During golf rainout, the rich asshole ‘stewed indoors’ and decided to fire James Comey
White House counsel Donald F. McGahn II was “alarmed” that President some rich asshole decided to fire FBI Director James Comey after only consulting daughter Ivanka the rich asshole, son-in-law Jared Kushner and controversial political advisor Stephen Miller, The New York Times reported.
Reporters Michael S. Schmidt and Maggie Haberman detail a “pivotal” weekend in May, when rain prevented the rich asshole from golfing at his private golf club in Bedminster, NJ.
“Instead some rich asshole stewed indoors, worrying about Mr. Comey and the Russia investigation,” The Times noted.
With the President were Ivanka, Jared and Stephen Miller.
“Mr. Miller and Mr. Kushner both told the president that weekend they were in favor of firing Mr. Comey,” The Times reports.
the rich asshole returned to Washington that Monday for a White House meeting that included Vice President Mike Pence, where the rich asshole announced he had decided to fire Mr. Comey.
“Some present at the meeting, including Mr. McGahn, were alarmed that the president had decided to fire the F.B.I. director after consulting only Ms. the rich asshole, Mr. Kushner and Mr. Miller,” The Times reported.
“Mr. McGahn met again that same day with some rich asshole and told him that if he fired Mr. Comey, the Russia investigation would not go away,” The Times reported. “some rich asshole told him, according to senior administration officials, that he understood that firing the F.B.I. director might extend the Russia investigation, but he wanted to do it anyway.”
The bombshell report is based on “interviews with a dozen administration officials and others briefed on the matter.”
During that rainy weekend in May, President the rich asshole and Stephen Miller drafted a letter explaining why Comey should be fired, which is now in the procession of special counsel Bob Mueller.
“Mr. McGahn successfully blocked the president from sending the letter to Mr. Comey, which some rich asshole had composed with Stephen Miller, one of the president’s top political advisers,” The Times explained. “But a copy was given to the deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein, who then drafted his own letter.”
“Mueller is likely to look into whether the rich asshole, in consulting the Justice Department’s top two officials, was seeking a pretense to remove the FBI director or, as some White House advisers said Friday, he was simply persuaded by his staff that their opinions should play a role in the process,” the Washington Post reported.
President the rich asshole has spent 28 of his 224 days in office at the rich asshole National Bedminster.
Instead of huddling with Stephen Miller, were it not for the rain the rich asshole would have been golfing with Greg Norman.
‘He won’t abide such treatment’: Gen. Kelly said ‘nobody has spoken to him’ like the rich asshole in his 35-year career
During a recent “dressing down” by President some rich asshole, new White House Chief of Staff John Kelly told aides that he’s never been spoken to like that in his whole military career.
According to a report by the New York Times, Kelly reportedly told sources close to a fight between the president and his chief of staff in August that he won’t tolerate such behavior again.
After lashing out at Kelly when staffers “gently suggested [the rich asshole] refrain from injecting politics into day-to-day issues of governing after last month’s raucous rally in Arizona,” he lashed at Kelly, who happened to be “the most senior aide in his presence.”
Kelly “reacted calmly, but he later told other White House staff members that he had never been spoken to like that during 35 years of serving his country,” three sources close to the fight told the Times. “In the future, he said, he would not abide such treatment.”
White House walks back promise about the rich asshole donating his ‘personal money’ to Harvey victims
A subtle but significant shift.
On Thursday, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told reporters that President the rich asshole would donate $1 million of his “personal money” to Hurricane Harvey victims. But on Friday, she wasn’t so sure.
Asked by a reporter if she knew whether the rich asshole’s donation would be “coming from his own money or from the rich asshole Foundation,” Sanders dodged.
“I haven’t had a chance to do that,” she said, suggesting she hadn’t yet had a chance to ask the president where the money would be coming from.
During the campaign, reporting by the Washington Post’s David Fahrenthold and others demonstrated that the rich asshole treated his foundation — which he hadn’t personally donated to since 2008 — like a personal expense account. the rich asshole was also shown to have repeatedly exaggerated his giving.
Though tax laws say 501(c)(3) charitable foundations may not be used to make political donations or for “self-dealing,” the the rich asshole foundation reportedly did both. The foundation paid a $2,500 penalty for an improper $25,000 gift in 2013 to a committee supporting Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi (R), who was considering an investigation of his the rich asshole University at the time and later opted not to open one.
Additionally, Fahrenthold found that the rich asshole used more than $250,000 of the money raised by the his foundation to settle legal problems for his myriad business interests. Additionally, he used $10,000 of foundation money to buy a portrait of himself at a charity fundraiser, $20,000 from the the rich asshole Foundation to buy a different portrait of himself, and $12,000 from the tax-exempt foundation to buy an autographed Tim Tebow football helmet. A $5,000 foundation donation to the D.C. Preservation League Tax was used to obtain ad space for the rich asshole hotels. Experts told the Post that these payments would appear to be “classic self-dealing,” in violation of tax law and philanthropic conventions.
The Smoking Gun dubbed the rich asshole “The .00013% Man” for his “paltry” charitable giving. During the rich asshole’s Apprentice days, donations he claimed would be coming out of his own pocket were in fact made by his foundation.
If the rich asshole does indeed donate his “personal money” to Harvey victims, it’d represent a break from the pattern he established since the time of his last donation to the the rich asshole Foundation in 2008. As Fahrenthold reported just days before the election, the rich asshole’s “personal giving has almost disappeared entirely in recent years.”
“After calling 420-plus charities with some connection to the rich asshole, The Post found only one personal gift from the rich asshole between 2008 and the spring of this year,” Fahrenthold added. “That was a gift to the Police Athletic League of New York City, in 2009. It was worth less than $10,000.”
And even if the rich asshole does donate $1 million of personal wealth, his contribution represents a pittance in relation to the drastic cuts he’s proposing in environmental and disaster relief programs.
Those cuts, which will be considered this month as Congress tries to set a budget, include an $876 million cut in the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s disaster relief account, a $200 million cut to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration programs that help coastal states brace for future storms, and a $2.6 billion cut to the Environmental Protection Agency, among others.
Though tax laws say 501(c)(3) charitable foundations may not be used to make political donations or for “self-dealing,” the the rich asshole foundation reportedly did both. The foundation paid a $2,500 penalty for an improper $25,000 gift in 2013 to a committee supporting Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi (R), who was considering an investigation of his the rich asshole University at the time and later opted not to open one.
Additionally, Fahrenthold found that the rich asshole used more than $250,000 of the money raised by the his foundation to settle legal problems for his myriad business interests. Additionally, he used $10,000 of foundation money to buy a portrait of himself at a charity fundraiser, $20,000 from the the rich asshole Foundation to buy a different portrait of himself, and $12,000 from the tax-exempt foundation to buy an autographed Tim Tebow football helmet. A $5,000 foundation donation to the D.C. Preservation League Tax was used to obtain ad space for the rich asshole hotels. Experts told the Post that these payments would appear to be “classic self-dealing,” in violation of tax law and philanthropic conventions.
Thou Shalt Not? the rich asshole Signs Declaration for Day of Prayer – And Breaks the 9th Commandment
BREAKING: Robert Mueller Drops Thursday Night Investigation Bombshell (DETAILS)
Robert Mueller has been working tirelessly to find the conclusion to the saga that is the rich asshole’s collusion with Russia. On Thursday, it was announced that Mueller has teamed up with a government agency in hopes of finding more evidence of the rich asshole’s shady work.
The IRS’ Criminal Investigation Unit has now joined forces with Mueller.
According to The Daily Beast:
“This unit—known as CI—is one of the federal government’s most tight-knit, specialized, and secretive investigative entities. Its 2,500 agents focus exclusively on financial crime, including tax evasion and money laundering. A former colleague of Mueller’s said he always liked working with IRS’ special agents, especially when he was a U.S. Attorney.”
Mueller will be checking into whether or not the rich asshole is guilty of financial crimes equipped with the help of Andy Weissmann, one of his top deputies, and an old pro at working hand-in-hand with the IRS. Retired IRS criminal investigator Martin Sheil says that, “the FBI’s expertise is spread out over so many statutes—and particularly since 9/11, where they really focused on counterintelligence and counterterror—that they simply don’t have the financial investigative expertise that the CI agents have. When CI brings a case to a U.S. Attorney, it is done. It’s wrapped up with a ribbon and a bow. It’s just comprehensive.”
Sheil said about Mueller and Weissmann’s admiration of the agents:
“They view them with the highest regard. IRS special agents are the very best in the business of conducting financial investigations. They will quickly tell you that it took an accountant to nab Al Capone, and it’s true.”
Sheil continued:
“The FBI’s expertise is spread out over so many statutes—and particularly since 9/11, where they really focused on counterintelligence and counterterror—that they simply don’t have the financial investigative expertise that the CI agents have,” Sheil continued. “When CI brings a case to a U.S. Attorney, it is done. It’s wrapped up with a ribbon and a bow. It’s just comprehensive.”
This is seemingly already a smooth operation, as just yesterday Mueller announced that he was bringing in the help of NY’s Attorney General. The investigation will be fruitful; even Republicans know the rich asshole is hiding something. Or a lot of somethings.
This is going to get interesting.
Desperate GOP Pulling Out All Stops In Laughable Attempt To End Mueller Investigation
Everybody has an opinion about Robert Mueller’s investigation into the connections between the the rich asshole campaign and Russia. Some, like former director of national intelligence James Clapper, think it has the potential to be bigger than Watergate. Others, like CNN’s Van Jones, have called it a “nothing burger.”
Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Florida), who serves as the Vice Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice, has made it clear over the last few days that he falls in the latter category.
On Thursday, in an op-ed published on FoxNews.com, DeSantis criticized Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s handling of the investigation and expressed concerns about how long it will go on.
‘[Rosenstein’s] clumsy management of this matter is the reason why many Americans are concerned that the investigation lacks focus and will veer into unrelated matters, thereby extending the probe far into the future and hampering the ability of the the rich asshole administration to attend to the people’s business.’
DeSantis went on to say that Rosenstein’s appointment of Mueller to serve as special counsel has been “effectively an invitation to conduct a fishing expedition.”
‘And news reports have suggested that the investigation is veering into territory that has little, if any, relationship to the question of whether anyone committed crimes while in cahoots with the Russians.’
He then argued that Congress should “use the upcoming appropriations bills” to put limits on Mueller’s investigation.
‘Congress should use the upcoming appropriations bills to establish clear limits to the scope and duration of the special counsel investigation.’
DeSantis wants these limits to include a denial of funding for the investigation into matters that precede the beginning of the rich asshole’s campaign, as well as a cap on how long the investigation can go on.
‘Specifically, Congress should deny funding for the investigation of any matters that precede the commencement of the 2016 presidential campaign. This will prevent the investigation from going off the rails and from becoming a roving commission to simply “find something” on members of the the rich asshole administration, including the president himself.‘In addition, Congress should terminate funding for the investigation at a date certain – say, 180 days from the date of enactment – so that the the rich asshole administration and the Congress can move on to dealing with the key issues facing the American people.’
DeSantis also said about the “drag” the investigation is placing on the the rich asshole administration:
‘The drag that such an investigation places on an administration means that the business of governing is necessarily hindered. For his part, President the rich asshole is reviled by the Washington ruling class and the appointment of a special counsel is a way for the “Swamp” to seek his presidency’s destruction — through investigative paralysis at least, with no evidence of wrongdoing uncovered.’
Earlier this week, DeSantis introduced an amendment that would implement the limits he described in his op-ed. Whether or not DeSantis’ amendment gets a vote on the House floor remains to be seen, though, as the House Rules Committee has the ability to discard amendments that it deems inappropriate or unnecessary.
Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images.
the rich asshole criticized for not meeting Harvey victims and marvelling at crowd size during trip
'What a crowd, what a turnout,' the President said outside a Corpus Christi fire station
some rich asshole has been criticized for marveling at crowd sizes and not meeting with victims of Hurricane Harvey during his brief trip to Texas.
While the administration is said to be working well with state authorities to deal with the crisis caused by Harvey, critics say the rich asshole failed at fulfilling his unofficial role as ‘consoler-in-chief’ when he flew to Texas to meet with state officials and disaster response coordinators.
David Axelrod, who served as a senior adviser to former President Barack Obama, wrote in a commentary for CNN that one of the unwritten jobs of the President is to offer support and encouragement to fellow citizens on behalf of a concerned nation during times of crisis.
“Startlingly, [ the rich asshole] did not utter one syllable about those who have lost their lives, their homes or businesses in the floods that are still swelling over southeast Texas, overwhelming the heroic first responders and volunteers who are straining to meet its demands,” Mr Axelrod wrote.
He added that the rich asshole “had no solace for the tens of thousands of evacuees, some of whom were separated from their families in the storm and are now warehoused in arenas, left to wonder what comes next.”
As Houston continued to be slammed by remnants of Harvey, the rich asshole on Tuesday was quick to praise the efforts of those on the ground during a visit to Corpus Christi – one of the cities near the coast that also faced the brunt of the storm. He visited Austin later in the day.
Harvey, which was downgraded from a hurricane to a tropical storm over the weekend, has brought unprecedented and catastrophic flooding to the southeastern region of Texas.
The presidential entourage avoided Houston and the surrounding area, where the vast majority of the more than 17,000 people who had sought shelter were gathered. The White House was keen to stress that the rich asshole wanted to be “very cautious” to not disrupt recovery efforts.
When standing in front of a crowd outside a Corpus Christi fire station, the rich asshole said, “Thank you,” to applause. “We love you, you are special, we are here to take care of you. It’s going well.”
“What a crowd, what a turnout,” he called out to the people gathered.
Twitter users and political pundits mocked the rich asshole for fixating on the size of a crowd – “of people thrown out of their homes by a natural disaster”, asserted Jennifer Rubin, a conservative blogger for the Washington Post.
the rich asshole Boasts About Visiting Worst Hit Areas Of TX – America Perfectly Calls His Bluff
The president, while facing significant widespread criticism over his administration’s response to Hurricane Harvey, took a trip to Texas this past Tuesday — but he avoided the areas most stricken by the storm.
He went to Corpus Christi and Austin, and according to reporters who were with him on his trip, he did not see any devastation while in Corpus Christi and “there’s nothing to see in Austin.” The most intense devastation from the storm is in the Houston and Rockport areas — but the rich asshole avoided those areas.
Even still, the rich asshole claimed in a tweet following his trip to Texas that he had seen the effects of the storm first hand, writing:
‘After witnessing first hand the horror & devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey, my heart goes out even more so to the great people of Texas!’

As noted left wing documentary filmmaker Michael Moore explained on Twitter following the president’s tweet:
‘Just to be clear, the rich asshole did NOT go 2 Houston. I’ll bet his supporters think he went there this wk. He went 2 Texas but avoided Houston. FAKE!’

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was pressed about the apparent discrepancy between the president’s summation of his trip and reporters’ accounts of the rich asshole’s trip, and she responded by stating that the president really did get a firsthand account of the devastation — from local officials.
Sanders told reporters on Wednesday:
‘He met with a number of state and local officials who are eating, sleeping, breathing the Harvey disaster… [He spoke with] the mayors from several of the local towns that were hit hardest and detailed briefing information throughout the day yesterday talking to a lot of the people on the ground — that certainly is a firsthand account.’
The press secretary added that the rich asshole spoke “extensively” with Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who “certainly is right in the midst of every bit of this.”
Sanders is better at explaining away the president’s lies from a pure logic standpoint than the belligerent, childish Sean Spicer.
Still, no matter how elaborate of an explanation that the press secretary can come up with, the fact remains that the rich asshole’s tweet claiming that he saw devastation from Harvey firsthand is fake news — which, although ironic considering how much the president rails against supposedly fake news, is pretty much exactly what we’ve come to expect from the president.
Check out Twitter’s reaction below.

Featured Image via Michael B. Thomas/Stringer/Getty Images
Here are 8 reasons Jared and Ivanka are as useless and detestable as anyone in the rich asshole’s White House
Jared Kushner and Ivanka the rich asshole—or Javanka, as some terrible person has dubbed them—moved to Washington, D.C. eight months ago certain they’d become America’s preeminent power couple. Turns out that vision was clouded by an inability to see beyond their own cloistered versions of reality.
“It’s clear that, after an initial period of awe at the sheer power of their positions, Jared and Ivanka have been stung by the vitriol directed at them,” Sarah Ellison writes in a lengthy piece on the pair in the October issue of Vanity Fair. “D.C. punctures their self-esteem on a daily basis.”
The Kushner-Trumps, according to the many Washington insiders Ellison interviewed, are shocked that they have earned (emphasis on earned) the same disdain as the president they serve. Ivanka and Jared are reportedly suffering from a case of the sads that might make you pity them until you remember they are entirely complicit in the horrors of this administration.
The Kushner-Trumps, according to the many Washington insiders Ellison interviewed, are shocked that they have earned (emphasis on earned) the same disdain as the president they serve. Ivanka and Jared are reportedly suffering from a case of the sads that might make you pity them until you remember they are entirely complicit in the horrors of this administration.
Here are eight reasons Jared and Ivanka are as despicable as anyone in the rich asshole’s White House.
1. They’re kind of jerks.
She’s the daughter of a billionaire narcissist and pathological liar whose previous claim to fame was firing people on national television. He’s the son of a billionaire who tried to avoid jail on corruption charges by framing a witness (who also happened to be his brother-in-law) using a surreptitiously recorded sexual encounter with a prostitute he “personally recruited” for the job. Who would ever guess these two lovestruck billion-dollar babies, who have chosen to support and serve an unabashed kleptocrat, would be anything but pleasant and trustworthy? Surprisingly, they’re not, according to insiders.
“She tries to charm you at first, and then there’ll be the cutting remark in front of her father,” a former adviser told Ellison about Ivanka. Ellison writes that though Kushner “tries to be casual and jokes with other staffers, [he] can have even more of an edge.” When reportedly asked by the former chief-of-staff what Kushner and his small team were working on, Jared responded, “Reince, we aren’t getting paid. What the fuck do you care?”
Ellison also notes that “Kushner and Ivanka have complicity engaged in the rich asshole’s humiliation of various staffers, be it West Wing aides [Steve] Bannon, Priebus, and Kellyanne Conway, or Cabinet members such as Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Attorney General Jeff Sessions.”
2. Ivanka has a nickname she definitely didn’t choose herself.
Ellison notes that “‘Princess Royal’ is a term that some West Wing advisers apply to her, though never to her face.”
3. Their inflated sense of self-importance, lack of political experience and inability to recognize either have made them almost universally disliked in Washington.
Ivanka and Kushner have lengthy resumes that display their commitment to upholding the long-honored institution of nepotism. What they do not have is any political experience other than what they’re gaining right now in yet another position bestowed upon them by one of their rich dads. In a political town like D.C., according to “one Washington veteran” Ellison spoke with, the right thing to do when the couple arrived would have been to “take a seat a little off to the side, at least until they get their bearings.” But according to that same source, Kushner and Ivanka are bereft of the “necessary self-awareness [to] understand how to behave when you roll into Washington as the creature of someone else.”
“What is off-putting about them is they do not grasp their essential irrelevance,” the source told Ellison. “They think they are special.”
4. Their inexperience is apparent in their efforts.
Ivanka and Kusher met with Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards for an informational interview about the organization. Ellison describes the meeting as “cordial,” and while no formal promises were made, Ivanka had imagined she would ultimately emerge as “a kind of referee between the Republicans clamoring to defund Planned Parenthood and the organization itself.” For years, the GOP has been gunning for Planned Parenthood—which provides a huge range of health care services to 2.4 million men, women and teens every year—but Ivanka didn’t seem to understand the politics at play. After a Republican health care bill proposed defunding the organization entirely, Ivanka suggested to Richards that Planned Parenthood “stop offering abortions and the White House would advocate increased funding” for its offices around the country.
When Richards declined the offer, Ivanka’s surrogates attempted to go over her head, pitching the same politically unworkable idea to board members. “It completely backfired,” an observer of the process told Ellison. “It wasn’t just naïve from a Planned Parenthood perspective. It was naïve that the Republican House would have accepted it, because it would have meant keeping Planned Parenthood open.”
In a dig at Ivanka, Richards later stated that every member of the rich asshole team “is responsible for addressing why women are in the crosshairs of basically every single policy that we’ve seen out of this administration.”
5. They have no real pull in the White House.
Whether through lack of effort or sheer ineffectiveness, Ivanka and Kushner have proven they will not be “moderating influences” in the rich asshole White House. Ellison points to a Politico report that says Ivanka found out about her father’s transgender military ban via Twitter. Each of Kushner and Ivanka’s failures to influence the rich asshole’s agenda, from climate change to LGBT rights, has raised the volume of critical voices. “You can’t prevent him from trying to defund Planned Parenthood or getting out of the Paris Agreement?” a political consultant remarked rhetorically, echoing the sentiments of others around D.C. “What are you good for?”
One interviewee suggested the two are really there to serve as emotional soundboards for Ivanka’s father. “the rich asshole is emotionally dependent on his son-in-law and his daughter…but they can’t do anything for him,” one member of Washington’s old guard told Ellison. “All they can do is make him feel better about what his life has come to.”
That means the two are useless to those who once thought they might serve as resources, a discovery which essentially makes their stock as powerbrokers worthless.
“If her main value in Washington is her access to her father and she is unable to sway him, then she is simply a 35-year-old former real-estate and retail executive in over her head,” Ellison writes.
“If her main value in Washington is her access to her father and she is unable to sway him, then she is simply a 35-year-old former real-estate and retail executive in over her head,” Ellison writes.
6. They’ve lost “credibility with pro-environment business owners and Silicon Valley executives.”
Ellison notes that on the heels of their numerous failures to impact the rich asshole’s policies, Ivanka has backed away from her advocacy on issues such as climate change, and switched her attention to less politically thorny matters. Her willingness to abandon issues she once claimed to earnestly support has hurt her image with every sane person who opposes her historically unpopular father’s presidency, including eco-minded tech titans and C-suite occupants.
Ellison writes: When Ivanka threw herself into the analysis of the Paris climate accord and the implications of the U.S. pulling out, she talked supportively to Andrew Liveris, chairman and C.E.O. of the Dow Chemical Company, about a letter signed by C.E.O.s urging her father not to abrogate the deal. The ad ran, but the rich asshole pulled out anyway. When Ivanka later tried to distance herself from her own efforts on climate change, the disavowal hurt her credibility with pro-environment business owners and Silicon Valley executives. To them, the episode showed not only her lack of pull with her father but also an unwillingness to stand on principle.
Ivanka now says she has shifted her focus solely to “job creation and women’s empowerment, including paid family leave, child-care tax credits, workforce development, and STEM education,” and insists she “should be judged only on the success or failure of these, not on the broader positions of her father’s administration,” according to Ellison.
7. They are loathed by D.C. society.
In July, reports emerged of Ivanka and Jared enjoying cocktails and canapés in the Hamptons alongside Chuck Schumer and George Soros. The episode seemed like yet more proof that the rich’s first loyalty is to their class, but Ellison spoke to a few dissenting voices. In one instance, Javanka attended a party at the home of Atlantic Media head David Bradley. The “off-the-record dinner” was a moment to do away with soundbites and spin, but the pair apparently stayed on script.
“They were terrible,” Ellison was told by someone who was there, complaining that the duo, “kept to platitudes and pabulum, as they often do in public conversations.”
“They were terrible,” Ellison was told by someone who was there, complaining that the duo, “kept to platitudes and pabulum, as they often do in public conversations.”
They also may have lost a few friends from their New York City society circles. Ellison spoke to a Manhattan friend who told her, “I haven’t had anything to do with them since they moved…What am I going to say? ‘What the fuck is wrong with you?’”
But a lot of the sneering and badmouthing is likely going on behind Kushner and Ivanka’s back, as one anecdote seems to show. The couple attended the Allen & Co. conference in Sun Valley this July, where “the chatter was ‘These people are horrible,’ and this and that, but of course, Jared and Ivanka show up and the air-kissing began.”
Their daughter’s school has also attempted to make nice, especially since a little kid who has no part in this whole thing is involved.
Some parents at the upscale and politically liberal Jewish Primary Day School, where Arabella is enrolled and where former senator Joe Lieberman and former White House chief of staff (and now Chicago mayor) Rahm Emanuel sent their children, are anguished over how to temper their disdain for Arabella’s grandfather while welcoming a blameless six-year-old into their ranks.
8. Their brand is the most important thing to them.
Ellison writes that the two have already planned their escape if the rich asshole’s presidency completely implodes.
“[I]ncreasingly you hear chatter in Washington that Jared and Ivanka won’t last, not because they are at risk of being pushed out, but because they will save themselves from a damaged White House. One well-connected strategist in New York told me that the two were eyeing a move at the end of the school year in 2018. A person close to the couple said they weren’t planning that far ahead. “When they decide it’s more important to protect their own and their children’s reputations than it is to defend their indefensible father’s, that’s a sign the end is near,” one influential Republican donor told me….People close to Kushner and Ivanka say that they have come to Washington for a limited time to work, not make inroads into the social scene, much less put down roots.”
Chances of the rich asshole impeachment at high point as Mueller calls the president’s bluff and focuses on the family business
While Houston drowns and North Korea provokes, the case for the impeachment of President the rich asshole is growing stronger. The news of Hurricane Harvey’s destruction and Kim Jong Un’s latest missile test has obscured a series of unrebutted revelations that strengthen the already sturdy case that the president has obstructed the FBI investigation into the ties between his campaign and the Russian government.
The revelations shed new light on both the chummy ties between the rich asshole campaign and the Russian government and on the rich asshole’s recent efforts to hinder the investigation of special prosecutor Robert Mueller.
Not only did the rich asshole’s business associates appeal to Russian officials in late 2015 and early 2016 for help in building a rich asshole Tower in Moscow, but the rich asshole also personally called Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) in early August to denounce his legislation to protect Mueller from being fired.
In a July 20 interview with the New York Times, the rich asshole said any investigation of his family business in connection with the Russia investigation would be a “violation” of Mueller’s responsibilities and grounds for his dismissal. Mueller, it is now clear, has called the rich asshole’s bluff. He is delving deeply into the rich asshole’s real estate dealings and how they relate to Russia’s efforts to influence the 2016 election.
So are congressional investigators. The Times reported Monday that the rich asshole Organization turned over emails related to the proposed the rich asshole Tower deal to the House Intelligence Committee, which is also investigating Russian meddling in the presidential election.
‘Someone who knows how to deal’
The Post reported that Michael Cohen, one of the rich asshole’s closest business advisers, asked longtime Putin lieutenant Dmitry Peskov for help in “the development of a the rich asshole Tower-Moscow project in Moscow City.”
“As this project is too important, I am hereby requesting your assistance,” Cohen wrote. “I respectfully request someone, preferably you, contact me so that I might discuss the specifics as well as arranging meetings with the appropriate individuals.”
Cohen’s email, the Post noted, “marks the most direct outreach documented by a top the rich asshole aide to a similarly senior member of Putin’s government.” The deal never came to fruition.
Cohen said in a statement to Congress that he wrote the email at the recommendation of Felix Sater, a Russian American businessman who was serving as a broker on the deal. The Times reported that Sater had boasted the deal could help elect the rich asshole, which may have been the sort of hype that routinely lubricates real estate deals.
But Sater’s email to Cohen, published by the Times, voiced hope for a relationship that would go beyond real estate.
“Michael we can own this story,” Sater wrote. “Donald doesn’t stare down, he negotiates and understands the economic issues and Putin only want to deal with a pragmatic leader, and a successful businessman is a good candidate for someone who knows how to negotiate. ‘Business, politics, whatever it all is the same for someone who knows how to deal’…”
Mueller’s strategy
The question of how the rich asshole sought to deal with Russia is at the heart of Mueller’s investigation.
The proposal for a rich asshole Tower in Moscow was just another manifestation of the rich asshole’s long-standing desire to build in Russia. In 2013, he signed a preliminary agreement to build a hotel in Russia in partnership with Aras Agalarov, a billionaire who had financed the rich asshole-owned Miss Universe pageant in 2013.
The proposal for a rich asshole Tower in Moscow was just another manifestation of the rich asshole’s long-standing desire to build in Russia. In 2013, he signed a preliminary agreement to build a hotel in Russia in partnership with Aras Agalarov, a billionaire who had financed the rich asshole-owned Miss Universe pageant in 2013.
A representative of Agalarov’s company attended a June 2016 meeting with top the rich asshole aides and a Russian lawyer organized by some rich asshole Jr. The lawyer offered to provide damaging information about Hillary Clinton collected by the Russian government. The meeting was “part of Russia and its government’s support for some rich asshole,” according to an email made public by Don Jr.
Six days later, a person identifying himself as “Guccifer 2.0” released a Democratic National Committee file on the rich asshole, stolen from the DNC computers. It was the first in a flood of leaks harmful to Clinton that would continue for the rest of the campaign.
According to an NBC News report Monday, Mueller’s team of prosecutors are focusing on the rich asshole’s role in drafting a public statement claiming the subject of the meeting was the adoption of Russian orphans by Americans.
According to an NBC News report Monday, Mueller’s team of prosecutors are focusing on the rich asshole’s role in drafting a public statement claiming the subject of the meeting was the adoption of Russian orphans by Americans.
A source “familiar with Mueller’s strategy” told NBC that whether or not the rich asshole made a “knowingly false statement” is now of interest to prosecutors.
“Even if the rich asshole is not charged with a crime as a result of the statement, it could be useful to Mueller’s team to show the rich asshole’s conduct to a jury that may be considering other charges.”
The revelations show the president and the independent counsel are on a collision course that can only end in a constitutional crisis and impeachment proceedings.
The revelations show the president and the independent counsel are on a collision course that can only end in a constitutional crisis and impeachment proceedings.
The threat to bring the rich asshole’s conduct to a jury is a threat to the rich asshole’s family and his presidency. the rich asshole’s pardon of Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio, convicted of contempt of court for disobeying a court order to cease the profiling of Latinos, shows he believes his political whims take precedence over the workings of the law.
the rich asshole has spoken privately about firing Mueller, only to be talked out of it by aides. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has said Mueller’s dismissal would be a “tipping point” for Senate Republicans. Sen. Lindsey Graham has said firing Mueller would be “the beginning of the end” of the rich asshole presidency.
‘Six months is enough’: Fox & Friends call for end to Mueller probe as special counsel turns up the heat
31 AUG 2017 AT 09:23 ET
A co-host on President some rich asshole’s favorite morning news show said on Thursday morning that it’s time to wind down special prosecutor Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.
Media Matters reports that Fox & Friends co-host Brian Kilmeade declared on Thursday that “six months is enough” time for Mueller to fully investigate the complex web of financial ties that potentially connect the rich asshole and key members of his campaign staff with Russian oligarchs.
To reinforce his point, he brought on Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), who floated a proposal this weekthat would cut off funds for Mueller’s investigation after six months.
“My amendment basically says, look, this thing needs to be limited to the campaign and Russia and it needs to have an end date,” DeSantis explained. “If you haven’t produced evidence of a crime after almost two years of investigating, because Comey investigated for a year before Mueller was appointed, then at some point we have to move on with the American people’s business.”
Kilmeade then raised the alarm about the recent raid on the home of former the rich asshole campaign chairman Paul Manafort, who has a long history of shady deals with a pro-Kremlin political party in Ukraine.
“Does it concern you what you’ve known so far, the fact that they raid Paul Manafort’s house?” asked. “They are looking at his international contacts.”
DeSantis replied that it did bother him because, even if Manafort “did stuff two, three years ago,” that didn’t mean it had anything to do with Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.
Kilmeade then took aim at Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, whom he accused of authorizing a “fishing expedition” with his appointment of Mueller.
“Rosenstein seems to be a gift to Democrats and anti-Trumpers that just want to see this president not be successful,” Kilmeade said. “The way this was written seems criminal.”
‘Mueller is playing chess — the rich asshole is playing Donkey Kong’: Morning Joe panel mocks outmatched president
Panelists on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” agreed that special counsel Robert Mueller was conducting a strategically brilliant game of chess against President some rich asshole, the target of his investigation — who wasn’t even playing the same game.
The special counsel has reportedly been cooperating with New York’s attorney general, Eric Schneiderman, which could ensnare former the rich asshole campaign chairman Paul Manafort in a pardon-proof trap, because presidential pardons don’t cover state crimes.
“Paul Manafort is clearly becoming very much in the crosshairs of this probe, both with his own dealings with foreign governments, his time working a pro-Russian party in the Ukraine, but also now, as suggested, the idea that he could be leaned upon here,” said Jonathan Lemire, White House correspondent for the Associated Press. “This is going to happen in a state jurisdiction, (so) the president can’t pardon you.”
He said the president’s unusual pardon last week of former Sheriff Joe Arpaio signaled that he was willing to flout conventions for issuing pardons, but the involvement of Schneiderman — who has a long history with the rich asshole — took away that powerful option.
the rich asshole pardons Arpaio and Mueller hits — it’s like they’re paying chess,” said BBC anchor Katty Kay, “and it’s check again. Mueller hits back, okay, we’ll go to the state level and this is where you can’t pardon them. The way that Mueller is handling this is strategically brilliant. He’s keeping the investigation going but he’s giving signals to the rich asshole he’s not going to be messed with.”
Historian Jon Meacham, executive editor at Random House and contributing editor for Time, said the rich asshole was vastly outmatched against Mueller.
“I think Mueller is playing chess and the rich asshole is playing Donkey Kong,” Meacham said.
Host Joe Scarborough agreed, and cited a months-old tweet that still made him laugh.
“Mueller’s playing three-dimensional chess and the rich asshole is playing four-dimensional Hungry Hungry Hippo,” Scarborough said.
White House Accidentally CONFIRMS the rich asshole’s Lie About Visit To Texas After Trying To Cover It Up
Late Wednesday, the White House attempted to cover up President the rich asshole’s lie from Wednesday morning, that he witnessed, “first hand the horror & devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey” and that as a result, his “heart goes out even more so to the great people of Texas!”
A reporter asked White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders about the rich asshole’s lie, to which she responded, “He met with a number of state and local officials who are eating, sleeping, breathing the Harvey disaster. He talked extensively with the governor, who certainly is right in the midst of every bit of this, as well as the mayors from several of the local towns that were hit hardest. And detailed briefing information throughout the day yesterday talking to a lot of the people on the ground. That certainly is a firsthand account.”
Numerous sources have already confirmed that President the rich asshole did not witness any of the devastation of Hurricane Harvey firsthand, making the White House’s response a complete and utter lie and pathetic attempt at covering up the rich asshole’s lie. Not only that, but everything Sanders described is in fact a second hand experience, as a firsthand experience is when you directly observe something personally, not on a T.V. screen or through other people like the rich asshole did. So their attempt to cover up the rich asshole’s lie just confirmed with facts that the rich asshole did lie.

This is the problem with President the rich asshole, he can never admit he’s wrong, which is extremely problematic. He could have just come out and said that he mixed up what he meant, and that he didn’t witness the devastation firsthand. This lie is too easily exposed for them to keep lying about the rich asshole witnessing devastation firsthand. The only thing he did was sit in a nice comfortable room, watching a screen, while people are suffering and trying to survive historic flooding.

the rich asshole’s profits from his D.C. hotel prompt two new federal investigations
some rich asshole's lease allowing him to make profits from the rich asshole International Hotel in Washington, D.C. is now under investigation by two federal watchdog agencies.(AP Photo)
some rich asshole’s sweetheart deal allowing him to profit from his D.C. hotel, in violation of the legal restrictions of the lease with the United States government, has attracted the attention of two federal watchdog agencies.
Those agencies are now conducting new investigations into the legal documents the rich asshole signed for the rich asshole International, which are currently responsible for millions flowing into his private accounts.
Democrats and watchdog groups have been warning that the rich asshole is in violation of the law, and these investigations could prove that they were right all along.
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) and the General Services Administration (GSA) Office of Inspector General are looking at the lease the rich asshole signed with GSA to operate his hotel on the federally owned site, which previously served as the headquarters of the U.S. Post Office.
A stipulation in the lease indicates that no elected officials can be a part of the lease or benefit from it. Many ethics experts have said that the rich asshole has been in violation of the lease since he was sworn in as president on Jan. 20.
The hotel has emerged as an unexpected profit center for the rich asshole since then. Initial projections had predicted an operating loss of $2.1 million during the first four months of 2017, but instead, the hotel has turned a $1.97 million profit for the rich asshole and his family so far this year.
Meanwhile, the rich asshole has refused to divest from his interest in the business, so any proceeds from guests staying there make money for him. Foreign interests, influence peddlers, and Republican officials have made the hotel a go-to destination, seeking to curry favor with the rich asshole in an unseemly cocktail of unethical behavior. White supremacist Richard Spencer stayed at the rich asshole’s D.C. hotel while he was planning the ultimately deadly racist riot in Charlottesville, Virginia. the rich asshole subsequently insisted that some of the rioters were “very fine people.”
the rich asshole’s hotel has even upped its rates to benefit from the ongoing efforts to influence the rich asshole.
In March, the GSA said the rich asshole was in compliance with the lease, but now the two watchdog agencies are reviewing the situation.
Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR) told Bloomberg, “I hope the GAO and IG reviews of the rich asshole Hotel will bring to light information needed to assure the public that the rich asshole Administration is administering the lease of the rich asshole International Hotel to the benefit of U.S. taxpayers and not to the benefit of President the rich asshole and his family.”
Bloomberg notes that investigations from the Inspector General division of the government “can assess allegations of fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement within the GSA” and has the authority to “determine compliance with applicable laws and regulations.”
Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington has a complaint currently pending in federal court alleging that the rich asshole’s continued ownership of the hotel violates the Constitution’s emoluments clause. CREW alleges that taking in money from foreign governments via the hotel violates federal law.
the rich asshole could have avoided these investigations and the related legal consequences by following tradition and divesting from the property. Instead, he chose to add to his personal fortune from the White House and create ethical quicksand.
LISTEN: Eric the rich asshole says his father ‘tunes out’ criticism so he doesn’t commit suicide ‘out of depression’
Eric the rich asshole knows his father is winning. (Photo: Screen capture)
Eric the rich asshole suggested that his father doesn’t take criticism seriously because doing so would lead to depression and suicidal thoughts.
During an interview Tuesday on The Joe Pags Show, the rich asshole’s son said “politics is the nastiest business I’ve ever seen” because the president is constantly bombarded with criticism.
“I mean, just the evilness and the hatred in that world is unlike anything I could have fathomed before. And no matter what he does, they’re going to hit him on it and they’re going to go after him, and it’s the swamp and it’s a corrupt system.”
“It’s the media, the mainstream media, who does not want him to succeed. It’s government who does not want him to succeed… No matter what he does, he’s going to get hit, and listen, I think you have to tune it out. You obviously have to be tuned into it, but at the same time you have to take it all with a grain of salt.”
“If they weren’t talking about you, you wouldn’t be doing something right and it’s important to keep it in context, otherwise quite frankly you’d probably end up killing yourself out of depression,” Eric the rich asshole said. “But he’s doing a great job.”
During the interview, Eric also said his father was not a racist because he had hired minorities to work in his businesses.
“There is no racist bone in my father’s body. He is the greatest guy in the world,” he insisted.
W.H. Reveals How Much Money the rich asshole Donated To Harvey Victims & It’s Pathetic
Hurricane Harvey has had a devastating effect on the lives of many Americans who have found themselves in its destructive path. The FEMA Director has even called Hurricane Harvey the “worst disaster in the state’s history.” Many are donating to the victims of the on-going disaster, and running to help in any way they can.
This begs the question, what has the president been doing? Aside from a photo-op-seeming visit to Texas, not much. Jennifer Jacobs, the White House reporter for Bloomberg News, asked White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee-Sanders if the president has made any sort of personal donations out of pocket toward Hurricane Harvey relief efforts.
Sander’s answer was quite telling. She stated:
‘I know they’re looking into options.’

So essentially, no, the president of the United States, who is filthy rich, has not made any effort to personally help the struggling Americans he is supposed to serve.
Though the rich asshole likes to toot his own horn, boasting himself to be some heroic leader during this natural disaster, he has yet to make any sort of lasting impact. He has made no effort to meet with any of those impacted by the Hurricane the way that Obama did after Hurricane Sandy in 2012. Furthermore, despite having a fortune, the struggling Americans have yet to see a single dime.
If you needed another reason to dislike President the rich asshole this may be it. His lack of regard for those he is supposed to be serving is appalling. Where is the compassion?
You can see what some Twitter users had to say about the president’s lack of donation below.

Featured Image via Getty Images
the rich asshole Jr. Tweets Lies About Antifa & Soon Wishes He Were Never Born
Like father, like son. Both the rich asshole Sr. and the rich asshole Jr. spend a significant amount of time on Twitter, and both men often spend time tweeting about the “fake news media.”
Wednesday was no different, for some rich asshole Jr. that is. The younger the rich asshole retweeted an article from Fox News’ Tammy Bruce, detailing the “violent” nature of the black-clad Antifa protest group.
The article, “Washington Post: Antifa is violent. Will the rest of the media finally tell the truth, too?” notes that the Washington Post called out Antifa protesters in Berkeley for being violent, something Bruce says was rare for the mainstream media to do. She writes in the article:
‘Up until Berkeley, which was not even one of Antifa’s most violent actions, the media had soft-pedaled the group’s violence. Reporters and journalists, inexplicably, generally refused to name them in coverage and worked to cast their violence as self-defense or action against “haters” or of course, the now ubiquitous “fascists.”
Other headlines around the country about their brutality continued to obscure the true nature of what Antifa was doing. The San Francisco Chronicle announced, “Berkeley police identify 13 people arrested amid violence at right-wing rally.”’
In what can only be assumed to be an attempt to frame the left as violent, the rich asshole Jr. was quick to retweet the article. It remains unclear as to whether the younger the rich asshole is trying to justify violent behavior on behalf of the right — such as that of neo-Nazis — or what exactly the point of the retweet was. Regardless, violence on either side should never be tolerated.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi also recently spoke out to condemn Antifa, proving that left-wing politicians are aware of the violent protests and do not condone it. She wrote in an official statement:
‘Our democracy has no room for inciting violence or endangering the public, no matter the ideology of those who commit such acts. The violent actions of people calling themselves antifa in Berkeley this weekend deserve unequivocal condemnation, and the perpetrators should be arrested and prosecuted.’
She went on, adding:
‘In California, as across all of our great nation, we have deep reverence for the Constitutional right to peaceful dissent and free speech. Non-violence is fundamental to that right. Let us use this sad event to reaffirm that we must never fight hate with hate, and to remember the values of peace, openness and justice that represent the best of America.’
Featured Image via Getty Images.
Like father, like son. Both the rich asshole Sr. and the rich asshole Jr. spend a significant amount of time on Twitter, and both men often spend time tweeting about the “fake news media.”
Wednesday was no different, for some rich asshole Jr. that is. The younger the rich asshole retweeted an article from Fox News’ Tammy Bruce, detailing the “violent” nature of the black-clad Antifa protest group.

The article, “Washington Post: Antifa is violent. Will the rest of the media finally tell the truth, too?” notes that the Washington Post called out Antifa protesters in Berkeley for being violent, something Bruce says was rare for the mainstream media to do. She writes in the article:
‘Up until Berkeley, which was not even one of Antifa’s most violent actions, the media had soft-pedaled the group’s violence. Reporters and journalists, inexplicably, generally refused to name them in coverage and worked to cast their violence as self-defense or action against “haters” or of course, the now ubiquitous “fascists.”Other headlines around the country about their brutality continued to obscure the true nature of what Antifa was doing. The San Francisco Chronicle announced, “Berkeley police identify 13 people arrested amid violence at right-wing rally.”’
In what can only be assumed to be an attempt to frame the left as violent, the rich asshole Jr. was quick to retweet the article. It remains unclear as to whether the younger the rich asshole is trying to justify violent behavior on behalf of the right — such as that of neo-Nazis — or what exactly the point of the retweet was. Regardless, violence on either side should never be tolerated.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi also recently spoke out to condemn Antifa, proving that left-wing politicians are aware of the violent protests and do not condone it. She wrote in an official statement:
‘Our democracy has no room for inciting violence or endangering the public, no matter the ideology of those who commit such acts. The violent actions of people calling themselves antifa in Berkeley this weekend deserve unequivocal condemnation, and the perpetrators should be arrested and prosecuted.’
She went on, adding:
‘In California, as across all of our great nation, we have deep reverence for the Constitutional right to peaceful dissent and free speech. Non-violence is fundamental to that right. Let us use this sad event to reaffirm that we must never fight hate with hate, and to remember the values of peace, openness and justice that represent the best of America.’
Featured Image via Getty Images.
the rich asshole Threatens Missouri Crowd – Must Vote Anti-the rich asshole Senator Out Or Else (VIDEO)
the rich asshole Prods Congress to Act on Tax Plan, Skipping Details
· Vote McCaskill out if she doesn’t support tax bill, the rich asshole says
President some rich asshole warned Congress not to fumble the chance to rewrite the U.S. tax code and reinvigorate the economy as he kicked off his effort to sell the American public on a tax plan.
“So this is our once-in-a generation opportunity to deliver real tax reform for everyday hard-working Americans,” the rich asshole said during a speech Wednesday at a manufacturing plant in Springfield, Missouri. “I am fully committed to working with Congress to get this job done, and I don’t want to be disappointed by Congress -- do you understand me?”
In a speech that was light on detail, the rich asshole put the onus on lawmakers to fulfill his call for reducing the tax burden on U.S. companies and workers. The president has yet to sign a signature law of his own, and his attempt to repeal much of Obamacare, his predecessor’s signature accomplishment, ended in July with a spectacular defeat in the Senate.
the rich asshole outlined four principles that he’s referred to before -- simplifying the tax code and closing loopholes that benefit wealthy Americans and special interests; slashing the corporate rate to create more jobs and higher wages; providing tax relief for middle-class families; and cutting the tax companies would pay to bring back the trillions of dollars in profit that they currently hold offshore.
He repeated his endorsement for a 15 percent corporate income tax rate, down from the current 35 percent. Though some economists have questioned whether it’s possible to achieve a rate that low, the rich asshole stressed that workers would benefit as a result.
“We must reduce the tax rate on American businesses so they keep jobs in America, create jobs in America and compete for workers right here in America,” the rich asshole said. “When businesses compete for labor, your wages will go up.”
Obstructing Cuts
Slashing the rate for corporations and so-called pass-through entities to 15 percent could cost more than $2 trillion over 10 years. If tax changes are to be permanent, then any cuts have to be accompanied by offsets such as the elimination of loopholes. So far, White House officials and congressional leaders haven’t provided many details about ways to offset cuts, aside from eliminating state and local tax deductions.
The White House has said an overhaul of the tax code is essential for creating the kind of economic growth the president has promised his supporters, and the speech in Missouri represents the first step in what allies and opponents alike describe as an exceedingly ambitious legislative effort.
With regard to the corporate rate, the rich asshole told his audience that Senator Claire McCaskill, a Missouri Democrat who faces re-election next year, must support cutting it. Otherwise, “you have to vote her out of office,” he said.
While advocating for bipartisanship and support for “pro-American tax reform,” the president also called out Democrats for “looking to obstruct tax cuts and tax reform, just like they obstructed so many other things including administrative appointments and health care.”
Tuesday Meeting
the rich asshole’s Treasury Secretary, Steve Mnuchin, and National Economic Council director, Gary Cohn, have been meeting as part of a group known colloquially as the Big Six in tax talks since the spring, but have yet to propose much in the way of specifics. Other participants are the Republican leaders of the House and Senate, Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell, respectively, and the Republican chairmen of the congressional tax-writing committees, Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah and Representative Kevin Brady of Texas.
Though Cohn has been leading the administration’s tax efforts, the rich asshole didn’t mention him during Wednesday’s speech -- even though he singled out several administration officials who had accompanied him to Missouri.
the rich asshole plans to meet with the Big Six at the White House on Tuesday and with Democratic and Republican congressional leaders on Wednesday, an administration official said.
One senior White House official said there would be ample time to discuss the specific points of the tax plan later, but that it was equally important to rally Americans behind the notion that changes would benefit the middle class. The choice of Springfield, considered the birthplace of Route 66, was intended to underscore that a tax overhaul should benefit the Main Street America that thrived during the iconic highway’s heyday, a second White House official said.
some rich asshole is a horrible president. Everyone knew in the run up to the election that he was in no way qualified for this job. Now that he is in the Oval Office, these facts are magnified on an hourly basis a thousand fold. However, there seems to be one unlikely person who, at least secretly, shares these opinions in part: some rich asshole himself.
A source close to the rich asshole says that he is miserable. For one thing, he is angry that members of his cabinet, such as Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, are refusing to walk in lockstep on some of the rich asshole’s more controversial public statements – the comments after the violent white supremacist rally in Charlottesville that left a woman dead is a particular source of the rich asshole’s ire. Further, what really seems to get him is that there will no firings of top level cabinet officials, because no qualified person would take those jobs now. The source says of how the rich asshole is feeling on his cabinet secretaries’ public thrashings:
“I think that cuts him to the quick.”
The same source says of the laughable idea of the rich asshole being able to replace Tillerson or any other high level member of the cabinet:
“I couldn’t name you a guy who would take the job or get confirmed.”
Also, the last of the alt-right – the rich asshole’s fellow travelers in bigotry – are pretty much gone from the White House, thanks to the rich asshole’s new Chief of Staff, General John Kelly. It seems that the disciplined adult in the room has zero intention of replacing literal Nazis like the rich asshole’s ousted Chief Strategist Stephen K. Bannon and key adviser Sebastion Gorka. The source says of these developments:
“General Kelly has come in and done a look-see on what everyone’s been working on for the first six or seven months here Some people were ready, and some people were not.”
As for the rich asshole himself? Well, he’s flippin’ miserable. The source says of the poor old Donald’s feelings as of late:
“He feels like this is not what he signed up for, and his accomplishments are being underplayed. He just looks around and says, ‘When is this going to get better?’”
The source goes on to say that the rich asshole’s emotional state is “the worst it’s ever been.” Well, what did he expect? Sure, when you’re president, you’re the most powerful person on earth. But it’s also the hardest job in the world. It’s hard even when the occupant is actually qualified. the rich asshole is not. He has that attention span of a gnat on crystal meth, does not read books, can’t even use basic modern technology such as email, has dangerous authoritarian instincts, no impulse control, and no respect for the rule of law. Further, he is bigoted, petulant, vindictive, and petty. He’s also an admitted serial sexual assaulter and adulterer. In short – the rich asshole is everything we DON’T want in a president, from his character, to his knowledge (read: lack thereof), to his ignorance and bigotry.
It seems that the rich asshole thought he’d be able to rule over the nation like some kind of mad king. It’s obvious that he got a very rude awakening. Oh, if only we lived in an alternate universe where he could have seen what this would be like, and had decided against running for president.
According to the rich asshole ally Alex Jones, when some rich asshole is impeached all bets are off. He won’t tell his supporters to accept the decision of the American people. He won’t urge calm. In fact, he quite enjoys the idea of a violent uprising in his name.
Recently, TMZ approached the rich asshole ally Roger Stone in an airport and asked about impeachment.
“This is not 1974,” Stone said. “People will not stand for [the impeachment of President the rich asshole]. Any politician who votes for it would be endangering their own life. There will be violence on both sides.”
Stone clarified that a civil war “will happen” if the rich asshole is impeached.
“I was told the president really liked Roger Stone’s clip on TMZ when they confronted him in an L.A. airport saying, ‘We’re going to impeach the rich asshole.'” Jones said during an interview with recently pardoned criminal Joe Arpaio after the former Maricopa County sheriff said that “people who want to take me down better watch out.”
The rich asshole has never exactly shied away from violence. In fact, when people oppose him at his rallies, he quite literally tells his meth-addled fascist followers to attack them. He has even offered to pay legal fees for supporters who brutally beat black men at his events.
Unfortunately for the rich asshole’s supporters, a violent uprising will not go so well for them. While they view the Left as anti-gun, many of us are well-armed and (unlike them) properly trained to defend ourselves. We just don’t worship our weapons like they do.
Featured image via Gerry Images (Ralph Freso)
some rich asshole hilariously mocked after latest tweetstorm against 'dying' media
some rich asshole's latest attempt to attack the media backfired and he quickly became the butt of the latest joke on social media.
Published on:
It didn't take long after some rich asshole announced his campaign for president [VIDEO] back in June 2015 to know that he would not have the most positive relationship with the media. From the moment the former host of "The Apprentice" referred to illegal immigrants from Mexico as "rapists" and "murderers," the feud between the rich asshole and press began. In the two years that have followed, the rich asshole and the media have continued to be at odds, with the president lashing out on a routine basis, while labeling any reports he doesn't agree with as "fake news." Since being elected, the rich asshole has only amped up his attacks on various news outlets, which included banning several from a press briefing earlier this year at the White House.
As seen on his #Twitter account on August 30, the president has once against decided to hit back against the media, this time focusing on several "magazines."
the rich asshole trolled
After some rich asshole posted his latest Twitter attack against the media, critics poked fun at his use of the line "All I want to do is #MAGA," as many compared it to the Sheryl Crow song "All I wanna do is have some fun." "All I want to do is #MAGA, and have some fun, and zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom and a boom boom,"
Washington Examiner's David Brown tweeted out.
"If you’re not reading “All i want to do is MAGA” to the tune of “all she wants to do is dance” then I don’t know what to tell you," Miriam Elder of BuzzFeed added. "All I want to do is MAGA some, I got a feelin I'm not the only one, All I want to do is MAGA some, Until the sun comes up over Penn.
avenue," Gideon Resnick of The Daily Beast hilariously tweeted.
Others took a more serious approach, including Bishop Talbery Swan who tweeted, "After hearing you LIE over and over again and angrily lash out so unprofessionally, it makes me wonder, WHY are you POTUS!!" As the negative reaction continued, it was made more than clear that the division between some rich asshole and his critics was not going to improve anytime soon.
‘This is not what he signed up for’: Confidant says the rich asshole’s mood ‘worst it’s ever been’
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has been publicly challenging the White House, but advisers say President some rich asshole can’t afford to fire him.
A source close to the president said the rich asshole was angered that Tillerson and economic adviser Gary Cohn criticized his response to a Charlottesville white supremacist rally, but there’s not much he can do about it, reported Politico.
“I think that cuts him to the quick,” the source told the website.
the rich asshole’s advisers don’t believe they could find a qualified candidate to replace Tillerson, who has feuded with the White House for months, because they don’t think UN Ambassador Nikki Haley is ready to take over.
“I couldn’t name you a guy who would take the job or get confirmed,” the source said.
The White House has experienced an exodus of staffers in recent weeks, although few of those positions have been filled — and, outside of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, no one seems especially eager to join the administration.
New chief of staff John Kelly has no plans to replace chief strategist Steve Bannon or deputy assistant Sebastian Gorka.
“General Kelly has come in and done a look-see on what everyone’s been working on for the first six or seven months here,” one White House aide told Politico. “Some people were ready, and some people were not.”
the rich asshole returned from a 17-day vacation to find his influence shrunken, as the Russia investigation continues to consume his administration and congressional Republicans openly questioning his leadership.
That has left the president’s mindset as “the worst it’s ever been,” according to the Politico source.
“He feels like this is not what he signed up for, and his accomplishments are being underplayed,” the source said. “He just looks around and says, ‘When is this going to get better?’”
This is your brain on the rich asshole: Why I can’t help calling his supporters the fools that they objectively are
Unlike us, they’re not spies in a house of horrors. That sea of Make America Great Again hats doesn’t give them the creeps. When the rich asshole cues them, as he did in Phoenix on August 22, to jeer John McCain, they have no ambivalence about belittling a war hero battling brain cancer. When the rich asshole whines about the coverage his Charlottesville rant got, they realize, and don’t care, that he’s rewriting what he said—they heard him confer moral equivalence on neo-Nazis and anti-Nazis. But his act entertains them, and their complicity in his edits adds a perverse pleasure to the press hatred he rouses in them.
They can’t all be the 9 percent of Americans who believe that holding white supremacist or neo-Nazi views is acceptable. Who are these people?
They can’t all be the 9 percent of Americans who believe that holding white supremacist or neo-Nazi views is acceptable. Who are these people?
There’s a decent chance they’re among the 62 percent of the rich asshole voters who think millions of illegal votes won Hillary Clinton the popular vote; the 54 percent of his voters who say the most oppressed religious group in America is Christian; the 52 percent who believe Barack Obama was born in Kenya; the 46 percent who believe Clinton ran a satanic child-sex ring in the basement of a Washington, D.C., pizza parlor; the 45 percent who say the racial group facing the most discrimination in America is white people; and the 40 percent whose main source of news is Fox News.
I get that the rich asshole’s base feels marginalized, left behind by a minimum-wage economy, powerless to control their futures, dissed by urban elites. I know why they’re fed up with partisan gridlock (so am I); I see why they’d favor a business brand over a political name as president. They’re disgusted by the corruption in Washington (ditto); no wonder they’re drawn to a bull who’d break some china and a bully who’d break some heads.
But after seven months of lies, sleaze, impulsivity, laziness, vengeance, arrogance, ineptitude, ignorance, nepotism, self-love and Putin love, how can three out of four Republican voters still be sticking with him? How come those faces I see on TV don’t see the nightmare I see? (I don’t mean that bizarre “Blacks for the rich asshole” guy; I mean the rest of them.)
That’s what I’m wrestling with. Here’s what I got:
It’s not because they’re stupid. It’s because they’re human. It’s not because they’re so different from me. It’s because they’re so much like me.
But here’s what makes that hard to swallow: I can’t muster the humility to believe we’re both wrong, and I can’t summon the relativism to believe we’re both right. But believing that I’m right and they’re wrong, as I do, gets me laughably crosswise with everything I know about human cognition.
Homo sapiens has refined a method of study and understanding—science—that’s reaped powerful knowledge about the world. But the more we’ve used science to study ourselves, to probe the neurobiology of how we think and what we feel, the more inescapable it’s become that “rational” is too flattering a term to describe what makes humans tick, even when we’re at our best.
Homo sapiens has refined a method of study and understanding—science—that’s reaped powerful knowledge about the world. But the more we’ve used science to study ourselves, to probe the neurobiology of how we think and what we feel, the more inescapable it’s become that “rational” is too flattering a term to describe what makes humans tick, even when we’re at our best.
It’s not pretty to admit, but no matter how practiced we are at critical thinking, how hip we are to the social construction of reality, how savvy we are about manipulation and framing, we still conflate what we want to be true with what actually is true. Our minds unconsciously invent retroactive rationales—we reverse-engineer justifications—for what our bodies already have made us think, say and do. What we call reason turns out to be a byproduct of our addiction to feel-good chemicals like dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin.
Human cognition is a captive of confirmation bias: We seek out and believe information that reinforces what people like us already believe. Confronted by evidence that contradicts what we think, we double down; confronted by chance, we confect necessity. Instead of changing our minds, we tell ourselves stories and cling fast to our tribal identities. A universe that’s run by luck is terrifying, but a good narrative imposes causality on randomness, finds patterns in chaos and purpose in lives. Our hunger for knowledge isn’t as strong as our yearning to belong, to defeat fear and loneliness with affiliation and family. We may call the baskets into which we sort facts “true” and “false,” but at bottom, they’re euphemisms for “us” and “other.”
And yet my awareness of the limitations of logic, my appreciation for the ways human hardwiring privileges feelings over facts—they don’t inoculate me from maintaining that the rich asshole is objectively unfit for office. I can’t let neuroscience discount my claim to truth-value: I don’t think calling the rich asshole a liar illustrates confirmation bias at work. The reason the people I see at the rich asshole rallies on my TV screen believe the psychopath at the podium is telling the truth may well be their membership in Tribe the rich asshole. That explanation may nudge my empathy for them upward, but it doesn’t dampen my conviction that I’m right and they’re wrong, and it doesn’t make their belief in the falsehoods he spews any less scary.
Science may be humbling, but humility doesn’t make me feel like a dope when I call out dopiness when I see it.
A professor of US history explains why the rich asshole is doomed to be an impotent president
As his presidency was ending, George Washington delivered a farewell address to the nation warning against political parties because they would be divisive. However, few Americans obeyed the Father of the Country as political parties quickly became a salient feature of the American political system. Federalists and Democratic-Republicans would become the first Two-Party system.
Party organizations within each state arose with the parties running candidates for local, state and Congressional offices. A vital question needed answering: would the presidency remain above politics as Washington advocated or would the president become a creature of a political party? Resoundingly, the latter alternative won the day. Presidents are nominated and elected through political parties and if a president lacks party support, effective governance becomes extremely difficult. President the rich asshole, unlike most of his predecessors, was not the choice of party leaders and his prospects of an effective successful presidency are dim because of his behavior, he continues to lack party allegiance.
With the 12th Amendment of 1804, political parties began nominating national tickets for president and vice-president. Once elected, the president begins working with his party congressional leaders to promote a legislative agenda. At times the president’s party in Congress takes the lead and at other times a strong president is dominant. A disruption in the system has occurred only when a president was succeeded in midterm by a vice president lacking party allegiance. This happened when Abraham Lincoln was assassinated and his successor Andrew Johnson came into conflict with the Republican majority in Congress. Impeachment resulted.
Until the 1970s party leaders or activists chose the national ticket in the convention. But then a trend for greater democracy gained ground. In 1972, the Democrats, over the objections of most party leaders, nominated George McGovern, who had won state primaries and caucuses, which became the new way of nominating presidential candidates.
When primaries and to a lesser extent caucuses became the means of selecting the party nominees, the door was opened to electing presidents without the support of the party structure or the party’s congressional leadership. In 1976 Democrats nominated and elected a president who was not the choice of the party leaders.
Jimmy Carter became the first president to capture his party through primaries and caucuses rather than by winning the allegiance of his party leaders. To succeed as an effective president, Carter would have to forge a relationship with his party’s congressional leaders. But he failed in that task. An uncompromising loner, Carter believed he could study issues and derive solutions on his own. He made proposals to remedy the economy without. The first president nominated without party leadership support did not succeed.
Since Carter, we have had Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama. Some of these presidents were not the first choice of a majority of party leaders, but all were highly acceptable to their party and were able to work with their party leadership in Congress. This is not the case with the rich asshole who is in position to have greater difficulty than even Carter had. The first months of the rich asshole presidency is an indication of that.
Prior to his presidential campaign, the rich asshole had not been identified with any party, nor did he express political views consistent with past Republican Party platforms. When talking politics in interviews before campaigning for president, the rich asshole was seemingly pro-choice. Both before and after he began his campaign he claimed to be for universal healthcare. He boasted of having good relations with prominent people of both parties. In contrast, no one ever questioned Carter’s party loyalty as he had served as a Democratic state senator and governor.
Furthermore, the rich asshole conducted himself in the campaign in a way that alienated many prominent Republicans. His juvenile-like name calling of party opponents such as “Lying Ted” or “Little Marco” precluded him from capturing substantial support from Republican leaders. His belittling of John McCain’s war record further alienated certain loyal Republicans. the rich asshole also deviated from the truth numerous times in the campaign. For example, he claimed to have seen thousands of Muslims in New Jersey cheering the collapse of the twin towers on 9/11, yet no one else in the world saw that. the rich asshole seemingly went out of his way to win over devoted Republican leaders Carter was never that vicious especially toward fellow Democrats, nor did he have a long record of lying.
After winning the nomination, the rich asshole did get lukewarm support from Republican leaders and won the election. But now he has to get Republican congressional support to govern effectively. That has not happened and the failed healthcare deliberations illustrate this.
Since taking office, the rich asshole has been yelling repeal and replace Obamacare with no understanding of the complexity. He celebrated the House passage of a repeal and replace bill only to later call the bill “mean.” When the Senate took up a similar bill, the rich asshole became a spectator as he knows so very little about healthcare issues. Although the rich asshole seems in agreement with Republican congressional goals, he is proving to be inept in getting legislation drafted and passed.
In other areas, the rich asshole is proving unworthy of Republican leadership support. When disruption occurred in Charlottesville Virginia due to a demonstration of white supremacists, the rich asshole refused to denounce by naming the white supremacists, Neo-Nazis, KKK, domestic terrorists. Many Republicans denounced him for that. Republican House Representative Mark Sanford accused the rich asshole of unleashing “demons” and was therefore partially to blame for this hostile environment. In addition, Republicans are increasingly disillusioned with the rich asshole’s handling of the growing scandal concerning Russia. From his firing of the FBI director to his denial of ever having contact with Russians Republicans are weary of the president they elected. Further, his “fire and fury” remark about North Korea makes it difficult for Republicans knowledgeable about foreign policy to have confidence in him.
America decided early in its history to have presidents chosen by political parties. When there is little or no support by a party, it becomes difficult for the president to accomplish much. The method of choosing presidential nominees through primaries makes it more likely to have a president who was elected without party support and the rich asshole is in that category. He still could be successful if he wins party support. However, due to his dishonest bombastic nature, his unwillingness to study issues and legislation, and his tolerance of hatred, the rich asshole is unlikely to win his party’s allegiance. Increasingly Republicans are becoming less timid about denouncing him. His presidency is faltering. It will continue to falter unless drastic changes occur. To become an effective president he needs to change.
Donne Levy is a retired college instructor in U.S History, Asian History, and Western Civilization.
This article was originally published at History News Network
the rich asshole Gets Hammered For His Abominable Response To Hurricane Harvey
the rich asshole under fire for treating hurricane relief efforts like another one of his campaign rallies as well as a fundraiser for his re-election campaign.
NBC News reports that Hurricane Harvey “became historic Tuesday when the record for rainfall from a tropical cyclone in the continental United States was smashed at 51.88 inches in both Mont Belvieu, 35 miles east of Houston, and Cedar Bayou, east of Highlands.” The “confirmed death toll stands at nine, with many missing feared dead,” and “at least 18,600 people rescued from water across southeast Texas and at least 286,500 customers remain without power.”
Worse yet, NBC News confirms that “Harvey made landfall again early Wednesday, roaring ashore in western Louisiana near the border with Texas as residents in the region brace for as much as 6 to 10 inches of additional rain.” The National Hurricane Center is warning that: “Ongoing catastrophic and life-threatening flooding will continue in southeastern Texas,” and Harvey and “tornadoes are possible through the day across parts of Louisiana, Mississippi, southern Alabama, and southeast Arkansas.”
the rich asshole had an opportunity on Tuesday to unify the country with his visit to the area, but instead his visit is being described as being divisive. Huffington Post reports that the rich asshole’s response to Hurricane Harvey was “abominable,” that “Any media narrative that he could now ‘unify’ the country in the aftermath must be challenged.”
The New York Times reported on the rich asshole’s pending Texas visit early Tuesday, writing that:
Hurricane Harvey was the rarest of disasters to strike during the rich asshole presidency — a maelstrom not of some rich asshole’s making, and one that offers him an opportunity to recapture some of the unifying power of his office he has squandered in recent weeks…. the rich asshole is behaving like a man whose future depends on getting this right.
In a subsequent article published after his visit, The New York Times reported that while “for the most part, some rich asshole kept to the script. But there were a few jarring, quintessentially Trumpian moments.”
At Joint Base Andrews, his wife, Melania, who accompanied him, boarded Air Force One, bound for the disaster zone, in six-inch stiletto heels that became the subject of wide comment on social media. Instead of touring shelters or visiting local residents in their homes and businesses, some rich asshole stuck close to emergency management officials — men in uniforms — and seemed most animated when he basked in the applause of an impromptu rally outside the Corpus Christi firehouse.
A crowd of about 1,000 people, some of them cheering, greeted some rich asshole as he left the firehouse. He grabbed a Texas flag and shouted back to the crowd, seeming to forget, for the moment, that he was at the scene of a disaster and not one of his rallies. “What a crowd!” he said. “What a turnout!”
As Raw Story reports, “the rich asshole, who is notoriously obsessed about drawing large crowds, was quickly hammered on the internet for treating a hurricane relief effort like yet another one of his campaign rallies.”
Then there is the Yahoo News report that the rich asshole has been using Hurricane Harvey to plug his own merchandise. “A visit to a disaster area is not the most appropriate time for product promotion, but here we are,” the Yahoo News report began.
the rich asshole arrived in Corpus Christi wearing the white “45/USA” hat that’s available for $40 on his own website, shop.SomeRichAsshole.com. This marks the third time in four days that the president has worn on-sale campaign merchandise during events related to Harvey, including two previous meetings for which the White House released photographs.
the rich asshole Woke Up, Got Online, Then Announced A Foreign ‘Extortion’ Plot Like A Paranoid Dictator
Jay White - August 30, 2017
some rich asshole needs to stay off Twitter. This is something that even his biggest supporters have advocated for to no avail, and although some, including the rich asshole himself, says there are valid reasons for his reckless tweeting, it seems that all his social media nonsense does is make bad situations worse.
One specific situation the rich asshole continues to tweet into a danger zone is North Korea. Despite evidence that Kim Jong-un isn’t back down or the least bit intimidated by the rich asshole’s cyber bullying, the rich asshole won’t let up with his tactless jabs and bold threats.

Naturally, given the many other things the rich asshole should be tweeting about, or better yet actually working on, people weren’t happy with his morning message:

One person even posted information about a GoFundMe raising money to buy the rich asshole’s Twitter account so it may be deactivated, because yes, it’s that serious:

On top of there being a plethora of other things some rich asshole should be spending his time on besides Twitter, the North Korean state media recently levied some harsh, but true words regarding the rich asshole’s social media usage. They didn’t stop there, though, the North Korean government also pushed back on the rich asshole’s bad boy talk about how weak they are:
‘The US should not forget that their opponent is armed with nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles. [The U.S. should] wake up from their old way of thinking that their land is safe and the death is an affair of others.’
As painful as it is to admit, the rich asshole does seem to be forgetting that North Korea is a super power in part because they don’t go around boasting about their capabilities. Much of their nuclear and other weaponry is unknown, and that makes navigating interactions with them even more of a challenge. So yes, negotiating is actually really important. None of that matters to the rich asshole, though. He has Twitter and that’s all he needs.
the rich asshole Is Really, Really Unpopular With Young People
You aren’t going to see many MAGA caps among under-30 Americans.
August 29, 20176:02 pm
the rich asshole Is Really, Really Unpopular With Young People
You aren’t going to see many MAGA caps among under-30 Americans.
It’s not exactly breaking news that millennials are not a hotbed of support for some rich asshole (or for that matter, his party). But via Axios, we learn that the latest weekly Gallup approval-rating numbers for the president among 18-to-29-year-olds have hit a dismal new low of 20 percent.
the rich asshole’s approval rating in this age cohort has been sloping downward since late April, when it stood at a merely abysmal 36 percent.
Like most Republicans, of course, the rich asshole’s popularity is directly proportional to the number of years poll respondents have been walking the earth. He’s currently at 33 percent among 30-to-49-year-olds; 42 percent among 50-to-64-year-olds; and 43 percent among those over the age of 65. If you have to pick where to be strong or weak, this is the pattern you’d like in the very short term, since likelihood to vote is also more or less directly related to age. These Gallup numbers are not screened for voter registration, much less likelihood to vote, so the overall profile for the rich asshole isn’t quite as bad as it looks when it comes to people who will, for example, be voting in 2018.
In the long run, though, you don’t want your political party to be led by someone who is loathed by the voters of the future. No, people of a given generation don’t always vote the same way over time, but when there is a degree of antipathy this strong, it’s hard to overcome.
It’s not exactly breaking news that millennials are not a hotbed of support for some rich asshole (or for that matter, his party). But via Axios, we learn that the latest weekly Gallup approval-rating numbers for the president among 18-to-29-year-olds have hit a dismal new low of 20 percent.
the rich asshole’s approval rating in this age cohort has been sloping downward since late April, when it stood at a merely abysmal 36 percent.
Like most Republicans, of course, the rich asshole’s popularity is directly proportional to the number of years poll respondents have been walking the earth. He’s currently at 33 percent among 30-to-49-year-olds; 42 percent among 50-to-64-year-olds; and 43 percent among those over the age of 65. If you have to pick where to be strong or weak, this is the pattern you’d like in the very short term, since likelihood to vote is also more or less directly related to age. These Gallup numbers are not screened for voter registration, much less likelihood to vote, so the overall profile for the rich asshole isn’t quite as bad as it looks when it comes to people who will, for example, be voting in 2018.
In the long run, though, you don’t want your political party to be led by someone who is loathed by the voters of the future. No, people of a given generation don’t always vote the same way over time, but when there is a degree of antipathy this strong, it’s hard to overcome.
Multiple charities cancel events at the rich asshole’s club
President the rich asshole’s Mar-a-Lago Club in Florida could lose up to a quarter of its profits after 18 charities cancelled their planned events in the location over the previous week.
Charities can pay as much as $275,000 to rent the club’s facilities for a single night.
It has been suggested that the charities dropped their plans to hold their galas or dinner events at Mar-a-Lago following President the rich asshole’s controversial statement that there were “fine people” among the members of the “Unite the Right” demonstration in Charlottesville – a white nationalist event that descended into violence.
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According to The Washington Post, some of the biggest charity galas can attract over 600 people and raise more than $1.5 million in one evening.
The latest charity to postpone its dinner event in the rich asshole’s club was the Gateway for Cancer Research.
“Gateway for Cancer Research has decided to withdraw from Mar-a-Lago as a venue for its March 2018 St. Patrick’s Day event. Gateway, a 501c3 nonprofit, is solely focused on funding clinical research trials to find meaningful treatments and cures for all patients fighting cancer,” the group said in an emailed statement.
A spokeswoman for the group declined to reveal whether the rich asshole’s club had returned the deposit for the event.
Other organizations that have canceled or moved their Mar-a-Lago gala events include the American Red Cross, the Salvation Army, the American Cancer Society, American Friends of Magen David Adom, Leaders in Furthering Education, the Palm Beach Zoo, the Preservation Foundation of Palm Beach, the Susan G. Komen breast cancer charity, and the Autism Project of Palm Beach County.
Six other charities have confirmed that they will cancel their luncheons at the club.
Only two nonprofits have chosen to stick with the club for their upcoming events: the Palm Beach Police Foundation for its Policeman’s Ball and the Palm Beach County Republican Party for its annual Lincoln Day dinner party.
Charities can pay as much as $275,000 to rent the club’s facilities for a single night.
It has been suggested that the charities dropped their plans to hold their galas or dinner events at Mar-a-Lago following President the rich asshole’s controversial statement that there were “fine people” among the members of the “Unite the Right” demonstration in Charlottesville – a white nationalist event that descended into violence.
Celebrate excellence in insurance. Nominate a worthy colleague for the Insurance Business Awards!
According to The Washington Post, some of the biggest charity galas can attract over 600 people and raise more than $1.5 million in one evening.
The latest charity to postpone its dinner event in the rich asshole’s club was the Gateway for Cancer Research.
“Gateway for Cancer Research has decided to withdraw from Mar-a-Lago as a venue for its March 2018 St. Patrick’s Day event. Gateway, a 501c3 nonprofit, is solely focused on funding clinical research trials to find meaningful treatments and cures for all patients fighting cancer,” the group said in an emailed statement.
A spokeswoman for the group declined to reveal whether the rich asshole’s club had returned the deposit for the event.
Other organizations that have canceled or moved their Mar-a-Lago gala events include the American Red Cross, the Salvation Army, the American Cancer Society, American Friends of Magen David Adom, Leaders in Furthering Education, the Palm Beach Zoo, the Preservation Foundation of Palm Beach, the Susan G. Komen breast cancer charity, and the Autism Project of Palm Beach County.
Six other charities have confirmed that they will cancel their luncheons at the club.
Only two nonprofits have chosen to stick with the club for their upcoming events: the Palm Beach Police Foundation for its Policeman’s Ball and the Palm Beach County Republican Party for its annual Lincoln Day dinner party.
‘Get him out of Texas’: Internet torches the rich asshole for boasting about crowd size at hurricane relief event
President some rich asshole visited Texas on Tuesday to survey the damage done to the state by Hurricane Harvey — and he once again couldn’t resist the urge to boast about the large crowd he managed to draw during a public appearance to talk about the event.
Addressing a crowd of supporters in the city of Corpus Christi, the rich asshole marveled at the number of people who showed up to greet him during his visit.
the rich asshole, who is notoriously obsessed about drawing large crowds, was quickly hammered on the internet for treating a hurricane relief effort like yet another one of his campaign rallies.
Check out some of the top responses below.
Harvey floods Texas: Live updates
the rich asshole Just Bragged About The Crowd Size Of Hurricane Victims At Texas Firehouse
After this morning’s Presidential press conference with Texas Governor Greg Abbott, some rich asshole went outdoors to address the hurricane victims waiting outside to hear from the ostensible leader of this nation – and for the second time in an hour, made it immediately about himself.
This is quite a WH pool report from Texas: pic.twitter.com/IFcoEKghDn— Anthony De RosaThat’s right. President the rich asshole thanked a crowd of hurricane victims for “turning out” and congratulated them on the size of the crowd that showed up to see the leader of the United States.
In remarks devoid of anything substantial beyond his usual hyperbole and wild promises that the recovery would be so tremendous things would be better than they were before, the President made sure to remark on how big a crowd was there for him at a firehouse during a hurricane, eternally focused on himself rather than the people he’s supposed to represent.
So much bullshit.
Breitbart crassly declares the rich asshole the “winner” of Hurricane Harvey
The pro-the rich asshole propaganda site is exploiting the disaster in Texas to attack "the left," defend Confederate statues, and praise some rich asshole for his pathetic response.
some rich asshole has been essentially AWOL in the midst of the disastrous Hurricane Harvey.
As Texas braced for the worst on Friday night, the rich asshole issued a pardon of the criminally racist former sheriff of Maricopa County, Joe Arpaio. the rich asshole explained that move on Monday, saying he did it for the TV ratings.
His Twitter feed has been a scattered combination of gleeful awe at the size of the storm, promotions of conspiracy theorists and right-wing agitators, and attacks on Mexico — which has offered its help to Texas, though the the rich asshole administration has yet to announce whether it will accept the offer.
But over at Breitbart News, the site once again controlled by the rich asshole’s former chief strategist, Steve Bannon, the hurricane is a win for the rich asshole.
“The political winner thus far is President the rich asshole,” one article proclaims. The evidence of the rich asshole’s so-called victory is a statement the rich asshole gave Monday afternoon — after his pardon of Arpaio, his series of bizarre tweets, and his noticeable lack of concrete advice for the victims of the hurricane or those wanting to help. By contrast, President Barack Obama urged Americans to donate to the Red Cross.
According to Breitbart, the rich asshole, who was “attacked for weeks for allegedly dividing the nation, is drawing attention to its unity.” Breitbart also points to the rich asshole’s trip to Texas on Tuesday as evidence of his management of the crisis.
While Breitbart praises the people of Texas who have shown extraordinary acts of courage and generosity toward one another, it also pointedly attacks Obama and Democrats. It tries to pin George W. Bush’s infamously terrible handling of Hurricane Katrina on Democrats, saying they “were in charge” at the time.
And it includes an ugly defense of the white supremacists and neo-Nazis who rioted in Charlottesville, while attacking those who protested their actions — just as the rich asshole has done.
“All of that is happening, notably, in the South,” Breitbart states, “a region the left had targeted for a miniature Cultural Revolution in recent weeks, as mobs swarmed historic Confederate memorials (or anything old enough to be held in suspicion).”
Breitbart also declares, without offering any examples whatsoever, “Remarkably, President the rich asshole is winning praise for the federal government’s management of the crisis thus far.”
But the rich asshole has given the appearance of having very little to do with the government’s response. His vice president, Mike Pence, has appeared far more involved, conducting several radio interviews to assure the people of Texas that the government will support them through this crisis and recovery — even though he opposed similar support for victims of Hurricane Katrina when he was a member of Congress.
Pence even tweeted a picture of himself looking quite presidential, as he spoke with senators from the affected region on the phone, which he quickly deleted. This, while the rich asshole was vacationing with his family at Camp David.
It is bad enough to declare that anyone is a “political winner” in the midst of a horrific and deadly natural disaster that affects millions. But to say that the rich asshole is somehow the winner is laughably egregious. And yet exactly what you’d expect from a site dedicated to promoting the rich asshole and tearing down his critics.
And here he goes, treating his visit like a campaign rally stop.
“What a crowd, what a turnout”: the rich asshole shocks by treating Texas visit like a campaign rally
Even when he is supposed to be giving comfort and assurance to Americans devastated by a natural disaster, the rich asshole can't help his obsession with crowd size.
some rich asshole’s response to Hurricane Harvey has gone from bizarre and inappropriate to profoundly unpresidential.
During a televised briefing in Corpus Christi, Texas, the rich asshole managed to leave out any mention of the victims of the hurricane that has ravaged Houston and is predicted to displace tens of thousands of people, or the 14 people who have died already.
Instead, the rich asshole said, “We won’t say ‘congratulations.’ We don’t want to do that. We don’t want to congratulate, we’ll congratulate each other when it’s all finished.” It was perfectly obvious that the rich asshole looks forward to the day when he will be congratulated for his handling of his first major crisis as president.
But the rich asshole wasn’t finished showing the country and the world how sure he is that this disaster is very much about him. Standing atop a fire engine, the rich asshole addressed the hundreds of Texans who had gathered by crowing about one of his favorite subjects: his crowd size.
RICH ASSHOLE: I just want to say, we love you, you are special, we’re here to take care, it’s going well, and I want to thank you for coming out. We’re going to get you back and operating immediately. Thank you, everybody. What a crowd, what a turnout. […] I will tell you, this is historic. It’s epic, what happened. But you know what? It happened in Texas, and Texas can handle anything. Thank you all, folks. Thank you, thank you.
the rich asshole appears utterly incapable of grasping the seriousness of the situation or his role in it. A president’s job at such a time is to provide comfort and assurance to the country — not to gleefully anticipate congratulations or brag about crowd size and the “historic” nature of the disaster. And it’s certainly not to market his own campaign swag, solicit donations for his re-election campaign, or try to get good TV ratings.
But the rich asshole doesn’t get it, as he has made painfully and uncomfortably obvious in the last few days. Which is a terrible shame for the country, at a time when Americans need and deserve someone who does get it.
Remember, these are the same people who cared about what Michelle Obama wore at parties and whined about it but seem okay with this. Well, the racism and double standards are there.
Melania the rich asshole’s Outfit To Visit Desperate Hurricane Victims Has Americans In An Uproar
Right now, the people of Texas are suffering. There really is no way to estimate the damage at this point as now levees are beginning to be breached by the historic rainfall that has brought Texas to a standstill.
With flooding still raging, President some rich asshole and First Lady Melania the rich asshole traveled to Texas to stand with Texans and to assess the damage. In an example of just how out of touch the pair are, Melania looked fabulous.
In a pair of high heels that probably cost more than your vehicle and wholly inappropriate for walking in flood waters, Melania looked great.

Mind you, we don’t expect Melania to show up in a potato sack. However, exercising some modesty in your footwear would be advisable around people who have lost everything in their lives including their shoes. If for no other reason, she should have taken her own safety in mind considering everything in Texas is wet.
Twitter ripped Melania and her shoes apart.

Featured image by Alex Wong/Getty Images.
So much for all the winning, right?
‘Humiliating’: Russian journalist reveals the rich asshole’s history falling on his face cutting deals in Moscow
President some rich asshole fancies himself as a master deal maker — but longtime Russian business journalist Leonid Bershidsky reveals in a new Bloomberg column that the rich asshole’s purported negotiating prowess got him absolutely nowhere when he tried to drive hard bargains in Russia.
In looking over the rich asshole Organization’s failed bid to build the rich asshole Tower Moscow while the rich asshole was running for president, Bershidsky says that it fits into a broad pattern of the rich asshole trying to cut deals in Russia, but failing every step of the way.
“The story began in 1987, when the rich asshole first visited Moscow, then the Soviet capital, and negotiated with bureaucrats from the State Foreign Tourism Committee who offered him an opportunity to build a luxury hotel in Moscow,” Bershidsky writes. “They offered a lease; he wanted ownership. The Soviets also offered to set up a dispute resolution committee consisting of seven Russians and three the rich asshole representatives, a deal the rich asshole didn’t like.”
In the mid-’90s, the rich asshole once again tried to cut a deal in Russia, but he ultimately passed on a deal to renovate two hotels located near the Kremlin. He notes that subsequent the rich asshole plans to license his brand to builders in Russia similarly fell flat.
“The rich asshole name has never been worth that much in Russia,” he writes. “Not even Aras Agalarov, the Azerbaijani-born billionaire who partnered with the rich asshole to hold the Miss Universe pageant in Moscow in 2013, ultimately wanted to do a deal, though the two discussed a tower just outside Moscow city limits, where Agalarov owns land. Moscow real estate was by then out of the rich asshole’s reach.”
FLASHBACK: Shady business dealings with Russia kept the rich asshole from running against Obama in 2012
some rich asshole abandoned his exploration of a presidential run against President Barack Obama in 2011 to avoid exposing some of the shady business dealings that have dogged him now that he’s in the White House.
Six years ago, the rich asshole was the host of NBC’s “Celebrity Apprentice” and a Tea Party favorite for promoting conspiracy theories about Obama’s birthplace, and he entertained a challenge to the Democratic president’s re-election.
But, according to a Daily Beast report from that time, the rich asshole aborted that nascent campaign after a series of damaging news reports revealed his business ties to unsavory characters like Felix Sater — which now threaten to derail the rich asshole presidency.
“the rich asshole quit at least in part because he finally realized what a harsh light this ego explosion was shining on every corner of his business empire, potentially exposing not only him and his many partners, but also his children Donald Jr. and Ivanka to intense scrutiny,” wrote Wayne Barrett, who has extensively covered the rich asshole for decades. “An ongoing media investigation of the rich asshole’s financial deals — beset by charges of fraudulent misrepresentation — would also have made it harder for NBC to continue touting him as a model American businessman.”
Barrett, who died from pneumonia one day before the rich asshole’s inauguration, spent years investigating the rich asshole’s ties to organized crime and other questionable associates who have resurfaced during the Russia investigation.
In particular, Barrett focused on the now-dormant Bayrock Group development firm operated out of the rich asshole Tower by Sater — a mob informant and felon who has boasted of his ties to the Kremlin and Russian intelligence.
News reports about Sater and Bayrock that kept the rich asshole out of the 2012 race previewed some of the bombshell reporting from this year that revealed the president’s ties to Russian money laundering, which has now fallen under investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller.
the rich asshole has warned Mueller and his team not to investigate his family’s business dealings before the 2016 campaign, saying that would overstep his authority.
“I think that’s a violation,” the rich asshole said last month. “Look, this is about Russia.”
But reporters were onto the rich asshole’s questionable dealings six years ago, and that helped keep the reality TV star from challenging Obama.
Barrett details at length the rich asshole family’s ties to Tevfik Arif, a Kazakhstanian mogul with alleged ties to underage prostitution, and two convicted cocaine traffickers, Engin Yesil and Raoul Goldberg.
“These kinds of associations once caused the rich asshole worry about retaining his gaming licenses,” wrote Barrett in 2011. “Perhaps he finally realized that in a presidential campaign, which requires filing detailed financial disclosures, the vetting of all sorts would be much tougher. Then a gang of questionable associations like this would’ve converted a candidacy into a scandal, damaging his star status, business prospects, and even his family.”
the rich asshole somehow dodged those questions during the campaign by failing to release his tax returns and other financial disclosure documents — but those long-unanswered questions are now threatening to destroy his presidency and threaten his family with legal jeopardy.
the rich asshole Just Embarrassed Himself In Front Of Two Finnish Female Reporters
“Again? You’re going to give her the same one?” the rich asshole asked.
“No, she is not the same lady,” Niinistö replied. “They are sitting side by side.”
Even the reporter took a shot at the President in his decidedly absentminded moment.
“We have a lot of blonde women in Finland,” she said.
This is, of course, not the first time that the rich asshole has fumbled in the presence of a female reporter. At the end of June, the rich asshole interrupted a phone call with the new prime minister of Ireland, Leo Varadkar, when he noticed an attractive journalist, Caitriona Perry, from an Irish news organization.
“And where are you from?” the rich asshole asked the reporter. “Go ahead. Come here, come here. Where are you from? We have all of this beautiful Irish press.”
Perry introduced herself to the President, to which he replied, to Varadkar, “She has a nice smile on her face so I bet she treats you well.”
the rich asshole may have been better served today focusing on the devastation in Texas than whatever blonde reporter is in his line of view.
BY BRANDON CONRADIS - 08/28/17 08:48 PM EDT 40
© Getty Images
President the rich asshole reprimanded the aide responsible for organizing his August rally in Phoenix, after being disappointed by the results and coverage, Bloomberg reported on Monday.
the rich asshole’s team reportedly informed George Gigicos, a contractor to the Republican National Committee, that he would not be hired in such a capacity again after the president was apparently left underwhelmed by the optics and crowd size of the event.
Gigicos, a longtime the rich asshole aide who had previously served as the president’s director of scheduling and advance, declined to comment to Bloomberg.
Roughly 20,000 people were present when the rich asshole spoke on Aug. 23. But the rich asshole saw TV coverage before he ever took the stage indicating the Phoenix Convention Center was less than full.
The president used the speech to deliver a blistering assault on the media after a week of fierce criticism directed at him over his response to the violence at a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va.
The Bloomberg report comes amid a string of high-profile departures by former the rich asshole aides, including special assistant Sebastian Gorka and chief strategist Steve Bannon.
According to Bloomberg, Gigicos was one of the rich asshole's four longest-serving political aides.
the rich asshole: I pardoned Arpaio during hurricane because I thought TV ratings would be higher
the rich asshole defends pardoning former Sheriff Arpaio
President the rich asshole on Monday said he announced his pardon of former Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpaio as Hurricane Harvey made landfall in Texas because he “assumed the ratings would be far higher.”
“In the middle of a hurricane, even though it was a Friday evening, I assumed the ratings would be far higher than they would be normally,” the rich asshole said during a press conference with Finnish President Sauli Niinistö. “You know, the hurricane was just starting.”
“He’s done a great job for the people of Arizona, he’s very strong on borders, very strong on illegal immigration,” the rich asshole said about Arpaio. “I thought he was treated unbelievably unfairly when they came down with their big decision to go get him right before the election voting started.”
Democrats blasted the rich asshole on Friday for announcing his pardon of Arpaio as Harvey made landfall, with Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) accusing the rich asshole of “using the cover of the storm” to issue the pardon.
The White House announced the rich asshole’s decision to pardon Arpaio on Friday night in a statement.
“Throughout his time as Sheriff, Arpaio continued his life’s work of protecting the public from the scourges of crime and illegal immigration,” the White House said.
“Sheriff Joe Arpaio is now eighty-five years old, and after more than fifty years of admirable service to our Nation, he is a worthy candidate for a Presidential pardon.”
Arpaio was convicted of criminal contempt after he disobeyed a federal judge’s order to stop racially profiling individuals suspected of illegally entering the U.S.
No45 showing his hatred towards the LGBTQ community again and feeding his "Christian" base. Any LGBTQ that voted for him should have fucking known better.
ACLU sues the rich asshole over transgender ban
BY LYDIA WHEELER - 08/28/17 09:42 AM EDT 3,147
ACLU sues the rich asshole over transgender ban
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is suing President the rich asshole over his decision to ban transgender people from serving in the military.
The ACLU made the announcement on Twitter on Monday morning.
“BREAKING: We're taking @realDonaldTrump to court to challenge the unconstitutional transgender military ban,” they wrote.
BREAKING: We're taking @realDonaldTrump to court to challenge the unconstitutional transgender military ban.
the rich asshole, in a memo on Friday, directed the Department of Defense to stop accepting transgender people who enlist for military service.
He had earlier announced his plans on Twitter to ban transgender people from the armed forces.
the rich asshole said he had consulted with “generals and military experts” and decided the “United States Government will not accept or allow Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military."
“Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail. Thank you,” he said in a second tweet last month.
Soon after, the National Center for Lesbian Rights and GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders filed a lawsuit on behalf of five transgender service members, arguing the policy change violates the equal protection component of the due process clauses of the Fifth Amendment.
The 39-page complaint, filed by the ACLU’s Maryland Chapter on behalf of six military service members in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland, is embedded with the rich asshole’s tweets and claims the ban not only violates the Fifth Amendment but is invalid on its face.
"The rich asshole administration has provided no evidence that this announcement was based on any analysis of the actual cost and disruption allegedly caused by allowing men and women who are transgender to serve openly,” the group wrote.
“News reports indicate the Secretary of Defense and other military officials were surprised by President the rich asshole’s announcement, and that his actual motivations were purely political, reflecting a desire to accommodate legislators and advisers who bear animus and moral disproval toward men and women who are transgender, with a goal of gaining votes for a spending bill that included money to build a border wall with Mexico.”
LGBT rights groups Lambda Legal and OutServe-SLDN also announced on Monday morning that they had filed a lawsuit against the rich asshole over the transgender military ban.
“This ban not only wrongfully prevents patriotic, talented Americans from serving, it also compromises the safety and security of our country,” Peter Renn, Lambda Legal's senior attorney, said in a statement. “Thousands of current service members are transgender, and many have been serving openly, courageously and successfully in the U.S. military for more than a year — not to mention the previous decades when many were forced to serve in silence."
Lambda Legal filed its lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington on behalf of Ryan Karnoski, a 22-year-old social worker from Seattle who wishes to become an officer doing social work for the military, Staff Sergeant Cathrine “Katie” Schmid, a 33-year-old woman and 12-year member of the U.S. Army, and Drew Layne, high school student from Corpus Christi, Texas, who is about to turn 17 and wants to join the Air Force with parental consent. The suit is also brought on behalf of the Human Rights Campaign and the Gender Justice League.
“The Ban and current accessions bar are motivated by impermissible animus towards transgender people and are thus invalid as a whole,” the groups wrote in their 29-page complaint.
--This report was last updated at 10:29 a.m.
‘One big reality sh*tshow’: Internet pounds the rich asshole for heartless ‘ratings’ excuse for Arpaio pardon during Harvey
After President some rich asshole claimed he announced his pardon of racist former sheriff Joe Arpaio Friday night due to high “ratings” from Hurricane Harvey, Twitter predictably freaked out.
“In the middle of a hurricane, even though it was a Friday evening, I assumed the ratings would be far higher than they would be normally,” the rich asshole said during a joint press conference with Finland’s President Sauli Niinistö. “You know, the hurricane was just starting.”
This was the third time in recent days that the rich asshole made comments about Hurricane Harvey that appeared dismissive, and naturally, Twitter immediately went into uproar mode.
“Did the rich asshole just use ratings and hurricane in the same sentence?” writer Tony Posnanski tweeted.
“He truly is a sociopath,” ShareBlue’s Eric Boehlert wrote. “Viewed pending destruction of America’s fourth largest city thru prism of TV ratings.”
Check out video of the president’s comments, along with Twitter’s incredulous reaction to it, below.
the rich asshole finally asks Americans to give — to the rich asshole
In the midst of a devastating natural disaster, some rich asshole showed the nation what he truly cares about: himself.
"Please, won't you give — to me?"
(AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)
some rich asshole has had a lot to say as Hurricane Harvey approached landfall and then began battering the Houston area.
He plugged a book by a violent extremist sheriff, bragged — again — about his electoral college victory, and whined about NAFTA.
He offered some bizarrely giddy-seeming tweets about the size of the storm, as though anything that is “historic” must be really great.
And, ever the grifter, he used the hurricane — which is still causing untold damage, injury, loss of life, and massive flooding — to promote new hats for sale in his campaign store.
As far as messages of comfort and support for the millions in Texas affected by the storm, he had four whole words for them Friday, as he left for vacation: “Good luck to them.” But unlike President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and many others, the rich asshole made no plea to the country to pitch in and donate funds to relief efforts.
To be sure, the rich asshole has indeed asked Americans to give.
To the rich asshole.
A fundraising email sent out midday Monday begged his supporters to contribute and to help “CRUSH” the August fundraising goal.
In what would be a shameful irony, were the rich asshole capable of feeling shame, the email insists, “All I ever want is the support and love from the AMERICAN PEOPLE who’ve been betrayed by a weak and self-serving political class.”
Like a “political class” that asks for donations for a failing presidency and a campaign for re-election that is three years away?
“I didn’t run for president to be a puppet for the political class,” the rich asshole insists. “I ran to be a champion for the people.”
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