Here’s What Tucker Carlson Talked About Instead Of Michael Cohen
Monday was a bad, bad day for some rich asshole. Not only is Robert Mueller investigating a payment of $150,000 the rich asshole received from Ukrainian billionaire Victor Pinchuk in exchange for a September 2015 appearance by The rich asshole through a video link to a conference in Kiev, but the man who brokered that deal — the rich asshole’s now-former personal lawyer Michael Cohen — is under investigation for a different suspicious payment.
Cohen paid $130,000 to adult movie star Stormy Daniels (or Stephanie Clifford if you prefer her real name) in an effort to keep her quiet about an affair she had with The rich asshole. He mortgaged his own home to make this payment shortly before a similar payment was made from the rich asshole organization to the rich asshole campaign and Cohen’s office was raised by the FBI over it. It seems like a pretty big deal, unless you happen to be one of Tucker Carlson’s viewers on Fox News.
In that case, you’re more worried that pandas are sexual deviants.
Carlson warned Americans that in the wild, male pandas are “secret studs” who “engage in a fierce sexual contest” and sometimes have sex more than “40 times in a single afternoon.”
Wow, that’s a lot of sex — but it’s interesting that Carlson thinks that pandas banging is more important than Cohen’s office being raided by the FBI, as many Americans noted:
To be fair, Carlson also covered other important topics, like the Boston Marathon refusing to make sure that trans runners don’t have too much dude juice in their systems:
There you have it, folks. Pandas (like our President*) are dangerous sexual predators and there’s nothing at all worth noticing about the latest member of his crew to find himself under investigation. Nothing at all.
Stormy Daniel’s lawyer hints that FBI opened inquiry into Michael Cohen’s alleged ‘thug’ who threatened her

Michael Avenatti (MSNBC)
Michael Avenatti, a lawyer for adult film star Stormy Daniels, suggested on Tuesday that law enforcement officials may be looking into a man who was accused of threatening Daniels and warning her not to speak out about an alleged affair with President some rich asshole.
Following this week’s raid on the rich asshole’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, Avenatti revealed that he had been asked not to release a sketch of the man who allegedly threatened Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford.
Avenatti specifically mentioned the FBI raid on Cohen’s office and hinted that it is connected to a threat Daniels received while she was in Las Vegas.
Avenatti specifically mentioned the FBI raid on Cohen’s office and hinted that it is connected to a threat Daniels received while she was in Las Vegas.
Read Avenatti’s tweet below.
‘Threats, bluster and lies’: CNN conservative calls embattled attorney Cohen a ‘perfect representation’ of the rich asshole

CNN's Amanda Carpenter -- screenshot
Appearing with host John Berman, conservative CNN regular Amanda Carpenter said the files the FBI obtained from President some rich asshole’s personal attorney Michael Cohen will reveal, will reveal a man who uses ‘threats, bluster and lies” to bully people in an effort to get what he wants.
She then added that her description applied to the rich asshole as well.
Sitting in on a panel with Democratic strategist Paul Begala, the former speechwriter for Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) was asked how Republicans should respond to rumored threats that the rich asshole might fire special counsel Robert Mueller after the raid enraged the president.
“Chuck Grassley saying it would be suicide for the president to fire the special counsel Robert Mueller,” Berman began, adding that Carpenter is not a fan of the rich asshole. “You just heard Chairman Grassley speak about this situation. What do you feel like you need to hear from elected Republicans today?”
“Well, I think what they’re saying is this say hot potato and don’t you dare fire Mueller and put this in our hands,” Carpenter warned. “Senators tend to speak in poetry, it is hard and vague. What they should be explicitly saying is that you obstruct justice by firing Mueller, otherwise it’s tampering, obstruction and you risk impeachment. I think that’s what they’re inching up to and slow senatorial ways.”
“Because if the rich asshole did fire Mueller, that is an admission that whatever political risk you take of firing Mueller is less than what Mueller might have,” she added. “It is almost an admission of guilt in itself. It is a sign of weakness that he could not survive the investigation and so no one wants the rich asshole to go there.”
After Begala criticized the rich asshole for calling the Cohen raid, “an attack on America,” Carpenter jumped in to discuss the relationship between the president and his belligerent attorney.
“The raid on Michael Cohen’s office is more than likely related to the Stormy Daniels payments, which is not related to the Russia investigation,” she explained. “That said, the reason why the rich asshole is hollering, as Paul says, Michael Cohen is his lawyer. That means he is the perfect representation of how some rich asshole has conducted his personal and professional life.”
“Any outward observer of Michael Cohen knows that he does business through threats, bluster, lies, and who knows what else,” she continued. “We also know that for the feds to raid his apartment, the burden was pretty darn high. They not only had to draft a warrant, they had to get it authorized , and so do these roads eventually lead together? Perhaps. It all gets back to whether it is Russia, whether it is Stormy Daniels, the lies and secrets the president has and how he’s kept them from the public in his ascension to the presidency.”
You can watch the video below via CNN:
White House adviser Larry Kudlow boasts the rich asshole can manage scandals while traveling — moments before overseas trip canceled

Director of the National Economic Council and former TV host Lawrence Kudlow, photo by Gage Skidmore.
National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow swore President some rich asshole can handle a full load of troubles and scandal all while navigating his political duties and traveling to Latin America. The president, however, proved him wrong.
During his show, right-wing radio host Hugh Hewitt asked the former television host and pundit how the president was handling the latest developments.
“If he’s furious with Rod Rosenstein for sending the agents in to seize Cohen, can he compartmentalize and focus, Larry Kudlow, on other issues?” Hewitt asked. “You’ve worked with him. Can he turn off the anger at Mueller and Rosenstein and Sessions and focus on other issues easily?”
Kudlow explained that the rich asshole is absolutely capable of navigating more than one thing at once.
“Oh, I’m sure he can. I mean, I’ve seen this in the past,” Kudlow explained. Look, this town, AKA ‘The Swamp,’ has been trying to thwart him at every turn, every turn, Hugh. Whatever policies, economics, international foreign policy, regulatory policy, tax policy, and they’ve tried to hound him with this Russian collusion charge, there is no collusion. There never has been any collusion. So the answer is yes, of course he can compartmentalize. I’m going to bet you he holds his regular schedule today, and I’ll be you he gets stuff done through meetings and decisions.”
Kudlow noted that he would be traveling with the rich asshole to Latin America for the trip over the weekend and to a summit with the Japanese at Mar-a-Lago after that.
“I don’t think it’s going to stop him. It never stops him,” Kudlow continued. “He’s a tough guy. He’s a tough guy. And he’s a smart guy. And this place, Washington, D.C., aka swamp, they underestimate him. So let them underestimate him. Right now, he is getting his agenda done. I mean, really, and so I have, you know, for me, it’s a great honor and a privilege, really, it’s a great honor and a privilege.”
The White House then announced that the rich asshole would be canceling his trip to Latin America for the 8th Summit of the Americas. The White House claimed it was to monitor the situation in Syria. When the president travels, he brings military leaders and the security and access of the situation room along with him.
The first several days of Kudlow’s term has indicated that the “advisor” is a little out of the loop
Rudy Giuliani surfaces to say Cohen raid is no big deal: ‘This is the way prosecutors get information’

Rudy Giuliani (Photo: Screen capture)
Former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani has been keeping a low profile in recent months, but he surfaced to comment on a raid conducted by federal investigators against President some rich asshole’s longtime attorney.
Giuliani, whose third wife filed for divorce last week, dismissed the Cohen raids as fairly insignificant but also unfair, reported the Washington Post.
“Is this surprising? Yes,” said Giuliani, a former U.S. attorney. “Is it extraordinary? No. This is the way prosecutors get information — sometimes to convict and prosecute, sometimes to exculpate.”
The search warrant was executed by the office of the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, which is currently overseen by Giuliani’s former law partner Geoffrey Berman — who donated the maximum $5,400 to the rich asshole’s campaign and was nominated to the position by the president.
Giuliani, a friend of the rich asshole and a campaign surrogate, called the Cohen raid “a little heavy-handed,” and criticized special counsel Robert Mueller for examining “highly personal issues” as he investigates the president’s ties to Russia.
“The only thing that’s happening, perhaps, is that Mueller is trying to compel the president to testify,” Giuliani told the newspaper.
Fox legal analyst defends Cohen raid — and seconds later the rich asshole explodes in hysteria over Mueller’s ‘witch hunt’

Andrew Napolitano appears on Fox News (screen grab)
President some rich asshole on Tuesday lashed out on Twitter after Fox News senior judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano defended the legality of the raid of the rich asshole’s personal attorney, Michael Cohen.
During an interview on the rich asshole’s favorite morning show, Fox & Friends, Napolitano noted that the U.S. Attorney behind the raid had been appointed by the rich asshole.
“Mueller’s people stumbled onto proof of evidence of bank fraud on the part of Michael Cohen and they said, ‘Look, A, This is in New York and our team is in D.C.; B, we are not really interested in bank fraud with the president’s lawyer. You take a look at it.'”
According to Napolitano, the U.S. Attorney found enough evidence of fraud to convince a judge to issue a search warrant.
“They can look at [privileged] documents, but they can’t use it,” Napolitano said of Cohen’s attorney-client privilege with the rich asshole. “They can only use in a courtroom or in a prosecution what they were looking for.”
The former judge speculated that Cohen had committed “bank fraud” when he paid adult film star Stormy Daniels $130,000 to stay quiet about an alleged affair with the rich asshole.
“If he had to tell the bank what he was using [the money] for and he misled the bank, that’s a problem,” Napolitano said. “If they indict him for bank fraud, they are going to try and squeeze him about what he knows about Russian collusion, which is their M.O.”
Napolitano reminded the hosts of Fox & Friends that “it’s unethical for a lawyer to pay a client’s bills.”
Fox & Friends co-host Steve Doocy blamed the raid on Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ recusal.
“If Jeff Sessions resigned today or tomorrow and decided he feels the pressure and he needs step down,” co-host Ainsley Earhardt pondered, “if the president appoints someone else to take his place, would he or she take over the investigation?”
Napolitano answered in the affirmative: “There might not be a need for a Bob Mueller.”
As the segment was about to conclude, the rich asshole seemed to respond on Twitter by attacking Mueller’s investigation and the raid on Cohen.
Watch the video below.
MichaelCohen Has a Big Problem
It takes strong evidence to execute a search warrant against an attorney representing a subject in a federal investigation, let alone the president’s personal counsel.
Before federal agents raided Cohen’s home, hotel room, and office Monday afternoon, they would have had to convince high-ranking officials at the Department of Justice and a federal judge that a search warrant was necessary to obtain the evidence sought.
“Doing a search warrant rather than a subpoena suggests the investigators thought Cohen, if given a subpoena, would possibly destroy evidence or withhold key evidence, particularly if it were incriminating,” Clinton Watts, a former FBI agent and a senior fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute, said.
Under normal circumstances, obtaining a search warrant on an attorney for the subject of a federal investigation is an incredibly aggressive move. When the attorney’s client is the president of the United States, the stakes couldn’t possibly get any higher.
The raid, first reported by The New York Times, is an extraordinary development in a story that was already incredibly strange. Cohen wired $130,000 to adult actress Stormy Daniels in late 2016, during the waning days of the presidential campaign, in order to prevent her from speaking out about her alleged affair with the rich asshole. A longtime employee of the rich asshole Organization and one of the president’s personal attorneys, Cohen has reportedly been under scrutiny by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who is investigating the Russian effort to sway the 2016 election on the rich asshole’s behalf, and whether the rich asshole campaign aided that effort. It’s unclear whether the raid is related to the special counsel’s investigation, or a separate inquiry being pursued by the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Southern District of New York.
The raid was reportedly conducted after Mueller went to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein with evidence, and Rosenstein referred the matter to the U.S. attorney for the Southern District, Geoffrey Berman. According to the Times, federal agents seized “business records, emails, and documents related to several topics,” including Cohen’s payment to Daniels, and “privileged communications” between Cohen and his clients, according to Cohen’s attorney.
On Tuesday, the rich asshole tweeted “WITCH HUNT” and “Attorney–client privilege is dead!”
Some of the president’s supporters in the conservative press have been invoking attorney-client privilege, the legal rule that says communications between an attorney and a client are typically protected. But there are important exceptions.
“Records of conversations between Mr. Cohen and some rich asshole are not necessarily privileged,” Bruce Green, a former federal prosecutor and a law professor at Fordham University, said. “If the conversations do not relate to a legal representation, but Mr. Cohen was providing business assistance or other non-legal services, the privilege probably will not apply.”
There is also something known as the crime-fraud exception to attorney-client privilege. “When the communications between an attorney and client are in furtherance of criminal activity, it’s viewed as an exception to attorney-client privilege,” Barrett said.
In cases where an attorney’s records are seized, a separate team of federal investigators, known as a “taint team,” will go through those records and sort out which are protected, and which prosecutors will be allowed to see or use. “There are various other limitations and exceptions that could make the privilege inapplicable. If it isn’t clear whether documents are privileged, the issue may get litigated,” Green said.
the rich asshole was furious about the raid, calling the move “an attack on our country, in a true sense,” and “an attack on what we all stand for.” He also said that the prosecutors involved “have the biggest conflicts of interest I have ever seen. Democrats—all. Either Democrats or a couple of Republicans who worked for President Obama.”
Being a Republican, of course, has never stopped the rich asshole from calling for criminal investigations of his Democratic political rivals, no matter how flimsy the pretext. But as my colleague David Graham points out, virtually all the major players involved here are Republicans. Mueller is a Republican who was appointed by George W. Bush to run the FBI. Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general, is an appointee of the rich asshole himself, and so is Chris Wray, the current director of the FBI. Berman, the U.S. attorney whose office executed the raid, is a former law partner to the rich asshole surrogate Rudy Giuliani, who was hand-picked by Attorney General Jeff Sessions. The warrant sought not only would have had to have been approved by officials at the Department of Justice, but a federal judge would have had to sign off on it, knowing that he would be sanctioning a raid against the personal attorney of a sitting president.
Evidently, they all signed off anyway.
the rich asshole Fumes Over Michael Cohen Raid: ‘Attorney-Client Privilege Is Dead’
Experts are pushing back on the rich asshole’s claim about the legal privilege.
President some rich asshole tweeted Tuesday that “attorney-client privilege is dead” a day after the FBI raided the office of Michael Cohen, his personal lawyer.
The New York Times reported that investigators are examining records related to a payment Cohen made to adult film star Stormy Daniels, whose legal name is Stephanie Clifford, in addition to other unspecified topics.
The raid comes less than a week after the rich asshole publicly denied knowing about Cohen’s $130,000 payment in 2016 to Daniels, who has claimed the money was meant to keep her quiet about an alleged affair she had with the rich asshole in 2006.
Legal experts pushed back on the rich asshole’s claim Tuesday that attorney-client privilege ― a legal safeguard for confidential communications between an attorney and a client ― is “dead.” Attorney-client privilege may be invoked during the pre-trial process of obtaining evidence, known as discovery, or when an attorney is asked to testify under oath.
Lawyers, including Daniels’ attorney, Michael Avenatti, disputed the president’s suggestion that the FBI search of Cohen’s office violated the protection. Some pointed to the very high bar the FBI needed to pass to obtain a search warrant of this nature, including getting approval from the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, who happens to be a the rich asshole appointee.
As tweeted by George Conway, an attorney and the husband of White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, the Department of Justice defines when an attorney can legally be subject to a search.
“There are occasions when effective law enforcement may require the issuance of a search warrant for the premises of an attorney who is a subject of an investigation, and who also is or may be engaged in the practice of law on behalf of clients,” the Justice Department says on its website.
the rich asshole barks out series of all-caps tweet rants after FBI raids attorney Michael Cohen

some rich asshole (Photo: Gage Skidmore/Flickr)
President some rich asshole reacted angrily to news that the FBI raided the office of his attorney on Tuesday morning.
“Attorney–client privilege is dead!” the president wrote on Twitter in response to the raid on the office of attorney Michael Cohen. “A TOTAL WITCH HUNT!”
Media Matters researcher Matt Gertz speculates that the rich asshole’s reference to attorney-client privilege was inspired by a “Fox & Friends” segment in which host Brian Kilmeade said that the raid of Cohen’s office was designed “to get to the documents that many people thought violated attorney-client privilege.”
the rich asshole on Monday afternoon issued an angry rant in which he called special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election an “attack on our country.” This marks the first time, however, that the rich asshole has addressed the Cohen raid on Twitter.
the rich asshole Company Warned Panama President Of ‘Repercussions’ In Hotel Row
The rich asshole Organization used the presidency to pressure a foreign head of state, critics say.
Lawyers for President some rich asshole’s private company warned Panama’s president last month of “repercussions” if he failed to intervene in a legal dispute involving a the rich asshole hotel in Panama City, The Associated Press and The Washington Post reported Tuesday.
The letter from the rich asshole Organization lawyers is believed to be the first time since the rich asshole’s election that his company directly pressured a head of state to help the president’s business. The ploy raises fresh questions of conflict of interest, as the rich asshole defiantly hangs onto his sprawling business interests while in office.
the rich asshole lawyers sought the Panamanian president’s help after the majority owner of the rich asshole International Hotel and Tower — investor Orestes Fintiklis — ejected the rich asshole Organization as the hotel’s manager under a court order. Fintiklis, backed by police, escorted the rich asshole personnel off the property, stripped the rich asshole name from the building facade and celebrated by playing a Greek anti-fascism song on a lobby piano.
the rich asshole’s company wants President Juan Carlos Varela to help it retake control. Lawyers from the Panamanian firm Britton and Iglesias wrote to “urgently request your influence in relation to a commercial dispute regarding the rich asshole hotel,” according to the letter obtained by the Post and the AP, which first reported the story. “This situation is currently before the courts, but it has repercussions for the Panamanian state, which is your responsibility,” the letter warned.
The letter brushed aside concerns about the separation of power between the executive branch and the judiciary, which exists in Panama just as it does in the U.S. It also suggested the hotel dispute may violate a treaty between the two nations.
The rich asshole Organization’s direct appeal to Varela, and its treaty reference, “implicitly traded on President the rich asshole’s name and power,” University of Minnesota political governance expert Lawrence Jacobs told AP.

Varela hasn’t decided what action to take, a spokesman told the Post. Five days after the letter was sent, a court arbitrator ruled against reinstating the rich asshole Organization management team, suggesting the direct appeal had failed.
The rich asshole Organization said in a statement that the letter was “routine” and “common.”
“We categorically reject any assumption or assertion that the letter sought to ‘pressure’ the president of the Republic of Panama,” the company said.
The White House referred questions about the letter to the rich asshole Organization.
Unlike previous presidents, the rich asshole has refused to divest from his business interests. His company has extensive holdings in foreign countries.
“This could be the clearest example we’ve seen of a conflict of interest stemming from the president’s role as head of state in connection with other countries and his business interests,” Danielle Brian, executive director of The Project on Government Oversight, told the Post.
GOP strategist Rick Wilson drops hammer on the rich asshole: Mueller may have gotten those ‘long-sought tax returns’ from Cohen

Rick Wilson (Photo: Screen capture)
Republican strategist Rick Wilson gloated over the FBI raid of attorney Michael Cohen’s office after President some rich asshole insisted he knew nothing about a hush money payout to a porn actress.
In a scathing column for The Daily Beast, the GOP consultant said Cohen wasn’t so much an attorney as a “bag-walking, dick-swinging swagger-monkey wannabe thug attorney and consigliere for some rich asshole’s far-flung penile enterprises.”
Wilson said Cohen believed attorney-client privilege would protect him from consequences in the Stormy Daniels case, but “he forgot he had a fool for a client. the rich asshole couldn’t shut his mouth on Air Force One last week.”
The president blurted out to reporters Thursday that he knew nothing about the non-disclosure agreement, which strengthens claims by the porn star’s attorney that Daniels entered into the hush agreement with the rich asshole under false pretenses — and opened up Cohen to potential charges.
“If Cohen had a lump of coal in his ass the moment those search warrants arrived, he could have popped out a diamond,” Wilson said. “He realizes how deep this hole can become if he doesn’t roll over. He doesn’t have the resources to defend himself, and the rich asshole isn’t exactly known for paying his bills in the first place. Cohen is scared, and he’s not alone.”
Wilson said the raid must “strike absolute terror” into the rich asshole because it could expose his most closely held secrets to public scrutiny.
“the rich asshole must know this may be one of the most dangerous moments in his entire life, not just his presidency,” Wilson said. “The likelihood is that Mueller and the FBI are now in possession of the Black Books of the rich asshole, NDAs from enough of the rich asshole’s various affairs, that you can staff a 12-pole strip club with plenty of girls left for the champagne rooms.”
“It’s only speculation at this point, but it’s quite likely the Cohen was the keeper of many of the rich asshole’s lending documents, contracts, business arrangements, and the Kryptonite of the rich asshole’s fragile self-worth: the long-sought tax returns,” he added.
Wilson said neither man should be surprised to find themselves in the position they now face.
“Cohen was one of the rich asshole’s most vulnerable and dangerous keepers of secrets,” he said. “If the rich asshole had a brain, he would have been terrified this moment would come. Cohen simply lived in a state of idiot hubris that it wouldn’t.”
the rich asshole abruptly cancels planned South American trip as scandals explode around him

some rich asshole (Youtube)
The White House announced on Tuesday that President some rich asshole has canceled his planned trip to South America as multiple scandals are exploding around his administration.
Via CNN’s Jim Acosta, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told reporters Tuesday morning that the rich asshole would not be travelling to Peru or Colombia as originally planned, and would be sending Vice President Mike Pence to those countries instead.
Sanders said that the rich asshole was staying behind in the United States because he wants to “oversee the American response to Syria and to monitor developments around the world.”
However, the timing of the announcement is certain to raise eyebrows, as it comes just one day after the FBI conducted a raid on the office of Michael Cohen, the rich asshole’s longtime personal attorney.
The president lashed out on Twitter against the raid Tuesday morning, one day after calling the raid “an attack on our country” on Monday afternoon.
“Attorney–client privilege is dead!” the president wrote. “A TOTAL WITCH HUNT!”
A White House source tells CNN’s Kaitlan Collins that the decision to cancel the trip came on Monday night, just hours after the rich asshole launched his initial tirade against the FBI over the Cohen raid.
the rich asshole Floats Possibility Of Firing Robert Mueller, Criticizes Jeff Sessions
“Well, I think it’s a disgrace what’s going on,” he said. “We’ll see what happens.”
President some rich asshole has once again lambasted the ongoing investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election and chastised Attorney General Jeff Sessions for recusing himself from the probe.
the rich asshole appeared to directly float the idea of firing special counsel Robert Mueller at the start of his military leadership meeting on Monday, calling the special counsel’s investigation a “disgrace” and defending his firing of former FBI Director James Comey as the “right thing” to do.
“Why don’t I just fire Mueller?” the rich asshole asked in response to a reporter’s question. “Well, I think it’s a disgrace what’s going on. We’ll see what happens, but I think it’s really a sad situation ... Many people have said you should fire him. Again, they found nothing, and in finding nothing, that’s a big statement.”
the rich asshole’s comments came shortly after the FBI reportedly raided the office and hotel room of his personal attorney, Michael Cohen, on Monday afternoon. Agents seized documents relating to a $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels, the adult film star, as well as emails, tax records and business documents, according to The New York Times.
Cohen’s attorney told the outlet a search warrant was issued after a referral from Mueller, but wasn’t directly related to his investigation.
“The decision by the U.S. Attorney’s Office in New York to conduct their investigation using search warrants is completely inappropriate and unnecessary,” the lawyer, Stephen Ryan, told NBC in a statement. “It resulted in the unnecessary seizure of protected attorney client communications between a lawyer and his clients.”
The president responded with fury after the raid, calling Mueller’s investigation a “total witch hunt” and a “disgraceful situation” in Monday’s meeting.
On Tuesday morning, he resumed fuming on Twitter.
the rich asshole also slammed Sessions for his decision to recuse himself from the Russia investigation last year.
“The attorney general made a terrible mistake when he did this ... he certainly should have let us know if he was going to recuse himself, and we would have put a different attorney general in,” the president said Monday. “So he made what I consider to be a very terrible mistake for the country.”
the rich asshole has repeatedly stated he wouldn’t have appointed Sessions if he knew he wouldn’t oversee the Russia investigation and has routinely said the action directly led Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to appoint a special counsel.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) issued a stark warning to the rich asshole in a series of tweets late Monday.
“If [the president] is thinking of using the FBI raid to fire Special Counsel Mueller or otherwise interfere with the chain of command in the Russia probe, we Democrats have one simple message for him: don’t,” Schumer wrote. “Mueller, a Republican, has uncovered a deep & detailed pattern of Russian interference in our elections that led to indictments & guilty pleas. It also led to the rich asshole admin itself leveling sanctions against Russian individuals, proof that it’s not a so-called ‘witch-hunt.’”
This article has been updated to include the rich asshole’s tweets Tuesday morning.
Sinclair News Show Axed After Host Threatens Sexual Assault On Parkland Survivor
Conservative commentator resigns and show is canceled after Twitter rant is exposed.
A conservative host for a station owned by the embattled Sinclair Broadcast Group has resigned after threatening one of the teen survivors of the Feb. 14 mass shooting in Parkland, Florida.
“I’ve been hanging out getting ready to ram a hot poker up David Hogg’s ass,” Jamie Allman wrote on Twitter on March 26.
The tweet by the host of “The Allman Report” on KDNL-TV, the Sinclair-owned St. Louis ABC affiliate, has since been deleted, but it caused advertisers to flee his show.
“We have accepted Mr. Allman’s resignation, and his show has been canceled,” a Sinclair spokesman told The Washington Post on Monday.
Allman, former spokesman for the St. Louis Archdiocese, also hosts a radio show on KFTK, a conservative station.
Since the mass shooting, Hogg has become an advocate for gun control, which has led to both conspiracy theories and personal attacks from the right.
On March 28, Fox News host Laura Ingraham mocked him for not getting accepted into four of the colleges he had applied to (one of which has since accepted him). That led Hogg to suggest a boycott of “The Ingraham Angle,” and since then, advertisers have fled her show as well, although she returned to the air on Monday night after a week’s break.
Allman had also mocked Hogg over the Ingraham boycott.
“You can’t say ‘Hey I’m just a kid,’” Allman said, according to the Riverfront Times. “We have to be allowed to refute what you’re saying... or to respond to it, you can’t be all the time grabbing your blanket when the going gets tough.”
Sinclair has also come under fire for forcing its anchors to recite the same scripted editorial against “false stories” that critics have likened to a “hostage video.”
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