September 2nd, 2017 - September 8th, 2017. It's been 294-300 days since the Nov 8th, 2016 election and 225-231 days since the January 20th inauguration of some rich asshole.
‘A Repub Death Wish!’ Angry the rich asshole lashes out at GOP again in early morning tweet rant
President some rich asshole on Friday took a break from tweeting about Hurricane Irma to once again attack his own party.
In a pair of tweets, the rich asshole once against attacked the Republican Party for failing to repeal the Affordable Care Act, as well as failing to eliminate the filibuster, the Senate rule that requires 60 votes to close off a debate
“Republicans, sorry, but I’ve been hearing about Repeal & Replace for 7 years, didn’t happen!” the president fumed. “Even worse, the Senate Filibuster Rule will ever allow the Republicans to pass even great legislation. 8 Dems control – will rarely get 60 (vs. 51) votes. It is a Repub Death Wish!”
The president then ordered Republicans to start work immediately on tax reform legislation, and said they shouldn’t wait until the end of the month.
“Hurry!” the president barked.
the rich asshole earlier this week stunned the GOP when he agreed to a Democratic offer to raise the debt limit for merely three months, which completely undercut his own party leaders’ strategy of voting for a larger debt ceiling increase that would have put the issue farther down the road.
the rich asshole has also regularly attacked Republicans for their repeated failures to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, and last month he sent out multiple tweets trashing Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) for his failure to secure 50 votes for a repeal bill.
SEP 7 2017, 2:06 AM ET
Republicans Left Reeling After Deal Between the rich asshole and Democrats
WASHINGTON — Republicans were left fuming at a deal struck Wednesday between President some rich asshole and Democratic leaders that combines disaster aid for Hurricane Harvey victims with measures to keep the government open and extend the debt ceiling for three more months.
The agreement occurred during a late-morning Oval Office meeting between the rich asshole, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, House Speaker Paul Ryan, Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer and House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi. During the meeting, the rich asshole sided with the Democrats, agreeing to their demands for a short-term extension of government funding and the debt limit and rejecting Republicans’ efforts to seek a longer-term debt ceiling hike.
It was a blow to GOP plans to avoid a series of politically treacherous votes for their members, or at least provide cover for them by attaching it to the disaster relief bill.
By agreeing to the three-month extensions, the GOP-controlled Congress would be forced to revisit both the debt ceiling and government spending extensions in December. And it increases the pressure on Republicans to pass yet more extensions to both, or face the prospect of the U.S. defaulting on its bills or a government shutdown just weeks before Christmas.
Democrats praised the deal, which was reached just before the House overwhelmingly passed $7.85 billion in disaster relief with nothing else attached.
“It was a really good moment of some bipartisanship and getting things done,” Schumer told reporters.
But it leaves rank-and-file Republicans befuddled and with few good choices. Opposition to increasing the nation's debt ceiling has become a matter of principle for many conservatives who say that this deal is worse than any they could have imagined because it forces them to vote on it twice in three months.
“The Pelosi-Schumer-the rich asshole deal is bad,” said Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., in a short, terse statement.
McConnell told reporters it was the president’s decision and that GOP leadership will move forward with it.
“The President can speak for himself, but his feeling was that we needed to come together to not create a picture of divisiveness at a time of genuine national crisis and that was the rationale,” McConnell told reporters.
Still, it was a stunning turn of events.
Wednesday morning began with Pelosi and Schumer issuing their demand that the debt limit be increased for just three months as part of the hurricane relief bill. Ryan called the idea “ridiculous and disgraceful,” adding that Democrats “want to play politics with
An hour later, the four leaders met with the rich asshole. Republicans entered the meeting proposing an 18-month increase to the debt limit, which would put the issue aside until after the midterm elections. the rich asshole rejected that and so Republicans floated six months. But Pelosi and Schumer stuck to their three-month demand.
Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, who was also present, argued in favor of a longer-term debt limit extension, but the president cut him off and sided with the Democrats, multiple sources with knowledge of the meeting said.
In an unexpected turn of events, Ivanka the rich asshole, the president's daughter and adviser, came into the room to say hello toward the end of the meeting, which derailed the conversation and left the Republicans visibly annoyed, a Democratic aide briefed on the meeting said.
AshLee Strong, a spokeswoman for Ryan, called that characterization of Republican reaction "false." And a White House aide said that the rich asshole invited his daughter in to talk about her child-tax credit proposal, that she stayed on-topic and that it was “not an issue.”
Back on Capitol Hill, there was a mixture of resignation and outrage.
At the weekly lunch for Senate Republicans, McConnell, joined by White House budget director Mick Mulvaney and Vice President Mike Pence, laid out the deal reached with Democratic leaders.
When asked if they were surprised at the deal that was made, some senators appeared unfazed.
“Nothing shocks me around here,” said Sen. John Kennedy, R-La.
“Am I surprised? Not really,” said Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn.
Still, senators were left unsure of how they’d vote on the deal, even though it includes nearly $8 billion in immediate relief for Harvey victims.
“We are literally funding this government on 90-day notes. That is not the way to fund the largest, most relevant entity in the world,” said Sen. Dan Sullivan, R-Alaska.
He said that he’s likely to vote for it because of the desperate need of people in Texas, adding, “patience is wearing thin on short-term funding of this government.”
Some Republicans, however, fumed. During a lunch of the conservative Republican Study Committee, members unanimously voiced their opposition to the deal, an aide said.
Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., said Republican leaders didn’t go into the talks with a good enough proposal.
“You've got to give the president conservative options," Meadows said. "There was not a conservative option on the table. It was either a clean debt ceiling or this deal. And when we look at that you can’t criticize somebody when there’s not a conservative proposal that’s put forth."
Rep. Mark Walker, R-N.C., chairman of the conservative Republican Study Committee, said Mnuchin and Republican leaders have been pushing for a way to find the easiest path to pass a debt ceiling with no reforms attached.
“They’ve been trolling along looking for something to attach it to,” Walker said of Republican leaders. “To use the pain and suffering of the people of Texas to me is offensive."
the rich asshole praised the deal aboard Air Force One on his way to North Dakota for a speech on tax reform. But he said he had a very good meeting with Pelosi and Schumer, and didn’t even mention the leaders of his party — McConnell and Ryan.
He also said that the debt ceiling must always be lifted without question, a position not held by most Republicans, who in recent years have turned it into a lever to achieve their policy goals of budget cuts.
“We had a very good meeting with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer," the rich asshole said. "We agreed to a three-month extension on debt ceiling, which they consider to be sacred — very important — always we’ll agree on debt ceiling automatically because of the importance of it."
The deal, however, just pushes the threat of a government shutdown to December.
“Merry Christmas,” said Sen. John Thune, R-S.D.
the rich asshole Gets His Payback Against McConnell and Ryan
the rich asshole makes budget deal with Democrats, confounding GOP
the rich asshole gets payback against Ryan and McConnell
By itself, President the rich asshole cutting yesterday’s spending/hurricane relief/debt limit deal with congressional Democratic leaders shouldn’t have been too surprising to observers. (After all, the move was exactly what some EXPECTED the rich asshole’s presidency to be.)
But when you combine it with the rich asshole’s past grievances against Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell — as well as the news that the rich asshole is unlikely to make top economic adviser Gary Cohn the next Fed chair — it becomes pretty clear that Wednesday was the rich asshole’s day of payback for August.
· Mad that McConnell and Ryan weren’t able to deliver on health care? Cutting a deal with Democrats Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi certainly sends a message.
· Mad that Ryan didn’t defend the rich asshole’s pardon of Joe Arpaio? Yesterday makes more sense.
· Mad that Cohn criticized him over his response to Charlottesville? Another message delivered.
What’s particularly striking about yesterday, however, is the reaction from GOP congressional leaders, as well as rank-and-file Republicans: They were livid, and they communicated that outrage to reporters. So what ultimately incensed them (at least publicly and so quickly) wasn’t Charlottesville, or Arpaio, or DACA – it was the rich asshole agreeing to a three-month increase of the debt limit.
Then again, it’s not like Ryan, McConnell and other Republicans weren’t warned. Ever since the rich asshole captured the GOP nomination in 2016, there have been three political parties in Washington — the Republican Party, the Democratic Party, and the rich asshole Party. And yesterday was the rich asshole Party flexing its muscles.
The fallout from the rich asshole’s deal with Democrats
To us, there are three immediate consequences of the rich asshole’s move yesterday. One, it creates more distrust between him and GOP leaders. McConnell and Ryan "might put on a good face publicly and show a stiff upper lip, but each time the president embarrasses them they become marginally more likely to turn on him down the road during his darkest hours," as the Washington Post’s James Hohmann writes.
Two, it gives Democrats leverage to pass something codifying DACA (and maybe other priorities) in December. Remember, yesterday’s deal means that December will be the showdown over the debt limit, spending and the border wall, and the rich asshole will need Democratic votes. That’s why Ryan was trying to lock in a longer extension.
And three, it potentially clears the deck for other GOP priorities — like tax reform.
Inside the rich asshole’s deal with Democrats
Here’s NBC’s Hallie Jackson and Kasie Hunt with more on how yesterday went down. “President some rich asshole sat in the Oval Office on Wednesday, listening to his Treasury Secretary argue against a Democratic proposal to raise the government’s debt limit for just three months.”
“Steven Mnuchin, seated on a couch to the president’s right, had pushed this point before: A longer-term extension of 18 months would extend the deadline past the midterms — which would take partisan politics out of the debate, in his view. But Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., disagreed: He wanted something much shorter.”
“The president, in deal-making mode, had heard enough. As Mnuchin made his case, the rich asshole cut in: He would side with Schumer, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats to make a 90-day deal to lift the debt ceiling.”
More from Jackson and Hunt: “As the meeting wound down, even the president’s own advisers were stunned by the new deal. ‘We did not know this was going to happen," one administration source said. "I don’t think anyone did.’”
And: “Shortly after the Oval Office meeting wrapped up, the rich asshole departed the White House for North Dakota. Republican leaders returned to Capitol Hill tight lipped — Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., dodging cameras, face drawn. Just over an hour earlier, Ryan had accused Democrats of playing politics with America's credit. ‘Disgraceful,’ he had said.
“But up on Air Force One after the meeting, the rich asshole was triumphant. He didn't mention Ryan or McConnell. ‘We had a very good meeting with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer,’ the Republican president said.”
‘Super upbeat’ the rich asshole gloated to Schumer and Pelosi about positive news coverage of their budget deal
President some rich asshole is famously obsessed with news coverage of himself, and he was reportedly thrilled with the positive media reaction he saw about a budget deal reached with Democrats.
Many Republicans were infuriated that the rich asshole had traded away their leverage — Hurricane Harvey relief — and got nothing in return for siding with the Democrats on a three-month debt limit extension, but on Thursday the president didn’t seem troubled, reported Politico.
However, the president raved about the media coverage the agreement had gotten when he spoke by phone Thursday morning with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.
“He seemed super upbeat,” said one person familiar with the calls.
the rich asshole mentioned specific TV segments that praised the deal, and two sources said he told Schumer he’d been watching. He also seemed cheerful in his call with Pelosi, who later boasted that she asked the president to reassure “Dreamers” not to worry about deportation while a legislative replacement was crafted for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.
“I was telling my colleagues, ‘This is what I asked the president to do,’ and boom-boom-boom, the tweet appeared,” Pelosi said.
Meanwhile, Republicans were wondering how they’d been rolled by their own president.
“He f*cked us,” one senior GOP official told Axios.
Hurricane Irma crashes into some rich asshole’s Caribbean estate on St Martin island
Winds wreck buildings, uproot trees and overturn cars in the region
Hurricane Irma has crashed into some rich asshole’s Caribbean estate and now appears to be heading toward his properties in Florida.
The storm crashed against the island of St Martin where the rich asshole owns a waterfront estate.
The winds reportedly wrecked buildings, uprooted trees and overturned cars in the region.
French officials who control the side of the island where Mr the rich asshole’s property is located said the area “suffered serious damage” but did not detail the exact condition of the rich asshole’s estate, The Washington Post reported.
“We know that the four most solid buildings on the island have been destroyed, which means that more rustic structures have probably been completely or partially destroyed,” French Interior Minister Gerard Collomb told AFP.
the rich asshole's property is currently on the market for $16.9 million (£12.96 million) and covers almost five acres with a pool and a fitness centre.
Hurricane Irma is predicted to hit south Florida next, potentially threatening M the rich asshole’s Mar-A-Lago club and three golf courses he owns in Doral, West Palm Beach and Jupiter.
It is, however, too soon for forecasters to accurately predict the direct path of the hurricane, but all the properties are likely to face some repercussions from Irma.
Amanda Miller, a spokeswoman for the rich asshole Organisation, said company officials were monitoring the situation.
“All of the proper precautions and protections have been implemented and right now we are just praying for all those in the path of Hurricane Irma in the Caribbean and beyond,” Ms Miller said in a statement.
Sep 6, 2017
Truth In Satire
President the rich asshole Prepares For Dangerous Hurricane Irma With 10-Point Plan
POTUS is scrambling to produce 50K more campaign hats for “the big crowds expected for me in San Juan and Miami”
Planning ahead for Hurricane Irma, barreling toward Puerto Rico and the east coast of Florida as a Category 5 storm, President the rich asshole laid out ambitious plans yesterday to ensure that he and his family will generously benefit from the potential catastrophe.
Here are the 10 initiatives some rich asshole outlined in his disaster plan for Hurricane Irma:
1. Printing up another 50,000 “USA” and “Make America Great Again” hats and dropping the price from $40 to $35 because “Even though the Puerto Rican economy sucks, I want to be sure everyone down there can afford at least one of my feel good hats. I’ve also instructed Melania to reduce the price of her FLOTUS caps. This should provide some instant relief when the storm hits.”
2. Shipping 300,000 meals from the rich asshole Tower Grill, where “the best taco bowls are made,” to San Juan at a deep discount. The president added, “I love Hispanics!”
3. The president will offer a great package of incentives for any Jewish residents who wish to move out of Florida before the storm hits, “but they must act fast and no whining about where I send them.” some rich asshole said most would be relocated to ruby red states in the West where their traditionally left-leaning votes wouldn’t matter. He added that the incentives would likely include “a box of premium the rich asshole steaks and five slot tokens per Jew to be used at any one of the rich asshole casinos.”
4. some rich asshole announced a partnership with Britain’s Hunter boot company to offer a Hurricane Irma special on its Original Wellington Tall Matte style rain boot which some rich asshole called “a favorite of the rich asshole family.” He also acknowledged Hunter’s merchandising department for “their quick response in putting a collectible ‘the rich asshole Gives The Boot To Irma’ hang tag on every pair of these high-quality Wellies.”
5. The president appreciates that a storm of this magnitude can be traumatic for victims in its path and they will need to rest and unwind after Hurricane Irma dissipates. He also believes that there is no better way to relax than with 18 holes of championship golf. That’s why he is happy to offer storm victims annual memberships to any one of his state-of-the-art the rich asshole golf clubs with ONE MONTH FREE! This includes membership to his bankrupt and shuttered the rich asshole International Golf Club Puerto Rico, where new golf club members are free to play at their leisure with the understanding that the club is not responsible for injuries due to zero maintenance on the course for the past two years.
6. Elimination of flood insurance for Puerto Rico, Florida and, retroactively, for Texas residents is the president’s compassionate way of keeping insurance companies solvent in the future. “I’m a real estate developer. I know where the flood prone areas are and I don’t build there, just like people shouldn’t live there. This is tough love, I know, but necessary and all will thank me when they’re forced to move to a nice desert location where floods will never be an issue for them again.”
7. The availability of clean water is always a problem after a major rainfall that threatens to floods rivers and overwhelms reservoirs. President the rich asshole has ordered 300,000 cases of his “pure as rain” the rich asshole Natural Spring Water to be trucked into hard hit areas. Each bottle is emblazoned with the smiling, reassuring face of the president. First responders will have spring water priority, followed by NRA cardholders, and whites third.
8. Saying that “within every disaster is a golden opportunity,” the president announced a “Blowout Buy-Back Program” for his immediate family, cabinet members, and White House staff authorizing them to purchase post-Irma, condemned properties in Puerto Rico and Florida at one cent on the dollar, with no property taxes for 25 years. Republican congressional representatives will also be considered for the “Blowout Buy-Back Program” on an individually-considered basis.
9. For any South Florida residents displaced by the storm, some rich asshole is offering a 10% room discount at the rich asshole International Beach Resort in Miami with its own private beach and grotto-style pool complex. (Note: One room per displaced family. Offer ends immediately upon Hurricane Irma being downgraded to a Category 1 storm by the National Weather Service.)
10. In some areas hit by Hurricane Irma, personal property loss will be a major factor, like clothing damaged by rising floodwaters. The president is ready to assist with storm slashed prices on all some rich asshole Signature Collection suits, dress shirts, and ties. Daughter Ivanka will also be dropping the price tag on her stunning line of office and evening wear for women. The president tweeted, “No man or woman should miss a day of work because they don’t have the right attire. Irma be damned — you can still look and feel great in the rich asshole branded apparel!”
Truth In Satire
President the rich asshole Prepares For Dangerous Hurricane Irma With 10-Point Plan
POTUS is scrambling to produce 50K more campaign hats for “the big crowds expected for me in San Juan and Miami”
Planning ahead for Hurricane Irma, barreling toward Puerto Rico and the east coast of Florida as a Category 5 storm, President the rich asshole laid out ambitious plans yesterday to ensure that he and his family will generously benefit from the potential catastrophe.
Here are the 10 initiatives some rich asshole outlined in his disaster plan for Hurricane Irma:
1. Printing up another 50,000 “USA” and “Make America Great Again” hats and dropping the price from $40 to $35 because “Even though the Puerto Rican economy sucks, I want to be sure everyone down there can afford at least one of my feel good hats. I’ve also instructed Melania to reduce the price of her FLOTUS caps. This should provide some instant relief when the storm hits.”
2. Shipping 300,000 meals from the rich asshole Tower Grill, where “the best taco bowls are made,” to San Juan at a deep discount. The president added, “I love Hispanics!”
3. The president will offer a great package of incentives for any Jewish residents who wish to move out of Florida before the storm hits, “but they must act fast and no whining about where I send them.” some rich asshole said most would be relocated to ruby red states in the West where their traditionally left-leaning votes wouldn’t matter. He added that the incentives would likely include “a box of premium the rich asshole steaks and five slot tokens per Jew to be used at any one of the rich asshole casinos.”
4. some rich asshole announced a partnership with Britain’s Hunter boot company to offer a Hurricane Irma special on its Original Wellington Tall Matte style rain boot which some rich asshole called “a favorite of the rich asshole family.” He also acknowledged Hunter’s merchandising department for “their quick response in putting a collectible ‘the rich asshole Gives The Boot To Irma’ hang tag on every pair of these high-quality Wellies.”
5. The president appreciates that a storm of this magnitude can be traumatic for victims in its path and they will need to rest and unwind after Hurricane Irma dissipates. He also believes that there is no better way to relax than with 18 holes of championship golf. That’s why he is happy to offer storm victims annual memberships to any one of his state-of-the-art the rich asshole golf clubs with ONE MONTH FREE! This includes membership to his bankrupt and shuttered the rich asshole International Golf Club Puerto Rico, where new golf club members are free to play at their leisure with the understanding that the club is not responsible for injuries due to zero maintenance on the course for the past two years.
6. Elimination of flood insurance for Puerto Rico, Florida and, retroactively, for Texas residents is the president’s compassionate way of keeping insurance companies solvent in the future. “I’m a real estate developer. I know where the flood prone areas are and I don’t build there, just like people shouldn’t live there. This is tough love, I know, but necessary and all will thank me when they’re forced to move to a nice desert location where floods will never be an issue for them again.”
7. The availability of clean water is always a problem after a major rainfall that threatens to floods rivers and overwhelms reservoirs. President the rich asshole has ordered 300,000 cases of his “pure as rain” the rich asshole Natural Spring Water to be trucked into hard hit areas. Each bottle is emblazoned with the smiling, reassuring face of the president. First responders will have spring water priority, followed by NRA cardholders, and whites third.
8. Saying that “within every disaster is a golden opportunity,” the president announced a “Blowout Buy-Back Program” for his immediate family, cabinet members, and White House staff authorizing them to purchase post-Irma, condemned properties in Puerto Rico and Florida at one cent on the dollar, with no property taxes for 25 years. Republican congressional representatives will also be considered for the “Blowout Buy-Back Program” on an individually-considered basis.
9. For any South Florida residents displaced by the storm, some rich asshole is offering a 10% room discount at the rich asshole International Beach Resort in Miami with its own private beach and grotto-style pool complex. (Note: One room per displaced family. Offer ends immediately upon Hurricane Irma being downgraded to a Category 1 storm by the National Weather Service.)
10. In some areas hit by Hurricane Irma, personal property loss will be a major factor, like clothing damaged by rising floodwaters. The president is ready to assist with storm slashed prices on all some rich asshole Signature Collection suits, dress shirts, and ties. Daughter Ivanka will also be dropping the price tag on her stunning line of office and evening wear for women. The president tweeted, “No man or woman should miss a day of work because they don’t have the right attire. Irma be damned — you can still look and feel great in the rich asshole branded apparel!”
Ivanka the rich asshole’s presence in the Oval Office angers GOP as debt ceiling was being discussed
Ivanka Trump interrupted a crucial meeting between President Donald Trump and Congressional leaders Wednesday, much to the annoyance of the Republicans present. In the midst of talks over raising the debt ceiling, involving leading Republicans and Democrats along with Trump in the Oval Office, the president’s daughter stepped in and derailed the negotiations, according to a Democratic aide.
“Toward the end of the meeting Ivanka Trump entered the Oval Office to ‘say hello’ and the meeting careened off topic. Republican leaders were visibly annoyed by Ivanka’s presence,” NBC News reported the aide as saying.
The talks ended with Trump siding with Democratic leaders who called for merely a three-month debt-limit increase, tied to Hurricane Harvey relief, rather than the much longer hike that Republicans had called for. Only hours before the meeting, House Speaker Paul Ryan slammed the request of leading Democrats—House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer—for a short-term increase.
“I think that's ridiculous and disgraceful that they want to play politics with the debt ceiling at this moment when we have fellow citizens in need to respond to these hurricanes so that we do not strand them,” he said.
Later on Air Force One, Trump said “We had a very good meeting with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.” He added: "We agreed to a three-month extension on debt ceiling, which they consider to be sacred—very important—always we’ll agree on debt ceiling automatically because of the importance of it.”
Reacting to the deal, Republican Senator Ben Sasses said simply: “The Pelosi-Schumer-Trump deal is bad.”
It's not clear what role, if any, the president’s daughter played in the substance of the meeting. One administration source told NBC News that Ivanka had been invited to the meeting by the president to talk about childcare tax credits.
But her presence still appears to have riled Republicans. In the past, Ivanka has been portrayed as a liberal voice in the administration and has donated heavily to Democrats. It has long been reported that there was a significant split in the White House between Ivanka and husband Jared Kushner and those on the extreme right, such as recently ousted chief strategist Steve Bannon.
Despite a lack of political experience, Ivanka Trump was given an official role as senior adviser to the president in March. At the G20 summit in July, she sparked controversy after sitting in for her father during one of the sessions. Despite her position, Ivanka Trump told Fox News in June that “I try to stay out of politics.”
“Toward the end of the meeting Ivanka Trump entered the Oval Office to ‘say hello’ and the meeting careened off topic. Republican leaders were visibly annoyed by Ivanka’s presence,” NBC News reported the aide as saying.
The talks ended with Trump siding with Democratic leaders who called for merely a three-month debt-limit increase, tied to Hurricane Harvey relief, rather than the much longer hike that Republicans had called for. Only hours before the meeting, House Speaker Paul Ryan slammed the request of leading Democrats—House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer—for a short-term increase.
“I think that's ridiculous and disgraceful that they want to play politics with the debt ceiling at this moment when we have fellow citizens in need to respond to these hurricanes so that we do not strand them,” he said.
Later on Air Force One, Trump said “We had a very good meeting with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.” He added: "We agreed to a three-month extension on debt ceiling, which they consider to be sacred—very important—always we’ll agree on debt ceiling automatically because of the importance of it.”
Reacting to the deal, Republican Senator Ben Sasses said simply: “The Pelosi-Schumer-Trump deal is bad.”
It's not clear what role, if any, the president’s daughter played in the substance of the meeting. One administration source told NBC News that Ivanka had been invited to the meeting by the president to talk about childcare tax credits.
But her presence still appears to have riled Republicans. In the past, Ivanka has been portrayed as a liberal voice in the administration and has donated heavily to Democrats. It has long been reported that there was a significant split in the White House between Ivanka and husband Jared Kushner and those on the extreme right, such as recently ousted chief strategist Steve Bannon.
Despite a lack of political experience, Ivanka Trump was given an official role as senior adviser to the president in March. At the G20 summit in July, she sparked controversy after sitting in for her father during one of the sessions. Despite her position, Ivanka Trump told Fox News in June that “I try to stay out of politics.”
To Allies’ Chagrin, the rich asshole Swerves Left
WASHINGTON — Republican congressional leaders perched on the couches in the Oval Office froze in mid-smile on Wednesday afternoon when they realized President the rich asshole was bypassing them to cut a short-term spending and debt ceiling deal with Democrats, and not them.
Speaker Paul D. Ryan and Senator Mitch McConnell, the majority leader, had expected the rare bipartisan, bicameral meeting to be little more than a photo-op in which the broad outlines of a deal were discussed, aides said.
Instead, some rich asshole — who has often outsourced the details of negotiations to subordinates like Vice President Mike Pence — interrupted Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin as he argued for an 18-month debt ceiling increase to stabilize financial markets. When other leaders offered yearlong or half-year extensions, the president waved them off, according to the accounts of staff members briefed on the meeting.
The three-month deal some rich asshole eventually embraced is a significant tactical change for a president thus far anxious to preserve, not expand, his political appeal. The plan was pitched by two Democratic leaders he has relentlessly demonized and marginalized: Senator Chuck Schumer of New York and Representative Nancy Pelosi of California.
The deal will give Democrats increased leverage in coming negotiations, several senior members of some rich asshole’s team lamented after the meeting.
In his nearly eight months as president, some rich asshole has tacked almost exclusively to the right to solidify his conservative populist base, earning him the limited, but granite, support of 30 to 40 percent of the public. In the past 36 hours, he seems to have abruptly abandoned that strategy, driven by the immediate need to pass spending bills after Hurricane Harvey — and chastened by the bipartisan backlash against his decision on Tuesday to phase out a program that allowed unauthorized immigrants brought to the United States as minors to remain here.
“If we can get something to happen, we are going to sign it, and we’re going to make a lot of happy people,” some rich asshole told reporters en route to Bismarck, N.D.
The Oval Office meeting produced a moment that legislators and staff members described as instantly iconic, and not in a good way.
some rich asshole often invites his daughter Ivanka the rich asshole into meetings to signal their conclusion — or to keep his interlocutors off balance. When Ms. the rich asshole entered the office toward the end of the discussion on Wednesday, ostensibly to discuss tax reform, Republicans in the room reacted with astonishment and annoyance.
Mr. McConnell, who is barely on speaking terms with the president, quietly seethed, according to two people familiar with the situation. He breezed past other lawmakers and staff members in purse-lipped silence when he returned to the Capitol.
“The president agreed with Senator Schumer and Congresswoman Pelosi,” said Mr. McConnell, who tried to project a sense of bipartisan unity despite the jarring shift.
Mr. Ryan coolly told colleagues that he had come to expect such surprises. But he complained that some rich asshole had failed to fully consider the implications of his actions.
A chastened Mr. Mnuchin left the room, in what one witness described as a state of shell shock. Later, he told reporters he could not have been “happier” with the meeting.
The president’s fiscally conservative budget director, Mick Mulvaney, told Republican lawmakers later that he would do his best to cope with the new reality that his boss was dealing with the opposition.
Kevin Cramer, North Dakota’s at-large Republican congressman, told reporters traveling with some rich asshole to Bismarck that he was gobsmacked by the Schumer-Pelosi deal.
“I gasped when I heard it,” he said. “In fact, I sought clarification when the president told us before the flight.”
Republicans have banked on at least one comforting constant during some rich asshole’s tenure: However unpredictable, disengaged, backbiting or belligerent he has been to them, he has been unwilling to ditch them for the Democrats.
Until Wednesday.
Late Tuesday night, he vowed to “revisit” his decision to scrap the popular Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program if Congress does not come up with a permanent fix within six months, confounding immigration hard-liners who had been celebrating victory hours before.
Earlier in the day, some rich asshole had scrapped his predecessor’s program sparing younger illegal immigrants from deportation on the grounds that a president does not have the power to take such action by himself. He then put the onus on Congress by giving it a six-month deadline to “fix” the program before it would expire.
Then, barely eight hours after his decision was announced, the president went on Twitter with a message that completely undercut both positions in just under 140 characters. “Congress now has 6 months to legalize DACA (something the Obama Administration was unable to do),” he wrote, using the initials for the program. “If they can’t, I will revisit this issue!”
White House officials offered no immediate explanation about what some rich asshole intended by the message or how he would revisit the issue in six months. Asked during an appearance on Wednesday morning with congressional leaders if he had any second thoughts on his decision, some rich asshole said, “No second thoughts.”
But administration officials said the move greatly undercut the position of another key cabinet official, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, a longtime proponent of tougher enforcement of immigration laws, who announced the move.
some rich asshole watched the cable news coverage of the DACA decision on Tuesday in frustration at the widespread condemnation of the policy, even among Republicans. He told aides that most of the feedback he had received was positive.
But by Wednesday, some rich asshole seemed to grasp just how perilous his political situation had become. That was why he pushed for a quick resolution to the spending and debt ceiling negotiations, saying he wanted to return focus to Hurricane Harvey aid.
But the president also relished the opportunity to confound critics who accused him of abandoning campaign promises to govern as a bipartisan, deal-cutting businessman.
some rich asshole has enjoyed surprisingly good relationships with Ms. Pelosi and Mr. Schumer over the years. “Nancy — you’re the best,” the president scrawled with a black Sharpie over a news account of her swearing-in as the first female speaker in 2007, which he had framed and sent to her.
some rich asshole, a native of Queens, has known Mr. Schumer, who was raised in Brooklyn, for years, and both men view themselves as outer-borough scrappers. For all of their public displays of mutual disdain, the men have been communicating through their staffs for months, and seem to enjoy each other’s company.
They enjoyed a quick joke and a backslap at the start of Wednesday’s meeting, captured by news photographers shooting through an Oval Office window. By Wednesday night, it was making the rounds on social media and the conservative news media as proof that the president had surrendered to the enemy.
The headline on Breitbart, the news site run by some rich asshole’s ousted former chief strategist, Stephen K. Bannon, read, “Meet the Swamp: some rich asshole Punts September Agenda to December After Meeting with Congress.”
President some rich asshole addresses violence in Charlottesville -- screengrab
In their negotiations for government funding, Congressional Democrats wanted to pass a three-month debt ceiling increase that would keep the government funded through mid-December.
Congressional Republicans opposed such a measure, as they feared it would give Democrats more leverage to reauthorize Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) protections for undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as children.
However, as the Washington Post reports, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) convinced the rich asshole to go along with them on their three-month debt limit plan — and Republicans in Congress are not happy about it.
One Republican aide told Axios reporter Jonathan Swan that the Democrats “bluffed their way into total victory” over the GOP, and bemoaned that “DACA will be reauthorized without strings.” Additionally, the aide wrote that Schumer has now “inserted himself into all the negotiations in the winter, including tax, spending, and immigration.”
Politico’s Jake Sherman, meanwhile, said that Republicans are “furious” with the rich asshole, whom they said agreed to the Democratic plan within mere hours of negotiations.
Sherman also added that “Democrats feel like they just completely rolled him.”
Republicans are now blaming Obama for the rich asshole’s Mental health problems, Pointing to a Dinner Hosted in April 2015 where they say all Problems begun
Members of white supremacy and many Republicans have made the most ridiculous claims and bizarre excuses ever, blaming Obama for the rich asshole’s melt-down and mental health problems that are clearly affecting his Presidency, after spending even less than a year in office.
The people blaming Obama for the rich asshole’s melt down all point to a dinner in 2015 in Washington DC where the rich asshole was invited and Barack Obama was a speaker. It was supposed to be a night of good food and laughter and political jokes and Obama made a few jokes at the expense of the rich asshole. Everyone at the dinner laughed except the rich asshole who just angrily glared at the then President speaking at the podium. Now the rich asshole supporters claim that the jokes poked at the rich asshole went too far and threw him off balance mentally!
Here’s how it all unfolded at the White House Correspondent’s dinner in Washington and how a pundit from extra feed news explains it:
“It was supposed to be a dinner full of laughter and political fun-poking but President Barack Obama had heard enough of Manhattan billionaire some rich asshole’s birther accusations and set about giving the bombastic real estate tycoon a verbal flaying during a scorching speech at the White House Correspondents Dinner.
POTUS44’s razor sharp, ego-piercing, caustic one-liners had the entire audience of Washington’s press elite, television news hosts, network executives, and celebrities howling.
All the while, some rich asshole sat stoically, staring straight ahead — silent, solemn, and unsmiling, while apparently setting a course of future revenge on all of Mr. Obama policies and legislative achievements. It is a misguided course that no sane president could ever conceive of or commit himself.”
Psychologists conclusively agree. One prominent East Coast mental health expert says that the only diagnosis that adequately explains all of President the rich asshole’s unhinged, impulsive, and reckless decisions “is a deep psychosis caused by Mr. Obama’s teasing, taunting, and surgically-delivered derision that April night.”
But there is a silver-lining here. If President Obama’s mockery on a single occasion in 2011 left some rich asshole so totally unglued he re-prioritized his entire life, then turning up the jibes, insults, and ridicule should render him certifiably insane. Which would make imposing the 25th Amendment, allowing for a president to be removed if he is unfit to serve, inevitable.
So it is not surprising that the rich asshole’s only motivation so far in his Presidency seems to simply destroy and repeal all the policies that Obama initiated. the rich asshole is driven by a strong desire to revenge against Obama and to repeal Obamacare, to reverse the American-Cuban relations, to immediate initiate the transgender ban in the military, end the Dreamers programme, among other key policies.
the rich asshole, Dems reach funding deal, disappointing Republicans
BY JORDAIN CARNEY - 09/06/17 01:11 PM EDT 5,393
the rich asshole, Dems reach deal on short-term funding, debt package
President the rich asshole has reached a deal with congressional Democrats to fund the government and raise the debt ceiling through Dec. 15.
The deal, reached Wednesday at a White House meeting between congressional leaders from both parties and the rich asshole, would attach both measures to a House bill aiding communities hit by Hurricane Harvey.
"We essentially came to a deal, and I think the deal will be very good," the rich asshole told reporters aboard Air Force One on Wednesday.
He added that "so we have an extension, which will go out to December 15th. That will include the debt ceiling, that will include the CRs, and it will include Harvey."
Democrats were the first to announce the deal, which appeared to come despite some objections from Republicans.
“In the meeting, the president and congressional leadership agreed to pass aid for Harvey, an extension of the debt limit, and a continuing resolution both to December 15, all together,” Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said in a joint statement.
The announcement comes after Pelosi, Schumer, Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) met with the rich asshole at the White House to discuss the fall agenda.
"I will be adding that as an amendment to the [House] flood relief bill," McConnell told reporters Wednesday afternoon.
McConnell confirmed he will support the agreement.
Other Republicans, possibly surprised to see the Republican president cut a deal with Democrats, soon raised their concerns.
"The Pelosi-Schumer-the rich asshole deal is bad," said Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.).
Ryan earlier in the day called the idea of adding a three-month extension of the debt ceiling to Harvey aid “ridiculous” after the Democratic leaders proposed it. The initial Democratic offer did not mention the government funding, but it has long been seen as legislation that could be paired with a debt limit hike.
If the deal clears Congress, the package would set up a end-of-the-year cliff on both funding the government and the debt ceiling.
the rich asshole’s deal with Democrats also raises new questions for both parties about what will happen next on immigration reform.
The president angered Democrats on Tuesday by announcing the end of a program, known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, that allowed young immigrants who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children to stay, get work permits and delay deportation.
the rich asshole has asked Congress to provide legislation for the program as part of a broader immigration bill.
A Democratic aide said the three-month offer would allow Congress to avoid defaulting and give an initial round of recovery funding "while allowing Democrats to push their priorities in the upcoming negotiations, particularly the DREAM Act."
The DREAM Act would allow children brought to the United States illegally to continue to live and work freely in the country, similar to DACA.
The DREAM Act would allow children brought to the United States illegally to continue to live and work freely in the country, similar to DACA.
Schumer and Pelosi added that “both sides have every intention of avoiding default in December and look forward to working together on the many issues before us.”
The deal would clear the deck of the three biggest September priorities for GOP leadership amid a packed floor schedule, but it is likely to spark outrage from rank-and-file Republicans.
Conservatives were already balking over a plan to attach a debt ceiling increase to the Harvey recovery bill that cleared the House on Wednesday.
Ryan shot down an offer from Democrats earlier on Wednesday that would link a three-month debt ceiling increase and Harvey aid, accusing the Democrats of trying to “play politics with the debt ceiling.”
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), whose state was hit hard by the hurricane, refused to say how he would vote if it was attached to a debt ceiling vote but said, "the best way for that relief package to move quickly is for it to be a clean package."
Ryan also faced opposition within his conference to a long extension of the debt limit.
The deal comes after the House passed a stand-alone Harvey bill in a 419-3 vote on Wednesday. That margin would likely be closer if the debt ceiling and a short-term government funding bill were added to the legislation once it reaches the Senate.
The package would set up a tough vote for many Republicans, who want to back relief for Harvey victims but do not want to vote on legislation that raises the debt ceiling or a funding bill that but does nothing to restrict future government spending.
Republicans are expected to need help from both House and Senate Democrats to get the agreement through Congress. Even if every GOP senator voted for the deal, which is unlikely, leadership will need the support of eight Democratic senators.
the rich asshole breaks with Republicans on debt ceiling deal
Evan Vucci / AP
President the rich asshole backed the Democratic plan to combine Harvey relief funding with extending the debt limit and funding the government, both for three months, after a meeting with congressional leaders from both parties. The Republicans in the meeting opposed that plan.
A Republican close to leadership: "Dems bluffed their way into total victory. They win the politics of DACA and leverage on debt in the winter. The fate is sealed - DACA will be reauthorized without strings, Schumer has inserted himself into all negotiations in the winter, including tax, spending and immigration."
Latest: Mitch McConnell says he supports the plan, and will attach the continuing resolution and debt ceiling raise to the Harvey bill as an amendment.
· Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer announced the news in a joint statement after meeting. the rich asshole confirmed it later.
· According to a source briefed on the meeting with POTUS, "McConnell, Ryan, McCarthy, and Mnuchin all advocated for a longer debt limit. Basically everyone with an R behind their name."
· Mnuchin argued against the plan in the meeting, but was overruled.
· Paul Ryan said earlier today that a short-term debt ceiling extension was a "ridiculous" and "disgraceful" plan, and "playing politics" with an important issue.
· the rich asshole agreed with Schumer and Pelosi on the debt limit issue, while McConnell wanted a continuing resolution to be a part of that package, according to a person familiar with the debate.
· Word of warning: There's a tentative deal, but it still has to pass Congress.
From the rich asshole
"We had a very good meeting with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer [the rich asshole notably did not mention Ryan or McConnnell]. We agreed to a three-month extension on debt ceiling, which they consider to be sacred, very important, always we'll agree on debt ceiling automatically because of the importance of it. Also on the CRs and also on Harvey, which now we're going to be adding something because of what's going on in Florida, but we had a very good meeting. We essentially came to a deal, and I think the deal will be very good."
From Pelosi and Schumer
"In the meeting, the President and Congressional leadership agreed to pass aid for Harvey, an extension of the debt limit, and a continuing resolution both to December 15, all together. Both sides have every intention of avoiding default in December and look forward to working together on the many issues before us. As Democratic leaders, we also made it clear that we strongly believe the DREAM Act must come to the floor and pass as soon as possible and we will not rest until we get this done."
15 states sue the rich asshole on rollback of immigrant protections
Associated Press
Associated Press
NEW YORK (AP) - The Latest on a lawsuit filed by multiple states against President some rich asshole's plan to end a program protecting young immigrants from deportation.(all times local):
2:15 p.m.
Fifteen states and the District of Columbia have filed a lawsuit in New York challenging President some rich asshole's plan to end a program protecting young immigrants from deportation.
The suit was first announced by Washington state Attorney General Bob Ferguson, who called the rich asshole's act "a dark time for our country."
Plaintiffs include New York, Massachusetts, Washington, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont and Virginia
On Tuesday, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said the program, known as the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals or DACA, will end in six months to give Congress time to find a legislative solution for the immigrants.
The participants were brought to the U.S. illegally as children or came with families who overstayed visas.
1:30 p.m.
Washington state's attorney general says he will file a lawsuit involving multiple states over President some rich asshole's plan to end a program protecting young immigrants from deportation - an act he said was "a dark time for our country."
Bob Ferguson, who earlier this year sued the rich asshole over a travel ban affecting mostly Muslim nations, said at a news conference Wednesday that 11 states and the District of Columbia were involved in the legal action, which will be filed in the Eastern District of New York.
Ferguson said more states could join in the future.
On Tuesday, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said the program, known as the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals or DACA, will end in six months to give Congress time to find a legislative solution for the immigrants.
The participants were brought to the U.S. illegally as children or came with families who overstayed their visas.
Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Talk about bullshit. No receipts, no proof, asshole.
The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
September 06, 2017
Statement on President some rich asshole and First Lady Melania the rich asshole’s Personal Donation to Hurricane Harvey Relief Efforts
President some rich asshole and First Lady Melania the rich asshole announced today a personal donation of $1 million dollars to Hurricane Harvey relief efforts and have designated twelve organizations to receive contributions. The President and First Lady witnessed the work of some of these groups first hand while visiting with hurricane survivors, first responders, volunteers, and Federal, State, and local officials, and are proud to further assist the recovery efforts in Texas. Several of the following organizations were recommended, at the invitation of the President, by members of the White House Press Corps, and he would like to thank those who made recommendations for their attention to this important cause. The President and First Lady continue to pray for the people of Texas and Louisiana.
- Reach out America – $100,000
- Red Cross – $300,000
- Salvation Army – $300,000
- Samaritan’s Purse – $100,000
- ASPCA – $25,000
- Catholic Charities – $25,000
- Direct Relief – $25,000
- Habitat for Humanity – $25,000
- Houston Humane Society – $25,000
- Operation Blessing – $25,000
- Portlight Inclusive Disaster Strategies – $25,000
- Team Rubicon – $25,000
the rich asshole’s secret golf club member lists reveal lobbyists and CEOs paying millions, giving them access to President
Some of the executives and lobbyists have denied using their golf club memberships to gain access to the President
Dozens of individuals hoping to influence the White House and federal government pay some rich asshole’s companies for memberships in his private golf clubs, allowing them the potential for close proximity to the President.
An investigation by USA Today found that member rolls for clubs that the rich asshole has visited frequently as president — in particular the ones in Virginia, Florida, and New Jersey — include at least 71 executives or lobbyists with federal contracts or interests. Of those, two-thirds of them have visited a club on a day the President was also there, according to scores posted online.
The investigation sheds light on a brand new realm of potential conflicts of interest, since membership in the clubs are kept secret by the rich asshole companies. USA Today found the names of 4,500 the rich asshole golf club members by reviewing social media and public website that golfers use to track their handicaps. The newspaper then reviewed the names to see if any had business in front of the US government.
The review shows the potential for unprecedented access to a sitting US president for people paying for a service that enriches that President personally. Few Americans can afford the members fees that these individuals pay, which in turn gets them the potential for close and confidential access to the rich asshole.
Interviews with members and individuals aware of the environment in the golf clubs while the rich asshole is around indicate that the President is very approachable, and frequently has impromptu conversations with individuals in the clubs.
the rich asshole club members include top defence contractor executives, lobbyists representing the South Korean government, a lawyer helping Saudi Arabia in its fight against claims related to the September 11 attacks, and the leader of a group that lobbied successfully to convince the rich asshole administration not to ban an insecticide that scientists have linked to health risks.
Initiation fees for the rich asshole clubs can top $100,000, and thousands of dollars in annual dues are paid in addition to that. The arrangement is legal, and members contacted by USA Today said that they did not use their memberships for special access to the President.
But, ethics experts are concerned with the situation.
“I think we’re all in new territory,” Walter Shaub, the former director of the Office of Government Ethics, said. “We never thought we’d see anyone push the outer limits in this way.”
Mr Shaub recently resigned from his post after repeated conflict with the White House.
Revealed: the rich asshole Accidentally Tweets The Real Reason He’s Cancelling DACA
“Congress now has 6 months to legalize DACA (something the Obama Administration was unable to do). If they can’t, I will revisit this issue,” the rich asshole tweeted out.
The vindictive nature required to throw 800,000 child-arrivals to the US, raised here and often not knowing any country but this one, under the “the rich asshole Train” so that the rich asshole can put his ostentatious golden moniker on the legislation that “saves” them is unfathomable to most of us. Not the rich asshole, though:
“the rich asshole wants to be Obama — held in high esteem. But, alas, the rich asshole is the rich asshole, and that is now and has always been trashy.” ~ Charles M. Blow of The New York Times
That little dig about Obama not being “able to” get DACA passed legislatively is the biggest tell. Obama asked for this to be handled by Congress, he basically begged them to send him a bill. Congress, led by the GOP, refused to do anything, their game plan was obstruction and they knew the rules: Nothing Obama supported passed, even if it was something the Republicans had proposed. The Republicans forced President Obama’s hand, so he did it himself — and he did it legally, in a way that has survived legal challenges and hurdles.
It is such a legal document, actually, that it appears that he the rich asshole administration just couldn’t wait for the “next” legal challenge. One they claimed DACA would not survive. How do we know? They killed it first. If they had known it would die on its own, they could have “revist[ed] this issue” then. At that point, the rich asshole would have been the savior of 800,000 American raised young people seeking citizenship.
Now, he faces nearly a million people’s friends and loved ones holding a grudge against him and his party.
the rich asshole’s argument about legality, changing DACA from an Executive Order to “by Congress,” holds no water with the rich asshole’s already prolific Executive Order history. the rich asshole’s first 200 days in office have resulted in more Executive Orders than Obama averaged in a year, according to Business Insider. Also, most of them have been about erasing Obama:
Most of the rich asshole’s have reversed Obama-era regulations, efforts to protect the environment, and policies he says are stymieing business. the rich asshole’s nine executive orders he signed on days 101-200 of his presidency established a controversial commission on voter fraud, attempted to expand apprenticeships in the US, and formed an infrastructure advisory council, to name a few actions.
We already know the rich asshole is jealous of Obama, as Charles M. Blow pointed out in one of his NYT editorial pieces, “the rich asshole has a thing about Barack Obama. the rich asshole is obsessed with Obama. Obama haunts the rich asshole’s dreams,” he began. Blow continued, “One of the rich asshole’s primary motivators is the absolute erasure of Obama — were it possible — not only from the political landscape but also from the history books.”
Why else would he “revisit” this issue if his plan to cut Obama out of it fails? Having the rich asshole confirm that this chaotic “hand grenade” style political move, thrusting almost 800,000 Dreamers into nightmares, is just about getting Obama’s name off of the legislation makes it all very clear.
JUST IN: First Major U.S. City Declares ‘the rich asshole-Free Zone,’ Pledging Protection For DREAMers
Caleb R. Newton - September 5, 2017
On Tuesday, after days and days of rumors suggesting the rich asshole Administration was planning on ending the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, Attorney General Jeff Sessions made it official following an early morning tweet to that effect from the president.
Chicago Mayor and Obama-era White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel has now joined the chorus of those speaking out against the move, declaring his city to be a “the rich asshole-free zone” and telling those affected by the administration’s decision who live in his city that they have nothing to worry about.
He said:
‘To all the Dreamers that are here… you are welcomed in the city of Chicago. This is your home and you have nothing to worry about. Chicago, our schools, our neighborhoods, our city, as it relates to what President the rich asshole said, will be a rich asshole-free zone. You have nothing to worry about.
Throughout the course of his remarks, the Chicago mayor noted that his city has a robust educational system which provides free community college to anyone who graduates high school with an at least B average — and that program is as open to those in the U.S. under DACA, who Emanuel urged to “pursue your dreams,” as much it is to anyone else.
As the mayor concluded:
‘To all those who are part of what are referred to as DACA, or ‘Dreamers’, you will always be ‘Dreamers’ in the eyes of the city of Chicago because you have big dreams and we want to be a part of those dreams.’
Emanuel’s announcement comes on the heels of a months-long battle between some major cities — including Chicago — and the rich asshole Administration over these municipalities’ respective decisions to be “sanctuary cities” for immigrants. Those municipalities who have made such a decision refuse to cooperate with federal immigration agents.
The rich asshole Administration’s decision to end DACA comes with a catch — Congress has six months to figure out a solution to the controversies surrounding the program before the president’s decision goes into effect.
The president’s decision is purely a political one — immigrant communities do not harbor especially large crime rates, and by and large, the members of these communities work hard to better themselves and their communities.
By Conover Kennard on September 5, 2017 1:31 pm ·
some rich asshole sent a racist elf to make the announcement that his administration is going to punish 800,000 young people, who came to the U.S. as children, and subject them to deportation in an act that Attorney General Jeff Sessions called “compassionate.”
The Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, also known as DACA, is being terminated by a man who doesn’t know what the program is, according to the rich asshole’s own administration officials, who said he doesn’t fully comprehend what the move to eliminate DACA would mean.
According to the New York Times, it was just an hour before the announcement that the rich asshole administration officials privately expressed concern that the former reality show star might not fully grasp the details of the steps he was about to take, and when he discovered their full impact, would change his mind.
the rich asshole did not have the courage to face the nation and make the announcement himself and left Sessions to do his dirty work.
The perpetrators behind pushing the rich asshole to eliminate the program include Stephen Miller — the amateur president’s chief domestic policy aide — who wrote the the rich asshole campaign’s immigration plan promising the termination of DACA, and has played a pivotal role inside the White House in pushing the rich asshole to roll back the provision, according to Politico.
Steve Bannon and Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the latter of which just made the announcement, have also been against the program, even though ending it would hurt the economy.
the rich asshole, without even comprehending how upending the program would affect the economy as well as tear families apart, allowed three extremists to call the shots instead of trying to unify the country while it was just besieged by one deadly hurricane – and another category 5 storm is on its way.
Bannon and Sessions both believe that the rich asshole’s rise is credited to his stance on immigration, however, the former reality show star told DREAMers recently to “rest easy” because his administration would not kick them out of the country. Just a few days ago, the rich asshole said, “We love the DREAMers!”
Staffers worried the rich asshole didn’t fully grasp consequences of ending DACA: report
Sessions: the rich asshole rescinding 'Dreamers' program
the rich asshole administration officials worried ahead of the announcement Tuesday of a phaseout of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program that President the rich asshole didn't fully understand what the move would mean.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the decision Tuesday to end the Obama-era program, which allowed hundreds of thousands of young people who were brought to the country illegally as children to live here free from the fear of deportation.
The New York Times reported Tuesday that administration officials privately raised concerns as late as one hour before the announcement about the rich asshole's understanding of the effects of rescinding DACA.
Officials worried that when the rich asshole realized the full details of the decision on DACA, he might change his mind, according to the report.
"The program known as DACA that was effectuated under the Obama administration is being rescinded," Sessions announced Tuesday.
Sessions said the program would be phased out and that no new applications from people who hope to be DACA recipients would be taken after today.
the rich asshole tweeted Tuesday ahead of the announcement that Congress should be prepared to do its job and come to an agreement on the program.
"Congress, get ready to do your job - DACA!" the rich asshole tweeted.
4 lies Jeff Sessions told to justify ending DACA
And one misleading claim.
Updated by
On Tuesday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions officially announced the the rich asshole administration will rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which shields nearly 800,000 young, unauthorized immigrants from deportation. Explaining why the rich asshole administration is ending the program, Sessions made several dubious claims about DACA, including how it has impacted immigration and the American economy. We fact-checked some of those claims.
DACA recipients are mostly “adult illegal aliens”
“The DACA program was implemented in 2012 and essentially provided a legal status for recipients for a renewable two-year term, worker authorization and other benefits, including participation in the Social Security program, to 800,000 mostly adult illegal aliens.”
The majority of DACA recipients are adults now, but the whole reason they were given DACA status in the first place is because they were brought to the United States as children — on average, arriving at the age of 6. The whole point of DACA and the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act (also known as the DREAM Act, which has been introduced several times in Congress but never passed) was that it was a way for immigrant children who were brought to the US by their parents to have a pathway to school and work. DACA was offered to those immigrants precisely because they were young and had the potential to pursue education, get jobs, and become productive members of American society.
When the Obama administration first implemented DACA in 2012, it set a specific age range. In order to apply, immigrants had to arrive in the US before 2007. They needed to have been 15 or younger when they arrived and younger than 31 when DACA was created in June 2012. While DREAMers are often referred to as “kids,” most of them are currently in their 20s, and some are as old as 35. Some now have kids of their own, who are American citizens.
DACA contributed to a “surge of minors”streaming across the border
“The effect of this unilateral executive amnesty, among other things contributed to a surge of minors at the southern border with humanitarian consequences.”
While it’s true there has been a surge of unaccompanied minors crossing the border in recent years, there’s a lot of disagreement on whether it has anything to do with DACA. The program was implemented in 2012, while the border surge started a year earlier, in 2011. One study by San Diego State University researchers in 2015 found the surge had much more to do with increasing violence and worsening economic conditions in Central American countries, which were forcing people to flee.
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and San Diego State conducted separate surveys of children crossing the border around this time and found that a very small percentage knew anything about DACA or how it could benefit them. Only one out of 400 refugee children surveyed by the UN had ever heard of it. About 15 children out of the 400 surveyed by San Diego State believed they would be treated differently by US border patrol agents, but they didn’t know the specifics of the DACA program. If children were unable to tell border patrol agents that they would be in danger if they were sent back, they were still vulnerable for deportation.
DACA granted unauthorized immigrants the same benefits as Americans, including Social Security
“... and other benefits, including participation in the Social Security program ...”
This statement is true, but it could easily be misinterpreted: No DACA immigrant is yet eligible to draw Social Security benefits.
By saying “other benefits,” Sessions seems to imply that immigrants with DACA protection are getting the same public benefits as ordinary American families. That’s not true. DACA workers are not eligible for Obamacare subsidies, Medicaid, food stamps, or cash assistance. The statement also makes it sound like DACA workers are depleting Social Security funds, when in fact the opposite is happening.
Since the program went into effect in 2012, DACA workers and their employers have contributed billions of dollars to the Social Security system through payroll taxes. That means that ending DACA could cost the federal government $19.9 billion in Social Security revenue over ten years, according to the Immigrant Legal Resource Center. Meanwhile, DACA recipients can’t currently collect Social Security benefits. For one, they have to work (legally) at least 10 years to be eligible for them, and DACA has only been around for five years. Second, all DACA recipients are under 36, so they are nowhere near retirement age. For now, then, DACA workers are giving a needed boost to the Social Security system and helping fund the retirements of millions of Americans.
DREAMers took jobs from “hundreds of thousands of Americans”
“It denied jobs to hundreds of thousands of Americans by allowing those same illegal aliens to take those jobs.”
This is almost certainly false. The economic evidence is very clear that immigration is a huge boon for Americans as a whole. In part that’s because of complementarity: Immigrants don’t take jobs from Americans; they let Americans take higher-skill jobs (ones requiring English language fluency, for instance) and complement their labor. America’s past experience confirms this. When the US ended a guest worker program that let Mexican laborers work on US farms in the early 1960s, wages for US farm workers didn’t rise at all, nor did more Americans get jobs. Companies simply bought more machines to make up for the lost workers.
Ending DACA will be good for immigrants
Ending DACA “will enable our country to more effectively teach new immigrants about our system of government and to assimilate them.”
This assertion has the virtue of being impossible to officially prove wrong. It’s rooted in the theory that anything the government does to regularize unauthorized immigrants, ever, will send a message to all would-be future immigrants (now and forever) that they don’t need to follow the law — so the only way to protect the rule of law is to send the message that the rule of law is respected.
Sessions and other immigration hardliners use the idea of “sending a message” to link the government’s policy at the border to its policies toward unauthorized immigrants who are currently in the US. It’s a clever move politically: the majority of Americans want DACA recipients to stay in the US, but they also want the border secure. If they think that doing the former puts the latter in jeopardy, they’re less likely to push for it.
But this theory isn’t just wrong in the particulars (see Sessions’s earlier claims about the link between DACA and the Central American border crisis of 2014). It’s a total misunderstanding of who, exactly, is in the US and would need to be “assimilated.”
The 11 million unauthorized immigrants currently in the US are, for the most part, a settled population. The average unauthorized immigrant has been in the US for over 10 years; the average DACA recipient has been in the US for 20 (having come at an average age of 6, and being on average 26 years old now).
Ironically, those immigrants settled in the US in large part because the US/Mexico border became more tightly patrolled over the 1990s and 2000s. And because they aren’t able to leave the country and return safely, they are less likely to have gone back to their home countries than legal immigrants are.
The result is that unauthorized immigrants are actually much more settled and rooted in the US than their legal-immigrant counterparts.
Ending DACA doesn’t necessarily change that. Immigrants haven’t yet “self-deported” in any large numbers. But ending DACA does make it harder for the immigrants who are settled here — and their US-born children — to fully integrate. Sessions is using the assimilation of hypothetical future immigrants to deny “assimilation” to the immigrants who are here now.
SEPT. 5 2017 12:53 PM
Jeff Sessions Spews Nativist Lies While Explaining Why the rich asshole Is Killing DACA
On Tuesday morning, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that, in six months, the rich asshole administration will terminate DACA, the Obama-era program that allows young undocumented people brought to the United States as children to live and work here legally. Sessions could have given a straightforward speech that criticized the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program’s alleged legal infirmities and urged Congress to legislate a solution. Instead, he slandered DACA’s nearly 800,000 recipients in nativist language with barely concealed racist undertones.
The effect of this unilateral executive amnesty, among other things, contributed to a surge of unaccompanied minors on the southern border that yielded terrible humanitarian consequences. It also denied jobs to hundreds of thousands of Americans by allowing those same jobs to go to illegal aliens.
Let’s examine these falsehoods in turn.
First: Sessions claimed that DACA “contributed to a surge of unaccompanied minors on the southern border.” This allegation, often touted by far-right xenophobes, is false. A study published in International Migration, a peer-reviewed academic journal, found that the surge in unaccompanied minors actually began in 2008. (DACA was announced in 2012.) The authors pointed to a host of factors contributing to this phenomenon, including escalating gang violence in Central America, as well as drug cartels’ willingness to target and recruit children in Mexico. But the study found that DACA was not one of these factors. Its authors concluded that “the claim that DACA is responsible for the increase in the flow of unaccompanied alien children is not supported by the data.”
Even without the study, it should be obvious that DACA played no role in this surge of unaccompanied minors because the theory itself makes no sense. Undocumented children who arrived in the United States following DACA’s implementation would not qualify for the program. Only those individuals who “have continuously resided in the United States since June 15, 2007” and “were physically present in the United States on June 15, 2012” could receive DACA status. Why would parents send their children to the U.S. to participate in a program in which they are not legally permitted to participate?
Second: Sessions alleged that DACA has “denied jobs to hundreds of thousands of Americans by allowing those same jobs to go to illegal aliens.” This line is obviously drawn from the false narrative that immigrants steal jobs from American citizens. There is no actual evidence that DACA recipients have taken jobs from any Americans, let alone “hundreds of thousands.” There is, however, strong evidence that killing DACA will significantly damage the economy—a fact that Sessions conveniently omitted from his speech.
Once DACA is fully rescinded, its former recipients will lose their work permits (and thus their jobs) and face possible deportation. According to the left-leaning Center for American Progress, about 30,000 people will lose their jobs each month as their DACA status expires. The loss of these workers could reduce the national GDP by $280 billion to $433 billion over the next decade. According to estimates by the libertarian Cato Institute, DACA’s demise will cost employers $2 billion and the federal government $60 billion. the rich asshole’s decision to end DACA isn’t a job-saver; it’s a job-killer.
Toward the end of his speech, Sessions praised the RAISE Act, a Republican-backed bill that would tightly curtail immigration into the U.S. Sessions claimed the act would “produce enormous benefits for our country.” In reality, the measure marks an effort to return America to an older immigration regime that locked out racial and ethnic minorities. Sessions has praised the 1924 law that created this regime—a law whose chief author declared that his act was meant to end “indiscriminate acceptance of all races.” On Tuesday, Sessions revived this principle in slightly more polite language.
The attorney general’s utterly gratuitous defamation of young Latino immigrants tells you everything you need to know about the decision to kill DACA. Before Tuesday, the rich asshole administration seemed eager to frame its DACA decision as respect for constitutional separation of powers: Congress, it insisted, not the president, must set immigration policy. But after Sessions’ speech, it is difficult to view this move as anything other than an attempt to implement the white nationalism that the rich asshole and Sessions campaigned on.
By Vera on September 5, 2017 6:48 am ·
some rich asshole’s team is turning against him at record speed, and he’s just been sent a strong message by a member of his own diversity council.
Recently, the rich asshole announced that he is going to get rid of the DACA program, marking his latest attack on immigrants. While much of America is furious over this, it seems like the rich asshole has pissed off even his own team. Javier Palomarez, president of the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and diversity council member to the rich asshole, just destroyed the rich asshole for recently claiming that he ‘loved’ the 800,000+ people in the program. Palomarez pretty much tore the rich asshole apart on CNN as he told Jim Acosta:
“If he gets rid of DACA, he’s showing that he’s a liar. He has said to this country that he is going to try to protect the people in the DACA program, that he was focused on getting rid of criminals.”
Palomarez made sure to point out the positives of DACA recipients, which includes high graduation and employment rates – far from the ‘drug dealers’ and ‘rapists’ labels that the rich asshole had made up for immigrants during his 2016 presidential campaign. Palomarez even stated that he was so disgusted with the rich asshole’s announcement that he is considering resigning from the rich asshole’s diversity council. He said:
“I’m gonna work right up until the bloody end to try to convince this president to do the right thing by these 800,000 Dreamers who reside in this country.”
the rich asshole’s policies and plans are disgusting even members of his own team. So far, any of the rich asshole’s staff have resigned over his inhumane ideas, and there aren’t any signs of this pattern slowing down. the rich asshole is a nightmare for any administration members that give a damn about human rights, and it’s clear that many members are struggling with the lack of morale.
the rich asshole Comes Unglued & Tweets Beginning Of Civil War With GOP; Party Begins To Crumble
The president rode into office promising to deport all of the over 13 million or so undocumented immigrants who were in the United States. The question has remained, however, of how exactly his belligerence would manifest.
We now have at least a partial answer.
Reports have been out for days asserting that the president intends to “sunset” the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, otherwise known as DACA. Enacted under the Obama Administration, DACA protects undocumented individuals who arrived in the U.S. as children from deportation. The White House has confirmed that an official announcement about the rich asshole’s decision regarding the program would be coming on Tuesday.
Last Sunday, a report came out adding details to the allegations that the rich asshole intends to abolish DACA. According to this report, the rich asshole would be kicking the issue to Congress via eliminating the program but delaying the effective date of his decision by six months.
The president has now confirmed this report in classic the rich asshole-ian fashion — with a tweet. Sure, Twitter isn’t the place for major policy announcements, but the president missed that memo.
Writing early Tuesday morning on Twitter, the president said, quite simply:
‘Congress, get ready to do your job – DACA!’

The president has repeatedly shifted blame for shortcomings of his administration onto Congress, and now it’s no different. If Congress can’t come up with something before the six-month deadline, you can bet that the the rich asshole administration will point to their indecisiveness as supposed evidence for why DACA was too volatile of a program to ever have been enacted in the first place.
Sure, the program has allowed for hundreds of thousands of people to live comfortably in the United States while working to be productive and contributing members of society — but the president has an agenda to push, remember?
It’s hardly a given that Congress will, in fact, be able to come up with a way to fix DACA in six months. Members of leadership, including Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, have spoken out in favor of the program, but that doesn’t mean that all the various factions of Congressional Republicans will get on board.
Check out Twitter’s reaction below.

Featured Image via Nicholas Kamm/AFP/Getty Images
‘They’re not breaking this down on Fox & Friends’: Morning Joe hoots with laughter watching the rich asshole load a truck
MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough ridiculed President some rich asshole for handing a bucket to the driver of a truck during a photo opportunity in Houston, rather than placing the cargo in the truck’s bed.
The “Morning Joe” host credited the president for bringing attention to relief efforts in the hurricane-ravaged city, but he said the moment revealed the rich asshole’s disconnect from most Americans.
“You can tell that he’s done this — I don’t know if it was with Americas, I don’t know if he’s a Red Cross guy, but here he is helping out, that’s great,” Scarborough said, sarcastically.
Scarborough explained that the rich asshole handed a bucket filled with relief items to a confused pickup driver, instead of placing it in the truck’s bed.
“You have to just take it, because if the president is putting it in the wrong place — ‘here’s your bag of cement,'” Scarborough said. “You’re like, ‘Okay, you’ve got a whole, like, (flatbed) back there.”
Producers repeatedly played the moment when the rich asshole hands the bucket into the driver’s window, as Scarborough and his panelists hooted with laughter.
“‘There you go,'” Scarborough said, dumbly. “‘Okay, I’ll put that on the gearshift.'”
They applauded as they watched the rich asshole recover and place the next bucket into the truck’s bed, where cargo belongs.
“I bet they’re not breaking this down on ‘Fox & Friends,'” Scarborough said.
Jeff Sessions announces the rich asshole to rescind Obama-era ‘Dreamer’ program
U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Tuesday announced that the the rich asshole administration planned to phase out the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.
The Obama-era immigration program shielded from deportation so-called “Dreamers” — immigrants who came to the United States illegally as children.
“The program known as DACA that was effectuated under the Obama administration is being rescinded,” Sessions announced.
Sessions complained Obama had used an executive order to circumvent Congress and claimed the program robbed Americans of jobs.
“We cannot admit everyone who would like to come here,” he said. “It’s not that simple.”
Sessions said the program was legally vulnerable, and would be blocked in court if states decided to sue the federal government.
“The Department of Justice cannot defend this overreach,” he said.
‘Of course we have it!‘: Russian lawmaker pushes Putin to reveal the pee tape
The leader of the far-right New Russia Movement, Nikita Isaev, wants to see his country’s leader “hit some rich asshole with our kompromat,” meaning the compromising material they have.
In a conversation with Russia-24, Isaev seemed to indicate Russia possesses incriminating information on the American president that he would like to see go public, The Independent reported.
When asked to verify if they have such material, Isaev exclaimed, “Of course, we have it!”
Shortly before the rich asshole’s inauguration, a dossier was published alleging, among other things, that the Russian government is aware of the rich asshole hiring prostitutes to defile a bed once slept in by former President Barack Obama.
the rich asshole is embroiled in a scandal that draws ties between his campaign and Russian hackers that stole information from the Democratic Party and its presidential candidates, and flooded social media with false information.
the rich asshole was warned about the dossier by former FBI Director James Comey as a courtesy before it was published publicly by the media.
Mueller pushes Congress to hold public Russia hearings — because he doesn’t trust GOP to share info
Special prosecutor Robert Mueller doesn’t want key witnesses in Congress’s probes into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 presidential election to get away with hiding behind closed doors.
CNN reports that Mueller’s team “has urged Congress to schedule testimony of some key witnesses in public session — to avoid the possibility that the special counsel may be blocked from accessing information given to the committees privately.”
So far, however, Congressional investigators have only scheduled private hearings with witnesses such as some rich asshole Jr., who in a 2016 email enthusiastically endorsed a plan to work with the Russian government to unearth damaging information on Democratic rival Hillary Clinton. Complicating matters, says CNN, is the fact that Mueller’s team has mostly kept Congress out of the loop when it comes to new findings and developments in its investigation.
That said, sources tell CNN that the Senate Intelligence Committee is debating whether to hold public hearings with some witnesses during hearings this fall. Additionally, the committee “is now searching for new details around the late Republican operative Peter Smith, who claimed he tried to obtain Clinton emails hacked by the Russians during the last election season.”
By John Prager on September 4, 2017 8:35 pm ·
Remember the fabled pee pee tapes? Well, it seems that we have a little bit more info on them — including that some rich asshole’s staff was seen arguing with hotel security about whether or not a couple of prostitutes would be allowed in his hotel room during a stay in Russia.
In his infamous dossier, former British spy Michael Steele alleged that the rich asshole had paid prostitutes to come up to his room and urinate on one another on a bed that Barack and Michelle Obama once shared. Steele claimed at the time that the incident was filmed and would be used by the Kremlin as “kompromat” (compromising material).
Award-winning British journalist Paul Wood reports for The Spectator that not only do multiple witnesses confirm the pee pee tape, but there are more extreme recordings of some rich asshole than just a couple of Russian girls urinating:
I heard of Russian kompromat — compromising material — on the rich asshole from two sources months before the Steele dossier came to light.
There are, though, reports of witnesses in the hotel who corroborate Steele’s reporting. These include an American who’s said to have seen a row with the hotel security over whether the hookers would be allowed up to the rich asshole’s suite. The dossier’s account of hookers in a Moscow hotel room was the subject of gossip among politicians and intelligence people for months before it was published.
“Now claims are circulating of more tapes showing more extreme behavior. Expect these allegations to emerge in due course,” Wood says cryptically.
Will the pee pee tapes finally surface? Who knows – but the rich asshole must be sweating his fake tanner off thinking about it.
South Koreans worry the rich asshole is ‘kind of nuts’ — but they fear not having US as an ally: report
some rich asshole (AFP Photo/Timothy A. Clary)
President some rich asshole on Sunday called out South Korea for allegedly engaging in “appeasement” with North Korea — but no one should expect the government in Seoul to hit back at him publicly anytime soon.
In an interview with the Washington Post, former State Department official David Straub, who is also an expert on Korea, says that the rich asshole is widely loathed in the country as a whole. However, given that South Korea is so dependent on the United States to help ensure its security, it seems the government has little choice but to ignore the rich asshole’s angry Twitter rants.
“Opinion polls show South Koreans have one of the lowest rates of regard for the rich asshole in the world and they don’t consider him to be a reasonable person,” Straub explained. “In fact, they worry he’s kind of nuts, but they still want the alliance.”
Straub also said Korean officials see the rich asshole as an “unreasonable partner,” but they don’t want to speak out publicly against him because it would only make the situation worse than it already is.
John Delury, a professor of international relations at Yonsei University in Seoul, nonetheless found it strange that the rich asshole was being more aggressive about bashing South Korea than he was in criticizing China, especially since China has far more leverage it can use to change North Korea’s behavior.
“It sounds like [South Korean President Moon Jae-in] is saying, ‘We’re going to have to talk to these guys’ — which is true — and the rich asshole is frustrated,” Delury said.
the rich asshole Ends DACA On “National Prayer Day” & Chelsea Clinton’s Response Is Priceless
President the rich asshole has decided to end DACA, the Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals program. DACA was signed into law during Former President Obama’s tenure, and allows work permits for undocumented immigrants who arrived in the country as children. According to POLITICO:
‘In a nod to reservations held by many lawmakers, the White House plans to delay the enforcement of the president’s decision for six months, giving Congress a window to act, according to one White House official. But a senior White House aide said that chief of staff John Kelly, who has been running the West Wing policy process on the issue, “thinks Congress should’ve gotten its act together a lot longer ago.”‘
The irony of his decision comes on National Prayer Day, which the rich asshole himself declared as a result of Hurricane Harvey.

Chelsea Clinton took to Twitter in a big way to point out the hypocrisy of the rich asshole’s decision to end this program and
“disrupt hundreds of thousands of DREAMers lives” on National Prayer Day.
“disrupt hundreds of thousands of DREAMers lives” on National Prayer Day.

Many people echoed Chelsea’s sentiment.

- Attending or graduating from an institution of higher learning
- Be of a certain age to apply
- Be physically present in the U.S. for a certain number of years
- Have good moral character
- Not have violated other immigration laws
The DACA Program became effective on August 15, 2012 and aimed at providing some temporary relief to those would have fallen under The DREAM Act. Despite major opposition to his decision, it does appear that President the rich asshole is doing away with the DACA. Even Speaker of The House Paul Ryan said in an interview on Friday that he didn’t think the rich asshole should end DACA. He wanted to instead allow Congress to decide.
Approximately 800,000 undocumented immigrants are benefiting from DACA. This could cause major trauma for the families affected by ripping them apart. Thank you, Chelsea Clinton for being classy as always!
Featured image by Sonia Moskowitz/Getty Images.
Top House Intelligence Committee member: the rich asshole is being 'dishonest' about Russia ties
Rep. Adam Schiff, ranking member on the House Intelligence Committee, told CNN on Sunday that President some rich asshole is misleading investigators and the public about his ties to Russia.
Schiff made the remarks when CNN’s Dana Bash asked him about recent revelations that the rich asshole’s longtime lawyer and confidant, Michael Cohen, had reached out to a senior Kremlin official during the campaign about a the rich asshole Organisation venture in Russia.
In particular, he emailed Dmitry Peskov, a top aide to Russian President Vladimir Putin, last January during the campaign requesting his “assistance” in securing a real-estate deal for a the rich asshole Tower location in Moscow.
The email represents the clearest interaction reported thus far between a senior the rich asshole adviser and a member of the Russian government.
“Over the past few months I have been working with a company based in Russia regarding the development of a the rich asshole Tower – Moscow project in Moscow City,” Cohen wrote to Peskov, according to The Washington Post. “Without getting into lengthy specifics the communication between our two sides has stalled.”
Cohen continued: “As this project is too important, I am hereby requesting your assistance. I respectfully request someone, preferably you, contact me so that I might discuss the specifics as well as arranging meetings with the appropriate individuals. I thank you in advance for your assistance and look forward to hearing from you soon.”
Schiff said the interaction was “very significant” and indicated that “the president was dishonest when he said during the campaign that he had no business in Russia, was pursuing no business in Russia.”
He added that the revelation was also important because if the rich asshole or his businesses were pursuing ventures with Russia during the campaign, “that might have influenced the positions that the candidate took in a more pro-Russia direction.”
To be sure, the rich asshole talked up Putin several times from September 2015 to January 2016, the time between which the rich asshole Tower Moscow deal was being pursued:
- “I will tell you that, I think, in terms of leadership, [Putin] is getting an A and [Obama] is not doing so well,” the rich asshole told Bill O’Reilly in September 2015.
- He also repeatedly advocated for foreign policy goals that support Russia’s objectives in hotspots like Syria, and he downplayed the threat Russia posed to the global order.
- When he was asked what he would do about Russia during a November 2015 Republican primary debate, for instance, the rich asshole deflected the question and instead pivoted to talk about dangers posed by China, North Korea, and Iran.
- And when Putin complimented the rich asshole as a “bright and talented person” and “the absolute leader of the presidential race” in December of that year, the rich asshole replied that it was “a great honour to be so nicely complimented by a man so highly respected within his own country and beyond.”
- In January 2016, toward the end of the rich asshole Organisation’s push for the Moscow deal, Fox Business Network host Maria Bartiromo asked the rich asshole about British investigators’ assessment that Putin ordered the assassination of a Russian dissident.
- “Well, I don’t know if anything has been determined,” the rich asshole replied. “I don’t think they found him guilty. They say a lot of things about me that are untrue, too.”
Schiff said on Sunday that if the rich asshole was indeed pursuing business deals in Russia when he was running for president, “if they were going to be criticising Putin, criticising Russia, that would diminish the chances that this deal would go through.”
“So I think it’s very significant,” he said, adding that he expected Cohen, as well as Russian-born businessman Felix Sater, to testify before the committee.
Cohen was in touch with Sater, who is also a real-estate adviser to the rich asshole and first pushed for the rich asshole Organisation to pursue a the rich asshole Tower deal in Moscow in late 2015, when the rich asshole was a presidential candidate.
Sater told Talking Points Memo in August that his “last Moscow deal for the rich asshole Organisation was in October of 2015” but that it “didn’t go through because obviously he became president.”
“Once the campaign was really going-going, it was obvious there were going to be no deals internationally,” Sater said. “We were still working on it, doing something with it, November-December.”
However, Sater and Cohen exchanged a series of emails in November 2015 in which they geared up to celebrate the Moscow deal, as well as the rich asshole’s election victory, which would come a year later. In the emails, which were obtained by The New York Times, Sater bragged about his relationship with Putin and told Cohen that he would “get all of Putins team to buy in” on the rich asshole Tower Moscow deal.
“Our boy can become president of the USA and we can engineer it,” Sater wrote, according to The Times. “I will get Putin on this program and we will get Donald elected.”
Cohen told The Times that Sater “sometimes used colourful language and has been prone to ‘salesmanship,'” adding that he “ultimately determined that the proposal was not feasible and never agreed to make a trip to Russia.”
REVEALED: The Saudis buttered up the rich asshole by giving him cheetah fur robes and a painting of himself
Despite criticizing the government of Saudi Arabia while he was a presidential candidate in 2016, President some rich asshole has quickly warmed up to the top American Middle Eastern ally since taking office.
During the rich asshole’s trip to Saudi Arabia, the president was treated like royalty, as the Saudi government projected the president’s visage onto tall buildings and showered him with elaborate gifts.
The Daily Beast filed a Freedom of Information Act request to see the full inventory of gifts the rich asshole received during his visit to Saudi Arabia, and it shows a concerted effort to bombard the president with valuable items to win over his favor.
“The gifts range from the regal (‘Artwork featuring picture of President the rich asshole’) to the martial (multiple swords, daggers, leather ammo holders and holsters), to the baroque (tiger and cheetah fur robes, and a dagger made of pure silver with a mother of pearl sheath),” reports the Daily Beast, which notes that the rich asshole has received a total of 83 separate gifts from the Saudis this year.
While in Saudi Arabia this past May, the president announced a massive deal to sell the country $110 billion worth of American arms over the next decade. the rich asshole’s trip to Saudi Arabia was his first trip abroad as president, bypassing trips to more traditional U.S. allies such as Canada, Mexico and the United Kingdom.
White House aides fret over the rich asshole’s psyche now that bodyguard and ‘ultimate emotional binky’ Keith Schiller is gone
some rich asshole’s longtime bodyguard Keith Schiller may not have left the White House due to scandal, but those close to the president worry about the effect his absence will have on him all the same.
According to Axios, people close to the rich asshole are already musing about how it’ll affect his “psyche.”
“Schiller is the ultimate emotional binky for the rich asshole,” New York Times‘ White House correspondent Maggie Haberman, a journalist whose access to the president is unprecedented, tweeted.
Along with reports about the private concerns of the president’s confidantes, Axios also noted that Schiller (who’s worked for the rich asshole since 1999) was much more than a security czar.
“In the early, freewheeling days of this administration,” the report notes, “the rich asshole’s old contacts had a method for getting around the Chief of Staff, Reince Priebus: If they wanted to reach the rich asshole, they’d text Keith, and before too long they’d often receive a call from the president.”
In late June, ABC News reported that the House Intelligence Committee was interested in interviewing Schiller in their the rich asshole-Russia collusion investigation.
Top GOP adviser: Republicans ‘deserve the reckoning’ they’ll get if they let the rich asshole kill DACA
President some rich asshole’s reported decision to end protections for undocumented immigrants who were brought into the United States as children has proven to be remarkably controversial within the president’s own party.
In an interview with BuzzFeed, former Jeb Bush adviser Sally Bradshaw said that the Republican Party would pay a massive price if it sat by while the rich asshole authorized the deportation of 800,000 people who were brought into the United States as children and who had lived in the country as law-abiding residents for most of their lives.
“Those in Republican leadership who have enabled his behavior by standing silent or making excuses for him deserve the reckoning that will eventually come for the GOP,” she said. “It makes me terrifically sad to be honest — sad for the party of ideas that I supported for over 30 years — even more sad for the country and the fact that we can no longer have a credible and important debate about issues that will lead to problem solving.”
Bradshaw, who was one of the authors on the GOP’s post-2012 “autopsy” that recommended a more inclusive attitude toward Hispanics within the party, also described the rich asshole as “anti-woman, anti-Hispanic, anti-black, anti-anything that would bring the country together,” and she said that she would not consider herself a Republican as long as the rich asshole remained the leader of the party.
We always knew that some rich asshole was a heartless bastard. However, he just decided to leave no doubt about that fact in the minds of the American people, as the orange one has decided to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), which is an Obama-era program that protects children who arrived in the United States illegally when they were very young from deportation. The announcement came late Sunday night, as millions of people waited anxiously to see what the fate of their family members and friends – and for DACA recipients, themselves – would be.
According to Politico, the rich asshole will phase the program out within six months, leaving 800,000 DACA recipients subject to immediate deportation. It seems that the six month waiting period to start deporting DACA recipients, also known as DREAMERS, is to give Congress time to solve the problem of undocumented children themselves. The argument seems to be that a lot of people in the rich asshole’s orbit believe that immigration policies like DACA are the job of lawmakers, not the president, and therefore President Obama had no right to do what he did for the DREAMERS.
This all comes as many lawmakers – including many Republicans – have said that the rich asshole should leave the DACA kids alone. After all, these are people who know no other home, who came here as very small children and are Americans in every way except on paper. They literally have nowhere to go if the rich asshole and his goons deport them.
Now, it should be noted that this is not an official announcement and that it came from White House sources with knowledge of the upcoming announcement who spoke to Politico reporters. Since the rich asshole is impulsive and unpredictable, there is still time for all of this to change. Hopefully, Congress will do something during the six-month window, rendering this awful decision moot.
Anyone who thought this administration wouldn’t be on a mission to destroy the lives of millions of people was completely deluded. We now see that Team the rich asshole is on their way to making America into their fever dream of a white ethnostate – or as close to it as they can come. That’s what you get when dumb people decide it would be a great idea to have a racist run the country.
the rich asshole to end DACA with 6-month delay: report
President the rich asshole has made the decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program with a six-month delay, Politico reported on Sunday.
the rich asshole, who has been weighing whether or not to end the Obama-era program, discussed how to end DACA with top White House aides on Sunday, according to Politico.
The program temporarily blocked the deportation of undocumented immigrants who were brought to the country as minors and sought work permits.
Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have called on the president not to end the program, with House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) saying he believes it's something "Congress has to fix."
The six-month window would give Congress a window in which it could step in before the protections expire, one White House official told Politico.
The news organization reported that the rich asshole made the decision to scrap the protections after discussing them with Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who told the rich asshole that Congress should be responsible for immigration law, not the executive branch.
The news organization reported that the rich asshole made the decision to scrap the protections after discussing them with Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who told the rich asshole that Congress should be responsible for immigration law, not the executive branch.
However, the officials also cautioned Politico that "nothing is set in stone until an official announcement has been made."
Nearly 800,000 people brought to the country illegally as children have benefitted from the program.
the rich asshole is expected to make a formal announcement about the future of the program on Tuesday.
Nearly 800,000 people brought to the country illegally as children have benefitted from the program.
the rich asshole is expected to make a formal announcement about the future of the program on Tuesday.
‘Great leaders I’ve seen don’t threaten’: Lawmakers fear the rich asshole is making North Korea situation worse
President some rich asshole (White House)
Lawmakers Fear the rich asshole Making North Korea Situation Worse
September 3, 2017
Harriet Sinclair
Posted with permission from Newsweek
Donald Trump’s combative tone on North Korea has come under fire from lawmakers concerned that his Twitter rants are exacerbating a delicate situation.
The president previously said he would bring “fire and fury like the world has never seen” in response to North Korea’s threat of physical action in response to further United Nations sanctions.
And following Pyongyang’s announcement on Sunday it had tested "with perfect success" a powerful hydrogen bomb that was capable of being fitted to an intercontinental ballistic missile. Trump again tweeted about reacting with force.
“South Korea is finding, as I have told them, that their talk of appeasement with North Korea will not work, they only understand one thing!” he said in further combative comments.
But his fighting talk on social media, which has garnered him a large number of followers and which he has praised as a direct line to the American people, is causing concern from lawmakers over the potential it could escalate tensions between the U.S. and North Korea.
“I don’t think that it’s helpful to get into a Twitter shouting match with a 32-year-old dictator, Kim Jong Un, in North Korea. I think unfortunately that it’s escalated the tension in the situation,” Democrat representative Joaquin Castro told ABC’s This Week on Sunday reflecting on Trump’s previous “fire and fury” comment.
“And he needs to let his diplomats, and his military generals and others, handle this situation,” Castro added.
Trump’s tweets on the topic have previously prompted lawmakers from both parties to express concern, with Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain among those who spoke out about the president’s tweet on the isolated nation.
“I take exception to the President’s comments because you’ve got to be sure that you can do what you say you’re going to do,” McCain told radio station KTAR.
“The great leaders I’ve seen don’t threaten unless they’re ready to act and I’m not sure President Trump is ready to act,” he added.
‘He’s the pilot of a plane in a terrible downward spiral’: GOP consultants panicked the rich asshole is destroying the party
FILE PHOTO: U.S. President some rich asshole faces a news conference at the White House in Washington, U.S., February 16, 2017. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque
President some rich asshole’s recent actions — from siding with white nationalists in Charlottesville to pardoning controversial Sheriff Joe Arpaio — have some GOP consultants clutching their pearls over fears that he is destroying the GOP before the 2018 midterms — and that the rich asshole doesn’t give a damn.
According to the Washington Post, the rich asshole’s antics are playing well with his rabid base but even Fox News viewers are beginning to recoil from the president.
“the rich asshole’s job-approval numbers remain mired in the 30s in most polls, and several new findings last week gave Republicans interested in expanding the party’s appeal fresh reason to worry,” the Post reports. “A Fox News survey, for example, found that majorities of voters think that the rich asshole is ‘tearing the country apart’ and does not respect racial minorities.”
While the rich asshole confidantes believe that the president will right a ship that is sinking due to record low poll number, those outside the president’s immediate orbit aren’t so sure.
“Voters are very skeptical it will happen,” explained former the rich asshole pollster Tony Fabrizio. “If the president can get a tax-reform package passed, it will confound their expectations and be a huge win.”
However John Weaver, who served as chief strategist for Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) ill-fated presidential run, begs to differ.
“It’s almost as if he’s the pilot of a plane that’s in a terrible downward spiral and he’s insisting on continuing to do things to make it worse,” Weaver fretted. “You can’t govern like that, and you can’t win reelection like that, and you can’t take your party into the 2018 midterms like that.”
“He’s stoking his base with rhetorical messaging in part because it’s taking longer than hoped to get some of his major campaign promises checked off,” suggested one analyst, however it may be too little, too late for an electorate that may take our their frustrations with the rich asshole on his party on 2018.
According to a Gallup daily tracking poll, the rich asshole’s job approval rating has dipped to 34 percent — his lowest mark for the year. Another poll showed “the number of Republican and Republican-leaning voters who disapprove of the rich asshole’s performance rising from 19 percent in June to 25 percent in August.”
Democratic consultant Mary Anne Marsh suggested that the rich asshole is less concerned with increasing his appeal and with saving the GOP than he is with shoring up his true believers as investigations into his administration loom.
“If you look at it through that lens, it makes sense,” Marsh stated. “Any other president would have spent their time trying to expand their support.”
By Vera on September 3, 2017 4:57 pm ·
Earlier today, some rich asshole once again disgraced the United States by demonstrating his incompetence with empty threats to North Korea – via his Twitter account. Showcasing his inability to handle a crisis, the rich asshole tweeted that he would meet with his military experts and could only say “we’ll see” when he was asked about his plans to attack North Korea.
Further proving that no one in his administration takes him seriously, Defense Secretary James Mattis was sent out to give a more powerful statement on North Korea, outshining his own boss’ threats. In a statement, Mattis warned North Korea that the United States military would certainly respond to any threat. Mattis said:
“Any threat to the United States or its territories, including Guam, or our allies will be met with a massive military response, a response both effective and overwhelming.”
Mattis also urged North Korea to listen to the UN Security Council:
“All members unanimously agreed on the threat North Korea poses and they remain unanimous in their commitment to the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. We are not looking to the total annihilation of a country, namely North Korea, but as I said we have many options to do so.”
Of course, the reason Mattis had to make this statement in the first place is because no one can believe a word that the rich asshole says. Even eight months into his presidency, the rich asshole has managed to destroy every ounce of credibility he might have had, and many of the tasks he should be doing are now falling on the shoulders of his more capable administration members. No one takes him seriously, so he needs to send others to make statements for him.
By Vera on September 3, 2017 7:17 pm ·
some rich asshole’s credibility and ‘power’ has become such a joke that not even members of his own party have any faith in him to deal with the current issues that America is facing.
On Sunday, Republican Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) unintentionally showed everyone just how little the GOP believes in the rich asshole when he couldn’t force himself to say that the rich asshole could handle the current nuclear crisis the United States is facing with North Korea. In an interview with CNN’s Dana Bash, Flake was put on the spot about how capable the rich asshole is (and isn’t). Bash asked Flake:
“Senator, there are a lot of people waking up this morning in this country very concerned about what they’re hearing from North Korea. Do you share Clapper’s concern, not just about North Korea, but with the president’s ability to respond?”
Flake couldn’t give a straight answer. He said:
“Well, I — I do have good confidence in our national security team and those who are advising the president. And the president does not have experience in this — in this kind of situation, but few presidents do when they come into office. And I’m confident that the people around the president are giving him good advice, and I believe that he will follow it. I sure hope he does. Obviously, you like a leader that’s measured and sober and consistent. Our allies want to hear that. I think our adversaries need to hear that. But we have got a good team around the president.”
Bash was quick to put Flake on the spot and point out that he hadn’t actually said that the rich asshole could handle this matter. Bash pressed, “Senator, you talked there about the president’s team, but not about the president himself. Are you concerned about the president himself, as James Clapper is?”
Flake continued to stumble through this interview:
“Well, like I said, no president comes in prepared with regard to foreign policy experience. That’s why you have a good team around them. I have had my concerns, I think everyone has, at some of the statements that have been made by the president with regard to NATO and other areas in foreign policy. Like I said, I think we — we want somebody who is — who is measured and sober and consistent and conservative in this regard. But he has a good team around him, and I have confidence in them.”
This is absolutely humiliating for the rich asshole. Not only was his Defense Secretary, James Mattis, sent out earlier today to deliver a public statement on North Korea in his place, but now a member of his own party practically said the rich asshole isn’t capable of handling North Korea. Flake refused to support the rich asshole and say he was a competent president, and instead opted to talk about the experts surrounding him.
You can watch Flake humiliate the rich asshole below:
Kellyanne Conway: the rich asshole will ‘unify’ country by helping the hurricane victims who didn’t vote for him
White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway said on Sunday that President some rich asshole is the unifying force who will bring the country together with his handling of the Hurricane Harvey disaster.
During an interview on Sunday, Fox & Friends host Abby Huntsman opined that the “president’s not getting any criticism” for a recent trip to Texas, where he told hurricane victims that the recovery would be completed in six months.
“That’s what’s so significant here, that the president and first lady felt compelled to donate $1 million of their own money,” Conway agreed. “[They] felt compelled to visit twice, to really spend the time yesterday, engage people, look them in the eye.”
According to Conway, “This is the some rich asshole that so many of us know and are privileged to work with and to know very close and personal.”
The president’s counselor predicted that the rich asshole will bring the country together by helping hurricane victims who did not vote for him.
“We look at them as our brothers and sisters in need who are suffering,” she said. “But this man is somebody who has always expressed the capacity and compassion for people in need.”
Conway complained that “people in media” only have one response to the rich asshole: “Attack, attack, attack.”
“They look so peevish and so small,” she quipped. “People are saying he missed an opportunity to unify the country. They are doing exactly that here. And also getting people — meeting their needs of food water and shelter at the same time.”
Watch the video below from Fox News.
‘You’re going to get millions killed’: Internet aghast at the rich asshole’s glib ‘We’ll see’ reply about attacking North Korea
some rich asshole during CNN debate (Photo: Screen capture via video)
A country that is already on edge about the cavalier way that President some rich asshole has respond to threats of thermonuclear war with North Korea’s Kim Jong-un was pushed one step closer to that edge after the rich asshole left the door open for war while leaving church Sunday morning.
Responding to a reporter who shouted, “Will you attack North Korea?” the president waved, half-grinned and replied: “We’ll see.”
As you might imagine, people who value their lives and the lives of others were not amused.
A sampling from Twitter below:
We'll see. I guess the generals haven't told the rich asshole their plan for NK yet.
— Clare Bonham (@clarebonham) September 3, 2017
We'll see. I guess the generals haven't told the rich asshole their plan for NK yet.
— Clare Bonham (@clarebonham) September 3, 2017
Mueller's investigation just got a boost — and another the rich asshole associate may be in its crosshairs
Robert Mueller. AP Photo/Andrew Harnik
· President the rich asshole's drafted letter laying out his reasons for firing FBI director James Comey could give the special counsel a direct window into the president's intent when he later dismissed Comey.
· The letter could also implicate top the rich asshole aide, Stephen Miller, in Robert Mueller's obstruction-of-justice investigation.
· The advice that White House counsel Don McGahn gave the rich asshole to dissuade him from sending the letter could also prove to be a critical piece of the puzzle.
News on Friday that special counsel Robert Mueller has obtained a letter drafted by President some rich asshole that details his reasons for firing then-FBI director James Comey has likely bolstered the progress of the Russia investigation, and may have landed another close the rich asshole confidant in its crosshairs.
Mueller was put in charge of the investigation — which is examining whether the the rich asshole campaign colluded with Moscow during last year's presidential election — after the rich asshole dismissed Comey in May. As part of his investigation, Mueller is also examining whether the rich asshole obstructed justice when he fired the FBI director four months ago.
The letter Mueller is reviewing was drafted by the rich asshole along with policy adviser Stephen Miller, and legal experts say it is possibly the most critical piece of evidence in Mueller's obstruction-of-justice case since Comey's testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee in June, because it can give prosecutors a direct window into the rich asshole's thinking shortly before he fired Comey.
The biggest challenge a prosecutor faces in an obstruction-of-justice case is proving corrupt intent, which is almost always difficult to establish. But the rich asshole's letter could change the ballgame.
"The best way to prove someone's intent is through their own words and actions," former federal prosecutor Renato Mariotti told Business Insider in an interview Saturday. "Here, you have a letter that was written by Miller, at the direction of the president, that contains what the president's thoughts were at that time."
Though the letter's full contents remain unclear, The Washington Post reported that it focused on what was perhaps the rich asshole's greatest frustration with Comey: that the FBI director did not publicly announce, when he was leading the bureau's investigation, that the rich asshole was not personally under investigation.
Former FBI Director James Comey Drew Angerer/Getty Images
"It's problematic for the rich asshole if he fired Comey because he did not take actions in the investigation that would benefit the rich asshole personally," Mariotti said. "That makes Mueller's case stronger."
Cornell Law School associate dean and criminal law expert Jens David Ohlin echoed that assessment.
"The draft letter is extremely relevant to Mueller's investigation because it may yield evidence about the true reason that the rich asshole fired Comey," Ohlin said. "If the rich asshole fired Comey to impede an investigation that might implicate his own campaign or administration, that is obstruction of justice."
the rich asshole put the letter together shortly after Comey's May 3 testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, during which he defended his handling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server when she was secretary of state. The president was reportedly incensed after Comey acknowledged that his October announcement that the FBI was reopening its investigation into Clinton, days before the election, could have impacted its results.
the rich asshole's lawyer, Ty Cobb, told Business Insider in an email Saturday that the letter has long been in Mueller's possession and its existence was known both to the special counsel's team, as well as to the Department of Justice, "which has had a copy since the day it was first discussed within the White House." He added there was "little, IF ANY, objection within the White House" to the letter, and that it focused primarily on Comey's "usurpation of powers and other erratic and inexplicable conduct."
The long weekend during which the rich asshole drafted the letter at his Bedminster golf club began on Thursday, May 4, The New York Times reported on Friday. Deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein was given a copy of the rich asshole's draft letter on Monday, May 8, and then proceeded to write a separate memo as to why Comey should be fired.
Another the rich asshole confidant comes under scrutiny
Stephen Miller tapes Sunday show interviews from the White House.
REUTERS/Joshua Roberts
The letter also implicates Miller, who The Post said acted as a "stenographer" for the rich asshole in writing the letter.
Miller, an ally of the recently ousted chief strategist Steve Bannon, has emerged in recent months as a the rich asshole loyalist within the administration.
Given his role in the matter, Miller will likely be, at the very least, a witness in Mueller's investigation. Other possible witnesses include the rich asshole's daughter, Ivanka, and her husband, Jared Kushner, who were both with the rich asshole at his Bedminster golf club when he drafted the letter during a weekend in early May.
If Miller acted primarily as a transcriber, he could have a smaller part in the investigation. However, "if he was actively working with the president to plan how they could derail or kill the Russia investigation," Mariotti said, "that could present legal problems for Miller."
Ohlin added that Miller and anyone else involved in Comey's firing — or drafting the letter — may be accessories or co-conspirators to that crime as well.
The question then becomes, Mariotti added, "whether there was an agreement between Miller and the president to obstruct justice." If that were the case, it could amount to conspiracy, he said.
Another way the adviser could be implicated in the investigation is if, for example, the president was acting in a way to obstruct justice, and Miller knew about that and tried to do what he could to help the rich asshole succeed. If that were the case, Miller could have been aiding and abetting a crime.
Mariotti said those two possibilities are likely the biggest potential sources of criminal liability for Miller.
The letter, as a whole, is a crucial part of the Russia controversy because it "goes directly to the biggest issue at question — what the rich asshole's intent was as to the Russia investigation," Mariotti said.
the rich asshole's best defense would likely be that the draft letter did not reflect his true thinking on the subject, and that's why never sent it, Ohlin said.
He added, however, that he didn't believe the argument would hold much water because "it seems more likely that the draft letter reflected his true thinking, but then was edited down for other reasons."
Though the White House initially said that the rich asshole fired Comey based entirely on Rosenstein's and Attorney General Jeff Sessions' recommendations, the rich asshole later said he had already decided to fire Comey, and that Rosenstein's recommendation sealed the deal.
His explanation changed again later on, when he admitted to NBC News' Lester Holt that he had fired Comey because of "this Russia thing," and that he was going to dismiss the FBI director regardless of Rosenstein's input.
President some rich asshole looks at Finnish President Sauli Niinisto during a joint news conference in the East Room of the White House, Monday, Aug. 28, 2017, in Washington. AP Photo/Alex Brandon
And as far as that goes, White House counsel Don McGahn's conversation with the rich asshole when he advised him against sending the letter could be another key piece of the puzzle.
"We don't know exactly what McGahn said, but the mere fact that he put a stop to that letter is another piece of evidence that Mueller could use to say, 'some rich asshole was warned by the White House counsel that this was a problematic step and decided to do it anyway,'" Mariotti told Business Insider on Saturday morning, and later spoke about on Twitter.
The substance of what McGahn told the rich asshole is important — and there's no guarantee that it could be withheld as privileged information.
The reason is that a federal court of appeals ruled in 1998, at the height of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, that deputy White House counsel Bruce Lindsey had to submit to the special prosecutor's questions about President Bill Clinton's relationship with Lewinsky. In that case, the court held that there is no attorney-client privilege between a government lawyer and a government employee in response to a grand jury inquiry.
If that ruling holds as it relates to the obstruction-of-justice investigation, it's possible the public will eventually hear what McGahn told the president. "If he said anything along the lines of, 'There's potential criminal liability if you shut down this investigation,' that would be extraordinarily powerful evidence against the rich asshole," Mariotti said.
In that case, McGahn's advice to the rich asshole could possibly become as important as the rich asshole's state of mind when he crafted the letter.
the rich asshole interrupts Harvey relief mission to snipe at press about the size of his hands
President some rich asshole visits hurricane survivors in Houston, TX (Screen capture)
President some rich asshole may have managed to act somewhat more presidential on his Saturday trip to Houston, TX to meet with survivors of Hurricane Harvey, but he couldn’t resist a sideways remark at the press about a long-running gripe.
The Hill reported Saturday that while he was donning plastic gloves to help serve food to hurricane refugees, the first pair of gloves he was handed were too small.
“My hands are too big,” he said to the assembled scrum of media, referring to a long-running jab from former Spy magazine editor Graydon Carter — now the editor of Vanity Fair — who in the 1980s called the rich asshole a “short-fingered vulgarian.”
The description must have stung the thin-skinned reality TV game show host turned president, because he has referred to the remark in angry correspondence he’s sent to Carter and he brought it up during the Republican primary debate, taking an opportunity to boast to the other candidates and the audience about the size of his penis
Watch the video, embedded below:
‘We were literally on the helicopter’: Journo who flew with Coast Guard owns the rich asshole over anti-press jab
Huffington Post's Andy Campbell and President some rich asshole (composite image)
On Saturday, as President some rich asshole took a tour of the damage of Hurricane Harvey in Texas, he paid a compliment to the U.S. Coast Guard while taking a left-handed jab at the media.
According to The Hill, the president said, “I hear the Coast Guard saved 11,000 people” to a crowd of Coast Guard and other first responders at Houston’s Ellington Field Joint Reserve Base.
“Think of it, almost 11,000 people by going into winds that the media would not go into,” the rich asshole went on before gesturing toward the assembled media personnel covering the event.
“They will not go into those winds, unless it’s a really good story,” he said, not letting the fact that he was purportedly on a relief mission get in the way of a chance to address a petty gripe or perceived slight.
Huffington Post’s Andy Campbell — who flew with a Coast Guard rescue unit on a mission to save 33 critically ill children — responded, “We were literally on the helicopter with them.”
He went on, “Meanwhile, my colleague was on a boat putting down his recorder and rescuing dozens of people,” and then, “My other colleague was helping take supplies to a domestic violence shelter in need.”
He concluded, “the rich asshole didn’t even talk to the victims, and he parachuted in TWICE. You did great bud.”
‘Who does that sh*t?’: Twitter can’t believe the rich asshole told a shelter full of Harvey victims to ‘Have a good time’
On Saturday afternoon, President some rich asshole made his second trip to Houston, TX in a week, perhaps hoping for a “do over” on his first visit, at which his performance was so desultory and lackluster that it was entirely overshadowed by his wife’s choice of shoes for the outing.
On his second visit, the rich asshole touched actual Texas children, handed out styrofoam containers of food — but not without getting in a dig at the media — and did his best to play the role of a strong and competent leader who wouldn’t rack up a perfect score on the “Are You a Sociopath?” test
And it would have worked, too, if he hadn’t stopped on the way out the door to tell everyone huddled in the shelter with the few meager belongings they have that aren’t soaked in mud, poop and toxic chemicals to “Have a good time.”
Business Insider pointed out that at current count 43 people have died from causes related to Hurricane Harvey and dozens more injured. A number of highly toxic industrial cleanup sites were inundated in the storm and cataclysmic flooding but the EPA currently admits that he has no idea how that may affect the environment or the people and wildlife in the region.
Cleaning up after Harvey will take billions of dollars and years to accomplish. Losses to local residents and businesses have been catastrophic, but the president wants everyone to “have a good time.”
Twitter was not amused.
Justice Department quietly releases brief stating there is no evidence Obama wiretapped the rich asshole’s offices
According to a brief filed late Friday, the Department of Justice stated that it has no evidence that former President Barack Obama wire-tapped now-President some rich asshole’s offices in the rich asshole Tower prior to the election.
The FBI has been investigating the claim since the rich asshole tweeted in March, “Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my “wires tapped” in the rich asshole Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!”
He then added, “Is it legal for a sitting President to be “wire tapping” a race for president prior to an election? Turned down by court earlier. A NEW LOW!”
The series of tweets opened up a can of worms for the President — as well as aides and family members — many of whom are being scrutinized by the FBI.
As for the rich asshole’s claim, the Justice Department responded to a FOIA lawsuit filed by American Oversight stating: “Both FBI and NSD confirm that they have no records related to wiretaps as described” by the president.
The brief, which can be found here, concludes: “For reasons set forth above, the FBI has no record responsive to the “wiretap” portion of Plaintiff’s request to the extent that the request seeks records related to the President’s March 4th tweet.”
Despite the rich asshole’s Dig, The Media Did Go ‘Into The Winds’ Of Hurricane Harvey
The president praised the Coast Guard for “going into winds that the media would not go into...unless it’s a really good story.”
President some rich asshole cannot seem to suppress his contempt for the news media ― even when he is speaking about something completely unrelated.
In remarks to members of the United States military in Texas on Saturday, the rich asshole singled out the Coast Guard for rescuing nearly 11,000 people stranded by Hurricane Harvey.
He then compared it to what he described as the relative lack of courage exhibited by journalists covering the storm.
“Think of it: almost 11,000 people ― by going into winds that the media would not go into. They will not go into those winds,” he said. “Unless it’s a really good story, in which case they will.”
The media apparently considered Hurricane Harvey a “really good story” though, because numerous journalists put themselves in harm’s way to cover the disaster ― often accompanying the very service members the rich asshole was thanking.
In fact, many reporters, including HuffPost’s David Lohr, took part in rescue efforts as they encountered people struggling to survive the storm’s worst effects.
the rich asshole has a famously rocky relationship with the news media, particularly national outlets, which he frequently derides as “fake news.” At a campaign-style rally in Phoenix, Arizona, on Aug. 22, the rich asshole spent more than 10 minutes denouncing the media’s treatment of him, complete with indictments of specific journalists and their outlets.
During a visit to a shelter in Houston on Saturday, however, the rich asshole struck a slightly more conciliatory tone. The Texans he met are “really happy” with the federal recovery efforts he is managing, the rich asshole told reporters, adding that he was pleasantly surprised to find that even the news media was recognizing his work. to the Politics email
“It’s been very well received ― even by you guys, it’s been well received,” the rich asshole said.

Robert Mueller isn’t just going to destroy some rich asshole. He’s going to expose the rich asshole’s most humiliating secret.
By Bill Palmer
Updated: 2:21 am EDT Sat Sep 2, 2017
Updated: 2:21 am EDT Sat Sep 2, 2017
For some people there are worse fates than losing their job, or their reputation, or even their freedom. They have that one deep dark secret that, if it ever surfaced, would destroy them psychologically. They’re willing to go to any length, take any unreasonable risk, to prevent that secret from coming out. It often ends up being their undoing. And that brings us to the case of some rich asshole, whose most humiliating secret is on the verge of being released.
No, it’s not the Pee Pee Tape. some rich asshole is clearly afraid of his sexual fetishes being exposed, as evidenced by the time he called up then-FBI Director James Comey specifically to insist that he hadn’t done anything with “Russian hookers.” But there’s something the rich asshole fears even more, and we saw during the campaign that he was willing to risk losing the election just to keep it a secret: he’s broke.
the rich asshole was unwilling to release his tax returns, even though it generated the kind of suspicion and skepticism that risked costing him votes in the process. We know he’s been audited so many times over the years that if he were cheating, he’d have been caught by now. Instead, what he was really trying to hide is his net worth, or lack thereof. There are numerous signs that the rich asshole went flat broke after the 2008 crash.
He had to bankrupt and begin selling off his casino company in 2009. That’s when he stopped donating to his own foundation according to its tax records; the only reason to do this was that his income was so upside down, there was no need to continue generating write-offs. He had to start borrowing from foreign banks, because his American banking partners all knew he was washed up. In the end, Robert Mueller will expose that the rich asshole’s debts are so large, he’s not a billionaire. Instead he’s flat broke. And for the rich asshole, that’s a worse fate than everything else that’ll happen to him.
It’s more than clear that some rich asshole is very proud of himself for visiting Texas for the second time after Hurricane Harvey. He’s made sure to post videos of himself arriving, and the press is swarming him while he visits shelters housing displaced hurricane victims. Optics really are the best, right? Especially for plummeting approval ratings.
However, in a very weird moment, the camera caught the rich asshole talking about his hand size. That’s right, the rich asshole shouted:
“My hands are too big!”
Here’s the video:
Weird right? It’s not really clear why he would say such a thing, or who he was saying it to. However, there he was, in the middle of a hurricane shelter, seemingly bragging about the size of his hands.
If you’re unaware, the size of the rich asshole’s hands has been an ongoing joke ever since the presidential race. The gag is that he has really tiny hands, or at least that’s how rumor has it. So, overcompensating, he bragged about his hands then, and he’s clearly still making sure people think his hands are plenty big enough for whatever it is he is doing at that shelter.
Nonetheless, it’s still weird and unnecessary to make sure he says such a thing on camera. He doth protest too much.
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