some rich asshole Jr’s estranged wife let him spend Easter with his family

Vanessa the rich asshole and some rich asshole Jr./Screenshot
Vanessa the rich asshole is leaving her husband, some rich asshole Jr. but traveled with her estranged husband during the Easter holiday, Page Six reports.
Though the pair has refrained from taking cheap shots, Vanessa has hired a criminal defense attorney to help her part from the man who wanted to father a baby by his mistress and who is increasingly unhinged on Twitter.
Vanessa traveled to Mar-a- L ago, where she and Donald J. spent separate time with their kids. But they also went to the pool together to chat.
“Don Jr. and Vanessa were leaning over the wall, just the two of them, talking, while the kids were in the pool,” an observer said.
Vanessa was not the only woman who extended an olive branch to a Donald this weekend: It was also the first time Melania the rich asshole spent with her husband since the Stormy Daniels interview aired.
the rich asshole supported sham Honduras election that spurred ‘caravan’ of migrants marching through Mexico
Marchers making their way through Mexico/Screenshot
some rich asshole and Fox News are freaking out about a “caravan” of migrants making their way north through Mexico.
the rich asshole alleged that the caravan was “trying to take advantage of DACA.”
That’s not true, as DACA doesn’t cover people who come to the U.S. now.
Rather, the march was organized by a group called Pueblos Sin Fronteras, which supports international workers rights and open immigration for jobs.
But 80 percent of the marchers are from Honduras and many of them were inspired by the sham election. According to a BuzzFeed reporter embedded with the caravan, they ofter chant “out with JOH,” referencing Juan Orlando Hernandez, the nation’s conservative president.
Hernandez won an election that Organization of American States said was so deeply flawed that a new election was needed to produce a “fair and transparent” outcome. Uproar over election let to protests in which Hernandez’s security forces fired on civilians, killing many.
the rich asshole, who supports authoritarian strongmen in China and Russia, would not support the OAS determination or pressure the nation to hold a new election. So Hernandez remains president.
That is one of the reasons marchers set off from Tapachula, in southern Mexico. They are bound for the U.S. though the route has not been announced and may remain flexible.
Watch a short video from Pueblo Sin Fronteras below.

some rich asshole and Fox News are freaking out about a “caravan” of migrants making their way north through Mexico.
the rich asshole alleged that the caravan was “trying to take advantage of DACA.”
That’s not true, as DACA doesn’t cover people who come to the U.S. now.
Rather, the march was organized by a group called Pueblos Sin Fronteras, which supports international workers rights and open immigration for jobs.
But 80 percent of the marchers are from Honduras and many of them were inspired by the sham election. According to a BuzzFeed reporter embedded with the caravan, they ofter chant “out with JOH,” referencing Juan Orlando Hernandez, the nation’s conservative president.
Hernandez won an election that Organization of American States said was so deeply flawed that a new election was needed to produce a “fair and transparent” outcome. Uproar over election let to protests in which Hernandez’s security forces fired on civilians, killing many.
the rich asshole, who supports authoritarian strongmen in China and Russia, would not support the OAS determination or pressure the nation to hold a new election. So Hernandez remains president.
That is one of the reasons marchers set off from Tapachula, in southern Mexico. They are bound for the U.S. though the route has not been announced and may remain flexible.
Watch a short video from Pueblo Sin Fronteras below.
Jared Kushner’s dad is being shunned by investors and is headed for disaster: report
Jared Kushner and his "daddy" Charlie Kushner/Screenshot
Jared Kushner’s father Charlie Kushner has been under mounting pressure because of his son’s political career and is facing possible financial ruin later this year, the New York Times reported today.
“The elder Mr. Kushner, his company and his family are assailed by criminal and regulatory inquiries largely rooted in their newfound access to presidential power,” the article says. “The family’s East Coast-based real estate empire is under a fiscal and ethical cloud, shunned by some investors who fear being dragged into the spotlight trained on the Kushner nexus with President the rich asshole. Two major Manhattan properties are on creditors’ watch lists, one after foreign investors backed out of a financing deal.”
Like the rich asshole, Charles Kushner is a New York real estate kingpin. And like the rich asshole, he’s had a colorful past, having hired a prostitute to try to entrap his brother-in-law in a scheme that landed him in federal prison after pleading guilty to 18 counts of witness retaliation, tax violations and false statements to the Federal Election Commission.
Also like the rich asshole, Charlie Kushner is saddled with massive debt, including a $1.2 billion mortgage that comes due on an undesirable Manhattan building in just 10 months. The Times says the building may only be worth a quarter of the $1.8 billion they paid right before the 2008 crash.
Jared is very close to his father— who he still calls “daddy.”
The portrait painted by the Times shows that Kushner, rather than getting any benefit from his son’s career, is facing more scrutiny on deals involving the government or press-shy lenders and that other members of the family are embarrassed by the rich asshole.
Jared’s little brother Josh Kushner told friends that his biggest accomplishment of 2017 was surviving the rich asshole: “We survived some rich asshole. Don’t tweet that. Really, don’t tweet that. I’ll get in so much trouble.”
The elder Kushner told the Times that he “would prefer not to have a pardon” because he would then be subjected to more digging into his activities.

Jared Kushner’s father Charlie Kushner has been under mounting pressure because of his son’s political career and is facing possible financial ruin later this year, the New York Times reported today.
“The elder Mr. Kushner, his company and his family are assailed by criminal and regulatory inquiries largely rooted in their newfound access to presidential power,” the article says. “The family’s East Coast-based real estate empire is under a fiscal and ethical cloud, shunned by some investors who fear being dragged into the spotlight trained on the Kushner nexus with President the rich asshole. Two major Manhattan properties are on creditors’ watch lists, one after foreign investors backed out of a financing deal.”
Like the rich asshole, Charles Kushner is a New York real estate kingpin. And like the rich asshole, he’s had a colorful past, having hired a prostitute to try to entrap his brother-in-law in a scheme that landed him in federal prison after pleading guilty to 18 counts of witness retaliation, tax violations and false statements to the Federal Election Commission.
Also like the rich asshole, Charlie Kushner is saddled with massive debt, including a $1.2 billion mortgage that comes due on an undesirable Manhattan building in just 10 months. The Times says the building may only be worth a quarter of the $1.8 billion they paid right before the 2008 crash.
Jared is very close to his father— who he still calls “daddy.”
The portrait painted by the Times shows that Kushner, rather than getting any benefit from his son’s career, is facing more scrutiny on deals involving the government or press-shy lenders and that other members of the family are embarrassed by the rich asshole.
Jared’s little brother Josh Kushner told friends that his biggest accomplishment of 2017 was surviving the rich asshole: “We survived some rich asshole. Don’t tweet that. Really, don’t tweet that. I’ll get in so much trouble.”
The elder Kushner told the Times that he “would prefer not to have a pardon” because he would then be subjected to more digging into his activities.
‘God has raised up this unlikely person’ — watch the rich asshole-loving Christian writer spin excuses in bonkers Easter interview

Stephan Strang, a Christian author who believes that God anointed some rich asshole our leader/Screenshot
Despite allegations that he had unprotected sex with nude models in the months following the birth of his youngest child, some rich asshole continues to enjoy the support of Christian conservatives. About 80 percent of self-described evangelicals approves of the job the rich asshole is doing.
How does this square? After years of listening to Christian conservatives berate the morality of everyone on the left, it’s hard to reconcile—which is why some people are spending their Easter Sunday grappling with the phenomenon.
Christian author Stephen Strang, the author of God and some rich asshole, started by making excuses for the rich asshole’s behavior, even his continued insistence that he did not have sex with Stormy Daniels.
“Most people—and certainly most Christians—would consider a one-night stand different, especially as a private person,” he says. “Than someone like John Kennedy or Bill Clinton, where the press just looked the other way, and it was well-known that they had multiple affairs in the White House itself.”
Strang also argued that the rich asshole’s flaws were in a grand tradition of religious leaders who are flawed.
“God has always used imperfect people, from King David to the Apostle Paul. So we believe that God has raised up this unlikely person who is championing Christian values in a way no other president has,” he says.
He also pointed to the rich asshole’s television habits—the president reportedly watched between four and eight hours of TV a day—as evidence that the rich asshole is a believer. Specifically, he points out that the rich asshole watched Christian TV late at night, and that he loves to be prayed for.
‘A storm is coming’: GOP consultant warns the rich asshole he needs a better legal team or he’ll face impeachment

Alex Castellanos on ABC -- screenshot
During a panel discussion on ABC’s This Week, GOP consultant Alex Castellanos warned President some rich asshole he needs to lawyer up with better attorneys if he hopes to fend off special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation and possible impeachment.
Speaking with host George Stephanopoulos, Democratic consultant Donna Brazile surprisingly had a few nice things to say about the rich asshole before adding that his lawyers are lacking, based upon all the chaos of the past week.
“I’m pleased he expelled those Russian spies and closed the consulate in Seattle,” Brazile explained. “And I’m pleased there’s money in the omnibus to help state and local government, but he needs good legal advisers — he cannot keep shooting from the hip.”
Conservative consultant Castellanos seconded her opinion with a dire warning for the embattled president.
“It’s hard to believe that President the rich asshole, who has flouted his way to business success, that Robert Mueller is not going to dig up something in the rich asshole’s complicated financial history,” the conservative suggested. “It’s hard to believe when Republicans lose the House in 2018, maybe by 30 or 40 seats, that the House is maybe not going to impeach him. It’s also hard to believe the U.S. Senate is not going to be scared to death and is not going to take a serious look.”
“the rich asshole needs to get a good legal team now because the storm is coming,” he cautioned.
Watch the video below:
‘Don’t quote King’: Roland Martin opens can of delicious whoop-ass after libertarian tries to whitesplain MLK

Roland Martin and Jennifer Grossman appear on MSNBC (screen grab)
TV One host Roland Martin on Sunday called out Jennifer Grossman, a libertarian former speechwriter for George W. Bush, after she tried to explain the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to him.
During a panel discussion on MSNBC, Grossman observed that there was a lack of investment in “crime-ridden” black communities.
“Is it because of white racism or is it because the crime rate is too high?” she asked, drawing a laugh from Martin. “When are we going to get that crime rate down?”
Martin explained that the crime rate “doesn’t just happen.”
“That’s a function of lack of home ownership, which is a function of lack of investment, which is a function of lack of resources,” Martin said. “And so, you can’t look at crime only through the prism of, ‘How do we send more police in?'”
MSNBC host Alex Witt connected the issue to Washington, and noted that nearly all of this year’s White House interns are white.
“The most important thing is the content of our character,” Grossman insisted. “So whether or not you have racial diversity in that intern class, I would argue probably you have a lot more diversity in terms of political viewpoints because President the rich asshole’s election has really stirred things up.”
“I’m a little concerned about creating intern classes where everybody looks different but thinks the same,” she warned.
“Please don’t quote [Dr. Martin Luther King],” Martin replied.
“I will quote him!” Grossman shouted with her finger in the air. “Do you want to have more of a debate on race? You’re kind of politically-correct bullying of people on racism is not going to work. So, I will quote Dr. Martin Luther King every single day. And you won’t stop me.”
After she concluded her objection, Martin continued: “People love to quote the bottom of the speech and want to ignore the top of that speech, when Dr. King said America gave African-Americans a check with insufficient funds. He talked about combatting police brutality, in that speech where he talked about giving black folks the right to vote. So that speech is an extensive speech.”
Martin reminded Grossman that the U.S. will be a majority-minority country in the next 30 years.
“If you have [an intern] class that’s absent of minority people, these are the folks who will be leaders in the next 10, 15, 20 years,” he stated. “You better have a diversified class to lead a diversified America. Otherwise, you are going to have the same problems.”
“Talk to some black Republicans,” Martin advised the White House. “It’s not that hard to find them. You’ve got to have some eyes that are open and ears that are open to receive a diversified White House intern class.”
Grossman tried to defend the rich asshole by saying that he received a “higher percentage of the black vote” than 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney. But Martin shut her down.
“Actually, he didn’t,” Martin said. “You are wrong. And facts matter. Ninety-four percent of black women voted for Hillary Clinton. And there was a nine point gap between black men and black women, the exact same nine point gap that Mitt Romney had with Barack Obama. So actually on that point, you’re wrong.”
“No, no,” Grossman parried.
“Jennifer, I kind of know black voters better than you do,” Martin quipped.
Watch the video below.
‘Shove your apology up your ass’: Stallone brother begs forgiveness for Parkland tweet — and it doesn’t go well

Frank Stallone via YouTube
When we last saw the brother of actor Sylvester Stallone, he had made his Twitter account private after deleting a tweet slurring Parkland survivor David Hogg as a “p*ssy.”
Saturday, Frank Stallone — who promotes himself as a singer and actor — tweeted, “This David Hogg p*ssy is getting a little big for his britches. I’m sure someone from his age group is dying to sucker punch this rich little bitch. Watch him run home like the coward he is . He’s the worst rep for today’s youth headline grabbing punk.”
He then got pounded online, leading him to complain that he was being bullied.
On Easter morning, after his bad Saturday, the fringe celebrity made an abject apology, re-opening his Twitter account for all the world to see.
“To everyone and to David Hogg especially. I want to deeply apologize for my irresponsible word.I would never in a million years wish or promote violence to anyone anywhere on this planet,” he tweeted. “After what these kids went though I’m deeply ashamed. Please accept my apology. Frank.”
Twitter users were not in a forgiving mood on Easter Sunday, pointing out that he should never have written such an offensive post in the first place, with one commenter telling him to “shove his apology up his ass.”
That was one of the nicer things Stallone was told now that the damage was done.
A sampling below:
Graham: US leaving Syria would be 'single worst decision' the rich asshole could make
BY BRETT SAMUELS - 04/01/18 04:12 PM EDT
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Sunday cautioned President the rich asshole against pulling American troops out of Syria, saying that doing so would be “a disaster in the making.”
“If we withdrew our troops any time soon, ISIS [the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria] would come back, the war between Turkey and the Kurds would get out of hand, and you’d be giving Damascus to the Iranians without an American presence, and Russia and Iran would dominate Syria,” Graham warned on “Fox News Sunday.”
“It would be the single worst decision the president could make. I’ve seen this movie before when Obama did the same thing in Iraq,” the senator added.
the rich asshole also reportedly ordered the State Department to freeze$200 million in funds to help recovery efforts in Syria.
Roughly 2,000 U.S. troops in Syria are backing Kurdish fighters in the fight against ISIS in the region.
Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson indicated earlier this year that the U.S. would remain in Syria indefinitely, adding that a total withdrawal of American forces would allow Syrian President Bashar Assad to “continue his brutal treatment of his own people.”
the rich asshole fired Tillerson last month.
Graham on Sunday noted that all of the rich asshole’s military advisers have advocated leaving U.S. troops in Syria. He added that pulling out of the region would risk losing the progress made in eliminating the threat of ISIS.
“We got [ISIS] on the ropes,” he said. “You want to let them off the ropes, remove American soldiers.”
WATCH: the rich asshole stands in front of church and attacks immigrants on Easter Sunday

Donald and Melania the rich asshole (NBC/screen grab)
President some rich asshole celebrated his Easter Sunday by lashing out at undocumented immigrants.
Before entering Bethesda-by-the-Sea Church for Sunday services, the rich asshole stood in front of the front doors and answered questions about his call on Twitter to end deportation protection for so-called Dreamers who were brought to the U.S. as children.
When he was asked about the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, the rich asshole blamed Mexico for “not helping at the border.”
“If they’re not going to help us at the border, it’s a very sad thing. Mexico has got help us at the border. And a lot of people are coming in because they want to take advantage of DACA. And we’re going to have to really see,” the president said.
“They had a great chance, the Democrats blew it,” he added. “They had a great, great chance. But we’ll have to take a look. But Mexico has got to help us at the border. They flow right through Mexico. They send them into the United States. Can’t happen that way anymore.”
Earlier in the morning, the rich asshole tweeted out Easter wishes before a Fox & Friends segment prompted him to sound off about immigration.
Watch the video below.
‘Poster child for the rich asshole’s intolerance’: Ex-evangelist rains holy hell on ‘converted Catholic’ Laura Ingraham

Laura Ingraham, some rich asshole -- (Fox News screeshot/AFP)
Appearing on MSNBC on Sunday morning, a former evangelist launched a broadside at Fox News host Laura Ingraham, questioning her commitment to her faith after she attacked a Parkland teen who recently lived through a gun massacre at his high school.
Speaking with AM Joy host Joy Reid, religious commentator Frank Schaeffer — the son of a prominent Christian theologian — said he knows Ingraham from having appeared on her show and that he is appalled that she has turned into a doppelganger of President some rich asshole.
Addressing evangelical support for the rich asshole, despite allegations that the president conducted affairs with a porn star and a Playboy playmate, Schaeffer called out the Fox News host who has made a highly publicized admission of converting to Catholicism.
“Catholics almost 60/40 are against some rich asshole,” host Reid began. “Then why is it that white evangelicals, if everyone has the core theological basis, are alone in being so absolutely supportive of some rich asshole despite all his flaws?”
“It’s not just the white evangelicals,” Schaeffer replied. “There are conservative Roman Catholics like Laura Ingraham. She had me on her show when I wrote a book about my son being in the Marine Corps.”
“Look at her now, she’s a convert to Catholicism and here we are in Holy Week culminating in Easter and she chooses this time to mock a teenager who stood up against gun violence,” he pointed out. “Here is someone who had breast cancer, who survived it, Laura Ingraham did, and saying after she had breast cancer that she said she was going to reexamine her life and dedicate herself to higher things.”
“Look at the fall that she has taken now,” he continued. “A poster child for imitating some rich asshole’s ugly intolerance. Imagine that, in Holy Week, at the time when Christians around the world are saying ‘He is risen’ … mocking kids who stand against violence. Think about that, Joy. That’s where we are.”
“The mentality is, we follow the rich asshole,not just into the gutter with his porn star presidency and the filth of his own past life and mob connections and the rest of it,” he added. “We even now find these leaders following him into the intolerance where it is okay in their view to mock a teen who stands on violence. That is where we are this Easter morning.”
Watch the video below via MSNBC:
After Ted Nugent says Parkland teens have no soul, Joy Reid reminds America he dodged draft by pooping his pants

Joy Reid (MSNBC/screen grab)
MSNBC host Joy Reid reminded Americans on Sunday that they should not hold the opinions of Ted Nugent in high regard after he recently said that survivors of a mass shooting in Parkland, Florida had “no soul.”
During a radio interview last week, the conservative rocker and NRA board member went after Parkland students who advocate for gun safety laws.
“These poor children, I’m afraid to say, but the evidence is irrefutable. They have no soul,” Nugent opined at the time.
In a series of tweets on Sunday, Reid recalled that Nugent had defecated in his pants to dodge the draft and had repeatedly been associated with pedophilia.
“Then a week before [my physical], I stopped going to the bathroom. I did it in my pants. poop, piss the whole shot. My pants got crusted up,” Nugent told High Times in a 1977 interview. “[T]hey made everybody take off their pants, and I did, and this sergeant says, “Oh my God, put those back on! You fucking swine you!” Then they had a urine test and I couldn’t piss, But my poop was just like ooze, man, so I poop in the cup and put it on the counter. I had poop on my hand and my arm. The guy almost puked. I was so proud. I knew I had these chumps beat.”
After Reid’s mini-tweet storm, she also pointed out Nugent’s history in a segment on MSNBC.
“That is Ted Nugent who in 1977 gave an interview saying he took meth and poohed his pants so he wouldn’t have to go to Vietnam and reportedly adopted a 17-year-old girl so he could have sex with her,” she pointed out.
Read Reid’s tweets and watch her video segment about Nugent below.
Mexico pushes back on the rich asshole claims over immigration
BY AVERY ANAPOL - 04/01/18 04:10 PM EDT
Mexico's foreign minister pushed back Sunday against President the rich asshole's claims that Mexico is "laughing" at the U.S.'s immigration laws and doing "NOTHING" to stop people from crossing the border into the United States.
"Every day Mexico and the US work together on migration throughout the region," Luis Videgaray Caso tweeted. "Facts clearly reflect this. An inaccurate news report should not serve to question this strong cooperation. Upholding human dignity and rights is not at odds with the rule of law. Happy Easter."
Every day Mexico and the US work together on migration throughout the region. Facts clearly reflect this. An inaccurate news report should not serve to question this strong cooperation. Upholding human dignity and rights is not at odds with the rule of law. Happy Easter.
the rich asshole on Sunday tweeted criticism of Mexico in an effort to draw more support for his proposed border wall, apparently in response to a segment shown on "Fox & Friends" earlier that day. Videgaray Caso appeared to allude to that report in his tweet.
"Mexico is doing very little, if not NOTHING, at stopping people from flowing into Mexico through their Southern Border, and then into the U.S.," he tweeted. "They laugh at our dumb immigration laws. They must stop the big drug and people flows, or I will stop their cash cow, NAFTA [North American Free Trade Agreement]. NEED WALL!"
Mexico is doing very little, if not NOTHING, at stopping people from flowing into Mexico through their Southern Border, and then into the U.S. They laugh at our dumb immigration laws. They must stop the big drug and people flows, or I will stop their cash cow, NAFTA. NEED WALL!
These big flows of people are all trying to take advantage of DACA. They want in on the act!
He added that "big flows of people" are attempting to cross the border to "take advantage" of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which he rescinded, that offers legal protection to certain immigrants who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children.
"They want in on the act!" the rich asshole tweeted.
Author busts Kellyanne Conway as ‘number one leaker’ in White House: She tells ‘mean ugly lies’

Kellyanne Conway (Photo: Screen capture)
In an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper, the author of a new book on the rich asshole White House revealed that Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway is the top leaker in the administration and would spread “mean and ugly” lies about former White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus in an effort to undercut him.
According to author Ronald Kessler, who was on CNN’s State of the Union to promote his new book, “The rich asshole White House,” he had access to the rich asshole’s top aides, and said that Conway — as well as the rich asshole advisers Jared Kushner and Ivanka the rich asshole — are notorious for leaking scuttlebutt on their enemies.
Addressing Conway, Kessler targeted her as the number one leaker in the White House.
“While I was interviewing Kellyanne at the White House, she forgot that she was on the record,” Kessler explained to the CNN host. “She started lashing into Reince Priebus. She said the most mean, cutting and obviously untrue things about Reince, and I didn’t include them in the book because they were so unfair.”
“She also lit into Jared and Ivanka, saying that they leak against Steve Bannon,” he continued. “I know White House aides who have seen texts she has sent to other journalists, dissing her colleagues, leaking material.”
“So if you wonder why there are so many leaks out of the White House, one reason is, Kellyanne is the number one leaker,” he concluded.
Watch the video below via CNN:
Here are 4 ugly personality traits the rich asshole supporters share with their beloved president

Angry the rich asshole fans converge on the press pen at a rally in Florida on Friday, Aug. 12 (Screen capture)
Surprise, surprise: members of the #MAGA set are a lot like the rich asshole himself. We already know that many of the rich asshole’s supporters are prejudiced, authoritarian, and selfish. Now, a new study shows that the rich asshole voters have even more in common with the president than already thought.
In addition to his megalomania, misogyny, racism, and tacky taste in home decor, a few obvious characteristics define some rich asshole: he’s selfish, seeks power over others, is preoccupied with wealth, and prefers conformity and tradition. These four are all traits commonly found in his supporters, as Ryne A. Sherman, a psychology professor at Texas Tech University, shows in a new study.
PsyPost summarizes the study’s results:
“Using an online survey of 1,825 American adults, Sherman found that the rich asshole supporters tended to have little interest in supporting social welfare programs, a strong desire for power over others, a strong desire to make money, a preference for financial risk taking, and a preference for strictly adhering to social traditions.”
People who voted for the rich asshole agreed with the following statements:
- “People who are poor just need to work harder”
- “In life, winning is the only thing that matters”
- “A company’s main focus should be profits”
And they largely disagreed with statements like:
- “Building relationships is more important than building profit”
- “Happiness is more important than money”
- “Protesters are the most patriotic citizens”
The results confirm Sherman’s thesis that human behavior (such as voting habits) is driven by people’s core values. Shared values were a key factor in building support for the rich asshole during his campaign, and could explain why his message resonated so strongly with so many despite political pundits’ assertions that his inexperience and volatility made him unelectable.
“We tend to like people (and organizations) that share our values,” Sherman told PsyPost. “Those who felt more similar to the rich asshole in terms of his values were more likely to support him.”
Kushner's father on family scrutiny: 'We didn't do anything wrong'
BY LUIS SANCHEZ - 04/01/18 03:44 PM EDT
The father of Jared Kushner — President the rich asshole’s son-in-law and senior adviser — said in an interview with The New York Times on Sunday that neither his family nor his business has acted improperly, as multiple investigations have put a negative spotlight on the Kushners over the past year.
“Go knock yourselves out for the next 10 years,” Charles Kushner told the Times. “We didn’t do anything wrong.”
The elder Kushner said the records he has voluntarily provided to investigators show that his business and his family have acted properly.
Charles Kushner went to prison in 2005 for tax evasion, witness tampering and illegal campaign donations that stemmed partly from a family feud.
He expressed hope that, with his son in the White House, he might receive a pardon, according to the Times.
However, Jared Kushner’s time in the White House has been plagued with inquiries from the special counsel, including questions about whether he discussed his business with foreign officials.
And Charles Kushner's real estate business is viewed as tainted by some investors concerned about its association with the rich asshole administration.
The elder Kushner told the Times that all insinuations about ethical issues concerning his business were just false inferences he attributed to political opponents.
His son has been under scrutiny recently after he met at the White House last year with two financial companies that lent Kushner Companies more than half a billion dollars.
The head of the Office of Government Ethics has requested that White House counsel examine the meetings.
State regulators in New York are also looking into loans to Kushner from German lender Deutsche Bank, among others. And federal authorities are investigating Kushner's sister over concerns she used her brother's position in the White House to attract Chinese investment in a real estate deal.
Kushner also got his security clearance downgraded earlier this year after months of delays in his background check.
David Shulkin Disputes White House Resignation Claim: ‘I Had No Intention Of Giving Up’
the rich asshole announced Shulkin’s departure from his role as Veterans Affairs secretary Wednesday on Twitter.
Former Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin says he was fired from his position last week, defying the White House’s statement Saturday that he resigned.
“I came to fight for our veterans, and I had no intention of giving up,” Shulkin told NBC’s Chuck Todd on “Meet The Press” Sunday. “There would be no reason for me to resign.”
Shulkin, whose departure as head of the Department of Veteran Affairs was announced Wednesday on Twitter by President some rich asshole, said he never offered his resignation nor was he asked to submit a letter of resignation. A day earlier, White House spokeswoman Lindsey Walters told Politico that Shulkin had “resigned from his position.”
“Our statement still stands,” Ninio Fetalvo, assistant White House press secretary, told HuffPost in an email Sunday when asked for comment about Shulkin’s insistence that he was fired.
White House Chief of Staff John Kelly alerted Shulkin of his termination “shortly before” the rich asshole tweeted about it Wednesday, Shulkin added. He said his dismissal was “somewhat of a surprise,” especially since “President the rich asshole and I actually spoke the day that he sent the tweet out, just a few hours before.”
“We had set up a meeting for the very next day where I was going to meet with him at 11:00 in the morning,” Shulkin told Todd.
the rich asshole intends to replace Shulkin, who had served in the department under the Obama administration, with Ronny L. Jackson, the presidential physician, he tweeted Wednesday. Shulkin’s ousting followed weeks of speculation that the rich asshole wanted to remove him.
Shulkin was the subject of an inspector general’s investigation in February, which found he committed ethics violations on a trip to Europe last summer. His extravagant 10-day trip to London and Copenhagen was planned under the guise of business travel but included only 3½ working days while costing the VA at least $122,334, the report found.
Shulkin denied any “ethical violations” during his tenure as the Veteran Affairs secretary on Sunday and suggested his termination had little to do with the inspector general’s findings. He has pushed back against conservative administration officials who believe veterans’ health care services should be increasingly privatized.
“I do not believe there was any misuse of government funds,” Shulkin said. “I do believe that there were no ethical violations here, that this was being used in the political context to exploit the situation. And I do believe that the issue at hand is the future of VA and whether it’s going to be privatized or not.”
Watch Shulkin’s full interview with NBC’s “Meet The Press” below:
White House and Shulkin at odds over whether he resigned
The White House and former Veterans Affairs (VA) Secretary David Shulkinare at odds over the narrative of his departure.
Shulkin on Sunday pushed back against the White House's claim that he resigned, telling CNN's Jake Tapper that he was "committed to making sure this job was seen through to the very end.”
But a West Wing spokesperson maintains that the former Cabinet secretary stepped down from his post.
Shulkin’s departure came amid a round of staff and Cabinet shake-ups within the rich asshole administration, including the ousting of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and the resignation of White House communications director Hope Hicks.
Shulkin made the rounds on the Sunday show circuit this week following his exit and took the chance to speak out against privatizing the VA. A holdover from the Obama administration, Shulkin was a staunch opponent of privatization during his tenure at the agency.
“I came to run the Department of Veterans Affairs because I’m committed to veterans,” Shulkin told CNN’s “State of the Union” when asked if he was fired or resigned from the post.
Pressed by Tapper as to whether or not he was fired, Shulkin said: “I did not resign."
His comments contradict a statement from White House deputy press secretary Lindsay Walters published by Politico on Saturday.
"Secretary Shulkin resigned from his position as Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs," the statement said.
The Hill emailed the White House on Sunday to clarify the apparent discrepancy. The spokesperson said the statement from Walters regarding Shulkin “still stands.”
During his interview with CNN, Shulkin made clear that he “never had any issues” with the president.
“The president is committed to improving the care for veterans,” Shulkin said.
President the rich asshole announced in a tweet last week that he was replacing Shulkin, while also thanking him for his service to the U.S. and its veterans.
“I am pleased to announce that I intend to nominate highly respected Admiral Ronny L. Jackson, MD, as the new Secretary of Veterans Affairs,” the rich asshole tweeted.
The exit capped off an embattled last few months of Shulkin’s tenure, which included an inspector general report that found the secretary took a trip to Europe billed as official travel but included sightseeing activities and cost more than $122,000 dollars.
The report also said that Shulkin’s former chief of staff, who resigned after the inspector general released the assessment, edited an email in an effort to grant Shulkin’s wife approval from agency ethics officials to join him on the trip.
Shulkin told USA Today following the report that he sent the government a check for his wife’s airfare and would reimburse the person who provided him with tickets to the Wimbledon tennis match. The inspector general report said Shulkin “improperly” received the tickets.
But Shulkin came under heavy criticism over the report, with one Republican lawmaker on the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee calling on him to resign.
Following his departure, Shulkin wrote an op-ed published in The New York Times in which he slammed any push to privative the agency and said the environment in Washington, D.C., made it “impossible” for him to do his job.
“I have been falsely accused of things by people who wanted me out of the way,” Shulkin wrote.
“But despite these politically based attacks on me and my family’s character, I am proud of my record and know that I acted with the utmost integrity. Unfortunately, none of that mattered.”
Santorum slams Democrats for ‘demonizing’ Laura Ingraham ‘She has a long track record of responsible journalism’

Rick Santorum and Nina Turner appear on CNN (screen grab)
CNN contributor Rick Santorum on Sunday blasted Democrats and gun control activists for “demonizing” Fox News host Laura Ingraham after she was accused of bullying a shooting survivor from Parkland, Florida.
During a panel discussion on CNN’s State of the Union program, host Jake Tapper noted that Ingraham’s Fox News show had been the target of a boycott because she lashed out at Parkland survivor David Hogg. Ingraham later said she regretted the attack and announced that she was taking a “pre-planned” vacation in the midst of the boycott.
Santorum agreed that Ingraham “made a mistake and she shouldn’t have done that.”
But the former Republican presidential candidate argued that liberals were also part of the problem.
“It’s part of what I see is a real problem in American politics, which is the demonization of people,” he said. “I understand that the president does that and sets a very poor example. We shouldn’t follow it. And that goes for both sides. The demonization over the last week has been on both sides of the aisle.”
Conservative CNN contributor Amanda Carpenter asserted that Ingraham, who is Catholic, picked the wrong week to attack a shooting survivor.
“If it wasn’t a Christian nice thing to do during Holy Week, it’s not a Christian nice thing to do during any other week either,” she insisted.
Liberal contributor Bakari Sellers pointed out that Ingraham has to accept that free speech can have consequences.
“I don’t think she will be back on TV after this ‘pre-planned’ vacation,” he predicted.
“I disagree,” Santorum replied. “Laura made a mistake, she apologized for the mistake. She has a long track record of responsible journalism and she’ll be back.”
“She also has a long track record of xenophobia and bigotry,” Sellers added.
Watch the video below from CNN.
the rich asshole Says He No Longer Sees Deal On DACA
“The Democrats blew it,” the rich asshole said of the program he ended.
President some rich asshole appeared to rescind his support for a deal with Democrats on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program to legalize undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as children.
“NO MORE DACA DEAL,” the president tweeted on Easter Sunday from Mar-a-Lago, his members-only Florida club, adding that the program instituted by President Barack Obama is encouraging more people to cross the border illegally.
“A lot of people are coming in because they want to take advantage of DACA. The Democrats blew it,” he later told a reporter as he was heading to church.
The reference to “caravans” in the rich asshole’s tweet appeared to sync up with a segment that aired earlier Sunday morning on “Fox and Friends” ― one of the president’s favorite Fox News programs ― that was titled “Caravan of Illegal Immigrants Headed To U.S.”
To be eligible for DACA, one must have continuously resided in the U.S. since June 15, 2007.
the rich asshole’s reversal on DACA comes after weeks of him seeking to pin the blame on Democrats for the unresolved fate of so-called Dreamers who find themselves in limbo because the president ended the program in September. At the time, he urged Congress to come to an agreement before early March to prevent the potential deportation of hundreds of thousands of Dreamers, indicating he didn’t want to have the government take that action.
“It’s March 5th and the Democrats are nowhere to be found on DACA. Gave them 6 months, they just don’t care,” he tweeted last month. “Where are they? We are ready to make a deal!”
Congressional negotiations over DACA have stalled. The rich asshole administration last month pitched a deal to extend it for two-and-a-half years in exchange for $25 billion to construct the president’s border wall, but Democrats refused. The White House similarly refused a Democratic counteroffer to fund construction of the wall in exchange for a pathway to citizenship for 1.8 million Dreamers.
the rich asshole follows Easter tweet by threatening children in racist tirade
the rich asshole rage-tweeted in between watching Fox News and attending an Easter morning church service.
the rich asshole spent Easter morning rage-tweeting about immigration and threatening to punish children by ending his support for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, an Obama-era policy that allows qualified undocumented immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children to stay in the country.
Just an hour after tweeting his Easter greetings to America, the rich asshole took to Twitter to complain about “our dumb immigration laws” and rage about the people “flowing” over the border into Mexico and then into the U.S.
“Mexico is doing very little, if not NOTHING, at stopping people from flowing into Mexico through their Southern Border, and then into the U.S.,” the rich asshole ranted. “They laugh at our dumb immigration laws. They must stop the big drug and people flows, or I will stop their cash cow, NAFTA. NEED WALL!”
In another tweet, the rich asshole claimed that “Caravans” of people are swarming over the U.S.-Mexico border, which he warned is “getting more dangerous.”
While it’s true that the Mexican side of the border struggles with high crime rates, the average violent crime rate for border cities on the U.S. side is actually lower than the national average.
the rich asshole might know more about border security if he actually read his daily briefings. Instead, he gets his “intelligence” from Fox News.
Even today, the language of the rich asshole’s tweet — referring to “Caravans” of people — matches up with a Fox News segment that aired about an hour before the rich asshole’s twitter outburst.
Amid his Easter morning rage-tweeting, the rich asshole also managed to squeeze in a threat to end a transnational trade deal if he doesn’t get his border wall — which, as of last week, he wants to fund with money allotted to U.S. troops.
the rich asshole continued ranting about immigration as he walked into a church service this morning, telling reporters that “a lot of people are coming in because they want to take advantage of DACA.”
Besides being petulant and impulsive, it appears that the rich asshole doesn’t even understand the policies to which he’s referring. In order to qualify for DACA, undocumented immigrants had to have arrived in the U.S. before 2007 — so anyone coming over the border now would not be eligible for the program.
But details like who qualifies for a certain policy or which government agency is responsible for funding multi-billion dollar expenditures don’t matter to the rich asshole, because those issues don’t matter to his base. As long as he can throw them a shiny object and call it a wall, they’ll be happy.
‘NO MORE DACA DEAL!’: the rich asshole goes off on immigrant ‘caravans’ in unhinged Easter morning tweet

President of the United States some rich asshole speaking at the 2018 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in National Harbor, Maryland. (Gage Skidmore/Flickr)
Two hours after he tweeted “Happy Easter” wishes, President some rich asshole was back to his old tricks, attacking Democrats on Twitter.
In his latest tweet, the rich asshole claimed there will be no agreement on the Dreamers because Democrats have tied the hands of the Border Patrol.
“Border Patrol Agents are not allowed to properly do their job at the Border because of ridiculous liberal (Democrat) laws like Catch & Release. Getting more dangerous. ‘Caravans’ coming. Republicans must go to Nuclear Option to pass tough laws NOW. NO MORE DACA DEAL!” the rich asshole tweeted.
You can see the tweets below:
‘Do a proper vetting’: Ousted VA chief refuses to endorse the rich asshole’s inexperienced nominee

David Shulkin on CNN -- screenshot
Appearing on CNN’s State of the Union, ousted Veterans Affairs head David Shulkin slapped back at the White House for issuing a statement that he had resigned from his position, saying he was pushed out by President some rich asshole
Speaking with host Jake Tapper, Shulkin explained, “I came to run the Department of Veterans Affairs because I’m committed to veterans and I’m committed to fighting for them. And I would not resign because I’m committed to making sure this job was seen through to the very end.”
CNN host Jake Tapper then pressed Shulkin, asking “So you were fired?”
“I did not resign,” Shulkin responded.
Asked about his proposed replacement, White House physician Dr. Ronny Jackson, Shulkin refused to endorse his selection, saying that, at the very least, he believes he and Jackson share the same values.
“I know that he cares a lot about veterans and I believe that he will work well with the president,” Shulkin explained. “But this is a big job that has to be thought about carefully because one of the problems we’ve seen in the V.A. is a constant turnover at the top of leadership and when you’re trying to make a change in as big an organization as the V.A., you need continuity of leadership.”
Asked if he would encourage the Senate to approve Jackson, Shulkin demurred.
“The Senate has to make up their own mind and it’s important to follow the process which is to do a proper vetting and I don’t think there should be shortcuts in that,” he remarked. “But I do believe that the president needs somebody that he has confidence in to get this job done and somebody that he’s got a good rapport with.”
You can watch the video below via CNN:
the rich asshole’s golf course near Mar-a-Lago vandalized with red paint during presidential visit

Vandalized sign at the rich asshole golf course -- ABC screenshot via Twitter
Late Saturday night, vandals or a vandal splattered the entrance to President some rich asshole’s golf course located near his Mar-a-Lago resort with red paint, reports ABC News.
According to the report, paint was tossed on the entrance of the rich asshole International Golf Club, located in West Palm Beach, with the can left behind.
the rich asshole International is the president’s regular golf course during his weekly visits to his Florida resort.
The president is currently in spending his Easter weekend at the resort, and sheriff’s investigators were unsure whether the president had seen the damage.
Gov. ‘Moonbeam’ Brown’s Office Uses the rich asshole’s Own Words To Defend Pardons
the rich asshole touted second chances for former prisoners the day before he blasted California Gov. Jerry Brown for giving ex-convicts a ... second chance.
Turns out President some rich asshole’s timing was off for his vicious dig at California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) for pardoning five immigrants who were facing possible deportation.
the rich asshole, relying again on name-calling, lashed “Moonbeam” Brown Saturday for pardoning immigrants who had been convicted of crimes — even though they finished serving their sentences years ago.
But the president slammed the pardons the day after he proclaimed April “second chance month” — which Brown’s press office was only too happy to point out. The California tweet responded with the president’s own words, highlighted on the White House web site. The president celebrated “those who have exited the prison system and successfully reentered society ... we encourage expanded opportunities for those who have worked to overcome bad decisions ... and emphasize our belief in second chances.”
the rich asshole could have been describing the pardoned Californians.
Brown granted 56 pardons and reduced 14 sentences on Good Friday and Passover. All of those granted pardons served their sentences “years ago,” and “earned” their pardons, said a statement from Brown’s office. Each of the five immigrants lived “law-abiding” lives after serving their time, and were assets to their communities and families, according to information from Brown’s office. Two of the immigrants came to America as child refugees. The pardons won’t necessarily save the men from deportation, but they may help.
The rich asshole slam was the latest in an increasingly heated feud between the White House and pollution-battling, immigrant-protecting California. the rich asshole may have slammed California in his latest tweet because Brown was attacked for the pardons early Saturday on “Fox and Friends.”
the rich asshole demands ‘nuclear option’ and 'no more DACA deal'
BY LUIS SANCHEZ - 04/01/18 10:30 AM EDT
President the rich asshole said Sunday that Republicans must change Senate laws in order to pass tougher border and immigration legislation. In a position shift, he also said the GOP should no longer make a Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program deal with Democrats.
the rich asshole tweeted that liberal laws are preventing Border Patrol agents from doing their jobs and Republicans need to take action.
Border Patrol Agents are not allowed to properly do their job at the Border because of ridiculous liberal (Democrat) laws like Catch & Release. Getting more dangerous. “Caravans” coming. Republicans must go to Nuclear Option to pass tough laws NOW. NO MORE DACA DEAL!
The "nuclear option" the rich asshole is referring to would involve changing Senate rules so legislation can pass with a simple majority instead of 60 votes. Republican leadership has resisted his previous calls for the change.
In his tweet, the rich asshole also said there should no longer be a deal on DACA legislation. The program provides protections for certain immigrants who came to the country illegally as children. the rich asshole ended the program last year and called on Congress to negotiate a fix.
He has accused Democrats of failing to agree on a deal he could sign, saying they "just don't care," while also refusing to sign several bipartisan deals. the rich asshole has called for a fix that would include border wall funding and other legislative causes Democrats don't want to support.
It is not clear whether Republicans would have enough support to pass a bill that includes all of the rich asshole's requirements without Democratic support, even under a simple majority vote.
In another tweet, the rich asshole charged that immigrants are trying to take advantage of DACA.
"These big flows of people are all trying to take advantage of DACA," he tweeted. "They want in on the act!"
These big flows of people are all trying to take advantage of DACA. They want in on the act!
"A lot of people are coming in because they want to take advantage of DACA," the rich asshole told reporters later Sunday morning on his way into Easter services. "They had a great chance, the Democrats blew it. They had a great, great chance."
the rich asshole has called on Senate Republicans to use the nuclear option in the past. In January he tweeted that they should use it pass a long-term budget and avoid a continuing resolution.
Entrance to the rich asshole International Golf Club splattered with red paint
One of the entrance signs at the rich asshole International Golf Club in Florida was splattered this weekend with red paint.
ABC News reported that the red paint splattered onto the left entrance at the club in West Palm Beach, Fla. A can of red paint was also left at the scene.
On Saturday night, two vans from the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Department were looking into the reported vandalism. The sheriff's department confirmed that the Secret Service is also investigating the incident, according to the White House press pool.
Pres. Trump lashes out at Amazon; says company must pay real costs and taxes: @tarapalmeri reports.
the rich asshole frequently visits his Mar-a-Lago resort, where he often spends time golfing over the weekends.
The president was in Florida this weekend. He reportedly dined with Fox News personality Sean Hannity at Mar-a-Lago.
the rich asshole properties are frequently the target of protesters and demonstrators. Groups in the past have projected words and phrases onto the rich asshole International Hotel in Washington, D.C.
Earlier this year, the word "shithole" was projected on the D.C. hotel after reports that the rich asshole referred to Haiti, El Salvador and African nations as "shithole countries."
— Updated 11:06 a.m.
Michael Cohen’s attorney whines about Stormy’s lawyer: ‘He calls me a thug and he represents a porn star!’

Michael Avenatti and David Schwartz
An attorney for who represents President some rich asshole’s personal lawyer over the weekend dismissed allegations of an affair made by adult film star Stormy Daniels on 60 Minutes as a “complete bunch of nonsense.”
During an interview with on AM 970 New York, host John Catsimatidis questioned the ethics of CBS after it broadcast an interview with Stephanie Clifford, an adult film star who is better known as Stormy Daniels. Clifford alleged in the interview with 60 Minutes that she had an affair with the rich asshole while he was married to Melania the rich asshole.
“How does 60 Minutes allow somebody of dubious character like this — well, she’s not a prostitute — she’s a porn star,” Catsimatidis asked Michael Cohen’s attorney, David Schwartz. “And her lawyer… to give them primetime for 22 million Americans to watch the nonsense. Did he have sex, who knows! But who cares?”
Schwartz argreed: “I think you just answer the question. 60 Minutes is the gold standard. It wasn’t the gold standard last Sunday.”
Cohen’s attorney complained in the interview that Michael Avenatti, Clifford’s lawyer, had called him a “thug.”
“And he represents a porn star trying to shoot down the president of the United States!” Schwartz exclaimed. “And I’m the thug? Okay.”
“It was ratings gold,” he added. “It’s complete garbage. The whole story is garbage. The whole story is nonsensical. She says they had an affair. Even by her story, they had sex one time 12 years ago. Her whole story makes no sense.”
Schwartz speculated that many U.S. senators had also had affairs.
“And guess what? Whose money paid for those settlements?” he asked. “It wasn’t Michael Cohen, right? It was your money and my money and the taxpayers’ money.”
Schwartz concluded with a swipe at Avenatti.
“This guy is a PR machine and he’s only in it for himself,” he said.
Listen to the interview below.
the rich asshole shill: Intern class ‘diverse’ because it had 3 kinds of white people
Roland Martin sets the record straight.
The rich asshole administration’s lack of diversity is so widespread that it even extends to the White House intern program.
On Monday, the rich asshole posed for a photo with the Spring 2018 class of White House interns, which drew criticism for the overwhelmingly white makeup of the group. On MSNBC Live Sunday morning, host Alex Witt asked former Bush speechwriter Jennifer Grossman to comment on the criticism.
“The most important thing is the content of our character and what’s in our heads and our ideas and our thoughts, not the color of our skin,” Grossman said.
“You probably have Republicans, you probably have conservatives, social Republicans, libertarians,” Grossman added. “So I am a little concerned about wanting to create campuses or intern class in which everybody looks different but thinks the same.”
Guest Roland Martin responded by suggesting that Grossman not quote Dr. King so selectively, and was repeatedly interrupted so Grossman could accuse him of “bullying.”
“Here is the point,” Martin said. “By 2020, more than a majority of America’s children under 18 will be minority. We will be a majority minority country by 2043. You look at the rich asshole’s judicial appointees, 92% are white. And so, when you look at this class, these are future leaders.”
“So if you have a class that is largely absent of minority people, these are the folks who will be leaders in the next 10, 15, 20 years,” Martin added. “You better have a diversified class to lead a diversified America, otherwise you’re going to have the same problems.”
Martin is correct, the rich asshole’s judicial appointees do not include even a single black or Hispanic woman, and that lack of diversity is reflected throughout his administration.
This is also the second year in a row that the rich asshole has taken criticism for an overwhelmingly white intern photo op. That first one took place before the rich asshole praised white supremacists and repeatedly defended monuments to the Confederacy, and before his feud with black NFL players escalated to attacking them during the State of the Union address.
In fact, the 2017 photo was taken days before the rich asshole demanded an increase in police brutality during a law enforcement speech. Those incidents, on top of the rich asshole’s existing penchant for hiring fellow white supremacists at the White House, probably didn’t help diversify the rich asshole’s application pool.
Pointing out the gradients of white is a creative way to defend the rich asshole, but it is increasingly unnecessary, as the rich asshole and his Republican allies are barely even pretending to care about diversity any more.
Dems seize on gun control heading into midterms
Democrats are vowing to embrace gun control on the campaign trail this year, seizing on what they view as a shift in political winds while recognizing that Congress is unlikely to pass any new reforms before November.
Strategists say it’s a smart move given there is more public support for gun reform than ever before following a deadly mass shooting at a high school in Parkland, Fla., in mid-February that sparked anti-gun violence rallies in cities across the country last weekend.
But gun reform — which has long been considered the third rail in Washington politics — also risks alienating certain voters, especially in some of the GOP strongholds that Democrats are targeting this election cycle.
Democrats acknowledge the backlash to recent calls from former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens to repeal the Second Amendment underscores the public fears about a “slippery slope” when it comes to gun control.
“It hurts the message,” said Brad Bannon, a Democratic strategist. “It basically raises the hackles of a lot of people who think Democrats are out to take away all the guns. It scares the bejesus out of people.”
“Democrats should make the distinction that we’re not trying to take away your Second Amendment right, but we do want strict limits on ownership and sales on guns that are weapons of war,” he added.
The intensified focus on gun reform marks something of a shift for Democrats, who shied away from the issue for years after suffering sweeping election losses in 1994 — a wave largely attributed to the assault weapons ban they’d championed earlier that year.
Similarly, presidential hopeful Al Gore lost several traditionally Democratic states as he sought the White House in 2000 — including West Virginia and his home state of Tennessee — where voters were exceedingly wary of his gun positions.
Last month’s shooting massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida — where a 19-year-old former student has been charged with killing 17 people with an AR-15 — has spurred what Democrats view as a shift in the politics of the gun debate, with media-savvy student activists helping keep the issue front and center.
Nationwide marches for gun control last week and a host of recent polls showing overwhelming public support for tougher gun restrictions following the Parkland shooting have galvanized Democrats behind the idea that embracing gun reform is not only smart public safety policy but something that will pay dividends at the polls.
“This is going to be a serious issue in the elections. ... Either we change laws or we change who’s in Congress. The kids get that,” said Rep. Elizabeth Esty (D-Conn.). “The Republicans, as they have for five years, can just keep stuff off the floor [but] they can’t keep everybody out of the voting booth. So they do that at their peril.”
Rep. Ted Deutch (D-Fla.), who represents Parkland, said that "keeping kids safe ought to be the priority of our government. And in a lot of places we have one candidate who stands on the side of kids and public safety and morality, and we have another candidate who stands solely with the gun makers."
“Yeah, you bet it’s going to be an issue in the campaign," he added.
Democrats are pointing to Conor Lamb’s recent House special election victory in a conservative pocket of southwest Pennsylvania as a possible playbook for how Democratic candidates can embrace calls for gun reform in deep-red territory.
Lamb, the underdog in the House special election, defended the Second Amendment while embracing tougher laws like an expansion of background checks. His improbable win has given new force to the argument that supporting gun restrictions is not political suicide for Democratic candidates, even in areas that overwhelmingly backed President the rich asshole in 2016.
"To win campaigns you need to have candidates who are their district. And so candidates should most certainly talk about the economic issues that we face," said Rep. Mike Thompson (D-Calif.), the head of the Democrats’ gun-violence prevention task force. “But they also need to talk about things that are important to the people they want to represent, and keeping your kids alive is certainly one of those issues."
"I don’t think there’s any mystery that this has become a political issue."
Congress passed several provisions within a massive 2018 spending bill in March that were designed to reduce gun violence, particularly in schools, following the Florida shooting.
While the measures included bolstering the background check system before gun sales and empowering federal researchers to examine gun violence as a threat to public health, among other provisions, the changes placed no new restrictions on gun sales, merchandise or ownership.
While Democrats say they’ll continue to press for those changes in the GOP-led Congress, they’re also conceding the political reality that their favored reforms — including universal background checks and an assault weapons ban — aren’t likely to reach the floor this year.
“You have to realize the practicality of what is the political environment,” Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) acknowledged ahead of the march in Washington, D.C., last week. “The political climate is so dominated by the [National Rifle Association] that it’s going to be very difficult to get votes [on reforms like an assault weapons ban].”
With that in mind, Democrats are vowing to take the issue straight to voters, hoping an injection of fresh energy from student survivors from the Parkland shooting will prove a tipping point in the debate.
While campaigning on gun control might not work in every district, strategists say the issue is likely to be a big winner for Democrats in some of the marginal, suburban districts that could be key to helping Democrats take back the House in the fall.
That nationwide movement inspired by the Parkland student activists, dubbed “Never Again,” may also increase enthusiasm and voter turnout in the midterms, which has historically disadvantaged Democrats.
“You’ve seen lots of voters who have become single-issue voters around gun safety, which is something that those who oppose gun safety measures have always been successful at doing,” said Deutch.
In a show of how much power the movement has amassed, a number of advertisers started pulling out of Fox News host Laura Ingraham's show this week after she posted a tweet critical of one of the Parkland students.
"This has galvanized millions of millennials, which makes it easier," Bannon said. "When there’s this much outrage, you’re going to have a lot more people involved in the political process, and that’s good for Dems."
Five ways the rich asshole is restricting immigration
BY RAFAEL BERNAL - 04/01/18 06:03 AM EDT
Despite having a Republican majority in Congress and setting clear goals on immigration, President the rich asshole's attempts to revamp the country's immigration laws have stalled.
But through the executive institutions in charge of immigration, the rich asshole has changed how the government interacts with foreign citizens.
Here are five of the biggest changes the rich asshole has made to the immigration system:
Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the end of DACA — the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program — in September, and the rich asshole gave Congress until March 5 to find a replacement.
That decision directly affected around 690,000 so-called Dreamers — immigrants who arrived in the country illegally as minors — who were enrolled in the program at the time, and hundreds of thousands more who would have aged into the program.
The 690,000 pre-enrolled DACA recipients can currently maintain and renew their two-year permits thanks to a federal court order against the rich asshole's move to end the program. But uncertainty over the program's future has created a slew of other issues for the program's beneficiaries.
the rich asshole's challenge to Congress to enact a replacement for DACA set off a flurry of immigration proposals, but ultimately the issue was set aside with little more than clearly-defined battle lines to show for the effort.
The open debate over immigration was a useful framework for the rich asshole to issue his administration's guiding principles on the matter.
the rich asshole's immigration wish list was celebrated by restrictionist groups that had long fought to join the mainstream, and reviled by immigration doves who see it as a nativist proposal that's ultimately designed to reduce legal immigration levels.
The rich asshole administration's handling of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) has upended decades of Republican and Democratic administrations' perfunctory renewals of the program.
TPS allows citizens of countries that are going through man-made or natural disasters to live and work in the United States.
In past attempts to achieve comprehensive immigration reform, negotiators on both sides of the issue prioritized TPS recipients and Dreamers as groups in consideration for a special path to citizenship.
But under the rich asshole, DHS has announced the end of TPS for 260,000 Salvadorans, 60,000 Haitians, 5,000 Nicaraguans and a few hundred Sudanese.
Salvadoran TPS has been renewed every 18 months since 2001, after two earthquakes hit the country.
the rich asshole on Tuesday also issued a memo ending Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) for Liberian citizens. DED was a program that allowed Liberian TPS recipients to remain in the country after their designation ended.
Frank Sharry, executive director of America's Voice, a progressive immigration reform advocacy group, said the termination of special protection programs show that the rich asshole and Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen are "intent on driving millions of immigrants out of the country."
"When it comes to putting immigrants on a path to deportation, it doesn’t seem to matter how long they’ve been here, the conditions they fled in the first place, the contributions they have made or the impact on their families, employers and communities, or the fact that they’ve had legal status for years and years," said Sharry.
"The bottom line seems to be this: get ready to get out; this is especially true if you are from what the president calls 'shithole countries,' ” he added.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is the federal government's top immigration law enforcement agency.
Under the rich asshole, the agency has become "unshackled," allowing it to prioritize for deportation immigrants who were deemed out of boundsby previous administrations.
ICE's acting director, Thomas Homan, is an Obama-era holdover who's openly praised the rich asshole for liberating agents to more liberally execute orders of deportation.
"This president, like him or love him, is doing the right thing," Homan told reporters in December.
ICE has come under severe criticism for the way it's changing immigration law enforcement, most recently for a directive allowing for the detention of pregnant women.
"Accounts of the mistreatment of pregnant women in prison and detention facilities are already horrific. For the rich asshole administration to further lower the bar and subject more women to these health risks is disgusting," said Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz.). "Reports of shackling, solitary confinement, and denial of adequate food or care for pregnant women already makes this one of the most pressing issues in our society."
Aside from changes to the way the federal government prosecutes immigrants in the country illegally, the rich asshole administration has also made substantial changes to the way it legally admits foreign citizens.
United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is the agency that grants visas, permanent residency and citizenship to foreign applicants.
Under the rich asshole, USCIS Director Francis Cissna changed the agency's mission statement, removing references to foreign applicants as "customers" and to the United States as a "nation of immigrants" in favor of language about "protecting Americans."
For instance, the White House is considering a USCIS proposal to tighten the rules on foreign citizens' use of tax breaks and welfare programs, said Tyler Houlton, a spokesman for Homeland Security.
If the White House approves the proposal, foreigners on visas or with permanent residency could be barred from using popular tax breaks, like the earned income tax credit or public health subsidies.
Houlton said the changes to the immigration system aren't meant to reduce legal immigration, but "to make it a fair system, secure the borders in a way that makes Americans safe."
Refugees and travel ban
the rich asshole issued an executive order in January 2017 banning the entry of citizens from seven predominantly Muslim countries to the United States.
The so-called travel ban was blocked by three courts using the rich asshole's public statements as evidence that it unfairly targeted Muslims.
"Plaintiffs offer undisputed evidence that the president of the United States has openly and often expressed his desire to ban those of Islamic faith from entering the United States. The Proclamation is thus not only a likely Establishment Clause violation, but also strikes at the basic notion that the government may not act based on religious animosity," said Chief Judge Roger Gregory in a 4th Circuit majority decision in February.
But after each reversal in court, the administration released a new set of rules to impose a travel ban that could pass constitutional muster.
In December, the Supreme Court temporarily lifted the lower courts' injunctions, as the latest iteration of the travel ban includes North Korea and Venezuela, which are not Muslim-majority countries.
The Supreme Court is scheduled to permanently rule on the travel ban's constitutionality in April.
Roseanne Touts Latest Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory About Child Sex Rings In Tweet
The controversial tweet has since been deleted.
Amid the hoopla over the reboot of “Roseanne” last week, people were scratching their heads over actress Roseanne Barr’s bizarre tweet hailing some rich asshole for freeing “hundreds” of children a month from their pimps.
The president has “broken up trafficking rings in high places everywhere,” Barr tweeted Friday.
The tweet has since been deleted ― a practice not uncommon for the controversial television star. Barr deleted a tweet Thursday that accused Florida school shooting survivor David Hogg of performing a Nazi salute.
A representative for Barr did not immediately respond to HuffPost’s request for comment.
In the since-deleted tweet about sex trafficking, Barr, who’s no stranger to promoting right-wing conspiracy theories, was apparently referring to a fantasy birthed on the anonymous online message site 4Chan last year. The conspiracy theory claims that the rich asshole is secretly busting satanic child sex rings linked to high-level Democrats. Barr retweeted posts and links backing the “untold story” that shares similarities with the “Pizzagate” hoax that Hillary Clinton was running a child sex trafficking ring out of a pizza shop in Washington.
The fantasy Barr referred to is the handiwork of anonymous 4Chan contributor QAnon or Q. The sex ring conspiracy theory insists that the investigation of the rich asshole and his campaign by special counsel Robert Mueller is a fake front so that the president can continue to nail the criminals. It gets even more convoluted after that.
Last November Barr tweeted, “Who is Q?” The Daily Beast reported. The actress later added: “Tell Qanon to DM” — direct message— “me in the next 24 hours.”
The theory is known as “The Storm,” apparently referring to the rich asshole’s mysterious promise last year that reporters were experiencing the “calm before the storm.” He never explained what he was referencing.
Twitter didn’t give Barr a pass. Shortly after her the rich asshole tweet, she apologized for posting it but didn’t deny that the rich asshole is freeing hundreds of child sex slaves. “I have worked with victims of trafficking for decades & supported the fight against it,” she tweeted. “Sorry to have mentioned it here. It’s not the place.”
Barr then posted another tweet saying she didn’t know so many were “not aware” of child sex slavery.
Barr once retweeted an Infowars report that baselessly claimed 5.7 million “illegals” voted in the presidential election, according to The Daily Beast. Barr has also promoted conspiracy theories about murdered Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich.
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