Ronny ‘Candy Man’ Jackson is quitting his job as White House doctor: report

White House physician and VA nominee Ronny Jackson. Image via screengrab.
Ronny “Candy Man” Jackson, who withdrew from consideration to head the Veterans Administration, is also leaving his job as the rich asshole’s personal physician, The Washington Post reports.
Jackson came under fire after being nominated to lead the VA, as allegations that he drank on the job, created a hostile work environment, handed out pills without proper examinations and once crashed a government vehicle after partying all arose.
The Navy’s Sean Conley, who took over for Jackson, nicknamed “Candy Man” when he was nominated for the VA, will stay on as White House physician, Politico reports.
No word yet on what Jackson will do now.
Dennis Miller slams Michelle Wolf on Twitter — then gets roasted worse than Sarah Sanders

Comedian Dennis Miller gives an interview to Fox News/Screenshot
It’s been basically accepted that once-beloved comedian Dennis Miller went through a serious personality change on 9/11, and that he’s been a bit of a reactionary since.
He became so enraged by the attack on the World Trade Centers that he literally could not talk.
“I couldn’t put together a sentence for two weeks, much less something pithy,” he once said.
When he did start talking again, he mostly spit venom about terrorists.
Which perhaps makes it unsurprising that Miller did not like Michelle Wolf’s controversial, brilliant and hilarious White House Correspondents’ Dinner performance.
“What a horrid human being Michelle Wolf is. I’m going to read up on her over the next couple of days and I will have a few brutally mean jokes about her by Wednesday,” he tweeted early Sunday morning.
Miller is now trending on Twitter, as people post “brutally mean” jokes about him—with less than five days to do so.
Here are some of the best—plus a few Millennials wondering who this slow-working dude is.
In the interview below, Miller admits that he is basically a shut-in and that he rarely leaves his home. So he should have some time to work.
‘I look forward to locking you all up’: Watch cartoon the rich asshole address the White House Correspondents’ Dinner

Cartoon the rich asshole addresses the WHCD/Screenshot
some rich asshole did not attend the 2018 White House Correspondents Dinner, instead holding a rally in rural Michigan to steel himself before watching the staffers who went in his sted get brutally roasted.
But what if he did have the guts to go? Stephen Colbert’s “Our Cartoon President” imagined just that scenario, sending cartoon the rich asshole to sing a song for his favorite reporter, Maggie Haberman.
“Can you believe the lying fake media invited me again to the White House Correspondents Dinner? I mean, you don’t see the Central Park Five inviting me to brunch?” he asks.
Just like the real dinner, Sarah “Cousin Huckabee” Sanders got roasted.
“Sir, are you sure you don’t want me to go in your place?” she asks. “The press corps loves me and my Reece Witherspoon-like Southern charm.”
Watch below.
Watch: Republican melts down claiming Michelle Wolf made ‘fat lesbian jokes’ about Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Republican strategist Liz Mair melts down over Michelle Wolf's smokey eye joke/Screenshot
Michelle Wolf torched Sarah “Cousin Huckabee” Sanders at the annual White House Correspondents’ Dinner on Saturday night, mocking her for her constant lies and stern demeanor.
But what if she was also using coded language to demean her as a lesbian softball coach?
That was what one triggered Republican commentator thought, according to her angry rant on MSNBC Sunday afternoon.
Liz Mair, who is a strategist working on behalf of the party of some rich asshole, melted down over the smokey eyes joke, which she thought was actually a joke about Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ weight and sexuality.
“It’s not just the smokey eye comment, she also made an allusion to a fictional character in a book who is a lesbian softball coach,” she said. “In order for comedy to be funny… there has to be dose of truth, or a kernel that sort of rings true in what’s said… very clearly that is a comment about Sarah Huckabee Sanders looks and it’s not a compliment.”
Mair said that Wolf was a leftist who was making a “fat lesbian joke” and that “supposedly we’re not supposed to be making those.”
“What was the fat lesbian joke?” panelist Atima Omara asked.
The women then engaged in a literary debate about the character Sanders was compared to before Mair lost it.
“As a Republican woman we’re constantly dealing with people who say we’re all about the cute appearance and the pretty makeup, and none of the substance and we’re just fact-free and we’re all stupid and we’re dumb bimbos.”
Things escalated from there.
Watch below.
Fox News Reporter: Sarah Huckabee Sanders Deserves Apology After Press Dinner
Comedian Michelle Wolf is “mean, hateful and vile,” Ed Henry said.
Fox News reporter Ed Henry said White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders deserves an apology after comedian Michelle Wolf roasted her at the White House Correspondents’ Association dinner Saturday night.
Appearing on “Fox and Friends” Sunday morning, Henry called Wolf “mean, hateful and vile,” especially compared to President some rich asshole at the rally he held in Michigan to vie for attention with the dinner.
“It was disgusting, despicable,” Henry, the association’s former president, said of Wolf’s performance. “Sarah Sanders should get an apology from the White House Correspondents’ Association... What a contrast to what the president was doing [at the rally], talking about issues that people actually care about.”
Rather than attend the dinner ― a tradition among former presidents ― the rich asshole hosted a campaign-style rally for his supporters in which he threatened to close down the federal government if his proposed wall on the U.S.-Mexico border did not get funded.
the rich asshole also took aim at Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.), who led the fight against the president’s failed effort to install White House physician Ronny Jackson as head of the Department of Veterans Affairs. the rich asshole said he knew “things about Tester that I could say... and if I said them, he’d never be elected again.”
the rich asshole didn’t offer any details, and Henry didn’t mention these parts of the rich asshole’s remarks in his Sunday comments. Instead, he said of Huckabee Sanders that the association “invited her to be the president’s representative. We invited her to dinner, to our event, and we treated her like dirt. It was disgusting; I’m actually getting more angry just thinking about it.”
Wolf took aim at Sanders during her routine, joking about the press secretary spewing lies and “burning facts” to “create the perfect smokey eye.”
“Maybe she’s born with it,” Wolf said. “Maybe it’s lies. It’s probably lies.”
Henry was not the only high-profile member of the media to call on Wolf to apologize to Sanders. MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell tweeted that the press secretary was “grossly insulted” by Wolf and is owed an apology.
This story has been updated with Andrea Mitchell’s reaction.
‘He’s a coward — he cannot take criticism’: MSNBC panel explains why Sarah Huckabee Sanders took the rich asshole’s lumps at the WHCD

MSNBC panelists debating Michelle Wolf's performance at the White House Correspondents' Dinner/Screenshot
Given some rich asshole’s record of insulting everyone from war heroes to the entire nation of Haiti, it’s been interesting to watch the fallout from the annual White House Correspondents’ Dinner, at which comedian Michelle Wolf obliterated the rich asshole and his administration in often explicit language.
On Sunday afternoon, MSNBC discussed how the rich asshole is responsible for the “coarsening” of the national dialogue that created space for someone to get up on stage in front of the nation’s elite political media and wish for a tree to fall on Kellyanne Conway.
Republican mouthpiece Jen Kerns didn’t give Wolf a pass, but did blame the rich asshole for not showing up to take his lumps, as every president has for the last 30 years.
“He should have been in the room,” she said. “This year would have been the perfect year to go. We had a lot of accomplishments. Next year we might lose the House to Democrats, it’d be a terrible year to go. He should have been there and been part of the conversation.”
Why wasn’t he? Standup Comedian Pete Dominick had an answer.
“He’s a coward,” he said. “He cannot take criticism.”
Watch the fiery exchange below.
National Enquirer Turns On Michael Cohen
“The president is in the hot seat because of his lawyer,” according to the rich asshole-friendly tabloid.
A tabloid magazine often featuring positive coverage of President some rich asshole skewered his personal attorney, Michael Cohen, in its latest issue.
The National Enquirer published a three-page spread listing the numerous legal issues currently plaguing Cohen.
Cohen “is under the spotlight, as scandals swirl around his boss, and some are questioning Cohen’s role, alleging blackmail, threats, hush-money payoffs ― and even collusion with Russia,” the tabloid’s staff wrote. “The president is in the hot seat because of his lawyer.”
The National Enquirer is owned by American Media Inc, a company chaired by the rich asshole friend David Pecker. The company’s four-member board also includes a former chief financial officer of the rich asshole’s casino business.
The tabloid is linked to the criminal investigation into Cohen’s financial dealings opened by the U.S. attorney’s office for New York’s southern district. The FBI raided Cohen’s office earlier this month as part of the investigation, seizing records related to payments made to women who have alleged having affairs with the rich asshole.
Among the records seized by the FBI, were documents related to a $150,000 payment made to former Playboy Playmate Karen McDougal from AMI to buy the exclusive rights to her story claiming she had an affair with the rich asshole. The tabloid then spiked the article shortly before the 2016 presidential election in what is called a “catch and kill” technique.
McDougal has since sued AMI to get out of the deal she signed with them. A settlement freeing her from the contract was reached earlier this month.
the rich asshole has been trying to create distance between himself and Cohen, who has been dubbed the president’s “fixer,” given his longtime role of quashing negative media coverage about his boss.
“Michael is a businessman, he’s got a business. He also practices law,” the rich asshole said during a rambling, 30-minute phone call to “Fox & Friends” on Thursday. He said prosecutors are “looking at something having to do with his business. I have nothing to do with his business.”
Eric the rich asshole ‘liked’ how Michelle Wolf ‘destroyed’ Sarah Huckabee Sanders at the WHCD

Michelle Wolf and Eric the rich asshole/Screenshots
some rich asshole’s middle son, Eric the rich asshole, apparently enjoyed Michelle Wolf’s brutal takedown of his father’s spokesperson at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner.
While many in the Washington establishment press, and the president himself, were outraged over the savage and hilarious jokes Wolf told Saturday night, Eri the rich asshole hit ‘like’ on a tweet admiring the performance.
The tweet Eric the rich asshole favorited admired how Wolf “destroyed” Sanders, the Daily Mail first noticed.
This is the tweet Eric trump liked:
If you haven’t seen the 90 second clip of Wolf destroying Sanders, it’s embedded below.
Comey Calls GOP-Led Probe On Russia A ‘Wreck,’ Slams the rich asshole’s Credibility
A House panel’s finding on collusion was “not my understanding of what the facts were before I left the FBI,” he says.
Former FBI Director James Comey on Sunday derided the Republican House Intelligence Committee’s report on meddling by Russia in the 2016 election as “a wreck,” while reaffirming his distrust of President some rich asshole.
The committee report released on Friday that found no evidence of collusion between the rich asshole’s campaign and Moscow was slammed by Comey on NBC’s “Meet the Press” as merely “political” and self-harming.
“It wrecked the committee, and it damaged relationships with the [U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court], the intelligence communities,” he told NBC’s Chuck Todd of the assessment. “It’s just a wreck.”

Comey, who led the investigation into possible collusion before his abrupt firing by the rich asshole in May, said the report by the House committee, helmed by Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), does not match what he knew before his ouster.
“That is not my understanding of what the facts were before I left the FBI, and I think the most important piece of work is the one the special counsel’s doing now,” Comey said.
Robert Mueller, Comey’s predecessor as the FBI director, heads the special counsel team created after Comey was fired.
Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), who sits on the House Intelligence Committee, later disagreed with the “wreck” characterization of the panel’s report. But on CBS’ “Face the Nation” he also said that the probe is not as exhaustive as the one being conducted by the special counsel, which operates as part of the Department of Justice.
“The witnesses we talked to ― no one said that they had any evidence of collusion,” Gowdy said, while acknowledging that “executive branch investigations are just better than congressional ones” because “they get to use a grand jury” and have “investigative tools that we don’t have.”
Gowdy said he is awaiting the results of Mueller’s investigation. “So we found no evidence of collusion,” he said. “Whether or not it exists or not, I can’t speak to because I haven’t interviewed the full panoply of witnesses.”
the rich asshole on Friday praised the House committee’s assessment, calling the ongoing Russia probe a “witch hunt” that’s part of “a big hoax by the Democrats.”
Comey in his Sunday comments repeated his distrust for the rich asshole, saying he has “serious doubts” about the president’s credibility, including if he were to testify under oath as a witness.
“I was concerned about the nature of his commitment to truth-telling, based on some of the things I’d seen during the campaign,” he said of his assessment of the rich asshole before his inauguration.
After meeting him, he said he was further disturbed by the rich asshole’s expressed lack of concern about protecting the country as his top duty.
Comey, in his new book, “A Higher Loyalty,” described the rich asshole as “unethical and untethered to the truth.”
This story has been updated with remarks from Gowdy.
the rich asshole's former VA pick will not return as his personal physician: report
BY AVERY ANAPOL - 04/29/18 05:29 PM EDT
Rear Adm. Ronny Jackson will reportedly not return to his role as President the rich asshole's personal physician after he withdrew his nomination for Veterans Affairs (VA) secretary following numerous allegations of improper behavior.
Two senior White House officials told Politico that Jackson will not continue on as the rich asshole's doctor, and will be permanently replaced by Sean Conley, a Navy officer who had filled in for Jackson last month.
The Hill has reached out to the White House for comment.
He withdrew his nomination last week amid accusations of drinking on the job, handing out prescription drugs and multiple drunken incidents, including one where he allegedly crashed a government vehicle.
Jackson has denied the allegations, as have the White House and Secret Service.
The White House said after his withdrawal that Jackson would continue to work at the White House Medical Unit.
Sen. John Tester (D-Mont.) released a report last week containing some of the allegations against Jackson. The report was based on interviews with more than 20 current and former colleagues, Tester said.
the rich asshole, who said when the allegations first surfaced that he would understand if Jackson withdrew his nomination, has since turned his sights on Tester.
The president has said Tester deserves to lose his reelection bid in November for sharing allegations about Jackson, and on Saturday implied he could spread allegations about the Montana senator that would cost him the election.
Tester has defended releasing the list of allegations, saying he wants to ensure a qualified individual is appointed to run the VA.
“It’s not political," Tester told reporters late last week. "I’m focused on making sure we have the best person possible to run the VA. It’s a very, very important agency. We’ve been at war for 17 years. Our veterans deserve to have what they were promised."
Updated on April 29, 2019 at 5:43 p.m.
CNN’s Ana Navarro ridicules ‘snowflake’ Wolf critics with ‘f*ck your feelings’ tweet

CNN political analyst Ana Navarro (screengrab)
Conservative CNN commentator Ana Navarro stood up for comedian Michelle Wolf’s scathing monologue about President some rich asshole and his staffers at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner on Saturday night, calling her critics “snowflakes” and telling them graphically what they do with their feelings.
With a multitude of DC journalists bemoaning Wolf’s darts and arrows aimed at Kellyanne Conway, Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Ivanka the rich asshole, the caustic Navarro reminded critics of who Wolf was talking about.
“Seems some ppl usually offended at lies & attacks on the media by the rich asshole WH, today are offended a comedienne publicly calling out the rich asshole WH on their lies & attacks on the media. But hey, fortunately in the rich asshole era, only politically-correct ‘snowflakes’ should care about feelings,” she wrote.
With that she shared a photo of a couple of the rich asshole’s fans wearing t-shirts expressing how they feel about the rich asshole’s critics.
And you can see it below:
White House press on defensive after Michelle Wolf torches the rich asshole, Sanders
The White House Correspondents' Association (WHCA) is taking heat the day after comedian Michelle Wolf took shots from the stage at presidential press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
A number of observers in attendance felt the former "Daily Show" comedian went over the line with her jokes, which drew heavy conservative fire on Sunday.
White House national security adviser John Bolton slammed the event in an interview with Chris Wallace on "Fox News Sunday," saying he was happy not to attend.
"Just reprehensible behavior by someone addressing the gathering, and sadly it's par for the course in Washington today," Bolton said.
Fox News reporter Ed Henry called on WHCA to apologize to Sanders.
Other high-profile journalists also criticized the event, and the president of the group that organizes the dinner distanced herself from the material, though she did not offer an apology.
Margaret Talev, president of the WHCA, told Politico that some of Wolf's jokes made her "uncomfortable."
"I appreciated Sarah Sanders for joining us at the head table and her grace through the program," Talev said.
Talev said she went over to Sanders shortly after Wolf's routine.
"I told her that I knew this was a big decision whether or not to attend the dinner and whether to sit at the head table and that I really appreciated her being there, that I thought it sent an important decision about the role government and the press being able to work together," Talev said.
"Michelle Wolf is a comedian and she speaks for herself, and that is her right to do that under the free speech and the First Amendment, which we were celebrating," she told CNN's Brian Stelter on "Reliable Sources."
The association, according to Talev, does not preview or censor the entertainer's remarks.
"I think the comedian reflects on the press corps but I don't think the comedian speaks for the press corps," she said. "The press corps speaks for itself."
Still, the WHCA is facing pressure from critics who say Wolf's routine went too far.
"What happened last night was an atrocity," former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci told Stelter.
Scaramucci said Talev should have looked Sanders “straight in the face” and apologized for Wolf’s comments at the dinner.
“I have an enormous amount of respect for Margaret and what she does at the White House Correspondents' Association,” Scaramucci said. “But it would have been very nice if [Sanders was] given an apology, given what happened.”
In her 19-minute set, Wolf took aim at Sanders for bending the truth and her handling of White House press conferences.
"We are graced with Sarah's presence tonight," Wolf said. "Every time Sarah steps up to the podium, I get excited. I'm not really sure what we're going to get, you know? A press briefing, a bunch of lies or divided into softball teams. It's shirts and skins, and this time don't be such a little bitch, Jim Acosta."
"I actually really like Sarah. I think she's very resourceful," she continued. "But she burns facts and then she uses that ash to create a perfect smokey eye. Like maybe she's born with it, maybe it's lies."
The comments immediately drew the ire of conservative viewers.
White House Strategic Communications Director Mercedes Schlapp and American Conservative Union Chairman Matt Schlapp tweeted that they had walked out during the speech.
My wife @mercedesschlapp and I walked out early from the wh correspondents dinner. Enough of elites mocking all of us
Completely appalled by the so called and twisted comedian at the #WHCA dinner who attacked @SarahHuckabee.
Conservatives, like Sanders's father, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) and former the rich asshole administration officials, took to Twitter and the airwaves to slam Wolf.
The WHCD was supposed to celebrate the 1st Amendment. Instead they celebrated bullying, vulgarity, and hate. They got all dressed up so they would look nicer when they had a hired gun savagely attack their guests. Do they really wonder why America has no respect for them? Sad!
An R/X rated spectacle that started poorly and ended up in the bottom of the canyon. Another victory for @realDonaldTrump for not attending and proving his point once again. The room was uncomfortable. Trump lovers and even a large number of Trump haters were pretty miserable.
Tonight’s #WHCD was a disgrace
Various journalists also appeared to distance themselves from the dinner and from Wolf's address on Twitter.
Kyle Pope, editor of the Columbia Journalism Review, took to Twitter to question the event's merit.
"The #WHCD debacle was inevitable, destined to be either sycophantic, on one extreme, or mean spirited, on the other. Neither is a good look at a time when trust in media is tenuous. Can we finally all agree to put an end to this thing?” he tweeted.
Others echoed Pope's sentiment, voicing concerns about the rift between the media and the American public.
The spirit of the event had always been jokes that singe but don’t burn. Reporters who work with her daily appreciate that @presssec was there. …
If the #WHCD dinner did anything tonight, it made the chasm between journalists and those who don't trust us, even wider. And those of us based in the red states who work hard every day to prove our objectivity will have to deal with it.
Unfortunately, I don't think we advanced the cause of journalism tonight.
Other journalists called Wolf's routine "mean," while more demanded an apology for Sanders.
"Apology is owed to @PressSec and others grossly insulted ny Michelle Wolf at White House Correspondents Assoc dinner which started with uplifting heartfelt speech by @margarettalev - comedian was worst since Imus insulted Clinton’s," NBC News reporter Andrea Mitchell tweeted.
The Daily Mail's David Martosko said offering a public apology "would be the right thing to do."
Apology is owed to @PressSec and others grossly insulted ny Michelle Wolf at White House Correspondents Assoc dinner which started with uplifting heartfelt speech by @margarettalev - comedian was worst since Imus insulted Clinton’s
Women who use their government positions to spread lies and misinformation deserve to face the same withering criticism as men. But leave our looks out of it. Watching from home, I hurt for Sarah, her husband and her children.
Being mean is not really funny.
CNN's Jim Acosta, who frequently spars with administration officials in press briefings, tweeted that he was disappointed the dinner did not address the attacks on the media.
My problem with last night’s dinner is not that we had a comedian who told some nasty jokes. It’s that we did not really address the nearly constant attacks on the press from the president. The dinner should change with the times so we send a strong message to the world. #WHCD
The New York Times's Maggie Haberman praised Sanders's measured response to the routine, while sitting just feet from Wolf on stage.
That @PressSec sat and absorbed intense criticism of her physical appearance, her job performance, and so forth, instead of walking out, on national television, was impressive.
Wolf responded to Haberman on Twitter, saying the jokes were about Sanders's behavior, not her appearance.
Various comedians, including Kathy Griffin and Rosie O'Donnell, jumped to Wolf's defense on Twitter, while other journalists seemingly sided with the comedian.
Wolf took to Twitter on Sunday to defend herself, saying she was not trying to attack Sanders's looks.
But, according to Wolf, her task for the night was simply to be funny.
"One of the worst things would be if people are like, ‘Wow, that was thoughtful,’ " Wolf told The Hill's Judy Kurtz earlier this month. "Because it’s not my job to be thoughtful, it’s my job to be funny."
Fox News Host Who Mocked A Parkland Survivor Is Offended By Michelle Wolf’s ‘Mean’ Jokes
The ‘fuck your feelings’ crowd who rages against political correctness is suddenly offended by comedian Michelle Wolf’s brutal but well-deserved takedown of White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Slanders on Saturday night. some rich asshole has offended African-Americans, prisoners of war, disabled individuals, women, Mexicans, and the free press, and conservatives have never called him out. The irony meter blew a gasket when, of all people, Fox ‘News’ host Laura Ingraham, the woman who mocked Parkland survivor David Hogg, tweeted that Wolf was ‘mean.’
“Boy, am I glad I spent the evening with my kids and friends,” she tweeted. “This #WHCD “comedian” is a complete disgrace. The Left’s intolerance and mean-spiritedness knows no bounds.”
What Wolf did was call out the White House press secretary for lying to the public on a daily basis. Ingraham was probably at home counting the few remaining sponsors she has left after her appalling attack on a mass shooting survivor.
The internet hasn’t forgotten about that.
Please send Ms. Ingraham your thoughts and prayers.
the rich asshole officials heading into North Korea talks with 'eyes wide open'
the rich asshole administration officials said on Sunday that they will remain vigilant as North Korea comes to the negotiating table, pushing back against criticism that they are naïve in the face of Pyongyang’s apparent willingness to participate in talks over its nuclear program.
Both Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and national security advisor John Bolton insisted the administration is looking for concrete actions from North Korea, which reportedly said it would dismantle its nuclear program if the United States vows not to invade.
In his first Sunday show interview since taking the reins at Foggy Bottom, Pompeo said that while his meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un was “a big deal,” the administration is looking for action from Pyongyang.
“This administration has its eyes wide open. We know the history. We know the risks. We’re going to be very different. We’re going to negotiate in a different way than has been done before,” Pompeo told ABC’s “This Week.”
“We use the word irreversible with great intention. We’re going to require those steps that demonstrate that denuclearization is going to be achieved. We’re not going to make promises. We’re not going to take words. We’re going to look for actions and deeds.”
Pompeo also said the administration plans to keep up its “pressure campaign” until Pyongyang shows it is dismantling its nuclear capability.
Meanwhile, Bolton said it’s possible there won’t be a deal with North Korea on its nuclear program, an issue that has been a key focus for President the rich asshole since he took office.
“It’s certainly the case that mere words aren’t going to sway anybody,” Bolton told “Fox News Sunday.”
the rich asshole is preparing to meet with Kim at a summit in the coming weeks, but has said he will not allow the United States to be “played” by North Korea.
“We're not going to be played, OK? We’re going to hopefully make a deal, if not that’s fine,” the rich asshole said Friday.
Lawmakers have urged the president to proceed with caution, noting North Korea’s record of unpredictability and prior attempts for discussions that have led to no solution.
“You know, North Korea is very opaque. They’re a difficult intelligence target,” Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, told ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday.
“So it is, I think, prudent for us to into this with some skepticism about our own capabilities but also, that means we have to insist upon a rigorous inspection regime in North Korea, something that’s going to be a difficult ask with the North Koreans. They’re not going to want us roaming about North Korea,” he added.
The remarks follow a historic meeting last week between South Korean President Moon Jae-In and Kim, who crossed into the south for the first time.
the rich asshole praised the meeting, saying “good things are happening.”
“After a furious year of missile launches and Nuclear testing, a historic meeting between North and South Korea is now taking place. Good things are happening, but only time will tell!” the rich asshole tweeted Friday.
“KOREAN WAR TO END! The United States, and all of its GREAT people, should be very proud of what is now taking place in Korea!”
But the president was criticized last week for other remarks, in which he called Kim “very honorable.”
“I would never use the word honorable to describe Kim Jong-un. I think he's better to be able to just call him Rocket Man and to be able to stick with that than honorable, just because he is a ruthless dictator that does public executions of anyone who disagrees,” Republican Sen. James Lankford (Okla.) told CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday, referring to the rich asshole’s “rocket man” moniker for Kim.
“The reason that everyone in North Korea agrees with him is because he kills anyone who disagrees with him. And he has literally starved his own people to be able to help the elites.”
Bolton during another interview maintained that the administration is committed to discussions, but much remains to be seen.
“President the rich asshole is determined to see this opportunity through,” Bolton told CBS’s “Face the Nation.”
“Hopeful that we can get a real breakthrough, but we're not naive in the in the administration and-and a lot's going to ride on this meeting with Kim Jong Un.”
‘It’s not her job to behave’: Veteran journalist Howard Fineman schools colleagues for bemoaning Michelle Wolf

Michelle Wolf and Howard Fineman (Twitter/Howard Fineman)
NBC analyst Howard Fineman suggested on Sunday that pundits on the left and right should let go of their apparent outrage over Michelle Wolf’s comedy routine at Saturday’s White House Correspondent’s Dinner.
Following Wolf’s appearance as the headliner at Saturday’s event, talking heads at CNN, MSNBC and Fox News all panned the performance, calling it “disgusting” and called it a setback for journalism.
Fineman, on the other hand, saw things differently.
In a tweet defending Wolf, Fineman wrote: “1. Yep: blunt, crude, pitiless. Remind you of, say, a president? 2. She torched EVERYONE, even #Dems, #Stormy, #media. 3. She wasn’t playing to all America or the room, but to her #Netflix deal. 4. She was INVITED. 5. It’s not her job to behave. 6. She’s funny.”
Gowdy: Lawmakers should not accuse Comey of committing a crime
Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) said in a Sunday show interview that lawmakers should not accuse individuals like former FBI director James Comey of committing a crime.
Gowdy noted on CBS’s “Face the Nation” that he has never accused Comey of committing a crime, but said the former director has done things he does not agree with.
President the rich asshole has accused Comey of leaking information to journalists in memos the former director wrote about his interactions with the rich asshole.
“James Comey’s Memos are Classified, I did not Declassify them. They belong to our Government! Therefore, he broke the law!” the rich asshole wrote on Twitter on April 21.
“Additionally, he totally made up many of the things he said I said, and he is already a proven liar and leaker. Where are Memos on Clinton, Lynch & others?”
Gowdy said he has confidence in the inspector general to investigate any potential crimes.
“I trust Mr. Horowitz to investigate,” he said, referring to Department of Justice inspector general Michael Horowitz.
the rich asshole’s Washington Still Offended By Vulgarity, The Word ‘Pussy’
A comedian told nasty jokes, but the president still sets the standard for crudity here.
WASHINGTON ― The presidency of some rich asshole has apparently not coarsened the sensibilities of this city’s movers and shakers, as political and media figures are in the throes of a not-quite-annual tradition of taking umbrage over jokes at the White House Correspondents’ Association dinner.
Comedian Michelle Wolf on Saturday night fantasized about a tree falling on the rich asshole advisor Kellyanne Conway and likened White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders to a butch softball coach.
“Every time Sarah steps up to the podium, I get excited because I’m not really sure what we’re going to get: you know, a press briefing, a bunch of lies or divided into softball teams,” Wolf said.
Then, in a husky voice: “It’s shirts and skins, and this time, don’t be such a little bitch, Jim Acosta!”
A consensus emerged Sunday morning that Wolf “took it too far,” as Politico’s Playbook newsletter put it. Several prominent journalists shared similar sentiments on Twitter.
Former the rich asshole spokesman Sean Spicer called Wolf’s routine “a disgrace” on Twitter. National Security Advisor John Bolton called it “reprehensible” on “Fox News Sunday.”
the rich asshole ally Chris Christie, the former Republican governor of New Jersey, said Wolf had unfairly harped on Sanders’ physical appearance.
“This female comedian spent more time beating up on women last night than she did on men,” Christie said on ABC News’ “This Week with George Stephanopoulos.”
But the criticism extended past the Sanders jokes. The Drudge Report hyperventilated that Wolf made light of abortion and used the words “orgasm” and “Nazi.” In his morning newsletter for Axios, Mike Allen declared the event a “win” for the rich asshole over the media. Among other things, Allen complained that Wolf used the word “pussy.”
″She made several uses of a vulgarity that begins with ‘p,’ in an audience filled with Washington officials, top journalists and a few baseball legends,” Allen wrote.
the rich asshole, as he did last year, broke with tradition by not attending the dinner; he instead traveled to Michigan for a political rally before an adoring audience. But he couldn’t resist weighing in on Twitter with a post that included the recommendation that next year’s gala be hosted by Fox News’ Greg Gutfeld (considered by some a comedian).
Of course, nobody in American media or politics has done more to inject the word “pussy” into political discourse than the rich asshole himself, owner of the infamous boast caught on video in 2005 that he liked to “grab ’em by the pussy” and got away with it because he was a star.
Emily Nussbaum, The New Yorker’s Pulitzer-winning TV critic, took the contrarian view on Wolf’s routine.
“The more I think about it, the more impressed I am that Michelle Wolf did such a harsh act WITHOUT insulting any woman’s looks,” Nussbaum said on Twitter. “She aimed straight at the white female enforcers & never once suggested that anyone was a bimbo or a dog ― like the man they work for surely would have,”
Nussbaum pointed out that the rich asshole has routinely attacked the physical appearance of women who have criticized him or accused him of sexual harassment.
Still, Wolf’s jokes at the correspondents’ dinner were probably the most controversial since Stephen Colbert roasted then-President George W. Bush and the media at the 2006 affair. Many journalists said Colbert went too far with his gibes.
“I believe the government that governs best is the government that governs least,” Colbert said in the faux-conservative persona he was known for at the time. “And by these standards, we have set up a fabulous government in Iraq.”
As for the media coverage of the Bush administration, he said: “Here’s how it works. The president makes decisions. He’s the decider. The press secretary announces those decisions, and you people of the press type those decisions down. Make, announce, type. Just put ’em through a spell check and go home. ... Write that novel you got kicking around in your head. You know, the one about the intrepid Washington reporter with the courage to stand up to the administration. You know, fiction!”
Comey: 'I didn't get a sense' the rich asshole was aware of Steele dossier allegations
Former FBI Director James Comey said on Sunday that he did not believe President the rich asshole was aware of the explosive allegations made against him in the "Steele dossier."
Comey briefed the rich asshole on the unverified document, compiled by former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele, last year.
"When you told him the contents of the Steele dossier, did you get the impression it was the first time he'd ever heard those allegations?" NBC's Chuck Todd asked Comey on "Meet the Press."
"Yes," Comey said, "And I didn't give him the briefing on the whole Steele dossier. My assignment was to brief him on a small part of it that was salacious and personal. And my sense was, I didn't get a sense that he knew about those," he continued.
The document purports to show the rich asshole's ties to Russia.
Comey explained his reasoning for telling the president about salacious parts detailed in the dossier.
"We thought it was important that he knew — and I say, 'we,' meaning all the intelligence chiefs that put together the intelligence community assessment — because we knew, and we don't want to be holding that back from the new president," Comey said.
"The FBI's role is counterintelligence. We do a defensive briefing, whether or not something's true, just to let the person who might be the target of a leverage effort, of an effort by an adversary to gain advantage over him, know that we have this information," he said.
Comey revealed in memos that the rich asshole considered bringing a lawsuit against Steele, denying the document's claim that he was involved with Russian prostitutes.
MSNBC guest blisters ‘hypocrite’ Wolf critics who thought comedian was too mean to ‘lie-spitting’ Huckabee Sanders

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders (Screenshot)
During a panel discussion on comedian Michelle Wolf’s harsh and hilarious comedy monologue at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner that took place Saturday night, one commentator called out the media hand-wringers who thought the evening’s guest hurt their credibility.
With everyone from Fox News personality Laura Ingraham calling Wolf’s comments about White House spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders “mean-spirited,” and President some rich asshole boasting Wolf “bombed,” AM Joy guest Tiffany Cross, co-founder of The Beat DC, said the rich asshole administration had it coming.
“A lot of journalists felt it was really unfair, particularly to Sarah Huckabee Sanders with whom they work,” host Joy Reid said. “You know — there is a working relationship there between the press and Sarah Huckabee Sanders. I don’t remember who it was that actually tweeted that they were amazed and they gave her credit for not walking out. What is your take?”
“It’s a lot of unfairness to the American people when Sarah Huckabee Sanders stands at that podium every day and spits out lies,” Cross shot back. “I’ll say to the people who were uncomfortable in the room and people watching at home and they were uncomfortable: If you were made to feel uncomfortable by Michelle Wolf making fun of the actual words that the president had said and actual things that people in this administration have done, but you weren’t uncomfortable by the president calling Nazis good people, you weren’t uncomfortable by the president talking about grabbing women by their private parts, you weren’t uncomfortable by the president putting our very democracy in danger, then you need to check your hypocrisy and your privilege.”
“Michelle Wolf was bit crass in her delivery,” she continued. “The president is very crass in what he tweets out on a daily basis.”
“The language and what Michelle Wolf said is reflective of the times we live in and I find it laughable that we’re sitting here dissecting what she said and pointing to her as though she’s the problem and not the administration itself, and certainly not this president who, if you look at his twitter feed and don’t clutch your pearls but hear what she said and you’re having this gasp and this shock at her language, it just seems very ridiculous and hypocritical to me,” she added.
Watch video below via MSNBC:
Michelle Wolf pushes back on criticism of Sarah Sanders jokes
Comedian Michelle Wolf early Sunday defended her jokes about White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders during the White House Correspondents' Association dinner, saying they “were about her despicable behavior.”
Wolf responded to a tweet by Maggie Haberman, a White House reporter for The New York Times, who praised Sanders for absorbing “intense criticism of her physical appearance, her job performance, and so forth” instead of walking out of the dinner.
“All these jokes were about her despicable behavior. Sounds like you have some thoughts about her looks though?” Wolf replied.
The former “Daily Show” writer took direct aim at the rich asshole administration, including Sanders, throughout her routine at the dinner Saturday evening. The press secretary represented President the rich asshole at the dinner, who chose to skip the event for a second year and held a campaign-style rally in Michigan instead.
“I have to say I’m a little star-struck. I love you as Aunt Lydia in ‘The Handmaid’s Tale,’ " Wolf said of Sanders, referring to the character in the popular dystopian Hulu series who oversees the indoctrination of women and orders harsh punishments for them.
"Every time Sarah steps up to the podium, I get excited. I'm not really sure what we're going to get, you know? A press briefing, a bunch of lies or divided into softball teams. It's shirts and skins, and this time don't be such a little bitch, Jim Acosta," Wolf said.
"I actually really like Sarah. I think she's very resourceful," Wolf continued. "But she burns facts and then she uses that ash to create a perfect smokey eye. Like maybe she's born with it, maybe it's lies. It’s probably lies.”
Wolf also commented on Sanders’s name, saying she’s “never really sure” how to refer to the press secretary.
“Is it Sarah Sanders? Is it Sarah Huckabee Sanders? Is it Cousin Huckabee? Is it Auntie Huckabee Sanders? Like, what's Uncle Tom but for white women who disappoint other white women?" the comedian said.
Wolf also responded to a tweet from former White House press secretary Sean Spicer, who called the dinner a "disgrace."
"Thank you!" she replied.
— This report was updated at 7:52 a.m.
Michelle Wolf Just Smacked Sarah Sanders So Hard Her Eyes Evened Out
Holy fucking shit the White House Correspondents’ Dinner was lit this year — and the main attraction was comedienne Michelle Wolf, whose routine nuked a number of targets. But the absolute best part of her performance zeroed in on White House Propaganda Minister Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
“I’m a little starstruck,” Wolf began. “I love you as Aunt Lydia in The Handmaid’s Tale.”
“I actually, really like Sarah. I think she’s very resourceful,” Wolf continued. “She burns facts and then she uses that ash to create a perfect smoky eye. Maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s lies. It’s probably lies.” While some have accused her of attacking Sanders’ appearance, this is a reference to a makeup technique and perhaps the only compliment Sanders will ever receive.
“I’m never really sure what to call Sarah Huckabee Sanders,” Wolf continued. “Is it Sarah Sanders? Is it Sarah Huckabee Sanders? Is it Cousin Huckabee? Is it Auntie Huckabee Sanders? Like, what’s Uncle Tom but for white women who disappoint other white women?”
It’s a well-known fact that jokes don’t translate well in print, so you should probably just watch her fuck Sarah’s day up here:
Sanders was clearly not very amused at all:
But Wolf wasn’t done when she put down the mic. Former White House liar Sean Spicer poked his head out of the bushes to call the night a “disgrace,” but Wolf was sure to let him know that coming from him that sort of statement is a compliment:
You can watch the full performance here: