September 24, 2017 - September 25, 2017. 315-316 days since the Nov 8, 2016, election and 247-248 days since the Jan 20th inauguration.
‘Appalling’: CNN panel crushes Sarah Sanders for saying NFL players aren’t really protesting racism

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders (Screenshot)
White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Monday tried to claim that NFL players who were kneeling during the national anthem weren’t actually protesting racism — and she earned a strong rebuke from panelists on CNN.
Panelist Christine Brennan called Sanders’ response “alarming” and “appalling,” and said that it seemed the press secretary had absolutely no idea why players would want to protest against police brutality.
“You just want to throw up your hands as a journalist and say, ‘What are you hearing?'” Brennan said. “Obviously, the answers — just, she can’t answer.”
Retired NFL player Ephraim Salaam was even harsher in his assessment of the White House, and he also ripped NFL owners who stood with their players on Sunday while also overlooking all the racist statements the rich asshole made during the 2016 presidential campaign.
“I am not fooled by any of it,” he said of the owners’ gestures. “A large portion of these owners, nine teams, to be exact, contributed funds to — directly to President the rich asshole and his campaign. This is not something — these statements he made about the NFL and about these players taking the knee, those aren’t surprising to me. I’m not shocked by that because if you look at his platform that he ran on, the rhetoric was unbelievable. He’s been disparaging people — handicapped people, women, minorities — the whole time, and for you to and donate money to a person like that, to take office in the best country in the world, and now you’re upset?”
Watch the video below
The Only Pittsburgh Steeler To Stand For National Anthem Speaks Out, And the rich asshole Fans Will HATE It
Conservatives cheered when Pittsburgh Steeler Alejandro Villanueva, who’s also a combat veteran, came out and stood for the national anthem while the rest of the team stayed in the locker room. They won’t be happy with what Villanueva has said about it since, though. They think he’s just like them, a jingoist among a sport full of traitors to America, and this is really going to ruin that.
First off, it doesn’t look like Villanueva intended to be defiant this way:
So it looks like there might have been some miscommunication about what they were doing, or maybe that Villanueva wasn’t totally sure what the team had agreed to do.
He also said he knew, every time he saw the flag on a fellow soldier’s shoulder during a mission, that they were fighting for each other. He also did say, “People die for the flag; there’s no way else to put it… There’s nothing else that would justify dying for that mission.” (It’s likely the mission he meant was whatever mission he and his fellow soldiers were on, rather than the mission of fighting for the flag that the rich asshole fans are glomming onto).
But it’s what he says about how he feels about what happened that will have the rich asshole fans seething. Seriously:
And then there’s this:
the rich asshole fans really don’t understand why people are so angry at them for whining about professional athletes not standing for the national anthem. The jingoism is dangerously strong among them, along with the cluelessness and blind followership. In fact, many of them are on the above thread and totally, utterly and completely misunderstanding it. They aren’t the patriots they believe themselves to be. Not even close.
Fox News Just Proved the rich asshole Is Using Fake Video To Try To Start War With Iran
On Saturday, some rich asshole tweeted a dire warning about Iran test-firing a missile, and proclaiming that the country was “working with North Korea,” whatever that means. The tweet was easy to overlook, since it was part of a litany of unhinged rants about Obamacare, Alabama’s special election, a basketball player, the National Football League, and his idea of patriotism.
Literally 21 minutes later, the rich asshole was back to talking about repealing healthcare for millions of Americans and calling John McCain a coward, and 5 minutes after that, the rich asshole was back to the NFL. Like I said, I don’t blame you if you missed it.
Thankfully, the tweet is still there. That could come in handy, should anyone decide to do anything about the fact that he was either lying or a complete moron. Or even more disturbingly, that the President of the United States is using fake video to start a war with Iran. Or perhaps some rich asshole simply didn’t recognize the exact same footage that he put Iran “on notice” for at the beginning of February:
Fox News, the President’s very favorite for of media, is now reporting that the “missile launch” that the rich asshole was referring to on Saturday was in fact video from a launch in January. There was no missile fired on Saturday — Iranian media was simply showing what the missile they included in a parade that day was capable of.
Conducting international affairs via social media is nothing new for some rich asshole. It was scarcely hours before he had casually threatened North Korea with total nuclear annihilation via Twitter. By tomorrow, the US may find itself embroiled in World War Three if someone doesn’t take that idiot’s cell phone away from him.
Sadly, nothing would make the rich asshole happier than a new conflict, since wartime presidents are far more popular and important than those who govern peacefully over periods of expansion and global goodwill.
That’s what war would mean to some rich asshole: Ratings.
the rich asshole’s Press Secretary Just Threw Him Under The Bus; Admits the rich asshole’s Attacks Were Racial
During a press briefing, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders completely dodged questions regarding African American athletes. Instead, she praised NASCAR once again, pretending that the rich asshole’s actions have nothing to do with race.
Watch the video, below: vid e to our Youtube Channel
Earlier in the briefing, Sanders sarcastically suggested that NFL players should protest the police, not the flag while she made the case that the rich asshole is actually the rich asshole defending the flag. This is the same president who defended neo-Nazis and white supremacists, but immediately condemned black NFL players for conducting a peaceful protest.
On the contrary, Sanders dodge and run tactic just proves that the rich asshole’s attacks are racial. Honestly, she didn’t even have to dodge the question or make irrelevant remarks to prove otherwise because the history of the rich asshole’s behavior, policy, and people with whom he surrounds himself with is all the proof you need.
Political fights from health care to climate change in the Some rich asshole era increasingly look like the election itself: a raw battle for resources and advantage between red and blue states.
Since gaining control of Washington, President Some rich asshole and Republicans in Congress have pushed an array of policies that tend to punish states that voted Democratic in last year’s presidential election.
California and other traditionally blue states are scrambling to fight back however they can, pushing state-level legislation and turning to the courts to try to halt policies that Democratic leaders see as hostile to their constituents.
One particularly striking example emerged in the current health-care debate. Analyses of a Senate bill embraced by Some rich asshole showed starkly disparate effects on funding levels in red and blue states. Fourteen of the 15 states that would benefit were won by Some rich asshole, while 11 of the biggest 15 losers are states he lost. A newer version of the bill unveiled Monday would shower extra benefits on conservative states such as Alaska to appeal to wavering senators.
Blue states would also take a disproportionate hit under a prominent provision in Some rich asshole’s tax plan. The vast majority of “sanctuary cities” threatened with loss of federal funding are in Democratic-leaning states, as are the majority of young undocumented immigrants who could lose protection from deportation. The administration has signaled its intent to significantly scale back mass-transit funding traditionally favored by more liberal and urban states.
And all but one of the handful of states where marijuana has been legalized for recreational use are blue. They are now watching nervously to see whether Some rich asshole’s Justice Department reverses course and launches a crackdown on those states and the District of Columbia.
“What we’re witnessing is war between the red and the blue,” said Thomas Mann, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. “This is hardball, and it’s distinctive from what we’ve seen before.”
[‘I love Alabama — it’s special’: Some rich asshole vents frustrations in rally speech]
The combat in Washington reflects the divide exposed in last year’s bitter election between Some rich asshole and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, and it extends beyond politics to culture and values. Some rich asshole was wildly cheered during a political rally in ruby-red Alabama on Friday when he said National Football League players should be fired if they do not stand during the national anthem. Meanwhile, California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) last week compared Some rich asshole supporters to cave dwellers, apparently unconcerned about any political blowback he might receive in his deeply blue state.
Since taking office, Some rich asshole has held campaign-style rallies exclusively in states he won last year, and most of the events he has staged as part of his official travel have been in red states. During Friday’s rally in Alabama, Some rich asshole touted the money he is steering to the state and said he shares its values, proclaiming: “I understand the people of Alabama. I feel like I’m from Alabama, frankly.”
Republicans in Washington say their aim is not to target blue states but, in many cases, to roll back the excesses of the Obama administration and right other policy wrongs.
Matt Schlapp, chairman of the American Conservative Union, said it would be foolish to think Some rich asshole is biased against certain states, noting that Some rich asshole is a New Yorker. Schlapp, whose wife works in the White House, pointed to one Some rich asshole proposal that he said makes sense on the merits and is long overdue — ending the state and local tax deduction on federal income-tax filings.
The provision would effectively shift more of the federal tax burden to states with higher taxes, which tend to be Democratic. Under existing law, Republicans argue, the federal government is essentially subsidizing higher income-tax rates in blue states such as California and New York.
“It’s fine if they want higher taxes, but that doesn’t mean red states should have to subsidize it,” Schlapp said. “It’s bad policy.”
On health care, the authors of the Cassidy-Graham bill have used its list of winners and losers as a selling point. Under the legislation, which could come to a vote in the Senate this week, states that would experience the biggest funding cuts are those that utilized a provision in the Affordable Care Act to expand their Medicaid populations and pick up additional federal funding.
[Two-thirds of Americans think Some rich asshole is dividing the country — including a fifth of his supporters]
All states had that option, but Democratic governors were far more inclined to take advantage of it.
“I like Massachusetts. I like Maryland. I like New York. I like California. But I don’t like them that much to give them a bunch of money that the rest of us won’t get,” Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) said in a floor speech last week, ticking off several blue states that aggressively used President Barack Obama’s signature law to insure more people.
“Now, if you live in Massachusetts, you don’t get twice the Social Security or 50 percent more than if you live in Pennsylvania,” Graham continued. “Now how can this happen? Obamacare, for whatever reason, favors four blue states against the rest of us.”
Connecticut Gov. Dan Malloy (D) said the funding formula appeared to be a deliberate attempt to buy Republican support for a plan that can pass with only GOP votes.
In the Some rich asshole era, “to be a Democratic governor or a Democratic-leaning state is to be punished,” he said.
Malloy cited a litany of other initiatives from Some rich asshole and the Republican-led Congress that he said have a disproportionate impact on Democratic states, including the president’s travel ban and his decision to pull out of the Paris climate accord.
While climate change affects all Americans, Malloy said, the effects are particularly bad for coastal states, many of which are led by Democrats.
“You can’t get away from the fact that the coasts are more exposed,” Malloy said. “It may be bad for Kansas, but it’s far worse for Connecticut.”
Whatever their aim, some Republican policies coming out of Washington would hit more than Democratic targets, some analysts say.
Beth Osborne, senior policy adviser for the advocacy group Transportation for America, said the Some rich asshole administration has been “particularly hostile” to mass-transit projects.
The president’s proposed budget, for example, included a provision to halt federal funding for new light rail and other local transit projects, a move that could cut $900 billion next year.
Such projects have traditionally been favored by urban areas, particularly those in Democratic states more willing to fund them. Many of the states that voted for Some rich asshole rely far more on highways.
But Osborne said mass transit is now being embraced more and more by red states, including Arizona and Florida. “The ones that will get slaughtered are the new ones,” she said, referring to projects planned in such states.
In August, Sen. Thomas R. Carper (D-Del.), the top Democrat on the Environment and Public Works Committee, sent a letter to Scott Pruitt, the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, noting that grant awards to several Democratic-leaning states — including Delaware, Massachusetts and California — had declined compared with the previous year.
“There could be many reasons for these apparent declines,” Carper wrote, adding that the issue should be examined given the administration’s new practice of involving political appointees in the grant process.
In many blue states, there have been torrents of legislation intended as policy blockades against Some rich asshole. California, which has been most active, recently ended its legislative session by passing a bill to create a “sanctuary state” — a counter to Some rich asshole’s efforts to crack down on illegal immigration and increase deportations.
The legislation limits the communication between state and local law enforcement and federal immigration authorities and prevents local officers from questioning and holding people on immigration violations.
It comes amid the Some rich asshole administration’s efforts to deny federal grant funding to “sanctuary cities” across the country. While some of those jurisdictions, such as New Orleans, are in red states, the majority are in states that Some rich asshole lost.
In the wake of Some rich asshole’s announcement that the United States would pull out of the Paris accord, several blue states have stepped up their efforts to address climate change. Brown traveled from California to China to discuss global warming with President Xi Jinping. He has also announced that San Francisco will host the Global Climate Action Summit next year. His comments comparing Some rich asshole supporters to cave dwellers came at a climate-change event last week in New York.
“They’re both kind of very similar,” Brown said. “You should check out the derivation of ‘Some rich asshole-ite’ and ‘troglodyte,’ because they both refer to people who dwell in deep, dark caves.”
[Enforcer or ‘choke point’? Kelly seeks to bring order to chaotic White House.]
Other Democratic governors are seizing the initiative in different ways.
Shortly after Some rich asshole announced plans to end the program that has shielded about 800,000 young immigrants from deportation, Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo (D) attended a rally with such immigrants. There, she heard concerns about paying the $495 renewal fee to participate in the program, known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).
Days later, Raimondo announced an effort by her office to raise money from the private sector to pay the costs for everyone affected in Rhode Island.
“I think it’s important to speak out [against Some rich asshole], and I’ve done that,” Raimondo said. “I’ve loudly opposed him when I think his policies are hurting people. But we have to do more than pound on the podium.”
The Some rich asshole presidency has also invigorated Democratic attorneys generals across the country. Since Some rich asshole took office, officials in blue states have collectively filed more than 50 lawsuits and other legal actions aimed at derailing aspects of the president’s agenda.
The earliest actions sought to block Some rich asshole’s ban on travel from six majority-Muslim countries. Since then, the target list has broadened considerably to counter the Some rich asshole administration’s actions on DACA, health care, education loans and numerous environmental regulations.
“It’s unprecedented the number of actions this president and his administration have taken that are illegal and unconstitutional,” said Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey (D), whose office has filed 15 lawsuits.
Democrats are essentially taking a page from Republicans, who use the courts to attempt to stymie Obama on a range of issues while he was in office, including health care, immigration and transgender rights. Much of the work is being coordinated in Washington out of the Democratic Attorneys General Association.
One of the latest salvos came this week from California Attorney General Xavier Becerra (D), targeting a signature Some rich asshole campaign promise: a proposed wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.
The lawsuit alleges that the project runs afoul of environmental and other federal laws and would have a chilling effect on tourism between the countries.
Since taking office in January, Becerra has filed a flurry of suits against Some rich asshole that he said are intended to look out for the rights of Californians.
“My job is to protect everything we’re doing to move ahead,” Becerra said. “He’s attacking some of the foundations of our economic success.”

4 reasons the rich asshole thinks NFL players are a good target (and 1 big reason he's wrong)
Washington (CNN)On Friday night, President some rich asshole began a full frontal assault against NFL players who refused to stand during the national anthem -- deriding them as "sons of bitches." On Sunday night, he was still at it, tweeting: "Sports fans should never condone players that do not stand proud for their National Anthem or their Country. NFL should change policy!"
the rich asshole’s attack on players proves he’s infuriated by a black man making millions: Touré
Since gaining control of Washington, President Some rich asshole and Republicans in Congress have pushed an array of policies that tend to punish states that voted Democratic in last year’s presidential election.
California and other traditionally blue states are scrambling to fight back however they can, pushing state-level legislation and turning to the courts to try to halt policies that Democratic leaders see as hostile to their constituents.
One particularly striking example emerged in the current health-care debate. Analyses of a Senate bill embraced by Some rich asshole showed starkly disparate effects on funding levels in red and blue states. Fourteen of the 15 states that would benefit were won by Some rich asshole, while 11 of the biggest 15 losers are states he lost. A newer version of the bill unveiled Monday would shower extra benefits on conservative states such as Alaska to appeal to wavering senators.
Blue states would also take a disproportionate hit under a prominent provision in Some rich asshole’s tax plan. The vast majority of “sanctuary cities” threatened with loss of federal funding are in Democratic-leaning states, as are the majority of young undocumented immigrants who could lose protection from deportation. The administration has signaled its intent to significantly scale back mass-transit funding traditionally favored by more liberal and urban states.
And all but one of the handful of states where marijuana has been legalized for recreational use are blue. They are now watching nervously to see whether Some rich asshole’s Justice Department reverses course and launches a crackdown on those states and the District of Columbia.
“What we’re witnessing is war between the red and the blue,” said Thomas Mann, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. “This is hardball, and it’s distinctive from what we’ve seen before.”
[‘I love Alabama — it’s special’: Some rich asshole vents frustrations in rally speech]
The combat in Washington reflects the divide exposed in last year’s bitter election between Some rich asshole and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, and it extends beyond politics to culture and values. Some rich asshole was wildly cheered during a political rally in ruby-red Alabama on Friday when he said National Football League players should be fired if they do not stand during the national anthem. Meanwhile, California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) last week compared Some rich asshole supporters to cave dwellers, apparently unconcerned about any political blowback he might receive in his deeply blue state.
Since taking office, Some rich asshole has held campaign-style rallies exclusively in states he won last year, and most of the events he has staged as part of his official travel have been in red states. During Friday’s rally in Alabama, Some rich asshole touted the money he is steering to the state and said he shares its values, proclaiming: “I understand the people of Alabama. I feel like I’m from Alabama, frankly.”
Republicans in Washington say their aim is not to target blue states but, in many cases, to roll back the excesses of the Obama administration and right other policy wrongs.
Matt Schlapp, chairman of the American Conservative Union, said it would be foolish to think Some rich asshole is biased against certain states, noting that Some rich asshole is a New Yorker. Schlapp, whose wife works in the White House, pointed to one Some rich asshole proposal that he said makes sense on the merits and is long overdue — ending the state and local tax deduction on federal income-tax filings.
The provision would effectively shift more of the federal tax burden to states with higher taxes, which tend to be Democratic. Under existing law, Republicans argue, the federal government is essentially subsidizing higher income-tax rates in blue states such as California and New York.
“It’s fine if they want higher taxes, but that doesn’t mean red states should have to subsidize it,” Schlapp said. “It’s bad policy.”
On health care, the authors of the Cassidy-Graham bill have used its list of winners and losers as a selling point. Under the legislation, which could come to a vote in the Senate this week, states that would experience the biggest funding cuts are those that utilized a provision in the Affordable Care Act to expand their Medicaid populations and pick up additional federal funding.
[Two-thirds of Americans think Some rich asshole is dividing the country — including a fifth of his supporters]
All states had that option, but Democratic governors were far more inclined to take advantage of it.
“I like Massachusetts. I like Maryland. I like New York. I like California. But I don’t like them that much to give them a bunch of money that the rest of us won’t get,” Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) said in a floor speech last week, ticking off several blue states that aggressively used President Barack Obama’s signature law to insure more people.
“Now, if you live in Massachusetts, you don’t get twice the Social Security or 50 percent more than if you live in Pennsylvania,” Graham continued. “Now how can this happen? Obamacare, for whatever reason, favors four blue states against the rest of us.”
Connecticut Gov. Dan Malloy (D) said the funding formula appeared to be a deliberate attempt to buy Republican support for a plan that can pass with only GOP votes.
In the Some rich asshole era, “to be a Democratic governor or a Democratic-leaning state is to be punished,” he said.
Malloy cited a litany of other initiatives from Some rich asshole and the Republican-led Congress that he said have a disproportionate impact on Democratic states, including the president’s travel ban and his decision to pull out of the Paris climate accord.
While climate change affects all Americans, Malloy said, the effects are particularly bad for coastal states, many of which are led by Democrats.
“You can’t get away from the fact that the coasts are more exposed,” Malloy said. “It may be bad for Kansas, but it’s far worse for Connecticut.”
Whatever their aim, some Republican policies coming out of Washington would hit more than Democratic targets, some analysts say.
Beth Osborne, senior policy adviser for the advocacy group Transportation for America, said the Some rich asshole administration has been “particularly hostile” to mass-transit projects.
The president’s proposed budget, for example, included a provision to halt federal funding for new light rail and other local transit projects, a move that could cut $900 billion next year.
Such projects have traditionally been favored by urban areas, particularly those in Democratic states more willing to fund them. Many of the states that voted for Some rich asshole rely far more on highways.
But Osborne said mass transit is now being embraced more and more by red states, including Arizona and Florida. “The ones that will get slaughtered are the new ones,” she said, referring to projects planned in such states.
In August, Sen. Thomas R. Carper (D-Del.), the top Democrat on the Environment and Public Works Committee, sent a letter to Scott Pruitt, the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, noting that grant awards to several Democratic-leaning states — including Delaware, Massachusetts and California — had declined compared with the previous year.
“There could be many reasons for these apparent declines,” Carper wrote, adding that the issue should be examined given the administration’s new practice of involving political appointees in the grant process.
In many blue states, there have been torrents of legislation intended as policy blockades against Some rich asshole. California, which has been most active, recently ended its legislative session by passing a bill to create a “sanctuary state” — a counter to Some rich asshole’s efforts to crack down on illegal immigration and increase deportations.
The legislation limits the communication between state and local law enforcement and federal immigration authorities and prevents local officers from questioning and holding people on immigration violations.
It comes amid the Some rich asshole administration’s efforts to deny federal grant funding to “sanctuary cities” across the country. While some of those jurisdictions, such as New Orleans, are in red states, the majority are in states that Some rich asshole lost.
In the wake of Some rich asshole’s announcement that the United States would pull out of the Paris accord, several blue states have stepped up their efforts to address climate change. Brown traveled from California to China to discuss global warming with President Xi Jinping. He has also announced that San Francisco will host the Global Climate Action Summit next year. His comments comparing Some rich asshole supporters to cave dwellers came at a climate-change event last week in New York.
“They’re both kind of very similar,” Brown said. “You should check out the derivation of ‘Some rich asshole-ite’ and ‘troglodyte,’ because they both refer to people who dwell in deep, dark caves.”
[Enforcer or ‘choke point’? Kelly seeks to bring order to chaotic White House.]
Other Democratic governors are seizing the initiative in different ways.
Shortly after Some rich asshole announced plans to end the program that has shielded about 800,000 young immigrants from deportation, Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo (D) attended a rally with such immigrants. There, she heard concerns about paying the $495 renewal fee to participate in the program, known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).
Days later, Raimondo announced an effort by her office to raise money from the private sector to pay the costs for everyone affected in Rhode Island.
“I think it’s important to speak out [against Some rich asshole], and I’ve done that,” Raimondo said. “I’ve loudly opposed him when I think his policies are hurting people. But we have to do more than pound on the podium.”
The Some rich asshole presidency has also invigorated Democratic attorneys generals across the country. Since Some rich asshole took office, officials in blue states have collectively filed more than 50 lawsuits and other legal actions aimed at derailing aspects of the president’s agenda.
The earliest actions sought to block Some rich asshole’s ban on travel from six majority-Muslim countries. Since then, the target list has broadened considerably to counter the Some rich asshole administration’s actions on DACA, health care, education loans and numerous environmental regulations.
“It’s unprecedented the number of actions this president and his administration have taken that are illegal and unconstitutional,” said Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey (D), whose office has filed 15 lawsuits.
Democrats are essentially taking a page from Republicans, who use the courts to attempt to stymie Obama on a range of issues while he was in office, including health care, immigration and transgender rights. Much of the work is being coordinated in Washington out of the Democratic Attorneys General Association.
One of the latest salvos came this week from California Attorney General Xavier Becerra (D), targeting a signature Some rich asshole campaign promise: a proposed wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.
The lawsuit alleges that the project runs afoul of environmental and other federal laws and would have a chilling effect on tourism between the countries.
Since taking office in January, Becerra has filed a flurry of suits against Some rich asshole that he said are intended to look out for the rights of Californians.
“My job is to protect everything we’re doing to move ahead,” Becerra said. “He’s attacking some of the foundations of our economic success.”
Sarah Sanders: ‘It’s absolutely appropriate’ for the rich asshole to call players ‘son of a b*tch’ as a patriotic lesson

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders (Screenshot)
White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders defended President some rich asshole on Monday after he spent the weekend attacking NFL football players who refused to stand for the national anthem.
During her Monday White House press briefing, Sanders alleged that the rich asshole attacked NFL players because he was standing up for the nation.
At least two reporters noted that the rich asshole had referred to one player as a “son of a bitch” at a rally on Friday. For her part, Sanders called the rich asshole’s remarks “absolutely appropriate.”
“This isn’t about the president being against anyone, this is about the president and millions of Americans being for something,” she opined. “I think it’s always appropriate of the president of the United States to defend our flag, to defend our national anthem and to defend the men and women who died to defend them.”
Watch the video below from C-SPAN.
This ‘Trumpy Bear’ Commercial Is The Funniest Thing We’ve Ever Seen And Yes, It’s Real
Despite the country seeing such bleak days, the commercial for this absurd product may be the funniest thing we’ve ever seen. In case you are wondering if this ridiculous product is real, well, have no fear because indeed it is. You actually can purchase your very own Trumpy Bear for just two payments of $19.99 (plus shipping and handling, naturally). Trumpy Bear, of course, comes with his own flag themed blanket and you can brush his blond the rich asshole-like hair.
Also included is Trumpy Bear’s own personal certificate of authenticity that “confirms you own an original Trumpy Bear!” But you should act fast because they website warns that “quantities are limited and these will not be offered again.” They also caution that they “cannot accept returns of intentionally damaged bears.”find do the commercial itself justice. It’s one of those things that you simply have to see for yourself. So without further adieu, behold, the rich asshole Bear in all his glory!
4 reasons the rich asshole thinks NFL players are a good target (and 1 big reason he's wrong)
Updated 9:47 AM ET, Mon September 25, 2017
Ex-NFL coach who backed the rich asshole: 'I'm pissed'
Over those intervening 48 hours, a national controversy erupted -- with professional athletes asserting their right to express their First Amendment freedoms, team owners expressing their support for their players and NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell condemning the rich asshole's "divisive comments."
So, why would the rich asshole continue to poke at the players and, as he did Sunday night, call for the NFL to change its policies to ban any sort of protests surrounding the anthem?
The most basic (and right) answer is because he knows that, for his base, this fight is a winner for him. Here's why:
1. The players are rich. Remember that the rich asshole, despite being a billionaire, sees himself (and is regarded) as the voice of the Average Joe. And he knows that lots of Average Joes resent how much money these players make for playing a game.
2. The players are playing a game. Spend 10 minutes talking about football (or any pro sport) with a group of people, and I guarantee that you will hear someone (if not several) say something like: "Man, they get to play a game for their job. I'd do that for free." (Obviously points No. 1 and No. 2 are closely tied.)
3. The players are (mostly) black. the rich asshole insisted on Sunday night that "this has nothing to do with race." But that simply doesn't fly. The vast majority of the players in the NFL are black. Ditto the players in the NBA, whom the rich asshole also went after over the weekend. the rich asshole knows that. And he also knows that when he uses phrases such as "our heritage" to describe what's allegedly under assault in the anthem protests, many of his supporters see that in racial terms. You don't simply get to repeatedly flick at racial animus -- in the campaign and as President -- and then plead total innocence when those code words trigger a reaction.
4. the rich asshole can paint this as a battle for patriotism. The anthem protest was begun last year by then-San Francisco 49er quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who cited concerns about the deaths of African-American men at the hands of police as the motivation for his stance. the rich asshole has seized on the protests as some sort of slap in the face to the military, which it's not. By painting the players as insufficiently loyal to the country, the rich asshole can make an appeal to patriotism -- a powerful emotion not just in his base but in the country.
This is, of course, an incredibly oversimplified argument. The flag represents America -- and America represents the right to express your views without fear of retribution. Patriotism isn't just following orders because the President (or anyone else) tells you to. It's about loving the country enough to fight for it to be a more perfect and equal union.
For the rich asshole then, attacking the NFL -- and the reaction from the players, the media and even the team owners -- is a natural. Not only does he always do better when he has an active opponent on which to focus his energy, but it's also an opponent that embodies many of the resentments and anger of the people who support him.
"Who do these rich, pampered athletes think they are?" his supporters will say. "They've got an easy life -- why don't they just shut up and play football?"
Sen. Ted Cruz, no ally of the rich asshole's, nonetheless summed up that sentiment in an interview Sunday at the Texas Tribune Festival. "I am not a fan of rich, spoiled athletes disrespecting the flag," Cruz said.
Finally, there is an element of distraction here -- of changing the subject or the landscape on which the national conversation is happening.
Last week was dominated by revelations about the ongoing special counsel investigation into Russia -- most notably that a focus is now on the rich asshole and his actions in firing former FBI Director James Comey and meeting with top Russian officials in the Oval Office days later. The last-ditch GOP attempt to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act looks to be foundering. And late Sunday came the news that senior White House strategist Jared Kushner, the rich asshole's son-in-law, used a private email address to communicate with other administration officials.
For the rich asshole, a fight he can frame as all about patriotism and pampered athletes is better ground on which to stand than any of those storylines. And it's not close.
So, the rich asshole leans into the criticism -- knowing that his base will love it and it might just also take the focus away from stories he'd rather not talk about.
None of that "why" behind the rich asshole's doubling down deals with the fact that we've never had a modern president like this one who is so willing to weaponize patriotism and lingering racial tensions and stereotypes to score political points.
the rich asshole may well score some of those points. That point-scoring overlooks the long-term damage the rich asshole's tactics could well do to our democracy. That's what we should be spending more time thinking about.
the rich asshole’s attack on players proves he’s infuriated by a black man making millions: Touré
Cultural critic Touré is calling out the right-wing for assailing NFL and NBA players, saying it’s because they secretly hate black stars making millions of dollars.
Calling it President some rich asshole’s “All Massas Matter” speech in Alabama, Touré argued for the Daily Beast that in many cases the attacks on players is about money.
“These commenters use ‘multi-millionaire’ in front of ‘athlete’ as if it’s a pejorative,” he explained. “They also use ‘overpaid’ or even ‘spoiled.’ They are saying rich athletes do not have the right to protest precisely because they’re rich.”
He cited Newt Gingrich, who used the words on “Fox & Friends” referring to the athletes as “multimillionaires” so many times that it became “comical.”
“Watching young guys who are millionaires explain that the country hasn’t been good to them,” Gingrich said. “They’re arrogant young millionaires who shouldn’t inflict their politics… If you’re a multi-millionaire who feels oppressed, you need a therapist, not a publicity stunt.”
Touré went on to refute Gingrich, saying he “has it backwards.” Rather it is the “the black millionaire who needs a therapist is one who feels like black people aren’t oppressed because he himself is a millionaire. But my real question is this: why is the players’ large pay a critical part of the argument and why is it used as a disqualifier?”
It’s a strange case where having lots of money is not proof of “importance” the way it is with most of white America. Touré makes the argument that people are taught to listen to those with money simply because of their affluence. the rich asshole even used it as part of his justification he should be president. He constantly touted his success as a successful businessman for his experience creating jobs.
The answer he explained for why this is taking hold surrounds the “central ideas of the modern right—the notion of who is hard-working and who is not,” Touré wrote. “If you listen to Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh for just 10 minutes you’ll hear them describe their followers as ‘hard-working,’ and imply or say outright that the other side is lazy and wanting hand-outs, which is code for entitlements and welfare. Conservatism’s stance against taxation and entitlements and big government requires this. Those who would accept welfare must be seen as lacking character and totally unlike us, allowing the rest of us to look down at them, and stay behind the push to reform or remove the system.”
The same is true “in Hannityworld,” he explained. “Hard-working” has become a synonym for white. Meanwhile, “lazy” and “welfare recipient” are synonymous for people of color.
“All of this dog whistling has barely enough wiggle room for people to say this isn’t about race, but of course it is,” Touré went on. “the rich asshole’s comment that all this isn’t about race is laughable—he’s deliberately urging the NFL’s owners and fans, who are predominantly white, to take action that would punish protesting NFL players, who are overwhelmingly black.”
the rich asshole’s attack shows that he’s attempting to “silence black players on behalf of offended whites,” Touré wrote. “He’s pushing racial buttons and taking sides. When he says it isn’t about race you just have to wonder if he knows he’s lying or if he’s not consciously aware of what he’s doing. Is he being dishonest or completely incompetent? I’m really not sure.”
Read the full op-ed in the Daily Beast
the rich asshole Goes On Wild NFL Rant At 4AM Like A Drug-Addicted Dementia Patient
It was Friday night when some rich asshole called Colin Kaepernick and other football players who kneel to protest the police brutality disproportionately perpetrated against people of color a “son of a b*tch” and screeched to his rabid fans that Kaepernick should be fired. It’s Monday morning, and the president is still ranting on this topic.

While Puerto Rico reels from widespread devastation and numerous deaths from Hurricane Maria, and while Nashville recovers from Sunday’s mass shooting inside a church outside of town, some rich asshole is focused on his criticism of the NFL.
Let’s make one point very clear: this is absolutely about race. It is no mistake that NASCAR would be the only professional sports league to insist that no one under their organization’s rules would be allowed to kneel in support of the protest centered on people of color; this is the same organization who was sued for racial discrimination last year and whose fans cluster outside the races waving Confederate flags.
This is the same president insisted that there were “many fine people” marching alongside the KKK and the neo-Nazis in Charlottesville, but football players who take a stand against racism are all a “son of a b*tch.” The reason he called out those players to begin with is the same reason he refused to condemn those marching in Charlottesville chanting Nazi slogans: his racist base cheers him when he does so.
the rich asshole is all about the ratings and the applause. If he has to say racist things and take racist stances to get them, he’s completely okay with that. Integrity means nothing to the new president of the United States of America.

Featured image via Getty/Pool
the rich asshole Responded To The Tennessee Church Shooting Exactly As You’d Expect
While the country was watching NFL players take a knee on Sunday, people at the Burnette Chapel Church of Christ in Tennessee were screaming in terror after a gunman walked in and opened fire, killing one and injuring eight others. However, instead of behaving like the president of the United States of America and offering support to the people of Tennessee, some rich asshole has done this:
You’ll notice he hasn’t said a damn thing about the shooting. The White House and official POTUS accounts have also remained completely silent. This isn’t unusual behavior from the the rich asshole Administration, they stayed just as silent after the school shooting recently. It seems that this president isn’t interested in soothing the victims of violent shootings, he’s only interested in fighting with people.
the rich asshole has failed this country on so many levels I have lost count. He is not a president, he’s a middle school bully who is squatting in our Oval Office. I have never seen someone so damn old behave so badly, it’s mindblowing. I can’t imagine my grandmother tweeting or saying the nonsense he does. Fucking ridiculous.
Posted by Rika Christensen on 24 Sep 2017

The rich asshole has spent all weekend screaming about NFL players that take a knee during the national anthem. At a political rally in Alabama on Friday, he called for teams to fire anyone who did that. He did it again multiple times on Twitter, with his fans conveniently ignoring the fact that he can’t just say whatever he wants because of the job he has (can anyone imagine if this were Obama or Hillary?).
This evening, he appears to have decided that not enough people are listening to him, so he said that fans shouldn’t condone their behavior:
This evening, he appears to have decided that not enough people are listening to him, so he said that fans shouldn’t condone their behavior:
The sad thing is that he’s still saying whatever he thinks people want to hear, and we’re sure he thinks we’ve all forgotten what his position on peaceful protest and disagreement was back in January:
So, what? Are we to assume that he recognizes the rights of people to peacefully express their views, but only when and where he approves of it? How typical of the jingoism that’s engulfed the right. Protests are all well and good, but only when it doesn’t upset their neat little apple carts. Peaceful has nothing to do with it.
Of course, the rich asshole allegedly told the press pool that he didn’t watch any of the games today because he was “doing other things.” Like tweeting about the NFL – that must take some serious energy. It seems he didn’t mean that, either:
Does he mean anything he says? Probably only when it involves the wall, undocumented immigrants and tax cuts for his rich friends.
NFL Player Starts Breaking Down After Being Asked About the rich asshole’s Calling Him A ‘Son Of A B****’ (VIDEO)
Over the weekend, some rich asshole made himself even more pathetic and historically unpopular by attacking professional athletes. Most notably, the rich asshole attacked NFL players for demonstrating their freedom of speech and kneeling during the national anthem, calling them “sons of b*tches”. Americans across the country were shocked and ashamed to see the rich asshole unleash this series of off the rail tweets, and several high profile athletes are continuing to speak out against the unhinged POTUS.
One response that is particularly noteworthy comes from Miami Dolphins safety Michael Thomas, who stated that he felt a need to take action and do something to make the world a better place for children such as his daughter. When Thomas addressed the rich asshole’s comments about wanting kneeling NFL players like Thomas to be fired, the NFL player could not help but become emotional during an interview. Speaking to reporters about the rich asshole, the athlete said:
“As a man, a father, as an African-American man, as someone in the NFL, as one of those son of bitches, yeah I took it personally. But it’s bigger than me.”
“I’ve got a daughter, and she’s going to have to live in this world. And I gotta do what I got to do to make sure she can look at her dad and be like ‘Hey, you did something to try and make a change.’ ”
Thomas also attacked the rich asshole for being childish and petty when there are far more serious issues the rich asshole should be dealing with. Thomas asked the rich asshole “that’s what you’re concerned about my man?”
“You’re the leader of the free world, that’s what you’re talking about.”
Thomas couldn’t be more correct. You can watch his powerful interview below:
Over 500 NFL Players Plan To Tell the rich asshole To F*** Off Today In The Best Way Possible
A backlash of epic proportions ensued after some rich asshole launched a war against African-American athletes who protest by kneeling during the national anthem. The former reality show star has managed to piss off players in three major professional sports and even went so far as to call Colin Kaepernick’s mother a ‘bitch.’ And even this morning, the 71-year-old ‘man’ crawled out of bed to rant and rage on his Twitter timeline again about black athletes silently protesting. The backlash has been fierce, with the Pittsburgh Steelers announcing that they plan to stay in their locker room for the national anthem before their game against the Chicago Bears. Multiple team members from the Ravens and Jaguars took to their knees during the anthem while the remaining players stood behind them linking arms in solidarity.
The Dolphins are wearing “#ImWithKap” t-shirts.
“Over 500 players have communicated to me that they intend on demonstrating today,” activist and writer Shaun King tweeted.
There are 14 games that will be played today, with protesting athletes totaling at least one-third of all the players.
Former NFL head coach Rex Ryan, a the rich asshole supporter who endorsed the former reality show star during the campaign last year because he says “what’s on his mind” now says that he’s “appalled” and “pissed off” at the rich asshole over his remarks against black NFL athletes.
Former NFL Commissioner Paul Tagilabue called the rich asshole’s comments on NFL players “insulting and disgraceful” and added that “we’re not entitled to shut anybody’s speech down.”
the rich asshole blasted the NFL this morning over its ratings but he failed to mention his own. the rich asshole’s approval numbers are the lowest of any president in the history of polling.
To kneel during the national anthem is not a sign of disrespect toward our country’s flag. It is actually respecting what the flag truly stands for and the rights we have as citizens of this country. Ignoring racism is disrespecting the flag.
WATCH: the rich asshole’s Treasury Sec. Steve Mnuchin Says NFL Players Have No Right To Free Speech
some rich asshole is clearly violating the free speech rights of NFL players, and his weaselly Treasury Secretary supports it.
As we all know, the rich asshole has been waging a war against the NFL since calling quarterback Colin Kaepernick a “son of a bitch” on Friday night and demanding that NFL team owners fire players who kneel during the national anthem. On Saturday night, and into Sunday morning, the rich asshole lashed out at the NFL in a tirade that made it clear that the rich asshole opposes free speech and the Constitution that protects it.
That’s right. the rich asshole accused an American business of being anti-American for not firing players who kneel during the anthem in protest of police brutality and racial injustice. In short, the rich asshole ordered the NFL to fire players who exercise their freedom of speech and expression. That means the government is now actively trying to force private institutions to silence and punish free speech.
And Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin agreed with what the rich asshole is doing, and even went full hypocrite by defending the rich asshole’s vile language.
“The owners should have a rule that players should have to stand and have respect for the national anthem,” Mnuchin told ABC host Martha Raddatz. “This isn’t about Democrats, this isn’t about Republicans, it’s not about race, it’s not about free speech. They can do free speech on their own time.”
The Constitution protects freedom of speech. This is something that Mnuchin clearly does not understand, which should automatically disqualify him from being in government.
When asked about the rich asshole’s language, Mnuchin argued that “the president can use whatever language he wants to use.” In other words, white racists like the rich asshole have freedom of speech, but black NFL players do not.
Mnuchin then butchered the First Amendment even further by claiming that NFL players only “have the right to have the First Amendment off the field.” And that’s complete bullshit. Clearly, Mnuchin failed basic civics in school.
Golden State Warriors Coach Just WRECKED the rich asshole After Attack On One Of His Players
On Saturday, the man we’re forced to call “President” the rich asshole responded to Golden State Warriors star Stephen Curry’s refusal to accept an invitation to the White House by doing the internet equivalent of incoherently screeching “WELL FINE, YOU’RE NOT INVITED ANYWAY.”
Unfortunately for the rich asshole, Warriors coach Steve Kerr has Curry’s back.
“The idea of civil discourse with a guy who is tweeting and demeaning people and saying the things he’s saying is sort of far-fetched,” Kerr said on Sunday. “Can you picture us really having a civil discourse with him?”
“It was an actual chance to talk to the president,” he said. “After all, he works for us. He’s a public servant. He may not be aware of that, but he is a public servant, right? So maybe as NBA champions, as people in a prominent position, we could go in and say, ‘This is what’s bothering us, what can we do about this?'” Then he laid in to the rich asshole for attacking black football players for exercising their First Amendment rights while calling Nazis “very fine people:”
How about the irony of ‘Free speech is fine if you’re a neo-Nazi chanting hate slogans, but free speech is not allowed to kneel in protest?’ No matter how many times a football player says, ‘I honor our military, but I’m protesting police brutality and racial inequality,’ it doesn’t matter. Nationalists are saying, ‘You’re disrespecting our flag.’ Well, you know what else is disrespectful to our flag? Racism. And one’s way worse than the other.”
the rich asshole is a constant embarrassment to our country.
Watch Kerr rip him apart below:
Featured image via video screen capture
Matt Arco
Posted with permission from

But not before President Donald Trump gave an impromptu press conference on the tarmac at Morristown Municipal Airport. The press conference came after his comments about National Football League owners firing players who kneel during the national anthem sparked a mass increase in such protests Sunday.
Trump arrived in Morristown from his golf resort Bedminster shortly before 4:30.
According to pool reports, after he was asked if NFL players who knelt during the anthem should be fired, Trump responded: "I's very disrespectingt to our flag and to our country, so I certainly think the owners should do something about it."
Christie pardons woman who recovered from drug addiction
More than 130 players sat, knelt or raised their fists in defiance during early games Sunday after Trump on Friday blasted four NFL players who had been taking a knee during the national anthem.
The movement started more than a year ago when former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Collin Kaepernick refused to stand during the national anthem as a protest of police treatment of racial minorities.
"Wouldn't you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, you'd say, 'Get that son of a bitch off the field right now. Out! He's fired,'" Trump said to loud applause Friday night at a rally in Huntsville, Alabama.
Before leaving New Jersey, Trump was asked if his comments further inflamed racial tensions, according to pool reports.
"This has nothing to do with race. I never said anything about race," Trump said. "This has nothing to do with race or anything else. This has to do with respect for our country and respect for our flag."
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Matt Arco may be reached at Follow him on Twitter @MatthewArco or Facebook.
Posted with permission from AFP

Trump's latest Twitter salvo was the latest blow in an escalating war of words with some of professional sports' biggest stars over his condemnation of NFL players protesting the national anthem.
"If NFL fans refuse to go to games until players stop disrespecting our Flag and Country, you will see change take place fast. Fire or suspend!" he said.
"NFL attendance and ratings are WAY DOWN. Boring games yes, but many stay away because they love our country. League should back U.S.," he said.
The row began on Friday at a Republican rally in Alabama when Trump attacked activist National Football League players -- mostly African Americans -- as "sons of bitches" for kneeling or sitting during renditions of "The Star-Spangled Banner."
On the same day, basketball star Stephen Curry, the top player for California's Golden State Warriors, said he would not attend a traditional White House reception honoring the winning basketball team.
Several hours later, Trump hit back with an early-morning Twitter salvo.
- 'You bum' -
"Going to the White House is considered a great honor for a championship team. Stephen Curry is hesitating, therefore invitation is withdrawn!" he wrote.

"U bum @StephenCurry30 already said he ain't going!" James wrote on Twitter. "So therefore ain't no invite. Going to White House was a great honor until you showed up."
The protests began last year when quarterback Colin Kaepernick of the San Francisco 49ers refused to stand for the anthem to protest racial injustice and police brutality.
Several more players have since joined in, nearly all of them black.
Kaepernick, who was unable to land a job with a team this season, has attracted support from his peers but also some backlash.
The 29-year-old said he started his protests because he wanted to spark a nationwide debate on racial injustice and police brutality.
CNN on Sunday anthem protests: ‘If President the rich asshole thought he could divide the NFL, he was wrong’
A group of NFL players on Sunday, Sep. 24, 2017 (Screen capture)
CNN media critic and “Reliable Sources” host Brian Stelter said on Sunday that President some rich asshole’s controversial remarks from an Alabama rally on Sunday have only served to galvanize the world of professional sports against him.
“I was talking to an NFL source this afternoon,” said Stelter, “who said, ‘If President the rich asshole thought he could divide the NFL, he was wrong.”
Sunday has seen players and team owners linking arms in support and solidarity to protest U.S. police brutality.
“It’s the opposite of what the rich asshole was talking about on Friday night,” Stelter said.
Watch the video, embedded below:
Published on
#TakeaKnee Sunday as NFL Teams and Players Rebuff President the rich asshole
"If peaceful protests did nothing, the powerful wouldn't try so hard to silence them."
This post will updated throughout the day... See below for pictures and dispatches from scheduled games...
Sunday is game day for the National Football League and the hashtag #TakeaKnee is going viral as people across the nation see how players and teams respond to calls by President some rich asshole to punish players who do so.
For the earliest round of games that began at 1:00 pm (EST), dozens of players knelt while many teams chose to stand with arms locked together in a show of solidarity (see below).
Despite that the NFL has been a vocal (and official) sponsor of the U.S. military for years—acting mostly as a high-profile promoter and recruitment center for the Pentagon—a wave of protest initiated last year by players trying to draw attention to racism and police violence has swept the league into the political conversation this week after the rich asshole, first at a rally on Friday night and then in a series of weekend tweets, called on team owners to fire or suspend players for voicing their views on social issues.
In the first game of the day, the Baltimore Ravens vs. the Jacksonville Jaguars, many players did take a knee during the National Anthem as others stood with arms locked in a show of solidarity. As journalist Shaun King noted, with "27 players and staff" from both teams participating in the protest took, it was the "most ever in one game."
As the ACLU of New York put it ahead of Sunday's scheduled games, "If peaceful protests did nothing, the powerful wouldn't try so hard to silence them."
With fifteen games scheduled for Sunday, it appears there will be plenty of action both off and on the field. Check back for updates:
Seahawks vs. Titans (4:05 pm):
Anthem singers in Tennessee also take a knee, while Seahawks and Titans teams stayed in locker room. #TakeaKnee#TakeAKneeNFL
Seahawks, Titans join in protest, stay in locker room during national anthem
Bengals vs. Packers (4:25 pm):
Chiefs vs. Chargers (4:25 pm):
Members of the Chiefs sit in protest during the National Anthem before an NFL football game against the Los Angeles Chargers, via @AP
Browns vs. Colts (1:00 pm):
Nearly 20 Cleveland Browns took a knee, arm in arm. This might be the biggest anthem protest we've seen yet. #TakeAKnee
#Colts players #TakeAKnee, join arms during national anthem in response to President Trump's comments
Dolphins vs. Jets (1:00 pm):
Saints vs. Panthers (1:00 pm):
Lions vs. Falcons (1:00 pm):
Here are eight members of the Detroit Lions kneeling. Many broadcasts apparently didn't show much of the protests. #TakeAKnee
Members of the Philadelphia Eagles did not #TakeAKnee but instead raised their fists. New York Giants players locked arms together.
Just these 4 Giants - versus #Eagles - #TakeAKnee today that I could see.
Patriots vs. Texans (1:00 pm):
These @Patriots honor anthem, flag & Constitution w/ their peaceful protest.#Patriots #PatriotsNation #TakeTheKnee#TakeAKnee #TakeAKneeNFL
The scene in Foxboro.
Texans & Patriots #TakeTheKnee #TakeAKnee #HOUvsNE#NationalAnthem #GoPats #Texans #TomBrady #JJWatt#ranNFL
Broncos vs. Bills (1:00 pm):
Several Buffalo Bills players #TakeAKnee during the anthem before the game against the Broncos.
Steelers vs. Bears (1:00 pm):
Steelers will not participate in national anthem today, will stay in locker room, per @JamieErdahl
Steelers head coach Mike Tomlin reveals to @JamieErdahl that the team will not be participating in today's national anthem.
Ravens vs. Jaguars (10:30 am)
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