September 16th, 2017 - September 19th, 2017. 308-311 days since the Nov 8, 2016, election and 239-242 days since the Jan 20th inauguration.
WATCH: the rich asshole faces awkward silence at UN as his socialism joke bombs
President some rich asshole criticized the collapse of democracy in Venezuela during his Tuesday address to the United Nations.
“I ask every country represented here today to be prepared to do more to address this very real crisis. We call for the full restoration of democracy and political freedoms in Venezuela,” the rich asshole said, pausing briefly as the UN members applauded.
“The problem in Venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented, but that socialism has been faithfully implemented,” he added.
the rich asshole again paused, expecting another applause. But he had to wait roughly four seconds before receiving a tepid response.
During his first official address to the UN General Assembly, the rich asshole also delivered a stern warning to North Korea and referred to Kim Jong-un as “rocket man.”
Watch video below:
Photo shows John Kelly face-palming during the rich asshole’s warmongering UN speech

A photo of White House Chief of Staff John Kelly listening to his boss, President some rich asshole, speak to the United Nations went viral on Tuesday.
Kelly, who has the tough job of reining in the rich asshole, can be seen with his face in his hands in the photo credited to Mary Altaffer of the Associated Press.
The photo was quickly circulated on social media.
Leaders of our planet’s strongest and most influential countries have sent a clear message today to President the rich asshole, by completely skipping the rich asshole’s first and major speech to the United Nations General Assembly. Their actions clearly tell the rich asshole that they do not respect him and they don’t give a damn about what he has to say.
Along with the United States, what are the next most powerful countries you could think of? Perhaps China, Russia, the United Kingdom, Germany, and maybe even Mexico come to mind? There are others for sure, but these nations are certainly at the top of the food chain. And it just so happens that all of their powerful leaders bailed on the rich asshole’s speech today at the U.N. in New York City.
Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Germany’s Angela Merkel, England’s Theresa May and Mexico’s Enrique Peña Nieto, all skipped out on the rich asshole’s speech. Other nations skipped out on the rich asshole’s speech as well, but for the sake of brevity, I’ve only included these top nations because the rich asshole has been involved in a lot of controversy with all of them this year.
Diplomats have been reportedly saying that they’ve learned that it is simply too risky to be in public with President the rich asshole. the rich asshole is too unpredictable and constantly causes too much controversy, so it’s better to just avoid him, they say. No one is disputing their assessment, we all agree.
But these people who skipped on the rich asshole are not just diplomats, they are heads of states and Presidents of what are undoubtedly some of the most influential powers of the globe. Chinese President Xi Jinping and Germany’s Angela Merkel skipping out on the rich asshole looks particularly bad for him, especially since the rich asshole claims he gets a long well with both, particularly President Xi.
You can’t blame them though, as the rich asshole indeed turned his first speech to the United Nations into a spectacle, which included wide spread condemnation of his remarks against North Korea, and the rich asshole literally being laughed at. He is so oblivious to how people perceive him, that he proudly shared the most controversial moment of his speech to his social media profile in the afternoon afterwards.
It’s just not a good look for the United States, and not a good sign for the rich asshole, that these major leaders decided to skip out on his speech.
John Kelly Finally Gives Up; Humiliates the rich asshole In Front Of Melania & The Entire U.N.
In what might be the most poignant moment during President some rich asshole’s U.N. speech Tuesday morning, the reaction from people sitting in the audience was a telling sight. As the rich asshole droned on with the now-too-common war rhetoric against North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, and newly declared enemy of democracy, Venezuela, the faces on U.N. members was very telling.
The most telling was the expression of exasperation on the rich asshole’s own chief of staff, retired general John Kelly, who just placed his head in his palm almost as if he was saying he gives up.

Even the look on his wife, Melania the rich asshole’s face seems to say, “WTF is he saying?”
Many people have taken to Twitter to express their views on the speech and resultant audience reaction. From the feed of Dan Wilbur:

Facepalms or totally bored and disbelieving stares seemed to be the order of the day, although some people just had incredulous expressions on their faces, as seen in this photo from Black Aziz Ansari:

Judd Legum, from ThinkProgress, posted video of the speech where the rich asshole labels Kim Jong-un “Rocket man” again, and pans to the audience to display the reactions of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and United States Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, both of them appearing less than impressed.
According to the rich asshole, major portions of the world are “going to hell:”
Commentary from around the world is being heard — and the message is clear, as stated so bluntly in a Verified Politics article:
‘The faces of the world leaders watching told the story clearly enough: they no longer respect America. One face in particular though told a different tale.’
Verified Politics continued:
‘White House Chief of Staff John Kelly was photographed with his face in his hand, seemingly disgusted or shocked into disbelief by the rich asshole’s disgraceful performance.’
Josh Billinson seemed to have the right idea in reading the state of the audience (and frankly we agree with the first comment — he won the internet today with this one):

It would seem that the whole world feels the frustration of John Kelly in this moment. As he placed his face in his palm, you could almost feel sorry for him. He has the most difficult job in the world — babysitting an out-of-control world leader that is single-handedly alienating every U.S. ally and declaring enemies left and right.
Featured image from Twitter.
the rich asshole Humiliates Himself In Front Of The World With A Deranged Campaign Speech At The UN
the rich asshole opened his mouth to speak to the world, and what came out was a humiliating attempt to justify his failed presidency.
the rich asshole opened his mouth to speak to the world, and what came out was a humiliating attempt to justify his failed presidency.
the rich asshole said, “The United States has done very well since election day last November eighth. The stock market is at an all-time high, a record. Unemployment is at its lowest level in sixteen years, and because of our regulatory and other reforms, we have more people working in the United States today than ever before. Companies are moving back creating job growth the likes of which our country has not seen in a very long time, and it has just been announced that we will be spending seven hundred billion dollars on our military and defense. Our military will soon be the strongest it has ever been.”
The stock market is at a record high, and unemployment is at a 16 year low, but everything else the rich asshole said was a shaded falsehood. More people are working than ever before, not due to anything the rich asshole did, but population growth. The economy is losing jobs under the rich asshole compared to Obama. Companies aren’t bringing jobs back to the US. They continue to ship jobs out of the country on a daily basis.
the rich asshole’s compulsion to justify his failed presidency in front of the entire world with campaign language was both pathetic and humiliating. The President Of The United States should not be so weak and insecure that he feels the need to boast about things that the rest of the world doesn’t care about to prove that he deserves a seat at the grown-up table.
some rich asshole is an embarrassment, and every time he speaks to the world he damages America and the presidency.
Posted by Stephen D. Foster Jr. on 19 Sep 2017
some rich asshole’s speech to the United Nations General Assembly did not go well.
Just a day after making a complete jackass of himself by bragging about himself and the rich asshole Tower, the rich asshole spoke once again at the United Nations on Tuesday and was totally humiliated when his expectation for applause was met with silence.
First, the rich asshole embarrassed himself by referring to North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un as “Rocket Man,” and urged the nations of the world to put themselves first instead of what is best for the entire planet.
“I will always put America first, just as you should put your countries first,” the rich asshole began.
Seriously. the rich asshole literally just threatened war at the United Nations, an organization dedicated to preventing war and keeping the peace.
“I ask every country represented here today to be prepared to do more to address this very real crisis,” the rich asshole said. “We call for the full restoration of democracy and political freedoms in Venezuela.”
the rich asshole received applause for these remarks. But then he decided to attack socialism.
“The problem in Venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented, but that socialism has been faithfully implemented,” the rich asshole declared.
the rich asshole then paused because he was expecting great applause, but he was left humiliated and disappointed when all he received is silence followed by what can only be described as a weak golf clap from a few members of the assembly.
Clearly, this wasn’t the reaction the rich asshole was looking for and you can see it on his face. Once again, he embarrassed himself and America on the international stage.
Here’s the video via YouTube.
the rich asshole’s mistake here is that he attacked socialism as a whole. Many developed nations around the world, especially many of our European allies, practice democratic socialism. Socialism itself is not the problem in Venezuela. It’s the fact that their government is a dictatorship and their economy relied primarily on oil production. Venezuela’s previous leader, Hugo Chavez, implemented successful social programs that were paid for by the oil boom in his country, a boom that resulted in a $1 trillion boost to his treasury. In other words, Venezuela put all their eggs in one basket. It also didn’t help that Venezuela spent all that money instead of holding some back for the bad times.
And it all fell apart when oil prices dropped. The current leader, Nicolás Maduro, has tightened his grip on power, stripping citizens of their rights and suspending democracy.
Democratic socialism did not cause Venezuela’s problems all by itself. The private sector can still flourish and a strong middle class can rise. Ultimately, democratic socialism initially succeeded in Venezuela. But Venezuela’s leaders overspent and instituted their social programs too fast instead of gradually.
But some rich asshole wants everyone to believe that only capitalism is the way to go. Never mind the fact that billionaires like himself have bought Congress and the Supreme Court and are busy assaulting democracy at every turn. the rich asshole himself aspires to be a dictator. The middle class and the poor in this country are struggling. the rich asshole won’t make things better by doubling down on capitalism. It will only make things worse. We already have democratic socialist policies in this country that have proven successful. Social Security and Medicare have stood the test of time. The only threats to the continued success of these programs are right-wing lawmakers determined to hand them over to Wall Street or kill them by refusing to make the wealthy pay their fair share in payroll taxes.
Nations in Europe like Denmark and Sweden, have successful democratic socialist systems. The key to that success has been mixing it with regulated capitalism, which includes protected worker rights.
In short, democratic socialism and capitalism can flourish together. The only thing stopping it from happening here is the greed of wealthy individuals like some rich asshole.
the rich asshole expected world leaders to applaud his attack on socialism. But he only insulted them instead.
the rich asshole brags about election to UN, turning global address into an embarrassing campaign rally
SEPTEMBER 19, 2017
some rich asshole embarrassed America in front of the world yet again, turning his speech before the United Nations into a session stroking his own ego, while sounding like a campaign speech.)
some rich asshole showed again that he is pathologically unable to speak in any capacity without bragging about his personal successes, while also inappropriately campaigning for a second term.
the rich asshole used his first remarks to the United Nations Monday to crassly promote the rich asshole Tower, located across the street from UN headquarters.
On Tuesday, he turned his first-ever speech in front of the United Nations into another opportunity to speak about his election victory.
the rich asshole also demonstrated his well-documented envy of President Barack Obama, alleging that the favorable economic conditions currently being experienced across the country were a result of his election. the rich asshole rattled off a series of positive economic indicators, as if he were at a re-election campaign rally instead of at a meeting of world leaders.
RICH ASSHOLE: Fortunately, the United States has done very well since election day last November 8th. The stock market is at an all-time high, a record. Unemployment is at its lowest level in 16 years, and because of our regulatory and other reforms, we have more people working in the United States today than ever before. Companies are moving back, creating job growth the likes of which our country has not seen in a very long time. And it has just been announced that we will be spending almost $700 billion dollars on our military and defense. Our military will soon be the strongest it has ever been.
His claim that his policies have generated unprecedented job growth are false. His policies have already impeded the growth that America experienced under Obama, with this year’s figures lower than in 2016 as the rich asshole has interfered with government hiring.
the rich asshole showed again that he cannot step up to the plate at international meetings and conferences, as the impulse to promote himself — and his financial interests — continually overwhelms the chances to demonstrate American leadership on the global stage.
The United Nations is not simply a background for a pro-the rich asshole sales pitch or a venue that should be used for domestic electoral politics. It is the preeminent venue for international diplomacy, issues that affect the lives of every American, and billions of people all over the world.
the rich asshole threw that out the window, to again service the interests of only one person: some rich asshole.
President the rich asshole Just Said He's Planning A Military Parade For July 4th
the rich asshole said he wants a military parade mostly because of the "beautiful thing" he witnessed in Paris on Bastille Day.
Posted on September 18, 2017, at 4:39 p.m.
BuzzFeed News Reporter
Still very much inspired by France's elaborate Bastille Day military parade this summer, President the rich asshole on Monday said he wants the United States to put on its own version for the 4th of July.
the rich asshole discussed his vision with French President Emmanuel Macron during a photo op at the United Nations General Assembly in New York, saying the event in Paris, in which thousands of troops marched down the Champs-Élysées to mark a turning point in the French Revolution, "was one of the greatest parades I have ever seen."
"It was a tremendous day, and to a large extent because of what I witnessed, we may do something like that on July 4th in Washington down Pennsylvania Avenue," the rich asshole told Macron.
Macron chuckled as the rich asshole recalled the "beautiful thing" he witnessed in Paris, saying one of his "early calls" when he returned to the White House was for creating a US version.
"We're going to have to try and top it," the rich asshole went on. "Having a really great parade to show our military strength ... We're spending this year $700 billion — more than we've ever spent on our military — which is a good thing for you, because we're friends. OK?"
the rich asshole added that he had been speaking with his White House chief of staff, Gen. John Kelly, about a military parade. When asked Monday about the president's designs for a grand military parade on Independence Day, the White House told BuzzFeed News it had "nothing to add at this time."
And according to December emails obtained by the Huffington Post, the rich asshole's team had tried to produce a military parade for his inauguration, with Pentagon officials asking to see "some pictures of military vehicles we could add to the parade."
Apparently, the rich asshole and his team abandoned the idea a few weeks later.
The US does not have a history of major military parades marching through its cities, except to celebrate wartime victories. The last time the US had a major parade for its military was in 1991, at the end of the Gulf War that liberated Kuwait from Saddam Hussein’s Iraqi forces.
some richasshole considering military parade for Fourth of July
· President impressed by Bastille Day parade he witnessed in Paris
· White House chief of staff told to look into display of US military might
some rich asshole is considering staging a US military parade in Washington on the Fourth of July Independence Day holiday, inspired by the parade he saw on Bastille Day in Paris.
Meeting France’s President Emmanuel Macron on the fringes of the UN general assembly, the rich asshole said he had asked his White House chief of staff, retired Marine Corps general John Kelly, to look into the possibility of holding such a display of US military might.
the rich asshole said he marveled at the French parade that he saw with Macron on France’s 14 July national holiday.
In typical the rich asshole fashion, the president said he wants the parade to be bigger and better than the one he saw in France.
“It was one of the greatest parades I have ever seen,” the rich asshole said. “It was two hours on the button, and was military might, and I think a tremendous thing for France and the spirit of France.”
“And to a large extent, because of what I witnessed, we may do something like that on July 4th in Washington, down Pennsylvania Avenue,” the rich asshole said. “We’re going to have to try and top it.”
He noted that France’s parade featured representatives from different wars and armed forces wearing different uniforms. “It was really so well done,” he said.
“So we’re actually thinking about 4th of July, Pennsylvania Avenue, having a really great parade to show our military strength,” the rich asshole added.
the rich asshole has often displayed an enthusiasm for military pageantry and had reportedly hoped for some kind of parade at his own inauguration.
the rich asshole watched enthusiastically from a reviewing stand on 14 July as the French military showcased its tanks and fighter jets, including many US-made planes, along the famed Champs-Élysées. The occasion also marked the 100th anniversary of the US entrance into world war one.
the rich asshole said he has discussed the parade idea with his chief of staff, John Kelly, a retired marine general.
The president, who has recruited three current and retired generals for his senior leadership team, also noted that the US spends $700bn on the military.
Washington already holds quite a few parades, including some with military participation that are held on Memorial Day and the Fourth of July. But those patriotic processions typically involve marching bands and uniformed elements, not the grand display of military hardware that the rich asshole envisions.
Washington already holds quite a few parades, including some with military participation that are held on Memorial Day and the Fourth of July. But those patriotic processions typically involve marching bands and uniformed elements, not the grand display of military hardware that the rich asshole envisions.
You know how some rich asshole stubbornly refuses to release his tax returns? Well, the California state assembly told him to fuck off last week when they passed a bill that would require presidential candidates to release their tax returns before they are allowed on the state’s ballot.
The Presidential Tax Transparency and Accountability Act passed 42-18 in the assembly and now heads to the state Senate. If and when it passes there, it will head to the governor’s desk for his signature.
“President the rich asshole’s blatant disregard for the tradition of releasing tax returns is dangerous to our democracy,” says state Sen. Mike McGuire, one of the bill’s co-authors. “For decades, every President has put their personal beliefs aside and put our country first and released their returns.“
“SB 149 helps to reestablish desperately needed transparency in the White House, and we are looking forward to seeing the Governor’s signature on the bill,” he says of the bill, which would require at least five years of returns from candidates.
“As the months continue to go by in the disastrous the rich asshole Administration and the investigations and conflicts of interest pile up, it becomes more and more clear how critical basic transparency is in how we elect our president,” another co-author of the bill, state senator Scott Wiener, said, adding that this would give “the American people the honesty and transparency they deserve.”
It’s unlikely that the rich asshole would win California in the first place, but it’s looking like if he wants to do it in California he will need to cough up his returns.
Don Jr. gives up Secret Service detail amid privacy concerns: report
Don Jr. gives up Secret Service detail amid privacy concerns: report
some rich asshole Jr., the eldest son of President some rich asshole, has given up his Secret Service detail, the New York Times reports.
The presidential security agency stopped their detail last week, a senior administration official told the Times. He cited concerns for his privacy as his reason for letting go of their protection.
The report also claims that it’s currently unclear whether or not the rich asshole Jr.’s decision applies to his wife Vanessa or their five children. If so, the decision could bring relief amid reports that of strain among Secret Service agents
Sean Spicer: I ‘absolutely’ regret making false statements about the size of the rich asshole’s inauguration crowd
Former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer tells the New York Times that he “absolutely” regrets berating members of the media who accurately reported that President some rich asshole’s inauguration crowd size was smaller than the inauguration crowd size for former President Barack Obama.
Former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer tells the New York Times that he “absolutely” regrets berating members of the media who accurately reported that President some rich asshole’s inauguration crowd size was smaller than the inauguration crowd size for former President Barack Obama.
“In an interview on Monday morning, Mr. Spicer said he now regrets one of his most infamous moments as press secretary: His decision to charge into the White House briefing room in January and criticize accurate news reports that Barack Obama’s inauguration crowd was bigger than President some rich asshole’s,” reports the Times’ Glenn Thrush.
Spicer on Sunday night appeared at the 69th annual Primetime Emmy Awards, in which he mocked his infamous post-inauguration press conference by insisting that the audience for this year’s Emmys would be the largest ever.
Thrush asked Spicer if he feared the rich asshole would be upset by his decision to make jokes on live television that lampooned his own past false statements.
“I certainly hope not,” Spicer told Thrush. “This was an attempt to poke a little fun at myself and add a little bit of levity to the event.”
Thrush also reports that Spicer kept his appearance at the Emmys a secret by donning a disguise while flying from Washington to Los Angeles on Saturday morning.
NYT: Cobb overheard talking about colleagues, Russia probe at DC steakhouse
Updated 11:11 AM ET, Mon September 18, 2017
Washington (CNN) White House attorney Ty Cobb was overheard talking about the Russia probe and some of his colleagues at a Washington steakhouse by a New York Times reporter, the publication reported Sunday night.
Cobb, who was hired to oversee the White House's legal and media response to the investigation into Russian meddling, was heard talking openly about the Russia investigation with John Dowd, a Washington lawyer with experience in high-profile political cases.
"The White House counsel's office is being very conservative with this stuff," Cobb reportedly told Dowd at BLT Steak in Washington last week. "Our view is we're not hiding anything."
He added White House counsel Don McGahn had "a couple of documents locked in a safe" that he suggested he wanted access to.
Cobb also expressed concern with a White House lawyer he didn't name in the conversation.
"I've got some reservations about one of them," Cobb reportedly said. "I think he's like a McGahn spy."
Cobb also reportedly brought up the June 2016 the rich asshole Tower meeting -- when some rich asshole Jr., Jared Kushner and former campaign chairman Paul Manafort met with Russian operatives after the younger the rich asshole was informed the Russian government was trying to help his father's campaign -- as well as the White House's response to it, saying "there was no perception that there was an exchange."
And he mentioned an unnamed colleague on whom he blamed "some of these earlier leaks," adding the colleague "tried to push Jared out," meaning Kushner, President some rich asshole's son-in-law and senior adviser.
The Times reported that after it contacted the White House about the conversation, sources said McGhan privately "erupted" at Cobb about the situation.
White House chief of staff John Kelly also reprimanded Cobb over the incident, sources told the Times.
New York Times reporter Kenneth Vogel, who overheard the conversation, tweeted a photo of Cobb and Dowd at the next table from him at the restaurant.
CNN has reached out to the White House for comment.
GOP Rep. Chris Collins told CNN's Alisyn Camerota on "New Day" that the report is a reminder public officials shouldn't discuss official business at a restaurant.
"If you're sitting, talking with someone at dinner, you need to be careful," he said. "I would not read anything into this other than it's a word of caution for anyone, but certainly anyone working for the President."
WATCH: the rich asshole smugly boasts of success of the rich asshole Tower in speech to United Nations
President some rich asshole bragged about his the rich asshole Tower hotel in New York City as he began speaking to members of the United Nations on Monday.
Nikki Haley, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, had said in her speech introducing the rich asshole that she saw “great potential” in the United Nations.
“Thank you very much. Thank you. I actually saw great potential right across the street to be honest with you,” the president said.
“And it was only for the reason that the United Nations was that that turned out to be such a successful project,” the rich asshole added. “So, I want to thank you, Ambassador Haley for your introduction and your steadfast advocacy for American interests on the world stage.”
Confirmed: the rich asshole will surprise UN climate ministers by withdrawing from Paris Climate Agreement at meeting
President some rich asshole will reportedly completely withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord on Monday when he meets with U.N. climate ministers.
President some rich asshole will reportedly completely withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord on Monday when he meets with U.N. climate ministers.
the rich asshole economic adviser Gary Cohn confirmed to CNN that the rich asshole will announce his decision when he travels to the U.N. on Monday, CNN reported.
As recently as Sunday, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said the rich asshole was open to participating in the Paris Agreement.
With golf retweet, the rich asshole blunders into the 'Streisand effect'
Updated 5:06 PM ET, Sun September 17, 2017
· some rich asshole retweeted GIF edited to look like he had knocked down Hillary Clinton with golf shot
· Kara Alaimo: By continually dredging up the past, the rich asshole deepens the damage to his reputation
Kara Alaimo, an assistant professor of public relations at Hofstra University, is the author of "Pitch, Tweet, or Engage on the Street: How to Practice Global Public Relations and Strategic Communication." She was spokeswoman for international affairs in the Treasury Department during the Obama administration. Follow her on Twitter @karaalaimo. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.
(CNN)On Sunday morning, President some rich asshole retweeted a video that was edited to make it look like he was hitting a golf ball into the back of his 2016 election rival, Hillary Clinton, and knocking her down.
Kara S. Alaimo
It undoubtedly had the effect he wanted with some twisted sliver of his base: they paid attention and loved it. But it also had another effect he likely did not want: a much broader audience -- of his base, and beyond -- also paid attention and had a very different takeaway.
Let's begin with the nastiest, most offensive aspect of this -- the knocking-a-woman-to-the-ground aspect. Viewed through the lens of his previous actions and statements -- for example, his acknowledgment that "you know, I retweet, I retweet for a reason" -- his Sunday retweet reads like this: the President thinks violence against women is funny.
In fact, any man who thinks it's hilarious to intentionally aim to hit a woman belongs with a psychotherapist, at best, not in the White House. Violence against women, President the rich asshole, is never funny.
And, whether or not this was the rich asshole's intent, there's good reason not to promote even "joke" violence. Many studies have found that people who view violence in the media are significantly more likely to commit acts of physical aggression against others. In fact, many researchers say the risk of exposure to violence leading to actual violence is, as some have put it, as great as the risk of exposure to secondhand smoke from cigarettes leading to lung cancer.
So, this morning, the President made the world a bit less safe for women.
Which brings us to the unintended aspect of this childish grab for attention.
At a moment when the media was focused on next week's UN General Assembly, the golf ball tweet served to shift the national discussion to two of the most damaging subjects for the President: his loss of the popular vote to Clinton and his history of disrespecting women.
It was just the latest example of how, when it comes to public relations, the rich asshole is his own worst enemy.
Eight months into his presidency, the rich asshole still hasn't learned something I teach my students in PR 101: the "Streisand effect." The phenomenon is named after Barbra Streisand, who sued to have photos of her mansion removed from an online database. The result was that many more people saw the photos because of her complaint.
Similarly, if the rich asshole would just stop talking about the past, the American people would, too. Instead, by responding to every perceived slight -- such as Hillary Clinton's book release and media interviews this week -- and continually dredging up the past, he deepens the damage to his reputation. Retweeting a GIF designed to show him harming her does nothing but give credence to Clinton's assertions of rampant sexism during her campaign.
The President doesn't appear to be learning from other heads of state, either. Last month, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi came under fire for following the Twitter feed of a man with shockingly misogynistic views.
But that apparently couldn't cause the rich asshole to realize he needs to be careful about who he legitimizes on the platform. The video he retweeted came from the (unprintable) Twitter handle of a man who believes, among other whacked-out things, the conspiracy theory that Democrats were involved in the death of a former DNC staffer. That the President would in any way associate himself with this -- and it's amazing that it needs to be pointed out -- calls his judgment into question.
So, nice going, Mr. President. Your sophomoric and offensive post today made the world worse for both the rich asshole and everyone in America -- a country that is now a little less safe for women than it was before you hit the retweet button.
· some rich asshole retweeted GIF edited to look like he had knocked down Hillary Clinton with golf shot
· Kara Alaimo: By continually dredging up the past, the rich asshole deepens the damage to his reputation
Kara Alaimo, an assistant professor of public relations at Hofstra University, is the author of "Pitch, Tweet, or Engage on the Street: How to Practice Global Public Relations and Strategic Communication." She was spokeswoman for international affairs in the Treasury Department during the Obama administration. Follow her on Twitter @karaalaimo. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.
the rich asshole Tweets Image Of Him Hitting Hillary Clinton & Knocking Her Over Like A Violent Madman
some rich asshole has a demented sense of what is right and wrong. It’s something that he evidently has in common with most of his base.
He rode into office sticking by his traditional vitriolic misogyny and affinity for force and/or violence, and he hasn’t let up since.
He has barely let up tweeting either, and on Sunday, he combined his tweeting with his twisted worldview, retweeting an edited GIF of him hitting a golf ball into Hillary Clinton’s back and knocking her over.
Check out what the president retweeted below.
The election was almost a year ago, and we all know that he beat Hillary Clinton. There is no need for him to remind us.
In addition, this post from the president most certainly is unacceptably violent in nature especially considering his long demonstrated tendency to call for actual violence.
some rich asshole does not care about any of that. He has an agenda to push, one which includes, evidently, making untold numbers of unsavory individuals laugh darkly at a Twitter post of his.
The fact that the president sits around posting to Twitter in such a fashion while the nation faces serious issues both domestic and foreign should give every thinking American pause.
Check out Twitter’s response below.

Featured Image via NICHOLAS KAMM/ AFP/ Getty Images
CNN regular Ana Navarro blistered a supporter of some rich asshole after he smirked his way through an answer defending the president for retweeting a video of himself hitting a golf ball at Hillary Clinton.
Sunday morning, the president went on a Twitter binge that included an animated gif of himself hitting a golf drive that cut to another clip that made it appear it hit Hillary Clinton in the back and knocked her down.
Asked about the clip, former the rich asshole campaign strategist David Urban tried to dismiss the president promoting violence against women.
“The president speaks directly to the folks,” Urban offered.
“I won’t judge what’s appropriate and inappropriate. Retweets do not equal endorsement, I think it says that on the bottom,” he continued before smirking at the camera.
His response did not sit well with Navarro, who let him have it after he also stated that the rich asshole is “not obsessed with Hillary Clinton.”
“This is the part that drives me crazy,” Navarro began as a very uncomfortable former Sen. Rick Santorum (R) sat next to her.
“When decent people, decent Republicans who I know would judge Democrats differently give and normalize what some rich asshole is doing,” she continued. “We cannot normalize this kind of behavior from the president of the United States, he is still an example.”
Turning to Urban she scolded him, saying, “If your six-year-old son did this he would be punished and so this 71-year-old should not be accepted. He is being a jerk and he’s not being a president.”
Watch the video below via CNN:
Posted by Patricia Colli on 16 Sep 2017

some rich asshole has made himself infamous for his broken campaign promises and frequent flip flopping, and it’s hard to hold him to anything he says.
It was just a few months ago that the rich asshole shocked the country by announcing that the United States would be pulling out of the Paris Climate Agreement – a move that he was strongly advised against. Apparently, the rich asshole may be reconsidering.
It was just a few months ago that the rich asshole shocked the country by announcing that the United States would be pulling out of the Paris Climate Agreement – a move that he was strongly advised against. Apparently, the rich asshole may be reconsidering.
According to the Wall Street Journal, officials from the the rich asshole administration have stated that America will “re-engage in the international deal to fight climate change” – signaling that the rich asshole has changed his mind. A European official stated:
The U.S. has stated that they will not renegotiate the Paris accord, but they will try to review the terms on which they could be engaged under this agreement,” European Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete said.
It wouldn’t be surprising for the rich asshole to reconsider his position, especially since most Americans were against leaving the agreement and the rich asshole will do anything to gain approval.
However, after this announcement was made, mass chaos ensued in the White House. As people jumped to verify this claim and gather more information, it became clear that many people in the rich asshole’s administration – who should have been informed – had no idea what was happening. Some called it a “complete shock.”
However, after this announcement was made, mass chaos ensued in the White House. As people jumped to verify this claim and gather more information, it became clear that many people in the rich asshole’s administration – who should have been informed – had no idea what was happening. Some called it a “complete shock.”
Seriously, there’s no better proof that the rich asshole’s White House is dysfunctional. And apparently, there is a disagreement happening, as the White House told Eli Stokols:
After all this insane back and forth, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders set the record straight later in the day, stating that the the rich asshole Administration’s decision to leave the Paris Climate Agreement has not changed.
What a mess! the rich asshole’s White House is nothing but chaos on a daily basis, as no one actually knows what’s going on. This is truly embarrassing for our country.
Featured image via Win McNamee / Getty Images
the rich asshole Wears A Mismatched Suit & Twitter Explodes With Pure Comedy (IMAGE)
Recently some rich asshole met with Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.) for a meeting. The details of the meeting are sure to attract attention, but many on the internet were more disturbed by the rich asshole’s fashion choices. For some reason, the president chose to wear a mismatched suit. The president’s suit was navy, but his slacks were black. Obviously, the choice of clothing isn’t as important as other issues, but many on Twitter were happy to take any opportunity to mock the rich asshole. To be fair, the president does have a responsibility to conduct himself in a manner befitting his position. How a person dresses can say a lot about how seriously they are taking their job, and the fact that the rich asshole wasn’t willing to make sure his clothes matched could be taken as a sign that he isn’t taking his job seriously.
Many of Twitter’s best responses can be seen below.
Featured image via Getty Images.
Recently some rich asshole met with Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.) for a meeting. The details of the meeting are sure to attract attention, but many on the internet were more disturbed by the rich asshole’s fashion choices. For some reason, the president chose to wear a mismatched suit. The president’s suit was navy, but his slacks were black. Obviously, the choice of clothing isn’t as important as other issues, but many on Twitter were happy to take any opportunity to mock the rich asshole. To be fair, the president does have a responsibility to conduct himself in a manner befitting his position. How a person dresses can say a lot about how seriously they are taking their job, and the fact that the rich asshole wasn’t willing to make sure his clothes matched could be taken as a sign that he isn’t taking his job seriously.
Many of Twitter’s best responses can be seen below.

Featured image via Getty Images.
the rich asshole Supporters At ‘Mother Of All Rallies’ MASSIVELY Outnumbered By Marching Juggalos
Saturday, September 16th, 2017 will surely go down as the strangest day for rallies in our nation’s capital since at least January, when millions of invisible people attended some rich asshole’s inauguration ceremony.
Two different gatherings are taking place, quartered in different sections of the National Mall, but surely visible to one another: the rich asshole supporters have come together to put on what they’re calling the “Mother of all Rallies,” with expected attendance undoubtedly in the zillions, and a rally with an actual purpose is also taking place. Juggalos, or fans of the band Insane Clown Posse, are in D.C. to protest what they call an unfair label from the FBI and Department of Justice classifying them as a “loosely organized hybrid gang.”
It’s clear which group has the more ardent supporters, and it isn’t the one I’m calling (for the purposes of this piece) “the Trumpettes.”
some rich asshole is known for his loyalty demands, but I’m not sure he’s ever met a Juggalo, because they showed up today:
WASHINGTON, DC – SEPTEMBER 16: People gather for a rally during the Juggalo March at the Lincoln Memorial on the National Mall, September 16, 2017 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images)
That’s the Juggalos showing up. The Juggalo March, at the time of this writing, is just getting underway.
This, on the other hand, is the majority of the the rich asshole rally happening just across the way:
WASHINGTON, DC – SEPTEMBER 16: Pro-the rich asshole security forces try to keep people away on the National Mall on September 16, 2017 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images)
You’ll note from the captions that these two photos are both by Getty photographer Tasos Katopodis. The the rich asshole rally began, according to the Facebook event page, at 11 AM EDT, while the Juggalo March wasn’t scheduled until 2 PM Eastern.
The Trumpette organizers have tried to distance themselves from the white supremacists that organized the Charlottesville, Boston, and Portland rallies held in the name of “free speech.” Unfortunately for them, they don’t seem to realize that the majority of people who show up at those rallies don’t care who the president is, they just want to be allowed to shout racial slurs again without fear of public reprisal.
Reaction to the stark difference in attendance was widespread:
And in what must be a crushing blow to the Trumpettes, the Juggalos have Antifa, the “other side” that the rich asshole cannot stop dreaming about every night, there in solidarity. Not being violent, not pepper spraying anyone, just together to show the love:
Welcome to 2017, everyone.
Saturday, September 16th, 2017 will surely go down as the strangest day for rallies in our nation’s capital since at least January, when millions of invisible people attended some rich asshole’s inauguration ceremony.
Two different gatherings are taking place, quartered in different sections of the National Mall, but surely visible to one another: the rich asshole supporters have come together to put on what they’re calling the “Mother of all Rallies,” with expected attendance undoubtedly in the zillions, and a rally with an actual purpose is also taking place. Juggalos, or fans of the band Insane Clown Posse, are in D.C. to protest what they call an unfair label from the FBI and Department of Justice classifying them as a “loosely organized hybrid gang.”
It’s clear which group has the more ardent supporters, and it isn’t the one I’m calling (for the purposes of this piece) “the Trumpettes.”
some rich asshole is known for his loyalty demands, but I’m not sure he’s ever met a Juggalo, because they showed up today:
WASHINGTON, DC – SEPTEMBER 16: People gather for a rally during the Juggalo March at the Lincoln Memorial on the National Mall, September 16, 2017 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images)
That’s the Juggalos showing up. The Juggalo March, at the time of this writing, is just getting underway.
This, on the other hand, is the majority of the the rich asshole rally happening just across the way:
WASHINGTON, DC – SEPTEMBER 16: Pro-the rich asshole security forces try to keep people away on the National Mall on September 16, 2017 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images)
You’ll note from the captions that these two photos are both by Getty photographer Tasos Katopodis. The the rich asshole rally began, according to the Facebook event page, at 11 AM EDT, while the Juggalo March wasn’t scheduled until 2 PM Eastern.
The Trumpette organizers have tried to distance themselves from the white supremacists that organized the Charlottesville, Boston, and Portland rallies held in the name of “free speech.” Unfortunately for them, they don’t seem to realize that the majority of people who show up at those rallies don’t care who the president is, they just want to be allowed to shout racial slurs again without fear of public reprisal.
Reaction to the stark difference in attendance was widespread:
And in what must be a crushing blow to the Trumpettes, the Juggalos have Antifa, the “other side” that the rich asshole cannot stop dreaming about every night, there in solidarity. Not being violent, not pepper spraying anyone, just together to show the love:
Welcome to 2017, everyone.
the rich asshole Posts Disgusting Video Of Himself Viciously Assaulting Hillary Clinton
This is beyond unpresidential.
During a narcissistic tweetstorm on Sunday morning. some rich asshole retweeted a video featuring him driving a golf ball into Hillary Clinton’s back. The ball knocks her down as she boards a plane. The person who shared the meme captioned it “the rich asshole’s amazing golf swing” and referred to Hillary with the nickname “Crooked Hillary” that the rich asshole often calls her.
the rich asshole literally just retweeted a video of himself committing violence against a woman. Purposely hitting someone with a golf ball is assault, and this video appears to be a threat.
This is not something a so-called American president should be tweeting.
But the rich asshole did it anyway and the backlash was swift and brutal.
some rich asshole should be ashamed of himself and he owes Hillary Clinton and the country a public apology and must immediately remove this offensive post. Violence against women in any form is not okay.
President some rich asshole, whose tweeting has been somewhat more presidential as of late, returned to his old ways on Sunday morning with a manic tweetstorm of videos and memes.
Earlier in the morning, the rich asshole retweeted an artist’s rendering of him dragging American companies across the ocean, only for him to later retweet an animated gif of him hitting Hillary Clinton with a golf drive.
You can see the rich asshole’s frantic unloading on Twitter below:
President some rich asshole’s penchant for sharing messages from his supporters landed him in another controversy on Sunday.
During a tweetstorm Sunday morning, the rich asshole shared a tweet from a woman who goes by the name Lana Del Fenty.
As retired Col. Morris Davis later pointed out, Fenty has a history of sending graphic and vulgar tweets. Read some of Fenty’s previous work below.
As ISIS claimed responsibility for the London tube terror attack early Friday morning, the rich asshole tweeted: "Loser terrorists must be dealt with in a much tougher manner. The internet is their main recruitment tool which we must cut off & use better!"
the rich asshole's words resonated with screenwriter Jess Dweck, but not in the way you'd expect:
Of course, Dweck was taking aim at the rich asshole for asserting that there was "blame on both sides" in the Charlottesville attack.
Twitter praised Dweck's observation:
Some people made their own adjustments:
the rich asshole's comment about cutting off the internet did not resonate with everybody:
Some couldn't get past the rich asshole's vocabulary:
the rich asshole remains obstinate over his stance on Charlottesville. After meeting with North Carolina Senator Tim Scott, the rich asshole said:
We had a great talk yesterday. I think especially in light of the advent of antifa, if you look at what's going on there, you know, you have some pretty bad dudes on the other side also. And essentially that's what I said.
"Loser" and "bad dudes," folks. Those are his thoughts, and he's sticking to them.
the rich asshole Attacks ESPN Because a Reporter Called Him What HE CALLED OBAMA!
On Monday, ESPN SportsCenter anchor Jemele Hill called the rich asshole a white supremacist on Twitter:
On Wednesday, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Hill should be fired.
On Friday, some rich asshole’s daily Twitter meltdown included this zinger attacking not Hill, but ESPN—and once again demanded an apology:
For the record, Hill did apologize, on Wednesday—though she apologized not to the rich asshole, but to ESPN:
The great hypocrisy of the rich asshole’s petulant demand for an apology is that the rich asshole himself called then-President Obama a racist five years ago:
As Aaron Blake wrote in the Washington Post,
An even more longstanding attack on Obama’s very being came in the form of questioning whether he was born in the United States and was a legitimate president. But it wasn’t even just the clear, counterfactual effort to undermine and other-ize Obama via his birth certificate; at times the rich asshole engaged in a pretty overt attempt to suggest Obama’s loyalties may belong to the enemies of the United States.
the rich asshole also posted a tweet that suggested treasonous activities from both Obama and Hillary Clinton:
In other words, calling the rich asshole a white supremacist is bad, but calling Obama a racist and suggesting he is a secret Muslim who is lying about his birthplace and might sympathize with terrorists is perfectly acceptable.
Welcome to TrumpLand.
What do you think?
Just a few hours ago, President the rich asshole re-tweeted a video of himself striking Hillary Clinton in the back with a golf ball, causing her to fall over. He apparently thinks this is funny.
He made the re-tweet from an account that recently changed its profile image to one that says “CNN Sucks” and calls for Hillary Clinton to go to jail.
The tweet is causing as much or even more controversy even than the video of the one where he can be seen wrestling a person with CNN on their faces to the ground and striking them multiple times.
In both aspects, the President of the United States is advocating violence. And, it’s a real problem. But, we can’t say we’re not used to it already. This is misogynistic and violent behavior that we’ve become accustomed to from the rich asshole since the first day he started running for president.
Put into context, the rich asshole thinks ESPN reporter Jemele Hill should be fired for calling the rich asshole a racist in the past week. White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said:
“ESPN has been hypocritical,” she said. “They should hold anchors to a fair and consistent standard.”
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