The three top cable news networks in the United States all cut away from some rich asshole’s speech in Ohio today before it ended, instantly prompting complaints from the White House. Even Fox News network dropped the speech after the rich asshole went off script during what was supposed to be a speech on infrastructure.
We all know the rich asshole is obsessed with how the media covers him, so after he finds out that CNN and MSNBC cut away from his speech a mere 30 minutes after it started at 2 p.m, he will rage on Twitter about fake news. Fox News cut away about 10 minutes after CNN and MSNBC. “Special Assistant” to the rich asshole and the White House Director of Strategic Response Steven Cheung complained in the post below about the lack of coverage of the rich asshole’s speech.
Cheung tried to complain that only CNN and MSNBC weren’t covering the speech but then Fox cut away right after he posted to social media, as CNN Senior White House Correspondent Jeff Zeleny pointed out.
This is major because the rich asshole’s speeches have been intentionally crazy and controversial to bait news networks into covering him, which probably helped him in 2016. Now news networks are sending a clear sign to the rich asshole that they don’t care about covering all his speeches live, which is a huge blow to him.
David Hogg Agrees To Accept Laura Ingraham’s Apology, But Only Under One Condition
Parkland survivor and admirable gun safety activist David Hogg responded to Fox News host Laura Ingraham’s “apology” after telling The New York Times that he wasn’t impressed with her apology and agreed to accept it under the condition that she denounces Fox New’s bias coverage of the Parkland students pushing for gun control.
“I 100% agree an apology in an effort just to save your advertisers is not enough. I will only accept your apology only if you denounce the way your network has treated my friends and I in this fight. It’s time to love thy neighbor, not mudsling at children. Focus less on fear and more on facts. Then we can save lives in this country together.” Hogg said on social media.
Hogg has successfully mounted a boycott of Ingraham that has led four major brands to drop their ads from her show; TripAdvisor, Wayfair, Expedia and pet food brand Nutrish. “She only apologized after we went after her advertisers. It kind of speaks for itself,” Hogg said of her “apology.” Hogg has Ingraham in checkmate. If she agrees to his condition and denounces her own network, she will be fired. If she doesn’t agree to his condition, more advertisers will pull out. Checkmate.
Laura Ingraham’s career with Fox news is probably over after Parkland student David Hogg initiated what is already a massively successful boycott of her sponsors, which you can read about in full detail here.
Ingraham has taken to social media to apologize to David and invite him back on her show by saying he is “welcome to return” for a discussion. You can read her “apology” below. “Any student should be proud of a 4.2 GPA —incl. @DavidHogg111. On reflection, in the spirit of Holy Week, I apologize for any upset or hurt my tweet caused him or any of the brave victims of Parkland. For the record, I believe my show was the first to feature David immediately after that horrific shooting and even noted how “poised” he was given the tragedy. As always, he’s welcome to return to the show anytime for a productive discussion.”
The important takeaways here are that she only apologized because her sponsors have dropped her. It took immense pressure and action to get this apology, which is why I put apology in quotes. She also sort of half apologized, because she literally said she is doing it in part, only because it is Holy Week. So I guess she would be less inclined to apologize if it wasn’t Holy Week. Not only that, but her welcoming David back on her show is begging for forgiveness.
She figures her best way out of the disaster she created for herself is by getting David on her show and making amends. If David appears on her show, he will be legitimizing her behavior and helping her out. Getting the media spotlight is everything for an activist like David so he can spread his message, but if he wants to have maximum impact, he should skip her invitation.
‘Be a real journalist’: Lauren Hogg rips Laura Ingraham after her apology for mocking her brother’s grades

Radio host Laura Ingraham at CPAC
Lauren Hogg, the sister of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student David Hogg, ripped into Laura Ingraham after the talk show host issued an apology to her brother in the wake of a growing advertiser boycott.
Hogg took to Twitter on Thursday to bash the Fox News host for only apologizing to her brother after several sponsors announced that they were leaving her show.
“Waits till we boycott her advertisers to apologize,” she wrote. “Wow.”
Hogg then went on to offer Ingraham some future career advice.
“Hey Laura Ingraham, please just be a real journalist,” she said. “Focus on the important stories and use your platform to help people not hurt them.”
The feud between Ingraham and the Hoggs started on Wednesday when the Fox host sent out a tweet mocking David Hogg’s high school grade-point average and then taunting him for getting rejected by some colleges.
Hogg simply responded by tweeting out a list of Ingraham’s top sponsors — and urged his followers to contact them and ask why they still were buying ads for her show.
European partners try — and fail — to pass new Iran sanctions to appease the rich asshole
The attempt came after President some rich asshole threatened to pull out of the deal unless the European partners "fix" it.
The European partners in the Iran nuclear deal are worried that President some rich asshole is about to tear up the deal — so worried, in fact, that on Wednesday night, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom tried to push through new sanctions against Iran to appease him.
But, Reuters reports, the tactic did not work because Spain, Italy, and Austria pushed back against the measures, which included travel bans and freezing of assets belonging to individuals and entities linked to Iran’s already-sanctioned ballistic missile program.
The sanctions, of course, would hurt Iran at a very crucial point in its economic recovery. And it’s unknown if they would be enough for the rich asshole to consider the deal worth saving.
“The European United really is not that united,” said Mehrzad Boroujerdi, professor of political science at Syracuse University. “So countries such as Italy, Spain, and Austria, which are certainly more concerned about their economic ties with Iran are making the argument that ‘Look, this is not going to be sufficient for the rich asshole, no matter what we do.'”
One compelling economic interest for Europeans to avoid more sanctions on Iran is the fear that E.U. countries will lose long-term market shares in Iran.
“More sanctions will make Iran’s economy more of a hostage to the Chinese, because that’s the country that is willing to fill the gap and provide Iran what it needs,” said Boroujerdi.
He said it’s still possible for the European partners and Iran to stick with the deal, even without the United States.
“It doesn’t really make much sense for Iran to leave the deal and return to the good old, bad days of the past,” he said, adding that the administration of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani doesn’t have much of an appetite for any kind of tit-for-tat confrontation.
The 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) — more commonly known as the Iran deal — was signed by Iran, the United States, United Kingdom, France, Russia, China, and Germany, offering sanctions relief in exchange for limiting the scope of Iran’s nuclear program.
Iran has insisted that its nuclear program has always been intended for energy and research purposes, and submits to regular, rigorous inspections by the United Nation’s nuclear watchdog agency, the IAEA, to ensure that it stays within mandated parameters.
But President the rich asshole has been determined to kill the agreement he calls “the worst deal ever.” In October, he refused to recertify the deal (as required, under U.S. law, every 90 days). In January, when he extended sanctions relief, he added that it would be the last time he’d do so, unless the European partners in the JCPOA “fixed” the deal.
He then appointed two men who have expressed a visceral dislike of the deal into key positions in his administration — Mike Pompeo as Secretary of State (pending Senate approval) and John Bolton as National Security Advisor (no approval required). Both men have advocated bombing Iran.
All of the other signatories to the deal still support it, including the European partners. But as the May deadline for extending sanctions relief nears — with Iran expressing a reluctance to stay in the deal if the U.S. pulls out, and with the appointment of Bolton and Pompeo — there’s added pressure in Europe to save the deal.
“There was a commando approach, but it failed. The difference here is that everyone thinks the rich asshole will pull out (of the Iran deal) and so some consider this pointless,” one E.U. diplomat told Reuters.
“They have a pretty solid case that regardless of what they do, the rich asshole is going to leave that deal,” said Boroujerdi. But, he said, logic dictates that the Europeans have a plan A and a plan B.
“After all, what are they going to get if they too leave the nuclear deal and are then confronted by this bunch of extremists in the White House, who might not just satisfied with leaving the deal, but might be advocating for more confrontational policies with Iran?” he said.
CNN guest mocks the rich asshole’s ‘very confused ideas’ about how much influence Amazon has over Washington Post

some rich asshole on Meet the Press (NBC screen grab)
President some rich asshole on Thursday launched another broadside at online retailing giant Amazon, and CNN’s Wolf Blitzer decided to ask Washington Post columnist Katherine Rampell about the reasons for the president’s attacks.
Rampell speculated that while the rich asshole might be jealous of the fact that Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos is now worth many times what the rich asshole is worth, she thinks the real motive behind the attacks is his personal hatred for the Washington Post, which Bezos now owns.
“the rich asshole has these very confused ideas about the relationship between Amazon and the Washington Post,” she said. “If you look back at all the times he has attacked Amazon — and there have been a dozen tweets over the last year and a half, couple of years — they often seem to be prompted by what he sees as critical coverage by the Washington Post.”
Blitzer then pivoted back to the rich asshole potentially being jealous of Bezos — and he pointed out that Forbes now lists Bezos’ net wealth at more than 30 times the net wealth of the rich asshole.
“Do you think these numbers feed the president’s anger at Jeff Bezos?” Blitzer asked.
“I think that’s possible,” Rampell replied. “I think we need to pause for a moment and just reflect on how crazy it is that the sitting President of the United States appears to be taking actions to drive down the stock price of what he perceives to be a political enemy.”
Watch the video below.
Fox News correspondent: Stormy Daniels doesn’t matter except to remind me that ‘extra large chicken breasts are expensive’

Fox host Dagen McDowell (Screenshot/YouTube)
Fox News business correspondent Dagen McDowell on Thursday dismissed the importance of some rich asshole’s alleged affair with Stormy Daniels and subsequent efforts to silence the adult film star.
Referring to “photographs of Stormy Daniels,” McDowell claimed people “from where I come from” are only concerned about one thing.
“I don’t know how some pornography performer has anything to do with my well being, other than reminding me that those extra large chicken breast at the market are expensive,” McDowell said as her fellow “Outnumbered” hosts laughed.
McDowell is from Campbell County, Virginia.
Watch the video below:
Watch the video below:
March 29, 2018
Fox News hosts like Laura Ingraham usually get away with smearing Americans with lies, bigotry, and worse. But after she attacked Parkland shooting survivor David Hogg, everything fell apart.
Fox News host Laura Ingraham was shamed into publicly apologizing after attacking David Hogg, one of the teenage activists from Parkland, Florida.
The apology came as advertisers began to abandon Ingraham’s radio show, citing her behavior. Nutrish, a dog food company fronted by Rachel Ray, and TripAdvisor had pulled out of Ingraham’s show.
“The comments she has made are not consistent with how we feel people should be treated,” Nutrish’s spokesperson said in a statement.
Ingraham attacked Hogg over his college application process, writing, “David Hogg Rejected By Four Colleges To Which He Applied and whines about it.”
Hogg rebuked her smear and called for people to boycott her advertisers for financing her mean-spirited commentary.
It worked.
Less than 24 hours later, Ingraham apologized.
“On reflection, in the spirit of Holy Week, I apologize for any upset or hurt my tweet caused him or any of the brave victims of Parkland,” she wrote.
She couldn’t leave it at that, though. In a second tweet, she tried to entice Hogg to appear on her Fox News show, apparently believing that even her odious public shaming is an opportunity to pump up her ratings.
The apology was an unusual moment for Ingraham and her cohorts at Fox and in the right-wing media, who have repeatedly engaged in dishonest smear campaigns, often tinged with racism and other forms of bigotry.
It is a toxic brew of hate that helped the rich asshole himself to transition from a reality TV personality to a political figure.
Ingraham never apologized after she told NBA superstar LeBron James to “shut up and dribble” when he spoke up about the rich asshole’s embrace of racism.
There were no moments of reflection and humility forthcoming from Ingraham when she mocked black voters and said they voted for President Barack Obama “because he was, you know, half-black.”
She didn’t seem to have any second thoughts about blaming Democrats when the rich asshole described Nazis as “very fine people,” while arguing that Democrats have made a “race play” for black voters.
There wasn’t no apology after she said Mexicans emigrated to America to “murder and rape our people,” nor was there one when she said Spanish-language media outlets were “toxic.”
Ingraham has a long and sordid history of reveling in toxic rhetoric, but she didn’t have it in her to apologize until she began to lose revenue thanks to advertiser abandonment.
As David’s sister, Lauren Hogg, noted, Ingraham waited the Hoggs’ boycott started working to offer her apology.
The rest of Fox News has the same problem.
Fox stars like Sean Hannity have not apologized for his depraved use of the death of DNC aide Seth Rich as part of a grotesque anti-Hillary Clinton conspiracy theory.
And Bill O’Reilly, who was the centerpiece of Fox’s lineup for multiple decades as he groped and fondled and harassed multiple women, still portrays himself as some sort of pitiable victim.
Ingraham and her ilk in the right-wing media have focused their ire on the Parkland survivors, comparing them to Nazis even as Americans rally to their cause.
Fox News incubates figures like Ingraham and the rich asshole, creating a feedback loop of bile designed to coarsen and degrade American public discourse and politics.
But this apology, extracted through public shaming and disciplined political action, shows that the Fox News way doesn’t have to be the only path. These people can be held accountable for their words and actions, and even if their apologies are insincere, it is proof that they are not invulnerable.
Decency and honesty can win, and it far outclasses the likes of Laura Ingraham, Fox News, and their entire ecosystem of hatred.
‘Very, very unhappy with her life’: Insider claims Melania wants to take son Barron and flee the rich asshole

U.S. President-elect some rich asshole talks to reporters as he and his wife Melania the rich asshole arrive for a New Year's Eve celebration with members and guests at the Mar-a-lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida, U.S. December 31, 2016. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst
According to US Magazine, Melania the rich asshole has grown increasingly despondent over life in the spotlight with scandal-plagued husband some rich asshole and wants to flee with her son, Barron.
The article claims that the first lady is disconsolate following reports that the rich asshole had affairs with porn star Stormy Daniels and Playboy playmate Karen McDougal. The torrent of news has taken its toll on the rich asshole’s third wife.
A spokesperson for the first lady stated Melania the rich asshole stayed behind in Florida last weekend — while the president returned to Washington, D.C. — claiming she, “is focused on being a mom and is quite enjoying spring break at Mar-a-Lago while working on future projects.”
According to a the rich asshole family confidante, that is not the case.
According to the source, she’s appalled that “all eyes are on her relationship with her husband. It’s not an easy time for her,” in light of the 60 Minutes interview broadcast last Sunday.
“She is very, very unhappy with her life,” claimed another friend of the first lady. “If she could, she would get away from Donald and just be with her son.”
You can read the whole report here
Studio audience erupts in laughter at Michael Cohen’s lawyer during disastrous NBC interview
"They are laughing at you openly, David."
President some rich asshole’s legal problems are such that his longtime attorney, Michael Cohen, has had to hire an attorney, David Schwartz, to represent him. Over the last couple of days, Schwartz has made numerous media appearances to defend Cohen and, ultimately, the rich asshole.
It is not going well.
On Wednesday night, Schwartz argued on CNN that the rich asshole was not even aware of the contract, a legal argument that makes the contract in general, and the arbitration provisions in particular, nearly impossible to enforce. the rich asshole, not the shell company Cohen created, was the only party that can bring an arbitration proceeding or be awarded damages. If he isn’t a party to the contract, which Schwartz appears to concede, the entire thing could be void. It was a major error that left legal experts scratching their heads.
On Thursday morning on NBC’s Megyn Kelly Today, things got even worse.
A key issue in the Stormy Daniels case is whether the $130,000 payment was designed to benefit the rich asshole’s campaign for president. If it was, it would likely be in violation of federal election law since it would effectively be a contribution to the campaign well above the individual limit.
Kelly asked a basic question: Why would Michael Cohen make this payment on the rich asshole’s behalf? Schwartz responded that the decision was motivated, in part, by the proximity to the election.
“You gotta see the way this all comes down,” Schwartz said, “First off he got approached, OK, he got approached 19 days or 15 days before the election. It’ll take $130,000 to make this go away.”
In other words, Cohen was motivated because he understood the story would be damaging to the rich asshole’s chances in the upcoming election. He is speaking on behalf of his client, and this is just about the worst possible answer Schwartz could provide.
Things went downhill from there.
Another key issue in the scandal is Stormy Daniels’ claim that she was threatened by a man in a Las Vegas parking lot in 2011. The man allegedly told her she — and her young child — would be in danger if she didn’t stop talking about the rich asshole. Daniels’ attorney, but not Daniels herself, has suggested Cohen was behind the threat.
Kelly asked Schwartz if Cohen had “threatened people in the past in vulgar and intimidating terms?”
After some hemming and hawing by Schwartz, Kelly asked again, “He has threatened people. He has threatened people who are on the opposite side of some rich asshole, has he not? In vulgar, profane, and intimidating terms?”
Schwartz responded by essentially saying, yes, Cohen has made such threats in the past.
“I have heard that through the grapevine,” Schwartz said, eliciting laughter from the audience. He was, after all, there to represent Cohen’s interests.
Kelly then displayed on screen an obscene threat that Cohen had made against a Daily Beast reporter who was doing a story on Ivana the rich asshole’s claim, which she has since retracted, that the rich asshole had raped her.
Schwartz responded by saying that “everyone should want an employee like this,” prompting raucous laughter from the studio audience.
“They are laughing at you openly, David,” Kelly said, as if he didn’t know already.
Later, Kelly shared how she has been on the receiving end of Michael Cohen’s threats. She noted that during the campaign, Cohen retweeted a message that people should “gut” her because she asked the rich asshole some tough questions during a debate. Kelly said the tweet prompted death threats, which forced her to employ security guards.
Schwartz said that Kelly and Cohen had since reconciled, which Kelly said was not true.
Schwartz then backtracked and attempted to joke about the threats of violence. “It’s not a love connection, OK?” he said, referring to the relationship between Kelly and Cohen.
When Kelly objected to him joking about Cohen’s threats, Schwartz tried a third tactic.
“He was trying to help you,” Schwartz said to an incredulous Megyn Kelly.
Schwartz’s media blitz is clearly an effort to counterbalance Michael Avenatti, who has been a near-constant presence on TV since he was retained by Stormy Daniels. Schwartz talks frequently about being a close friend of Michael Cohen.
With friends like these, who needs enemies?
‘The president thinks things through’: the rich asshole surrogate goes down in flames defending inexperienced VA nominee

Amy Kremer appears on CNN (screen grab)
Former tea party leader Amy Kremer on Thursday struggled to defend President some rich asshole’s last pick for Veterans Affairs secretary.
During a CNN panel discussion on Thursday, Kremer attempted to explain why the rich asshole had picked a physician without management experience to run the second-largest agency in the government.
CNN’s host Brianna Keilar suggested that White House physician Ronny Jackson was nominated for the VA secretary post because he praised the rich asshole’s health during a news conference last year.
Kremer disagreed.
“I would say that he spent the last year every day with the president,” she said. “One of the president’s top priorities was reorganizing and getting better care for our veterans. And [outgoing VA Secretary] Shulkin is an Obama holdover.”
According to Kremer, “the president thinks things through as a businessman.”
Keilar asked Kremer to respond to Jackson’s lack of management experience.
“Well, I mean, somebody that had the management experience has not been doing a good job,” she opined. “So, as I said, the president was elected to be a disruptor, to change things. He is putting our veterans first and he’s switching things up. And that’s exactly what he was elected to do.”
Democratic strategist Scott Mulhauser predicted that Jackson would have a tough confirmation process due to his lack of experience. But Kremer continued to praise the rich asshole.
“We elected him to be a disruptor,” Kremer repeated. “And if things aren’t working as he wants, as he expected — I expect him to make changes that will work. He wants to be successful. Remember, this is a man who gave up his private life to do this. He’s not receiving any pay. He’s doing it for the better of America. He wants to make America great again. And we know the president does not like to fail.”
Watch the video below from CNN.
some rich asshole Jr freaks out after the BBC writes an article about his father’s doctor

some rich asshole Jr. speaks to MSNBC (screen grab)
Minutes after President the rich asshole tweeted he had fired the Secretary of Veterans Affairs and replaced him with Dr. Ronny Jackson, the Physician to the President under both the rich asshole and President Obama, some rich asshole Jr. flipped out on the BBC.
Apparently, this article’s title was not the president’s son’s liking:
“You mean ADMIRAL Ronny Jackson who BTW was also Obama’s doctor? Just so we are clear and eliminate any of what your conveniently misleading headline suggests,” the rich asshole Jr. tweeted.
Admiral Ronny Jackson’s official title, just as those before him who were White House Doctors, is Physician to the President.
For example, here’s a portion of Dr. Jackson’s 2014 official examination results of President Barack Obama:

On Twitter, many mocked the rich asshole Jr’s freak-out:
March 29, 2018
the rich asshole is in hiding after Stormy Daniels' prime-time interview. But he met with his disgraced former aide Corey Lewandowski at the White House, and then Lewandowski went on TV to trash her.
the rich asshole’s reliable henchman did the dirty work the rich asshole himself was too cowardly to do. Disgraced former the rich asshole aide Corey Lewandowski attacked Stormy Daniels in a CNN appearance after huddling with the rich asshole at the White House.
Daniels’ interview on 60 Minutes attracted millions of viewers, who watched and squirmed as embarrassing information about the rich asshole was revealed to the world.
the rich asshole has been uncharacteristically tight-lipped about Daniels’ allegations that she had sex with the rich asshole and was paid off by his personal lawyer to quiet right before the 2016 election.
Since the interview aired, the rich asshole has been hiding from cameras.
Getting Lewandowski, who has been a reliable the rich asshole shill since early in the campaign, to attack Daniels on his behalf without getting his hands dirty would be right in line with how the rich asshole has done business.
Lewandowski met with the rich asshole on March 26, alongside conservative activist and the rich asshole booster David Bossie. A few days later, Lewandowski appeared on CNN’s New Day.
He was asked by host Chris Cuomo about the affair, noting that the rich asshole has not gone after Daniels with his characteristically vicious taunts and insults.
Lewandowski then described Daniels as “an individual who really lacks credibility” and alleged that she was trying to “profiteer” from her story. Effectively, without the rich asshole doing the dirty work himself, his anti-Daniels message was broadcast on CNN and will reach millions of people.
The appearance comes as reports show Lewandowski working to claw his way back into the rich asshole’s inner sanctum.
He was fired from the campaign after working as the rich asshole’s campaign manager under the philosophy “Let the rich asshole be the rich asshole.” Notably, he was not let go after an incident in which he physically grabbed a female reporter, but was apparently pushed out by the more “establishment” operatives instead when they took over the campaign.
Lewandowski has a history of inappropriate behavior with women. This didn’t prevent him from a stint being a paid pundit for CNN, where he regularly dishonestly shilled on the rich asshole’s behalf. He then went on to work at a pro-the rich asshole super PAC.
But Lewandowski continues to have eyes for the rich asshole. Chief of staff John Kelly initially saidLewandowski would not be allowed to be on White House grounds without an escort, but as the rich asshole has increasingly sidelined Kelly, that directive has faltered.
Lewandowski had a romantic relationship with outgoing communications director Hope Hicks, who was also involved with aide Rob Porter. The revelation that Porter had allegations of domestic abuse in his past and they had been covered up by the rich asshole team — led by Kelly — was reportedly revealed by Lewandowski.
The power play has apparently worked, and months of flattering the rich asshole through television appearances appears to have put another abusive man at the rich asshole’s side.
the rich asshole won’t directly rebut Daniels and her credible allegations, but Lewandowski is ready and able to prove his loyalty in exchange for more access to the center of power.
Appearing on air for his old employer and trashing Daniels isn’t officially his job, but there is little doubt that Corey Lewandowski is doing the rich asshole’s dirty work.
CNN’s Symone Sanders torches the rich asshole’s silence on cops shooting black men: ‘He called Roseanne yesterday!’

Symone Sanders appears on CNN (Screen cap).
Symone Sanders got into a heated argument on CNN Thursday morning about President some rich asshole’s total silence on the death of Stephon Clark, an unarmed black man from Sacramento who was shot by police twenty times in his own backyard.
During the segment, Sanders eviscerated the rich asshole for being willing to tweet about all kinds of news stories — ranging from school shootings to kneeling NFL players — but never about unarmed black men who get shot by cops.
In particular, Sanders tore apart the White House’s claim that the rich asshole didn’t want to comment on Clark’s shooting because he considered it a “local matter.”
“The idea that this is a ‘local’ matter is laughable,” she said. “We know that President the rich asshole will comment on — he called Roseanne yesterday to talk about her show! He comments on things happening in communities across the country and abroad all of the time.”
Conservative panelist Rob Astorino tried to defend the rich asshole by saying that it would be inappropriate for the rich asshole to comment on such cases until all the facts are known. Sanders, however, wasn’t having it.
“The question on the table is, why can some rich asshole comment on everything else, but when it comes to issues that do not fit his political narrative, we cannot hear from this White House,” she said. “I think that’s problematic.”
Watch the video below.
March 29, 2018
No one at the White House can explain why the rich asshole tapped a novice to run the sprawling, troubled Department of Veterans Affairs.
Enamored with the way White House physician Dr. Ronny Jackson regaled reporters with almost comically exaggerated praise of the rich asshole’s health back in January, Jackson has been rewarded for his fandom.
On Wednesday, the rich asshole tapped Jackson to run the troubled Department of Veterans Affairs.
But other than being smitten with Jackson’s public cheerleading, the White House can’t offer any reason for why a doctor with zero management experience would be qualified to run the sprawling federal agency in the U.S. that has been beset by controversy for years.
Nobody “can satisfactorily answer the question of how his personal White House physician is qualified to run the second largest agency in the federal government, and one of the most consequential and dysfunctional institutions in America,” Axios reports.
When pressed on the topic by CNN, a “White House official noted Jackson brings with him both a medical and military background to the Department of Veterans Affairs as well as past praise for his work in previous administrations.”
Appearing on “Fox & Friends” Thursday morning, deputy White House press secretary Raj Shah made a similarly vague claim that “as an active duty member, [Jackson] understands the military.”
But there are approximately two million Americans currently on active duty. Does that make them all qualified to the run the VA?
Even though it was an open secret that the rich asshole wanted to dispose of David Shulkin as his VA chief, and for weeks the possible move was discussed in the press, Jackson’s name was virtually never mentioned as a possible replacement.
That might be because White House insiders never considered the obvious novice to be a legitimate candidate — but the rich asshole did.
“A source tells CNN that some rich asshole has been floating Jackson’s name during recent conversations with advisers but wasn’t taken seriously,” Abby Phillips reported.
This is similar to how the White House handled the firing of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. The highly unusual and public dismissal of America’s top diplomat was never explained, other than the suggestion the rich asshole didn’t have good “chemistry” with Tillerson.
That’s not a sufficient reason to dismantle a presidential Cabinet, which is what the rich asshole’s in the process of now doing.
the rich asshole’s EPA chief Scott Pruitt caught living in prime DC condo owned by top energy lobbyist’s wife: report

Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency Scott Pruitt stands after the swearing-in ceremony for US Ambassador to Canada Kelly Knight Craft in Washington, U.S., September 26, 2017. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts
President some rich asshole’s environmental chief has been living in a townhouse co-owned by the wife of a top energy lobbyist.
EPA administrator Scott Pruitt occupies the home a short distance from the U.S. Capitol, but neither the agency or lobbyist J. Steven Hart would say how much the rich asshole administration official has been paying to live in the prime location, reported ABC News.
The cost of the rental agreement will be a key question in determining whether the property is an improper gift, according to ethics experts.
Hart confirmed to ABC News that Pruitt lived in the condo, which is owned through a limited liability company that links to address owned by the lobbyist and his wife Vicki Hart — who is a lobbyist specializing in health care.
The Harts were described in 2010 by the newspaper Roll Call as a “lobbyist power couple.”
Steven Hart, chairman and CEO of Williams and Jensen, previously served in the Reagan Justice Department and is a top Republican fundraiser, and his firm reported more than $16 million in federal lobbying income last year.
“Among his many clients are the NRA and Cheniere Energy Inc., which reported paying Hart’s firm $80,000 a year,” ABC News reported.
China Warns U.S. Not To Open Pandora’s Box, Unleash Trade Ills On World
the rich asshole’s tariffs decision provoked a warning from Beijing that it could retaliate with duties of up to $3 billion of U.S. imports.

BEIJING, March 29 (Reuters) - China warned the United States on Thursday not to open Pandora’s Box and spark a flurry of protectionist practices across the globe, even as Beijing pointed to U.S. goods that it could target in a deepening Sino-U.S. trade dispute.
China could target a broad range of U.S. businesses from agriculture to aircraft, autos, semiconductors and even services if the trade conflict escalates, the official China Daily newspaper said in an editorial on Thursday.
President some rich asshole’s move last week to slap up to $60 billion in tariffs on some Chinese imports has since provoked a warning from Beijing that it could retaliate with duties of up to $3 billion of U.S. imports.
China’s biggest U.S. imports are aircraft and related equipment, soybeans and autos, with the total bill about $40 billion last year.
“The malicious practices of the United States are like opening Pandora’s Box, and there is a danger of triggering a chain reaction that will spread the virus of trade protectionism across the globe,” a commerce ministry spokesman said.
The official line from China continues to be stern even as Beijing says it is all for dialog and negotiations. The feedback from U.S. and Chinese officials on the nature and extent of trade talks remains mixed, media reports show.

The Financial Times reported only on Monday that China had offered to buy more U.S. micro-chips and move more quickly to finalize rules allowing foreign firms to take majority stakes in Chinese securities firms, citing people briefed on the negotiations.
Chinese customs data shows the U.S. accounted for just $2.6 billion, or 1 percent, of China’s total semiconductor imports last year by value, with suppliers in South Korea, Taiwan and Japan commanding a bigger share.
But a source in the U.S. semiconductor industry said U.S. companies have slightly more than 50 percent of China’s market for chips, though export data does not reflect that because much of the product is sent offshore for low value added processing.
The source said the U.S. semiconductor industry had not asked the rich asshole administration to urgeChina to buy more U.S. chips and had been told by senior U.S. officials that the U.S. government had not made such a request to Beijing.
“We don’t need China to buy more chips,” the source said, adding that U.S. industry was concerned about being targeted by Chinese non-tariff barriers.
“It’s more about (Chinese) subsidies, IP protection, and cyber rules,” the source said, referring to concerns over Chinese retaliation.
China has long said it would like to import more U.S. high-tech goods, including high-end chips, but has been stymied by U.S. export controls set on national security grounds.
The rich asshole administration is accusing Chinese firms of stealing intellectual property and forcing U.S. firms to share commercial secrets - allegations that China denies.
On Thursday, China’s State Council, or cabinet, said transfers of Chinese intellectual property rights to foreign investors will be reviewed if national security is determined to be at stake, or if core technological innovations are involved.
Government approval will also be needed for intellectual property transfers involving semiconductors, software and agriculture.

China’s commerce ministry said on Thursday the U.S. approach to trade could trigger a domino effect and U.S. trade protectionism will only hurt U.S. consumers.
While China hopes the U.S. will resolve trade conflicts with China through dialog, it will take all possible steps to protect its interests, ministry spokesman Gao Feng told a regular briefing in Beijing.
“Negotiations must be equal, and China will not accept any consultation under unilateral coercion,” Gao said.
On Wednesday, the rich asshole’s top trade envoy said he would give China a 60-day window before tariffs on Chinese goods take effect, but added that it would take years to bring the two countries’ trading relationship “to a good place.”
The tariff list is expected in the next several days.
The China Daily on Thursday quoted Premier Li Keqiang as telling a U.S. Congressional delegation this week that China was open to dialog but “fully prepared with countermeasures.”
It warned that if the conflict continued to escalate “China could consider taking reciprocal measures against U.S. imports of agricultural products besides soybeans, as well as aircraft, automobiles and semiconductors.”
“And should the rich asshole administration further obstruct Chinese investments in the U.S., even tougher measures such as restrictions on imports of U.S. services and similar investment reviews would likely be on the table,” it said.
Separately, Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post reported on Thursday that U.S. and Chinese officials had been holding talks to shield American soybeans and other agricultural products from trade sanctions.
China is still considering import curbs on U.S. soybeans, U.S. Soybean Export Council Asia director Paul Burke said on Thursday, following a meeting with the Ministry of Agriculture.
(Reporting by Se Young Lee and Yawen Chen in BEIJING; Additional reporting by Michael Martina, John Ruwitch, Dominique Patton and Stella Qiu Additional writing by Ryan Woo Editing by Shri Navaratnam and Kim Coghill)
Michael Cohen could face ‘fraud charges’ after lawyer admits the rich asshole wasn’t told about Stormy NDA: law professor

Michael Cohen (CNN)
David Schwartz, an attorney for the rich asshole lawyer Michael Cohen, may have put his client in legal hot water on Wednesday when he admitted that President some rich asshole did not know about a hush agreement with adult film actress and alleged the rich asshole mistress Stormy Daniels.
Schwartz made the admission during an appearance on CNN.
“The president was not aware of the agreement. At least Michael Cohen never told him about the agreement. I can tell you that,” Cohen’s lawyer told CNN’s Erin Burnett. “He was not aware of any of it [the payoff or the non-disclosure agreement].”
Legal experts have asserted that the fact that the hush agreement is not valid if one of the parties knew nothing about.
But Schwartz may have committed an even worse sin by putting his client, Michael Cohen, in legal jeopardy.
Georgetown University law professor David Super told The Washington Post that Schwartz interview on CNN was “amazing” because it opens Cohen up to “fraud charges.”
“If true, that opens up Cohen and anyone else involved in soliciting the agreement to fraud charges because the agreement certainly purports to make commitments, beyond the money, that only the rich asshole could make,” Super explained. “They could, I suppose, claim that they had broad authority to commit him without specific approval, but the agreement does not suggest that at all.”
The White House has yet to confirm or deny whether the rich asshole knew about the agreement at the time it was drafted. the rich asshole’s spokespeople have since said that the president denies the affair.
REVEALED: The FBI started looking into the rich asshole’s shady Russia-linked business deals as early as 2014

Vladimir Putin shaking hands with some rich asshole - MSNBC screengrab
President some rich asshole has in the past complained that the only reason he’s being investigated for his ties to Russia was because he won the 2016 presidential election — but a new report reveals that the FBI was asked to investigate his Russia-linked deals before he ever announced his presidential run.
The Guardian has found that the government of Latvia, a former Soviet satellite state and current NATO ally, asked the FBI to help out with an investigation into a proposed the rich asshole-branded hotel that was to be built in its capital city of Riga.
The deal was in the process of being worked out with Igor Krutoy, a wealthy ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin. However, Krutnoy and his associates quickly called off the deal after Latvian law enforcement officials started questioning them as part of what the Guardian describes as “a major criminal inquiry.”
The FBI began looking into the rich asshole’s side of the deal in 2015, which means that investigators has been looking into his Russia-linked deals for longer than had been previously known.
In addition to being interested in developing properties, Krutoy is also a music composer who has written songs for Emin Agalarov, the Russian pop singer whose Kremlin-connected father helped set up the infamous the rich asshole Tower meeting between Russian officials and some rich asshole Jr., Jared Kushner and then-campaign manager Paul Manafort in 2016.
Karma's a bitch, ain't it?
Laura Ingraham apologizes ‘for any upset’ to David Hogg after advertisers start to flee

Laura Ingraham speaks to ABC News (screen grab)
Fox News host Laura Ingraham on Thursday apologized to Parkland student David Hogg after she gloated about his college rejections.
“Any student should be proud of a 4.2 GPA,” Ingraham wrote on Twitter shortly after two advertisers announced the were pulling sponsorship of her Fox News show “The Ingraham Angle.”
“For the record, I believe my show was the first to feature David immediately after that horrific shooting,” she added.
Hogg on Wednesday urged supporters to contact companies who sponsor Ingraham’s show. Hogg’s sister Lauren Hogg also called for First Lady Melania the rich asshole to intervene on her brother’s behalf and stop Ingraham from “cyberbullying” the Parkland survivor.
The exodus begins: First advertisers announce they’re dropping Laura Ingraham show in David Hogg boycott

Laura Ingraham and David Hogg
At least one advertiser is pulling its sponsorship of Laura Ingraham’s program after the Fox News host attacked a survivor of the Parkland school shooting.
The syndicated talk radio host, who also broadcasts weeknights on Fox News, gloated over reports that gun safety advocate David Hogg had been rejected by four colleges despite stellar grades.
The 17-year-old Hogg responded to her insults by urging a boycott of her Fox News program’s advertisers.
The first advertiser to drop Ingraham was pet food maker Nutrish, which responded to Hogg’s post and to numerous individual Twitter users.
TripAdvisor announced it would end sponsorship of Ingraham’s program later Thursday, and the host issued an apology to Hogg.
David Hogg responds to Laura Ingraham’s taunts with call for a boycott
Fox News host Laura Ingraham mocked Hogg this week after he was rejected from a handful of universities.
Seventeen-year-old David Hogg, the outspoken Parkland shooting survivor and student activist, is asking his supporters to boycott advertisers on Laura Ingraham’s Fox News show, after the host mocked Hogg on Twitter for being rejected by four University of California schools.
Earlier in the week, Hogg gave an interview with TMZ in which he explained his college application process, saying that the shooting, which left 17 people dead last month, had admittedly thrown some of his previous plans for loop.
“It’s not been too great for me and some of the other members of the movement, like Ryan Deitsch,” Hogg said. “It’s been kind of annoying having to deal with that and everything else that’s been going on but at this point, you know, we’re changing the world. We’re too busy. Right now it’s hard to focus on that.”
On Wednesday morning, Ingraham pounced.
“David Hogg Rejected By Four Colleges To Which He Applied and whines about it,” the Fox News host tweeted. “(Dinged by UCLA with a 4.1 GPA…totally predictable given acceptance rates.)”
In a series of tweets on Wednesday, Hogg responded to Ingraham’s comments indirectly, tagging many of the companies who had advertising deals with her show and asking why they supported her mocking rhetoric.
“Why do you support this?” he tweeted at several companies, including Arby’s Sleep Number, AT&T, Allstate, Hulu, and Liberty Mutual.
TMZ producer Harvey Levin also jumped to Hogg’s defense, responding to Ingraham’s comments and suggesting she hadn’t actually watched the video.
“David was not whining. I called him about the story,” Levin tweeted. “He was not feeling sorry for himself in the slightest. It was my idea that colleges should consider applicants who are so committed. Did you watch the video???”
This is not the first time a boycott has been brought against Fox News over the incendiary words of one of its hosts. Last year, more than 50 advertisers pulled their commercials from Bill O’Reilly’s namesake show, The O’Reilly Factor, after The New York Times reported that five women received a $13 million settlement from the network over a series of sexual harassment allegations against O’Reilly.
The once highest-rated and most profitable show in cable news quickly became a shell of itself in the wake of those advertiser walkouts. Before the Times report, the show boasted well over 30 ads across the hour, many from top national brands. By the end of the week, O’Reilly’s show had around 10 ads hawking catheters and Elvis Presley gospel albums.
Eventually The O’Reilly Factor was pulled from the Fox News lineup, making room for Tucker Carlson Tonight to take its place.
The Ingraham advertiser boycott is relatively fresh, and only time will tell if The Laura Ingraham Show will face the same fate as The O’Reilly Factor.
The Laura Ingraham Show is in the process of losing one of its advertisers. Rachael Ray’s pet food brand Nutrish responded to David Hogg’s tweet calling out the 12 companies who advertise on Ingraham’s Fox News show.
“We are in the process of removing our ads from Laura Ingraham’s program,” the company wrote in a tweet.
Megyn Kelly corners Michael Cohen’s lawyer over claim he paid $130k without telling the rich asshole: ‘No one believes that’

David Schwartz and Megyn Kelly
In a lengthy and often combative interview with David Schwartz, the lawyer for longtime some rich asshole attorney Michael Cohen, NBC host Megyn Kelly ripped the notion that Cohen paid adult film star $130,000 without consulting the president.
“The weird thing about this case though is Michael Cohen signed the deal, some rich asshole didn’t, and you are claiming that Michael Cohen … never ever told some rich asshole about it,” Kelly said. “And Michael Cohen dismissed $130,000 of his own money and never sought reimbursement from some rich asshole?”
“No one believes that,” Kelly continued.
Schwartz waxed poetic about the “dynamics of the relationship” between Cohen and the rich asshole insisting that Cohen “chose not to go to the boss” about the Daniels payment.
“Why?” Kelly demanded.
“When Michael Cohen does come out, you’re going to find out the mechanics of that,” Schwartz insisted.
“You’re dodging—what’s the truth?” Kelly asked.
“The truth is, [Cohen] loves the boss,” Schwartz said.
“He did it out of love?!” an unbelieving Kelly replied.
Later in the interview, Kelly cornered Schwartz over his client’s history of vulgar threats towards her after he tried to argue the rich asshole’s “fixer” would never have solicited an alleged threat made against Daniels.
“Michael Cohen does have a history of making vulgar and allegedly or arguably comments and I myself have been on the receiving end of that,” Kelly said. “As you know.”
Watch the videos below:
Part One —
Part Two —
Ousted VA Secretary David Shulkin Calls Washington ‘Toxic, Chaotic’ In Scathing Op-Ed
His tenure as the lone Democrat in the rich asshole’s Cabinet wasn’t without scandal.
Less than 24 hours after he was fired as Veterans Affairs secretary under the cloud of an ethics scandal, David Shulkin slammed Washington as “toxic, chaotic, disrespectful and subversive” in a scathing op-ed published in The New York Times.
“I have fought to stand up for this great department and all that it embodies,” Shulkin wrote. “In recent months, though, the environment in Washington has turned so toxic, chaotic, disrespectful and subversive that it became impossible for me to accomplish the important work that our veterans need and deserve.”
He continued: “I came to government with an understanding that Washington can be ugly, but I assumed that I could avoid all of the ugliness by staying true to my values.”
President some rich asshole on Wednesday announced Shulkin’s termination on Twitter, after weeks of speculation he was on the outs. the rich asshole said he intends to name Adm. Ronny L. Jackson, the presidential physician, to the post.
Shulkin, the lone Democrat in the rich asshole’s Cabinet, was appointed in January 2017 after serving in the Obama administration, though the rich asshole had promised to overhaul the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Shulkin’s tenure wasn’t without scandal. An inspector general’s investigation concluded he had violated ethics rules with a trip to London and Copenhagen with his wife last summer. The 10-day trip involved only 3-1/2 working days, cost taxpayers $122,334, and included the use of a VA subordinate as “a personal travel concierge” and improper acceptance of free tickets to the Wimbledon tennis match, the inspector general’s report said.
Shulkin pledged to reimburse the government for his wife’s travel costs and make a contribution to the treasury for the value of the Wimbledon tickets.
“I have been falsely accused of things by people who wanted me out of the way,” Shulkin wrote in his op-ed for the Times, blaming administration political appointees “who seek to privatize veteran health care as an alternative to government-run V.A. care.”
“But despite these politically-based attacks on me and my family’s character, I am proud of my record and know that I acted with the utmost integrity. Unfortunately, none of that mattered,” he wrote.
“As I prepare to leave government, I am struck by a recurring thought: It should not be this hard to serve your country.”
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