Comey: the rich asshole seemed surprised by the ‘salacious’ details that were revealed in Steele dossier

James Comey on Meet the Press -- screenshot
Speaking with Meet the Press host Chuck Todd, former FBI director James Comey admitted that President some rich asshole seemed startled to hear some of the “salacious” details included in the notorious Steele dossier when confronted by them.
According to Comey, he went in suspicious about the rich asshole’s “commitment to truth” but remained neutral while speaking with him.
“I was concerned about his commitment to truth telling, based on some things I’d see during the campaign” Comey explained. “But I went in trying to see what he was like as a leader.”
The NBC host then pressed Comey on how the Steele dossier was received when the ex-FBI head brought it up, including allegations of sexual escapades with Russian prostitutes.
“When you told him the contents of the Steele dossier, did you get the impression that it was the first time he ever heard those allegations?’ Todd asked.
“Yes. And I didn’t give him a briefing on the whole dossier,” Comey explained. “My assignment was to brief him on a small part of it that was salacious and personal. My sense was — I didn’t get a sense he knew about those.”
“Why include that salacious part?” host Todd asked.
“We thought it was important that he knew,” Comey replied. ” I say we, I mean all of the intelligence chiefs that put together the intelligence community assessment. We thought it was important that he knew because we knew and we didn’t want to be holding that back from the new president.”
“The FBI’s role is counter-intelligence and so we do a defensive briefing whether or not something is true, just to let the person know, who might be the target of a leverage effort that we have this information,” he concluded.
Watch the video below via NBC:
GOP intel member says committee’s report does not vindicate the rich asshole
the rich asshole's 'no collusion' lie took a beating Sunday, as even Republican attack dog Rep. Trey Gowdy rejected it.
the rich asshole seized on the Republican House Intelligence Committee’s sham report this week to once again push his “no collusion” talking point. But South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy, a prominent member of that committee, shot the argument down Sunday morning.
On CBS News’ “Face the Nation,” host Margaret Brennan pointed out that Gowdy’s committee did not interview Michael Flynn, among others. And she asked about the rich asshole’s interpretation of the committee’s findings.
“The president, when he looks at your report, feels vindicated,” Brennan said. “Are you saying he should not?”
Gowdy is as rabid an attack dog as Republicans have. Yet his response was drastically different from the rich asshole’s vehement line.
“I will be careful how I phrase this,” Gowdy said. “No report — the best we can do is say what we learned. I can’t say what’s in the universe of witnesses we have not talked to. And I have always maintained I am awaiting the Mueller investigation. They get to use a grand jury. They have investigative tools that we don’t have.”
He continued by pointing out that “executive branch investigations are just better than congressional ones.” And he added that he simply “can’t speak to” whether or not evidence of collusion exists.
the rich asshole has indeed used the committee’s final report to falsely claim vindication. “House Intelligence Committee rules that there was NO COLLUSION between the rich asshole Campaign and Russia,” he tweeted.
But even that sham report, which was put out only by the Republicans on the committee, made no such “ruling.” It simply stated that the committee had “found no evidence” of collusion between the rich asshole campaign and the Russian government.
And Gowdy’s statement actually echoes what Democrats on the committee have been saying. Republicans’ insistence they found no evidence of collusion is meaningless because they did not subpoena witnesses and documents that would have been relevant to the subject.
the rich asshole can repeat the lie that there was “no collusion” as often as he likes. But that will not make it true — not even for a Republican zealot like Trey Gowdy.
John Bolton undermines North Korea denuclearization by calling for ‘Libya model’ that led to Gaddafi’s death

John Bolton appears on CBS (screen grab)
National Security Adviser John Bolton on Sunday suggested that the U.S. should base the denuclearization of North Korea on the so-called “Libya model,” which led to the eventual death of Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi.
During an interview on Face the Nation, Bolton suggested what will certainly be a hard sell to North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un.
“We’re looking at the Libya model of 2003, 2004,” Bolton explained. “And most importantly, going back over a quarter of a century to the 1992 joint North-South denuclearization agreement, where North Korea committed to give up nuclear weapons and committed to give up uranium enrichment and plutonium reprocessing.”
Face the Nation host Margaret Brennan wondered if the U.S. would consider making a promise not to invade North Korea if Kim agreed to give up his nuclear weapons.
“We want to see that it’s real and not just rhetoric,” Bolton explained. “In the case of Libya, for example — and it’s a different situation in some respects — those negotiations were carried out in private, they were not known publicly. But one thing that Libya did that that led us to overcome our skepticism was that they allowed American and British observers into all their nuclear-related sites. So, it wasn’t a question of relying on international mechanisms. We saw them in ways we have never seen before.”
Eight years after Gaddafi disarmed Libya, he was overthrown by rebels with the backing of NATO. Gaddafi was killed during the fighting.
It is not immediately clear how Bolton’s call for using the “Libya model” will impact Kim’s decision to go through with denuclearization.
Watch the video below
Here Are Michelle Wolf’s Boldest Moments At The White House Correspondents’ Dinner
Kellyanne Conway was not pleased.
Comedian Michelle Wolf took the bold route during the White House Correspondents’ Association dinner on Saturday night.
She roasted those in ― and out ― of the room, focusing on President some rich asshole’s questionable wealth, slamming Democrats for not doing anything, and going after the rich asshole administration officials who attended.
Kellyanne Conway, a target of Wolf’s jabs, was expressionless as the comedian suggested journalists stop bringing Conway on their news shows.
“If you don’t give her a platform, she has nowhere to lie,” Wolf said. “It’s like that old saying: If a tree falls in the woods how do we get Kellyanne under that tree?
“I’m not suggesting she gets hurt,” Wolf clarified. “Just stuck.”
Check out Wolf’s boldest moments during the 30-minute roast below.
1. When she wanted her appearance to be over, like a porn star “when she’s about to have sex with a the rich asshole.”
The comedian started the roast by getting straight to the point.
2. When she was “starstruck” over Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her “perfect smoky eye.”
“Maybe she’s born with it. Maybe it’s lies. It’s probably lies.”
3. When she said the rich asshole’s personal lawyer is the only person who can shut her up.
“It’s 2018 and I am a woman. So you cannot shut me up unless you have Michael Cohen wire me $130,000.”
4. When she hit the rich asshole where it hurts the most.
“Mr. President, I don’t think you’re very rich. Like, you might be rich in Idaho, but in New York, you’re doing fine,” Wolf said, before leading the audience in a back-and-forth on how broke the rich asshole really is.
5. When she called out the news media for being obsessed with the rich asshole.
“I think what no one in this room wants to admit is that the rich asshole has helped all of you.”
6. When she knew she wasn’t Roy Moore’s type.
“I’m 32 years old, which is an odd age. Ten years too young to host this event and 20 years too old for Roy Moore.”
7. When she supported the rich asshole’s plan to arm teachers with guns.
They need to get those school supplies somehow.
8. When she said it was too easy to make fun of Republicans.
“Democrats are harder to make fun of because you guys don’t do anything.”
9. When she explained why the rich asshole was off-limits.
“I would drag him here myself, but it turns out the president of the United States is the one pussy you’re not allowed to grab. He said it first. Yeah, he did.”
10. When she admitted that she doesn’t want the rich asshole to be impeached.
“Because just when you think the rich asshole is awful, you remember Mike Pence.”
11. When she went for Hillary Clinton.
Well, Michigan is pretty close to Washington, D.C.
12. When she reminded everyone what’s going on in Flint, Michigan.
It’s been four years.
CNN panel mocks Kanye and the rich asshole bromance: Now president has another celebrity pal besides Scott Baio

President some rich asshole (left, via AFP/Saul Loeb) and rapper Kanye West (right, via Twitter), both wearing MAGA hats.
According to Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), the recent flirtation between Kanye West and President some rich asshole is nothing more than a publicity stunt by the rapper hoping to create controversy to sell a new release he has coming out.
Along the way, the CNN panel mocked the reality star/rapper bromance.
Sitting in on CNN’s closing State of the Union panel with host Jake Tapper, Jeffries all but rolled his eyes after listening to track where West and fellow rapper T.I. challenged each over the rich asshole.
“Where do you come down on this debate?” Tapper asked.
“We believe in the 1st Amendment, that was a great celebration last night,” Jeffries said in reference to the White House Correspondents’ Dinner late Saturday. “He’s entitled to his own opinion. But the Republicans have increasingly become the party of [Steve] Bannon, [Roy]Moore, the rich asshole, Diamond and Silk — it’s a 5-ring circus and Kanye West clearly wants to get in on the act.”
CNN conservative Amanda Carpenter disagreed, saying, “It’s refreshing. I think the point is it’s that nobody likes to be told what to think or do.”
“Kanye is more about the power of celebrity,” She added, to which Jeffries shot back, “That is exactly the point.”
Former Hillary Clinton campaign manager Patti Solis Doyle then offered her two cents.
“My kids are probably going to roll their eyes,” she confessed. “But who cares what Kanye West supports? Clearly the president cares. I think he is very excited he has a celebrity endorsing him other than Scott Baio.”
You can watch the video below via CNN:
Fox host takes apart former the rich asshole aide for lying about Mueller probe
Fox News host Chris Wallace quickly busted former the rich asshole communications director Jason Miller for pushing a popular but blatantly false talking point.
the rich asshole shills aren’t even safe at Fox News anymore. Disgraced former communications director Jason Miller found this out when he tried to sneak one past Chris Wallace Sunday morning.
Wallace referenced the rich asshole’s unhinged interview on “Fox & Friends,” when the rich asshole reserved the right to interfere with the Justice Department. Miller immediately responded with the go-to the rich asshole administration response: lying.
“Well, I think this investigation is imploding under the weight of there being absolutely nothing there,” Miller began. “I mean the fact that we’re a year and a half —”
“Well, well, wait, we don’t know that,” Wallace interrupted.
When Miller insisted otherwise, Wallace continued to push back. “We have no idea what he’s finding,” Wallace pointed out.
Miller tried to claim that anything proving collusion “would have leaked out … so long ago.” To which Wallace responded with incredulity.
“So, wait, wait. So you’re now saying, because there isn’t a leak …?” Wallace said. “I mean, I thought you condemned leaks? Which is it, are leaks good or bad?”
“No, leaks are terrible,” Miller responded. “But if there was a way to hurt President the rich asshole, it would’ve leaked out and that would’ve been out there.”
Miller was echoing a popular the rich asshole line that there was “no collusion.” the rich asshole repeated the claim this week by seizing on the Republicans’ report on their sham Russia investigation.
The report insisted that the committee had uncovered no evidence of collusion. But as Democrats on the committee pointed out in their own statement, Republicans refused to subpoena scores of documents and witnesses that would have been necessary to a serious investigative effort.
And as Wallace noted, special counsel Robert Mueller has access to witnesses and documents that the Republican-led committee did not. And Mueller has no reason to cover for the rich asshole like Republicans do.
Despite the rich asshole and his cronies’ insistence to the contrary, there is ample evidence of collusion. The only questions now are how far the rich asshole will go to keep Mueller from pursuing it, and whether Republicans will lift a finger to stop the rich asshole in his tracks.
‘We have no idea what Mueller is finding’: Fox’s Chris Wallace scolds Jason Miller for claiming there’s no collusion

Jason Miller appears on Fox News (screen grab)
Fox News host Chris Wallace on Sunday challenged former the rich asshole campaign strategist Jason Miller after he insisted that there was no proof that the rich asshole campaign colluded with Russia.
During a panel discussion on Fox News Sunday, Wallace wondered whether the president made a mistake last week by telling Fox & Friends that he may interfere in special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation at some point.
“I think this investigation is imploding under the weight of there being absolutely nothing there,” Miller opined.
“We don’t know that,” Wallace interrupted.
“Nothing has been proven,” Miller insisted.
“I’m talking about the Mueller investigation,” Wallace interrupted again. “We have no idea what he’s finding.”
“If there would have been something on collusion, that would have leaked out,” Miller retorted. “That would have gotten out so long ago.”
“Wait,” Wallace said. “You’re now saying, because there isn’t a leak — I thought you condemned leaks. Which is it? Are leaks good or bad?”
“Leaks are terrible,” Miller said. “But you know, if there was a way to hurt President the rich asshole, it would have leaked out and that would have been out there. There’s been no evidence, after a year and a half plus of searching, of any collusion. There’s been nothing that’s been proven.”
“So far, there’s been nothing untoward about the president or anything that’s been put forward,” he added. “So, I think most of the people around the country are taking a look at this and saying, ‘You know what? The president is probably right, this is a witch hunt and needs to get wrapped up.'”
“If there’s nothing that’s been found, why not let Mueller finish his investigation?” Wallace asked, forcing Miller to backtrack.
“I think that’s what will happen,” Miller remarked.
Watch the video below from Fox News.
After press defended her, Sanders scolds reporter for doing his job
Press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders wasted no time in proving her critics' point.
Reporters defended press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders from legitimate criticism during the annual White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner. And she repaid them hours later by scolding their colleague for doing his job.
When comedian Michelle Wolf devoted 90 seconds of her act to critiquing Sanders’ lies, reporters like The New York Times’ Maggie Haberman leapt to the press secretary’s defense.
But according to Haberman’s newspaper, Wolf’s jokes did not appear to faze Sanders. The Times reported that many journalists “approached Ms. Sanders in the Hilton ballroom to express sympathy in the immediate aftermath of Ms. Wolf’s monologue.” And at an NBC party later in the evening, “Ms. Sanders appeared in good spirits as reporters swarmed her.”
The paper further noted that she “even took time to chastise one journalist for asking a question at a news conference that she disliked.”
On Sunday morning, Yahoo! correspondent Hunter Walker confirmed he was the reporter Sanders scolded at the party.
“This was me!” Walker tweeted. “I was told the rich asshole did not like me shouting about Stormy Daniels at the Baltics presser.”
During an April 3 press conference with Baltic leaders, Walker shouted, “Do you have any response to Stormy Daniels?”
Walker was referring to porn actress Stormy Daniels, whom the rich asshole now acknowledges having participated in a deal with in order to secure her silence about their affair. Asking such a question may have been embarrassing for the rich asshole and the United States, but it was Walker’s job to do so.
Sanders’ attack on Walker was completely in character for her, but it was still disturbing. As is the way reporters behaved toward her by “swarming” her at the party and offering sympathy over valid criticism.
Sanders’ penchant for lying is well-documented, and reporters should be calling out those lies, not defending or dismissing them. It is reporters like Hunter Walker, attacked just for doing their jobs, who deserve their sympathy.
CNN’s Jack Kingston pours cold water on some rich asshole Nobel Peace Prize talk

Jack Kingston on CNN
Appearing on CNN’s New Day, ardent the rich asshole supporter Jack Kingston said talk about President some rich asshole receiving a Nobel Peace Prize over the thaw in relations between North and South Korea is premature.
As the rich asshole addressed a crowd in Macomb County, Michigan, on Saturday night his fans began chanting “Nobel, Nobel,” as the president beamed and soaked up the adulation.
“In reference to the Nobel Prize,” CNN host Victor Blackwell asked, “has the president earned those chants of Nobel?”
“Not yet,” Kington replied. “I actually think that the expectations are very high. I think we should all be enthusiastic and the world is watching. However, it’s not done yet.”
Appearing with Kingston, columnist Brent Bodowsky also downplayed the Nobel talk, calling it the result of “atmospherics” around the announcement while also saying the rich asshole’s claim that North Korean strongman Kim Jong-un is “honorable and very open” was “ludicrous and inaccurate.”
“The CIA equivalent in North Korea was telling Kim Jong-un, ‘I think we have a sucker here. He wants a deal too much and he is praising you,'” Budowsky added.
You can watch the video below via CNN:
Reporters face backlash for dismissing criticism of Sarah Sanders’ lies
Some reporters were apparently more outraged by Michelle Wolf's jokes than by all of the lies Sarah Sanders has told.
Reporters who cover the rich asshole administration were instead defending it — and specifically press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders — Saturday night. But their efforts resulted in justified backlash.
At the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner, comedian Michelle Wolf delivered a wide-ranging roast that included 90 seconds of material on Sanders.
The bit drew harsh criticism from ostensibly objective journalists, particularly a joke about Sanders’ penchant for dishonesty.
“I actually really like Sarah. I think she’s very resourceful,” Wolf said. “Like, she burns facts, and then she uses the ash to create a perfect smoky eye. Like, maybe she’s born with it; maybe it’s lies. It’s probably lies.”
Wolf went on to muse about what to call Sanders. “Like, what’s Uncle Tom but for white women who disappoint other white women?” Wolf asked. “Oh, I know: Aunt Coulter.”
The jokes were relatively mild, but they still drew condemnation from a number of journalists.
Maggie Haberman of The New York Times praised Sanders for not walking out on the dinner. She accused Wolf of attacking Sanders’ physical appearance, when the joke was actually skewering her propensity for dishonesty. When asked on Twitter to quote the lines to which she was referring, Haberman didn’t answer and unfollowed the questioner.
Other prominent reporters and media figures joined Haberman in defending Sanders, which resulted in a blizzard of backlash, including from Wolf herself.
On Sunday morning’s “AM Joy,” panelist Tiffany Cross called out the media for this behavior.
“It’s a lot of unfairness to the American people when Sarah Huckabee Sanders stands at that podium every day and spits out lies,” Cross noted. And she made it quite clear where the disgust should be directed.
“If you were made to feel uncomfortable by Michelle Wolf making fun of the actual words that the president had said, and actual things that people in this administration have done but you weren’t uncomfortable by the president calling Nazis good people, you weren’t uncomfortable by the president talking about grabbing women by their private parts, you weren’t uncomfortable by the president putting our very democracy in danger, then you need to check your hypocrisy and your privilege.”
Sanders lies to the press with stunning regularity, and viciously attacks those reporters who do their jobs by calling her out and standing up to the rich asshole.
Even as members of the media were defending her lies, the rich asshole was a few hundred miles away accusing them of hating Americans.
Taking sides with this administration against a few harmless jokes is a very odd choice for reporters in the rich asshole era.
‘You’re going to lose your voice’: Fox hosts try to calm Ed Henry after he loses it over comedian Michelle Wolf

Ed Henry appears on Fox News (screen grab)
Fox News contributor Ed Henry on Sunday said he was disgusted by at the White House Correspondents Association because comedian Michelle Wolf mistreated White House staffers at the annual White House Correspondents’ Dinner.
During an appearance on Fox & Friends, Henry said that he was outraged by jokes about White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders.
“What happened to Sarah Sanders last night was disgusting, and I say that as former president of the White House Correspondents Association, who oversaw that dinner in 2013,” Henry complained. “It was awful.”
Henry called on the association to apologize to Sanders for Wolf’s “disgusting” and “vile” performance.
“Dare I say, if this had happened to a woman that was serving as spokesperson for Hillary Clinton as president, there would have been an uproar, an outrage, and rightly so,” he said. “To go after her physical appearance, to say some of the things — it obviously is so far beyond the line that I hope and pray the association apologizes to Sarah Sanders.”
Later in the interview, Henry became further enraged about the event.
“We invited her to our event and we treated her like dirt!” he exclaimed. “It was disgusting. I’m actually getting more angry just thinking about it.”
“Ed, you’re going to lose your voice,” Fox host Abby Huntsman warned. “Calm down.”
Watch the video below from Fox & Friends.
the rich asshole DOJ has removed ‘need for free press’ section from guidelines
The rich asshole administration's hostility toward the free press gets worse and worse.
the rich asshole has overseen a drop in America’s standing as a safe place for a free press. And his Justice Department has gone so far as to remove a section on the “need for a free press” from its manual.
On Sunday, BuzzFeed reported that it has been tracking changes to the DOJ’s “US Attorneys’ Manual,” after Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein ordered a review of the document. BuzzFeed noted the removal of an entire subsection entitled “Need for Free Press and Public Trial.”
Prior to its removal, that section said that “careful weight must be given in each case to the constitutional requirements of a free press and public trials as well as the right of the people in a constitutional democracy to have access to information about the conduct of law enforcement officers, prosecutors and courts, consistent with the individual rights of the accused.”
In 1998, special prosecutor Ken Starr cited the removed section to defend briefing the press about his investigation into President Bill Clinton.
That subsection still appears on the “Our Media Mission” page for the Western District of Virginia, at least for now.
The DOJ removed the section, as well as others, after Rosenstein ordered the review in November. But the reporting of it comes at a notable time. Reporters Without Borders just released its study showing that the United States slipped to 45th worldwide on press freedom.
And earlier this year, the rich asshole made the Committee to Protect Journalists’ list of top press oppressors.
The White House has yet to give an explanation for this change to the manual. But the rich asshole’s hostility toward the free press was evident before he even took office, and has escalated consistently since then. And under Rosenstein and Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the DOJ is apparently unwilling to push back.
Some members of the press have performed admirably in resisting the rich asshole’s efforts to attack and undermine them. But this weekend also saw the shameful spectacle of reporters defending the rich asshole’s press secretary’s habitual dishonesty.
This shift by the Justice Department is sobering evidence that we need more of the former.
the rich asshole threatens government shutdown in September if no funding for wall

President some rich asshole addresses the media (Screen cap).
U.S. President Donald on Saturday threatened to shut down the federal government in September if Congress did not provide more funding to build a wall on the border with Mexico.
“That wall has started, we have 1.6 billion (dollars),” the rich asshole said at a campaign rally in Washington, Michigan.
“We come up again on September 28th and if we don’t get border security we will have no choice, we will close down the country because we need border security.”
the rich asshole made a similar threat in March to push for changes in immigration law that he says would prevent criminals from entering the country. The government briefly shut down in January over immigration.
A $1.3 trillion spending bill, which the rich asshole signed last month, will keep the government funded through the end of September. A government shutdown ahead of the November mid-elections is unlikely to be supported by his fellow Republicans who are keen to keep control of the U.S. Congress.
the rich asshole cited the hundreds of Central American migrants traveling in a “caravan” as one of the reasons for strong border security.
“Watch the caravan, watch how sad and terrible it is, including for those people and the crime that they inflict on themselves and that others inflict on them,” said the rich asshole.
“It’s a horrible dangerous journey for them and they come up because they know once they can get here they can walk right into our country.”
Migrants, who include women and children, have said they fled their homes in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras because of death threats from gangs, the murder of family members or political persecution.
the rich asshole uses rally to threaten senator who opposed unqualified veterans nominee
"I know things..."
On Saturday night, the rich asshole lashed out at Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) over the failure of the rich asshole’s nominee for Veterans Affairs secretary by threatening to spill unspecified secrets about Tester.
At a rally in Washington, Michigan, the rich asshole went on a tirade about the nomination of his personal physician, Dr. Ronny Jackson, to head the Veterans Administration. The nomination was derailed by multiple allegations of misconduct, including drinking on the job and handing out drugs to White House staffers.
the rich asshole praised Jackson as a “truly high-quality human being,” and said that Tester derailed Jackson’s nomination by “throwing out things that he’s heard.”
“I know things about Tester that I could say, too,” the rich asshole said. “And if I said ’em, he’d never be elected again.”
Earlier on Saturday, the rich asshole attacked Tester on Twitter over Jackson’s failed nomination, calling for the Montana Democrat to resign. Republican Sen. Jonny Isakson (R-GA) signed off on the release of the allegations against Jackson, which the rich asshole did not mention.
And the allegations against Jackson came from current and retired members of the military, not Tester’s imagination.
But more importantly, the rich asshole is threatening to smear Jon Tester over a failure that squarely belongs to the rich asshole. Even before these allegations surfaced, the rich asshole’s own White House could not explain why Jackson was qualified to run the VA.
There is another sick irony to the rich asshole’s petulant rant. the rich asshole’s threat to divulge alleged secrets about Tester also comes just days after the rich asshole admitted his involvement in a deal to pay $130,000 in hush money to porn star Stormy Daniels.
Dr. Ronny Jackson’s nomination was in trouble from the minute the rich asshole announced it on a whim via Twitter, but as usual, the rich asshole is refusing to accept the blame for his own failure. Unfortunately, it appears there will be plenty more failures where this came from.
the rich asshole lashes out at Michelle Wolf: She ‘bombed’ at the ‘boring’ White House Correspondents’ Dinner

President some rich asshole (AFP / Mandel NGAN)
President some rich asshole on Sunday took a shot at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner after he avoided the event for two consecutive years.
In a series of Tweets, the rich asshole suggested that his rally with supporters in Washington, Michigan was not as “boring” as the annual dinner. He also slammed comedian Michelle Wolf, who headlined the dinner.
“Everyone is talking about the fact that the White House Correspondents Dinner was a very big, boring bust…the so-called comedian really ‘bombed.'” he wrote.
the rich asshole went on to suggest that the White House Correspondents Association should book Fox News host Greg Gutfeld as next year’s comedian.
Read the tweets below.
Bolton says U.S. to follow ‘Libya model’ on North Korea
Not exactly the best message to send to Kim Jong Un.
John Bolton said Sunday that the United States will follow the “Libya model” as it prepares for talks on denuclearizing North Korea.
That will probably be less than reassuring to Pyongyang’s leader Kim Jong Un, who likely is only too aware that Washington launched a military operation that led to the overthrow of the North African nation’s president, Moammar Gadhafi, in 2011.
“I think we’re looking at the Libya model of 2003, 2004,” Bolton, President some rich asshole’s national security adviser, said on CBS’s Face the Nation program.
“We’re also looking at what North Korea itself has committed to previously and most importantly, I think, going back over a quarter of a century to the 1992 joint North-South denuclearization agreement where North Korea committed to give up nuclear weapons and committed to give up uranium enrichment and plutonium reprocessing,” Bolton said.
He made similar comments on Fox News Sunday.
Bolton was referring to Gadhafi’s promise in 2003 to give in to Western demands and abandon his pursuit of nuclear weapons.
What he failed to mention was that Gadhafi’s concessions did not prevent the United States and NATO from invading the country in 2011, ultimately resulting in the leader’s death at the hands of NATO-backed rebels.
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is likely keenly aware of the meaning behind such comparisons. That may be why Kim told South Korean president Moon Jae-in during their meeting earlier this weekend that he would abandon the country’s nuclear aspirations if the United States promised not to invade the country, as The New York Times reported on Sunday.
“[T]hink of message this sends to Kim Jong-un: US ended up attacking Libya leading to Qaddafi’s slaying!” Shibley Telhami, professor of government and politics at the University of Maryland Department, said on Twitter.
Other experts agree. Speaking to CNBC last July, Guo Yu, principal Asia analyst at global risk consultancy firm Verisk Maplecroft, said Kim is “watching what’s been happening in the Middle East, and the external military interventions — mostly led by the U.S. — which are interested in regime change and just reinforce the mindset for pursuing independent credible nuclear deterrence.”
Michelle Wolf snaps back at critics of her scathing White House Correspondents’ Dinner comedy routine

Michelle Wolf -- screenshot
Comedian Michelle Wolf responded to upset critics — particularly the New York Times’ Maggie Haberman — after her host comedy routine at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner outraged conservatives and some members of the press who felt she went too far.
Taking to Twitter, Wolf wrote, “Hey mags! All these jokes were about her despicable behavior. Sounds like you have some thoughts about her looks though?” which included a link to Haberman’s critique.

During her nearly 20 minute appearance at the dinner, Wolf ridiculed the White House, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and even the press, telling the assembled media: “You guys are obsessed with the rich asshole. Did you use to date him? Because you pretend like you hate him, but I think you love him.”
“I think what no one in this room wants to admit is that the rich asshole has helped all of you,” she added. “He couldn’t sell steaks or vodka or water or college or ties or Eric. But he has helped you. He’s helped you sell your papers and your books and your TV. You helped create this monster and now you’re profiting off of him. And if you’re going to profit off of the rich asshole, you should at least give him some money because he doesn’t have any.”
You can see the tweet below:
the rich asshole warns his impeachment could follow if Democrats take back Congress
"We gotta fight like hell, and we gotta win the House and we gotta win the Senate."
President the rich asshole is concerned he will face impeachment if Republicans lose their House majority, he said Saturday night at a rally in Michigan.
“We have to keep the House,” he said. “Because if you listen to Maxine Waters, she goes around saying, ‘We will impeach him! We will impeach him,’” he said, referring to the Democratic congresswoman from California. “Then people said, ‘He hasn’t done anything wrong,’…’Oh, that doesn’t matter, we will impeach the president.’”
the rich asshole noted that the party in the White House usually loses seats during the midterms and called for Republicans not to get comfortable.
“We cannot be complacent — we gotta go out and we gotta fight like hell and we gotta win the House and we gotta win the Senate,” he said.
Waters, whom the rich asshole singled out, has repeatedly called for the rich asshole to resign or be impeached. Most recently, last Tuesday, she was asked at the Time 100 gala if she had any advice for the rich asshole.
“Please resign so that I won’t have to keep up this fight of your having to be impeached because I don’t think you deserve to be there,” she said. “Just get out.”
On Monday on MSNBC, Waters said she often hears from people around the country saying they support impeachment.
“Everywhere I go, people are talking about, ‘Why can’t y’all get rid of him? Why can’t you impeach him?’” Waters said. “They say all of these things and I’m not just talking about my district — whether I’m on the airplane, I’m walking down the street in New York, wherever I am — I’m hearing it.”
And Waters is onto something: A poll released last Thursday found that if Democrats take back the House, more than 70 percent of Democratic voters want them to take steps to begin impeachment proceedings.
But House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has been less keen to call for impeachment, saying she believes it would harm Democrats ahead of the midterm elections, and calling the push for impeachment a “gift” for Republicans.
“I don’t think we should be talking about impeachment. I’ve been very clear right from the start,” Pelosi said Thursday during a press conference. “On the political side, I think it’s a gift to the Republicans. We want to talk about what they’re doing to undermine working families in our country and what we are doing to increase their payrolls and lower their costs.”
Pelosi added that she doesn’t see the upcoming midterms as a referendum on the White House.
“It’s about our addressing the needs of the American people, and we cannot take our eye off that ball,” she said, adding that impeachment proceedings should, if they happen, be bipartisan.
“Impeachment is a very serious matter,” she said. “I don’t think we have the information to go to that place, and I would discourage any discussion of impeachment.”
With the midterm elections six months away, Democrats currently hold about a nine point lead over Republicans on the generic ballot.
‘Degenerate filth!’: Screaming the rich asshole fan raged at media following presidential rally in Michigan

Unidentified the rich asshole fan in Michigan -- Twitter screenshot
In a video uploaded to Twitter by a Buzzfeed correspondent, an unidentified fan of President some rich asshole raged at members of the media as they attempted to pack up following a presidential speech in Macomb County, Michigan, on Saturday night.
In the clip, the man can be seen screaming and pointing at reporters, calling them “degenerate filth” and telling them to get out of his country.
The confrontation followed the rich asshole’s attack on the media, accusing them of “fake news.”
“These are very dishonest people, many of them. They are very, very dishonest people,” the rich asshole bellowed to the crowd while standing in front of a “Make America Great Again” banner.
“Fake news. Very dishonest,” he added. “They don’t have sources. The sources don’t exist in many cases.”
the rich asshole’s rally occurred at the same time the President — and his White House staff — were being roasted at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner by comedian Michelle Wolf.
Watch the video below via Briana Sacks on Twitter:
Parkland shooting survivors cry hypocrisy after NRA bans guns during Pence speech
"I thought giving everyone a gun was to enhance safety. Am I missing something?"
The National Rifle Association (NRA) has announced that guns will be barred when Vice President Mike Pence delivers a speech at its upcoming leadership conference in Dallas, and survivors of the Parkland school shooting are calling them out on it.
“Due to the attendance of the Vice President of the United States, the U.S. Secret Service will be responsible for event security at the NRA-ILA Leadership Forum. As a result, firearms and firearm accessories, knives or weapons of any kind will be prohibited in the forum prior to and during his attendance,” the NRA wrote on the website for the event, which is scheduled to take place next month.
Survivors of the February 14 Parkland, Florida school shooting wasted no time calling out the organization out for hypocrisy, taking to Twitter to voice their frustrations against the NRA’s apparent double standard.
Fred Guttenberg, whose daughter Jaime was killed in the Parkland massacre, reiterated one of the NRA’s own talking points to highlight the organization’s insincerity.
“I thought giving everyone a gun was to enhance safety. Am I missing something?” he tweeted, referring to the “good guys with guns” theory often touted by the NRA.
Some NRA members who plan to attend the conference also questioned the policy, while others advocated for background checks to better monitor who can and cannot have access to guns at the event. The NRA opposes expanding firearm background check systems.
While the NRA bans guns for Pence’s speech, it has consistently advocated for arming teachers in schools, a talking point President some rich asshole agrees with, despite the fact that research shows that more guns in schools does not prevent school shootings.
Watch: Full video of Michelle Wolf’s savage and hilarious White House routine

Comedian Michelle Wolf gives her routine at the 2018 White House Correspondents Dinner/Screenshot
Comedian Michelle Wolf took no prisoners as the host of the annual White House Correspondents’ Dinner, a journalism awards presentation that has morphed into a star-studded gala.
Not only did she roast Sarah “Cousin Huckabee” Sanders so brutally that analysts feared the president’s spokesperson would get up from the head table and storm out, she mocked the president’s over-inflated claims of wealth by pointing out that he might be “Idaho rich” but till a joke to New York’s elite.
She even earned a reaction from much-mocked former spokesman Sean Spicer—the guy who started his White House career by blatantly lying about the president’s inauguration crowd and once hid in the bushes to avoid questions—who deemed her routine “a disgrace.”
Watch the full video of Wolfe’s hilarious, savage and controversial routine below.
7 targets Michelle Wolf took aim at during the White House correspondents’ dinner
Comedian Michelle Wolf didn't pull any punches at the White House Correspondents' Association dinner on Saturday, taking aim at a number of politicians as this year's headliner.
The comedian, known for her HBO standup special "Nice Lady" and past work on "The Daily Show," spent time lambasting President the rich asshole, as well as his top aides.
It was the rich asshole's second year skipping the dinner, which brings journalists and government officials together to raise money for scholarships.
Here are seven targets Wolf took aim at in her segment and the jokes she used to roast them:
President the rich asshole
It should come as no surprise that the rich asshole himself was the target of many of Wolf’s jokes.
The comedian homed in on topics ranging from the rich asshole’s degrading comments about women to his proposals for new gun policies.
“the rich asshole isn't here, if you haven't noticed. He's not here,” Wolf said. “And I know, I know, I would drag him here myself, but it turns out the president of the United States is the one pussy you're not allowed to grab.”
The quip referenced the infamous “Access Hollywood” tape, a recording released during the rich asshole’s 2016 presidential campaign, in which he can be heard boasting about groping and kissing women without their consent.
In another jab, Wolf labeled the rich asshole an “idea guy,” pointing specifically to his proposal that teachers be allowed to carry guns on school campuses.
“the rich asshole is also an idea guy. He's got loads of ideas. You've got to love him for that,” she said. “He wants to give teachers guns. And I support that because then they can sell them for things they need — like supplies.”
Wolf roasted the rich asshole throughout the night, including multiple jabs at his past business ventures.
Vice President Pence
Wolf took aim at Pence, calling him a "weird little guy" and saying he's the reason she doesn't want the rich asshole to be impeached.
“Mike Pence is what happens when Anderson Cooper isn’t gay,” she said, comparing the vice president to the CNN host.
Pence, Wolf quipped, is the kind of guy that “brushes his teeth and then drinks orange juice and thinks ‘mhmm!' ”
Pence is a vocal opponent of abortion, Wolf pointed out before making a connection to Republican National Committee finance official Elliott Broidy, who stepped down earlier this month after reports broke that he impregnated a Playboy model.
“I know a lot of you are very anti-abortion, you know, unless it's the one you got for your secret mistress,” Wolf said.
She also took a swipe at reports that Pence will only meet with other women when his wife is accompanying him.
“When people first heard this, they were like 'that's crazy.' But now in this current climate, they're like, 'that's a good witness,' ” Wolf said of the #MeToo movement.
Hillary Clinton
the rich asshole's former rival presidential candidate was knocked for her 2016 campaign strategy during the dinner. the rich asshole, Wolf joked, did a better job communicating with Russia than Clinton did communicating with Americans.
"It is kind of crazy the rich asshole campaign was in contact with Russia when the Hillary campaign wasn't even in contact with Michigan. It's a direct flight. It's so close," Wolf joked.
Clinton has been criticized for her 2016 campaign strategy, with many saying she didn't visit enough key states in the Midwest, including Michigan and Wisconsin.
Ivanka the rich asshole
Ivanka the rich asshole
the rich asshole's daughter also found herself the butt of Wolf's jokes.
"There's also, of course, Ivanka," Wolf said. "She was supposed to be an advocate for women, but it turns out she's about as helpful to women as an empty box of tampons. She's done nothing to satisfy women. So I guess like father, like daughter."
"Oh, you don't think he's good in bed, come on," Wolf continued. "She does clean up nice, though. Ivanka cleans up nice. She's the diaper genie of the administration. On the outside she looks sleek, but the inside it's still full of shit."
Democrats are expected to take back a number of seats in the 2018 midterms but, Wolf joked, the party's campaign strategy is so poor it will somehow botch its odds come November.
"But I also want to make fun of Democrats," Wolf started. "Democrats are harder to make fun of because you guys don't do anything. People think you might flip the House and Senate this November, but you guys always find a way to mess it up. You're somehow going to lose by 12 points to a guy named Jeff Pedophile, Nazi doctor."
the rich asshole's key spokeswomen
the rich asshole's key spokeswomen
Two of the rich asshole's key spokeswomen, press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and White House senior adviser Kellyanne Conway, took hits for their interactions with the press.
"Kellyanne Conway has the perfect last name for what she does — Conway," Wolf said. "You guys have to stop putting Kellyanne on your shows. If you don't give her a platform, she has nowhere to lie. If a tree falls in the woods, how do we get Kellyanne under that tree? I'm not suggesting she gets hurt. Just stuck. Stuck under a tree."
Wolf went after both Conway and Sanders, accusing the two of bending the truth.
"We are graced with Sarah's presence tonight," Wolf said of Sanders. "Every time Sarah steps up to the podium, I get excited. I'm not really sure what we're going to get, you know? A press briefing, a bunch of lies or divided into softball teams. It's shirts and skins, and this time don't be such a little bitch, Jim Acosta."
"I actually really like Sarah. I think she's very resourceful," Wolf continued. "But she burns facts and then she uses that ash to create a perfect smokey eye. Like maybe she's born with it, maybe it's lies."
Sean Hannity
Wolf took a quick jab at Fox News host Sean Hannity, suggesting that the conservative media personality was not even enough of a journalist to be worth a mention.
“People want me to make fun of Sean Hannity tonight, but I just could not do that,” she said. “This dinner is for journalists.”
Hannity is a staunch supporter of and informal adviser to the rich asshole. It was revealed in court recently that Hannity was a client of Michael Cohen, a longtime associate and personal lawyer to the rich asshole.
Hannity has denied that claim, however, saying that he only ever discussed real estate with Cohen.
— Morgan Gstalter contributed.
‘Cousin Huckabee’ looked like she was going walk out of WHCD as Michelle Wolf roasted her: CNN analysts
Michelle Wolf and Sarah "Cousin Huckabee" Sanders at the 2018 White House Correspondents’ Dinner/Screenshots
Michelle Wolf’s raunchy routine during the White House Correspondents’ Dinner apparently caught some observers off guard.
The most talked about moment of the routine was Wolf’s brutal roast of White House spokesperson Sarah “Cousin Huckabee” Sanders, who took 90 seconds of dead-on abuse as she sat stone-faced.
The moment was apparently awkward for the White House reporters who go to see Sanders every day.
“It was actually pretty quiet in the room toward the end of Michelle Wolf’s appearance,” said CNN reporter Kaitlin Collins.
“I could not take my eyes off Sarah Sanders and other members of the White House press office,” said CNN reporter Kate Bennett. “Sarah actually physically shifted in her seat a couple times and for a second I thought she might actually get up and leave.”
“I wondered the exact same thing,” said CNN reporter Laura Jarrett. “I thought for a minute that somebody was going to get up and lead the charge to get out of here. It was uncomfortable. It was cringeworthy, I think, at best.”
Watch the analysis below or the discussed bit here.
After the event, an upset “Cousin Huckabee” was spotted in a hallway being consoled by Chris Christie.
A woman who identified herself as Sarah Sanders mom—but who is not verified as such by Twitter— complained about the routine on Twitter.
Papa Huckabee said on Twitter that he did not watch “the insufferable WHINE House Correspondent’s [sic] Dinner.” The former Arkansas governor clearly had not watched the event, because he referenced his daughter having to “pretend she was enjoying” it, when she did no such thing.
Michelle Wolf’s raunchy routine during the White House Correspondents’ Dinner apparently caught some observers off guard.
The most talked about moment of the routine was Wolf’s brutal roast of White House spokesperson Sarah “Cousin Huckabee” Sanders, who took 90 seconds of dead-on abuse as she sat stone-faced.
The moment was apparently awkward for the White House reporters who go to see Sanders every day.
“It was actually pretty quiet in the room toward the end of Michelle Wolf’s appearance,” said CNN reporter Kaitlin Collins.
“I could not take my eyes off Sarah Sanders and other members of the White House press office,” said CNN reporter Kate Bennett. “Sarah actually physically shifted in her seat a couple times and for a second I thought she might actually get up and leave.”
“I wondered the exact same thing,” said CNN reporter Laura Jarrett. “I thought for a minute that somebody was going to get up and lead the charge to get out of here. It was uncomfortable. It was cringeworthy, I think, at best.”
Watch the analysis below or the discussed bit here.
After the event, an upset “Cousin Huckabee” was spotted in a hallway being consoled by Chris Christie.
A woman who identified herself as Sarah Sanders mom—but who is not verified as such by Twitter— complained about the routine on Twitter.
Papa Huckabee said on Twitter that he did not watch “the insufferable WHINE House Correspondent’s [sic] Dinner.” The former Arkansas governor clearly had not watched the event, because he referenced his daughter having to “pretend she was enjoying” it, when she did no such thing.
April 28, 2018
Tucker Carlson is very concerned that the media is 'stacking the deck' against men by letting women reporters cover women candidates.
Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who is employed by one of the most blatantly biased TV networks in America, decided this week that he should start caring about bias in political news coverage.
Of course, he’s not concerned about the bias at his own network — he’s concerned that there are just too many darn women reporters out there doing things like reporting on women candidates.
Carlson expressed his feelings on the matter during Friday evening’s edition of Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”
Speaking to New York Times reporter Amy Chozick, who recently authored a book about her time covering Hillary Clinton’s campaign, Carlson noted that many of the beat reporters assigned to cover Clinton were women.
That’s a problem, according to Carlson, who complained that assigning women to report on other women is “stacking the deck.”
“Let me ask you a question,” Carlson said to Chozick.
“If Orrin Hatch was running for president and 15 out of 17 reporters covering him were faithful mormons, you would say, ‘maybe that’s — that’s stacking the deck a little bit.’ Do you see a problem with that arrangement?”
Carlson never said who he thinks the decks are stacked against when women reporters are assigned to cover women candidates, but presumably he was referring to men. (Of course, he never questioned the idea of men covering male candidates, as they’ve always done).
His diatribe couldn’t be further from the truth.
According to the 2017 “Status of Women in U.S. Media” report by the Women’s Media Center, women report just 25 percent of broadcast news and 38 percent of print news. Since 2015, work by women anchors, field reporters, and correspondents has actually declined, falling from 32 percent of reports to 25 percent.
Far from being biased in favor of women, political news coverage tends to be heavily biased against women — and no one knows that better than Hillary Clinton.
Much of the coverage of Clinton was entrusted to men, and much of it was negative, antagonistic, and at times blatantly sexist. However, complaints about the sexist nature of Clinton coverage were often minimized or written off entirely, despite a well-documented pattern of such coverage by mainstream news outlets.
As we have since found out, those complaints were entirely justified. In the past year, at least seven of the male journalists who were at the forefront of covering Clinton have lost their jobs because they sexually harassed and/or assaulted women in the workplace.
But according to Carlson — who once told Teen Vogue writer Lauren Duca she should stay away from political writing and “stick to the thigh-high boots” — the real victims here are men like him.
the rich asshole offers wild new explanation for why his son met with a Russian agent
Points for creativity.
On June 9, 2016, some rich asshole Jr. and other top members of the rich asshole campaign met with a number of Russians, including lawyer Natalia V. Veselnitskaya. The meeting was set up after the rich asshole Jr. was contacted by Rob Goldstone, an agent who represents a Russian pop star. Goldstone told the rich asshole Jr. that the Russians had dirt on Hillary.
“If it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer,” the rich asshole Jr. famously replied.
Veselnitskaya, despite evidence to the contrary, had denied any connections to the Russian government. But this week, Veselniskaya admitted she has been “actively communicating with the office of the Russian prosecutor general” for years. The admission came after emails documenting her relationship with the prosecutor general were released by Dossier, an organization started by a Russian exile who is a leading opponent of Putin.
At a campaign rally in Michigan, a red-faced the rich asshole offered a convoluted explanation for Veselniskaya’s admission. According to the rich asshole, Veselniskaya does not have any relationship with the Russian government. But she recently was convinced by Putin to pretend she was an agent of the Russian government.
Why? According to the rich asshole, Putin realized that “the rich asshole is killing us.” Therefore, Putin convinced Veselniskaya to lie about her role to make life in America “even more chaotic”
Arguing that Veselniskaya is not a Russian agent but also takes orders directly from Putin is a creative, if not particularly convincing, line of argument.
the rich asshole provided no explanation for the email evidence that established her connections to the Russian government were ongoing.
the rich asshole’s role in managing the narrative of the June 2016 meeting is already under scrutiny. During questioning by the House Intelligence Committee, the rich asshole Jr. refused to answer questions about his conversations with his father when the meeting first became public, citing attorney-client privilege. Legal experts have widely dismissed the rich asshole Jr.’s argument, which is based on the fact that there was a lawyer in the room, since neither he nor his father is a lawyer. Republicans on the committee, however, let the rich asshole Jr. get away with it.
the rich asshole’s contention that he is “tougher on Russia” than any other president is also highly questionable. While he has imposed some sanctions on Russia, he has also blamed Congress for forcing his hand. In other cases, the implementations of new sanctions have been as minimal as possible. Recently, when U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley announced that administration’s intention to impose harsher sanctions on Russia, the rich asshole became enraged and rolled the policy back.
Afraid he’ll squeal to feds, the rich asshole’s tabloid pals attack fixer Cohen
With the likelihood of an indictment increasing, the rich asshole's allies at the National Enquirer tabloid are going after his lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen.
the rich asshole’s allies at the National Enquirer tabloid are now doing his dirty work for him. The publication has trained its sights on Michael Cohen, the rich asshole’s personal lawyer and fixer.
The latest issue of the Enquirer highlights Cohen under the heading “PAYOFFS & THREATS EXPOSED.” The magazine promises readers that it will reveal “RICH ASSHOLE FIXER’S SECRETS & LIES!”
The story comes as a federal judge indicated an indictment is likely in the cards for Cohen, resulting from the recent FBI raid on his home and office.
Cohen has spent years in service to the rich asshole, most recently paying off porn star Stormy Daniels days before the 2016 election to hide her affair with the rich asshole.
But now, the rich asshole appears to be pushing him away.
Appearing on Fox, the rich asshole said Cohen was only responsible for “a tiny, tiny little fraction” of his legal work.
That statement came days after the rich asshole pardoned George W. Bush era criminal Scooter Libby. The legal move sent a signal to the rich asshole lieutenants currently under legal threats from special counsel Robert Mueller.
The owners of the Enquirer, American Media, Inc. (AMI), are close the rich asshole friends, particularly CEO David Pecker. As the tabloid loses money, it has been one of the loudest media voices promoting the rich asshole and attacking his enemies.
They even went after Malia Obama.
AMI is tied to Cohen, as well. Communications between Cohen and top AMI executives, including Pecker, were part of the subpoena used for the FBI raid on Cohen’s properties.
While Cohen was paying off Daniels, AMI was reportedly buying the silence of others who had embarrassing stories about the rich asshole.
Model Karen McDougal was paid $150,000 by the Enquirer for the rights to the story of her affair with the rich asshole. The publication also paid former the rich asshole World Tower doorman Dino Sajudin for a story about the rich asshole’s affair with a housekeeper.
Yet the magazine never published either story, as part of a practice called “catch and kill.”
Now the rich asshole’s cheerleaders at the Enquirer are targeting another figure with information that could potentially damage him.
But the two men have such close ties that the campaign seems doomed to fail. Cohen has made dozens of the rich asshole-related cable news appearances. Further, he helped lay the groundwork for his presidential run.
But it is notable that the Enquirer is giving it a try anyway. For the rich asshole’s sake.
some rich asshole is suddenly being touted to win a Nobel Peace Prize
This is getting ridiculous.
Get used to seeing “some rich asshole” and “Nobel Prize” in the same sentence.
The campaign to award a 2019 Nobel Peace Prize to the current president — regularly criticized for delivering personal attacks on Twitter — is heating up, following news of this week’s historic summit between North and South Korea that could mark the first step toward denuclearizing the peninsula.
Thanks to the tentative progress being made on the Korean peninsula, at least one British bookie has predicted that the rich asshole has favorable odds of winning a Nobel this year — and some of the rich asshole’s top defenders are falling in line.
“After North Korea triumph the rich asshole deserves the Nobel Peace Prize, not Obama,” declared a Fox News op-ed published on Friday.
Some of the rich asshole’s aides told reporters they think the thaw between North and South Korean leaders should put the president in the running for the top peace prize. At least a few members of Congress agree: Lindsey Graham (R-SC) hasn’t ruled out the possibility, and Rep. Luke Messer (R-IN) is renewing his effort to convince his colleagues to support nominating the rich asshole for a Nobel Prize, a cause Messer has championed since March.
“Following this historic announcement, President the rich asshole should get the Nobel Peace Prize. Our peace through strength strategy is delivering never before seen results,” Messer said in a statement released Friday.
Fox News host Laura Ingraham is on board, too. “Unlike Obama, he actually deserves the Nobel Peace Prize,” she tweeted on Friday morning.
On the episode of Ingraham’s show that aired Friday night, she amped up the rhetoric even further, saying that the rich asshole “has to be almost a shoo-in for the Nobel” and praising his foreign policy instincts as “phenomenal.”
She added that even the rich asshole’s harshest critics will have to acknowledge the “tough rocket man talk on the sanctions with North Korea made a difference.”
Notably, even among Ingraham’s conservative panel — which included Messer, a former the rich asshole campaign adviser, and a policy expert from the Heritage Foundation — there wasn’t universal agreement about the rich asshole’s foreign policy bona fides.
Riley Walters, a policy analyst for Asia Economy and Technology at The Heritage Foundation, politely suggested that some of the rich asshole’s isolationist policies — such as imposing harsh tariffs on imported goods — are sparking too much backlash among countries which would typically operate as U.S. allies on crucial matters of international diplomacy.
“We end up hurting our friends and allies, like Japan and those in the EU who would be supportive of us — in a contingent and with national security concerns, one of those things,” Walters said. “The purpose of the tariffs itself were to address national security and even the arguments made by the administration during the initial implementation were shoddy at best.”
“Shoddy? What are you talking about?” Ingraham shot back. “This is where conservatives drive me crazy.”
Other members of Ingraham’s panel on Friday hewed closer to her perspective. Michael Pillsbury, a former the rich asshole campaign adviser and China hawk, suggested to her that the rich asshole’s leadership perhaps “has earned two Nobel Peace Prizes.”
The rich asshole administration’s foreign policy aims have been largely incoherent. Though it’s still too early to say what will come of this week’s historic summit — and what role the rich asshole may have played in facilitating it — some experts have recently criticized his bombastic approach to North Korea as counterproductive to the United States’ diplomatic goals. Meanwhile, the rich asshole recently picked two hawks to join his administration — Mike Pompeo and John Bolton — who have touted the need for “regime change” in North Korea, signaling a potential escalation in U.S. aggression.
Fearing election wipeout, GOP holds emergency intervention with the rich asshole
Republicans are terrified at the data showing massive election losses ahead. In attempt to save their party, they staged an intervention with the rich asshole to get him to behave.
Republican leaders and senior White House officials are so concerned that the rich asshole is leading the party towards a midterm election disaster that they have staged an intervention with him, hoping to get him to change his behavior before November.
The New York Times reports that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) directly confronted the rich asshole with the dire situation at a dinner meeting alongside other Republican congressional leaders.
According to the Times, McConnell said the rich asshole was central to the 2018 campaign. And he noted that their one-seat advantage in the Senate is in jeopardy. Previously, McConnell has admitted the party faces a situation similar to a “Category 5” hurricane going into the election.
At the same meeting, White House legislative liaison Marc Short reportedly told the rich asshole the Republican majority in the House of Representatives is all but doomed.
Meanwhile, at a Republican retreat held by outgoing Speaker Paul Ryan, Republican pollster Kristen Soltis Anderson singled out the rich asshole as “a major source of the party’s woes,” according to attendees who spoke to the Times.
In her presentation, Anderson noted that the rich asshole’s job approval lagged his predecessors at this point, including President Barack Obama, who still lost 63 seats in the 2010 midterms.
Unfortunately for Republicans, sources say the rich asshole was unable to be persuaded. “That’s not going to happen,” he said repeatedly when warned about the possible wipeout.
He seems to base such assertions on his 2016 win. Of course, that victory was due largely to the quirks of the electoral college. the rich asshole lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million to Hillary Clinton.
His confidence also appears to stem from his re-election campaign manager Brad Parscale. To feed the rich asshole’s ego, Parscale has repeatedly assured him that his approval rating has “never been higher.”
In fact, the rich asshole’s approval ratings have consistently been low. Real Clear Politics currently shows an average of 41.8 percent support. And his rating has actually been higher in the past — 45.7 percent, a month after his inauguration.
the rich asshole is an electoral millstone around his party’s neck. On his watch, it has lost statewide elections in New Jersey, Virginia, and Alabama, as well as congressional seats in some of the most pro-the rich asshole districts in America.
Republicans face massive headwinds not only on their home territory, but in swing districts that in other years could have worked as a firewall against a Democratic surge.
The Times notes that Republicans like Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker are avoiding campaigning with the rich asshole, because the association motivates the growing wave of Democratic voters.
the rich asshole believes his own hype, and the funhouse mirror reflection of that hype as seen on Fox News. In that world, the rich asshole is an asset, not a liability.
But that isn’t the real world, and leaders like Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan understand it. They see blue voters straight ahead, ready to break up their majorities. And they are begging the rich asshole to get his act together.
He thinks he knows better, and he isn’t listening to anyone who disagrees.
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