s strategy going forward: Letting the current law fail and then forcing the Democrats to come negotiate over a replacement bill.
“As I have always said, let ObamaCare fail and then come together and do a great healthcare plan,” he wrote. “Stay tuned!”
The Republican health care bill fell apart on Monday when Sens. Jerry Moran (R-KS) and Mike Lee (R-UT) said they would not vote for the motion to proceed with a debate on the bill.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell subsequently said that he would introduce a bill to the floor that would straight-up repeal the Affordable Care Act without offering any kind of replacement.
President some rich asshole Tuesday lashed out at Senate Democrats and “a few Republicans” for the collapse of the Senate health care bill — and he vowed to “let Obamacare fail” now that it’s clear Congress won’t be able to come up with a replacement for it.
In a followup tweet, he outlined the party’s strategy going forward: Letting the current law fail and then forcing the Democrats to come negotiate over a replacement bill.
“As I have always said, let ObamaCare fail and then come together and do a great healthcare plan,” he wrote. “Stay tuned!”
The Republican health care bill fell apart on Monday when Sens. Jerry Moran (R-KS) and Mike Lee (R-UT) said they would not vote for the motion to proceed with a debate on the bill.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell subsequently said that he would introduce a bill to the floor that would straight-up repeal the Affordable Care Act without offering any kind of replacement.
Internet brutally mocks the rich asshole’s claim that failed GOP health bill was ‘impressive by any standard’
some rich asshole at Citizens United Freedom Summit in Greenville South Carolina in May 2015 (Michael Vadon/Flickr)
The Senate’s Obamacare repeal deal appears to be dead — but President some rich asshole is still crowing about it being an “impressive” achievement.
In remarks made on Tuesday, the rich asshole boasted that 48 out of 52 Republican senators were on board with the repeal bill, which would have resulted in a 48-4 victory if the Senate consisted solely of Republicans.
“The vote would have been pretty close to, if you look at it, 48 to 4,” the president said. “That’s a pretty impressive vote by any standard.”
The internet quickly got to work and posted a series of hilarious jokes, memes and GIFs that made light of the president’s “pretty impressive” failure to pass a health care bill. Check out some of the top reactions below.
some rich asshole at Citizens United Freedom Summit in Greenville South Carolina in May 2015 (Michael Vadon/Flickr)
The Senate’s Obamacare repeal deal appears to be dead — but President some rich asshole is still crowing about it being an “impressive” achievement.
In remarks made on Tuesday, the rich asshole boasted that 48 out of 52 Republican senators were on board with the repeal bill, which would have resulted in a 48-4 victory if the Senate consisted solely of Republicans.
“The vote would have been pretty close to, if you look at it, 48 to 4,” the president said. “That’s a pretty impressive vote by any standard.”
The internet quickly got to work and posted a series of hilarious jokes, memes and GIFs that made light of the president’s “pretty impressive” failure to pass a health care bill. Check out some of the top reactions below.
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