Monday, April 30, 2018

April 28th, 2017. It's been 536 days since the Nov 8, 2016, election of some rich asshole, no. 45, and 463 days since the Jan 20th inauguration of some rich asshole.

Watch: Michelle Wolf destroys stone-faced Sarah Huckabee Sanders at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner

Martin Cizmar

28 APR 2018 AT 22:57 ET                   

some rich asshole avoided the annual White House Correspondents’ Dinner, going to rural Michigan instead of taking his lumps in front of the press.
After skipping last year’s event, many the rich asshole staffers showed up this year, including spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
Comedian Michelle Wolf didn’t spare Sanders, who she said she “loved,” and then destroyed.
“Every time Sarah steps up to the podium I get excited because I’m not sure what we’re going to get,” she said. “A press briefing, a bunch of lies, or divided into softball teams.”
Sanders remained stone-faced through the roughly 90 seconds where Wolf razzed her.
“I’m never really sure what to call Sarah Huckabee Sanders,” she said. “Is it Sarah Sanders? Is it Sarah Huckabee Sanders? Is it Cousin Huckabee? Is it Auntie Huckabee Sanders? What’s Uncle Tom, but for white women who disappoint other white women?”
Watch below.

‘Mr. President I don’t think you’re very rich’: Michelle Wolf mocks the rich asshole as fake billionaire at White House Correspondents’ Dinner

Martin Cizmar

28 APR 2018 AT 22:42 ET                   

some rich asshole’s boasts about his wealth have long been suspected as lies, but now that we know he impersonated a spokesman to make claims about his wealth.
At the White House Correspondents’ Dinner on Saturday night, host Michelle Wolf nailed the rich asshole on his claims about his wealth.
“Mr. President, I don’t think you’re very rich,” she said. “I think you might be rich in Idaho, but in New York you’re doing fine.”
She then lead the audience in a call-and-response on how broke the president is.
“the rich asshole is so broke,” she said.
“How broke is he?” the crowd responded.
“He has to fly Failed Business Class,” she said.
It went on from there—watch below for the punchlines.

‘My God — that’s just ridiculous!’: Republican smacked down after blaming Obama for Ronny ‘Candyman’ Jackson

Martin Cizmar

28 APR 2018 AT 21:34 ET                   

some rich asshole threatened Sen. Jon Tester at his Michigan rally on Saturday night, saying that he could reveal things about the Democratic senator that would lead to him never getting elected again.
Carrie Sheffield, who is an editor for a conservative media watch organization, tried to blame Obama for not properly vetting this nominee.
Her point: if the “Candy Man” really was handing out pills without proper exams and engaged in drunken antics, why wasn’t he thrown out of the White House by the former president?
CNN political commentator Joan Walsh was not having it.
“It’s not the former administration’s job to vet the current administrator’s nominee, in any realm of reality,” she said. “My God, Carrie, that’s just ridiculous.”
Watch the rest of the fiery discussion below.

‘Even Steve Bannon thought it was a bad idea!’: Watch Republican Rick Wilson go off on the rich asshole Jr’s meeting with Russian spy

Martin Cizmar

28 APR 2018 AT 21:01 ET                   

The lawyer who met with some rich asshole Jr. to offer dirt on Hillary Clinton admitted Friday that she is a Kremlin agent.
On Saturday, a CNN panel discussing the revelation got heated after guests started talking about just how shocking it is that the campaign team for an American presidential candidate met with someone tied to a foreign power to discuss getting dirt on an opponent, as the younger the rich asshole admitted almost a year ago.
Republican strategist Rick Wilson was especially animated.
“It’s important to remember that the Russian oligarch class, Russian intelligence services, Russian organized crime—they’re all of a piece,” he said. “This is a classic part of their recruitment methodology.”
Even if you accept the rich asshole Jr’s version at face value, he said, “it’s dirty as hell.”
“Even Steve Bannon thought it’s a bad idea,” he said. “That’s the gold standard of identifying bad ideas.”
Watch below.

Corey Lewandowski flashes white power ‘OK’ symbol on stage at the rich asshole’s Michigan rally

Martin Cizmar

28 APR 2018 AT 20:36 ET                   

Corey Lewandowski, who was campaign manger for some rich asshole in 2016 until being fired for being charged with battery after he grabbed a female reporter, joined some rich asshole on stage in Michigan Saturday night.
Lewandowski briefly took the microphone, and confusedly introduced the rich asshole as “the next president of the United States.”
But not before he appeared to flash the “OK” symbol, as captured by Fox News cameras which had a wide-view shot at the time.
The “OK” symbol is widely used by white supremacists like Richard Spencer, though white supremacy types like Stephen Miller and random interns also use it.
While the symbol is used by white supremacists as a symbol of their common beliefs, they also claim it’s a meta-troll and that people are getting angry about an “OK” symbol. The Anti-Defamation League says it’s not a hate symbol—it’s just a symbol made by right-wingers who want to show they have an affinity with Nazis but who are not Nazis.

Watch: the rich asshole declares unemployment problem solved and announces plan to let low-skill guest workers in

Martin Cizmar

28 APR 2018 AT 20:08 ET                   

At his Saturday night rally in Michigan, some rich asshole said that the nation’s employment problems are solved and announced that he is let low-skill workers come into the country to do agriculture work.
“And for the farmers, OK, it is going to get good. And we’re going to let your guest workers come in,” he said. “We’re going to have strong borders, but we have to have your workers come in… The employment picture is so good, so strong, that we have to let people in.
While talking a lot about the wall, the rich asshole said that he would allow guest workers to come in. But, he said, he would then want them to leave.
“Guest workers. Don’t we agree? We have to have ’em,” he said.
The line got tepid applause.
Watch below.

‘He cuts out the middleman’: Watch Kellyanne Conway throw shade on red carpet at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner

Martin Cizmar

28 APR 2018 AT 19:45 ET                   

some rich asshole is again skipping the White House Correspondents Dinner, and instead holding a rally in rural Michigan.
But unlike last year, when his staff boycotted, this year the rich asshole advisers and former advisers came out.
Kellyanne Conway’s husband, a rich asshole critic, did not join her, so she third-wheeled it with former adviser Gary D. Cohn and his wife Lisa Pevaroff.
“I wake up every day and choose to be happy,” she said. “I really don’t read 99.9% of the negative because it’s so reflexive and unthoughtful. I’m so blessed to walk into that White House every day and do on behalf of the country I love.”
Conway also said that the rich asshole is part of a phenomenon she calls the “democratization of information” and praised him for speaking directly to his voters.
Watch Conway’s whole interview below.

the rich asshole-allied tabloid just torched Michael Cohen on the cover — is he out of Trumpworld?

Martin Cizmar

28 APR 2018 AT 17:53 ET                   

While most mainstream media has been critical of some rich asshole, The National Enquirer has been loyally supportive.
The paper even has an operative working inside the White House.
But the cover of this week’s edition, one-time the rich asshole “Fixer” and close ally Michael Cohen is blasted as a liar in a piece that promises to expose his secrets.
Reactions to this development were swift—it sure seems like he’s being thrown to the wolves.
For background on Cohen and his role in Trumpworld scroll down and watch the CNN video below.

trump enroll David Pecker at National Enquirer to do his dirty work, again?

Close trump ally trashes @MichaelCohen212

And I think we all know he didn't do it without mob boss trump's approval

trump would throw @IvankaTrump under the bus to save himself -- he's gross 

Here's what Trump's buddies at the National Enquirer are saying about . 🔥 Might be time to flip.

Trump buddy and Enquirer owner David Pecker is already getting ready to sacrifice Cohen and make him the patsy. 

Michael Cohen makes the National Enquirer
Lol oh hell. If the Enquirer is throwing Cohen to the wolves you can assume there's some BAD stuff in the seizures and Trump needs as much distance as possible.

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