This is a daily or weekly record of the Trump presidency so hopefully future generations will learn what happens when you elect an narcissistic, thin skinned, racist, xenophobic, misogynistic unqualified buffoon in a position of power where he has access to nuclear codes.
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Thursday, September 14, 2017
September 8th, 2017 - September 13th, 2017. 300-305 days since the Nov 8, 2016, election and 231- 236 days since the Jan 20th inauguration.
the rich asshole, Dem leaders reach agreement on young immigrants
President the rich asshole and Democratic leaders in Congress agreed to work toward a deal that would protect young undocumented immigrants from deportation in exchange for new border security measures, the lawmakers said Wednesday.
the rich asshole discussed the agreement during a dinner at the White House with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)
But afterward, the two sides disputed key details of the proposal, raising questions about whether a deal had actually been reached. The Democratic leaders said the border-security measures would not include funding for the rich asshole's proposed wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.
“We had a very productive meeting at the White House with the president,” Schumer and Pelosi said in a statement. “We agreed to enshrine the protections of DACA into law quickly, and to work out a package of border security, excluding the wall, that’s acceptable to both sides.”
Less than an hour later, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders pushed back on Schumer and Pelosi’s account.
“While DACA and border security were both discussed, excluding the wall was certainly not agreed to,” she said in an email.
the rich asshole sent lawmakers scrambling to address hundreds of thousands of young undocumented immigrants covered by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program when he terminated it last week. The Obama-era program offered a temporary reprieve from deportation to certain young immigrants brought to the U.S. illegally as children.
The president has appeared increasingly willing to work with Democrats in recent days after bitterly fighting them during the first seven months of his presidency. He is hoping Schumer and Pelosi can help him deliver the votes for an immigration bill and other legislative priorities this fall.
In an earlier statement, the White House called the dinner “constructive” and said the conversations centered on “tax reform, border security, DACA, infrastructure and trade.”
The Democratic leaders said they also urged the president to make some key ObamaCare subsidies permanent.
the rich asshole told a bipartisan group of moderate lawmakers earlier Wednesday that he wants them to find a quick solution for DACA recipients.
“We don’t want to forget DACA. It’s already been a week and a half and people don’t talk about it as much,” the rich asshole said.
After the meeting, Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas) told reporters the president is getting impatient.
“He says, ‘Oh, DACA, we want to move on this quick, we don’t want to wait six months,’” Cuellar said.
Deportation reprieves are set to expire for some DACA recipients in March.
The Texas Democrat said that the president didn’t insist that money for the border wall be attached to the DACA fix.
“He said, ‘We don’t have to tie a wall to this. We can put a wall [in another bill],’” Cuellar said, stressing other border enforcement measures would likely be included.
But even if the rich asshole and Democratic leaders agree to a deal on immigration, the president will need Republican leaders to back it in order for it to come to the floor for a vote.
GOP leaders were frustrated with the rich asshole's decision last week to break with them and strike a fiscal deal with Schumer and Pelosi.
But they're also exploring ways to address the DACA predicament. Hours after the rich asshole met with centrist lawmakers, Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) huddled with a number of Democrats in the Capitol to discuss a path forward on DACA.
The gathering was attended by Pelosi and the heads of the Hispanic, Black and Asian caucuses.
Mike Lillis contributed.
Updated 11:00 p.m.
Schumer, Pelosi say the rich asshole agreed to replace DACA without wall
After dining with President the rich asshole at the White House, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi released a joint statement saying the president had agreed to a legislative replacement for DACA along with border security funding and, crucially, without funding for the wall.
Our thought bubble: If it's accurate, and the rich asshole plans to enshrine DACA into law without funding the wall, he is risking a revolt from elements in his base. Many of his most hardcore supporters voted for him based on his hardline immigration policies. This plan is Jeb Bush/Marco Rubio territory — it's not the some rich asshole they voted for.
The post-dinner posturing
·First, the White House released a statement that did not mention any deal.
·Next the Schumer/Pelosi statement: "We agreed to enshrine the protections of DACA into law quickly, and to work out a package of border security, excluding the wall, that's acceptable to both sides."
·Then, from Sarah Sanders: "While DACA and border security were both discussed, excluding the wall was certainly not agreed to."
·Response from Schumer spokesman Matt House: "The President made clear he would continue pushing the wall, just not as part of this agreement."
From a source close to the rich asshole: "Part of some rich asshole's communications genius is that he understands the power of grand symbols. He wanted the country to know he wasn't standing for bad deals anymore, so he renegotiated the contracts for Air Force One and the F-35. People got it. He wanted the country to know he was bringing companies back, so he personally got on the phone with Carrier in Indiana. People got it. There's no bigger symbol than the wall. It's bigger than immigration, it represents his entire presidency. Whether he builds it or not will determine whether the country views him as a success or failure, and likely whether he's a one-term or two-term president."
Worth noting: Sanders said earlier Thursday that it wasn't necessary for Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell to attend the meeting, because the rich asshole is the leader of the party.
Senior Democrats say agreement reached with the rich asshole to protect young immigrants
Senior Democrats stunned Washington on Wednesday by claiming that they had agreed with some rich asshole to a plan to protect immigrants brought illegally to the US as children.
Senator minority leader Chuck Schumer and House counterpart Nancy Pelosi, who dined with the president at the White House, said they had reached an agreement to quickly enshrine into law protections for the nearly 800,000 immigrants who benefited from Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (Daca) programme.
A person briefed on the meeting said the rich asshole agreed with the Democrats to pair the bipartisan Dream Act, which provides a path to permanent residency for undocumented immigrants brought to the US illegally as children, with some form of border security – excluding the rich asshole’s promised border wall.
It was not immediately clear what specific border measures would be included. Immediately after the announcement from Pelosi and Schumer, the White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, tweeted that there had “certainly not” been an agreement excluding the wall.
It was the second time in two weeks that the rich asshole has bypassed Republican leaders to deal with Schumer and Pelosi.
Schumer and Pelosi said in a joint statement: “We had a very productive meeting at the White House with the President. The discussion focused on Daca. We agreed to enshrine the protections of Daca into law quickly, and to work out a package of border security, excluding the wall, that’s acceptable to both sides.
“We also urged the president to make permanent the cost-sharing reduction payments, and those discussions will continue.”
Earlier this month, the rich asshole left the fate of nearly 800,000 young, undocumented immigrants, known as Dreamers, hanging in the balance with a decision to terminate Daca. The 2012 Obama-era programme had granted them temporary status, enabling them to come out of the shadows to study or work without fear of deportation.
Faced with swift and overwhelming backlash, the rich asshole suggested the same day he might “revisit” the issue if Congress failed to resolve the status of Dreamers through legislation.
In a rare statement, Obama dubbed the rich asshole’s decision as lacking in “basic decency”.
“A shadow has been cast over some of our best and brightest young people once again,” the former president wrote, without specifically mentioning the rich asshole by name.
It was the rich asshole who extended the invitation to Schumer and Pelosi, according to a source familiar with the meeting, to follow up on their discussion last week of the numerous fiscal deadlines facing Congress.
After the dinner, a White House official was more non-committal than the Democrats, saying: “President some rich asshole had a constructive working dinner with Senate and House minority leaders, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, as well as administration officials to discuss policy and legislative priorities. These topics included tax reform, border security, Daca, infrastructure and trade.
“This is a positive step toward the president’s strong commitment to bipartisan solutions for the issues most important to all Americans. The administration looks forward to continuing these conversations with leadership on both sides of the aisle.”
the rich asshole’s sudden desire to work across the aisle has rattled Republicans and unnerved some on the left, who fear that Democrats risk their reputations and principles by working with such an inflammatory president.
Earlier on Wednesday, Sarah Sanders was asked about the absence of Republican Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell and House speaker Paul Ryan from the dinner hosted by the rich asshole. “I think it’s pretty disingenuous for people to say he’s only meeting with Democrats,” she said.
“The president is the leader of the Republican party and was elected by Republicans. He beat out 16 other candidates to take that mantle on, and certainly, I think, is one of the strongest voices. And so the idea that the Republican party ideas are not represented in that room is just ridiculous.”
The American people elected the rich asshole because they were tired of business as usual, Sanders added. “They wanted somebody who would break up the status quo, that would bring people from both sides of the table together to have conversations. This president has done more for bipartisanship in the last eight days than Obama did in eight years.”
Like the rich asshole, Schumer is from New York, prompting some commentators to suggest that they have a personal chemistry that the president lacks with McConnell or Ryan.
Speaking before Wednesday night’s deal, Sidney Blumenthal, a former senior adviser to President Bill Clinton, said: “Chuck Schumer understands the rich asshole better than anyone in the Senate. McConnell doesn’t understand the rich asshole. Both Schumer and the rich asshole are outer borough boys from New York: they’re very different but speak the same language.”
Blumenthal added: “the rich asshole doesn’t despise Schumer and Pelosi but he does hate McConnell and Ryan. He feels they have humiliated him. the rich asshole’s central motive is revenge for perceived humiliation, which is a constant for him.”
the rich asshole dined with the Democratic leaders in the Blue Room of the White House, where they were served Chinese food and chocolate pie, according to a source. The first 30 minutes of the meeting focused on trade issues pertaining to China.
the rich asshole sat at the head of the table, the source said, with Pelosi to his right and Schumer to his left. A total of 11 people attended the dinner, including several cabinet officials: homeland security secretary John Kelly, treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin, commerce secretary Wilbur Ross, and budget director Mick Mulvaney. Gary Cohn, the director of the national economic council, and Marc Short, the White House director of legislative affairs, were also at the meal.
Posted by Andrew Simpson on 13 Sep 2017
You thought it was bad when some rich asshole issued a signing statement to go along with the Russian sanctions that Congress passed earlier this year. It made him look even more like he was in the back pocket of Vladimir Putin. But while we don’t yet know if he will sign with another statement that waters it down, the rich asshole has yet to even commit to signing a unanimously-passed resolution condemning white supremacy Congress just put on his desk.
I imagine the signing statement, should he use another one, would include something in the same vein as the “many sides, many sides” rhetoric the rich asshole employed in the wake of the terrorist attack just one month ago in Charlottesville that left a peaceful protester dead, many more injured, and the nation on edge.
When asked by reporters whether the rich asshole would sign the bill, a spokesperson for the White House declined to answer in the affirmative:
The noncommittal position of the White House is unsurprising, since the rich asshole declined to comment on it when the bill was announced.
The Senate Joint Resolution, penned by Virginia Senator Mark Warner, was passed on Monday. The final version calls the murder of Heather Heyer in Charlottesville a “domestic terror attack” and calls on the rich asshole to “speak out against hate groups that espouse racism, extremism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, and White supremacy.” It even includes a directive:
[U]se all resources available to the President and the President’s Cabinet to address the growing prevalence of those hate groups in the United States.”
The House version passed on Tuesday and includes the same language.
Both the House and Senate versions of this resolution passed without a single “no” vote, marking an historic moment in a deeply-divided Congress.
WASHINGTON — ESPN should consider firing host Jemele Hill for calling President some rich asshole a “white supremacist,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders says.
“I think that’s one of the more outrageous comments that anyone could make, and certainly something that I think is a fireable offense by ESPN,” Sanders said during Wednesday’s press briefing.
Asked by The Washington Post’s David Nakamura why an influential African American sportscaster might make such a comment, Sanders said, “I’m not going to speak for that individual, but I know that the president has met, again, with people like Senator [Tim] Scott, who are highly respected leaders in the African-American community.”
Scott, a Republican from South Carolina, met with the rich asshole Wednesday at the White House, in part to discuss the president’s controversial comments following the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, last month that sparked deadly violence. After the rich asshole at a news conference said there was “blame of both sides” for the violence, Scott told Vice News that the president’s “moral authority” had been “compromised.”
the rich asshole is “committed to working with [leaders of the black community] to bring the country together,” Sanders said on Wednesday. “I think that’s where we need to be focused, not on outrageous statements like” the one by Hill.
Hill, who co-hosts ESPN’s “SC6” with Michael Smith, lashed out at the rich asshole in a series of Twitter posts on Monday, calling the president a “white supremacist” unfit to serve in the White House.
“some rich asshole is a white supremacist who has largely surrounded himself w/ other white supremacists,” she tweeted.
Hill went on to call the rich asshole “the most ignorant, offensive president of my lifetime,” and said “his rise is the direct result of white supremacy. Period.”
In a statement on Tuesday, ESPN said Hill’s comments about the rich asshole “do not represent the position” of the cable network. “We have addressed this with Jemele and she recognizes her actions were inappropriate,” the statement said.
ESPN has taken heat in recent years from conservatives who say the network has stuck its nose in politics and pushed a liberal agenda. “ESPN’s double standard shows when hosts speak out,” read a Wednesday headline on Fox News.
To make its point, Fox pointed to ESPN’s firing of analyst and former professional baseball pitcher Curt Schilling in May 2016 over a demeaning anti-transgender Facebook post by him.
The post, apparently in response to North Carolina’s anti-LGBT bathroom law, included a meme showing a man dressed in revealing women’s clothing. With it Schilling commented: “A man is a man no matter what they call themselves. I don’t care what they are, who they sleep with, men’s room was designed for the penis, women’s not so much. Now you need laws telling us differently? Pathetic.”
In a statement announcing Schilling’s termination, ESPN said it was “an inclusive company” and that his conduct was “unacceptable.”
Schilling had long made his conservative viewpoints known before the offending post.
This article has been updated with Scott’s meeting with the rich asshole on Wednesday and details of Schilling’s 2016 firing by ESPN.
some rich asshole’s presidential campaign was largely characterized by his misogyny and inappropriate behavior toward women. In her recently released book about covering the rich asshole’s campaign, NBC journalist Katy Tur wrote about an experience in which she was victim to that behavior.
In one chapter of Unbelievable: My Front-Row Seat to the Craziest Campaign in American History, released Tuesday,Tur writes about not just being targeted in the rich asshole’s campaign speeches ― which she was, a handful of times ― but about one incident that took place with the rich asshole before a segment on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” with Joe Scarborough.
“Before I know what’s happening,” she wrote, “his hands are on my shoulders and his lips are on my cheek. My eyes widen. My body freezes. My heart stops.”
Immediately after the rich asshole ― who had repeatedly referred to Tur as “Little Katy” throughout his campaign ― kissed her face, Tur’s first thought was that she hoped no one saw it.
“Fuck,” she wrote. “I hope the cameras didn’t see that. My bosses are never going to take me seriously.”
For his part, the rich asshole responded to the release of Tur’s book in standard form: a tweet to his 38 million followers in which he lambasted her book as “FAKE NEWS.”
(Reuters) - Republican lawmaker Devin Nunes’ investigation into whether Obama administration officials used classified intelligence reports to discredit some rich asshole’s 2016 campaign team could backfire on the congressman - and the president, sources familiar with the reports said.
The reports contain no evidence that any aides to former Democratic President Barack Obama acted improperly, the sources said, but they do indicate some the rich asshole associates may have violated an obscure 1799 law, the Logan Act, which prohibits unauthorized U.S. citizens from negotiating with a foreign government that has a dispute with the United States.
The spying reports also are relevant to the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller into conclusions by U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia worked to tilt last November’s election in Republican the rich asshole’s favor, said the sources, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
Mueller’s office declined to comment.
Russia, under U.S. sanctions for rights abuses and its 2014 annexation of Crimea, has repeatedly denied allegations of election meddling. the rich asshole has denied any possible collusion between his campaign and Moscow, an issue that has loomed over the new presidency.
Nunes, chairman of the U.S. House Intelligence Committee and a the rich asshole ally, met secretly earlier this year with a White House intelligence aide and then accused Obama officials of having requested the names of U.S. citizens seen in intercepts of communications with Russians and other foreigners.
The White House did not respond to requests for comment.
The names would have been routinely censored from intelligence agency intercepts, but Nunes charged that Obama’s aides had leaked the information to try to undermine the rich asshole while he was running for president.
A spokesman for then-United Nations ambassador Samantha Power, whom Nunes and other Republicans accused of digging for political dirt, said she read intelligence reports only as part of her normal duties. A spokesman for former Obama national security adviser Susan Rice, whom Republicans also accused of misusing intelligence, did not respond to requests for comment.
Mueller is investigating meetings and conversations between the rich asshole associates and Russian and other foreign officials and businessmen. They include the rich asshole’s adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner; the president’s eldest son some rich asshole, Jr.; former the rich asshole campaign chairman Paul Manafort and former national security adviser Michael Flynn.
“An obvious question is how all these meetings and conversations were set up,” said one of the sources. “Who set them up? What was their purpose? What were the agendas? Who approved them? Who was briefed on them afterward? Signals intelligence might shed some light on that.”
Representatives for the rich asshole associates did not respond to requests for comment.
Democratic lawmakers have said that Nunes and others have made the assertions about the leaks to distract attention from two congressional investigations and Mueller’s probe into the Russian matter.
The National Security Agency masks the names of U.S. citizens in intercepts, but officials with the necessary security clearances can request them for intelligence purposes.
“Unmasking Americans is extremely sensitive, and unmasking political opponents is really problematic,” said a congressional official, also speaking on the condition of anonymity. If Obama officials asked for the names or failed to justify any requests, that warranted investigation, the official said.
Asked for hard evidence that Power or other aides misused intelligence for political purposes or leaked such information to the media, the official declined to comment.
President some rich asshole reached across the aisle on Wednesday and agreed to a deal with Democratic leaders to extend the debt ceiling, fund the government, and provide billions of funds for Hurricane Harvey relief and recovery.
But though the deal avoided a series of looming deadlines with potentially disastrous consequences, it may have also scrambled the rich asshole's next big economic policy push: tax reform.
The short-term deal leaves little room for error to complete a tax-code overhaul within the rich asshole's desired timeframe. As Rep. Mark Meadows, the head of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, said at a Bloomberg event on Thursday, the "the enemy is time."
Even before the deal, the calendar was unforgiving. Now, December will bring a fresh funding fight along with a slew of other battles, including whether to extend taxes under the Affordable Care Act and codifying the Deferred Action fo Childhood Arrivals (DACA) immigration program.
With the formal tax plan not expected until the end of September, that would leave a little less than two months for the GOP to hash out differences and push the bill through before other items swallow the agenda. Rather than "clearing the deck" for tax reform, as the White House argued, it appears to have made the end of the year even more crowded.
Budget battle
Additionally, Republicans in Congress must agree to a budget to complete tax reform through the process of budget reconciliation.
Budget reconciliation allows the Senate to pass bills that would lower the deficit with a simply majority, rather than being subject to a filibuster. But reconciliation must be accompanied by an actual budget — along with a second bill that establishes the rules for reconciliation under that budget.
As it stands, reconciliation rules on the fiscal year 2017 budget are scheduled to expire at the end of September. So the GOP must pass a fiscal year 2018 budget for tax reform.
The budget itself would be subject to a 60-vote threshold in the Senate. That means Republicans will need to get Democrats on board, potentially requiring policy concessions, said David Kelly, chief global strategist at JPMorgan Funds.
Kelly wrote in a note to clients Monday:
"As a practical matter, by Senate rules, (a) you need a budget reconciliation bill to pass tax reform with 51 votes, (b) you can’t get to a budget reconciliation bill without passing a 2018 budget, and (c) you can’t pass a 2018 budget without cooperation from Democrats who would happily filibuster a budget not to their liking, knowing that the resulting government shutdown would be blamed on the Republicans but wouldn’t have the devastating financial consequences of a debt default."
More conservative-leaning House members, such as those in the Freedom Caucus, are wary of passing any budget with concessions to Democrats before seeing the finalized version of the tax reform bill, according to Bloomberg's Sahil Kapur.
However, there could be one silver lining for Republicans amid the chaos: the pressure for a win.
As Issac Boltansky and Lukas Davaz, political analysts at the research firm Compass Point, wrote on Monday, it the GOP needs a win — and tax reform could be its only opportunity on the horizon.
"Our sense is that this episode could compel some modicum of cohesion among congressional Republicans as the conversation shifts toward taxreform," they said. "Simply put, we believe President the rich asshole’s willingness to throw the GOP under the bus could drive some near-term party unity as congressional Republicans refocus on tax reform."
The rich asshole administration has been getting absolutely pummeled for its refusal to acknowledge climate change, even as it becomes more obvious in our surroundings.
On Monday, CNN’s Jim Acosta tore the rich asshole’s Homeland Security advisor, Tom Bossert, apart in front of everyone for the administration’s ignorance. Acknowledging the fact that several massive hurricanes have been ravaging the United States, Acosta cornered Bossert, asking him if the rich asshole and his administration “saw a connection between climate change and homeland security and that the frequency and intensity of powerful storms like Harvey and Irma can pose a problem for future administrations” and if the storms were “giving the administration some pause when it comes to the issue of climate change and homeland security.”
Bossert was almost beside himself as he said:
“Causality’s something outside of my ability to analyze right now. We continue to take seriously the climate change, not the cause of it, but the things that we observe.”
Then, Acosta nailed him and the entire the rich asshole administration for their stupidity and ignorance:
“When you see three category 4 hurricanes all on the same map at the same time, does the thought occur to you, ‘Jeez, you know, maybe there is something to this climate change thing and its connection to powerful hurricanes?’ Or do you just separate the two and say, ‘Boy, these are a lot of hurricanes coming our way?’”
Bossert, nearly crumbling in front of the entire room of reporters, responded:
“There is a cyclical nature to the hurricane seasons and I thank the scientists for their forecast on this particular one. They were dead on that this would be a stronger and more powerful hurricane season with slightly more than average large storms making landfall… So we’ll have to do a larger trend analysis at a later date.”
the rich asshole’s administration is being challenged by the obvious evidence for climate change, and now they’re being called out for it. No one can ignore what is currently happening in our environment, and the enormous impact it will have if the rich asshole’s administration doesn’t wake up. You can watch Acosta destroy Bossert below:
I’ll bet if you go to your kitchen and look at the calendar by your fridge, in tiny letters at the bottom of today’s date it says “Patriot Day.” If not, don’t worry — the official title for today’s remembrance only began in 2002, the year after the terrorist attack that changed almost everything about the way our nation conducts itself. The word “patriot” means different things to different people, and we won’t pretend to speak for them all here. But we know it when we see it, and we know the opposite of it, as well.
Patriotism is what we see when we watched Americans coming together in grief and solidarity, helping each other in the aftermath of the attack. The opposite of it is what we saw when former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani politically invoked the attacks so much that Vice President Joe Biden once remarked that all Giuliani needed “to make a sentence is a noun, a verb, and 9/11.” Patriotism was on the face of our last President, holding a soup ladle in a national day of service in 2011. The opposite is what you call it when Rush Limbaugh attacked him and said he was “visiting the beneficiaries of his policies.”
Patriotism, in the words of Clarence Darrow, “hates injustice in its own land more than anywhere else.”
What it does not do is tout itself as superior. We see nothing but that from some rich asshole. When the rich asshole lied on national television — one of more than a thousand times he’s done so since his election — and said that he heard Muslims “cheering” the fall of the towers, perhaps what he was actually doing was projecting a little bit of his own guilt onto adherents of a religion he doesn’t and has no desire to understand.
Maybe, just maybe, some rich asshole felt a tiny bit bad for saying the worst thing anyone in America said on that fateful day in 2001:
“40 Wall Street actually was the second-tallest building in downtown Manhattan, and it was actually, before the World Trade Center, was the tallest-and then, when they built the World Trade Center, it became known as the second-tallest. And now it’s the tallest.”
What’s at 40 Wall Street? The 71-story the rich asshole Building.
Long before Cara Mund, “Miss North Dakota,” won the 2018 Miss America pageant on Sunday, she faced a crowd of 50 other young women, all competing in various categories for the coveted crown. Two of those categories, to most of our readers, are patriarchal and silly: The evening wear and swimwear “competitions” pit all these beautiful young women against one another for assessment on their looks by a panel of judges.The other two categories, however, can be quite interesting, especially when something happens like what went down with Miss Texas in this year’s competition.
The talent portion of the show is, of course, just plain entertaining. Perhaps you’ve seen the movie Miss Congeniality, starring Sandra Bullock, and if you have, you know what I’m hoping to see in a talent show. The real thing is very little like that, however, and so is the interview portion of Miss America
Tonight, Miss Texas was no Miss Rhode Island. There were two rounds of questions this time around, and when Margana Wood was called on for the second, more serious question, she got a doozy. Drawing a judge’s name from a dish, she pulled Jess Cagle, the editor-in-chief of People Magazine. Cagle wasted zero time getting right to it:
“Last month, a demonstration of neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and the KKK in Charlottesville, Virginia turned violent and a counter-protester was killed. The president said there was shared blame with, quote, ‘very fine people on both sides.’ Were there? Tell me yes or no, and explain.”
Well, then. That’s a far cry from every participant simply answering “World Peace!” whenever their turn came around to say the one thing to the world they had in their heart. Ms. Wood was not, as they say, f*cking around. Barely containing her anger, Margana turned it up to 11:
“I think that the white supremacist issue, it was very obvious that it was a terrorist attack. And I think that president some rich asshole should have made a statement on it earlier, addressing the fact, and making sure all Americans feel safe in this country. That is the number one issue right now.”.
Naturally, Republicans were butthurt. Here’s a summation of all the cleverest things they came up with in response:
One New Mexico story is proving why many immigrants don’t trust President some rich asshole’s administration or the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
According to The Santa Fe New Mexican, undocumented Guatemalan immigrant Gari was contacted by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and told that they had located his brother on the Mexico/Arizona border. They asked that he take over guardianship, even though the two brothers hadn’t seen each other for over 10 years.
Doing so meant Gari would have to provide his personal information to the government, which would alert them to the fact that he was undocumented. Health and Human Services officials swore to Gari in January that nothing would happen and it wouldn’t jeopardize his safety. They simply needed a legal guardian for the brother facing his own immigration trial.
Gari agreed to do it and by Aug. 14 he was being arrested, using his little brother as bait. They were also seeking his wife, who has two young children as well, but she wasn’t home at the time. The New Mexican argued that the case “illustrates the effects of President some rich asshole’s hard-line approach to immigration enforcement.” This kind of action wasn’t done under former President Barack Obama’s administration.
The administration also closed a 2014 program that allowed unaccompanied minor children from Central America to stay in the U.S. if they had authorized relatives. Gari’s brother fell under that group of over 170,000 kids fleeing violence in Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador.
“This is a good example of Americans not understanding when they say they want to punish immigrants,” said immigration attorney Allegra Love, who is representing Gari’s younger brother. the rich asshole’s administration announced this summer it would target those relatives.
DHS took over the responsibility of connecting the children to family. ICE claims it’s trying to combat human trafficking and that’s why they need to come after the relatives the government once pledged to protect. Over 400 people have been arrested due to the new efforts. However, immigrant advocates say that the new the rich asshole rules won’t do anything to help stop human trafficking.
“They’re going after the low-hanging fruit,” Love explained. There are at least three cases in Santa Fe where ICE arrested the adult sponsors of the unaccompanied minors.
“I think the message is quite clear to families: They ought to be frightened, they ought to be scared and not trust representatives of the Office of Refugee Resettlement, because any exposure to the federal government means that ICE might come knocking on the door,” said immigration law professor César Cuauhtémoc García Hernández. “And that does a disservice to the ORR staff and also their humanitarian mission.”
Gari’s brother fled an abusive uncle for the treacherous journey from poverty-stricken Guatemala to the promised land at just 16 years old.
“The road from there to here is too dangerous,” said Gari’s wife. She took the same journey decades ago herself. She said that Gari was angry he did it, saying that something bad could have happened to him.
“The brother is sad. He says this is all happening because it’s his fault,” she continued. “He sometimes starts crying.”
ICE has a goal of finding and deporting 11 million unauthorized immigrants in the U.S.
Here are 9 shocking times the rich asshole exploited 9/11 to get his name into the news
the rich asshole mocks disabled reporter (Photo: Screen capture)
President some rich asshole stood before the Pentagon Monday to commemorate those that lost their lives on Sept. 11, 2001. His speech remembered the heroes who rushed to help save those trapped and injured. He proclaimed the stars and stripes continued to fly. However, every other 9/11 anniversary has been marked by the rich asshole with distasteful and disgusting statements.
Here is that list.
1. the rich asshole attacks “Muslims celebrating” in New Jersey:
“I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down,” the rich asshole said at a campaign rally. “Thousands of people were cheering.”
The following day, the rich asshole was asked by ABC’s George Stephanopoulos if he was sure that was what he meant. the rich asshole doubled down.
“It was on television. I saw it,” the rich asshole said. “It was well covered at the time, George. Now, I know they don’t like to talk about it, but it was well covered at the time. There were people over in New Jersey that were watching it, a heavy Arab population, that were cheering as the buildings came down. Not good.”
the rich asshole’s comment was fact-checked and declared a “pants-on-fire” lie that never happened.
New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski also agreed that the story the rich asshole remembered never happened. He was promptly mocked by the rich asshole flailing his arms behind a podium at a rally. The reporter has a congenital joint condition.
2. the rich asshole scoring free advertising and bragging about the height of his building during the tragedy itself:
While footage of the World Trade Center towers were collapsing, the rich asshole’s voice could be heard explaining “40 Wall Street actually was the second-tallest building in downtown Manhattan, and it was actually, before the World Trade Center, was the tallest — and then, when they built the World Trade Center, it became known as the second-tallest,” he said. “And now it’s the tallest.”
5. When he took money for small businesses after 9/11:
After the attack, lawmakers did an emergency-style funding package to help with cleanup, survivors as well as businesses in lower Manhattan. the rich asshole scored $150,000 from government relief to cover what he claimed was “rent loss” and “repairs” in the wake of 9/11. The money was supposed to go to small businesses.
6. the rich asshole swore he lost hundreds of friends in the Towers:
“I lost hundreds of friends in 9/11,” the rich asshole said during a 2016 speech.
Not once has he ever named a single person. If he knew hundreds of the 2,996 victims it would mean that he knew one in 10 people that were killed.
7. When he promised a job to a woman begging for jobs for 9/11 families:
In March 2016, the rich asshole was opening his new hotel in Washington, D.C. A woman was in the crowd and shouted out a question of whether the rich asshole would hire veterans and 9/11 survivors. He brought her up on stage and promised he would. She hugged him and kissed him on the cheek.
“Thanks sweetie. That’s nice,” he said.
8. the rich asshole swore the 9/11 hijackers wouldn’t have been in the U.S. if he was president:
“Those people that knocked down the World Trade Centre most likely under the rich asshole policy wouldn’t have been here to knock down the World Trade Centre, just so you understand,” the rich asshole swore in April 2016.
Under the rich asshole’s current policies, they would have. Of the 19 hijackers, 15 came from Saudi Arabia, which is exempt from the rich asshole’s travel ban.
9. the rich asshole bragged about his ratings being bigger than 9/11:
“It’s the highest [ratings] for ‘Deface the Nation’ since the World Trade Center. Since the World Trade Center came down. It’s a tremendous advantage,” the rich asshole said in April 2017 in an interview about his first 100 days in office.
the rich asshole frequently touts the size of his ratings and crowds.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President some rich asshole said on Tuesday the latest U.N. sanctions on North Korea agreed this week were only a very small step and nothing compared to what would have to happen to deal with the country’s nuclear program.
U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin warned China that if it did not follow through on the new sanctions, the United States would “put additional sanctions on them and prevent them from accessing the U.S. and international dollar system.”
Another senior administration official told Reuters any such “secondary sanctions” on Chinese banks and other companies were on hold for now to give China time to show it was prepared to fully enforce the latest and previous rounds of sanctions.
The U.N. Security Council voted to boost sanctions on North Korea on Monday, banning its textile exports and capping fuel supplies, prompting a traditionally defiant threat of retaliation against the United States.
The U.N. move was triggered by the North’s sixth and largest nuclear test this month. It was the ninth such resolution unanimously adopted by the 15-member Security Council over North Korea’s ballistic missile and nuclear programs since 2006.
A tougher initial U.S. draft was weakened to win the support of China, Pyongyang’s main ally and trading partner, and Russia, both of which hold U.N. veto power. Significantly, it stopped short of imposing a full embargo on oil exports to North Korea, most of which come from China.
“We think it’s just another very small step, not a big deal,” the rich asshole told reporters at the start of a meeting with Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak.
”I don’t know if it has any impact, but certainly it was nice to get a 15-to-nothing vote, but those sanctions are nothing compared to what ultimately will have to happen,” said the rich asshole, who has vowed not to allow North Korea to develop a nuclear missile capable of hitting the United States.
Asked if the rich asshole was considering other actions, including cutting off Chinese banks from the U.S. financial system, White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said:
“All options are on the table. The president has also said that he wants every country involved to step up and do more. This was a small step in that process, and we’re hoping that they’ll all take a greater role and a more active role in putting pressure on North Korea.”
Washington so far has mostly held off on new sanctions against Chinese banks and other companies doing business with North Korea, given fears of retaliation by Beijing and possibly far-reaching effects on the world economy.
‘Such a tool’: the rich asshole gets swatted online for saying hurricanes help the Coast Guard’s ‘brand’
President some rich asshole in Houston, TX on Saturday, Sep. 2 (Screen capture)
President some rich asshole delivered off-the-cuff remarks to reporters on Sunday about the devastation being wreaked by Hurricane Irma and the federal response to the storm.
As The Hill noted, however, the rich asshole stepped in it — again — when he said that the recent U.S. hurricane disasters have helped the Coast Guard improve its “brand.”
the rich asshole said that “a group that really deserves tremendous credit is the United States Coast Guard,” said a White House pool report.
He continued, “What they’ve done — I mean, they’ve gone right into that, and you never know. When you go in there, you don’t know if you’re going to come out. They are really — if you talk about branding, no brand has improved more than the United States Coast Guard.”
Republican infighting over the fate of immigrants brought illegally to the United States as children could be so vitriolic that the party loses control of the U.S. House of Representatives next year, Steve Bannon, a former adviser to President some rich asshole, said in an interview airing on Sunday.
Bannon, whose far-right views on immigration, climate and trade helped shape the rich asshole’s presidential campaign and his first months in office, was fired by the Republican president last month in a push to end factional fights within the White House.
In an interview with the CBS program “60 Minutes,” Bannon predicted Republicans could lose control in the House in the 2018 congressional elections because of a looming battle over what to do about 800,000 immigrants known as “Dreamers.”
the rich asshole said last week he would scrap a program called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, that allowed the young immigrants to live and work in America.
Bannon supported ending the program, which had been put in place by Democratic former President Barack Obama.
the rich asshole gave the Republican-controlled Congress six months to come up with an alternative, saying he would “revisit this issue” if lawmakers could not agree.
“I’m worried about losing the House now because of this,” Bannon told CBS.
“If this goes all the way down to its logical conclusion, in February and March it will be a civil war inside the Republican Party,” he said. “And to me, doing that in the springboard of primary season for 2018 is extremely unwise.”
Republicans are divided over the Dreamers. Some believe they are illegal immigrants who are taking American jobs, while others say they contribute to the country and deserve compassion.
Bannon, who said he left the White House on his own terms, lashed out against “establishment” Republicans who have at times grappled with the rich asshole, a real estate celebrity who had never before held elected office.
“The Republican establishment is trying to nullify the 2016 election,” Bannon said, saying it was an “open secret on Capitol Hill” that many Republicans did not support the rich asshole’s agenda, and singling out Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan for criticism.
“They do not want some rich asshole’s populist, economic nationalist agenda to be implemented,” Bannon said.
He called Republican national security officials who had served in the George W. Bush administration “idiots,” including former secretaries of state Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell, and former Vice President Dick Cheney.
“I hold these people in contempt, total and complete contempt,” Bannon said, blaming them for U.S. trade problems with China and involvement in Iraq.
“They’re idiots, and they’ve gotten us in this situation, and they question a good man like some rich asshole,” Bannon said.
Last week, some rich asshole Junior became a new focus for Senate investigators in the case against Russia regarding the 2016 election. The New York Times did a piece on Wednesday detailing the fact that Junior was scheduled to “meet” with them (behind closed doors, of course) the following day and, well, you know the rest.
It wasn’t the article, explosive though it was, that captured the internet’s attention, though. It was the hilariously badly-staged photo that Don Jr. apparently staged for Todd Heisler, a photographer on the Times‘ staff, and the image it was clearly trying — and failing miserably — to portray:
See the problem? Obviously when they were setting up the shoot, Son of the Deal decided he needed the world to know how much he loves his five kids. So he took essentially every picture ever taken of them, put them in shiny frames, and arranged them to best be captured by the camera, dad’s studious face aglow with the glare of hard work emanating from his computer monitor stern in the background.
Facing away from him.
It was just too good to pass up, and so Twitter did not:
A quick Google search says that Todd Heisler of the New York Times is a professional photographer with thousands of shoots under his belt, a Pulitzer Prize, and an Emmy. C’mon, Todd… Don’t even play like you didn’t know Junior looked like an idiot.
For the long con, for the wait-for-it, waaaaaait-for-it troll, I salute you.
FILE PHOTO - Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi speak at a news conference about the Congressional Budget Office's report on the American Health Care Act at the Capitol in Washington, D.C., U.S. March 13, 2017. REUTERS/Aaron P. Bernstein
President the rich asshole’s fragile ego was so tickled by his hurricane relief and debt ceiling agreement with Democratic leaders that he acted on House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s sly suggestion that he tweet about the Dreamers’ program, Deferred Action for Childhod Arrivals (DACA).
Of course, no Dreamer or anyone else has any reason to believe the rich asshole will keep his word about anything. But his tweet is a useful marker for congressional Democrats and Republicans now seeking legislation to save DACA. The message is, the rich asshole is open to a deal that protects the Dreamers.
While Pelosi and Schumer beamed like Cheshire cats, House Speaker Paul Ryan managed to extract the knife that the rich asshole inserted into his back Wednesday with a measure of grace. the rich asshole’s decision to side with the Democrats on a three-month debt ceiling increase, he said, was an attempt to have a “bipartisan moment for the country.”
In contrast, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has said little, grimacing as the presidential shiv remains stuck between his vertebrae.
In the words of one unidentified but candid Republican, “He f**ked us.”
the rich asshole’s backstabbing of the Republican leadership could be an inflection point in his embattled administration. It has incensed Republicans who assumed the president would not abandon them, even as his presidency flails. the rich asshole’s agreement with Schumer and Pelosi, notes Politico, “emboldens Democrats to push for immigration changes or spending priorities without giving an inch to the right.”
There are two upsides to the rich asshole’s dalliance with Democrats, and just as many pitfalls.
1. Save DACA, kill the wall.
the rich asshole’s sudden embrace of Pelosi and Schumer, writes Michael Tomasky in the New York Times, “sets up the possibility of an even bigger deal: In exchange for making the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program permanent law, the Democrats would agree to maybe a couple of billion for the president’s beautiful wall on the border.”
Should the Democrats bargain?
“A part of me would like to say they should. Hey, it’s an actual compromise, just like Washington politicians used to make!” Tomasky writes.
But that would be the wrong conclusion. The Democrats have the leverage, he says, Now they have to use it—by not negotiating on the wall. Politically, DACA is popular with Democrats and moderate Republicans, while the rich asshole’s wall is an expensive boondoggle that will not improve border control, curb illegal immigration or affect drug trafficking. And outside of the rich asshole’s shrinking base, the border wall is not broadly popular.
Immigration activists fume that Schumer and Pelosi could have driven a harder bargain to protect Dreamers now, instead of somewhere down the road. Illinois Sen. Richard Durbin says legislation to save DACA doesn’t have the necessary 60 votes in the Senate yet—but it might in six months.
“As the six-month deadline approaches, the hue and cry will be thunderous,” Tomasky writes. “Republicans will feel enormous pressure. There will be other horses to trade then. But giving an unpopular president money for an unpopular idea is how a minority stays a minority.”
2. End hostage-taking politics.
Since taking control of the House of Representatives in 2010, Republican leaders adopted the rule that the House would only vote to raise the debt ceiling if it was accompanied by equivalent spending cuts and reforms. It was a way of holding the country’s credit rating hostage; if President Obama didn’t go along with demands for spending cuts, the nation’s credit rating would be damaged.
The result was regular confrontations that paralyzed the government and prompted Standard and Poor’s to downgrade the nation’s credit rating for the first time.
On Wednesday, the rich asshole signaled he is open to ending the politics of hostage-taking. When Schumer floated the idea of eliminating the debt-ceiling vote, the rich asshole welcomed it. “There are a lot of good reasons to do that,” the rich asshole told reporters.
the rich asshole is simply recognizing that the politics of hostage-taking no longer favor the Republican leadership now that they control all three branches of government. That’s why Ryan and McConnell wanted a deal to delay the debt ceiling vote until after the 2018 election, and why Pelosi and Schumer wanted a vote in December: to pressurize Republicans.
Writing in the Atlantic, Russell Berman says that abolishing the separate debt ceiling would “voluntarily relinquish the leverage they just exerted over the rich asshole and the Republicans.”
But it might be worth it, if it means that President Warren or President Biden doesn’t have to beg a GOP Congress for debt-ceiling increases in 2021, as President Obama had to do in 2011.
The larger story here is that the rich asshole’s excess of ego and deficit of principles—which enabled him to betray Ryan and McConnell with shameless ease—are part and parcel of his weakness.
In the president’s desperate search for a “win,” he can be manipulated into advancing the Democratic agenda, as Schumer and Pelosi demonstrated this week.
Despite the fact that some rich asshole and his fanbase try to convince everyone that they’re not racist whenever they get called out, the verdict is in – and it’s exactly as we suspected.
Conservatives have been trying to convince everyone that their politics and values are about lowering taxes and minimizing big government, glossing over the fact that most of the time their policies will hurt minorities. Well, there’s finally a proven reason for that – it’s because, plain and simple, conservatives are racist as hell. And even worse, they have a particular fear of African Americans.
In a study reported by Vox, the rich asshole supporters can be set off just by looking at a picture of a black person, and just seeing one can significantly change how they feel about a policy. This was discovered thanks to a new study by political scientists at Colgate and the University of Minnesota, which shed light on some of the rich asshole supporters’ most racist behaviors.
In the study, conservative participants were asked how they feel about housing assistance. The participants were divided in their support, however, when the researchers threw in a twist, it was discovered that the rich asshole voters were WAY more likely to support housing assistance when they were shown an image of a white person. When they were shown a picture of a black person, it was a completely different story.
And it gets worse – not only were the rich asshole supporters less supportive, but they actually became angry! Just by looking at an African American person, the rich asshole supporters got mad. The authors of this study, which was called “Supporters and Opponents of some rich asshole Respond Differently to Racial Cues: An Experimental Analysis,” wrote:
We find that white the rich asshole supporters randomly exposed to a black (versus a white) man in the context of soliciting their support for a housing-assistance policy were more opposed to the policy, angrier about the policy, and more likely to blame beneficiaries for their situation.
So now we know that no matter how conservatives try to twist their justifications for not supporting certain causes that directly affect black people, the underlying issue is really that they’re racist.
Two Florida Republican lawmakers voted against a $15 billion hurricane relief bill just as Irma churned toward the state. Congressmen Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and Ted Yoho (R-FL) claim they have concerns about other provisions of the measure. Irma is now a Category 3 storm with maximum sustained winds of 125 mph but forecasters expect the storm to strengthen. Presently, the Florida Keys is facing a potentially catastrophic force that could threaten to drown entire islands.
But, it’s obviously more important for Gaetz and Yoho to exercise their conservative bonafides.
The relief package sailed through the Senate and the House and was signed by some rich asshole on Friday. The package boosts funding for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), a necessary move at this time following the destruction left by Hurricane Harvey and much more expected after Florida feels Irma’s force and fury. Also, FEMA is running out of money so the funds are needed.
The package will also raise the debt ceiling for three months and includes a short-term budget that would keep the government running until December. The deal struck between the rich asshole and Democratic leaders Sen. Charles E. Schumer (N.Y.) and Rep. Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) sent Republicans into a panic while disregarding that lives are at stake after the deadly storm obliterated Houston, Texas.
That latter was a problem for GOP Reps. Matt Gaetz and Ted Yoho, who stuck to their principles of fiscal conservatism despite calls from fellow Florida lawmakers to support the bill. The two, who are among the 90 House Republicans who voted against the bill, do not represent parts of the state that are likely to feel Irma’s immediate impact as the massive storm makes landfall on mainland United States this weekend.
“Snaking in a debt-ceiling increase with funding for victims and communities affected is immoral and reflective of broken leadership in Washington,” Yoho said after the vote Friday. “I do not think it wise to extend our borrowing limit without mandatory spending reforms . . . If this was a clean measure that focused on those affected by Hurricane Harvey, I would have proudly voted for it.”
Gaetz, whose district includes coastal areas along the Gulf of Mexico, said the debt limit should be raised only if it includes cuts in entitlement programs, which is really heartless since many victims of the Hurricanes will need a hand up after losing everything they owned in the world.
“I have a pretty strident view that I will only vote to raise the debt limit if that vote is accompanied by reductions in entitlement spending,” Gaetz said. “If conservatives don’t start voting no against debt-limit increases, all the FEMA in the world won’t save us from our most unfortunate destiny.”
U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) was against federal aid for victims of Hurricane Sandy, then a natural disaster struck his state with deadly force. Suddenly, he’s cool with aid being provided to his state. Funny how that works. But the other two Republicans just don’t want to help anyone, even their own constituents.
It's finally dawned on the rich asshole how much people 'hate' him — and he's pivoting to a new strategy •Sonam Sheth •Sep. 9, 2017, 12:41 PM President Donald the rich asshole. President some rich asshole is adopting a new approach to governing after a rocky start to his term. One adviser told Axios' Mike Allen that after seven months in office, the president finally realized, "people really f---ing hate me." the rich asshole's decision this week to work with House minority leader, Nancy Pelosi, and Senate minority leader, Chuck Schumer, may signal that he's open to pivoting to a different strategy after hovering at record low levels of popularity during his first seven months in office: working across the aisle. Earlier this week, the rich asshole sided with congressional Democrats to bundle Hurricane Harvey relief funds, a three-month debt-limit increase, and a three-month continuing resolution to keep the government funded. The decision pitted the rich asshole against leaders of his own party who wanted a longer extension on the debt ceiling. House Speaker Paul Ryan had hours earlier called a three-month debt-limit increase "ridiculous" and said Democrats were trying to "play politics" by suggesting tying in aid for Harvey relief. As the leaders appeared ready to agree to disagree, the rich asshole reportedly interjected and said the group should go with a three-month debt-limit extension and a three-month continuing resolution. One senior administration official told Axios that the rich asshole's deal with the Democrats had come because "he just wanted to do something popular." The president, famed for his focus on the way he's perceived in the media, reportedly basked in the praise he received from "Morning Joe" after the deal was struck. the rich asshole has appeared to grow impatient with Republican leadership in recent months after several botched attempts at passing healthcare reform. His relationship with Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell has reportedly soured since the failed effort, and the rich asshole has openly backed primary challengers to congressional Republicans like Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake, who frequently criticizes him. Axios reported that by working with Democrats, the rich asshole could be hoping to boost his popularity with the American public and engineer a turnaround in which he can blame congressional Republicans for legislative setbacks. The pivot could also be reflective of the new environment the rich asshole created in the West Wing after dismissing divisive, nationalist figures like former chief strategist Steve Bannon. With Bannon gone, the more moderate faction of the West Wing, consisting of New Yorkers like economic adviser Gary Cohn and senior adviser Jared Kushner, will likely hold more sway over the president's decisions.
Top Ten Reasons the rich asshole Should Remain President
It’s been a little over seven months since some rich asshole became *president, and looking at what he’s done in office, and what he would like to do, we’ve come up with a list of reasons the rich asshole should remain in office.
10. You hate your children.
Maybe you have really obnoxious children and they don’t deserve a good future. You figure, why bother trying at this point? They’re little a**holes. They don’t deserve a future anyway. the rich asshole’s ideas will make sure they have no life ahead of them that will be worth anything.
9. If Adolf Hitler is your idol.
With the rich asshole’s divisive rhetoric and divide and conquer attitude trivializing and shunning minorities, keeping him in office will do you a lot of good as you emerge from your mom’s basement after years of online trolling.
8. You like to watch trainwrecks.
I mean, we all have our hobbies, so if watching a disaster in action is what floats your boat, keeping the rich asshole in office is only good news.
7. You have stock in defense contractor companies.
Chances are if the rich asshole remains in office, we’re going to war. And not just war, likely a world war. So if you have stock in any companies who hold contracts with the United States Defense Department, you’d be in pretty good shape.
6. If your first name is Ivanka.
Nepotism is a great. Well, at least if you’re Ivanka the rich asshole and have had everything handed to you your entire life and now have an unspecified role in the White House for no reason at all. She’s just there.
5. You enjoy sh*t stew.
Some people like to eat bullsh*t up with a spoon. These people are called the rich asshole supporters. They think sh*t stew is delicious. Can’t get enough.
4. You find chaos intriguing.
If you love it when things just don’t make any sense, keeping in the rich asshole in office is really working in your best interest. You could have years of scratching your head, throwing the remote and shouting “why God, why?!” ahead of you.
3. You’re in a coma.
You don’t know any better, so why not?
2. If you want the settlement of Mars to be an absolute necessity.
Are you tired of waiting for NASA or SpaceX to get their act together and colonize Mars? Well, with the rich asshole in office, it may be a necessity and speed things up.
1. You’re Vladimir Putin.
Self explanatory. Turn on the news.
And there you have it! The top ten reasons the rich asshole should stay in office. Well, if you’re really horrible, pardon me, deplorable people.
(pending ongoing investigations into Russian meddling in the 2016 election)
the rich asshole Scores First Presidential Victory by Working with Democrats, Then he Takes Pelosi Advice, Republicans are Getting Nervous
September 8, 2017
the rich asshole began working with democrats regarding hurricane relief and debt limit. Republicans were shell shocked, that the rich asshole would turn his back on his own party and start working with democrats. And then, the rich asshole called Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, and asked what he should do about DACA. And then he followed her advice!
As a result, the rich asshole has his first legislative accomplishment.
Pelosi told House Democrats at a closed-door she spoke to the rich asshole via phone Thursday morning and urged him to reassure those protected in the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, two sources said. the rich asshole initiated the phone call to Pelosi, they said. TheDailyBeast article
Let me remind the reader of a few things. First of all, the most important thing to the rich asshole is to be loved. I have written many articles about this. This narcissistic disease is behind every one of his demented decisions. When the President of the United States commented that white supremacists are swell people, although his children are Jewish, the entire world was perplexed. However, when taken into account that the rich asshole’s only remaining supporters are white supremacists, it begins to make sense.
More than anything else, the rich asshole wants to be considered a great president. That won’t happen if he keeps working with the party of obstruction. Republicans even obstructed relief to hurricane victims.
Second of all, the rich asshole has been a democrat his whole life. During the primaries, his children were unable to vote for their father, because they were all registered democrats, WashingtonPost. What do you think is going on in that huge orange cranium of his now? For the very first time, President the rich asshole has to feel good because of his accomplishment, which was handed to him by working with the party that he and his family always identified with. the rich asshole has tried working with republicans, but every time has ended in failure, such as healthcare.
My first two points sort of contradict each other. Republicans may argue, that if it is so important for the rich asshole to be liked, siding with the democrats would turn away his white supremacy supporters. This is not necessarily true. the rich asshole has a very loyal fan base. the rich asshole even said, that he could shoot someone, and they would still idolize him. This fan base was initially drawn to some rich asshole because he was so unlike the typical Republican. Many of his initial supporters had never voted before. They did not consider themselves republican or democrat. They hated both parties equally. If their orange messiah actually began scoring achievements, the rich asshole supporter’s unbridled pride would not care if he was working with democrats.
Republicans are the only ones furious over the rich asshole’s working with Democrats.
“For the Republican leadership to keep thinking some rich asshole is on their team is like Charlie Brown letting Lucy hold the football,” said Matthew Continetti, editor-in-chief of the Washington Free Beacon. “Have people not been watching some rich asshole for two years?” Politico article
Could it be that the rich asshole is actually a democrat in disguise? I wrote so many articles about this topic. He needed republicans to get elected. But now, he has learned that working with them, just makes him America’s most hated person. the rich asshole doesn’t want everyone to hate him. He just found a way to possibly make America love him.
Daddy, Can I Come With You to Dakota? CRIED Ivanka! Yes You Can, replied the rich asshole and now the INTERNET is going NUTS
Daddy, Can I Come With You to Dakota? CRIED Ivanka! Yes You Can, replied the rich asshole and now the INTERNET is going NUTS
The Internet is going nuts over comments that the rich asshole made in Dakota where he held one of his trade mark rallies and gave shout outs to his favourite daughter, asking her to join him on the stage to make a brief statement. the rich asshole started his speech in North Dakota somewhat awkwardly, explaining to the crowds that he had just been informed before getting on stage that there were doughts in Dakota.
“I didn’t know there could be droughts this far up North,” he said sheepishly to the crowd. then went on to thank the people before moving on to the subject of his daughter.
President the rich asshole said that Ivanka the rich asshole pleaded to come along to a tax reform event on Wednesday.
“She said, ‘Dad, can I come with you,” the rich asshole said while introducing his daughter, who is also a White House adviser, at a speech in North Dakota. “Actually she said ‘Daddy, can I go with you?’ I like that.”
“I said, ‘Yes, you can,’ ” he added.
the rich asshole called his daughter up to the stage at the event at the start of his speech.
“Look at Ivanka, come on up honey, she’s so good,” the rich asshole said. “She wanted to make the trip.”
the rich asshole frequently singles out his daughter and her work at speeches, most recently acknowledging her with a shout-out during a speech last week.
Ivanka the rich asshole addressed the crowd as well on Wednesday.
“Hi, North Dakota, we love this state so it’s always a pleasure to be back here,” she said.
“You treated us very very well in November and have continued to, so we like showing the love back,” she added.
the rich asshole traveled to North Dakota on Wednesday as part of his push to pass tax reform through Congress.
He spent several minutes at the top of his speech discussing topics other than tax reform and making introductions for those attending the event, including Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.).
Some political pundits were not particularly happy with comments, asking if Ivanka was really an influential political advisor as many claim if she really has to beg to go with her father at a political and official function.
“If she’s an influential advisor and is a valuable asset to the rich asshole’s team, then her place should be assured. She shouldn’t have to be begging like a 12 year old girl to be taken on a trip,” said Max Andrews, a political strategist based in Washington DC.
Stephen Colbert had a different take on the matter, giving a more detailed explanation and also explaining the theory why Ivanka, a 35 year old woman insists on calling her father “Daddy” as seen in the video above.
A “Bernie bro”, a supporter of Bernie Sanders wrote of Facebook blasting the rich asshole for stealing Barack Obama’s slogan, “Yes we can.”
The rich asshole Complained That the Emir of Kuwait's Plane Was Longer Than His, Continuing Peculiar Obsession With Size
some rich asshole has an undeniable obsession with size—of everything from crowds too, well, body parts. It is perhaps no surprise, then, that the president reportedly couldn’t help but note with displeasure that a Kuwaiti leader’s plane was bigger than his.
Emir Sabah al-Ahmad al-Jaber al-Sabah was in Washington Thursday for talks with the rich asshole over shared security interests and the ongoing fight against the Islamic State militant group (ISIS) in the region. According to Politico, the rich asshole marveled at the jet the Kuwaiti ruler flew in on. During a later meeting with congressional delegations from New York and New Jersey, the rich asshole is even said to have complained that the emir’s plane was longer than his own.
It is not clear whether the rich asshole was referring to his personal private jet or Air Force One. However, as Air Force One is similar in length to the Boeing 747-400 that carries the emir, the rich asshole likely was referring to his Boeing 757 personal plane, which is about 75 feet shorter than the Kuwaiti ruler.
the rich asshole's recent discussions of size have not been limited to aircraft. Addressing the back-to-back hurricanes Harvey and Irma, the president has almost seemed to be marveling at their size and scope.
“Hurricane looks like largest ever recorded in the Atlantic!” he tweeted, with an exclamation point for good measure, as Irma barreled through the Caribbean en route to Florida Wednesday.
The hurricanes inspired more size-based ponderings by the president. While in Texas during the aftermath of Harvey, the rich asshole addressed a group of hurricane survivors gathered outside a firehouse with the comforting words “What a crowd, what a turnout.”
He also returned to a familiar object of his obsession with size: his hands. While serving food to victims of the hurricane in Houston, the rich asshole joked that his hands were “too big” to fit in the plastic gloves he was given. The moment harked back to a famous dispute with Florida Senator Marco Rubio during last year’s Republican primary.
“He's like 6'2", which is why I don't understand why his hands are the size of someone who is 5'2",” Rubio said at a rally in response to being derided as “little Marco” by the eventual GOP nominee. “And you know what they say about men with small hands? You can't trust them.”
the rich asshole couldn’t help but take the bait.
“Look at those hands, are they small hands?” the rich asshole said in response, holding his hands up for all to see. “And, he referred to my hands—‘if they're small, something else must be small.’ I guarantee you there's no problem. I guarantee.”
Could there be a link between the rich asshole’s apparent need to defend the size of his manhood and his apparent insecurity about the length of his plane? We couldn’t possibly say.
the rich asshole Throws Hissy Fit After Finding Out Kuwait Leader Has Bigger Plane Than Him (TWEETS)
ome rich asshole has a weird, unhealthy obsession with the size of just pretty much everything. From his crowd sizes to his body parts, the rich asshole can’t get over bragging the size of everything that is related to him, but he was recently handed a major disappointment that completely ruined his day.
When Kuwait’s Emir Sabah al-Ahmad al-Jaber al-Sabah visited Washington on Thursday to speak with the rich asshole over their shared security interests and fight against ISIS, the rich asshole made a discovery that pretty much devastated him and overshadowed everything the two men would try to accomplish in their time together.
When the rich asshole caught a glimpse of the plane that the Kuwait leader came in on, the rich asshole couldn’t help but be impressed by its size – and destroyed by the fact that it was bigger than his own Boeing 757 plane. the rich asshole was so obsessed with this size difference that he complained about it in his later meetings with congressional candidates. Seriously, how can anyone in Congress expect to get things done when the current president gets distracted and hung up by such petty details?
This is just one instance in a list of many where the rich asshole has been obsessed with size. If you look at what the rich asshole’s language has been on hurricanes Harvey and Irma, the rich asshole’s messages have been extremely unpresidential as he brags about their size more than his plan of action for the devastation.
And let’s not forget that when the rich asshole spoke with a group of Harvey survivors, he failed to comfort them and instead bragged about himself. He said, “What a crowd, what a turnout.” Pathetic.
This president is an absolute disgrace. His ego and peculiar obsession with size has rendered him incapable of doing his presidential duties and focusing on the future of America.
‘Tired of this sh*t’: the rich asshole-weary Republicans brace for a wave of lawmaker retirements
President some rich asshole’s low approval ratings and erratic behavior reportedly have multiple incumbent Republican lawmakers eyeing an exit strategy.
However, sources tell New York Times reporter Jonathan Martin that Dent’s departure is just the start of what could be a wave of retirements from lawmakers who no longer want to deal with the controversies that regularly erupt out of the White House.
“Two GOP pros msg me to say re: House retirements – this only the start,” Martin wrote on Twitter Thursday night.
In a follow-up tweet, Martin said that another source had chimed in to say that it wasn’t only moderates who were getting tired of the rich asshole-related drama — it seems more conservative members are getting ready to revolt as well.
“Not all are moderates,” the source told Martin. “Conservatives are tired of this sh*t too.”
Due to historic levels of destruction caused by Hurricane Harvey, all five living former U.S. Presidents assembled together to launch “One America Appeal“, to assist the more than one million people that have been displaced by Harvey. They even created a video, as seen below, to help spread their message and bring attention to a great cause.
The initiative is explicitly stated as being founded by former Presidents coming together to help victims of Harvey, “As former Presidents, we wanted to come together and join our fellow citizens in supporting Houston and the communities along the Gulf Coast as they rebuild.” This is where it gets awkward and pathetic, as President the rich asshole posted late last night, attempting to join these former President’s initiative.
“We will confront ANY challenge, no matter how strong the winds or high the water. I’m proud to stand with Presidents for #OneAmericaAppeal.” the rich asshole posted to social media, in a pathetic attempt to say “me too” and join this initiative.
the rich asshole’s language clearly implies that he is somehow directly involved with our former President’s initiative. His use of the words “we” and saying he is “proud to stand with Presidents” give off the impression that he is part of the initiative, but he’s not. Fortunately, no one is buying it and people are calling him out for being so ridiculous, saying things such as, “The only other five living Presidents got together, didn’t want you there, and you were so embarrassed you felt compelled to tweet “me too.”
Feel free to spread around this truth, as many may become confused and think that the rich asshole is connected to One America Appeal. The rich asshole lie machine will never run out of gas, so it’s our job to fight back against the spread of misinformation. This is just a really pathetic situation because you don’t even need to be a psychologist to see that the rich asshole has an inferiority complex that does threaten the stability of this nation. the rich asshole can’t let Obama in particular do anything good, without showing his extreme jealously of him.
the rich asshole called Pelosi Thursday and agreed to tweet assurances for DACA recipients
some rich asshole on Thursday called House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), and agreed to send out a tweet reassuring Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients their immediate status is not in jeopardy following the president’s decision to end the Obama-era immigration program, the New York Times’ Maggie Haberman reports.
“For all of those (DACA) that are concerned about your status during the 6 month period, you have nothing to worry about – No action!” the rich asshole tweeted on Thursday. The president’s assurances are unlikely to quell fears among DACA recipients over the fate of the program that shielded young undocumented immigrants from deportation. The rich asshole administration on Tuesday drew bipartisan criticism after it formally announced the end of DACA, instead providing Congress a six-month window to act.
A Democratic aide told Time’s Nash Jenkins the president spoke with Pelosi Thursday morning and was asked by the minority leader to tweet about the program. The phone call took place one day after the rich asshole shocked members of his own party by agreeing to a three-month debt-limit extension proposed by Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY). That decision blindsided Speaker of the House Paul Ryan(R-WI), who hour earlier accused Democrats of “playing politics” by tying the debt ceiling to relief funding for Hurricane Harvey, which struck Texas last week.
Haberman clarified the rich asshole called Pelosi, and the Democratic leader requested the president send a clear message that Dreamers are not in immediate danger of deportation.
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