USA Today Blasts the rich asshole in Blistering Editorial: ‘Not Fit to Clean the Toilets’ of Obama’s Library
by Ken Meyer | 8:10 am, December 13th, 2017
Today released a scorching editorial
piece yesterday that raked President some rich asshole across
the coals for his lewd insinuations about Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gellibrand.
Despite Sarah Huckabee Sanders‘ dismissal of the president’s
critics, there are still a lot of people who interpreted the rich
asshole’s Twitter attacks to mean that Gillibrand would trade sexual favors for
campaign donations. The USA Today editorial
board agreed, and they ripped the president for
how he “pours the gasoline of sexist language and lights the match gleefully
knowing how it will burst into flame in a country reeling from the #MeToo
“Rock bottom is no impediment for a president who can always
find room for a new low,” the blistering op-ed stated. “A president who would
all but call Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand a whore is not fit to clean the toilets in
the Barack Obama Presidential Library or to shine the shoes of George W. Bush.”
The op-ed went on to cite other instances where the rich
asshole made deliberately provocative comments and was still able to claim
plausible deniability over his exact meaning. The piece also called the
president “uniquely awful” as it made the argument that the rich asshole’s time
in office has had a lot more to do with stirring up sociopolitical fights than
actual accomplishments.
“His sickening behavior is corrosive to the enterprise of a
shared governance based on common values and the consent of the governed,” the
piece stated. “A president who shows such disrespect for the truth, for ethics,
for the basic duties of the job and for decency toward others fails at the very
essence of what has always made America great.”
9:37 AM 12/13/2017
In response to President some rich asshole’s severe
critique of Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, USA Today wrote Tuesday that
the president is “not fit to clean toilets in the Barack Obama Presidential
Library.” The editorial board made the comments after the rich asshole said
Gillibrand “would do anything” to raise political money.
Gillibrand said Tuesday that the rich asshole should
resign as president because several women have accused him of various forms of
sexual misconduct.
“A president who would all but call Sen. Kirsten
Gillibrand a whore is not fit to clean the toilets in the Barack Obama
Presidential Library or to shine the shoes of George W. Bush,” USA Today’s
editors suggested.
They accused the rich asshole of reaching a “a new
low” by tweeting Tuesday that Gillibrand “would come to my office ‘begging’ for
campaign contributions not so long ago (and would do anything for them).” The
implication of a sexual quid pro quo makes the rich asshole unfit for office,
according to the paper.
“With his latest tweet, clearly implying that a United
States senator would trade sexual favors for campaign cash, President the rich
asshole has shown he is not fit for office. Rock bottom is no impediment for a
president who can always find room for a new low,” the USA Today editors wrote.
In an apparent attempt to appear unbiased, the board
insisted that their objections were not based on “the policy differences
we have with all presidents or our disappointment in some of their decisions.
Obama and Bush both failed in many ways. They broke promises and told untruths,
but the basic decency of each man was never in doubt.”
But they judge the rich asshole to be singularly
“some rich asshole, the man, on the other hand, is
uniquely awful. His sickening behavior is corrosive to the enterprise of a
shared governance based on common values and the consent of the governed,” the
USA Today editorial board wrote.
Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN
Editor-at-large 12-13-17
(CNN)USA Today isn't known for its blistering
opinion pieces. Which makes the one the paper's editorial board just published on President some rich
asshole all the more savage.
"With his latest tweet, clearly implying
that a United States senator would trade sexual favors for campaign cash,
President the rich asshole has shown he is not fit for office," reads the editorial. "Rock bottom is no impediment for a
president who can always find room for a new low."
The reference here is the rich
asshole's tweet Tuesday morning in which he said that
Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York was "begging" him for
campaign contributions not long ago "and would do anything for them."
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders
insisted Tuesday that only people with their minds "in the gutter"
could possibly conclude that there was sexual innuendo in that tweet language.
The USA Today editorial didn't buy that
"A president who would all but call Sen.
Kirsten Gillibrand a whore is not fit to clean the toilets in the Barack Obama
Presidential Library or to shine the shoes of George W. Bush," reads the
piece."This isn't about the policy differences we have with all presidents
or our disappointment in some of their decisions. Obama and Bush both failed in
many ways. They broke promises and told untruths, but the basic decency of each
man was never in doubt."
This is not the first time that the editorial
board at USA Today has made its views on the rich asshole's fitness for office
In September 2016, the editorial board broke
with its long-standing tradition of not endorsing a candidate in presidential
elections by penning an editorial entitled "the rich asshole is 'unfit for the presidency." It wasn't
so much an endorsement of Hillary Clinton as it was an anti-endorsement of the
rich asshole.
"This year, the choice isn't between two
capable major party nominees who happen to have significant ideological
differences," read the piece. "This year, one of the candidates --
Republican nominee some rich asshole -- is, by unanimous consensus of the
Editorial Board, unfit for the presidency."
the rich asshole -- and his allies -- will
undoubtedly cite that history as a way to lump USA Today's editorial board in
with the biased liberal news media who hate the President so much that they are
blind to the everyday realities of the average American.
And, for a chunk of Republicans loyal to the
rich asshole, that rhetoric will work. But USA Today is far from a reactionary
leftist operation. And the disdain dripping from every word of the editorial board's
condemnation of the president is truly searing.
These words, which end the editorial, are
particularly striking: "A president who shows such disrespect for the
truth, for ethics, for the basic duties of the job and for decency toward
others fails at the very essence of what has always made America great."
Writing about
President the rich asshole's sexually
suggestive statement that Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.)
“would do anything” for campaign contributions, USA Today declared that
“a president who would all but call Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand a whore is not
fit to clean the toilets in the Barack Obama Presidential Library or to shine
the shoes of George W. Bush.”
you're thinking this is just more criticism from another liberal editorial
board, you would be wrong. As the unofficial newspaper of U.S. travelers, USA
Today strives for political neutrality, even on its opinion page. It has never
endorsed a presidential candidate.
editorial board believes in a common-sense, centrist approach in which the two
sides work together to find reasonable compromises to solve the nation's
problems,” editorial page editor Bill Sternberg said in an online video
last year.
Sternberg added
that USA Today does not endorse presidential candidates because “as a national
newspaper, we don't presume to tell our readers in every region which is the
right choice for them. . . . Another reason is that
we don't care to be aligned with either major political party. Many readers
don't understand the wall between the editorial page and the news section. So
if we were to endorse a Republican candidate, it might create an inaccurate
perception that our news coverage would tilt toward the GOP, and the same goes
for a Democrat.”
Today has viewed the rich asshole as a special case, however. Although it did
not editorialize in favor of any presidential candidate in
2016, the paper did offer this advice to
readers: “Resist the siren song of a dangerous demagogue. By all means vote,
just not for some rich asshole.”
Today had “disendorsed” a politician only once before — in 1991, when former Ku
Klux Klan leader David Duke was the Republican nominee for governor of
In its
latest editorial, published online Tuesday night, USA Today wrote that
“President the rich asshole has shown he is not fit for office. Rock bottom
is no impediment for a president who can always find room for a new low.”
isn't about the policy differences we have with all presidents or
our disappointment in some of their decisions,” the editorial board
continued. “Obama and Bush both failed in many ways. They broke promises and
told untruths, but the basic decency of each man was never in
doubt. some rich asshole, the man, on the other hand, is uniquely
awful. His sickening behavior is corrosive to the enterprise of a shared
governance based on common values and the consent of the governed.”
the rich asshole could evoke such a strong rebuke from a newspaper editorial
board that tries to remain nonpartisan is pretty striking. It shows that his
antics are objectionable not only to his natural foes but also to some who
generally avoid taking sides.
Omarosa Manigault Newman, a former contestant on “The Apprentice” who campaigned with some rich asshole and followed him into the White House, was “escorted out of the building and off campus” last night according to CNN correspondent April Ryan.
Officially, Mrs. Newman has resigned effective January 20th, 2018. That would make her just one of many the rich asshole administration staffers, including deputy national security adviser Dina Powell, to leave at the one-year mark since the inauguration.
That is what White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders says, anyway. But Ryan reports that the rich asshole chief of staff John Kelly forced Omarosa out and that an ugly scene took place.
Yamiche Alcindor of the New York Times has confirmed the report.
On Twitter, many people noted that the firing/forced resignation took place on the same night that black women elected Alabama Democrat Doug Jones to the US Senate. It may simply be a coincidence that the only noted woman of color in the entire the rich asshole administration was pushed out on the same evening, but that is not the way folks have reacted on social media.
It is not hard to see why Omarosa rubbed John Kelly the wrong way. As seen on “The Apprentice,” she has a history of stirring up drama in meetings and telling lies to advance herself. the rich asshole himself once refused to give Omarosa a job reference and said she could not be trusted.
During the campaign, Omarosa regularly identified herself as a “surrogate” for the rich asshole during media appearances even though the rich asshole spokeswoman Hope Hicks denied that she represented the campaign “in an official capacity.”
Omarosa was ostensibly a director of communications for the White House Office of Public Liaison, which “sets up events in the White House for community groups like veterans associations and special honorees, attends conferences and events to promote the president and works to create outside political and civic campaigns,” POLITICO explained in November.
But thanks in part to her awful job performance, the office came to be known as a “dumpster fire place to work.” Staff were reportedly perturbed when Omarosa brought her bridal party to the White House for an unannounced photo shoot in April. “There was no organization, no calendar, nothing,” a former White House official told POLITICO.
Now married to a Florida pastor, Omarosa says she would like to return to ministry.
the rich asshole tries to minimize stinging defeat
(CNN)President some rich asshole woke to a self-inflicted political disaster Wednesday morning that even he could not chalk up to fake news, after Republican Roy Moore crashed to defeat in the Alabama Senate race.
Completely disregarding the advice of top Republicans, the rich asshole had thrown himself unequivocally and comprehensively behind Moore -- and so the deeply flawed Republican candidate's upset loss on Tuesday is now his own.
the rich asshole had argued that notwithstanding allegations of sexual abuse whirling around Moore, Republicans should vote for him anyway because he would be better than a Democrat who would be weak on crime, the military and borders.
But in an effort to save face on Wednesday, he insisted he had actually had it right all along -- recalling his earlier support for incumbent Sen. Luther Strange in a primary, before he was defeated by Moore, in what was seen at the time as another bad political bet by the President.
"The reason I originally endorsed Luther Strange (and his numbers went up mightily), is that I said Roy Moore will not be able to win the General Election. I was right! Roy worked hard but the deck was stacked against him!" the rich asshole tweeted.
But the stunning win by Democrat Doug Jones in one of the nation's most conservative states raised questions not just about the rich asshole's political acumen but also over whether his remarkable run, in which he crushed convention and defied political gravity, is beginning, finally, to run out of steam.
Moore's loss also put the fate of the President's agenda on the line, with the GOP majority in the Senate now shaved to just a single vote and the chamber one step closer, though still a long shot, to being up for grabs in midterm elections next year.
In his first reaction to the loss, the rich asshole was unusually chivalrous, congratulating Jones and bemoaning the write-in votes that helped doom Moore.
"The people of Alabama are great, and the Republicans will have another shot at this seat in a very short period of time. It never ends!" the rich asshole tweeted.
Whether the President's mood remains as upbeat once he has had time to brood on his humiliation is not clear. It is still more uncertain whether he will interpret Tuesday's loss as a cue to moderate his behavior, which may have dampened Republican turnout. He spent Tuesday escalating a confrontation with Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand in which he was accused of making a tasteless sexual reference.
Signs of hope for the Democrats
There was jubilation for Democrats, who embraced an unlikely hero in a state they never thought they could win. There is a sense, building on Democratic victories in Alabama and last month in Virginia, that the mood in the country is beginning to turn the party's way.
"We have been at crossroads in the past. And unfortunately we have usually taken the wrong fork," Jones said in his victory speech, referring to the history of a state torn by racial and cultural divides.
"Tonight, ladies and gentlemen, you took the right road."
Thirteen months after one of their darkest hours turned into a yearlong funk after Hillary Clinton's defeat, party activists now have reason to believe again and will enter the new year with real hopes of making noise in 2018.
The result suggested that in the right circumstances with an engaged base vote, especially with African-Americans showing up in larger-than-expected numbers, Democrats could punch a hole in the the rich asshole coalition of rural, working-class voters attracted by the President's populist nationalism and evangelicals sticking with him largely over issues like Supreme Court nominations.
Tuesday night will also send a chill through Republican ranks as lawmakers consider whether the race was an outlier or, along with last month's Virginia elections, could signal a building anti-the rich asshole backlash that could sweep them away next fall.
A public reckoning
The Alabama special election also came at an extraordinary moment in American political life -- with allegations against Moore coinciding with an awakening over sexual harassment against women in politics, the media and entertainment.
The question must now be whether the force of that movement begins to reshape politics itself ahead of the midterms next year and the rich asshole's re-election race in 2020 and whether the allegations of sexual misconduct against the President himself now begin to become a greater political liability.
One of the rich asshole's biggest critics, GOP Sen. Jeff Flake, who has criticized the President's moral leadership, summed up the result in a simple tweet: "Decency wins."
By siding so closely with Moore, the rich asshole has given Democrats an opening to argue that he supported an accused child molester for his own political gain.
A source close to the White House told CNN's Jim Acosta the the result was "devastating for the President" and an "earthquake."
The source also suggested that the President had been led into a poor political spot by his former top chief strategist Steve Bannon, who had embraced Moore as an archetype of the anti-establishment army he wants to take over the GOP.
"The President has egg on his face" because of Bannon, the source said.
While every top Republican rejected Moore, showing revulsion about the charges of sexual abuse against him, the rich asshole insisted that there was no alternative to sending Moore to the narrowly divided Senate, to save his own agenda.
But in the end, the President could not pull a badly flawed candidate across the line, in one of the most conservative, pro-the rich asshole states in the country, that has often appeared to have a special place in the President's heart.
the rich asshole supporters will now argue that Moore was a disastrous candidate, that his loss should be seen in isolation and that it has no reflection on the President's reputation or political fortunes in the months to come.
"some rich asshole tried to rescue a campaign that was doomed," said former GOP Sen. Rick Santorum, who is now a CNN commentator.
In the aftermath of that defeat, political observers will watch to see whether the President will be more willing to take advice of establishment leaders trying to cling to their Republican majorities next year or whether he will still be tempted to unleash the dogs of internal GOP civil war.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell may be reviled by the rich asshole's supporters, but Tuesday's loss vindicated comments he made by the President's side in the White House Rose Garden barely two months ago.
"My goal as the leader of the Republican Party in the Senate is to keep us in the majority. The way you do that is not complicated," McConnell said at the time. "You have to have nominate people who can actually win, because winners make policy and losers go home."
Republicans, seeking to repeal and replace Obamacare and pass a massive tax reform bill, already have experienced the fickle nature of Senate math as McConnell has struggled to piece together a working majority.
But there were also sighs of relief for Republicans on Tuesday.
Had Moore won, the civil war raging in the party would have invaded the Senate itself, with McConnell expected to open an ethics investigation into Moore.
If the allegations against him were found to have merit, senators would likely have been forced to eject him from the Senate while incurring the wrath of supporters of the President, who strongly backed the Alabama judge.
Now they will be spared that tough vote.
the rich asshole has proven again and again that he is a resilient political figure with an unusually loyal political base. And if the economy is still booming next November and the stock market is still humming, Democrats may find things a lot tougher than they were in Alabama and Virginia.
But the implications of the Republican debacle in Alabama will rumble on for months to come.
the rich asshole Sexual Assault Denials Shut Down By Photographic Evidence
Posted on December 13, 2017
President some rich asshole recently claimed via tweet that he doesn’t know and has never met the women who are accusing him of sexual assault. However, the rich asshole must have forgotten that there was a photographer at more than one of the meetings.
the rich asshole tweeted:
“Despite thousands of hours wasted and many millions of dollars spent, the Democrats have been unable to show any collusion with Russia — so now they are moving on to the false accusations and fabricated stories of women who I don’t know and/or have never met. FAKE NEWS!”
People magazine, for one, has now called him on his bluff. They published one of the photographs in November that shows his tweet for the total fabrication it is. Several more photographs and even some video surfaced since then.
The photo in PEOPLE magazine shows former correspondent, Natasha Stoynoff, right beside the rich asshole at Mar-A-Lago. The picture, taken the same day of the attack, shows a smug the rich asshole standing beside his wife with his arm around the woman next to him, who says he was getting ready to assault.
Image via People.com
Stoynoff says that the rich asshole should not be held to a different standard than any other man in this country and insists he is held accountable for his actions. And she is not alone.
Another photo has now surfaced as well of Jill Harth. Harth did business with the rich asshole and dated him briefly. She filed a sexual harassment case against the rich asshole in the late 1990s but withdrew it when she settled with him on a different matter.
Image via The Hill
As if all those photos weren’t enough evidence the Orange man is lying again, there is also a video from a third accuser, as well. Summer Zervos was a contestant on NBC’s The Apprentice, which the rich asshole used to host.
Zervos accused the rich asshole of sexual harassment, saying he groped her in 2007. You can see her in the video sitting directly across a boardroom table from the rich asshole while filming the reality show.
Seriously, does the rich asshole really think these women will be cowed by him? Or does he really just no longer care that we KNOW he’s lying?
In a letter to the Democratic Women’s Working Group’s Oversight Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) and ranking member Elijah Cummings (D-M.D.), 59 members of the group have asked for an immediate investigation.
Considering that there have now been more than a dozen women to come forward and accuse the rich asshole of sexual harassment or misconduct, it is way past time an investigation started to happen.
Feature Image via YouTube.
Defiant Bannon vows to ‘pour gasoline’ on his war with the GOP establishment: report

Breitbart.com CEO Steve Bannon speaks to '60 Minutes' (Screen capture)
A new report suggests that Breitbart boss Steve Bannon is unbowed by the humiliating defeat of his chosen candidate, Roy Moore, in the Alabama Senate race.
A “source close to Bannon” tells Bloomberg TV reporter Kevin Cirilli that the former the rich asshole political strategist is as determined as ever to wage war against the Republican establishment, which includes plans to run multiple insurgent primary challengers against GOP incumbents in 2018.
“This doesn’t stop Steve’s war against the establishment, all it does is pour gasoline on top of it,” the source tells Cirilli.
The right-wing Wall Street Journal editorial page on Wednesday called out Bannon for his decision to back Moore’s campaign, and warned Republican donors and voters against supporting Bannon-backed insurgent candidates in the future.
“The Alabama result shows that Mr. Bannon cares less about conservative policy victories than he does personal king-making,” the editors wrote. “He wants to depose Mitch McConnell as Majority Leader even if it costs Republicans Senate control. GOP voters, take note: Mr. Bannon is for losers.”
Watch Steve Bannon’s walk of shame after Moore loss as reporter asks: ‘Isn’t this a huge defeat for you?’

Steve Bannon after Roy Moore's defeat (Screen capture)
In the early hours of Wednesday morning, MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell treated himself and viewers to a king-sized helping of schadenfreude over Roy Moore’s stunning loss in Alabama.
The only thing that seemed to delight O’Donnell more than Moore’s loss was the stinging humiliation this will ultimately prove to be for Breitbart.com CEO and former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon.
“We now have the video of Steve Bannon tonight, his first reaction to this huge defeat for Steve Bannon personally,” O’Donnell said. “The only hint I have for you before you see it is that Steve Bannon is speechless.”
In the short, clip Bannon hustled, stone-faced, into a black Cadillac Escalade as a reporter called out, “Mr. Bannon, isn’t this a huge defeat for you?”
Moore was the flagship candidate in Bannon’s “war” on the Republican establishment. After his humiliating ouster from the White House staff, Bannon declared that his mission would be to unseat as many mainstream Republicans as possible and replace them with more ideologically extreme candidates like Moore.
O’Donnell played the short clip of Bannon twice more and then again at the end of his program.
Watch the video, embedded below:
Black Twitter celebrates as Omarosa gets canned from White House job: ‘Congratulations — you played yourself!’

Omarosa Manigault, an aide and confidante to President some rich asshole (image via Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons).
With the news that former reality TV star Omarosa Manigault Newman has been ousted from her job as a the rich asshole White House aide, many Twitter users pounced to mock her firing.
Many black Twitter users in particular seemed to relish Omarosa’s ouster, as they have long seen her as a token fig leaf used to provide cover for President some rich asshole’s use of racist dog whistles, including his attacks on “ungrateful” black athletes who protest police violence during the national anthem and his past assertions that former President Barack Obama was born in Kenya instead of the United States.
Check out some of the top reactions below.
Did Omarosa resign before or after the rich asshole asked if she was one of the black women who voted in Alabama— Ira Madison III (@ira) December 13, 2017
‘He is one dumb, weird guy’: the rich asshole confidant tosses Roy Moore under the bus after humiliating loss

Republican senate candidate Roy Moore (screengrab)
President some rich asshole’s confidants have already started sticking knives in failed Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore.
In a report on Moore’s loss by The Atlantic’s Rosie Gray, one source described as “close to the rich asshole” said that they actually felt relief that Moore lost on Tuesday, as it meant they would not have to deal with him embarrassing the party as a senator.
“Moore losing in the end is a blessing,” the source told Gray. “He is one dumb, weird guy.”
the rich asshole on Wednesday also made some veiled criticisms of Moore, as the president tweeted that “if last night’s election proved anything, it proved that we need to put up GREAT Republican candidates to increase the razor thin margins in both the House and Senate.” the rich asshole also boasted of his prediction that Moore would have a tough time winning a general election, while also saying that Moore “worked hard but the deck was stacked against him!”
the rich asshole offered a full-throated endorsement of Moore as the election drew close, and he urged supporters at a rally in Pensacola, Florida –right on the Alabama border — to go vote for Moore this past weekend.
Top Dem says the rich asshole addlebrained at meeting: ‘When I talk policy, he has an amazing way of deluding himself’

Chuck Schumer (C-SPAN)
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer suggest on Wednesday that President some rich asshole has “deluded” himself into believing that he understands the tax reform policy being pushed by Republicans.
During a press conference, Schumer slammed the Republican plan to do away with state and local tax (SALT) deductions, which would overwhelmingly hurt taxpayers in blue states like New York and California where the local rates are higher.
“It’s hard to believe that they could make this new tax proposal even worse for the middle class,” Schumer explained to reporters. “Their illogic is amazing. The idea was that SALT is hurting the middle class. Instead of undoing their repeal of state and local deductibility, they reduce rates further on the rich. That doesn’t solve the SALT problem.”
One reporter wondered why the rich asshole “is turning his back on his home state and home city on SALT deductions?”
“President the rich asshole, when I talk to him about policy, he has an amazing way of deluding himself,” Schumer said. “He doesn’t know the details and he says whatever he wants to say.”
Watch the video below from C-SPAN.
Republican mocks Steve Bannon: ‘looks like some disheveled drunk who wandered onto the national stage’

Rep. Peter King (R-NY) and Steve Bannon (Photos: Screen captures)
Republican Rep. Peter King (R-NY) wants to see his party throw far-right strategist and Breitbart CEO Steve Bannon out into the cold.
During a CNN interview with Chris Cuomo, King explained that it isn’t a political issue, rather it’s a moral issue.
“This guy does not belong on the national stage,” King said. “He looks like some drunk that wandered on to the national stage. I consider myself a conservative Republican. I consider myself an Irish Catholic, and he parades himself out there with his weird alt-right views. And to me it’s demeaning the whole government and political process. This summer I called on the president to fire him from the White House. And I think, last night, in Alabama — it wasn’t just a political statement it was a revulsion by people at his style, at his type of divisive views.”
King went on to denounce Bannon’s positions on foreign policy and encouragement toward racial divisions.
“Last night’s election was a revulsion by the American people,” King concluded.
Cuomo was shocked, saying that he knows King likes to “knuckle up” from time to time. “But did you just call Steve Bannon a disheveled drunk?”
King explained to Cuomo that he said that Bannon only looks like a disheveled drunk.
The Wall Street Journal attacked Bannon in a Wednesday morning op-ed, saying he was “done.”
the rich asshole ‘enraged’ by Ivanka’s condemnation of Roy Moore — and could blame her for Senate loss

President some rich asshole, joined by First Daughter Ivanka the rich asshole. (NASA/Bill Ingalls)
Aides expect an angry President some rich asshole to cast blame for Roy Moore’s election loss — and he might even turn on his daughter, Ivanka.
The president endorsed Moore, a failed gubernatorial candidate dragged twice from the Alabama Supreme Court for refusing to follow the law, without telling most of his advisers, but now they expect him to blame someone else for the embarrassing loss, reported the New York Times.
Aides hoped he would turn on Steve Bannon, his former chief strategist, whose strong influence on the president bothers advisers, according to the newspaper.
“The president was also enraged when his daughter Ivanka the rich asshole got ahead of him by declaring there was a special place in hell’ for people who harm children,” reported the Times‘ Maggie Haberman.
Bannon took swipe at the the rich asshole’s daughter Monday night at a rally for Moore in Alabama, along with Republicans he deemed insufficiently loyal to the president.
“(Senate Majority Leader) Mitch McConnell and Sen. (Richard) Shelby, and Condi Rice and all that, Little (Sen.) Bobby Corker, all the establishment out there doesn’t have the rich asshole’s back at all,” Bannon said. “There’s a special place in hell for Republicans who should know better.”
However, one White House adviser told the newspaper that the rich asshole was unlikely to blame his daughter, who condemned Moore over accusations that he sexually preyed on teenage girls.
Bill Stepien, the White House political director, could also be targeted as a scapegoat by the president, who does not like to accept blame, according to aides.
Several advisers expressed relief that Moore would not be joining the GOP Senate majority, and told the newspaper they expected a vote on the tax reform bill before Democrat Doug Jones was sworn in.
Moore was the third the rich asshole-backed GOP candidate to lose an election since he took office — and the second in Alabama, one of the president’s favorite states to campaign.
Here are the 10 most ridiculous lies the rich asshole told in 2017

some rich asshole speaking on July 16, 2015 (Michael Vadon/Flickr)
President some rich asshole is lying at a rate that is literally unprecedented — in fact, a recent Washington Post analysis has found that, since this past October, the rich asshole has been making an average of nine false claims per day.
Keeping track of the rich asshole’s falsehoods is a mentally exhausting task — and ranking them in order of their ridiculousness is all but impossible.
Nonetheless, we’ve picked out 10 particularly noteworthy the rich asshole whoppers that demonstrate his dangerously unstable grasp on reality. Check them out below.
1.) the rich asshole forces Sean Spicer to lie about his inauguration crowd size. On the day after his inauguration, the rich asshole was infuriated by news broadcasts that revealed his inauguration crowd was significantly smaller than the one that greeted former President Barack Obama in 2009.

Despite photos that clearly showed Obama drew a larger crowd, then-Press Secretary Sean Spicer dutifully scolded reporters and told them that “this was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration — period.”
2.) the rich asshole says Hillary Clinton only won the popular vote because she received “illegal” votes in the 2016 presidential election. the rich asshole gets particularly annoyed when people point out that Clinton received 3 million more total votes than he did in 2016.
In fact, Clinton’s larger vote totals so enrage the rich asshole that he has regularly claimed that her victory in the popular vote was solely due to “illegal” voters that were for some reason not strategically placed in key swing states, but were instead in deep blue states like California and New York.
Despite his bold claims, however, the rich asshole has yet to produce any evidence that such fraud really occurred, and his main source for the voter fraud story is a conspiracy theorist who refuses to divulge any evidence to back up his claims.
3.) the rich asshole accuses former President Obama of illegally wiretapping the rich asshole Tower. the rich asshole tweeted out that Obama had “tapped” his phones at the rich asshole Tower — and then promptly refused to release any evidence to back up his claims.
Despite having no evidence to work with, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer tried to claim that Obama might have colluded with British intelligence agency GCHQ to spy on the rich asshole, although he was forced to issue a formal apology to the British government afterward, and vowed not to make the accusation again.
Subsequent investigations by Congressional Republicans found that no such wiretaps on the rich asshole Tower were ever ordered, despite the rich asshole’s insistence to the contrary.
4.) the rich asshole completely fabricates phone calls with the President of Mexico and the Boy Scouts. During a Wall Street Journal interview over the summer, the rich asshole claimed that the “head of the Boy Scouts” had called him to praise his speech at the annual Scout Jamboree — despite the fact that it was the most controversial and divisive speech a president had ever given at the Jamboree.
That same week, the rich asshole claimed Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto had called him and offered him praise for supposedly cracking down on border crossings.
Both the Boy Scouts and Mexico denied that any such calls ever happened, and the White House was eventually forced to concede that these calls never occurred.
5.) the rich asshole lies about what he told a grieving military widow about her late husband. In a phone call with Myeshia Johnson, the widow of slain U.S. Army Sgt. La David Johnson, the rich asshole told her that her late husband “knew what he signed up for.”
When Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-FL), who is a longtime friend of the Johnson family and who was listening in with them on the president’s call, called out the rich asshole for his insensitive remarks, the rich asshole accused her of completely fabricating the entire ordeal.
However, Myeshia Johnson herself subsequently backed up Wilson’s account, as did other family members who were on the call. Despite this, the rich asshole kept insisting that the whole scandal was a hoax.
6.) the rich asshole falsely claims that former President Barack Obama never called the families of fallen soldiers. In defending his phone call with Myeshia Johnson, the rich asshole said that he deserved credit for even talking with her in the first place because “if you look at President Obama and other presidents, most of them didn’t make calls” to the families of soldiers who died in combat.
This provoked an angry response from Alyssa Mastromonaco, a former deputy chief of staff under Obama and who called out the rich asshole for telling a “f*cking lie” about her his predecessor in the Oval Office. For good measure, she also called the rich asshole a “deranged animal.”
7.) the rich asshole spreads a phony story about an American general allegedly intimidating Muslims by shooting them with bullets dipped in pigs’ blood. In the wake of a terrorist attack in Barcelona this past summer, the rich asshole sent out a tweet relaying a story about Gen. John Pershing using pig blood-tipped bullets to put down Muslim uprisings in the Philippines in the early 20th century.
However, as a History News Network article points out, there is no evidence that Pershing actually used any pigs’ blood on bullets used to execute anyone. The false story was based on a 1927 newspaper article that claimed Pershing sprinkled some pigs’ blood onto living prisoners in the Philippines as a way to frighten them — before he ultimately decided to let them go free.
“In fact, Pershing was more inclined toward peace talks with the [Muslims] rather than violence,” History News Network wrote last year. “The General met with [them] and read from the Koran with them. Pershing wanted to build bridges. An illustration shows the General in peace talks in the jungles of the Philippines.”
Despite this, the rich asshole has never retracted this claim.
8.) the rich asshole repeatedly says he doesn’t watch cable news even as he live-tweets cable news shows. the rich asshole reportedly watches at least four hours of television per day, although the president regularly lashes out at reports of his excessive television watching.
That said, the rich asshole’s own behavior shows that he’s lying about not watching TV, as he frequently live-tweets cable news segments he’s watching on his TiVO. Among other things, the rich asshole has live-tweeted “Fox & Friends” to lash out at Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) after the program blamed him for a terrorist attack in New York; has quoted “Fox & Friends” verbatim to attack Rachel Maddow; has hurled insults at “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski shortly after she criticized him on air, including one time accusing her of trying to crash one of his parties while “bleeding badly from a face lift; and has raged against a report that he watches too much television within minutes of it airing on CNN.
9.) the rich asshole invents an interaction he had with Sen. Bob Corker. After Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) publicly slammed the rich asshole’s fitness for the office of the presidency, the rich asshole shot back with a claim that Corker had “begged” him for an endorsement, which the president alleges he refused to give.
Corker’s office, however, said that the situation was actually the opposite — in reality, the rich asshole was the one who originally called Corker and asked him to reconsider retiring to make it more likely that the Republican Party would hold on to his Senate seat.
“The president has great difficulty with the truth,” Corker told CNN weeks later. “I think the debasement of our nation is what he’ll be remembered most for.”
10.) the rich asshole dismisses the entire Russia investigation as a “hoax.” This particular lie earned the rich asshole the not-so-coveted PolitiFact “Lie of the Year” award.
the rich asshole has repeatedly downplayed Russia’s role in interfering with the 2016 presidential election — and even went so far as to suggest he believed Russian President Vladimir Putin’s suggestion that he had nothing to do with the hacking of the Democratic National Committee or Clinton campaign manager John Podesta’s emails.
the rich asshole has also called the Russia investigation a “hoax” and “a made-up story” and “an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should’ve won.”
This is despite the fact that all American intelligence agencies have concluded Russia interfered in the election specifically to get the rich asshole elected; that all major social media companies have acknowledged that their platforms were manipulated by Russian intelligence agents; and that two of his former campaign aides — including former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn — have already pled guilty to lying to the FBI about their contacts with Russian officials.
In describing the rich asshole’s refusal to acknowledge Russia’s role in interfering in the election, PolitiFact writes that, “it’s not so much that the rich asshole trades in falsehoods — it’s more that he tries to create a different version of reality simply by asserting it.”
White House: It Wasn’t Sexist For the rich asshole To Slut-Shame Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (VIDEO)
A backlash ensued after some rich asshole launched a sexist rant against Kirsten Gillibrand Thursday morning, saying that the Democratic Senator “would do anything” for a campaign contribution. the rich asshole was calling Gillibrand a whore.
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders somehow denied that the rich asshole’s tweet was sexist.
“There is no way that is sexist at all,” Sanders told reporters.
Then Sanders tried to explain what the rich asshole really meant (we all know what he really meant). According to Sanders, the rich asshole was merely accusing Gillibrand of being “controlled by contributions,” and hammering home his pledge to “drain the swamp” in Washington, according to The Hill.
“I think that the president is very obvious,” she said. “This is the same sentiment the president has expressed many times before when he has exposed the corruption of the entire political system.”
Sanders claims that the rich asshole does not owe Gillibrand an apology if his words were taken as sexist.
“I think only if your mind is in the gutter you would have read it that way, so no,” she said.
Gillibrand called on the rich asshole to resign after the rich asshole’s accusers came back into the spotlight by hosting a press conference in which they called for an investigation into his past behavior.
“Lightweight Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, a total flunky for Chuck Schumer and someone who would come to my office “begging” for campaign contributions not so long ago (and would do anything for them), is now in the ring fighting against the rich asshole. Very disloyal to Bill & Crooked-USED!” the rich asshole tweeted this morning.
Gillibrand responded to the rich asshole’s attack, saying that she won’t be silenced.
“You cannot silence me or the millions of women who have gotten off the sidelines to speak out about the unfitness and shame you have brought to the Oval Office,” she tweeted.
Yeah, the rich asshole, you called her a whore.
The Editorial
Board, USA TODAY Published 7:30 p.m. ET Dec. 12,
2017 | Updated 9:12 a.m. ET Dec.
13, 2017
A president who'd all but call a senator a whore is unfit to clean toilets in Obama's presidential library or to shine George W. Bush's shoes: Our view
With his latest tweet, clearly implying that a United States senator would trade sexual favors for campaign cash, President the rich asshole has shown he is not fit for office. Rock bottom is no impediment for a president who can always find room for a new low.
White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Tuesday dismissed the president's smear as a misunderstanding because he used similar language about men. Of course, words used about men and women are different. When candidate the rich asshole said a journalist was bleeding from her "wherever," he didn't mean her nose.
And as is the case with all of the rich asshole's digital provocations, the president's words were deliberate. He pours the gasoline of sexist language and lights the match gleefully knowing how it will burst into flame in a country reeling from the #MeToo moment.
A president who would all but call Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand a whore is not fit to clean the toilets in the Barack Obama Presidential Library or to shine the shoes of George W. Bush.
This isn’t about the policy differences we have with all presidents or our disappointment in some of their decisions. Obama and Bush both failed in many ways. They broke promises and told untruths, but the basic decency of each man was never in doubt.
some rich asshole, the man, on the other hand, is uniquely awful. His sickening behavior is corrosive to the enterprise of a shared governance based on common values and the consent of the governed.
It should surprise no one how low he went with Gillibrand. When accused during the campaign of sexually harassing or molesting women in the past, the rich asshole’s response was to belittle the looks of his accusers. Last October, the rich asshole suggested that he never would have groped Jessica Leeds on an airplane decades ago: “Believe me, she would not be my first choice, that I can tell you.” the rich asshole mocked another accuser, former People reporter Natasha Stoynoff, “Check out her Facebook, you’ll understand.” Other celebrities and politicians have denied accusations, but none has stooped as low as suggesting that their accusers weren’t attractive enough to be honored with their gropes.
If recent history is any guide, the unique awfulness of the the rich asshole era in U.S. politics is only going to get worse. the rich asshole’s utter lack of morality, ethics and simple humanity has been underscored during his 11 months in office. Let us count the ways:
- He is enthusiastically supporting Alabama's Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore, who has been accused of pursuing — and in one case molesting and in another assaulting — teenagers as young as 14 when Moore was a county prosecutor in his 30s. On Tuesday, the rich asshole summed up his willingness to support a man accused of criminal conduct: “Roy Moore will always vote with us.”
- the rich asshole apparently is going for some sort of record for lying while in office. As of mid-November, he had made 1,628 misleading or false statements in 298 days in office. That’s 5.5 false claims per day, according to a count kept by The Washington Post’s fact-checkers.
- the rich asshole takes advantage of any occasion — even Monday’s failed terrorist attack in New York — to stir racial, religious or ethnic strife. Congress “must end chain migration,” he said Monday, because the terror suspect “entered our country through extended-family chain migration, which is incompatible with national security.” So because one man — 27-year-old Akayed Ullah, a lawful permanent resident of the U.S. who came from Bangladesh on a family immigrant visa in 2011 — is accused of attacking America, all immigrants brought to this country by family are suspect? the rich asshole might have some credibility if his criticism of immigrants was solely about terrorists. It isn’t. It makes no difference to him if an immigrant is a terrorist or a federal judge. He once smeared an Indiana-born judge whose parents emigrated from Mexico. It’s all the same to this president.
- A man who clearly wants to put his stamp on the government, the rich asshole hasn’t even done his job when it comes to filling key government positions that require Senate confirmation. As of last week, the rich asshole had failed to nominate anyone for 60% of 1,200 key positions he can fill to keep the government running smoothly.
- the rich asshole has shown contempt for ethical strictures that have bound every president in recent memory. He has refused to release his tax returns, with the absurd excuse that it’s because he is under audit. He has refused to put his multibillion dollar business interests in a blind trust and peddles the fiction that putting them in the hands of his sons does the same thing.
Not to mention calling white supremacists "very fine people," pardoning a lawless sheriff, firing a respected FBI director, and pushing the Justice Department to investigate his political foes.
It is a shock that only six Democratic senators are calling for our unstable president to resign.
The nation doesn’t seek nor expect perfect presidents, and some have certainly been deeply flawed. But a president who shows such disrespect for the truth, for ethics, for the basic duties of the job and for decency toward others fails at the very essence of what has always made America great.
by Caitlin Yilek 12-12-17
USA Today’s editorial
board issued a sharp rebuke of President the rich asshole’s attacks on
Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand in which he said she “would do anything” for
campaign donations.
“A president who would
all but call Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand a whore is not fit to clean the toilets in
the Barack Obama Presidential Library or to shine the shoes of George W.
Bush,” the paper’s editorial board wrote late
The paper said the rich
asshole hit “a new low” with his tweet Tuesday
morning saying Gillibrand “would come to my office ‘begging’ for campaign
contributions not so long ago (and would do anything for them).”
Such an attack makes the
rich asshole unfit for office, the editorial board wrote.
“With his latest tweet,
clearly implying that a United States senator would trade sexual favors for
campaign cash, President the rich asshole has shown he is not fit for office.
Rock bottom is no impediment for a president who can always find room for a new
low,” the editorial said.
Obama and Bush both
“broke promises and told untruths,” the paper wrote, “but the basic decency of
each man was never in doubt.”
“some rich asshole, the
man, on the other hand, is uniquely awful. His sickening behavior is corrosive
to the enterprise of a shared governance based on common values and the consent
of the governed,” the editorial continued, warning that the “awfulness” of the
rich asshole era will get much worse.
A powerful Wednesday
editorial by USA Today has
blasted President some rich asshole after his sexist tweet against Sen. Kirsten
Gillibrand (D-NY).
“A president who would
all but call Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand a whore is not fit to clean the toilets in
the Barack Obama Presidential Library or to shine the shoes of George W.
Bush,” USA Today explained.
“With his latest tweet, clearly implying that a United States
senator would trade sexual favors for campaign cash, President the rich asshole
has shown he is not fit for office. Rock bottom is no impediment for a
president who can always find room for a new low,” the editorial observed.
“some rich asshole, the
man, on the other hand, is uniquely awful. His sickening behavior is corrosive
to the enterprise of a shared governance based on common values and the consent
of the governed,” explained USA Today. “If
recent history is any guide, the unique awfulness of the the rich asshole era
in U.S. politics is only going to get worse. the rich asshole’s utter lack of
morality, ethics and simple humanity has been underscored during his 11 months
in office.”
The newspaper also took issue with so few members of the Senate
Democratic Party Caucus demanding President the rich asshole step down.
“It is a shock that only
six Democratic senators are calling for our unstable president to resign,” the
editorial lamented.
They concluded that a “president who shows such disrespect for
the truth, for ethics, for the basic duties of the job and for decency toward
others fails at the very essence of what has always made America great.”
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