Watch: Rock star who attacked Parkland kids as ‘disgusting vile abusers of the dead’ now begging for forgiveness

Jesse Hughes of Eagles of Death Metal in his apology video/Screenshot
Jesse Hughes, frontman of ironic rock baNd Eagles of Death Metal, knows something about gun violence. His band was on stage in Paris in 2015 when three gunmen stormed the club and killed 90 people.
Hughes is hated in France, where he blamed Muslim security guards at the club for the incident. He was banned from an anniversary memorial.
Hughes is pro-gun and attacked the Parkland students in the wage of the massacre.
“May everyone of these disgusting vile abusers of the dead live as long as possible so they can have the maximum amount of time to endure their shame,” he said in an Instagram rant, “and be Cursed.”
Like Laura Ingraham and rapper Killer Mike, Hughes now realizes he went too far in his vicous attacks on the survivor of the Parkland attacks, and is now trying desperately to walk it back.
Hughes is saying that he “never intended for that to happen” and praised “the beautiful movement of our nation’s youth.”
“I truly am sorry I didn’t mean to hurt anyone or cause any harm,” he said.
Watch the apology video below.
the rich asshole Ramps Up Attack On Amazon, Demands Washington Post Register As Lobbyist
the rich asshole also referred to the Washington Post, which is owned by Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, as a lobbyist organization.
some rich asshole tore into Amazon again Saturday on Twitter, accusing the company of running a “post office scam” and insisting that The Washington Post is actually a lobbyist organization.
the rich asshole claimed “it is reported” that the U.S. Postal Service loses $1.50 for each package it delivers for Amazon, which pays the same charges as any other company using bulk rate.
the rich asshole also targeted the Washington Post, which is owned by Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, calling the newspaper a lobbyist organization for the company.
While it is unclear what reports the president was referring to, a recent Wall Street Journal op-ed may be the source.
The article cited a Citigroup analysis, which argued that the Postal Service should collect an additional $1.46 on each package it delivers for companies like Amazon.
But USPS executive Joseph Corbett wrote a response to the op-ed — which was written by the co-president of a money-management firm that owns stock in FedEx and competes with the USPS. Corbett slammed it as an “inaccurate and unfair account.” The Postal Regulatory Commission has determined each year, as it must by law, that the service is covering costs for package deliveries, he added.
While the USPS has lost money over the last 11 years, climbing demand for package delivery is a boon to the operation, former Postmaster General Jack Potter told The Wall Street Journal. “That’s actually the solution right now,” he said. “It’s well justified that they deliver those packages, and they make money on it.”
The USPS is reaping double-digit increases in revenue delivering packages even as first-class and marketing mail revenue plummets, The Associated Press reported.
the rich asshole was mocked on Twitter last week when he called the postal service Amazon’s “delivery boy.” Tweets pointed out that delivering mail is exactly what the USPS is supposed to be doing.
The Washington Post responded to the president’s tweets in an article Saturday, which said “officials have explained to [the rich asshole] that Amazon’s contracts with the Postal Service are profitable for the agency.” The article also emphasized that the Post “operates independently of Amazon.”
the rich asshole borrows language directly from ‘Fox & Friends’ to fearmonger about immigrants
The president started his day by watching his favorite show and slamming California's governor.
President the rich asshole began his Saturday by lashing out at California Gov. Jerry Brown (D), slamming the politician on immigration policy in an early morning tweet that appeared to quote directly from a graphic featured on the conservative talk show Fox & Friends.
“Governor Jerry ‘Moonbeam’ Brown pardoned 5 criminal illegal aliens whose crimes include (1) Kidnapping and Robbery (2) Badly beating wife and threatening a crime with intent to terrorize (3) Dealing drugs. Is this really what the great people of California want?” wrote the president on his Twitter account, tagging Fox News.
(“Moonbeam” is a derisive nickname given to Brown decades ago in reference to his appeal among young, idealistic voters.)
the rich asshole’s tweet refers to a series of pardons granted by Brown on Friday. The governor issued 56 pardons and 14 commutations in advance of the weekend, which marks the lead-up to Easter and the beginning of Passover.
Five of those pardons included undocumented immigrants slated for deportation, most of whom were convicted of non-violent crimes, including drug-related offenses. The Sacramento Bee has reported that the crimes include spousal abuse, kidnapping, and theft in addition to drug charges. None include murder.
A comparison of the rich asshole’s tweet to a graphic shown on Fox & Friends around the same indicates the president likely garnered his information from the program. the rich asshole has historically live-tweeted Fox’s coverage, often early in the morning, with a particular emphasis on Fox & Friends, which has a long history of inaccurate claims.
Saturday morning’s Fox & Friends featured a segment targeting Brown’s pardons, specifically those granted to the five immigrants scheduled for deportation — Daniel Maher, Sergio Mena, Francisco Acevedo Alaniz, Sokha Chhan, and Phann Pheach.
“What we know about the felons,” the graphic read, followed by bullet points including “kidnapping and robbery” and “dealing drugs.”
All give of the men pardoned by Brown have already served time behind bars. Several face deportation to countries they have never known despite active community service, volunteering, and appeals from family members and friends.
“He is the glue that holds his family together,” wrote Pheach’s wife, Sopeant Chuop, on a GoFundMe account raising money for her husband’s legal defense. “I am crumbling apart without my husband, who I have been with for over 10 years.” Born in a refugee camp in Thailand, Pheach, who came to the United States at the age of 1, faces deportation to Cambodia following detention over drug possession with intent to sell.
“These are individuals who have turned their lives around and deserve a second chance,” UCLA School of Law Professor Ingrid Eagly, who is representing two of the men, said following news of the pardons on Friday.
Eagly also noted the importance of the pardons, which come at a time of heightened tension over immigration. The White House has cracked down on immigrants across the country, scaling up raids and deportations, ending the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and targeting so-called sanctuary cities, where officials decline to fully comply with federal immigration demands over public safety concerns.
The governor’s pardons also had implications for another immigrant: former U.S. army paratrooper Hector Barajas, who was deported to Mexico in 2004 following a 2002 arrest for firing at a vehicle. Barajas, a decorated veteran who has received numerous accolades, will be permitted to return to the United States for his naturalization ceremony next month. In his pardon, Brown cited the work Barajas has done in Mexico helping other deported veterans.
California’s resistance to the the rich asshole administration’s immigration policies has sparked a deep rift. Earlier this month, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions filed suit against the state for its efforts to protect undocumented immigrants, arguing California is “using every power it has…to frustrate federal law enforcement.” Gov. Brown fired back that Sessions is “initiating a reign of terror” against Californians.
“This is basically going to war against the state of California, the engine of the American economy,” Brown said at the time. “It’s not wise, it’s not right and it will not stand.”
some rich asshole says the Washington Post should register as a ‘lobbyist’

some rich asshole at school shooting listening session (Photo: Screen capture)
some rich asshole says The Washington Post should register as ‘lobbyist’
Dave Boyer
Posted with permission from The Washington Times
President Trump said Saturday that The Washington Post, which is owned by Amazon chief Jeff Bezos, should register as a lobbyist for Amazon in Washington.
In a tweet about the U.S. Postal service losing money on delivery of Amazon packages, Mr. Trump said the losses amount to billions of dollars for U.S. taxpayers.
"The Failing N.Y. Times reports that 'the size of the company's lobbying staff has ballooned,' and that...does not include the Fake Washington Post, which is used as a "lobbyist" and should so REGISTER," Mr. Trump tweeted. "If the P.O. 'increased its parcel rates, Amazon's shipping costs would rise by $2.6 Billion.' This Post Office scam must stop. Amazon must pay real costs (and taxes) now!"
The president has feuded frequently with The Post, which has been highly critical of his presidency. Last summer, he called the newspaper a "lobbyist weapon" for Amazon.
Mr. Trump also has criticized Amazon, saying it doesn't pay enough state or local taxes and hurts traditional brick-and-mortar retail businesses.
In a tweet about the U.S. Postal service losing money on delivery of Amazon packages, Mr. Trump said the losses amount to billions of dollars for U.S. taxpayers.
"The Failing N.Y. Times reports that 'the size of the company's lobbying staff has ballooned,' and that...does not include the Fake Washington Post, which is used as a "lobbyist" and should so REGISTER," Mr. Trump tweeted. "If the P.O. 'increased its parcel rates, Amazon's shipping costs would rise by $2.6 Billion.' This Post Office scam must stop. Amazon must pay real costs (and taxes) now!"
The president has feuded frequently with The Post, which has been highly critical of his presidency. Last summer, he called the newspaper a "lobbyist weapon" for Amazon.
Mr. Trump also has criticized Amazon, saying it doesn't pay enough state or local taxes and hurts traditional brick-and-mortar retail businesses.
While we are on the subject, it is reported that the U.S. Post Office will lose $1.50 on average for each package it delivers for Amazon. That amounts to Billions of Dollars. The Failing N.Y. Times reports that “the size of the company’s lobbying staff has ballooned,” and that...
...does not include the Fake Washington Post, which is used as a “lobbyist” and should so REGISTER. If the P.O. “increased its parcel rates, Amazon’s shipping costs would rise by $2.6 Billion.” This Post Office scam must stop. Amazon must pay real costs (and taxes) now!
Laura Ingraham takes an ‘Easter break’ after advertisers rush to drop her program
It all started when Ingraham decided to bully Parkland shooting survivor David Hogg.
Laura Ingraham announced Friday night that she will be taking a week off from her Fox News show, The Ingraham Angle, for “Easter break.”
“I’ll be off next week for Easter break with my kids but fear not, we’ve got a great line up of guest hosts to fill in for me,” Ingraham said during Friday’s show.
The Fox News host’s break is suspiciously timed, coinciding with an onslaught of more than a dozen advertisers pulling support for her show.
Major companies like TripAdvisor, Hulu, Expedia, and Liberty Mutual have dropped Ingraham’s show from their advertising plans in the wake of recent comments from Ingraham mocking Parkland school shooting survivor David Hogg.
Liberty Mutual, for example, told employees Friday that it would no longer advertise on Ingraham’s show, calling her comments “inconsistent with our values as a company.”
On Wednesday, Ingraham mocked 17-year-old Hogg for getting rejected by four colleges. In response, Hogg called for his supporters to boycott the companies who advertise on Ingraham’s show.
After companies began dropping The Ingraham Angle, Ingraham eventually offered an apology to Hogg. She claims she was moved by the “spirit of Holy Week” to apologize — though she said she was sorry only for potentially hurting his feelings, not for calling him a whiner.
“Any student should be proud of a 4.2 GPA —including David Hogg. On reflection, in the spirit of Holy Week, I apologize for any upset or hurt my tweet caused him or any of the brave victims of Parkland,” she tweeted.
Hogg was unimpressed with Ingraham’s apology.
“She only apologized after we went after advertisers,” he told The New York Times in an interview Thursday. “It kind of speaks for itself.”
After learning of Ingraham’s Easter break, Hogg tweeted he hoped she would have some “healthy reflections” during Holy Week.
Laura Ingraham is not the first Fox News host to take a suspiciously timed break from the show.
Shortly after The New York Times announced Billy O’Reilly and Fox News paid millions of dollars to five women who said they were sexually harassed by O’Reilly, 77 advertisers left the show in a mass exodus.
O’Reilly subsequently announced he would be taking a “scheduled” vacation that he had planned — but he never returned. O’Reilly was supposed to return on April 24 of last year, but on April 19, Fox News let him go.
the rich asshole’s only hope is to discredit Mueller — here’s what he may have planned

some rich asshole and Robert Mueller/Screenshots
some rich asshole’s best hope of avoiding political ruination—and maybe spending the rest of his life in prison—is to discredit the probe being conducted by Robert Mueller.
As the November midterm elections draw closer, some expect that he will implement a plan to do just that.
Vice talked to Ron Oleynik, a Washington, D.C.-based lawyer and expert in foreign lobbying regulation, who laid out the situation. Basically, it comes down to the rich asshole being able to convince his base to stand by him—even if he committed treason.
“The question is when the [results] come out, has the White House prepared the 35 percent or so of the voting population that seem to be strongly behind the president, have they prepared that piece of the electorate to say, ‘Well, yeah, the president has been saying all along this is a witch hunt and it’s not really legal’,” Oleynik told the site.
The timing, which the rich asshole does not control, is a major factor in what happens.
“He probably doesn’t want the results coming out during the midterm campaign, but he probably doesn’t want it coming out after, if the Democrats take the House, either,” said Oleynik.
But coming after Mueller, a lifelong Republican who enjoys a sterling reputation, also brings peril.
Another DC lawyer that the site talked to, Lanny Davis, who served on Bill Clinton’s legal team, predicted that intensifying his attacks on Mueller will backfire.
“We attacked Ken Starr because he was an overzealous prosecutor,” he said. “Muller is the 21st century version of Eliot Ness… Attacking him is a boomerang. Even the most partisan among us would not have been stupid enough to attack Bob Mueller, who is beyond reproach.”
You can read the full Vice article here
the rich asshole’s obsession with Stormy Daniels’ media coverage continues to rack up taxpayer dollars

some rich asshole watching some rich asshole/Screenshot of illustration
some rich asshole responded to the lawsuit over his alleged affair with porn star Stormy Daniels by writing a check to a media monitoring service.
Not with his own checkbook, of course. Rather, the president used $27,000 in tax dollars to hire TVEyes, a media monitoring service, reports TMZ.
The deal was done the day after Daniels filed suit against the rich asshole.
The amount is not huge, but it’s by far the largest amount the federal government has ever spent on something the service in the last seven years. Records obtained by TMZ show the White House previously paid $9,500 for a similar deal.
It’s unclear what the service will be used for. the rich asshole reportedly watches between four and eight hours a day watching TV by himself in the presidential bedroom.
Court blocks the rich asshole administration from forcing undocumented teens to remain pregnant
Undocumented minors can receive abortions, for now.
Undocumented teenagers seeking abortion will be allowed to obtain them until a lawsuit filed on their behalf is decided, a U.S. district court judge ruled late Friday night — dealing a blow to the rich asshole administration.
The ruling marks a victory for the ACLU, which has battled with the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) over the issue for months.
D.C. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan approved a request by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) to bring a class action lawsuit on behalf of four undocumented teenagers seeking abortions — meaning that all minors seeking abortions while in U.S. custody must be granted them.
Previously, the issue was decided on a case by case basis, leaving the teenagers vulnerable to disruptive tactics, including efforts to redirect them to anti-abortion crisis pregnancy centers and block them from undergoing the procedure.
“Obviously we are relieved,” lead ACLU attorney Brigitte Amiri told BuzzFeed shortly after the decision was announced. “This is a huge relief for the young women in … custody who would otherwise be subjected to the rich asshole administration’s attempt to force them to bring to pregnancy to term.”
According to U.S. government filings, there are at least 420 pregnant unaccompanied minors in U.S. custody. Of those, at least 18 have requested abortions.
The ruling is the latest turn of events in a saga that has pitted advocates for both undocumented immigrants and abortion rights against the White House.
In March, the the rich asshole administration declared that ORR Director Scott Lloyd, who once worked with the anti-abortion Knights of Columbus, a Catholic fraternal service organization, would have final say on “any action that facilitates an abortion.”
Each of the four undocumented teenagers in U.S. custody represented by the ACLU were ultimately granted the procedure, but only after intensive legal efforts and strident opposition from the rich asshole administration officials like Lloyd.
Lloyd has stated that he believes abortion is the “destruction of life.” Documents obtained by the ACLU in court filings show that Lloyd denied at least seven abortion requests between March and late December 2017. As ORR director, Lloyd has argued that undocumented teenagers have no constitutional right to abortion, redirecting those seeking the procedure to right-wing crisis pregnancy centers that counsel against abortion. Lloyd told one teenager, whose pregnancy was the result of rape, that abortion and sexual assault are similar forms of “violence.”
A January report from Vice revealed that Lloyd also floated the idea of attempting to “reverse” an abortion for one teenager, using a scientifically unproven and controversial procedure involving the hormone progesterone. (There is no indication that the teenager ever took progesterone, and her abortion was ultimately successful despite efforts to delay the procedure.)
Lloyd’s tactics haven’t helped the government’s case in court. In her 28-page opinion, Chutkan wrote that requiring Lloyd’s oversight “nullifies…[a teenager’s] right to make her own reproductive choices,” placing an “undue burden” on the minors.
The Justice Department has yet to comment on Chutkan’s decision. The ACLU has said it could be up to six months before the organization’s lawsuit against the government goes to trial.
March 31, 2018
the rich asshole's decision not to divest from his business interests could end up coming back to haunt him.
As the Russia probe remains in the spotlight and the Stormy Daniels case makes national headlines, there’s a third legal battle looming that could soon make the rich asshole regret his decision not to divest from his business interests.
In a case that threatens to tear down the carefully constructed wall of secrecy surrounding the rich asshole’s finances, the attorneys general representing the District of Columbia and Maryland are suing the rich asshole for allegedly violating the Constitution’s emoluments clause by using his business to accept gifts (“emoluments”) from foreign or state governments.
The lawsuit cleared a critical hurdle this week, when a federal judge ruled that the case can proceed — marking the first time a lawsuit of this kind has moved past the initial stage. The ruling holds that the plaintiffs have legal standing to sue the president, and opens the door “for the plaintiffs to seek at least a portion of the rich asshole’s tax returns,” the Washington Post reported.
“I think under pretty much any reading of the judge’s order, we can get discovery of his personal financial information in that it relates to payments from foreign and domestic governments,” Maryland Attorney General Brian E. Frosh told the Post.
Frosh said he and D.C. Attorney General Karl A. Racine also plan to seek other documents, including information related to the rich asshole’s D.C. hotel. Since the rich asshole took office, ethics watchdogs and national security experts have expressed concern that the property could become a conduit for governments officials from the U.S. and abroad to curry favor with the rich asshole by spending money at his hotel.
Despite claiming that he would divest from his businesses, the rich asshole simply turned them over to his sons — keeping himself closely involved with the company’s operations and financial dealings. The decision not to divest made the rich asshole the first president in 40 years to maintain ownership of a private business during the presidency.
The move has allowed the rich asshole to continue profiting from the rich asshole Organization while serving as president. But according to the Post, the financial arrangement has also left the rich asshole uniquely vulnerable as three different legal teams seek to “pry open the rich asshole Organization’s books.”
“Now, what initially seemed like a plum arrangement for the rich asshole — enjoying the fruits of his business while running the country — may come back to harm the rich asshole Organization if it is forced to reveal the kind of financial information and private correspondence that real estate firms closely guard,” the Post noted.
the rich asshole has been notoriously secretive about his financial history, refusing to release his tax returns and saying that Mueller would be crossing a red line if he tries to look into his previous business dealings, loans, or other financial history as part of the Russia probe.
Now, as the rich asshole stares down three separate legal teams with three different missions, his financial history is coming under an unprecedented degree of scrutiny. And as lawyers try to pry open the vault into his past, it’s his very own greed that may end up providing the key.
David Hogg calls Laura Ingraham ‘a bully’ who apologized for money: ‘She told LeBron James to shut up and dribble—I don’t see her apologizing’

David Hogg on CNN discussing Laura Ingraham/Screenshot
David Hogg stopped by CNN this weekend, breaking his silence after Laura Ingraham announced a “pre-planned vacation” as advertisers flee her show.
He said the apology was “expected” after advertisers dropped out, but that it didn’t mean much.
“There were multiple instances when she could have said something and didn’t,” he said.
Hogg pointed out her comments are not isolated to him—foe example he attacked gay Dartmouth students and basketball superstar LeBron James.
“A bully is a bully and it’s important that you stand up to them,” he said. “She told LeBron James to shut up and dribble—I don’t see her apologizing for those people. It’s disturbing to know someone could bully so many people for so long and get away with it, especially to the level she did.”
“I would only consider doing it after she apologizes to all the people that she’s hurt throughout her professionalism career because of her immaturity and unprofessionalism,” he said.
Watch the fiery interview below.
the rich asshole used tax dollars to obsess over TV reports after porn star sued him
the rich asshole gave the green light for a five-figure expenditure to monitor media coverage the day after he was sued by porn star Stormy Daniels. Since then, millions have learned the details of his affair.
After porn star Stormy Daniels sued him, the rich asshole authorized an expenditure of over $27,000 in tax dollars to track media coverage for public relations purposes. This use of public money coincides with millions of Americans learning the details of his affair.
TMZ reports that they obtained Federal Procurement documents that show a March 7 authorization by the Executive Office of the President.
The payment was in the amount of $27,075 to TVEyes, which is a service that tracks news stories on television, radio and in print. The expenditure was described in the filings as “SUPPORT – MANAGEMENT: PUBLIC RELATIONS.”
The rich asshole administration has made payments to TVEyes before, but the last time one was authorized was for $9,504 in Feb. 2017.
This five-figure payment was made a day after Daniels filed suit against the rich asshole, requesting that the confidentiality agreement she signed be invalidated.
Daniels was given $130,000 on the eve of the 2016 election to prevent her from discussing the affair she had with the rich asshole. The agreement was arranged with Michael Cohen, the rich asshole’s personal attorney.
Daniels has alleged that the agreement is invalid because the rich asshole did not sign it.
Millions of Americans learned the embarrassing and sordid details of the rich asshole’s affair when Daniels spoke to Anderson Cooper about it on 60 Minutes.
the rich asshole has not spoken at length about the allegations and instead has denied them through his lawyers and White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
Additionally, after meeting with the rich asshole, loyalists like disgraced former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski have attacked Daniels’ character in media appearances.
The issue is clearly top of mind for the rich asshole, who recently discussed it with boxing promoter Don King during a private dinner at his Mar-a-Lago estate.
King told the Washington Post that the rich asshole nodded in approval after King said, “The top story, number one, is Stormy Daniels.”
The revelation that the rich asshole authorized a five-figure media relations expenditure right as the story began to pick up steam and take on a legal angle could suggest that he is taking “the top story” extremely seriously.
NRA board member Ted Nugent claims Parkland school shooting survivors ‘have no soul’

Ted Nugent, NRA board member: Parkland school shooting survivors ‘have no soul’
Andrew Blake
Posted with permission from The Washington Times
National Rifle Association board member and rock guitarist Ted Nugent branded school shooting survivors as pathetic, "soulless" liars for targeting the NRA after enduring last month's massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.
Mr. Nugent, 69, unleashed on the students during an interview Friday on "The Joe Pags Show," a nationally syndicated radio and television program hosted by conservative commentator and fellow NRA member Joe Pagliarulo.
"The lies from the left, the lies from these poor, mushy-brained children who have been fed lies," Mr. Nugent said. "They're actually committing spiritual suicide because everything they recommend will cause more death and mayhem, guaranteed."
Mr. Nugent subsequently lambasted two Stoneman Douglas students in particular - Emma Gonzalez and David Hogg - after being asked to respond to their comments critical of the NRA, the nation's largest gun rights group.
"This poor pathetic individual is a liar," Mr. Nugent said after listening to a clip of Ms. Gonzalez.
"I really feel sorry for them because it's not only ignorant and dangerously stupid, but it's soulless. To attack the good law-abiding families of America when well-known predictable murderers commit these horrors is deep in the category of soulless. These poor children, I'm afraid to say this and it hurts me to say this, but the evidence is irrefutable, they have no soul," Mr. Nugent said after listening to a clip featuring both Ms. Gonzalez and Mr. Hogg, 17.
Ms. Gonzalez and Mr. Hogg have been among the most vocal Stoneman Douglas students to speak out against the NRA and advocate for gun control in the wake of surviving the Feb. 14 rampage that claimed the lives of 17 of their classmates.
Nikolas Cruz, a 19-year-old former Stoneman Douglas student, confessed to the killings and has been charged with 17 counts of premeditated murder and 17 counts of attempted murder. He is being held without bond.
Mr. Nugent, 69, unleashed on the students during an interview Friday on "The Joe Pags Show," a nationally syndicated radio and television program hosted by conservative commentator and fellow NRA member Joe Pagliarulo.
"The lies from the left, the lies from these poor, mushy-brained children who have been fed lies," Mr. Nugent said. "They're actually committing spiritual suicide because everything they recommend will cause more death and mayhem, guaranteed."
Mr. Nugent subsequently lambasted two Stoneman Douglas students in particular - Emma Gonzalez and David Hogg - after being asked to respond to their comments critical of the NRA, the nation's largest gun rights group.
"This poor pathetic individual is a liar," Mr. Nugent said after listening to a clip of Ms. Gonzalez.
"I really feel sorry for them because it's not only ignorant and dangerously stupid, but it's soulless. To attack the good law-abiding families of America when well-known predictable murderers commit these horrors is deep in the category of soulless. These poor children, I'm afraid to say this and it hurts me to say this, but the evidence is irrefutable, they have no soul," Mr. Nugent said after listening to a clip featuring both Ms. Gonzalez and Mr. Hogg, 17.
Ms. Gonzalez and Mr. Hogg have been among the most vocal Stoneman Douglas students to speak out against the NRA and advocate for gun control in the wake of surviving the Feb. 14 rampage that claimed the lives of 17 of their classmates.
Nikolas Cruz, a 19-year-old former Stoneman Douglas student, confessed to the killings and has been charged with 17 counts of premeditated murder and 17 counts of attempted murder. He is being held without bond.
March 31, 2018
The NRA and its allies keep lining themselves up like bowling pins — and America keeps knocking them down.
NRA board member Ted Nugent spent his Friday night launching an unhinged verbal assault on the Parkland shooting survivors, becoming just the latest member of the right-wing outrage machine to attack the teen activists.
Hours later, social media users spent their Saturday morning dragging Nugent, making him just the latest member of the right-wing outrage machine to get publicly savaged for attacking the Parkland teens.
Appearing on “The Joe Pags Show” late Friday, Nugent took a swing at the teen shooting survivors, calling them “soulless” liars and likening their push for gun control to “committing spiritual suicide.”
The student survivors “have been fed lies,” Nugent said, before comparing the activism of David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez — two of the most outspoken Parkland survivors — to waging a war against everyday Americans.
“To attack the good law-abiding families of America when well known predictable murderers commit these horrors is deep in the category of soulless. These poor children, I’m afraid to say this and it hurts me to say this, but the evidence is irrefutable, they have no soul,” he said.
Apparently, Nugent hasn’t been paying much attention to current events. If he had, he would know that those everyday Americans have staked their positions firmly behind the Parkland survivors — a lesson he learned the hard way on Saturday.
As word of his outburst spread, social media users took to Twitter to drag the aging NRA board member, savaging him for everything from his irrelevance …
… to his predilection for teenage girls …
… to the time he deliberately failed a medical exam to avoid serving in Vietnam.
Some users called for a boycott of Ted Nugent and put the pressure on venues to cancel upcoming appearances …
… while other users pointed out that a boycott isn’t really necessary because Nugent can’t sell anything in the first place.
And as one Twitter user masterfully demonstrated, there’s nothing more brutal than cold, hard truth:
Nugent and his NRA allies just can’t seem to accept the changing reality they’re facing. Time after time, they keep lining themselves up like bowling pins — and each time, they get knocked down harder than the last.
From TV to Twitter to the streets of the nation’s capital, the Parkland teens have shown that they’re a force to be reckoned with. And with midterm elections just months away, the teen activists may soon prove that they’re a force of nature at the ballot box, too.
Internet flays brother of Sylvester Stallone for calling David Hogg a ‘p*ssy’ — then deleting his tweet in a panic

Frank Stallone via Twitter
Marginal celebrity Frank Stallone, most famous for being the brother of director/actor Sylvester Stallone, took to Twitter on Saturday to call Parkland massacre survivor David Hogg a “p*ssy” — only to cowardly delete it after being barraged with criticism and scorn.
Writing on Twitter, Stallone wrote: “This David Hogg p*ssy is getting a little big for his britches. I’m sure someone from his age group is dying to sucker punch this rich little bitch. Watch him run home like the coward he is . He’s the worst rep for today’s youth headline grabbing punk.
After deleting the tweet, Stalone whined that people were calling him a bully, complaining, “Oh I’m a bully but these privileged teens who no respect to anyone have a free path to their arrogance. Most of the dopes that say things only claim to fame is my brother. Look at my resume you uninformed liberal dunce cap wearing clowns.”
Needless to say, the damage was done and Twitter piled on Stallone who took the next step and made his Twitter account private.
See a screenshot and responses below:
And, ouch:
GOP strategist hilariously nails why Laura Ingraham stepped in it with Parkland teens: ‘She has the right to be stupid’

Laura Ingraham speaking at the Values Voter Summit, photo by Gage Skidmore.
The advertising boycott roiling Fox News over personality Laura Ingraham was a self-inflicted mistake, a CNN panel explained on Saturday.
“Laura Ingraham is taking a week-long hiatus from her Fox News show, which she says was a preplanned Easter vacation,” CNN anchor Alex Witt reported. “This as advertisers take a more permanent break from her program after Ingraham mocked Parkland survivor David Hogg.”
Witt put a graphic on screen showing companies who had ceased advertising on the Ingraham Angle, including Office Depot, Expedia, Nestle, Johnson & Johnson, Hulu and Trip Advisor.
“This is not the first time that Ingraham has courted controversy,” Witt reminded. “She told LeBron James just to shut up and dribble.”
“So why even pick a fight with a school shooting victim?” Witt asked Republican strategist Evan Siegfried.
“Well, the First Amendment gives Laura Ingraham the right to be stupid and pick fights that she shouldn’t be picking,” Siegfried admitted. “I don’t think she should have made that tweet, I don’t think she should have been picking that fight with LeBron James.
“This is a pattern that many right-wing hosts have undertaken,” former Hillary Clinton aide Adrienne Elrod suggested. “They’ll go out, say something to the extreme that generates excitement and enthusiasm among the right-wing base in their viewers and then they apologize and they basically get to go back on air and move forward as if nothing happened.”
“The thing that we’re finally seeing now is that advertisers are coming forward and saying, ‘You know what? We don’t care if this impacts our bottom line, we’re pulling our ads from this program because we absolutely cannot stand with the host who will say this sort of extreme things,'” she continued. “That’s where you’ll see the trajectory of this pattern change.”
“People like Laura Ingraham, propping up the Second Amendment and propping the NRA for decades are now realizing, ‘oh my gosh, these 17-year-old kids are far more effective messengers than we are!’ I think they’re having a difficult time coming to terms with it and that’s why you’re seeing them say this extreme things,” Elrod concluded.
‘It’s about violating campaign finance law’: MSNBC host shuts down the rich asshole fan calling Daniels’ lawsuit ‘smut’

MSNBC anchor Alex Witt and national editor of Accuracy in Media Carrie Sheffield.
MSNBC anchor Alex Witt on Saturday scolded a guest for attempting to claim that President some rich asshole’s scandal involving Stormy Daniels is a “distraction” and “smut.”
“How do you make sense of the president’s silence on Stormy Daniels? Is it at all possible that there are more details that he may be afraid have yet to come out on this?” Witt asked Carrie Sheffield, the national editor of the conservative Accuracy In Media.
“I congratulate the president on keeping above the fray, because it’s really smut, it’s really beneath the dignity of the Oval Office,” Sheffield claimed. “And the fact that this tweet storm by her lawyer, it’s really a distraction.”
“But, Carrie, can we be clear here?” Witt asked. “I’m not talking about what happened or did not happen between the sheets here.”
“We’re talking about violating campaign finance law or anything else that may come as a result of an investigation here,” Witt explained. “So when you talk about something beyond the smut you’re referring to, campaign finance being broken, those laws, isn’t that something we should be talking about?”
“Sure, if there were evidence and substance that this actually happened,” Sheffield explained. “There’s a lot of speculation and a lot of conservatives are upset because they see that, again, the Mueller investigation is about speculation with no results.”
Special counsel Robert Mueller has secured guilty pleas from former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, the rich asshole campaign Deputy Chairman Rick Gates, foreign policy advisor George Papadopoulos, Richard Pinedo and Alex van der Zwaan. the rich asshole campaign Chairman Paul Paul Manafort has also been charged, along with thirteen Russian citizens and three Russian entities.
“In this country we have a principle called innocent until proven guilty,” she continued. “And so we see that because the Mueller investigation is coming up dry in most respects, as it relates to the president, the questions obstruction and collusion, that the media is now turning to questions of this distraction, sideshow, rabbit hole that has no substance or merit to the American people.”
Montel Williams burns racist former the rich asshole appointee to the ground for begging him for debate invite with Van Jones

Montel Williams speaks to Fox News (screen grab)
A prominent surrogate for President some rich asshole was public mocked by Montel Williams after demanding to debate CNN anchor Van Jones in a forum moderated by Williams.
Carl Higbie resigned from the administration in January, after CNN reported he made a slew of racist, sexist and xenophobic statements.
Higbie had hosted an internet radio program called “Sound of Freedom” where he accused “the black race” of “lax morality.”
“Go back to your Muslim sh*thole and go crap in your hands and bang little boys on Thursday nights,” Higbie said. “I just don’t like Muslim people. People always rip me a new one for that. Carl, you’re racist, you can’t, you’re sexist. I’m like Jesus Christ. I just don’t like Muslim people because their ideology sucks.”
“Not sure who the hell Carl thinks he’s talking about but it’s pretty pathetic,” Williams tweeted Saturday, while sharing screenshots of a text barrage he received from Higbie.
“How about you moderate a debate on racism,” Higby suggested. “I think my actual views are far different from the headlines.
“You don’t need a debate to correct what you’ve written in the past,” Williams replied.
“Ah, afraid of actual debate i (sic) see,” Higbie replied.
“So Carl Higbie’s wackadoodle plan to fix his racism/bigotry/problem is for me to moderate a panel with him and Van Jones on CNN (where I am not employed),” Williams tweeted.
After being ousted from the administration, Higbie was hired as director of advocacy at America First Policies, a dark money political action committee backing President the rich asshole.
Williams’ tweet can be seen below:
Listen to Higbie’s comments:
Fox News hosts begging Roseanne to bring her conspiracy theories on their shows to boost ratings

Sean Hannity (Screen Capture)
Conservative talk show hosts are hoping that the resurgent popularity of comedian Roseanne Barr will rub off on them, and are scrambling to book her and her conspiracy theories on their shows for a ratings bump.
“The rebooted Roseanne sitcom just renewed for a second season by ABC,” CNN anchor Ryan Nobles reported. “But Roseanne herself is under new fire for promoting right-wing fringe conspiracy theories.”
“Roseanne Barr is a rich asshole supporter who seems to already be taking a page from the president’s playbook and causing controversy on Twitter,” CNN national reporter Brynn Bingras reported. “This week, Barr faced backlash for tweeting a doctored image of Parkland high school student-activist David Hogg, accusing him of giving the Nazi salute.”
“It wasn’t a far leap from past posts when Barr was focused on spreading right-wing conspiracies like this one just last November engaging a deep state conspiracy,” she continued. “Or post-election, when one of Barr’s tweets backed the PizzaGate conspiracy theory which stated some Democrats were part of a sex trafficking ring in the basement of a Washington pizza restaurant.”
“Conservatives around the country riding the wave of the actress’s popularity,” Bingras continued. “Fox host Sean Hannity, begging for an interview with Barr, even offering for her to host his show.”
WATCH: Parkland students react in the best possible way to news the NRA is sending Ted Nugent after them

Kyrah Simon, Ryan Deitsch, Chris Grady -- MSNBC screenshot
A panel made up of three student survivors from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School reacted appropriately when AM Joy host Joy Reid informed them that the NRA was unleashing aging rocker Ted Nugent on them after the failures of attacks from NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch and Fox News host Laura Ingraham.
Appearing on a Newsmax show, Nugent — who often takes the lead in making outrageous statements in defense of the NRA — called the parkland teens “mush-brained.”
They are “poor mushy brained children who have been fed lies,” Nugent asserted, adding the teens are “committing spiritual suicide” by pushing for gun control. Nugent then labeled prominent Parkland teen David Hogg as having “no soul.”
It began with a discussion on Laura Ingraham’s ham-handed attack on Hogg and subsequent backtracking after advertisers fled her show.
Discussing the surprise “vacation” Ingraham announced on Friday night that had Twitter users jeering, Reid asked, “There’s some on the right criticizing your movement. The ‘never again’ movement for using boycotts as a tactic in this wrestling match over gun reform. Do you think it’s unfair for David to have gone in that direction with Laura Ingraham?”
“David has a right to do what anybody else does,” Parkland teen Ryan Deitsch replied. “Laura Ingraham attacked high school shooting survivor and that’s wrong. All the movement, everybody who supports us are try to do is create a morally just society. That’s what we were taught and that’s what we were preached at and all we’re trying to do is practice what we preach.”
After student’s Kyrah Simon and Chris Grady explained where they hope to take their movement, host Reid brought up Nugent.
“Well, the NRA has the likes of Ted Nugent on the side for gun reform insanity — and you guys are brilliant,” Reid complimented the three, who smirked and laughed in response.
Watch the video below via MSNBC:
Census Bureau adviser on citizenship question: 'What the hell?'
BY MAX GREENWOOD - 03/31/18 11:36 AM EDT
One of the experts who advises the U.S. Census Bureau responded during a meeting to the news that the agency would add a citizenship question to the 2020 census by asking: "What the hell?"
D. Sunshine Hillygus, a professor at Duke University who serves on the Census Scientific Advisory Committee, opened a presentation at the panel's spring meeting on Thursday by making it clear that she thought including such a question was a bad idea.
"I want to say in no uncertain terms I think this is an absolutely awful decision," she said. "I am still dumbfounded that this decision is coming in at such a late date. My view is that this is going to have severe negative implications for data quality and costs."
Her comments, which were first highlighted by HuffPost, came days after Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross announced plans to include a question about citizenship status on the 2020 census — a question that has been in some bureau surveys in recent years but not in the primary decennial census since 1950.
In a PowerPoint presentation, Hillygus warned that including such a question has "negative implications for data quality and cost" and could damage the Census Bureau's reputation.
She warned that "perceptions matter" and that including the citizenship question would be viewed strictly as a political decision, and would fuel the perception that such information could be used to target noncitizens.
"Because it is viewed as a strictly political decision, I think it doesn't matter how much the Census Bureau says we will keep your data confidential," she said.
Civil rights groups and Democrats have fiercely opposed the decision to include the citizenship question in the 2020 census, arguing that it would lead to incomplete and inaccurate data that could impact congressional districts and the allocation of federal funding.
CNN guest explains what was behind Roseanne Barr’s bonkers ‘the rich asshole freed children from pimp bondage’ tweet

Roseanne Barr in her rebooted sitcom/Screenshot
Appearing on CNN, a reporter attempted to explain a bizarre tweet by actress Roseanne Barr, star of the re-booted ABC sitcom Roseanne.
CNN anchor Ryan Nobles asked media reporter Oliver Darcy of the actress’s belief in #QAnon, which is described as Pizzagate, only worse.
“There’s Roseanne Conner, the character, Roseanne Barr, the real person. it’s difficult to separate the two. Roseanne Barr is known for retweeting and promoting right-wing conspiracy theories, Pizzagate, the Seth Rich controversy, she’s gone after David Hogg, she’s been pictured in Nazi paraphernalia,” Nobles noted. “I’ve seen a lot of pushback on social platforms.”
“Are people supporting both Roseanne and the show?” Nobles asked. “Or just the actress? Can people divide the two when they watch the show?”
“I think it’s a mixture of both,” Darcy replied. “I think a lot of it is also people — they support Roseanne and, like you said, she is a vocal the rich asshole supporter and she does often drift into these really crazy conspiracy theories.”
Darcy cited one Friday night tweet in particular, putting it on screen.
“What she’s referring to is this extremely fringe theory called The Storm, it plays out in fringe corners of the internet,” Darcy explained. “Really right-wing.”
“I think that is going to be something that people are going to pay more attention to, particularly as the show finds success,” he predicted.
Who is the Russian-linked Manafort associate at the center of Mueller's probe?
The revelation from special counsel Robert Mueller this week that a senior the rich asshole campaign official, Richard Gates, had repeated contact with a business associate suspected of working for Russian intelligence services has so far sparked little outcry from lawmakers.
The individual, identified in media reports as Konstantin Kilimnik, is a mysterious figure who was formerly affiliated with a group chaired by Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and who for years served as a top associate in Ukraine to Paul Manafort, President the rich asshole's former campaign chairman.
While the tie between Gates and Kilimnik could represent the best link yet between the rich asshole aides and Russia during the campaign, lawmakers in both parties are so far keeping quiet about the relationship until they learn more from the Mueller probe.
A spokesperson for Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.), the ranking member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, which is investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 election, declined to comment on Kilimnik.
Referring generally to the Mueller probe, Sen. Claire McCaskill (D), who faces a tough reelection, said at a town hall meeting this week in Kansas City, Mo., that “the investigation needs to be completed and the facts will come out,” a wait-and-see approach echoed by many lawmakers.
Senate Democratic Leader Charles Schumer (N.Y.) has stayed mum, as well.
Republicans have also held back from commenting, partly because of the uncertainty swirling around Kilimnik’s allegiances and what he offered or did not offer to the rich asshole campaign.
Kilimnik in the past has denied ties to Russian intelligence and Mueller has yet to formally name him as Gates’s contact, but already reporters are circling him as possibly the clearest link between the rich asshole’s inner circle and the Russian government during the election.
The special counsel released a document Tuesday asserting that Gates had multiple conversations with someone identified as “Person A,” which The New York Times and other media outlets identify as Kilimnik.
Mueller’s team describes this individual as someone who had ties to a Russian intelligence service in 2016 and whom Gates described to a colleague as a former intelligence officer with the GRU, the Russian military intelligence agency.
Kilimnik is reportedly a Russian-Ukrainian dual citizen who studied foreign languages at what is now known as the Military University of the Ministry of Defense, graduating in the early 1990s.
A few years after graduating, he started working in the Moscow office for the International Republican Institute (IRI), an American group chaired by McCain that works with pro-democracy advocates around the world.
Kilimnik resigned in 2005 under murky circumstances, according to multiple press reports, with his resignation coming around the time he started working as a translator for Manafort.
Politico reported that a former IRI employee was warned that Kilimnik “could not be trusted” and advised to steer clear of him.
A spokeswoman for IRI told The Atlantic that Kilimnik had violated the organization’s code of ethics but maintained that there was no reason to believe he was tied to the GRU or other Russian intelligence agencies.
Kilimnik became a key contact in Kiev, where Manafort was working for Rinat Akhmetov, Ukraine’s richest oligarch.
Manafort reportedly parlayed his relationship with Akhmetov into a lucrative contract with former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, who became Ukraine’s leader in the summer of 2006 and was allied with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Kilimnik soon became an important contact for Manafort within the former Ukrainian president's administration. He told Radio Free Europe in an interview that he spent 90 percent of his time inside the administration after Yanukovych’s election and that he assisted Manafort during that time.
Yanukovych opposed the pro-Ukrainian independence faction led by Viktor Yushchenko, who knocked him out of power briefly with the help of a U.S.-supported democracy movement. He regained power in 2010, and Kilimnik later said it was due in part to the assistance of Manafort, whom he praised as “very skillful,” according to Radio Free Europe.
Yanukovych’s pro-Russia party designated $12.7 million for Manafort from 2007 to 2012, according to a so-called black ledger that emerged in August 2016.
Richard Hibey, Manafort’s lawyer, denied at the time that his client had received cash payments alleged by Ukraine’s anti-corruption officials, though The Associated Press later confirmed that at least some of the payments listed in the ledger were received by Manafort's consulting firm.
Kilimnik told Radio Free Europe that he continued to be in contact with Manafort during the 2016 election, briefing him on Ukraine and speaking “every couple months.”
Manafort joined the the rich asshole campaign in March 2016. He was brought on to lock down delegate commitments ahead of the Republican nominating convention in Cleveland, before eventually being tapped to oversee the campaign.
He resigned from the campaign in August after news of the black ledger surfaced and other reports scrutinizing his past foreign lobbying work.
Gates, however, who had a career-long association with Manafort, survived his longtime associate’s purge from the campaign, continuing on to work on the rich asshole's transition team.
Manafort and Gates's business relationship goes back years. Gates started working as an intern for Manafort’s consulting firm, Black, Manafort, Stone, Kelly — a firm that included Roger Stone, a longtime Republican operative who also served as an informal adviser to the rich asshole’s 2016 campaign — nearly 30 years ago.
Manafort left the firm the same year Gates joined it, according to The New York Times, but Gates later joined Manafort in 2006 at his new firm, Davis Manafort.
The Times reported that Gates became entwined in Manafort’s overseas business dealings.
He traveled to Moscow, for example, to meet with associates of Oleg Deripaska, a Russian business mogul who invested heavily with Manafort in a deal to buy a Ukrainian cable television network.
Gates was also listed on documents related to shell companies that Manafort set up to receive payments from clients in Eastern Europe, according to the Times.
Given Kilimnik’s longtime relationship with Manafort and his continued contact with him during the 2016 campaign, he likely saw Gates as the next best contact with the rich asshole’s inner circle once Manafort resigned.
But whether their reported conversations were about the political situation in Ukraine or about — as some Democrats suspect — how Russian intelligence could help the rich asshole defeat Hillary Clinton, remains unknown.
Democrats hope Mueller’s probe will get to the bottom of it and are keeping quiet in the meantime.
“I don’t think there’s anything for Democrats to do but stay out of the way,” said Rodell Mollineau, a Democratic strategist.
“If you’re a candidate or elected official, I think the main point you need to hit is that we’re a country of law and the special prosecutor should be left alone to do his job and the rest will take care of itself,” he added.
Gates pleaded guilty last month to charges of financial fraud and lying to investigators and has agreed to cooperate with Mueller.
Manafort, his co-defendant, has pleaded not guilty to a series of charges in two federal criminal cases stemming from the Mueller probe, with trial dates scheduled in Washington, D.C., and Virginia.
‘It’s like a vampire’: Colbert’s Cartoon the rich asshole explains why he doesn’t want pictures of his penis to see the light of day

Showtime's 'Our Cartoon President' taking questions in the White House press room.
The “tru-ish misadventures” of President some rich asshole were parodied in a new episode by Showtime’s Our Cartoon President. The show, produced by Stephen Colbert and his Late Show executive producer Chris Licht, featured a White House press conference with the commander in chief discussing his legal strategy and penis.
“Spring has sprung. All winter long, adult film stars have been hibernating — bellies full of fish — now they’re all emerging from their caves and giving interviews to Anderson Cooper,” the Cartoon President told the assembled journalists.
“Sir, why haven’t you refuted the Stormy Daniels allegations,” a reporter asked.
“I’m trying to take the high road,” the Cartoon President explained “and do everything I can not to have a picture of my penis go public.”
“I mean, that thing is like a vampire,” the Cartoon President said of his penis. “Bloodless, can’t see it in a mirror. And at first Eastern European women fall in love with it, but eventually they try to drive a wooden stake through it.”
Bayer AG pulls ads from Laura Ingraham's show
BY AVERY ANAPOL - 03/31/18 08:10 PM EDT
Bayer AG announced Saturday that it has stopped advertising on Laura Ingraham's Fox News show, and has no plans to do so in the future.
The pharmaceutical company is at least the 16th company to pull its ads from "The Ingraham Angle" following the host's attack on Parkland shooting survivor David Hogg.
"Bayer US has stopped advertising on Laura Ingraham and we have no plans to resume any time in the future," the company wrote in a tweet.
Yes, @JonCoopertweets, that’s right. @BayerUS has stopped advertising on Laura Ingraham and we have no plans to resume any time in the future.
Ingraham has come under fire after mocking Hogg for his college rejections on Twitter.
David Hogg Rejected By Four Colleges To Which He Applied and whines about it. (Dinged by UCLA with a 4.1 GPA...totally predictable given acceptance rates.) …
Hogg responded by tweeting out a list of her advertisers, prompting a growing number of them to pull ads from the show.
Pick a number 1-12 contact the company next to that #
Top Laura Ingraham Advertisers
1. @sleepnumber
2. @ATT
3. Nutrish
4. @Allstate & @esurance
5. @Bayer
6. @RocketMortgage Mortgage
7. @LibertyMutual
8. @Arbys
9. @TripAdvisor
10. @Nestle
11. @hulu
12. @Wayfair
Top Laura Ingraham Advertisers
1. @sleepnumber
2. @ATT
3. Nutrish
4. @Allstate & @esurance
5. @Bayer
6. @RocketMortgage Mortgage
7. @LibertyMutual
8. @Arbys
9. @TripAdvisor
10. @Nestle
11. @hulu
12. @Wayfair
Ingraham apologized to Hogg, but the gun control activist and high school student said he would not accept it.
Any student should be proud of a 4.2 GPA —incl. @DavidHogg111. On reflection, in the spirit of Holy Week, I apologize for any upset or hurt my tweet caused him or any of the brave victims of Parkland. For the record, I believe my show was the first to feature David...(1/2)
... immediately after that horrific shooting and even noted how "poised" he was given the tragedy. As always, he’s welcome to return to the show anytime for a productive discussion. WATCH: (2/2)
I 100% agree an apology in an effort just to save your advertisers is not enough. I will only accept your apology only if you denounce the way your network has treated my friends and I in this fight. It’s time to love thy neighbor, not mudsling at children. …
Hogg has since doubled down on his criticisms of Ingraham, saying that "a bully is a bully."
Ingraham will be taking a break from her show next week, announcing Saturday that she is going on a pre-planned vacation.
‘Fish rots from the head’: CNN panel busts the rich asshole for allowing White House ethics chaos

some rich asshole during CNN debate (Photo: Screen capture via video)
CNN political analyst Ron Brownstein said the ethical troubles plaguing the White House are a direct result of Republicans on Capitol Hill refusing to provide meaningful oversight of President some rich asshole.
CNN anchor Christi Paul posted an image showing five members of the rich asshole’s cabinet embroiled in ethical scandals.

CNN graphic of cabinet secretary spending controversies (screengrab)
“I look at that, Ron, and I think what is striking about this may be the scope,” Paul suggested.
“The magnitude of it is extraordinary” Brownstein agreed “and I think we are watching a real time confirmation of the saying that a fish rots from the head.”
“The president has really set the tone, he set the tone when he broke with years of tradition by refusing to release his tax returns, they refused to release the logs of white house visitors, he hired his immediate family members, he spends an inordinate amount of time the at his own properties, he allows other institutions with interest in the political realm to hold events at his properties,” Brownstein listed. “He has from the beginning set a tone that has encouraged this kind of disdain really for the traditional ethical boundaries on many different fronts.”
The political analyst suggested Republicans would pay a price in the midterms for their lax oversight of the administration.
“It shows you that the decision by congressional Republicans not to impose more oversight ultimately bites them in the end, they are the ones going to be on the defending this behavior in November,” Brownstein reminded. “If they were rigorous about surveilling the way the administration was behaving to begin with, you’d have less of these scandals coming forward.”
“I just take this back to congressional Republicans, that I think brought this on themselves, sending the signal … that they’re not going to perform real oversight,” he said later in the segment. “I think President the rich asshole and the administration has basically viewed they can get away with almost anything.”
“And ultimately, it is the people in Congress that are going to be on the front line if there is a backlash against this,” Brownstein concluded. “By sending that signal, they have brought more trouble on themselves.”
CNN analyst ridicules the rich asshole declaring ‘Sexual Assault Awareness’ month: ‘What next, heart healthy month?’

some rich asshole during CNN debate (Photo: Screen capture via video)
Addressing a late Friday announcement that President some rich asshole had declared April as “Sexual Assault Awareness” month, a CNN political analyst all but rolled his eyes at the announcement before pointing out the obvious problem with it.
Speaking with New Day host Victor Blackwell, analyst John Rogin was asked how the rich asshole’s announcement will sit with the public that knows all too well about the rich asshole’s assault problems, most notably his confession about grabbing women in the “Access Hollywood ” tape.
“The president, before he headed to Mar-a-Lago proclaimed April ‘National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month,” Blackwell began. “Now, from this same president, he tweeted out just last month, “People’s lives are being shattered and destroyed by a mere allegation. some are true, some are false, some are old, some are new, there is no recovery from someone falsely accused. life and career are gone. Is there no such thing any longer as due process?'”
“This again puts us in the position of the context of the man in the office, the president signs this proclamation about sexual assault awareness and prevention, but also has the ‘Access Hollywood’ tape,” Blackwell added. “He salutes the missing in action and POWs, but then says John McCain was only a hero because he was captured. We’re seeing this again as he signs this proclamation.”
“Yeah, probably not shocking news that there is hypocrisy going on inside the White House,” Rogin replied. “the rich asshole is leading the effort to stop internet bullying. What is next, a presidential proclamation on heart health?”
“I don’t think that we should really focus on that,” Rogin continued. “What we should focus on here is the fact that in the rich asshole era, maybe partially in response to all of the other allegations against president trump we’ve seen a revolution, an evolution, an awakening about he scope and scale of the problem of sexual assault. We’ve seen the ‘me too” movement, so this is really a generational change and we’re not going back.”
Watch the video below via CNN:
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