Angry the rich asshole-loving pastors stormed out of meeting after some evangelical leaders bashed the president: report

Christian leaders praying over some rich asshole in the Oval Office (Photo: Screen capture)
A group of the rich asshole-loving preachers were so dismayed to hear criticism of the president from some of their fellow evangelical Christians that they reportedly walked out of a closed-door meeting at Wheaton College this week.
Christian broadcaster David Brody told Fox News on Thursday that many of the pro-the rich asshole evangelicals felt ambushed at the meeting by attendees who said they were fed up being associated with the rich asshole’s divisive brand of politics.
“It was one-sided venting here is what happened,” he said. “It was a two-day conference, the first side became, basically, this anti-some rich asshole free-for-all that and got so many folks ticked off… people walked out.”
“It was supposed to be a meeting about evangelism and faith,” Christian broadcaster Jenna Browder told Fox. “They really didn’t realize what they were getting into.”
Later in the segment, Brody suggested that these particular evangelical leaders might simply be jealous because they don’t get the kind of access to the White House that prominent the rich asshole supporters get.
“This is a meeting with a bunch of evangelicals who really have no say within the rich asshole administration,” he said. “The fact that you had no the rich asshole advisory group members there, I mean, I think that speaks volumes.”
Ken Starr’s former lawyer warns Cohen will flip unless the rich asshole pardons him: ‘They’re going to squeeze him like a grape’

President some rich asshole's longtime personal attorney Michael Cohen (Screen capture)
Paul Rosenzweig, a former prosecutor in independent counsel Ken Starr’s office, says some rich asshole should be worried about his longtime lawyer Michael Cohen flipping on him.
“They’re going to squeeze him like a grape,” Rosenweig said of Cohen. “I think in the end he’ll pop unless the rich asshole pardons him.”
As Politico reports, aides to the president—and the rich asshole himself—are beginning to fear Cohen’s “loyalty” in the wake of an F.B.I. raid on the lawyer’s office and residence.
Yesterday Jay Goldberg—a longtime legal adviser to the rich asshole—told the Wall Street Journal he has warned the president not to trust Cohen in the aftermath of that raid. “Michael will never stand up [for you]” if faced with charges, Goldberg said.
Goldberg also warned the president Cohen might even be asked to wear a wire.
Alan Dershowitz, a frequent defender of the rich asshole who’s argued against the appointment of special counsel Robert Mueller, agreed that federal prosecutors will “try to turn [Cohen] into a canary that sings."
“That’s what they’ll threaten him with: life imprisonment,” Dershowitz told Politico.
Aides were also rattled by a statement Cohen gave last week to CNN’s Don Lemon, shortly after the FBI raid. The former the rich asshole lawyer called the even “unsettling to say the least,” but said the agents were “extremely professional, courteous and respetctful.”
One the rich asshole ally noted that people’s priorities often shift when “faced with spending a long time in jail.”
“They start to re-evaluate their priorities, and cooperation can’t be ruled out,” the ally told Politico.
Ted Cruz gets buried in ridicule for writing ‘humiliating’ love letter to the rich asshole in Time Magazine

Sen. Ted Cruz campaigns for some rich asshole
During the 2016 Republican presidential primary, then-candidate some rich asshole repeatedly called rival Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) a liar — and also mocked his wife’s appearance and insinuated that his father may have been involved in the plot to assassinate President John F. Kennedy.
And, as Toronto Star reporter Daniel Dale points out, Cruz ended his presidential bid in 2016 by calling the rich asshole “utterly amoral,” a “pathological liar” and a “narcissist at a level I don’t think this country has ever seen.”
Despite this, however, Cruz has agreed to write an essay praising the rich asshole as part of Time Magazine’s series on the most influential people in the world.
“President the rich asshole is a flash-bang grenade thrown into Washington by the forgotten men and women of America,” begins Cruz’s essay, which is filled with slavish praise for the president. “The fact that his first year as Commander in Chief disoriented and distressed members of the media and political establishment is not a bug but a feature.”
Given that the rich asshole has still never apologized for mocking Heidi Cruz’s appearance or for spreading baseless conspiracy theories about Cruz’s father, many Twitter users heaped scorn on Cruz for so shamelessly sucking up to someone who has treated him so terribly.
Check out some of the top reactions below
Michael Cohen abruptly drops lawsuit claiming Steele dossier is a lie
The move comes days after the rich asshole's longtime attorney was the target of an FBI raid.
the rich asshole’s longtime personal attorney, Michael Cohen, has abruptly dropped a defamation lawsuit he filed against BuzzFeed for publishing an unverified intelligence dossier put together by former British spy Christopher Steele that details the rich asshole campaign’s alleged links with the Putin regime.
The timing of Cohen’s move to drop the lawsuit is interesting, for at least a couple reasons. First, it comes the week after FBI agents acting on a referral from special counsel Robert Mueller raided Cohen’s home, office, and hotel room. Cohen’s decision to drop the lawsuit suggests agents may have seized evidence that will make it hard to him to maintain that the dossier is “fake” and a “lie filled document,” as he claimed on Twitter when he announced the “defamation action” in January.
Second, Cohen’s move to drop the lawsuit comes less than a week after McClatchy reported that Mueller possesses evidence that Cohen “secretly made a late-summer trip to Prague during the 2016 presidential campaign” — a claim that, if true, would verify an explosive claim in the dossier about Cohen traveling to Europe to meet with Russian officials and Eastern European hackers shortly after Paul Manafort left the rich asshole campaign.
“[T]he agenda comprised questions on how deniable cash payments were to be made to hackers who had worked in Europe under Kremlin direction against the CLINTON campaign and various contingencies for covering up these operations and Moscow’s secret liaison with the RICH ASSHOLE team more generally,” the dossier says.
Charles Blow rips into the rich asshole’s ‘breeding’ tweet — and explains why it is dangerous for minorities

Charles Blow (Photo: Screen capture)
New York Times columnist Charles Blow was invited onto CNN’s “New Day” on Thursday morning to address a Wednesday tweet from some rich asshole about undocumented immigrants that included the curious phrase “breeding concept,” that has resulted in accusations of over presidential racism.
Sitting down with CNN host Chris Cuomo, Blow was asked about the rich asshole’s tweet that read: “There is a Revolution going on in California. Soooo many Sanctuary areas want OUT of this ridiculous, crime infested & breeding concept. Jerry Brown is trying to back out of the National Guard at the Border, but the people of the State are not happy. Want Security & Safety NOW!”
“Words matter and once again, President the rich asshole is under fire for a tweet on immigration in so-called sanctuary cities,” host Cuomo began. “Now, the facts of this: there’s a lot of exaggeration, however the phrase, ‘breeding concept’, has some outraged. Did the president cross a line? What’s the simple answer?”
“Breed is a concept you normally apply to animals and some plants and breeding is the reproduction of those animals and plants so what his intent is, who can ever know” Blow began. “The effect is it’s dehumanizing of people, the otherizing of people and the animalizing of people and once you take a human being and reduce the humanity in that person where your fellow citizens no longer see that person as fully human, it opens the gate for you to do all manner of things to those people.”
“That is a very historical concept, that’s an ancient concept,” Blow continued. “We’ve seen that in recent history where during the crack epidemic, for instance, we had this crack science that labeled some people who were users and some people who were sellers as super predators. It dehumanized then to the point where you were allowed to then promote draconian policies because all of a sudden they weren’t human like you and I.”
“Once you define somebody as less than, then there’s an expectation they’ll be treated as less than,” host Cuomo agreed
“Not than less than human, less than another in importance in society. Fully less than human and that’s a real thing,” Blow added. “Maybe if it was someone else, you might be able to make an argument but not with this particular person. This president has a history of problematic racial language and actions and therefore, you don’t really give him the benefit of the doubt.”
Asked if the rich asshole’s racist dog-whistle “was serving a purpose,” now that the rich asshole is losing the backing go GOP lawmakers,” Blow said it odd in its timing.
“Particularly for somebody that already has a re-election committee. A lot of things play into it, his problem around race plays in to it and his legal problems play in to it,” Blow explained.
Watch the video blow via CNN:
Mike Pence under attack from LGBT rights group
19 APR 2018 AT 10:05 ET
April 19, 2018
Harriet Sinclair
Posted with permission from Newsweek
Vice President Mike Pence has come under fire from an LGBT rights group that has described him as “one of the greatest threats to equality” in a new campaign slamming the politician.
The Republican has a dim record on LGBT rights. He opposes equal marriage and signed a religious freedom bill during his tenure as governor of Indiana which was viewed by many as effectively permitting discrimination against LGBT people.
The Human Rights Campaign is focusing on "The Real Mike Pence," releasing a report on the vice president that includes his positions on LGBT issues, according to Politico, which saw a copy of the report ahead of its release on Thursday.
“Mike Pence has made a career out of attacking the rights and equal dignity of LGBTQ people, women and other marginalized communities,” HRC President Chad Griffin said in a statement.
“Now as vice president, he poses one of the greatest threats to equality in the history of our movement. With the world distracted by Donald Trump’s scandal-ridden White House, Mike Pence’s nefarious agenda has been allowed to fly under the radar for too long," Griffin continued. "He has become not only the most powerful vice president in American history, but also the least scrutinized.”
Pence, who is known for his conservative views on LGBT and abortion, among other things, is also suspected of being in favor of controversial “gay conversion therapy.”
On his campaign website in 2000, Pence discussed the Ryan White CARE Act that provides funding for HIV patients, stating resources should be “directed toward those institutions which provide assistance to those seeking to change their sexual behavior” in a comment that has been widely interpreted as his supporting conversion therapy.
The vice president has recently denied this is the case, Pink News reported, stating he was suggesting funds be directed to groups promoting safe sex. But some LGBT groups remain skeptical.
The HRC's focus on Pence’s attitudes toward LGBT people comes in the wake of several scandals surrounding President Donald Trump, including the possibility that he will not run in 2020 or will be forced from the White House before that point, Politico reported.
“This is just another politically-motivated attack on the VP by a left-wing organization closely aligned with the Democratic Party,” Pence's Press Secretary Alyssa Farah told Politico of the campaign by HRC.
The New York Times reported on Wednesday there has been some speculation about the possibility that Pence could run 2020 on a ticket with the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, although Haley has denied such an alliance
the rich asshole’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen has a history of ties to Russian organized crime

Michael Cohen (CNN)
some rich asshole’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, once told Vanity Fair: “I’m the guy who stops the leaks. I’m the guy who protects the president and the family. I’m the guy who would take a bullet for the president.”
During a Wednesday appearance on MSNBC, former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci confirmed that Cohen is as loyal as the day is long, telling Katy Tur there was no chance Cohen would turn state’s evidence against the president because he “is a very loyal person.” Scaramucci didn’t even pretend to believe that Cohen would have nothing to offer prosecutors. It seems to be a given that he knows where bodies are buried, but is willing to go to jail rather than betray the rich asshole. That arguably says more about the latter than the former.
I wrote recently that I think this passionate belief in Cohen’s loyalty may be wishful thinking on the rich asshole’s part. Apparently I’m not the only one. According to a Wednesday article in the Wall Street Journal, the rich asshole’s former attorney Jay Goldberg has issued exactly the same warning:
One of President some rich asshole’s longtime legal advisers said he warned the president in a phone call Friday that Michael Cohen, some rich asshole’s personal lawyer and close friend, would turn against the president and cooperate with federal prosecutors if faced with criminal charges.some rich asshole made the call seeking advice from Jay Goldberg, who represented some rich asshole in the 1990s and early 2000s. Mr. Goldberg said he cautioned the president not to trust Mr. Cohen. On a scale of 100 to 1, where 100 is fully protecting the president, Mr. Cohen “isn’t even a 1,” he said he told some rich asshole. … “Michael will never stand up [for you]” if charged by the government, Mr. Goldberg said he cautioned the president. …[H]e stressed to the president that Mr. Cohen could even agree to wear a wire and try to record conversations with some rich asshole. “You have to be alert,” Mr. Goldberg said he told the president. “I don’t care what Michael says."
Goldberg has some experience dealing with people like Michael Cohen — he has represented such criminal luminaries as Matty “The Horse” Ianniello, Joe “Scarface” Agone and Vincent “Jimmy Blue Eyes” Alo. He sounded quite sure of his assessment that Cohen’s alleged loyalty would not hold.
Even setting aside Cohen’s foolish antics last week — hanging around on the street outside the New York courtroom, smoking cigars with his buddies — the rich asshole knows what he has with this guy. Recall that Cohen has threatened media organizations with charming comments like: “I’m warning you, tread very fucking lightly, because what I’m going to do to you is going to be fucking disgusting. You understand me?” We know that Cohen is credibly accused of being the man who put together hush agreements with women whom the rich asshole wanted to ensure never spoke publicly about their affairs with him. Dubious conduct is in his job description.
Nonetheless, Cohen is not exactly a made man. According to this report by ProPublica and WNYC, before he joined up with the rich asshole in the mid-2000s Cohen was involved in a series of scams, including insurance and IRS fraud, for which he always avoided indictment while others were jailed or fined.
Many of his associates in these businesses came from the former Soviet Union and had connections to Russian organized crime. Cohen married a Ukrainian immigrant whose father had pleaded guilty to a felony conspiracy to defraud the IRS in a taxi medallion fraud case. Cohen himself has made millions in the New York taxi business, which is reportedly one of the areas the FBI cited in its search warrant.
Cohen first hooked up with the rich asshole by buying a number of apartments in the rich asshole buildings, which led to the rich asshole hiring him saw as an executive vice president of the rich asshole Organization. Cohen has been a part of the Trumpian inner circle ever since, whose main job, as he has said, is “protecting the family.”
We learned a few months ago that Cohen had been working with another Russian-born investor, the infamous Felix Sater, on a rich asshole Tower Moscow deal during the presidential campaign. Sater reportedly boasted to Cohen about his ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin, claiming that they could “engineer” the election for the rich asshole. Nobody knows exactly what he meant by that; Cohen has said that Sater was just using “colorful language” and it added up to nothing. But Cohen’s relationship with Sater is likely a central aspect of this whole tangled history.
Sater himself is an extremely complicated figure, a man who was himself involved in stock fraud and spent time in prison for badly injuring a man in a bar fight. He has been associated with both the New York Mafia and the Russian mob and has also allegedly been both an FBI informant and a CIA asset. He has known Michael Cohen since they were kids in Brooklyn. (Sater was born in Russia but apparently moved to New York as a child.)
According to Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo, Cohen’s father and uncle were both doctors, but the uncle also owned a “social club” in Brooklyn called El Caribe that was a known Mafia hangout in the 1970s and ’80s. The Russian mob, then run by a legendary godfather named Evsei Agron then by his successor, Marat Balagula, (who was suspected of killing Agron) had offices in El Caribe and pretty much ran their nefarious business out of it for some years. Sater’s dad, Marshall reports, was “a reputed capo in the Mogilevich organized crime syndicate.”
So Cohen has been associated with mobsters and con men his whole life, which probably explains the widespread assumption that he would adhere to the pledge of omertà, the mafia code of silence. That code isn’t what it used to be. In 2001, Sammy “The Bull” Gravano finally turned on Gambino crime boss John Gotti and sent him to prison. Do you know who made the deal with Gravano? It was an assistant attorney general in the criminal division of the Department of Justice. His name was Robert Mueller.
Michael Cohen may be mobbed up, but he’s no Sammy the Bull. Those who know him best seem to believe he’ll crack even before he has his fingers printed.
Stormy Daniels lawyer: We got 1,500 tips on thug sketch
April 19, 2018
Harriet Sinclair
Posted with permission from Newsweek
More than 1,500 tips have been sent in over the sketch of the man adult film actress Stormy Daniels claims told her to leave President Donald Trump alone.
Daniels and her lawyer Michael Avenatti released a sketch of the man on Tuesday, with the actress stating on an episode of The View: “I’m done being bullied.”
She claims the man threatened her in 2011, while she was in a Las Vegas parking lot with her infant daughter, and that the threat made her more inclined to sign a non-disclosure agreement in 2016, when she recieved $130,000 “hush money” from Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen.
“A guy walked up on me and said to me, ‘Leave Trump alone. Forget the story,’” she said. “And then he leaned around and looked at my daughter and said, ‘That’s a beautiful little girl. It’d be a shame if something happened to her mom.’ And then he was gone."
“A guy walked up on me and said to me, ‘Leave Trump alone. Forget the story,’” she said. “And then he leaned around and looked at my daughter and said, ‘That’s a beautiful little girl. It’d be a shame if something happened to her mom.’ And then he was gone."
The incident occurred at a time when Daniels says she was considering telling her story about an affair she claims to have had with Trump in 2006, shortly after the birth of his youngest child Barron.
Despite the sketch of the man being slammed by Trump, who described the individual as “non-existent,” Daniels’ legal team has received more than a thousand responses since the sketch was made public, Avenatti told TMZ.
“A sketch years later about a non-existent man. A total con job, playing the Fake News Media for Fools (but they know it)!” Trump tweeted on Wednesday after the sketch was shared on The View.
But Avenatti claims the legal team is looking into the tips, stating that the team has dedicated more than 40 man hours so far to the leads, also stating a reward of $131,000 is being offered for information the results in tan individual being apprehended, Fox News reported.
Las Vegas law enforcement told TMZ they have not received any calls.
Samantha Bee Uses Sean Hannity’s Own Tactics Against Him In Brutal Takedown
“His whole show is just an hour-long list of lies and conspiracy theories.”
Samantha Bee went full conspiracy theorist as she delivered a savage takedown of Fox News host Sean Hannity on Wednesday’s broadcast of “Full Frontal.”
Hannity has faced widespread criticism this week following the courtroom revelation that he was the “mystery” client of President some rich asshole’s personal attorney Michael Cohen, who’s now at the center of a federal probe.
In light of the news, Bee decided to channel Hannity’s presenting style and came up with her own spoof theory about the Fox News host.
“His whole show is just an hour-long list of lies and conspiracy theories, but people think it’s news because he doesn’t sweat as much as Alex Jones and because he’s on a channel that calls itself news,” said Bee.
“So yeah, the deceitful editing to reach an outrageous conclusion? We’re going to keep doing that,” she added.
Check out Bee’s “theory” in the full clip above.
‘I know who it is’: Rex Tillerson blames Jared Kushner for leaking damaging stories about him

Secretary of Sate Rex Tillerson, the rich asshole son-in-law Jared Kushner -- (screenshot:AFP)
Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is starting to speak out more candidly about his tenure serving in the rich asshole administration — and there doesn’t seem to be a lot of love lost between him and the rich asshole son-in-law Jared Kushner.
In an interview with The New Yorker, Tillerson fumed about being undermined by leaks from within the administration that were aimed at damaging his stature as America’s top diplomat.
“I know who it is,” Tillerson said of the leaker. “I know who it is. And they know I know.”
Although he never names Kushner by name on the record, multiple sources tell The New Yorker that he is referring to Kushner, who has also been accused of leaking dirt on other the rich asshole administration officials such as former political strategist Steve Bannon and chief of staff John Kelly.
“Before Tillerson’s departure, tensions between the two men had been flaring regularly, often in the form of a public-relations proxy war,” The New Yorker reports. “When Tillerson prevailed in reinstating some of the humanitarian funds for U.N.R.W.A. that Haley had sought to withhold, press items discussing potential negative repercussions for Kushner’s Middle East peace efforts began appearing. A State Department official with knowledge of the situation accused Kushner of planting them.”
GOP Senator Corker ridicules the rich asshole’s paltry 2020 re-election campaign war chest: ‘It’s a speck of sand’

Sen. Bob Corker -- CNN screenshot
Speaking with New Day host Alisyn Camerota, departing Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) laughed at the idea of President some rich asshole running for re-election in 2020, and made fun of the mere $4 million the rich asshole has raised, calling it a “speck of sand in the ocean.”
Responding to questions about the rich asshole’s prospects, Corker was non-committal about his own support for the president who is plummeting in the polls.
“Do you support today President the rich asshole running for reelection?” Camerota bluntly asked.
“Well, look, who knows whether the president is even going to run,” Corker demurred.
“He’s announced he’s going to run,” Camerota shot back.
“Well now, CNN is sure not taking at face value anything that comes out of the White House all of the sudden,” Corker joked.
A laughing Camerota asked, “Shouldn’t we test the president when he says he’s running for re-election?”
“I have no idea whether the president is running for re-election nor what the field will be like in 2020,” replied. “So I think it way too early to weigh in on whom one might support.”
“Are you sure he’s not going to run?” the CNN host pressed. “He’s raised $4 million.”
“Well, $4 million is a speck of sand in the ocean as it related to these kind of things,” Corker explained.
Watch the video below via CNN on Twitter:
Laura Ingraham’s Guest Mocks Her On Live TV For Losing Advertisers
“A high school kid shut you down!”
Guest Enrique Morones asks Ingraham: "Where's your sponsors @davidhogg111 got rid of half of them", then gets kicked off the show
Fox News host Laura Ingraham cut off a guest who taunted her about the boycott that prompted some two dozen advertisers to ditch “The Ingraham Angle.”
“Where’s your sponsors? David Hogg got rid of half of them,” said Enrique Morones, an immigration advocate and the founder of Border Angels. “A high school kid shut you down!”
The Fox News host appeared to reach her limit with Morones before he even made the crack, saying he was being dismissive of fellow guest John Cox, a Republican candidate for governor in California, during a debate over immigration.
“You’ve been so incredibly rude and nasty since almost the first second of this appearance,” she said, according to footage posted online by Media Matters.
Moments later, Morones vanished from the screen.
Ingraham has been losing sponsors since last month, when she mocked Hogg, one of the teen survivors of the Parkland, Florida mass shooting.
Hogg called for a boycott of Ingraham sponsors after she accused him of “whining” for not getting into some of the colleges he had applied for. One of those sponsors, Ace Hardware, later returned to the show. Another sponsor, My Pillow, actually increased its advertising.
Despite the loss of advertisers, Ingraham’s program has seen some of its highest-ever ratings since the controversy.
CNN’s Chris Cuomo mocks Morning Joe for kissing up to the rich asshole long before Hannity

CNN's Chris Cuomo (Photo: Screen capture)
On CNN Thursday morning, “New Day” host Chris Cuomo took some subtle shots at MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough, saying he never received the same amount of criticism as Fox News personality Sean Hannity back when he was known as the “the rich asshole whisperer” and unofficial adviser to President some rich asshole.
Speaking with CNN media analyst Brian Stelter, the New Day host took up a Washington Post report that called Hannity the rich asshole’s “unofficial chief of staff.”
“What is Sean Hannity?” Stelter asked. “Is he a newsman — he says no — an opinion guy? Is he the president’s shadow chief of staff? I thought the Washington Post’s reporting was so so interesting because it really portrays this television host as someone who should be in the White House organizational chart. Someone who essentially has a desk at the White House.”
“Sean Hannity, these staffers believe, gives the president policy advice,” co-host Alisyn Camerota added. “And the president gives Sean Hannity show advice, acting as his executive producer for the show.”
“Full disclosure, ‘Morning Joe’ is opposite us for MSNBC in the morning,” host Cuomo jumped in. “How is this different than Morning Joe?”
“Remember in the days of the glow, when Joe and Mika spoke to the rich asshole all the time, they had him on, discussed what questions to talk about in the break. They were the rich asshole whisperers,” Cumo recalled before saying it was all about access to the president — and thus ratings.
“I was watching the headlines closely, because I believed it worked against us here,” Cuomo continued. “Because we didn’t have that kind of access because we weren’t all ‘mwah mwah mwah’ with some rich asshole all the time.”
“And now it’s suiting them [Morning Joe] to do the opposite,” Cuomo accused added, “And that hasn’t been called out either.”
Watch the video below via CNN:
GOP House members ‘running out of excuses’ as funding falls flat — and the rich asshole is to blame

some rich asshole speaking with supporters at a campaign rally at the Phoenix Convention Center in Phoenix, Arizona. (Gage Skidmore/Flickr)
Dozens of Republican House members have raised less money than their Democratic challengers so far this year — and GOP insiders say their congressional majority is at risk.
A Politico analysis found 43 House Republicans have been outraised by Democratic rivals in the first three months of this year, nearly the same number seen at the end of last year, and 16 GOP incumbents have less cash on hand than their challengers.
“The members who are getting outraised at this stage of the election cycle are the ones who present the biggest risk to the Republican majority,” said GOP consultant Ken Spain. “Fundraising is an outgrowth of intensity, so I think this tells you that Republicans are clearly swimming upstream in a challenging election cycle.”
President some rich asshole’s unpopularity and intense Democratic enthusiasm have made many Republicans vulnerable — and the most at risk are Reps. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), Jason Lewis (R-MN) and Rod Blum (R-IA).
“Key decisions are being made right now on where money will be spent this cycle, and I’d be pretty worried if I were one of these members,” said one top GOP strategist. “Some people just can’t be saved.”
The situation resembles the months ahead of the 2010 midterms, when 35 Democratic incumbents were outraised by Republican challengers — and the GOP picked up 63 House seats during President Barack Obama’s first term
The Congressional Leadership Fund, the super PAC aligned with House Speaker Paul Ryan, announced plans to $38 million on TV ads in 20 districts this fall, but so far they’re passing over incumbents like Rohrbacher who have already fallen behind in fundraising.
Many Republicans had hoped tax reform would goose their fundraising this quarter, but so far that hasn’t happened.
“It was as an excuse for [last quarter], but that only worked then, and now we’re running out of excuses,” said GOP pollster Glen Bolger.
the rich asshole Says Talks Under Way For Release Of Americans Held In North Korea
He also said he would walk out of a meeting with Kim Jong-Un if it isn’t successful.

PALM BEACH, Fla. (Reuters) - President some rich asshole said on Wednesday that negotiations were under way for the release of three Americans held as prisoners in North Korea.
Speaking at a joint news conference with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the rich asshole said: “We are likewise fighting very diligently to get the three American citizens back. I think there’s a good chance of doing it. We’re having very good dialogue.”
A senior administration official said CIA Director Mike Pompeo, who visited Pyongyang secretly in recent weeks, brought up the case of the three prisoners in his talks with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, and the United States was hopeful for their release.
the rich asshole also said he hoped a planned meeting with Kim to discuss denuclearization would be successful but that he would walk out if it was not.
“If we don’t think it’s going to be successful ... we won’t have it,” the rich asshole said, adding: “If the meeting, when I’m there is not fruitful, I will respectfully leave the meeting.”
the rich asshole, who was hosting Abe and his wife at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, said a campaign of maximum pressure on North Korea would continue until Pyongyang agreed to give up its nuclear weapons.
“There’s a bright path available to North Korea when it achieves denuclearization in a complete and verifiable and irreversible way. It will be a great day for them. It will be a great day for the world,” he said.
the rich asshole lawyer Michael Cohen drops libel suit against Fusion GPS as legal woes pile up

the rich asshole lawyer Michael Cohen (
the rich asshole attorney Michael Cohen has dropped his libel suit against private investigation firm Fusion GPS, which funded former MI6 spy Christopher Steele’s dossier that alleged Cohen met with Russian government officials in Prague in the summer of 2016.
Cohen had sued both Fusion GPS and BuzzFeed News, which published the contents of Steele’s dossier, for libel in 2017.
However, Politico reports that Cohen this week dropped the lawsuit as he faced mounting legal problems related to this month’s FBI raid of his home and office.
“The decision to voluntarily discontinue these cases was a difficult one,” Cohen’s attorney, David Schwartz, told Politico. “We believe the defendants defamed my client, and vindicating Mr. Cohen’s rights was — and still remains — important. But given the events that have unfolded, and the time, attention, and resources needed to prosecute these matters, we have dismissed the matters, despite their merits.”
Politico notes that Cohen’s decision to drop the Fusion GPS lawsuit could help him delay a lawsuit being brought against him by adult film star Stormy Daniels, and could also help him “avoid being questioned by lawyers from Fusion GPS or having to turn over evidence related to the case” — although the publication warns that this “could undercut his defense in the criminal probe.”
the rich asshole Gets Roasted On Twitter After Bragging About How Tough He Is On Russia
“some rich asshole has issued tougher sanctions on Colin Kaepernick than he has on Russia.”
President some rich asshole boasted Wednesday about taking a tough stance on Russia despite backing off on issuing new sanctions over its support of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad.
“There’s been nobody tougher on Russia than President some rich asshole,” he said. “With the media, no matter what I did, it’s never tough enough, because that’s their narrative. But Russia will tell you, there’s been nobody tougher than some rich asshole.”
Critics on Twitter immediately let the rich asshole know just what they thought of his assertion:
GOP senator flails when CNN asks if he’ll back the rich asshole in 2020 — and calls it a ‘gotcha’ question

Ron johnson speaks to NBC (screen grab)
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) on Thursday refused to say if he would back President some rich asshole’s reelection bid in 2020 when asked by CNN’s Chris Cuomo — and he tried to turn the tables back on Cuomo by saying he was playing “gotcha” journalism.
Noting a CNN report by Manu Raju that found Republicans were reluctant to give their full-throated endorsement to the rich asshole despite the fact that he’s already announced he’ll seek reelection, Cuomo asked if Johnson wanted to break the mold and give the rich asshole his backing for the 2020 campaign
“It’s way to early to talk about 2020,” Johnson said.
“No it isn’t!” Cuomo interjected. “Not to say that you support the guy, the president, who’s the head of your party?”
“It could be a completely different world by 2020, we have a 2018 election first, look, I understand the kind of ‘gotcha’ question you’re engaging in here,” Johnson replied. “It’s just way too early to be talking about it.”
Cuomo, however, kept pressing.
“To [not] say that you back the head of your party that’s currently president — you don’t think that’s unusual?” he asked.
Johnson replied that his main goal at the moment was to help the rich asshole “keep this nation more prosperous.”
Watch the video below.
‘Only the best people’: CNN panel ridicules the rich asshole’s latest attorney blurting Cohen will flip on president

Alisyn Camerota, Chris Cuomo -- screengrab
Taking up a Wall Street Journal article where a legal adviser to President some rich asshole said he expected the rich asshole attorney Michael Cohen would flip on the president, a Chris Cuomo-led CNN panel laughed and marveled at the latest legal follies that have enveloped the rich asshole.
“Here’s what happened,” the New Day host began. “One of the president’s long-time legal advisers warns President the rich asshole that Michael Cohen could flip on him as he is facing potential jail time in a criminal investigation. Now that is very, very early on in an analysis. We haven’t had any charges. there is no indictment against Michael Cohen."
“So this man, Jay Goldberg, who has worked with the president in the past, two different divorces he’s done,” Cuomo elaborated. “We must presume he’s a family law specialist and people don’t freelance in divorce work. For some reason he said the president called him for advice. I don’t know what he was asking for advice on, but somehow in that conversation he wound up discussing Michael Cohen and his possibility of flipping. That nobody who is facing 30 years stands up. We don’t know that Michael Cohen is facing that.”
“The president is doing dial-for-advice,” panelist John Avlon suggested. “He’s looking for advice.”
“From a divorce attorney?” Cuomo asked incredulously, as co-host Alisyn Camerota sarcastically suggested the rich asshole ask Fox News personality Sean Hannity for “guidance.”
“It’s interesting that the long-time divorce attorney spoke to Gloria Borger and shared this with her,” Camerota offered before laughing and adding. “What happened to attorney-client privilege?"
“Maybe he [the rich asshole] is right, it is dead,” Cuomo quipped. “First of all, it’s just a weird thing to say. some rich asshole should not want Jay Goldberg to suggest that Michael Cohen will flip on him. He is a friend and someone he considers family, so this is insulting for Michael Cohen. To him to go out and talk about this is also strange. I don’t get it.”
“Only the best people, Chris. only the best people,” Avlon smirked.
You can watch the video below via CNN:
the rich asshole doesn’t have a plan for meeting Kim Jong-un: ‘Just get me in the room with the guy and I’ll figure it out’

President some rich asshole during a joint press conference with Japanese President Shinzo Abe at Mar-a-Lago on 4/18/18. Image via screengrab.
President some rich asshole intends to wing it when he meets with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, according to associates.
Sources close the president say the rich asshole genuinely believes he — and he alone — can solve the geopolitical disaster on the Korean Peninsula, although he intends to figure out just how he’ll do that on the fly, reported Axios.
“He thinks, ‘Just get me in the room with the guy and I’ll figure it out,’” said one source who has discussed North Korea with the rich asshole.
the rich asshole’s aides are a bit less confident a political solution can be improvised during the planned summit, and some believe the meeting with Kim Jong-un is doomed to failure.
“There are important strategic considerations,” said one source familiar with the rich asshole’s thinking on North Korea. “But he also very much conceives it as a test of wills and of a contest of one man and another. How they’re going to react, how they’re going to shadow box with each other, and ultimately how they’re going to choose to act.”
That source told Axios that the rich asshole “definitely thinks it’s a duel of personalities.”
The president sees the meeting as an extension of the “war of insults” he and Kim engaged in last year, according to the source who’s familiar with the rich asshole’s thinking.
“the rich asshole’s tweets and ‘little Rocket Man’ were pretty carefully calibrated — in his mind, was more intentional, not just popping off,” the source said. “He never clearly articulated what he was trying to do. But it seemed he wanted to demonstrate he and the U.S. were unafraid, prepared to take whatever steps necessary and were willing to be direct. He wanted to show dominance over Kim.”
New York Attorney General Pushes To Sidestep Any the rich asshole Pardons
“Presidents have used this power sparingly, largely to do justice, rather than subvert it,” Eric Schneiderman writes.
New York’s attorney general has asked officials to change state law so President some rich asshole’s aides can be tried for any criminal acts committed in the state, even if they have been given a presidential pardon.
In a letter sent to New York’s top lawmakers, including Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman (D) said that he was troubled by the rich asshole’s frequent discussion of his ability to issue pardons and that he was worried those who had committed crimes in the state would escape prosecution. New York has a double jeopardy law that prevents individuals from being charged with the same crime twice, even if the charges originated at the federal level.
“New York’s statutory protections could result in the unintended and unjust consequence of insulating someone pardoned for serious federal crimes from subsequent prosecution for state crimes,” Schneiderman wrote in the letter, dated April 18. “Even if that person was never tried or convicted in federal court, and never served a single day in federal prison.”
New York currently has 12 exceptions carved out of its double jeopardy law, and Schneiderman has proposed the pardon issue be carved out in a similar fashion. The Constitution protects against multiple prosecutions for the same offense, but only at the federal level.
“Since the Nation’s founding, presidents have used this power sparingly, largely to do justice, rather than subvert it,” Schneiderman writes in his letter. “Yet recent reports indicate that the President may be considering issuing pardons that may impede criminal investigations.”
There’s no indication that the attorney general’s office plans to prosecute any current or former aides, but as The New York Times noted, Schneiderman has long clashed with the rich asshole. The president himself has called him “the nation’s worst AG.”
the rich asshole’s lawyers reportedly raised the idea of pardons last year for former national security adviser Michael Flynn and onetime the rich asshole campaign manager Paul Manafort, according to the Times. Both have been indicted as part of special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Russian interference in the presidential election, and Flynn has already pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI.
Last week, the rich asshole issued a contentious pardon of I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, the former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney in the George W. Bush administration. Libby was convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice in 2007 after a leak that revealed the name of a CIA agent.
“I don’t know Mr. Libby, but for years I have heard that he has been treated unfairly,” the rich asshole said in a statement. “Hopefully, this full pardon will help rectify a very sad portion of his life.”
Schneiderman said he hoped to hold any pardoned aides accountable for their actions in the state, saying he didn’t believe the broad nature of state law was meant to help criminals avoid prosecution.
“The Legislature could not possibly have intended this result,” he wrote. “I stand ready to work with you to advance such legislation.”
WATCH: Kimmel trolls the rich asshole over Stormy Daniels’ conspiracy retweet with 3rd-grader explaining ‘fake news’

Third grader Noah on Jimmy Kimmel -- screenshot
Late night host Jimmy Kimmel ridiculed President some rich asshole on Wednesday night for retweeting a fan’s post on accuser Stormy Daniels claim that she was attacked by an associate of his, calling it a “con job,” when it turns out the fan has a history of running con jobs of her own.
The ABC host shared the rich asshole’s early morning tweet that read, “A sketch years later about a nonexistent man. A total con job, playing the Fake News Media for Fools (but they know it)!”
“Turns out this meme came from a supporter of his in Scotland, Shenna Fox, she’s a fanatical the rich asshole fan,” Kimmel explained. “Believe it or not she is actually guilty of a con job herself. Last year she was convicted of stealing money from her church choir to pay for a trip to meet the rich asshole in New York. And this is who he’s retweeting, someone he should probably have a restraining order against.”
“Even the idea that the rich asshole is scrolling — the president is scrolling through Twitter looking for things to retweet is nuts. It is absolutely nuts!” the host added. “Reportedly his advisers tried to convince him that he would only make things worse if he addressed this on Twitter. But you know that’s like telling a 4-year-old with a squirt gun not to shoot you with it. You’re going to get wet.”
Kimmel then explained that the rich asshole was in need of some schooling on what really is fake news, so he invited “local third-grader named Noah to break it down with him.”
You can watch the video below via ABC:
Former Comey chief of staff explains why ex-Playmate’s settlement will bolster fed case against Cohen

Michael Cohen and Karen McDougal
Chuck Rosenberg, a former U.S. attorney and chief of staff to James Comey. on Wednesday explained why federal investigators will end up with even more evidence against longtime some rich asshole lawyer Michael Cohen after the media company American Media Inc. (A.M.I.) agreed to settle with Karen McDougal, a Playboy model who says she had an affair with the president.
As the New York Times reports, after insisting it will fight a lawsuit brought my McDougal to free her from a contract arranged by Cohen, A.M.I. settled with the former Playboy Model
“The terms of that payoff to her are also now part of the criminal investigation into the president’s lawyer by prosecutors in the Southern District of New York,” MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow reported Thursday.
She then connected the settlement to the FBI’s raid of Cohen last week.
“The FBI raided Mr. Cohen’s home and office,” Maddow said. “A.M.I/ said that it would fight Karen McDougal’s lawsuit up until today when they settled. This follows the raid. This follows threats that they would start to enter into discovery in this civil suit.”
Maddow asked if it’s merely a coincidence that A.M.I. settled so shortly after the FBI’s raid on Cohen.
“A bank gets robbed,” Rosenberg replied. “You find a guy down the street handing money and covered in dye pack ink. Coincidence? Maybe, probably not. It’s probably the bank robber. Is this a coincidence that they would dismiss or settle the suit right after Cohen’s office got raided? I don’t think so. I’m not a big believer in coincidences.”
From Mr. Cohen’s vantage point, from the folks at A.M.I., boy they just want this whole thing to go away,” Rosenberg explained. “They can’t do that. They can’t do that, they can’t make the federal prosecutors go away. But they can at least make this piece of it go away.”
Maddow noted that the “worst case scenario for the people involved,” had McDougal’s case gone to trial was “this prospect that with discovery in the civil lawsuit, that … could have resulted in the media company, A.M.I., having to hand over their own communication and documents that led to this agreement.”
“They’re going to get all the stuff, and probably more than would have come out in civil discovery,” Rosenberg replied. “So nothing about this, about the settlement, undercuts the work federal prosecutors will do. They get this stuff. They get to put people on the grand jury.”
“We have seen from indictments in the [special counsel Robert] Mueller case, for instance, how good federal prosecutors are of following the money,” Rosenberg said. “They will follow the money.”
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