September 25, 2017 - September 27, 2017. 316-318 days since the Nov 8, 2016, election and 248-250 days since the Jan 20th inauguration.
Posted by Stephen D. Foster Jr. on 27 Sep 2017

The narcissist-in-chief strikes again.
Apparently, some rich asshole couldn’t think of any new attacks to launch against black NFL players, so he lashed out at his favorite target and bragged about himself.
It’s been a while since the rich asshole whined about the media, but that changed on Wednesday morning when the rich asshole took to Twitter and attacked Facebook, the television networks, and the New York Times and Washington Post, accusing all of them of being “anti-the rich asshole.”
Clearly, the rich asshole still expects the media to be his propaganda machine instead of reporting the facts.
It should be pointed out, however, that the New York Times has never apologized to the rich asshole as he claims.
“False, we did not apologize,” wrote the New York Times communications team. “We stand by our coverage & thank our millions of subscribers for supporting our journalism.”
Also, the rich asshole actually had the nerve to accuse the media of “collusion,” which is the exact crime he is being investigated for committing. the rich asshole and his campaign colluded with Russia to tilt the 2016 Election in his favor. His team even met with Russian agents at the rich asshole Tower to get dirt on Hillary Clinton. the rich asshole also urged Russian hackers to attack our democratic institutions and many of his top advisers had significant ties to Russian oligarchs and Vladimir Putin.
It should also be pointed out that the American people did NOT support the rich asshole. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. Furthermore, the rich asshole has not signed a single piece of major legislation since taking office nine months ago. He is also on pace to play more golf and go on more vacations than any other president. the rich asshole’s has also benefited from the Obama economy. The only reason the economy is continuing to improve is because of President Obama’s economic policies. the rich asshole has not signed a single piece of economic legislation. The stock market was already booming and unemployment was already less than five percent when the rich asshole took office. In short, he has accomplished nothing and wasted millions of taxpayer dollars while taking credit for the achievements of his predecessor.
some rich asshole is the most divisive president in American history. And he divides Americans more every day. He needs to stop tweeting and he needs to stop making the presidency all about him. His approval rating is at record lows and he has zero real accomplishments. He is an embarrassment who has made America an international laughingstock. No amount of narcissistic bragging will change that.
the rich asshole: ‘A Lot Of Shippers’ Don’t Want Me To Waive The Jones Act To Help Puerto Rico
It appears he’s considering an industry’s profits over aid to 3.5 million Americans facing a humanitarian crisis.
UPDATE: Sept. 28 ― The White House announced Thursday morning that the rich asshole waived the Jones Act for Puerto Rico, effectively immediately.
WASHINGTON ― President some rich asshole said Wednesday that he’s considering waiving the Jones Act for Puerto Rico ― an arguably outdated law that imposes exorbitant shipping costs on the island ― but tempered his support for it because he’s getting pushback from the shipping industry.
“We’re thinking about that,” he said at a White House press event. “But we have a lot of shippers and … a lot of people who work in the shipping industry that don’t want the Jones Act lifted. And we have a lot of ships out there right now.”
The 1920 law requires that all goods shipped between U.S. ports be carried by American-owned and operated ships, which are more expensive vessels than others in the global marketplace. That means Puerto Rico has to pay double the costs for goods from the U.S. mainland compared with neighboring islands ― and that U.S. vessels are making bank. The law costs Puerto Rico hundreds of millions of dollars every year, and now, in the midst of a humanitarian crisis, the costs to import food, fuel and other supplies will spike amid the island’s economic devastation.
the rich asshole’s comments are a galling admission that he’s weighing an industry’s profits against the needs of 3.5 million Americans facing “apocalyptic” conditions in Puerto Rico. Most people there haven’t had water, power or cell service since Hurricane Maria decimated the island last week. Roads are washed away or covered in debris. Many Americans still haven’t heard from loved ones after a week, and at least 13 people have died.
Adding to the situation, it was just two weeks earlier that Hurricane Irma hit the island and caused up to $1 billion in damages.
The president’s comments suggest shipping professionals are telling him they’d rather keep their financial advantage over Puerto Rico in the midst of a life-threatening situation than cede money they arguably shouldn’t be getting in the first place.
HuffPost reached out to a handful of U.S. shipping organizations to ask if they oppose the rich asshole waiving the Jones Act for Puerto Rico’s recovery efforts.
Requests for comment from two offices of National Shipping of America ― one in Puerto Rico, another on the U.S. mainland ― were not returned. A request for comment from North American Shippers Association was also not returned. A man who answered the phone at American Import Shippers Association said their organization “is not really involved” in Jones Act matters because their members only import goods from the Far East.
Thomas Allegretti, chairman of the American Maritime Partnership, said he is not in favor of waiving the law because he said there are too many cargo containers piling up at the port of San Juan and not enough trucks and clear roads to distribute the goods.
“So, the problem at the port is a lack of trucks and delivery routes, not a lack of vessels,” Allegretti said in a statement.
A number of lawmakers are urging the rich asshole administration to waive the law and to do it immediately. Among them is Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who wrote a letter Tuesday to acting Homeland Security Secretary Elaine Duke demanding she take action.
“It is unacceptable to force the people of Puerto Rico to pay at least twice as much for food, clean drinking water, supplies and infrastructure due to Jones Act requirements as they work to recover from this disaster,” McCain wrote. “We must treat this emergency relief with urgency ― every day that business owners are unable to recover their assets and account for lost business, the economy will retreat even further into devastation.”

The Department of Homeland Security has gotten emergency waivers to the Jones Act twice in the last month to help with recovery efforts in Texas and Florida after hurricanes Harvey and Irma. But during testimony Wednesday before the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee, Duke said DHS can issue waivers only if they are related to national defense matters. The waivers for Texas and Florida were to help aid fuel shortages, she said, which fall under the category of national security.
“We don’t know of fuel shortages on the island of Puerto Rico,” Duke said. “If there are fuel shortages, we are looking at the Jones Act. … We will use it appropriately.”
One senator on the committee, Maggie Hassan (D-N.H.), read aloud an email she got this week from former Puerto Rico Gov. Alejandro García-Padilla, who described the scene on the island as “critical,” with “hospitals on the verge of collapse” because they have run out of gas or diesel to run their generators, and “patients dying in their homes because they cannot fill their prescriptions” or “have access to keep their insulin cool.”
“Many thousands could die,” Hassan read from the end of Garcia-Padilla’s email. She asked Duke for her response.
“The president, vice president and I talked with the [current] governor yesterday,” Duke said. “He had no unmet needs at that point.”
Hassan appeared stunned. “I know others in contact with the governor of Puerto Rico. They are not hearing that all their needs have been met,” said the New Hampshire senator. “I am concerned why there were not more assets on the way to Puerto Rico as soon as the storm hit. We’re almost a week out now.”
Duke conceded it’s “been a challenge” responding to Puerto Rico but said the agency is doing everything it can right now.
“We will never stop,” Duke said. “We will never be satisfied.”
some rich asshole Deleted Some Embarrassing Tweets After Alabama Loss
The president wiped his messages in support of incumbent Luther Strange.
President some rich asshole claimed on Tuesday that Sen. Luther Strange was “shooting up” in the Alabama polls thanks to his endorsement.
But when Strange lost by nearly 10 points to Roy Moore in Tuesday night’s Republican primary, the president deleted that and two other messages in support of his candidate.
ProPublica’s Politwoops, which tracks deleted tweets from politicians, preserved the messages:
the rich asshole’s deleted tweets and other messages are part of an ongoing lawsuit by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), which argues that the erasures violate the Presidential Records Act.
“The American people not only deserve to know how their government is making important decisions, it’s the law,” CREW Executive Director Noah Bookbinder said in a news release in June. “By deleting these records, the White House is destroying essential historical records.”
President some rich asshole has made it clear his administration isn't planning to allow any additional outside aid to get into Puerto Rico in the wake of Hurricane Maria.
Speaking with reporters on Wednesday afternoon, the president cited business interests as the reason for refusing calls from lawmakers and activists to allow international organizations and governments to ship aid to the island.
the rich asshole said he was initially considering whether to implement a temporary waiver of the Jones Act to allow it, but decided against doing so as "a lot of people that work in the shipping industry…don’t want the Jones Act lifted."
Also called the Merchant Marine Act of 1920, the Jones Act requires all goods shipped between American ports to be on ships built, owned and operated in the United States.
The refusal to work with intergovernmental networks eager to supply aid to the devastated island was then echoed by the rich asshole’s Department of Homeland Security. "Based on consultation with other federal agencies," spokesman David Lapan said Wednesday, "DHS's current assessment is that there is sufficient numbers of U.S.-flagged vessels to move commodities to Puerto Rico."
The department did waive the Jones Act to aid Houston and parts of Florida that were ravaged by hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Senator John McCain, who has repeatedly fought to repeal the act, slammed the Department of Homeland Security for failing to extend the same relief efforts to Puerto Rico that it provided to parts of the mainland United States.
"It is unacceptable to force the people of Puerto Rico to pay at least twice as much for food, clean drinking water, supplies and infrastructure due to Jones Act requirements as they work to recover from this disaster," the Republican McCain wrote in a letter to the department on Tuesday. "Now, more than ever, it is time to realize the devastating effect of this policy and implement a full repeal of this archaic and burdensome Act."
Proponents of the Jones Act say that without it, the country would be forced to rely on cheaper international ships operated by foreign workers and put American vessels in a more crowded and less efficient shipping environment.
Temporarily waiving the Jones Act for Puerto Rico "would take American first responders out of the loop and replace them with Filipino or Russian or Chinese crews," Michael Roberts, senior vice president and general counsel at Crowley Maritime Corporation, told The Wall Street Journal Wednesday. "Doing that at a time when many U.S. mariners in this region have had their homes damaged, their lives uprooted and now they need to work, to take that away is not something you want to do."
Meanwhile, Puerto Rico is facing disastrous conditions in the wake of Hurricane Maria, including flooding and rising temperatures. The U.S. military reports nearly 44 percent of the island (1.5 million people), are without clean drinking water, while 97 percent of Puerto Rico remains without power.
"We are getting help from the federal government, but this is an unprecedented set of circumstances," Puerto Rico’s governor, Ricardo Rosselló, said Wednesday.
McCain Reveals He’s Probably Going to Die, Then the rich asshole Attacks Him with This Video Hours Later
Published on
This past Sunday Senator John McCain sat down with 60 minutes. They discussed his brain cancer diagnosis and just how serious it really is. McCain shared that he had been given only between a 3%-14% chance of surviving this, even with treatment.
McCain said this is a “very poor prognosis.” Then it didn’t take long, just hours, for some rich asshole to attack him.
“I am more energetic and more engaged as a result of this because I know that I’ve got to do everything I can to serve this country while I can.” – John McCain
Shortly after McCain’s announcement the rich asshole tweeted, “A few of the many clips of John McCain talking about Repealing & Replacing O’Care. My oh my has he changed-complete turn from years of talk!”
This Graham-Cassidy bill is probably one of the worst versions of the bills produced by the Republicans to date. McCain knows this and is standing up for the Americans he serves.
the rich asshole is slamming for McCain for “complete turn from years of talk”, but in reality the rich asshole is the one who can’t seem to pick a side. the rich asshole said he would give access to healthcare to more people, no one would lose health insurance, and he wouldn’t destroy Medicaid. However, all of these things are getting destroyed in the bills presented by Republicans.
Regardless of their policy differences and even personal issues, the current President of the United States just publicly attacked a U.S. Senator after he revealed he’s terminally ill. It just doesn’t get any lower than this, folks.
America needs a real leader, now!
Does some rich asshole even know that he’s responsible for Puerto Rico?
A dependency is entitled to depend on the mother country’s help. The clue is there, cunningly hidden, in 'dependency' 09-27-17
The death of satire has been greatly exaggerated times beyond counting since Henry Kissinger won the Nobel Peace Prize, but sometimes it does seem to be on life support.
Last November, during the furore about Mike Pence being booed at the musical Hamilton, a sub-sub-The Onion online journal reported some rich asshole demanding the deportation of a Puerto Rican cast member.
The joke there was that the President had no idea the Caribbean island was an American dependency, and that its 3.4 million inhabitants were natural-born US citizens.
Readers who failed to discern any humorous intent needn’t beat themselves up. Distinguishing satire from fact is a futile task in the age of the rich asshole. Ten months later, judging by his five-day silence on the terrible damage inflicted by Hurricane Maria, and the incalculably callous tone in which he broke it, the rich asshole is indeed unaware that Puerto Rico belongs to the US.
“Texas & Florida are doing great,” he tweeted on Monday, “but Puerto Rico, which was already suffering from broken infrastructure & massive debt, is in deep trouble...” The implicit contrast between the quality of emergency response in real America and on some poxy little foreign island could not be clearer. His response to the “apocalyptic devastation” on Puerto Rico has the empathetic sincerity of the graveside Tony Soprano muttering “Whadda ya gonna do?” to the widow of a wise guy he’s just had wasted.
It’s been a busy week even by the rich asshole standards. Within days, he has threatened North Korea’s obliteration to a startled UN; endured by the anthem-kneeling protest of the NFL stars (and Stevie Wonder); and discovered that at least six top advisers, including his daughter and son in law, have used private email accounts – the alleged criminal offence that led him and rally crowds to chant “lock her up!”.
Today, meanwhile, tapes from the Howard Stern show unearth him casually confessing to “feeling up” Melania in public. Obviously these are old tapes. The only First Lady body part he grabs in public these days, then gingerly, is her hand for a manly shake.
Yet among this latest meteor shower of embarrassments, the ignorance about Puerto Rico may be the brightest shard. Say what you like about Theresa May as she clings to the life raft of power – if a tropical storm destroyed Guernsey she wouldn’t need telling it was her business to help. Barbuda, not so much. You can, if you’re a cynical horror, ignore human tragedy an island that long ago became independent. But a dependency is entitled to depend on the mother country’s help. The clue is there, cunningly hidden, in “dependency”.
Puerto Ricans without homes, water, food and electricity will be irked to learn that they cannot depend on a President who either doesn’t comprehend that he is their President or is playing dumb.
In another tweet, he acknowledged that “much of the island was destroyed”, but tartly added that the island’s electrical grid was failing before the storm and that it owes billions to Wall Street banks – a state of affairs that is anathema to him, as everyone knows, but soooo typical of a scrounging third world hell hole with a begging bowl on its flag.
In the rich asshole’s defence, he is not alone. A recent poll found that 47 per cent of Americans are not aware that Puerto Rico is part of America, primarily because it is not a US state. It exists in a strange nexus somewhere between independence and statehood. The populace can vote in presidential primaries but not for President.
Every so often it has a referendum, and votes for statehood. The last one was in June, when 97 per cent opted to become the 51st state. The current administration has ignored that knife-edge result, citing low turnout, and no wonder. These 3.4 million dark-skinned, poverty-racked Hispanics, in a country somewhere down there between Antigua and Hispaniola, are hardly natural the rich asshole voters. Besides, the present arrangement is indecently perfect. America owns Puerto Rico without feeling obliged to pay its bills. That’s been the rich asshole business strategy these past 40 years.
If Puerto Rico had become the 51st state in 1998, the world would be unrecognisably different today. By population it would have seven electoral college votes. Assuming it gave them to Al Gore in 2000, he’d have beaten George W Bush 273-271. No war in Iraq, no domino effect from that, the US leading the global rearguard against climate change, and there would almost certainly be no President Donald J the rich asshole.
We can play the counterfactual history game with Puerto Rico, as with the millions of other what-ifs. But the fact is that with the rich asshole, as with Bush before him, the ignorance that staggers the world is a domestic asset. Among the reasons Gore and John Kerry lost to Dubya is the American distaste from the smartest kid in the room. They preferred the dummy who spoke their language to the clever guy who made them feel inferior.
the rich asshole once said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue without losing support. The same goes for shooting his mouth off to reveal the unfathomable depths of his ignorance. If he went on Jeopardy, and to the question “Europe’s largest economy” he answered “What is Djibouti?”, his approval rating would nudge up a couple of points.
the rich asshole intends to sign executive order on health care next week
President the rich asshole is taking the future of health insurance into his own hands.
A day after Congress' last-ditch attempt to repeal Obamacare failed, the rich asshole said he may soon sign an executive order on health care that would affect millions of people.
"I'll probably be signing a very major executive order where people can go out, cross state lines, do lots of things and buy their own health care, and that will be probably signed next week," he told reporters Wednesday. "It's being finished now. It's going to cover a lot of territory and a lot of people. Millions of people."
The president has made no secret that he's frustrated with Congress for failing to repeal Obamacare. On Tuesday, Republican leaders in the Senate shelved plans to vote on the latest repeal proposal after it failed to gain enough support.
Instead, the rich asshole now seems to be backing health insurance reforms pushed by Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky. Paul, who opposed the Senate repeal bill, wants insurers to be allowed to sell policies across state lines and for people to be able to form groups to buy coverage.
"I believe President the rich asshole can legalize on his own the ability of individuals to join a group or health association across state lines to buy insurance," Paul said on MSNBC Wednesday. "This would bring enormous leverage to bringing down prices. It would also bring protection to individuals who feel left out, hung out to dry, basically."
The concept of letting insurers sell policies in other states has been very popular among Republicans and much less popular among insurers, state regulators and consumer advocates. The basic idea is that insurers would be able to sell policies in multiple states but only have to adhere to the regulations of their home state. So an insurer from a lightly regulated state, where policies may offer skimpier benefits and lower premiums, could start marketing its plans in a highly regulated state, where premiums tend to be higher.
A handful of states already allow this, but insurers haven't taken them up on the offer. Also, states can form compacts to open their borders, but none have opted to do so.
Supporters argue that selling across state lines would promote competition, increase consumer choice and reduce rates. Residents would have a wider array of plans to choose from that meet their health care needs and budget.
Opponents, however, say that it would split the market so that healthier folks would flock to the skinnier plans, while the sick would stay in the more comprehensive plans, pushing up their rates even more. Or, sicker Americans would flock to the states that require insurers to provide more services, jacking up premiums there.
Also, it can be difficult for insurers to set up provider networks in multiple states.
One thing that makes selling across state lines less attractive is that the Affordable Care Act mandates all insurers nationwide cover an array of benefits. So there are fewer differences between the states these days.
It's questionable whether the rich asshole could just wipe away state insurance rules with the stroke of a pen, experts say. Health insurance is regulated on the state level, according to federal law.
The National Association of Insurance Commissioners said it can't comment until it sees the details of the proposed executive order.
"As a general matter, health insurers already have the ability to sell insurance in multiple states as long as they comply with state consumer protection and licensing laws, which many already do," said Mike Consedine, the association's CEO. "The NAIC has long been opposed to any attempt to reduce or preempt state authority or weaken consumer protections."
Paul also supports association health plans which would allow small businesses that belong to a trade or professional association to pool together across state lines and buy health coverage. That would allow them to better leverage discounts and free them from mandates in specific states, he argues.
But similar types of arrangements have run into financial troubles in the past, with many becoming insolvent. Also, association health plans could also fragment the market because it could establish itself in a state with minimal regulations, but sell policies across many states without having to adhere to their rules, according to the American Academy of Actuaries. That would push up premiums in non-association plans.
In addition to the executive order, the rich asshole also promised to return to repealing Obamacare early next year, saying he's "almost certain" Republicans have enough votes. However, he also plans to negotiate with Democrats to "see if I can get a health care plan that's even better."
the rich asshole has started physically mocking Mitch McConnell and John McCain in private
President some rich asshole, frustrated with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Arizona Sen. John McCain, has begun physically mocking them in private, the news website Axios reported on Wednesday.
The president imitates McConnell by slumping his shoulders and looking lethargic, and he emulates the dramatic thumbs-down McCain used to indicate his "no" vote on the GOP healthcare bill in July.
the rich asshole has repeatedly lashed out both at McConnell and at McCain, most recently over Congress's failure to pass legislation to repeal and the Affordable Care Act, the healthcare law also known as Obamacare.
The president called McCain's recent opposition to the latest incarnation of the GOP healthcare bill a "tremendous slap in the face to the Republican Party" and placed full blame for legislative failure on McCain.
"You can call it what you want, but that's the only reason we don't have it, because of John McCain," the rich asshole said in a radio interview on Monday.
the rich asshole has also repeatedly expressed his frustration with McCain on Twitter. On Monday, the president tweeted a six-minute video montage of the senator and former presidential candidate publicly promising to get rid of Obamacare.
McConnell, another repeat the rich asshole target, drew continued criticism from the president for his inability to deliver on the longtime GOP promise. During the radio interview, the rich asshole brought up the majority leader's low approval rating with constituents.
"Mitch is not, polling-wise, the most popular guy in this country," the rich asshole said.
the rich asshole has also placed blame on McConnell's shoulders for Luther Strange's loss in Alabama's Republican Senate primary to Roy Moore, an antiestablishment candidate whom some of the rich asshole's most fervent supporters backed.
Truth In Satire
the rich asshole Shocked To Learn Puerto Ricans Are U.S. Citizens After Their Plea For Storm Aid
President angrily tells victims “You want help, get it from your own country,” only to learn Caribbean island is an American territory
After a devastating direct hit from Hurricane Maria last week that left 100% of their island without electricity, along with serious shortages of food and clean water, Puerto Ricans are desperate for relief.
But when Gov. Ricardo Rossello sent word to President the rich asshole that a humanitarian crisis was unfolding, and that Puerto Rico was in critical need of the same aid and supplies as storm damaged states like Texas and Florida, he was shocked at the response:
“The president told me that I should get in touch with the leader of my own country if I wanted help,” said Gov. Rossello. “I don’t think he understood that we are part of the United States, and that Puerto Ricans are American citizens.”
The Caribbean island is, in fact, a U.S. territory and its inhabitants are natural-born American citizens. And while they don’t vote for president, and have only one non-voting seat in Congress, Puerto Ricans are able to travel freely between their island and the United States mainland.
While the White House denied that some rich asshole was ignorant of the island’s status, or the federal government’s obligation to provide assistance, one Oval Office insider, speaking off the record, said that the president was angry that the U.S. had to come to the aid of yet another hurricane ravaged area, especially one “that doesn’t speak white English.”
“He kept asking John Kelly how it was possible that ‘a whole island of spics could be Americans?’ Kelly told him that Puerto Rico has been a commonwealth of the U.S. since 1898 and the fact that the people there spoke primarily Spanish had nothing to do with it.”
John Kelly, a former Marine Corps general, is some rich asshole’s current White House Chief of Staff. Puerto Rico was acquired by the United States from Spain in 1898 as one of the spoils of the Spanish-American War.
According to the source, some rich asshole was also agitated to learn that many Puerto Ricans were likely to escape carnage on the island by fleeing to the U.S. mainland. “He insisted that there must be some way to stop them with a travel ban or something, and that it was going to be hard to keep the Mexicans out if they see Puerto Ricans coming in without having to leap over fences or anything.”
The White House announced Tuesday that President the rich asshole would be visiting Puerto Rico in the days ahead to assess the damage and discuss FEMA’s role in the island’s recovery, but that “he wanted to wait until ‘real Americans’ got all the help they needed first.”
the rich asshole low-key deletes tweets in support of LutherStrange after ’embarrassing’ defeat by Roy Moore
some rich asshole on Tuesday deleted multiple tweets urging supporters to vote for Sen. Luther Strange (R-AL), after Judge Roy Moore—the GOP candidate backed by former chief White House strategist Steve Bannon—decidedly beat the president’s pick to take over Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ vacated Senate seat.
ProPublica, which chronicles deleted tweets by public officials, archived the posts from the rich asshole’s personal Twitter account.
“Luther Strange has been shooting up in the Alabama polls since my endorsement. Finish the job – vote today for ‘Big Luther,’” the rich asshole tweeted early Tuesday, only to delete the message shortly after 10:30 p.m.
In a separate Tweet, the rich asshole had urged Alabamans to “get out and vote for Luther Strange – he has proven to me that he will never let you down! #MAGA.” The president also removed that post after Strange’s defeat.
Prior to removing references to Strange, the rich asshole deleted a tweet congratulating Moore and directing the Alabama judge to “WIN in Nov!” He re-posted that congratulations a few minutes later, after correcting the post to read, “WIN in Dec!”—the actual month of Alabama’s Senate election.
the rich asshole’s Twitter antics may provide insight into the president’s mindset following Moore’s win. the rich asshole campaigned heavily for Strange, even attending a rally in Alabama last Friday in support of the junior senator. It was during that rally the rich asshole admitted he “might have made a mistake” with his endorsement.
“If Luther doesn’t win, they’re not going to say we picked up 25 points in a very short period of time,” the rich asshole predicted. “They’re going to say, ‘some rich asshole, the president of the United States, was unable to pull his candidate across the line. It is a terrible, terrible moment for the rich asshole. This is total embarrassment.’”
By Tuesday, the rich asshole was reportedly “resigned to a loss” in Alabama, telling attendees at a conservative dinner Monday that he may have underestimated Moore’s appeal.
“He went around the room and wanted to know what everyone thought,” American Conservative Union head Matt Schlapp, who was at the meeting, told Politico.
“He was trying to figure out if there was going to be damage from this,” another said.
Moore will take on Democratic nominee Doug Jones in Alabama’s general election in “Dec!” Jones on Tuesday offered this about his opponent for Sessions’ Senate seat:
some richasshole 'physically mocks' dying John McCain over health care vote
After John McCain announced he would vote "No" on the new GOP health care bill, some rich asshole decided to mock the senator's appearance.
After nine months in the White House, #some rich assholeis having a bumpy road that has been reflective in his poor favorability rating with the American people. After his latest push to repeal Obamacare failed, and his preferred candidate in the Alabama Senate run-off election lost, the president is not doing a good job in handling the aftermath.
the rich asshole and McCain
When some rich asshole kicked off his campaign for president just over two years ago, the consensus was that his candidacy was nothing more than a joke and an attempt to boost ratings for his reality show. Despite this, the former host of "The Apprentice" picked up steam and shocked the world by not winning the Republican primary, but also the general election over Hillary Clinton.
While the rich asshole vowed to turn Washington on its head, the billionaire real estate mogul has had little to no success in keeping those promises. Over the last week, Republicans have once again failed to repeal and replace Obamacare, much to the chagrin of the president. One of the biggest road blocks came in the form of Arizona Sen. #John McCain, who was recently diagnosed with brain cancer, when he announced he would vote "No" on the GOP #Health Care Bill. In addition, the rich asshole reportedly blames Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for his inability to get his fellow senators on the same page. According to a report by Axios, and later Mediaite, on September 27, the rich asshole has taken to mocking both men in private as way to vent his frustration.
It's no secret that some rich asshole and John McCain aren't on the same page, which dates back to the early days of the 2016 presidential campaign.
the rich asshole claimed McCain was "not a war hero" because he was captured and turned into a POW during the Vietnam War. The rift between both men continued this week after the senator refused to support the GOP bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. In a report by Axios, the rich asshole has reportedly been physically mocking McCain and Mitch McConnell.
some rich asshole's been reportedly poking fun at Mitch McConnell due to his "slumped shoulders" and "lethargic body language," while mimicking John McCain by "imitating the thumbs down of his historic health-care vote." the rich asshole has been hitting McCain hard over the last week to the cheers of his supporters, which prompted MSNBC host Joe Scarborough to lash out, calling on the president's base to "have some respect" for the "dying" senator.
Moving forward
In addition to his beef with John McCain and Mitch McConnell, some rich asshole is also reportedly "pissed" and "embarrassed" that the candidate he endorsed in the GOP run-off election in Alabama, Luther Strange, lost easily to Roy Moore.
As the pressure continues to mount on the commander in chief, only time will tell if he's able to bounce back.
The sad suspicion about Some rich asshole’s shameful treatmentof Puerto Rico
Or, suppose that most of the ports, roads and cellular towers in the Seattle metropolitan area had been destroyed, and a major dam had failed.
Or, that most of the homes in the Twin Cities area of Minnesota were either damaged or destroyed in one day.
Or, that the combined populations of New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont had seen much of their forests and agricultural land wiped out.
Or, that the residents of Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming — combined — had lost access to food and clean water, leaving them vulnerable to cholera. And imagine that overflowing hospitals, without power, had no capacity to deal with an outbreak.
Now, imagine that in response to any of these scenarios, the president of the United States variously ignored the plight of the affected Americans (in all of the above cases about 3.4 million people, give or take), blamed them for their own troubles and provided inadequate help. This is precisely what is happening right now to the 3.4 million U.S. citizens of Puerto Rico, an island territory more populous than about 20 states. Hurricane Maria essentially wiped out these Americans’ ports, roads, electricity, communications, water supply and crops and many homes. Yet, a week after the storm, the response from the American mainland has been paltry.
Navy said it was sending one). The Post’s Joel Achenbach, Dan Lamothe and Alex Horton called the three Navy amphibious ships dispatched to Puerto Rico “a modest fleet given the scale of the crisis.” There is no rush, as there was after Hurricane Harvey hit Texas, to approve the emergency funds that Puerto Rico will surely need. There has been no massive movement of military personnel and equipment to Puerto Rico: no aircraft carrier (one was sent to the Florida Keys in response to Hurricane Irma), no hospital ship (finally on Tuesday afternoon the
President Some rich asshole, so visible when Harvey and Irma hit, all but ignored the devastation that Maria brought to Puerto Rico, devoting more attention to respect for the flag at NFL games. When he did turn his focus to Puerto Rico on Monday, it was to say that the island “was already suffering from broken infrastructure & massive debt” and that its “old electrical grid, which was in terrible shape, was devastated. Much of the Island was destroyed, with billions of dollars . . . owed to Wall Street and the banks which, sadly, must be dealt with.”
Two Some rich asshole Cabinet members, Energy Secretary Rick Perry (who traveled with Some rich asshole to Texas and Florida after hurricanes there) and Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, made a joint public appearance Monday but didn’t even mention Puerto Rico. And the Some rich asshole administration said it would not assist Puerto Rico by waiving the Jones Act, which restricts the use of foreign cargo ships, after waiving the act in response to Harvey and Irma.
Finally, Some rich asshole began to say the right things on Tuesday, acknowledging Puerto Rico “needs a lot of money.” He said he’ll visit next Tuesday. Some rich asshole explained that there’s “a very big ocean” around Puerto Rico but said “we’re doing a really good job” and predicted his administration will get an “A-plus” for its response.
That’s out of the question, but Some rich asshole could avoid a failing grade if he hurries. Experts say the island could within days have disease outbreaks and the loss of law and order.
As Achenbach, et al. report, Adm. Paul Zukunft, the Coast Guard commandant, said Monday that he understands why Puerto Rico’s residents feel forgotten. “They feel isolated, and they’re probably getting a sense of betrayal, of, well, ‘Where is the cavalry?’ ” Zukunft said.
Good question. Phillip Carter, a military specialist with the Center for a New American Security, wrote a piece for Slate likening Some rich asshole’s “anemic” response in Puerto Rico to President George W. Bush’s response to Hurricane Katrina. Carter told me Puerto Rico conservatively needs a response of 50,000 U.S. troops. Even Haiti — a foreign country — got the help of more than 20,000 troops after its 2010 earthquake.
No question the logistics are harder in Puerto Rico. But the 3.4 million U.S. citizens there have long endured second-class status: no voting members of Congress, no presidential vote, unequal benefits and high poverty. Now, Some rich asshole administration’s failure to help Americans in Puerto Rico with the same urgency it gave those in Texas and Florida furthers a sad suspicion that the disparate treatment has less to do with logistics than language and skin color.
President some rich asshole tried to use Jamaican athlete Usain Bolt to criticize National Football League players who protest during the national anthem on Tuesday night.
But it didn’t go down well.
the rich asshole tweeted this five-year-old video of the now retired track star cutting away from a live television interview during the London 2012 Summer Olympics so that he could stand for the U.S. national anthem.
“Even Usain Bolt from Jamaica, one of the greatest runners and athletes of all time, showed RESPECT for our National Anthem,” wrote the rich asshole.
The president outraged many at a rally in Huntsville, Alabama, on Friday with his thinly veiled attack on former San Francisco 49er Colin Kaepernick and other NFL players who have taken a knee in protest against police brutality and racial injustice during the national anthem before games.
Bolt himself has yet to comment on the rich asshole’s tweet.
But Team Jamaica, a forum for the Caribbean island’s Olympic sports’ enthusiasts, immediately came to the runner’s defense and admonished the president to leave him “out of your politricks.”
The sentiment was echoed by hundreds of other tweeters, whose comments are sampled below:
the rich asshole threatens to ‘make adeal with Democrats’ during speech to big-money GOP donors
President some rich asshole seemed to admit defeat on healthcare during a high-dollar donor event for the Republican Party in New York Tuesday night.
According to Politico, the rich asshole praised Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) before admitting it’s probably time for him to begin working with the other side of the aisle if he wants any legislative wins.
“Maybe I’ll make a deal with the Democrats. They’re calling me like crazy. Can we make a deal? Can we make a deal?” he told the audience.
the rich asshole also addressed his ongoing NFL player battle about standing instead of kneeling during the American National Anthem.
“They have a rule, you can’t dance in the end zone, you can’t wear pink socks, one guy’s mother had breast cancer and they wouldn’t let him, you can’t do anything! But you’re allowed to sit down for the national anthem,” the rich asshole said during his 40-minute speech.
In a crowd of about 150 of the GOP’s wealthiest donors, the rich asshole blasted NFL commissioner Roger Goodell and former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who started the protest to draw attention to police brutality against African-Americans.
“All Goodell had to do was say there’s rules and you can’t do it, suspend him for a couple games, you would never have had this,” the rich asshole told the audience. “Now you have this whole thing going and it’s a very dangerous thing ‘cause we cannot let anyone disrespect our country like that.”
Donors to the event were required to pay between $35,000 and $250,000 a couple to attend.
the rich asshole ’embarrassed andpissed’ after ‘low-energy’ Luther Strange goes down in flames: report
President some rich asshole is reportedly still smarting after Alabama Republican voters rejected Luther Strange, the candidate he endorsed for the Senate race to fill the seat vacated by Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
CNN’s Jim Acosta reports that “multiple White House sources” have told his network’s White House team that the rich asshole is “embarrassed and pissed” about Luther Strange’s loss to Roy Moore, the disgraced former judge who believes that the 9/11 terrorist attacks were God’s retribution against the United States for tolerating homosexuality.
According to CNN, the rich asshole is placing the blame squarely on Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), who spent a lot of time and money trying to get Strange elected to the Senate. the rich asshole also reportedly feels that he has been “outdone” by Steve Bannon, the former White House political strategist who campaigned heavily for Moore despite the rich asshole’s embrace of Strange.
CNN reporter Kaitlan Collins subsequently appeared on the network to explain that the rich asshole viewed Strange as a “low-energy” candidate whom he was strong-armed into supporting by the GOP establishment.
The president quickly deleted all tweets he had posted praising Strange after Moore’s victory in the Republican Alabama Senate primary, and he has vowed to campaign for Moore to help ensure the seat stays in Republican hands.
Watch the CNN report below.
At a meeting at the White House on Monday night, President some rich asshole preempted his humiliating loss by privately warning conservatives that he underestimated Judge Roy Moore’s appeal and believes incumbent Sen. Luther Strange (R-AL) is going to lose his primary bid.
According to Politico, the rich asshole told asked the assembled conservative activists at the dinner “questions that suggested he remained hesitant about making his endorsement just hours before the polls opened.”
“He went around the room and wanted to know what everyone thought,” American Conservative Union head Matt Schlapp, an attendee at the meeting, told Politico. In response, many told him they believed Moore will win.
“He was trying to figure out if there was going to be damage from this,” another attendee told Politico.
Four White House officials who spoke to Politico on condition of anonymity said the stress from the contentious race between Strange and Moore “frustrated and sometimes visibly annoyed” the rich asshole, and he spoke frequently about the race since returning from his now-infamous “SOB” campaign rally for Strange last weekend.
the rich asshole has reportedly been “resigned to a loss” for days, the report noted.
HERSHEY, PA - DECEMBER 15, 2016: President-Elect some rich asshole speaks of his relief to have won the state of Texas on Election night during his speech at the "Thank You Tour" rally at the Giant Center (Shutterstock).
President some rich asshole is facing a backlash after blaming the Atlantic Ocean for the federal government’s failed response to Hurricane Maria’s devastation of the American territory of Puerto Rico.
“This is a thing called the Atlantic Ocean. This is tough stuff,” President the rich asshole stated in a Rose Garden press conference with Prime Minister of Spain Mariano Rajoy.
The press conference marked the second time Tuesday that the rich asshole blamed the ocean for the humanitarian crisis. Earlier, the rich asshole stated, “it’s an island, sitting in the middle of an ocean.”
Twitter was appalled that President the rich asshole blamed geography for FEMA’s failed disaster response in Puerto Rico.
Here are some of the response:
US won't waive shipping restrictions for Puerto Rico relief
BY JOHN BOWDEN - 09/26/17 07:49 PM EDT
The rich asshole administration on Tuesday denied a request from several members of Congress to waive shipping restrictions to help get gasoline and other supplies to Puerto Rico as the island recovers from Hurricane Maria.
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) declined the request to waive the Jones Act, which limits shipping between coasts to U.S.-flagged vessels, according to Reuters. DHS waived the act following hurricanes Harvey and Irma, which hit the mainland U.S.
The agency has in the past waived the rule to allow cheaper and more readily-available foreign vessels to supply goods to devastated areas. But DHS said Tuesday that waiving the act for Puerto Rico would not help the U.S. island territory due to damaged ports preventing ships from docking.
“The limitation is going to be port capacity to offload and transit, not vessel availability,” a spokesperson for Customs and Border Protection told Reuters.
In a letter to the department on Tuesday, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) urgedDHS to rethink the decision, citing the agency's willingness to waive the Jones Act for relief efforts in the wake of hurricanes Harvey and Irma.
“The Department of Homeland Security has been given the ability to waive the Jones Act to accommodate national security concerns, and has done so twice in the last month,” McCain wrote. “These emergency waivers have been valuable to speed up recovery efforts in the impacted regions. However, I am very concerned by the Department’s decision not to waive the Jones Act for current relief efforts in Puerto Rico, which is facing a worsening humanitarian crisis following Hurricane Maria."
McCain called the department's decision "unacceptable" and warned that Puerto Rico faces a humanitarian crisis as the island's 3.4 million people struggle to survive without power or clean water.
Officials estimate the island could be without power for up to six months.
"It is unacceptable to force the people of Puerto Rico to pay at least twice as much for food, clean drinking water, supplies and infrastructure due to Jones Act requirements as they work to recover from this disaster," McCain wrote.
"Now, more than ever, it is time to realize the devastating effect of this policy and implement a full repeal of this archaic and burdensome Act,” he wrote.
the rich asshole privately admits towaging a ‘white working class culture war’ he thinks ‘was foisted upon him by Obama’: report
Though President some rich asshole and his supporters claim this past weekend’s “anthem tantrum” spectacle has nothing to do with race, in private, the president sings a different tune.
A recent New York Times report reveals that the rich asshole and his aides “freely admit that he is engaged in a culture war on behalf of his white, working-class base.”
That the rich asshole is a “a New York billionaire waging war against ‘politically correct’ coastal elites on behalf of his supporters in the South and in the Midwest” did not escape the Times‘ Maggie Haberman and Glenn Thrush, who wrote the report.
the rich asshole is “determined to win” the war he believes “was foisted upon him by former President Barack Obama and other Democrats,” Haberman and Thrush’s sources revealed.
Watch Haberman and Cooper discuss the rich asshole’s candid admission of his culture war below, via CNN.
One Republican Senator Is So Fed Up With the rich asshole He’s Retiring In 2018
some rich asshole has been a thorn in Senator Bob Corker’s side for quite some time, but especially since the mess that was The rich asshole’s disgraceful response to the deadly racist violence in Charlottesville, Virginia. After the rich asshole offered a defense of the neo-Nazis, Klansmen, and white supremacists, Corker said:
“The President has not yet been able to demonstrate the stability nor some of the competence that he needs to demonstrate in order to be successful.”“He has not demonstrated that he understands what has made this nation great and what it is today, and he’s got to demonstrate the characteristics of a president who understands that.”
Now, it seems that the powerful longtime GOP Senator has had enough. On Tuesday, he announced his impending retirement. In a statement on the decision, Corker said:
“After much thought, consideration and family discussion over the past year, [wife] Elizabeth and I have decided that I will leave the United States Senate when my term expires at the end of 2018.”
“I also believe the most important public service I have to offer our country could well occur over the next 15 months, and I want to be able to do that as thoughtfully and independently as I did the first 10 years and nine months of my Senate career.”
This could be the beginning of a real crack here. Senator Corker has already indicated that he believes the rich asshole to be unstable. Combine that with the lack of a political future to worry about, and we could be seeing someone who might vote in favor of impeachment. More importantly, Corker is not just any Senator. He is the chair of the powerful Foreign Relations Committee and a member of the GOP Senate Leadership. If he starts making moves against the rich asshole, we could see the floodgates open.
Even more important than the prospect of the GOP starting to turn on the rich asshole is the fact that these retirements – Corker is not the first – will open the door for Democrats to pick up seats. This could be an absolute goldmine for the Democratic Party in both chambers of Congress, and it could be an absolute dumpster fire for the GOP.
Keep on keepin’, blue voters. Our time is fast approaching.
Four Star General Blisters the rich asshole Over NFL Anthem-Tantrums: ‘Put Me Down With Kaepernick’
A backlash has ensued after some rich asshole launched a war against black athletes who choose to sit rather than stand during the national anthem in protest of racial inequality and police brutality. Gen. Michael Hayden, a retired United States Air Force four-star general, who served in the military for 39 years, penned a column which savages the former reality show star over his NFL Twitter tantrums. At first, Hayden wasn’t “enthusiastic” about throwing his support behind Colin Kaepernick, the former San Francisco 49ers quarterback who started the silent protest of kneeling during the anthem.
Hayden, who served as national security adviser and head the CIA after he left the military, wrote that the issues Kaepernick raised “were both real and sincerely held.”
But then the rich asshole crossed the line when he spoke to a crowd in deep red Alabama and called black athletes who kneel ‘sons of bitches.’ Hayden wrote that it’s “the way he has previously treated other groups like Mexicans (murderers and rapists), intelligence professionals (Nazis), immigrants (deeply unfair), refugees (dangerous), and Muslims (they hate us).”
“As a 39-year military veteran, I think I know something about the flag, the anthem, patriotism, and I think I know why we fight,” he wrote. “It’s not to allow the president to divide us by wrapping himself in the national banner. I never imagined myself saying this before Friday, but if now forced to choose in this dispute, put me down with Kaepernick.”
the rich asshole lashes out at everyone, especially minorities in order to rile up his base. He literally loves conflict and chaos. When you elect a former reality show star to lead the most powerful country on earth, you’re begging for controversy and that’s what the rich asshole’s base wants. the rich asshole had zero political experience for the job he seems to loathe so much and yet, here he is. the rich asshole uses his Twitter account to divide the nation, and sometimes to try to start a war.
After the rich asshole is out of office, we’re really going to have to “Make America Great Again” but it will take years to correct all of the harm he’s done to this country.
Trumpcare Is Officially Dead, Senator Collins Confirms She’s Voting No
Graham-Cassidy, the latest and worst in a line of Republican healthcare bills collectively dubbed “Trumpcare,” looks dead. Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) just joined Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Rand Paul (R-KY) as one of the few to break party lines and refuse to vote for the bill. While not everyone is against the bill for the best of reasons, Susan Collins could not have been more clear about the many issues she had with the legislation.
“First, both proposals make sweeping changes and cuts in the Medicaid program. Expert projections show that more than $1 trillion would be taken out of the Medicaid program between the years 2020 and 2036. This would have a devastating impact to a program that has been on the books for 50 years and provides health care to our most vulnerable citizens, including disabled children and low-income seniors.Second, both bills open the door for states to weaken protections for people with pre-existing conditions, such as asthma, cancer, heart disease, arthritis, and diabetes. Some states could allow higher premiums for individuals with pre-existing conditions, potentially making their insurance unaffordable. States could also limit specific categories of benefits for Affordable Care Act policies, such as eliminating coverage for mental health or substance abuse treatment.Third, physicians, patient advocates, insurers, and hospitals agree that both versions of this legislation would lead to higher premiums and reduced coverage for tens of millions of Americans.The CBO’s analysis on the earlier version of the bill, incomplete though it is due to time constraints, confirms that this bill will have a substantially negative impact on the number of people covered by insurance.There has been some discussion that the new version of the bil includes additional money for my home state of Maine. The fact is, Maine still loses money under whichever version of the Graham-Cassidy bill we consider because the bills use what could be described as a “give with one hand, take with the other” distribution model. Huge Medicaid cuts down the road more than offset any short-term influx of money. But even more important, if Senators can adjust a funding formula over a weekend to help a single state, they could just as easily adjust that formula to hurt that state. This is simply not the way that we should be approaching an important and complex issue that must be handled thoughtfully and fairly for all Americans.”
There you have it — Susan Collins just hammered the final nail into Trumpcare’s coffin.
On September 30th, a special rule allowing Republicans to pass legislation with only a simple majority (50 votes and a tiebreak) will expire. After that, any healthcare legislation that Republicans want to pass will have to get at least eight Democrats on board.
Republicans can’t govern or even get their own party to agree, so…good luck with that.
Loser the rich asshole Fails Miserably Again As ‘Monday Night Football’ Ratings Soar
Wow, it’s like a “president” can’t even get a boycott going anymore. some rich asshole tried to launch a boycott on the NFL over black athletes who choose to kneel instead of stand during the national anthem in protest of racial inequality and police brutality. the rich asshole wasn’t having any of that, so he took to his Twitter account after calling the African-American athletes “sons of bitches,” to promote a boycott. Conservatives have never been very good at boycotts anyway.
The Cowboys versus Cardinals game featured Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones taking a knee in solidarity with his players. Pushing things even further, the rich asshole tweeted that he heard boos from the crowd.
“The booing at the NFL football game last night, when the entire Dallas team dropped to its knees, was loudest I have ever heard,” the rich asshole tweeted. “Great anger.”
Instead of addressing the devastation in Puerto Rico, the rich asshole has been on a mission to attack athletes. Even this morning, the rich asshole called for banning the practice of kneeling.
He has called out the NFL over its ratings, but he really should worry about his own dismal approval ratings.
Shareblue reports:
“This is a huge victory for MNF after a day and full weekend of coverage of the U.S. President openly criticizing protesting athletes, calling some ‘sons of bitches,’” noted the Hollywood Reporter. That big increase Monday night meant that ratings for the league’s entire slate of games during the the rich asshole controversy were up compared to last year’s Week 3.
The Cowboys versus Cardinals match-up posted a massive rating boost, with 63 percent more viewers tuning in. The Dallas Cowboys’ 28-17 victory over the Arizona Cardinals earned a 9.3 overnight rating according to Nielsen, according to ESPN.
Instead of a big wall on our southern border, fences are being mended. Instead of giving healthcare to all Americans, the rich asshole tried to take it away from millions and that, too, failed. the rich asshole promised to have Hillary Clinton locked up, but instead, he’s found himself plagued with scandals. Hell, the rich asshole can’t even get a boycott going.
Democrat Takes the rich asshole To The Woodshed In Fiery Speech Defending NFL (VIDEO)
some rich asshole is getting absolutely hammered for his recent attacks on NFL players who refuse to stand during the National Anthem in a stand against social injustice. the rich asshole has tried his hardest to pass off those attacks as a defense of patriotism, but most Americans know that the rich asshole is simply trying to mask what are obviously remarks fueled by his own racism – and one Democrat is calling him out for it.
Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., blasted the rich asshole on the House floor on Monday and attacked the undeserving POTUS for his pathetic attacks on athletes such as Stephen Curry, Lebron James and the NFL players. In his powerful, fiery speech, Jeffries asked the question that most of us would like to know: “How dare Donald lecture us on what’s patriotic?!” You can watch this epic speech below:
And that’s not the only time Jeffries has spoken out against the rich asshole about the POTUS’ recent attacks on athletes. In an interview with CNN, Jeffries called the rich asshole a “racial arsonist” and stated that the rich asshole was causing controversy just to keep his dwindling conservative fan base happy and engaged. Jeffries said:
“He uses race to advance his own ends.”
We couldn’t have said it better. It is no coincidence that the rich asshole’s fan base are practically just white supremacists – who he has repeatedly failed to denounce because he doesn’t want to lost the only support he has left. the rich asshole knows that his fans are losing interest and patience after all of his broken campaign promises, so he creates these ‘scandals’ and spews nonsense to distract everyone and remind his racist fans why they voted for him in the first place. the rich asshole’s remarks about the NFL are disgusting and deserve to be condemned again and again.
the rich asshole mocks Puerto Rico's 'massive debt' to U.S. in tweets about Hurricane Maria
some rich asshole broke his silence about Hurricane Maria ripping through Puerto Rico, but gave a controversial response on social media
After days of bashing [VIDEO] the National Football League (NFL) and its players on Twitter for protesting the national anthem, #some rich assholedecided to use social media to touch on the aftermath of #Hurricane Maria devastating much of #Puerto Rico.
the rich asshole on Puerto Rico
After Hurricane Harvey touched down in Texas and Hurricane Irma made its way through Cuba and Florida in recent weeks, yet another storm has put the world on notice. Just last week, Hurricane Maria ripped throughPuerto Rico with winds reaching over 100 mpg, while matching the flooding seen in Houston during Harvey. According to the most recent reports, at least 10 people have been reported dead due to the storm, including two police officers.
In the Caribbean, where Maria also hit, over 30 lives have been taken. Officials describe the impact as a "major disaster," with over 15,000 being displaced to shelters in what could set the island back decades. In recent days, some rich asshole has faced criticism for spending more time focusing on his feud with the NFL then offering a helping hand to Puerto Rico, resulting in the president posting a controversial string of tweets [VIDEO] on September 25.
Taking to his Twitter feed on Monday night, some rich asshole made sure to point out the size of the debt that Puerto Rico owes to the United States and Wall Street.
"Texas & Florida are doing great but Puerto Rico, which was already suffering from broken infrastructure & massive debt, is in deep trouble," the rich asshole tweeted.
"It's old electrical grid, which was in terrible shape, was devastated. Much of the Island was destroyed, with billions of dollars owed to Wall Street and the banks which, sadly, must be dealt with," some rich asshole went on to tweet. In conclusion, the commander in chief added, "Food, water and medical are top priorities - and doing well."
Twitter reacts
Within minutes of his tweets, critics of some rich asshole lashed out in response. "Holy sh*t you are terrible," one tweet read.
"Maybe you should donate some of your billions of dollars of laundered money to help Puerto Rico," one Twitter user added. "So now - we PUNISH Puerto Rico for their debt to Wall Street (which you ragged Hillary on during the election) INSTEAD OF HELPING THEM?!" another tweet stated.
"Gosh if food, water & medical were top priorities to you, maybe you wouldn't have written the first two tweets bashing their infrastructure?" an additional tweet noted. The backlash continued to pour in as many were not pleased with some rich asshole's response.
some rich asshole has launched attacks on the NFL’s black athletes instead of addressing a devastated U.S. territory. Most of Puerto Rico is without power and people are still waiting to hear from loved ones as reports come in saying that residents are in need of gasoline, cash, food, and water. The mayor of Manati said, “Hysteria is starting to spread.” Instead of having a leader with a calm voice and a focused mind to help a devastated area, he’s been busy on Twitter sending out messages for days now to bash NFL players who choose to kneel instead of standing during the national anthem as a silent form of protest over racial inequality and police brutality.
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders explained the rich asshole’s silence on Puerto Rico by insisting that the current occupant of the White House is “emphasizing something that should be unifying: celebrating and promoting patriotism.”
And there it is. the rich asshole was busy being patriotic so that explains why he can’t help a U.S. territory in which there are Americans living in Apocalyptic conditions. Sounds legit!
Then a reporter asked Huckabee Sanders if the rich asshole thinks some of the people kneeling during the anthem at games were “very fine people” – in reference to the former reality show star calling the Nazis who stormed the streets of Charlottesville last month the same thing – or if he thinks they’re all “sons of bitches,” in reference to how the rich asshole deemed Colin Kaepernick and others who kneel.
“I think you’re trying to conflate two very different things,” Sanders said.
We beg to differ.
North Korea foreign minister Ri Yong-ho said today that the rich asshole declared war on his country by tweeting that North Korea “won’t be around much longer.” the rich asshole is going to start a war by using his Twitter account, a thing which surprises no one ever.
But, Sanders called it “absurd” and also called it a “suggestion” by the foreign minister, rather than a declaration.
The White House has “not declared war on North Korea,” she said. And that’s something we haven’t needed to confirm by any other former President. Only this one. We’re suddenly wondering if we’re at war and if that shitgibbon in the White House is about to push the nuke button.
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